What can be used instead of intimate lubricant. Review of intimate natural lubricants: silicone and water-based, homemade products, tips for use

Many couples use lubricants during intimacy. This substance perfectly replaces natural lubricant. But lubricant is not always nearby at the right time.

What can replace intimate lubricant?

First of all, it is necessary to find out the distinctive properties of such a lubricant.

What handy tools can be used instead of lubricant?

As a rule, it is a gel-like or creamy substance with a moisturizing effect. The lubricant performs the following functions:

  • creates a protective film on the genitals of both partners, protecting them from ruptures and various damages;
  • provides a “pleasant” sliding of the genitals;
  • protects partners from infections;
  • brings additional sensations to sexual intercourse, prolongs sexual intercourse;
  • cares for sensitive skin of intimate areas.

What is the best replacement for intimate lubricant?

  1. Water-based lubricants.
  2. Oil-based intimate gels.
  3. Silicone based gels.

Based on the above, a natural question may arise whether Vaseline can be used instead of an intimate lubricant. Purely theoretically, this option is quite possible, because Vaseline is included in many factory-made lubricants. But doctors categorically do not recommend using it during sexual intercourse. In large quantities, that is, concentrated, Vaseline negatively affects the vaginal flora. After sexual intercourse with Vaseline, a woman may experience health problems. Therefore, a high-quality substitute for Vaseline can be baby Vaseline soap, which is sold at any pharmacy.

A baby cream that moisturizes the skin well and has a high-quality chemical composition should also not be used during sex as an additional lubricant. The fats contained in the cream cannot dissolve on their own, and when they get on the mucous surface of the genital organs, they become a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

What can you use instead of intimate lubricant at home?

Clinical studies have confirmed the use of ordinary fruits instead of lubricants. It’s not for nothing that the banana received its popular nickname – “women’s joy”! A banana and water will help if your favorite lubricant runs out. The lubricant is prepared as follows: a ripe banana is peeled, cut into pieces and crushed using a blender.

You will get banana pulp. It must be placed in a small container with a lid (a cream jar is perfect for these purposes), add a small amount of water. Natural intimate lubricant will not cause absolutely any allergic reactions and will not irritate the sensitive skin of the genitals. This would be a great moisturizer!

What is the best replacement for intimate lubricant?

Alternatively, you can use a mixture of water and starch. It can be made in minutes: a small amount of potato starch filled with water; The resulting mixture is placed on low heat and, with occasional stirring, is brought to the desired consistency. Thickened grease can only be used after it has cooled completely.

Dermatovenerologists do not recommend getting too carried away with intimate lubricants of your own production. Their use should be treated with caution, carefully dosing all ingredients. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to health and cause an allergic reaction. When using natural lubricants during intimacy, experts advise to “listen” especially carefully to the body’s reaction to such lubricant. If you experience discomfort, it is best to rush to see a doctor!

What and how to lubricate a door lock: expert advice

To extend the life of the front door, it is important to monitor the condition of the fittings and, first of all, this concerns the locking mechanism; to ensure its smooth operation, it is necessary to regularly lubricate the lock. At first glance, this is a simple procedure, but it has a number of important nuances; if you do not follow these recommendations, you may have to completely change the lock over time due to its breakdown.

Every door lock needs lubrication from time to time.

When is it necessary to treat a lock?

Lubricating door hardware is the responsibility of every owner; such work must be carried out regularly to avoid problems and breakdowns of various kinds. This is especially true for the lock, since it is this detail that plays a huge role in ensuring the security of the home. Let's take a closer look at the purpose of lubricating door locks:

  • For sliding. Lubrication improves the rotation of the mechanism and makes it easier to use.
  • Rubbing and wear. If there is a lack of lubricating fluid, the operation of the system becomes difficult, the parts grind against each other, remove chips from the metal, and dust particles that get inside further aggravate the situation, acting as abrasives.
  • Dust. If there is a lack of lubrication, the dust gathers into dense clumps and blocks the movement of the crossbars in the cylinder.
  • Rust. This is the most dangerous enemy of any metal mechanism; it leads to the fact that the most important elements are gradually destroyed, begin to jam and are completely blocked without any possibility of moving from position.

Door hardware should be lubricated regularly to prevent

Now let's figure out how often such processing needs to be done. Usually people lubricate locks only when certain inconveniences and problems arise in their functioning. To prevent this and maximize the service life of the locking mechanism, preventive treatment must be carried out at least once a year. However, for frequently used interior latches this will not be enough and the period must be reduced to 6-8 months.

Entrance doors should be inspected and repaired much more often; in multi-apartment residential buildings this is recommended to be done every six months. But owners of private houses need to take care of the serviceability of the system every 3-4 months, since the lock is in constant contact with the external environment, as a result of which dirt gets clogged into the well and gradually accumulates on the parts of the cylinder, which leads to its jamming and rapid abrasion.

Composition selection

In order for door locks to function properly, it is important to choose the right composition for their processing. To do this, you can purchase special formulations or use some improvised means, but this approach is extremely undesirable. So, let's look at what you can use to lubricate the front door lock:

  • "Working out." This used machine oil is an excellent option for standard locking system models, as it allows waste to be put to good use. This is an ideal option for car owners, since there is no need to spend money on purchasing a special product.
  • Silicone. Excellent for cylinder cylinders, it ensures smooth sliding of parts and protects them from corrosion by retaining moisture.
  • Graphite dust.

    What to use instead of intimate lubricant - options for replacement

    It is used for dry processing; this is the method used to process lever-type locks. You can use shavings from a regular pencil.

  • Sunflower oil. An option available to every household, used only in emergency cases when there is no alternative.
  • Melted fat. Another popular method provides an immediate effect, but over time it can only worsen the situation.
  • WD40. A well-known anti-rust agent, it allows you to put old locks in order, and additionally protects the cylinder from repeated damage by corrosion.
  • Solid oil. Calcium lubricant, widely used for processing various types of parts, including door locks.
  • Litol. Lithium waterproof grease is mainly used for bearings, but can also be used successfully on locks.
  • Carbon grease. Conductive graphite lubricant in the form of a flowing dark substance, easily washed off with plain water.

Machine oil and silicone are the most common compositions for processing door hardware

The most preferred products are substances produced in the form of an aerosol; they are convenient to apply, since they have a special spout for hard-to-reach places. It is a little worse to work with an oil can and viscous liquid. If you use improvised means, under no circumstances apply them to the locks with cotton wool, as you risk clogging the mechanism even more with small fibers and lint.

Rules for performing work

In order not to cause even more damage to the door system, it is important to know how to properly lubricate the front door lock. First of all, you should clean the keyhole. If you are carrying out scheduled processing, this will be very simple. To do this, you need to pour cleaning liquid into the lock to wash out dust and small particles of metal from worn parts. It is necessary to moisten the lock generously so that the liquid pours out, but it is important not to stain the door itself, clothes and nearby objects. If the mechanism is jammed, try to carefully remove the key from it; if this is beyond your power, try to disassemble the lock and pull out the cylinder itself.

Never use brute force if the lock is stuck, as you may break the key or damage parts of the mechanism.

In order to remove all the debris from the well, you need to insert the key into it several times. Carefully wipe off any dirt that has accumulated on it with a cloth and repeat the procedure until completely clean.

You can remove dirt from the door well using a key

After this, you need to carefully pour or inject lubricant into the lock. Wipe off any excess so it doesn't run all over the door. Wait a little, and then insert the key into the hole and turn it back and forth several times. Remove the key and wipe dry. In the next few days, if parts are poured heavily, traces of grease may remain on the key; watch this so as not to stain yourself and your clothes.

In the case of lever systems, it is initially recommended to remove the lock from the door and open its secret. Then treat the crossbars with graphite powder and assemble the product. Turn the key several times and you can return the lock to its place.

If you regularly carry out preventive maintenance, namely lubricate the locks not only on the front door, but throughout the house, you will extend the life of the fittings. In addition, this way you will prevent inconveniences associated with parts creaking, jamming or sticking.

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Many spouses ask the doctor what can be used instead of intimate lubricant so as not to harm their health. Additional lubrication helps not only improve sensations during sexual intercourse, but also eliminate various symptoms of dryness and discomfort in the labia area. Before using a homemade lubricant, you need to study its composition and properties in detail. If there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction, it is better to avoid using this product.

During intimacy, not all young people use lubricant, because they do not see the need for it. But recently, pharmacies and specialty stores have offered a wide variety of intimate lubricants. There are certain reasons for the demand for such drugs.

  • with vaginal dryness;
  • to improve physiological sensations during an act of intimacy;
  • to reduce the likelihood of getting microdamages during intimacy;
  • to create a protective film on the mucous membrane of the penis;
  • as an additional measure of protection against unwanted conception.

Lubricants are various gel-like substances, creams or oils. The active ingredients of lubricants are necessary to reduce the force of friction during intimacy. By reducing the friction force, the penis glides easily, which prevents the possibility of damage to the organs of the reproductive system.

Lubricants are prescribed to sexual partners to reduce the risk of injury to organs during intimacy.

In addition, the gel or cream replaces the natural vaginal secretion that is secreted by a woman during genital arousal. In a healthy woman, during intimacy, secretory glands are activated in the cervical canal. Thanks to the influence of sex hormones, the secretion thins out and the volume of discharge increases. A substance forms on the vaginal mucosa, which replaces the woman’s natural lubrication.

But due to various circumstances, some representatives of the fairer sex do not have a secret. Under the influence of infections and bacteria, hormonal disorders or operations, the functioning of the secretory glands is disrupted. To prevent a woman and her sexual partner from experiencing discomfort during sexual intercourse, additional intimate lubricants are used.

Lubricants are also prescribed to create an additional barrier of protection against infections, since some of them contain antiseptics that do not lose activity even in the cervical canal. When interacting with viruses and bacteria, antibacterial substances destroy them. Therefore, the use of intimate lubricant prevents the likelihood of developing sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

In addition, some of the vaginal secretion substitutes contain spermicides, which destroy a man's sperm. If young people have unprotected sex, if they come into contact with the active substance included in the lubricant, pregnancy may not occur.

In addition, lubricants contain various active ingredients that can enhance physical sensations during intercourse, as well as prolong the duration of sexual intimacy. These may be flavorings, warming mixtures or anesthetic drugs.

In addition to pharmaceutical products, many married couples use homemade medications. When making pharmaceutical substitutes, the steam must take into account possible allergic reactions that the lubricant components may cause.

Lubricants used during sexual intercourse are oil- or water-based. Therefore, the choice of substitutes for pharmaceutical drugs is varied.

As homemade lubricants, some men and women use:

  • petrolatum;
  • baby cream or soap;
  • oils;
  • massage cream.

Baby oil has proven itself well, since it does not provoke allergies upon contact with the mucous membranes of the intimate organs of adults. Thanks to the oil or baby cream, a dense film is formed on the mucous membranes, which promotes the sliding of the genital organs.

But not every simple baby cream or soap is allowed to be used in the intimate area. If the consistency of the product is too thick, it may not be completely absorbed into the vaginal walls, which provokes the development of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, before using it at home, you need to carefully study the composition of the product.

Many couples have successfully used oil-based Vaseline. Vaseline is a completely natural, environmentally friendly substance that does not cause negative reactions in the body. The product not only acts as a natural lubricant, but also protects the skin of partners from the negative effects of harmful microflora. Oil Vaseline is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription, and the price of the product is low.

Homemade remedies, the recipes for which we will now describe, can be prepared at home. But the negative component of such creams and oils is the ban on using them daily.

You can prepare a cosmetic product from the following components:

  • starch decoction;
  • pulp made from banana;
  • oil (linseed or olive);
  • coconut oil

Bananas and the pulp obtained from them have been used by married couples for many years as homemade lubricants. Bananas contain natural gluten, which when in contact with liquid promotes the formation of mucus.

To prepare the pulp at home, the ripe fruit is peeled and crushed in a blender until smooth. Then boiled water (cooled) is added to the pulp and mixed again until smooth. Homemade lubricant is stored in a clean container in a cool place.

3-5 minutes before intimacy, a man or his partner applies the paste to the penis with their hand. When the lubricant comes into contact with air, a protective film forms on the surface of the penis.

Another recipe for homemade lubricant has also worked well. To prepare the product, you need boiled water and starch. The powder is gradually stirred in water (in a 1:1 ratio), and then the mixture is simmered over low heat until smooth. When it has cooled to room temperature, it can be placed in a sterile container. If you apply starch lubricant to a man's penis, upon contact with air, a protective film will form on it.

You can prepare a product that improves the quality of sensations during sexual intercourse using coconut oil (Thai). At a temperature of +18+25 0 C, the oil acquires a solid consistency, but when heated it softens again. If it is applied to the surface of the male genital organ, the product forms an oily film on the penis. The product contains no additional additives, so it is completely hypoallergenic and does not cause unpleasant symptoms.

Olive or flaxseed oil, which can be purchased at any store, can also be used as a homemade lubricant.

It is necessary to take into account that lubricants prepared independently from available components may also have negative aspects.

Homemade lubricants can cause the following undesirable consequences:

  • allergic reactions to individual components of the product;
  • condom rupture during sexual intercourse, which can cause unwanted pregnancy;
  • low efficiency;
  • Can be used as a lubricant only once.

When making lubricants for intimate use at home, spouses or sexual partners should take into account the likelihood of developing an undesirable allergic reaction of the body. If young people do not take into account the characteristics of their body, serious health problems can develop from the thoughtless use of lubricants. For example, a man and a woman may experience acne and rashes on the mucous membranes and skin, dysbiosis of the urethra and vagina, swelling of the genitals, etc.

Also, some people have an individual intolerance to oils: both animal and vegetable. In addition, oils can cause the destruction of latex at the molecular level. During intimacy, the surface of the protective device may be destroyed, which will lead to the rupture of the condom. And unprotected sexual intercourse, as is known, can lead to conception, which is not always desirable. Therefore, instead of edible oils, it is better to use cosmetic ones.

Medical experts do not recommend that sexual partners constantly use lubricants prepared at home. Such products are more suitable for one-time use only. If young people do not listen to the advice of doctors and constantly use homemade lubricants, this can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system of both women and men.

If a representative of the fair sex abuses artificial lubricants, her secretory glands may stop functioning. The pathology requires long-term treatment.

In addition, gynecologists and andrologists note that homemade lubricants have a low level of effectiveness. After a few minutes, such remedies may no longer work.

Homemade intimate products can be used as a last resort and no more than once during sexual intercourse. If possible, it is better to purchase a pharmaceutical product. The genitourinary system of men and women is very delicate, so unreasonable interference can cause serious disruptions in its functioning.

You can find many lubricants on the shelves of pharmacies and specialty stores. The use of lubricants helps prevent discomfort during sexual intercourse. Our article will help you choose the right form. Read which lubricant is best for intimacy.

Many people are not even aware of the purpose of lubricants. Gels are even purchased for medical use: the use of a vaginal ultrasound probe, proctological and gynecological examinations.

Ointments for home use are most often used if a woman has vaginal dryness. An unpleasant consequence that interferes with normal penetration of the penis into the vagina can occur after childbirth or during menopause.

Why do you need lubrication during sexual intercourse:

  1. Insufficient lubrication. The lubricant will help facilitate the penetration of the male penis into the vagina. A lack of lubricant secretions can indicate not only a woman’s frigidity, but also the presence of age-related changes in the body, hormonal and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
  2. Experimental sex. Many couples practice unconventional types of sexual intercourse. Anal lubrication will make it easier to relax the sphincter and help relieve pain. It also has a regenerating effect. Unusual types of sex definitely require lubrication.
  3. Using sex toys. The sex shop has a lot of butt plugs, vibrators, penis rings and other toys that prolong the pleasure during sexual intercourse. Most devices are used with a lubricant.
  4. Search for new sensations. Various flavoring gels and edible lubricants can make sexual intercourse more interesting and unusual. Lubricant is designed to seek new sensations.

Creams and gels are often used to improve erectile function in men. Often this ointment has a hormonal basis. Lubricants are also used in pairs with non-traditional orientation.

Types of lubricants by purpose

You can buy the ointment at a pharmacy, online store or sex shop. Going to such a store can confuse a man or woman, leaving them with sexual fantasies unfulfilled.

In order not to be embarrassed and not to admit your secrets, you can buy lubricant on the Internet. But beware of fakes, make purchases only in trusted stores. Which is the best gel for intimacy - read on.

There are many types of lubricants. They differ in purpose of use, basis and form of release. You can buy gel, cream or spray. The effect of different forms is practically the same.

Lubricants can be divided into 3 main groups based on the base used:

  1. Water. It is made from distilled water. Very easy to use, pleasant to the touch, not sticky. But it quickly evaporates from the surface of the body. Advantages of this type: rarely causes allergies, safe and easy to wash off. But it is inconvenient to use in the bathroom or shower, as it dissolves quickly.
  2. Silicone. This gel can be used during sexual intercourse in a pool or bath. If you constantly need to add water lubricant, then literally a pea is needed of silicone lubricant. It will provide good glide. This cream cannot be washed off with plain water; you will need soap. Allergies to components rarely develop, but the substance can leave stains on the bed and is difficult to wash off. Cannot be used by people with individual intolerance to latex and silicone.
  3. Oily. A rare species that can be seen less and less on store shelves. Oil-based gel also provides smooth glide, but often stains clothing. Oil can often spoil sex toys. Oil cosmetics are best used for... Incompatible with condoms.

There are also types based on the purpose of sexual contact. For oral sex, you should choose only water-based gels that can be swallowed. They are often made with fruit flavors.

For anal sex

Anal sex is practiced by gay couples and brave women eager to experiment. Penetration into the rectal area can be traumatic if special gels are not used.

Almost any type of lubricant is suitable for anal sex: water-based, silicone or oil-based. It is recommended to buy a cosmetic product in the store that is marked “suitable for anal sex.”

Such lubricants are thicker and more viscous, less susceptible to drying out, and are not absorbed into the skin. It is better to give preference to gels with a regenerating effect. Couples who are experiencing unconventional sex for the first time can use a freezing lubricant. It reduces a woman's pain and helps a man last longer during sex.

For experienced couples, there are gels with a warming effect that help enhance pleasure during intercourse. They increase blood flow to the genitals and provide a vivid orgasm. The best companies and prices for lubricants can be found in the table.

Lubricant Description Advantages average price
Pjur Back Door Comfort This is a special gel for anal sex. It is concentrated, suitable even for hard penetration. Protects your partner from anal sphincter cracks and provides long-lasting hydration. The drug does not reduce sensitivity during sexual intercourse and has regenerating properties due to the hyaluronic acid in the composition. It is produced by a German company and is inexpensive. Affordable price, long-lasting moisture, no sticky feeling, no taste or smell, can be used together with a condom. 110 rubles
Extreme Glide Silicone Based Another German silicone-based lubricant. A very economical tube, since a small amount of gel is enough for penetration. Contains herbal ingredients and is safe for use. It has an additional regenerating property, which reduces the number of microcracks in the anal sphincter. Facilitates penetration due to its freezing effect. Relaxes and stretches muscles, has analgesic and regenerating properties, economical use. 900 rubles
Biorhythm O Kay Anal Specialized anal cream intended for long-term use. Does not dry out for a long time, has an analgesic effect. However, it may reduce sensitivity of the penis. The delicate Russian-made cream is water-based, so it does not leave stains on clothes and bed linen. Not the most expensive cream, created specifically for anal penetration, has a regenerating and antibacterial effect, reduces sensitivity when inserting the penis into the anus. 510 rubles

You can buy a gel or cream from 100 to 2000 rubles, the cost depends on the additional effects and the manufacturer. Some gels have the property of restoring male potency. The cost of such lubricants will be significantly higher.

To prolong the act

To extend it, you don’t have to think about football at this moment. There are special ointments that help delay the moment of ejaculation. They have a freezing effect.

Prolongation gels are more expensive than regular lubricants. They can slightly dull a man's sexual sensations. There are many products on the market; which lubricant for the penis is best suited in each specific case is described below.

Cream Swiss Navy MaxSize

Swiss Navy MaxSize is an American drug that is quickly flying off store shelves. This product contains herbal ingredients that cause erections. It is this property that justifies the high cost of the cream.

Due to the increase in blood microcirculation in the genital area, an erection occurs after applying the cream. The penis increases in size by several centimeters, as the cavity of the cavernous body fills more than usual.

Application is very simple: you only need 1 drop of stimulating cream. The reaction will occur within a few minutes. The drug also helps delay the time of ejaculation and helps a man last longer during sex. The price per tube is high - 4300 rubles.

Spray Bioritm Harmony Control

A new product has been created especially for men to prolong sexual pleasure. The prolongator is available in the form of a spray; it begins to act within a few minutes after application to the foreskin.

Advantages of the prolongator spray:

  • economical consumption due to packaging and release form;
  • long-lasting action, long delay of ejaculation;
  • condom compatible;
  • increases pleasure during sex.

The drug is produced by a Russian company, so the price of the spray is affordable - about 800 rubles. But the packaging of the product is very small, the volume is only 9 ml. According to reviews from men, the product really helps to stay “on the horse” for a long time.

JoyDrops Delay Personal Lubricant Gel

For long-term sex, a special lubricant has been developed for men. JoyDrops Delay Personal Lubricant Gel helps delay ejaculation by reducing sensitivity of the penis.

Advantages of use:

  • helps delay ejaculation;
  • Suitable for sensitive skin.

This drug may slightly dull sensation during sexual intercourse. But the effect lasts a long time. You can use the drug directly during sexual intercourse, when a man feels the approach of orgasm.

Just apply a drop of gel to the head, rub it, and the freezing effect will occur within 5 minutes. Gel lubricant for intimate hygiene helps prolong sex by 10-15 minutes, sometimes even more - this is the individual reaction of the body. The price for a 5 ml tube is 170 rubles.


Flavored lubricants are made primarily for oral sex. An additive with your favorite flavor will help enhance the pleasure of the process. Conventional lubricants are often supplemented with such ingredients to eliminate possible unpleasant odors.

Fragranced products rarely cause allergic reactions. They are often universal - suitable for both oral and vaginal sex. All flavored lubricants are primarily water-based and are condom and sex toy compatible.

The best flavored lubricants:

  1. Edible lubricant Shiatsu Waterbased Lubricant. An erotic lubricant with the aroma and taste of mango will help diversify your sex life. It is used for oral and vaginal sex. It creates good glide and does not cause allergic reactions. Price per bottle - 800 rubles.
  2. Bioritm lubricant OK. Flavored lubricant that does not contain fat. Mainly used for classic vaginal sex. It can be used with sex toys; lubricant does not damage them. It is made on a water basis, has many tastes and aromas, you can choose any one. Lubricant from a Russian manufacturer costs only 360 rubles for a volume of 50 ml.
  3. Intimate gel Shiatsu Stimulation Gel. An almost universal product that can be used for oral, vaginal sex and even massage. It has a pleasant taste and helps to get aroused. Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The average cost is about 1000 rubles.

The choice depends on the type of sexual intercourse and the preferences of the partner. Edible gels will bring variety to bed and increase the excitement of partners. However, if an allergic reaction occurs, you should stop using the product.

Types of lubricants by release form

There are many types of lubricants on the market for intimate intimacy medications. They can be divided not only by composition and type of sex, but also by the form of release. The choice depends on the ease of use by a man, this is personal preference.

Lubricants are distinguished:

  1. Spray. Economical to use and easy to apply. No need to smear your hands in the product. Usually have a strong and rapid effect. In most cases, it can be combined with the use of a condom.
  2. Gel. Typically made from silicone or water based. Can be used together with sex toys, as the composition does not contain oils or other fats. Available for any type of sex.
  3. Cream and lubricant. These are fat-based preparations that contain oils. They can damage the integrity of condoms or latex toys, so they are used only for classic sexual intercourse.

Before the first use or before purchasing a cream (spray, gel), it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Prolonging or stimulating drugs are usually hormonal based and can negatively affect the health of men and women. Read the ingredients of the product carefully.


Creams can be made on any base, but more often on an oil base. They are used to relieve dryness in a woman's vagina. But there are specialized lubricants that can be used for anal penetration or used with a condom.

The best creams for intimacy:

  1. Ass. This is a specialized silicone-based anal lubricant. The product does not leave marks on bed linen and clothing and is washed off with plain water. The cream has a dispenser; for sexual intercourse you only need 1 drop. It has an analgesic effect and is suitable for first anal penetration, compatible with condoms and sex toys. The action begins within 5 minutes. Price - 550 rubles.
  2. You and me. The “You and I” prolongator helps prolong sexual pleasure and delay ejaculation. The cream restores erectile function, but is quickly absorbed, so sometimes the product needs to be applied several times during sex. It is applied to the glans area, frenulum and foreskin 5-7 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse. If you use the cream within 10-15 minutes, the effect will be even more pronounced, and the duration of the friction will be much longer. The average cost is 600 rubles.
  3. Shah of Persia. This cream helps not only eliminate vaginal dryness, but also restore a man's erectile function. The drug is also used when practicing jelqing. The composition is safe, the cream does not contain hormonal additives or synthetic stimulants. Price per bottle - 800 rubles.

Creams differ from other forms of release in a more delicate texture. They do not dry out longer and prolong the lubricating effect. Before purchasing, read the instructions to determine whether the product is indicated for a specific type of sex and whether it is suitable for your purpose.


Water-based products are usually gels. Such drugs can be used for any type of sexual caresses. Their composition is the safest, and use is as comfortable as possible.

The best gels for intimate contacts:

  1. Delight. Vitamin gel containing provitamin B5. This additive promotes the healing of microcracks and provides long-term hydration of the mucous membrane. Recommended for vaginal sex. The price of the lubricant is 600 rubles.
  2. Tight Gel. This drug is intended specifically for women, helping to restore sexual desire after childbirth. The product is applied to the vaginal area 15 minutes before penetration. The gel helps create the effect of a “tight pussy”; the manufacturer promises bright orgasms for the couple and increased sensitivity of the genitals. Price – 2000 rubles.
  3. Intimate Anal. This drug in the form of a gel is created specifically for anal sex. It replenishes the lack of natural moisture and provides only comfortable sensations during alternative forms of sex. The advantage of the product is its cost - only 300 rubles per tube.

Gels rarely cause allergic reactions, since most are made with plain water. If the product has additional effects, such as prolongation of intercourse, a feeling of narrowing of the vagina, restoration of erection, consult your doctor about the safety of the composition.

How to use it correctly

Young and inexperienced couples practicing experimental sex for the first time may not even know how to use the product correctly. It is recommended to read the manufacturer's instructions before application.

Tips for using lubricants:

  • Wash your hands and genitals before using lubricant;
  • do not regret, but do not overdo it with the amount of product;
  • You can apply lubricant several times if there is a lack of lubricant;
  • Application is possible on the genitals, anal sphincter area, and on sexual toys.

If this is your first time using a certain type of lubricant, it is better to buy a small sample size. This way you can save money and evaluate how suitable the product is for the couple. Never be shy about using lubricant, fully surrender to the sensations and trust your partner during penetration.

Precautions and contraindications

The list of contraindications must be indicated in the instructions for use of the drug. Each form has different recommendations depending on the composition of the lubricant. It is better to stop using the gel if a rash or itching appears on the genitals.

Precautionary measures:

  • do not use if you are hypersensitive to any of the components in the composition;
  • do not use internally if it is an inedible lubricant;
  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water.

Lubricant is not a contraceptive and will not protect against sexually transmitted infections. The chance of pregnancy is the same as with unprotected sex. It is recommended to use a condom as protection.

What can you replace at home?

The question often asked on forums is what cream can be used for lubrication. To avoid buying lubricant, some men use their own saliva or other home remedies. They help relieve vaginal dryness, but can have negative effects.

Popular lubricant substitutes:

  1. Oils. Couples often use butter or vegetable oil instead of store-bought gel. This lubricant is incompatible with the use of a condom, since fats destroy the integrity of the latex. A common side effect is irritation and disruption of the microflora of the vagina or intestines.
  2. Petrolatum. One of the popular components in store-bought products. However, although pure Vaseline provides smooth gliding and is inexpensive, it also cannot be used with a condom. In addition, Vaseline leaves stains on clothes and can cause thrush in women.
  3. Cosmetic creams. Some couples practice using regular body lotions. The cream is quickly absorbed and has good moisturizing properties. But cosmetic lines are not intended for use on the mucous membrane and can cause severe allergic reactions.
  4. Food. There are homemade recipes for making jelly from starch or banana gels. The cost of such an intimate lubricant is very low, but a homemade product can negatively affect a woman’s health.

You should not skimp on lubricants for sexual contact, as the consequences of using strawberry jelly can be disastrous. Most home remedies are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria, provoke diseases of the genitourinary system and do not bring the desired pleasure during sexual intercourse.

If you decide to go to a sex shop, then do not hesitate to consult with the seller. A specialist will tell you which product is right for your couple.

But there are general tips for choosing a lubricant for intimacy:

  1. Consult your doctor. Any lubricant can cause allergies and has contraindications.
  2. Study the composition of the product. Beware of hormonal and harmful synthetic ones.
  3. Use as directed. Carefully read on the packaging what type of sex the gel is intended for.
  4. Give preference to water-based products. They are the safest in composition and do not cause candidiasis.
  5. Consider condom compatibility. The presence of oils and fats in the lubricant compromises the integrity of the latex.
  6. Consider compatibility with sex toys. Oils, grease, and even some types of silicone lubricants will ruin the vibrator.
  7. Check the drug for allergies. Apply a drop of the product to the skin and wait 20 minutes: if there is no redness or rash, then you can use the product.

Do not hesitate to ask intimate questions to your doctor, because your health depends on this. In case of individual intolerance to the components, burning and itching occurs in the genital area. In this case, you need to stop using the lubricant, rinse the mucous membrane and lubricate the affected area with antihistamine cream.

The use of lubricants during sexual intercourse is now common. They are used by many couples of different ages, while pursuing their individual goals. This allows partners to avoid discomfort caused by an insufficient amount of natural lubrication, refresh sensations, and so on. Applying lubricant to intimate areas allows you to forget about discomfort and enjoy communication with your partner.


The human genital organs are “equipped” with many nerve endings, giving them special sensitivity. In order for sexual contact to bring pleasure and not cause pain and irritation, intimate surfaces must be sufficiently moisturized. Therefore, during arousal, the human body independently produces a special natural lubricant that helps achieve pleasure.

If for some reason the amount of lubricant is not enough, lubricants come to the rescue. So why are they so useful?

  • Firstly, they make sexual intercourse comfortable and painless;
  • Secondly, they add new colors to the relationship;
  • Thirdly, they are good for health, as they may have anti-inflammatory, anti-venereal, and bactericidal properties.

Lubricants with vitamins, aloe vera, chamomile and ginseng are available. In addition, they may contain aphrodisiacs that increase desire, warming or, conversely, cooling components, can prolong sexual intercourse, create the effect of reducing the vagina, etc.


Sometimes the release of natural lubrication is not enough for comfortable sexual intercourse. Most often, a small amount of lubrication or its absence is observed in women. There may be several reasons for this, including: fatigue, stress, illness, menopause, the postpartum period, etc.
Also, the production of natural hydration may be associated with long-term use of other hormonal drugs. Sometimes a lack of lubricant is associated with diseases such as diabetes and seasonal allergies.

In such situations, lubricants come to the rescue. They allow you to additionally moisturize intimate surfaces, improve the gliding process and enhance erotic sensations. The use of lubricants makes sexual intercourse completely painless and eliminates the development of damage to the mucous membranes.


Sometimes situations arise when the need for a lubricant already exists, but it is not at hand at the moment. In this situation, you can prepare the lubricant yourself from available materials and products.

It is very simple to prepare artificial lubricant for sexual intercourse at home. The most important thing is to make sure that both partners are not allergic to the components of homemade lubricants. Most often, vegetable or animal fats, water or silicone components, natural fruit non-acidic juices and fruits are used.

A water-based lubricant can be made from banana. The peeled fruit must be crushed using a blender, add water and 3-5 drops of glycerin and mix everything again. The resulting lubricant can be used with or without a condom. This lubricant will relieve dryness in intimate places and will be an excellent flavoring agent.

There is one option - preparing a lubricant based on thick starch jelly with the addition of fruit juices to improve the aroma. This mixture turns out to be very viscous and slips well.

Homemade lubricants are also made from animal or vegetable oils, such as olive oil. Aphrodisiacs are often added to this mixture, making the sensations more acute and varied. However, they cannot be used during sex with a condom.

Knowing how to find a replacement for a lubricant that was not purchased on time at home, you can maintain a romantic mood and prolong sexual intercourse, making it comfortable and memorable. Such experiments will easily bring partners closer, liberate relationships and make life more diverse.

A couple's sex life is an important component. The quality of sexual life of partners is what makes relationships stronger and more trusting, and if partners do not receive sexual satisfaction, their relationship changes proportionally. Unfortunately, not always in a good way.

This happens due to a number of reasons. However, one of them is dryness of the genital organs. It can be both pathological and mechanical. In any case, this problem is solvable.

Is it possible to replace lubricant with massage cream or oil?

A completely logical question arises - what can be used instead of intimate lubricant? An alternative due to natural ingredients.

There are many remedies that can restore the deficiency, allowing people to enjoy the wonderful effects. The main thing is to choose the most optimal and suitable option.

The absence or lack of natural lubrication is a very negative aspect that spoils the pleasure of intercourse. However, in stores there is a wide range of products that are designed to correct the deficiency - factory-made lubricants.

If you are allergic to industrial chemicals or the use of such products causes negativity, you can find an alternative.

Massage oil or cream will help replace sexual lubricant. It is worth noting that these products do not cause an allergic reaction when they come into contact with the skin, making the skin slippery due to the formation of a dense film on it. However, children's cosmetics are not intended for intimacy, as they have a high density and thick consistency.

Important! Such products can remain on the walls of the vagina, which creates pathogenic flora for bacteria.

Before using such a tool, you must carefully study the annotation.

Baby oil can also be used for lubrication during intercourse. It does not contain cosmetic additives and is hypoallergenic. In individual cases, it can serve as protection against infections. However, it is worth carefully studying the composition for flavorings. If there are none, you can safely purchase this product for sexual contact.

What can you use instead of intimate lubricant at home?

Most couples use lubricants during sexual intercourse. Their use allows you to get not only satisfaction, but also the absence of secretion from the genitals. However, they are not always at hand. You can replace them with household chemicals, as well as fruits.

Who knew that ordinary fruits could become a lubricant? For example, if a peeled banana is crushed in a blender and diluted with a little water, then this mixture can be used as a lubricant. This is a natural lubricant with which you can restore the missing secretion.

At the same time, there will be no allergies to such a component, it does not irritate the skin, and at the same time thoroughly moisturizes it. The prepared mixture is excellent both as a lubricant and as an alternative for oral sex, as it is edible and has a wonderful aroma.

Starch and water lubricant

An equally excellent option that can be prepared is to use a mixture of starch and water. This option is not difficult to prepare; all you need to do is dilute some of the starch in different quantities with water and cook until it is deserted.

The resulting jelly must be cooled. This composition is an alternative to Vaseline.

The use of folk recipes when preparing lubricants is not always equally good. First of all, it is worth remembering a reasonable approach, dosage and hygiene when preparing.

Lubricants with added oil

Using lubricant during sex in the form of oil is an interesting option. In this case, any organic oils can be used - flaxseed, sesame, coconut or olive.

To prepare such a lubricant, you need to heat 150-300 ml of oil until boiling, after which you add essential oil or liquid aphrodisiac. This option has high slip performance and is also absolutely harmless.

Caution when working with oils (butter, vegetable, margarine)

Intimate caresses using vegetable fats and oils are not a healthy activity. Yes, the use of such components provides a sliding property, but the components are not suitable for use in the intimate area. Most likely, the application is one-time and will provide glide and minimize dryness, however, during subsequent times of use, irritation may occur and swelling of the mucous membrane may develop.

Oil destroys the latex structure.

Can I use baby cream for lubrication?

According to some couples, baby cream is used as a lubricant during anal sex. This lubricant not only moisturizes the skin, but also absorbs very well. However, deep contact with the mucous membrane of the genital organs has the opposite effect. In particular, the substances included in the composition are not absorbed by the skin, so they simply remain inside without dissolving. At such foci, pathogenic microorganisms arise and, as a result, diseases develop.

Important! Baby cream has a fat content, and it disarms the latex structure.

How safe is it to use Vaseline?

The use of Vaseline is known to many, especially those who practice anal sex. However, it should be noted that the most negative thing about its use is that it destroys latex. The positive side is that it is quite cheap and is always in stock.

Vaseline negatively affects the natural microflora of the vagina, allowing bacteria and fungi to accumulate in it. Moreover, constant use of the product leads to a burning sensation and redness.

Homemade lubricant as an alternative to store-bought products is an interesting option, but for the sake of variety. For example, homemade banana lubricant will not cause harm if used correctly. In particular, if it is applied to clean skin in a thin layer, and after the act, the product is carefully removed under running warm water.

It is important to remember that all lubricants prepared at home are suitable for one-time use. Otherwise, the body will show its indignation in the form of an allergic reaction. In addition, such things will become excellent “helpers” for the proliferation of bacteria.

The use of Vaseline as a lubricant requires a balanced approach. If you use it once or twice, it will not cause harm. In addition, when choosing it, you should give preference to cosmetic Vaseline rather than technical one, since the latter is completely synthetic.

Negative outcome

The use of homemade lubricant should be based on personal sensations. So, if the slightest changes in sensation appear, you should immediately stop using homemade lubricant, take a shower, and in some cases consult a specialist.

Lubricants made from natural ingredients are wonderful, but their use is always accompanied by certain risks. The use of lubricants made from natural components is possible only if none of the partners suffers from hypersensitivity to a specific component. It is also worth considering the fact that it is strictly forbidden to constantly use the same lubricant.

Is Vaseline good as an intimate lubricant? Exciting lubricant for women and men