Diseases of frequently ill children. Why does my child often get colds? Causes of frequent colds in a child

If the baby gets sick every 2-3 months, this causes anxiety in the mother and a desire to give the child more medicines so that he recovers faster. However, in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with treatment.

Why is a child under one year old often sick

Doctors believe that the most common diseases of the first year of life are:

  • SARS;
  • flu;
  • childhood infections;
  • ENT diseases.

At the same time, the causes of frequent illnesses in a child can be different.

If a child under one year old is often sick, the mother needs to be especially careful

Often diseases provoke foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx. Not fully cured rhinitis and pharyngitis lead to poisoning and intoxication of the body. As a result, the immune system weakens and cannot resist even the smallest infection. If a child has adenoids, the cause of permanent illness may be hidden in this. Because of the adenoids, the child constantly suffers from otitis media, tonsillitis and bronchitis.

If the baby suffered hypoxia at birth, his soreness is nothing to be surprised at. The lack of oxygen led to impaired blood flow and a subsequent weakening of the immune system. Disruptions in the endocrine system, constant stress, prolonged use of medications and even living in environmentally poor conditions affect the overall resistance of the child's body to infections.

What should parents do if a child is often sick up to a year

A mother-to-be should take care of her baby's health even before it is born. A pregnant woman should avoid any contact with patients, undergo all examinations and keep in a calm mood. During the first year of life, you should try to feed your baby with breast milk.

If time has already been lost, you need to take the following measures:

  1. Undergo a comprehensive examination by specialists.
  2. Establish a nutritious diet.
  3. Carry out hardening procedures: air baths, walking barefoot, dousing with water.
  4. Avoid the constant use of antibiotics and immunomodulators.
  5. Protect your child from stress.
  6. Move at least temporarily to an ecologically clean area if you live in an unfavorable environment.

If the baby is often sick, there is no need to panic. It is worth paying attention to how quickly the child recovers. If the baby's body easily copes with SARS, and there are no complications, then you should not worry, even if this happens often.

Frequently ill children are not only a problem for specific families. This is a whole medical and social catastrophe, because such kids, being weakened and frail, often violate the vaccination schedule, miss classes at school. Parents also suffer if the child is often sick. What should adults do in such a situation? Of course, they are forced to take time off from work to sit with a child who has a high fever or a severe sore throat. They also spend a lot of money on expensive medicines.

Frequently ill children

The situation is most acute when the baby goes to preschool for the first time. New contacts lead to the fact that the child often gets sick in the kindergarten. What to do in this situation, every young mother knows. The main thing is not to panic. After all, often ill children are not a diagnosis, but only a temporary phenomenon. Yes, and you first need to figure out whether your little one belongs to the category of frail babies. Doctors say that such children can often be called ill:

  • Infants under one year of age who suffer from respiratory infections more than 4 times a year.
  • Toddlers from 1 to 3 years old, if they get sick more than 6 times in 12 months.
  • Preschoolers 3 to 5 years old who catch colds more than 5 times in the same period.
  • Schoolchildren who get sick more than 4 times a year.

In addition, those minors who get sick rarely, but for a long time - more than two weeks, fall into this category. Usually these kids complain of cough, sore throat, runny nose. They are constantly lethargic and tired. If the child does not have these signs of acute respiratory infections, but the temperature rises, this may indicate chronic diseases or other infections.

Why is this happening?

One of the factors is the wrong way of life in the family. For example, when adults do not give the baby to a sports club, do not accustom him to physical education and morning exercises, do not provide him with good nutrition, normal daily routine and sanitary conditions in the apartment. All this leads to the fact that the child is very often sick with colds. What to do? Reviews of pediatricians about this behavior, to put it mildly, are negative. It is clear that they emphasize that in most cases it depends on the parents how often their baby will get sick. After all, if you organize the day correctly, the little one will grow stronger before our eyes. And accordingly, it will become less susceptible to infections.

Unfortunately, not everything depends on the parents. There are many other factors that are displayed on the first, it is frequent contact with the source of infection - other kids at school or kindergarten. Secondly, poor ecology, which contributes to an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory infections.

Other factors

First of all, they should include the so-called passive smoking. Children who constantly inhale smoke are prone to bronchitis and asthma. Parents, not even suspecting their guilt, often complain to doctors that the child very often suffers from colds. What should they do in this case? Yes, just never smoke in the apartment in which the little one is located, do not visit with him those rooms where it is allowed, or simply give up a bad habit, showing the child an example of the right way of life. You also need to pay special attention to the use of drugs. After all, if adults unreasonably, for a long time or often give the baby antibiotics or antipyretics, this can increase the sensitivity of the child to respiratory diseases.

The child will also often get sick for other reasons. For example, if he has a hereditary predisposition or he suffered from hypoxia during childbirth, which led to a violation of the body's adaptation to environmental conditions. The cause of frequent viruses can also be other diseases: allergies, rickets, anemia, malnutrition, morphofunctional immaturity.

How to strengthen immunity?

Often mothers mistakenly think that the baby was already born with low and weakened immunity. Or they begin to feel guilty for not eating well during pregnancy, walking little in the fresh air, constantly being nervous and crying. But these are also false assumptions. In fact, there are very few children who naturally have weak protective functions of the body. Therefore, there is almost no chance that such a baby will be born to you. Remember that congenital immunodeficiency is a deadly disease. Therefore, you should not attribute this serious deviation to your child.

Doctors are sure that it is the secondary immunity, acquired throughout life, that suffers the most from oppression. It turns out that usually babies are born completely healthy. They are made weak and frail by various factors to which they are susceptible. As a result, the child often suffers from colds. What to do? The doctors' comments indicate that such a peanut should be given immunostimulating drugs: Bronchoimmunal, Anaferon, Echinacea Doctor Tice. Even the smallest patients can take these medicines. Also, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle and the correct daily routine.


This is a very important person, his appearance and even emotional state. If your child often suffers from colds, an experienced nutritionist will tell you what to do. He will draw up an individual map of the right diet for your baby. In addition, he will give general recommendations. If you have a baby, he will recommend breastfeeding him for as long as possible. It has a perfect balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, breast milk also contains various antibodies, immunoglobulins, vitamins and trace elements.

The daily menu for older children must include dairy dishes (cottage cheese, in particular), as well as meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits. If the baby attends kindergarten, the food in which leaves much to be desired, then try to feed him a healthy breakfast and dinner at home. And the main rule - no fast food. Not only hamburgers and french fries are banned, but also various chips, crackers, sweet soda and so on. Not only does such food not contain nutrients, it also causes digestive disorders and leads to obesity.


Any mother asks herself this question if her child often has colds: "What should I do?" Reviews of pediatricians about hardening the baby are largely the same: you should not dip the baby in ice water - start small. For example, from the first birthdays, do not wrap him up, dressing him like a turnip. Be guided by your own feelings: you are warm - remove the hat from the baby. No, he won't get cold from it. On the contrary, it is more likely to get sick, sweating. In addition, watch the microclimate in the apartment. The ideal temperature ranges from 18 to 22ºC. In this case, the humidity of the air should not exceed 40%.

What to do if colds? First, walk with him more often - in any weather. Because of the snow and rain, you should not refuse the promenade. Put on your raincoat and go. You can hide from the wind in the yards: the houses of new buildings perfectly protect against drafts. Walking in any season, the baby quickly adapts to aggressive environmental conditions. Secondly, do not forget to play outdoor games with the little one on the playground or in the stadium. Thirdly, ventilate the room where the child lives at least 3 times a day. In the warm season, the window should be open on an ongoing basis.

Water procedures

One of the most popular. Again, you do not need to throw the baby into the hole. There are softer and easier ways. In any case, do not forget to consult with your doctor about the type of procedures, their duration and frequency. When a child often gets colds, what should be done to correct the situation? Everything is simple. Spend regular bathing, rubbing and dousing with your baby. Start with warm water, gradually reducing the degree.

The water temperature should initially be at 32-33ºC. Wipe the baby with it for about a week, then reduce the degree by one unit. In the same vein, proceed every seven days, gradually bringing the water to room temperature. Children over 2 years old can start dousing - according to the same scheme. Taking a bath is an excellent hardening procedure. In addition, it brings joy to the baby, improving his emotional state. Bathe your child at a temperature of 35ºC, then pour water over him, which is a few degrees cooler.

Air baths

What to do if the child often has a cold? In addition to water procedures, carry out air baths with him. You can start the process almost from the first days of the baby's birth. First, leave the baby naked for one minute. The air temperature in the room should be at 20ºC. Gradually increase the duration of the air baths: by the year of the child's life, they should last 15 minutes.

When the baby is one and a half years old, the procedure can be carried out at 18 degrees, and after 3 years - at 16ºC. At the same time, the little one at this time should not sit still: let him jump, have fun, play. A very good hardening method is walking barefoot on an uneven surface: a pile carpet or a special children's rug. You can pour some pebbles or beans into the basin - it is also very useful to walk on them. When the baby grows up a little, teach him to run barefoot on the grass near the house for some time in the summer. Of course, before that, do not forget to inspect it for safety: remove sharp stones, broken glass and dangerous branches away.

Useful rinse

Do not be surprised. This common and even a little everyday procedure is another stage of hardening. Suppose a child often gets sick in kindergarten. What to do, you ask the pediatrician. In any case, he will advise your little one to gargle, especially if he is prone to tonsillitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis. The procedure is a prophylactic for this group of diseases, allowing you to gradually accustom the throat to low temperatures.

If the child is 2-3 years old, then rinsing should be done with boiled water at room temperature. At the same time, while the baby only rinses his mouth, after 4 years he is allowed to process his throat. In the cold season, when there is a strong surge in SARS, it is imperative to use a useful garlic solution for these purposes. It's easy to prepare. You will need one clove of garlic. It is poured with a glass of boiling water and the mixture is infused for about 2 hours, after which the solution is ready for use.

Gymnastics and self-massage

These activities also apply to hardening procedures. With their help, the body of the little one begins to activate its defenses to fight viruses. In addition, they raise the tone and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. With the smallest babies, start doing exercises from the first days of life. For example, during each swaddle, alternately pull the arms and legs of the baby in different directions, bend them. Do not forget to massage the head, back and tummy - in circular motions clockwise. With older children, you can already actively frolic: come up with a set of exercises with game elements and do such exercises with the whole family.

When a child is often sick with colds, you already know what to do. Add to that a massage. First, you conduct the sessions, then teach your child to do it on their own. Let him, after waking up in the morning, make it a rule to knead his hands, feet and neck. You can help the child by massaging his back and shoulders. This not only contributes to hardening, but also allows you to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system.


The gifts of nature will help your little one become stronger and more resilient. In autumn and winter, prepare decoctions for him from medicinal plants: mint, lemon balm, mountain ash, rose hips, cranberries and viburnum. These folk remedies are preventive, they saturate the body with ascorbic acid and useful substances that actively fight viruses and increase the body's resistance to various infections. For those kids who are often sick, a salad of nuts, honey, dried apricots and lemon will be useful.

Phytotherapy should be carried out in courses, for example, twice a year. Duration can vary from three weeks to two months. Between the courses themselves, the break should not last less than two weeks. Now you know what to do if the child is constantly sick with colds. An active lifestyle, sports, therapeutic exercises and massage, along with proper nutrition and a normal daily routine, will make the little one healthy, energetic, cheerful and joyful.

You do your best to keep the child from getting sick, but still, it happens several times a year. What to do? First, determine whether this is a variant of the norm or a deviation from it. Secondly, if we are talking about a deviation, then take all measures to strengthen the immunity of the child. We will help you sort out these two issues.

What is a frequently ill child

Children and adolescents are 6 times more likely than adults to suffer acute respiratory infections. The proportion of frequently ill children ranges from 15 to 75% 1 .

Frequently ill children are not a diagnosis, but a special category of children. It is characterized by the frequent development of infectious diseases from the respiratory tract. This is due to deviations in the immune status of the child, and they are functional (temporary), and not organic (permanent) in nature. Therefore, such children need dynamic (dispensary) observation and timely adoption of proper measures to strengthen immunity.

Back in 1986, clear criteria were developed according to which a child is classified as often ill. They depend on age:

  • up to 1 year - this is 4 or more episodes of acute respiratory infections;
  • from 1 to 3 years - 6 or more;
  • from 4 to 5 years - 5 or more;
  • older than 5 years - 4 or more.

Anything less than the specified parameters is regarded as a variant of the norm. Children must be sick, because. each new encounter with a microorganism forms an immune memory. In the future, this will allow you to quickly and effectively respond to the introduction of various pathogens into the body, and thus prevent many infections. But the natural process of developing immune memory in childhood does not always go smoothly. Sometimes it fails, further weakening the fragile body, which ultimately results in a state of frequent soreness.

It should be said that at present, in the world there are several standards for classifying children as frequently ill; in some of them, the number of ARI episodes is higher, in some it is less.

There are several reasons for frequent illnesses. First, it should be understood that the child's immune system is formed gradually; its formation is completed by the age of 15-16. Also, gradually, by the age of 6-7, the formation of the respiratory system and the lymphoepithelial tissue of the pharyngeal ring, which are involved in the functioning of local immunity and ensure the cleaning of the mucosa from microorganisms, foreign particles, etc., is completed.

The main pathological mechanism that causes frequent pain is functional malfunctions in the immune system. This condition predetermines that even a small amount of viruses (less than the standard infectious dose) that enters the respiratory tract leads to the development of the disease.

N.B. The infectious dose is the minimum amount of viral particles required to initiate an infectious process. It is different for different pathogens, therefore, highly contagious (easily transmitted from person to person) strains and low contagious (which are difficult to get infected) are isolated.

Viruses disrupt the natural mechanism of airway clearance and local immunity. And since the nasopharynx and oropharynx even normally contain bacteria (they are called conditionally pathogenic), conditions are created for their penetration into those departments where they should not be (middle ear, paranasal sinuses and lungs). An inflammatory process develops there - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, pneumonia, etc. This further depresses the immune system, so new infections develop easily, and the child goes into the category of frequently ill. The most common causative agents of these diseases are:

  • staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic;
  • virus;
  • streptococcus hemolytic;
  • Neisseria;
  • corynebacterium;
  • candida;

Frequent respiratory infections (ARIs) are not harmless. In addition to the fact that they exhaust both the child and the parents, they also lead to various complications.

  • Violate the development of all body systems. This is how chronic inflammatory processes are formed, which pass with the child into adulthood (chronic sinusitis, chronic otitis media, etc.).
  • Reduce the immunological status.
  • They lead to a lag in the child's physical and mental development, tk. frequently ill children have markedly reduced motor activity and limited communication with peers. This additionally violates his adaptation in society.
  • Contribute to the formation of background diseases due to insufficient exposure to fresh air. This is how rickets, dystrophic processes, anemia, etc. appear.
  • The tendency to allergic reactions increases, tk. such children are often prescribed an unreasonably large number of ineffective medicines instead of one or two, but the most effective in this situation. This leads to the development of allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, etc.
  • Reduced reproductive potential in the future, especially if an autoimmune process is formed (ie, when the immune system begins to damage the body's own cells).
All these dangerous consequences dictate the need for effective preventive and therapeutic measures. There is no time to lose - then, when persistent deviations form, it will be too late!

What to do - 5 rules

The problem of frequently ill children is a problem of the whole organism, so it requires a comprehensive solution. Its final goal is the formation of its own full-fledged immunity. To do this, you must follow 5 rules:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle - regularly ventilate the premises, walk in the fresh air, rinse your nose with water, be sure to wash your hands after being outdoors or attending events.
  2. It is rational to make a daily routine to avoid overwork.
  3. Eat well - in the diet should be a sufficient amount of protein, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Dress according to the weather so that there is no hypothermia or, conversely, overheating.
  5. Conduct immunorehabilitation 2 .

Since 80% of frequently ill children have impaired production, it is necessary to carry out immunorehabilitation with drugs based on this biological substance. As an active ingredient, it is part of Viferon (recombinant interferon?, variety 2B). The preparation is also additionally enriched with antioxidants (tocopherol - vitamin E and ascorbic acid - vitamin C). This allows you to increase the antiviral activity of the drug by 10-14 times. Thus, there is a double child. According to the results of the same study, it was proved that the clinical effectiveness of the drug in preventing ARVI is 92%. Other advantages of Viferon, which exists on the Russian pharmaceutical market, are:

  • possibility of use from the moment of birth, incl. and in premature babies born at 34 weeks or more 4;
  • clinically proven efficacy and high safety demonstrated in large randomized trials 5 (the current standard for assessing the quality of a drug);
  • ease of use - the presence of local (ointment, gel) and systemic (suppositories) forms.

The gel has different indications for use and is prescribed as a means of immune rehabilitation of a frequently ill child:

  • for prevention during the period of increased incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza during the off-season (October-March);
  • during the adaptation period to a preschool and school institution, when the child's body meets new microbes that were previously unknown to him.

This approach helps not only to activate local immunity in the fight against microorganisms, but also to maintain it at the proper level for a long time.

Suppositories Viferon, unlike ointments, are prescribed for an already developed infection in a frequently ill child. He needs emergency mobilization and reinforcement of immunity, so local forms are indispensable in such a situation. In most cases, the infection in a frequently ill child is mixed - both viral and bacterial, therefore Viferon is especially indispensable here. In addition to antiviral activity, it also exhibits antibacterial activity due to its effect on phagocytes and cytotoxic lymphocytes. These cells directly destroy bacteria. It has been proven that Viferon protects against potential respiratory infections and reduces morbidity among children at risk by 2-2.5 times 7 .

Suppositories Viferon are available in 4 dosages. Each of them contains a different dose of interferon recommended for a group of diseases. In children, suppositories containing 150,000 IU (Viferon-1) and 500,000 IU (Viferon-2) of interferon are mainly used.

With developed infections in frequently ill children, a step-by-step prescription of the drug is required, which will increase and maintain immunity. The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the consultation and taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

A phased approach to therapy followed by gradual withdrawal will allow:

  • restore the immune status of a child who has just had an infection;
  • naturally stimulate the production of their own interferons.

The main conclusion: a frequently ill child is not a sentence, but a call to action. If your child gets sick more often than it should, then start strengthening his immunity. This will help you 5 basic rules, which will not be difficult to follow. This way you will protect him from respiratory infections now and from serious problems in the future.

Is your child very sick and you don't know what to do? Many parents are familiar with such a situation when for almost half a year they do not see their child healthy, because one “cold” replaces another. And if the doctor asks them: "What are you complaining about?", they answer: "The child often gets sick."

Who is considered a frequently ill child

In domestic medicine, the following are often considered ill: children under 1 year old, if cases of acute respiratory diseases (ARI) - 4 or more per year; children from 1 to 3 years old - 6 or more acute respiratory infections per year; children from 3 to 5 years old - 5 or more acute respiratory infections per year; children over 5 years old - 4 or more acute respiratory infections per year.

Often a child gets sick not only often, but also for a long time (more than 10-14 days, one acute respiratory disease). Long-term ill children can also be classified as frequently ill.

Outwardly, acute respiratory infections can be manifested by a runny nose, cough, reddening of the throat, general weakness, and a rise in temperature. Frequently ill children may have one but long-term symptom, such as a persistent cough or cough, persistent nasal discharge, and the temperature may be normal. If the child has a constantly elevated temperature, but there are no symptoms of acute respiratory infections, this is often a sign of chronic infections and requires a detailed medical examination.

Why does the child often get sick

If a child is sick often or for a long time, this means that his immunity is weakened.

Reasons for weakening the immune system:

1. The functions of the immune system begin to form in utero, so intrauterine infection, prematurity or morpho-functional immaturity of the baby can lead to the fact that the child will often get sick later on.

2. The next important factor for the formation of immunity is mother's milk, so children who are breastfed rarely get acute respiratory infections, and vice versa, an early transition to artificial mixtures can lead to the fact that already in the first year of life, the child may often start to get colds .

3. In the first year of life or at an older age, as a result of various adverse factors, the baby may develop background conditions that weaken the immune system. These are intestinal dysbacteriosis, hypovitaminosis, rickets.

4. A pronounced weakening of the immune system often occurs after serious illnesses or surgical interventions. If a child has been ill with dysentery, salmonellosis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, his immunity is weakened.

5. Viruses greatly weaken the functions of the immune system. After suffering the flu, measles, and other viral diseases, the child has an increased sensitivity to infections and can often become ill.

6. Long-term use of certain drugs weakens the immune system. These drugs are immunosuppressants used in autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), some anticancer drugs, oral steroid hormones, most antibiotics. In the event that the use of these drugs is necessary, it is advisable to take preventive measures to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

7. The presence of chronic diseases in a child also contributes to the weakening of protective mechanisms and can cause the child to often get sick. Such diseases can be chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, sluggish and atypical infections caused by such pathogens as mycoplasma, pneumocystis, chlamydia, yersinia. Often the cause of a weakened immune system is worms, which are quite difficult to diagnose by feces.

8. There are congenital immunodeficiency states, including isolated immunodeficiencies, when a child has a disorder in one part of the immune system. Children with such immunodeficiencies may often suffer from some kind of recurrent, i.e. recurring illnesses. If a child is constantly ill with the same type of diseases, for example, recurrent thrush, chronic infection of the ENT organs, he should be examined in terms of the existence of congenital immunopathy.

9. Finally, a proper balanced diet and regimen are of great importance for the normal functioning of the immune system. A child can often and for a long time get sick if his diet lacks vitamins or nutrition is unbalanced, for example, there are no animal products or food contains a large amount of carbohydrates, but little protein and fat. If a child is rarely outdoors, leads a sedentary lifestyle, inhales tobacco smoke from smoking adults, this can lead to a weakening of his immunity.

How dangerous is it to get sick often for children

Frequently ill children are not only a medical but also a social problem. Such children, as a rule, have a disrupted preventive vaccination calendar, they cannot attend preschool institutions, and at school age they are forced to miss school. Parents often have to take time off from work and stay at home with a sick child.

In a frequently ill child, a “vicious circle” is formed: against the background of a weakened immune system, the child falls ill with acute respiratory infections, which, in turn, further weaken the immune system. As a result of the increased sensitivity of the body to various infectious agents and a decrease in protective mechanisms, there is a high probability of developing chronic, sluggish infectious and non-infectious diseases (gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, bronchial asthma, chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.). The presence of chronic infections can lead to a lag in physical development, allergization.

Frequently ill children may develop various psychological problems, “complexes”. First of all, it is an “inferiority complex”, a feeling of self-doubt. The impossibility due to frequent illnesses to live a full life for his age can lead to social disadaptation (the child may avoid peers, be withdrawn, rude, irritable).

Given such possible consequences, parents should be interested in preventing the weakening of the child's immunity.

Prevention: what can be done so that the child does not often get sick

Even during pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to take care of the health of the unborn child. A woman preparing to become a mother needs to exclude smoking and drinking alcohol. It is very important to attach the baby to the breast immediately after birth, when colostrum rich in immunoglobulins is released from the mammary glands. Breastfeeding is very important. Breast milk is the most important component for the formation of the child's immunity, therefore, even if there is not enough milk, it is desirable that the child receives it. If you have to supplement the baby, stability is important, i.e. there is no need to change formulas unless the child has an intolerance to the formula he is receiving.

As mentioned above, the weakening of the child's immunity can occur against the background of intestinal dysbacteriosis or hypovitaminosis. It is important to identify these conditions in the first year of life and correct them under medical supervision. Children under 3 years old in the autumn-winter-spring periods of the year are shown to prevent rickets with vitamin D preparations (vigantol, vitamin D2 and D3).

In summer, you can not carry out drug prevention of rickets, provided that the child spends a lot of time in the air (not necessarily in direct sunlight). In addition, often ill children are very useful sea air. Therefore, if possible, if a child often suffers from colds, he should be sent to the sea.

As a prophylaxis for weakening the immune system, you can use multivitamin preparations, but before giving them to a child, you need to consult a doctor.

It is important to have a balanced diet. For the normal functioning of the immune system, it is necessary that the child's diet contains proteins and fats of animal origin (dairy and sour-milk products, meat, fish), vitamins, the main source of which are vegetables and fruits.

In summer, children older than 4-5 months are very useful for fresh, not thermally processed fruits, berries, juices. They contain a significantly larger amount of vitamins than in the same products after heat treatment or canning. The body of a child can accumulate vitamins over the summer, which will strengthen his immune system.

Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body. There are different hardening methods. Some suggest pouring cold water on the entire body, others only on some specific areas (legs to the knees, shoulders and neck). There are types of hardening without water procedures (air baths). But for all types of hardening there are general principles.

Any hardening should begin gradually, gradually increasing the time of the procedure and gradually lowering the temperature of the water (or air). Hardening should be carried out regularly, and if for some reason the procedures were interrupted, they must be resumed from the very beginning. Only by following these rules can a positive effect be achieved.

Since worms are one of the factors that weaken the immune system, parents need to remember about hygiene measures: teach the child to wash their hands, avoid games in the hallway and restroom, make sure that the child does not pick up objects on the street and does not stroke street animals, periodically spend at home wet cleaning and washing toys with soap. Given the complexity of diagnosing worms by feces, it is possible to conduct prophylactic antihelminthic courses several times a year, especially in autumn.

What to do if the child is often sick

If a child is often sick, it is important to cure chronic diseases, especially the pathology of the ENT organs: chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), adenoids.

Parents of frequently ill children should consult a doctor (pediatrician, gastroenterologist, immunologist). Doctors will prescribe tests that will help determine the cause of weakened immunity. After that, depending on the cause, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and give appropriate recommendations.

If you are reading this article, then you are really worried that the child is often sick. This means that you have already begun to take steps to study and competently influence this problem. We wish you success and good health to your child!

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

Frequently ill child. Who is to blame and what to do?

No matter how much the author urges parents to treat childhood illnesses calmly and philosophically, not as tragedies, but as temporary minor troubles, not everyone succeeds and not always. In the end, it is not at all uncommon for a mother to simply not be able to say how many times a year a child has had acute respiratory infections - these acute respiratory infections simply do not end. Some snot flows smoothly into others, a stuffy nose passes into a sore ear, a reddened throat turns pale, but the voice is hoarse, the cough is moistened, but the temperature rises again ...


Previously, they said: “What to do, this was born” and added: “Be patient, it will outgrow.”

Now they say: "Bad immunity" and, as a rule, add: "We need to treat."

Let's try to figure out what you still need to do - endure or treat?

Parents should know that congenital immunity disorders - the so-called. primary immunodeficiencies are rare. They are manifested not just by frequent SARS, but by very severe SARS with the most dangerous bacterial complications that are difficult to treat. Congenital immunodeficiency is a deadly condition and it has nothing to do with a two-month runny nose.

Thus, frequent acute respiratory infections - in the vast majority of cases, a consequence of secondary immunodeficiency - that is, the child was born normal, but under the influence of certain external factors, his immunity either does not develop, or is somehow oppressed.

✔ Main conclusion:

if a child normal from birth does not get out of illness, then he has a conflict with the environment. And there are two options for helping: try to reconcile the child with the environment with the help of medicines, or try to change the environment so that it suits the child.

The formation and functioning of the immune system is primarily due to external influences. All that is perfectly familiar to everyone, all that we put into the concept of "lifestyle": food, drink, air, clothing, physical activity, rest, treatment of diseases.

Parents of a child who often suffers from acute respiratory infections should first of all understand that it is not the child who is to blame, but the adults around him, who cannot figure out the answers to questions about good and bad. It is very difficult to admit to ourselves that we are doing something wrong - we feed us wrong, we don’t dress like that, we rest in the wrong way, we don’t help with illnesses in the wrong way.

And the saddest thing is that no one can help such parents and such a child.

Judge for yourself. The child is often sick. Where can a mother go for advice?

Let's start with grandma. And what will we hear: he doesn’t eat well with you, he’s also my mother, he’s not able to feed the child; who dresses a child like that - a completely naked neck; it opens at night, so you need to sleep in warm socks, etc. We will feed you with songs and dances. Wrap tightly with a very warm scarf. Let's wear socks. The frequency of acute respiratory infections will not decrease from all this, but it is easier for the grandmother.

We turn to friends, acquaintances, colleagues for help. The main advice (wise and safe) is to be patient. But we will definitely hear a story about how “one woman’s child was sick all the time, but she did not spare the money and bought him a special and very biologically active vitamin complex with the addition of crushed horns of a high-mountainous Tibetan goat, after which everything went away - ARI stopped, the adenoids resolved, and the famous professor said that he was shocked, and bought the complex for his grandson. By the way, Claudia Petrovna still has the last package of these vitamins, but we must hurry - the goat hunting season is over, new supplies will be only in a year.

We hurried. Bought. We started saving the child. Ah, how easy it has become! It is easy for us, parents - after all, we do not regret anything for the child, we, parents, are correct. ORZ continue? Well, this is such a child.

Can we still turn to serious doctors?

Doctor, we have 10 acute respiratory infections in a year. We have already eaten 3 kg of vitamins, 2 kg of cough medicine and 1 kg of antibiotics this year. Help! Our frivolous pediatrician Anna Nikolaevna is of no use - she demands to temper the child, but how can we temper him so "immune"! We must have some kind of terrible disease wound up ...

Well, let's explore. We will look for viruses, bacteria, worms, determine the state of immunity.

Examined. They found herpes, cytomegalovirus, giardia, and staphylococcus aureus in the intestines. A blood test with the clever name "immunogram" showed numerous abnormalities.

Now everything is clear! It's not our fault! We, parents, are good, attentive, caring. Hooray!!! We are normal! Poor Lenochka, how much everything fell on her at once - both staphylococcus, and viruses, horror! Well, nothing! We have already been told about special medicines that will surely wipe out all this muck ...

And what’s also nice, you can demonstrate these tests to your grandmother, she probably didn’t even hear such a word - “cytomegalovirus”! But stop criticizing...

And we will definitely show the tests to Anna Nikolaevna. Let her realize her delusions, it’s good that we didn’t listen to her and didn’t become tempered with such a terrible immunogram.

The saddest thing is that Anna Nikolaevna does not want to admit delusions! Claims that staphylococcus is a completely normal inhabitant of the intestines in most people. He says that it is impossible to live in the city and not have antibodies to Giardia, herpes and cytomegalovirus. Persist! Insists that all this is nonsense, and refuses to treat! Again and again he is trying to convince us that it is not staphylococci-herpes that are to blame for everything, but we - the parents !!!

The author is aware that you can get very upset and even close this book. But Anna Nikolaevna is absolutely right with the highest possible degree of probability - it is really you, the parents, who are to blame! Not out of malice, not out of spite. Out of ignorance, out of misunderstanding, out of laziness, out of gullibility, but you are to blame.

If a child often suffers from acute respiratory infections, it is impossible to solve this problem with any pills. Eliminate conflict with the environment. Change your lifestyle. Do not look for the guilty - this is a dead end. Your and your child's chances to break out of the vicious circle of eternal snot are quite real.

I repeat once again: there are no magic pills “for poor immunity”. But there is an effective algorithm for real practical actions. We will not talk about everything in detail - many pages are already devoted to answers to questions about how it should be, both in this and in other books of the author.

Nevertheless, we will now list and emphasize the most fundamental points. In fact, this will be the answers to questions about what is good and what is bad. I fix attention - these are not explanations, but ready-made answers: there have already been so many explanations that if they did not help, then nothing can be done, although Lena is very sorry ...


Clean, cool, wet. Avoid anything that smells - varnishes, paints, deodorants, detergents.

At the slightest opportunity, organize a personal children's room for the child. There are no dust accumulators in the children's room, everything is subject to wet cleaning (plain water without disinfectants). Heating regulator. Humidifier. Vacuum cleaner with water filter. Toys in a box. Glass books. Folding everything scattered + washing the floor + dusting are standard actions before bedtime. There is a thermometer and a hygrometer on the wall in the room. At night, they should show a temperature of 18 ° C and a humidity of 50-70%. Regular airing, obligatory and intensive - in the morning after sleep.

In a cool damp room. Optionally - in warm pajamas, under a warm blanket. White linen washed with baby powder and thoroughly rinsed.

Never, under any circumstances, force a child to eat. It is ideal to feed not when you agree to eat, but when you beg for food. Stop feeding between feedings. Do not abuse overseas products. Do not get carried away with a variety of food. Prefer natural sweets (honey, raisins, dried apricots, etc.) to artificial ones (based on sucrose). Make sure that there are no food residues in the mouth, especially sweets.

At will, but the child should always have the opportunity to quench his thirst. I draw your attention: do not enjoy a sweet carbonated drink, namely, to quench your thirst! Optimal drinking: non-carbonated, non-boiled mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks, fruit teas. Drinks are at room temperature. If everything was heated before, gradually reduce the intensity of heating.

Sufficient minimum. Remember that sweating causes illness more often than hypothermia. The child should not have more items of clothing than his parents. The decrease is gradual.

The most careful way to monitor the quality, especially if the child takes them in his mouth. Any hint that this toy smells or gets dirty - refuse to buy. Any soft toys are accumulators of dust, allergens and microorganisms. Prefer washable toys. Washable toys to wash.


Daily active. Through the parental “tired - I can’t - I don’t want to”. Very desirable before bedtime.


Ideal for outdoor activities. Any sports that involve active communication with other children in a confined space are not desirable. Swimming in public pools is inappropriate for a frequently ill child.


Good at the place of permanent residence, when the state of health does not allow you to leave the house. First you need to stop being sick often and only then start attending a choir, foreign language courses, a fine arts studio, etc.


The child must take a break from contacts with many people, from city air, from chlorinated water and household chemicals. In the vast majority of cases, rest "on the seas" has nothing to do with the recovery of an often ill child, since most of the harmful factors remain, plus catering is added and, as a rule, worse living conditions than at home.

The ideal vacation for an often ill child looks like this (every word is important): summer in the countryside; inflatable pool with well water, next to a pile of sand; dress code - shorts, barefoot; restriction on the use of soap; feed only when she screams: "Mom, I'll eat you!". A dirty naked child who jumps from water to sand, begs for food, breathes fresh air and does not contact many people in 3-4 weeks restores the immunity damaged by city life.


It is extremely unlikely that a frequently ill child constantly hypothermia or eat ice cream in kilograms. Thus, frequent illnesses are not colds, they are SARS. If Petya is finally healthy on Friday, and on Sunday he has a stuffy nose again, this means that Petya found a new virus in the Friday-Sunday interval. And his relatives are clearly to blame for this, in particular, his grandfather, who took advantage of an unexpected recovery in order to urgently take his grandson to the circus.

The main task of parents is to fully implement the recommendations detailed in Chapter 12.2 - "Prevention of SARS". Avoid unnecessary contact with people in every possible way, wash your hands, maintain local immunity, vaccinate all family members against influenza.

If a child is often sick with SARS, it means that he is often infected.

The child cannot be to blame. This is the behavior of his family. So, it is necessary to change the model, and not treat the child.


Treating SARS does not mean giving medicines. This means creating conditions for the child's body to cope with the virus as quickly as possible and with minimal loss of health. To treat SARS means to ensure optimal parameters of temperature and air humidity, to dress warmly, not to feed until she asks, to actively drink. Salt drops in the nose and paracetamol at high body temperature - a completely sufficient list of drugs. Any active treatment prevents the formation of immunity. If a child is often sick, then any drug should be used only when it is clearly impossible to do without it. This is especially true of antibiotic therapy, which in most cases is carried out without real reason - out of fear, from fear of responsibility, from doubts about the diagnosis.


It is very important to remember that an improvement in the condition and normalization of temperature does not at all indicate that immunity has been restored. But after all, very often a child goes to a children's team literally the next day after the condition improves. And even earlier, before the children's team, he goes to the clinic, where he is examined by a doctor who says that the child is healthy.

In the queue to the doctor and the next day at school or in kindergarten, the child will definitely meet with a new virus. A child with immunity that has not yet strengthened after an illness! A new disease will begin in a weakened organism. It will be harder than the previous one, with a greater likelihood of complications, and will require the use of drugs.

But this disease will also end. And you will go to the clinic, and then to the kindergarten ... And then you will talk about a frequently ill child who “was born like that”!

It has become better - it means you need to start living normally. Normal life is not a trip to the circus, not a school, and even more so not a children's clinic. Normal life is jumping-jumping in the fresh air, "working up" appetite, healthy sleep, restoration of mucous membranes.

With an active lifestyle and the maximum possible restriction of contact with people, complete recovery usually requires no more than a week. Now you can go to the circus!

We must not forget that contacts with people are risky, especially indoors. Outdoor play with children is generally safe (as long as there is no spitting or kissing). Hence, a completely acceptable algorithm for visiting a kindergarten immediately after recovery is to go there when the children go for a walk. We took a walk, everyone went to the room for lunch, and we went home. It is clear that it is far from always possible to implement this (mother works, the teacher does not agree, the kindergarten is far from home), but at least this option can be kept in mind.

And in conclusion, we note the obvious: the algorithm of “actions after recovery” applies to all children, and not just to those who are often ill. This is in fact one of the most important rules that helps a normal child not become often ill.

Well, as soon as we started talking about "all children", we note that when going after an illness to a children's team, one must think not only about oneself, but also about other children. In the end, SARS can be mild when the body temperature remains normal. Snot ran, you stayed at home for a couple of days, and then went to kindergarten, while remaining contagious!

Antibodies to the virus are produced no earlier than the fifth day of illness. Therefore, it is possible to resume visiting the children's team no earlier than the sixth day from the onset of SARS, regardless of its severity, but in any case, at least three days must pass from the moment the body temperature returns to normal.