Seminars in dow for educators. Seminar-workshop for teachers “Communication of the educator with the parents of pupils. Excursion to the museum of theatrical puppets

Seminar in the preschool educational institution "Designing - a tool for the development of the child's personality"

Name: Seminar "Construction - a tool for the development of a child's personality."
Description: the seminar can be useful for educators, specialists and parents of pupils of preschool educational institutions.
Target: creation of conditions for professional self-improvement of participants (teachers, specialists) in the process of active pedagogical communication.
1. Form a bank of teaching methods.
2. To form the ability of teachers to model educational activities, joint constructive activities in the daily routine.
3. To develop the skills of teachers to create a developing environment.
4. Assistance to participants in setting goals for their professional self-improvement.
5. Reflection of one's own professional skills.
Expected results of the seminar:
1. Participants understand the meaning of design.
2. Activation of the cognitive activity of the participants of the workshop.
3. Increasing the level of professional competence in the main aspects of the topic.
4. Motivation of participants to form their own style of creative pedagogical activity.
Plan of the event:
1. Determination of the problem within the specified topic.
2. Building material construction
3. Waste material construction
4. Paper construction
5. Construction from natural material
6. Planar design
7. Reflective activity.

Seminar progress:

1. Determination of the problem within the specified topic.
The rapidly occurring changes in the life of our society dictate the conditions for educating creative people. Often one has to observe how adults demand from children an original, creative solution to a problem or a solution to a creative problem. But, the problem is that it is difficult and completely unrealistic to create a creative product right away, without prior training in creativity.
The pedagogical value of the constructive activity of preschool children lies in the fact that it develops the child's abilities, his creative skills. The significance of this activity was noted in their teachings by prominent Russian physiologists I.P. Pavlov and I.M. Sechenov on the role of the motor analyzer. As you know, children can get ideas about space, shape, size on the basis of visual and kinetic sensations, which play an important role in mental development. Noting the great cognitive significance of the activity of the hand, I.P. Pavlov considered it a subtle analyzer, "allowing you to enter into very complex relationships with surrounding objects."
Construction has a great influence on the development of the personality and volitional sphere of the child. So, its effectiveness is influenced by the nature of the motive: why the building is needed. Success depends on the ability to keep the goal of the activity and independently set it, on the ability to control the progress of the work, to compare the result with the sample.
In the process of designing, the physical improvement of the child is carried out. Constant exercises in a wide variety of movements, accompanied by an emotional upsurge, contribute to the fact that these movements become fast, dexterous, easily subject to the control of the eye. The coordinated work of individual muscles improves.
Constructive activity is an effective means of aesthetic education. When introducing children to buildings and structures (residential buildings, buildings of kindergartens, schools, etc.), as well as architectural monuments that are accessible to their understanding, they develop an artistic taste that causes aesthetic pleasure when looking at beautiful structures, the ability to appreciate what was created by the creative work of people, love the architectural riches of their city, country, protect them. In addition, preschool children develop an understanding of the appropriateness of architectural solutions.
The experience gained by the child in the course of construction is indispensable in terms of developing the skills and abilities of exploratory behavior.
Purposeful and systematic teaching of preschool children to design plays an important role in preparing for school. It contributes to the formation of the ability to learn, reveals to them that the main meaning of the activity is not only in obtaining results, but also in acquiring knowledge and skills. Such a cognitive motive causes significant changes in mental processes. These changes consist mainly in the ability to arbitrarily control one's cognitive processes (to direct them towards solving educational problems), to achieve a certain level of development of mental operations, and the ability to systematically perform the mental work necessary for the conscious assimilation of knowledge.
Thus, constructive activity plays an important role in the process of comprehensive, harmonious development of the personality of preschool children. The above confirms the relevance of this topic.
One of the conditions for the development of children's design is the organization of a special environment that would encourage children to independent actions, and contributed to an increase in interest in constructive games.
Let's highlight the main requirements together:
It is necessary that the material for construction be constantly available to children. To this end, it is necessary to allocate a special place in the group where you can place designers, pictures, albums, tools, diagrams, drawings.
Various building kits are needed, simple constructors, toys, scaled buildings to play with; wooden, plastic Lego building sets. The authors recommend choosing a variety of building materials.
From the middle group, a supply of additional waste material is needed: boxes, twine, coils, etc.
Slides and filmstrips are required.
It is planned to involve parents in the production of various materials and manuals for constructive activities; familiarization with the results of children's activities.

2. Building material construction
For construction in all age groups, small (desktop) and large (floor) building materials are used, as well as construction kits that have different methods of complexity: from elementary toys - liners and stringers used in early age groups - to rather difficult to assemble wooden and plastic construction kits for older children.
Construction from building material begins to be used in work with children from the first (from 2 years old).
Early age (2-3 years).
Throughout the early age, design is merged with the plot-representative game, acts both as its element and as a means of helping to play out simple plots.
The main task at this age is to stimulate interest in design, to introduce the creation of the simplest to the creation of the simplest structures (path, gates ...).
The teacher sets the main gradually complicating constructions through samples.
Classes on plot construction are carried out in subgroups (4-5 people). The initiative always belongs to the teacher.
Each topic offered to children should be represented by several increasingly complex designs of the same object (for example, a house with windows) (through a sample).
Necessary materials:
Wooden builder kits (geometric shapes: cubes, prism, plates, bricks…)
When playing with plots, you can use a variety of toys with large-scale building materials.
You can use a variety of elements from the role-playing sets "Zoo", "Pets", "Firefighters and Rescuers", etc.
Plots needed at an early age:
"Dolls sleep and walk"
"Dolls eat"
“Cars drive down the street and enter the garage”
“The birds flew in and sat on the turret…”
“The little nesting doll lives in a small house, and the big one lives in a big one”
Junior preschool age (3-5 years).
Construction is separated from the game (it is not included in the game plot) and acts as an independent productive activity.
The role of the toy at this age is still great and the educator must remember that children are only just beginning to single out the spatial characteristics of the building and the toy and correlate them with each other.
Children learn to build all the main structures according to the model under the guidance of a teacher.
Particular attention is paid to the organization of examination of samples according to a certain scheme.
Children continue to get acquainted with the properties of the main details (For example, all sides of a cube are the same in shape, so the cube is equally stable, no matter which side it is placed on).
They master two methods of the simplest constructive tasks: replacing smaller parts with larger ones, building on and attaching using the same parts).
Generalized modes of action and ideas about constructed objects are formed.
Analytical skills.
The ability to analyze samples that are similar in design, and based on this analysis, change them in accordance with specified conditions.
Models required at primary preschool age (3-4 years)
small fence
Models required in the fifth year
At the beginning of the school year, it is necessary to review the material covered.
Lesson plan
Sample examination
Reproduction of the sample by children (showing the method of action)
Independent transformation of the sample on the instructions of the educator.
Sample examination:
Seeing the object as a whole
Highlighting the main parts

Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts
Highlighting details in the main parts of the building
Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts in relation to each other
Return to the integrity of the object
Senior preschool age (5-7 years)
Each topic should also be represented by several constructions, and only one of them is set by the adult as a model, while the other children create themselves, transforming the sample in accordance with certain conditions.
In teaching older preschoolers, it turned out to be possible to use all the main forms of construction in the following sequence:
Design by pattern
Model building
Design by conditions
Design according to the simplest drawings and visual diagrams
Design by theme
Design by Intent
Frame construction
Model construction.
This is a necessary important stage of education, during which children learn about the properties of building material parts, master the technique of erecting buildings (learn to allocate space for construction, carefully connect parts, a floor part, etc.). A properly organized examination of samples helps children master a generalized method of analysis - the ability to identify the main parts in any object, establish their spatial arrangement, highlight individual details in these parts, etc. Thus, designing according to a model based on imitative activity, teaching children to build simple ones first, is an important learning stage. Within the framework of this form of construction, it is possible to solve problems that ensure the transition of children to independent search activity.
Model building.
Children are presented with a model as a sample, in which the outline is separated; its constituent elements are hidden from the child (a design pasted over with thick white paper can act as a model). This model children have to reproduce from the construction task they have, but they do not give a way to solve it.
Conditional design.
Without giving children a model of the building, drawings and methods of its construction, they determine only the conditions that the building must meet and which, as a rule, emphasize its practical purpose (for example, to build a bridge of a certain width across the river for pedestrians and vehicles, a garage for cars or trucks, etc.). The design tasks in this case are expressed through conditions and are of a problematic nature, since there are no ways to solve them.
Design according to the simplest drawings and visual diagrams.
These opportunities can be most successfully implemented in the case of teaching children first to build simple diagrams - drawings reflecting samples of buildings, and then, on the contrary, to the practical creation of structures according to simple drawings - diagrams. As a result of such training, children develop imaginative thinking and cognitive abilities, i.e. They begin to build and apply external models of the second order - the simplest drawings - as a means of self-knowledge of new objects.
Design by design.
Compared with designing according to a model, it has great opportunities for developing the creativity of children, for manifesting their independence; here the child himself decides what and how he will design. But we must remember what and how it will design. But we must remember that creating an idea for a future design and its implementation is a rather difficult task for preschoolers: ideas are unstable and often change in the process of activity. Design by design is not a means of teaching children how to create ideas, it only allows them to independently and creatively use the knowledge and skills acquired earlier.
Theme design.
Children are offered a general theme of structures (“birds”, “city”, etc.) and they themselves create ideas for specific buildings, crafts, choose material and methods for their implementation.
Frame construction.
In this type of construction, the child, stroking the frame, must think of how to finish it, adding various additional details to the same frame. In accordance with this, “framework” design is a good means of forming imagination, generalized methods, and constructing figurative thinking.
Lesson plan:
Consideration of the object as a whole.
Establishing its practical purpose.
Separation of the main parts.
Determination from the functional purpose in accordance with the object as a whole.
Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts.
Highlighting the details that make up the main parts.
Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts in relation to each other.

3. Waste material construction
In the modern world, a person acts as a consumer: every day he brings products to the house, beautifully and variously packaged. The child grows up to be the same consumer until an adult shows him a new role - the role of the Creator, who creates something original from familiar objects “to throw away” (a glass of yogurt, a dried felt-tip pen, a plastic egg from a kinder surprise) something original (a flower in a pot). The joint process of working with waste material unites the child and parents, the child and other children, optimizes communication between them. A creative child is always popular with his peers, he creates interesting games as a catalyst for ideas. With the accumulation of experience with various materials, acquaintance with their properties, the child acquires creative independence: "I can make a rocket myself." There is a development of personal qualities (purposefulness, the ability to bring things to the end, accuracy), a positive self-esteem is formed (the goal is realized), fine motor skills of the hands, artistic taste, imaginative thinking develop. Thus, construction from waste material contributes to the harmonious development of the child, so it is necessary to always pay due attention to it: “The impulse for creativity can fade away just as easily as it arose if left without food” K. Paustovsky.
The Importance of Waste Construction
Construction from waste material is a very interesting and useful activity for the development of fine motor skills of children. Waste material gives children a sense of independence from adults, so it teaches the child to be thrifty, he will never break a toy made by himself, to the manufacture of which he made efforts and diligence, and in the future he will respect the work of other people.
Working with different materials, children get acquainted with their properties, diverse structure, acquire labor skills and abilities, learn to think. Sukhomlinsky also wrote: "The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."
Mental activity is impossible without speech. Having mastered the skills of construction, the child also acquires knowledge about objects, signs, actions and relationships, imprinted in the corresponding words. At the same time, he not only acquires knowledge, but also learns to think, since to think means to speak aloud to oneself, and to speak means to think.
Organization of children's activities when working with waste material is necessary:
take into account the age characteristics of children;
correctly distribute the time of work in combination with a short rest;
think over the theme of the upcoming craft, taking into account the existing skills and abilities;
the process of labor should evoke only positive emotions in children;
children should be sure of the help of the teacher if they have any difficulties with the work;
if the work requires complex manipulations in the preparatory stage, for example, piercing holes with a heated awl, it is necessary that an adult perform this preliminary work.
Requirements for the selection of material:
Scissors with rounded ends.
Knife with a hard blade - only an adult works.
Shilo - an adult works or under his strict supervision.
Adhesives. PVA glue is used. "Moment" is used only by an adult.
Plastic food containers: different sizes, colors, unusual shapes. Must be empty and clean.
Colored plastic. Must be washed, dried and pre-cut into pieces.
Containers from chocolate eggs - kinder surprises. Both the full container and its parts (halves) are used.
Wire: copper, aluminum, coated with a colored sheath.
Traffic jams. Standard corks from plastic bottles with carbonated, mineral water and small corks of a smaller diameter from containers with sunflower oil and juice.
caps. Small sizes from tubes of toothpaste, creams.
Lids. Large lids from containers for chocolate paste, mayonnaise, etc.
Beads: rounded, oval beads from old beads, hair ties.
Plasticine. Pieces previously used in modeling are used.
Felt pens that have served their useful life in drawing.
One of the easiest techniques for designing furniture for dolls is to create furniture from matchboxes. To do this, you need to take a couple of matchboxes and glue them together with PVA glue. It is necessary to glue it so that the pull-out drawers are similar to the drawers of a real chest of drawers.
Materials that will definitely come in handy for creating furniture: matchboxes, cardboard, foil, as well as scissors, glue and a pencil. You can also use improvised materials - boxes from shoes, tea, small household appliances. What can be done from furniture? Almost anything - a sofa, armchairs, a wardrobe, mirrors, a table and ottomans. To make a cabinet, you need to take a box, for example, from under tea, paint it in a solid color, cut out the doors that will open and close. On one of the doors you can hang a foil that will imitate a mirror, think over a crossbar for hangers. Closet ready!
Matchbox cars.
Children are not immediately able to produce working models of cars, so they first design mock-ups. Layouts are inactive models that convey only the shape of a machine or structure.
Before proceeding with the design of machines, they consider drawings and samples of machines of various designs. Find out the main parts of cars, trucks and boats.
Make up the layout by connecting the individual parts with the help of plasticine.
Together with adults, it is necessary to complete the models of cars, turning them into working models. From straight round branches, make axles and fix cardboard wheels on them, movably attaching them with a strip of thick paper to the chassis of toy cars.
4. Paper construction
Paper is an accessible and versatile material for a child - it is widely used not only in drawing, application, but also in artistic design. Preschoolers are especially attracted by the opportunity to create such paper crafts themselves, which will then be used in games, dramatizations, decorating a corner, a kindergarten site, or presented for a birthday, for a holiday to their parents, teachers, friends. The child rejoices that a toy created by his own hands works: a spinner spins in the wind, a boat floats, an airplane, a kite fly up, etc. Thus, through various actions with paper, in the process of processing it, using different methods and techniques, children learn to aesthetically comprehend the images of familiar objects, to convey them in visual activity, emphasizing the beauty and color of the appearance in a transformed form. Such activities are of great importance in the development of the child's creative imagination, his imagination, artistic taste, accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material, outline the sequence of operations, actively strive to obtain a positive result, and keep the workplace in order. Children learn the skills and work culture that are important to prepare them for success in school.
There are two types of paper construction: technical and artistic.
In technical paper design, preschoolers display both real-life objects and those invented by association with images from fairy tales and films. But at the same time, children model the structural and functional features of objects: a building with a roof, windows, a door; ship with deck, stern, steering wheel.
In the art of paper design, children themselves create aesthetic images: original crafts for gifts or games, for a general panel or picture. Preschoolers try to make the images more expressive and for this they deliberately violate the proportionality of the parts (huge ears, long nose), use the unusual color and texture of paper.
There are different techniques for working with paper: creasing, tearing, cutting, bending, twisting, origami.
Crumple is the simplest technique that allows a child to change the shape of paper and see a holistic image in it: a cloud, a flower, a bow, a fish, a bird. These images are born in reasoning: What or who does it look like? What does it look like when you turn around and look from the other side? And if you connect the figures? Crumpled lumps of paper "turn" into fluffy chickens, apples, dandelions, New Year's toys.
Tearing and tearing is one of the most favorite children's activities. At first, children simply tear the paper into pieces with pleasure, and adults help to see something from the world around them in the resulting forms: a leaf, a bug, pasta, candy ... Then the children themselves gradually master the technique: they tear, tear, pluck pieces of paper to make interesting images - bugs, flowers, stars ... From broken shapes of different configurations, from paper of different colors, different textures, children make up not only original crafts - a bird , a fish, a flower, but also compositions - a bouquet of flowers, a circus, a sea.
Twisting. This method helps the child to create voluminous and textured crafts. Wonderfully obtained as whole images - a snake, a worm, a caterpillar, a scarf, a snail, a spikelet, a rose, a blade of grass, doll jewelry, as well as some parts of crafts or images - braids, ears, bows, tree trunks. (quilling)
Cutting and bending are more complex and at the same time more common in pedagogical practice. Starting from the age of five, children successfully master them.
Kirigami and origami. Kirigami technique came to us from Japan. It involves folding paper and cutting it in different directions. This is how various figurines of animals, funny little men, all kinds of snowflakes and flowers are created.
I must say that the traditional paper design - origami and kirigami - is a rather complicated activity. It assumes that children have developed spatial orientations and does not allow them to act by trial, since the error is almost impossible to correct. Usually adults several times show and explain “step by step” the entire sequence of creations of any figurine (construction), while children mechanically repeat and often after two or three days they cannot remember and do anything without prompts. That is why it is important not to teach how to create specific crafts, but to form generalized design methods. Then the child will not accumulate a “bunch” of recipes, but will master the basic principles in order to create many different images based on them. Only in this case, children will look for their own solutions with enthusiasm and great imagination, use the same material in different, even the most unusual situations.
From the Latin "construction" - the assembly of a new one. Paper design has several directions that are closely interconnected. Children's paper construction can be:
pattern design;
shape design;
designing for a theme or idea.
The simplest type of design: according to the model. This option can and should be used in working with younger preschoolers, introducing them to colors, shapes and types of paper, as well as teaching them how to work with scissors. The basis of this technique is the appeal to an example - a sample. Kids are invited to consider the finished product sample, compare it with the finished parts on the tables. This is the simplest type of construction, mastering which, children learn to repeat the pattern they see. Toddlers learn how to assemble a whole from parts, and also master the techniques of working with glue and paper.
Designing according to the form involves consolidating the ability to work according to the model. In other words, the child, receiving tasks, does not yet know the final result, but can assemble the desired composition according to the shape of the blanks. This design option is available to preschoolers 4-5 years old. Before starting work with blanks, an adult shows several options for the finished product. Leaves these pictures within sight of the child. At the end of work with the details, children's paintings can be placed next to the samples.
The most difficult thing in working with paper is designing on a given topic. It assumes that the child has the ability to work with paper, compose compositions and select materials. For example, you want to create a picture dedicated to autumn. Together with the child before designing, you look through the finished paintings of autumn. Together with your child, you choose paper of a certain color and mark out the position of future details of the picture based on it. In shape design, there is no dependence on workpieces. The child relies on his imagination, learns to combine colors, shapes and creates his own composition from paper.
Paper falls into the hands of a child from early childhood, and he independently creates images of his inner world from it. The usual material - paper - is acquiring a new modern direction, it can be used in different techniques.
Paper is the material that a child encounters every day: at home, at home, in the classroom, drawing, making an application or constructing from paper. Paper construction is the transformation of a sheet of paper into a three-dimensional form, as a result of which a three-dimensional craft appears. There is also the concept of "volumetric application".
Volumetric crafts and volumetric application are:
toys and applications from paper lumps;
toys and applique from strips of paper;
ribbed toys and applique with their use;
toys based on cones and appliqué with their use;
cylinder-based toys and appliqué with their use;
toys from fluffy balls and applications with their use;
origami toys, etc.
Toys and application from paper lumps.
They are made of fairly thin, but plastic and soft paper, which should hold the shape of a lump well after it has been crumpled (these can be ordinary napkins of different colors or corrugated paper). Lumps can be large (a whole detail of an animal figurine) or small (small design details glued onto a large main part (lumps of wool on a sheep or seeds on a sunflower, etc.). You can make different little animals from large lumps by gluing additional ears, a tail, etc.
Paper lumps can also be used to create a picture, after drawing some plot or a fairy-tale hero on a sheet. The picture, at the request of the child, is framed, which allows you to demonstrate it to others and the child himself beautifully designed and gives it a finished look.
Toys and appliqué from strips of paper.
Various methods are used to turn the workpiece into a three-dimensional figure (gluing the strip with a ring, loop, folding with an accordion). The strips are used both for the main parts of the craft (head, body of birds, animals, people), and for the manufacture of small parts (ears, tail, etc.).
And here, of course, you can make as many interesting things as your imagination is rich: a chicken, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a traffic light, flowers, various animals, etc.
Ribbed toys and applique with their use.
They are performed by cutting out parts from a strip folded like an accordion and gluing the halves of each part in turn. Ribbed toys can be used as Christmas decorations, as attributes for a table theater, which can then be placed with the child. In this way, you can make beautiful flowers, fruits, vegetables. And what a wonderful umbrella, cloud, mushrooms, etc., can turn out!
If a child gives pictures, toys, crafts to close people, friends, guests, teachers, if children's works constantly decorate not only the interior of the group for any holiday or event (New Year, International Mother's Day, birthday of a child or family members, etc.), then the value of these works increases significantly. As a result of such systematic work, children will begin to see all the versatility of the beauty of the world around them. But beauty is needed by the human soul like air! It is impossible to imagine life without it.
Origami (from 4 years old) looks like a trick - a wonderful figure is born from an ordinary piece of paper in a few minutes! Origami does not require large material costs, origami classes are absolutely safe even for the smallest children. With the help of origami, a whole world can be easily and quickly created that you can play with! No special skills required and everyone can do it! With the help of origami, it is easy to make unusual and original gifts and decorate rooms.
Trimming on plasticine
Age: from 5 years
The plasticine trimming technique consists in creating a plasticine base and gradually attaching elements compressed from paper to it. This technique allows you to make a fake voluminous and "fluffy".
With this technique, you can create a variety of postcards, toys in the form of animals, flowers and much more.
Paper rolling (quilling)
Age: from 5 years.
At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. A strip of quilling paper is twisted into a tight spiral, and then glued to a sheet of thick paper. This process is repeated many times until the child fills the entire space of the sheet.
It will be convenient to start winding by wrapping the edge of the quilling paper tape on the tip of a sharp awl.
Having formed the core of the spiral, it is advisable to continue working without using a quilling tool. So you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is uniformly formed, and adjust the forces in time. As a result, a dense spiral should form, less than a centimeter in diameter. It will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms. After that, the paper spiral dissolves to the desired size, and then the necessary quilling figure is formed from it. The tip of the paper is caught with a drop of glue. Rolls can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and dents.
Age: from 6 years old
This is a unique author's technique of formatted paper design, which makes it possible to make anything out of paper. Think - and it will be done. If you want - learn to invent crafts yourself, if you want - learn to make them after the master. No other paper design technique can be made so quickly, simply and recognizably, even Carlson, even a Chinese dragon, a tank or a submarine, a zebra or an elephant, a giraffe, a horse, a cat, a princess, a castle ...
Age: from 6 years old
is the art of paper folding. In a sense, kirigami is a kind of origami technique, but, unlike the latter, the use of scissors and glue is acceptable in kirigami.
The very name of the technique speaks of this: it comes from two Japanese words: kiru - cut and kami - paper.
The basis of crafts using the kirigami technique is a sheet of paper. As a rule, the creation of crafts begins with folding a sheet of paper in half and cutting out various shapes.
Volumetric application of colored or white paper:
Age: from 5 years
Expressive means: silhouette, texture, color, volume.
Equipment: double-sided colored and thick white paper, PVA glue.
Method of obtaining an image: the child tears off pieces of colored paper, crumples or twists them, and then glues them onto a sheet of thick paper. The work must be done on a large sheet of paper.
Children's paper construction is not only entertaining. It has a positive effect on the mental development of your child, forms skills in working with tools, paper and forms, and also serves as a good decorative material in organizing the space of a child's room.

5. Construction from natural material
Working with natural material contains great opportunities for bringing a child closer to his native nature, cultivating a careful, caring attitude towards it and developing primary labor skills. Encounters with nature expand children's ideas about the world around them, contribute to the development of sensorimotor skills, mental development of the child, the development of his attention, curiosity. The labor of making toys from natural material contributes to the development of the child's personality, the upbringing of his character: after all, it's not so easy to make a toy - its manufacture requires certain volitional efforts. In the process of working with natural material, positive conditions are created for the formation of social motives for labor, which acquire significant motivating power in older preschool age. Each child gets the opportunity to feel and experience the joy of personal participation in a common cause.
Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, food packaging, all kinds of boxes, straws, old felt-tip pens, etc. And we hardly think that much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for an original children's craft or an exciting toy.
Construction from natural material is a more complex type of construction in kindergarten. Also, natural material as a building material can be used for children's games, starting from the second younger group. This is, first of all, sand, snow, water. From raw sand, children build a road, a house, a garden, a hill, bridges, with the help of forms (sandboxes) - pies and much more. Starting from the middle group, children make toys from natural materials: branches, bark, leaves, chestnuts, pine cones, spruce, walnut shells, straw, acorns, maple seeds and other materials at hand. At an older age, children freeze tinted water, preparing colored ice cubes that decorate the site. From the snow they make a slide, a house, a snowman, figurines of animals. Using natural material in their games, children get acquainted with its properties, learn to fill their free time with interesting activities. They learn that sand is loose, but wet sand can be molded, water can be poured into different dishes, and in the cold it freezes.
Natural material is probably one of the most common materials for creativity and needlework, and the best part is that it is right under our feet. The peculiarity of crafts made from this material is that its natural form is used. Quality and expressiveness is achieved by the ability to notice in this material the similarity with the objects of reality, to enhance this similarity and expressiveness by additional processing with the help of tools.
Work on the manufacture of toys, crafts from natural material should begin with light structures and, as children master the skills of manual labor, move on to more complex crafts.
At first, it is important to interest children in the process of creation, instill in them the confidence that they will be able to do what they have planned, and then teach them to work with natural material.
Methodology for conducting classes on the manufacture of crafts from natural material:
Introductory conversation about the material to be worked with (the story should be accompanied by a demonstration of this material, children can be allowed to touch, feel the surface, examine the shape, pay attention to the color);
Posting a topic and showing a toy sample;
Analysis of the sample and showing the techniques for creating a toy or craft (here you can use the ability of children to analyze the sample, encourage them to make assumptions about the sequence of completing the task; the teacher can correct the answers of the children, directing their attention to the peculiarities of working with this material);
Making toys (handicrafts). In the process of labor, the teacher monitors the work of children, monitors compliance with safety regulations, and provides necessary assistance to children who find it difficult;
Analysis of a finished toy (craft), during which children develop the ability to evaluate the results of their work and the work of their comrades;
Workplace cleaning.
Thus, crafts made from natural materials will help children appreciate every little thing. Children treat toys made with their own hands much more carefully than purchased ones. And most importantly, children will learn to turn on their imagination and fantasy about how this or that trinket can be used.

6. Planar design
One of the main types of planar design is the construction of counting sticks. Counting sticks are an indispensable didactic material designed for teaching mathematics, developing visual perception, mental operations of comparison, analysis, synthesis, and developing fine motor skills of the hand. The main features of this didactic material are abstractness, versatility, and high efficiency.
Construction from sticks is very similar to composing figures from simple matches.
The next type of planar design - the game "Tangram" - is one of the simple mathematical games. The game is easy to make. A square 10 by 10 cm made of cardboard or plastic, equally colored on both sides, is cut into 7 parts, which are called tans. The result is 2 large, 2 small and 1 medium triangles, a square and a parallelogram. Each child is given an envelope with 7 tanas and a sheet of cardboard on which they lay out a picture from the sample. Using all 7 dances, tightly attaching them one to another, children make up a lot of different images according to samples and according to their own design.
The game is interesting for both children and adults. Children are fascinated by the result - they are involved in active practical activities to select the method of arranging the figures in order to create a silhouette.
The success of mastering the game at preschool age depends on the level of sensory development of children. While playing, children memorize the names of geometric shapes, their properties, distinguishing features, examine the forms visually and tactilely-motorly, freely move them in order to obtain a new figure. Children develop the ability to analyze simple images, identify geometric shapes in them and in surrounding objects, practically modify shapes by cutting and compose them from parts.
At the first stage of mastering the Tangram game, a series of exercises are carried out aimed at developing children's spatial representations, elements of geometric imagination, and at developing practical skills in composing new figures by attaching one of them to another.
Children are offered different tasks: to make figures according to a model, an oral task, a plan. These exercises are preparatory to the second stage of mastering the game - drawing up figures according to dissected samples.
The ability to visually analyze the shape of a planar figure and its parts is necessary for the successful reconstruction of figures. Children often make mistakes in connecting figures on the sides and in proportion.
So, the content of the work at the second stage of the deployment of games: this is teaching children to analyze the sample and verbally express the method of connecting the spatial arrangement of parts.
Then follow the exercises in drawing up the figures. In case of difficulty, the children turn to the sample. It is made in the form of a table on a sheet of paper of the same size silhouette figure as the sets of figures that children have. This makes it easier for the first lessons to analyze and check the recreated image with the sample.
The third stage of mastering the game is the drawing up of figures according to patterns of a contour nature, undivided. This is available to children 6-7 years old subject to training. The pattern making games are followed by exercises in making pictures according to one's own design.
The next type of planar design is laying out a pattern from geometric shapes. The child is offered a set of geometric shapes, of which he first follows the model, and then independently lays out a certain picture.
In your group, you can organize the construction of dry leaves, which children will prepare with pleasure in the summer.
Laying out figures from buttons is another type of planar design. Parents can be involved in the collection of various textures of buttons, and the children will be satisfied!
During a summer holiday on the river bank, you can collect a lot of river pebbles, which can also make interesting pictures.
Conclusion: all forms of constructive activity of a preschool child are of great importance in preparing children for school, in developing their thinking, memory, imagination, and the ability for independent search and creative activity.
7. Reflective activity.


"Secrets of successful work with parents"


Deputy Head for VMR MBDOU Platoshinsky Kindergarten "Sun"

Konovalova Galina Vitalievna


increasing the level of professional skills of preschool teachers in matters of interaction with the families of pupils.


    Clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents.

    To acquaint with the rules of constructive communication with parents, to find out problems in communication and ways to overcome them.

    To acquaint teachers with the causes of emotional burnout and ways to prevent and correct it.

Preliminary work:

1. Study of the Federal State Educational Standard, methodological literature, preparation of a presentation, visual material.

Materials, equipment: memos,laptop, media projector, pens, sheets of paper,


Lead activity

Activities of teachers

1. Greeting

Good afternoon dear teachers.

I propose to start our meeting with the exercise "Brainstorming" (or "turn on the brains").

Target - to help the members of the group get involved in the work, to promote interaction with each other, a positive attitude.

Teachers count in a circle from 1 to 60 (100) at a fast pace. You can’t say the number 6 and numbers that are divisible by 6. Clap your hands instead of a number. Whoever makes a mistake gets up and continues to stand until the end of the count.

2. Main stage


Speech by Konovalova G.V.

To paraphrase Mayakovsky: “EIf a person works as a teacher in a kindergarten, then he needs it for some reason!”
The work is not easy, requiring a lot of emotional investment. Of course, I want this work to be appreciated. I want your work to be noted, I want to be in good standing in the team, and, moreover, in the eyes of my parents. To do this, we must find out for ourselves: “Why do I work, what motivates me?”. It's no secret that everyone has their own motivation.

Motivation is always internal, and it can change. Today, for example, I am motivated by monetary incentives, tomorrow - by professional growth.

And now let's figure out what can motivate our parents to interact with the preschool educational institution, to participate in various competitions, holidays, and events.

So: for successful interaction with parents, you need to know:

Training exercise "A minute to talk."

So: what did you experience when communicating, is it easy for you to make contact with another person. Which was easier, asking questions or talking about yourself?

Use this exercise in parent-teacher conferences to create an emotionally comfortable environment to learn more about the parents so that parents can get to know each other better.

1. Speech by the teacher Goban I.A.

Exercise "Choose a phrase"

The teacher is responsible for the consequences of what he says. In order for speech to have a positive effect on parents, you need to choose phrases that exclude the triggering of psychological protection in parents.

Educators are invited to find in the proposed list:

1 ) five "unfortunate" phrases that should not be used ;

2) "undesirable" phrases and semantic ("desirable") pairs to them.


Highlight, in your opinion, "unsuccessful" phrases in red. Indicate with an arrow the "undesirable" phrases paired with the "desirable" ones so that the arrow goes from the "undesirable" phrase to the "desirable" one.

Sorry if I interrupted.

I would like.

You probably haven't heard about it yet.

You will be interested to know.

I would like to hear again.

What seems interesting to me is that.

I came to the conclusion that.

You want.

I think your problem is that.

Let's have a quick discussion.

As you know.

Even though you don't know it.

Please, if you have time to listen to me.

Of course, you don't know about it yet.

And I have a different opinion on this.

Of course, you already know.

You must have heard about it.

After completing the exercise, there is a discussion and correlation with the correct answers:

Bad phrases: “Sorry if I interrupted…”, “I would like to hear again…”, “Let’s have a quick discussion with you…”, “Please, if you have time to listen to me…”, “But I have a different opinion on this…”.

"Unwanted" phrases paired with "desirable":

"I would like to..." - "Do you want to...";

"Probably you haven't heard about it yet…" - "You probably already heard about it…";

"It seems interesting to me that ... " - "You will be interested to know ... ";

"I came to the conclusion that ... " - "I think your problem is that ... ";

"Although you don't know it…" - "Of course, you already know…";

"Of course, you don't know about it yet." – "How do you know…".

Educators are offered memos "Rules of communication"

2. Speech by educators Timofeeva I.V. with a presentation

"The reasons for the misunderstanding between parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions and ways to overcome them"

3. Speech by Guselnikova O.A. “Causes of emotional burnout of teachers and ways to overcome it”


2.Professional growth / self-realization;

3. Recognition/success;

4. The desire to benefit society;

5. Opportunity to share your experience;

6. Feeling of stability;


8. External circumstances, any life situations.

9.Support for colleagues, family, management.

Teachers answer the question:

1. The desire to bring joy to your child;

2. The desire to benefit society;

3. The desire for a special attitude towards the child on the part of educators.

4. Desire to improve your pedagogical competence.

5. Self-realization/demonstration of one's skills and talents.

6. Opportunity to share your experience.

7. The desire to study your child in society.

Teachers choose an interlocutor and for 3-5 minutes they have a conversation on the topic “My hobbies” (you can on the topic “Sport”, “Family”, “News”, etc.), then each pair introduces each other to those present.

The teachers are doing the task.

Teachers get acquainted and discuss the memos offered to them

Teachers watch a presentation

Teachers get to know each other and discuss notes.


Dear teacher!

Please give feedback on our meeting by filling out the table.

Evaluation criteria Number of points

1 2 3 4 5

Physical comfort

Psychological comfort

Practical benefits

Your Activity

Lead activity

Your wishes / comments

The teachers complete the table.

Memo for the teacher.

Do not criticize others - why do you need other people's shortcomings? Be content that they are not yours.

To find a common language, you should bite your own a little.

With problem people, in order not to have problems, never create a one-on-one situation. In the presence of others, the "problematic" are no longer so problematic!

The more you take into account the needs of your interlocutor, the more he will (automatically) satisfy your own.

Confidence in your knowledge gives strength.

If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself.

If the interlocutor behaves incorrectly in communication with you, never repeat his behavior in response. Be tactful and calm, let him see his impartial behavior.

Target: improving the psychological literacy of teachers when working with aggressive, hyperactive and anxious children.


  1. To acquaint with the concepts of "aggression", "hyperactivity", "anxiety", the causes and signs of manifestation
  2. To teach methodical methods of working with "difficult" children.
  3. Analyze the methodological information received and the results of the work.

Work form: group, subgroup.

Working methods: workshop.

Dates: 3 workshops of 35-40 minutes.

Members: teachers of age groups of 5-7 years.

Recently, more and more often, a kindergarten psychologist has to answer questions from parents and teachers: what to do if a child is constantly fighting? Not making contact with peers? Can't hear peers or adults? Can't sit still? The number of such questions is steadily growing. Probably because in our difficult time, parents do not always have the opportunity and time to take care of a child, poor ecology, an increase in the number of general and chronic diseases in children. Thus, the question arises before parents and teachers: how to learn to interact with such children so that they fully live the period of preschool childhood. This series of lectures is primarily intended for preschool teachers, as they are the first in the educational system to meet "difficult" children. And on their shoulders lies the main task of socializing children into society. At our meetings, “difficult” children will be understood as aggressive, hyperactive and anxious children, since in practice teachers most often meet with such children. To consolidate the information received, it is necessary to demonstrate or play the proposed games together with the teachers.

Workshop 1. "Methods of interaction with aggressive children"

Aggression is a motivated destructive behavior that is contrary to the norms and rules of behavior in society, harming the objects of attack, causing physical harm to people (Psychological Dictionary, 1997). In turn, aggressiveness is a personality trait, expressed in readiness for aggression.

There are 5 types of aggression (A. Bass, A. Darki):

  1. Physical - physical actions against someone
  2. Indirect - it can be directed (gossip, malicious jokes) and non-directional (shouts in the crowd, stomping)
  3. Irritability - irascibility, rudeness
  4. Negativism is an oppositional demeanor
  5. Verbal - threats, shouting, swearing.

Signs of aggressiveness:

  • temperamentally aggressive child: quick-tempered, rebellious, unpredictable
  • an aggressive child by nature: self-confident, not attentive enough to the feelings of others, impudent, showing negativism.

Causes of aggression:

  1. Violations of the emotional-volitional sphere - are manifested in the child's inability to control their behavior, as well as in the insufficient assimilation of social norms of behavior and communication.
  2. Unfavorable family environment - there are no uniform requirements for raising a child in the family, antisocial behavior of parents, physical and cruel punishments, poor living and material living conditions.
  3. Learning difficulties
  4. Unfavorable psychological climate in a preschool institution.

The table below shows the directions and methods of work of teachers with aggressive children, as well as the components of the subject-developing environment that will help in building interaction with these children.

Interaction with aggressive children.

direction methods subject-developing environment

1. Expressing anger in an acceptable way

  • State your feelings
  • Express anger in an indirect form: on a non-dangerous subject
  • Streamline the system of requirements for the child

Rubber toys, rubber balls, pillows, foam balls, a target with magnetic darts, a screaming cup.

Games: Good-evil cats, Karateka, Boxer, Stubborn pillow, Clowns swear.

2. Teaching self-regulation techniques

  • Relaxation exercises

Card file of relaxation games: “Sunbathe in the sun”, “Sea”, “Tropical island”, “Waterfall”, “Magic dream”, “Vacuum cleaner and dust particles”, etc.

3. Practicing communication skills

  • Engage children in role play
  • Emphasize the importance of the child in the work being done
  • Do not hang labels: angry, bully, fighter

Table theater, a variety of game paraphernalia.

4. Formation of positive personality traits (empathy, trust in people, kindness)

  • Teach your child to feel sorry for others
  • Reading fiction
  • Writing stories with children
  • Creation of the "Emotional Dictionary"

Didactic games "Emotional states", "ABC of emotions", "Faces are different", "Good or bad".

The games and exercises suggested in the table can be found in Annex 1 .

Workshop 2. "Methods of interaction with anxious children"

It is imperative to talk about working with anxious children, although these children do not cause trouble for adults. That is why they are rarely paid attention to, and they can remain in the shadows, even with remarkable abilities. In modern literature, the concepts of "anxiety" and "anxiety" are often confused. However, these are completely non-identical terms, and they should not be substituted for each other. “Anxiety” refers to episodic manifestations of anxiety and excitement. And it is not always negative: sometimes anxiety becomes the reason for the mobilization of a person's potential. But the term "anxiety" is interpreted as an individual psychological feature of a person, manifested in a tendency to frequent intense experiences of anxiety. Often this feature is an obstacle to the harmonious development of the child's personality, his socialization and adaptation in a peer group.

Zakharov AI (1997) studies that boys are more anxious at preschool age, and Ranshburg J. (1983) that the higher the intelligence of the child, the more he experiences fears and anxiety.

The reasons for anxiety are:

  1. Negative demands placed on the child, which can humiliate and put a dependent position
  2. Inadequate, most often, excessive demands on the child
  3. Conflicting demands placed on the child by parents or a preschool.
  4. Parental anxiety is high.

Criteria for identifying an anxious child

  1. Experiencing constant anxiety
  2. has difficulty (sometimes inability) to concentrate on something
  3. Experiencing muscle tension (eg, face, neck)
  4. Irritable
  5. Has a sleep disorder

In order for there to be reason to assume that the child you are observing is anxious, it is necessary that at least two of the listed criteria constantly appear in his behavior.

The main areas of work are presented in the table.

Interactions with anxious children

Direction Methods subject-developing environment

1. increase self-esteem

  • Call your child by name more often
  • Fulfillment of prestigious assignments in this team
  • Praise him in front of other children and adults
  • Reward tokens
  • Tactile contact
  • Compare the results of this child with his own results, which he achieved yesterday, a week or a month ago
  • Avoid timed tasks
  • It is advisable to ask in the middle of the lesson, ask one question and give time for reflection (the child perceives each repetition of the question as an annoying stimulus again)
  • "Eye to eye" communication

Card file of games to increase self-esteem: “Praises”, “Why Mom Loves Me”

2. teaching the child ways to relieve muscle and emotional tension

  • Do relaxation exercises
  • Body contact with a child
  • Using massage elements
  • Masquerade (dressing up, masks)

Card file of relaxation games: “Draw with lips”, “Sculpture”, “Affectionate crayon”, “Roll the doll”, “Kind - evil, cheerful - sad”, psycho-gymnastics M.I. Chistyakova.

3. practicing confident behavior in specific situations

  • Role-playing game
  • Doll games

Playing scenes using puppet theater or masks

Workshop 3."Methods of interaction with hyperactive children"

If a child is restless, then the cause of this is most likely a disorder called “hyperactivity due to attention deficit”. Hyperactivity is called inattention, distractibility and impulsivity, motor disinhibition that are unusual for the normal development of a child. Peaks of manifestation: 1-2 years, 3 years, 6-7 years.

Hyperactive children cause the greatest protest in adults, because. these children bring a lot of inconvenience.

It is still not clear exactly why these disorders occur. Some scientists believe that this is a violation of the functions of the brain in the frontal part. Together with other areas of the brain, this area is responsible for controlling movement and attention. The long-term prognosis for hyperactive children with attention disorders is favorable if they receive comprehensive assistance: psychological and pedagogical support and medication.

The main causes of hyperactivity:

  1. Prenatal pathology (toxicosis, exacerbation of a chronic disease, Rh conflict)
  2. Complications during childbirth (preterm labor, labor with stimulation, asphyxia, internal hemorrhage)
  3. Psychosocial factors (permissive parenting style)

Signs of hyperactive children:

  • bad dream
  • sensitivity to stimuli
  • increased muscle tone
  • the child does not show any attempts to penetrate the essence of the phenomenon
  • spontaneous, disorderly actions
  • do not think about the consequences of their actions
  • selfish, demonstrative, demanding, conflict
  • overly talkative

If you do not work with a hyperactive child in preschool childhood, then in adolescence he will experience antisocial, destructive behavior.

It should also be noted that children with hyperactivity have a very low sensitivity threshold to negative stimuli, so they are immune to reprimands and punishment. But they easily respond to the slightest praise.

The main areas of work with these children are shown in the table.

Interaction with a hyperactive child

Direction of work Recommendations Subject-developing environment

Development of attention, behavior control, motor control

  • Conduct child training at the start of the day
  • Instructions are clear and concise (no more than 6 words)
  • Communicate softly, calmly, evenly (refrain from emotionally elevated tone)
  • A few minutes before the start of a new activity, warn the child about this
  • Compliance with a clear regimen
  • Restrict from watching TV
  • Ask the child at the beginning and end of the lesson
  • Find differences
  • Do it in this way!
  • homeless hare
  • glomerulus
  • What's new
  • Be careful
  • listen to the silence
  • finger games
  • Psycho-gymnastics

Practicing interaction skills with adults and peers

  • Before the start of classes, stipulate the rules of conduct for the implementation of which the child will receive a reward
  • Rewards - go in the first pair, watch during lunch, extra time to play
  • encourage more often
  • Try to avoid the particle "NOT" in speech
  • Control the execution of short tasks
  • homeless hare
  • Bell
  • Speak!
  • My triangular cap
  • Yes and no, don't say
  • Chants, whisperers, silencers
  • Please
  • Let's say hello

The games and exercises proposed in the table can be found in Appendix 1.


  1. Zakharov A.I. The origin of childhood neuroses and psychotherapy. - M., 2000.
  2. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrective work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children - M., 2000.
  3. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Part 1. M., 1998.
  4. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Part 2. M., 1998.
  5. Chirkova T.V. Psychological service in kindergarten: A manual for psychologists and specialists in preschool education. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998.
  6. Shirokova G.A. Handbook of preschool psychologist. (3rd ed.) / Series "Reference books". - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005.
  7. Shitova E.V. Working with children is a source of pleasure: guidelines for the work of educators with children and parents. - Volgograd: "Panorama", 2006.

Seminar for preschool teachers

"Such different children"

Target: to acquaint teachers with the psychological characteristics of the development of aggressive, shy, hyperactive and anxious children, to present to teachers the content of games aimed at overcoming aggressiveness, anxiety, shyness among pupils; to promote the development of empathy and communication skills among teachers.

Preliminary work:

1. Creation of the presentation "Such different children."

2.Selection of demo material on the subject.

Seminar progress:


    Screening of the cartoon "Where do babies come from"

    Exercise "All children are different"

All children are different, each child is an individual. There are children with whom it is a pleasure to communicate: they are interested in everything, they are polite, capable and very nice, it seems that everything is easy and fast for them, it turns out(take out an asterisk from the box). And there are, at first glance, very calm: you sit him down, and he sits, you put him down - he stands, it’s calm with him as an adult, but is he calm in this state(take out cube) . And there are children who are very contradictory: for 5 minutes he is calm and cute, and then, suddenly, he begins to behave incomprehensibly, run in different directions, then he seems to calm down again, and then everything repeats(get a tumbler) . And there are those who live in their little world - quiet, not noticeable, not sociable(get a shell) . And then there are children who are very, very mobile: it is difficult for them to stay in one place.(get the ball). There are children who have many, many thorns: either they start arguing with adults, or they fight with other children.(get spiny hedgehog ). All children are different, they are not similar to each other. The main task of adults is not to ask yourself the endless question “Why is he like this? ". He is like that, you have to try to understand and accept it. But another question needs to be asked: “What can I do to help him?

Recently, the problem of communicating with "difficult children" has become extremely relevant. This happens because the number of "difficult children" is steadily growing.

If in the past "difficult children" were predominantly adolescents, now preschool children often fall into this category.

In almost every group there is at least one child whose behavior differs from the behavior of other children - these can be children with signs of aggressive behavior, hyperactive children, or vice versa, closed, fearful, anxious. (slide 2 - categories of "Difficult children")

    Mini-lecture "Psychological characteristics of aggressive, hyperactive children"

Consider the main features of such children according to the "Portrait of a special child" scheme (Appendix 1) -slide 3

(Teachers choose qualities characteristic of aggressive children)

    Aggressive child (slide 4)

Portrait of an aggressive child.

He attacks the others, calls them names and beats them, takes away and breaks toys, in a word, becomes a "thunderstorm" of the whole team. This rough, pugnacious, rude child is very difficult to accept for who he is, and even more difficult to understand. An aggressive child often feels rejected, useless. Aggressive children are very often suspicious and wary, they like to shift the blame for the quarrel they started on others. Such children often cannot assess their aggressiveness themselves. They do not notice that they instill fear and anxiety in others. On the contrary, it seems to them that the whole world wants to offend them. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained: aggressive children are afraid and hate others, and those in turn are afraid of them.

However, an aggressive child, like any other, needs affection and help from adults, because his aggression is, first of all, a reflection of internal discomfort, an inability to adequately respond to the events around him.

Aggressive behavior of children is a kind of signal "SOS”, a cry for help, about attention to one’s inner world, in which too many destructive emotions have accumulated, which the child cannot cope with on his own. Those. children's aggressiveness is a sign of internal trouble.

Aggression in preschool age can manifest itself in the form of threats, teasing, as well asdestruction of the products of another's activity; destruction or damage to other people's things; directly attacking another and inflicting physical pain and humiliation on him (simply a fight).

Causes of children's aggressiveness: (slide 5)

As a result, the reasons for aggressive behavior can be called:

The child has neurological diseases;

Family upbringing style (hyper-, hypo-guardianship, alienation, constant quarrels, stresses; there is no unity of requirements for the child; too severe or weak requirements are imposed on the child; physical (especially cruel) punishments; antisocial behavior of parents);

Psychological climate in the children's team

How to help an aggressive child: (slide 6)

The work of educators should be carried out in three directions:

1. Teaching aggressive children acceptable ways to express anger.

2. Teaching self-control.

3. Formation of the ability for empathy, trust, sympathy, empathy, etc.

First direction . What is anger? This is a feeling of intense resentment, which is accompanied by a loss of control over oneself. Psychologists do not recommend holding back anger every time, because, in this way, we can become a kind of "piggy bank of anger."(Exercise "Ball") In addition, having driven anger inside, a person, most likely, sooner or later will still feel the need to throw it out. But not on the one who caused this feeling, but on the one who is weaker and will not be able to fight back. Anger must be released. This does not mean that everyone is allowed to fight and bite. It's just that we have to learn ourselves and teach children to express anger in non-destructive ways:

    You can use the available tools that you need to equip each group of kindergarten. Light balls that a child can throw at a target; soft pillows that an angry child can kick, beat, rubber hammers that can be beaten on the floor with all their might; Newspapers that can be crumpled and tossed without fear of smashing or destroying anything can all help reduce emotional and muscle tension if we teach children how to use them in emergency situations.

    In a situation where a child is angry with a peer and calls him names, you can draw the offender with him, depict him in the form and in the situation in which the “offended” wants. Such work should be carried out one on one with the child, out of sight of the opponent.

    A way to express verbal aggression is to play a game of name-calling with them. Children who hear something pleasant about themselves have a reduced desire to act aggressively.

    To help children express anger in an accessible way, and teachers to conduct classes without hindrance, the game "Screaming Pouch" will help. Before class, any child who wishes can come up to the Shouting Bag and shout as loudly as possible. Thus, he "gets rid" of his cry for the duration of the lesson.

    Blind the figure of your offender, smash, crumple, flatten between the palms, and then, if desired, restore.

    Sand and water games. Angry at someone, a child can bury a figurine symbolizing the enemy deep in the sand, pour water into it, cover it with cubes, sticks. For this purpose, toys from Kinder Surprises are used. Burying - digging toys, working with loose sand, the child gradually calms down.

Second direction

The next very responsible and no less important area is teaching the skills to recognize and control negative emotions. Not always an aggressive child admits that he is aggressive. Moreover, in the depths of his soul, he is sure of the opposite: that everyone around is aggressive. Unfortunately, such children cannot always adequately assess their condition, and even more so the condition of those around them. Aggressive children sometimes show aggression only because they do not know other ways to express their feelings.

The task of an adult is to teach them to get out of conflict situations in acceptable ways. For this purpose, you can:

    in a group, discuss with the children the most common conflict situations. For example, what to do if a child needs a toy that someone is already playing with. Sometimes children act one way or another, not because they like it, but because they don’t know how to do it differently.

    talk about your feelings and the feelings of other children.

    act out problem situations with toys

    reading and fairy tales and discussing the feelings of the characters.

    Drawing on the themes "I'm angry", "I'm happy"

Third direction. Aggressive children have a low level of empathy: this is the ability to feel the state of another person, the ability to take his position. Aggressive children do not care about the suffering of others, they cannot even imagine that other people can be unpleasant and bad. It is believed that if the aggressor can sympathize with the "victim", his aggression will be weaker next time.

    One of the forms of such work can be a role-playing game, during which the child gets the opportunity to put himself in the place of others, to evaluate his behavior from the outside. For example, if there was a quarrel or a fight in a group, you can sort out this situation in a circle by inviting literary heroes known to children, similar to the one that happened in the group, and then asking the children to reconcile them. Children offer different ways to get out of the conflict. You can act out situations that most often cause conflicts in the team: how to react if a friend does not give the right toy, what to do if you are teased, what to do if you are pushed and you fall, etc. Purposeful work helps the child to be more understanding about the feelings and actions of others and learn to adequately relate to what is happening.

    Play games that develop empathy "Good Wizards", "Zhuzha"

    Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior.The educator (adult) needs to behave non-aggressively, and the younger the child, the more peaceful the adult's behavior should be in response to the aggressive reactions of children.

    hyperactive child

Portrait of a hyperactive child (slide 6)

Such a child is often called a "give-up", "perpetual motion machine", tireless. A hyperactive child does not have such a word as "walking", his legs are worn all day long, catching up with someone, jumping up, jumping over. Even the head of this child is in constant motion. But trying to see more, the child rarely catches the point. The gaze glides only over the surface, satisfying momentary curiosity. Curiosity is not characteristic of him, rarely asks questions "why", "what for". And if he asks, he forgets to listen to the answer. Although the child is in constant motion, there are coordination disorders: he is clumsy, drops objects when running and walking, breaks toys, often falls. Such a child is more impulsive than his peers, his mood changes very quickly: either unbridled joy, or endless whims. Often behaves aggressively.A hyperactive child receives the most comments, shouts, "negative attention". Claiming for leadership, these children do not know how to subordinate their behavior to the rules or give in to others and cause numerous conflicts in the children's team. At the same time, the level of intellectual development in children does not depend on the degree of hyperactivity and may exceed the age norm.

How to tell if your child is hyperactive

The hyperactivity syndrome is based on minimal brain dysfunction, thereforeHyperactivity (ADHD) is a medical diagnosis that only a doctor can make on the basis of special diagnostics and expert opinions. We can notice behavioral patterns, certain symptoms.

Causes of hyperactivity (slide 7)

There are many opinions about the causes of hyperactivity. Many researchers note that the number of such children is growing every year. The study of such features of development is in full swing. To date, among the causes of occurrence are:

Genetic (hereditary predisposition);

Biological (organic brain damage during pregnancy, birth trauma);

Socio-psychological (microclimate in the family, alcoholism of parents, living conditions, wrong line of education).

Every teacher working with a hyperactive child knows how much trouble and trouble he brings to those around him. However, this is only one side of the coin. We must not forget that the child himself suffers first of all. After all, he cannot behave as adults demand, and not because he does not want to, but because his physiological capabilities do not allow him to do this. It is difficult for such a child to sit still for a long time, not to fidget, not to talk. Constant shouting, remarks, threats of punishment, for which adults are so generous, do not improve his behavior, and sometimes even become sources of new conflicts. In addition, such forms of influence can contribute to the formation of negative character traits in a child. As a result, everyone suffers: both the child, and adults, and the children with whom he communicates.

No one has yet been able to achieve that a hyperactive child becomes obedient and docile, and learning to live in the world and cooperate with it is quite a feasible task.

When dealing with a hyperactive child, adults should remember the following:

    Try not to "notice" petty pranks, restrain irritation and not yell at the child, as the noise intensifies the excitement. With a hyperactive child, it is necessary to communicate gently, calmly. It is desirable that there be no enthusiastic intonations, an emotional elevated tone. Since the child is very sensitive and receptive, he will quickly join this mood.

    Negative parenting methods are ineffective in these children. Features of the nervous system are such that the threshold of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low, so they are not susceptible to reprimands and punishment, but easily respond to the slightest praise. Praise and a positive reaction from an adult is very necessary for these children. But you just need to remember that doing this should not be too emotional.

    A hyperactive child physically cannot listen carefully to a teacher or teacher for a long time, sit quietly and restrain his impulses. At first, it is desirable to ensure that only one function is trained. For example, if you want him to be attentive while doing a task, try not to notice that he fidgets and jumps up.

    The load of the child should correspond to his capabilities. For example, if children in a kindergarten group can do an activity for 20 minutes, but a hyperactive child is only productive for 10 minutes, do not force him to continue the activity for longer. It won't do any good. It is wiser to switch it to another type of activity: ask to water the flowers, set the table, pick up an “accidentally” dropped pencil, and so on.

    For hyperactive children, physical contact is important. Therefore, the teacher at the moment when the child begins to be distracted, can put his hand on his shoulder. This touch works as a signal to help “turn on” attention. He will save an adult from having to make comments and read useless notations.

    It is very difficult for a hyperactive child to force himself to do what adults demand, it is especially difficult for him. That is why it is desirable already in kindergarten to teach children to follow certain rules and follow instructions.

    There should be few prohibitions, they should be agreed in advance with the child and formulated in a clear, unyielding form. The child must clearly know what sanctions will follow the violation of the prohibition.

    If the vestibular apparatus is damaged, they need to move, spin and constantly turn their heads in order to remain attentive. In order to maintain concentration of attention, children use an adaptive strategy: they activate the centers of balance with the help of physical activity. For example, leaning back on a chair so that only its back legs touch the floor. Adult, requires children to "sit up straight and not be distracted." But for such children, these two requirements come into conflict. If their head and body are immobile, the level of brain activity decreases.

    It must be remembered that it is easier for a hyperactive child to work at the beginning of the day than in the evening, at the beginning of a lesson than at the end. The child, working one-on-one with an adult, does not show signs of hyperactivity and copes with work much more successfully.

    One of the important conditions for successful interaction with hyperactive children is compliance with the daily routine. All procedures and activities should be known to the child in advance.

Games for hyperactive children

Games for the development of attention "Corrector", "Teacher", "Catch - do not catch", "All the way around"

Games and exercises to relieve muscle and emotional tension (relaxation); "Soldier and a rag doll", "Humpty Dumpty", psycho-gymnastic classes

Games that develop skills of volitional regulation (management); "I am silent - I whisper - I shout", "Speak on a signal", "Freeze"

games that help to consolidate the ability to communicate, communication games. "Revived toys", "centipede", "good angels", "broken phone".

Callers” (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Purpose: to remove verbal aggression, to help children throw out anger in an acceptable form.

Tell the children the following: “Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different harmless words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use. These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture). Each appeal should begin with the words: “And you, ..., carrot!” Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other. In the final round, you should definitely say something pleasant to your neighbor, for example: “And you, .... the sun!”

The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children. It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is just a game and you should not be offended by each other.

Two rams” (Kryazhevo N.L., 1997)

Purpose: to remove non-verbal aggression, to provide the child with the opportunity to "legally" throw out anger, relieve excessive emotional and muscle tension, direct the children's energy in the right direction. The teacher divides the children into pairs and reads the text: ^Early, early, two rams met on the bridge. The participants of the game, legs wide apart, their torsos bowed forward, rest their palms and foreheads against each other. The task is to confront each other without moving, as long as possible. You can make the sounds "Be-e-e."

Tuh-tibi-spirit” (Fopel K., 1998)

Purpose: removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.

I will tell you a secret word. This is a magic spell against a bad mood, against resentment and disappointment. For it to really work, you need to do the following. Now you will start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you feel like talking, stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say the magic word three times, angrily, angrily: "Tuh-tibi-dukh." Then keep walking around the room. From time to time stop in front of someone and again angrily pronounce this magic word

For the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you.

Jujo” (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Purpose: to teach aggressive children to be less touchy, to give them a unique opportunity to look at themselves through the eyes of others, to be in the place of the one whom they themselves offend without thinking about it. “Zhuzha” sits on a chair with a towel in his hands. Everyone else runs around her, making faces, teasing, touching her. “Zhuzha” endures, but when she gets tired of all this, she jumps up and starts chasing the offenders, trying to catch the one who offended her the most, he will be “Zhuzha”.

An adult should ensure that “teasers” are not too offensive.

Mistakes that increase the tension of the situation

The main task of the educator (or any other adult) faced with child aggression is to reduce the tension of the situation. Typical wrong actions of an adult that increase tension and aggression are:

Demonstration of power ("The teacher is still here for me", "It will be as I say");

Scream, indignation;

Aggressive postures and gestures: clenched jaws, crossed or clasped hands, talking through teeth;

Sarcasm, ridicule, ridicule and mimicry;

Negative assessment of the personality of the child, his relatives or friends;

Use of physical force;

Involvement of strangers in the conflict;

Adamant insistence on being right;

Notations, sermons, "reading morality",

Punishment or threats of punishment;

Generalizations like: "You are all the same", "You, as always...", "You never...";

Comparing a child with other children is not in his favor;

Teams, tough demands, pressure;

Excuses, bribes, rewards.


Some of these reactions may stop the child for a short time, but the possible negative effect of such adult behavior is much more harmful than the aggressive behavior itself.

Annex 1. Portrait of a "special child"

Characteristic features of the child

Too talkative

Works productively with operational cards.

Refuses to play together.

overly mobile

Has high standards for himself

Does not understand the feelings and experiences of other people

Feels rejected

loves rituals

Has low self-esteem

Often quarrels with adults

Creates conflict situations

Lags behind in the development of speech

overly suspicious

Spinning in place

Performs stereotypical mechanical movements

Constantly controls your behavior

Excessively worried about any events

Puts the blame on others

Restless in movement

Has somatic problems, pain in the abdomen, in the throat, headaches

Often argues with adults


Seems detached, indifferent to the environment

Likes to do puzzles, mosaics

Often loses control

Refuses to comply with requests


Poor orientation in space

Often fights

Has a vacant look

Often anticipates "bad"


Has muscle tension

Has poor coordination

Fear of starting a new activity

Often deliberately annoying adults

Timidly greets

Playing the same game for years

Little and restless sleep

Pushes, breaks, destroys everything around

Feels helpless

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 290 of the Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd".Speech at the pedagogical council of the Ministry of Education and Science of kindergarten No. 290 "Kindergarten, me and my friendly family" on the topic:

Workshop for teachers "Communication of the educator with the parents of pupils"

Compiled by: social teacher of the first qualification category Moiseenko Olga Borisovna

Target: to increase the level of professional skills of preschool teachers in matters of interaction with the families of pupils.


1. "Organization of joint work of the teacher with the parents of pupils"
2. The results of the survey of teachers and parents.
3. Fulfillment of tasks by teachers.
4. Homework for teachers.
5. Instructions for teachers on communication with parents of pupils.

"Organization of joint work of the teacher with the parents of pupils"

Teachers and parents have common tasks: to do everything so that children grow up happy, active, healthy, cheerful, sociable, so that they become harmoniously developed personalities. Modern preschool institutions do a lot to ensure that communication with parents is rich and interesting. On the one hand, teachers keep all the best and time-tested, and on the other hand, they seek and strive to introduce new, effective forms of interaction with the families of pupils, the main task of which is to achieve real cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.

Practice shows that any joint activity of parents and teachers is effective. For example, group discussion of a problem allows parents to feel that other moms and dads have also faced similar problems and managed to find a way out of them. And this gives rise to the feeling that any difficulties are solvable.

There are many difficulties in organizing communication with parents: parents do not understand the importance of the kindergarten regime, and its constant violation, lack of unity of requirements in the family and kindergarten. It is difficult to communicate with young parents, as well as with parents from dysfunctional families or those who have personal problems. They often treat teachers condescendingly and dismissively, it is difficult to establish contact with them, establish cooperation, and become partners in the common cause of raising a child. But many of them would like to communicate with teachers "on an equal footing", as with colleagues, to come to a trusting, "spiritual" communication.
Who has the leading role in organizing communication? Certainly a teacher. To build it, it is important to have communication skills, navigate the problems of upbringing and the needs of the family, and be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher should let parents feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show parents that he sees them as partners, like-minded people.

A teacher who is competent in the field of communication with parents understands why communication is needed and how it should be, knows what is necessary for communication to be interesting and meaningful, and, most importantly, actively acts.

Many teachers experience difficulties in communicating with the parents of pupils. Someone believes that parents are to blame for everything, who do not care about children and their development, who do not want their child to grow up good. It's hard to agree with this. Parents do not always have enough time to communicate, there are also categories of difficult parents, but something else is important. Teachers need to see the causes of difficulties - not only in their parents, but also in themselves. From this follows the conclusion: it is necessary to constantly work on the professional competence of teachers in communicating with parents.

We will devote today's workshop to this issue: Communication between the educator and the parents of the pupils.

Based on the results of the survey, all kindergarten teachers believe that close cooperation with parents on the upbringing and education of children is necessary. Some teachers have difficulty communicating with parents. The reason for this is considered: the unwillingness of parents to make contact, the incompetence of parents in the upbringing and education of children, the problems of parents of a personal nature, families who do not consider it necessary to communicate with educators.

Working with families is hard work. It is necessary to take into account the modern approach in working with the family. The main trend is to teach parents how to solve life problems on their own. And this requires some effort from teachers. Both the educator and the parent are adults who have their own psychological characteristics, age and individual traits, their own life experience and their own vision of problems. Our seminar is dedicated to raising the level of professional skills in matters of interaction with the families of pupils.

And now I suggest you complete the following tasks.

So, the first task: I suggest you answer the following questions:

1. Who has the leading role in raising a preschool child? (family)

2. Name the legislative documents that indicate the priority role of the family in the upbringing of the child (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Family Code)

3. What is the role of other social institutions in the upbringing of children? (to help, support, direct, supplement the educational activities of the family)

4. What is the teacher's competence in communicating with parents? (improves his knowledge, strives for active interaction, attentive, restrained, tactful in communication, knows about the family, takes into account the social needs of parents, knows how to plan work with parents, has communication skills)

5. In what areas of knowledge should a teacher be competent to fully communicate with parents? (medicine, pediatrics, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, rhetoric, etc.)

6. What are the conditions under which the competence of a teacher may decrease? (restrictions on the part of the body (decrease in efficiency, due to age-related reasons, diseases), insufficient motivation for activity, lack of awareness)

7. What are the conditions for overcoming the loss of competence? (help from colleagues, mentors, creating motivation for activities, reading literature, magazines, seeking help from a psychologist, continuing education courses, participating in problematic seminars)

8. What are the methods of studying the family? (questionnaire, testing, conversation, patronage, observation of the child's play activity, "Parental essay", diagnostic drawing methods, etc.)

9. What are the forms of work with the family? (parent meetings, questionnaires, written and oral consultations, conversations, open days, parent mail, stand design, invitation to classes, general leisure activities with the invitation of parents).

The next task: a psychological pause. Now you will draw out the strips with written tasks. After reading what is written, you must depict it.

Shame, resentment, sadness, chagrin, joy, surprise, curiosity, anger, pride, arrogance, fear, grin, discontent, interest, complacency.

Solving pedagogical situations. I offer you a conflict situation, and you must find a way out of it.

- the mother complains to the teacher that her child comes bitten from kindergarten;

– parents bring a clearly undertreated child to kindergarten without a medical certificate and demand that you accept the child, because. they just have nowhere to put the child. You need to politely, tactfully explain to parents that you cannot accept such a child;

- the mother complains to the teacher that her child comes from a walk in dirty clothes;

- Mom comes to the teacher for advice: we have a second child in our family. How to help an older child adapt to the arrival of a baby?

The next task: an exercise to develop the teacher's communication skills. One of you pulls out a strip on which the image of a parent is written. You need to depict this image, and the rest to guess.

Prepare a short commentary on the abstract.

Now you are pulling out a strip with a thesis and you need to prepare a short commentary for it. Express your opinion whether you agree with this statement or not and why.


  • You can not immediately proceed to the subject of conversation if it is unpleasant for parents.
  • In the process of communication, the educator needs to accept the principles of education, the styles of relationships in the family that parents offer.
  • The teacher should be more restrained in expressing a positive opinion about parents as communication partners than parents about teachers.
  • If you see the face of the interlocutor without a smile, smile at him yourself.
  • Confidential communication between the educator and the parents of the pupils cannot be imposed, it must arise as a natural desire of the other side.
  • The predominance of the evaluative style of communication becomes a serious source of conflict between the educator and parents.
  • When the self-esteem of one of the interlocutors is hurt, communication itself will certainly suffer.
  • Parents need to hear what the teacher has told them.

Bank of Ideas. I invite all participants to replenish the bank of ideas: how to make communication with parents the most productive and enjoyable?

Summing up the results of the "Business game".

Preschool age is characterized by a close emotional attachment to parents, especially to the mother, and not in the form of dependence on her, but in the form of a need for love. The child is not yet able to understand the cause of conflicts between parents, does not have the means to express their own feelings and experiences. Therefore, quarrels between parents are perceived by the child as a disturbing event, and the child tends to feel guilty about the conflict. Frequent quarrels of parents in preschool children can become a source of their mental illness. The best preventive measure can be a good relationship between parents and children, understanding by parents of the inner world of their child, his problems and experiences, the ability to put himself in the place of his children. There are no ready-made recipes for upbringing that you can take and “attach” to your child. Some recommendations can be given. For homework, I suggest you offer some parenting advice to parents. In what form you do it is your choice. The most important thing is that the form you choose is the most effective. And at the next seminar we will discuss why you chose these or those forms, how effective they turned out to be.

Who has the leading role in organizing communication? Certainly a teacher. To build it, it is important to have communication skills, navigate the problems of upbringing and the needs of the family, and be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher should let parents feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show parents that he sees them as partners, like-minded people. And in conclusion, I would like to give some recommendations to teachers in communicating with the parents of pupils:

  • Always strive to be in a good mood and be pleasant in communication.
  • Try to feel the emotional state of the parents.
  • Finding an opportunity to tell parents something positive about the child every time is the best way to win over parents.
  • Give parents a chance to speak without interrupting them.
  • Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good manners and tact.
  • In a difficult situation, try to set an example of compliance - you can’t drop your dignity by doing this, but you can strengthen it.
  • Recall the Japanese proverb: “A bad owner grows weeds, a good one grows rice. The wise man cultivates the soil, the far-sighted educates the worker.” Let's raise a worthy generation. Good luck to you!