Peeling lip masks. Nourishing blends for lips. Cranberry balm

No one likes dry and chapped lips. The untidy skin of the lips gives a woman a painful look, ages, and sometimes causes pain due to the presence of small cracks.
Our lips need constant care and hydration. Especially in harsh urban environments.

What makes a woman beautiful? Smile, many will answer. And they will be absolutely right. A beautiful and sincere smile can win more than one heart. But she also loses her attractiveness if the lips are dry, rough or even inflamed.

So, in the cold, the lips become weathered, ugly swell. Cracks appear, which sometimes lead to various dangerous inflammations, for example, herpes.
In the hot season, they lose moisture, become dry and rough.

Also, habits such as:

  • Smoking;
  • Large amount of sugar consumed;
  • Lip biting;
  • Licking lips in the cold (leads to chapping);
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;

Use of expired cosmetic products (or poor quality);

Lip skin- thin and very sensitive to external factors, and therefore requires special attention.
At the same time, it is not at all necessary to constantly visit salons and buy expensive care products.
There are a huge number that can be easily prepared at home. At the same time, confidence in the naturalness and safety of such a product is maintained.

How does a lip mask help with care?

The main purpose of such masks is deep nutrition that ensures the health and attractiveness of the lips.
The natural products included in the composition have a huge amount of nutritious vitamins that are so necessary for the skin.

It should be noted that lip masks can act both comprehensively and partially. That is, such masks will have only one healing property.
For example, a honey mask perfectly nourishes and protects, a mask with the addition of menthol will help add volume to the lips, and a black tea compress helps tighten the skin on the lips.

What effect should be expected from the use of home cosmetics?

  • Lips become velvety and tender;
  • Get a healthy glow;
  • Acquire volume;
  • Lip color begins to look much brighter, even without applying lipstick;
  • Acquire additional protection from the action of the external environment;
  • Look well-groomed and seductive.

Choosing a lip mask Recipes.

For hydration and nutrition:

1. Mix a teaspoon of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of heavy cream (preferably 33%). Apply the mask in a thick layer on the lips and wait 10 minutes until it is absorbed.
Cream can also be easily replaced with vegetable oil. This tool is used daily, without harming the skin of the lips.

2 .Grate (you can use a banana or cucumber) on a fine grater and mix with a little butter or vegetable oil (about two tablespoons). Keep such a mask for 10-15 minutes, and then simply rinse with water or napkins.
3. Mix a tablespoon and a tablespoon of fat sour cream. Keep on lips for 5-10 minutes and rinse. Such masks make lips very soft and almost velvety to the touch.
But be careful if you are allergic to honey.

For volume:

1. Mix liquid lip gloss (use only a quality cosmetic product) with butter. Spread the resulting composition on the lips, and then massage them with a soft toothbrush. Then rinse off and see the result - the lips will become noticeably more voluminous. This effect will last for a couple of hours.

2 . Use regular Vaseline. Apply it on the lips with patting movements and massage.
In addition to giving volume, petroleum jelly helps protect against dryness and inflammation.

3 . A good way to give the effect of "plump" lips is cinnamon oil. Just apply it on your lips for 20 minutes and wipe off the residue with a soft cotton pad.


1. Mix one teaspoon of butter and castor oil. Add one tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of petroleum jelly to the mixture.
Apply the mask an hour before leaving the house and hold for 15 minutes, and then wipe off the remnants with a napkin and apply hygienic lipstick or balm.

2 . Brew one teaspoon in a cup. Using a cotton pad, soak it in and place the pad on your lips. Keep 15-20 minutes. Remove the compress and apply a balm to your lips.
Such actions will give the lips a fresh look and contribute to additional protection.

How to apply masks correctly?

1. Remember that if the mask should not be absorbed into the skin, then keep it for no longer than twenty minutes;
2. After you remove the mask from your lips, moisturize them with cream or balm.
3. Careful with scrubs! Massage the skin gently, in circular motions;
4. In winter, apply masks every day, and in warm periods no more than 2-3 times a week;
5. Do not add spicy or acidic ingredients to your homemade mask. In addition to the harmful effects on the delicate skin of the lips, they can cause an allergic reaction.
6. When using honey in masks, it is better to test the honey on your hand before applying the entire mask. If there is no allergy, then you can safely use the product on the lips.

Individual care tips:

1. Drink more water. Our body needs up to two liters of water per day. Then the skin, including the skin of the lips, will look fresh and stop drying;
2. Always keep a hygienic lipstick or balm with you;
3. Don't bite or lick your lips. This hurts them greatly;
4. Massage with a toothbrush is a wonderful procedure. Helps to eliminate dead skin parts and improve blood circulation.

All care tips are extremely simple, and as soon as you start using them in life, you will notice an excellent result. Thanks to such simple recipes, lips will look healthy and well-groomed. It is worth spending a few minutes a day to make your lips shine and become much more attractive.

Not everyone decides to go to a plastic surgeon for “beauty injections”, so a lip augmentation mask is considered an effective and relatively safe way to make them plump. The ingredients in it can be different, you should select those that work well. The effect will be short-term, but the mask is safe - it does not cause complications, there is no risk of bruising and swelling.

But! It is worth noting that a lip mask will not be able to give you a significant increase and long-term results. It is rather an express tool before an important event.

How do homemade masks increase lips?

The skin on the lips is very delicate and thin, it is completely devoid of sebaceous glands. Therefore, this part of the face is one of the first to age. Moisture is lost, wrinkles appear, lips become drier and thinner. Far from everyone decides on radical measures, and a lip mask at home not only makes them seductively voluminous, but also takes care of delicate skin.

The principle of any mask that enlarges the lips is a slight irritation of the skin and a warming or cooling effect. Due to this, they become more voluminous until the skin calms down. But since masks do not bring much harm, they can be done quite often. And in combination with massage, they exfoliate the skin, help to renew it, make it younger, smoother, more beautiful and elastic.

To begin with, it is advisable to check whether the components of the mask are allergens. To do this, you can apply them to the bend of the elbow from the inside, and if after a couple of hours there is no burning, itching, swelling, redness, you can apply a lip mask. If it contains particularly aggressive components, a balm or petroleum jelly is applied under the mask. In order for the lips to increase, and not to swell, precautions should be followed.

Components must be fresh and of high quality. The mask is applied after a light massage, as an option, it can also be carried out after application directly on it. So all the components are better absorbed and the mask will work more efficiently. It is undesirable to go beyond the border - the skin around them may turn red. Do not apply the mask for a longer period than recommended in the recipe. From this, it will not work better, but you can burn delicate skin.

The components of a lip mask to increase volume are the most common. The most popular of them:

  • A couple of drops of peppermint essential oil are added to half a teaspoon of sour cream. The mixture is applied to the lips, aged for 15-20 minutes and gently removed with a napkin.
  • Kefir is mixed with natural lemon juice. Half a teaspoon of yogurt and 5-6 drops of juice is enough for lips to gain a pleasant volume.
  • Sour cream is mixed with oil or cinnamon powder and applied for 15 minutes. If such a mask bakes strongly, it should be immediately washed off with lukewarm water.
  • Cayenne pepper is added to high-quality butter at the tip of a knife. Oils should be taken approximately from beans. The mixture should stand for about an hour so that the oil is soaked with pepper. And then it is applied for 10-15 minutes. Excess is removed with a napkin.
  • If plump sexy lips need to be done urgently, you should use regular toothpaste. She lubricates her lips strictly to the border. After 5 minutes, you can wash off. Pasta should be with a pronounced mint flavor, fruit will not work.

In order to maintain elasticity and volume, lips should be lubricated with honey as often as possible. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it young and smooth. And the balm should be used not only when going out into the cold or in windy weather, but also when going to bed. This will protect the delicate skin from the appearance of wrinkles.

Many essential oils have a warming effect and due to this visually increase the volume. This oil is cinnamon, ginger, peppermint and others. They irritate delicate skin and make it slightly swollen, which is why many recipes for lip augmentation masks contain this ingredient.

They cannot be used in their pure form - you can get burned. The amount should be limited - no more than 1-2 drops in combination with the base component. Masks with essential oils should not be done more than 2 times a week.

Find out the effect of the fastest and most effective mask for lip augmentation!

The fastest effect can be obtained by applying toothpaste or nicotinic acid. But the latter must be used with caution, in combination with anything else. There are masks for lip augmentation at home with dimexide, they act quickly, but they should be applied for a short time and with a mandatory allergy test.

When applying a lip mask, do not forget about the following points:

  1. Do not increase the amount of the active ingredient. If it is an essential oil, you should not add more than 2-3 drops. If pepper or cinnamon is in powder, a dose on the tip of a knife is enough.
  2. Be sure to check the expiration date of the ingredients and their freshness (look, smell).
  3. You can not use such masks in the presence of herpes or other infections.
  4. Before applying the mask, the lips must be cleaned, but you should not use a scrub. Mini-cracks after it, which the mask with rather aggressive components will corrode, can turn into wounds that do not heal for a long time.
  5. If the burning sensation is too strong, the composition is immediately washed off.

One should not sacrifice oneself for the sake of beauty. The lips are covered with very delicate skin, so masks for their increase should be selected with care.

Lip masks is a necessary measure for every girl who dreams of having an irresistible smile. There are an unimaginable number of varieties of masks, from masks for lip augmentation, to masks for removing mustaches or wrinkles above the upper lip.

The skin texture of human lips is significantly different from the skin of the face or hands, so it needs special care. Lips require thorough and proper hydration. If you do not take care of them, the skin begins to peel off, becomes rough and dry. To prevent this from happening, you must regularly use lip masks. Fortunately, today there is a huge selection of masks in stores. The most popular are the following:

  • Pilaten;
  • Tony Moly;
  • Sephora;
  • Satin Lips;
  • bioaqua;
  • Nugg.

You can easily buy any of these masks in a cosmetic store. Instructions for their use can be found in the package. Besides, there are also special lipsticks that have the effect of a mask for moisturizing. It is also possible to purchase a gloss of any color that softens the lips and at the same time highlights your makeup.

Varieties of masks

There are many varieties of lip masks: collagen, moisturizing, nourishing, tissue, hydrogel, silicone, hyaluronic and others. We invite you to learn how to make your own homemade lip mask so that it brings more benefits than store-bought masks.

honey mask

A wonderful lip mask with honey will help you moisturize them, prevent dryness and flaking. To use this tool, you only need honey, which must be fresh and not very thick. Simply apply some honey on and around your lips and leave on for fifteen minutes. After the required amount of time, you need to lightly massage the skin of your lips with light finger movements, after which you should gently wipe the honey with a damp cotton pad.

home scrub

A homemade lip scrub can also be considered a sugar mask. To prepare it, you need to find brown sugar, as it contains the most beneficial elements. Sugar should be mixed with any essential oil and rub the mixture into the skin of the lips. Do not overdo it! You do not need to press hard on the lips, just gently spread the composition over the surface of the lips, leave for a few minutes, then gently remove with warm water.

Such a simple homemade scrub recipe will help you make your lips pink and tender, as well as save them from peeling. Some girls use a sugar mask to increase the volume of the lips, as well as for their plumpness, but the effect is not very noticeable.

Moisturizing sour cream mask

What can moisturize the skin of the lips better than sour cream? It's no secret that this product is quite successfully used by girls as a hair mask. But not only hair needs constant care and nutrition, lips also need vitamins. A homemade sour cream mask will make your lips incredibly soft and smooth. And now let's find out how to cook this beauty:

  • Buy fat sour cream, get a small convenient container and send one large spoonful of the product there.
  • Cut a slice of lemon and squeeze a few drops of juice into a container with sour cream.
  • Arm yourself with any essential oil and add a few drops to the total mass of the ingredients.
  • Mix the mask well and apply a wide layer on the lips.
  • After twenty-five minutes, the mask can be washed off with warm water and soap.

Such a mask will also help cure cracked lips during chapping, as well as rejuvenate them a little. You can use it every day, even as a prevention of the appearance of cracks and dryness.

Cranberry balm

Using cranberry balm, you will notice that your lips have become much pinker and softer. The useful components that make up the berries will provide the skin of the lips with the necessary vitamins. It is very easy to prepare a cranberry-based balm: take ten cranberries, mash them with a fork and grind through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Then take one small spoonful of almond oil and honey, mix with a small amount of vitamin E and put in a water bath for a few minutes to warm up the mixture.

Now mix the crushed cranberries with the resulting mixture, let it cool a little and you can apply the lip balm as directed.

Absolutely everyone can use lip masks, regardless of age and gender. The only contraindication is an allergy to one or another ingredient. You can read reviews about lip masks before applying it on yourself. Learn more about lip masks in the video below.

What girl does not dream of having voluminous and sensual lips?! After all, expressive facial features are what make ladies attract the attention of the opposite sex. This article will discuss how to moisturize lips, providing proper care. Compliance with simple rules guarantees an improvement in the condition of the skin, and with serious changes, it actually improves.

Lip care: folk remedies

If salon experiments caused serious damage to the budget or did not bring the desired effect, then you should turn to folk wisdom. After all, the sound advice of mothers and grandmothers has not harmed anyone yet. The skin of the lips is very thin and delicate. It requires comprehensive care.

Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing - these are the three postulates that every lady should follow.

  • Cleansing. If the lipstick used by a woman is not very caustic, then the standard one is quite suitable for its removal. But if it is professional, then the make-up remover should also be appropriate. It would be good to carry out the procedure of mechanical cleansing with a soft toothbrush 1-2 times a week. Only this process should take place exclusively in otherwise it will lead to the formation of wounds and cracks.
  • Hydration. This step is no less important. Indeed, after cleansing, the lips are especially defenseless, and if you do not know how to moisturize your lips, this will worsen their appearance and condition. You can apply baby cream or any fatty fermented milk product on them. After 15-20 minutes, the makeshift moisturizer should be washed off with warm water using a sponge or cotton swab.
  • Nutrition. In the old days, experienced beauties applied honey to their lips. And if their condition was completely deplorable, they added a little milk to it.

When a modern woman wants to achieve a visible result, she puts on a mask that can deal with her individual shortcomings, tries to drink plenty of fluids and puts hygienic lipstick in her purse.

Moisturizing lipstick

This miracle invention not only cares for the lips, but also makes them shiny and, as a result, attractive. Experts recommend applying moisturizing lipstick as often as possible. The only caveat is that you can not use it earlier than 15 minutes before leaving the house and immediately after water procedures, as this will lead to chapping of the lips.

Lipstick Art visage

Art visage lipstick, which appeared on the market many years ago, has proven itself well. She has already managed to pass for not only a moisturizer, but also a caring product. Since this line of cosmetics presents products of rather juicy shades, it is not surprising that they should lie down perfectly. A bad texture will emphasize all the flaws. Art visage is a lipstick that moisturizes lips almost perfectly, which means that there will be no such problems with it. The entire series is enriched with components (vitamins C, A, castor oil) that nourish the skin.

Lip gloss

Hygienic lipstick is suitable for almost everyone. Even men can use it. But moisturizing lip gloss is a feminine version. Usually he also takes on the functions of a balm.

Many global brands create a large line of lip care. These products nourish, care for and change the natural color of the lips. However, don't use them too often. But then how to moisturize your lips? Everything is good in moderation. Products can be harmful if used incorrectly. The point is the coloring pigments contained in their composition. Therefore, when purchasing such a product, it is necessary to carefully read the label.


Cosmetic brands annually develop new lip masks: moisturizing, corrective, cleansing. Their action is clinically and practically proven and beyond doubt. But the major downside is the cost.

Homemade masks can serve as a good alternative to expensive cosmetics. There are a large number of all kinds of recipes that can deal with various troubles that the skin of the lips undergoes. This is dryness, and an unhealthy appearance, and damage. In the fight against them, an apple fruit mask has proven itself well. You need to take a sweet fruit, peel it, grate it on a fine grater and add a little butter to it, and then rub everything well. It should turn out about a tablespoon of the finished product. It should be applied for 15 minutes, and after the specified time, carefully remove the residue.

Another very effective tool, albeit with a very unusual composition, will help solve the problem of how to moisturize the lips. The mask will enrich the skin with additional necessary trace elements. A composition of honey and lard should be applied to the mouth, after melting the components in a water bath. Despite its simplicity, it gives a visible effect after the first application.

Gymnastics for the face

No one has ever seen an actress at work with or a TV presenter. Although these professions involve continuous verbal activity, which is known to lead to dryness in almost 100% of cases. Facial gymnastics comes to the aid of these workers of the colloquial genre, which will not only help smooth out facial wrinkles or remove a double chin, but also relax your lips.

Here are 2 simple exercises:

  • You need to smile. Then how to collect the lips (pull them in) and fix in this position for 5 seconds. You need to repeat this exercise 5-10 times.
  • You should pronounce the sound "O", greatly rounding your mouth. You need to do this exercise at least 5 times.

This should be done 1-2 times a week before carrying out caring procedures: applying a scrub, moisturizing and nourishing masks and creams.

Lip scrub

Saying this phrase, every lady imagines a beautiful bottle with bright and expensive contents. Meanwhile, any girl can make it, of course, if the necessary components are available.

To prepare the scrub you will need:

  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Olive oil (a couple of drops).
  • Boiled or filtered water (a few drops).

All this must be mixed and applied to the lips. Before applying the scrub, you need to attach a napkin soaked in warm water. And after that, be sure to apply moisturizers, which were mentioned above.

Emphasis in nutrition

No matter what miracle creams, masks or scrubs a girl uses, no matter how many hours she spends in front of a mirror doing gymnastics, nothing can affect the external state if there is a disorder in the work of internal organs. After all, everything that a person eats, after some time, is reflected in him. An excess of fatty foods leads to skin and hair problems, excessive consumption of carbohydrates affects the sides of a beauty, but a lack of vitamins A, B, C, F, E and multivitamin B5 affects the lips.

Therefore, the diet simply needs to be diversified:

  • carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, greens, wild rose, apricots, butter and sunflower oils;
  • eggs, liver, cheese, dairy products, oat and wheat flakes;
  • flaxseed, soybean, corn and olive oil;
  • citrus fruits and white cabbage;
  • Vitamin E is found in legumes, apricots, peaches.

So, you need to diversify your diet, do gymnastics regularly, use scrubs, masks and moisturizers, be attentive to the choice of decorative cosmetics. Then the mouth will become an occasion for pride. So we answered the question of how to moisturize lips properly.

12 802 0 Hello dear ladies! Today we want to tell you about homemade lip masks, as well as how to care for lips so that they always look young and attractive. This topic is especially relevant when cracks, herpes occur, the skin on the lips flakes and dries.

Lip care

Lip skin especially requires careful and proper care at any age. It's caused by:

  • thinness of the epidermis;
  • distinctive skin texture;
  • proximity of blood vessels to the skin;
  • lack of sebaceous glands.

These factors lead to increased sensitivity of the lips and cause their excessive irritability: dryness, cracking, bleeding.

How to make lips soft and tender

In order for your lips to always remain attractive, soft and gentle, follow these simple rules:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to frost, wind, ultraviolet rays. These factors lead to the appearance of cracks and rapid aging of the skin of the lips.
  2. Regularly apply hygienic or cosmetic lipstick on clean sponges.
  3. Use homemade lip masks and peels 1 - 2 times a week, in winter you can carry out cosmetic procedures for the lips every day. This will help cleanse the skin of dead cells and prevent the development of infection.
  4. Minimize the use of long-lasting lipsticks, which dry out the skin of the lips, causing chapping and discomfort. If you still need it, use a hygienic or moisturizing lipstick before applying.
  5. Don't lick your lips.
  6. Eat right, eat a lot, and be outdoors often. The right lifestyle contributes to better nutrition of the skin of the lips, which will help maintain their youthfulness and elasticity.
  7. At night, use moisturizing or nourishing lip products.

What is good and bad for the skin of the lips

In order for the skin to look healthy and attractive, avoid fried, smoked, salty, canned foods, coffee. These foods disrupt the metabolic processes in the body - the nutrition of the lips worsens.

It is also worth thinking about bad habits that slow down the metabolism and accelerate the aging process of the skin. Do you need it?

To reduce the impact of negative factors, ensure a sufficient supply of nutrients with food and cosmetics. The most useful for the skin of the lips are:

  1. Peptides- increase skin firmness and elasticity, nourish and moisturize.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil- relieves inflammation, irritation, has a wound-healing effect.
  3. Cacao butter- has a tonic and nourishing effect.
  4. Aloe extract– relieves inflammation and moisturizes.
  5. Vitamin A- slows down the aging process, participates in metabolic processes, promotes cell renewal.
  6. Vitamin C- Responsible for the production of collagen, which makes the skin supple and youthful.
  7. Vitamin E- preserves youth and protects lips from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

The effectiveness of homemade lip masks

The advantage of such funds is the naturalness of the composition, the long-term effect of self-production. You really know what it consists of, because. All cooked by ourselves with fresh ingredients.

Remember the shorter the shelf life of the product, the more effective it is, because. it retains all the most useful substances that we need so much.

Benefits of natural lip masks:

  • moisturize;
  • soften;
  • make the skin soft and tender;
  • nourish;
  • increase in volume and make sponges attractive;
  • protect from frost, sun, wind;
  • make lips more pronounced and bright.

With a huge number of benefits, homemade lip care products have contraindications:

  1. Do not use for bleeding, large cracks, herpes.
  2. Eliminate ingredients you are allergic to.

Homemade lip masks must be properly prepared to get the maximum effect. Here are some easy rules:

  1. For cooking, use dishes made of glass, ceramics or clay. Metal has a negative effect on products, which will make them ineffective, and some even toxic.
  2. Products that will be part of the mask must be fresh.
  3. Before applying, test for allergic reactions.
  4. Minimize the use of cucumber, lemon juice, and glycerin when resisting masks. These products are designed to eliminate oiliness and can cause dry skin.
  5. To enhance effectiveness, if desired, add vitamins A, C and E to homemade masks.

How to apply lip masks correctly

So, having dealt with the technology of making lip masks, it is important to know how to use them. Indeed, with improper application and without preparation, the effectiveness of such funds is reduced to nothing. It is worth noting that when carrying out cosmetic procedures for the lips, do not forget about the face. Great if there is also a mask around the lips.

  • Step 1. Prepare the skin of the face and lips: remove cosmetics, steam out using a decoction of chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.
  • Step 2 Take a horizontal position. This will prevent the mask from spreading.
  • Step 3 Apply to lips and leave on for 2 to 30 minutes. The time depends on the composition of the mask.
  • Step 4 Remove the lip mask with a tissue or rinse with water.
  • Step 5 Apply petroleum jelly, chapstick, or lip balm to your lips.

Lip masks for cracks and peeling

To cope with such a nuisance as cracked lips, one of the recipes below will help.

Curd mask

For cooking you will need:

  • fatty cottage cheese and pumpkin or carrot juice, in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • 4 drops of wheat germ oil.

Mix all the ingredients and apply the application on the lips for 20 minutes.

Recipes for honey masks

A honey mask is one of the most popular skin care products. Honey has a huge amount of useful substances that can cope with inflammation, relieve dryness and irritation, moisturize and nourish lips. Honey masks can be used daily and in a week you will feel and see how your lips have changed.

  • Recipe 1. To get a miraculous mask, mix in equal proportions honey And butter. Apply to lips for 15-30 minutes.
  • Recipe 2. Mix in equal proportions honey, aloe juice and quail yolk or chicken egg. Apply to lips for 15 minutes.
  • Recipe 3. mix 10 g of honey with 30 ml of sage broth. Apply this product on the lips every day for 20 minutes, and you will forget what cracks are. To prepare a decoction of sage, take the flowers of the plant (1 tsp) and pour 1 tbsp. water, after boiling, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, cool to room temperature.

Wound healing masks

If it so happens that your lips are badly cracked, resulting in wounds, you can use one of the recipes below.

  • Recipe 1 . Pour 100 ml water 10 g eucalyptus leaves, bring to a boil and boil for another 7 minutes. When the decoction reaches room temperature, soak gauze or cotton pads in the decoction and apply such a compress for 20 minutes. Such compresses are recommended to be used every day until the wounds completely disappear.
  • Recipe 2. Preheat hazelnut oil and apply to a clean cloth. Apply the compress on the lips for 20 minutes.

Protective lip masks

The problem of flaky and chapped lips can be dealt with before the onset of unpleasant symptoms with the help of protective masks. To do this, use one of the recipes.

  • Recipe 1.
    You will need cosmetic paraffin, enriched with vitamins A, E, with cocoa butter, eucalyptus. You can buy it at a pharmacy or in a cosmetic store.
    - Melt 10 g paraffin in a water bath.
    - Lubricate the sponges with cosmetic oil, nourishing or moisturizing cream and apply paraffin for 10 minutes with a brush and cover your face with a terry towel for a thermal effect.
    - Remove the paraffin film with a tissue.
  • Recipe 2.
    1 tbsp flax or fennel seeds pour 1 tbsp. water and put on fire. After boiling, simmer over low heat until a glue-like mass forms. Cool to an acceptable temperature and apply the product on the lips for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

Moisturizing lip mask

Moisturizing lip masks are as effective as salon lip care products.

Gelatin mask

The most popular mask with gelatin, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • gelatin - 1 part;
  • water - 4 parts;
  • kefir - 2 parts;
  • oatmeal - 1 part;
  • cream.

Dissolve gelatin in water. After it swells and all the liquid disappears, melt in a water bath or in a microwave. Mix gelatin, kefir and oatmeal. The mask is ready. Before applying the product, lubricate the lips with cream. After complete drying, remove the product from the lips.

Sour cream mask

Thanks to sour cream, your lips will always be moisturized, young and attractive. To prepare a sour cream mask, you need to mix:

  • 5 g of fat and thick sour cream;
  • 3 drops of citrus juice;
  • 5 drops of any cosmetic oil.

Apply the product on the lips for 20 minutes.

Nourishing lip masks

These masks are designed to enrich the skin with vitamins, micro and macro elements that are part of the product. Helps restore skin elasticity, eliminate dryness and flabbiness.

Apple mask

The nutrients and vitamins contained in an apple will help to cope with peeling and chapped lips. Grind to prepare Boil 1 small apple in half a glass of milk. Cool the boiled apples and chop with a blender. Apply the resulting slurry to a tissue and apply the application on the lips and the skin around them for 30 minutes.

Mask with honey

Due to its rich composition, honey is widely used not only for the preparation of moisturizing, but also for nourishing masks. Here is one mask recipe:

  • half a banana;
  • 5 g honey;
  • 5 ml milk.

Grind the banana to a smooth consistency with a fork or blender. Add honey and milk to the resulting slurry. Mix the components thoroughly until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply the mask on the lips and the area around them for 20 minutes.

To get the best effect, you can add vitamins A and E to honey, 1 capsule each, and cosmetic oil of olive, cocoa, castor oil. Apply the mask to the lips and rinse with water.

Cranberry mask

  • 30 g cranberry juice;
  • 20 g starch.

To get juice, take cranberries and chop with a spoon, place in gauze and squeeze out the required amount of juice. Mix with starch and apply on the skin of the lips. Wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Scrubs, creams and lip balms

To get the best effect, it is necessary to properly prepare the sponges for applying the mask. For this purpose, a sugar scrub or lip massage is suitable.

  1. To massage, purchase a soft toothbrush and steam it well so that the bristles of the flock are soft.
  2. Melt butter in a water bath or honey and apply on lips. Massage your lips with a brush for a minute.
  3. After applying the mask, you need to fix the result, which will help homemade balms and creams. The natural composition will help to fix the result and prolong the effect.

Nourishing lip cream

To prepare a nourishing lip cream, you will need 20 g honey And 1 st. l pork fat. Melt all the ingredients in a water bath and mix thoroughly. Store the cream in the refrigerator.

At home, to get lard, you can melt lard over a fire, drain the resulting fat and use it for cooking cosmetics and food.

Cream for chapped lips

To fix the effect of the mask against peeling, cracks that have arisen as a result of the aggressive effects of wind and low temperatures, a night mask or lip balm will help. To do this, take:

  • beeswax - 1 part;
  • 2 parts of any cosmetic oil;
  • vaseline - 1 part;
  • 2 parts chamomile decoction.

To prepare the mask, melt the beeswax in a water bath or in the microwave. To prepare a decoction of chamomile, pour 1 tsp of chamomile flowers 1 tbsp. water and boil for 5 minutes, then let stand until cool.

When all the ingredients are ready, mix them until smooth. Apply to lips after the mask or use during severe dryness and flaking of the skin.

Lip Enlargement Mask

Every woman should have at least one recipe in her arsenal that will help make lips plump, attractive and sexy. Homemade masks for lip augmentation will help visually increase them for several hours due to increased blood flow.

Glycerin mask


  • vaseline - 1 part;
  • honey - 1 part;
  • juice of any citrus fruit - 1 part;
  • sugar or powdered sugar - 1 part;
  • glycerin - 2 parts.

Melt all the ingredients in the microwave or in a water bath and cool. Apply to lips for 20 minutes.

spice mask

This recipe is very simple, as it consists of only two components, but very effective. To prepare the mask, mix petroleum jelly and oil of mint, cinnamon, pepper or other hot spice. Apply to lips for 5 minutes. With a strong tingling, you can remove the mask earlier with warm water.

Here is another hot recipe:

  • 5 g of Kenyan pepper;
  • 1 tsp vaseline;
  • 8 tablets of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP).

To prepare, grind vitamin PP tablets to a powder state, then mix everything and apply on sponges for 2 minutes, rinse with water. Nicotinic acid can be purchased at a pharmacy.

What manufacturers offer

The beauty industry does not stand still - there are many ready-made masks and other lip skin care products on the market. The main thing when choosing finished products is to carefully study the composition, on which the effectiveness and safety of the product depends. Lip masks enriched with vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements, proteins, beeswax and vegetable oils.

Collagen Lip Mask

Today it is the most popular and has won the trust of many women. The composition of the collagen mask includes:

  • vegetable collagen;
  • water;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin complex;
  • oils and extracts of plant origin (menthol, pepper).

Thanks to the active ingredients of the collagen mask:

  • makes the skin soft and velvety;
  • exfoliates the keratinized layer of the dermis;
  • regenerates lip cells;
  • provides good blood flow to the lips, which makes them puffy and visually enlarges.

Where to buy proven lip masks

  • Alginate modeling mask"SMILE OF APHRODITE" with collagen and myoxinol for lip contour TEANA (Russia)
  • Lip patch mask with collagen BERRISOM SOS My lip patch (South Korea)
  • Night fruit mask for lips THE SAEM Fruits Lip Sleeping Pack (South Korea)

All these tools and more, you can find with our partners