Synopsis of an open lesson on experimental research activities in the group preparatory to school “Amazing properties of a magnet. Synopsis of the GCD on experimental activities in the preparatory group "Miracles and transformations

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Practical experimental activity forms elementary ecological knowledge of children, expands children's horizons, allows them to develop cognitive interest children, their ability to reason and analyze.

Target: expand and clarify children's knowledge about the properties of water.


  • Help children identify substances that dissolve in water.
  • To acquaint children with the method of water purification - filtration.
  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of safe behavior when working with various substances.

Form of organization: experimental research activity.

Equipment: Water, flour, sugar, vegetable oil. Gauze, potassium permanganate. Vessels different size and forms. Funnels, oilcloth aprons, oilcloths for tables. Computer, screen, multimedia installation.

Preliminary work: remember the properties of water already known to children: transparency, lack of taste, smell, introduce properties - fluidity, the ability to dissolve various substances the ability to move from one state to another. Repeat the rules for working with unfamiliar substances: you can not taste substances - there is a danger of poisoning; you need to sniff carefully, directing the smell from the glass with your palm.

Lesson progress

Task Method (reception) Content Time
1. Introduction.
Introduce children to the topic of the event. Artistic word.
Have you heard of water?
They say she's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And at the faucet
Like an icicle, it freezes
Creeps into the forest with mist,
Boiling on the stove
The kettle's steam hisses
We can't wash without her
Don't eat, don't drink!
I dare to tell you:
We cannot live without her.
2 minutes.
2. Main body
Increase curiosity and speech activity children.
Conversation. Statement of a problem situation. As you may have guessed, today we will talk about water. Guys, do you know that water is a magician? I want to invite you to the laboratory. We will now turn into wizards and do experiments with water (Children are seated at the tables). 10 min.
Experiments, research method.
Educator: Let's see what happens if the test substances are dissolved in water. ? (Children dissolve various substances in different vessels)
Dialogue with children, reasoning of children. Heuristic conversation (element-by-element assimilation of experience).
What happened to the water? Sugar dissolves quickly in water, the water remains clear. Flour also dissolves in water, but the water becomes cloudy. After the water has stood for a while, the flour settles to the bottom, but the solution remains cloudy. Potassium permanganate powder quickly changed the color of the water, which means they dissolve well. The oil does not dissolve in water: it either spreads over its surface with a thin film, or floats in water in the form of yellow droplets. 3 min.
Maintain a sense of joy from communicating with the hero, changing the type of children's activities. Physical education minute "To the fast river"
We went down to the fast river,
(walking in place)
Bent over and washed.
(leaning forward, hands on the belt)
One two three four,
(clap hands)
That's how nicely refreshed.
(shake hands)
You need to do this by hand:
Together - one, it's breaststroke.
(circles with two hands forward)
One, the other is a crawl.
(circles hands forward alternately)
All as one, we swim like a dolphin.
(jumping in place)
Went to the steep shore
(walking in place)
And we went home.
2 minutes.
The method of problem presentation on the example of a fairy tale. Educator: Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka." What happened to Ivanushka? (Children's answers) Why couldn't you drink this water? That's right, because it's dirty. 10 min.
Element-by-element assimilation of experience. But there is such a situation that there is no clean water nearby, but it is vitally important to take a sip of at least a sip of water. Exist different ways water purification. With the most in a simple way that you may need in life, we will now get to know each other. To do this, take: a funnel, a handkerchief, cotton wool and water containers. Together with the children we find out how to make cleaning devices - filters. So, if Alyonushka and Ivanushka knew that water could be purified by passing it through a scarf, then trouble could have been avoided.
Fizkultminutka. Didactic game. "Water is not water." Mindfulness game. If the named word means something that contains water, the children stand up. If the object is indirectly related to water, the children sit down and raise their hands. If the object or phenomenon is not related to water, the children clap their hands. Words for the game: river, train, pike, ship, cloud, sun, puddle, boat, chair, steamer, train, snow, wind, lake, dolphin. 2 minutes.
3. Final part
Encourage children to make simple generalizations based on what they know. Summing up, conclusion.

Conversation, fixing the results of the experiment.

Educator: What happened after filtering water with different substances?
The oil was filtered out quickly, because it did not dissolve in water, traces of oil are clearly visible on the filter.
Sugar was not filtered out because it dissolved well in water. Potassium permanganate was partially filtered out, because. she dyed the water pink color. The flour passed through the filter partially, part of the flour remained on the filter and the water remained cloudy.
5 minutes.
Maintain a positive emotional mood of the group, motivate children for subsequent experimental activities.
Surprise moment. Fantasizing, TRIZ technology. Educator: And now, we will turn with you into magicians and sorcerers.
Tricks with water are carried out: Application
Drop a pin into a glass of water. How can you get a pin without getting your hands wet? (Using a magnet.)
The teacher thanks the children for Active participation and gives everyone soap bubbles.

Publication date: 25.08.2016

Short description:

material preview

Open lesson on experimentation

V preparatory group

"Magic Stone Magnet"

1. To acquaint children with the phenomenon of terrestrial magnetism, with the poles of a magnet, with the properties and classification of magnets, with the manufacture of an electromagnet.

2. To develop children's attention, thinking, ability to analyze and generalize. Vocabulary formation (magnetism, poles, magnetite, electromagnet).

3. Raise interest in experimentation, making devices with your own hands.

Equipment and materials:

Handout: a magnet without marked poles and two magnets with marked poles; magnetized paper clips with a holder (tweezers, wire) for heating over a candle flame; paper clips, plates: wooden, plastic, cardboard, glass; a glass of water; a pencil, a 1.5V battery, a thin and long nail, a wire in a “sheath”.

Demo material:

    teacher's demonstration table: everything is the same as for one child; candle with matches, objects made of different materials(plastics, rubber, wood, iron, glass), globe

    for easel photographs "Magnetites", "Use of permanent magnets", "Use of electromagnets";

    for physical education, the emblems of the "north" and "south" poles (blue and red rectangles).

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, today the postman brought a parcel for us. This package is from the wizard of the emerald city. Let's see what's in it (takes out a letter and reads it). "Hello guys. The Wizard of the Emerald City is writing to you. In my city I found interesting stone, it lies in a parcel in a small box. I do not know what it is called, what it can bring: good or evil, how and where it can be applied in life. Help me figure this out, research this stone, and send me the answer: research results. For you guys, I sent white coats and created a laboratory with the help of my magic, in which you will get acquainted with this stone, conduct experiments with it. Wish you luck!".

Educator (takes out bathrobes, the children put them on; takes out a stone from a small box, the children examine it and express their assumptions).

Educator: Guys, today we have to become scientists for a while. Who are scientists?

The children answer.

Educator: Yes, scientists are such a profession of people. These people are doing research. various items, natural phenomena, human body, create new medicines, plants, devices, etc. Now our team of scientists will investigate magic stone magnet.

Educator: You said it was a magnet. If it is a magnet, then what is its most important property (action)?

Children: It attracts metal to itself.

The teacher brings children to his demonstration table and points to objects made of different materials (plastic, wood, rubber, glass, iron).

Educator: What objects will a magnet stick to?

Children: The magnet will stick to iron objects.

Educator (checks the version of the guys): So, the wizard of the emerald city really found a magnet.

The children sit down at the tables.

EXPERIMENT No. 1 "Magnetic poles".

Educator: Each of you has a magnet. Let's touch our magnet different parties with your neighbor's magnet. Let's see what will happen.

Children: Our magnets either connect or repel each other.

Educator: Right. This is due to the poles of the magnets. On one side of the magnet is the "north" pole, and on the other - the "south". Where else can there be "south" and "north" poles.

Children: Our planet Earth.

The teacher asks one child to show the geographic poles of the Earth on the globe and mark the “south” pole with a red circle, and the “north” one with a blue one.

Educator: Tell me, guys, what shape is our Earth?

Children: Round.

Educator: Why don't people, objects, houses fall from it?

Children: The earth attracts everything to itself.

Educator: The Earth, like one big magnet, attracts everything to itself, it has magnetism. It has, in addition to these geographical poles, also magnetic poles. The magnetic poles do not coincide with the geographic poles (marks the magnetic "north" pole on the globe with a blue rectangle, and the "south" pole in red).

You have magnets with marked poles on your desk. Connect them to each other.

What do you see? When do magnets attract and when do they repel?

Children: When we connect the "north" and "south" poles, the magnets attract. The north poles repel each other and the south ones too.

Educator: When we connect the magnets to each other with different poles, then our magnets begin to make friends. What if we connect them? the same sides- poles, then they run away from each other, do not want to be friends. Now you can determine the poles of your magnets with the help of a magnet with marked poles. Try it. And I will determine the poles of our magician's magnet.

Children determine the poles.

EXPERIENCE No. 2 "A magnet is not afraid of obstacles."

Educator: We learned that the magnet has a "north" and "south" poles. Now we have to find out if the attractive force of a magnet acts on metal objects (paper clips) through wood, paper, plastic, glass and water.

Children note that the effect of a magnet on paper clips through wood, paper, plastic, glass and in water does not disappear.

EXPERIMENT No. 3 "A magnet turns metal into itself."

Educator: Guys, I have other paper clips that have been lying on a magnet for five days. Bring them to your paperclips. What's happening?

Children: Your paper clips attract our paper clips.

Educator: Why can paper clips, like a magnet, also attract metal? (listens to children).

A magnet is a magic stone, it gave my paper clips a little of its strength. They became magnetized, they also got magnetism.

EXPERIENCE No. 4 "A magnet is afraid of fire."

The teacher offers each child to heat a magnetized paper clip over a candle with the help of a holder and bring it to his non-magnetized paper clip.

Children note that the magnetized paper clips have lost their strength.

Educator: When a magnet or magnetized metal objects are heated, they lose their power of attraction. Magnet afraid high temperature. Fire robs him of his magnetism.


A blue square is hung on the back of each child, and a red square is hung on the stomach. They form a circle and start walking in a circle.

Educator: When I show the red square - the "south pole", you are attracted to me by the "north pole" - your back. When you see the blue square, you are attracted to me by your bellies - the “south poles”. The magnet is afraid of fire, high temperature, so when you see a candle, you squat down and cover yourself with your hands.

After a physical minute, the teacher asks about the origin of the magnet, where people get it from. Listens to the children's answers.

Educator: There are natural magnets, these are natural magnetite stones (shows photographs and asks children to repeat their name). What are natural stones?

Children: These stones were created by nature.

Educator: These magnetites quickly lose their magnetism, so a person cannot use them forever. Then people decided to make such magnets from these stones that would retain the power of magnetism for a very long time, and called them permanent (asks to repeat). You conducted various experiments with permanent magnets today. How can you call the stones that people make, and not nature?

Children: These are artificial stones.

Educator: Yes. So, permanent magnets are what kind of stones?

Children: Permanent magnets are artificial stones.

EXPERIENCE No. 5 "Electromagnet with your own hands."

Educator: And magnets can also be made using electricity. What do you know about electricity?

Children speak up.

Educator: And what can replace electrical wires with a plug and a socket for various electrical appliances?

Children: Batteries.

Educator: Right. Now, with the help of a battery, a nail and a wire, we ourselves will invent a magnet. Wrap the wire around the nail so that the turns of the wire are close together. Attach the ends of the wire to the battery.

The finished electromagnet is checked on paper clips.

Educator: If the devices are powered by electricity, what are they called?

Children: Electrical appliances?

Educator: And what can we call our magnet, which also works thanks to electricity.

Children: Electric magnet.

Educator: Yes. We made our electromagnet with our own hands, so we should attribute it to natural magnets or artificial ones?

Children: To artificial magnets.

Educator: And what can we say about the magnet from the emerald city.

Children: This is an artificial and permanent magnet.

Educator (invites the children to look at the photographs “Use of permanent magnets” and “Use of electromagnets”).

After that, the teacher conducts a survey of children according to the pictures that are distributed to each child.

a) Choose from the three pictures the one that shows natural stone magnet.

b) Choose what the magnet is afraid of.

c) Find a permanent magnet.

d) In what case will the magnets be "friends"?

e) Mark those items that are necessary for the manufacture of an electromagnet. Educator: Thank you to the wizard of the emerald city for his parcel, for his task for us. What do you think, my young scientists, did we cope with the task?

Children: Yes!!!

Educator: We learned a lot about the magnet, helped the wizard. Now we must send our acquired knowledge (points to the survey pictures) and the magnet to the emerald city.

The teacher with the children put the magician's magnet in the box, questionnaires with the children's answers and sign the parcel. The teacher promises to take this parcel to the post office.

Abstract educational activities"Magnet and compass" in the preparatory group.

Prepared by: Vaigandt Olga Alekseevna

Lesson progress:

Q: Guys, today we will conduct another research work in our laboratory. Please come to the cloakroom and put on your bathrobes. Why do we wear robes?

B: Guys, this is some kind of magic! Why are the balls just hanging on the walls without holding on to anything?

D: The balls are electrified.

Q: It's still a bit of magic. Would you like to become a magician even for a minute? Let's pretend that we are wizards (children close their eyes, the teacher changes clothes.)

From behind the curtain is heard:

Up-chi! What do I hear? There are a lot of wizards in this world! I've been asking for this bottle for 1000 years. Music sounds, the Old Man-Hottabych appears.

Hello children! Which of you decided to become a wizard? See what I can do. Tries to show a trick: Fuck-Cibi-Doh! Fuck-tibi-doh! Miracle come true!

Q: Don't be upset Hottabych. Our children will help you with this. They are little wizards who will conduct experiments with magnets today and will teach you a lot of things.

D: No, there are no magnets here.

D: He drowned.

Q: Why?

D: Because it's made of iron.

D: It doesn't sink.

Q: Why?

D: Because it's made of wood.

D: Because it's made of iron.

Q: Guys, we have a north and a south pole on Earth. It turns out that magnets have them too. Let's imagine that Sasha and Nastya are magnets. If they approach each other with their south poles, they will not meet, they will repel each other. If they approach with opposite poles, they will meet.

Finger gymnastics. "Iron" - closed palm raised up, back side away from you, four closed fingers slowly and smoothly move forward - backward and left - right.

D: To planet Earth.

Q: Do you know that our planet has magnetism! Tourists and travelers always take a special compass device with them. The compass needle is a magnet. Turning, it shows the desired direction north, south, west, east (consider the device).

X: I need such a thing for my travels. Give it to me, please!

Put a magnet on top of a plate, and on it a ball with a paper clip. What happens when you move the plate?

Q: Now let's remember what we learned about magnets?

D: Magnets move objects.

B: Well done guys!

(surprise moment)

Abstract of a lesson for children in a preparatory group for school on cognitive development

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "In the land of magic"

I bring to your attention a summary of a lesson for children in a preparatory group for school on cognitive development. The lesson is built on the basis of conversation and experiments, the children consolidated their knowledge about the properties of metal and magnet during the lesson. The lesson is intended for teachers of preschool institutions.

Theme: "In the land of magic"

Purpose: The development of mental operations in children: the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, choose a method of action.

Stimulate the independent formulation of conclusions by children;

Expand children's ideas about the properties of ice (melts in heat)

To help the accumulation in children of specific ideas about the magnet and its property to attract metal objects;

Cultivate positive relationships

Enrich and expand children's vocabulary.

Lesson progress

Guys, on the way to kindergarten, I met our friend from magical land fairy tales, this is Fixik, whose name is Nolik, but he was in such a hurry to us that his car broke down. He was driving at high speed and passing through the bridge all the bolts got out of the wheels and fell into the water, and the evil sorcerer froze them, and the bolts were captured. How can he be now? How can he get back? What to do?

Children: You need to release the bolts.

Educator: And how can you release the bolts from captivity?

(Children express their hypotheses)

Can be warmed up in a fist.

· Can be put on the battery.

· Can be put into warm water.

Educator: Guys, you put forward a lot of interesting assumptions. Let's check them and find out which of the proposed methods is the fastest.

(Children conduct experiments with melting ice and draw a conclusion).

For your good deed, Nolik gives you magic gloves. I wonder what their magic is, something I don’t know!

But how can we be sure that the gauntlets are magic? (listen to the children's suggestions) (The teacher holds a mitten over a table on which iron objects are laid out

What's going on with the gloves? Objects stuck, help them unstick.

Guys, why are they sticking to each other?

- (there is something in the mitten.)

Invite the children to consider.

CONCLUSION: There is a Magnet in the glove and it attracts iron objects. This is because a magnet is pieces of steel or iron that have the ability to attract iron objects.

Oh, guys, Nolik brought us a letter, but I completely forgot to hand it over.

This letter is from Ivanushka:

“My bride Vasilisa was kidnapped and kept in prison by Koschey the Immortal. I want to rescue her, but for this I need a sword - a treasure, which is stored at the bottom of a deep well. I don't know how to get a weapon. Give me advice."

Guys, how to help Ivanushka?

(Children put forward possible hypotheses).

Let's do an experiment with you!

Guys, what material is the sword made of? What is he? (iron, copper, gold, silver, aluminum).

What are the ways to get the sword - kladinets from the well?

(Children come to the conclusion that you can get the sword with the help of a magnet).

How to use a small magnet to reach the bottom of a deep well?

(Tie a rope to a magnet and carefully lower it into the well).

What is the best magnet to use? (negotiated size)

Experiment: use a magnet to get a metal object.

Guys, how can we convey our advice to Ivanushka? (listen to children's hypotheses)

· Make a phone call

・Send over the Internet

But now we have neither a computer, nor the Internet, nor a telephone, but let's draw our advice for him. (independent activity of children).

The teacher thanks the children for their help and seals the children's drawings in an envelope.

Abstract of the lesson on research activities in the preparatory group Amazing Properties magnet"

Nadezhda Potapova

Abstract of a lesson on research activities in the preparatory group "Amazing properties of a magnet"

Abstract of the lesson on research activities in the preparatory group.

Topic: “Amazing properties of a magnet.

Educational tasks: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba magnet and its property to attract objects; find out through which materials the magnet acts; to introduce the use of a magnet by a person.

Developmental tasks: to develop the desire for knowledge through experimental research activities, to activate the vocabulary of children, the ability to draw conclusions.

Educational tasks: to promote the education of independence, initiative, the development of communicative qualities.

Equipment and materials:

Demo - algorithms (for describing the properties of a magnet, a container with peas, metal filings, plates made of various materials.

Handout - magnets, metal, plastic, wood, glass, paper items in plates, worksheets.

Methodological techniques: surprise moment, work with algorithms, conversation, experiments, question-answer, logical task, art word.

Course progress.

Children stand near the easel.

V. - Hello guys! Look, we have a guest today. What is this bird? (magpie). Listen to what she told me.

V. - Magpie says that she is very curious, loves to fly everywhere, grab different objects and wants to know about everything. And then one day she walked around the tree and found some object, but she does not know what kind of object it is and what can be done with it. She does not go to kindergarten, nor does she go to school, which is why she flew to us. Soroka is sure that you will be able to help her, because she knows that in our group the guys are inquisitive, smart, you have your own laboratory and you are always ready to help.

V. - Magpie, show the guys your subject (the teacher shows a magnet). What is this?

D. - Magnet.

"Here is an ordinary magnet in front of you,

He keeps a lot of secrets."

Q. - Are you ready to help the magpie? How can we help her?

D. - Let's conduct experiments, tell, show.

V. - I suggest everyone to go to our laboratory. And who works in the laboratory? (scientists). And who are scientists? Do you want to become scientists?

There is a transformation game.

V. - Now we are real scientists. Can I take on the role of senior scientist? I will help you and you help me. Let's take our magpie with us, let him sit and listen.

Children sit down at the tables, remember the rules of work in the laboratory.

Task: using algorithms to tell what children know about the magnet.

Q. - What can a magnet do? (attract metal objects). Let's prove it to the magpie.

V. - On your tables, in plates, there are objects made of different materials: iron, wood, plastic, paper and glass. Take a magnet and use it to divide your objects into two groups: in the first group you will have objects that are attracted by a magnet, and in the second group you will have objects that are not attracted by a magnet.

Q. - What are the objects that are attracted by a magnet made of? (From iron)

Q. - What are the objects made of that are not attracted by a magnet? (made of wood, plastic, etc.)

Conclusion: the magnet attracts iron objects through the air. This property is called magnetic force.

Q. -Yes, the magnet has power! Now we will try to prove it. Look guys, I have two magnets in my hands. Which one has greater strength, big or small? How to find out? (we conduct an experiment with metal filings).

Conclusion: a large magnet has more power, because it attracted more metal filings.

Experience with scissors.

V. - Here is a more difficult task for you. Think about how you can help a small magnet become a big one? And make the scissors dance? (Answers of children). Connect several magnets together.

Experience with plates, paper clip.

Q. - What do you think, can a magnet attract objects through an obstacle (children's answers). To do this, take a magnet, bring it closer to the paper clip, which lies on a glass plate and try to move it to the edge of the plate.

Conclusion: the magnet acts through the glass.

The same experiment is carried out with wooden, plastic, paper plates and a conclusion is made.

V. - And now I offer you the game "Magic Labyrinth". You all have cards with different tracks. Let's try to draw an iron object (coin) along these paths with a magnet through cardboard. To do this, put a coin on top of the track, and attach the magnet from below. It is necessary to move the coin with the help of a magnet as accurately as possible, not to go off the intended path.

V. - Now I invite you to play the game "It will attract - it will not attract." We carefully leave the laboratory and meet on the carpet.

Playing with the ball “It will attract - it will not attract” (the ball is a magnet, the children are an object that the teacher calls. Children must determine whether they are attracted by the magnet or not, in accordance - they catch or do not catch the ball). Well done, well played.

V. - Guys, Grandfather Know left a letter for us and this chest. (in the chest there is a letter-tale, where Mashenka asks us to help clean the groats from metal objects).

V. - Here our work in the laboratory ends. Who were we today? We will talk a lot more about magnets and conduct experiments with them.

Transformer game.

V. - Guys, Grandfather Know has prepared for you homework (worksheets). Color the objects that the magnet attracts.

At home, ask relatives in what subjects a person uses a magnet? Do you have a magnet at home? Compose a baby book and we will give it to our magpie.

Magpie gives children a magnetic game "Fishing".

Summary of the lesson.

Q. - What was interesting for you? What did you like? What did you experience difficulty?

V. - Well done, you did a wonderful job.

Abstract cognitive activity « magic magnets» in the preparatory group.

Prepared by: Pakina Irina Vladimirovna.

Objectives: 1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the occurrence of static electricity.

2. Identify materials that interact with magnets, identify materials that do not attract to a magnet.

3. Reveal the properties of a magnet: the passage of magnetic forces through various materials and substances. Determine the ability of some objects to be magnetized.

4. Reveal the peculiarity of the interaction of two magnets: attraction and repulsion.

5. Introduce children to the compass, to its device.

6. Develop children's speech, teach them to answer with full answers.

7. To cultivate goodwill between children in joint teamwork.

Equipment: Balloons, a jug, a screen, an "Old Man - Hottabych" doll, magnets, various metal and non-metal objects, glasses, wooden balls, a "magic mitten", a compass, plastic plates, cardboard, sand, a needle, white coats.

Lesson progress:

Q: Guys, today we will conduct another research work in our laboratory. Please come to the cloakroom and put on your bathrobes. Why do we wear coats?

D: The laboratory should always be clean.

The children and the teacher enter the laboratory. Balloons hang on the walls.

B: Guys, this is some kind of magic! Why are the balls just hanging on the walls without holding on to anything?

D: The balls are electrified.

Q: How electrified? Is it possible to turn on the light with a ball?

D: Electricity is different: static and current. Current flows through the wires from the power plant, and static electricity occurs between two electrified objects.

Q: It's still a bit of magic. Would you like to become a magician even for a minute? Let's pretend that we are wizards (children close their eyes, the teacher changes clothes.)

Guys, today I found this jug in our group. I wonder what's there? (open)

From behind the curtain is heard:

Up-chi! What do I hear? There are a lot of wizards in this world! I've been asking this bottle for 1000 years and I'm the best magician in the world! Nobody can compete with me. Music sounds, the Old Man-Hottabych appears.

Hello children! Which of you decided to become a wizard? I am the great wizard! See what I can do. Tries to show a trick: Fuck-Cibi-Doh! Fuck-tibi-doh! Miracle come true!

X: Oh, woe to me! I sat for a thousand years, I forgot everything! What kind of wizard am I now?

Q: Don't be upset Hottabych. Our children will help you with this. They are little wizards who will conduct experiments with magnets today and will teach you a lot of things.

H: Oh, I will listen to you attentively little wizards.

Q: Guys, look at the items on your tables. Do you think there are any magnets among them?

X: These beautiful toys Maybe magnets?

D: No, there are no magnets here.

Q: We are wizards, so our magnets are also magical. Hottabych, have you seen any box?

H: I thought it was my birthday present! After all, I am 3000 years old.

B: Give it here! Do you want your magical powers back? (gives away). Guys, move the glasses of water closer to you. Loosen a bolt on them. What happened?

D: He drowned.

Q: Why?

D: Because it's made of iron.

Q: Now let go of the wooden ball. What do you think will happen to him?

D: It doesn't sink.

Q: Why?

D: Because it's made of wood.

And now I will show you the trick. He takes out a bolt and a ball from the water. He brings a “magic mitten” to them, the bolt sticks, but the wooden ball does not. Why?

D: Because it's made of iron.

H: Very interesting, so my Magic wand will not be attracted to your magic mitten, but my precious brooch will be attracted (check).

Q: Let's do the following research. Divide them into two parts: magnetic, which will attract and non-magnetic, which will not attract. Children share.

Q: Now let's see if you did this task correctly. Bring magnets to them. In one half, objects are attracted, and in the other they are not.

X: What kind magic power possess these magnets!

Q: Guys, we have a north and a south pole on Earth. It turns out that magnets have them too. Let's imagine that Anya and Zhenya are magnets. If they approach each other with their south poles, they will not meet, they will repel each other. If they approach with opposite poles, they will meet.

H: I still like being at the South Pole, it's warm there.

B: Hotabych, let's not get distracted. Let's see how our wizards will cope with the next task.

Children work in pairs. Bring magnets to each other.

Conclusion: Magnets attract and repel.


H: Children, remind me what planet I went to?

D: To planet Earth.

Q: Do you know that our planet has magnetism! Tourists and travelers always take a special compass device with them. The compass needle is a magnet. Turning, it shows the desired direction north, south, west, east (consider the device).

X: I need such a thing for my travels. present

me it, please!

On the tables lies plastic plate, cardboard.

Q: Now we will find out whether magnets can act at a distance, and through what material they act.

Put a magnet on top of a plate, and on it a ball with a paper clip. What happens when you move the plate?

D: The ball moves on the plate.

Q: So the magnet acts through objects.

Q: Let's do the same work with cardboard.

D: The magnet acts through the cardboard.

H: I somehow lost my magic needle in my travels. She's metal. Can't she be found?

Q: Very easy and simple. To do this, you had to take a magnet and move it around the place where the needle fell.

X: I'll go look for her (they give him a magnet and he leaves).

Q: Guys, do you know that Hottabych left on purpose. He told me in confidence that he was afraid that we would put him back in the jug. Just like the wicked boy did.

How will we do it?

Children's answers.

X: Oh, great wizards! Found, found! I found my needle. Thank you!

V: Hottabych, the guys and I decided that you would stay with us, and we would all study and study together. Now let's remember what we learned about magnets?

D: - Magnets attract iron objects to themselves.

A magnet has a south and a north pole.

Magnets can attract and repel.

X: Our planet has magnetism, the compass needle is a magnet.

D: Magnets move objects.

B: Well done guys!

X: I am very grateful to you guys for your help. For this I want to thank you. Fuck-tibi-doh! Fuck-tibi-doh! Surprise appears.

(surprise moment)

Q: Our research is over. Do you think magnets are actually magical? You and I are the real wizards.

Children leave the laboratory and take off their coats.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for school: "Testing the magnet"

To enrich the children's vocabulary through acquaintance with the properties and qualities of objects and materials, in the process of performing research activities.

The course of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment, emotional mood:

2. Problem situation:

Educator: Guys, I know that you love fairy tales. I also love fairy tales, they always have magic and mystery. I invite you to play and learn something new. Do you agree?

To us from magic fairyland received a letter from fairytale heroes. Do you want to know what's in it? The magic letter can be taken with a magic mitten. (I take the letter).

Did you solve my magic? How can I scientifically explain my magic? (Children's guesses).

Can you tell me what a magnet is? (An object that attracts metal products). Such objects are called magnetic. Objects from which materials the magnet does not attract? (Wood, cloth, plastic, rubber, paper, etc.) are non-magnetic objects. The property of magnets to attract objects is called magnetic force.

I will not immediately reveal my secret, but I suggest that you test the magnet and prove your guesses.

Let's go to the tables.

Educator: Record the results on the observation sheet, draw arrows in red from the magnet to the objects that it attracts. And now check the strength of the magnet through the obstacle, through which obstacles does the magnet act? The results are recorded in the observation sheet in blue. Well done guys, you did it!

3.Experimental activities of children

Educator: Well, let's look into the mitten and the envelope and check if your assumptions were correct (we find a magnet, an iron plate in the envelope).

It's time to find out the contents of the letter. Request for help from Ivan Tsarevich: “Dear guys, I need your help! My fiancee Vasilisa the Beautiful was kidnapped and kept in prison by Koschey the Immortal. To rescue her and defeat Koshchei, you need a treasure sword, which is stored at the bottom of a deep well filled with water. I don’t know how to get the sword and I ask for your advice, help!” (Children express their guesses).

Educator: Let's conduct an experiment and find out if a magnetic force acts in water (we lower a paper clip into a glass of water, tie a magnet to a thread, lower it, take it out). Conclusion: the magnet retains its properties in water. Let's send Ivanushka a parcel with a magnet.

And let's not forget to put the findings on the observation list.

4. Physical education minute:

The story will give us a rest.

Let's take a break and get back on the road!

Malvina advises us:

The waist will become aspen,

If we bend

Left - right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

To keep your back straight

Get up on your toes

It's like reaching for flowers.

One two three four five,

Repeat again:

One two three four five.

Little Red Riding Hood Tip:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One two three four five.

Repeat again:

One two three four five.

Gave us a fairy tale to rest!

Have a rest?

On the road again! (Children repeat the described movements.)

Educator: Let's look at the letter again, oh, and the next request from Vasilisa the Wise, “My little friends, Baba Yaga abducted me. She found a magical stone that attracts metal objects and won't let me go until I tell her about this stone. She is very interested in the question of how it appeared and what is it for?

5. Talk about the use of the magnet by man

Educator: Guys, do you know where the magnet came from? I will gladly tell you. Many, many years ago, people found a black mineral stone with a beautiful metallic sheen in the mountains. They called it magnetite. Scientists believe that the name "magnetite" comes from the name of the city near which it was found - Magnesia. People made jewelry out of it: earrings, bracelets, beads. It was even believed that it has healing properties, calms and gives strength. They also discovered an unusual property of magnetite - to attract iron.

Pieces of magnetite are called natural magnets, but man has learned how to make magnets artificially and use them for various purposes.

Educator: Do you know in what subjects a person uses a magnet? Do you have a magnet at home? Are we in a group? (Designer, badge magnets, a doll on a magnet with clothes, etc.) Magnets are also used in tape recorders - speakers, in refrigerators, even in bullet trains, instead of ordinary wheels and rails, people came up with the idea of ​​using a magnet.

Due to their ability to attract under water, magnets are used in the construction and repair of underwater structures. They make it easy to hold tools.

How can you help mom quickly collect scattered needles? That's how much useful properties at the magnet. Well, do you remember where the magnet came from? So, we will send our film to Vasilisa the Wise at the address “Dense Forest, to the Hut on Chicken Legs”.

Educator: Let's see what is written further in the letter. "Hi guys, I'm lost. My mother sent me to my grandmother to bring her pies and a pot of butter, told me not to turn anywhere, but to go only south, but I lost my way. Can you please help me find a direction to the south and get to my grandmother?”

Educator: Guys, how do you think we can help Little Red Riding Hood? (Children's statements). Of course, well done, the compass will help her. Why did people invent it?

Children: In order to know the direction of the cardinal points and it is necessary for travelers, tourists, so as not to get lost in the forest, in the mountains, in the desert.

Educator: Right. And let's not only help Little Red Riding Hood find the way, but also learn for ourselves how the compass works.

6. Experiment with the compass

Educator: The most important part of the compass is the magnetized needle, it is placed on the tip and rotates freely. The ends of the arrow are colored in different colors: The blue arrow points north and the red arrow points south.

And if you want, we will try to make a compass. Take a paperclip and rub it on the magnet, you need to rub it strictly in one direction, swiping the magnet at least 20 times. Attention, you need to handle the paper clip carefully so as not to prick yourself. Get started. (Children's work).

Place a magnetized paperclip on the styrofoam and lower it into the water, the end of the magnetized arrow will point north. No matter how much you turn the dial, the needle will still stop in a certain direction. Try turning the dial and see what happens.

Children: The arrow returns and points north.

Educator: Let's compare with a real compass, what did you see?

Children: A magnetized compass needle points in the same direction as a magnetized paper clip - north. So, we have a real compass.

Educator: That's great, you are real inventors. Well, shall we send the compass to Little Red Riding Hood?

Children: Yes, you definitely need to send.

Educator: What good fellows you are! Helped all fairy tale characters.

7. Dynamic pause to the music - "Little Red Riding Hood".

8. Designing the game "Fisherman":

Educator: But you and I, with our skillful hands, can independently make a fun game for ourselves using a magnet. And please yourself, your friends or younger brothers and sisters. Look at the materials on the table and tell us how we can use them to make the game, and what name should we come up with?

Design (children express their versions, fix the sequence of work, start making the game)

9. Reflection

Educator: Who has finished the work can put them on sea ​​bottom. Let's take a look at our fish, shall we? What are they? (Bright, beautiful ...). Why do we have them like this? Because you agreed among yourself, assigned responsibilities, worked neatly and amicably.

I invite you to stand in a circle.

Here is the right hand

Here is the left hand.

And I'll tell you, not melting,

Everyone needs hands, friends,

Kind hands stroke the dog.

Smart hands can create.

Sensitive hands know how to make friends.

Educator: Feel the warmth of the hands of your friends. Let our fish be as friendly as we are. Did you enjoy experimenting with magnets? What did you especially like? What seemed the most difficult?

The purpose of the lesson: to promote the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity; develop mental operations.

Tell me and I will forget

Show me and I will remember

Give me a try and I'll understand.

Chinese proverb.

Preschool children are naturally inquisitive explorers of the world around them. In senior preschool age they develop the needs of knowing this world, which are reflected in the form of search, research activities aimed at "discovering the new", which develops productive forms of thinking.

Academician N. N. Poddyakov, after analyzing and summarizing his rich experience of working in the system preschool education, came to the conclusion that experimentation is the leading activity in preschool age. "... in the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently influencing different ways on the surrounding objects and phenomena in order to more fully cognize and master them," he believes. The process of cognition - creative process, and the task of an adult is to support and develop in a child an interest in research, discoveries, to create the necessary conditions for this.

Experimentation is fundamentally different from any other activity in that the image of the goal that determines this activity has not yet been formed and is characterized by uncertainty and instability. In the course of the experiment, it is refined and clarified.

Experimentation is as follows. Having provided the necessary material for experimentation, the teacher sets a specific task for the child, which allows you to turn actions in relation to the object into activities aimed at achieving a specific goal, i.e. the activity of the child receives a certain motivation. An adult only focuses his attention on the necessary relationships and connections. Everything that is demonstrated by the teacher should be independently reproduced by the children. They should give answers to questions only after they are convinced of their correctness through independent actions.

In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity (why? why? how? what will happen if?), to feel like a scientist, researcher, discoverer. At the same time, an adult is not a teacher-mentor, but an equal partner, an accomplice in activity, which allows the child to show his own research activity.

In progress children's experimentation children learn:

    see and highlight the problem;

    accept and set a goal;

    solve problems;

    analyze an object or phenomenon;

    put forward hypotheses and assumptions;

    carry out an experiment;

    draw conclusions;

    record steps and results graphically.

The method of child experimentation is not difficult; it is simply unusual and not fully developed in relation to the conditions of a preschool institution. It's easy to master it. You can explore everything - plants, animals, objects inanimate nature, objects and materials.

Experimentation is considered effective way teaching children. The time has come for the widespread introduction of this method into the practice of preschool institutions.

The purpose of the lesson:

Promote development in children cognitive activity, curiosity; develop mental operations.

To systematize children's knowledge about a magnet and its properties to attract objects; identify materials that can become magnetic; separate magnetic objects from non-magnetic objects using a magnet;

Stimulate the independence and activity of children;

Cultivate friendly relations, the ability to work in pairs; develop communication skills;

Enrich children's vocabulary (magnetism, magnetic, non-magnetic objects, attraction).

Preliminary work:

Experiments with a magnet; games with a magnetic board and magnetic letters; games with a magnet in the corner of experimentation; research activities at home "What attracts a magnet?", making butterflies from tissue paper.


For each child: a magnet, a box with magnetic (paper clips, nails, screws, designer parts, etc.) and non-magnetic (cardboard, paper, pieces of wood, rubber and plastic) objects, a shoe box, pre-drawn butterflies, threads, paper clips, adhesive tape;

Table-scheme for entering the results of the experiment (see Appendix); video letter from Dunno.

Lesson progress:

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, today I received an unusual video letter. Let's see it. The teacher turns on the video player, the children watch a video about Dunno (an adult dressed in Dunno costume). The content of the video letter: "Hello guys! It's me, Dunno! My friends Vintik and Shpuntik's car broke down. I wanted to help them repair it. But only iron parts are needed for repairs, and I don't know how to identify them. Please help me ".

Educator: what do you guys think, can we help Dunno? How? (Let's draw a diagram, write instructions, send a letter, talk about iron parts, send a magnet, invite Dunno to visit).

How can we distinguish iron parts from the rest? (To do this correctly, you need to use a magnet).

Why should you use a magnet? What do we know about the properties of a magnet? (A magnet has the property of attracting iron objects to itself.) How can these properties be checked? (Take a magnet and conduct an experiment).

We will now go to our mini-laboratory and conduct an experiment. On the tables are many objects made of different materials (magnetic and non-magnetic). You need to select only iron ones. The results obtained are entered in the table.

Children come to the tables, do the experiment on their own in pairs. With the selected items, the children sit on the chairs.

And now we will enter the results of the experiment in the table using the signs "+" and "-".

Working with a table.


Children take turns coming out and marking the results of the experiment with signs.

What conclusion can be drawn from this table?

Conclusion: a magnet attracts iron objects, so to separate them from the rest, you need to use a magnet.

How can we inform Dunno about this? (Children's suggestions). Yes, we will write a letter to Dunno, send him our table and a magnet.

And now, I propose to go to our "School of Wizards", where I will show you a trick.

Children come to the tables where shoe boxes, butterflies, pre-made by children, paper clips, threads, adhesive tape are prepared. The teacher shows the "Flying Butterfly" trick (see description in the appendix).

Who guessed why my butterfly flies? (A paperclip is attached to it. With the help of a magnet, the paperclip is attracted and moves, and the butterfly flies). The children look at the design.

Do you want to be magicians and do tricks with your butterflies? What details will you need for this trick? Then take your butterflies, attach them to a paperclip and a box, and try to lift the soybean butterfly into the air.

Children make a design and do a trick with a butterfly.

Guys, did you like the experiments with the magnet? What other experiments would you like to do? (Children's answers) Great, next time we'll do that.

Table-scheme for entering the results of the experiment.

The table is made on a large sheet and pasted on thick cardboard. On the left side of the table, pieces of various materials are pasted: rubber, wood, iron, plastic, paper; Velcro on the right side of the table. Separately, cards with "+" and "-" signs are made, with Velcro on the reverse side.

Working with a table

Focus "Flying Butterfly"

What you need: a strong enough magnet, a shoe box, a butterfly made of tissue paper and painted with felt-tip pens, a thread, a paper clip, adhesive tape, scissors.

How to make:

Cut out a butterfly from tissue paper and paint with felt-tip pens.

1. Lay the shoe box on its side. Cut the thread longer than the height of the box.

2. Tie a paperclip to the thread. Cut out a tissue paper butterfly and stick it to the paperclip.

3. Bring the butterfly to the "ceiling" of the box so that it almost touches it.

4. Stretch the thread and stick it to the "floor" of the box. Put a magnet over the place where the thread is stuck.

5. Hold the butterfly directly under the magnet so that the thread is taut.

6. Let go of the butterfly - it soars. Pull the thread down. What will happen to the butterfly?

What's happening?

Paper clips are made from steel, which contains iron. The attraction between the magnet and the iron is so strong that the paper clip is attracted even at a distance, but the thread does not allow it to come close to the magnet. The stronger the magnet, the lower, i.e. farther from it, the butterfly will be able to soar.

Making a trick by children

Picture 1

Topic: "Amazing properties of a magnet."

Preparatory group teacher

Vasilyeva Natalya Vladimirovna

Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the action of magnetic forces on the basis of experimental activities.


1. Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the properties of a magnet

2. Expand children's knowledge of the properties of a magnet, empirically identify the properties of a magnet to attract and repel.

3. Fill up the children's dictionary with the terms: "magnet poles", "south pole", "north pole".


1. Activate children's knowledge about the use of the properties of a magnet by a person.

2. To develop activity, curiosity, the desire for an independent search for causes, methods of action through experimental research activities, the manifestation of creativity and the manifestation of individuality.

3. Develop free communication with adults and children, components of oral speech of children in various forms and types of activities.


1. To form the skills of safe handling of objects during the experiments.

2. To develop the ability of children to work together, the ability to discuss, negotiate.

Material and equipment:

Demo: Presentation on the topic "Magnet"

Dispensing: magnets (large and small) by the number of children, toy cars by the number of children.

The course of educational activities

The teacher invites the children to the group.

Educator: Guys, look, today we have a lot of guests. Let's welcome them.

Now turn around and look at me. You know, this morning the postman brought a package to our kindergarten. Here she is. On it is written: Kindergarten No. 1, children of the preparatory group.

Who do you think it's from?

Educator: Can we open it and see what's inside?

(Opens the box.) Look, here is the letter. Who wrote it ? (the teacher shows the children a letter, they examine it. There is an image of Dunno in the corner of the envelope)

Children. The letter was written by Dunno.

Teacher: Do you think so? Let's read it.

Guys, you are right. A resident of the Sunny City Dunno writes to us. He found some unusual object, but he does not know what kind of object it is and what can be done with it. But he really wants to know what kind of object it is so that he can tell his friends in the Sunny City about his find and therefore asks for help.

Here is what Dunno writes to us.

Educator: I wonder what kind of object he found. Look, there's a bag in the package here. (pulls out magnet from bag)

Educator: Probably, this is that unusual object.

What is this? (shows to all children)

Children. Magnet.

Educator: And how did you know that this is a magnet? And how can we check whether we think correctly that this is a magnet?

Children. Conduct an experience.

Educator: And where are experiments and research carried out?

Children. In the laboratory.

Educator: I suggest everyone go to our laboratory . (put on hats)

Before proceeding to research, let's remember the rules of conduct in the laboratory.

Children. Keep quiet. Not to run. Do not push each other, do not touch unknown objects with your hands, etc. It is imperative that during the experiments it is necessary to remove the hair so that they do not interfere with us - therefore, we will put on special hats.

Educator: You said it was a magnet. How can we check if we think correctly?

We approach the table (there are iron objects on the table) and check the magnet.

Teacher: Very good. So, we were right - this is a magnet.

We are already familiar with the magnet. Let's take a look at what we know about him.

Can you tell me what a magnet is? What is he?

Educator: Good. Remember what properties of a magnet do you know?

What is the name of the objects that a magnet attracts?

(called magnetic).

What are the names of objects that are not attracted by a magnet?

(called non-magnetic).

Educator: That's how much you can already tell Dunno about the magnet and its properties.

Educator: tell me, do you know where the magnet came from?

Children's answers

Teacher: Do you want to know?

Educator: Listen, I will tell you where the magnet came from.

Talk about the origin of the magnet (with a presentation)

Educator: That's how much we now know about the properties of the magnet and its origin. But I will tell you a secret that this is not all. The magnet has a very curious property.

Educator: Do you want to know what this property is?

Children's answers

Experience No. 1 "A magnet has two poles."

Educator: Please come to table number 1.

I suggest you take any two magnets and bring them to each other.

(Someone is attracted, someone is repelled - ask the children. Ask to turn one magnet over to the other side)

Educator: Notice what happens to the magnets?

Educator: They are attracted by one side, and repelled by the other.

Why do you think?

Teacher: Every magnet has two sides. Some sides attract each other, while the other sides repel each other. Scientists called these sides the north pole and the south pole.

Educator: But what do you think, where is the north pole of the magnet, and where is the south?

Educator: To avoid such difficulties, scientists decided to paint the poles on magnets: the north in Blue colour, and the southern one is in red.

Educator: What do you think, what poles attract magnets? (the same or different). And how do they repel?

Teacher: Let's check. Go to table #2.

Pay attention to the items on the table: it's a toy car and two sizes of magnets with colored poles. (red - south pole, blue - north)

I suggest you take a toy car and a small magnet. There is a white square on the back of the car (this is adhesive tape), stick a magnet on it (either side). Put the car on the table in front of you. Now take a large magnet and bring the north pole (blue side) of it closer to the magnet on the car. Start researching. (other pole)

Educator: So what happened to you and me?

Children's answers

Conclusion. When you bring together the same poles, the car goes forward, when different - back.

WITH experience hema on screen - output

Educator: Where do you think people use the property of a magnet to attract?

(sweet number from the presentation)

Educator: Where do you think people use the property of a magnet to repel?

(sweet number from the presentation)


Topic: Magnet and its properties.

Purpose: The development of the cognitive activity of the child in the process of getting to know the hidden properties of the magnet.

Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization",

"Health", "Communication", "Safety".

Educational area "Cognition":

Form an idea about a magnet and its properties (to attract metal objects, different poles);

To update children's knowledge about the use of the properties of a magnet by a person;

To form experience with the compass;

Develop cognitive activity through experiments with a magnet.

Educational area "Socialization":

Improve the ability to listen to the answers of a friend and not interrupt;

To form the ability to evaluate the work of a friend;

Educational area "Health":

Develop coordination of speech with movement (physical minute).

Educational area "Communication":

Develop the ability to reasonedly answer questions;

Expand the vocabulary on the topic "Magnetism";

Develop all components of oral speech.

Educational area "Safety":

Introduction to the rules safe use magnet properties.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: physical minute, experiment;

Visual: observation of the actions of the educator;

Verbal: riddle, conversation, reasoning, generalizations, conclusions.

Materials and equipment: various magnets - rectangular, round, horseshoe-shaped, iron filings, paper cup, piece of paper, napkin, scissors, ruler, thread, steel pin, rectangular magnet.

Forms of organizing joint activities

The teacher sits on the carpet and examines different children's magnets. Children answer the teacher's questions:

What are the properties of these things?

Why do they seem to stick to metal objects?

(These are magnets. They are attracted to metal due to their properties)

And how can you find out about the possibilities of a magnet? (Go to the laboratory of junior researcher Znayka.)

Well, let's call Znayka, let him help him learn more about the properties of a magnet. (Children call Znayka).

Junior appears Researcher Znayka (second educator or assistant educator).

Hello guys, I'm glad to welcome you to my laboratory. See how many interesting things are here.

Listen, consider, share impressions, express options for answers.

game situation.

Creating motivation for upcoming activities

Entry into an imaginary laboratory.

1.Go to the first table, where everything is ready for scientific experiments. The first experiment I called "Drawing a Magnet". This experiment demonstrates the pattern that magnetic fields form around magnets of various shapes.

The teacher invites the children to participate in the experiment and pour sawdust into a paper cup. Put the magnets on the table. Cover the magnets with paper. Sprinkle a thin layer of iron filings on the paper. Consider the resulting pattern.

2. Now I will show you the trick and launch the plane into the air.

Znayka calls this experiment "Soaring Plane". The teacher demonstrates how a paper airplane can be suspended in the air using a magnet. Znayka cuts a wing 3 centimeters long from a napkin. In the middle, he pierces it with a pin to make an airplane. The teacher ties a thread to the pin head. The magnet is placed on the edge of the table so that one end of it goes beyond the edge, and put an airplane on this end. Slowly pull the thread until the plane hangs in the air.

Guys, take a look, what happened?

The plane is flying!!!

Well done!

Doing an experiment

answer the question

draw conclusions.

The concept of the properties of a magnet is formed.


One - hands waved up

And while sighing

Two or three bent down. Paul got it

And four - straight up and repeat at first.

We breathe in the air

When bending, exhale amicably

But you don't have to bend your knees.

So that the hands do not get tired,

We will put them on the belt.

Jump like balls

Girls and boys

Perform logarithmic movements.

Relieve tension, fatigue

Let's think about what we learned new about our children's magnets today?

Experiment 1: A magnetic field is the space around a magnet in which magnetic attraction affects the movement of metal objects. Getting there, the iron filings are attracted to the magnet - the closer, the stronger.

Experiment 2: The plane stayed in the air as long as it was close to the magnet. The attractive force of a magnet depends on how ordered the magnetic clusters of atoms are, which behave like small magnets. Before the pin touched the magnet, the atoms in the pin were in disorder. Both a magnet and a pin have the properties of a magnet. They are attracted to each other with sufficient force to overcome Earth gravity and force the aircraft to be in a "suspended" state.

Conversation, reflections, statements from own experience and observations, draw conclusions.

observing, contemplating,

speak out

listening to comrades.

answer questions.

An idea about the significance of the properties of a magnet in human life has been formed.

The concept of magnetism was formed.

So, today you have learned a lot about the magnet, its significance for humans. Now let's play and have some fun.

Free play activities.

Final event: children's entertainment, with outdoor games, poems, riddles.

"Magic Magnet"

Summary of the lesson in the section cognition in senior group on the theme "Magic Magnet".

Purpose: Formation of the cognitive activity of the child in the process of design and research activities to get acquainted with the properties of the magnet.


    to systematize children's knowledge about a magnet and its properties to attract objects in the course of research activities; identify materials that can become magnetic; to separate magnetic objects from non-magnetic ones using a magnet; (cognition, communication)

    to teach children to set up experiments and draw up a subject-schematic model; expand children's ideas about objects and natural phenomena. (labor, socialization)


To develop in children the ability to answer questions in a full sentence; expand the vocabulary on the topic; develop attention, thinking, coherent speech.

    Correctional and educational.

To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to an adult and group mates, to cultivate the ability to work together, to cultivate interest in experimental activities.

Equipment and materials:

tables with different materials - objects made of wood, glass, rubber, plastic, iron; some food products under a napkin white coats and magnets for each child; projector, paper clips, tape recorder, hat, music box.

Musical material: A. Rybnikov musical melody from the movie "Mustached Nyan".


The study area is divided into two parts. In one - a hanger with bathrobes and tables with different materials. In the other part there is a board with diagrams (the diagrams are hidden from children) and high chairs. Children come in and sit down.

1. Org. moment. (The teacher enters in a hat and sits in a circle with the children)

The sun is shining in the sky clear

It's time to say hello

And the game will help us.

"Hat greeting"

There is a custom: at a meeting, as a sign of greeting, raise your hat.

good habits must be supported. I propose to start by saying hello with a hat. With this hat. This acquaintance will look something like this ... (the teacher takes off his hat from his head, calls the name of the child with the words “Hello ...” and passes it to the child. He, in turn, also takes off his hat, makes a slight bow and also calls the name of the neighbor, etc.). e.)

Well done! That's how quickly and cheerfully we all said hello.

2. Educator: Guys, I invite you today to go to the land of magic, where we will become real Wizards.

Educator: Everyone stood in a circle, joined hands, close our eyes and say a magic spell. (Cribble-crable-booms!) (Music box sounds)

Educator: You and I ended up in a magic room. We will begin our journey with the first magic. Look, we have a magic box. And there is something there. Come and take the item from this box. And who knows what it is?

Children's answers.

Educator: And what does he feel like?

Children's answers (cold, hard, iron, heavy).

Educator: Do any of you know the name of this stone?

Magnets are different forms and sizes.

This item will help us make the first magic.

(At this time, someone knocks on the door, the teacher goes to open the door and brings a video letter from Smesharikov-Krosh and Kopatych to the children in the kindergarten). The children are watching the message.


In the autumn forest, Krosh and Kopatych are talking.

Krosh: Kopatych, look, it's getting colder, the leaves are falling. Winter will come soon. And you thought of something. What happened to you?

Kopatych: I love raspberries. And the raspberries are gone. Autumn in the yard. It would be nice to eat enough of it after wintering. Yes, it is very small and it is difficult to collect it! And my paws are thunder-and-hell, they won’t grab this little thing. So I'm thinking, what should I do? I heard that there is such a thing - a magnet is called. Everything attracts. I will put it on a raspberry bush, and all the berries will be attracted to this magnet. That's when I get hired!

Krosh: Wow! And I want something like this! What is it called? Hymnit?

Kopatych: Magnet, magnet.

Krosh: I would go to the garden with this magnet and pull all the carrots. Delicious!.. No, Kopatych, there is no such object that attracts everything to itself. Tales it!

Kopatych: Look, Krosh, we went to the edge. You can see the kindergarten over there, and the guys are sitting over there. Maybe they can help us? Will they tell you, is it possible to attract anything to yourself with a magnet? Hey guys, are you listening? Help!

Krosh: Kopatych, let's send a letter to the guys by mail with our request, let them help us.

Educator: Well, guys, how can we help Krosh and Kopatych? Is it true that a magnet attracts everything to itself? They also say - attracts. This hard word, let's repeat it again together: "Magnets".

Here on the tables are objects made of different materials. Now we will conduct experiments and try to find out, check, investigate what attracts a magnet.

Then everyone puts on bathrobes and takes magnets out of their pockets.

Teacher: What are these objects made of?

Children: Made of wood.

Educator: Let's check: does the magnet attract wooden objects? (Manipulates with a magnet.)

Children: Not attractive.

Children, together with the teacher, go to a table with rubber objects and check whether a magnet acts on them; make a conclusion. Then similar actions are repeated at a table with objects made of glass, plastic, paper, metal.

Educator: We almost forgot about the most important thing: you need to check if the magnet attracts raspberries. Especially for Kopatych. We just don't have raspberries. Why?

Children: It ripens in the summer, and now it's autumn.

Educator: But we have raspberry jam. What other foods are on this table? (Children's answers.)

Children check if the magnet attracts jam, carrots and other foods. Then they take off their robes and sit on chairs.

Educator: Well! It's a pity, I'll have to inform Krosh and Kopatych: the magnet does not attract raspberries and carrots. We just haven't learned how to write yet. Let's draw a diagram for them, from which it will be clear what the magnet attracts and what does not.

The teacher puts up 2 posters on the board. In the middle of one circuit is a magnet, and the other is a crossed-out magnet. Scattered around the group are drawings depicting various objects. Children find drawings and attach it to one or another scheme, based on the properties of the magnet. The scheme is rolled up into a tube.

Educator: Oh, it’s sad for Smeshariki to receive such a message. They can't eat to their heart's content... Or maybe we'll send them raspberry jam and carrots to the forest along with the letter? Here is my mailbox. We need to write the address on the parcel, otherwise it will not reach. Where do we send the parcel?

Children: To the forest.

Educator: To whom is the parcel addressed?

Children: Smeshariki.

Teacher: From whom?

Children: From us - from the guys from the kindergarten.

Children choose cards with the desired symbols and insert them into transparent pockets on the box. That's where the diagram is.

Teacher: The parcel is ready. Let's leave it under the tree.

Teacher: Well, we have done our job. Perhaps it's time to take a break.

An outdoor game “Magnet and objects” is being held. Music is playing.


Objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge of magnetism, obtained as a result of experimentation; develop imagination and the ability to reincarnate.

One child is a "magnet", he sits to the side.

Host: I'm talking magic words crible crable booms and turn you into wooden cubes. Cubes run around the room, jump, tap.

Children run around clapping each other's hands and saying “knock-knock-knock”. A "magnet" appears, but no one pays attention to it. Children run, pushing off each other and from the magnet with their palms.

Host: Creeble-crable-booms! (Children stop, magnet moves aside.) I turn you into rubber toys.

Children jump on their toes, saying "pum-pum-pum" and not paying attention to the magnet.

Host: Creeble-crable-booms! (Children stop, magnet moves aside.) I turn you into iron objects.

Children run around saying "don-don-don". When a magnet appears, everyone runs towards it. The magnet slowly runs around the hall, the children behind it, holding onto it with their hands.

And now the guys will return to our magic room and we will do various tricks. Focus. Picky Goose.

    Educator. Many consider the goose a stupid bird. They say "stupid as a goose." But it's not. Here I have two cotton wool tied. I dip one in mustard and offer the caterpillar to taste it (a wooden stick without a magnet is brought). Eat, little one! .. Look, he doesn’t want mustard, he turns away. What does mustard taste like? Why doesn't the goose want to eat it? Now let's try to dip another cotton wool into the jam (a stick is brought up, with a magnet). Yeah, reaching for the sweet! And you don't have to persuade. And you say - stupid bird.

Why does our gosling reach for the jam with its beak, but turns away from the mustard? What is his secret? Children look at a stick with a magnet on the end. Why did the goose interact with the magnet? (There is something metal in the goose.) They examine the goose and see that there is a metal rod in the beak.

The teacher shows the children a picture of the car and asks: “Can the car move by itself?” (No.) Puts the car on the box and moves the magnet inside the box. Why did the car move? Children look at the car figure and see that paper clips are attached to the stands.

The teacher “accidentally” drops a paper clip into a glass of water. How to get it without getting your hands wet? (Answers of children). (Bring the magnet to the glass.)

Educator. You can draw with a magnet!

Take a box with a transparent plastic lid. A drawing is placed at the bottom of the box, on which houses, trees, a river are drawn. Sawdust is poured onto the drawing. The box closes tightly. (The lid can be secured with duct tape.) Then they begin to drive the magnet along the bottom of the box, and the sawdust begins to fold in one way or another. With the help of sawdust, you can depict a hurricane or a dust storm that covers everything with dust.

And now we will use a magnet and a paper clip to move along the drawn paths.


The guys take a cardboard card, put a paper clip on it, and bring a magnet from below to the sheet and move it in different directions along the drawn paths.

What happens to the staple? (the paperclip seems to be “dancing”

Why is the paperclip moving?

Children's answers

Conclusion: The magnet has its effect magic action through cardboard.

And now, guys, we are again turning from wizards into children.

Creeble-crable-booms! I turn you into children.

Guys, let's sum up our journey to the land of magic.

What have we learned today?

A magnet attracts iron.

The magnet works through the paper.

The magnet works through glass.

Iron filings follow the shape of a magnet, so you can draw with it.

Under the influence of a magnet, metal objects are magnetized and themselves on a short time become magnets.

Using a magnet, you can quickly separate iron from other materials.

Guys, tell me, and we meet with a magnet in a group where we see him magical properties(d.i. "Magnetic Mosaic", "Magnetic ABC", "Fisherman", attaching pictures to the board).

Thanks guys for the fun!

There is a knock on the door. This is a package.

Children, together with the teacher, use symbol cards to sort out the return address on the parcel.

Educator: From whom did the package come to us?

Children: From Smeshariki.

Teacher: Where?

Children: From the forest.

Teacher: To whom?

Children: We, the children from kindergarten.

In the package - a basket with cookies in the form of mushrooms. The teacher invites the children to taste the treat.

This is gratitude from Krosh and Kopatych.

mental activity

in the senior group

"The Magical Property of a Magnet".

Educator: Guseva L.N.


2012ac. year

Educational field: cognition, communication, socialization, safety, labor.

Program objectives: to promote the expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about the magnet and some of its properties;

to teach to examine the subject and experiment with the subject, highlighting the expressed qualities and properties;

develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, activate the vocabulary of children;

interest children practical activities, promote the education of independence and the development of communication skills.

Preliminary work: conversations on reading from the children's encyclopedia "Why": What is underground wealth? What is iron made from? What's inside the mine?; use by children in free activities didactic games: "Fisherman", "Magnetic geometric mosaic", "Magnetic cash desk of numbers and letters", "Pick up an object".

Developing environment: magnets (for each child), various metal objects (paper clips, pieces of wire, nuts, washers, screws, iron plates, etc.), scraps of fabric, fur, rubber, plastic items, “magic glove” (with magnet inside), paper boats, a glass of water (for each child).

Org. moment

(Children in white coats enter the group).

Educator: Welcome to our laboratory. We have been here many times. Today we will continue scientific work Let's experiment, experiment.

Riddle: I grab in a strong hug

Metal I brothers. (MAGNET)

Educator: The “magic” glove will help us solve the riddle. Look, I ran my glove over the paperclips and they stuck. What a miracle

Children: It's a magnet.

(Investigation of the properties of a magnet)

1. How does it feel to the touch? (Cold, hard, heavy).

2.What is a magnet? (this is what attracts iron objects to itself).

3. Why does a magnet attract objects? (there are special particles in the magnet).

4. What objects does the magnet attract? (metal).

Teacher: Let's check. Take each magnet and swipe it over the items on the table.

Children hold a magnet over objects, and the metal parts are attracted.

Conclusion: The magnet attracts metal objects and does not attract paper, wood, plastic items, fabric items.

Educator: Guys, do you know how to get a sunken ship from the bottom of the sea? Now we will try to do this.

Children take out a paper clip from the bottom of the glass (swipe a magnet along the wall of the glass and take out a paper clip).

Conclusion: So, the magnet acts through water.

(on the tables there are boats made of paper)

Educator: Guys, tell me, how can you make the boats move without magic? (with the help of hands, blow, with the help of a magnet).

Educator: What material are the boats made of? (from paper).

Educator: Does a magnet attract paper? (no, but there are paper clips on the boat, and they are metal, which means the magnet attracts them).

(children set the boats in motion, put a magnet under the table top, under paper boat and move it with a magnet on the table)

Conclusion: The magnet acts through an obstacle (the table is an obstacle).

Educator: And now we will continue the experiments with the magnet. I take a magnet, hold a paperclip to it. She pulled herself up. I bring the second to the paperclip, she was also attracted, now - the third. A chain of staples formed. Now I will carefully take the first paperclip with my fingers and remove the magnet. Look closely the chain is not broken. (children conduct the experiment on their own).

Conclusion. The paper clips, being next to the magnet, became magnetized and became magnets, but the paper clips have magnetic properties for a short time).

Educator: Guys, tell me, and we meet with a magnet in a group where we see its magical properties (d / i. “Magnetic Mosaic”, “Magnetic ABC”, “Fisherman”, clip on lockers, attaching pictures to the board).

Educator: The scientists guys worked hard today, they learned a lot about the magnet. You were true explorers. Let's remember what properties a magnet has.

1. Magnets attract metal objects.

2. The magnet acts through the water.

3. The magnet works through the obstacle.

4. Under the influence of a magnet, metal objects are magnetized and become magnets for a short time.

Educator: Thank you guys for your scientific work. The properties of a magnet are widely used in human life, and we will see this more than once. And I want to ask you to look at the houses where the magnet is used and tell me about it.

GCD in the preparatory group. Experimental activity. Topic: "All about magnets"


02.07.2014 19:51

Topic: "All about magnets" (playing with Simka)

Romanenko Ekaterina Anatolievna

Educator Stavropol Territory Aleksandrovsky District s. Aleksandrovskoe Date: 05/06/2014

Purpose: to promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity in children; develop mental operations.

Educational area "Cognition".

To systematize children's knowledge about a magnet and its properties to attract objects; identify materials that can become magnetic; separate magnetic objects from non-magnetic objects using a magnet;

To replenish children's knowledge about the use of the properties of a magnet by a person;

Continue to learn independently, implement possible solutions, test these solutions, draw conclusions from the results of this test;

Continue learning to make generalizations.

Educational area "Socialization"

Stimulate the independence and activity of children;

Cultivate friendly relations, the ability to work in pairs; develop communication skills;

Cultivate a desire to help others.

Educational area "Communication"

Enrich children's vocabulary (magnetism, magnetic, non-magnetic objects, attraction, attracts, magnetizes magnetic forces; magnetic field.

Preliminary work:

Experiments with a magnet; games with a magnetic board and magnetic letters; games with a magnet in the corner of experimentation; research activity at home "What attracts a magnet?".

Material and equipment:

Parcel, presentation "E-mail from Fixies";

For each child: a magnet, a box with magnetic (paper clips, nails, screws, designer parts, etc.) and non-magnetic (cardboard, paper, pieces of wood, rubber and plastic) items, a shoe box, paper clips, adhesive tape;

Table-scheme for entering the results of the experiment (see Appendix); video letter from Simka (m / f "Fixies")

Lesson progress:

Welcome to our laboratory!

I received a very interesting email! But from whom? Try to guess!

The monitor turns on and the presentation opens on the screen:

1. “We got in trouble. The wire cutter stole all the metal parts from us, mixed them up and put them together with plastic, rubber and wooden parts under the bed.

We cannot cope on our own, and Dimdimych went on a trip with his parents. Please help us sort them out!”

What do we do? How to help little friends?

Children: Select all metal parts.

Educator: And how can you distinguish iron parts from the rest?

Children: To do this correctly, you need to use a magnet.

“Here is an ordinary magnet in front of you. He keeps a lot of secrets in himself.

What do we know about the properties of a magnet?

How can these properties be checked?

Now we'll check it out. « Important thing - Experiment!

We are interested in every moment of it.”

Children take magnets and independently remove iron objects from the box with it.

What are objects that are attracted to a magnet called?

What material are these items made of?

What is left in the box, why?

And in order for us to remember well and tell others more, let's write down our results.


Conclusion: A magnet attracts iron objects.

Well done, you did it!

The teacher invites the children to play the game "Attracts does not attract."

The game is played in the likeness of "Edible not edible".

And here is another message from Simka and Nolik!

View the next slide.

2. Well, let's see what kind of secret is hidden in the package from the Fixies?

The teacher takes out the figurine of Fixik, puts it on the surface of the box. On the reverse side, with the help of a stick with a magnet, he moves the figure along the plane.

What is the secret of such a miracle?

Children make guesses.

A "hint" for the device of a magnetic theater is an experiment in which a paper clip moves along a paper screen under the influence of a magnet.

As a result of searches - experimentation, reflection, discussion - children come to the conclusion that if any light steel objects (paper clips, circles, etc.) are attached to paper figures, they will be held by a magnet and move across the screen of this help (at the same time, the magnet is brought to the screen from the other side, invisible to the viewer).

After choosing the characters, the children make their own magnetic toys for the puppet theater, which they decide to show to the kids.

3. In the process of making theatrical puppets on magnets, it turns out that not all magnets are the same.

The teacher invites the children to figure out how to compare the strengths of magnets.

Each of the children's suggestions is considered, how to find out which of the magnets is stronger. Children do not need to formulate their sentences verbally. The child can express his thought visually, acting with the objects necessary for this, and the teacher, together with others, helps to verbalize it.

As a result of the discussion, two ways of comparing the strength of magnets are revealed:

1. by distance - the stronger is the magnet that will attract the steel object (paperclip), at a greater distance (the distances between the magnet and the place where the paperclip attracted by it are compared);

2. by the number of paper clips, the magnet that holds a chain with a large number of steel clips at its pole is stronger (the number of paper clips in chains “grown” at the poles of the magnets is compared), or by the density of iron filings adhering to the magnet.

Pay attention to experiments - "tips" with two magnets of different strengths, which can be shown to children in case of their difficulties:

1. identical steel paper clips, one of the magnets attracts from a greater distance than the other;

2. one magnet holds at its pole a whole chain with more paper clips than the other (or a thicker “beard” of iron filings).

Have the children use these experiments to determine which of the magnets is stronger, and then explain how they guessed what the answer “prompted” to them.

By counting the number of paper clips at the poles of different magnets and comparing them, children come to the conclusion that the strength of a magnet can be measured by the number of paper clips held in a chain near its pole.

Thus, the paper clip in this case is a "measurement" for measuring the strength of the magnet.

Additionally. You can take other steel objects instead of paper clips (for example, screws, pieces of steel wire, etc.) and make chains of them at the poles of magnets. This will help children to be convinced of the conditionality of the chosen "measurement", in the possibility of replacing it with others.

· What did we do today?

· Do you think the experiments proposed by the Fixies were a success?

What experiments did you have trouble with?

What have you been able to understand after the experiments?

· How can we convey to our friends, the Fixies, the results of our research?

Well, let's collect the cards of fixing our experiments and the drawing of our theater in an envelope. And let's leave it in plain sight.

Thanks guys for your cooperation!

If the material does not suit you, use the search

Purpose: Formation of ideas about the melting and solidification of substances. Contribute to the development of cognitive activity. Develop curiosity and imagination.

Tasks: Expand children's ideas about the chemical properties of the world around them. To acquaint with the various properties of substances (hardness, softness, dissolution, etc.). Develop research skills, the ability to analyze observed phenomena, formulate conclusions. To consolidate the experience of complying with safety regulations when conducting experiments. To cultivate friendly relations, the ability to work in a team, develop communication skills, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Material: two paintings winter and summer, paraffin, ice, tiles, a metal mug, a basin of cold water.

Guys, look, guests have come to us, say hello to them, today they will see how we will play with you.

Turn left to a friend

Give your left hand to a friend

One step back, two steps forward!

Left - turn right!

Let's turn around, turn around

Let's hold hands again.

Three steps forward, my friend

Our circle will become tight!

Twirled, tumbled

Back and running!!!

I see you are ready, sit down. Today we are going to our laboratory, which was created in our group.

- What is a laboratory?

We will be labs.

- Who will you be? (laboratory assistants).

To start experimenting. Let's remember the rules of behavior in the laboratory. Each of the laboratory assistants must perform them:

  • Listen carefully to the senior laboratory assistant.
  • Do not make noise, do not interfere, perform each other, all tasks.
  • Observe safety rules.

Ready: "1,2,3,4,5

I spin around myself, I will turn into a laboratory assistant.

Attention to the monitor, look at what heroes are visiting you in the laboratory today.

What are the names of these heroes? (Winnie - Pooh, Piglet)

What these wonderful Disney characters have prepared for you today, now we will begin to find out.

Also interesting material on experimental - experimental activities:

Educator. Guys, do you like to solve riddles? ( Yes). Then listen.

I have a lot of things to do - I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth, I turn rivers into ice,
I whitewash forests, fields, houses, but my name is ... (Winter)

How good it is to live freely!
Play - and there is nowhere to rush!
Tired of playing outside
Go swim, sunbathe. —
Everything in the world is warmed by the sun,
It has come, it has come...!
Answer (Summer)

Tell me, will winter immediately turn into summer?

No, first winter, then spring, and then summer.

Is it cold in spring? (yes) Is it warm? (Yes)

In spring it is either cold or warm, which means that spring is winter and summer at the same time: sometimes it is cold - but more often? (warm). The sun is shining, the snow and ice are starting to melt. Everything is warmer and warmer outside. And then comes? (summer). After summer, will it come? (autumn). In autumn it is getting colder and colder, even our guests will tell us about it, but sometimes it is still warm. So autumn is no longer summer, but also not winter. Autumn is winter and summer at the same time.

What happens in winter? (snow, ice)

Ice, what? (cold, hard, etc.).

Please go to the tables, take a piece of ice. Once you have taken it, what happens? (begins to melt).

Why is this happening? (from the warmth of the hands).

Try to break?

Take some ice and look through it at your finger?

What do you say to your friends, what kind of ice? (ice transparent)

Well done! Now take another piece next to it on a plate.

They are alike? What is it you know? Maybe your friends know?

You don’t know, but I know - this is paraffin (choral and individual repetition).

What paraffin? (solid, opaque, etc.)

What do you think, can paraffin become liquid.

Let's remember: what did we do with ice so that it turns into water? (warmed up).

How were they heated? (palms)

Try to heat the paraffin with your palms, it turns out? (No)

Tell me, are your hands hot? (warm)

That's right, warm. Why then does the paraffin not melt? Who will say?

Children: little warmth, hands not hot enough.

How can we be. If it doesn't work by hand. Maybe there is something that can be even hotter?

Children: sun, stove.

Well, the sun is outside, but we have a stove. She is very hot!

Children: heat up.

Great, let's heat the paraffin, and so that it does not spill, put it in an iron mug. Children watch paraffin wax melt until it melts.

What's in the circle now?

kids: liquid

“Where did the liquid come from, who will explain to our friends?”

Children: Paraffin became liquid after heating.

Well done! I suggest you rest. Let's stand together in a circle.

Warm up

We repeat all the warm-up movements without hesitation!

Hey! Let's jump in place

Eh! We wave our hands together.

Ehe-he! back bent,

We looked at the boots.

Ege - ge! Bent down below

Leaned closer to the floor.

Turn around in place deftly.

In this we need skill.

What do you like, friend?

Tomorrow will be the result again!

Guys, now you know that solid can turn into liquid.

How can I make it hard again?

Children: chill.

Correctly, in order for liquid, hot paraffin to become solid, it must be cooled.

How to do it? You know?

Children's statements.

You need to take cold water and pour hot paraffin into it.

- What happens to the liquid?

Children: It began to cool, changed color, gathered into one.

Clever, that's right, I propose to touch the paraffin, which has become.

Children: It was liquid paraffin, now it has begun to harden.

Conclusion: Hot heats up - cold cools.

Now we will play the game that our friends Winnie the Pooh and Piglet have prepared for you is called "Solid - Liquid". If the object is “solid”, then squat and grab your knees with your hands, and if it is “liquid”, get up and raise your hands up.

For example: (bar - water; brick - tea; stone - milk; ice - juice; pencil case - cocktail; etc.).

Well done. Guys!

Our time has come to an end. It's time for us to return to the group, let's say goodbye to our friends, until we meet again. Let's say our words: "Turn around yourself and turn into a child."

Synopsis of an open lesson on experimental research activities in the preparatory group, topic: “Soon we will go to school - what will we study there?”

Prepared by: teacher of the highest qualification category Davydova Svetlana Alekseevna.


To teach preschoolers to develop research skills: identify a problem, collect information, observe, analyze, generalize, conduct experiments, draw conclusions.
Develop an interest in research and experimentation.
Determine the most effective ways of dissolving substances in water.
Establish a relationship between the structure of a bird's feather and its function.
To bring children to the conclusion that stereoscopic vision is necessary for a person, to form knowledge about proper eye care, to teach how to relieve eye fatigue (from accommodative tension).
Determine the dependence of distance from the Sun and the temperature of the planets.
Explain to children with the help of experience that the earth has a force of attraction.
To consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand.
Enrich children's active vocabulary.
Develop the ability to draw conclusions from research results and clearly express your thoughts.
To promote the development of cognitive activity of children, curiosity, observation, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.
Motivate children to study at school, interest in various school subjects.


Audio recording of a school bell.
Paintings "Solar system", "Desert".
Textbooks "biology", "chemistry", "physics", "geography", "anatomy", "astronomy".
Magnifiers, fly feathers and down feathers.
Two cups of water for each child, spatulas, pipettes, containers with dissolved paint.
Sheets of paper, pens with a cap, pictures of children sitting correctly and incorrectly at the table, caring for their eyes.
Desk lamp.
Knapsack, notebook, pen, ruler, eraser, diary, pencil, textbook, album, colored pencils, doll, bottle with a pacifier.
Plastic plates with sand, empty plates, wooden balls, table tennis balls, balls rolled from napkins, oilcloth.

Lesson progress:

Hello guys! Please tell me which group are you from? (Answers of children). From the preparatory group. So you are the oldest among the children of kindergarten. Tell me, what are your classes? (Answers of children). But, very soon it will be time to say goodbye to kindergarten. Why? (Answers of children). Because you will become schoolboys. There are no classes at school. Instead of them - ... lessons. Many different school subjects you have to study in the classroom.

And what is that sound?

(Bell rings).

It's ringing, ringing, ringing
To many he tells:
So sit down and study
So get up, get out.
What did it ring?

(Answers of children).

It's a school bell. He announces the beginning and end of the lesson. And now we will fast forward to the future: imagine that you are already schoolchildren, studying at school and studying many interesting school subjects in the classroom.

(Bell rings).

The bell calls us to a chemistry lesson. (Show textbook). Chemistry is the science of substances and how they behave under different conditions. In chemistry lessons, you will learn why some substances do not want to mix, while others dissolve, and others explode when mixed.

Now you can feel like students in a chemistry lesson.

Chemistry lesson - "How do substances dissolve in water?"

In one glass of water, drop the paint with a pipette. What do you see? (Answers of children). The drop slowly and unevenly dissolves in water.
In another glass of water, also drip paint and stir with a spatula. What do you see? (Children's answers). The paint dissolved quickly.
What conclusion can be drawn from what you see? (Answers of children). If we want to quickly and evenly dissolve a substance in water, we need to stir it.
In ordinary life, how do we use the knowledge of this feature of the dissolution of substances in water? (Answers of children). Stir sugar in tea or salt in soup.

(Bell rings).

The bell calls us to a biology lesson. (Show textbook). Biology is the science that studies all living beings. In biology lessons, you will learn a lot of interesting things about different plants, about the largest inhabitants of the planet - whales and the smallest - microbes.

And now imagine yourself in a biology lesson and talk about birds.

Biology lesson - "How are bird feathers arranged?"

Birds need different feathers. Before you is a fly feather and a down feather. Let's take a look at them. What can you say about the size of the feathers? (Answers of children). The fly feather is much larger than the down feather.

Let the fly feather fall and watch it fall. How did it fall? (Answers of children). Slowly, gently spinning. Now do the same with the down feather. How did it fall? (Answers of children). Even slower.

Now consider the core of each pen. What is the difference? (Children's answers). The fly feather has a thick and empty core inside. The down feather has a thin, soft core.

Wave your fly and down feathers. What did you feel? (Answers of children). The fly feather cuts through the air sharply, with a sound. A downy feather does not cut through the air.
Examine the feathers through a magnifying glass. Notice how the feather hairs are positioned relative to each other. In the fly feather, the hairs are interlocked with each other, while in the downy hairs are arranged separately.

Let's discuss why birds have such feathers? (Answers of children).

Conclusion: fly and down feathers are different. The fly feather helps the bird to fly, and the down feather helps to keep warm.

(Bell rings).

And this bell calls not for a lesson, but for a change!

Dynamic pause "Change"

Children line up in a column, the first child has a satchel, the last has a set of items that he passes one by one to the person in front. When the object reaches the first child, he makes a decision: to put this object in a satchel, or is it not needed by the student? The collected satchel is transferred in the reverse order.

(Bell rings).

The bell calls us to an anatomy lesson. (Show textbook). Anatomy is the science that studies the human body. In anatomy lessons, you will learn what determines the color of a child's hair, how many bones a person has, how the heart works.

Imagine yourself in an anatomy class.

Anatomy lesson - "Why does a person need two eyes?"

I wonder why a person has two eyes? What if there was one big eye?
Let's find out how many eyes are better, two or one?
Put a blank sheet of paper in front of you, take a pen and put a dot on the sheet. Now stand up and try to quickly hit the drawn point with the pen. Happened? (Answers of children). This is easy to do.

Now do the same with one eye closed. What do you think? Was this task easy to complete?
Let's try another experiment: remove the cap from the pen and quickly put it back on. Are you having difficulty? (Answers of children). No. This is a simple task. Now remove the cap from the pen, close one eye and quickly put the cap on the pen. How about this time? (Answers of children). The task was not so easy to complete.

This is because our eyes transmit to the brain two pictures that are slightly different from each other.
So how many eyes does a person need? (Answers of children). Two eyes.

Eyes must be protected. Look at the pictures.

Who takes proper care of the eyes? Why? (Answers of children). Why can't you rub your eyes with your hands? The hands may be dirty and the dirt will get into the eyes. Cross out the wrong picture.
Now tell me, who is sitting at the table correctly, a boy or a girl? Why? (Answers of children). Cross out the wrong picture. You can not lean close to a book or notebook. Eyes get tired quickly when looking at what is close to them. And if your eyes get tired of looking at what is close, then you need to look at ... (children's answers) - far. For what, for example? (Answers of children). To the sky outside the window, to the ceiling.

(Bell rings).

The bell calls us to an astronomy lesson. (Show textbook). Astronomy, what is this science about? Astra means "star" in Greek. So what does the science of astronomy study? (Answers of children). Astronomy is the science of the stars and all celestial bodies: the planets and their satellites, comets and many others.

Imagine yourself in an astronomy class.

Astronomy lesson - "Far, close"

Take a look at the picture. (Show).

This is what the solar system looks like. Here is our planet, which is called what? Earth. And the Sun is a star.

What is the sun
If they ask you
Answer boldly
Hot gas.

Let's imagine that the switched on lamp is a red-hot Sun. Clench two fists - these will be the planets. Now bring one fist close to the sun lamp and the other fist away from the lamp. What did you feel? (Answers of children). The closer the fist is to the lamp, the warmer it is. The farther from the lamp, the more the rays diverge to the sides and the less they fall on the fist.

But what about the planets? Which ones are hot and warm, and which ones are cold. (Answers of children).

The closer a planet is to the Sun, the hotter it is, and the farther a planet is from the Sun, the colder it is. Show the hottest planet. (Show). Show the coldest planet. (Show). And our planet is located not very close and not very far from the Sun. And only the dear Earth is suitable for habitation in everything.

(Bell rings).

Physical education lesson

At physical education lessons you will get acquainted with different sports, become strong, agile, fast. And now let's practice.

Fizminutka "Let's do sports"

(Children perform movements to the music according to the text and the teacher's display).

(Bell rings).

The bell calls us to a physics lesson. (Show textbook). Physics is the science of the laws of nature. In physics lessons you will learn why planes fly, why some objects float and others sink.

Now imagine yourself in a physics class and try to figure out why everything falls down.

Physics lesson - "Why does everything fall to the ground?"

The earth has an attractive force. Anything we throw up will fall down to the ground. Having jumped, we will also go down. But how the earth attracts various objects, we will try to find out now.

Stand next to a sand-filled plate. Take three balls in your hand: wooden, plastic, paper. Which one is the heaviest? The easiest? (Answers of children).

Raise higher and release the balls in turn, so that they fall on the sand. Pay attention to which one will fall faster - will be attracted to the ground, and which one will be slower. Also note the trail left by the ball in the sand where it fell.

Tell us about the results of your observations. (Answers of children).
The lighter the object, the slower it falls - it is attracted to the ground. Heavy objects hit harder. The impact is stronger if the object falls from a greater height, then the depression in the sand increases.

Conclusion: all objects are attracted by the earth and fall, but with different strength and speed.

(Bell rings).

The bell calls us to a geography lesson. (Show textbook).

Geography lesson

“Geo” means “Earth” in Greek. Geography is the science of the Earth, the surface of the planet Earth. At the most interesting geography lessons, you can get acquainted with all corners of the planet - hot Africa, icy Antarctica, mysterious Australia.

Guys, do you know what it is? (Show. Answers of children). This is a globe.

We will find cities, seas,
Mountains, parts of the world.
Fits on it
Whole planet.

What do the colors on the globe mean? Green color? (Answers of children). Green means forests. White color? (Answers of children). Ice and snow. Brown color? (Answers of children). Mountains. What about yellow? (Answers of children). Deserts.

Show on the globe the great African Sahara desert. (The child is called).

Here we will talk about sandy deserts.

What is a desert? (Answers of children). Part of the earth covered with sand. Where did the name "desert" come from? Listen to the word. (Answers of children). From the word "empty". And why? Because almost nothing grows and lives in the desert. But why? There is no water in the desert. Lots of sand that can flow. Like this? Let's try to figure it out.

Pour the sand into an empty bowl. Just try to pour in a trickle in one place. What happened? (Answers of children). A sand hill formed at the place where the sand fell. Sand slides, as it were, flows down the slopes of the hill.
And now let's try to depict the wind. How can I do that? (Answers of children). Blow on the sand? (Answers of children). Blow lightly on the sand. What happened? (Answers of children). The sand began to move.

Let's try to figure out why rivers do not flow through the deserts. Using a pipette, pour water onto the sand. What happened? (Answers of children). The sand soaked up the water. Even if it rains in the desert, the water is instantly absorbed by the sand.
So why is there almost no water, plants and animals in the desert? (Answers of children). The sand is constantly moving, the water is quickly absorbed by the sand.

Our lesson has come to an end. We have not yet had time to talk about many interesting sciences that you have to study at school. You have many interesting discoveries ahead of you. I wish you get a lot of knowledge in school and a lot of good grades. Thank you! Goodbye!

Target: the formation of a holistic perception of the world, the development of interest in the research and cognitive activities of children.

Program content: to contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children's knowledge about the properties of air; to develop in children the ability to establish causal relationships on the basis of an elementary experiment and draw conclusions; develop interest in research activities. To form the concept of children about the need for long walks in the fresh air.

To acquaint children with an unconventional air painting technique - blotography.

preliminary work: Conversation: "Living and inanimate nature", looking at illustrations in the encyclopedia; observing the wind while walking, watching the Fixies cartoons.

Material: balloons of different colors and sizes, plastic bags for each child, straws, plastic cups, paints, paper, bottle caps, technical teaching aids (computer, cartoon "Fixies").

Dictionary work: blotography.

Lesson progress:

B: Let's go to the carpet and stand in a circle and say hello to each other.

(GAME for communication) communication

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello! " each other.

We are not too lazy to say hello:

Hi all! ' and 'Good afternoon! »;

If everyone smiles

Good morning will begin.


Look what beautiful balloons I brought: red, green, oh, what happened to the blue balloon? He somehow became sad, small (answers).

And what needs to be done to make the ball round and elastic?

D: - It is necessary to inflate it harder.

Q: - Really? Now I will inflate it (inflate). That's how beautiful he turned out! I wonder what he has inside, look?

D: Air.

Q: Today we will talk about air like real research scientists. Scientists work in a room with a lot of instruments for experiments, but what is the name of this room? Laboratory.

Q: In the laboratory, certain rules must be observed: keep quiet, do not interrupt each other. do not interfere with each other, work quietly, carefully, carefully. Today I organized a small laboratory for you in a group.

Q: Let's go to our laboratory, do experiments (walk in a circle, then go to the tables)

To become a friend of nature

Know all her secrets

Unravel all mysteries

Learn to observe

Together we will develop quality - attentiveness,

And it will help you to know

Our observation.

Q: Here we are in a real scientific laboratory. Sit down at the tables. (children sit down)

Q: So, let's start our experiments:

Experiment No. 1 “How to catch air? »

Q: - Guys, to see the air, you need to catch it. I figured out how we can catch the air and see what it's like.

B: Take a plastic bag. See what's in it? (it's empty).

Q: Yes, it is empty, it can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we draw air into the bag and twist the bag. What happened to the package? Indeed, the bag has changed shape, it is full of air. (answers).

Guys, do you think you can feel the air. (Answers)

B: Good! Let's check. Take a sharp stick and carefully pierce the bag. Bring it to your face and press it with your hands. What do you feel?

Conclusion: the air can be felt.

Q: Do you know how you can see the air? (children's answers)

Experiment No. 2 "We see the air, with the help of a tube and a container of water"

Q: - Yes, guys, you are right, the air is transparent, and to see it, you have to catch it. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in the bag and then let it out. So there is air around us. But I wonder if there is air inside us, what do you think? (answers).

Q: Let's check it out!

Q: - Guys, let's blow into a tube, lowered into a glass of water, quietly, quietly. And let's see what happens.

Q: - Oh, guys, what's going on with the water?

D: Bubbles come out.

Q: - Bubbles? How did they get there? There was only water in the glass (answers).

Q: - I understood that the bubbles are the air that is inside us. We blow into a tube and it comes out in the form of bubbles. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through a tube and bubbles are obtained.

Conclusion: when we exhale a lot of air, there are a lot of bubbles, when we exhale less air, there are few bubbles. With the help of a tube and a container of water, they saw the air.

Why do bubbles rise to the surface?

Because air is lighter than water.

Experiment #3 “Does air have weight? »

Q: We will check this now.

Q: -Look, I made homemade scales from the ruler. the stripe in the middle indicates where to hold the scales. Weigh two uninflated balloons.

B: The scales are evenly positioned, which means that the weight of the uninflated balloons is the same. We inflate one of the balloons. What changed?

Why? Is an inflated balloon heavier than an empty one? What's inside an inflated balloon?

Conclusion: Correct. So air has weight.

Fizminutka. "Bubble" I have a little surprise for you. (I take out soap bubbles). What is this? What do you think is inside the bubbles? Let's play a little. I'll blow bubbles, and you catch.

Now let's go to our laboratory. We are waiting for new discoveries.

Q: Can you hear the air? How can you hear it? (children's answers)

Experiment No. 4 "We hear the air"

Q: If you blow into a jar or bottle, lids from a felt-tip pen, from under jars, or blow off a balloon.

B: Take a bottle, a cap and blow from the edge. What do you hear? Sound, air.

Q: And we also have an inflated balloon on the table, what do you think you can do with this balloon to hear the air? We need to stretch the hole of the balloon and slowly release the air, what do we hear? Squeak, air.

How do we hear the air? (Jars, bottles and a ball helped us).

Conclusion: air can be heard in many ways. And when the wind blows, it drives the air, and so you can hear various sounds of the air (whistle, howl)

Q: Can you smell the air? How? (children's answers)

Experiment No. 5 "Unpleasant to breathe"

Q: - Look, guys, in front of you is another plastic bag. I suggest you blow into it. Now press it to your cheeks and breathe into the bag. Tell me how did you feel? Why did it become unpleasant, difficult to breathe? (answers).

Q: Did the bag run out of air, oxygen? Oxygen is necessary for breathing. Our planet Earth has great wealth. What do you think? (answers).

Q: Of course air is a great wealth of our planet Earth. Man and all living beings on Earth urgently need Air. And not just air, but clean, fresh, oxygenated. Here we go outside, for a walk and stock up on this wealth. Why do you think you need to walk? Why are even the smallest, newborn children taken out for a walk? Why does a person need to walk in the fresh air? (answers).

Experience No. 6 Blotography. “You can paint with air!”

Q: Guys, do you know that you can draw with air? (children's answers) This technique is called inkblotography.

Q: Would you like to try?

Q: Now we will try to draw with the help of air, paints and a tube. (shows the blot technique: drop a drop of watercolor on paper and inflate it with a cocktail tube in different directions. (children try to draw)

Q: So we did a lot of experiments today. And tell me, did you like to conduct experiments (children's answers)

Magic ball game. Summarizing.

Q: - And now I propose to play a game called "Magic Ball". We will all stand in a circle and pass the balloon to each other and tell everything we learned about air today.

Q: What experience did you find most interesting?

Q: What did you learn new today? What is the air painting technique called?

Our lesson has come to an end, you all did a great job, were attentive and active.