White crust on elbows. Because of what, crusts form on the elbows. Softening rough skin on the elbows at home

Hello dear readers. Dry skin on the elbows is quite common. It, sometimes, does not even cause any discomfort to its owners, as it has already become familiar to them. But, with the onset of the warm season, the owners of such a not entirely pleasant phenomenon, which is often attributed to the cosmetic features of the body, are increasingly beginning to pay attention to the fact that the skin has acquired an unpleasant appearance, “dried up”, in some it even cracked, because in winter, the skin was not given due and such much-needed attention. Can elbows be considered a mirror of the state of the body? Definitely, to some extent, yes. But, only an experienced doctor can determine what is wrong with you. As practice shows, most doctors do not pay any attention to the elbows of those who come to them with certain complaints, or simply for a medical examination.

But in vain! Although, modern official medicine has a lot of flaws. It's not about that now. Back to the topic: rough elbows are an indicator of certain malfunctions in the body, as well as a cosmetic defect.

Is it possible to do something with him to correct the situation in his favor? Naturally - you can. After all, hopeless situations, as is known from the words of the hero of one notorious animated film, simply do not happen!

So, in order to freely wear short-sleeved clothes in the warm season, you will need careful care, but before that you need to find out the reason.

Without finding out the reason, it will be extremely difficult to achieve at least such a positive result, and in some cases it is simply impossible!

The main causes of rough elbows

Most medical professionals who diagnose certain diseases say with confidence that small skin problems are often a loud signal of serious problems that occur in the body. Timely identification of the cause becomes an important impetus to eliminate the problem.

Vitamin A and E deficiency. The most common cause of rough skin on your elbows may be insufficient amounts of vitamins such as groups A and E.

Avitaminosis. In other words, there is a consequence of beriberi, which is also the cause of hair loss, their fragility and section, dry skin of the face - this is also a frequent consequence of a lack of vitamins.

Modern representatives of the “weaker sex” (namely, they have problems with roughness of the elbows most often) often work at computers, while there is a natural load on the elbows and the skin around them.

Lack of care. In such cases, it is necessary to take care not only of the skin of the hands, but also of the capricious skin on the elbows. Hand skin care is necessary systematically all year round, and not occasionally.

Violation of the endocrine system. Another reason is the failure of the endocrine system and hormonal levels. If, in combination with dry elbows, symptoms such as weight gain, nervous irritation, sweating, fatigue and constant drowsiness are observed, then this is a rather alarming sign. For example, it may indicate the development of diabetes.

Thus, we can first state the fact that the causes of this problem can be divided, conditionally, into external and internal.

External - those that affect the body from the outside. For example, in addition to physical pressure on the elbows due to the peculiarities of the daily workflow, this can include the features of the external environment in which the body is constantly located: air humidity, intensity of sunlight (a very important factor!), ecological situation, and so on.

We figured out the external causes of rough elbows, but what are internal ones?

Internal causes - those that are due to the state of the organism itself, its organs and their systems. These include certain violations in their work, the same deficiency of vitamins and mineral salts, and other similar reasons.

But you should not be afraid of anything, the main thing is to know what to do and how to treat rough and. There are many different means for this, including folk ones.

Various pathological causes

Finding out the causes of dry skin of the elbows, you need to understand that this is not always a problem that can be quickly corrected with the help of simple manipulations.

Unfortunately, this is sometimes a sign of serious pathological changes in the body, the treatment of which must be started immediately.


These problems include hypothyroidism. As you know, the work of the endocrine system is responsible for the condition of the skin, therefore, if the thyroid gland does not work to its fullest, it is the skin that makes itself felt, first of all.

The metabolic rate drops, skin recovery also becomes unstable and slow: regeneration processes in it lag behind the normal physiological cycle.

In this case, first of all, it is necessary to pass an analysis for the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, abbreviated as TSH. Insufficient production of the hormone thyroxine by the thyroid gland leads to an unsatisfactory skin condition.


If the nutrition of skin cells is disturbed, its condition also changes, and the cause of this can be a dangerous disease - diabetes mellitus.

It is worth noting that the skin, during this illness, becomes not only dry and flaky, but also easily injured and poorly healing. All this leads to inflammation, damage and prolonged healing of wounds. The skin of people with diabetes mellitus roughens not only on the elbows and heels, but sometimes even on the palms.


Dry elbows are a fairly common occurrence with a decrease in the level of red blood cells -. Anemia is not only the cause of dry skin, but a sign of many diseases.

In the case of a reduction in the amount of iron, not only the elbows, but also the knees become dry.


When looking for the problem of dry elbows, you need to remember about autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system creates antibodies from its cells, such as ichthyosis.

A pathology such as hyperkeratosis, during which the stratum corneum thickens, is also possible.

If you have itching, redness in certain places, as well as inflammation of the dermis, this is the first sign that you probably have eczema or psoriasis.

Basic diagnosis of the disease

First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist and an endocrinologist. The cause of the disease is diagnosed with the help of clinical studies.

Results of blood tests and skin tests are needed. With the help of a blood test, it is possible to exclude or confirm diabetes mellitus, anemia, endocrine system problems in a patient.

Analysis of the condition of the skin allows you to exclude or confirm eczema or psoriasis.

You should pay attention to the position of your hands when working at the table, review the cosmetics that you use.

If you use unnatural low-quality cosmetics for skin care, then this can already become a provoking factor for coarsening of the elbows.

What to do, how to treat rough and rough elbows?

After the research and finding out the cause of dry skin of the elbows, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate these causes.

First of all, exfoliating preparations are used, then - preparations that soften the skin, for example: apply salicylic ointment for exfoliation, and soften the skin with a nourishing cream.

But, this is in the event that the cause of peeling is untimely care for the elbows, uncomfortable clothing, or the wrong position of the hands at the desktop.

Take vitamins in cycles

When the reason lies in the lack of vitamins, it is necessary to listen to the opinion of dermatologists who advise to eliminate the cause with the help of vitamin complexes.

Vitamins A and E must be drunk in courses (Vetoron drops, as an option). Also, in the diet it is necessary to include a large number of foods containing these vitamins.

Visit doctors

Did the doctor endocrinologist tell you that you have a problem with the endocrine system? Listen to individual recommendations and strictly follow them.

After that, begin to soften the skin of the elbows with ointments and creams that are applied to cleansed skin twice a day until a stable remission or full recovery occurs, which will manifest itself externally in improving the cosmetic appearance of the elbows.

Moisturize your skin with creams

If the cause of chapped skin is long-term incorrect and irregular care for it, then everything depends on you: the skin of the hands will have to be moisturized after each wash, to take care of it.

At the same time, the funds are applied only with massage movements in the direction of the clockwise direction.

If the water-fat balance is disturbed, the skin quickly loses moisture and also becomes rough, flaky and even bumpy.

In this case, it is necessary to stop using soap, because it is it that dries the skin of the whole body very much. Instead of soap, you can use a special foam with a nourishing and moisturizing effect, or a gel.

Use olive oil

Often oils come to the rescue: olive and even more familiar to us - sunflower.

Taking heated oils as a basis, it is possible to do night compresses, baths for 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to rub the skin with a not very rough brush and finish everything by applying a moisturizer to the peeling areas.

Soften your elbows with a potato

Ordinary potatoes will help whiten your elbows and soften them. It needs to be finely grated, the gruel that formed after that, put on the elbow area, not very tightly wrapped with a bandage and left for 30 minutes, or longer.

The tool can be used 3 times a week until the onset of a positive effect. Further, as a preventive measure, once a week.

Apple cider vinegar products

Try a natural apple cider vinegar compress. Take 2.5-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ideally homemade).

How to make apple cider vinegar with your own hands at home, we have already considered in our previous ones.

Add the same amount of water to them. Let this solution stand for 5 minutes.

Repeat the procedure every 2 days until a stable positive result is achieved, after which you can change the frequency of using these discs to 1 per week.

Instead of cotton pads, you can use sterile gauze or a bandage, depending on the availability of one or another material.

Can children have rough elbows and why?

Rough elbows in children, as well as in adults, are the result of any disease or improper care of the skin of the elbows.

There are several reasons for this, but, most often, it is atopic dermatitis or, in simple terms, diathesis.

To accurately confirm the guesses, you must immediately visit the pediatrician, take tests and follow the doctor's instructions.

Naturally, one should not forget that the child has rough, rough skin on the elbows may indicate its excessive traumatization. How? Everything is very simple.

Do not forget about the increased activity of little fidgets. Elbows often come into contact with surfaces that can regularly, although not very much, injure them.

Here the skin reacts accordingly, increasing the number of coarsened epidermal cells on its surface, for natural protective purposes. So, until the cause is clarified, there is no need to worry.

Having found out the cause and qualitatively eliminating it, it is necessary to take up the prevention of dry skin.

Scrubs. Exfoliate rough elbow skin with scrubs, nourish and moisturize skin with oils and creams, both ready-made and purchased at specialized outlets.

Oils. A very good positive effect is given by natural products based on coconut oil. It is deservedly considered one of the best substances in this "field".

Lemon. Turning to traditional medicine, you can hear such advice: lubricate the skin with lemon, rice broth, sauerkraut juice, all these methods allow the skin to whiten and, to a certain extent, soften.

home mask. Homemade recipes are almost as good as purchased creams and masks: 1 tsp. fine salt, cream, hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice.

Mix everything and apply on the softened skin of the elbows, wrap and leave for 30 minutes. After applying the mask, the skin must be softened with creams.

It's no secret that body care for a girl is an important part of her lifestyle. Every lady, trying to prolong her youth, takes care of herself. Morning jogs and gyms, creams and lotions, masks and scrubs, massages and body wraps... However, despite this, picky ladies still find areas that still need to be worked on. And sometimes dry skin on the elbows becomes such an annoying flaw that prevents you from enjoying perfect beauty. She looks unpresentable, and often even rude. This is especially striking in the summer, during the season of T-shirts, T-shirts and blouses with short sleeves. How to overcome this external disadvantage? What are the reasons for this dryness? Just about this and will be discussed further.

Why do elbows dry

Sometimes dry skin on the elbows is caused by quite serious reasons. For example, in this way the body can signal disorders of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland, and even diabetes or a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Is it really a matter of hormonal failure or a beginning illness, only the results of an ultrasound scan or tests prescribed by a doctor can show. In this case, it is better not to delay a visit to an endocrinologist who will prescribe a competent treatment.

However, more often than not, things are much more prosaic. So, the skin can become very dry due to banal malnutrition. The diet should be varied and saturated with all the necessary valuable substances. Keratin and vitamins A, E and D are especially important for the beauty and elasticity of the skin. They can be obtained from lean fish, meat, eggs, dried apricots, vegetable oils, and dairy products. It is also important to help the body maintain its natural water balance and drink clean water every day. Not less than a liter, but better one and a half.

Makes dry skin on the elbows and frequent bathing and swimming pools. After all, chlorinated water does not have the best effect on the skin, irritating it. Exactly the same effect is observed after using liquid soap and shower gels with sulfates in the composition.

And sometimes drying out on the elbows becomes the result of office work. During the day, young ladies who have a habit of resting on the table rub the place of the elbow bend, and as a result, mechanical damage and dryness are obtained.

In addition, so that the skin does not dry out and does not peel off, do not forget about air humidifiers. Because when the humidity in the room is too low, the cells cannot maintain their natural hydrobalance.

These are the main reasons why dry, dark skin can form on the elbows, and sometimes even rough and cracked. What can be done to soften it?

There are some proven folk methods.

The best recipes for dry skin on the elbows

One of the most wonderful and simple remedies is flaxseed, almond or olive oil. They perfectly nourish, remove inflammation and make the skin soft. You can simply rub any of these oils on your elbows instead of a body cream, or you can make a bath. To do this, you need to warm the oil to a pleasant temperature, pour it into two bowls and lower your elbows into them. Sit like this for a quarter of an hour, get wet with a napkin, rub the remaining oil.

The bath will soften the elbows well

Good and starch bath. To prepare it, you need to mix two or three tablespoons of starch with two glasses of warm water. Dip your elbows in the starch solution and hold them there for 20 minutes. Then rinse with running water and spread with a fat cream.

Such nourishing elbow baths should be done twice a week.

Do not forget about peels. Elbows are prone to coarsening, so you need to regularly help the cells renew themselves by removing the stratum corneum with a scrub. You can buy ready-made or make your own. For example, mix fine salt with sour cream or coffee with honey and massage the skin of your elbows two to three times a week.

Cryotherapy is also effective - rubbing dry skin on the elbows with ice cubes. But not simple, but healing: grind a tablespoon of fresh mint, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Then cool, strain and freeze. In the morning and in the evening, take one cube each and massage your elbows. This will help the skin to be always in good shape.

And, of course, a great tool - masks. Here are the most effective ones.


Masks will help moisturize the skin on the elbows

Mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with the same amount of grated raw potatoes. Coat the skin of the elbows with a thick layer and wrap with cling film. To be like this for half an hour, then rinse and use the cream.

This mask perfectly softens and nourishes the skin. And potatoes, if desired, can be replaced with egg yolk. The effect will be the same.


Mix a teaspoon of heavy cream with the same amount of lemon juice. Add a teaspoon of fine salt and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide, mix. Distribute over the skin of the elbows, fix with a plastic bag. Rest for half an hour, lightly massage the skin, rinse off the mixture with cool water and smear the elbows with cream.

This mask perfectly cleanses the rough skin of the elbows, whitens it and makes it smooth.


Mix a tablespoon of almond oil and liquid honey. Warm up a little, apply on the elbows and wrap with cling film on top. Sit for half an hour and wash off. Repeat every other day, the course is two weeks.

This mask moisturizes the skin well and makes it soft.

Apricot puree fortifies and softens the skin


Remove a few ripe apricots from the stone and mash into a puree. Warm up in a water bath for a couple of minutes, cool and mix with a spoonful of olive oil. Spread the mixture on your elbows, secure with a plastic bag and rest for half an hour. Wash off, use cream.

This summer mask will give the skin of the elbows vitamins, soften it and heal it.

We wish you good luck in the fight for the beauty of the skin!

Good afternoon

My skin on my elbows is very dry, and this is not just peeling and roughening of the skin, it comes to the point that cracks appear that bleed and hurt.

Tell me, maybe some compresses from herbal mixtures help?

I tried different creams, but the effect is short-lived, then it gets even worse. I decided to try folk methods.

Comments: 29 »

    Yes, I am familiar with this situation. I just got rid of it completely recently. I smeared my elbows with the usual baby cream, and then wrapped them in a bandage. Within a week, the cracks healed and I forgot what pain is.

    I also want to say that curing the skin is not enough, the main thing is to prevent the development of this in the future. Leather tends to crack where it comes into contact with a hard surface (table). Therefore, if your elbows often lie on the table, lay a soft cloth under them.

    Try nourishing baby creams that relieve itching and redness from the skin. Just take a good brand name. German baby creams are not bad, they help well, and not only for children.

    Sometimes, the skin on the elbows reacts this way to hormonal failure. But, in order to alleviate the condition, I recommend applying a mixture of olive oil and honey to the elbows, mixing one to one. Apply, secure with a bandage and leave overnight. Heals and nourishes.

    It is necessary to regularly rub with massage oil so that the skin retains moisture and elasticity, burdock is also suitable, vitamins are also needed, go to a dermatologist - there may be a fungus.

    To begin with, you can steam your elbows in the bathroom and remove dry, keratinized skin with a body scrub, and then treat it with any baby cream or healing hand cream, but I really like Bepanten, I used Bepanten for healing scratches, which my daughters bought from diaper rash, and we smear they are all wounded.

    It is possible that dryness and cracks in the elbows are associated with some diseases. It can be allergic dermatitis, and low hemoglobin, and the usual lack of vitamins. It is better to consult a doctor and take tests to discard all diseases. And to soften and moisturize the skin on the elbows, it is best to use natural oils: rosehip oil, calendula, sea buckthorn.

    I don’t know how neglected this situation is for you, but my cracks healed after I started regularly using a rich moisturizing and nourishing cream, possibly with some vitamins.

    First you need to find out the cause of peeling. My elbows started to peel off after I often started sitting at the computer. Perhaps you lack vitamin A in the body.

    I would advise you to first anoint your elbows with a regular baby cream. If after a week the dryness does not go away, then contact a dermatologist. Let him prescribe the necessary tests, prescribe a course of treatment. It is possible that you have some kind of gastrointestinal disease, which is the cause of the problem.

    In no case do not rub the skin with a scrub, there will be wounds. After steaming your elbows, apply Johnson's baby oil, which you need to insist on herbs. Buy chamomile and calendula in a pharmacy, pour this oil for a day. Oil does not leave traces on clothes, so you can safely go to bed.

    If the skin on the elbows dries up and cracks, this may indicate some problems in your body. In general, olive oil compresses help well, smear your elbows, wrap with a bandage and leave overnight.

    I suggest you use a protective cream for the winter. It softens well and relieves peeling. Faberlic has a good cream, but I don’t remember its name, but you don’t need Winter, but the one for frostbite and burns. It used to be Series A.

    Try Shea Butter Cream. Shea butter has the effect of healing wounds, cracks, cuts, softens rough skin.

    I had this, but in the palm of my hand. Of all the things I tried, Akriderm Genta ointment helped. And I've been fine for 4 years now.

    This may be due to hyperkeratosis. The disease is practically incurable. But all the symptoms are relieved by vitamins for the skin and lubrication from the outside with fortified baby oil

    Try anointing your elbows with apricot oil, which is sold in every pharmacy and is quite inexpensive. I think this tool will help you.

    Add vitamins A and E to a simple baby cream and lubricate your elbows with such an enriched cream at least 2 times a day. Oil solutions of these vitamins are freely sold in pharmacies. In one day the problem will not be solved, but after a couple of weeks you will notice positive changes.

    A simple and effective remedy is a piece of old salted lard. Rewind for the night. Repeat several times. But such dryness is clearly an internal problem of the body. An examination is needed.

    Be sure to rule out psoriasis. The elbows are his favorite spot. An excellent remedy for peeling and inflammatory dermatitis is lanolin. Buy pure lanolin at the pharmacy, or any cosmetic cream with lanolin, wash and dry your elbows, spread the cream thickly, cover with cling film on top and leave overnight. The effect is amazing!

    I also suffered from a similar problem, tried many means, but the best remedy turned out to be a baby cream applied at night, and also sometimes during the day. In addition, sometimes she made bandages with good honey applied to a plantain leaf or simply to gauze. If the cracks passed, I rubbed my elbows with a washcloth properly during the shower, and after that - a baby cream.

    If there are no obvious cracks at the moment, try to soften the very rough skin with a softening foot cream (Doctor Biocon is very good for rough skin on the feet - it is also suitable for the elbows). It has a healing effect (“works” even for cracked heels), and the acids in its composition soften rough areas. Apply thickly at night under the bandage, and in the morning gently remove the softened rough skin with a gentle scrub.

    The skin in places like the elbows always needs to be moisturized, for example, I smear with creams, and sometimes with olive oil or fish oil. There are no such problems.

    When I was little, I also had dry skin on my knees and elbows - sometimes it even cracked. I noticed that when we went to my aunt in the village for the summer, after a couple of days the skin became tender, and all the roughness disappeared. Whether the air was different there, or the water, or the food, I didn’t understand ... Now my elbows also dry out periodically, but I don’t think that this problem is due to the fact that I sit at the computer - I sit at it a lot , in theory, the elbows should have been erased to the ears. I think that all skin problems come from within, that is, from your diet (unless, of course, it's some kind of fungal microorganism). Add more fresh vegetables and fruits, oil (regular sunflower or olive) to your diet. And I hope you drink filtered water? Use water softening filters. Be healthy:)

    After reading the answers, I must say (I agree with the already existing answer) that you can’t steam and rub your elbows if there are cracks! In no case, it will only dry out even more and the cracks will bleed, no cream will save. Here is what I personally used when I had a similar problem:

    - Yes, baby cream saves, but specifically you need to take not just a fat cream, but for newborns, marked “for diaper rash, to relieve itching and heal wounds.” Helps great!

    - An unexpected remedy that was advised to me and which is really very effective - a cream ... after shaving! Yes, yes, the effect is wonderful, the skin on the elbows is just velvety, peeling and cracks disappear :)

    In some cases, peeling indicates beriberi. If darkening is added to the peeling of the elbow, go to the endocrinologist - there may be a violation of the pancreas and adrenal glands

    Dryness and cracks in the elbows are the first sign of the development of diabetes mellitus !!! So run to the hospital to take tests, you must definitely get checked, otherwise you can start your health. If everything is fine with the tests, then you need to take a lemon and regularly wipe your elbows with it, until skin does not recover.

    I have been suffering from a chronic skin disease for 30 years, in which bleeding ulcers appear on my elbows and knees. The skin requires constant hydration and care, which oils and creams I have not tried ... The skin gets used very quickly, now I smear castor oil under the film at night, the effect is very good. And herbal compresses should not be applied, as they dry the skin very much.

    Hello! I was saved by an old folk remedy, it also helps with cracked skin on the heels. Buy a bottle of ordinary glycerin at the pharmacy - it costs a penny. At home, add ordinary table vinegar to glycerin - directly into the vial, there is usually a place there, they are not topped up to the end. And make compresses on the elbows at night, you will feel the effect the first time, and after several procedures you will completely forget about peeling.

    I bought “Aevit” in capsules and smear my elbows with a mixture of regular cream (I have Olive-glycerin, inexpensive) and the contents of one capsule. Elbows gradually acquire a decent appearance.

Dryness and peeling on the elbows in women, and in men, from the point of view of aesthetics, are considered a sign of poor care for delicate areas of the skin on the body.

Indeed, the main cause of unpleasant phenomena on the delicate skin of the elbows is improper care for this area or lack of care. But the causes of dryness, redness and peeling often turn out to be more global.

Article plan:

Why the skin on the elbows peels off: the roots of the problem

There are no sebaceous glands in this area of ​​the skin, so any failure in the body can cause a response in this particular place.

Elbows are a kind of signal beacon of malfunctions in the human body. Lack of vitamins, stress, chronic diseases - all this can cause problems.

But dry elbows are only the first sign. If the real cause is not identified and the problem is not addressed, more negative reactions may follow in the future, such as cracks, severe itching, suppuration, weeping eczema.

At the first signs of dryness on the elbows, you need not only to take intensive care of this area on the body, but also pay attention to the health of the whole organism. It is especially worth approaching the problem with due attention if additional places of peeling are found on the body, for example, on the knees. Such an additional sign may no longer hint, but be a clear symptom of serious malfunctions in the body.

What causes sensitive reactions on the elbows and how to get rid of such unpleasant manifestations? We have collected all the causes of dryness and peeling of the skin on the elbows into a single whole, and we will tell you how to deal with this feature in each individual case.

Insufficient or improper skin care in the area of ​​the elbow joints

Since, as mentioned above, there are no sebaceous glands on the elbows, the skin in these places most often suffers from any negative environmental impact.

It is worth noting that the basis of proper elbow care is a whole range of procedures:

  • Moisturizing;
  • Nutrition;
  • Cleansing.

Moisturize this area regularly with body creams and oils, and exfoliate the elbows to prevent crusting.

It will not be superfluous to sometimes carry out procedures for additional nutrition of the skin on the elbows:

  • Trays;
  • Lotions and compresses;
  • Rubbing vegetable oils;
  • Nutrition with vitamin compositions based on oils.

With small peeling and coarsening of the skin, ordinary soda will help. You need to take five tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate per liter of hot water to make a bath in which you should hold your elbows for 10-15 minutes. Soda will soften the skin, eliminate inflammation, relieve redness and pain. After the procedure, you need to lubricate the elbows with a fat cream (can be for children).

With a preventive goal, you need to develop one habit: in the daily care of the skin of the face and hands, do not forget about the skin on the elbows. This simple rule is very effective in helping to avoid rough skin and subsequent problems in this area.

Working at a computer and sitting at a table for a long time with an emphasis on the elbows

People whose profession is related to sedentary work at the table often complain of pain on the thin skin of the elbow joint. Daily emphasis on the elbows while sitting at the table causes pressure on the skin, due to which it coarsens, can begin to peel off, and even crack.

The problem is aggravated by the habit of leaning on the elbows, for example, propping up the chin.

Writers, teachers, office and administrative workers need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin on their elbows.

Proper care will help prevent unpleasant consequences. And for those who are already puzzled by the fact that the skin on the elbows constantly dries, peels off or hurts, and does not know what to do with it, it is recommended, first of all, to develop the habit of moisturizing the elbows in the morning before work and in the evening before going to bed with body cream.

Other, more effective methods include:

  • Lubrication of dry flaky areas with salicylic ointment. You should not expect an instant result, but if the problem is not running, after a week, the other skin on the elbows will stop drying out and hurting.
  • Olive oil has a positive effect on mild skin problems on the elbows. It must be rubbed every day at night, and always after water procedures. Under the influence of olive oil, the skin softens and moisturizes. And if dry and cracked elbows are not a signal of other problems in the body, everything should return to normal in a short period of time.

Insufficient intake of vitamins in the autumn-winter period

Dry and flaky skin on the elbows can signal a lack of iron, vitamins A, D and E. The main sign of vitamin deficiency of these substances will be "goosebumps" on the elbows and knees. Therefore, the first thing to do for any problems with the skin on the joints is to carry out vitamin therapy.

In particular, it is recommended to take the following vitamins:

  • "Aevit" (vitamins A and E);
  • Vitamin D (calciferol);
  • Vitamin and mineral complex.

Important! All vitamins should be taken separately. You can not take the complex, and any other vitamin in addition (unless the doctor has prescribed otherwise). An excess of vitamin A is especially dangerous for health.

With persistent beriberi, especially if peeling on other areas of the skin, brittle nails and hair are added to dry elbows, it is additionally recommended to take immunomodulatory drugs or immunostimulants of plant origin:

Remember that you can improve the condition of the skin on any part of the body with the help of nutrition. This will help green vegetables and herbs, onions. Citrus fruits, among other things, are also considered excellent antioxidants. And vegetable oil (especially if you alternate different varieties) and butter will make up for the lack of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids in the body - substances that are the key to skin beauty.

Allergy symptoms (food, contact), manifestations of atopic dermatitis

If the peeling on the elbow has a red tint, this may indicate an allergic reaction.

An examination by a specialist and testing will help determine the exact cause.

Rashes on the elbows, as well as on other parts of the body, more accurately indicate an allergy.

However, when dermatitis appears in various places, medical attention is necessary to prevent the serious consequences of allergic reactions, and also so that the disease does not become chronic.

In all other cases, when the allergy was localized only on the elbows, taking antihistamines (Loratadin, Fenkarol, Cetrin, Zirtek) will help. In parallel, doctors often prescribe sedatives that calm the nervous system. Recommended tinctures of motherwort, valerian, or complex preparations such as Sedavit, Persen.

Outwardly, dermatitis is treated with various pharmaceutical ointments to relieve itching and pain. From improvised means, grated potatoes help well. It is applied to the affected elbows in the form of lotions for 15-20 minutes.

Peeling skin on elbows? Check your blood sugar

Peeling and redness on the elbow, accompanied by pain, can be a symptom of diabetes. It will not be superfluous to be examined by a doctor for other endocrine diseases in the absence of high sugar in the tests.

Diabetes mellitus is indicated not only when the skin on the elbows hurts, but also when it is dry, cracked at the same time on the palms and heels.

Psoriasis as the cause of peeling on the elbows

"Scaly lichen" - this is the popular name for a serious skin disease - Psoriasis. Unlike the redness and blemishes associated with allergies, psoriasis has well-defined red patches that do not just peel off, but are covered with silvery scales.

Psoriasis affects various areas of the skin, but primarily prefers to "place" on the elbows and knees.

Similar spots on the feet, thighs, calves, in the genital area or on the lower back will help to more accurately determine the diagnosis.

A folk way to get rid of red spots on the elbows is an ointment with elecampane, which must be rubbed into the affected areas daily in the morning and evening. It is known that psoriasis is treated symptomatically, mainly with ointments and creams. But taking a tincture or syrup from the roots of elecampane inside will help boost immunity and improve skin condition.

Peeling with cracks will indicate a problem with the thyroid gland

In addition to peeling, cracks can also appear on the elbows, which are difficult to cosmetically correct. This symptom may indicate developing hypothyroidism. It is necessary to be examined by a doctor in order not to start the disease. Additionally, accompanying symptoms will indicate hypothyroidism:

Only a doctor can treat hypothyroidism, and prescribe the necessary therapy only after passing tests for hormones and a general examination. But in addition, the patient can help himself by following a strict diet prescribed by the doctor. If the disease is treated, and nutritional recommendations are followed, the elbows should return to normal.

The cause of peeling skin can be frequent bathing in hard chlorinated water.

Those who like to take a bath daily often face the problem of dry skin on their elbows. Together with microbes, the protective greasy cover is also washed off the skin. When taking a bath, the elbows suffer first of all, because they already lack the sebaceous glands.

If, after bathing procedures, a tingling sensation is felt in the area of ​​​​the elbows, this means that the water only causes irritation.

To put your elbows in order, with excessive dry skin, it is enough to observe the following:

  • Before going to bed, take care of your elbows with moisturizing creams;
  • A daily bath should be replaced with a 5-minute shower, and basking in the water with the whole body is recommended no more than once, twice a week.

Stress and disruption of the nervous system

Nervous strain often causes a weakening of the immune system. A low immune status of the body causes various skin problems.

Elbows are a weak link in this chain, so increased nervousness and depression can cause various phenomena on the skin of the elbow joints, outwardly similar to allergies or psoriasis, but of a completely different nature.

Good rest, restful sleep and inner peace will help to solve the internal problem for a long time. And external manifestations are corrected by cosmetic and folk remedies. First of all, soda baths help (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of warm water), as well as rubbing vitamin E with aloe juice.

Aggressive cosmetics: alkaline soap, scrub, bath salt - as factors of skin irritation and peeling

Sometimes people do not even realize that the cause of peeling on the elbows, soreness, redness is caused by the use of too aggressive soap or other care products.

Basically, skin irritation is caused by incompatibility, but more often too strong alkaline components have an irritating effect.

For any problems with the skin on the elbows, and even more so if there are cracks on the hands and feet, you should first of all abandon the use of antibacterial and bar soap, and use cream-based liquid soap.

You also need to stop using bath salts and other aggressive products until the skin on the elbows is completely restored.

Irritation of the skin on the elbows due to wearing synthetic clothing

Synthetic clothing can irritate the skin and cause contact allergies on the elbows. This is especially true for people whose profession is related to working at the table, as well as students and schoolchildren.

If skin peeling, redness or irritation is felt after sitting at a table in clothes made of synthetic fabrics, then the diagnosis is obvious.

All you need to do is to abandon artificial fabrics in favor of natural ones. Any recommendations for daily skin care of the body will also help.

The weather factor of dry skin and temperature changes: heat, dry air, frost

It is known that after sunbathing the skin dries up, and often after sunburn the skin flakes off, especially on the knees and elbows. Exposure to frost also leads to peeling, those who love winter sports know about it.

Proper care can help you deal with exposure to the sun or cold on your elbows.

In this case, you need to remove dead skin particles with a soft scrub, and then carry out nourishing procedures, softening the skin with linseed, pumpkin or olive oil. You can use vitamins A and E in liquid capsules with an oil diluent. Do not neglect and nourishing creams. In a couple of weeks, the skin should fully recover.

Hormonal disruptions and age-related skin changes

Peeling skin on the elbows, which turns black over time, will indicate a hormonal imbalance. This is evidence that the adrenal glands are not working well. To correct their work, you need the help of a doctor and drug therapy.

The following remedies will help whiten the skin of the elbows and bring them into an aesthetic appearance:

  • Lemon juice;
  • Grated potato gruel;
  • Apple cider vinegar diluted with water 1:1;
  • Starch or baking soda dissolved in warm water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Anemia as a cause of peeling on the skin of the elbows

Iron deficiency anemia will be indicated not only by peeling on the skin, but also by its darkening. In addition, such a symptom should be accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, pallor of the face.

Taking iron in the form of a special drug, as well as a proper diet, will help both the appearance of the elbows and overall well-being.

Allergy to sunbathing

If the skin on the elbows peels off, turns red, becomes covered with small sores and itches after visiting the solarium or after sunbathing, this may indicate an allergy that is associated with ultraviolet radiation.

To prescribe special means to reduce the manifestations of such an allergy, the doctor will help. External causes can be removed only by reducing the proportion of ultraviolet radiation received by the skin.

Regular drinking water can help slightly improve the condition of the skin from exposure to the sun. You need to drink it often, and not less than 1.5 liters per day.

Attention, only TODAY!

Probably many of us have experienced dry skin on the elbows and knees. This causes discomfort, and it looks "not very". Today we will try to figure out why there is dry skin on the elbows. After all, everything has its reasons. Sometimes dry elbows or knees can reflect a health problem. Therefore, pay attention to solving this problem. By eliminating the causes, you can eliminate dryness, roughness of the knees and elbows. Pay attention to the skin of the elbows and knees, if the skin in these areas has become rough, then it's time to start treatment with folk remedies.

Why dry elbows?

Dry skin on the knees or elbows can be not only in winter, but at any time of the year. Our skin needs hydration. We lubricate our arms, legs, face with a nourishing cream, but we often forget about elbows and knees.

  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body.
  • Decreased hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Diabetes.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Dermatological diseases of the skin.

Now, let's take a closer look at the reasons that can cause dry elbows and knees. By eliminating the causes and paying attention to the care of these areas of the skin, in a week, the skin condition of the elbows and knees will improve.

Dry skin on elbows and knees. Causes.

Lack of vitamins. As one of the causes of dryness and roughness of the elbows and knees. Three vitamins A, C, E are most useful for the skin.

Dryness and peeling of the skin tells us about the lack of vitamin A. (Sources of vitamin A: carrots, dried apricots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, yolk, beef liver.) Vitamin A is fat-soluble and requires the presence of fats for its absorption.

We need vitamin C for the growth of cells and tissues, in addition, this vitamin is involved in metabolic processes in the body. Vitamin C accelerates wound healing, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries. (Sources of vitamin C: orange, lemon, blackcurrant, walnut, rosehip.) Vitamin C is not synthesized by our body, we get it from food or pharmacy vitamins.

Vitamin E is necessary for tissue regeneration, slows down the aging process. Thanks to vitamin E, the renewal of new cells in our body is accelerated. (Sources of vitamin E: olive oil, liver, eggs, vegetable oil.)

These are the main three vitamins for the skin, but in addition to this, we need other vitamins and trace elements. The problem of vitamin deficiency is typical at any time of the year. It often manifests itself in winter and spring, when we seem to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, only by spring the amount of vitamins in them decreases several times.

mechanical influences. The habit of leaning on your elbows or knees leads to the fact that the skin in these areas becomes rough and rough. And if you do not pay attention to this, the skin on the elbows or knees begins to crack.

Temperature fluctuations, wearing clothes made of synthetic materials also negatively affect the condition of the ruts and elbows.

Diabetes. One of the causes of dry skin, including the skin on the elbows and knees. With this disease, the nutrition of skin cells is disrupted. The skin becomes dry, thin, vulnerable. This leads to inflammation and damage to the skin. Hardened areas appear not only on the knees and elbows, but also on the palms and heels.

Anemia (decreased hemoglobin in the blood). This disease negatively affects not only the condition of the skin, but also the condition of the whole organism as a whole. And quite often become the cause of cracks, dryness, peeling on the knees and elbows. A blood test will help determine the rate of hemoglobin in the blood. You can learn more about how to increase hemoglobin in the blood using foods and herbs in the article "".

Dry skin on elbows and knees. Treatment.

It is necessary to exclude health problems, so it is worth visiting a doctor. Visit a dermatologist, endocrinologist. If the skin is very dry on the elbows and cracks, then the doctor will prescribe you special ointments that will relieve irritation, itching and promote wound healing.

A course of vitamins will not be superfluous, plus proper nutrition, include vegetables, fruits, seafood, dairy products, etc. in your diet.

Also pay attention to cosmetic care, if there are no contraindications. Lubricate elbows and knees with oils, creams, and after 10 procedures, the skin condition will improve significantly.

Natural oils. It is very useful to moisturize the knees and elbows with natural oils. Lubricate dry areas of the skin 3-4 times a day. Suitable cocoa butter, shea butter, mango butter. I usually use shea butter and cocoa butter. These are solid oils, that is, butters.

In addition, you can use: wheat germ oil, olive oil, avocado oil, almond oil, peach or apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, calendula oil.

Oils heal, moisturize, soften the skin, thus, with regular use of oils, the skin is restored faster.

You can take any oil, before use it is better to warm it up a little in a water bath, soak gauze folded in several layers with oil and apply it to roughened skin areas for 15-20 minutes.

Mask against dryness on elbows and knees. You need to take a tablespoon of honey (if you are not allergic to honey), a tablespoon of almond oil, mix everything thoroughly. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and one egg yolk. We apply the mask on the elbows and knees, cover everything with plastic wrap on top and wait 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water and apply a nourishing cream.

Ointment based on wax. I use an ointment that I prepare based on beeswax. I really like beeswax based ointments. Wax is a natural antibiotic, has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, softening properties. For more information about the healing properties of wax, you can read in the article "". I use ointment for lips, hands, elbows, knees. In a water bath, I melt a teaspoon of wax, add a teaspoon of cocoa butter and a teaspoon of shea butter.

After the oils have melted, I set them aside and pour another teaspoon of liquid oil, I use wheat germ oil, olive, sea buckthorn, rosehip, calendula can be used. I pour the ointment into a jar. After the ointment has cooled, I store it in the refrigerator. Usually in winter, such a homemade cream saves a lot. Plus it's made from natural oils.

Wax-based ointment for wound healing. My grandmother used to make this recipe, maybe it will be useful for you too. Onion should be fried in vegetable oil. Then strain the oil through cheesecloth. So, we take 1 glass of such vegetable oil, 100 grams of wax, a piece of propolis with a pea, all this boils over low heat. When the wax is completely dissolved, let it simmer over low heat for about 2 minutes. Then we pour it all into a jar, after standing for a while, the ointment should thicken. Wax-based ointment is ready.

For wounds, cracks, itching, pain on the knees and elbows, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor for help.

Mask for knees and elbows. Grind the cabbage leaf in a blender and mix the resulting slurry with starch in equal proportions. Optionally, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Apply for 20 minutes on elbows and knees, cover with cellophane. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. Apply oil or cream.

Dry elbows and knees. What to do?

  • Most often, during the heating season, the air in the room is dry. Therefore, humidify the indoor air.
  • Drink enough water per day. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.
  • Do not forget to use vitamins in the winter-spring period.
  • Too hot water and soap are the “enemy” of dry skin, which dry the skin even more.
  • Lubricate the dry skin of the elbows and knees with natural oils, nourishing cream.
  • Do not forget to apply oil or cream also at night.

Take care of your health, moisturize your skin with a nourishing cream or oil. The skin on the elbows will become even, smooth and beautiful.