Useful properties of Vaseline for beauty and health. Vaseline cosmetic: application for self-care

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Vaseline is a relatively recent cosmetic product. In the middle of the 19th century, it was invented by the Englishman Robert Chesbrough. While personally testing his development, Mr. discovered an amazing property in oil jelly - to heal, moisturize and soften the skin. And he patented under the already familiar name “vaseline” (from “wasser” + “elaion”, that is, “water”, German, “olive oil”, Greek).

Properties of vaseline for the skin

The use of Vaseline for cosmetic purposes is very effective. Without healing properties, this remedy perfectly heals small injuries and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. But it should be applied with caution.

Benefits of Vaseline for the face and body

The use of high-quality petroleum jelly is justified by the effectiveness, safety, simplicity and low cost of this remedy. It does not cure, but has useful properties, thanks to which it has become so popular:

  • Formation of a protective barrier. When applied to the skin, petroleum jelly forms a thin film that is impervious to water. Thanks to this, the dermis does not lose its moisture. Note that it does not share water with the epidermis, but simply does not allow it to lose it. This protective property of the substance makes it an effective remedy for the appearance of wrinkles, as well as inflammation, because the protective film, without releasing water, does not allow infections to pass to the skin. After dermabrasion or peeling, when the epidermis is very sensitive and prone to injury, the use of petroleum jelly or a product based on it is just a salvation.
  • Safety for the body. This cosmetic substance has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, but allergic reactions to it are extremely rare. Vaseline is not absorbed into the blood, is not destroyed and does not interact with the components of cosmetics in any way, that is, it cannot form any compound that is potentially dangerous for the human body. By the way, women use this with might and main, lubricating the cuticle around the nail or the skin around the hair during their painting in order to avoid unnecessary staining.
The use of petroleum jelly is especially relevant for residents of those places where the weather is very severe: frosty, windy. In the Far North, the Eskimos, in order to protect themselves from frostbite, smear their faces and hands with fish oil, exuding an indescribable aroma. The use of petroleum jelly in the absence of a disgusting smell, just like fish oil, saves the skin from chapping and cracking.

Modern creams, those that do not contain this substance, cannot give the same effect, because due to the large amount of water in their composition they simply freeze in severe frost, which, by the way, even increase skin damage.

There are two types of Vaseline: natural, which is obtained from the paraffin resins of plants, cleaning and bleaching, and artificial, which is made from solid paraffins and oil. Natural - viscous to stickiness, transparent, colorless and odorless, but characterized by antimicrobial properties and attracts moisture. Artificial Vaseline is a less sticky substance without taste and aroma, yellowish or cloudy white, it is more often used in cosmetics than natural, precisely because of its less sticky consistency.

The harmful effect of Vaseline on the skin

Vaseline is not harmful to the skin, its improper use is harmful. The protective film that it forms on the body retains moisture, preventing it from evaporating, but the same property of the substance can lead to edema if used excessively often and without special need, because the evaporation of water from the surface of the epidermis is impaired.

Vaseline helps to heal microtraumas, preventing infection from entering them, but at the same time, it clogs pores, preventing the skin from breathing. It retains not only water, but also toxins and the resulting sebaceous fat, thereby increasing the contamination and fat content of the dermis and causing increased formation of comedones and blackheads (however, this has not yet been 100% proven).

From all of the above, we can conclude that the measure is good in everything. If, adhering to common sense, apply Vaseline in a thin layer and use it taking into account climatic conditions, your skin type and condition, take into account your individual reaction, monitor the expiration date and choose a good manufacturer, then there will be no problems.

How to use Vaseline correctly

Any cosmetic used incorrectly can be harmful. This also applies to Vaseline. It is safe with proper use: for one month, no more, and in the cold season (autumn, winter or early spring).

How to use Vaseline to moisturize your face

At home, you can apply petroleum jelly to the skin of the face in order to moisturize it: either smear it with a pure substance, or mix it with chamomile infusion and castor oil (1:10:10). And if you combine it with other ingredients, then, in addition to retaining moisture in the epidermis, you get an additional effect:
  • Rejuvenation. Beat half the yolk, combine with 0.25 cups of chamomile infusion and 0.25 cups of almond oil. Add 0.5 tsp. honey and salt. Beat the resulting composition thoroughly and combine with 2 tsp. vaseline (pre-melt it in a water bath). Place the vaseline mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Before going to bed, apply a rejuvenating mass on a previously cleansed face and neck, in the morning remove the remnants with a napkin.
  • Fight against wrinkles. Squeeze 3 tsp from aloe leaves. juice (immediately before cooking) and mix, rubbing thoroughly, with 1 tsp. vaseline. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator, but not longer than 1 month. This amount is enough for you for several times. Use it like this: apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes, and then blot the residue with a tissue and wash with cool water.
  • Lightening. Mix 1 tsp. sour cream, 1 tsp lemon juice and 3 g of petroleum jelly, apply the mixture on your face for 1 hour, and then, removing the residue with a napkin, wash with warm water.
  • Fight against inflammation. Mix 1 tsp. vaseline with 1 tsp. your night cream and 2 drops of iodine. Apply a homogeneous mass on the face for 20 minutes, remove excess using a napkin, and wash with warm water.
Vaseline will help sponges if the skin is weathered and cracked. Use it neat or mixed with chocolate by melting in the microwave and blending. It is also used for traces of acne: as soon as a scar has formed, without waiting for the moment of its coarsening, lubricate the affected area on the skin with petroleum jelly. And they can also remove makeup, even waterproof.

How to use Vaseline to soften the skin of the body

The use of Vaseline has a good effect on the condition of the skin of the body, it softens, becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, moreover, the areas of its use are very different:
  1. For heels. Lubricate your heels with Vaseline and put on your socks. Already in the morning you will notice a positive effect - the skin will soften. And if you do this for 30 days, then the cracks that have arisen from dry feet will heal, and the heels will become even softer.
  2. For knees and elbows. Vaseline has a similar softening and wound-healing effect on the flaky rough skin of the elbows and knees. Just grease them. In the summer, do this at night, and in the winter, when you wear warm clothes, also during the day: apply the product on your elbows under a sweater and on your knees under warm tights.
  3. For cuticles. Lubricate them in the morning, afternoon and evening on the thin skin of the cuticle. So it will soften, and the fingers will look neater.
  4. For body peeling. To make the skin velvety, supple and smooth, mix sea salt (or just finely ground iodized salt) with petroleum jelly (1: 1) and massage the resulting scrub into the body, then rinse with water.
  5. After epilation. Vaseline has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, so applying it in a thin layer is useful after epilation (shaving or plucking, it doesn’t matter), and men can use it as an aftershave lotion. The same properties make the substance useful for those who have undergone surgery and those who have made themselves a tattoo: it prevents the appearance of crusts, wounds heal faster, and the seams are tightened without forming scars.
  6. For head and hair. Dry skin is a common cause of dandruff. And applying Vaseline to the scalp prevents its occurrence, and can also eliminate the unpleasant itching caused by it. The split ends of the hair lubricated with this remedy look healthy - it seems to seal them. True, remember that it is quite difficult to wash off Vaseline from curls. You can use it as a base for mascara (it separates the cilia well, makes them shiny) and make an eyebrow tinting agent out of it, mixing it with brown shadows, fixing the hairs in the right position.
  7. For treatment. Vaseline can be used to treat some dry skin problems. They are lubricated with various cracks and inflammations, dry nasal mucosa, atopic eczema, and even poisonous sumac lesions.
To save on expensive perfume, lubricate the skin on your wrists and neck with a thin layer of petroleum jelly, and only then sprinkle with perfume, so their scent will last longer. And if you apply it on the area above the eyebrows and on the eyebrows themselves, then when washing your hair, the soapy solution will drain without getting into your eyes, this is especially true for babies.

Got a pair of earrings that are hard to fit into your earlobe? Lubricate the skin with Vaseline, and the procedure will be easier and more painless.

Vaseline for the skin around the eyes

The area around the eyes is practically devoid of sebaceous glands and therefore dry, aging in the first place. Vaseline, covering it with a fairly dense layer and not being absorbed into it, thereby blocks the loss of moisture. This is a wonderful prophylactic against the appearance of wrinkles.

Proof of this is the appearance of the famous American actress Jennifer Aniston, who often uses ordinary inexpensive petroleum jelly to care for the skin around her eyes, applying it at night and washing herself with ice water in the morning to avoid swelling. And this despite the fact that a month the movie star does not regret spending up to $ 8,000 on caring for his body and face.

Of course, using Vaseline to protect the skin around the eyes is not always recommended, as you can disrupt the metabolism and get swelling instead of additional protection. Therefore, the best option is to use it periodically, especially in the cold season and windy weather.

You can do like Jennifer Aniston, but in our harsh climatic conditions, Vaseline is most conveniently applied in the morning, before going out, so you protect your skin from negative interaction with an unfavorable environment. Gently, with soft patting movements, rub it under the eyes. By the way, do not forget about your lips, they also need protection from wind and cold.

For eyelids, you can make special cream shadows based on petroleum jelly. To do this, in a small container with a lid, crumble and grind dry shadows to a powdery state and mix them with a small amount of the substance (add it gradually, trying not to overdo it) to get a substance similar in consistency to a cream.

And further! Applying Vaseline carefully, so as not to touch the mucous membrane, with a mascara brush on the eyelashes, you thereby enhance their growth. But this is only temporary, use it no more than once every six months for a month, you can’t do this all the time.

How to use Vaseline for skin - look at the video:

Vaseline is a time-tested inexpensive cosmetic product that protects against bad weather, eliminates irritation and copes with increased peeling on the body and face. True, they must be used wisely, in moderation. Proper use of the substance will save your skin from problems, and your budget from financial shocks, and also keep it turgor and smoothness.

Vaseline has long been known to be an excellent remedy for chapped lips. In addition, in the world of beauty and health there are other ways to use it, but not many people know about them.

So, here are 10 non-obvious ways to use Vaseline.

1. Vaseline prolongs the smell of perfume

Did you know that perfume scent lasts longer on hydrated skin? Therefore, if you want to make your perfume last longer, rub a small amount of Vaseline on the areas of your skin where you want to apply the perfume.

If you put perfume on your wrists, do not rub them together: this will change the structure of the fragrance, and it will no longer be the same.

2. Make your exfoliator

An exfoliator is a scrub containing tiny, rounded polished particles. Mix some sugar with petroleum jelly and you have a moisturizing exfoliator. It's easy and much cheaper than buying in the store.

3. Cuticle moisturizer

Hydrated cuticles give nails a healthy and fresh look. Put a small drop of Vaseline on your fingers and lubricate your cuticles.

4. Skin protection during hair coloring

If you dye your hair at home, apply petroleum jelly along your hairline and around your neck. This will create a barrier to the paint so your skin won't stain.

5. Vaseline softens rough heels

If cracked heels bother you, put a little Vaseline on them before going to bed and rub it in with massage movements, and then put on socks. Your heels will definitely become soft.

6. Vaseline lengthens lashes

If you do not use mascara, but want to visually lengthen and increase volume, apply a little Vaseline.

7. Vaseline helps to insert earrings

Sometimes it is difficult to push the earring through the ear. Lubricate the bow with Vaseline, this will make the task easier.

8. Makeup Remover

Another old trick. Use a cotton swab lubricated with Vaseline to remove makeup.

9. Nose protection

In cold winters, rub Vaseline around your nostrils to prevent irritation and redness. This trick is great if you suffer from allergies or constantly wipe your nose with a handkerchief (for example, when you have a cold).

10. Sunburn Remedy

If you get sunburned, apply plenty of petroleum jelly to the affected area to help reduce itching. It will also hydrate the skin and prevent it from flaking.

The substance was invented in 1959 by Robert Chesbrough. This healing, moisture-preserving and skin-protecting preparation is used by many people. It is natural and artificial. Vaseline, made from natural ingredients, fights germs and retains water. It is sticky and difficult to remove from the surface of the skin. An artificial analogue is used in the cosmetic, medical, and technical industries. It looks like an ointment, is easily washed off, does not smell, does not have a taste. It consists of:

  • Paraffin.
  • Vaseline (perfume) oil.
  • Ceresin.

At present, the drug is used to protect metal from corrosion, as a laxative in medicine, and is added to most products in the cosmetic industry.

This tool practically does not cause allergies, skin irritation, so the range of use of petroleum jelly is quite wide.

Facial application

Vaseline is an ingredient in many face creams and oils. It creates a protective layer that helps retain moisture on the surface of the skin and prevents wrinkles. The ointment is used as a basis for applying cosmetics in frosty and windy weather, reliably protecting the epidermis from the effects of adverse environmental factors and preventing the skin from drying out. The product does not enter into a chemical reaction with the epithelium, does not interact with other drugs, and therefore cannot cause an allergic reaction. At low temperatures, unlike most creams, it will protect the skin better. Cosmetic creams contain more water, which freezes in frosty weather.

Possessing antimicrobial, regenerating properties, vaseline ointment is used to restore the epidermis after acne. The product is applied to the face after a series of cosmetic procedures, as protection against infection on the skin. It helps to restore the skin, prevent the evaporation of moisture. It is used at night instead of a cream for dryness, peeling, the appearance of small cracks, to retain moisture and nourish the upper layer of the dermis.

  • Vaseline makes a good makeup remover. It is necessary to soak a small napkin, a piece of fleece (fabric) with it and carefully remove makeup. With the help of the product, any waterproof cosmetics are washed off.
  • Athletes lubricate their faces before the fight with the enemy. After using the product, the skin becomes elastic, less prone to injury.
  • Cosmetic vaseline is also used to improve the condition of eyelashes. It should be applied in the evening at the base of the cilia for four weeks. This greatly accelerates their growth, making them longer.
  • Many apply Vaseline ointment to the upper and lower eyelids. It serves as additional protection for the most sensitive and delicate area of ​​the face, which is primarily subject to aging. By retaining moisture, the product prevents the appearance of small mimic wrinkles. Measure must be followed. With prolonged use, the remedy can cause swelling of the eyelids, due to a violation of the metabolic processes occurring in the epidermis.
  • To give a wet shine to the eyes, apply a drop of the drug to the corners of the eyelids. Adding ointment to dry eyeshadow will add extra shine and shine to the look.
  • To make the eyebrows look beautiful and elegant, cosmetic Vaseline is often used. After giving the eyebrows the desired shape, using a small comb, the product is applied to them with a special brush. When the ointment dries, the eyebrows will look well-groomed and shine.
  • When coloring eyebrows and eyelashes, this unique product is also used. In order to prevent paint from getting on the skin, the upper eyelid is lubricated with petroleum jelly. A crescent-shaped sponge is applied to the lower eyelid, impregnated with vaseline ointment.

Lip application

Vaseline is used in many lipsticks. On the Internet, you can find information that Marilyn Monroe actively used this cosmetic product to moisturize and add shine to her lips. The actress laid the foundation for the use of the drug as the basis for modern lip gloss. The cosmetic product is easy to apply, absorbs well, shimmers seductively and makes the lips of any woman attractive and irresistible.

Cosmetic vaseline ointment is the simplest and most affordable lip care product. In this matter, it can compete with hygienic lipstick. It will cost much less than this means for moisturizing and nourishing the lips. One jar of the substance can replace several tubes of lipstick. The product is made from natural raw materials, it contains vitamins, trace elements. A non-viscous, almost colorless, tasteless agent that softens and nourishes the skin of the lips. Do not apply too much of it, otherwise the substance may smear and spread over the face.

So that the lips are not overdried and do not crack, you need to lubricate them at night with petroleum jelly. The drug quickly removes dryness and small cracks that occur on the lips during chapping, helps with seizures that appear with a lack of vitamins and constant licking of the lips in the wind. Prevent the occurrence of herpes. Healthy, vaseline-protected lip skin is less at risk of a cold.

Vaseline masks at home

  • Anti-wrinkle mask with aloe. Aloe leaves are squeezed out. 20 ml of the juice obtained from them are mixed with a teaspoon of petroleum jelly. The resulting mixture should be stored in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator. The mask is applied to the skin of the face and washed off after 20 minutes.
  • A softening and nourishing facial mask. 12 g of castor oil are mixed with 3 teaspoons of honey, a small spoonful of vaseline, a few drops of iodine are added, all this is thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied to the surface of the face and washed off with water after a couple of hours.

About Cosmetic Vaseline

On the Internet you can find both positive and negative reviews about this cosmetic product. In Europe, vaseline is much more popular than in Russia. Many are scared off by the presence of oil in its composition. Cosmetologists and representatives of manufacturers in response declare that this chemical compound is part of most cosmetic creams and is a completely natural and environmentally friendly substance.

Properties of vaseline:

  • Softens the skin.
  • Protects from the harmful effects of the external environment, forming a protective layer.
  • Slows down the process of wrinkles, prevents the penetration of infection.
  • Retains moisture in the epidermis.
  • Helps restore skin elasticity.
  • It is a hypoallergenic drug.

The product is part of a huge number of oils, creams and lipsticks. Well-known brands use it in the production of cosmetics. Sometimes the price of their products is several times higher than the cost of one of their most basic components. The drug is available in cosmetic bags of many world celebrities, because of its unique properties. The absence of contraindications, affordability, ease of use, all this made vaseline ointment a tool that is popular and in demand in all social strata of society.

: the one we are used to is used for creams, oils and various cosmetic preparations. Did you know that useful vaseline properties make it multifunctional?

Vaseline Features

Everyone knows that Vaseline is often used in cosmetology and in the beauty industry, but not everyone knows what it is made of and how it is made. In fact, it is obtained by steaming petroleum products, followed by filtration at high temperatures.

From a chemical point of view, it is simply a refined mixture of mineral oil and hard paraffins.

It may seem strange to you that a derivative product from oil can be useful for the body as a whole, but in reality useful vaseline properties have been known for a long time and are not in doubt.

Due to its thick and viscous consistency, it perfectly protects the skin, especially good for sensitive areas, such as lips. A good natural ingredient for making ointments, used both in winter and summer, it perfectly protects from the sun, cold and wind.

Useful properties of Vaseline:

  • This is a great lip balm: Apply a small amount to lips to soften them, heal cold cracks, moisturize them and protect them from the sun. In addition, Vaseline gives the lips a glossy shine.
  • It can be used as a cream for hands and feet: it softens and moisturizes dry skin, relieves cracks. Apply a little on hands and nails in a circular motion, then put on gloves and special socks for best effect. Leave on for 15 minutes for the Vaseline to be absorbed into the skin. If necessary, rinse off excess with warm water. You will see your skin become softer and smoother.
  • Withdrawal : The properties of petroleum jelly will help remove waterproof mascara without irritating your eyes.
  • It can easily replace moisturizing lotion: Apply petroleum jelly all over your body after your bath to hydrate and soften your skin.
  • This is an excellent exfoliant: If you mix a little Vaseline with two tablespoons of sugar or salt, you will get a great homemade scrub that is suitable for both face and body. They can also remove dead cells from the lips. Apply in circular motions and leave on for a few minutes. After that, gently massage your lips with an old toothbrush or massage glove, and then rinse off the residue.

  • Softens the skin after depilation : whether you shave your hair or use wax. Surely you are faced with the problem of dry skin on the legs? Try applying a thin layer of Vaseline to your skin. The skin will become softer and more hydrated.
  • Can replace blush: mix Vaseline with lipstick and you will get a great creamy blush. They will last a long time and retain a rich color.
  • Helps fragrances last longer Put some Vaseline on your wrists before using perfume, so the fragrance will last longer.
  • Protects the skin of the face during hair coloring: apply a little Vaseline under the hairline, so you protect yourself from possible allergic reactions and do not get dirty in the paint.
  • Replaces hair conditioner: After you have washed your hair with regular shampoo, apply a little Vaseline to your scalp, leave for a few minutes and rinse.

  • Hides split ends: a small amount of petroleum jelly can mask the ugly protruding ends of the hair.
  • Base for self-tanning: Apply some Vaseline to dry areas before using self-tanner to protect your skin.
  • Useful for eyebrows and eyelashes: moisturizes the skin, makes the eyebrows thicker and longer. Apply it before bed.
  • Softens cuticles: use several times a day for hands and nails.
  • Great for massage: relaxes muscles and hydrates the skin. Apply Vaseline in gentle circular motions from fingertips to neck.
  • Can be used as an eyeshadow base it makes shadows last longer and look brighter. Vaseline can be used instead of a highlighter, it makes the skin glow.
  • It will help to remove the stuck ring from the finger: Apply a little Vaseline to your finger and the ring will come off easily and painlessly.
  • heals wounds, and also protects the skin after tattooing.