Merry Christmas games for adults. Active New Year's game for the "Raduga" company. Merry contests for the new year: "New Year's masquerade"

On the eve of the festive night, has prepared a selection of interesting contests for the New Year's Eve for adults.

hold snowflake

Prepare small lumps of cotton wool that resemble a snowflake. The host - this may be an invited Santa Claus or one of the guests - gives a signal, and the participants begin to blow from below on the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The winner is the one who keeps the "snowflake" in the air the longest. Most importantly, do not forget to support and encourage the competitors. At the very beginning yesterday, you can prepare a small bag with sweet prizes and reward the winners with either a tangerine or something tasty.

Congratulations phrases

The host announces: "New Year's Eve is in full swing, and some people can hardly remember the last letter of the alphabet!" - after which he invites all guests to fill their glasses and make a New Year's toast, but ... with one condition! Everyone begins the congratulation phrase with a new letter of the alphabet. For example:
A - Absolutely happy to drink for the New Year!
B - Be vigilant, the New Year is coming soon!
B - Let's drink to the ladies!
It will be especially fun when the game reaches D, F, P, S, b, b.
The prize is given to the one who came up with the funniest toast phrase. The beauty of this Christmas game is that you can play it from the comfort of your desk!

New Year's prediction

On a large beautiful tray lies a sheet of thick paper, beautifully painted to look like a cake, consisting of small squares-pieces. On the inside of the square are drawings. This is what awaits guests in the new year:
heart is love;
book - knowledge;
penny - money;
the key is a new apartment;
sun - success;
letter - news;
car - buy a car;
a person's face is a new acquaintance;
arrow - reaching the goal;
hours - changes in life;
road - trip;
gift - surprise;
lightning - tests;
glass - holidays, etc.
Each guest "eats" his piece of the pie and learns the future. Fake pie can be replaced with a real one. Especially if there are children at the table who, after 2 spoons of salad, require sweets!

Telegram to Santa Claus

Ask the guests to name 13 adjectives. For example, “fat”, “red”, “hot”, “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”, etc. When the presenter has written down all the adjectives, the text of the telegram is obtained, into which the missing adjectives are inserted from the list.

And the text of the telegram: the following: “... Grandfather Frost! All ... the children are looking forward to your ... arrival. New Year is the most ... holiday of the year. We will sing for you ... songs, dance ... dances! Finally, the New Year will come! How do not want to talk about ... study. We promise that we will only receive ... ratings. So open your ... bag as soon as possible and give us ... gifts. With respect to you ... boys and ... girls!

New Year's round dance

The guests are divided into teams, after which they are invited to depict a round dance around the Christmas tree, organized by:
- in a psychiatric hospital;
- militia;
- kindergarten;
- armies.
It is necessary to depict a round dance not only in a fun and extraordinary way, but also in such a way that you can guess the characters that they are leading a round dance. The prize is given for artistry and wit.


Three people participate in this game at the same time. It can be both girls and boys. One participant is placed in the middle of the room, and the other two are blindfolded. One of these two is given ribbons in his hands - he must go to the person standing in the middle and tie bows on him wherever he can. The other person (also blindfolded) must find all the bows by touch and untie them.

"What do you like about a neighbor?"

Participants should sit opposite each other or in a circle - a festive New Year's table is also suitable! The host announces that now everyone should say which part of his neighbor's body he likes the most. When everyone tells these "intimate details", the host announces that now everyone should kiss their neighbor on the right exactly in the place that he liked! hopes that our selection of New Year's contests will help cheer you and your guests at the festive table on New Year's Eve!

Also we have prepared for you.

Contests and quizzes for the New Year holiday.

Funny games and contests for adults at the New Year's holiday

round dance

The players stand in a circle in the order "guy - girl", Grandfather Frost (leader) - in the center. Santa Claus says: “Do I have good hands?” Everyone answers: “Yes”, take the hands of the neighbors and walk around the leader while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, Grandpa asks again: “Is my stomach good?”. The players take on the stomachs of their neighbors and continue the round dance. What else is good with Grandfather Frost and what you have to hold on to while leading a round dance depends on the mood and degree of intoxication.


For the game you will need "snowballs" (you can crumple napkins or newspapers, the more - the better) and chairs according to the number of players.

Participants are divided into two teams. Players of one team line up on chairs in a line. The task of the opponents is to choose the most accurate, and he must send as many shells as possible in those standing on chairs from a distance of 10 meters. "Targets", in turn, can dodge. Then the teams change places.

The team with the most snowballs that hit the target wins.


For the game you will need the following props: a children's plastic stick and a puck. Several pairs participate: the woman depicts the gate with her feet, and the man must drive the puck into the “gate” from 3-4 meters. The winning couples advance to the second round, where men and women change places. The funniest thing about this game is the comments of "hockey players" and fans.


Players form 2 circles: outer - men, inner - women. The host announces what needs to be done to the players, and they perform tasks. The nature of the actions is determined only by the facilitator's imagination, for example: say hello as a wife and husband after a long separation, hug, strangle each other like a neighbor, scratch each other behind the ear, and so on. After each action, the outer circle moves clockwise.

Amazing Creatures

Each guest is given a piece of paper. The player must draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Then the sheet is folded so that the image is not visible - only the tip of the neck remains. The drawing is transferred to a neighbor. Each participant in the game had a new sheet with an image that he had not seen. Everyone draws the upper part of the torso, again “hides” the drawing and passes it on to a neighbor to draw the limbs on the new sheet received. And now you can expand all the drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them. The host can announce a competition for the best story about amazing creatures.

Prize in riddles

Any object that can act as a prize is wrapped in paper. The content of any riddle is glued onto the wrapper. This bundle is wrapped around again, and the riddle is glued again. This operation must be repeated 10 times. The players sit in a circle. The host gives a prize wrapped in ten wrappers into the hands of one. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the answer; if not, he reads the riddle aloud. The one who guessed it gets the right to further expand the prize, and everything continues according to the same scheme.

The prize is given to the person who guesses the last riddle.

For this game, you can use the following humorous riddles and questions:

What can't be eaten for breakfast? (Dinner and supper)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald)

Get up - reach the sky. (Rainbow)

About 40 million people do it at night. What it is? (Internet)

There is a dead man in the desert. Behind the shoulders is a bag, on the belt is a flask of water. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die of and what was in his bag? (The man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag is a parachute that did not open)

The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others? (Regardless of the distribution of residents by floors, button "1")

Where is the snowman from? (From ZIMBABwe)

What is it - the color of lilac, sees back the same way as forward, and jumps higher than the bell tower? (White blind horse, because lilac is white, and the bell tower does not jump at all)

What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands are doing? (phone sex)

What is: the kindest ghost in the world with a motor? (Zaporozhets)

What is it: there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, there is no head? (Lame behind the fence)

How good it is for you and me, I am under you, and you are on me. What's happened? (Hedgehog carries an apple)

What is it: flies and shines? (Gold tooth mosquito)

What is: 90/60/90? (Speed ​​at the traffic police inspector)

Earrings for simpletons. (Noodles)

What's on a woman's body

Jew on the mind

Used in hockey

And on the chessboard? (Combination)

What question will no one ever answer yes to? (Sleeping to the question: "Are you sleeping?")

When the goat is seven years old, what will happen next? (The eighth will go)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Remove each boot)

He left his grandfather and left his grandmother ... (Sex)

Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat, in felt boots? (Chukotka Santa Claus)

What is: two bellies, four ears? (Cat wedding)

Wrinkled Titus amuses the whole village. (Lack of youth in the countryside)

At what speed must a dog run in order not to hear the sound of a frying pan tied to its tail? (The dog must stand. This task in the company is immediately revealed by the physicist: the physicist answers that she needs to cub at supersonic speed)

There is a bald hedgehog - how old is he? (18 - he is taken to the army)

What are you looking at me, undress, I'm yours. (Bed. Option: hanger)

Now hanging, now standing, now cold, now hot. (Shower)

You remember it a little, it will be hard, like a potato. (Snowball)

Small, gray, like an elephant. (Baby elephant)

One hundred clothes, and all without fasteners. (Bum)

The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he get to? (To the police)

It nourishes in autumn, warms in winter, amuses in spring, cools in summer. (Vodka)

What do money and a coffin have in common? (Both are first boarded up, and then lowered)

The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps? (Only one, because the second one is already broken)

Four brothers stand under one roof. (Brigade)

Which word always sounds wrong? (The word "wrong")

Which wheel does not spin when turning right? (Spare)

Staff of Santa Claus

The chairs are placed in a row, the seats alternately in different directions, and the players sit on them. Santa Claus (leader) picks up his staff (mop) and begins to bypass those sitting on chairs. If near someone he hits his staff on the floor, this player should get up from his chair and follow the leader. So Grandfather walks around the chairs, knocking here and there, and now he is followed by a whole round dance of “snowflakes” and a herd of “bunnies”. The driver begins to move away from the chairs, walks in circles, like a snake; the rest repeat all the movements after him. Suddenly, at an unexpected moment for everyone, Santa Claus knocks twice on the floor. This is the signal for everyone to take their seats immediately. And this is now not so easy, because the chairs look in different directions. The driver himself tries to take a place one of the first. Now the one who did not get the chair leads.

Crawl to the Christmas tree

Several intersecting, intertwining "paths" of different colors are drawn on the floor with colored chalk, which end at the Christmas tree. Under the Christmas tree, of course, is the prize. At the beginning of each path, a card is placed describing the method of movement: crawling, goose step, back forward, jumping on the left foot, without the help of legs, etc. The players, having chosen their “path”, try to reach the end of the path as quickly as possible as described on the card. Whoever reaches the target first is the winner.

New Year costume

The host calls two couples and offers to make a New Year's costume using only newspapers, pins, clothespins and scissors. Winners are determined by other guests.

Fanta from a bottle

At the party, everyone is given two or three sheets of paper, and everyone writes their wishes on them. For example: "Depict a snowman who has begun to melt", or "Kiss Santa Claus", or "Perform a striptease at the Christmas tree." Then these pieces of paper are rolled up into tubes and put into a bottle of mineral water or cola. Everyone who wants to sit in a circle and play spin the bottle, but the rules are as follows: whoever shows the neck, he takes out one note, reads the desire and fulfills it. The highlight of the game is that the player can get his own phantom, so a reasonable amount of sadism and masochism in inventing desires is welcome.

Close circle of friends

Prepare papers with the names of body parts, fold them so that they cannot be read, and put them in a hat. The first two players are pulled out on a piece of paper and pressed against those parts of the body that are indicated on them. Then the third participant pulls out a piece of paper, where it is written which place he should touch, and so on along the chain. Then it all starts in the second circle. In this case, the chain should not be broken. The first grabs the last, the second grabs the first, and so on until the pieces of paper run out or until there is enough flexibility.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

All the girls present and the presenter remain in the room in front of the Christmas tree. Each chooses a Christmas ball and remembers it. Then the men enter one by one. The man who enters chooses any ball on the Christmas tree and, if he guesses some girl, drinks with her brotherhood or takes off one piece of clothing from her. After all the men have chosen once, they again leave the door, and the girls change the hidden balls. The one who hits the same girl two (three, four) times wins. The winner becomes Santa Claus, and she, of course, becomes the Nude Snow Maiden.

In this material, we present New Year's fun with which you can entertain your guests. In order for the participants to be enthusiastic about participating in games and competitions, let them first get used to it a little: chat, sit at the festive table, have a drink. And only then invite everyone to participate in the entertainment program of the evening.

"This item is needed to..."

The facilitator calls the participants any object (for example, a blanket, a pen, etc.), and they should take turns saying how the hidden thing can be used, starting the phrase with the words: “This item is needed to ...” The game becomes interesting, when all the obvious functions of a thing end and you have to invent them on the go. The one who could not come up with a use for the thing lost.

over bumps

This game is suitable for the moment when the feast is coming to an end and the guests want to warm up a bit. Two or three participants are given two sheets of paper. These are “hummocks”, and the floor in the room is a “quagmire”. It can only be crossed by stepping on each sheet in turn, and moving the other forward. Players must cross the "bumps" to the other side as quickly as possible without stepping on the floor.


An old and familiar game that you can change a little. Participants can get fanta out of the “hat” with funny tasks: depict an animal - a symbol of the coming year, sing a New Year's song, loudly call the Snow Maiden, etc. This, so to speak, is a traditional approach to this game.

But you can slightly modify the meaning of "Phantoms". Write on the pieces of paper various states of a person, but try to pick up only original and funny ones. For example, “puppy delight”, “stormy raskolbas”, “languid thoughtfulness”, etc. The player who pulled out the phantom must depict what was written without words, and the rest of the participants must guess what he is showing.

color kaleidoscope

This game is mobile and can be played by at least 5 people. Children love this kind of entertainment. After the facilitator calls out the colors (for example, yellow, then red, etc.), the players must grab some object of the named color. The host at this time counts to three. Who does not have time - leaves. The pace of the game can be increased, and its complexity increases.

blind artist

The players are divided into pairs in random order, one of the two partners is blindfolded and given a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen. "Blind artists" should hold their drawing device in an outstretched hand. The second participants are given sheets of paper, the topic of the future creation is reported. It can be from the simplest (draw a geometric figure) to quite complex (create a New Year's landscape). Then the "sighted" partners return to their pairs and begin to draw, moving the sheet around the writing object held in the hand of the second participant. At the same time, the “blind artists” themselves should not move their hand. After the end of the competition, their eyes are untied, and the winners are determined by the best and most accurately reflecting reality drawing.

football players

The host announces to the guests that a competition for the best football player will be held, and everyone can participate in it. Then balloons are distributed to the players. The task is to prevent the “ball” from falling to the floor for a certain amount of time (for example, 3 minutes). Someone will "mint" the ball with his head, and the most ingenious will simply blow on it from below, thus supporting it in the air. If it is not possible to identify a clear winner, then the game can be complicated: give the “football players” one more “ball”. The winner is the one whose balls do not fall on the floor.

Oh those fairy tales! Oh those storytellers!

This competition develops oratory skills and creative abilities of participants. On the cards you need to write the names of different fairy tales (for example, you can take Kolobok, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, etc.). Each player pulls out one piece of paper and remembers the plot of the fairy tale he got. Then the participants should tell what they remembered to the audience, but at the same time they should adhere to a certain genre (which can also be written on a card). For example, "Little Red Riding Hood" will sound differently in the detective genre, "Sleeping Beauty" or "Snow White" - in the melodrama genre. The most inventive storyteller wins.

Fair-selling men

To conduct this competition, at least three men will be required, for each of them “sellers” are selected: one or more women. As props, you need to provide participants with bright scarves, pieces of fabric, various jewelry, and cosmetics. The first task of the girls is to dress up their "product" as best and original as possible. You can create some recognizable image: for example, Casanova. This task will take no more than 3-5 minutes to complete. Then the "sellers" must advertise the "product" to potential buyers, they may even hold an impromptu auction. The team that does the best job wins a prize.

Too touchy and impressionable in this game is better not to participate - it's a shame when they don't share with you! Participants stand in a tight circle facing each other, while their hands should be behind their backs. The leader becomes the center. The players begin to imperceptibly pass an apple from hand to hand (with other culinary preferences, it is possible to replace an apple with a banana, cucumber, a piece of sausage, in the end). A person who has fallen into the center of the circle must guess who has the fruit at the moment. The difficulty is that you also need to bite off a piece of an apple - naturally, when the driver does not see. If the lucky owner of the fruit is "caught red-handed", then it is his turn to stand in the center of the circle. And so it continues until the main subject of the game is eaten entirely.

"Show Elephant"

Very funny, but quite a tough prank. The host starts a well-known game: you need to guess the animal, depict it without words, and all those gathered must understand who the participant is portraying. The facilitator leads the unsuspecting victim out the door and explains that an elephant (or any other animal that is easy enough to depict) will need to be shown. At the same time, you need to have time to inform the rest that the player will portray such and such an animal, and their task is in no case to name, “not to guess”, offering any other versions. Then, for some time, you can enjoy the sight of a surprised participant who cannot understand in any way whether he himself depicts an elephant poorly, or whether no one has ever seen this animal. The main thing is not to torment the victim for too long.

Two halves

The players are divided into pairs. The host announces the simplest, at first glance, task: cut a snowflake out of paper. Participants are given scissors and paper. If you are afraid that guests will cut themselves with scissors, then distribute bundles, wrapping paper and a bow. In this case, you will need to wrap the "gift". Then the partners should hug each other, hug, leaving only one arm free. Thus, the "halves" interlock into one two-armed whole. And now they must complete the task. Those who do their job faster and better than everyone else win.

New Year's Dictionary

It is necessary to prepare in advance cards with all the letters of the alphabet, except for Ъ, b, b, s, th opaque container. The host announces the preparation for printing of the Special Holiday Dictionary. Each participant in turn takes out one card and immediately names the word of the New Year theme, starting with the extracted letter. It is also desirable, together with all the players, to come up with a funny interpretation of this word. All concepts are written down so that later it would be possible to create a Dictionary in memory of the celebration.

New Year's songs

The host puts the words related to the holiday written on separate pieces of paper into an opaque bag or into a hat: “herringbone”, “icicle”, “snowman”, “hoarfrost”, “frost”, “snow”, “dance”, “gift” and etc. Participants take turns pulling out cards, and then trying to remember and sing lines from a song with a given word, receiving points for this. The winner is the one who scores the most points, i.e., remembers more songs.

snow shooting range

In advance, you need to prepare as many "snowballs" as possible - balls rolled from paper, cotton wool or, better, made from papier-mâché. You can use ping pong balls as snowballs. Participants are divided into two or more teams. Several people (one from each group) stand on chairs - now they are "targets". Opponents are trying to hit the target with "snowballs". At the same time, players on chairs can move, in every possible way dodge "enemy projectiles". The most accurate team wins.

In winter conditions

As you know, in order not to freeze in winter, you need to dress warmly. Invite your guests to see if they have a chance to survive the harsh winter frosts. Participants put on the given warm mittens and bathrobes. Their task is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task the fastest is the winner. The rest must be saved from the cold in another way - pour a glass of something intoxicating.

Leap into the future

Draw a “scale” in advance: you need to turn a long strip of paper (you can use wallpaper or toilet paper) into a kind of large “ruler”, that is, mark it in centimeters.

Now connect your imagination and write some New Year's wish or prediction near each mark.

It will be great if you write something humorous.

Participants will have to jump from a place in the long jump, see how much they jumped, and find out what awaits them next year.

Understand me

This game is similar in essence to the television show that was on our screens a few years ago. The participants are divided into two teams (at least 4-5 people in each). Teams line up in two rows. The facilitator passes to the first participants the cards on which the phrases are written, preferably more intricately. It is necessary to quietly and quickly transfer the contents of the card to the next player's ear. He tells the next one, and so on. The last participant must say out loud what he heard. The team that completes the task the fastest and, of course, does not lose the meaning of the phrase during the transfer wins.


The host will need to prepare for this game in advance. It is necessary to cut out various phrases from newspapers, preferably funny or ambiguous, and stick them on cards. Then these cards are distributed to the guests, and they will need to make a coherent story out of them.

It will be fun, especially if the prepared passages concern politics, show business, and many other areas of life; You can even take the endings of jokes.

And the further development of the game will depend entirely on the imagination of the participants.

Who said "woof"?

All participants stand in a circle, in the middle stands the blindfolded driver. At the command of the "blind" the round dance begins to move in a circle, at the other command it freezes. The participant standing in the center must point blindly at any other player, who barks once. After that, the driver must guess who he pointed to. If he is right, then the "barking" takes his place, and the game continues. The task may be too difficult, since it is difficult to determine the speaker from a short word. Then "Wow!" can be replaced with the phrase "Happy New Year!".

Now prove it!

The facilitator writes down the intended word on a piece of paper in advance (for example, “Santa Claus”, “Christmas tree” or something else on the New Year theme). All those gathered must, without knowing what was hidden, say what this object looks like. Then the host announces the word, and now each participant must prove that the hidden thing really resembles what he compared it with. For example, "Santa Claus is like a sofa because he is just as big and soft."

New Year... Even from the name of this holiday it breathes incredible freshness and magic, because with this holiday we associate new hopes, make new plans, wait for new gifts and unforgettable meetings. And therefore, many New Year's entertainments are directly related to these expectations, with fortune-telling and endless wishes to each other all the best in the new year.

New Year games at the table, presented here help to plunge into this magical atmosphere.

1. Game at the table "Next year I ..."

At the festive table, you can arrange an auction: who is the last of the guests to come up with a rhyme for the phrase: “Next year I promise ...” - receives a prize. At the same time, it is not truthfulness that is important, but the speed of inventing, the first thing that comes to mind. For example,

"Next year I promise-

I will give birth to many children!

Next year I promise

I'm flying to the Canary Islands, etc.

You can tighten the conditions of the game: let the guests sitting at the table come up with one by one (for “one, two, three”) did not have time, leaves the game, the winner is the one who has the richest imagination and the fastest reaction - he gets the prize.

If the conditions of the feast allow, then this game can be based on predictions. For example, everyone receives three pieces of paper on which he writes his wish or dream, then all the pieces of paper are collected in a hat, mixed, and what someone pulls out will come true.

2. Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table "Winless lottery"

Each guest draws (or receives for participation in games and contests) a lottery ticket with a certain number, each number is a certain prize.

Sample list of prizes:

1. You got a piano in the bushes - a New Year's calendar.

2. You surprised the whole world - get a souvenir.

3. And you have a hangover miracle and a miracle - a bottle of cool beer.

4. And for you, what adults and children love, of course, sweet candies

5. And you got a prickly darling, but a fork useful in the household.

6. And with this prize you will definitely not be lost, carry it with you and always leave full (gives a spoon)

7. Get a place to stash and a useful item to boot. (stockings or socks).

8. Remember us more often, invite us to tea (pack of tea)

9. Will give thrills, and come in handy, no doubt (jar of mustard)

10. You will be more beautiful with this prize of ours (some cosmetics)

11. Sadness and despondency will go away, here's fun for you all night (pacifier)

12. Even if something does not go well and does not stick, you definitely have something to hope for. (tube of glue)

13. You got the main prize - get it and sign (any prize)

14. In any feast, useful and important, paper napkins.

15. Three, whatever you want, it's not a pity, because you have a new washcloth.

16. Help solve the problem with styling your hair (curlers or hairpins)

17. Montana will envy such a product for a slender camp (family shorts)

1 8. Brush your teeth often, your smile will be cool (toothpaste)

19. To keep you hair, we will give you a comb.

20. We, friends, will not hide - now there is a fashion for crystal, a chandelier today we give you the production of "Montreal" (bulb).

21. You got a rose flower, which does not fade from heat and frost (postcard with a flower)

22. The symbol of the year given today will help you in any weather. (magnetik or souvenir)

23. Of course, it's not bad to win a Persian carpet or a house. But fortune rewarded you with a self-writing pen (pen)

24. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immense (notebook or notebook)

3. Common toast "New Year's alphabet".

In order to add playful notes to the announcement of toasts, the toastmaster in the midst of the New Year's celebration may, for example, doubt that the merry guests remember the alphabet. Then he invites everyone to fill their glasses and, in turn, make a toast for the New Year, the first with the letter “A”, such as: “ A wow, what a fabulous night! I propose to drink so that it never ends! The second person begins his toast, respectively, with the letter "B" and so on.

The most interesting thing is when it comes to "Y" or "Y". Here the facilitator can suggest that you can start with the exclamation: “Yyy! How good!” or “Wow, what kind of ladies have gathered here!” etc.

Of course, letters that do not represent sounds are skipped. A comic medal is given to the guest whose toast-congratulation was especially liked by the public.

4. Call for dancing "Both the boys and girls are all very good"

This board game can serve as fun entertainment and a call to the host announces that there is a New Year's sign, that whoever has fun celebrates the New Year, dances a lot, can "get out" from all problems and leave them in the past, then suggests a little warm-up. As soon as the word “boys” is heard, all the young people quickly get up and spin around their axis and sit down again, and at the word “girls”, the girls spin, respectively. And so - for every heard word "boy" and "girl". Ready, start.

In the New Year in our country, everyone gives gifts, and everyone gets hot from fun and love. Boys often give girls flowers so that all their dreams come true. And the Girls kiss them back and say that they are the best in the world. The girls raise their glasses for the Young Man, they wish the Young Men good health. Young men, of course, do not lag behind them, for the Girls today they dance and sing. The gathered Girls are, well, very good. And Young men with such - will dance from the heart.

5. Activation of the hall "New Year's bells".

Leading. In Central America, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, all the sirens and bells begin to ring deafeningly. Before the final summing up, it is time to arrange a deafening New Year's bell ringing.

(The host goes to the 1st sector.)
You will play the part of a big bell, ringing preferably low, booming and slow: "Boo-um! Boo-o-um!". Rehearsing…

(The host goes to the 2nd sector.)
You have a middle bell part, your sound is higher and shorter: "Bim-bom! Beam-bom!". Trying...

(The host goes to the 3rd sector.)
Your part is the part of a small bell, the sound is even higher and more frequent: "Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!". So…

(The host goes to the 4th sector.)
You also got a batch of bells, the sound is the highest and most frequent: "La-la! La-la! La-la! La-la!". Picture...

So, attention! The big bell begins to sound... The middle bell enters... The small bell connects... And ringing bells pour in...

Each sector performs its part - this is the bell ringing.

Option 2.Salute to Santa Claus.

The same game to activate the hall or you can organize before the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, offering to arrange a salute in their honor. To do this, the presenter divides the hall into three teams, the first, when Santa Claus appears, shouts in unison: “Hurrah!”, The second applauds loudly, and the third stomps his feet. Any game either in honor of Santa Claus or with him will be very useful.

6. Game at the table "In the new year without debt."

The lead to the game is something like this: “Everyone knows the sign that in order to live the whole next year without debt - you need to pay them off in the old year. I suggest for those who have not had time to do it yet to conduct a ritual. Here is my magic box (shows a piggy bank or box). Anyone who wants to part with his creditors once and for all can throw any amount into it, while internally you need to very strongly and sincerely wish yourself wealth and prosperity. And remember, the more generous you are in repaying debts, the more favorable the upcoming New Year will be to you!

Then the "casket" goes in a circle to the song "Money, Money". When everyone who wants to repay their debts “fills up the treasury” and the piggy bank returns to the host, you can arrange an auction, saying that one of the guests will become richer right now, it will be the one who most accurately guesses the amount collected. Have special people write down all the versions put forward along with the names of the "foretellers". Then, together, the people must choose a “banker” who will “break” the piggy bank and conscientiously calculate how much money it actually contains and hand it over to the winner (differences of five to ten rubles are allowed).

7. The game "Magic bag of predictions".

A list of inexpensive little things that you can take as gifts from Santa Claus: a box of matches, a balloon, chewing gum, a tennis ball, a lighter, a lollipop, a disc, a brush, a pencil, glasses, an adapter, a package, decals, paper clips, a tea bag, calendar, notepad, postcard, coffee bag, eraser, spinning top, sharpener, bow, magnet, pen, thimble, toy, bell, medal, etc.

Choice cards: What will I do with my gift?

I will kiss it

I'll powder my nose with this

Eat immediately with pleasure

This will be my talisman

I hope and I will admire

I will share this with my friends

I will fight off the fans with this

I will brush my hair with this

For this gift I will pray

I will use it instead of a spoon

I'll be waving it like a flag

I will make beads out of this

I will lick it and smack it

I'll be sniffing it all evening

I will share it with my loved one

I will write these letters

I'll stick it on my forehead, let everyone envy

I'll stick it in my ears and be the most - the most

I will stroke my neighbor's hands with this

I will ring it very loud

I'll put it on my hand instead of a watch

I'll sprinkle this on my hot

I will use this instead of cigarettes

I will beat my neighbor with this, he will like it

I'll put it in my pocket and keep it

I will draw a Christmas tree

I'll make a sandwich out of this

I'll make a snowflake out of it

Games at the table at the New Year's holiday help to entertain guests, cheer up, overcome the discomfort that many experience at the beginning of the party, activate them for dancing or become a good liner for presenting gifts.

The New Year is a special merry holiday with many symbolic associations. In order to celebrate it properly, it is necessary to come up with original Games and entertainment, quizzes and riddles that will help to perfectly organize a relaxed atmosphere and celebrate a significant event surrounded by happy faces.

How to organize a holiday

In order to have a good time and find the right approach to all guests, you need to choose entertainment for the New Year of a different nature, since all people perceive the same things in their own way. Don't force people to have fun. It would be more correct in the company of several people to start implementing the selected scenario, so that the rest would join the fun atmosphere with interest and enjoy the pleasant moments.

The most important thing on such an evening is not to be bored, to rejoice and have fun from the heart, not to think about the opinions of others about this and have fun. Shyness, excessive modesty are also inappropriate this evening.

You need to take care of the organization in advance by preparing modest gifts, cool entertainment for the New Year and the attributes necessary for their implementation. Pleasant musical accompaniment is also very important.

Entertainment for the family

Any holiday in the family circle is especially solemn and beautiful. Nothing can replace a circle of loved ones and relatives. It will be very fun to play funny fairy tales, and for dessert, arrange an original fortune-telling.

To implement such a scenario, you can take the simplest fairy tale familiar to the youngest family members and distribute roles. When the leader chosen by all begins to read the text, the rest stage actions. It is very interesting.

And for sweet fortune-telling, you can use kinder surprises. After eating the tastiest you will get to the toy, which will testify to how the next year will go. Fortune-telling can be interpreted in different ways, the main thing is to use your imagination as much as possible.

Extraordinary entertainment for the family will not let you get bored and will be remembered for a long time.

Diverse scenarios for kids 2-3 years old

To come up with entertainment for the New Year for the little ones is a responsible mission, because such an action requires awareness of child psychology and age characteristics. For kids 2-3 there are very entertaining scenarios that will provide an unforgettable holiday.

1. Snowballs. To do this, you must first make "snowballs" from foil or using cotton wool and glue.

Children can be told any fairy tale where it appears as which you can use a soft toy, and start driving it away with snowballs. The second option is to report that the room has become too hot and you should cool off by playing snowballs.

2. Dance ball. Children will be happy to dance and sing, especially if they are accompanied by their beloved parents.

It can be a dance of snowflakes to a mysterious, specially selected melody, complemented by tinsel, rain and other suitable attributes. The classic option is to dance around the beautiful Christmas tree. Another option is a dance with objects, which can be tambourines, maracas, scarves, etc.

3. Picking up something. It is very interesting for kids of this age category. You can start the game with the words: “The chanterelle was carrying balls, and along the way they fell and crumbled. She needs help” - etc.

Entertainment, games for children for the New Year

You can have fun with the kids in this way:

Regardless of the age of the guests, it will always be fun to play such simple games:

How else to entertain guests on New Year's Eve?

At the table, you can hold a competition with candy. The selected person must catch the contestant passing the candy, which is passed from hand to hand under the table.

In addition to competitions, do not forget about fun dance music, fervent video greetings, exciting games like "Twister", etc.

Presentation of gifts

No holiday happens without gifts, and especially such as the New Year. The process of presenting a present can also be played in a fun and uncommon way. Some ways how to do it:

This approach will emotionally set those present for a great pleasant evening.

Intellectual contests

For an erudite circle of guests, intellectual games and entertainment for the New Year are suitable, which will allow those present to show off their intelligence and ingenuity. Some ideas:

  1. "Funny associations". In the absence of one of the participants, the company makes up a word. Then the person who left comes back and begins to guess the association invented by friends by the method of leading questions. The rest respond and enjoy a fun pastime.
  2. "Investigators". Depending on the number of participants, one or more people leave the room for a few minutes, who, after returning, must “solve the crime”. They begin to ask questions, the answers to which are “yes”, “no”, “maybe”. The point is that there is no story, and the answers are given depending on the last letter in the question: vowel - yes, consonant - no, soft sign - maybe. The fictional story will turn out to be very fascinating before the investigators determine what the mystery is.
  3. "banal expressions". More suitable for small companies. A certain topic is chosen, according to which each of the participants comes up with the 10 most common words and writes them down on a sheet. After that, points are calculated, which are set depending on the number of matches. So, if on the topic "Cities" 8 out of 10 guessed Moscow, then everyone gets 8 points for this word, and for Milan, who met once, and a point, respectively, 1. The one who scores the most points wins.

Organizing entertainment for the New Year of this type is very easy. They will definitely bring new emotions to the table gatherings.

A fun program for a corporate evening

Any entertainment for the New Year will be a joy for the company, because you really want to escape from everyday work and forget about all the problems. Interesting ideas for celebrating in a team:

Games for an adult company

Such competitions and entertainment for the New Year are preferred to be used in youth, student companies:

New Year games in different countries

Most people are very fond of traveling, but not everyone knows what New Year's entertainment for the New Year is the most common in exotic lands.

In Thailand, this is a coconut contest where participants roll the fruit and try to break it without using their hands. The one whose attempts are successful receives a prize - a coconut.

Great entertainment for the New Year for children with a ball is practiced in Laos. Boys and girls stand in two lines opposite each other and throw the ball in pairs. The one who does not catch him must complete the task of the thrower. Couples change as often as they want.

Cambodian residents have fun with the help of fruits that look like dates. In our case, you can use apples. Participants are divided into 2 teams and stand opposite each other. In front of each lies 5 fruits and 1 in each hand. Next, team members throw one apple in front of the standing opponent. The goal is to keep as many fruits as possible in your hands. The team that catches the least fruit loses, and the winners receive a prize.

How to celebrate the New Year for a couple in love?

Some couples in love dream of celebrating the New Year alone, while others associate such a thought with a terribly boring pastime. You should not be upset in advance if friends cannot come, or for some other reason you have to spend New Year's Eve only with your loved one. On the contrary, you can take advantage of such circumstances and get even closer by creatively organizing a fun program, having fun in full.

First of all, you need to jointly discuss all the plans and expectations, determining the style of the festive atmosphere. It could be:

Depending on the chosen atmosphere, it is worth choosing entertainment for the New Year, decorating the room and enjoying excellent moments.

The most important thing is not to lose heart and have fun in full.