Hair extension care. Additional care for hair extensions. Video: how to care for hair extensions

Beautiful, long, thick hair is the dream of any girl. Bad ecology, bad habits, malnutrition, daily use of all kinds of styling products are real obstacles to luxurious hair. Despite such a large number of destructive factors, today on the streets of the city you can meet beauties that amaze passers-by with long, thick, shiny hair extensions. In this article, we will try to consider in detail how to care for hair extensions on capsules or in other ways, the main aspects of using cosmetics, combing and drying options that allow you to keep your hair in perfect shape.

General rules of care

The hair extension procedure itself is not difficult. The most interesting begins after its completion. Owners of beautiful hair should know all the subtleties and nuances of competent care for extended strands. If you do not follow the recommendations of experts, then they will have to say goodbye to the dream of a beautiful hairstyle.

If the curls did not last long on the beauty's head, you should not blame the master for this. Professionals offering hair extension services have a lot of experience. They have a full hand, and the methods and materials used have passed laboratory tests and have stood the test of time. The only thing that can affect the duration of the effect of the procedure is complete, high-quality, timely care.

During the procedure, ask the master what method he uses. Depending on this, an appropriate courtship method is selected, which the girl will have to perform on her own.

Important! The use of cosmetics that correspond to the type of procedure will protect beautiful hair from its premature loss in the future.

Features of care

Today, there are several main fastenings of curls: tape, capsule (hot, cold), with the help of weaving strands. Each option requires special care, as well as the use of certain cosmetics.

Consider features of care and choice of shampoo for hair extensions, depending on the method of extension:

  • Tape extension. In this case, the hair should be combed with a comb with soft, sparse teeth. Do not comb your hair more than three times a day. Strands can detach and the hairstyle will become ugly. As for the rules of washing, preference should be given to shampoos without perfumes and aggressive chemical components.
  • Capsule extension makes one important point. Strands can be washed only a day after the procedure. Before washing the curls, they must be carefully combed so that there are no tangles. Hair can be washed only in the shower, it is forbidden to visit the bathhouse, the use of a hot hair dryer. It is unacceptable to use shampoos containing aggressive ingredients. With hot extensions, it is forbidden to rub masks into the scalp.
  • Weaving strands. Taking care of your hair with this method is easy. Girls need to pick up a mild shampoo and perform delicate combing of curls. Remember, this extension method is not suitable for short haircuts. Raising your hair into a high hairstyle will also be quite difficult. Only an experienced hairdresser-stylist can cope with this task. A popular way to weave in donor strands is Brazilian hair extensions.

Video: expert advice on caring for hair extensions.

Care products

Subject to proper care, as well as a competent choice of means, the result of the procedure can be proud of for 3-6 months. The choice of means for washing is one of the most important moments in care. You can not lose sight of any advice from a specialist.

The best care products are a professional line of cosmetics suitable for the type of natural strands. Professional shampoos, balms, masks and creams will preserve the natural beauty without harming the structure of the curls.

If it is not possible to purchase expensive cosmetics, you can stop at shampoos for normal hair. Using shampoos for dry or oily hair can cause strands to fall out, as well as the possibility of them drying out. Remember that hair extensions are devoid of natural nourishment. As for concentrated shampoos, they should be carefully diluted with water. It is best to buy ready-to-use shampoos.

Attention! The use of oil cosmetics designed to restore, strengthen the structure is unacceptable. Oil formulations will easily destroy the junctions of the strands. If you can not do without oily formulations, apply them only to the tips, do not distribute over the entire length.

Choosing the right way to care, pay attention to milk protein. It acts like an oil remedy, but does not destroy the junctions of the curls.

How to wash

Improper washing can significantly reduce the life of the strands, making them ugly and tangled. Remember, washing is done with gentle, gentle hand movements. Do not use too hot or too cold water. This can negatively affect the condition and appearance of chic hair.

Hair Wash Tips:

  • Before washing, the strands should be combed thoroughly.
  • When washing, do not tilt your head forward. The procedure is performed in the natural position of the head. It is best to do this under the shower.
  • Extended curls have a scaly structure. During improper washing, the scales may open. In this case, they will begin to connect with each other, clinging to each other. As a result, the hair will become very tangled, and it will be very difficult to comb them in the future.
  • Shampoo is applied with gentle movements. It is unacceptable to rub detergents into the roots. Such movements can seriously damage the capsules. The detergent is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair and kept for several minutes. Do the same with masks and nourishing balms.

With proper care, you can not rub detergents into the scalp, twist curls in a towel. The strands are gently wiped and dried naturally. You can comb after drying. Remember to hold the strands at the roots.

Attention! Do not forget about the timely correction of hair extensions. The procedure will get rid of hair entanglement at the attachment point and preserve the beauty of natural and donor strands. Read more about the correction and the timing of its implementation on our website.

Video: Marina Yakovleva tells how to properly wash hair extensions.

How to dry

Do not allow linen twisting, wet combing. Drying should be as gentle as possible. After washing, pat your hair dry with a towel. A dry towel will absorb some of the moisture. Leave hair to dry naturally.

In rare cases, you can use a hair dryer. Remember, extended strands will never restore a damaged structure, unlike live curls. Drying with a hair dryer should be done in a gentle mode. It is advisable to use thermal protective cosmetic preparations. Apply them to the ends of your hair.

How to comb

The purpose of combing is to avoid unwanted tangles. Purchase special tools first. The comb should have wide teeth without the usual tips. They can break the capsules and the hair will fall out.

Only dry curls can be combed. Gather them with your hand in a tail and start moving from the roots. After that, proceed to combing the middle. The last step is to carefully comb the roots. Eliminate tight hairstyles and bouffants.

Hair extensions have the thinnest constitution. It is very easy to damage it, but it is impossible to restore it. The hair will delight its owners for a long time, if you provide it with the right care.

Following simple recommendations, careful attitude will allow you to enjoy the result for many months. Caring for extended strands is a troublesome task. But only with this approach, they will attract the eyes of others, striking them with their beauty, density and well-groomed appearance.

Today it is very easy to become beautiful in one day. To do this, you just need to have the necessary amount of money. Especially popular among modern girls is the service of hair extensions. However, it should be understood that such curls require even more care than natural ones, and of course, it must be correct.

Hair extensions: care

Are the care products different from the usual ones?

The master must warn the client that it is allowed to wash the head no earlier than a few days after the procedure. In this case, special cosmetics for hair extensions should be used. Shampoo for such curls, as a rule, does not have any additives. Also, do not use ordinary detergents, in particular those for dry and

You also need to apply shampoo to your hair correctly. To begin with, a small amount of the product must be applied along the entire length, while it is applied in the direction of hair growth. Shampoo is not recommended to keep more than a few minutes. Do not neglect the balm.

Washing hair extensions also has several subtleties. Firstly, curls can only be washed while standing or sitting, that is, it is not recommended to tilt your head back. And secondly, they can not be washed with hot water.

In addition to the use of shampoos and balms, care for hair extensions involves the use of special nutritional products. Masks and lotions should become constant companions of a girl who decides to build up artificial strands.

If the hair needs to be dyed or styled, then you need to contact a specialist for help. This recommendation is extremely important, because otherwise the curls can be seriously damaged and will have to be removed.

Can hair extensions be blow dried?

All experts unanimously say that caring for hair extensions does not involve the use of a hair dryer to dry. At the same time, such strands cannot be dried with a towel. It is undesirable to twist them. If you still need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, then you must first apply thermal protective cosmetics. Also, in rooms with high temperatures (bath, sauna), you need to put on a special cap on your head.

How often can you comb your hair extensions?

Owners of hair extensions, experts recommend remembering one rule: you need to comb as often as possible. Responsibly it is worth approaching the choice of a comb. It is better to give preference to brushes with soft bristles. The presence of balls on the teeth is undesirable. It is better to start combing from the ends. In this case, you need to hold a comb in one hand, and hold a skein of hair in the other. It is not recommended to comb wet strands. The minimum number of combing should be at least three times a day.

How to prepare your hair for sleep?

It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with wet or even slightly damp hair. When they dry, they need to be braided or collected in a bun. Due to the fact that hair requires special manipulations in care, women who decide to build, it is recommended to learn about all the nuances of this procedure. And then the extended curls will be the perfect complement to the image and give self-confidence.

It is noteworthy that today there are extension methods that will minimize all the procedures that include the care of extended hair. Of course, in this case it all depends on the technology. For example, there is a so-called Spanish technology that allows you to use conventional cosmetics. The most difficult is the care of hair extensions when using English technology.

And finally...

Regardless of the method of transformation (extension), it is important to remember that only the correct and thorough care of such hair will prolong their beauty for a long period. Experts also recommend making a correction at least once every two weeks. There are also recommendations for hair removal. As a rule, it is better to remove artificial strands once every three to four months for a short period of time.

Not every owner knows how to care for hair extensions.

Of course, we all dream of thick, long curls that will look healthy and silky.

In our time, getting such a luxury is not at all difficult: just go to a beauty salon, where you will have hair extensions on capsules using the latest technologies.

But for some reason, immediately after we leave the salon, we forget that even such hair needs careful care. At least in order to admire the beautiful hair for as long as possible.

Certain difficulties are associated with hair extensions:

  • Slippage - up to 10% of extensions can slip and fall out. This, first of all, applies to those who have oily hair at the roots;
  • Calc. This item is influenced by the following factors: temperature change, abuse of saunas, baths and solarium, lack of proper care, hormonal failure, antibiotics and other medications, excessive hair loss;
  • Tangles - if it is wrong to comb the extended strands, then most likely you will have to deal with such a concept as tangles.

In order for you not to have to deal with problems that have already appeared, you just need to remember to take care of your hair extensions in time and follow certain rules.

At first it may seem difficult, but over time, any actions become a habit. In this case, these habits will be reflected in the beauty of your hairstyle.

Compliance with the following rules will allow you to properly take care of your curls at home.

The most important thing you should do in the first place is to get yourself special detergents and nourishing products for hair extensions.

They will help you get rid of excessive electrification, keep your hair strong, and make it easy to comb it.

These can be properly selected shampoos with a gentle pH, a balm or conditioner with nutrients, a moisturizing mask, a spray, and more.

It will be better if you contact the professional cosmetics department.

The next step should be to buy a comb with natural bristles without balls at the ends. This is the only way you can carefully comb your strands without causing the risk of damage to the capsules.

This moment is very important when caring for hair extensions, so you should not bypass it.

The first thing you should never forget is gentle hair washing. It was said above that this procedure should be done with special means intended for hair extensions.

You can perform this procedure at least every day, but be sure to adhere to the basic rules:

  • Don't turn your head down. Try not to disturb the capsules once again. Despite the fact that they hold the extended strands quite firmly, you should not take risks in order to avoid losing them;
  • Daily shampooing is not welcome. But still, if you need it, do it as carefully as possible;
  • Do not apply shampoo directly to the capsules. This can dry them out. Dilute it with water, only then distribute it evenly over the scalp and curls;
  • It is best if the water temperature is cool. Hot water has a destructive effect;
  • Forget about the fact that in the past you thoroughly rubbed the shampoo, turning it into foam. Now you need to do it as gently as possible, especially in the places where the capsules are attached;
  • All moisturizers, such as balms, masks, conditioners, apply exclusively along the length of the strand, try to avoid getting on the capsules;
  • Never use detergents designed for dry hair. Now you have hair extensions, and this is a completely different category. Dry ends, in the end, can be moisturized with additional masks.

After you have washed your hair according to all the rules, we begin the process of combing. Before that, blot wet strands.

Don't wrap your towel into a turban like you would with your natural hair. Such an action can lead to the rapid loss of extended strands.

Very carefully, start combing the strands from the ends, hold the capsules at the roots with your free hand to avoid strong tension.

To make combing easier, use a special conditioner during washing. And do not forget to get rid of tangled hair during the day.

Remember: wet curls are most susceptible to damage. So try to let them dry naturally.

If you don't have much time, then use a hair dryer with cool air. When blow-drying, do not direct air at the capsules and roots directly.

In a professional cosmetics store, pick up styling products with a pH level of 5.5 without harmful ingredients.

Consult with a consultant, let him choose what is suitable for hair extensions, and styling at home will become more efficient and easier.

To build a complex hairstyle, go to a beauty salon where professionals will work with your hair.

Use heat protectant while styling. Try not to catch the capsules with a hot iron or curling iron, otherwise they will collapse, and you will say goodbye to thick hair.

Avoid hairstyles with tight weaves. Tails should also not pull the hair too much.

Additional care at home

Of course, we all know that professionals can best take care of hair properly. But a trip to a beauty salon often costs a tidy sum.

If you follow all the instructions for home care, then most likely you will not need additional specialist services.

Read on for some more expert tips on how to take care of your hair extensions the right way:

  • When you are going to sleep, try to keep your curls from tangling as much as possible. To do this, carefully comb them, then braid them or make a loose tail;
  • Going to bed with wet hair is the biggest mistake many girls make. Be sure to dry them well;
  • If visiting saunas, swimming pools and a solarium is not alien to you, then wear a hat to protect your curls from overheating. This is more true for those who have used hot hair extensions. The cap will save the capsules from drying out, which often leads to profuse hair loss;
  • On vacation, every time after swimming in the sea, wash your hair with fresh water;
  • Perms, highlights, coloring and other similar hair treatments should only be done in beauty salons.

We all dream of beautiful thick hair. And if you decide on such a procedure, then do not forget about the full care of hair extensions.

Following simple rules and tips will allow you to avoid major problems with hair extensions and significantly extend their life.

Hair extensions allow you to transform from a mischievous girl with a sparse, boyish haircut into a sophisticated lady with thick, long curls in just a few hours. If you are also thinking about using this procedure, wanting to radically change your image or charm the guys from your environment, it will not hurt you to learn about the principles of hair care after extension.

What are the types of hair extensions

Today, there are many hair extension technologies, but all of them are divided into two main groups: hot (capsular) and cold. Hot extension involves the use of keratin or protein capsules, which, under the influence of high temperatures, solder your own and donor curls together, increasing the length and density of the hair. A similar procedure is typical for English, Italian and French hair extensions.

Cold building is carried out using special glue (Spanish technology), metal rings or silicone tapes. This procedure avoids the harmful effects of high temperatures on "native" hair. However, the term for wearing strands attached in a “cold” way is only 1-2 months, while after hot extensions, curls can last up to six months. The duration of this period depends not only on the professionalism of the master, but also on the quality of care for the extended strands after the procedure. We will talk about this further.

Principles of care for hair extensions

How to wash hair extensions

  1. The first hair wash should be carried out no earlier than 2 days after the procedure, so that the fasteners have time to fix well and the curls do not fall off ahead of time.
  2. It is better to wash your hair in the shower so that your head is in an upright position. This will avoid excessive tangling of the strands.
  3. Shampoos should be chosen with a neutral pH (equal to 7) and moisturizing action, preferably from a line of products designed specifically for hair extensions. In no case should you use shampoos for dry hair, this will lead to deterioration and rapid combing of the extended strands. Shampoo should be applied with gentle massage movements, without intense rubbing and friction.
  4. Hair balm is applied along the entire length of the strands, excluding attachment points. It should be washed off with clean, warm water, without the use of vinegar or citric acid, as these substances can damage the capsules.
  5. When wiping wet hair, abrupt movements should be avoided, gently drying the curls with a terry towel from top to bottom.
  6. Drying hair extensions is best in a natural way, especially if they were attached using the hot extension method. It is also recommended to abandon curling irons, tongs and other electrical appliances for styling.

How to comb and style hair extensions

  1. To comb the extended curls, you should purchase a special brush with soft, sparse teeth, of course, without balls at the end. Using a regular comb, you can damage the joints and at one moment lose most of the extended strands.
  2. Do not comb your hair until it is completely dry (this also applies to ordinary hair). You should start from the tips, gradually moving to the roots. Avoid sudden, jerky movements, because of which the extended strands can easily come off. To facilitate the morning combing procedure, hair at night can be braided in a loose braid or laid under a mesh.
  3. While wearing extended strands, it is better to refuse to bouffant, since their unraveling will not do without losing a large amount of hair.
  4. When styling, try not to touch the junction of the extensions and your own strands. If you need to use additional fixatives (foam, gel, varnish), make sure that their pH is neutral.

Other rules for the care of hair extensions

  1. You can dye extended strands, but you should avoid the penetration of paint into the places where the hair is attached and choose a dye that does not contain ammonia and other aggressive substances. Therefore, it is better to entrust the coloring of the extended hair to a professional master.
  2. When applying homemade hair masks, you should also avoid getting mixtures on the attachment points, especially if they include alcohol, spices, acids, mustard and citrus fruits.
  3. After hot building, visits to saunas, baths and solariums should be avoided, since the capsules may be damaged under the influence of high temperatures.

As we can see, taking care of hair extensions is not an easy task. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. And what could be more beautiful than thick, long hair. For the sake of such a decoration, you can sacrifice trips to the sauna or allocate a few extra minutes for the “correct” combing.

Proper care of hair extensions will help extend the life of your hair, maintain its quality and original beauty!

Today is not difficult. Salon masters will give your curls the desired length and volume in a short time. should be aimed at strengthening the roots of natural hair, maintaining the silkiness of the donor strands and protecting the attachment points from damage.

Different extension methods do not provide for any fundamental differences in hair care. There are some general recommendations that, regardless of the extension method, will help you enjoy your new hairstyle for a long time and keep the false curls in perfect condition.

The only essential tool you can't do without to ensure proper hair care is a special natural bristle comb without balls at the ends. Only she combs the strands carefully and accurately, without damaging the bonding points of the capsules. Hair care products you can choose yourself!

Hair extensions: care step by step

1. Gentle wash

2. Neat combing

3. Drying and styling

Extra care for hair extensions

Each extension technology has its own characteristics and subtleties of care: the master will definitely tell you about them. Feel free to ask questions. Caring for hair extensions is easy, but in order to avoid annoying mistakes, it is necessary regarding care. If you do everything right, then the beauty and well-groomed appearance of hair extensions can be preserved for many months.

Gone are the days when an ugly girl was looked at with regret, because those simply do not exist now. Modern cosmetology has not only stepped forward, but continues to develop at a rapid pace. Everything that nature did not finish in appearance is corrected, very often in a matter of hours. This also applies to hair. If you want luxurious curls - please, the appearance has changed beyond recognition. But in order for beauty to please as long as possible, provide it with appropriate care.

How to properly wash your hair

Hair extensions are no exception, pay attention to them, and they will thank you. The primary task is to learn how to properly wash your hair without harming the strands. Failure to follow simple rules will affect the appearance of curls, and, consequently, your appearance. Don't forget what the master warned about. Tangled hair is unacceptable. Learn the basics of washing your hair, and there will be no problems.

  1. Comb your hair gently first. Choose a detergent. If the shampoo is thick, dilute with warm water.
  2. Do not tilt your head back or tilt when washing. The water should run down your hair, not fluff it up. Therefore, it is recommended to confine yourself to a shower.
  3. Shampoo, conditioner and other preparations should be distributed over the entire length of the hair, and not rubbed in as with normal washing. Rinse off immediately after application.
  4. Drying is also required with care, blotting with a towel to remove moisture.
  5. To avoid tangling, wait until the strands dry naturally, and only then you can go to bed. The use of a hair dryer is not recommended.
  6. High temperatures are harmful to hair extensions, so refrain from visiting saunas and baths.

All measures for the care of hair extensions are primarily aimed at protecting against tangling. Get a special comb or choose another option, but with rare teeth and without balls at the ends. And then follow the proven combing technique.

  1. Wet or even slightly damp hair should not be brushed.
  2. Holding the curls at the roots (you can collect the tail for convenience), first comb the ends without pulling them.
  3. Move up and intercept at the back of the head. Pressing with one hand, comb the middle of the tail.
  4. Lastly, proceed to the roots, only very carefully.

Features of daily care

After hair extensions, the master should dedicate you to the intricacies of proper care for the new hairstyle. Many points depend on the extension technology. Some methods prohibit sudden changes in temperature. Sometimes you can wash your hair after two days. And other techniques warn against marine procedures.

But all hair extensions need to be combed periodically. To do this, use combs with rare teeth and rounded tips. Before going to bed, the strands should be carefully combed and braided into several not very tight braids. Such styling will protect against tangling.

Extra care
Like your hair, acquired curls require additional care in compliance with certain features. If in the natural state the masks nourish the hair follicles, then for the extended elements they are unnecessary. Moreover, some cosmetic products adversely affect their condition due to the content of active substances. But your own hair should not suffer, so professionals advise:

  • purchase special gentle masks;
  • in the manufacture of home-made nutritional formulations, exclude alcohol components, citrus fruits, as well as cinnamon, mustard and other spices;
  • you need to apply masks to your roots, avoiding contact with the attachment points.

The surest way is to consult the master who performed the procedure, since he knows the features of care that depend on the extension method.

Getting used to a new image, women often think about changing their hair color. It is better to think over this issue before building, then it is easier for the master to color individual strands. But if the desire came with a delay, contact the specialist who increased your hair. He will quickly and better select the coloring composition and perform the procedure itself.

Deciding to do the hair coloring yourself, consider some of the nuances. Acquired curls, unlike natural ones, are colored brighter, and the exposure time must be reduced. Make the coloring composition with a lower concentration and apply it, avoiding contact with the fasteners. If you ignore this moment, then the fixing strips can soften, and hair loss will begin.

The use of tinting shampoos also has its own subtleties. It is impossible to apply a thick layer, as with classic care. Experts advise to dilute the tonic in a glass container and walk through the strands with a brush, bypassing the fasteners. After dyeing, be sure to dry the hair at the roots.

Features of styling hair extensions

Whether native hair or acquired, female nature requires change. Experiments with artificial strands have their limitations, which will have to be strictly observed. This is due to the fact that in the total mass it is necessary to hide capsules and other overlays, therefore, one must learn how to do such manipulations as naturally as possible.

There is some limitation in the choice of hairstyles, most often the basis is loose hair, which is also not bad. Simplicity and elegance will emphasize the well-groomed length and beautiful shine of the hair. It is better, of course, if a professional who has completed the extension does this, as he knows all the intricacies of his work. Without such an opportunity, proceed with self-laying, observing the basic rules.

  1. When your washed hair is dry, comb through with a round comb using a blow dryer on a cool setting. To give additional volume, light mousses and products without the content of aggressive components are suitable.
  2. Curly curls on artificial strands can be created using curlers or curling irons. The main thing is that the temperature of the styling tool should not be too high.
  3. "Ponytail" - one of the affordable and stylish styling options. Carefully gather the hair at the crown, secure with an elastic band. Having selected a strand from the total mass, wrap it at the base of the tail. You can lightly sprinkle with varnish.
  4. A braid also diversifies daily hairstyles. When combing, try to mix natural and extended strands with each other.

You can choose a hairstyle option, despite all the restrictions. Just avoid bouffants, tight hairstyles, and heavy bobby pins. And remember that hot irons will destroy the capsule mount. In addition, the choice of styling depends on the method of lengthening, more precisely, the methods of fixation.

Caring for hair extensions is a tedious process that has specific features. But imagine the admiration of those around you for your unusually beautiful and well-groomed curls. Now you understand that your efforts will justify themselves.

Proper care of hair extensions is the key to maintaining a spectacular and long-term result after the procedure. Its main goal is to take care of the donor strands and maintain the health of your own curls.

You also need to know that caring for hair extensions is not so easy, because they do not receive vitamins and nutrients from fruits, unlike real ones.

Hair extension care at home

After the extension procedure, it is necessary to provide the hair with proper care. You should start by buying a special comb. For the uninitiated, a comb for caring for hair extensions is not much different from the usual massage brush, but the difference between them is fundamental. Firstly, the special hairbrush has a softer shock-absorbing cushion at the base. Secondly, her bristles must certainly be only of natural origin. Thirdly, such a comb does not have ball-shaped tips.

You need to comb the extended strands repeatedly during the day, at least 3-4 times. To neglect this rule means to doom the curls to constant tangling.

In addition, to avoid tangling the capsules, wash your hair in an upright position. It is necessary to apply shampoo and balm starting from the root zone. It is better to preliminarily dilute the product with water and lather in a separate bowl. If, out of habit, you do it right on the curls, then there is a high risk of damaging the capsules. Dry your hair in the direction of its growth.

As for care cosmetics, it should not contain conditioning substances. When choosing detergents for hair, pay attention that they do not contain a large amount of oils. The fact is that the lipid environment is the main enemy of capsular and tape extensions. Therefore, if before the procedure you are used to using shampoos and balms for dry hair, then later you need to switch to products designed for normal or oily hair. Also be sure to use moisturizing balms and leave-in serums. At the same time, cover only the hair sheet with them, avoiding the area where donor strands are attached.

Recipe for a moisturizing mask for hair extensions

In addition to expensive store masks and balms, folk remedies can also be used in the care of hair extensions. For example, a mask based on homemade yogurt perfectly moisturizes and straightens such curls.

Required Ingredients:

  • natural yogurt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • linseed oil - 1 tsp
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour 5 tbsp into a ceramic dish. l. natural yogurt. It is best to use homemade medium-fat yogurt.
  2. Place the raw egg in a separate bowl and beat until smooth.
  3. Mix egg mixture with yogurt. Add a teaspoon of natural linseed oil.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. If you have dark hair, then add 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.
  5. Apply the finished mask to dry hair and leave for 30 minutes. In no case, do not twist, do not wrap your hair in order to avoid injury. After half an hour, wash off the product with shampoo and apply a moisturizing balm.

How to take care of frizzy hair?

To begin with, I will tell you the basic rules for washing hair extensions. They are not very complicated, but the process of washing hair extensions is a little different from washing ordinary hair. You need to wash your hair carefully so as not to break the fasteners that hold the hair. These attachments can be different: special glue, metal beads, soldering and others.

  1. Before washing your hair, be sure to comb your hair well.
  2. You need to wash your hair while standing, and not lying in the bath. This way your hair won't get tangled. Also, do not tilt your head forward. And do not wash your hair in basins and a washbasin. If you do not follow these recommendations, you will get tangled hair after washing, which, in order to comb, you need to make a lot of effort and effort. However, you can very easily damage the attachment points.
  3. Do not use shampoos for dry hair. In general, at the expense of shampoo, be sure to consult with a specialist who has grown your hair.
  4. When you wash your hair with shampoo, in no case should you rub it into the hair roots, otherwise it may have a bad effect on the fasteners. Apply the shampoo to your hair without touching the roots. The same rule applies to air conditioners.
  5. After washing your hair, you do not need to rub your hair with a towel so that it dries faster. Simply pat them dry with a towel and let them dry naturally. By the way, this rule is also suitable for natural hair.
  6. Never comb your hair with a comb immediately after washing. So you will not only damage the attachments of hair extensions, but also your relatives. You can comb your hair as soon as it is dry or if you have dried it with a hair dryer.
  7. Never go to bed if your hair is wet. Be sure to wait until they dry. If you can't wait any longer, blow them out with a hair dryer or braid them overnight. The fact is that if you go to bed with wet hair, you will wake up with your hair tangled in a huge knot. And such a knot will have to be shown only to an experienced hairdresser.
  8. If you like to take a steam bath or actively visit the sauna, and you have hair extensions, then for such purposes you will need a special cap.

Comb your hair carefully and carefully. And at least three times a day! Also remember that your comb should not have balls at the ends of the teeth. You also need to spend more time combing your hair. They need to be combed, starting from the roots, gradually rising up. Do not comb the hair near the roots, so as not to damage the fasteners.

Remember also that you don't need to use a hair dryer, because you can significantly damage your hair extensions. If you need to use a hair dryer, use a special thermal spray to protect your hair. When you do your own hair styling, make sure that hot objects do not come into contact with the fasteners.

Basic rules for hair extensions

Every girl who has hair extensions wants them to serve her as long as possible. To do this, you must follow a few basic rules of care:

  • Forget about the fact that sometimes you can go to bed with undried hair. You should never do this if you have hair extensions! After a shower, they must be dried with a hairdryer, combed well and collected in a ponytail or braided in a loose pigtail;
  • Before going to a bath or sauna, check with your master if this can be done. With a cold capsular extension method, it is not forbidden to go to the bath, but it is still better to put a special hat on your head, but with a hot or tape extension, know that the entrance to the bath is closed for you;
  • Swimming in the sea or in the pool is also better in a special cap. If this is not possible, then after bathing, be sure to rinse the strands with shampoo and apply a balm;
  • If you are making nourishing masks for the tips or roots of the hair, then try to ensure that the product does not get on the capsules - they can “melt” or slide off;
  • As your own hair grows, you need to go for a correction, which will allow you to maintain the original look of the hairstyle. If your hair grows very quickly, then visits to the hairdresser should be more frequent. The fact is that in the process of growing your own hair, keratin capsules move down. The master will lift them up and fix them again.

How to dry and comb hair extensions?

The first rule that should be observed when combing hair extensions is that you cannot do this if they are wet, as the capsules can be damaged. First of all, you need to wait until the strands dry naturally or dry them with a hair dryer.

A comb must be purchased for hair extensions with sparse teeth and no balls at the ends. This will avoid brushing. And you need to comb them not from the roots, but from the tips, gradually moving up. In this case, the hair, of course, must be held, despite the fact that keratin capsules hold artificial hair very firmly. Before going to bed, it is better to braid your hair so that you do not accidentally pull out strands and so that your hair does not get tangled.

Choice of hair care products

Properly and neatly extended hair makes it possible to be proud of them for at least three months, provided that they are properly cared for. Choosing a hair wash is one of the most important moments in caring for them, so you should not lose sight of any useful advice from a specialist on this matter.

The best way to care for hair extensions will be a professional line that is most suitable for the type of native hair. Professional shampoos, balms and masks will help preserve the beauty of the hair, its freshness and shine, and will not destroy the structure.

Shampoos for normal hair can be a cheaper alternative to professional products. Using shampoos for oily or dry hair can cause strands to fall out or simply dry out the hair that has been left without natural nourishment. It is important not to forget to dilute concentrated shampoos with water before use, but it is better to immediately purchase ready-to-use formulations.

Hair extension care does not allow the use of oil products to strengthen and restore the hair structure, since such compounds can destroy the fixing strands of the capsule. Oils and other products containing fats can only be applied to the ends of the hair. An excellent alternative to oils when washing and nourishing hair extensions can be milk protein, which has a similar effect to fats, but does not violate the structure of the capsules.

Washing hair extensions

  • The first time you can wash your hair after building up no earlier than 2 days later. To do this, it is better to use a previously purchased special shampoo, if there is no possibility of such a purchase, you can use the usual option. The main thing is to make sure that there are no additives in its composition. Never use a dry hair cleanser.
  • Shampoo is also applied in a special way, namely, it is carefully distributed in the direction of hair growth from roots to tips. After 2 min. wash off. The main thing is to avoid getting shampoo on the attachment points of the strands.
  • You can only wash your hair in an upright position, throwing your hair back will lead to tangling. The water must be warm.

Drying hair extensions

  • Drying the hair occurs by gently blotting, avoid rubbing and twisting curls in a towel.
  • Drying should take place without the use of a hair dryer, let them dry on their own. If this is not possible, use the fast drying mode with thermal protective cosmetics.

Combing hair extensions

  • Combing should be carried out only on dried hair, always with a soft massage brush without balls on the tips or a special comb with sparse teeth.
  • First, comb the tips and gradually, after collecting the hair in a bun, we move to the roots. This procedure is carried out several times a day to avoid tangling of the hair.

Coloring and styling of hair extensions

  • Such hair can be dyed, but it is better to do it separately from your own. If you decide to change the color of already attached ones, it is better to entrust this to an experienced master who performs this procedure several times.
  • Styling should be done carefully, without touching the attachment points of hair extensions. It is better to refuse styling with impurities. Complex styling is done only in the salon by the masters.

  • It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with wet hair. Before going to bed, be sure to dry your hair well, and then comb it with a special comb. So that the hair does not get tangled during sleep, it is preferable to make one or two pigtails, securing them with an elastic band. Thus, you will save yourself from the exhausting combing of hair, which during sleep can become tangled and turn into an ugly mop.
  • Organize a gentle wash for your new hair. Modern extension techniques involve washing your hair on the first day. However, this point, nevertheless, should be clarified with the master immediately after the procedure. In addition, wash your hair only in an upright position and not with too hot water. Shampoo for washing artificial strands is better to be slightly diluted with water. Also, you do not need to wash your hair daily - frequent washing gradually destroys the structure of capsules or tapes and makes the hair extensions look unsightly. Never use anti-dandruff shampoos or products intended for dry hair.
  • Be sure to check with your master whether it is possible to visit the sauna or swimming pool. Today, salons use advanced technologies that allow you to lead a normal lifestyle on the first day after the extension and not adhere to any restrictions. But even if visiting the pool and sauna is allowed, it is recommended to wear a hat during such procedures, hiding artificial strands under it.
  • Dry your hair extensions properly. When drying artificial strands, try not to use a hair dryer, flat iron or other tools that dry out your hair. Drying hair extensions is preferably carried out in a natural way. If you still decide to dry your hair with a hairdryer, use heat protectants and do not keep the device close to the capsules.
  • Make corrections promptly. As your own hair grows, be sure to make corrections so that your hairstyle always looks beautiful and well-groomed. When your hair begins to grow, the capsules that hold the artificial strands slide down. During the correction, the master will gently lift them and fix them in the right place.

When the hair extension procedure is completed, the most important thing after that is to properly care for them. Since the hair is constantly growing, you do not need to wear hair extensions without proper care for them for three months. If the hair is well-groomed, then nothing will happen to them during removal. When the hair is fixed, it will not fall out, but over time, natural hair breaks down and even if the extension is well done, it looks like you have lost a lot of hair. In addition, hair extensions require precision and accuracy from the hairdresser.

Video: how to care for hair extensions

The beauty industry is developing at a gigantic pace, and today it has become a familiar reality that until recently seemed unattainable. This also applies to luxurious curls - the dream of any woman. Now, for its implementation, it is enough just to visit a beauty salon, which provides such a service as hair extensions. Quite a bit of time - and now, instead of the usual, but, frankly, far from luxurious hair, long, well-groomed hair appears. Delight! But in order to preserve this beauty for as long as possible, you need to be able to properly care for renewed hair.

Hair extensions - how to properly care?

Today, many methods for hair extensions have been developed. English, Italian, Spanish, tape technology or extensions on rings - they all have one thing in common, namely, that such a hairstyle will require special care. Regardless of whether they are used for attaching capsules, resins, or, attached to small (from 4 to 2 cm) ribbons, additional strands, then all this beauty needs careful treatment and special care.

Wash properly

Beautiful hair is clean hair. This rule has not been canceled, and it is also true for extended curls. They need washing like their own. And do not be afraid, as a rule, the fastening of donor strands is strong enough and allows you to wash them without fear that they will leave your head. But in order to avoid unpleasant surprises from this procedure, you need to remember and follow a few simple rules.

  1. First of all, you can start washing the updated hair only after two days have passed after the extension. This time is necessary for the final hardening of the fasteners. However, the master who worked with you must definitely warn about this. And, yes - before you start washing, do not forget to carefully comb the strands - this will reduce the risk of tangling during the procedure.
  2. The second is correct posture. Forget about washing your hair when you throw it forward, wash under the tap or rinse in a basin. My head is strictly vertical. A shower is ideal for this. Jets of water, flowing down from above, will help to wash the extended strands as gently as possible, without confusing them and without damaging the junction with native hair.
  3. It is better to use special shampoos and balms designed specifically for hair extensions. As a rule, you can buy them in the same salons where the procedure took place. However, similar products can be found in regular retail outlets. In this case, preference should be given to products with a neutral PH. The use of conditioners is not recommended. Do not use shampoos designed to care for thin and dry hair. Under their influence, the extended strands can begin to comb out intensively.
  4. The washing process itself must also be carried out as carefully as possible. The consistency of the shampoo should be so liquid that it can be simply applied to the hair without rubbing or smearing. If your product is thick, then it is recommended to dilute it with water. Leave the shampoo on the hair and actively massage it is also not necessary. On the contrary, it is better to wash it off immediately. After that, a balm is used, avoiding attachment sites when applying it. After maintaining the time specified in the instructions, the product is washed off with warm water.

Important! For washing, and, most importantly, for rinsing hair extensions, you need to use clean, warm, better filtered water. Vinegar, citric acid and other similar additives, which are often used when washing hair, can disrupt the structure of the substance that holds the donor strands together, which means they will last much less.

Video: why you need to wash your hair properly

Beauty requires sacrifice, and in the case of extended curls, saunas and baths can be attributed to these victims. High temperatures damage the fixing capsules, and the use time of the strands is greatly reduced. If it was not possible to overcome the temptation, then the hair must be protected with a special cap. Washing and combing your hair in such establishments is not allowed. As a rule, the water there is characterized by a high content of chlorine, which also does not have the best effect on the strength of the attachment of the strands. For the same reason, it is worth refusing to visit the pools.


It is equally important and properly dry the newly acquired curls. A quality terry towel will help with this. The main thing is that it absorbs water very well, because it is impossible to squeeze, twist and actively rub the hair after extensions. In order to remove excess water, you need to carefully, wetting movements walk a towel through the hair in the direction from top to bottom, trying not to pull the extended strands.

You can’t even use a hair dryer in this case - you just need to let your hair dry on its own. And, of course, you should not comb wet strands. It is not recommended to do this with your own hair, and in the case of extensions, you can lose most of them in this way. Don't even go to bed with a wet head. The strands can get tangled, and it will take a lot of time and effort to disassemble them.


To properly comb the extended hair, you will also need special tools. In the salon where the procedure was performed, you can usually buy a comb with soft, rare teeth. Another important point - if you are used to using a brush, then there should not be balls on its tips, which can easily damage firming capsules.

You need to start combing hair extensions from the ends. To do this, the hair is collected in a bun and, holding it in the fist of one hand, they begin to comb it out with soft, careful movements, gradually capturing an increasing length. This should be done carefully, avoiding jerks and sudden movements. If the hair is tangled, then, while maintaining patience and calmness, they must be carefully untangled. The hair roots are combed last. And one more thing - it is best to fix hair extensions at night as close to the capsules as possible. To do this, they are usually collected in a ponytail or braided into a weak braid. Otherwise, the capsules can get mixed up with each other and form tangles.

Extra care

And now, finally, your hair has acquired the desired volume and length, but, as always, you want something more. Often, donor strands still do not quite match in shade with relatives, and therefore there is a need for additional manipulations.


Of course, donor strands can be dyed, but there are certain difficulties associated with this. The fact is that paint cannot be applied to the attachment points. At home, doing everything right is quite difficult, therefore, in order not to be disappointed, it is best to contact the master. In the salon, they will help you choose the right product for coloring (usually they use a paint that does not contain ammonia, or another product in which its amount is minimal) and carry out the coloring procedure.

It must be remembered that with frequent staining, the extended strands become stiff and lose their natural look.


Hair extensions can also be styled. It is not forbidden to use a hair dryer, irons, tongs. But we must remember that it is impossible to expose the place of attachment of the strands to aggressive influence. In addition, it is best to give preference to styling and fixation products that have a neutral PH. However, in order to make a complex hairstyle, it is better to entrust your head to the specialists of a beauty salon.

Video: a little more about care

Masks for hair extensions

First of all, you need to remember that only your hair needs nutrition and additional care. For donor strands, these procedures are completely optional. Since the masks contain organic acids and other substances that act aggressively on the attachment points of artificial strands, it is recommended to apply them avoiding these areas. Most often, masks are used only in the root zone, but they can also be applied to the entire length of the hair.

Do not use masks, which include hot spices, in particular, mustard, cinnamon, and citrus juice. They can easily damage the fastenings of the extended strands.

It is better to make masks no more than once a week, and leaving the composition on the hair for longer than 40 minutes is not recommended. At the same time, experts advise using a ready-made product designed specifically for hair extensions. However, there are recipes for homemade masks.


  • 1-2 yolks (depending on the length of the hair);
  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 1 st. l. burdock oil.

Beat the yolks and add honey and oil to them. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the roots and strands, avoiding attachment points. The head is wrapped, trying not to twist the hair too much, and the mask is left for half an hour, after which it is washed off using shampoo.

  • 1 glass of kefir.

You can also enrich your hair with nutrients with the help of kefir. To do this, it is heated and applied warm to the strands of hair along the entire length, trying not to touch the attachment points of the donor curls. After leaving the mask on the hair for 40 minutes, it is washed off with warm water.


  • 5 st. l. natural yogurt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp linseed oil;
  • 2 tsp cocoa (for dark hair).

The egg is beaten and mixed with yogurt. Butter is also added there and, in the event that you have dark hair, cocoa. The mass is applied to the entire length of the hair and after 30 minutes. wash off with shampoo.

  • 1 sachet of gelatin;
  • glass of water.

Gelatin is poured with water and allowed to infuse. After that, the mass is thoroughly mixed, breaking all the lumps, and applied to the entire length of the hair. The mask is left for 40 minutes and washed off with water.


Since our hair, though slowly, but still grows, the places of attachment of donor strands descend more and more and become more noticeable. At the same time, the volume and natural look are lost. That is why hair extensions need to be corrected from time to time. The frequency of this procedure depends on which method was used initially. For example, a capsular extension needs to be corrected every 2-3 months, while after a tape extension, it will most likely have to be done in a month. The champion in terms of duration is considered to be extensions by the Italian microcapsule method. After it, the hair can be left alone for almost 4 months. However, if the roots of the industry’s native curls are 2-3 cm, tangled or “moved out” strands appear, then it’s time to pay a visit to a beauty salon.

Order of conduct

As a rule, the correction procedure, regardless of the method by which the extension was carried out, includes 4 stages. At the same time, the technology of its implementation will depend on the method of attaching donor curls.

  1. The first stage is to separate native and extended strands. For this, various solvents are used. For example, in order to remove curls applied with a tape method, a spray is used, under the influence of which the glue that fixes them on the head instantly dissolves. To get rid of the capsule attachment, the master uses a special solution that softens the capsules. After its application, they are easily broken with special tongs, and the strands are released without causing damage to natural hair.
  2. The second step is to prepare your own hair. To do this, they are carefully combed out with a special comb with small, frequent teeth. During this procedure, not only the remnants of fixatives, fallen and tangled hairs are removed, but also the blood supply to the scalp improves. After that, the ends of the hair are trimmed, and, if necessary, the regrown roots are tinted. At the same stage, the master determines whether it is possible to apply donor strands again, or whether it is worth letting the natural hair recover and taking a short break during which it will rest. This stage is completed by washing the head with a special degreasing shampoo, which also deeply cleanses the skin.
  3. The next step in the correction is the preparation of the strands. However, for tape extensions, it consists only in culling those that have lost too many hairs and are no longer suitable for reuse. But if the strand has retained its volume and appearance, then it can be used again. To do this, it is enough to apply glue to the fixing tape. A slightly different story with capsule techniques. In order to reuse the strand, the master first applies a heated substance - carotene - from which, using special tongs, forms a new capsule.
  4. Well, the final stage is re-building. Here the master reconnects the donor strands with the client's native hair. Again, depending on the technique, capsules, resins or, as in the case of tape application, special glue are used for this.

Sometimes, with inaccurate removal of curls applied by tape correction, remnants of the fixing substance remain at the hair roots. To remove it and prevent tangles and tangles, you can comb your hair using products that contain alcohol.

Video: hair extension and correction

Despite the fact that the correction procedure is considered quite simple, although it takes much more time than building, professional hairdressers do not recommend doing all its stages in one day. It is optimal to take a break of 6-10 days from removing the false curls and before re-fixing them.

Hair restoration

There is nothing eternal in our world, and the extended strands will have to be removed sooner or later. And then most women are faced with the need to restore the appearance and health of their own hair, because no matter how sparingly the master acted, the damage is still present. The least of the evils is the dull and lifeless appearance of one's own hair. But after all, it is also possible to lose both individual hairs and whole strands. So what to do?

The main thing is not to panic. With some effort, the hair is restored in a few months. This process can be divided into several stages.

  1. The first of these, and the most urgent, is a consultation with a good professional. The master will help with the help of a haircut to mask the places of active “flight” of hair. In addition, he will also recommend which of the lines of medical cosmetics and care products will bring the maximum benefit.
  2. Hair is part of our body, and therefore their condition largely depends on our well-being. Good nutrition, sleep and a healthy lifestyle will speed up their recovery. It would be useful to additionally drink a vitamin complex that directly affects the condition of hair and nails.
  3. During the recovery period, it is best to provide your curls with the most gentle treatment, that is, give up curling and styling with hair dryers, irons, tongs and other aggressive influences, preferring ordinary tails or braids.

Folk remedies

And, of course, you should not refuse the means proven by generations, which were used by our mothers and grandmothers. First of all, oils will help restore damaged hair. To do this, you can use burdock, flaxseed, castor, almond and even ordinary olive oil. If you regularly apply heated oil to your hair and wrap it up for 1-3 hours, the result will be noticeable in a month.

Do not forget about the masks, and here those of them, which include burning and irritating substances, come to the fore. Yes, yes, exactly those that had to be avoided by wearing extended curls. Now their active ingredients will help to wake up and stimulate the follicles of the hair follicles.

mustard mask

  • 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. l. warmed kefir;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of burdock oil.

All ingredients are mixed, and the resulting gruel is applied to dry hair. The head is wrapped. Since the mask turns out to be burning, it is kept on the hair for a short time - from 15 to 40 minutes.

Onion mask

  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 1 st. l. honey heated in a steam bath;
  • juice of half an onion;
  • 1 st. l. burdock or castor oil;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice.

Half of the onion is rubbed on a fine grater and the juice is squeezed out. Honey and oil are heated in a water bath and mixed with whipped yolk. Cognac, lemon and onion juice are also added there. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. Having covered them with a film and wrapped in a towel, they stand for 40–60 minutes.

Consequences of building up

Like everything in the world, hair extensions have a downside. First of all, during this procedure, one's own hair experiences an additional load, because on average there are from 1.5 to 2 kg of donor hair per head. This causes the increased loss following their removal. In addition, such a load can cause increased sensitivity of the scalp and even soreness.

Another problem is the fasteners. And if in the case of tape attachment, discomfort can only occur when there is a reaction to the glue, then the capsules with which the strands are attached are often perceived as a foreign body. They irritate the skin, interfere with sleep, and the hand reaches out to scratch the head. This often causes increased peeling, dandruff and even microtrauma.

Resin extensions can also severely damage the hair. Under the influence of high temperatures, their structure changes. The hair loses most of its fluid, becomes brittle and lifeless.

Of course, such consequences can not always be observed, but if you do not monitor the condition of the hair extensions and do not allow them to recover between corrections, then they may well arise.

Hair extensions make the dream of most women come true - to have long and thick hair. However, you need to remember that the updated hair will require careful care. In addition, your own hair with this method is damaged over time and may begin to fall out. So what, now give up the dream? But do not go to extremes, because with a reasonable approach, building up is really a fairly safe procedure. It is important to follow the recommendations of the master, spare no time to implement them, and then your hair will become the subject of admiration and envy of others.