Synopsis of OD on the development of speech in the preparatory group. Compilation of stories based on the painting "In the forest". Drawing up a story based on a plot picture








Abstract of the lesson in preparatory group

"Composing a story based on a series of plot pictures"

Purpose: Teaching a coherent, consistent presentation of events in a series of plot pictures.

Educational: To learn to convey the plot embedded in a series of paintings.

Developing: Develop the ability to independently invent events.

Educational: To cultivate respect for the work of others. Develop observation

Preliminary work: The game "what happened first, what then?" Reading stories about the seasons.

Integration educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, social - personal development.

Types of activity: game, communicative, motor.

Subject - developing environment: a series of plot pictures (in an envelope), a ball.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, this morning the postman brought a letter to us in the kindergarten.

Find out what's in our group.

Teacher: Let's see what's in it! (A letter from Chanterelle, in which she writes that she wants to take part in a storytelling competition. But she needs help to compose the most best story. There are still pictures in the envelope.)

Educator: Do you agree to help Chanterelles? What needs to be done for this?

Children's answers: Arrange the pictures in order, consider each picture, make several sentences for each picture, come up with a name, make up a story using all the pictures.

Educator: In order for our story to turn out, let's play and remember the signs of winter.

game exercise"Finish the sentence" (with ball)

    In autumn there is leaf fall, and in winter (snowfall) In summer there is rain, and in winter (snow). In the spring the snow melts, and in the winter (it goes). In the summer they ride a bicycle, and in the winter on (sleds). In the spring everything wakes up, and in the winter everything (sleeps). Hot in summer and cold in winter. Leaves are yellow in autumn and white in winter. In summer, plants grow, and in winter (snowdrifts). In spring, insects crawl out, and in winter (hide). In the spring, the bear wakes up, and in the winter (sleeps). In summer the day is long, and in winter (short). In summer, the wind is warm, and in winter (cold) In summer, the hare is gray, and in winter (white).

2. Main stage

Children sit on chairs near the magnetic board.

The teacher puts the pictures on the magnetic board out of order (one picture is not according to the plot).

Teacher: Look carefully at the pictures. What do these pictures have in common?

Children: All the pictures have the same characters.

Educator: What do you think, which picture should be the first? Why? What is the second, third, fourth, fifth?

Children's answers.

Children arrange the pictures in the correct order one by one.

Picture conversation:

Educator: What season is shown in the first picture?

Children: Winter

Teacher: What are the children doing?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Look at the second picture.

What has changed in the picture?

What is the rabbit planning to do?

How did he decide to do it?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Look at the third picture.

- What did the hare come up with after an unsuccessful jump for a carrot?

Could the hare reach the carrot? Why?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Look at the fourth picture.

What mood is the hare in? Why?

Teacher: Look at the fifth picture.

What happened to the snowman?

Why did he melt?

What is the mood of the rabbit? Why?

3. Physical education " Winter Games»

The children began to ride (hold your palms horizontally in front of your chest and make back and forth movements, as if skiing),

And somersault snow (do synchronized circular motions hands in front of chest right hand- clockwise, and left - counterclockwise).

Wanted to play snowballs (shift the “snowball” from one palm to another)

They began to sculpt them and throw them at each other - (“blind” a snowball, and then pretend to “throw” it at someone).

Snowballs began to roll (imitate the appropriate movements)

- to sculpt a snow woman (from bottom to top with both hands simultaneously draw three standing friend on a friend of snowballs: large, medium and small)

Fun in winter! I don't want to go home!


And now let's play with you the game "Continue the story."

Educator: Guys, I think that Chanterelle will really like the story we compiled and she will be able to win the competition. And we'll play a little more.

Game "Live Words". (One of the children becomes the word -children, in itself this word does not tell us anything and does not tell us anything, and we do not know anything about children: what they are, what they do.

What do you think needs to be done to get the words to tell?

They need to make friends and stand in a certain order.

(Children are selected who become the words "friendly", "children", "blinded", "big", "snowman").

Task: stand in the right order - "Friendly children made a big snowman."

Here is the proposal. Let's read it. (First, the "children-words" repeat their words, and then one of the "children-spectators"

What did you learn about children from this sentence?

Educator: I have another game for you! Let's pick up words with the same root for the word "snow".

(Children speak in turn, whoever does not call is out of the game, the winner receives a medal).

Children's answers.

4. Reflection:
What did we talk about in class today? From whom did you receive the letter? What did Chanterelle ask us about? Who was the story about? What did you enjoy doing the most?

tatyana sivokhina

open lesson in the preparatory group

Drafting descriptive story by picture I. AND. Levitan« Spring. Big water"

(preparatory group)


Children's education describe a landscape;


1. Teaching children to understand the intention paintings, to see the features of the composition and color background.

2. Enrich lexicon children with emotionally colored evaluative vocabulary, epithets, figurative expressions.

3. Continue work on the development of coherence, consistency, integrity of statements.

4. Exercise in supplementing sentences with homogeneous members and their further use in the course landscape descriptions.

5. Cultivate interest in landscape painting, to help children comprehend their feelings, attitude to the landscape.

6. Cultivate love for nature.

preliminary work: observations of spring changes in nature; viewing illustrations about spring; reading fiction, poems, proverbs, sayings about spring; hearing musical works P. I. Tchaikovsky "snowdrop" from the cycle "Seasons", works by the composer N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Vivaldi.


portrait of I. I Levitan, reproduction paintings I. AND. Levitan« Spring. Big water"; scheme- cards.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Guys, what time of year is it? (spring)

Tell me why you love this time of year (children's answers)

(I ask several children)

Yes, we've all been looking forward to it. spring. Now let's each of you talk about spring, what is she?

(long-awaited, early, late, warm, blooming, sonorous, cheerful)

2. Post topic classes

Now listen to what he wrote about spring poet Ivan Savvich Nikitin.

(read quatrain)

admire: spring is coming,

Cranes fly in a caravan

The day is drowning in bright gold

And streams along the ravines rustle ...

What mood did the poet want to convey to us? (Joyful, cheerful.)

Yes, spring brings all people the joy of life, creativity. Poets write poems about it, composers write music, and artists paintings.

We got acquainted with spring landscapes on lesson when comparing still lifes and landscapes. Today you will become real art critics, you will describe wonderful spring landscape.

(an easel with reproductions is placed in front of the children paintings I. AND. Levitan and his portrait.)

3. Conversation by picture

(Exhibited reproduction paintings I. AND. Levitan« Spring. Big water.")

Remember the name of this painting? Who wrote it?

(I.I. Levitan« Spring. Big water")

How do we see that it is spring(answers children: a lot of water, the leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees, the sun is shining clearly, and. etc.)

What is the name of the natural phenomenon that the artist depicted. (answer children: high water, flood, flood, when there is a lot of water around)

This phenomenon is called high water, please repeat, all together - high water.

The word high water comes from the word - full water - it means big water, when rivers open up, free from ice and overflow their banks. Widely, freely and endlessly, the water spilled so that it seemed as if it had merged with the blue sky.

What words can you say about water? What is she? (children: transparent, calm, plentiful, cold)

What else can you say about water, looking at picture(Answers children: trees are reflected in it, it is smooth, transparent like a mirror)

What can you say about trees? (trees are reflected in a clear mirror of water, thin, slender, winding birches, an old tree, a tall pine, an old gnarled aspen stand in the water)

Guys, why does water seem blue color? (children: the sky is reflected in the water)

What can be said about the sky? (it is blue, white clouds float on it)

What is in the foreground paintings? (curved shore, sandy shore, small boat)

What can you say about the boat? how did she get there children: a wooden boat stands on a warm, sun-gilded shore. Probably, an artist came to her to write his own painting from nature, people need a boat to get to the cabins or barn)

Looking at this piece, can we tell what day the artist painted picture: in sunny or rainy weather (children answer)

How do you know it's a clear day? (children's answers)

And what did the artist depict in the background? paintings? (in the distance you can see houses, barns that are in the water, and those that stand on a high bank, trees)

Look at picture and say what colors did the artist use to paint this picture? (answers children: dim, blurry, shades of blue and yellow)

How do you feel when you look at this picture? (Joyful feelings: has come spring The sun is shining, it will soon be quite warm. But, a little sorry for the trees that ended up in the water.)

What would you call this picture? (children's answers)

4. Entry into picture. (Turn on softly the music of the composer Vivaldi « spring» )

And now I invite you to an amusing trip By picture.

Guys, please close your eyes and imagine that we are in the place that is shown on picture.

Everyone imagined well that we were in that wonderful place in picture? (children's answers)

1.-Then please tell me what you wanted to do here and now?

(calling the child by name I ask the answer)

(wander along the shore, ride a boat, fish ....)

2. Walk along the shore and touch everything that interests you,

Try to feel miscellaneous items. What sensations are you experiencing? (I call the child by name and I say: what did you touch, what did you feel) (Warmed shore gilded by the sun. Cold, wet, damp sand. Wooden heavy boat, rough, gnarled trees. Houses in the water. The water is clear cold. The sun warms, bakes.

3.-Look around, maybe you can taste something, is there anything edible (if all the children are silent, pay attention to the birch)

Look guys, droplets are flowing from the trunk of a birch, stretch out your palm and catch these flowing droplets, this Birch juice Check out how delicious and fresh it is. (I don’t want to try the water, because the snow has melted, and it’s dirty)

4. Now take a deep breath, feel the smell that surrounds you, what smells do you smell here? (answers children: freshness, dampness, moisture, pine resin)

5. And now I suggest you listen, what sounds do you hear here? (the sound of oars, the sound of a wave, the chirping of birds, the creak of trees, the sound of a drop)

Guys, our journey is over, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, and now open our eyes.

5. Drawing up a story plan in the form of a picture-graphic plan.

Guys let's make a plan which will help you make up stories. (I exhibit pictures - points of the plan) :

2. Location

3. Action time

5. Composition paintings

6. Color palette

7. Mood paintings

6. Making up stories

a) in a chain (all children participate)

b) individually

Answer "ideal" student.

"On picture« Spring. Big water" artists. Levitan depicted a river in flood. It's an April afternoon. The weather is clear, sunny and warm. White clouds are floating across the blue sky. The sun is not visible, but its warmth is felt. In the foreground, I see blue, calm water. Bare trees are reflected in it like in a mirror. On the left is a red curved shore. Dark mysterious shadows from birch trunks lay along the shore. There is an old unreliable boat near the shore, probably it was carried away by the current. In the middle paintings a birch grove is visible, not yet dressed in foliage. Among the thin white-trunked birch trees, a green slender spruce and an old gnarled aspen are visible. In the distance, houses standing in the water can be seen, only those that stand on a hillock have survived. In his work, the artist most often used blue and golden hues. This the picture is joyful because it has come spring and soon it will be quite warm and green.

7. self-esteem

Guys whose did you like the story? And why?

8. Grade children's stories. (On the go)

The teacher evaluates children's stories.

Your stories are complete, consecutive, they did not have long stops, you used in your long sentence descriptions, picked up a lot beautiful words expressed their attitude towards picture.

9. Bottom line classes

How should we treat nature so as not to spoil its beauty?

(Carefully. Protect and guard all living things.)

Let's love nature, admire the beauty of every corner of it, as the great Russian artist I. Levitan.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution « Kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities for artistic - aesthetic and social - personal development children

No. 21 "Sparkle", Berdsk

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group

"Composing a story based on a series of plot pictures"

Prepared and hosted:

Efanova S.Yu.


Target: Teaching a coherent, consistent presentation of events in a series of plot pictures.


Educational:Learn to convey the plot embedded in a series of paintings.

Developing: Develop the ability to independently invent events.

Educational: Cultivate respect for the work of others. Develop observation

Preliminary work:The game "what happened first, what next?" Reading stories about the seasons.

Integration of educational areas:speech development, cognitive development, social and personal development.

Activities:playful, communicative, motor.

Subject-developing environment:a series of plot pictures (in an envelope), a ball.

The course of organizational educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, this morning a letter was brought to our kindergarten.

Find out what's in our group.

Educator: Let's see what's in it! (A letter from Luntik, in which he writes that he wants to take part in a story contest. But he needs help to write the best story. There are still pictures in the envelope).

Educator: Do you agree to help Luntik? What needs to be done for this?

Children's answers: Arrange the pictures in order, consider each picture, make several sentences for each picture, come up with a name, make up a story using all the pictures.

2. Main stage

The teacher together with the children put the pictures on the magnetic board out of order.

Educator: Look carefully at the pictures. Are they related by common content?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Why do you think so?

Children: All the pictures show the same characters.

Educator: What do you think, which picture should be the first? Why? What is the second, third, fourth, fifth?

Children's answers.

Picture conversation:

Educator: What season is shown in the first picture?

Children: Winter

Educator: What are the kids doing?

Children's answers.

Educator: Consider the second picture.

What has changed in the picture?

What is the rabbit planning to do?

How did he decide to do it?

Children's answers.

Educator: Consider the third picture.

What did the hare come up with after an unsuccessful jump for a carrot?

Could the hare reach the carrot? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Look at the fourth picture.

What mood is the hare in? Why?

What do you think the hare will do next?

Teacher: Look at the fifth picture.

What happened to the snowman?

Why did he melt?

What is the mood of the rabbit? Why?

3. Physical education minute « There is a pine tree in the yard
There is a pine tree in the yard
She reaches for the sky.
A poplar grew next to her, (Standing on one leg, we stretch)
He wants to be real. (Hands up, then the same, standing on the other leg.)
The wind was blowing strong
All the trees shook. (Tilts of the body back and forth.)
Branches bend back and forth
The wind shakes them, oppression. (Jerking hands in front of the chest.)
Let's squat together -
One two three four five. (Squats.)
We warmed up from the heart
And we hurry to the place again. (Children go to their places.)

Educator: Rebta, I think that Luntik will really like the story we compiled and he will be able to win the competition.

Let's play some more.

4. Game exercise"Finish the sentence" (with ball)

  • It snows in winter and in autumn(leaf fall).
  • It snows in winter and in summer(rain) .
  • Snow falls in winter and in spring(melts).
  • In winter they go sledding, and in summer(by bicycle).
  • In winter, the forest sleeps, and in spring(wakes up).
  • It's cold in winter, but in summer(hot) .
  • Trees are white in winter and in autumn(yellow).
  • Snowdrifts grow in winter, and snowdrifts grow in summer(plants) .
  • In winter, insects hide, and in spring(get out).
  • In winter, the bear sleeps, and in spring (wakes up)
  • Days are short in winter and long in summer
  • In winter the wind is cold, and in summer (warm)
  • In winter, the hare is white, and in summer (gray)

5. Reflection:
What did we talk about in class today? From whom did you receive the letter? What did Luntik ask us about? Who was the story about? What did you enjoy doing the most?


  • learn how to make individual sentences and general plot story by picture;
  • develop the ability to independently invent a plot that does not repeat the story of comrades;
  • develop coherent speech;
  • develop memory, attention, logical thinking;
  • to cultivate love and the ability to see the beauty of winter nature.


  • Verbal - questions, explanations, riddles, word game, writing sentences, writing stories, finger gymnastics, Fix prepositions - IN - ON - ABOUT - UNDER. Surprise moment - a magic chest.
  • Visual - individual plot pictures, looking at the picture "Winter Entertainment".

VOCABULARY WORK: to exercise children in the correct selection of signs, definitions and comparisons for a given word, to activate the use of single-root words in speech, for the word winter - snow. Form grammatically correct speech and activate vocabulary.

PRELIMINARY WORK: purposeful walks, daily observations, looking at pictures of winter, winter events, winter activities. Reading works about winter; acquaintance with proverbs, poems about winter; solving riddles about winter phenomena and solving crossword puzzles.

DEMO MATERIAL: reference pictures about winter, crossword puzzle, marker, picture “Winter entertainment”.

HANDOUT: plot pictures about winter entertainment.

ORGANIZATION OF THE CHILDREN: The children are seated at the table.


Organizational moment - finger gymnastics "Cam":

“We will put our fists together,
Let's help our fingers
Unbend and rise
And meet each other.
Squeeze finger to finger
Unfold, bend, unfold
We squeeze into a fist again - we begin to practice.

Educator: Guys, I brought you a crossword puzzle ( Annex 1), you want to solve it? Then listen carefully to the riddles that the guys will ask you, and we will write the answers in empty cells.

You are ready? Begin. (Riddles)

1. Red, with a fluffy tail,
Lives in the forest, under a bush? (fox)

(Children write the answer in the cells where the number number 1 is - the fox)

2. The back is greenish,
yellowish belly,
little black cap
And a strip of scarf (titmouse)

3. What kind of table among birches
Open air?
He treats in the cold
Birds of grain and bread? (feeder)

4. He does not run, but does not order to stand (frost)

Educator: Who guessed what we will talk about in our lesson? (about winter).

(I draw attention to the magic chest).

Let's open it up and see what's in there. Yes, there is a letter! Let's read who it is from.

"Dear Guys. Hello!

The Snow Maiden is writing to you from the winter forest. We got in trouble. While Santa Claus was checking his possessions, strong snowstorms roamed in the forest and flew. They opened the magic chest of Santa Claus, where they are magic words about winter and took them away with them. Dear children, please help Santa Claus to collect these words.

Snow Maiden."

Educator: Let's help, guys, Santa Claus to collect words about winter. We will leave the magic chest open and put all the words about winter into it.

What time of year do we have now?

What are the winter months?

Now let's remember: What happens in winter?

(Reference pictures hang on the board)

Questions: How is the earth covered in winter?

What are the winds?

What is the sun in winter?

What happens in winter on the river?

What are the trees?

What happens only in winter? (snow)

What is snow like? (it can be light, sparkling, white, cold, fluffy, prickly, loose, dirty, opaque) - I bring a chest to each.

What does snow do? (walks, falls, spins, lies down, flies, flies)

Educator: We say that the snow is white, loose, opaque. Name objects that look like snow so that they are white, loose and opaque. (Mom has everything in the kitchen: flour, tea soda, salt, semolina, granulated sugar, powder)

Educator: That's right, guys, Santa Claus probably didn't know about it.

Let's put related words to the word winter in a magic chest: winter, winter, winter, winter hut, hibernate, wintering, kingfisher, winterer.

By the way, snow: snowball, snowy, snowman, snowflake, snowdrop, snow maiden, snowy.

Teacher: Well done guys!

We can still name Santa Claus proverbs about winter:

"The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand."
“Winter is not summer, she is dressed in a fur coat.”
“Thank you frost for bringing snow.”
Cold winter, Hot Summer".
“Winter is snowy, summer is rainy.”
"Lots of snow, lots of bread."

Educator: You called Santa Claus a lot of proverbs. Well done!

We worked hard, now we can relax.

Physical education:

We came to winter forest,
How many miracles are around here.
On the right is a birch fur coat is worth,
On the left, the tree is looking at us.
Snowflakes are spinning in the sky
They lie quietly on the ground.
So the bunny jumped
He ran away from the fox.
This is a gray wolf roaming
He is looking for prey.
And now we hide
Then he will not find us.
Only the bear sleeps in the den
So it sleeps all winter.
The snowmen flew
How beautiful they are.
Beauty and peace in the forest
And it's time for us to go home.

Educator: Let's play the game "Good - Bad." Divide into two teams (rows). Your row will say - winter is bad, because ..., and your row - winter is good, because ...

Well done boys. Now let Santa Claus know that in winter we are not only bad, but also good and fun.

On the tables of each child are plot pictures about winter entertainment.

Educator: Look carefully at your pictures and make sentences on them. (I ask children, 2 - 3 children).

Educator: Now look carefully at my picture (I put a picture on the easel “ Winter fun”). (Picture 1).

Picture 1

Can you tell me how to name it?

How many guys went out for a walk on the street on a sunny winter day. We have already considered this picture in our classes.

Educator: Children, and now you will make up short stories on your own based on this picture. You can choose the story you like, you can give names to the children you will talk about. The story should be short and must be complete. (2 - 3 children.).

Sample children's stories:

1 child: A cold, snowy winter has come. The sun is shining, but it does not warm. The sky is blue, low. The ground is covered with white, fluffy snow. The children went for a walk. Children are dressed warmly, in winter. On them winter coat, fur coats, fur hats, scarves, mittens, felt boots.

2 child: It was a winter, sunny day. The children went outside. They made a snowman. Sasha puts a bucket on a snowman. Anya brought a carrot for her nose. Instead of the eyes of the snowman, the children put coals. Very nice snowman!

3 child: Here the children go sledding. Lena and Maxim quickly leave the mountain. Vanya and Petya drove down the mountain and fell into a snowdrift. They don't cry, they have fun. The river is frozen, covered with ice. Children skate on the ice. The kids have fun in the winter.

Educator: While we were talking about winter, making up stories from the picture, Santa Claus's magic chest was full. Now you can send it to the winter forest to Santa Claus.

I think he will be very pleased that we helped him.

Teacher: How can we send it? (children's answers: on a sleigh, through the mail, we'll wait until he comes to us).

The teacher thanks the children.

Summary of GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory group

Compiling a story plot picture: "Winter entertainment".

Improve the speech skills of children, continue to work on the formation of coherent speech; to consolidate the ability to compose a story based on a plot picture, using personal experience children, the ability to come up with a name for a story, to systematize children's knowledge about winter phenomena, winter fun.

Correctional and developmental tasks: develop memory, thinking, imagination, observation, coordination of speech and movement.

Correctional and educational tasks: to cultivate the ability to express clearly their impressions, the ability to listen to each other, to express value judgments.

Equipment: scenery, presentation on the topic, multimedia equipment, tape recorder, audio recordings, bell, snowball, snowflakes, relaxation mat.

Lesson progress:

I.Organizing time.

Defectologist teacher. Hello children! I am very glad to see you all today so healthy and beautiful, in a good mood. Let's say hello to each other. After all, when we greet - we wish health. Let's wish health to each other and our guests.

Communicative game "Hello!"

Children hold hands and chant the word “Hello!”: the first syllable is loud, while raising their hands up, and the second is quietly lowering their hands down.

II.Main part.

1. Conversation on the topic. Riddle guessing:

It is snowing,

under white wool

Streets and houses disappeared.

All the guys are happy with the snow

Came to us again ... (winter)

Today we will talk about winter. In winter, the trees stand white, wrapped in snow, a blizzard sweeps large snowdrifts. Nature is sleeping, even the singing of birds is now almost inaudible. But we still love winter.

Do you know, guys, without which there is no winter?

2. Exercise "Without what there is no winter?"

Children answer the question in turn using the slides on display. “There is no winter without ... (snow, frost, sled, slide, snowman).”

Guys, what snow? (white, fluffy)

What frost? (strong, crackling)

What hill? (slippery, high)

What sleds? (fast)

What snowman? (funny)

2. Guessing a riddle.

The teacher is a defectologist. Well done! Solve another riddle:

“We made a snowball, we made a hat on it, we attached a nose, and in an instant, it turned out ...”


Right. And here he is. The snowman is not simple, curious, mischievous. Meet the snowman. (snowman runs to the music)

Snowman: Hello guys. How glad I am to be with you today.

Let's play snowballs.

3. Exercise "Name the action"

snowman says unfinished sentence, and the one to whom he passes the snowball finishes an unspeakable word.

In winter, a blizzard ... ( sweeps).

From a snow cloud of snowflakes ... ( flying, spinning).

For the winter, a bear in a den ...... ( falls asleep).

Frost cheeks and nose ... ( pinches).

In winter, water in the river. ... ( freezes).

Frost on the branches of trees ... ( sparkles).

In winter, snow is all around ... ( covers).

Trees in winter ... ( are sleeping).

In winter, a hungry wolf in the forest ... (prowls).

Insects in winter ... ( hiding).

Well done! You know winter well. (snowman runs away).

The teacher is a defectologist. Let's go to the snowy meadow and tell you why we love winter.

Dynamic pause. The game "What do we like in winter?" (musical accompaniment )

  • What do we like in winter?
  • White meadows.
  • And on a snowy hill
  • Skis or sleds (2 p.). Simulate skier walking.
  • What do we like in winter?
  • To dig day - day Imitate digging snow with a shovel.
  • Make a fortress in order to (2 p.).
  • What do we like in winter?
  • Get dressed warmer
  • in a fur coat warm fur,
  • Warm up in the cold (2 p.). jumping.

4. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Winter Entertainment".

I draw the children's attention to the picture and suggest writing a story.

Defectologist teacher. Guys, what day is shown in the picture?

What is the weather like outside?

What is the mood of the children?

What are the children doing?

Listen to my story.

Winter is coming. It's snowy outside. The children went for a walk, they good mood. Sveta glides on skis. Joyful Katya, Lena and Misha rush on a sled down a high hill. Irina and Seryozha are skating on slippery ice. Masha's lace came undone and she fell. Near the skating rink Dasha and Nastya blinded funny snowman. Olya is rolling a snowball nearby. What fun for kids in winter.

I called my story "Children's Winter Games".

When compiling a story, try not to repeat each other. Try to keep the story interesting and complete.

2-3 children talk about the picture. Ask the children to come up with a title for the story.

Again we will go with you to the snowy meadow.

Breathing exercises. Relaxation.

Look, what a miracle on my palm, A little crumb has fallen from nowhere! A light fluff flew in with a white blizzard. And an asterisk sat on my mitten - a snowflake.

"Blow on the snowflake." Children blow a snowflake (cut out of paper) from their palms. Look how much snow has fallen. Today we had fun and played and it's time to relax. Children relax to the sound of soothing music.

We are in a snow field. Snowing. Large fluffy snowflakes spin in the air and slowly descend to the trees and the ground. Everything around is white. The frost on the trees shimmers with multi-colored lights. You are well and calm.

"Awakening" occurs to the sound of a bell:

Quietly, my little bell, ring, ring.

You, my bell, don't wake anyone, don't wake anyone.

Loud, loud, my little bell, ring, ring.

Wake up all the boys and girls, wake up.

The children stood up, stretched and of course smiled,

They said goodbye to the white winter, went to their group.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Defectologist teacher. Guys, what did you like most about the lesson?

Whose story did you like best?