How to cheer up a girl in different situations. Mood swings in women: real causes

Online communication allows you to find new, interesting, real friends. Neither distances nor time zones interfere with virtual communication.

Self-deception or the magical power of a social network

You can treat a personal page on social networks in different ways: keep a real story of your life on it, post photos, share your news or come up with the image of a certain stranger (less often a stranger), and look for adventures with it, go far from boring reality. Some place attractive phrases, a hint of mystery, individuality in statuses to cheer up. Others share personal emotions, family dates, favorite songs with users.

In fact, ordinary life is not boring, it’s just that many people don’t know how to fill it, make it bright, rich, rich in events. And it's easier to do it with real people, on a real page, with the help of users who share the same life position.

VKontakte network Not only uplifting, and unites people close in spirit, thoughts, hobbies. For a long time, not only former classmates or classmates have been communicating in networks.

Communities of lovers of pets, needlework, floristry are being created. People share culinary recipes, post master classes with step-by-step photos of cooking, and participate in competitions.

Many use the VKontakte network as a tool to promote their talent in any business. For example, needlewomen post photos of their products, and those who want to buy them go to the page, get acquainted with the master, order goods by mail.

Where can you get bored online? It gives so many opportunities for self-realization and improvement. People who are far from virtual communication mistakenly believe that this area does not benefit, but only takes time.

How to cheer up on a social network

Any positive communication brings joy to all interlocutors. For this, man was created, in order to bring joy to other people with his actions, words and aspirations, because it is known that everything returns to us like a boomerang, multiplied by two. It is hard to imagine a distant time when the only way to communicate other than a personal meeting was paper letters. How could a person convey his joy if the messenger was on the road for weeks? During this time, joy could be replaced by pain, and vice versa.

And today it is enough to go to your VKontakte page, set in status to cheer up a short phrase "I'm happy!" or “I love everyone!” and questions, support, comments and approvals will immediately pour in. This is the easiest and most effective way to cheer yourself up, remember that we create happiness ourselves, and in order to feel it, it is not necessary to acquire something. On the contrary, when we lose something, we think that happiness is gone. And we forget that it was.

A lot of funny pictures, videos, postcards walk around the virtual world, with the help of which users cheer each other up, give emotions, receiving in return the same bright greetings. The more friends a person has online, the more gifts he will receive for all significant holidays included in the virtual calendar. Although every day you can set a status to cheer up, and the same positive people will definitely share it.

Communication VKontakte becomes a balm, an antidepressant. It is worth looking at a selection of humorous photographs, as you involuntarily start to smile. Communities that collect whole albums of positive photos depicting funny animals, cute little children are very popular.

How to cheer up a girl VKontakte

Statuses VKontakte- an effective way to improve mood. The participation of social networks in the relationship between girls and boys has become not only great, but decisive. Young people get to know each other on VKontakte, give each other gifts, send not just text messages, but also musical compositions, videos, animated pictures.

Statuses about mood- a great way to give your girlfriend, for example, after a quarrel. It's a way to get her back. After all, a telephone conversation may not work if the offense is great. In statuses that will cheer up a girl, you can write about your love and that a quarrel is just a coincidence of two people who do not understand the situation. You should give the girl such a stream of affection and attention so that she does not have a drop of doubt that your relationship is dear to both of you.

And if the girl is just sad, and it’s not your fault, help her cope with her emotions, turn on all your imagination and find that one chance to please her. Distance is a small life, but it can be decorated, colored, diversified. And it doesn’t matter at all how long the carrier pigeon will fly to your girlfriend if a message with a warm word reaches her instantly.

And you can, for example, take your photo and use Photoshop to make a humorous cartoon out of it. By sending such a photo to your girlfriend, you will surely cheer her up, and therefore your mood. Any status to cheer up: sincere, playful, inviting or supportive - this is a great way to bring real joy in a simple way that does not take much time, effort and material resources.

The VKontakte network is an ideal platform for communication without borders! Statuses, messages, present- these are the tools with which people express their emotions, establish contacts, fill their lives and the lives of their interlocutors with joy and warmth!

Statuses about mood

A few examples of mood statuses that will cheer up your interlocutor and cheer you up. Use statuses about a good mood at your discretion.

It happens that an ordinary smile can provide a good mood for the whole day.

The secret of success in life is to always be in a good mood, the most important step to failure is to be a hostage to your bad mood.

My mood is like a mirror. Smile, be friendly, kind and I will certainly answer you the same!

If you meet a face without a smile, then smile yourself!

Do you dream of turning to face you and smiling? First you need to give her a good mood!

Do you know what is the main decoration in life? Your good mood!

I lend a good mood at a low interest rate!

If you are in a good mood, catch it and never let it go!

Promotion: everyone who smiles will get a good mood as a gift! Smile more often!

You just need to send the past to the trash, download yourself a good mood, and then just start your new life.

Do you know what makes men and women very attractive? Smile and good mood!

Change settings: Good mood (100%), optimistic mood (100%), constant mode - smile, default - life is good!

Nothing makes a woman look better than a good mood. At the same time, it is cheaper than any jewelry.

What to do if your girlfriend has a bad mood? This can be done quickly and easily, in many ways with which we will certainly share with the reader. In our article, we will give examples of how to cheer up a beauty, how to evoke positive emotions in her.

How to cheer up a girl - if you do not know the answer to this question, we will tell you the seven best ways to do it.

Top 7 ways to improve your beloved mood.

1 - By correspondence

You can quickly evoke positive emotions in your loved one. Here is an example of a few mood-lifting phrases:

I am writing a message, who do you think it is for? Yes, you guessed it! For you, the sweetest and most beloved creature on the planet. I am extremely happy that such a girl went to me.

I fall asleep and wake up thinking about you. You make my life full, illuminate my path and give me happiness.

“It’s raining outside right now, but my heart is warm because I think of you. All the nice words are only for you. You are my ray of sunshine, gentle and affectionate.

We can say with confidence that with such words you will be able to amuse the chosen one, make her smile.

2 - Cheers up in VK

You have a VKontakte profile, then there is nothing easier to cheer up a girl. In today's world of opportunity, you don't have to make a phone call to elicit cheers.

- The social network has the opportunity to make paid and free gifts. In order to pay for a souvenir, it is enough to replenish the account using a phone or a bank card, and, if possible, get votes or make a payment from a virtual wallet. Choose the most romantic gift and send it to the girl.

- There is no way to pay for the gift. Send a few nice phrases via VKontakte correspondence or visit one of the free applications. There are a lot of sweet souvenirs, original quotes, postcards. You can also add a video, clip, photo to the girl's wall. What to send? A declaration of love, record yourself on camera, a ready-made clip, frames with animals, a bunch of flowers.

3 - Writing a letter

Think it's out of fashion. Absolutely not true. Correspondence is very romantic. A beautiful letter can cheer you up, cheer up a charmer if she is bored. Believe me, the letter is spectacular and fresh. We'll give you some tips on what to write.

- If you know the exact address of the chosen one, then buy a large envelope and put a small surprise in it. On a white sheet of paper, you can write a beautiful verse, write words of prose about love, about your feelings, experiences.

Put the letter in the mailbox or shove it in the door after ringing the doorbell. We are sure that the girl will certainly appreciate the efforts, and her mood will become better.

- If you already live together and think that writing letters is a stupid idea, then we offer another way. Before leaving for work, scribble a note, put it in an envelope and leave it in a conspicuous place. This will surely cheer her up in the morning, bring a sweet smile.

Or even play with her, draw a map and let her look for the letter prepared for her. What to write? Just a few simple phrases are enough. For example:

        • I love you very very very much.
        • Have a wonderful day, my good, beloved.
        • Smile, remember, I will always be with the best woman in the world.

- If the chosen one does not work, then take a large sheet of paper, stock up on colored markers, pens and pencils and create a bright, unforgettable letter.

Paint the sheet with flowers, funny pictures, show a sense of humor. You can stick something on the message. When you're done, stick the letter on the refrigerator and a mirror or other place. The beloved woman will be happy and will be in high spirits for a long time, realizing that she is loved and appreciated.

As you can see, there are many options, most importantly, show your imagination, ingenuity, and creativity.

- Are you sure that only the way to the heart of the stronger sex lies through the stomach. This statement is absolutely wrong. Many ladies love to eat delicious food and for sure, your chosen one is no exception.

Prepare for a romantic dinner what she loves the most. In case you do not have culinary talents, order pizza, delicious dessert, rolls.

Now it's not difficult at all. For a certain amount, special firms will deliver any delicacy to your home. Do not forget to beautifully set the table, turn on the music and light the candles. A bouquet of flowers will also not be a hindrance.

compliments. Do not forget that all women love with their ears. Beautiful, tender, affectionate words that go straight to the heart will melt even the worst mood. It is important that the compliments be original, do not speak in patterns, hackneyed phrases. Even a sparkling joke, sweet and kind, understandable only to the two of you, will not hurt.

- If your chosen one loves something new, loves adrenaline and experiments, then make an extreme date for her.

Go on an excursion in it, have dinner on a skyscraper, jump with a parachute, go with tents into the forest. Now there are even companies that are ready to provide a service by preparing an original and unusual date. Get creative.

Party with girlfriends. If you spend a lot of time together or the girl just got bored, call her friends, book a table in a club, at a disco and send the chosen one to take a little break from everyday life. She will be incredibly grateful to you.

Massage. Especially erotic, relaxing. Well, what girl would refuse. Buy aromatic oil in advance, make the room dark, turn on relaxing music and explore every point of the female body. Gently touch the legs, buttocks, go to the neck. It's simple and effective. The bad mood will go away and instead there will be a desire to fool around a bit.

Make her laugh. Come up with some original prank, remember a funny story, turn on her favorite comedy. Any temper and aggression will disappear under the groovy and loud laughter. By the way, you can tickle your chosen one.

Perhaps she will tell you everything and she will feel better, her mood will rise by itself. It also does not hurt to give the chosen one the right, practical advice, to offer a helping hand. Substitute a reliable shoulder.

Have a day off. Quite often, ladies can suffer from depression, she is tired of monotony, boredom, the world seems gray and bleak. Take care of the housework for one day, and let the girl chat with pen pals, go to the store for a new thing, take a walk, just read her favorite book or stand tall.

Table in the restaurant. Tired of sitting at home, book a table at a chic restaurant or your favorite cafe and take your sweetheart out for dinner. Here she will forget about the problems for a while and just rest.

Present. What could be better! Especially when she is sick and not feeling well. Women love to be taken care of. Buy her delicious fruits, sweets, maybe she will like a new bottle of perfume or a subscription to a beauty salon. You yourself probably know what she likes, what will arouse her interest. Most importantly, let it be a surprise.

5 - We cheer up the girl with whom you live together

Here you can not do with a banal SMS to cheer you up. It is necessary to try to bring the lady of the heart out of depression. We will help you solve the problem and give you some tips to make your beloved smile and be happy.

  • Leave alone. Yes, sometimes it is also necessary. Sometimes a woman just wants to be alone, think, bring beauty, relax and lie in the bathroom so that no one touches her, does not disturb her. But do this only if your loved one asks you about it.
  • Take a bath, place aromatic large candles and blow deliciously smelling foam. Let the other half pamper a little, and if she wants, then you may well keep her company.

- Another almost win-win option to cheer up a sweet-beloved mood. Just give her money. Let her go shopping, update her wardrobe, buy something that can bring her joy.

In such simple ways, you will surely cheer up the girl, she will stop being sad, and a long-awaited smile will appear on her lips.

6 - Original ways to cheer up

You are still puzzling over how to cheer up Nesmeyan, we offer to broaden your horizons of searches and pay attention to the proposed methods that allow you to quickly establish peace of mind and balance:

  • Go to the zoo, go to the butterfly exhibition, visit exotic animals.
  • Buy a ticket to the dolphinarium, if it is available in your city.
  • Go on a picnic. Choose a landing, perhaps there is a forest or field nearby. Buy some tasty treats, stock up on a bottle of wine and hit the road.
  • Just go to the cinema, to an exhibition, to a fashion or art museum.
  • Take a walk around the city at night, find a beautiful place and just admire it.

7 - Pet

Your girlfriend is not allergic to wool, then buy her a cute puppy or kitten, or maybe the chosen one likes a hamster, iguana or chinchilla.

Try to find out which animal she likes best and give her such a cute gift. She will be delighted and the cute little ball will always make her smile, tenderness and joy.

Now you know how to cheer up a girl in many ways. We're sure one of them will fit. But remember, in order for the mood of the second half not to spoil, take care of her more often and say warm and kind words, for no reason, just like that.

Every day we are faced with different situations: some charge us with excitement and positive emotions, while others, on the contrary, plunge us into sadness and even despair. The human attitude to a certain situation in psychology is called mood.

This state changes many times during the day, however, for the fairer sex, who are more prone to mood swings, the emotional background can decrease for a long time.

Therefore, any guy needs to understand and “cure” sadness.

Before embarking on active actions, trying to cheer up your beloved, use the recommendations of specialists. After all, the negative emotional background of one partner will certainly affect the state of the other lover.

  1. Do not criticize her condition. Your chosen one will be even more upset if you start pointing out to her that you don’t like it when she gets annoyed, angry or shows negativity.
  2. Be sure to listen. If a girl is ready to talk about the reason for her bad mood, listen and try to understand her position. Avoid criticism, do not reread, even if you do not agree with your beloved.
  3. Don't interrogate. When a girl is sad but refuses to reveal the reason for her negative emotions, don't push for a conversation. Often young ladies are silent so as not to burst into tears or not to remember unpleasant moments. Be delicate!
  4. Don't share your problems. There is no need to “support” your beloved with a story about your failures. Some girls may get angry that you interfere with such "trifles", while others will be even more upset, taking your problems to heart.
  5. Don't mention PMS. Some representatives of the strong half of humanity tend to explain any female nervous breakdown by physiological characteristics. This can offend her (even if you guessed right with the reason) and worsen her mood even more.
  6. Notice bad moods. Let the woman brush off your questions, but if you do not notice her negative emotions at all, she will begin to consider you an "insensitive chump." In addition, it is extremely important for girls to feel your care and reverent attitude towards her condition.
  7. Hug your loved one more often. This is perhaps the most important recommendation. It is with this that one should begin to find out the reason for the bad mood of the beloved, and end the conversation and support. Seeing the tears of your girlfriend, take her hand and kiss. Perhaps only this act of yours will help restore her smile.

There are many methods to cheer up your chosen one, but everything is deeply individual. Therefore, familiarize yourself with all the options in order to then choose the most suitable and most effective in a given situation.

So, if you are close, then try the following methods:

  1. Treat your loved one to a delicious meal. Despite the constant “sitting” of girls on various diets, no representative of the fair sex will refuse a delicious chocolate bar, an exotic dish, ice cream. In addition, you can cook a "yummy" with your own hands to show your attitude towards your beloved.
  2. Give a compliment. What will instantly dry women's tears? With beautiful or original words, you can please any girl, even those who are in the worst mood. - tete-a-tete, in SMS, VKontakte or even by ordering a song on the radio. The most important condition - must be said with all my heart.
  3. Have an adrenaline rush. Extreme sports or recreation is an unusual but very effective method to cheer up. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the psychotype of the girl and her temperament, but still you can choose extreme sports for every taste and budget.
  4. Call her friends for help. If your beloved has not communicated with her friends for a long time, is mired in routine affairs, do not leave her to sour on the couch. Phone the girl's friends, invite them to your home without warning your missus about it. To add to the surprise, send them shopping or to an entertainment center.
  5. Get a massage. The ideal “cure” for a bad mood is massage, caress and kisses. Invite your beloved to arrange an evening of relaxation and bliss, give her a light massage (regular or erotic). It is possible that from stroking you will move on to closer communication.
  6. Arrange a romantic evening. Not a single girl (even if she is sad) will not give up gatherings in her favorite restaurant, a trip to the cinema for the last session. You can book a table in secret from the missus, and if you are not sure of her consent, send an SMS with a proposal to meet in a certain place where a surprise awaits your beloved.
  7. Have sex. Scientists have proven that making love promotes the active release of endorphins into the blood - hormones of joy and good mood. As they say, just what the doctor ordered! If the girl does not mind, give her real pleasure, fulfilling every whim and every desire. By the way, this is the most accessible method to improve the mood of your beloved (and not only her).
  8. Present a gift. Even if it is an ordinary trinket, the main thing is your care and tenderness. Give your chosen one a bouquet of roses or daisies, some decoration or something that she has long dreamed of.

It is not always possible to be close to the chosen one, to hold her hand and as a consolation. If you are now far from your beloved, high technologies in the form of social networks and SMS will come to the rescue.

Through short messages, you can express your feelings, sympathize and write a few nice words.

You can cheer up a VKontakte girl in several simple ways:

  • visit her page, put "likes" under photos, write amazing comments on photos, video clips and music;
  • if it is not possible to order a real bouquet, give virtual flowers. Believe me, they will give the girl no less pleasure than real roses;
  • send a beautiful or funny poem, any unusual image that suits a particular situation - girls especially love pictures with cats or children.

In addition to the possibilities of social networks, the advantages of SMS are also at your disposal. You can improve a woman's mood both in your own words and find ready-made funny phrases, beautiful poems or tender declarations of love on the Internet.

Of course, a bad mood is unlikely to be significantly improved by one SMS message, but your main task is to show that your beloved occupies a central place in your heart and life. It is easy to write such an SMS, but the effect of it will be felt for a long time.

You should not expect an immediate response from the chosen one, since it will also take time to change the mood. Therefore, if the girl is silent, do not worry.

Most likely, she is already smiling, just too busy for now and cannot answer your SMS message.

The desire to please a girl when she is sad is completely natural. However, choosing a way to improve mood, you need to take into account the characteristics of the female character, her preferences and temperament.

If your beloved prefers romantic gatherings, secluded pastime, try the following methods:

  • a trip to nature, a picnic, cooking barbecue on an open fire;
  • weekend in a country house;
  • attending a concert of your favorite artist or orchestra;
  • going to the cinema and watching a romantic comedy;
  • water procedures in the water park or city pool.

If your beloved loves outdoor activities, prefers noisy gatherings to solitude, there are also countless methods to cheer her up. For example, you might suggest:

  • go out into nature with a large company, where fishing, catamaran riding, various competitions and other events await her;
  • organize a party to which she will invite her best friends, select musical accompaniment and menus, come up with contests;
  • book a table in a nightclub where you can go with a large company;
  • go to an entertainment center or park where swings, ice cream will bring you back to childhood;
  • engage in extreme activities - parachuting, diving.

When thinking about how to cheer up a girl, it is important to understand that every woman needs male attention, a warm attitude and support.

Therefore, it does not make much difference which of the above methods you use.

The main thing is to show that she is not alone, you will always come to her aid. In this case, the negative attitude will quickly be replaced by a positive outlook on the world around.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Girls - very sensitive and gentle creatures.

What to do if a girl is not in the mood?

We must tune in to the fact that a bad mood can affect the attitude of the girl to others.

Perhaps an upset lady will respond rudely, throw herself into tears, try to close herself off from everyone or blame others for her problems.

In this case it's important to stay calm and remember that a loved one does all this not from evil, but under the influence of a number of complex emotions.

General Tips:

  1. Don't judge her for (do not complain about the situation). If you point out that you do not like her mood, the girl will come to a state of irritation. After all, she is human too!

    She has every right to have bad emotions and wants to count on support and understanding in difficult periods.

  2. Do not respond to provocations. Some people remove negativity by quarreling, screaming and withdrawing. But after such a “discharge” of negative emotions, even more accumulates, because there is resentment against a partner. Try to let the barbs go past your ears. When your chosen one calms down, she will become ashamed of her behavior and she will be grateful to you for your patience.
  3. Listen. It is important for a frustrated person to speak out, to remove this burden from the soul and find a like-minded person. Therefore, the guy should become a "vest" and a grateful listener. Perhaps the girl will play "martyr" and escort the guy out the door, while really needing support. In this case, you should gently ask her to tell about what happened several times. But if the fair sex really does not want to talk and openly declares this, it will be superfluous to insist.
  4. Until the girl calms down, you should not point out her mistakes and argue with her.

    Even if the cause of a bad mood was a situation in which she herself was to blame.

    In a state of nervous excitement, the girl will not be able to perceive logical arguments and get even more angry.

  5. If a girl wants to be alone, give her the opportunity. You can gently ask about the reasons for the bad mood and offer your help / company. But when showing participation, do not be too persistent. Maybe your chosen one needs time to rethink the situation. Or the mention of what happened hurts her. Or she, knowing the peculiarities of her own, wants to calm down a little before talking with you.

    There can be many reasons. And if the girl asked to leave her alone for a while, you should leave.

  6. You can't talk about your problems. If an upset girl talks about her problems, you can not interrupt her and list your hardships. Firstly, this will only increase the feeling of hopelessness, because the girls are very worried about their loved ones. Secondly, the lady will immediately feel that her problems and feelings have been relegated to the background, as the guy "pulled the blanket over himself."
  7. Not a word about PMS! More than anything, women do not like when they are exposed as unbalanced and inadequate personalities. And linking critical days and a nervous breakdown into one story has long become a bad form.
  8. Always pay attention on the girls. Most problems can be avoided by responding in time to changes in a woman's mood. If your significant other is upset or slightly annoyed, show concern and concern, ask leading or direct questions about the mood. As a result, the girl will speak out immediately and will not wind herself up.
  9. Tactile contact. Hug and kiss the girl, show tenderness. Touching can distract from bad thoughts, tune in a positive way and charge with positive energy.

What lifts your spirits?

If the girl has no serious reasons for worrying, and the mood has deteriorated as a result of a series of unpleasant little things, you can return the lady to a good mood with the help of little surprises.


A cute postcard with a soulful signature will cheer you up. But an unexpected surprise will work even more effectively.

Instead of handing over the card, you can push it in the gap under the door.

Or ask a friend to work "courier" and delivered a modest gift addressed to the girl. And if the girl actively uses diary, you can hide the present between the sheets.

To do this, you will need to hide sweets or a gift in the apartment.

Then you need to draw a schematic representation of the rooms inside the postcard and mark the location of the treasure.


You can cheer up with the help of joint photos, which capture memorable events or exciting moments.

You can bring a photo album look at pictures together discussing this or that photo in a positive way.

Meeting with friends

No one understands a girl better than her friends. Take the initiative and arrange a meeting with your friends. Invite them home or book a table in a cafe.

In most cases, soarings dislike their girlfriends' friends and prevent frequent meetings. But some problems of the fairer sex can be openly discussed only with girlfriends.

Give your loved one a break

If your significant other works, studies and does household chores, she might just be tired.

And if you add household troubles to this, you can get a full-fledged one.

Send the girl to sleep or watch your favorite TV series, then go grocery shopping, cook dinner, do a spring cleaning, or write notes yourself to make life easier for a girl.

After she regains her strength, her mood will certainly rise.

Help her relax

To recharge with positivity just a change of scenery. A walk in the fresh air, a trip to a museum or a cinema will distract the girl from sad thoughts. You can involve your beloved in a game with pets, tell her a funny story, etc.

The most important thing is to capture her attention and bring positive.

How to cheer up a girl who is sad or sick?

Sometimes an upset girl cannot be brought to a frank conversation, and intrusive questions only exacerbate the situation.

In this case, it is necessary to abstract from the problem and act by "workarounds".

Sweets and compliments - this is a universal set that will cheer up any girl. It is very important that compliments are not feigned and forced.

Speak sincerely and from the heart. Well, if a girl adheres to a diet or proper nutrition, sweets can be replaced with fruits, or any other goodies that can please her.

A sick person needs support. Cook your favorite hot soup, go get some medicine and make sure she can relax.

If she agrees, you can call her boss and friends yourself to cancel scheduled appointments and appointments referring to the poor health of the girl.

And, of course, show that you love your soulmate, regardless of her appearance and condition. After all, women always worry about how they look during illness. A kiss and nice words will strengthen her belief that for you she is always irresistible.

What to write to her?

If there is no way to be near the girl or she wants to be left alone, this does not mean that you can let the situation take its course. Support her by texting.

Enough short encouraging messages:

If a funny or funny story happened to you, you can describe it and send it to the girl in the form of a short story.

You can cheer up with the help of short SMS that do not imply dialogue or response:

I'm texting the biggest happiness on Earth,
and so beautiful
that you got me.
In a dream and in reality
I see only you.
You light up my life
My love!

This text went to the princess
And revealed in all its glory
Soon we will be with you together
After all, fate brought us together.

Dear angel told me
That you are my ideal
I thank heaven
Because I love you!

You can give pleasant emotions with the help of poems:

What happened, baby, why are you sad,
Where is your smile? I do not see her!
Dear, dear, gentle my baby -
Share with me, I won't offend!

Cheer up a little, lift your eyes
Look at the sky - the birds are flying in it!
Throw your sorrows far back
May joy bloom in your heart!

I am endlessly bewitched by you,
You are the meaning of life, an angel in the flesh,
You are constantly fascinated
And if something is wrong, please forgive me!

Every day you just inspire
You are constantly needed by my side,
And I will do everything you dream of
If only it was always mine!


Let your mood today
Like a bird soars into the sky.
Throw away all burdens, doubts,
Let miracles swirl.

May peace and joy be in your soul
Like scarlet orchids bloom.
Don't let fatigue bother you
But only happiness, tenderness and comfort.

What to say to her?

How to cheer up your girlfriend with words?

Young woman would love to hear compliments no matter what state of mind she is in.

But in order to "hit the target", you have to be observant.

Do not speak in general terms. Better focus on the little things. Mark in a positive way a new hairstyle, manicure or outfit.

Compliment those little things that really attract you to your girlfriend (eyes, gait, manner of speech, etc.). Work great and situational compliments- examples:

  • “You are very feminine today!”
  • “I have long noticed your new lipstick. She suits you very well.”
  • "I love your perfume!"

The girl will also be pleased to know that you need her. Say that you missed her, you want to know her opinion on an important issue, or you cannot make any decision without her.

Any person feels a surge of strength when it becomes important and necessary.

If you have an extraordinary sense of humor, you can try to make the girl laugh with a witty phrase or arrange a mini-standup. But the main thing to remember is that jokes should not:

  • make fun of a girl
  • make fun of the unpleasant situation in which the girl found herself;
  • make fun of her friends or loved ones.

How to cheer up your best friend?

If your best friend is depressed, you can try to get her to talk and listen carefully.

Do not want to discuss an unpleasant topic? try take her out for a walk or out with friends at her favorite place.

And in order to raise her, you can arrange a bachelorette party with cosmetics, trying on outfits and styling. Sweets or pizza in this situation will not be superfluous at all.

The most important thing is to treat the girl with understanding. Every person has moments of sadness. And don't add fuel to the fire. It is also not worth being offended and “climbing into the soul”.

Otherwise bad taste will remain even when a good mood returns to the girl. After all, in a difficult moment, she needed support, not censure.

How to cheer up a girl? Learn about it from the video:

Girls, as you know, are eccentric and capricious creatures, which, combined with the sophistication of their psychology, makes any influence on their mood almost impossible. Still, is it possible to find a weapon more powerful than female hormones? Every man probably knows that it is not - in favor of this, the facts are evidenced by many jokes and unimagined stories.

But today we will still try to find out how to cheer up a girl in different areas of life, being in direct contact with a disgruntled woman or at a distance.

Tune in to the positive: tricks you need to know when communicating with a woman

What is important to know before getting started? Of course, the subtleties of the character of your beloved lady and her interests in order to apply the so-called individual approach. We should also not forget that the strongest and most impregnable vamp woman inside is just a quivering and vulnerable bird that needs not only a strong male shoulder, but also just a wise interlocutor nearby who would understand and pity her.

If you notice that your wife is sad or "out of sorts," try to find out what's wrong by showing that you care and doing everything to make the conversation as frank as possible. Speak in a warm, patronizing voice.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to try on the role of a real psychologist and give some useful advice with clever words and phrases. Sometimes all a girl needs is just to be heard. Therefore, be patient to play the role of a “pillow” into which you can cry.

As soon as the interlocutor calms down a little, tune her in a positive way with a light joke or irony over the situation she described, try to draw attention to the positive components of the problem, because there are probably such.

Give a positive assessment of her competently taken actions, laugh heartily at especially absurd situations. The main thing is to stay in touch with the upset person, and not go away from his problems, because it "does not concern you."

The best means to improve women's mood

  1. Tasty food. Yes, don't be surprised. Despite the fact that most of the fair sex limit themselves to food because of a beautiful figure, it is “something tasty” that is most effective in eliminating girlish blues, especially during PMS.

    It can be rolls and delicious expensive chocolate, a gourmet dish of exotic cuisine and just what your beloved likes to eat, but what she rarely manages to treat herself to. In addition, a treat prepared by your own hands will be able to demonstrate all your love and care without pathos.

  2. Compliments and love notes. Well, who hasn't heard the famous expression that a woman loves with her ears? This is not an invented tale, but a time-tested fact: original words in an unexpected presentation can please even the most spoiled coquette.

    It doesn’t matter how you present your “verbal present”: eye to eye, on a postcard, in a short VK SMS or in the form of a serenade under the window - the main thing is that it should be from the heart.

  3. Adrenalin. Extreme vacation is one of the most effective answers to the question of how to cheer up a girl. Fortunately, today there is no shortage of choosing an unusual pastime, so we leave it to your discretion. All you need is new impressions and vivid emotions.
  4. Meeting with girlfriends and / or shopping. If you know that in recent days the wife has been mired in everyday worries, help her relax not only by lying on the couch in the evenings - this will drive her into the blues even more. Invite friends of the second half to visit - surprise your wife. Not ready to stay in contact with the "woman's kingdom" for a long time, because it is beyond your strength? Send them to a good public place for entertainment.
  5. Massage and body contact. Every girl will surely agree that there is nothing better than favorite hands on a body tired of day cares. Sincere hugs, stroking and kisses are exactly what you need in difficult times. It does not hurt if a pleasant pastime turns into a massage of a slightly different plan.
  6. Romantic date. Even if your wife does not like “pink nonsense”, she is unlikely to remain indifferent to a meeting at her favorite restaurant, important for two, or just a banal opportunity to remember the period when your relationship began. You can and even need to do something that your other half does not expect from you. Have you forgotten when you confessed your feelings?

    Tell me about it, even in SMS. It does not matter what it will be, something global, for example, a long-awaited trip or a pleasant trifle, such as serving coffee in bed. Say "yes" to the surprise in the eyes of your beloved - and her mood will immediately change.

  7. Pleasant presents - flowers, gifts, jewelry. Comments in this case are unnecessary, because there is no girl who is indifferent to such an expression of attention.

Cheer up "remotely": the use of social networks and mobile phones

Despite the fact that now social networks such as Odnaklassniki and VKontakte are actively criticized, they have been and remain the most effective channel of human communication. With the help of short, but such memorable VK SMS, you can not only express your feelings to your beloved wife, for example, but also support your interlocutor, give genuine warmth of the human heart, which will be felt even at a distance.

This can be done in several ways.

  1. As has been repeatedly said above, there is no young lady who is indifferent to attention, especially to public VKontakte. Therefore, this feature must be taken into account when communicating on VK: put the girl “likes” under the photo, write nice words in the comments and SMS.
  2. Gifts VKontakte. Again, everything is the same as in real life: a virtual bouquet will give the fair sex no less positive emotions than a real one. Moreover, it is “bought” for real money. By the way, if your girlfriend is an active user of VK applications with games, you can purchase a useful present for her fun.
  3. Pictures, photographs, postcards with pleasant words and rhymed SMS - all this can perfectly cheer you up in difficult moments of female melancholy.
In addition to the tricks of VK, you can also take advantage of SMS communication on a mobile phone. All it takes is sincere words. It is important to understand that in moments of sadness, even the most skillful joke or a public compliment in the form of a VK status will not help a person much. SMS should show that its recipient occupies a special place in your destiny, that you really care about what happens in her life.

Do not try to “appear” to be someone behind beautiful words in SMS copied from the Internet, try to “be” exactly - only then the girl will feel her need and significance.

At the same time, you must understand that the girl is not obliged to remain in constant contact with you, as well as answer your questions, no matter how sincere they may be. Do not demand an immediate response from her, “do not push” and do not impose too much - in this way, you can only drive the woman into a corner even more.

Even if she is silent for a long time, do not think that her reaction is a sign of indifference and you did not succeed. Perhaps she simply did not have time to answer, but the smile on her face, thanks to you, has already appeared. Be selfless!