Bath for paraffin therapy. Hot paraffin for paraffin therapy, what is it? Which paraffin to choose for home paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is a medical and cosmetic procedure aimed at deep softening and nourishing of the skin. It is used mainly for the care of dry and chapped skin of the hands in the cold season. The advantage of the procedure is the simplicity and accessibility of the procedure, thanks to which everyone can master the rules of paraffin therapy.

Baths and applications with paraffin are indicated for the treatment of:

  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • Raynaud's disease.

The method is used to relieve symptoms in diseases of the bones and joints. The effectiveness of paraffin therapy in this case is due to the soft gradual heating of the tissues.

Paraffin melts at a temperature of about 520 C. Applying this substance to the body improves blood circulation in the affected area by irritating the upper layer of the skin. In diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis), the procedure helps to relieve pain and improve mobility. With neuralgia, gentle warming with paraffin relieves pain caused by nerve damage.

As prescribed by a dermatologist, the method can be used for psoriasis, to soften plaques on the skin. The possibility of paraffin treatment for eczema on the hands should also be consulted with a specialist.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins at the site of exposure;
  • the presence of a rash, deep wounds and ulcers on the skin.

In the absence of contraindications, the procedure can be carried out even for children over three years old, however, paraffin is not applied to clean skin, but to gauze or a bandage, in order to avoid burns.

The use of paraffin in cosmetology

The procedure is offered in almost every beauty salon. In cosmetology, paraffin therapy is used to eliminate problems associated with dryness and flaking of the skin.

The use of paraffin allows:

  • reduce traces of post-acne;
  • smooth mimic wrinkles;
  • brighten the skin and reduce age spots;
  • improve skin tone.

The substance has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body due to the greenhouse effect, which is created when molten paraffin is applied to the skin. Paraffin gradually increases the temperature of the skin at the site of application, as a result, the pores open. Since a layer of air remains between the epidermis and the wax-like mass, local sweating increases. With sweat, toxins are released, the skin is cleansed. At the same time, lymph flow improves, blood microcirculation is stimulated, that is, metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis are improved. The result of the procedure is smooth nourished and hydrated skin.

Paraffin treatment is carried out in courses. 5 procedures are enough to forget about peeling and cracks on the skin for a long time. You can apply a warm mass on any part of the body. Most often, paraffin is used as an emergency remedy for restoring dry skin on the hands, with cracks in the skin of the feet, and to soften especially dry areas of the body. Paraffin therapy for the face is an effective and safe way to reduce the severity of wrinkles, increase turgor and brighten the skin.

Paraffin therapy - how to do it?

For a home procedure, you must purchase a special cosmetic paraffin. This substance is presented in every pharmacy at an affordable cost, so there are no problems with the purchase. It is also necessary to prepare a convenient container in which paraffin will be melted, several towels, thick polyethylene gloves.

How to do paraffin therapy - it depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the mass will be applied. The general scheme is as follows: paraffin is melted in a water bath, at this time a skin cleansing procedure is carried out. Then liquid paraffin is applied to the epidermis with a brush or cosmetic spatula, and the skin is wrapped in a warm cloth. The duration of exposure is until the product has completely cooled down.

Paraffin can be melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven. It is very simple to determine the readiness of the mass - the paraffin must be liquid and homogeneous.

Since the product melts at a relatively low temperature, the likelihood of burns is minimized. However, before applying the liquid mass, you should check its temperature by dropping a little on the back of the hand.

Hand treatment

Paraffin therapy for hands is carried out on previously cleansed skin. Additionally, you should use a scrub to open the pores as much as possible. It is not necessary to use a purchased scrub, you can cook it yourself by mixing sugar or coffee grounds with any oil.

For one procedure, you will need about 3 kg of weight. Paraffin is melted in a water bath and poured into a convenient container made of ceramic or glass. Plastic and metal containers are not recommended. You can also heat the mass in the microwave. In this case, it is important to set the power of the device to a minimum, otherwise the paraffin will overheat and begin to evaporate.

After all the preparations, the hands are completely immersed in a container of melted paraffin for 3 seconds. Then they need to be pulled out, wait another 3 seconds, and again immerse in a viscous mass. Repeat the manipulation 3-4 times. After making sure that the skin of the hands is completely covered with the product, you should use plastic gloves. You can also use regular plastic bags. Hands in gloves should be additionally wrapped with a towel. Paraffin is removed together with gloves after it completely hardens.

Paraffin for the face

A quick and effective method to restore youthfulness to the skin is paraffin therapy for the face. The melted product is applied to the skin along the massage lines with a large brush, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips. After the entire face is covered with a thick layer of mass, the skin is covered with gauze or a special non-woven mask. During the procedure, it is recommended to take a comfortable position (it is better to lie down), relax the muscles of the face, and do not strain them until the paraffin mask is removed.

Paraffin therapy for feet

The caring procedure for the skin of the feet is carried out in the same way as for the hands. Paraffin therapy for feet is recommended for dry and cracked skin, in the presence of dry calluses and corns. Feet are immersed several times in a container with warm paraffin, and then wrapped with polyethylene or cling film. It is recommended to use special thermal socks.

Carrying out a body treatment

The method is widely used to combat cellulite, as well as soften dry skin areas, such as elbows.

Paraffin helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

The melted mass is applied to the skin with a brush in 5-6 layers, then tightly fixed with cling film. The treated area must be additionally wrapped with a towel, thermal underwear or a woolen shawl.

If paraffin therapy is used for therapeutic purposes, the number of procedures increases to 20. Before starting treatment with paraffin, you should consult with your doctor.

What is included in the paraffin therapy kit?

In specialized stores you can buy a set for paraffin therapy. It includes a special heater with a container for melting paraffin, a spatula and a brush, a set of disposable socks, gloves and sheet masks.

Some kits include special sprays for cleaning the container and brushes after the procedure. The cost of the set depends on the number of items in its composition. Paraffin itself is purchased in pharmacies.

Dear readers! The use of paraffin has recently become a rather popular procedure, both in cosmetology and in medical practice, with a preventive, adaptive and restorative purpose. Today I will tell you what paraffin therapy is and how to do it at home. After reading the article to the end, you will find out how useful this procedure is and, perhaps, begin to apply it for your health and beauty.

Everyone is familiar with paraffin candles. For the first time they began to be used for lighting at the turn of the 19th-20th century. But for medical purposes, for the first time, its amazing thermal properties were proposed by the French physician Bart de Sandorf in 1902.

Later, paraffin therapy became a fairly popular method of treating wounded soldiers, and even now it is a common method of recovery from injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pathology of internal organs, diseases of the nervous system and skin.

What is paraffin? If you have seen paraffin candles, but imagine the appearance of paraffin. However, in medical practice and cosmetology, 100% paraffin purified from any impurities is used.

Paraffin is a derivative of petroleum, a wax-like mixture of hydrocarbons. Heats up quickly and melts, and slowly releases heat. Melting point - 52-55ºС.

The mechanism of action of paraffin

When applied with paraffin, the temperature in the underlying tissues increases by 1-3ºС. As a result, hyperemia and an increase in blood flow at the site of paraffin application occur, metabolic processes improve, resulting in the following therapeutic effects:

  • resorption of infiltrates,
  • the inflammatory process is reduced
  • damaged tissues are restored,
  • regenerative processes are activated,
  • improves blood supply to problem areas,
  • relieves muscle spasms
  • pain subsides,
  • improves metabolic processes in the underlying organs and tissues.

Cooling paraffin decreases in volume up to 10%, while slightly squeezing the skin and acting like a light massage.

The thermal effect is due to the slow cooling of the paraffin. The skin pores expand and sweat is released along with toxins and various slags. Moreover, moisture does not evaporate: it remains under paraffin, leaving the skin moisturized. Harmful substances released with sweat are not absorbed back into the skin, their molecules are heavier than water, but remain on the paraffin, which is then thrown away.

During the cosmetic procedure, microcirculation improves, due to which the skin becomes moisturized and soft. Cooling paraffin tightens the skin, making it immobile and this helps to smooth out wrinkles not only on the face, but also on the hands, which is now often observed even in young girls. When carrying out the procedure on the hands, paraffin helps to strengthen the nail plates, protecting them from delamination and giving them strength and a healthy look.

The use of paraffin for medicinal purposes

The use of paraffin is justified only in cases where irreversible anatomical changes in the affected organs or tissues have not yet occurred in the body. The greatest effect will be noticeable if paraffin therapy is one of the components of complex treatment for subacute processes or in the initial period of the chronic course of the disease. Therapeutic action will be effective when

  • injuries and diseases of the inflammatory or degenerative nature of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, dislocations, sprains, torn ligaments and muscles, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis),
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis),
  • chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.), liver diseases (hepatitis), peptic ulcer,
  • hypertension,
  • chronic diseases of the female genital area,
  • varicose veins;
  • adhesive disease,
  • skin diseases, trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite, wounds.

The use of paraffin in cosmetology

No less popular is the use of paraffin in beauty salons for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin of the face, hands and feet. Here paraffins are used with various additives and fragrances, for example, with honey, vitamins, essential oils, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing components.

Paraffin baths and masks will help if you want to hide age-related skin changes, remove wrinkles on the face and hands, get rid of the second chin.

The advantages of the cosmetic effect during cosmetic procedures include getting rid of excess weight and cellulite, help to minimize cicatricial changes on the skin.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy

But not everyone can benefit from paraffin baths and applications. Tangible harm to health is possible if there is a history of:

  • acute inflammatory disease or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • ischemic heart disease, exertional angina, severe atherosclerosis,
  • chronic glamerulonephritis, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure;
  • the presence of a large number of papillomas, moles and warts on the treated area;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Paraffin therapy - how to do it?

It is quite possible to carry out paraffin therapy at home, but on the condition that you do not have those diseases that are contraindicated in paraffin therapy. Moreover, the cost of such a procedure in salons ranges from 500 - 2000 rubles. for one session. Carrying out the procedure at home is not difficult if you prepare everything you need to complete it in advance.

I offer you a step by step procedure at home.
What will you need?

  • Container for melting paraffin.
  • Capacity (bath) for immersion in paraffin of hands or feet.
  • Brush for applying paraffin.
  • Cosmetic products for moisturizing the skin before applying paraffin and nourishing creams.
  • Film food or polyethylene.
  • Gauze face mask.
  • Depending on where you will apply the paraffin, you will need warm mittens, socks or a blanket.
  • Assistant.

For hands

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to melt the paraffin in a paraffin heater, in a water bath or in a separate container to a liquid state. It is important to remember that not a drop of water should get into the paraffin, otherwise, during the procedure, you can get a skin burn.

  1. Paraffin is applied to the cleansed skin of the hands, so wash your hands first, remove the varnish from the nails. Instead of soap, try to prepare such a scrub: in equal parts, take milk powder or infant formula, oatmeal (no need to grind it) and sea salt. You can make more scrub, put it in a closed jar and use it when necessary. Scrubbing is necessary in order to remove dead skin particles from the hands.
  2. Then take a little of the resulting scrub in your hands, add a little cosmetic oil (for example, jojoba, olive or almond oil) and rub the scrub into the skin with light massage movements. Remember to rub the palms and backs of your hands, between your fingers. Then dry your hands well with a towel and proceed to the next step.
  3. This is a very important point. Before applying paraffin, it is important to lubricate your hands with cream. And from what components will be in this cream, those beneficial substances will then penetrate into the skin. You can make such a cream: take a tablespoon of wax, melt it in a water bath, add a tablespoon (or one of them) of olive oil, calendula oil, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, etc. You can also add 5 drops of vitamin A and E or add the contents of an Aevitum capsule. Apply the cream on your hands and be sure to rub the cream into the skin so that the hands become warm or hot - cold hands should not be immersed in paraffin. We need a cream so that after the procedure it is easy to remove the paraffin mask.
  4. Pour liquid paraffin into a container where you will dip your hands. If you have a bath with a paraffin heater, it will be even better. First, check with one finger whether it will be hot. The temperature of the paraffin should be pleasant.
  5. Dip your hands in a container of paraffin and immediately remove them from there. After a few seconds, repeat the immersion of the brushes in paraffin, do this several times to end up with thick paraffin gloves. If the skin of your hands is sensitive, then apply the first layer with a special brush, and then dip your hands in a paraffin bath, also in several approaches.
  6. Then you will need an assistant, he will help you wrap your hands with food or plastic wrap, and then put on warm mittens or thermal gloves.
  7. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes. After this time, carefully remove the spent paraffin and discard it, it has absorbed unnecessary toxins and toxins, therefore it is not suitable for further use.
  8. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream and massage lightly. If the procedure was carried out in the evening, then put on cotton gloves and leave them to sleep, and in the morning you will see how soft and tender your hands have become.

The procedure can be repeated no more than 1 time per week. Since the procedure takes a lot of time, it is better to carry it out on a day off. But this process is worth it.

For face

Before starting the procedure with a scrub or peeling, cleanse your face, apply a nourishing cream on your face. Various nutritional supplements can be added to the nourishing cream, then the effect of the procedure will be even more effective.

Take a comfortable position, relax. It will be good if an assistant helps you apply paraffin on your face. Apply the first layer with a brush dipped in melted paraffin, bypassing the area around the eyes. Having finished applying the first layer, place a piece of gauze prepared in advance on your face so that it completely covers the face and as shown in the photo above.

After a few seconds, apply the next layer of paraffin on top of the gauze pad, apply 5-7 layers at intervals of a few seconds. After 30-40 minutes, carefully remove the paraffin mask from the bottom up.

At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to your face according to your skin type.

For legs

Before starting the procedure, clean the rough skin of the feet with a scrub, pumice stone or an electric file. After that, be sure to apply a moisturizer.

The procedure for the legs itself is not much different from a similar procedure for the hands. You also dip your feet several times in paraffin, then wrap your feet with cling film several times and put on warm socks.

After an exposure of 20-30 minutes, remove the paraffin, and apply a nourishing cream on your feet.

For body

First you need to melt the paraffin to a liquid state to a temperature of 60-90º in special paraffin heaters or in a water bath. It is recommended to use sterile paraffin for medicinal purposes. This can be achieved by heating it to a temperature of 110-140º for 15 minutes. Make sure that no water gets into the paraffin!

For applications, paraffin is used in its pure form, with the addition of therapeutic mud, ozocerite and birch powder to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Immediately before the start of the procedure, the surface of the skin is smeared with petroleum jelly or a mixture of paraffin with fish oil or cottonseed oil is applied from a spray bottle. More often, such application is used on wound, burn and ulcerated surfaces. But I would not recommend applying paraffin mixtures to such surfaces ourselves, let the doctors do it better.

And as wellness or recovery procedures after injuries, after the removal of pain in arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, etc. this procedure can be carried out at home.

To do this, liquid paraffin on a surface previously lubricated with petroleum jelly is applied in several stages with a flat brush to problem areas: the collar zone, the lumbar region, to the joints, so that a layer of about half a centimeter is obtained. Then they cover the top of the paraffin application with food or plastic wrap, and wrap it with something warm on top. for example, a blanket.

The duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes, after removing the paraffin application, you need to rest for an hour, covered with something warm. The course of treatment requires no more than 15 procedures. A second course of paraffin therapy can be carried out no earlier than in a month or two.

There is a slightly different way to prepare a paraffin application, and I find this method to be easier. To do this, pour the melted paraffin into a flat container to make a layer of paraffin 2-3 cm thick. Wait a little until the paraffin hardens a little, and then, overturning the container, transfer it to food or plastic wrap. Wrap paraffin film and put on the lower back or joint, cover with a blanket or towel on top and leave for half an hour. After the procedure, do not allow hypothermia of a heated place.

Where can you buy paraffin?

If you decide to carry out the paraffin therapy procedure at home and do not know where you can buy it, then do not despair. Currently, there are many online stores where the price of a package ranges from 100 rubles. The cost depends on the weight of the package and additives (herbal ingredients, essential oils and fragrances).

Cosmetic paraffin is packaged in 450-500 ml, this volume is enough for 4-6 procedures. To make a bath for hands or feet, you need 1500 ml of paraffin.

For medicinal purposes, paraffin must be in its pure form without various additives. Such paraffin is better to ask in pharmacies.

And in this video you will see how to properly do paraffin therapy for hands.

Dear readers, today you got acquainted with such a useful procedure at home - paraffin therapy. I think that after reading this information, you can easily do this procedure at home.

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In paraffin therapy, two types of paraffin are used: cold (cream paraffin) and hot. Cold paraffin does not require additional heating before the procedure, it is immediately applied to the skin. Heat the paraffin pre-need if you have hot paraffin for paraffin therapy.

Hot paraffin for paraffin therapy, what is it?

Hot paraffin is usually sold in bars of 500 grams in solid form, so it must be melted before the procedure. This can be done in several ways: on the stove and in special paraffin heaters.

How to melt paraffin at home?

Kitchen stove- the most economical, but the least convenient way to warm up the paraffin. To do this, you need to chop the paraffin into an aluminum container and put it in a pot of boiling water. Paraffin should be heated until it becomes liquid (do not confuse with wax, which melts to the consistency of honey!). As soon as the paraffin melts, let it cool to 40 degrees and proceed with the procedure. Hot paraffin in this case is applied to the skin with a special brush.

Bath for paraffin therapy

In the paraffin bath paraffin is loaded into the bath and melted for 1-2 hours. The paraffin bath is convenient because it is not necessary to remove the paraffin and clean the container after each procedure, the manufacturer advises changing the paraffin and cleaning the device only every 100 procedures. You will be able to maintain the desired temperature of the paraffin throughout the procedure and you do not have to additionally heat or wait for the paraffin to cool, as is the case with a water bath. Hands and feet are dipped into the bath, you do not need a brush.

Wax and paraffin heater

In addition to electric baths, there are also heaters for wax and paraffin. They, like baths, melt paraffin and wax, and are able to maintain the temperature. The difference between the heater is only in volume. If you need 1.5-2 kg of paraffin for a bath, then the heater holds 400 or 800 grams of paraffin. Due to the small volume, paraffin is applied to the skin with a special brush.

Be sure to check the temperature of the paraffin on your wrist before the procedure!

Our skin requires constant care to maintain health and youth. One of the most effective procedures that help maintain elasticity and freshness of the skin is paraffin therapy. To carry it out, you need cosmetic paraffin, a variety of useful additives, gloves and brushes, and of course, a bath for paraffin therapy. It is in it that all products are heated and mixed before the procedure. But is a special bath really necessary, and what are its advantages over manual means?

How to warm up paraffin

Cosmetic paraffin melts at a temperature of about 50-52 degrees. It will not work to get a homogeneous mass of the desired temperature by heating the material in a simple saucepan over a fire. A piece of paraffin will melt and boil on one side, while on the other it will remain cold. That is why special devices for heating are required.

Sometimes paraffin is heated in the microwave. This is a rather risky method, since it is difficult to calculate the required power and time for warming up. If it is overheated, the paraffin may even evaporate a little, then it will not be easy to clean it from the walls of the microwave.

Usually, girls who are just starting to do paraffin procedures warm up the paraffin in a water bath. To do this, put an enameled vessel, for example, a bowl, on a pot of water. Put the paraffin in the bowl. Then the pot is put on fire. Gradually, the water in it heats up, more or less evenly heating the piece of paraffin in the bowl.

But this method has significant drawbacks:

  • It is difficult to control the temperature of the paraffin. You have to periodically try it with your hand, and this, in case of negligence, can lead to a burn.
  • Water droplets can get into the paraffin. This will adversely affect the properties of the mask and may also cause a burn.

That is why those who regularly practice paraffin skin care try to buy special baths. They are powered by the mains and maintain the optimum temperature for paraffin melting. Thus, it is possible to achieve uniform heating and the same temperature throughout the volume of the material for the mask.

Benefits of paraffin baths

Although many girls are used to heating paraffin in a water bath and do it well, it is much more convenient to do this with the help of special electric baths. They have a number of advantages:

  • There is no need to carry out the procedure in the kitchen or run around the house with hot paraffin, risking splashing it. You can make masks in any room, as long as there is access to an outlet.
  • Paraffin is heated strictly to the desired temperature. You can just turn on the device and go about your business. And when you are free, a molten mass of perfect consistency and temperature will be waiting for you. There is no need to stand over the stove, constantly stir and check with your finger whether it is warmed up or not.
  • The desired temperature is maintained automatically for as long as desired. If you want to do the procedure for the legs first, and then for the hands, you do not need to warm up the paraffin a second time.
  • There is no risk of spoiling the dishes and smearing the stove. This is especially true for owners of expensive stoves with a glass-ceramic surface, which is quite difficult to maintain. The surface of the bath is easy to clean and wash, as it is designed specifically for heating paraffin.
  • There is no risk of getting burned as the paraffin never overheats.
  • Many baths have additional features. For example, it is very difficult to calculate the correct temperature for heating aromatic oils, since volatile substances easily evaporate. A bath with the function of heating containers with aromatic oils will allow you to warm them up to the optimum temperature.

Bath cost

The only disadvantage of the bath for paraffin therapy is the relatively high cost. The smallest devices with a single function - paraffin heating, cost from 2 thousand rubles. And the most voluminous models with a large number of additional functions will cost up to 10 thousand rubles. The most "running" models cost about 3-3.5 thousand.

As for manufacturers, it will not be possible to choose a clear leader. Of course, it is better not to buy too cheap Chinese devices, as they usually do not differ in reliability and safety. And paraffin furnaces of the middle price segment are of approximately the same quality, even if they are Chinese, even Korean or from EU countries.

Many paraffin baths are equipped with special fire protection. Even if you forget about the device, multi-level protection will prevent any negative consequences.

How to choose a bath for paraffin therapy?

Before choosing a paraffin bath, you need to decide what it is for. By type of purpose, they are divided into three basic categories:

  • for hands;
  • for legs;
  • universal.

It is very important to consider the size of the device. Universal baths are the largest. If you have a small apartment, it can be difficult to find a place to store such a large appliance. If you buy a small bath for hands, then it may be inconvenient for people with large hands and long fingers. Naturally, a medium-sized foot will not fit in such a bath.

When choosing the size of the bath, you need to remember that a large device requires more paraffin, for example, about 1.5 kg of paraffin is placed in a hand bath, and about 4 kg in a universal bath.

An important factor when choosing a device is the presence of different modes of paraffin heating. Not everyone likes the temperature of 50 degrees, someone wants it hotter, while others are comfortable with cooler procedures. In addition, the skin of different parts of the body perceives temperature differently. A good device should have at least two modes, this will make the procedure more comfortable.

There are also additional characteristics that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • Recommended types of paraffin. If the bath is intended for use with a certain type of paraffin, this significantly narrows your options, so you should choose the most versatile devices.
  • The presence of a thermostat. A good bath must ensure that the desired temperature is maintained for the time you need. This will allow you not to heat it up several times and not to check the temperature with your finger.
  • heating rate. A good device warms up the paraffin in about 40 minutes. This time is just enough to carry out all the preparatory procedures.
  • Energy class. It is better to give preference to more modern and economical devices.
  • The presence and number of additional functions. There are baths designed exclusively for heating paraffin. Others may also heat wax, aroma oils, or even stone therapy stones. Therefore, before buying a device, you need to decide what features you need and choose the right one.
  • The presence of protection against spillage of paraffin. It is very difficult to clean paraffin from some surfaces, so it is better to choose a bath that will minimize the likelihood of a spill. This is achieved due to the special shape of the edges.
  • Ease of cleaning. The most convenient are baths with a Teflon coating, as well as with a special mesh at the bottom.
  • Device power. It can vary from 140 to 250 watts.
  • Additional items included. Paraffin or brushes are sometimes given as a gift for the device, as well as special socks or gloves.

In addition, you can pay attention to the appearance of the bath. Well, if the device fits nicely into the design of your room.

What to buy with a bath?

Naturally, when purchasing a bath, you must immediately stock up on paraffin. It is not worth taking with a margin, since the removed mass can be used further. Since only you will use your paraffin at home, this will not bring any harmful consequences, but it will help you save a lot.

It is necessary to change the paraffin mass and disinfect the bath, based on the manufacturer's recommendations. But in most cases, high-quality cosmetic paraffin can be used without any negative consequences for a year.

Along with the purchase of the bath, you must also purchase everything you need for paraffin procedures. Very often, stores offer ready-made kits. If this is not the case, you will have to choose your own special gloves and socks, cellophane and fabric for insulation.

In addition, it is worth purchasing a special tool for cleaning various surfaces from paraffin. This facilitates cleaning after procedures and eliminates the need for a long scraping of stains. It will be enough just to wipe them with a napkin moistened with this detergent.

A properly selected paraffin bath will help make paraffin therapy a simple and convenient procedure. And all the costs are more than offset by the beauty, health and youth of your skin.

Therapeutic effects of paraffin It is based on the fact that when applied to the skin, the molten wax hardens very quickly and forms a film that protects against the effects of other paraffin layers heated to a higher temperature. The thermal effect on the diseased organ is longer and more uniform. Such procedures help with many diseases, such as arthritis, periostitis, myositis, dislocation, fracture, wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, chronic diseases of internal organs (gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic hepatitis), diseases and consequences of injuries of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis, sciatica, neuralgia), skin diseases.

Paraffin treatment at home

Paraffin treatment sessions last 30-60 minutes, the procedures are performed every day or after 1 day. At home, a course of treatment of 12-20 procedures is carried out. It is best to do them 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. If a session of paraffin treatment is carried out during the day, then after it you should rest for at least 30 minutes.

1. Paraffin applications (medical paraffin)

For a water bath, prepare 2 pans with lids (aluminum or enameled): 1 large and the other smaller. A wooden plank is placed at the bottom of a large pot so that the bottoms of the pots do not touch each other.

Small pieces of white paraffin are placed in a small saucepan and covered with a lid. Carefully pour water into a large saucepan, so that not a single drop falls on the paraffin, and put it on low heat.

Paraffin should melt and then heat up to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. This takes about one hour. Then the paraffin is allowed to cool and a small saucepan is removed without opening the lid. It is impossible to heat paraffin on an open fire, without a water bath, because, having reached a certain temperature, it begins to burn, emit a suffocating fumes and may ignite.

Melted paraffin, heated to a temperature of 55-60 degrees, is applied in thin layers with a flat paint brush to the affected area of ​​the body. Paraffin is layered until the layer thickness is 1-2 cm. Even with strictly limited lesions, paraffin also covers adjacent healthy areas of the body. Then an oilcloth or waxed paper is placed on the treated area, which should be larger than the paraffin application, and wrapped with a woolen scarf. The temperature of such an application is about 50 degrees.

2. Paraffin bath

The bath is used if you need to warm up the limbs well. A hand or foot (fingers should be tightly compressed) is coated with paraffin heated to a temperature of 50-55 degrees to create a protective layer. After that, the limb is lowered into an oilcloth bag, sewn in the form of a mitten or boot, with molten paraffin at a temperature of 60-65 degrees. The bag is tied around the forearm (shin) not very tight and wrapped in a woolen scarf or blanket.

3. Paraffin heating pad

It is easy to make at home. To do this, sew a flat bag measuring 20 × 25 cm from oilcloth or dense plastic compound and fill it with paraffin. Before use, the heating pad must be heated in a bucket of hot water, then wrapped in a towel, applied to the affected area and covered with a towel on top.

4. Paraffin mask

1-2 layers of paraffin with a temperature of 50-55 degrees are applied to the affected area of ​​the body with a brush, and then a gauze napkin folded in 8-10 layers, previously moistened with molten paraffin with a temperature of 60-65 degrees, is applied with tweezers. The napkin is covered with oilcloth and wrapped in a woolen scarf.

5. Paraffin face mask (cosmetic paraffin)

Paraffin masks are used to rejuvenate the skin. After a series of such procedures, the blood flow and lymph flow of the skin of the face and underlying tissues improve, tissue metabolism increases, the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands expand, the resorption of scars and infiltrates accelerates, and the stratum corneum of the epidermis exfoliates faster.

Before the session, oily skin is wiped with a cotton swab moistened with a mixture of alcohol and ether, and dry skin is smeared with refined vegetable oil.

The procedure is performed in the supine position. In this case, the hair should be covered with a scarf, the neck with a napkin, and the eyelids with a cotton swab. Heated in a water bath and sterilized paraffin with a temperature of 50-52 degrees is applied to the face sequentially, making 2-3 layers. Paraffin is not applied to the eyes, mouth, nostrils. A transparent compress oilcloth with holes cut out for the eyes, nose and mouth is placed over the paraffin mask, then a layer of cotton wool is placed and the face is bandaged. At the end of the procedure, the mask is removed from the face with a spatula or spatula, the face is wiped with a cotton ball moistened with cologne and a nourishing cream is applied.

Paraffin masks are done every other day or twice a week. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is 15-20 sessions.

Contraindications to the use of paraffin masks are pustular skin diseases, eczema, malignant neoplasms, hypertension.

6. Paraffin boots (treatment of children)

Paraffin boots are a physiotherapy procedure during which the child's legs from the foot to the knee are wrapped in 2 layers of warm paraffin. This method of traditional medicine is used to treat diseases such as neuralgia, leg muscle hypertonicity, SARS and acute respiratory infections. The procedure can be used together with medical treatment, as well as massages and electrophoresis.

How to do paraffin boots at home?

To prepare them, you will need ozokerite and paraffin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. They are melted in a water bath. Substances are taken in a ratio of one to one or in some cases 2 to one. After the resulting mixture has melted and become homogeneous, it is carefully laid out on a baking sheet, where there is a layer of dense polyethylene. It is necessary to make 2 blanks with a size sufficient to wrap one leg. The temperature of the resulting substance should be above the temperature of the body, but do not burn it. Paraffin boots are carefully laid out on children's legs from the calves, gradually wrapping the entire limb from the knee and below. From above, they are wrapped with cling film, and then warm socks or stockings are put on. The child should be wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, it should be no more than 15 minutes.

Paraffin boots are contraindicated for people suffering from certain skin diseases, having heart problems, as well as patients with diabetes. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure if the child has inflammatory processes in the body.