The skin around the nails bursts. Video: Proper treatment of cracks in the fingers. Deep, non-healing cracks and peeling of the skin on the fingers, near the nail, on the pads, phalanges, joints: causes

The skin on the fingers near the nails can crack for various reasons. The most common are frostbite, chapping and contact with household chemicals. There are other, pathological causes caused by infections or malfunctioning of the body.

No matter how perfect your manicure is, if the skin on the fingers near the nails is cracked, the hands look unkempt. There are several reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon.

Causes of cracks in the fingers near the nails

Cracks in the fingers near the nails can occur as a result of external causes or indicate internal diseases.

Therefore, they are conditionally divided into non-pathological and pathological.

The first do not pose a serious danger and quickly disappear when the source of the problem is eliminated. If the cause lies inside the body, a preliminary medical examination will be required, and then a comprehensive and, probably, long-term treatment.

External (non-pathological) causes

Insufficient skin protection

The most common external cause of cracked hands is insufficient or no protection.

Everyone knows that any household work should be done with gloves, and in frost and wind it is generally forbidden to leave the house without this accessory.

But those who treat this information lightly, as a result, first of all, receive an unpleasant bonus in the form of small tears in roughened skin.

Water influence

Particularly affected by prolonged contact with hot or cold tap water (and in some regions the chemical composition of such water is extremely doubtful) or salty sea water.

Influence of weather conditions, indoor microclimate

Frost, strong wind, sudden changes in temperature in the autumn-winter period, low indoor air humidity, typical for the heating season - all this does not have the best effect on the skin, thinning and overdrying it.

Household chemicals

Substances that are part of dishwashing detergents, washing and cleaning powders and other household chemicals corrode the epidermis, cause irritation and cracks.

Non-compliance with the rules of safe work

Land or construction work performed without the use of special protective equipment leads to the fact that the skin on the hands, especially on the index fingers, begins to dry out, roughen and crack from interaction with the earth, dust and building materials.

Wrong care

Inappropriate cosmetics

Dry skin can be caused by improperly selected, low-quality or expired cosmetics.

That's why do not save on your own health by buying cheap creams, and also regularly renew your skin care products by sending to the trash all tubes that have already expired.

insufficient care

Basic skin care involves regular cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

Use a moisturizer after every hand wash, and in hot or dry indoor conditions, apply it to your skin several times a day. Use a nourishing cream before bed.

Internal causes

If the skin near the nails cracks under the influence of internal factors, then, as a rule, long-term systematic treatment is required.

You can immediately determine whether cracks are pathological by the depth of skin breaks. If the causes lie inside the body, the lesion is especially pronounced.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to eliminate the problem with the help of cosmetic procedures - they can only reduce inflammation and reduce discomfort.

Deficiency of vitamins and omega-3 fats

They enter the body with food. They necessary for the normal absorption of nutrients by the body, for the regeneration of cells and tissues. And, although the daily norm of vitamins is small, without it a person cannot exist normally. So:

  • Vitamin A - is responsible for the normal condition of the skin, its youth and elasticity. With its deficiency, early wrinkles, pimples and cracks appear, and a person suffering from vitamin deficiency has a weak immune system and often looks older than his years.
  • B vitamins- needed to nourish and restore skin cells. If B vitamins are not enough, the skin begins to crack.
  • Vitamin C - supplies the skin with oxygen, preventing its early aging. With a lack of this vitamin, the skin becomes pale and lethargic, unhealthy in appearance.
  • Vitamin E - regulates the water-fat balance, so its deficiency immediately manifests itself in the form of dry and flaky skin, including on the hands.

Another valuable nutrient for the body is omega-3. It is part of the structure of cell membranes, a stabilizer of nervous, endocrine and metabolic processes in the body.

With a lack of this useful fat, the skin begins to dry out and fade, peeling and cracks appear, since the natural moisturizing and protective lubricant produced by the body becomes insufficient.

Diseases of the internal organs

If small tears are caused by internal pathologies, then they can be localized not only near the nails, but also between the fingers and on the palm itself. In this case, the cracks can be painful and even bleed.

Cracking of the skin is one of the symptoms of such diseases:

  • Eczema
    During the period of exacerbation of chronic eczema, in addition to peeling and swelling, there is a pronounced itching, large cracks on the palms and in the interdigital folds. The skin becomes tight and hyperpigmented.
  • Dermatitis
    With contact and allergic dermatitis, the skin on the hands dries and cracks up to the blood. Contact dermatitis develops after direct contact with an allergen. In this case, there is inflammation and swelling, redness of the hands.
    Allergic dermatitis occurs without direct contact with an irritant. In addition to the above symptoms, it is characterized by the appearance of small bubbles on the skin.
  • Endocrine diseases, hormonal failure
    Disruptions in the endocrine system can disrupt the metabolic process of the epidermis.
  • Diabetes
    It is characterized by local hyperkeratosis of the palms, wrinkling of the fingertips, dryness and cracks in the hands.

Infectious lesions

The fungus can appear in people of any age. The source of infection is usually athlete's foot, from where the infection then spreads throughout the body.

There are also certain professions whose representatives are at risk of hand fungus.

These are people who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to constantly expose their hands to aggressive external influences: builders, cooks, confectioners, dishwashers, field workers, etc.

As a result, the skin cracks and pathogenic microorganisms enter the body through the wounds.

Mycoses are dangerous because fungi release toxic substances as a result of their vital activity., which slowly but constantly poison the human body. In this case, not only physical, but also psychological discomfort appears.

External symptoms of fungal infection: dryness, slight itching and peeling and burning of the skin, layering of scales, wetting and discoloration of the affected areas, suppuration. When infected with candida, a white coating also appears in the lesions.


The skin barrier is a mixture of both fats, proteins and oils. The condition of the skin depends on how well these substances work together and how well they perform their protective functions. The quality of this layer is also affected by genetics.

If a person has a low protective skin barrier, dermatological problems, especially in winter, become more pronounced every year: cracks and wounds are added to the primary peeling over time.

How to treat cracks?

First of all, it should be noted that cracks caused by external factors can be treated at home. If the reason lies in the failure of the body, then external healing will inevitably lead to relapses.

The sooner you start treatment, the sooner a positive result will appear. Running deep dry wounds are difficult to eliminate.

Treatment with home remedies

Baths for hands

Make a potato broth. When the temperature of the broth becomes about 40 degrees, dip your hands in it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse them with clean warm water. Immediately after the procedure, you will notice that the skin of the hands has softened.

Infusions of chamomile, linden and nettle also heal and soften well. Just pour 3-4 tbsp. herbal base with two cups of boiling water and let it brew for 25-30 minutes. Use the composition as therapeutic baths.

Oil compress

This remedy is considered one of the best helpers in the fight against dry skin.

Make a mixture of vegetable and aromatic oils (for example, combine olive, avocado or almond oil with bergamot, sandalwood or tea tree oil in the ratio of 3 drops of ether per 100 mg of base).

Soak cotton sponges in the oil mixture, wrap the affected fingers with them and insulate them with cling film. Put on cotton gloves over the top. Leave the mask on all night.

Honey Glycerin Blend

Combine 4 tsp. glycerin, 4 tsp pure water and 2 tsp. natural honey. Thicken the mixture with a pinch of flour.

Apply the composition on your hands, soak for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water, pat your hands dry with a towel and apply a moisturizer.

Effective pharmaceutical remedies against cracks

Creams and ointments

Instead of ordinary soap, try to use antibacterial soap for washing your hands, replace running water with chamomile decoction, and use healing Bepanthen, Panthenol and others, similar in composition to the main component - dexpanthenol or vitamin F, as care ointments.

These funds are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription and heal wounds well. Frequency of application of funds:

  • Bepanten - twice a day;
  • Panthenol - 3-4 times;
  • Levomekol (used in the presence of open wounds) - 2 times;
  • Actovegin (used in cases of severe inflammation) - 2 times;
  • Radevit (helps with swelling and severe redness) - 2 times.

medical glue

For deep lesions, your doctor or pharmacist may recommend a special medical adhesive that will improve the skin's regeneration process.

For example, "BF-6" is a widespread antiseptic for external use. Used for quick healing of cuts, cracks, scratches, abrasions, burns and other damage to the epidermis.

medical glue is an elastic mixture with a yellowish tint and a pungent odor. This is an alcohol solution of synthetic resin, rosin and polyvinyl butyral with the addition of a special binder.

The product creates a film on the surface of the skin that is resistant to chemical and mechanical stress. As a result of such protection, the epithelial tissues grow together without sutures.

Prevention of cracks near the nail

Protect your hands with gloves!

If cracks occur on the fingertips, first of all, contact with aggressive household chemicals should be minimized. The use of rubber gloves is mandatory.

Use hypoallergenic laundry detergents.

Replace chemicals with natural products whenever possible. For example, grease from dishes is easily washed off with mustard diluted in hot water, and you can clean cups and plates with ordinary baking soda.

Also, do not forget about gloves when working in the garden or with building materials.

Using Moisturizers

Proper Diet

The skin of the hands suffers from a whole range of irritants, in particular, from improper and unbalanced nutrition. Your diet should be complete and varied, including vitamins and omega-3 fats.

  • Vitamin A is found in yellow, red and green vegetables and fruits, in many berries and herbs.
  • Sources of B Vitamins animal products, beans, yeast, nuts, cereals.
  • Vitamin D is rich in marine and dairy products, the liver of fish and animals.
  • Vitamin E is found in seeds, sunflower, butter and soybean oils, almonds, cereals and beans, green leafy vegetables, rose hips, sea buckthorn.
  • Omega-3s are fatty fish, oysters, shrimp, squid, red and black caviar, walnuts, flax seeds, and linseed oil.

Before looking for a serious cause of cracked fingers, make sure that you provide your skin with protection and proper care.

But if the wounds are deep and painful, and care products do not help you, see a dermatologist- perhaps your fingers really give an internal signal for help.

Video: What to do if the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks

All women want their hands to be healthy and beautiful. Cracks on the fingers are an unpleasant problem that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. If you are looking for a solution, then watch our videos, which suggest ways to deal with such cracks.

Cracks on the fingers near the nails can appear due to various reasons - internal and external. When the very first defects in the integrity of the skin appear, you should think about what could lead to their appearance, and try to remove the provoking factors. If the cracks appear constantly, deliver a lot of discomfort, and it is impossible to determine the cause of their occurrence on your own, you should definitely contact a specialist. This may indicate serious health problems.

Elimination of provoking factors

If cracks occur near the nail on one or more fingers, you should think about why they appeared. This may be as a result of prolonged hands in water, skin contact with a variety of detergents and disinfectants, as well as adverse environmental conditions.

To prevent this, all actions with water should be carried out only in special rubber gloves. They will reliably protect the skin of the hands from excessive moisture, will not allow the aggressive effects of chemicals that are used to wash dishes, floors, walls and clean rooms.

If cracks appear during the cold season, their occurrence may be due to adverse weather conditions. In this case, you need to go outside only in warm gloves, do not expose your hands to piercing wind and frost. Regularly apply cosmetics to moisturize, nourish and protect the epidermis.

The occurrence of a problem can also be due to improper skin care. Choosing the wrong creams that are not suitable for your skin type can further dry out the epidermis, causing it to crack. In this case, you just need to change cosmetics, and everything will work out very quickly.

Treatment of shallow cracks

A superficial crack on the finger is easily treatable. To do this, you can use regular moisturizers. The main thing is that chamomile, celandine and lanolin are present in their composition. Good results are provided by special wound healing agents - Boroplus, Panthenol, etc. They contribute to the speedy regeneration and restoration of the integrity of the skin.

Instead of cream, vegetable oils can be used. Chamomile, castor and peach oils have wound healing properties. You need to rub them into your hands several times a day and always at night. They effectively moisturize the skin, nourish it and promote recovery.

Regardless of what caused the crack, excellent results can be achieved with the help of fat masks. The easiest way to do this is to use fish oil. It must be rubbed not only into the skin of the hands, but also into the nearby nail from cracks 2-3 times a day. The only drawback of the method is that after applying the fat to the skin, you cannot wash your hands for the next 2-3 hours. This is necessary so that all the beneficial substances are absorbed into the epidermis and have time to exert their healing effect.

You can perfectly moisturize dry skin and prevent the occurrence of cracks near the nails with the help of cosmetic paraffin. This tool has unique properties to keep warm for a long time and create a greenhouse effect under the film. As a result of this, the release of moisture from the epidermis increases, but it does not evaporate, but effectively moisturizes the skin. The procedure can be carried out at home, for this you should melt a paraffin bar in a water bath and lower the sore finger or the whole hand into the liquid for 1-2 minutes. This action must be repeated several times, until a dense film of paraffin 0.5 cm thick is formed. After 15-20 minutes, the “glove” must be removed and the skin treated with cream. It is important to adhere to the required temperature regime (about 45 C), since if the recommended parameters are exceeded, a dermis burn can be provoked, further aggravating the problem.

Ointments for cracks

If you can’t cope with cracks with the help of conventional cosmetics, you can connect the treatment with folk methods.

Ointments made from natural ingredients with healing properties have a good effect on the skin of the hands:

  1. Miraculous properties are possessed by natural wax, nutria fat and gum resin. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions and melt over low heat. Rub into the skin of the hands 2-3 times a day.
  2. Combination 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 50 ml linseed oil, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 yolk has a moisturizing, softening and regenerative effect on the epidermis. Mix all components in any container and apply ointment to problem areas several times a day. The tool is prepared for 1 day, so during the day it must be fully used.
  3. An ointment of butter (50 g), honey (1 tsp) and a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, plantain 1 tsp each) has an anti-inflammatory and softening effect on the epidermis.
  4. A long-standing recipe for a healing ointment includes the use of goose fat (2 parts) with soapwort root (1 part).
  5. Ointment based on infusion of medicinal herbs from chamomile, plantain, calendula and string. You need to mix 50 g of butter, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. infusion of herbs and lubricate the cracks near the fingers several times a day.

It should be remembered that the ointment prepared from natural ingredients cannot be stored for a long time, but only a few days and only in a dark container in the refrigerator. The exception is an ointment based on goose fat. Any remedy is applied in a thin layer, and in order to increase the therapeutic effect of the components, a sore finger can be wrapped with a cloth on top.

Crack masks

Treatment of cracks with hand oil will help provide active hydration and softening of the epidermis, as well as rapid healing of damage near the nail. There are many recipes for masks, among which everyone can choose something to their liking.

The simplest remedy is honey and olive or sea buckthorn oil. For cooking, you need to mix the necessary components in a ratio of 1: 3. Apply the mixture to the problem area, put on cotton gloves on top so that it does not smear, and leave overnight.

An easy-to-make mask using grated raw potatoes and milk. Mix the components in any quantity. Put the composition on your hands and put on gloves on top. After 2-3 hours, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Regular use of masks from cracks on the hands near the nails will help the wounds heal quickly and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Therapeutic baths for cracks

Treatment of cracks in the hands at home necessarily includes the use of baths. They are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs and other components. The principle of their action is to provide a double effect. They not only successfully soften the skin, but also contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and the regeneration of the epidermis. After the end of the procedure, a nourishing and moisturizing cream should be applied to the hands.

Bath based on lime blossom (2 parts), chamomile (1 part) and sage (1 part). From a mixture of medicinal herbs, prepare a decoction in which you need to place your hand as soon as the solution has cooled slightly. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

A bath with starch will soften the cracks well - pour 1 tsp. powder 500 ml of hot water and hold hands in it for 10-15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out every other day.

It will make the skin soft, tender, and also effectively moisturize it with a bath based on flax seed and chamomile. First you should prepare a decoction of flax seed - pour 100 g into 500 ml of water and mix with a decoction of chamomile, which is prepared in a similar way. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is at least 10 baths. It is desirable to do them not every day, but after 1-2 days.

Promotes healing of cracks decoction of nettle and calendula, prepared in a ratio of 2:1. To achieve a positive result, hands in the bath should be kept for at least 20 minutes.

Compresses for cracked fingers

Treatment with compresses is carried out in parallel with the use of other methods. The most popular remedy is made on the basis of potatoes and milk. To do this, crush 2 boiled potatoes with 2 tbsp. l. milk. Apply the composition to cracks, wrap with a plastic bag and wrap. You can remove the mixture after 20-30 minutes.

Regular use of an oil compress will help get rid of cracked skin near the nails. Before applying the compress, the epidermis must be well steamed. To do this, you can use a warm bath, in which you should hold your hands for 5-10 minutes. After the skin is completely dry, preheated vegetable oil must be rubbed into problem areas. Put cotton gloves on top of your hands. It is best to do this procedure at night.

Medical treatment

With the ineffectiveness of folk methods, a doctor should treat cracks in the hands. After all, most likely, in this case, the cause of the problem is a violation of the work of internal organs and systems.

If a vitamin deficiency is established, a balanced and complete diet should be developed that can fully satisfy all the needs of the body. Sometimes it is advisable to take multivitamin preparations.

In case of fungal diseases of the skin and nails, in the case of diagnosing psoriasis, dermatitis, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. And if the cause of cracks is diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism - an endocrinologist.

It should be remembered that the appearance of cracks on the hands near the nails should not be left to chance. Indeed, in the absence of appropriate treatment, superficial cracks will very quickly turn into deep and painful wounds, which will be much more difficult to cope with, especially if a bacterial infection joins them.

A person's hands can tell a lot: about social status, fashion preferences, place of work, and even character traits. A woman's beautiful hands are long nails, smooth skin, well-groomed cuticles. But even the perfect manicure can be ruined by dry, rough skin on the hands and around the nails. It looks as if their owner has never cared for them. What is the reason for this unaesthetic phenomenon?

Why does the cuticle and skin around the nails dry?

There are many reasons, actually. Common ones include:

  1. Tap water. People living in cities use tap water to wash their hands, and it is saturated with chlorine. Result: dry skin around the nails and on the hands. The exception is the inhabitants of some villages, as they wash their hands in water without chlorine.
  2. Lack of vitamin E. With malnutrition or autoimmune diseases, beriberi often develops. Retinol (vitamin E) is responsible for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. When it is lacking, the skin around the nails and cuticles becomes very dry.
  3. Contact with chemicals on the skin of the fingers. As a rule, this occurs during work (house cleaning, disinfection of medical or other devices). Some chemicals cause not only dryness, but also inflammation of the skin around the fingernail.
  4. Weather conditions. There are many people who do not tolerate cold well. Some spend the whole day on the street in connection with work, others only need to go out there once without gloves so that the skin around the nails becomes dry and rough. For some, this problem haunts even in hot weather.
  5. Hormonal disbalance. The lack of certain hormones causes dryness and flaking of the skin around the fingernails. This disorder has other symptoms, namely: headaches, irritability, drowsiness, weight gain. They should be the reason for visiting the endocrinologist.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases such as dysbacteriosis interfere with the normal absorption of nutrients from foods, and therefore dehydration and vitamin deficiency occur. As a result: the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks. This reason is not eliminated at home. If, in addition to dry skin, symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, fever, bloating, you need to visit a gastroenterologist.
  7. Skin diseases. Cracks, dryness and yellowing of the skin near the fingernails often cause diseases such as dermatitis and fungus. Dermatitis can be contact (creams, lotions, oils) or food. The fungus is caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

It is easy to get rid of household causes with the help of the means that will be described below. If the problem is inside, these methods are used as ancillary in conjunction with taking medications that are prescribed by a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist.

Treatment for dry skin around nails

Depending on the cause, getting rid of this unaesthetic problem will be quite easy. That is, if it is not a hormonal failure and not a gastrointestinal disease, you can use the following remedies:

Cream "Zorka"

Active ingredients: floralizin, vaseline, pentol, sorbic acid.
The cream is effective for deep cracks in the skin of the fingers near the nails.

Tea tree oil

They can both soften the skin around the nails on the hands, and eliminate fungal infections. The oil has an antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal effect.

Glue medical BF-6

Sold in pharmacies. Prevents infection of skin cracks on the hands and around the nails. Mode of action: the drug seals the cracks on the fingers, and promotes their healing.

Folk remedies

When the skin around the nail cracks and peels off, home methods will help:

Glycerin and honey mask


  1. Honey - 20 gm.
  2. Glycerin - 20 gm.

Mode of application:

  • Heat honey and mix with glycerin;
  • Dip your fingers into the warm solution;
  • Keep 10-15 minutes.

Mask of cottage cheese and sunflower oil


  1. Cottage cheese - 20 grams.
  2. Oil - one tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • Warm up the oil;
  • Mix with cottage cheese;
  • Dip your fingers in the mixture or just lubricate them (as convenient);
  • Keep the mask on your fingers for 10-20 minutes;
  • Wash your hands with warm water;
  • Apply any moisturizer on them.

Hand baths with olive oil


  1. Olive oil - 20 ml.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to use:

  • Mix the ingredients and heat;
  • Pour into a small bowl;
  • Wash your hands with soap;
  • Dip in the bath for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal bath


  1. Oatmeal - 100 gm.
  2. Water - 500 milliliters.

How to cook:

  • Grain pour water;
  • Boil for 10-15 minutes;
  • The resulting jelly, drain into a free vessel.

How to use:

  • Dip your fingers in warm jelly for 10-15 minutes;
  • Wipe with dry wipes.

Calendula oil compress

Cooking method:

  • Heat oil (20 ml) in a small bowl;
  • Dip five or ten cotton pads into it;
  • Put them on your nails;
  • Fix with a bandage or plaster;
  • Keep 30-60 minutes.

This method is always effective if the cuticle and skin around the nail dries.

If the skin around the toenail is inflamed, this is most likely the result of a manicure or an infection in the crack. An equally common cause of trouble is an ingrown toenail. In this case, you should arm yourself with antiseptics (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol) and anesthetic creams (lifeguard, healer, bepanten).

An ingrown toenail problem can be solved at home. To do this, you need to steam your finger in hot water, lift the part that has grown with scissors and put a piece of cotton wool under it. In especially advanced cases (swelling, pain, suppuration), you should consult a doctor.

The appearance of cracks on the fingers and near the nail usually indicates dermatitis, fungus or psoriasis. The fungus can be cured at home with remedies such as Nystatin and Clotrimazole, but it is better to find out the causes of dermatitis and psoriasis from a dermatologist. Usually these diseases are treated with a diet, namely: the exclusion of alcohol and confectionery from the diet.


In order to protect the skin of the hands from dryness, you need to:

  • use cuticle oil or cream at least twice a week;
  • wear warm gloves in cold weather;
  • wear rubber gloves when handling detergents;
  • wash hands with water at room temperature;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • regularly undergo a medical examination;
  • timely treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • limit contact with people with carriers of the fungus;
  • during manicure, cover the skin around the nails with oil or petroleum jelly;
  • treat dermatitis promptly.

Subject to all these rules, the skin on the fingers and around the nails. It is unlikely to burst. The only exception can be psoriasis, since this disease is still considered incurable and all its causes are unknown.

Causes of cracked skin around the nails can be both quite serious and easily fixed. As a rule, treatment does not require special costs and efforts. Enough standard skin care and compliance with preventive measures. Serious causes of cracks and dryness are fungus, dermatitis and psoriasis.

For the treatment of cracked skin of the hands, it is necessary to know the main cause that provoked the pathology. As preventive measures, regular care and the use of protective equipment are recommended.

The mechanism of development of pathology

Why does the skin on the fingers crack near the nails? The pathological process has various causes, both external and internal. Frequent exposure of hands under water can be a trigger for the appearance of cracks. In addition, exposure of the skin to temperature changes and contact with detergents causes cracking and peeling. If cracking is caused by these reasons, then when the provoking factor is eliminated, it will disappear.

It is much more difficult if the pathology is caused by internal factors. In this case, long-term complex therapy is required.

Causes of an external nature

The list of external causes includes:

  • Sudden temperature changes. The skin of the hands is highly sensitive, and if additional protective measures are not taken, then its reaction can be catastrophic. As a result, the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks. Especially the hands suffer from cold. The wounds may begin to grow in size and hurt.
  • Household chemicals intended for washing dishes and floors have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin of the hands.
  • Poor skin care. And if other irritants join, then the development of pathology cannot be avoided.
  • Mechanical impact. Often, such a process occurs in people who operate agricultural tools in vegetable gardens or orchards, as well as in production workers. The skin on the hands becomes rough, dry and cracked. Provocateurs of the pathological process are water, land and production materials.

Internal provocateurs

As a rule, the process in which the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks is associated with a lack of certain vitamins or an internal disease.

Among the main reasons are:

  • Vitamin deficiency. The skin begins to coarsen, lose moisture and crack.
  • What else can cause a pathological process in which the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks? Fungus related to the defeat of an infectious nature.
  • Eczema and psoriasis. As a rule, these diseases manifest themselves in cracks between the fingers and near the nails.
  • Internal illnesses. These include diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, changes in hormonal levels, and nervous diseases.
  • Often the cause of the disease are worms.

Cracks caused by internal provocateurs can be localized between the fingers and on the palms. Such processes cause severe pain. From the inflamed areas, ichor can ooze.

Eliminating the process with the help of cosmetic procedures is not an easy task. They are not suitable for the final relief of pathology, but they can reduce the intensity of inflammation and remove discomfort.

Therapy at home

What to do when the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks? Treatment is advised to start with replacing the usual cosmetics with pharmaceutical products with a high degree of healing. The use of "Boroplyus", "Panthenol", "F-99" is shown. Creams promote the speedy healing of the skin. They act as an excellent nutrient in the presence of a dry structure.

If the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks, what else to do? The "BF-6" agent has a high degree of efficiency. Its use does not require complex equipment and knowledge of the sequence of use. A few drops of the product are applied to the crack, which quickly hardens. Such glue promotes the rapid fusion of the skin.


Ointment from cracks on the fingers can be prepared by yourself.

There are several recipes:

  • Based on yolk. The yolk contains nutrients. It combines with vegetable oil (half a teaspoon) and cottage cheese (2 tsp). Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected areas for 15 minutes. Oil helps to nourish the skin, and cottage cheese - healing.
  • Based on oil and honey. A little butter is rubbed with 1 tsp. honey. Ointment from cracks on the fingers is applied to the affected areas during the day. The oil and honey promote nutrition and hydration, while the honey promotes healing.
  • Rubbing oils with a healing effect into the skin of the hands is also advised. For example, chamomile, castor and peach oil are widely used. Apply funds as often as possible.

Applying masks

What else can be done if the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks? Many resort to the use of masks:

  • Paraffin based. This mask helps to moisturize and heal the skin. Cosmetic paraffin is required for the procedure. Fingers are lubricated with a greasy cream and dipped in a melted warm agent. Fingers should be in paraffin for 15 minutes. During this time, the substance envelops the skin. Then cellophane and warm mittens are put on hands. They are not removed for half an hour.
  • Fat based. You can also use plain fish oil. He rubs his nails. The product should be on the skin for at least 2-3 hours.
  • based on glycerin. This mask provides excellent care for dry and damaged skin. For the procedure, water and glycerin are taken in 1 tbsp. l. and honey - 0.5 tbsp. l. A small amount of flour is added to thicken. The resulting product is applied to the affected area. It keeps for 20 minutes.
  • Based on mummy. Two tablets of the product are diluted with water. The mixture is applied to the affected areas. The composition stays on the skin for as long as possible. Mumiye helps to heal the skin and eliminate itching.

Application of compresses

You can also do compresses:

  • Cotton swabs are soaked in oil and wrapped around the fingers. Then put on cotton gloves. The compress is removed in the morning.
  • Based on milk and potatoes. For this purpose, two potatoes are boiled and mashed in mashed potatoes, to which milk is added. The tool should be on hand for up to 20 minutes. It helps to nourish and soften the skin.

The use of baths

When the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks (the reasons are described in this article), baths are also used.

There are the following recipes for their preparation:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and vitamins A and E (a few drops). Lemon juice is also added. All ingredients are steamed to a temperature that is pleasant for the skin of the hands. The fingers stay in the oil for up to 15 minutes. The drug is not washed off. You should wipe your hands with ordinary napkins.
  • Oatmeal based. Bath with oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the skin. For this purpose, boiled oatmeal mixed with 1 tsp is used. honey and vegetable oil. All ingredients are mixed. Hands fall into the resulting remedy for 15 minutes. The skin of the hands should be moisturized with a nourishing cream.

Preventive measures

  • It is important to moisturize the cuticle skin with special oils.
  • When washing and cleaning, use special rubber gloves. In winter, we recommend wearing mittens or gloves. Do not expose your hands to the wind.
  • It is recommended to moisturize your hands with a cream or lotion.


One of the main rules is proper nutrition. It must be varied.

  • If the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks, vitamins are a must. To compensate for the lack of vitamins such as A, E and B5, it is justified to include butter, cereals, chicken and pork liver, as well as some types of cod fish, fruits and vegetables in the diet.

  • The Aevit vitamin complex, which is used both internally and externally, has a high degree of efficiency. In the latter case, it is applied to the affected fingers.


Cracks in the skin of the hands near the nails can be provoked by causes of both external and internal nature. To select the correct treatment regimen, it is necessary to understand the cause of the pathology. It is recommended to consult a dermatologist, since when the condition is neglected, the disease is difficult to treat.

With mild manifestations of the disease, you can use the use of home-made remedies.

The skin is a kind of biological barrier that protects the human body from the effects of harmful factors. And first of all, the hands with which we perform most of the manipulations suffer. Of course, such influences, especially of a long-term, periodically recurring nature, cannot pass without a trace, and over time, a person notices unpleasant consequences. But in addition to external factors, it is worth considering the presence of certain diseases, the general condition of the body, properly selected care, etc. Let's talk here about the causes of cracked skin, ways to protect the skin of the hands, prevention and control of this disease.

Cracked skin of the fingers around the nails - may also indicate the presence of diseases (as one of the factors)

Why does the skin on the fingers crack?

Consider the main reasons leading to the formation of cracks on the hands, near the nails:

  1. Most often, the skin of the hands cracks due to cold influence. Dry winter air and home heating cause the skin to lose moisture intensively, which leads to its gradual dehydration. Such hands look inflamed, reddened, the skin tightens, forming a network of cracks. This is often accompanied by pain. The picture may worsen in windy weather, especially in the absence of gloves or mittens, as well as in direct contact with cold objects.
  2. Negatively affects the skin of the hands excess sun during the warm months of the year. After all, if you can save yourself with gloves in autumn and winter, in summer it will not be so easy to protect always open hands from solar radiation. In addition to dryness and the appearance of cracks, solar ultraviolet can lead to premature aging of the skin, and it will be impossible to restore its beauty and youth. More often in this case, tanning lovers, residents of southern countries suffer.
  3. Another enemy of our hands - household chemicals. Hand washing, washing dishes without using gloves, house cleaning - all this negatively affects the epidermis. Even ordinary laundry soap can dry out sensitive skin, not to mention more aggressive products containing concentrated surfactants (surfactants), phosphates and chlorine.
  4. Wrong skin care can also damage hands. Caustic alkali and surfactants in the composition of cleansers, too intensive cleaning and the lack of an individual approach to the choice of certain products - as a result, the lipid layer of the skin is destroyed, leaving the hands unprotected and vulnerable.
  5. The skin reacts negatively to prolonged contact with water. The skin on the fingers near the nails cracks especially strongly. The reason for this is the disinfection of tap water with chlorine and the presence in it of the so-called hardness salts (calcium, magnesium salts). For similar reasons, the skin often suffers after visiting the pool.
  6. One of the common causes of cracking and roughening of the skin of the hands is mechanical impact. This primarily applies to people who work in the garden for a long time, workers in certain professions (for example, in production). The main danger lies in the fact that pollution or infection can easily penetrate the cracks, and the consequences can be disastrous.
  7. Often, cracks in the epidermis, especially on the fingertips, indicate a clear beriberi. The main role here is played by a deficiency of vitamins A and E. This may be the result of low-calorie diets, unbalanced nutrition, as well as the rejection of fruits and vegetables. Read about with.
  8. Non-infectious skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis). The presence of such diseases is characterized by an inflammatory course with the formation of redness, and painful dry cracks (often on the folds of the fingers).
  9. Dryness and cracking of the skin of the hands in a child are associated with common in childhood atopic dermatitis. By itself, this disease is not skin and has an allergic nature, but it manifests itself in the form of peeling and drying of the skin, including on the hands.
  10. One of the most unpleasant causes of cracks in the skin of the hands is fungal infections. They develop as a result of infection with fungi of the genus Candida or several types of dermatophytes, as well as with excessive use of antibiotics and a general weakening of the immune system. It is easy to recognize the disease: as a rule, changes affect not only the skin, but also the nail plates. The skin is reddened, flakes heavily and bleeds, and the nails, with the development of the disease, are prone to detachment from the nail bed.
  11. Cracked epidermis on the fingers and hands can be a symptom of some diseases of the internal organs. So, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are often accompanied by the appearance of dryness and peeling of the skin as a result of poor absorption of vitamins. If diabetes mellitus is suspected, cracks in the skin are one of the defining signs - an increase in sugar levels also increases the need to urinate, which causes the body to lose moisture and dryness appears.

How to prevent negative effects on the skin?

The first step is to identify the causes of discomfort. As mentioned above, they are indirectly divided into external and internal. What to do if the skin on the fingers cracks from exposure to negative environmental factors? By adhering to a few simple rules, the consequences of any external influence can be easily eliminated and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Rubber gloves to protect the skin of the hands

First, get in the habit of keeping your hands warm. You should not take risks and walk down the street without gloves in the cold season. The warmer your hands feel, the better. Avoid washing with too cold and too hot water, use substances with a neutral pH. Limit contact of the skin of the hands with aggressive household chemicals. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when using them.

Help at home, folk recipes

If you could not protect the skin of your hands, and your fingers still feel discomfort as a result of the negative influence of the external environment or uncomplicated diseases, they will come to the rescue folk methods. They can be successfully combined with basic care and treatment cracked skin, and sometimes the effect of such therapy can exceed all expectations.

Folk methods for dealing with cracked skin of the fingers, a bath with rose water

The most successful method has been proven herbal hand baths. Used for this chamomile, linden, oak bark, coltsfoot, aloe, plantain, flax seeds etc. Such baths relieve inflammation well and contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. Additionally, it is recommended to add vegetable and essential oils, for example, tea tree oil, fir, wheat germ. You can periodically bathe your hands in a solution of natural sea ​​salt.

Have a good effect compresses from grated raw or boiled potatoes. Leave such a compress for 20 minutes and do it several times a week. Auxiliary non-aggressive oils can be added if desired. Such compresses can be made from any crushed vegetables and fruits that can give juice.

Quickly relieves dryness and flaking honey mask and. The components are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, 2 parts of water and a tablespoon of flour are added. The mask is aged for half an hour under rubber or plastic gloves. Towels can be used instead of gloves.