Salon foot care. Spa pedicure at home

Even at home, you can arrange a real SPA for your legs - almost a child's delight and I guarantee a whole palette of pleasant sensations.

Why do you think the classic corporate dress code prohibits women from showing up to the office in open-toed shoes? Do not know? This rule appeared when one of the English universities conducted a study and found out that labor productivity in groups where open socks are allowed is an order of magnitude lower than in "closed" groups. Moreover, it is men who work poorly; these external features of shoes did not affect women. When men began to be interviewed, everyone was surprised how many bright erotic emotions evoke open fingers. They were compared, for example, with a lace stocking garter that peeks out from under a skirt, or a coquettish neckline. Naturally, women immediately took this male weakness into service.

The only caveat is that men talked about open BEAUTIFUL toes, so pedicure has become popular since then, a previously incomprehensible and little-known procedure, and many other procedures designed directly for toes and feet. Of course, beautiful legs do not roll on the road. In my favorite salon, for example, there are twelve different techniques for legs, and I like all of them. However, a salon is a salon, but is it possible to do something at home? Of course, even at home you can arrange a real SPA for your legs - almost a child's delight and I guarantee a whole palette of pleasant sensations.

Stage 1 - remove unnecessary

You need to start a home spa with a steam bath with a water temperature of about 40 degrees. Keep the legs warm for 3-4 minutes, then you need to clean all rough skin with a pumice stone and cut your nails. By the way, the correct cutting of nails will allow you to avoid many troubles, ranging from inconvenience when walking to visiting a surgeon with a diagnosis of an ingrown nail. To prevent this from happening, firstly, wear comfortable, comfortable shoes of your size, and cut your nails evenly, corners and rounding at the edges are undesirable. Another important point is the nail plate, its size should not exceed the nail bed by more than 1 millimeter.

Stage 2 - hot stone therapy

Spa-massage with hot stones gives a lot of pleasant sensations. To do this, you will have to work a little - to find, bring from the south (well, or buy in aquarium stores) several large and a handful of small stones, the main thing is that they are smooth and well-polished, without sharp corners. The stones are heated in a separate container and lowered into the bath, they should be hotter than water and give a pleasant body when the leg is lowered on them. The leg is placed on large stones, and small ones are clamped between the fingers. No foam and gels are needed in such a bath, but a few drops of essential oils or flower petals will come in handy. The advantages of the procedure are excellent natural acupuncture massage, tender skin, aromatherapy and the desire to live as long as possible ... This stage lasts about five minutes, until the stones become the same temperature as water.

Step 3 - add milk to water

The continuation of our spa is a small but very useful analogue of the famous Cleopatra baths. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about a milk bath. The water for such a bath should not be too hot - and the legs will be uncomfortable, and the beneficial properties of milk will come to naught. The water temperature is desirable forty degrees, it is slightly warmer than your own temperature. The procedure is simple - add a glass of milk (or cream) to water and enjoy it calmly for ten minutes, feeling like if not Cleopatra, then her great-great-great-granddaughter for sure. Active natures who cannot sit in one place can take a ladle and pour this water on their legs - a pleasure of the most pleasant.

If there are a lot of keratinized areas on the legs, you can use a scrub, again invented by Cleopatra. Grind sea salt in a coffee grinder and mix it with heavy cream, you get an excellent cleansing composition. You can learn more about him and other secrets of the great Egyptian queen in the material The Secret Beauty of Cleopatra (see below).

Stage 4 - make a foot mask

The foot mask is a wonderful way to end our spa treatment in a very pleasant and beneficial way. While you are sitting in the milk bath, simultaneously pour a glass of oatmeal with hot milk (100 g), and when the procedure is over, your mask will be ready. You can apply it not only on calloused areas of the legs or rough heels, but also on any part of the leg that you want to give extra nutrition and hydration. After applying an oatmeal mask, wrap the legs with plastic wrap, and on top of it with a blanket. Keep the mask for five minutes, then rinse off and see the result - your skin will become very soft, tender, pleasant to the touch.

What's left? Yes, mere trifles - apply cream or oil on the feet and shins, and then give the legs a little rest. And in the finale - nail polish, now you are irresistible and you can safely put on shoes with open toes tomorrow. I hope you remember why...

Maria Gorbatova All rights reserved

Spa pedicure - foot and nail care. It involves cleansing the epithelium, nourishing the skin, foot massage and aromatherapy. Relaxation is considered an important part of the procedure. SPA-pedicure is performed not only in special centers, but also in beauty salons. More details about the procedure are described in the article.


SPA-pedicure consists in using a non-invasive method of treating the skin. During the procedure, the growths are not cut or cut, so there is no violation of the integrity of the skin and injury is excluded. The disappearance of the stratum corneum, calluses, corns occurs due to the action of special agents.

The removal procedure is gentle and painless. SPA-pedicure lasts about 2 hours and involves not only cleansing of dead epithelial cells, but also deep moisturizing and nourishing the skin, foot massage. Thanks to the procedure, foot care and relaxation are provided. In the office, they usually turn on calm music, use aromatic oils and incense. In a special pedicure chair, a person feels comfortable.


The SPA-pedicure has the following advantages:

  1. Thorough cleansing of the skin and nails without cutting objects.
  2. The use of products with a softening, moisturizing, nourishing effect.
  3. Longer lasting effect compared to classic pedicure.
  4. Relaxation and well-being after the procedure.


There are many spa pedicure kits on the market today. Most of them include all the necessary products for high-quality foot treatment:

  1. Balm. Essential for baths. It prepares the skin for the procedure.
  2. Scrub. It contains essential oils that exfoliate dead cells.
  3. Mask. The product has a nourishing and moisturizing effect. It improves blood circulation and relieves pain.
  4. Lotion. Designed to complete the procedure.

The SPA Pedicure and Manicure Set is designed to treat your feet from start to finish. With its use, the appearance and condition of the legs improves.


To perform procedures at home, a NAIL SPA manicure and pedicure machine is used. The device in terms of functionality will replace a trip to a beauty salon. The device consists of 11 nozzles, which will provide a comprehensive full-fledged care.

In addition to attachments, the machine has a compact bath for SPA procedures. It is advisable to use it with essential oils, and then a positive result is expected. So it will turn out well to grind and polish the nails on the hands, feet, and also dry the varnish in a special dryer in a few seconds. The device has 2 speeds. Its compact size allows you to take it anywhere with you.


What is the technology of SPA-pedicure? The procedure is carried out thanks to special herbal remedies with essential oils. Pedicure is carried out without the use of cutting devices. Only the use of a wooden stick is allowed, which serves to push back the cuticle.

This type of treatment can be an independent procedure, and can be carried out as an addition to a hardware pedicure. In various salons, the procedure has some variations, but the steps are the same everywhere. The procedure is performed with:

  1. Steaming, softening the skin.
  2. Cleansing.
  3. Hydration, nutrition.
  4. Massage.


The procedure is carried out with steaming the skin. Feet should be immersed in a bath with an antiseptic solution. There is a special bath-geyser for Ecolab SPA-pedicure. The device solves the problem of sweating, calluses, cracks. Water should be at a temperature of 38 degrees. Higher temperatures adversely affect blood vessels. And with cool water there will be no steaming effect.

Steaming lasts 5-10 minutes. As time increases, the skin will absorb more moisture and become loose. Special preparations are added to the bath, the feet are prepared for future treatment. It is advisable to choose a hot tub.


First, a mild moisturizing is carried out with sand, sea salt or alpha hydroxyl acid. This is necessary for superficial exfoliation and preparation of the skin for treatment with serum. This remedy consists of fruit acid, which cleanses the skin of corns, dead cells and calluses.

Feet become smooth and soft, become healthy. The feet are rinsed with water at room temperature and then the next step is started.

Hydration and nutrition

This part of the procedure involves the use of a nourishing and moisturizing mask with natural ingredients, aromatic oils, vitamins, and microelements. The medicinal composition may contain seaweed extracts, various mineral clays, glycerin, menthol, aloe vera extract and other components. The mask acts for 20-25 minutes, and then it is washed off.


At the end, a foot massage is performed. There are many active points on the sole, the impact on which has an impact on the functioning of internal organs. Massage takes care of the skin. In addition, the procedure has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

Thanks to the massage, relaxation, removal of muscle and joint tension, elimination of fatigue, headache. During this procedure, blood circulation in the legs is restored, the blood receives many nutrients. After that, a nourishing cream is applied, making the skin smooth and velvety.

The specialist may offer to perform a paraffin foot wrap between the mask and massage. Paraffin has a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, the skin becomes soft and silky with it. At the end of the pedicure, a cooling tonic (mint or lemon) is applied. And then the cosmetologist carries out the treatment of nails and the application of a decorative coating.


In beauty salons, such services are usually provided by appointment. You just need to choose the right time. The price of a SPA pedicure is 700-1800 rubles. The cost depends on the prestige of the salon, the professionalism of the masters and the region. The price includes the performance of all necessary operations to improve the condition of the legs.

Recipes for home treatments

You can not buy masks and scrubs in the store, as there is the possibility of preparing home remedies. For this, the following recipes are offered:

  1. Salt scrub. You will need fine sea salt (1 tablespoon), which must be mixed with olive oil (1 teaspoon), grapefruit oil (2 drops). Cream is added to the bowl (1 tbsp. L.). composition can be applied.
  2. Coffee scrub. You will need ground coffee (1 tablespoon) and sour cream. The product should be rubbed into the feet with massaging movements.
  3. You will need cane sugar and olive oil (in the same amount). Massage your feet with this mixture for 10 minutes.

There are other recipes for making foot care products. With them it will be possible to perform a high-quality pedicure at home.


SPA-pedicure has many advantages, but no matter how effective it is, it still has contraindications. Experts do not advise performing procedures for:

  • fungi on the skin;
  • rashes on the body;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
  • pregnancy.

When choosing a beauty salon, you need to pay attention to the situation in the pedicure department. There should be a pleasant environment: music, aromatic oils, attractive color of the walls. You can perform the procedures every 1-1.5 months. Such care favorably affects the condition of the legs and gives joy.

Fans of the traditional trimmed pedicure often speak of spa foot care with a fair amount of skepticism, referring to the fact that the latest techniques are more expensive and superficial than usual. There is some truth in this opinion. If you go to a specialist once a year, the delicate effects of the spa will simply be ineffective, and neglected legs will not begin to resemble a picture from a magazine. But in the event that you like to pamper your fingers and heels and consider it an obligatory part of your own regular beauty program, pay attention to the SPA pedicure - it's worth it!

Legs are a marvel of biomechanics. The legs experience perhaps the greatest load in the body, withstanding during the day the entire weight of our body, which is often excessive. On a typical working day, a person takes about 6,000 - 8,000 steps, which means that he walks around the earth several times in his entire life. We do not even think about how our health depends on how healthy our legs are. After all, the sole of the feet projects on itself all the internal organs of a person. The largest number of zones and biologically active points, functionally associated with the internal organs, is located on the surface of the skin of the foot. Unfortunately, we often forget that they must be protected until the moment when the legs begin to hurt. The main problems of the skin of the feet are dryness and sweating. Where there is constant friction between the skin of the feet and shoes, dry calluses appear. Spa foot care is one of the most enjoyable treatments.

Today, SPA is a wellness complex of procedures using any water - both mineral, sea and fresh, as well as seaweed and salt, therapeutic mud and medicinal plants, a variety of massages, masks, scrubs, peelings, where they put bodies and souls in order. .

The range of spa applications is very wide, but the most popular are foot care procedures. Today, instead of the usual care for hands and feet, we offer you an exquisite professional SPA. Care steps include everything you need:

  • Cleansing is the basis of care. First of all, it is necessary to remove all external impurities from the surface of the skin. For this, disinfectants are used. Along with cleansing, thermal baths are useful for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the legs.
  • Baths are relaxation and stress relief. Immerse your feet in water so that the water covers the feet. Various salts and aromatic oils are used. Legs hold up to 5 minutes.
  • Exfoliation - for moisturizing and toning. They may include algae, organic sugar crystals, titanium chips.
  • Peeling allows you to remove dead cells of the stratum corneum, which improves the penetration of active substances into the skin during subsequent procedures and stimulates blood circulation. Scrub is used during the foot bath or after the exfoliation bath. A nourishing mask may be applied. Duration 3-5 minutes.
  • Masks - a store of energy for a long time. They are applied only to well-cleansed skin. They include: vitamins, glycerin, oils, lanolin, waxes, honey, Mother's milk, ginseng, aloe, chamomile, moisturizers, etc. Special formulations may also be used. Many cosmetic companies produce special masks for hands: modeling, algae, anti-aging, whitening, paraffin, etc. They soften and nourish the skin of the hands, enhance its protective properties, stimulate the processes of regeneration (recovery). To enhance the effect, wrap the legs with warm towels or thermal boots. The remains of the mask are removed from the legs with a napkin or washed off with warm water.
  • Then a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied. Rub it in with stroking movements. Creams include various components and additives that create a protective film. You can add a foot massage.
  • Massage enhances lymph and blood circulation, relieves tension in muscles and ligaments. It actively affects the receptors that are rich in the skin of the foot. Classical massage is used in the form of stroking and rubbing, as well as acupressure, affecting acupuncture points, reflexology.
  • Any SPA procedure ends with some pleasant music and a cup of fragrant tea.
SPA treatments are ideally combined with: pedicure, paraffin therapy, foot massage, massage!

Spa treatments - the beauty and health of your legs!


Let's start with the care of our feet. Heels, uncomfortable shoes, long walks - all this affects the appearance of the heels and fingers. Moreover, in autumn, the feet get wet and cold, and they especially want warmth and relaxation.

1. Phyto-pedicure

The peculiarity of the procedure is that it is completely based on the use of natural remedies. The program was developed by German cosmetologists, and the main thing in phyto-pedicure is an individual approach. Depending on the problem (dry skin, sweating, cracked heels, calluses), specialists use different herbal preparations. First, a bath is prepared for you, and then a special mask of medicinal herbs. Thus, the action of the procedure is more targeted.

  • Can it be done at home? Perhaps, but first you need to learn at least one herbal mask and bath recipe. Go to the salon for one procedure and try to find out the necessary ingredients, and then experiment at home.

2. Skin pedicure

One of the best foot treatments is a skin pedicure. In this case, the master does not use special devices or chemicals.

The treatment begins with a warm bath with sea salt. Then - exfoliation with natural scrubs, for example, steamed rice or nut powder. After a long massage (about 40 minutes) with essential oils awaits you. There are many points on the feet that are responsible for the condition and health of the whole organism - during a skin pedicure, these points are affected. Essential oils that are commonly used in massage are grape seed, shea or sesame oil.

After the massage, a 15-minute warm compress awaits your feet, and at the end, your nails will be treated and, if necessary, varnish will be applied.

  • Theoretically, it is possible: the procedure itself does not require any professional cosmetics that could not be bought in a store. However, massage techniques need to be learned, and will you have the patience to massage your legs for 40 minutes?

Attention! Do not confuse with the popular unedged pedicure technique, in which all hardened areas of the feet (corns, cracks) are softened with solvents. The name is the same, but this is an exclusively salon procedure using professional chemicals.

3. Stone therapy

Hot stone massage has long found its connoisseurs. Stones are used not only for back massage, but also for relaxing the legs. Stone therapy, according to experience, perfectly helps with tired legs. Stones relieve pain and tension - they say this is due to the fact that blood circulation is accelerated. In addition, it has a natural acupuncture effect.

  • Can it be done at home? Can. But for this you will have to find good stones: they can be brought from the south or bought at an aquarium store. The main thing is that they are smooth and polished, without sharp corners. The stones are heated and lowered into a bath of hot water (they must be hotter than water). You can add a few drops of essential oil or flower petals to the bath.

4. Fish massage

Fish peeling is now offered in ordinary salons, so it is not necessary to fly to distant countries. The essence of the procedure is as follows: you immerse your feet in warm water, the tissues soften, and the miracle fish Garra Rufa "bite off" dead skin. The client feels a slight, almost imperceptible tingling sensation. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all, and the fish won't bite you unnecessarily.

  • Can it be done at home? More likely no than yes. However, no one forbids you to have such fish as pets.

5. Cryo-pedicure

People are divided into those who like it hot and those who like it cold. Cryo-pedicure for the latter, as well as for those who suffer from excessive sweating and swelling. The first stage of the procedure is traditional - first a warm bath awaits you. But after the beautician does a cold massage with a stick treated with liquid nitrogen. Finally, menthol oil is applied to the feet.

  • Can it be done at home? Perhaps, if you know where to get liquid nitrogen, and know how to handle it.


The main procedures for hands are nourishing baths and peeling. Therefore, we decided to give you some useful recipes that will help your hands stay beautiful.

6. Baths for hands

Different compositions of solutions are designed for different purposes - softening, moisturizing, treating the skin.

  • Moisturizing: 2 cups milk + 2 cups warm water + pinch of cinnamon + 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil. Keep 10 minutes
  • Tonic: warm water + juice of 1 lemon + a pinch of cinnamon + a pinch of baking soda + 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Keep 5-7 minutes
  • To relieve fatigue: warm water + 3 drops of rosemary oil + 3 drops of menthol oil + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil. Keep 5-7 minutes

7. Hand peels

  • Moisturizing: 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar + a pinch of soda + 1 tbsp. spoon of sunflower oil + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rose water. Massage your hands and rinse
  • Tonic:½ cups of sugar + 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil + grated zest of 1 orange + 1 teaspoon of grated ginger. Massage your hands with a brush or sponge
  • To relieve fatigue: 2 tbsp. spoons of sea salt + 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut or vegetable oil + a drop of tea tree oil. Massage your hands and rinse

8. Paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is a useful and pleasant procedure in winter (when the skin on the hands becomes weathered and flaky), in spring (when tired skin needs restoration) and in summer (to regulate water balance). After the procedure, the skin becomes soft and silky.

To begin with, the skin is cleansed and moisturized. Then the hands are immersed in a bath of melted cosmetic paraffin. After the paraffin envelops the hands, they are put on special bags and warm mittens. Under the influence of temperature, pores open, toxins are removed, moisturizers penetrate the skin. After 20–30 minutes, the paraffin is removed and the hands are moistened again with cream.

  • Can it be done at home? Yes, but for this you will need special devices: a bath that maintains the temperature; cosmetic paraffin; mittens (can be replaced with a towel).


How often our legs have a hard time: brisk walking, high heels, tights and depilation ... All this is not displayed in the best way on your knives. And as a result, we often notice that at the end of the working day, the legs are “buzzing” and swelling has appeared on them.

In order to give them at least a little what they deserve, I recommend to please them with such a pleasure as a SPA pedicure.

SPA Secrets

The SPA pedicure ritual is a complex that includes not only foot skin care, but also brings a lot of pleasure due to the manner of its execution. Your feet will not only get a pedicure, they will be adored and loved, because they deserve it!

Fans of classic pedicure claim that spa pedicure is a waste of time. Although it is not. The difference between the classic and SPA procedure is that the technology of the latter allows you to achieve smoothness of the skin of the feet, not cutting it off, but cutting it off.

Special tools help to get rid of corns and corns. The process is very gentle and does not cause any pain or discomfort. And the effect of such a procedure will please you for a longer period of time than after a classic pedicure.

Foot care and complete relaxation are the two components of a spa pedicure. Usually, during this procedure, calm music or sounds of nature are played, candles are lit, and we can smell a faint smell of incense.

A massage using special cosmetic creams will improve your blood circulation and relieve fatigue in the legs. I want to note that this procedure is equally successful in both women and men.

Step-by-step implementation of a SPA pedicure

The effective implementation of this procedure, first of all, involves the use of high-quality cosmetics. Therapeutic mud, algae, thermal waters - all cosmetics used must be made from natural ingredients. The main active elements are fruit acids and sea minerals.

SPA treatment includes:

  • foot bath;
  • treatment of fingers and feet;
  • skin scrubbing;
  • mask;
  • relaxing massage.


At this stage, the feet are sanitized. An antiseptic bath softens the skin of the feet and helps to cleanse it. Water should not be higher than 38 degrees. Otherwise, it may adversely affect the condition of your vessels. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10-15 minutes. Do not delay the steaming time.

The water cools down quickly and no longer gives the desired effect. At the same time, the skin of the feet will receive an excess of moisture, which will make the skin of the legs loose. Beauticians recommend adding sea salt extract to the bath. This will help you relax.


Start with a gentle exfoliation. So you can gently remove the top layer of dead skin and not damage the main one. In salons, aldehyde acids or sand are often used for this procedure. Thus, you will prepare your skin for the application of a dissolving serum, the obligatory action of which is the fight against corns and corns.

Humidification and cooling

At this stage, multi-component moisturizing oils are applied to the feet, which most often include mineral clay, menthol, glycerin, aloe vera extract, peppermint and preparations from marine extracts. The duration of this procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes.


Perhaps the most enjoyable part of the spa treatment is the foot massage. At this time, all the energy points on your foot are activated. Impact on each foot from 15 to 20 minutes. Therefore, this procedure can rightfully be considered both cosmetic and therapeutic. During the massage, aromatic oils are used, thanks to their effect, you begin to feel a surge of vigor and strength.


Nourishing cream will not only make your skin velvety and smooth, but will prevent the appearance of cracks and corns. In order for the effect to last as long as possible, it is recommended to carry out paraffin therapy.

During this procedure, you will ensure increased blood flow to the feet, which will contribute to the active restoration of the skin. This will help in the rapid healing of wounds and cracks in problem areas.

Benefits of SPA treatment:

  • Forget about piercing and cutting tools. SPA products for pedicure gently remove the dead layer of the epidermis and do not provoke its even greater growth in the problem area;
  • Relaxation during the procedure;
  • SPA cosmetics for pedicure contains only natural ingredients;
  • Long lasting result.


  • To maintain a good result, the procedure must be carried out regularly;
  • Pleasure is not cheap;
  • The procedure takes a long time to complete. If you have a busy schedule, move it to a day off.

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to visit a beauty salon, this simple procedure can be done at home on your own.

The main thing to remember is what not to do

What is forbidden to do with this type of pedicure?

  • Do not steam your feet in too hot water;
  • Do not use a razor or scissors to cut corns and corns. The most common mistake. The consequences can be sad up to blood poisoning;
  • The cuticle does not need to be cut. An ineptly removed cuticle is quickly restored and, again, there is a risk of injury. Just push it away with a special scraper;
  • Do not cut the nail at the root. In order to avoid ingrown nails, it is necessary to cut the nails only in a straight line.

What you need

In order for the home procedure to be not much different from the salon, you should purchase the following accessories:

  • Special mat massager. The device is relatively inexpensive. The principle of its operation is to imitate a pebble seabed with a rug. Walking on it stimulates acupuncture points;
  • Special scraper. Buy accessories only in specialized stores, so you are guaranteed to get a good thing and in case of difficulty, an experienced consultant will help you make the right choice;
  • Sticks made from orange wood. This is a universal tool for gentle cuticle removal;
  • Socks for SPA pedicure. A very useful invention. These are ordinary socks, on the feet of which there is an acupuncture card. With its help, it is easier to navigate correctly and make the procedure not only pleasant, but also useful;
  • Special natural cosmetics for SPA.

For the home procedure, I offer the following recipes:

Away swelling

  • Add dried rosemary, 3-4 drops of mint or cedar to the water. We soar legs for 15 minutes;
  • Make a brown sugar scrub and gently remove small scales from your feet, grease with olive oil;
  • Apply a pre-prepared mask: 1 yolk, 0.5 avocado, 0.5 tbsp. l. honey, 8 drops of mint oil;
  • Massage your legs for 20 minutes;
  • At the final stage, grease them with coconut oil and put on woolen socks.