Paper craft boat in stages. Paper origami boat. Simple schemes for folding a paper boat

In kindergarten or in elementary school, each child learns to fold various figures out of paper. This knowledge can be taught by teachers, or other children, and, of course, by the parents themselves. The ability to create different figures from paper develops attentiveness, diligence and perseverance in children.

For life, the child remembers the figures that he made the very first - cranes, airplanes, frogs, tulips, etc. The art of creating various paper crafts is also called such a popular word as origami.

The easiest thing is to make a boat out of paper. For this, it is best to use either a landscape sheet or an A4 sheet.

How to make a simple paper boat (steps):

1. Fold a piece of paper lengthwise in half. Then bend in half again and carefully iron all the bends with your hand.

2. Bend the sheet back once - a clear strip should remain from the fold in the middle of it. Bend the upper corners of the sheet to this line so that you get a triangle with right angles. Make sure that the sides are evenly folded and that they clearly overlap the fold of the sheet, without forming overlaps or gaps. Indeed, in order to make the boat stable, it is necessary that all the folds be neat.

Step 1-2

3. You have a strip of double paper left at the bottom. It needs to be bent up, overlaying a triangle. Do this with each of the strips on one side and the other. From the curved strips along the edges, corners remained to protrude. They should be bent over a triangle. You should end up with a figure that looks like a cap.

Step - 3

4. Grasp the lower edges of this cap in the middle and pull them in different directions, opening the cap. The result should be a rhombus (rectangle with equal sides) on one side the top is closed (deaf), and on the other it is open and somewhat similar to an “envelope”. The corners of this envelope must be folded to the top on both sides. Your cap came out again, but now in a smaller size.

Step - 4 (a) Step - 4 (b)

5. Open the cap again. To do this, grab the edges of the formed rhombus and pull them to the sides. Now our boat should turn out from a rhombus. Gently straighten the core to make your boat more stable.

Step - 5

So you made a simple paper boat. Then you can decorate it with drawings, draw funny eyes, paint it in a bright color. As a flag, you can use a toothpick, on which you attach a cut-out flag with threads. Carefully stick the flag into the "core" of the boat. But just be careful not to accidentally tear the paper. A small fabric or plastic anchor can also be attached to the side of the board by attaching it with threads.

How to make a two-pipe boat?

Double-pipe boat

1. To make a two-pipe steamboat, you need to use a sheet of paper that has a square shape. To do this, cut off the excess strip from a regular A4 sheet.

2. To mark the center of the square, bend the sheet diagonally in half. Now fold all four corners towards the center.

Step - 2

3. You should end up with a square that is half the size of the original square.

So you have learned how to make a simple and two-pipe boat out of paper!

Good luck with making a paper boat.

Outside the window, a cheerful drop has been sounding for a long time, our brisk rivulet is murmuring nearby ... spring has not yet begun, but it is shining brightly outside the window and the spring mood is gradually penetrating into our house! The other day my little son asked me to tell and show. Remembering school years and restoring in memory different paper making patterns boats, boats and steamboats, laid out colored paper on a large desk and, together with his son, began to make paper boat...

Preschoolers and elementary school students are very fond of doing origami - folding paper figures. The process becomes especially entertaining when parents participate in it. But such activities have a positive effect on the development of the child. About, how to make a paper boat with your own hands or paper steamer , we will describe in detail below and with the help of master classes with photos you can easily make beautiful paper boats to launch in the nearest pond.
Making decorations, decorative elements and various toys can lure any fidget when he sees paper come to life in his hands. Don't forget to set aside a shelf for finished products so that you can show them to friends and all guests.

We all were once children and loved to make paper boats with our own hands. Years have passed, now it is time to teach this art to the next generation, and at the same time to return to childhood for a while and remember the happiest and most carefree period of life. Some made paper snow-white ships that looked like large steamships, others preferred red or blue motor boats, some girls painted the top of a white paper ship pink, and scarlet sails appeared on it.

The first time the baby needs to be shown how to fold a paper boat(and it’s better to immediately teach him how to work with a scheme for making paper crafts). If you can’t remember the sequence of necessary actions, use the proposed paper boat diagram (below). When the craft is ready, you can play with your child.

Origami allows you to spend time fun and useful. The kid develops a fantasy, he realizes that for a good mood it is not necessary to run and jump, you can sit quietly and do something very exciting. Folding paper with small fingers is painstaking work that improves fine motor skills of the hands.

paper crafts can reveal a creative personality in a child and give rise to new achievements in this area. Even if the subsequent hobby is not related to origami, the first impetus may be given by unpretentious boats.

The process does not end after the boat is ready. You can fold several boats, a steamboat, boats and go for a walk with your child to put them on the water. Considering the parameters of our boats, we conclude that a puddle, a groove and other similar reservoirs will serve as a great sea for them. It will be great if the weather pleases with the sun and a light breeze that will push the boat, which will rush on a long voyage. Forget for a moment about your worries, return to childhood and play with your child. Sending paper boats on a voyage, albeit not very far, is very funny and fun. Children are delighted with such entertainment.

Next you will find step by step diagrams with photos, as well as an explanation of how to make a paper boat with your own hands fast and easy. But paper can be made not only classic a boat, but also a paper steamer or a boat. When you look at the diagrams with photos of the stages of work, pay attention to the fold lines so that our paper boat turns out to be even and without unnecessary dents. On the pages of our site you will find many lessons and master classes on making paper crafts using the origami technique. , as well as other materials on how to make a quickly beautiful paper boat along with their children.

How to make a paper boat

How to make a paper boat

How to make a paper steamer

We hope that now you can easily make both a boat and paper boat or boat along with your child. Even a small child can make a simple paper boat with their own hands , so teach him the basics of origami art, give a sheet of square-shaped paper and invite the kid to try to make a paper boat on his own.

From a sheet of plain paper, you can create various crafts. For example, fold a boat and send it on a short trip to a lake or a small body of water. While doing this, people did not think that they would learn the basics of origami. To make a boat out of paper, you need to fold it in a certain way, following the detailed instructions.

Even toddlers can handle this craft.

A simple boat made of A4 paper

The manufacturing technique resembles the creation of a paper airplane. The master class begins with the selection of paper. It is better to take the usual A4. Office sheets are quite dense and they are white, they make it possible to color the finished craft at your discretion.


  1. Turn A4 over, bend it, but not completely, but only by marking a corner from above. Expand again. The place of the fold is clearly visible.
  2. Focusing on this line, first bend the left corner of the sheet to the center. Swipe your finger over the place of bending, fixing the result.
  3. Fold the right corner in the same way.
  4. Now fold one of the bottom free edges up until it reaches the bottom edge of the previously folded corners.
  5. Fold the second edge in the same way, but on the other side of the ship. Got a paper hat.
  6. Secure the edges by forming small corners, guided by the pattern. Do this with both edges.
  7. A small triangular pocket appeared inside the blank. Open it and fold the product following the opposite fold lines.
  8. Again you get a pocket, only a square shape. Now carefully bend the free edge, only diagonally. Repeat this with the second same edge.
  9. Take both edges of the workpiece and gently stretch. Ready! The classic boat is ready.

Boat in origami technique

You can make a small boat out of paper. It is enough to follow the pictures, reflecting the phased manufacturing process. The technique is simple, even a child can handle it.


  1. Fold the paper in half exactly, swipe along the fold line to mark it. Expand the sheet. Fold both sides together again.
  2. Gently fold inward all 4 corners of the craft. You will get four small folded corners. Bend them one by one again, as shown in figure 4. The blank looks like a long flat boat with two long edges.
  3. Bend the corners on the side inward and turn over. The boat with a small deck is ready.

Instead of white A4 sheets, you can take a newspaper or notebook sheet.

Ship - sailboat made of paper

You can make an origami boat and add sails to it. You get a real sailboat - a sea wanderer.

What you need: a rectangular sheet of paper.


  1. Fold it vertically in half, press firmly and unfold it back. Press both edges to the straight fold line formed in the middle.
  2. Wrap the upper part step by step, then the lower one inward, towards the center. Get a square. Press firmly, now turn back.
  3. Looking at the dotted lines in the indicated diagram, turn the corners from below one by one and align the folds so that a real trapezoid comes out. Do the same with the top two corners.
  4. Turn the piece over. Fold it following the lines. Press firmly and carefully unfold the finished origami ship - a sailboat.

Steamboat with two pipes

Detailed instructions with drawings will help to make a real two-pipe motor ship. The finished craft can be painted, turning the ship into either a dangerous pirate ship or a military one. Depends on design features. If the finished craft is treated with paraffin, he will be able to swim for a long time.

What will be required:

  • sheet of paper (preferably thick);
  • scissors;
  • paints / pencils (color the finished product if you make it from white paper).

Step-by-step instruction:

To make a boat out of paper, first fold a rectangular sheet and carefully cut off the remaining edge. Got a square.

  1. Bend it again diagonally, press the fold line more tightly. Expand. Folds are visible on the paper.
  2. Bend one corner inward, pulling towards the center. Now bend all other corners in the same way. Get a square.
  3. Turn it over and bend all its corners one by one, as you did before.
  4. Turn the workpiece over again and bend the resulting corners more evenly, directing their ends towards the center.
  5. Turn the piece over. There is no need to bend the corners. Carefully unfold one pocket.
  6. Also expand the second pocket opposite. Now straighten the workpiece. Great! Volumetric ship is ready. Expanded pockets - two large pipes of the vessel.

It remains only to color it so that the ship is colored.

Origami boat - video

You will need a sheet of paper - a square.

colored paper boat

Colored paper is also suitable for making boats. The main thing is to pick up dense sheets. You need 1 sheet per craft. This master class will help you create a large double-deck steamer.


  1. Lay down the paper and mark two lines there, horizontal, now vertical.
  2. Bend the bottom half of the sheet exactly in half. Now turn the piece over.
  3. Start folding both edges of the figure inward to a vertical straight line in the center.
  4. Open the corners from the bottom of the workpiece, they will be the side of the future ship.
  5. Gently fold the top half in half and immediately fold it up, following the photo.
  6. Bend the side corners of the workpiece.
  7. Open the figure, now following the lines outlined earlier, fold the edges of the top of the boat to the center.
  8. Turn the piece over. All is ready.

Paper yacht - scheme

Paper ship - video

You will need a square sheet of paper.

How to protect a paper boat from flooding

Having understood how to make a paper boat, it is now important to find out how you can protect your ship. After all, you want to test the finished ship in action, and paper boats, unfortunately, quickly get wet and sink!

Helpful Hints:

  1. Use thick paper instead of newspaper or napkins. Best of all - regular A4 or landscape sheets.
  2. Following the step-by-step scheme, make a boat out of paper. Do not overload it with parts, otherwise the vessel will capsize.
  3. Treat the bottom of the craft with petroleum jelly. The substance repels liquid, preventing the ship from getting wet.

Can paper be replaced with cardboard? If it's thin, yes. Thick cardboard is more difficult to fold and the finished figures are sloppy. The origami technique involves numerous folding and unfolding of the figure. Therefore, it is more convenient to use plain paper. For example, office A4 sheets.

Are dimensions important? Small boats look better. Moreover, they are easier to make. Larger dimensions require more paper. You can glue several A4 sheets or take A3, but if you make a simple boat, you need to supplement it with details. Beautifully colorize, insert figures of people - passengers. But to let such a ship into a real voyage is certainly more interesting.

Often, children in their free time from school try to build something interesting on their own from paper. But as a rule, nothing but standard airplanes and frogs comes to mind. And here, naturally, parents should come to the rescue - caring fathers and mothers. They know for sure that with cool boats made in a matter of minutes from available material, you can lure your own child so much that he will simply - simply forget about everything in the world. Imagine, dear friends, you fantasize and decorate steamships, boats, boats, sailboats with all amicable family contracts, and then let them into the water to see the enchanting floating of paper masterpieces. If you also want to have fun with your children, but are not quite aware of this technique, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article. She will provide 6 ideas on how to easily and simply make a paper boat with your own hands. Crafts will turn out beautiful and clear, let's look at them right now.

A simple boat from a sheet of A4 paper

This is the easiest, fastest and most common version of a paper boat. It can be done by both small children and adults. To create a simple craft from an A4 sheet with your own hands, you should read the step-by-step instructions, as well as a photo and video description.

You will need:

  • Sheet of A4 paper.


  1. Fold the sheet in half 2 times.
  2. Next, unfold the sheet 1 time.
  3. Now fold the top halves of the sides towards the center fold so that you have a corner.
  4. Bend the lower parts of the workpiece up on both sides, while when you fold, there will be extra corners. These corners must be bent over the triangular part of the workpiece. We will do the same on the second side.
  5. Now open the triangle and fold along the other folds. Carefully work out the folds of the sides.
  6. We bend the lower corner of the rhombus up, but not reaching the upper corner by about 2 cm. In the same way, we do it on the other side, turning the workpiece over.
  7. Now we open our blank and fold along other folds.
  8. Holding the side corners, open them by pulling in different directions. You will have a beautiful boat. To better understand our idea, we have prepared a video for you that will help you cope with the task quite quickly.

boat with a sail

If you do not know how to make a paper boat with a sail yourself, then take into account our provided idea. It takes longer to make such a masterpiece, but it turns out to be more interesting and beautiful. In terms of complexity, it is not too different from the first, therefore it is quite accessible for a child to complete. Let's see step-by-step instructions to get the necessary knowledge and skills to create it.

You will need:

  • Sheet of A4 paper;
  • Sheet blank 12×5 cm and 3×3 cm;
  • Thin wire;
  • Scissors;
  • Large needle;
  • PVA glue.


  1. We do the craft itself in the same way as in the first version.
  2. With a needle, make a hole in the top of the triangle of the boat.
  3. We need to thread the wire into the hole and bend it from below so that it holds.
  4. From a sheet of 12 × 5 we need to make a sail. The needle should pierce two holes for fastening and put the sail on the wire.
  5. Now we make a flag from a small blank. Fold the sheet in half and attach to the wire, bending it down. We need to glue the two parts of the flag together.
  6. Use scissors to cut a triangle on the flag to make two cloves.
  7. Straighten all the details of your beautiful paper boat and you can start it sailing. As a prime example, we encourage you to watch our video. It will tell you how easier and easier it is to cope with this creative work at home.

DIY paper boat

Another option is a simple paper boat that you can make yourself. Both you and your child will like such a beautiful boat, and most importantly, it will swim perfectly. Let's see how to build such a boat, using our step-by-step description of the provided idea.

You will need:

  • Sheet of A4 paper.


  1. Lay the sheet vertically on the table.
  2. Pull the upper right corner to the middle of the left side so that the top edge of the sheet lies parallel to the left edge of the sheet. And we make a bend.
  3. Next, straighten the sheet and fold in the same way only from left to right.
  4. Now fold the bottom of the sheet of paper in half to the fold line of the top.
  5. At the lower bent part on both sides, we bend the triangles up.
  6. Unfold the upper part and make another fold, pulling the top line to the bottom. Thus, you will have a horizontal fold.
  7. Now, along the horizontal folds, we fold the upper part of the sheet into a triangle, bending these folds inward, and the rest outward.
  8. The resulting workpiece is folded in half lengthwise. Turn back.
  9. Now turn the back of the sheet towards you and fold into a triangle, pulling the sides to the center.
  10. Fold the lower small triangles up along the folds. You will get a figure that looks like a rhombus.
  11. Pull the side corners to the central fold.
  12. Fold our workpiece in half lengthwise.
  13. Now straighten a beautiful paper boat, opening the central fold outward and gradually form a boat. For a more detailed and visual examination of the master class, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following interesting video made using the origami technique.

flat bottom boat

Another version of a simple paper boat is a model with a flat bottom. It will swim great in puddles or rivers. To make such a creation with your own hands, you can read our step-by-step instructions, as well as a photo and video description of the idea provided.

You will need:

  • Sheet of A4 paper.


  1. Fold a sheet of paper into 3 parts so that the folds are along the sheet. Work out all the folds well.
  2. Unfold one fold and fold the other in half, leaving the middle section intact.
  3. Then straighten back.
  4. Now, in the upper part, bend two corners inward, focusing on the center of this part.
  5. In the same way, bend the remaining part, bending the sides towards the middle.
  6. On the other side, fold only one corner along the side where the paper is folded in half.
  7. We bend the previously bent side to the common side.
  8. Bend out half of this part, and unbend back.
  9. Now, from the side where 4 corners were bent, we add 4 more in the same way, only on the free side.
  10. On the other hand, we bend one corner.
  11. Divide the resulting blank into 2 equal parts and begin to form a beautiful boat.
  12. The part where only one corner was bent, fold along the line where the sides of these triangles end.
  13. Bend back and open the workpiece in the middle. You will get the bow of the boat on one side.
  14. On the other side, straighten the walls and corners to get the back of the boat.
  15. Now you will have a good craft. To facilitate your creative work, we suggest watching a video that will tell and show you how to make a paper boat using the origami technique quite simply and quickly.

The simplest paper boat

If you want to surprise your friends or a child with the fastest paper boat assembly, then you should like this option. Such a masterpiece will not float, at least for a long time, but it has an original assembly method. Let's see how to make such a miracle with your own hands.

You will need:

  • Sheet of paper (square).


  1. To carry out this idea correctly, you must first fold a square sheet diagonally.
  2. Now fold the bottom of the triangle (about 1/3 of the way) up. Work the folds well.
  3. Unbend the structure and turn the lower bent parts in such a way that you get the sides of a beautiful and neat do-it-yourself boat.
  4. Our quick assembly product is ready! If you are at a loss in the process of creating crafts, then we offer you a video. You will get through it much faster.

Origami paper boat

In order for you to be able to quickly create such an original paper boat at home, it will not take much effort and time. It only takes a few times to carefully review our step-by-step master class and success will be in your capable hands.

For work you will need:

  • colored paper (square);
  • tassel;
  • office glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. In order for this idea to please you, you need to be patient and show a desire. Making a yacht is not difficult at all, on the contrary, it is very exciting. We take a bright sheet of any color and fold it in half diagonally so that we get one large triangle. We bend its edges with a finger, and then unfold it and fold it in half again, but on the other side, trying to form the same geometric figure.
  2. On an unfolded sheet of paper, we received two longitudinal cross fold lines, which marked the center of our sheet. Now we put the material with an acute angle up - like a rhombus. We bend its right edge, highlighting the clearly bent side with a finger, and pull it to the center.
  3. After that, we need to fold our rhombus with three corners in half, but so that its central part looks outward. That is, the previously bent right corner should look up, and not inward. As a result, we will learn something like a triangle, but its right side will not have a sharp shape.
  4. Now we have to bend the top of the right side of the triangle inward so that we get a small rhombus. We press its upper sides with a finger, creating a clear line.
  5. Now we need to bend the upper left side of the rhombus just obtained from the bottom up, making a sharp triangle in this way. In this way, we act with the right side of our figure.
  6. We should connect the sharp upper base of our rhombus together, put it on its side in the form of a kind of flag, highlight the fold lines on both sides with a finger, and then turn it back.
  7. We should slightly bend the sharp corner of the unfolded rhombus, then connect the opposite sides of the figure together, pressing them tightly.
  8. We also have to bend the upper left side of the rhombus outward, pulling it to the very center of the small rhombus. Do not forget to run your finger along the bent lines.
  9. Now we also need to bend the left side corner of the rhombus slightly, pressing it, and unfold it.
  10. Similarly, we will need to do with the right side of the rhombus.
  11. After that, we put the right side of the rhombus on the left, and, as it were, pull the middle of the figure up so that the pipe looks out at the ship.
  12. We hide the tips of the two sides folded in half inside. We have a five-pointed figure with a pipe at the top.
  13. Now we bend the bottom side up and pull it almost to the base of the yacht. We fix the folds with our finger, and then we unfold our bottom of the yacht and lift the edges of the ship up so that they are on all sides of the product.
  14. We have to fasten the back of the craft with clerical glue so that it does not open.
  15. Gently straighten the bottom of the product with your fingers and put it on the table to admire. Such a beautiful creative work will appeal to every parent and child as well. The idea at first glance will seem difficult, but with the help of our prepared video, all difficulties will disappear by themselves. Do not believe it, it is worth making such a paper creation with your own hands.