Vaseline medical application. Vaseline oil enema for a child. Description, packaging and composition

Vaseline, a petroleum-based gel product, has many uses. Despite the fact that there is an opinion about the uselessness and even the dangers of this product, the best way to refute or vice versa to confirm this opinion is a personal test of its effectiveness. If you want to know how to use Vaseline properly in Everyday life read this article.


Vaseline as a beauty product

    Use petroleum jelly to soften rough skin. Even though petroleum jelly does not have moisturizing properties, it can be used to soften the skin. You can use petroleum jelly as a cream for dry skin, especially in winter period. It helps protect the skin from the effects of adverse weather conditions.

    Use Vaseline to treat the skin around your eyes. You can use Vaseline in pure form or in tandem with cosmetics. Petroleum jelly is a widely used inexpensive product that will help emphasize natural beauty your eyes. However, be careful not to get Vaseline in your eyes.

    Use Vaseline when caring for your nails. Rub petroleum jelly into cuticles several times a day to soften and improve them. appearance. Vaseline is often used during manicures to soften cuticles. This excellent tool to take care of your nails.

    • Attach the new kind to your week-old nail polish - rub some Vaseline over the top coat and your nails will be shiny and beautiful again.
  1. Use Vaseline as a lip care product. In cold or dry weather, apply a small layer of Vaseline to chapped lips. Thanks to this, you will prevent your lips from drying out, they will be well moisturized. Some people apply petroleum jelly before exfoliating with a toothbrush. Thanks to the use of Vaseline, the lips will be soft and smooth.

    Apply petroleum jelly by applying it to your teeth. Although this may seem strange, it is very effective method, which is popular with artists who have to smile a lot. Apply Vaseline to your teeth before using lipstick. This will prevent the lipstick from sticking to your teeth.

    • Be careful, use a small amount of Vaseline in this case.
  2. Use vaseline for hair. A small amount of Vaseline may be effective tool to minimize dryness of the scalp. However, use very little petroleum jelly, as it is very difficult to wash out of the hair. This is a very effective remedy in some cases.

    • Use petroleum jelly to reduce dandruff and relieve the itching associated with it. Rub Vaseline into your scalp before washing your hair.
    • Use Vaseline as a mask along the hairline when coloring them. It can protect the hair from the harm associated with hair coloring, perm and straightening chemicals.
    • IN last resort, use petroleum jelly as a hair styling gel. Put some Vaseline on your hands and rub it into your hair for a casual look.
  3. Apply Vaseline to prevent friction. One of the most common and effective options The use of petroleum jelly is to prevent friction, and associated rashes or irritation caused by clothing. Runners and cyclists often apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the hip line to avoid friction with clothing for long periods of time during a race or ride. If you encounter similar problems, use Vaseline in this case.

    Using Vaseline for Cough

    Using Vaseline in the Household

    1. Use Vaseline to remove the stuck ring. Vaseline is an effective tool that will help remove a wedding or any other ring from your finger. Put some Vaseline on your finger and remove the ring. You can do it very quickly.

      • Lubricate the earlobes with petroleum jelly. You will put the earring in easily and painlessly.
    2. Vaseline will restore shine and softness to your shoes and bags. Using a small amount of petroleum jelly, you can restore the shine and texture of shoes, wallets, and other surfaces. It's simple and cheap way update old stuff.

      Use petroleum jelly when making food fakes. When you need to get creative with potatoes, squash, and other fruits and vegetables, you can extend the life of these ingredients by applying a small amount of Vaseline around their edges. If you're carving a pumpkin for Halloween, coat the edges of the cut flesh with petroleum jelly to keep it from rotting and drying out. Of course, the pumpkin will eventually dry out, but you can slow this process down by using Vaseline.

      • Don't use Vaseline when dealing with wood.
    3. Use Vaseline as a lubricant. Lubricate door hinges, zippers, moving parts of mechanical toys. Thanks to this tool, everything will work properly. Lubricate the hinge pins with petroleum jelly. Their creaking will no longer cause inconvenience to your hearing. Always keep this valuable tool close at hand in your workshop.

      • Lubricate the neck of the lacquer bottle with petroleum jelly, the cap with the brush will not dry to the neck, and you can easily open the bottle when you need to use its contents.
    4. Use Vaseline as a pet care product. However, be sure to check with your veterinarian before using this remedy on your pet.

      • Use petroleum jelly as a means to remove hair from the stomach. Cats love the taste of Vaseline. Put a small amount on a spoon and let the kitten lick it.
      • Apply petroleum jelly to your dog's paw pads to soften the skin. IN winter time paw pads tend to get very dry, especially if dogs run on concrete floors. Gently rub a small amount of Vaseline into the pads. Make sure your dog doesn't lick the Vaseline off his paws.
    5. Use Vaseline to avoid corrosion of the terminals. Unfortunately, batteries are prone to corrosion. A layer of Vaseline applied to the battery terminals will help prevent corrosion.

    Cases when you should not use Vaseline

      Do not use Vaseline on burns. It is a common misconception that petroleum jelly should be used as a pain reliever or antiseptic, but in fact, petroleum jelly does not have the properties that make it an effective treatment for burns. Is not the best remedy for the treatment of burns, cuts and abrasions.

Vaseline contains solid, semi-solid and liquid high-molecular carbohydrates: solid paraffins, oil (perfumery or medical), ceresin.

Release form

Ointment for external use. Produced in cans of polymeric materials or aluminum tubes of 25, 30, 40 or 50 grams.

Externally, Vaseline is a cloudy, translucent mass in a thin layer. The substance is neutral, tasteless and odorless. Its color may be white or yellowish. When melted, it forms a homogeneous, transparent, odorless, oily, fluorescent liquid substance.

pharmachologic effect

Dermatoprotective emollient .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vaseline helps to soften the epithelial layer and restore the protective hydrolipid (acid) mantle of the skin, which is a mixture of sweat and sebum; prevents the loss of fluid by the upper layers of the skin, eliminates cracks and peeling of the skin.

When used as an external agent, it does not penetrate into the systemic circulation and deep tissues.

Indications for use

Vaseline is used to soften the skin of the face and hands, including after exposure to adverse temperature factors.

The skin is treated with medical vaseline before a number of procedures: cupping, enema, application gas tube. The product is suitable for softening excessively dry skin around natural openings.

The substance is often used as one of the components of other medicines, for example, salicylic vaseline.

Salicylic ointment with petroleum jelly effectively disinfects damaged skin, accelerates wound healing and relieves inflammation. At low concentrations, the drug has keratoplastic , and in high keratolytic effect . It is used as a means of external therapy for various kinds skin diseases .

Indications for use, in particular, are (of any degree), chronic eczema , . At allergic dermatitis means dilute the prescribed antibiotic ointments .

Cosmetic vaseline is reliable protection for hand skin when working with solvents and caustic substances. The tool is indispensable for softening rough and very dry skin of the hands and body, as well as for moisturizing chapped or sunburned skin.


Vaseline should not be used by persons with hypersensitivity to it.

The use of boron vaseline is contraindicated in patients with existing functional impairment of the kidneys , pregnant and lactating women, children infancy(up to 12 months), with hypersensitivity to the drug.

Salicylic acid preparations (including salicylic vaseline) are contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity. In pediatrics, they are not prescribed for children under 3 years of age.

Side effects

Vaseline is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes side effects. In isolated cases, the development allergic reactions (hypersensitivity reactions) and irritation appeared at the site of application of the ointment.

Salicylic ointment also generally does not cause adverse reactions, but may irritate the skin at high concentrations. Individuals with individual intolerance against the background of its use may develop allergic dermatitis .

Sometimes in patients who have been applied to large areas of the skin (or used under a compress), there was a feeling of heat, shortness of breath, headache.

An ointment that contains salicylic acid present in in large numbers may cause skin soreness. In this case, the medicine is removed, and the irritated skin is treated zinc paste .

Application instruction of Vaseline (Way and dosage)

Vaseline is an external remedy. A small amount of the product is applied to previously cleansed dry skin and rubbed lightly. The drug can also be used for applications.

Vaseline is not suitable for intimate use if partners use latex products for contraception.

Instructions for Salicylic Vaseline

Salicylic petroleum jelly should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin very thin layer. After treating the lesion with ointment, it is covered with a sterile napkin and a pre-soaked salicylic ointment sterile bandage.

Experts advise changing the bandage every 2-3 days. Treatment is continued until the purulent contents are completely removed from the lesion. As a rule, the course lasts from 6 to 20 days.

At ichthyosis one percent salicylic petroleum jelly is used in combination with. The mixture is recommended to be rubbed into the skin after a hot bath.

Why do you need Boric Vaseline?

Boric petroleum jelly is used to treat lice. The product is applied for 20-30 minutes on the scalp and then washed off with warm running water using shampoo or soap.

To remove dead insects, the hair should be combed with a comb with frequent teeth.

The amount of treatment depends on the density, length and degree of infection of the hair. Usually, 10 to 25 grams of ointment is enough for one procedure.

What is Vaseline used for in cosmetology?

Everyone knows what Vaseline is. But not everyone knows that this remedy is wonderful. cosmetic, which allows you to effectively and comprehensively care for hair, nails and skin.

Vaseline is used to soften hardened heels and speed up the healing of cracks formed on them. In order for the feet to become soft and smooth, it is recommended to lubricate them with Vaseline every night before going to bed. For greater efficiency, the legs are wrapped cling film and warm socks are put on top.

At deep cracks legs should be stretched out hot tub with decoction medicinal herbs or boric acid (the product is taken at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of water) and then apply a thick layer of Vaseline on cracked heels, fix the patch on top and leave for 8 hours (best to do this before bedtime). The procedure is repeated every day until the complete disappearance of cracks.

The use of Vaseline for eyelashes allows you to make them thicker and longer. For achievement desired effect it is recommended to regularly lubricate them with a small amount of the product (preferably at night).

The tool provides excellent conditioning and moisturizing dry and brittle eyelashes, and also helps to strengthen them. However, it does not cause irritation and is considered safe for use in the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Reviews of women who used Vaseline for eyelashes testify that the result is not long in coming - after a couple of weeks, the eyelashes become thicker, grow faster and fall out much less.

The use of cosmetic Vaseline for eyebrows allows you to give them the correct and resistant form. To do this, a drop of the product is carefully distributed with a cosmetic brush through the hairs, after which the eyebrow is gently combed, giving it desired shape.

After drying, the ointment will not only fix the hairs, but also give them shine.

In the same way, it can be used for hair: the ointment will not weigh them down, but at the same time make them smoother and more manageable, and also mask split ends. The drug reduces the formation of dandruff and reduces the itching of the scalp caused by it.

For the face, Vaseline is used as a make-up remover. To carry out make-up removal, a cotton pad is impregnated with ointment and with light movements, massage lines remove makeup residue. Vaseline gently and thoroughly removes even waterproof make-up.

In addition, the product perfectly protects the skin from exposure environment which makes it indispensable in cold windy weather.

The ointment quickly heals cracked skin of chapped lips. In addition, on its basis, you can prepare an inexpensive and safe lip balm. To do this, melt a few pieces of chocolate and a small amount of petroleum jelly in the microwave. After that, the liquid mass is thoroughly mixed and cooled until the solid consistency is completely stabilized.

Vaseline with sea ​​salt, ground coffee or brown sugar is a great body scrub.

At acne the use of the product allows you to eliminate the scars that remain on the skin at the site of acne. To do this, the affected areas begin to be treated with ointment from the moment scars appear, preventing their coarsening.

The property of Vaseline to promote healing and restoration of the skin, as well as prevent the formation of rough crusts, makes it reasonable to use it after plastic surgery and for the treatment of fresh tattoos.

Lubrication of the cuticle with Vaseline allows you to make thin skin around the nail plate is softer, and the fingers are more well-groomed. If you rub a small amount of ointment into your nails, they will become more shiny.

The drug has found application as a replacement for aftershave balm, massage and self-tanning base or bronzing cream (if you lubricate dry areas of the skin with Vaseline, the cream lies more evenly and as a result the tan is more beautiful).

Contrary to popular belief, the drug is very little used as intimate lubricant. The ointment destroys the structure of latex, which is why it is categorically not suitable for people who use latex contraceptives for sex.

Why do you need Vaseline in everyday life?

The use of Vaseline allows you to restore shine to parched bags and shoes and remove stains from cosmetics from clothes.

With the help of ointment, you can lubricate fishing rods, and if a small amount of it is applied to the neck of a bottle of nail polish, the cap with a brush will not dry up to it.

Moms use a product to lubricate the child's eyebrows when washing their hair. This simple method will allow you to create a kind of “visor” to protect your eyes from shampoo foam getting into them.


There is no information on cases of overdose of Vaseline.


Being an indifferent substance, Vaseline does not interact with other medicines.

The drug is often used as an ointment base for the skin. Being a fat-like substance of mineral origin, Vaseline is characterized by high chemical resistance and does not change its properties even during long-term storage.

The product can be mixed with almost all active chemicals. It has good sliding properties and effectively protects painful areas of the skin from harmful liquids and gases, as well as from air.

Since the ointment is not absorbed through the skin, the medicinal substances in it are also not absorbed into the skin, or their effect is extremely small.

Terms of sale

Non-prescription drug.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light and moisture, out of the reach of children, where the temperature is maintained up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

According to Wikipedia, Vaseline is a petroleum product that is a refined mixture of heavy carbohydrates and mineral oil with the general formula CnH2n+2.

The mixture of carbohydrates consists mainly of branched and straight chains, it may contain cyclic alkanes and aromatic molecules with paraffin side chains.

According to the European Pharmacopeia 2005 and USP 28, the composition of the substance may include a certain stabilizer (antioxidant, for example, butyl hydroxytoluene, alpha-tocopherol or butyl hydroxyanisole), which is noted on the label of the product.

What is Vaseline made from? The substance is obtained by steam or vacuum distillation of semi-liquid oil refining residues. The resulting substance is purified by hydrogenation under high pressure or by treatment with sulphate acid after filtration through adsorbents.

Along with drugs produced by pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies, technical Vaseline, which is obtained from the woodworking industry, also enters the market.

The substance is used to impregnate fabric and paper, protect metal from corrosion, as well as in the production of plastic lubricants that are resistant to strong oxidizing agents.

Enthusiast chemists use the substance to make explosives. To get the so-called "explosive" Vaseline, 2 parts of the ointment are combined with 1 part of gasoline. The mixture explodes under the influence of an electric current.

Precautionary measures

Using salicylic or boric ointment it is necessary to avoid getting the product on the mucous membrane of the eye. If this still happens, the eyes should be wiped with a gauze or cotton swab and rinsed well with warm water.

Boric Vaseline should not be applied to those affected by acute inflammatory process hairy areas of the body.


What can replace Vaseline? The following agents have a similar effect with the drug: Apropol , Biobalm Mink , Dexeryl , Kalanhin , Ointment Tumanidze , Methyluracil , Piolizin , propolis milk ,Reparef , vegetable raw materials from chamomile flowers, lead water , ,Chloroform liniment , Uroderm .

During pregnancy

Contraindications to the use of the drug by pregnant women or during breastfeeding No.

In 1859 English chemist Robert Chesbrough invented Vaseline. He found out amazing properties of the resulting substance - healing, softening and protecting the skin. He personally tested the new remedy on himself, lubricating burns and cracks on the skin with a mixture.

Invention history

Robert Chesbrough originally named New Product petroleum jelly. But this name did not attract buyers, so the inventor decided to use a combination of two words: the German "wasser" - water and the Greek "elaion" - olive oil.

In 1872, Chesbrough received a patent for the production of the product, and on May 14, 1878, he patented "Vaseline" as a trademark.

The history of "Vaseline" is unique, because this is a rare case when the name of a trademark goes into general use as a common name for a product category.

Vaseline happens...

Vaseline happens natural- it is obtained from hardwood paraffin resins, followed by cleaning and bleaching with special substances. Natural vaseline, in comparison with artificial, is more viscous, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless, has antimicrobial properties and attracts water. When applied to the skin, it is difficult to rinse off and leaves sticky marks.

Artificial petroleum jelly is a combination of solid ceresin and paraffin with purified petroleum jelly or perfume oil. Artificial Vaseline is obtained in a woodworking ( technical vaseline) or cosmetic ( cosmetic vaseline) industry. This petroleum jelly is not very viscous, cloudy white or yellowish color, greasy, odorless and tasteless. Artificial Vaseline is technical, medical and cosmetic.


Today, petroleum jelly is used in the electrical industry, to produce greases, to protect metals from corrosion, as a laxative in medicine and as a component cosmetic creams in cosmetics.

Where and how can Vaseline be used at home?

For heels. It is believed that petroleum jelly does not moisturize the skin, but only creates a protective barrier that helps retain moisture. But be that as it may, it is Vaseline that can be used to soften rough skin. Apply petroleum jelly at night on rough areas of the skin on the elbows, heels, knees, and in the morning they will be much softer.

For scent. Vaseline is a great way to prolong the effect of perfume - before sprinkling perfume on your wrists and neck, first apply a little Vaseline to these places. The thing is that Vaseline absorbs the smell and retains it, spreading it throughout the day.

For eyebrows. In order to give the eyebrows the correct and stable shape, it is not necessary to use a special gel. Take a clean cosmetic brush, squeeze a drop of petroleum jelly onto it, comb your eyebrows, giving them the desired shape. When the vaseline dries, the brows will not only be fixed for the whole day, but will also begin to shine. By the way, the same trick can be done with hair. Vaseline does not weigh down the hair, but will make them smooth.


For face. Vaseline can be used as a make-up remover. Take a cloth or paper napkin, soak it in Vaseline and use for make-up remover. Vaseline will remove even waterproof makeup.

For body. Vaseline can be used to make a simple and inexpensive body peel. Mix Vaseline with salt to make a salt scrub, or with brown sugar to make a sugar scrub. This scrub gently exfoliates the skin.

For lips. Dry lips? Apply Vaseline to them at night - and in the morning they will be fresh and moisturized.

For treatment. Vaseline lubricates injured areas with burns, cracks, drying of the nasal mucosa, psoriasis, and so on. Note that in this case thin layer and in small quantities.

For children. This is one of the tricks that young mothers can take note of. If, when washing, the child cries from shampoo getting into his eyes, lubricate his eyebrows with petroleum jelly. It is Vaseline that forms a protective visor that will not allow shampoo to get into the eyes.

From scars. Vaseline will not save you from acne itself, but it will help eliminate their consequences - scars that form due to acne. It is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin with petroleum jelly from the moment the scars appear, preventing their coarsening.

By the way, Vaseline has practically no contraindications for use, it can very rarely occur allergic reaction in the form of a rash different nature at the place of application.

All parents are encouraged to complete a home first aid kit for baby care. vaseline oil. It is used not only for daily hygiene procedures, but also helps in eliminating constipation, processing the mammary glands of the mother during breastfeeding.

What is vaseline oil?

Vaseline oil, the so-called liquid paraffin, is an oily liquid, colorless and odorless, obtained after distillation of the petroleum product. With all the properties of ordinary Vaseline, it can be mixed with other oily liquids. The absence of harmful components of organic origin makes it safe for young children, rarely causing allergies. Vaseline medical oil is produced according to the established GOST. It is used in many branches of the national economy.

On its basis, a variety of cosmetic, medical preparations have been created: creams, ointments, gels. They practice both external and internal use of liquid paraffin, using its characteristic features:

  1. The ability to create the thinnest protective film after application to the skin (protects against various mechanical damage, microscopic injuries);
  2. Antiseptic properties, the ability to destroy pathogens;
  3. The presence of a laxative effect, the ability to increase the contractile function of the intestine.

The tool is used to treat not only adults, but also children. Pediatricians recommend its use in the care of infants. In some maternity hospitals liquid paraffin is used from the first days of life of babies. Its advantage is the absence of fragrances, which ensures the hypoallergenicity of the drug.

Use for newborns

IN pediatric practice the drug is often used to care for babies during:

  • removal (combing) (seborrheic dermatitis) covering the scalp;
  • prevention;
  • baby
  • treatment;
  • moisturizing and accelerating the healing of irritations on the baby's skin;
  • hygienic treatment of skin folds and body of the baby;
  • lubrication of the tip or enema tip.

Ingestion for constipation

When ingested, the substance has a laxative effect. The laxative effect is due to the fact that the drug lubricates the intestinal walls, with constipation it helps to soften stool enhances peristalsis. Children from one year to 3 years old are given 2 teaspoons, from 4 to 7 years old - 2-3 teaspoons 1 time per day. The laxative effect is manifested after 6 hours. Before using the drug inside, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Prolonged use can cause addiction, disruption of digestive processes.

There is no consensus on whether the substance can be taken orally by children under one year of age. Supporters of liquid paraffin consider it acceptable to give it to the baby in half a teaspoon.

To prevent a possible negative effect, most experts do not recommend its use as a laxative in newborns. Instead of ingestion, doctors advise to make a baby. The tip of a pear with slightly warm boiled water, lubricated with vaseline oil, is gently inserted into the anus.

Scabs on the head

Often in babies, the scalp is covered with milky crusts, flaky. Dry scales rarely bother children, but they look unattractive. If they are accidentally peeled off, there is a risk of infection entering the wound, so the crusts are combed out.

So that the baby does not feel discomfort, before proceeding with the removal of the scales, they must be softened. The warm preparation is gently rubbed over the scalp with a cotton swab, left for several hours. Soft crusts are removed with a special children's comb. At the end of combing, do not leave the substance on the head to avoid clogging the skin pores - wash it with baby shampoo.

Diaper rash, sweating

thin, soft skin the newborn is prone to diaper rash, sweating. The most vulnerable folds on the ass, neck, arms, legs in contact with diapers, diapers. Vaseline oil for newborns has been successfully used to prevent skin irritations. Before applying the substance, the skin should be cleaned of impurities. After washing, carefully lubricate all the folds and problem areas on the baby's body. Liquid paraffin will protect, soften the skin, prevent the appearance of diaper rash.

When using the drug, it should be remembered that it creates a thin film that clogs the pores, does not allow the skin to fully breathe, prevents natural secretion sweat.

To avoid undesirable consequences excessive use of liquid paraffin, smear should be small areas skin, applying the substance in a thin layer. Take breaks using other means.

Effectively eliminate diaper rash in babies traditional herbal baths with sage, celandine, string. A weak solution of potassium permanganate, an ordinary baby powder, helps well.

Nose cleansing

A common problem in newborns is the accumulation of mucus inside the nasal passages. In a healthy baby, the accumulated mucus is liquid and flows out on its own. For various reasons, mucus can become thick or dry. Mom can help the baby get rid of nasal congestion and dried crusts.

The best way to clear the nose is vaseline oil for newborns with a cotton flagellum:

  1. Twist a small piece of sterile medical cotton wool with a thin, dense flagellum. One end should be oiled.
  2. Gently insert the lubricated end of the flagellum into the child's nose, turn several times.
  3. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated using another cotton flagellum.
  4. To infant I didn’t act up, I didn’t cover my face with my hands, my mother’s movements should be fast, confident, accurate.

Instead of a flagellum, you can clear your nose cotton pad, rolled up. The narrow end of an impromptu bag is inserted into the nasal passage. Doctors advise not to abuse liquid paraffin, as it creates an airtight film on the mucosa. You can moisturize, clean the nose of a newborn with the help of.

Oil for girls

Liquid paraffin is indispensable for the hygienic treatment of the genital organs of newborn girls, the anatomical features of which require special attention. Remains of feces, urine can provoke redness, swelling, swelling, irritation of the labia. Proximity to the vagina anus increases the likelihood of infection.

Girls need to be washed gently from front to back to avoid getting feces inside the vagina. The external genitalia are gently dried using soft tissue or fabric. Depending on the condition of the skin, after bathing and drying the area around the genitals, inguinal folds lubricate with vaseline oil or powder with talcum powder.

Does it need to be sterilized

Pediatricians recommend any vegetable oils(olive, sunflower), used in the care of infants, subject to sterilization. Disinfection is necessary to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The antiseptic nature of liquid paraffin makes this procedure redundant. In order to disinfect the drug, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Pour a small amount into glass jar(sterility is maintained for 24 hours).
  2. At the bottom of a deep pan, put a cotton cloth folded in several layers, put a jar of oil on it, pour water into the pan (it should not rise above the shoulders of the jar).
  3. After boiling the water, reduce the heat to a minimum, let it boil for 10-20 minutes.
  4. It is important that not the oil boil, but the liquid in the pan.

Precautionary measures

In pharmacies, the drug is dispensed without a prescription, it is cheap. The bottle after opening is stored for 10 days. Liquid paraffin should not be used if there is an individual intolerance, with high temperature, feverish conditions, intestinal bleeding and intestinal obstruction, inflammatory diseases internal organs, pregnancy.

Misuse may cause unwanted side effects. Uncontrolled, excessively prolonged use of the drug can provoke violations of the digestive processes, a decrease in intestinal motility. Obstruction of the absorption of vitamins provokes the development of hypovitaminosis. The use of an unpurified, low-quality preparation leads to blockage of skin pores, skin irritations.


High-quality vaseline oil is harmless, benefits children and adults. It should be borne in mind that doctors recommend caution and moderation in its use. If you have any doubts about the appropriateness of using liquid paraffin in newborns, consult your doctor.

Vaseline (ointment) is a medical preparation exclusively for external use, which has dermatoprotective, softening properties directly on the focus of pathology. Widely distributed in dermatology, cosmetology; there are no contraindications, side effects after the start of treatment.
Vaseline is a skin care product used by our grandmothers.

Composition and therapeutic effect

Vaseline ointment contains no harmful or toxic substances.

When buying Vaseline ointment, the instructions for use are the first thing you need to carefully study. Because this tool has natural composition, safely used by all categories of patients, including infants, pregnant women. active ingredient is soft paraffin white color, which softens the skin, protects the skin, mucous membranes from external irritants.

In view of local application the drug is not absorbed into the general bloodstream, so there is not even a slight intoxication of the body. If you choose for effective treatment it is Vaseline (ointment), the composition of the drug provides for self-medication, which certainly will not harm the body.

Indications and contraindications for use

Vaseline is used to soften the skin when it is dry.

The pharmacological action of Vaseline ointment provides the following therapeutic effect directly to the focus of pathology:

  • softens the upper layer of the epidermis after exposure to external aggressors or adverse conditions environment;
  • significantly facilitates a number of procedures, for example, setting the same enema;
  • protects affected areas from further skin damage.

Ointment Vaseline has no contraindications for use, and therefore there is no need to doubt its use. The exception is individual intolerance to paraffin, which is extremely rare in extensive medical practice. In addition, Vaseline ointment during pregnancy does not harm intrauterine development fetus and health future mother, and lactation is not contraindicated at all.

Side effects and overdose

If you need to buy Vaseline ointment, the instructions for use will tell you how to use this medication, in what quantities, for how long. The treatment is tolerated easily and imperceptibly, but in isolated cases, allergic, local reactions against the background are possible. hypersensitivity skin. During the use of Vaseline, side effects disappear almost immediately, without giving the patient discomfort, general discomfort.

With a systematic overestimation of daily doses and normal reaction skin pathological processes completely excluded. Even if you use Vaseline (ointment) for a long time, an overdose is also excluded.

Important! Despite the absence of contraindications, side effects and the widespread use of this tool, it is worth knowing that cosmetic creams he cannot replace.

Mode of application

Vaseline ointment can be used without restrictions until the expiration date.

The release form of Vaseline is an ointment, but the packaging can be completely different: tin jars, plastic jars, glass jars, tubes and mini-containers. And the method of using Vaseline is extremely simple: you need to gently rub a small portion of the product into the affected skin areas, while not scratching or rinsing with water. The number of procedures per day is unlimited, and the duration of treatment depends on the first improvements that will be obvious to the naked eye.

If Vaseline (ointment) is applied externally, there is no interaction with other drugs. It is also important to avoid getting the medicine on the mucous membranes, open wounds. At the time of buying medicinal product Vaseline (ointment) storage conditions are traditional - in a dark, cool place, away from children.