Jessner peeling - composition, indications and contraindications, the best drugs. A worthy alternative to plastic surgery - Jessner peeling

Any peeling procedure inevitably leads to traumatization of the superficial structures of the epidermis, and some of their types also damage the deep layers of the dermis. That is why, in order to prevent the development of negative side effects, you should carefully follow the post-peeling recommendations of the cosmetologist, as well as observe the self-healing process, because this affects the final result and the beauty of the skin.

Another expected skin reaction to the procedure is erythema or redness of individual skin areas that occurs against the background of excessive blood supply to the skin capillaries. The duration of skin redness, as well as its severity, depends on the depth of exposure, the chemical agent used, and the nature of the damage. At the same time, peeling of the skin and thinning of the epidermis are observed. This is usually normal after a chemical peel. Based on this, superficial peels with fruit acids are considered the most optimal. In this case, microplate peeling occurs on the second or third day after the procedure and lasts no more than three days. Other types of peeling provoke large-lamellar peeling, which is observed within a week. Together, all this leads to dehydration of the dermis, in which the skin becomes dehydrated, dry, and strongly tightened.

Such a post-peel reaction as darkening of the skin occurs after combined acid-enzyme peels (15-5% trichloroacetic acid in combination with papain), as well as in clients with IV-V skin phototype.

If a specialist prescribes a medium or deep peeling to a patient, you must immediately set yourself up for the appearance of a burn after such a procedure. A thin uniform film appears on the skin, which after a while becomes a crust. So in no case should this crust be removed, even the probability of its accidental removal should be excluded, otherwise the risk of scars and scars increases several times.

Care after peeling.
To reduce the severity of normal skin reactions, shorten the duration of the recovery period or to facilitate it, a few basic rules should be followed.

Most importantly, post-peel care should be aimed at intensive skin hydration and restoration of the epidermal barrier. These two conditions ensure normal regeneration and epithelialization of the skin, reducing the risk of scarring. Components such as hyaluronic acid, pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid, alginates, amino acids, hydrogels, urea, sodium and calcium ions, as well as proteins and their hydrolysates have excellent moisturizing properties.

Products for the restoration of the epidermal barrier provide an opportunity to reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL), reducing hypersensitivity of the skin. As a result, it is desirable that shea butter, omega-6 fatty acids, ceramides, phospholipids, wax, primrose, blackcurrant, grape seed oils and other natural ingredients be present in the composition of care cosmetics. It is also desirable that they include panthenol, bisabolol, placenta, retinol, as they stimulate cell regeneration, thereby accelerating the healing process of wounds after various types of exfoliation procedures.

You can wash your face only twelve hours after the procedure. In this case, it is necessary to use clean, non-chlorinated boiled water. You can not wipe the skin, remove moisture with light blotting movements of the towel, and then apply the gel. Directly in the first days after the procedure, it is recommended to use special products in the form of a gel or foam. Such products are easy to apply, also absorbed, do not require rubbing, and after three to five days, you can use creams specially designed for post-peeling care, just at the time of peeling. It is better that such products include antioxidants (tocopherol, selenium, ubiquinone and other bioflavonoids) and have moisturizing, protective and anti-inflammatory properties.

Means for skin restoration, especially after deep and medium peelings, the duration of use, as well as the intensity of their use, the specialist selects individually in each case, based on the condition and characteristics of the patient's skin.

In the first days after the procedure, the skin requires gentle care, which means a complete rejection of decorative cosmetics and the use of scrubs, the latter irritating and injuring already damaged skin. In addition, it is advisable during this period to try not to touch your face. It is also not recommended, especially after a chemical peel, to use basic skin care products. So day and night creams for the face and eyes are allowed to be applied no earlier than three to five days after the procedure. After a gentle cleansing (which can be done a week after the procedure), the skin must be toned, for which it is better to use alcohol-free tonics in the form of sprays.

After the procedure, you can not use homemade face masks on your own initiative. If necessary, the cosmetologist will give the necessary recommendations regarding their use.

It should be noted that during the first three months after peeling, it is imperative to use cosmetics with a high and maximum sun protection factor, this will prevent the development of unwanted skin pigmentation. You should also refuse to visit the solarium, baths, saunas, swimming pools, to be less in the open sun.

With severe redness, itching, swelling, the beautician can prescribe Sicaderm cream once a day in the morning or Keladerm two to three times a day.

You can repeat the procedure no earlier than ten to twenty days later.

Features of care after deep peeling.
A radical method for eliminating cosmetic defects on the face is phenol peeling. As a result of the procedure, a burn occurs, which is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome, requiring the mandatory use of painkillers. It should be noted that the observed burn as a result of the procedure increases the risk of infection, therefore, in this case, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

When performing phenol peeling, as well as peeling with trichloroacetic acid, aggressive chemical agents are used, against which, after the procedure, any contact of damaged skin with water is prohibited for two days. The same applies to recommendations after a Jessner peel.

In this case, UV protection is tightened, after phenol peeling, protective products with a sun protection factor of fifty (SPF 50) should be used throughout life, and after TCA peeling - during the first six months.

How to prevent complications and how to deal with them if they occur?
The most common negative consequences of the procedure are scars, acne and herpes in the acute stage, foci of hyperpigmentation.

Before peeling, you should know that if you have a herpes rash at least twice a year, then it is important to take preventive measures aimed at preventing complications from the procedure. Therefore, both before and after peeling, it is necessary to take anti-herpetic preparations. If the preparatory stage was skipped for some reason, then after the procedure, pulse therapy should be performed.

To prevent the exacerbation of acne after peeling, you should use cosmetics that have a sebostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. When acne appears, it is recommended to use products that contain zinc, as well as local preparations with antibacterial properties. As a rule, a complication in the form of acne is observed after mechanical cleaning of the face.

Pigmentation after the peeling procedure is a fairly common complication. In most cases, it occurs after laser peeling and TCA peeling. As preventive measures, it is recommended to use products with retinoic and kojic acid a few days before the procedure, and immediately after it, acetylcysteine ​​​​(common ACC) and strong antioxidants (vitamin E, C, selenium, etc.) will help.

Looking at the photos taken before and after the procedure, one cannot help but be surprised at the effect that Jessner peeling gives (Jessner Peel). Is the usual dry cleaning of the face capable of such a result? Let's figure it out.

Ingredients of Jessner

The impressive effectiveness of this type of chemical peeling is based on the correct selection and balance of highly effective components of the composition. Created by military doctor Jessner, the remedy was originally intended for sailors with rough, weathered and problematic facial skin.

But due to the effectiveness of the procedure and the remedy, it attracted the attention of cosmetologists, and then it began to be used in the beauty industry, in particular, as one of the basic cleansing methods in beauty salons.

The composition and effect of the working components of peeling:

  1. Lactic acid, which is an excellent natural moisturizer. Stimulates the production of collagen. Starts renewal processes at the cellular level. Softens and improves elasticity, making the skin elastic and even. Redistributes, binds and retains moisture in the tissues of the epidermis.
  2. Salicylic acid, which is an excellent fat solvent. Effectively cleanses pore impurities. Removes dead skin cells. Promotes the removal of inflammatory processes and the destruction of microbes. Accelerates the renewal of the epithelium.
  3. Resorcinol, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Very effectively copes with pathogenic microflora. It has a whitening effect and removes dead cells.

Ethyl alcohol is used as a solvent in the peeling composition. It is he who is responsible for the smell of alcohol present during the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the beauty industry, the procedure has a sonorous name - "Hollywood peeling". The complex orientation of the effective components of the cosmetic product, in just one session, helps to solve many skin problems, giving, after a short recovery period, fresh and rejuvenated facial skin.

The indisputable advantages of Jessner peeling:

  • the practical absence of side effects;
  • the ability to regulate the level and depth of penetration into the epidermis of the peeling components;
  • successful and quick disposal of traces left by acne;
  • multifunctionality with the ability to adjust the force of impact;
  • no age restrictions;
  • successful fight against deep wrinkles and age-related skin changes;
  • rapid, post-procedural restoration of the skin;
  • uniformity of exposure to peeling components;
  • large depth of pore cleaning;
  • slight lifting effect.

Of all the acid peels, the procedure developed by Max Jessner has the fewest possible side effects.

Always shows great results. Good for congenital skin defects. But with all the many advantages, it is also necessary to know and prepare for some of the disadvantages of the procedure.

The disadvantages of facial cleansing by this method, experts include:

  • a sharp, not very pleasant smell of a procedural preparation;
  • discomfort and the possibility of pain during peeling;
  • the complexity of the composition and the short shelf life of the procedural agent, sometimes leading to a loss in the effectiveness of the cleaning.

Masters of beauty salons, knowing the shortcomings of the procedure, always start peeling with the use of a minimally concentrated solution. And only in the further process the composition is brought to the optimum condition.

Indications and contraindications

The ideal results bestowed by the procedure are well known. But not only a rejuvenated and refreshed face can guarantee cleaning. Jessner peeling is great for most skin problems. Eliminates many defects, which is clearly seen in the numerous photos taken after and before cleaning. Able to help in the most severe and neglected cases.

The procedure is recommended for:

  • age-related fading of the skin;
  • acne
  • dehydration of the epidermis;
  • oily skin;
  • poor complexion;
  • small wrinkles;
  • various thickenings of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • pigmentation;
  • remission of acne;
  • heterogeneity and high porosity of the skin.

The technique of applying the Jessner peeling composition allows the master to carry out deep, medium or gentle, superficial cleaning. But with any intensity of the procedure, there are contraindications and they must be considered.

Contraindications that exclude peeling:

  • various wounds, abrasions on the face;
  • oncological diseases;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • the presence of herpes or fungal diseases;
  • fresh tan;
  • molluscum contagiosum and warts;
  • exacerbated acne;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reactions to peeling preparations;
  • taking tetracycline antibiotics;
  • thyroid disease.

Before undergoing the procedure, it is necessary to find out individual tolerance to rather potent components of the composition. To do this, a small amount is applied to hidden areas of the skin of the face. For example behind the ear. And only after making sure that there is no irritation, proceed to a full-fledged procedure.

How often can you do it?

According to experts, Jessner peeling is considered the most effective of all the variety of dry cleanings. Photos before and after the procedure categorically confirm the amazing result.

The procedure is performed in courses and the number of sessions is determined by the specialist. All recommendations are determined from the degree and depth of the problem, the age of the patient and the general condition of the skin.

The usual course of Jessner peeling for normal skin is 5 procedures.

They pass with a frequency of a month, but the master, controlling the productivity of work, can make adjustments. Usually, at the first visit, a gentle cleaning is carried out. And only in subsequent sessions and with a good result, the cosmetologist increases the intensity of exposure and the number of applied layers of the product.

The duration of the result is always individual. On normal, toned skin, the effect of cleaning will be visible for several months. It is significantly extended by the correct further care and relentless observance of the instructions of the beautician.

Preparation and course of peeling in the salon

Cosmetologists advise to prepare for the passage of Jesser peeling. 10 days before the procedure, you need to start applying special products. Creams with a moderate content of fruit acids will help soften the stratum corneum, enhancing the effectiveness of the upcoming cleaning.

You should not forget about the undesirability of sunburn during this entire period and do not stay in the sun without protective creams. And directly on the day of the procedure, it is necessary to completely exclude all cosmetic products.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. The face is well cleansed, dust particles are removed. In this case, products applied and washed off with warm water are used.
  2. The skin is intensively degreased with alcohol lotion.
  3. On cleansed and prepared skin, the composition of Jessner is applied in an even layer. At the same time, the areas around the lips and around the eyes are not covered with the product.
  4. The appearance of whitish crystals on the skin will indicate the beginning of the composition and the active effect of salicylic acid. A slight burning sensation may be felt, which disappears after removal of the product.
  5. The appearance of a matte, whitish tint on the skin indicates the beginning of the work of salicylic acid. After a few minutes, the exfoliant is completely neutralized and, having assessed the depth of exposure of the agent, another layer is added. And the more they were applied, the deeper the peeling effect will be and the longer the recovery period will last. Cosmetologists, even in the most advanced situations, do not use more than 5 layers of Jesser peeling.
  6. The master, after removing the last layer, will apply moisturizing and nourishing creams to the treated skin.

In case of any undesirable skin reaction to the peeling agent, the procedure is immediately terminated. The skin is completely cleansed and a nourishing cream is applied.

How to peel at home

The high cost of the procedure in beauty salons forces us to look for an alternative and resort to home use of peeling. But you need to understand that you can start cleaning only after having thoroughly studied the necessary information, understanding the principle of the effect of the applied composition and having a positive experience in independently conducting cosmetic peels.

And do not forget to check the skin for the possibility of an allergic reaction to the working composition of Jessner before starting the procedure.

Home cleaning algorithm:

  1. cleansing and degreasing the skin of the face;
  2. applying a thin layer of the agent;
  3. neutralization and removal of residues of the working composition;
  4. moisturizing the skin with a nourishing cream.

The first independent cleanings may not give the expected effect and may not lead to the result guaranteed by the salon procedure and performed by an experienced beautician.

Carrying out several stages of cleaning, the breaks between applying the product should be at least 5 minutes.

Experts do not advise using more than 4 applications of the peeling mixture in a home procedure.

Skin care after the procedure

After the cleansing procedure, disturbed skin needs high-quality, intensive care. And the more layers were applied and the effect was deeper, the more attention will be required for post-procedure facial skin care.

  • during salon cleaning, follow the instructions of the beautician who performed the procedure;
  • protect the treated skin from contact with water for 12 hours;
  • richly moisturize the skin with nutritious cosmetics;
  • after the time has passed, prohibiting contact with the liquid, for several days to wash only with boiled water;
  • if necessary, use wound healing agents.

After the first (single-stage) light peeling, the skin will acquire areas with flaking going on for several days. The procedure, with several layers of application of the product, leads to the formation of dark, often quite rough crusts on the skin. On purpose, as well as inadvertently removing which is strictly not recommended.

During the recovery period of the epidermis, the treated areas may be disturbed by quite severe itching., which cannot be appeased by touching and scratching and can only be affected by the careful application of a nourishing cream or Bepanten in more complex cases.

Results, before and after photos

Required number of sessions

Even an experienced cosmetologist will not always be able to thoroughly predict the result that even a properly performed Jessner peel will have. Some patients, after a single cleaning, post their photos before and after the procedure, rejoicing at the new image.

Others have to go through several procedures and only then be convinced of the effectiveness of the technique. And after the descent of the crusts, shine with a healthy and rejuvenated face.

Expected results after the procedure:

  • rejuvenated and prettier face;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • alignment of complexion;
  • cleansing and noticeable narrowing of pores;
  • normalization of oily skin;
  • improvement of microcirculation in the epidermis, triggering regenerative processes;
  • the appearance of elasticity in the skin;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • brightens pigmented areas.

To obtain and subsequently consolidate an effective result, the cosmetologist, depending on the condition of the skin, determines the number of necessary sessions.

The average course is usually 4 to 5 procedures, but depends on the type of skin and its sensitivity.

Their frequency directly depends on the result and speed of skin regeneration. Usually between procedures a time interval of 1 month is required.

Possible complications and consequences

The procedure, essentially representing a chemical peel, often gives the patient inconvenience and discomfort both during the cleaning itself and during the restoration of the skin. There are expected complications that cannot be avoided even by performing the procedure with an experienced master.

Complications may include:

  • Redness of the skin, usually disappearing on the 2nd and in difficult cases on the 4th day.
  • Peeling of the upper layer of the skin, the time of complete rejection of which depends on the intensity of exposure and the number of layers applied during the procedure.
  • Increased skin sensitivity, passing with complete healing of disturbed areas.

There are also unexpected complications, mainly caused by allergic reactions and possible only in the absence of testing for the effects of the product on the skin.

Average prices for such cleansing in beauty salons

The price of the procedure can vary not only from the region and the status of the beauty salon, but also significantly increase depending on the brand and manufacturer of the drug used. The average price of a procedure at a cosmetologist can range from 1900 to 6000 rubles.

Jessner peel video

It often happens that a seemingly perfect appearance is spoiled by some unexpected pimple. For some, this is much worse: problem skin blooms and smells of various inflammations without proper care. It is for cases of problematic, oily skin prone to the manifestation of imperfections (as the Garnier brand likes to write in its products) that there is Jessner peeling.

What is included in the peel?

The composition contains the most effective acids in the fight against acne and traces of them:

  • Lactic acid. It has long established itself as an excellent remedy against various, even the most serious rashes. It has a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes skin cells.
  • Salicylic acid. Fights microbes, stimulates the action of lactic acid. It is generally recognized by doctors as a good remedy for acne, therefore it is included in all effective remedies for inflammation.
  • Resorcinol. Disinfectant antiseptic drug that accelerates the action of acids.

Jessner peel itself is superficial, however, many believe that its effect on the skin can be equated to deep.

Depending on the severity of acne and inflammation, the amount of substances varies.

How is the procedure

Peeling contraindications:

  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Acute inflammatory processes on the face.
  • Allergy to lactic, salicylic acid.

Step by step procedure:

The first thing a beautician does is cleansing the face. Complete degreasing with a special substance so that the peeling penetrates as deep as possible.

The pre-peel solution is then carefully distributed.

The next step is the application of the peel itself. At this time, there is a burning sensation and tangible discomfort, most often the beautician gives a fan or fan to reduce pain. After the procedure, there is a feeling of frostbite.

Removal of peeling from the skin. Washing out of the composition occurs after 6 hours after peeling. The face is washed with warm water without any special soaps or scrubs, then covered with a thick layer of baby cream.

If there are a lot of rashes on the face and they are deeply ingrained into the skin, 4 layers of peeling are applied sequentially, removing the previous one.

With the most terrible spots of post-acne peeling Jessner cope for 6 layers, however, the recovery period will be much longer than that of the surface.

The duration of the procedure is no more than half an hour.

First 7 days after the procedure

  • The first few days after the Jessner peeling is carried out, the girls experience, without exaggeration, terribly: the face swells and turns red.
  • Then comes the stage when the face tightens, peels off. A crust appears on it, which in no case should be torn off! If you tear it off mechanically, there will be a pigment spot that will not come off for a long time.
  • On the 3-4th day, the “mask” begins to slowly subside, the peeling increases, and a very severe itching appears. Shreds of skin form on the face, the skin itself may darken.
  • On the 5th-7th day, the skin begins to return to its normal state, the peeling completely disappears.

To avoid the risk of rashes in the first 7 days, it is advisable to drink acyclovir a few days before going to the beautician.

You should be prepared for the fact that eyebrows and eyelashes can start falling out a few days after peeling is normal.

  • It is recommended to moisturize and nourish the skin with creams (Bepanten, D-Panthenol, and so on),
  • Use creams to protect against UV rays before visiting the street - the face can be burned instantly, because the skin is very delicate,
  • Purchase special post-peel care products - this will greatly facilitate the matter.

Jessner re-peeling is possible no earlier than in a month!

Results after rehabilitation

Despite the terrible first 7 days, when the skin is torn off worse than that of snakes in their regenerative period, Jessner peel really effective- don't take that away.

Beneficial antimicrobial ingredients purify the skin and completely restore it: new and elastic skin is hidden under the flaky flakes on the face.

Of course, the results are individual: a lot depends on the initial data, such as skin type or the number of imperfections. Someone Jessner peeling helps after the first time, someone needs to go through a whole course of 3-4 procedures, and this is normal.

Universal results:

  • The pores are narrowed and cleansed.
  • Softens and nourishes the skin.
  • Elasticity and elasticity appear.
  • Reduces the amount of inflammation.
  • Not very deep traces of post-acne disappear.
  • The top layer of the skin with keratinized particles and microbes is completely removed.
  • The process of secretion of sebum is normalized.
  • Pigmented areas gradually become lighter - the complexion evens out.
  • Good skin regeneration is restored.

Again, one treatment is no guarantee that you will never get acne again. To fix the result, you need to do something from the following list:

  1. You really need to think about proper skin care for your skin type.
  2. Carry out periodically other superficial peels with a shorter recovery period.
  3. Going through a Jessner peel in a course, which is somewhat problematic, because after each time for 7 days in a row you don’t really want to follow yourself in the mirror.

Thus, the Jessner peel is quite individual: it is really effective, but the first 7 days of rehabilitation are very tough. However, most women who have gone through it are still satisfied and will definitely do a second procedure after a couple of months.

The most pleasant bonus after the procedure is that the number of inflammations is significantly reduced and, with proper care, the skin will remain clean and silky for a long time! If you have rashes, acne or age spots - this procedure will really help you!

The popularity of the Jessner peel is easy to explain. He really works. Moreover, this procedure allows you to solve many more skin problems than originally stated.

As a rule, this type of peeling is prescribed for the following problems:

  • acne and post-acne;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • stretch marks;
  • scars of various origins;
  • dyschromia;
  • photoaging;
  • lenticular melanosis.

Truly impressive. Such therapy is often resorted to if it is necessary to solve several of the above problems at the same time. However, in the end, the client sees in the mirror not only clean and smooth skin without acne and rashes. Among the quite logical bonuses of the procedure are a noticeable lifting effect, the disappearance of freckles and age spots, an even skin tone and a pleasant natural glow.

The results of the Jessner peel are impressive

The substances included in the composition, invented by the American dermatologist Max Jessner, can increase the production of collagen in the superficial layers of the skin, stimulate the growth of new cells, improve blood circulation, enhance metabolic and regenerative processes, and rather gently renew skin layers compared to other types of chemical peels. The main active ingredients are:

  • lactic acid - has an anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect, increases skin hydration, stimulates collagen production and brightens;
  • salicylic acid - enhances the action of lactic acid, in particular, its exfoliating effect, and is a powerful bactericidal substance. It effectively cleanses the face of sebum, dirt that has penetrated deep into the pores and relieves inflammation;
  • resorcinol - protects the delicate new skin from attacks by microorganisms, facilitates the removal of old skin cells, has tannic properties.

As a rule, all components in the composition are presented in equal concentration - 14% each. In some cases, the amount of lactic acid can be increased up to 20%. Jessner's peeling composition is unique, it has a gentle effect due to the fact that it does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and does not injure them.
Despite the fact that salicylic acid is in the 1st place in the composition, Jessner peel is significantly different from its salicylic counterpart. For example, it works great on dehydrated skin.

Brand overview


Despite the fact that this Spanish brand has lost its positions in the Russian market in recent years for a number of reasons, its peels still enjoy great prestige. The Jessner family of peels is represented by the Melaspeel line. The key product of this series is Melaspeel R. It contains 14% lactic acid and resocine, 5% citric and uric acid, 2% hydroquinone and salicylic acid.


Despite the relatively high cost, the MedicControlPeel (MCP) brand occupies a leading position in the cosmological market. Jessner's formula is represented by Salicylicpeel JS. The composition is slightly different from the classic: 14% resorcinol and salicylic acid, 10% lactic acid. Works best for medium peels.


This American brand is famous for its products with chirally correct ingredients. The product with the classic Jessner "cocktail" (resocin, salicylic and lactic acids) contains blueberry extract, which has a powerful anti-aging effect and helps to minimize the negative effects of the procedure.

Allura aesthetics

The American brand is gaining more and more popularity due to its wide range. For example, Jessner peeling is presented in several variations - classic, superficial, modified, and so on. It's all about the concentration and proportions of acids. Thanks to this, the beautician has the opportunity to choose the composition according to the needs and goals of the client, as well as easily vary the depth of peeling without unnecessary consequences.

Pre-peel preparation

It is impossible to carry out Jessner peeling on absolutely unprepared skin. Even 1 layer of the composition can cause a serious burn and an allergic reaction. Of course, often everything does without such consequences for a beginner, but is it worth the risk?

Proper preparation will avoid pigmentation after peeling: otherwise, the appearance of age spots is almost inevitable.

And finally, in this way you will be able to save a lot, because after the right - and fairly budget - preparation, you will spend less money directly on the Jessner peel itself, which is quite expensive.

Pre-peeling preparation is a mandatory step

Pre-peel preparation is as follows. A few weeks before the Jessner peel, it is recommended to include acid cosmetics in your home care. This will help your epidermis become thinner and more even, which will definitely improve your results in the salon. After that, it is recommended to do 1-2 basic superficial peels (glycol, almond, pyruvic, etc.)

How is the session

Depending on the composition and brand, the Jessner peel protocol may vary slightly, but in most cases, the procedure will proceed as follows.

  1. The skin is completely cleansed of makeup and impurities with milk, then rubbed with a tonic lotion.
  2. A degreasing agent is applied to the treated area.
  3. A protective moisturizing protector is applied to especially sensitive areas (the area close to the eyes, lips, etc.).
  4. The peeling composition is applied directly: the number of layers and the method of application (intense rubbing or light massaging movements) depend on the chosen peeling depth and the specifics of the beautician's work.
  5. The so-called sealing: the last layer of peeling is followed by a "sealing" composition.
  6. After completion of the procedure, a cream with a sunscreen factor must be applied.

The Jessner peel procedure follows a strict protocol.

What to do after the procedure

Depending on the depth of application of the Jessner peel, as well as the individual characteristics of your skin, you should be prepared for such consequences as: a feeling of tightness, erythema (redness), burning from 1 to 20 minutes, the appearance of frost (locally or over the entire treated surface), darkening of the skin, peeling (from slight to significant, large plates). These manifestations are completely normal, but if the discomfort is too serious, you should definitely inform the specialist about it and get appropriate recommendations. You should not hesitate if the pain becomes unbearable, the temperature rises, swelling, nausea, dizziness appear.

The key advice that applies to the vast majority of chemical peels: flaky skin should never be torn off. Even if it seems that she moves away easily. Even if after removing the crust you feel better. It is forbidden.

Post-peel care is essential for recovery

It is better to wash your face twice a day without the use of cleansing gels and foams. If during the rehabilitation period you cannot do without make-up, you need to remove it with soft milk or micellar water, which in any case must be washed off with clean water. After that, you should apply a soothing agent, such as aloe gel, to your face. In the morning, be sure to use a protective cream. If after Jessner peeling you do everything correctly and clearly follow the recommendations of the beautician, exfoliation will be quick and comfortable, and after 2-3 weeks you can repeat the procedure.

Complications after a Jessner peel

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in taming Jessner peeling. Quite often, during the course of the course, clients encounter a number of complications.
Active rashes are one of the most unpleasant and offensive consequences. You can see in the mirror how the skin brightens, the pores narrow, the post-acne is “erased”, as if with the help of Photoshop, but at the same time, deep painful subcutaneous tissue seemed to be waiting for this moment to climb out.

Not every skin reaction is considered a complication.

It should be understood that only in exceptional cases can such phenomena be considered complications: for the majority, such body reactions are a variant of the norm, so cosmetologists advise continuing therapy further.
Pigmentation after a chemical peel can occur if you neglected the recommended post-peel care. A sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 is required regardless of the season. Remember that in the first days after the procedure, dark spots may appear on the face, which are not pigmented at all. Most often, it is not completely exfoliated skin. Such "islands" usually disappear after the final exfoliation.

To prevent skin aging, as well as reduce many problems of the epidermis and improve its appearance, they resort to a procedure called Jessner peeling.

It is carried out in most salons, it is performed without affecting the deep layers, and the result exceeds all expectations. The procedure is done according to a strict protocol, which includes several stages, each of which is an important component of such an impact.

It is permissible to resort to the technique even in old age, most importantly, after analyzing the existing disadvantages and any contraindications.

Jessner peeling is an alternative to surgery aimed at providing a rejuvenating effect. In the process of its implementation, a specialist applies a mixture of three components to the skin:

  1. lactic acid.
  2. Resorcinol.
  3. salicylic acid.

Such substances:

  • penetrate into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis;
  • start regeneration processes;
  • enhance metabolism;
  • normalize the hydrobalance of the skin;
  • renew cells and eliminate the stratum corneum.

After the procedure and the rehabilitation period, the patient observes a renewed skin with a healthy color and without many cosmetic defects.

Main positives and negatives

Carrying out peeling at the proper level, taking into account all the features of the dermis and existing age-related changes, has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Does not affect the deep layer.
  2. Effective even in old age.
  3. Positive changes are visible after a single session.
  4. Short rehabilitation period.
  5. Does not leave cracks or scars on the epidermis.
  6. Relatively painless procedure.
  7. Reduces wrinkles and sagging.
  8. Restores water balance.
  9. Removes dead cells.
  10. Clears pores and eliminates blackheads.
  11. Reduces itching and accelerates healing processes.
  12. Eliminates acne and prevents the appearance of new ones in the future.

This procedure gives a lifting effect, after which the skin visually looks younger and fresher. In the process of applying a special mixture to the face, the epidermis receives a kind of burn.

This technique has some disadvantages:

  1. Unpleasant odor from acid during application to the face.
  2. Strong tightness and burning for 1-2 days.
  3. General redness of the face.
  4. Painful sensations during facial reactions, for example, a smile.
  5. The appearance of crimson spots.

Any of these symptoms last for several days, and then disappear on their own.

Also, most patients among the negative sides name a number of restrictions prescribed after the session. For example, the ban on the use of cosmetics and the restriction of going out without the use of protective equipment.

Primary indications and who should not do it

Jessner peeling is not an aggressive chemical procedure, so it is recommended by cosmetologists in many cases. First of all, it is shown when:

Peeling is allowed for people over 25 years old, earlier it is possible, but with a more thorough analysis of cosmetic defects on the epidermis. Regardless of the existing skin defects, the technique must be abandoned when:

  1. Pregnancy or lactation.
  2. Allergies to any of the ingredients in the mixture.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.
  4. diabetes mellitus.
  5. Flu or other colds.
  6. Any recent surgery.
  7. Autoimmune diseases.
  8. neoplasms.
  9. Moles, especially large ones.
  10. Severe injury to the skin.
  11. Sun and other burns.
  12. Herpes, at any stage of the course.
  13. Infectious skin lesions.
  14. If six months have not passed after taking certain medications (for example, Recutal).

It is worth refraining from a session in the summer season and for people with increased darkness of the epidermis. Doing the procedure is not allowed if any ailment is felt, even a slight one.

To prevent malfunctions in the body, it is better if a medical examination and tests are passed before the peeling course.

Subtleties of the preparatory stage

Jessner peeling is impossible without special preparation for it. The patient can carry out such activities independently at home, most importantly, in compliance with all prescriptions.

What you need to know about this peeling, see this video:

At this stage, the following are assigned:

  1. Carrying out two superficial peels. They can be done in a salon or at home. For the latter option, you need to purchase a ready-made mixture in a specialized store or pharmacy and apply it to the skin strictly according to the instructions.
  2. One week before the Jessner peel, give up junk food and alcohol, as well as everything that provokes puffiness.
  3. For 7 days, reduce physical activity.
  4. For 3 - 4 days, do not appear on the street without applied sunscreen lotions and wide-brimmed hats.

It is important at the preparatory stage to establish whether there is an allergic reaction to a mixture of acids.

It is recommended to come to the salon for a special test. The cosmetologist will apply a small amount of the mixture behind the earlobe and will observe within 15 minutes. After that, a verdict will be issued on the possibility or refusal to carry out peeling.

Features of the procedure protocol

Jessner peeling is performed according to a strict sequence, deviation from which entails trauma to the epidermis.

The procedure includes several steps:

  • the forehead is processed first;
  • then the nose and cheeks;
  • lastly the chin.

At this stage, a person feels a burning sensation, often associated with tingling. If unbearable pain does not occur, then the master proceeds to the next step.

  1. Re-application of the mixture, but only with a satisfactory state of health of the person and control of burn levels. On average, the mixture is applied 2 to 3 times, in rare cases up to 4 times with a frequency of 5 minutes. The latter option is designed for the ideal transfer of the procedure and serious skin defects.
  1. Applying a soothing mask. After 4 - 5 hours, the client performs the washing off of the acid mixture independently and according to the precise instructions of the master. If, after the session, burning sensations, tingling, chills, fever, etc., began to intensify, the mixture is immediately washed off from the face area and a nourishing cream is applied. After 3-4 hours, if there is no improvement, you need to contact a beautician.

All the effectiveness of the session can be traced on the 10th day and will last up to 5-6 months.

How Jessner peeling is performed, this video will tell:

Is it allowed to conduct at home

The procedure is associated with some risks for the skin and human health:

  1. It is possible to damage the upper and middle layer of the dermis.
  2. Strengthen pigmentation and skin inflammation.
  3. Injure tissue.
  4. Exacerbate chronic diseases and so on.

If a person nevertheless decided on a similar procedure, you need:

  1. Buy a ready-made mixture at a pharmacy and carefully study the attached instructions.
  2. Take advantage of the advice of professionals in the preliminary preparation for the session.
  3. Cleanse the skin and gently apply the mixture.
  4. Wash off the acid after a certain time specified in the instructions.

If any painful symptoms occur, it is required to finish the peeling and remove the mixture from the face immediately.

At home, you must definitely limit yourself to applying the substance in one layer, even with an excellent transfer of the session.

Features of post-peel rehabilitation

It is impossible to get the expected result without strict implementation of post-peeling rehabilitation. It includes several points:

It is important to irrigate the face with thermal water every 4 hours on the first day after peeling.

What could be the consequences

Despite the fact that Jessner peel is a chemical effect on the dermis, any effects on the skin are minimal, especially in comparison with other procedures. However, within 4-5 days, most patients experience:

  • redness of the face;
  • burning and tightness;
  • itching, worse in the evening;
  • slight pain when touching the skin;
  • the appearance of crusts or crusts.

All symptoms do not require observation or treatment and disappear without a trace after a few days. In isolated cases, the procedure is difficult to tolerate, an unbearable burning sensation occurs, the temperature rises, and so on.

Then you need to contact a dermatologist for the appointment of therapeutic and restorative therapy.

Jessner peel before and after

The skin before and after the Jessner peel is significantly different. Generally:

  1. All existing or other pigmentation becomes lighter.
  2. Acne, wrinkles or pimples are smoothed out.
  3. Dead cells are shed.

The face acquires an even tone and a healthy glow.