Master class “Theatrical activity as a means of developing the speech of preschool children. "Theatrical activity as a means of developing the speech activity of preschoolers

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №56 "Ship"

Self-education plan

for 2017 - 2018 academic year

Subject:"Theatrical activity as a means of developing speech in children of senior preschool age »

Educator of a mixed age group No. 2

Kravchenkova Elena Nikolaevna

1. Relevance:

Theatrical activity is the most common type children's creativity. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deep in his nature and finds its detachment spontaneously, because it is connected with the game. The child wants to put all his inventions, impressions from the life around him into living images and actions. Entering the character, he plays any role, trying to imitate what he sees and what interests him, and getting great emotional pleasure.

Therefore, I believe that this work allows us to make the life of our pupils interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity.

The value of theatrical activity:

Helps to assimilate the richness of the native language, its expressive means

There is a keen interest in independent knowledge and reflection

Improves articulation apparatus

Dialogic, emotionally rich speech is formed

Improves the assimilation of the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events

Children get an emotional lift

Promotes the development of elements of verbal communication: facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, intonation, voice modulation

Allows you to shape the experience of social behavior

Stimulates active speech

2. Purpose: create conditions for the development of children's speech through creative activity in theatrical activities.

3. Tasks for the teacher:

Analysis of program and methodological materials, development of the structure of the program and methodological set;

Project development;

Definition and content of methods, technologies effective use theatrical activities for the speech development of preschoolers;

Creation of a subject-developing environment for the use of innovative and developing technologies in speech development by means of theatrical activities;

Identification of the level of development of children educational program on speech development;

Involvement of parents in joint theatrical activities.

4. Tasks for children:

Formation grammatical structure the child's speech, his sound culture, monologue, dialogic forms of speech, teaching effective communication and speech expressiveness;

Improving the playing skills and creative independence of children through the staging of musical, theatrical fairy tales, puppet shows, dramatization games, acting training exercises;

Activation of the thought process and cognitive interest in children

5. Work started on 09/01/2016. It is expected to end on 05/30/2017.

6. Estimated result:

Ability to master the skills of expressive speech ; the ability to convey various feelings using facial expressions, gesture, intonation;

Show interest, desire for theatrical art; convey images of fairy-tale characters with characteristic movements;

Interact collectively and in concert, showing their individuality; the ability to consistently express their thoughts;

The ability to pronounce the same phrase with different intonations, tongue twisters in different paces, with different voice power;

The ability to control their feelings, hold themselves confidently in front of an audience.

10 . Form self-education : individual.

11. The form of the report on the work donework:

Photo report on the DOW website


theoretical stage.

1. Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. M. : TC Sphere, 2004

2. Petrova T. I. Theatrical games in kindergarten"School press" - M .: 2000

3. Makhaneva M. D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten: a guide for preschool workers - M .: TC Sphere, 2001

4. Makhaneva M. D. Classes in theatrical activities in kindergarten. Creative Center, Moscow, 2009.

During a year

Working with parents:

Questioning on the topic: “Theatre and children”, “Studying the dialogic speech of children by means of theatrical activities. »

To make a table finger theater together with parents and children.

Advice for parents:

"The development of children in theatrical activities"

"Theatrical Games"

"The development of speech of children of senior preschool age through theatrical activities »

Instructions to parents to make attributes for theatrical performances.

During a year

Games for intonation of polite and kind words"Bunny", "Fox", "Bird".

Selection of poems and preparation of pupils for the competition of readers for the holiday "I come from the Don region"


Theatrical games:

- "Merry Old Man-Forester"

- “Let's play. - guess. (ABoseva)

Game: "How the soup was cooked" to imitate movements

- Pantomime game:

- "Snowdrift"

- "Bears"

- “Nose, wash yourself!” (Based on a poem by E. Moshkovskaya)


Theatrical performance based on Russian folk tales "The Crane and the Heron"


Theatrical games:

Game "Let's laugh"

- Game: "My Imagination".

- Game: Tongue Gymnastics

Theatrical performances: "Magic Briar", "Forest Adventure"

December - January

Acting out poems and situations:

Playing out a poem by B. Zakhoder: “The pussy is crying ...”

Role-playing of the poem "Grasshopper" by A. Apukhtin.

Playing out the situation “I don’t want semolina!”

Role-playing the poem "Who thinks?" M. Karim

Tell poems using facial expressions and gestures.

“Milk ran away” (M. Borovitskaya)

February March

Theatrical performance "Tales about how the bear-Toptyzhka learned the secret of health"

Theatrical performance "One Day in Kindergarten"

Reporting concert

April May

Theatrical activity as a means of developing children's speech.

Z. Kh. Aknazarova

MDOBU "TsRR - d / s" Aigul "Sibay

In children with underdevelopment of speech, the presence of secondary deviations in the leading mental processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination, etc.) creates additional difficulties. When solving the main tasks of remedial education as:

Practical assimilation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

Formation of correct pronunciation (restoration of articular skills of sound pronunciation, syllabic structure, phonemic hearing and perception).

Preparing for literacy. Possession of the elements of literacy.

Development of coherent speech skills. Therefore, it is necessary to use methods, techniques and means that facilitate and guide the process of formation of a detailed semantic statement.

It is necessary to build classes in such a way that children live on them. natural life so that they become interested voluntarily drawn into it, so that it would not be a burden to parents and children corrective work.

Parents and teachers are faced with the problem of the child's unwillingness to complete tasks. It is known that arbitrary behavior at preschool age, it is just beginning to develop and a preschooler cannot constantly obey the rules and requirements of an adult. More L.S. Vygotsky spoke of "the unity of affect and intellect in preschoolers." Education according to the adult program will be ineffective if the child does not want it. It is necessary that this “program” become, and the “program” of the child. Thus, children need effective motivation for classes to correct their speech deficiencies.

This motivation is the theatrical game. Where the child will be able to realize their potential.

In theatrical activity, the specificity of performance scenarios is important: the main character cannot pronounce certain sounds correctly or even speaks according to the content of the performance, he is forced to learn this.

Attracting the audience, he goes through various “speech” tests: learn to do gymnastics for fingers, tongue, hum vowel sounds, imitate animal voices, pronounce tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

Favorite characters become role models.

All theatrical games can be divided into three main groups:

Director's games are a table theater of toys and pictures, poster games (theater on a flonelegraph) are three-dimensional or planar.

Here, intonation and facial expressions predominate, and pantomime is limited, since the child acts with a fixed figure or toy. These games are used in the classroom when compiling stories from pictures, series plot pictures. Games: “A word from each”, “Chains”, “Agree”, “Continue”, etc.

Speech therapist: Kolobok.

Children: - rolling - along the path - along the forest path.

When working with the fairy tale "Whose dress is more beautiful" B.N.S. or "Hare is a boy." Children can come up with beautiful adjectives to characterize the characters. For example: little hare: - pretty - sad

gray - surprised

Fluffy - cowardly

Cheerful - long-eared

2. Games - dramatizations involve arbitrary reproduction of any plot in accordance with the scenario. They are based on the actions of the performer, who uses finger theater and b-ba-bo puppets. These games are used in the retelling of stories and fairy tales. Children learn to control their voice, intonation, facial expressions, clear articulation, gestures. They develop memory, imagination, learn to interact with each other.

3. Special games develop imagination, facial expressions, pantomimics, aimed at the formation of breathing, clear diction, intonation, articulation. Such games should be systematized in accordance with the thematic work plan and used during physical education and organizational issues. Games "On the contrary", "Find the mistake" "Extra words" For example: In the fairy tale "Gulbik's stepdaughter". Selection of synonyms and antonyms. Brave, funny, hardworking, kind, affectionate, etc.

Theatrical games are held in stages.

1. At the first stage, game exercises are systematically performed aimed at developing pantomime mimicry, which also serves as a kind of prologue to future dramatizations. Thanks to them, movements acquire greater confidence and control in preparing articulation and staging sounds. Children begin to switch more easily from one movement to another, learn to independently solve a motor problem, understand the nuances of facial expressions, gestures and movements of another person.

2. At the second stage, games and exercises are introduced to develop breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, and speech logic.

3. At the third stage, one should proceed to the dramatization of poems, jokes and nursery rhymes using a table or finger theater.

4. At the fourth stage, you can move on to a more complex activity of dramatizing stories and fairy tales.

Theatrical games are one of the most effective ways corrective impact on the child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: to teach while playing.

All of the above leads to the following conclusions:

In the process of theatrical games, children's knowledge of the world around them expands and deepens.

Vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic-intonation side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech are activated and improved.

Motility, coordination, smoothness, switchability, purposefulness of movements are improved.

The emotional-volitional sphere develops.

Behavior is being adjusted.

A sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other develops.

Participation in theatrical games gives children joy, arouses active interest, and captivates them.


Artemova L. V. Theatrical games of preschoolers. - M., 1983.

Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech. - M., 1983.

Aknazarova Z. Kh. 2018

I have been working with children for over twenty years. I love this age, in which everything is known for the first time: separation from loved ones, new adults, communication with peers, rules of conduct, activities, skills, skills, etc. It's nice to see how a crying, tightly clinging to his mother baby, who was first brought to the group, after a while turns into a calm one, independent child. He already knows how and loves to communicate with children, educators. According to my mother, when she is sick, she is bored and asks to go to kindergarten. Parents are happy and grateful, and we enjoy the results of our work.

However, in recent years we have been concerned about the level of speech development of children. If in the past there were two out of twenty children in the group - three completely non-speaking and three - four poorly speaking children, now we observe the age norm of speech in five, maximum seven children!

Therefore, we are constantly looking for and improving methods and techniques for developing the speech of our kids.

One of the children's favorite activities in our group is theatrical games and staging of Russian folk tales. All children love fairy tales, and if you can take on the role yourself, speak and move like your favorite fairy tale character, it's so exciting!

We have made a long-term lesson plan theatrical and gaming activities for the entire academic year. We conduct these games - classes as entertainment at the time of independent play activities of children.

By participating in theatrical games, children get acquainted with the world around them, their knowledge of the life of people and animals expands: where someone lives; who eats what, the characteristic features of animals and beasts; who is good and who is evil; who to be afraid of, and who to be friends with.

Theatricalization has a great influence on the mental development of the child, improving all aspects of the personality: perception, memory, imagination. Moral character traits are developed artistic and aesthetic perception, etc.

We believe that theatrical games are of great importance for the development of children's speech. Even poorly speaking, very shy or withdrawn children, participating in the staging of a well-known plot, begin to pronounce the words and phrases of their favorite fairy tale, feel relaxed and comfortable in communicating with the teacher and peers.

During the staging of a fairy tale, the vocabulary is enriched, the grammatical structure of speech, dialogic and intonational speech is improved. Each child conveys the character of his character in his own way: Vanya has a cheerful and cunning fox, Nastya has an angry fox.

During actions with figures of the theater, fine motor skills of the fingers develop, because children are not only spectators, but active participants in the performance.

Our group contains nine types of sets for the theater:

1. - figurines of characters from Russian folk tales, cut out of thick paper, with reverse side magnetic strip. With its help, the figures are tightly held on the magnetic board.

2. (wood) - figurines made of wood, brightly colored, easily put on the finger of an adult and a child.

3(fabric) - the figures are sewn from fabric (knitted from threads) of various colors and textures, they are comfortable and easy to hold on the finger. They do not take up much space, they can "live" in a mother's bag and will help entertain the baby on a long trip or in line for a doctor's appointment. With their help, you can revive your favorite poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales.

4. - these are soft stuffed dolls, in bright Russian folk costumes of fine handmade work, about twenty centimeters high. Dolls have special pockets for fingers on their feet, with their help the dolls can walk. On sale there are sets of the most popular fairy tales for kids.

5. (tree) - represented by figures of people and animals, details of prefabricated houses. Using design skills, children are happy to build a fairy-tale tower, a hut or a house and beat the building with the help of fairy tale characters.

6. Theater on flannelgraph– cork board, covered with felt fabric, impregnated with a special composition that allows holding illustrations and figurines of fairy-tale characters cut out of paper and pasted onto velvet paper.

7. - wild and domestic animals, characters of favorite fairy tales: "Three Bears", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", etc.

8. - these are sets of fairy-tale characters made in the form of a wooden nesting doll. They are especially loved by kids, children are surprised and enthusiastic to watch how many other characters of the fairy tale appear from one nesting doll.

9. Theater - puzzles (wood)- the figures of the heroes of the fairy tale are inserted into the desired slot, a complete picture of the plot of the fairy tale is obtained.

It is necessary to introduce children to the staging of fairy tales gradually. When reading a fairy tale, we draw the attention of children to large bright illustrations of the book. We examine in detail the images of the heroes of the fairy tale: the grandmother is gray-haired, old, on her head is a colored scarf, on her feet are bast shoes, a jacket is white, a skirt is red, an apron is blue, with a pocket. She smiles, her eyes are affectionate - it means that her grandmother is good, kind. Consider a bunny - the ears are long, the tail is short, the fur is fluffy, gray. The eyes are black, frightened, the bunny is afraid of someone, which means the bunny is a coward!

First, we show the actions of the character ourselves and ask them to show the child (how the bear walks, how the bunny cried, etc.). Then we learn to act with figures of the heroes of a fairy tale, noting the characteristic features of the characters.

When reading a fairy tale, we speak in the voice of a character: by the mouse - in a quiet, thin voice; for the wolf - low, rude; for the fox - affectionate, cunning. With our intonation we try to convey the attitude towards the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale - approving or condemning (well done, cockerel, helped the bunny drive the fox out of the hut! With our speech, we evoke reciprocal emotions of children - they threaten the bear with a finger, shake their fists indignantly, shout out words of condemnation (Ai-ai-ai, bad, bad, go away, etc.).

The same fairy tale is repeated periodically so that the children remember the plot and the characters of the fairy tale well. In a group and on a walk, you need to remind the characteristic movements, phrases of characters, songs, etc. After making sure that the plot is well understood, we involve children in staging. You can use figurines of a table or finger theater, walking puppets, or you can combine several types of toys.

Some kids say:

I will be Kolobok!

And I'm a fox!

Others need to offer:

Do you want, Nastya, to be a bunny?

Starting a joint story, it is necessary to encourage the child to take action in accordance with the chosen role. If the child has forgotten the words of the character, you need to remind him of the necessary phrases. No need to demand literal reproduction. In the future, with repeated games, the activity of children increases, they can already independently, acting as theater figures, tell their favorite fairy tales.

Bold, self-confident children always strive to be the main characters, and the task of the educator is to give shy, timid kids the opportunity to express themselves.

In our practice, there was a case when the little modest Vanechka, who was so suitable for the role of a mouse in staging the fairy tale "Teremok", but apparently impressed by the role of the main character of the bear, suddenly came out importantly, with a clubfoot confident gait, spoke in a loud low voice. It turned out such a bear that we could not believe our eyes!

We advise parents to use any set of toys for theatrical activities in home games with children. You can involve older children, grandparents in staging. If guests with children come, you can entertain them with a funny home theater. You can also make theatrical puppets with your own hands. Our group has a collection of finger theater figures made by the hands of parents from papier-mâché, salt dough, glued cotton, knitted and sewn from fabric. Although they are not as beautiful as purchased ones, they are valuable because they are made by parents together with the child! Let the participation of the baby be minimal, but he is so proud and happy - “he made the eyes of the bunny himself!”. Co-creation and play strengthen family relationships help children feel the attention, care and love of their parents.

The correct and timely formation of speech in a child is a process that requires time and some effort. How can parents help the baby cope with the difficulties of mastering this skill? The answer is simple - development of speech in theatrical games will be not only effective, but also very entertaining.

Theatrical game as a means of speech development

We live in an age of information abundance. Various gadgets and newfangled toys often not only do not bring any benefit, but also significantly slow down speech development preschoolers. Many parents, unfortunately, without realizing it themselves, spend too little time communicating with their children, as well as sharing. Because of this, the vocabulary of many modern children is rather meager, more and more often problems arise with the pronunciation of certain sounds and the ability to express their own thoughts and emotions through speech.

In our time, it is especially important to introduce children to theatrical art, stimulating their genuine interest and sincere desire to learn the basics of speech communication. Thanks to this approach, you can gently teach your child important and useful skills.

Theatrical game is the most effective and affordable way to develop speech. Secret This method is simple: kids learn in a playful way. And all children love to play.

IMPORTANT! Many physiologists claim that the movement of the fingers stimulates the "speech" areas of the brain. Finger games are great for language development.

Speech development through theatrical play is very useful. This broadens the horizon, enriches vocabulary, develops imagination and facial expressions, relieves muscle and psychological tension, helps to establish the correct pronunciation, articulation, intonation and diction.

Theatrical classes give the child the opportunity to try on various roles. The kid can try yourself as actor, screenwriter, costume designer, puppet master etc. During games, the little one feels more relaxed, forgets about complexes and phobias. Such activities are emotionally liberating and increase develop communication skills. Naturally, all this helps the development of speech.

The best theatrical games for the development of children's speech

Theatrical games should be selected by age, gradually complicating the task. Good for little kids simple exercises aimed at speech staging And increase in vocabulary. Older children can already independently take part in performances, sketches and improvisations. Do not overload the little ones too much, classes should be regular, but not too long. Otherwise, you run the risk of tiring the baby, and he will completely lose interest.

There are a lot of theatrical games that help the development of speech. We have compiled a selection of the most popular ones for you.

  • Repetition of poems, nursery rhymes.

Read a short line of the work, the child must repeat it after you. It is important to pronounce words with intonation and the necessary pauses, thereby setting an example for the baby. With each exercise, the child's expressive reading skill will improve. This option is well suited for children who do not yet know how to read.

  • intonation setting.

Teach your baby to read (or repeat after you) works with different expressions (sad, funny, strict, cowardly, etc.). Let the baby express the emotional states of the character with the help of intonation (joy, sadness, surprise, etc.). Start with simple plots, use Russian folk tales, poems by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, etc. for this. To develop the purity of speech and pronunciation will help tongue twisters.

  • Onomatopoeia.

Ask your baby to reproduce the sounds of nature (the sea is making noise, it is raining, the wind is blowing, etc.) and the sounds that animals make. In this game, you can use facial expressions and gestures.

PECULIARITIES! The development of speech through a theatrical game occurs not only during the acting performance, but also during the discussion of the performance. Before conducting a performance based on a fairy tale, as well as after it, have a conversation with the child about the content of the work. Ask him which characters he liked and which he didn't, and why. It is important to teach the child not to memorize the text, but to understand its meaning.

  • Improvisation.

Play out some situation from life with your child without a preliminary scenario (“going to the store”, “in the library”, etc.).

  • Musical performance.

singing along musical accompaniment not only develops a sense of tact and improves mood, but also helps to memorize new words. Do breathing and speech exercises before class.

Regular theatrical games can be used as a means of developing the speech of children, which will help to improve the level of speech development and eliminate its various disorders. Introduce your child to art, instill a love for regular reading useful books, limit viewing, as well as spending time with gadgets and toys, and most importantly, give your baby as much of your communication and attention as possible.

The development of coherent speech: theatrical games,useful video

As you already understood, theatrical games play an important role in the development of the speech of preschoolers. A selection of educational games for children 3-4 years old:






Completed by Baklykova

Larisa Anatolievna

Specialty: 050704

Preschool education

Course IV, group D.Z. 5.1

Leader: Lysechko

Irina Anatolievna

Volgodonsk 2012

Introduction. Theoretical foundations of the study of the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the development of speech and phonemic hearing

1 Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the use of theatrical activities in the development of speech and phonemic hearing

2 The influence of theatrical and gaming activities on the development of speech

3 Didactic bases for the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the educational process. Ways and conditions for the development of speech through theatrical and gaming activities

2 Techniques for the development of children's speech through theatrical and gaming activities

3 Analysis and evaluation of the results of the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the development of children's speech





Speech activity as a set of speech processes of speaking and understanding is the basis communication activities and includes non-speech means: gestures, facial expressions, pantomime movements. In recent years, unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of children with speech disorders. In addition, speech disorders may be accompanied by deviations in personality formation. As a rule, such children are distinguished by distractibility, aggressiveness, self-doubt, and increased physical activity. Therefore, speech development should begin from the early preschool age. Preschool age is the most favorable period for the comprehensive development of the child. At this age, all mental processes are actively developing in children: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech, as well as the formation of the basic personality traits.

One of the most effective means of developing and educating a child in preschool age is theater and theatrical games, because. the game is the leading activity of preschool children, and the theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art, which allows you to solve many problems. actual problems pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of the communicative qualities of the individual, the development of imagination, fantasy, initiative, etc.

"Theatrical activity of preschoolers", as a concept, is legally enshrined in the State Educational Standard preschool education. The replacement of the term "theatrical and play activity of preschoolers" is due to the further development of psychological and pedagogical science, the change in the paradigm of modern education.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are wide. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make the children think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Improving speech is closely related to mental development.

The relevance of our researchwe see that the theatrical game helps to solve one of the critical tasks- the development of speech in the same way as in the process of a theatrical game the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonational structure are improved. The role played, the uttered remarks put the child in front of the need to express himself clearly, clearly, understandably. He improves dialogic speech, its grammatical structure. At the same time, the developing potential of theatrical play is not used enough in preschool institutions.

Object of study- theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing and improving speech, the formation of phonemic hearing.

Subject of study- conditions for the formation of phonemic hearing and the development of speech in the process of theatrical and gaming activities.

Based on the findings, we determined purpose of the study- select the most effective types the use of theatrical and gaming activities for the development of speech and the formation of phonemic hearing in preschoolers.

Research objectives:

To study and analyze the scientific-methodical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem.

Determine the main areas of research and identify the most effective uses of theatrical and gaming activities in educational DOW process.

Formulate the leading conditions, ensuring the effect in the use of theatrical and gaming activities for the development of speech and the formation of phonemic hearing in preschoolers.

Hypothesis:the selection of various types of theatrical and play activities has a positive effect on the development of speech and the formation of phonemic hearing in preschoolers if:

1.The teacher understands the need to use theatrical and game activities as a means of developing speech.

2.Effective methods of using theatrical and game activities for the development of speech are selected.

3.Theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing speech will be used consciously and systematically.

Methodological basisof our study is the position on the development of speech in preschoolers (M.M. Aleksseva, V.I. Yashina, G.A. Fomicheva, L.P. Fedorenko, etc.), as well as the position on the development of children's speech in the process of theatrical play activities (I. Yaroslavtseva, S.N. Tomchikova, N.S. Karpinskaya and others).

When considering the state of the problem under study, in practice, such methods were used as: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, complex method diagnostics of speech development, observation, experiment, analysis of the obtained data, generalization.

Theoretical significance of the studydetermined by the fact that its results allow us to expand and deepen our understanding of the positive impact of theatrical and gaming activities on the development of speech in preschool children.

The practical significance of the worklies in the fact that the cycle of classes developed in the study and methodological recommendations for the development of coherent speech by means of theatrical and gaming activities can be used in the practical activities of educators to optimize the process of speech development of preschool children.

Research noveltyformulated in that to activate speech development, especially on initial stage, various types of activities are used: the development of facial expressions, teaching gestures, the development of pantomime, games for the development of speech breathing; articulatory motility, phonemic perception, correct pronunciation, coordination of movements, fine motor skills hands, relieving muscle tension, the formation of correct posture; tasks for improving the grammatical structure of speech, dialogic and monologic forms of speech, game skills and creative independence.

I. Theoretical foundations of the study of the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the development of speech and phonemic hearing

1 Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the use of theatrical activities in the development of speech and phonemic hearing

Theatrical activity of preschoolers is a fairly new pedagogical concept that has a long history of its formation.

At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries, under the influence of the West, a home theater entered the life of a noble family, which introduced the child to theatrical art. And professional (permanent) theaters for children have been organized in our country since 1918. The first stationary children's theater of the Moscow City Council, headed by N.I. Sats, where initially only puppet and ballet performances are shown.

In preschool institutions, new types of theaters (picture theater, toy theater, parsley theater, shadow theater) are beginning to be widely used both for showing children and for independent acting out by children.

New concepts of "theatrical and game activity" and "theatrical game" are introduced into pedagogical science and practice. They receive the following definitions: “theatrical and gaming activity of preschoolers” is “a generalized concept that combines various kinds of performances: tabletop, finger, shadow theaters, various screen performances, dramatization games”, and “theatrical games” are “games-representations, where certain literary representations are played out in faces and with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, specific images are recreated.”

With the development of the system of public preschool education, the theater begins to enter the life of kindergartens. Children themselves begin in the form of a character and begin to play the role they have taken on. In the works of D.V. Mendzheritskaya, V.G. Shiryaeva, N.A. Vetlugina, N.S. Karpinskaya, L.S. Furmina and others, reveals views on the importance of dramatization in the educational process of kindergarten, which lays the foundation for further study of the creative imagination of preschoolers in theatrical activities. In pedagogical science, the acting out of fairy tales and stories by preschoolers is called dramatization and dramatization games. New types of theaters (picture theatre, toy theater, parsley theater, shadow theater) are beginning to be widely used in the preschool educational institution, both for showing to children and for independent acting out by children, articles from work experience are published, T.N. and Yu.G. Karamanenko "puppet theater for preschoolers" (1960) and G.V. Genov "Theater for Kids" (1968). In addition, new concepts are introduced into pedagogical science and practice: “theatrical and gaming activity” and “theatrical game”. These concepts receive the following definitions: “theatrical and gaming activity of preschoolers” is a generalized concept that combines various kinds of performances: tabletop, finger, shadow theaters, various screen performances, dramatization games, and “theatrical games” are “ games - performances where certain literary works are played out in faces and with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, specific images are recreated.

The humanization of all spheres of human life in the 90s of the twentieth century makes the problem of developing the creative imagination of the individual, which, as we indicated earlier, possible only in the process of vigorous activity(S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin), including in the theatrical. IN given period articles from the experience of working with children on theatrical activities are published on the pages of the periodical press.

Scientists have developed a classification of theatrical games used in work with preschoolers. The study of publications shows that today there is no single classification of theatrical games and allows us to identify four approaches to its implementation.

L.S. Furmina divides theatrical games, based on the specifics of the character, into subject games, subdivided into a table theater and a theater on a screen, where, in her opinion, the characters are certain objects (toys, dolls, figurines, bibabo dolls, etc.), which children move and pronounce words for them, i.e. puppet theater games, and non-objective ones, to which the author refers to dramatization, in which "the children themselves, in the form of a character, play their role." The author divides the table theater into theater with bulk material(toy theater), in which children act out a performance with toys, and a theater with planar material (planar theater), in which children act out a performance. The theater on the screen is divided into the theater with voluminous material ( glove puppets) and a theater with planar material (stick figures, shadow theatre).

ON THE. Reutskaya classifies theatrical games according to their artistic design and distinguishes between games - dramatization, games with a table theater (planar and volumetric figures characters), flannelographer, shadow theater, parsley theater (bi-ba-bo), puppet games. Classification N.A. Reutskaya is close to the classification of theatrical games proposed by L.S. Furmina, and complements it with new types of games in the puppet theater.

The classification of theatrical games developed by L.V. Artemyeva, the means of representation (emotional expressiveness), which the participants of the game use in the process of playing out the theme and plot of a work of art, are divided into two main groups: director's games, including tabletop, shadow theater, theater on a flannelgraph, and dramatization games, including dramatization with attributes ( mask, cap, costume or its element, emblem), game - dramatization with fingers, game - dramatization with bibabo dolls. According to N. S. Karpinskaya, to dramatize means to play in the faces of any literary work, preserving the sequence of the episodes told in it, and conveying the characters of its characters. A dramatization game is an activity that requires preschoolers to have the necessary abilities, skills and abilities to perform it.

The author also refers improvisation to this group, which involves playing out a theme, a plot without prior preparation. All previous types of theater L.V. Artemyeva considers it preparation for this most difficult and interesting game.

In the study by S.N. Tomchikova considers the classification of games (classes, types, subspecies), which is based on the category of initiative coming from the subject of the game, which allows you to take a fresh look at theatrical games. The author identifies three classes of children's games: games that arise on the initiative of the children themselves, in which the child uses his life experience and enriches it in his own and independent play environment; games that arise on the initiative of an adult, come from an adult and enrich the amateur games of children, accumulating the mechanism of activity, its content and form, which the child must appropriate, make his property; folk games coming from historical traditions ethnos class, allowing the child to join the universal human experience. This classification of games helps to present the directions for using different types of theatrical games in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. Thus, it can be argued that all of the above classifications do not contradict each other, but only complement each other, expanding the specifics and diversity of the entire modern arsenal of theatrical games used for the development of older preschoolers. It is also important that the process of introducing different types of theater into the practice of working with preschool institutions continues. So, for example, cane puppets, puppets with a living hand, children's opera are introduced. It should also be noted that at present, a number of programs are being created for theatrical activities of preschoolers, using different conceptual approaches, different forms learning, types of theatrical games for the development of preschoolers. The term "theatrical activity of preschoolers" has three semantic units: "activity", "preschooler", "theatrical". IN explanatory dictionaries In the Russian language, “activity” is interpreted as “work, occupation in some area, and “preschooler” as “a child of preschool age”, i.e. “before entering school (from 3 to 7).” The term “theatrical” is defined as “containing elements of dramatic action” and a derivative of theatricalize, that is, adapt for performance in the theater.

Thus, the "theatrical activity of preschoolers" can be described as an activity for preschool children, containing elements of dramatic action and adapted for performances in the theater. However, as the researcher points out, this general definition does not reveal the whole essence and originality of this type of activity, so there is a need for its deeper analysis.

In the process of analyzing literary sources, it was revealed that the theatrical activity of preschoolers, on the one hand, is associated with theatrical art, that is, with an artistic view, and on the other hand, it is a creative game.

In the theatrical activities of preschoolers, one can notice the initial manifestations of theatrical art, which is clothed in the form of a theatrical game accessible to a preschooler. This is indicated in their studies by N.A. Vetlugin and others, who point out the aesthetic and artistic essence of the theatrical game as the basis for the development of the creative imagination of children. So L.V. Artemyeva, L.V. Voroshnina, L.S. Vygotsky, R.I. Zhukovskaya, N.S. Karpinskaya, A.N. Leontiev and others note the significant influence of theatrical activity on the development of such personality traits as initiative, independence of imagination, selection of the essential in the phenomena of reality, etc. .

At the same time, the developing potential of theatrical play is not used enough in preschool institutions, which can be explained by the presence of two contradictory trends in the ways of its organization.

According to the first trend (let's call it training conditionally), theatrical games are used mainly as a kind of "spectacle" at the holidays. The desire to achieve good results makes teachers memorize with children not only texts, but also intonations and movements in the course of unreasonably a large number individual and group rehearsals.

The second trend in the organization of theatrical play can be called adult non-intervention. However, in practice it often develops into complete absence attention on his part to this type of play activity: the children are left to their own devices, but the teacher only prepares the attributes for the "theater". From group to group, the child is accompanied by the same type of hats-masks, costume elements, figures of heroes ... The result is an almost complete lack of theatricalization in the play experience of children 5-7 years old, if they have interest in this activity and the need for it. We believe that the contradiction between the developmental potential of theatrical play and its insufficient use in a preschool institution can only be resolved if a scientifically based methodology is developed.

1.2 The influence of theatrical and gaming activities on the development of speech

Theatrical games allow solving many tasks of the kindergarten program: from familiarization with social phenomena, speech development, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts to physical improvement. The variety of themes, means of depiction, the emotionality of theatrical games make it possible to use them for the comprehensive education of the individual.

The importance of theatrical play for speech development is great (improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). In the theatrical game, emotional development is carried out: children get acquainted with the feelings, moods of the characters, master the ways of their external expression, realize the reasons for this or that mood, the game is a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child.

Theatrical games are acting out in the faces of literary works (fairy tales, stories, specially written dramatizations). The heroes of literary works become actors, and their adventures, life events, changed by children's fantasy, the plot of the game. The peculiarity of theatrical games is that they have a ready-made plot, which means that the child’s activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work.

The game is the most accessible and interesting way for the child to process and the ability to represent the hero of the work, his experiences, the specific environment in which events develop, largely depends on the child’s personal experience: the more diverse his impressions of the life around him, the richer his imagination, feelings, ability think. To play the role, the child must master a variety of visual means(facial expressions, body movements, gestures, expressive speech in terms of vocabulary and intonation, etc.). Consequently, readiness for a theatrical game can be defined as such a level of general cultural development, on the basis of which the understanding of a work of art is facilitated, emotional response on him, mastery takes place artistic means image transfer. All these indicators do not add up spontaneously, but are formed in the course of educational work. She has great importance for the development of the personality of a preschool child, not only because individual mental processes are exercised in it, but also because these processes rise to a higher level of development due to the fact that the entire personality of the child, his consciousness develops in the game. The child becomes aware of himself, learns to desire and to subordinate his fleeting affective strivings to desire; learns to act, subordinating his actions to a certain pattern, a rule of behavior, learns to live, living the lives of his heroes, loving or not loving them, analyzing and trying to understand the essence and reasons for their actions and learning from their mistakes, expressing impressions, knowledge and emotions.

Festive, joyful performances cause incomparable joy in preschoolers. Children are very impressionable, especially amenable to emotional influence. By virtue of figurative-concrete thinking, the staging of a work of art helps children to perceive it brighter and more correctly.

By participating in theatrical games, children answer the dolls' questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, enter the image, transform into it, live its life. Therefore, along with verbal creativity, dramatization or theatrical production is the most frequent and widespread type of children's creativity. Children themselves compose, improvise roles, stage some ready-made literary material. This is the verbal creativity of children, necessary and understandable to the children themselves.

Skillfully posed questions by the teacher in preparation for the game encourage children to think, analyze rather complex situations, draw conclusions and generalizations. This contributes to the improvement of mental development and the improvement of speech, which is closely related to it.

In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the child's vocabulary, the sound side of speech, is imperceptibly activated. A new role, especially the dialogue of characters, puts the child in front of the need to clearly and understandably express himself. His dialogic speech, its grammatical structure improves, the child begins to actively use the dictionary, which, in turn, is also replenished. What is seen and experienced in amateur theatrical performances expands the horizons of children, causes the need to tell their friends and parents about the performance. All this undoubtedly contributes to the development of speech, the ability to conduct a dialogue and convey one's impressions in a monologue.

The writer Gianni Rodari, known to all of us, argued that “it is in the game that the child is fluent in speech, says what he thinks, and not what he needs. Not to teach and teach, but to play with him, fantasize, compose, invent - that's what the child needs.

The development of speech is closely connected with the formation of thinking and imagination of the child. The gradually developing ability to compose simple, but interesting stories in terms of semantic load and content, to construct phrases grammatically and phonetically correctly, to arrange their content compositionally contributes to the mastery of monologue speech, which is of paramount importance for the full preparation of the child for schooling. Also, at preschool age, the child's vocabulary is constantly increasing, but its qualitative transformation is entirely mediated by the participation of adults.

Thus, we can conclude that theatrical games make it possible to use them as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical means of speech development, because the child feels relaxed and free during the game.

1.3 Didactic bases for the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the educational process

The meaning and specificity of theatrical games are empathy, cognition, the impact of the artistic image on the individual. Theater is one of the most accessible forms of art for children, helping to solve many urgent problems of pedagogy and psychology related to:

with art education and upbringing of children;

formation of aesthetic taste;

moral education;

development of communicative qualities of a person;

education of the will, development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech;

creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, solving conflict situations through the game.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are wide. It's an opportunity to reveal creativity child, education of the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice the world around them interesting ideas, embody them, create their own artistic image of the character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary. The theatrical game is one of the brightest emotional means that form the artistic taste of children.

Collective theatrical activity is aimed at a holistic impact on the personality of the child, his emancipation, independent creativity, development of leading mental processes; promotes self-knowledge and self-expression of the individual; creates conditions for socialization, strengthening adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, success.

The moral and aesthetic education of children by means of theatrical games contributes to familiarization with its expressive language, which lays the foundation for the formation of the skills of perception, understanding and interpretation of actions that form the moral foundations, ideas, and actions of a person; formation of skills of mutual communication, teamwork studied by theater pedagogy.

Theatrical game as one of the types of games is an effective means of socialization of a preschooler in the process of comprehending the moral implication of a literary or folk work and participating in a game that has a collective character, which creates favorable conditions for developing a sense of partnership and mastering ways of positive interaction. In a theatrical game, emotional development is carried out: children get acquainted with the feelings, moods of the characters, master the ways of their external expression, realize the reasons for this or that mood. The importance of theatrical play is also great for speech development (improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). Finally, the theatrical game is a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child.

Participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make the children think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Improving speech is closely related to mental development. In the process of a theatrical game, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonational structure are improved. The role played, the spoken remarks put the baby in front of the need to speak clearly, clearly, understandably. He improves dialogic speech, its grammatical structure.

Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. It is equally important that theatrical games develop emotional sphere child, make him sympathize with the characters.

Theatrical games also allow the formation of the experience of social behavioral skills due to the fact that each literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has moral orientation. Favorite characters become role models and identifications. It is the child's ability for such identification with the beloved image that renders positive influence on the formation of personality traits.

In addition, theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. It helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness.

Joint theatrical and play activities are a unique type of cooperation. Everyone is equal in it: a child, a teacher, mothers, fathers, grandparents. By playing with adults, children learn valuable communication skills.

Theatrical activities are not included in the system of organized education for children in kindergarten. Teachers use it in their work mainly to develop the creative potential of children and most often as a dramatization for the holiday, and in Everyday life- quite haphazardly, sporadically, at their own discretion, often in order to make the life of children in a group more exciting, more diverse. And some teachers play-dramatization is completely at the mercy of children. Nevertheless, this type of activity is fraught with great opportunities for solving a number of tasks from different educational areas related to the speech, social, aesthetic, cognitive development of the child, which are to some extent solved today in the process of organized learning.

In the field cognitive development:

development of diverse ideas about reality

observation of natural phenomena, animal behavior

ensuring the relationship of design with a theatrical game for the development of spatial representations, creativity, intellectual initiative

development of memory, anticipatory imagination, learning the ability to plan your actions to achieve results

In the field social development:

the formation of positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities

education of culture of knowledge of adults and children

education of aesthetically valuable ways of communication in accordance with the norms and rules of life in society

development of emotions

In the field of speech development:

promoting the development of monologue and dialogic speech

enrichment of the dictionary, figurative expressions, comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms

mastery of expressive means of communication

In the field of aesthetic development:

introduction to highly artistic literature

the development of such forms of imagination, which are based on the interpretation of a literary image

involvement in joint design activities for modeling costume elements, scenery, attributes

creating an expressive artistic image

development of spatial imagination as the basis of design thinking, creative design, predicting the result

organization of teamwork when creating multi-figure plot compositions

learning to independently find image techniques, materials

In the field of movement development:

coordination of actions and accompanying speech

development of the ability to embody mood, character, and the process of image development in a creative movement

support for the formation of musical-motor improvisation in etudes, expressive performance of the main types of movements.

How can these problems be solved within the framework of theatrical activity?

Familiarize yourself with different types of theater

Put on performances of different genres, where children are actors, decorators, make-up artists, lighting

Organize the scene

Create Costumes - In Handicraft Classes

Work on each performance for at least 2 months

General work organization system:

Acquaintance with the theater of this genre

Getting to know the text of a work of art

Mastering expressive means of conveying an image

Making layouts, attributes, decorations

Play content on layout

Organization of a theatrical performance

By transferring a number of developmental tasks into natural and attractive activities for children, there is a decrease in the teaching load in organized learning, children are interested in their own progress, show curiosity and activity, and, as a result, the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process.

Theatrical and gaming activities in different age groups.

Introducing children to theatrical doll- bibabo and theatrical games are better to start in first junior group . Kids watch dramatized fairy tales and other dramatizations that are shown by educators and older preschoolers, "Mitten", "Gingerbread Man" - this creates a joyful atmosphere. Then you can offer children imitation games: "Show how the bunny jumps"; "Show how inaudibly, softly the cat moves", "Show how the cockerel walks." the bunny saw the fox, got scared and jumped behind the tree (fright).

Starting from second junior group children are consistently introduced to the types of theaters, the basics of acting. For this, an etude simulator is used, which helps to develop attention and perception; instill skills in displaying various emotions, moods, individual character traits. The work steps are as follows.

Game-imitation of individual actions of a person, animals and birds(children woke up, stretched, sparrows flap their wings) and imitation of the main emotions of a person (the sun came out - the children were delighted: they smiled, clapped their hands, jumped in place).

Game-imitation of images of well-known fairy-tale characters(clumsy bear goes to the house, a brave cockerel walks along the path).

Music improvisation game("Merry rain", "Leaves fly in the wind and fall on the path", "Round dance around the Christmas tree").

Single-theme wordless game-improvisation with one character based on the texts of poems and jokesthat the teacher reads ("Katya, Katya is small ...", "Hare, dance ...", V. Berestov "Sick doll", A. Barto "Snow, snow").

Text improvisation game short stories, stories and poems, which the teacher tells (3. Alexandrova "Herringbone"; K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with the family", "Vaska"; N. Pavlova "In the car", "Strawberry"; E. Charushin "Duck with ducklings").

Role dialogue of heroes of fairy tales("Mitten", "Zayushkina hut", "Three bears").

Staging fragments of fairy tales about animals("Teremok", "Cat, rooster and fox").

Single-dark play-dramatization with several characters based on folk tales("Kolobok", "Turnip") and author's texts (V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom", K. Chukovsky "Chicken").

In children of this age, the primary development of the director's theatrical game is noted - a table toy theater, a table plane theater, a plane theater on a flannelograph, a finger theater. The development process includes mini-productions based on the texts of folk and author's poems, fairy tales, stories ("This finger is a grandfather ...", "Tili-bom", K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with a family", A. Barto "Toys", V . Suteev "Chicken and Duckling".) The child begins to use finger theater figures in joint improvisations with adults on given topics.

IN middle group a puppet show should be combined with a theatrical game. Insecure children most often prefer the puppet theater, since its necessary attribute is a screen behind which the child seeks to hide from the viewer. Children who have overcome shyness usually participate in a dramatization (staging, performance) as actors in a drama theater. In doing so, they, watching each other, enrich their personal experience. Steps:

multi-character dramatization games based on the texts of two - three-part fairy tales about animals and fairy tales("Winter hut of animals", "Fox and wolf", "Geese-swans", "Little Red Riding Hood");

dramatization games based on story textson the topics "Children and their games", "Children and animals", "Adult labor";

staging a play based on the work.

Children show performances based on poetic and prose texts (S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"; K. Chukovsky "Confusion"), the Finger Theater is more often used in independent activity when a child improvises on the basis of familiar poems and nursery rhymes, accompanying his speech with simple actions ("We lived with a grandmother"; S. Mikhalkov "Kittens"; L. Zubkova "We shared an orange").

IN senior group all children actively participate in theatrical games and dramatizations. An older preschooler, along with figurative-play studies, improvisation games, staging, becomes available to independent performances, including those based on a "collage" of several literary works. For example, "Journey through the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin", "New adventures of the heroes of fairy tales by Ch. Perrault", etc. The experience of director's play is enriched by puppets, puppets with a "living hand", cane puppets.

In the theatrical game, Russian folk tales-fables about animals ("The Fox and the Crane", "The Hare and the Hedgehog"), works by L. Tolstoy, I. Krylov, G.Kh. Andersen, M. Zoshchenko, N. Nosov.

IN preparatory to the school group, theatrical games are distinguished by the more complex characters of the characters, the mise-en-scenes that are difficult to develop. The ability to perform the same actions in different situations and circumstances in different ways is developed. Goodwill and sociability are brought up in communication with peers. Children learn to adequately respond to the behavior of partners, including unplanned ones. Children compose etudes with imagined circumstances. Sketches for five sense organs based on fairy tales: "Thumbelina", "Cinderella", "The Scarlet Flower", "The Princess and the Pea", "Swineherd", etc. Performances: based on the Slavic fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve Months", according to K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", based on the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy

"The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

· watching puppet shows and talking about them;

· dramatization games;

· exercises for the social and emotional development of children;

· correctional and educational games; diction exercises (articulatory gymnastics);

· tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;

· transformation games (“learn to control your body”), figurative exercises;

· exercises for the development of children's plasticity;

· rhythmic minutes (logorhythmics);

· finger game training for the development of hand motor skills necessary for free puppetry;

· exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of the art of pantomime;

· theatrical sketches;

· individual ethics exercises during dramatizations;

· preparation (rehearsals) and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations;

· acquaintance not only with the text of a fairy tale, but also with the means of its dramatization - gesture, facial expressions, movement, costume, scenery (props), mise-en-scene, etc.

Tasks of theatrical activities for the development of speech.

Middle group.

Replenish and activate the vocabulary of children. To form the ability to determine and name the location of theatrical characters, objects, scenery, to characterize the state of mind and mood of the characters of the theatrical performance. Fix the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants. Improve the clear pronunciation of words and phrases. Form intonation and expressiveness of speech. To develop the dialogic speech of children in the process of theatrical and gaming activities.

Senior group.

Continue to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children, using nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions in speech; reinforce the correct pronunciation of all sounds. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Continue to teach children to use direct and indirect speech in dramatizations of fairy tales. Develop dialogical and monologue speech, its form. To improve the ability to coherently and expressively retell fairy tales without the help of an adult.

Preparatory group.

Continue to activate and refine the children's vocabulary. Expand vocabulary denoting the names of objects, actions, signs. To consolidate the correct pronunciation of all sounds, work out diction, continue to work on the intonational expressiveness of speech. Improve the dialogic and monologue form of speech. To develop a culture of speech communication.

One of the conditions for the successful development of theatrical activities by children, the improvement of speech is the effective interaction of the educator with parents. It is in family conditions that you can give the child enough attention, depending on the characteristics of his development, inclinations, reading interests, etc. You can listen to a fairy tale performed by masters with your mother artistic reading, consider illustrations for a literary work, discuss a fairy-tale character.

Thus, a theatrical game has an impact on the development of coherent speech in children of older preschool age if it arouses interest and desire to join the game, and will also take into account age and individual characteristics children.

Appendix No. 10 shows the system of theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing speech and phonemic hearing using the example of the older group.

II. Ways and conditions for the development of speech through theatrical and gaming activities

Having studied the problem of the speech development of preschoolers, analyzed the scientific and pedagogical literature on this problem and set ourselves a working hypothesis, we set ourselves the goal of the study to identify the level of influence of the use of theatrical and gaming activities on the development of the speech of older preschool children.

The research work took place in three stages:

ascertaining stage:diagnosing the development of speech in a group of older preschoolers;

formative stage, during which a special cycle of theatrical games that affect the development of speech was selected.

control stage, during which a control diagnosis of the development of speech of older preschoolers was carried out.

Statement stage.

The following methods were chosen to work and conduct the ascertaining stage:

1.Analysis of resource provision;

2.Observations of the speech of children in various activities;

.Analysis of the calendar-thematic plan of education;

.Questioning of parents and educators;

.Testing children.

Resource analysis:

Favorable conditions have been created in the kindergarten for organizing theatrical and gaming activities.

As part of the information and methodological support in the methodological office, there is the following methodological literature:

M.D. Makhanev. Theatrical classes in kindergarten.

A.E. Antipin "Theatrical activity in kindergarten".

T.I. Petrova, E.L. Sergeeva, E.S. Petrov "Preparation and conduct of theatrical games in kindergarten."

As part of the material and technical support, the teacher uses technical means in the classroom:

1.Music Center.

2.DVD player.


In the group for use in the classes of theatrical and gaming activities of children there is visual material:




.Puppet theater bi-ba-bo.

.Table theatre.

.Pictograms depicting emotions.

Observation of children's speech showed:in their speech, children rarely use complex and complex sentences. The vocabulary of most of the group is rather poor, adjectives and adverbs are rarely used. Problems with the grammatical structure of speech. Speech is interrupted.

Analysis of the calendar-thematic planshowed that there is no system when using theatrical and gaming activities. It is used in a narrow concept, only as holding matinees and staging fairy tales on theatrical Friday.

Parent surveyrevealed that 100% are interested in teaching children, and only 25% of parents are systematically involved in the development of children's speech. The rest devote little time to teaching children and believe that teachers should do this - 33% of parents, as well as theatrical activities are not a means of developing speech, but serve to entertain and cheer up. (Appendix No. 1)

% of teachers consider it necessary to use theatrical and gaming activities in the educational process, but experience difficulties due to the low level of education and the high number of foreign-speaking children. And also 67% of teachers complain about the lack of help from their parents, sometimes even in such trifles as learning a role. And another important problem is the language barrier. (Appendix No. 2)

The issues of diagnosing the speech development of children are among the most difficult and poorly studied problems, since speech is a complex mental function subject to multifactorial influences. It mediates other mental processes, is an instrument of cognition, communication, self-expression. Studying the level of children's mastery of their native language makes it possible to obtain data not only on their speech abilities, but also on mental development in general.

The purpose of the ascertaining stage was to diagnose the development of speech in children of older preschool age.

For our diagnostics, we chose 2 tasks, in which the indicators of speech development are more widely covered: retelling the text and compiling a story-description.

The survey methodology is presented in the form of a dialogue, carried out with each child individually, all the results of the child's answers were recorded. Diagnostic protocol - Appendix No. 5.

To study the level of development of children's speech, the method of "retelling the text" is used. Children are invited to listen to a small unfamiliar story or fairy tale (Appendix 3).

Children's retellings are recorded and analyzed according to the following indicators (Table 1).

Table 1. Analysis of the level of development of speech during retelling

1. Understanding the text Does the child formulate the main idea correctly2. Text structuring The ability to consistently and accurately build a retelling (based on a comparison of the retelling with the structure of the text)3. Vocabulary Completeness of the use of the vocabulary of the text, replacement of the author's expressive means with their own4. Grammar The correct construction of the sentence, the ability to use complex sentences5. Fluency of speech Presence or absence of teacher's hints in the course of retelling, the need to re-read the text

Each indicator is evaluated separately. The highest score for text reproduction is 10 points. 2 points - correct reproduction; 1 point - minor deviations from the text, no grammatical errors, long pauses, a small number of hints; 0 points - incorrect reproduction, violation of the structure of the text, poor vocabulary, numerous pauses, the need for hints.

Thus, a score of 10 points corresponds to a high level of text reproduction, more than 5 points - an average level, less than 5 points - a low level. (Appendix No. 5)

In order to correctly assess the level of speech development, we note the content of the main levels of speech development in children 5-6 years old. (Appendix No. 4),

At the second stage of the study, it was necessary:

Describe the proposed toy;

Come up with a theatrical game based on these toys.

At the same time, the ability to independently describe the toy, the use of various means of expression, the ability to independently come up with the plot of one's story is assessed. Each task was evaluated on a two-point system (2 points - if the child himself was able to describe the toy and come up with a game, 1 point with the help of leading questions from the teacher, 0 points if he did not cope with the task. Appendix No. 5.

Thus, on the basis of the above exercises, ascertaining testing was carried out.

Research base:Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 12". The study involved 12 children aged 5 - 6 years. In terms of time, the research work took 3 months.

After the study, the following results were obtained:

the child (8%) has a high level of speech development. Polina G. is characterized by a good command of speech skills; independence and initiative in inventing fairy tales, stories, there are no repetitions of the stories of others, various means of expression are used; interest in argumentation, proof, their widespread use in speech; initiative in communication.

children (25%) have an average level of speech development. When retelling, these children make omissions, logical errors, but correct themselves with the help of adults and peers; show interest in verbal communication, but are not active.

children (67%) have a low level of coherent speech development. He makes substantive and semantic errors in retellings, in independent stories; when retelling, the help of an adult is required; the structural components of a narrative story are omitted; in creative storytelling is not independent enough (repeats stories of peers).

Level of development Number of people% High 18% Medium 325% Low 867% Total 10100%

For a better visual perception, we will display the results in a diagram (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Speech development diagram using the "text retelling" technique in children of the older group at the ascertaining stage

On the basis of the conducted studies, we made the following conclusions: 67% of children have a significant lag in the development of speech.

The results obtained indicate the need for targeted work on the development of speech in preschoolers. To improve the speech development of children, we will use theatrical and gaming activities in our practical work.

2.2 Techniques for the development of children's speech through theatrical and gaming activities

theatrical game speech hearing

The next stage of practical activity is formative.

TargetAt this stage, work on the development of speech through theatrical and play activities was carried out in natural conditions for children, during everyday play activities.

A lesson plan was developed, which includes theatrical games, exercises, as well as dramatizations and theatrical performances. (Appendix No. 6)

In order for our work to be successful, we observed some mandatory conditions:

· First of all, this is the presence of a speech pattern - fairy tales, poems, stories are a source of vivid figurative speech: typical fairy-tale expressions, an example of folk colloquial speech, repetitive songs, and a clear composition of the text, etc.

· They expanded children's ideas and formed a dictionary in connection with the content of a literary work.

We worked on the content, images of the fairy tale after reading it in order to deepen the understanding of the work, ponder the characteristics, features of literary heroes:

looking at illustrations for a fairy tale - highlighting the features of appearance, elements of the costume, the mood of the hero, the means by which the mood is conveyed (posture, facial expressions, etc.), what the characters are talking about, the environment in which events take place;

children's independent drawing of fairy-tale characters and the child's story about the fulfillment of the plan;

repeated selective reading of text fragments in order to clarify the actions, experiences, content of the conversation of the heroes of the work;

retelling of a fairy tale using figurines of a table theater, flannelograph, various types of puppet theater;

· Purposefully used methods of activating and improving the speech activity of preschoolers:

children's reproduction of characters' dialogues;

telling separate episodes of a fairy tale in which approximately the same words of different characters are spoken (the fairy tale "Three Bears" and the intonation of the features of the created image);

playing small poems, nursery rhymes, teasers, which exercises in pronouncing difficult sounds, improves coherent dialogic speech, helps to master different intonations - requests, questions, surprise, judgments, etc. For example, a teaser:

Grisha, Grisha, give me the knife.

You will not return back.

Grisha, Grisha, give me a rubber band.

You bite off half. (S.Ya. Marshak)

retelling the tale by roles;

playing the words of all the characters by one child;

exercises in conveying the emotional state of literary characters;

riddles for children about literary heroes.

· They discussed with the children the conditions for organizing the game, and then they did an analysis of the play behavior of preschoolers - who turned out the fairy-tale character better, who did not forget the words, etc.

· The literary text chosen for dramatization was analyzed. For example, the fairy tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox":

a) characters - grandfather and grandmother, Snow Maiden, girlfriends, bear, wolf, fox; the presenter speaks words from the author;

b) the actions of the characters: Snegurushka went into the forest with her friends for berries, c. she began to pick berries in the forest, lagged behind her friends, walked, walked and got lost, climbed a tree, cried, etc .;

c) the speech content of the tale: the monologue of the Snow Maiden, the girl’s conversation with the bear, wolf, fox, the fox’s conversation with her grandparents, the old people’s words of gratitude to the fox when their granddaughter returned home safely;

d) characteristics of the characters - a girl (she really wanted to go to the forest with her friends, it is very easy to get lost in the forest, but the girl was not at a loss, climbed a tree, did not trust the bear and the wolf - what she is - distrustful, but believed the fox, she was in the forest very lonely and scary

What is the fox in this story? (not at all like the fox characters in other fairy tales. She took pity on the girl, was not too lazy to take her to her grandparents, did not deceive the Snow Maiden, kind, caring, sympathetic, she realized that the girl was very ill.);

e) the emotional state of the heroes of the fairy tale, a change in mood in the course of events: the old people were worried when they let their granddaughter go into the forest, they grieved when the girl did not return with her friends, they rejoiced at the end of the fairy tale

Why was the girl left alone in the forest, without her girlfriends?

Girlfriends were worried, they began to call Snegurushka. Let's try to show what they called her? At first they thought that she was still close somewhere; “Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!”, then they began to call louder.

Let's show how the girl lamented, cried, she was scared alone, did not know how to get home. (Several children perform the monologue of the Snow Maiden).

The bear and the wolf offered to bring the girl to her grandparents, but why did she not dare to go home with them?

Do you like the fox, show how she knocked on the gate, how she talked with the old people? And we'll see who's fox will do better.

Let's think about how the mood of grandparents changed in a fairy tale? What was their mood when they released Snegurushka into the forest. And show how the old people rejoiced at the end of the tale, what words did they say to the fox, what did they treat her to?

In the process of thinking about the content of the tale, the actions of the characters, their experiences, the child mentally assists those in trouble, sympathizes with the characters and seeks to convey his feelings in speech, gestures, and exercises in expressiveness of speech, reproduction of dialogues are the basis for more free play behavior of preschoolers.

One of the conditions for the successful development of theatrical activities by children, the improvement of speech is the effective interaction of the educator with parents. It is in family conditions that you can give the child enough attention, depending on the characteristics of his development, inclinations, reading interests, etc. With your mother, you can listen to a fairy tale performed by masters of artistic reading, consider illustrations for a literary work, and discuss a fairy-tale character. Using the elements of the game-dramatization, adults contribute to the memorization of fairy tales in verse, the formation of the expressiveness of children's speech. For example, the words of the queen from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A.S. Pushkin:

“My light, mirror, tell me!

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world, ... "

first the adult speaks, the child answers with the words of the mirror:

“You, of course, no doubt;

You, the queen, are sweeter than all, ... "

then the roles change. At the initial stages, the child borrows the intonational coloring of speech from adults.

Children enjoyed playing games like "Guess what fairy tale the hero is from?" (from which fairy tale I am, what do you know about me).

The teacher selected literary material to enrich children's ideas about fairy tale characters that parents can use to play with their child: these are small poems -

I am a red fox, I am a fox, I am a sister,

I am a master of running. I walk silently

I ran through the forest Early in the morning out of habit

And she caught up with the hare. She went hunting. (T. Volgina)

To work on the image, riddles about the same animal are useful. They draw attention to different features appearance, lifestyle, habits, modes of movement, etc. In addition, the text of the riddle, the discussion of the signs of the animal, comparing them with the signs of other objects, proving the guess has a positive effect on the development of different aspects of children's speech. sticking to necessary conditions, we will show a lesson on the use of a theatrical game as a means of developing speech in children of senior preschool age (Appendix No. 9).

Thus, we can conclude that the use of theatrical and gaming activities in classes with children contributes to the development of the sound culture of speech, the grammatical structure of the native language, the children's vocabulary, as well as dialogue as a form of socialized (communicative) speech.

2.3 Analysis and evaluation of the results of the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the development of children's speech

The final stage of the study - control.

Targetcontrol stage - obtaining data confirming or refuting our hypothesis, identifying the impact of the use of theatrical games and theatrical performances on the overall level of speech development in children in the control group compared to the level at the time of ascertaining testing. For this purpose, control testing was carried out. Control testing was carried out according to the same methodology as at the ascertaining stage.

When re-diagnosing the level of speech development after the formative stage, we used the types of tasks similar to the first ones, retelling and story-description. For retelling, we took the story "Brother" V. Veresaev (Appendix No. 7). As a result of testing, the following results were obtained. Diagnostic testing protocol - Appendix No. 8.

25% of children have a high level of connected speech development. They are characterized by a good command of speech skills; independence and initiative in inventing fairy tales, stories, there are no repetitions of the stories of others, various means of expression are used; interest in argumentation, proof, their widespread use in speech; initiative in communication.

% of children have an average level of speech development. When retelling, these children make omissions, logical errors, but correct themselves with the help of adults and peers; show interest in verbal communication, but are not active.

% of children have a low level of speech development. He makes substantive and semantic errors in retellings, in independent stories; when retelling, the help of an adult is required; the structural components of a narrative story are omitted; in creative storytelling is not independent enough (repeats stories of peers).

Level of development Number of people% High 325% Medium 650% Low 325% Total 12100%

Let's display the results on the diagram (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Speech development diagnostics diagram using the "text retelling" and "story-description" methods in children of the older group in the control test

In order to better see the change in the level of speech development, we will display the data of the ascertaining and control stages on a comparative histogram (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Comparative histogram of the results of ascertaining and control testing

As a result of the joint efforts of the teacher and parents, there have been noticeable changes in children's speech, low level indicators have decreased by almost 2.5 times, 50% of children have an average level.

Results of the formative stage:

expanded understanding of the world around;

the children's vocabulary has expanded significantly;

the sound culture of speech has improved (clarity of pronunciation, intonational expressiveness, etc.;

speech has become more coherent (dialogical, monologue);

mastered the grammatical structure of their native language.

Preschoolers easily began to retell fairy tales, stories, expressively read poetry, in everyday life include traditional fairy-tale expressions, proverbs and sayings in their speech, know many riddles, show interest in performing creative tasks to change the plot and image of a work of art.

In general, based on the results of a practical study, we made a generalizing conclusion that the positive dynamics of speech development indicators in preschoolers has a positive tendency to increase when using techniques and methods of theatrical activity in the educational and pedagogical process. That is, we proved the hypothesis that we put forward at the beginning of our study.


There is no doubt that the development of the speech of children of any age is one of the priority tasks in education and upbringing. The speech of the child develops constantly in everyday life, in the classroom, in the game, in communication with peers and adults, and accompanies him in any activity. But how to make learning easy and free, without strict rules and obsession? These questions will help to solve the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the pedagogical process. They enjoy the unchanging love of children. Preschoolers are happy to join the game, embody images, turn into artists. The game is a serious matter, but also a fun one. Theatrical games make it possible to use them as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool, because the child feels relaxed and free during the game.

Dramatization games allow you to solve several problems at the same time: the development of speech and theatrical performance skills, the creation of an atmosphere of creativity, the social and emotional development of children.

Theatrical games can be organized in the morning and evening hours, organically included in various activities, scheduled specifically in the weekly schedule for mother tongue. Working with children on character images includes the development of expressiveness of speech, and the development of plasticity, motor abilities, emotional state, behavioral norms, moral development. main feature these games is that the child learns imperceptibly for himself, he is an artist and learns to speak and act in public.

In our work, an analysis of the pedagogical literature devoted to this problem was carried out, we revealed the role of the impact of theatrical games on the speech development of preschoolers and the need to use them both during classes and in their free time. We have studied the mechanism of management of theatrical games and the methodology of conducting classes. We also found out that most parents do not know how to develop a child's speech, in addition to speech development classes. The results of the study showed that at the ascertaining stage the level of speech development was very low in 67% of children, 25% average and only 8% high. We have developed a set of classes for the gradual inclusion of this type of game in the process of speech development of preschool children. After the formative stage, we saw very productive results: children with low level speech development remained 25%, the same high level and 50% average.

We believe that the topic we have chosen is sufficiently fully disclosed in our work and confirms its relevance.

Our work on the introduction of theatrical games into the development of the child's speech has justified itself: children become more liberated, open, speech and mutual understanding improve.


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10.Drama games // emotional development preschooler / Ed. HELL. Kosheleva. - M., 1983.

11.Karpinskaya N.S. Drama games in the development of children's creative abilities // Artistic word in the education of preschoolers. - M., 1972.

12.Makhaneva M. D. "Theatrical classes in kindergarten."

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20.Rubenok E. Dramatization games in the upbringing of a preschooler // Preschool education. - 1983. - No. 12.

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Annex 1

Parent survey results.

No. Are you interested in raising children Name the sources that you use to raise and educate children Are you involved in the development of the child’s speech (explain how) What forms of communication do you use with the child (reading, questions, memorizing) How often do you work with the child (daily, 1 time per week) In your opinion, the role of theatrical activities in the upbringing of a child1YesBooks, the Internet With the help of educational aids lit., answers to questions 2 times a week General development 2YesBooks on educationReading booksReading thin. Literature, learning by heart 1 time per week Development of communication skills 3 Yes Internet Computer programs Reading art. Literature, learning by heartEvery dayGeneral development4DaknigiEducational booksReading thin. Literature, memorization Every day General development, entertainment 5 Yes TV With the help of educational aids and TV shows lit., answers to questions 2 times a week General development, entertainment 6YesDifficult to answerDifficult to answerMemorization 1 time per week (but the answer is uncertain) entertainment7YesDifficult to answerDifficult to answerMemorization 1 time per week (but the answer is uncertain) entertainment 8YesDifficult to answerConsider it sufficient to study in d.c Learning by heart1 once a week (but the answer is uncertain) entertainment9YesDifficult to answerDifficult to answerDifficult to answer 1 time per week (but the answer is uncertain)entertainment10YesDifficult to answerConsider the classes in the e.c.Difficult to answerDo not do anything11YesDifficult to answerThey consider it sufficient answer Consider it sufficient to study in d.sDifficult to answer 1 time per week (but the answer is uncertain) entertainment

Annex 2

The results of the survey of educators.

Question No. Full name educator Avanesov A.S. Bulycheva G.A. Tomarova F.T.1 Do you include theatrical activities in your work plan. Yes Yes. Theater Friday. Yes 2 Do you think it is necessary for children to engage in theatrical activities. Yes Yes Yes 3 What difficulties do you experience when conducting theatrical activities. Language barrier. Parents do not perceive theatrical activities as a means of learning. The language barrier. No help from parents. The language barrier. No help from parents.

Annex 3


(text for diagnostics at the ascertaining stage)

Long-eared came to the river, and the water is cold. He lowered his leg and grumbled: "Brrr ..." A frog looked out of the water and asked:

Why are you yelling here: brrr?! The donkey felt ashamed that he was afraid cold water and he suddenly replied:

And I, I because it's brr... I just eat logs. It's clear?

Understood, said the frog. - So, you are that terrible crocodile.

Exactly, - nodded the donkey.

Excuse me, please, - the frog asked again, - but besides logs, can you eat anything else? I heard even a steam locomotive.

Quite right, - the donkey nodded again.

Well, why then, - croaked the frog, - are you so thin?

Simply, - the donkey answered, - I was late to eat the train today. I came and he left. He went to my Africa to warm his tummy.

I see, said the frog. It's hot in Africa. And if you warm your stomach there for a long time, it will melt and instead of a steam locomotive you will get a trough.

So what, - said the donkey. - The trough is even easier to eat.

Here, here, - jumped the frog, - I thought so too. Why did he talk about the steam locomotive. Dear crocodile, I have a trough. In it, my mother bathes me in pure rain. I don't like it... Because I... love dirt. So won't you help and eat this terrible trough for breakfast?

And then the donkey laughed:

Well, smart guy! I wanted to deceive him, but it turns out that he deceived me. So listen, you bastard. I'm not a crocodile, of course. But if you don't wash, a real crocodile will come and eat you. More than any logs and troughs they love dirty frogs. Wash quickly! Wash yourself!

Appendix 4

Low level Intermediate level High level Substantive and semantic errors are allowed in retellings, in independent stories; when retelling, the help of an adult is required; the structural components of a narrative story are omitted; in creative storytelling is not independent enough (repeats the stories of peers) in the story omissions, logical errors are allowed, but are corrected independently with the help of adults and peers; interest in speech communication is shown, but there is no activity; good command of speech skills; independence and initiative in inventing fairy tales, stories, there are no repetitions of the stories of others, various means of expression are used; interest in argumentation, proof, their widespread use in speech; initiative in communication

Appendix 5


A cycle of classes on theatrical and gaming activities

Program tasks Lesson contentRepertoireStaging1 month To develop speech breathing and correct articulation. Develop diction. Learn to build a dialogue, select words according to common signs and definitions for words. Games and exercises: “Soap Bubbles”, “Cheerful Piglet”, “Bell”, “Surprised Hippopotamus”, “Snorting Horse”. Question - answer: “Magic basket”, “Delicious words”, “Hand ball” Tongue twisters: “Six mice rustle in the reeds”, “Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha”, “Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves”, “Our Polkan .. .” Poems: A. Taraskin S. Marshak “Conversation”; "Visiting the Queen": from English. doctor (translated by S. Marshak); "Shoemaker". Polish doctor (translated by B. Zakhoder); "Locomotive". E.Blaginina's counting room1. dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Cat, rooster and fox" 2. autumn holiday 3. Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Ryaba Hen" 2 months Train a clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of the word. Exercise the articulatory apparatus. Be able to make sentences with the given words on the cards. Learn to use intonations, pronouncing phrases sad, joyful, surprised, angry. Learn to build dialogues by choosing a partner on your own. Funny poems: “Cheerful Piglet”, “Snake Sting”, “Watch” Compose a sentence: “Phrase in a circle” Tongue twisters: “Drying mice ...”, “Sleepy red cat ...”, “Grass in the yard ... ”, “King-eagle ...”, “Beaver is kind ...” Poems: “Polite elephant”, “Mosquito and elephant”. V. Lunin; "Why don't kittens sleep?", Hedgehog and rain. Vl. Stepanov; "Three dogs", "Cat". V. Eremin; "Nice meeting". B. Zakhoder; "Counter". N. Pikuleva1. Theatrical staging of the fairy tale "Vasilisa the Wise" 2. Evening of entertainment "The book is friends with the children" 3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok" (goal: to educate children's interest in oral folk art) 4. Dramatization based on the tale of V. Suteev "Who said Meow? »3 month To replenish vocabulary. Develop imaginative thinking. Match words with action words and words with opposite meanings. Improve the skill of clear pronunciation Patter, Poems Poems: "Skrut." Sasha Black; "Miracles in a string bag." Vl. Levin; "Little Fairies" S. Marshak; "Ship", "Very tasty pie." D. Kharms Rhymes: The cat inflated the balloon ... N. Pikuleva Tongue twisters: Beetle, buzzing over a puddle ..., Valerik ate a dumpling ..., Three magpies-talkers ..., Three magpies, three rattles ... At Kondrat ... Dear Mila...1. Dramatization of the work of K. Chukovsky "Confusion" 2. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Greedy Man" 3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "At the Phone" 4. Dramatization of "Grandmother Yaga" (based on the poem "March 8" by V. Drobiz)

Appendix 6

BROTHER V.Veresaev

(tex for diagnostics on control stage)

At the corner of my dacha stood a tub full of water. Nearby is an elderberry bush. Two young sparrows sat side by side on an elder tree, still very young, with down showing through their feathers, with bright yellow sinuses at the edges of their beaks. One briskly and confidently fluttered to the edge of the tub and began to drink. He drank - and kept looking at the other and calling to each other in his ringing language. Another - a little smaller - was sitting on a branch with a serious look and cautiously squinting at the barrel. And apparently he wanted to drink, - his beak was gaping from the heat.

And suddenly I saw clearly: that one, the first, he "had been drunk for a long time and simply encourages the other by his example, shows that there is nothing terrible here. He continuously jumped along the edge of the tub, lowered his beak, grabbed water and immediately dropped it from his beak, and he looked at his brother and called him. The little brother on the branch made up his mind and flew off to the tub. But as soon as he touched the damp, green edge with his paws, he immediately fluttered frightened back to the elder tree. And the latter began to call him again.

And finally got it. The brother flew over to the tub, sat down uncertainly, fluttering his wings all the time, and got drunk. Both flew away.

Appendix 7

Making a story based on a set of toys.


1. Connected speech:to teach children to compose a plot story, choosing the appropriate characters (toys) for it; give a description and characterization of characters, introduce dialogue into the narrative;

2. dictionary:learn to choose definitions Togiven words;

3. Introduction to the offer:exercise in making sentences from a set of words, independently come up with sentences from two or three words;

4. sound culture of speech:learn to hear sounds s, s", uin words, clearly pronounce words with these sounds.

Material.Toys: doll, hare, kitten, puppy, bear cub, Christmas tree; Free Images: owl, piglet, baby elephant, puppy, goldfinch, brush.

Lesson progress

The teacher draws the attention of the children to toys on the table. He asks questions about each toy (Which doll (girl)? - a description of the appearance. And what is her character? - a list of character traits. What is the girl's name?)

Now write a story about a girl. The girl went into the forest. Whom did she meet? (Bunny, bear cub.) What happened next, you will tell yourself.

And if the girl did not go to the forest, whom could she meet? (kitten, puppy)

When you tell, take these toys and show what you have come up with about them. Think about what the girl was talking about with the animals. What was the day?

The teacher suggests that several children come together for storytelling in a group. He asks: “What do you need to agree on?” (Who will talk about what, who will start the story, etc.)

Each child takes a toy, the children agree, Owhat they will say. The rest listen to the story, come up with a name for it and give an assessment.

Physical education minute

The teacher addresses the group:

Let six children come to me now. They will be different words.

The teacher tells each child what word it is. After that, he checks how everyone remembered the words. A set of words: kitten, girl, fun, fast, runs, jumps.

The teacher explains the task:

From these words, you can make various sentences about a girl or about a kitten. The sentence should consist of two or three words. Whoever comes up with a proposal will raise their hand. It is not necessary to say in advance which sentence - you need to line up the words in order, and then “read”.

The child goes to the table and, without naming words, makes up a sentence.

Now tell me what sentence you came up with, the teacher offers. (The child calls the sentence.) Let's check if you put the words correctly. Words, call yourself in order (in this way, the correspondence of the sentence named by the child to the one he made up from “living words” is checked).

The teacher asks who came up with other sentences from these words, invites the one who raised his hand To table, etc.

Summing up this part of the lesson, the teacher draws the attention of the children to how many sentences can be made up of these words: The girl is running; The girl runs fast; The girl jumps merrily; Happy jumping kitten and etc.

An attention game is being played. The teacher refers to Children: Look at the pictures. Olya, name what is drawn on them (owl, piglet, baby elephant, puppy, goldfinch, brush). Come to me, Vitya and Petya. Vitya will drive, and Petya will hide the pictures. Vitya must say who or what is gone. There was no goldfinch. Listen to how this word sounds: schschcheol. What sound is heard in this word? Petya, say the word goldfinchso that the sound sch.

Look at the pictures again, tell me what sound - Withor sh - You hear in the titles of the pictures: (owl...)”.

Performances and plays for children 5 - 6 years old

Grandma Yaga

Actors Narrator, grandmother Yaga, Goblin.

Painting 1

Room. There is a plate of pies on the table.

Grandma Yaga

Blush on the table

Gorky pies.

Cleaned up in a hut

For chicken legs

There is a couple in the closet

New boots!

Grandma ran

In curlers in the morning .(Grandma Yaga appears. Runs around the room)

And met the guests

In the middle of the yard. (Yaga runs away)

Picture 2

Forest. Goblin collects snowdrops.

Narrator.Goblin all snowdrops

Broke off in the forest

And screams joyfully at me.

GoblinI bring grandmothers. (Exits.)

Scene 3

Grandmother Yaga stands at the hut. Goblin approaches her with a bouquet of flowers.

Goblin.Hello dear!

Happy holiday to you. (Gives the bouquet.)

Narrator. Kissed Yagus

On the cheek of an old man.

Grandmother Yaga kisses Leshy on the cheek.

Narrator.Reaches for her with a bouquet

And my hand.

If it's all year round

Kind, gentle, sweet,

Let's stop calling her.

We evil spirit.

Annex 8

Plan-program of work in the senior group for the development of speech through theatrical and gaming activities .

1.Vocabulary development:

· clarify and expand the stock of ideas based on observation and comprehension of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, create a sufficient stock of vocabulary images;

· ensure the transition from accumulated ideas and passive speech reserve to the active use of speech means;

· expand the volume of correctly pronounced nouns, verbs;

· enrich the active vocabulary with relative adjectives, possessive adjectives, adjectives with endearing meaning, definitive pronouns, demonstrative adverbs, cardinal and ordinal numbers.

2.Formation and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech:

· To ensure further assimilation and use in expressive speech of some forms of inflection, word formation;

· To teach how to form and use relative and possessive adjectives in expressive speech;

· improve the ability to compose simple sentences on questions, on a picture, on demonstrating actions, distribute them with homogeneous members;

· form a concept offer and the ability to operate with it, as well as the skill of a simple two-part sentence of 2 - 3 words.

3.Development of the phonetic-phonemic system of the language and the skills of language analysis and synthesis:

· to form correct speech breathing and long oral exhalation;

· to bring up a moderate rate of speech by imitating the teacher and in exercises for coordinating speech with movement;

· develop the rhythm of speech, its intonational expressiveness, voice modulation;

· to fix the correct pronunciation of sounds in the game and free speech activity;

· activate the movements of the speech apparatus, prepare for the formation of sounds of all groups;

· form the correct patterns of affricates, iotated and sonorous sounds, automate the set sounds in free play and speech activities;

· to form the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis of words;

· consolidate ideas about vowels and consonants, their distinctive features;

· to form the ability to distinguish by ear consonant sounds that are similar in articulation: in free play and speech activities;

· to form the skill of distinguishing consonant sounds according to signs: deaf - voiced, hard - soft;

· to form the concepts of a voiced consonant sound, a deaf consonant sound, a soft consonant sound, a hard consonant sound.

4.Teaching the elements of literacy:

· consolidate the concept letter and an idea of ​​how a sound differs from a letter;

· introduce the letters B, D, G, F, C, X, Y, C, Z, W, F, E;

· improve the skills of composing letters from sticks, laying out from string and mosaic, modeling from plasticine;

· to form the skills of composing and reading confluences of vowels, closed and open syllables and words with passed letters.

.Development of coherent speech and verbal communication:

· Develop the ability to listen to addressed speech, develop a reaction to intonation and facial expressions corresponding to intonation;

· Improve the ability to answer questions briefly, fully, ask questions, conduct a dialogue, the ability to listen to each other;

· Work on maintaining the unity and adequacy of speech, facial expressions, pantomime, gestures - expressive speech means in the game and role-playing behavior;

· Build the ability to invent game situation;

· Build retelling skills. To teach the retelling of well-known fairy tales with the help of an adult and with visual support, the ability to convey the character of the hero of the plot;

· Learn to compose stories - descriptions, and then riddles - descriptions of objects and objects according to the model proposed by the plan.

Tags: The influence of theatrical and gaming activities on the development of speech and phonemic hearing of preschoolers Diploma in Pedagogy