Consultation for parents: the use of games and play exercises at home for the development of children's speech. Home game library (games with children for the development of speech)

Home game library

Games, game exercises and tasks to consolidate speech skills in children

Games to enrich the child's vocabulary:

"Let's look in the kitchen for words." What words can be taken out of borscht? Vinaigrette? Kitchen cabinet? Plates? etc.
"I treat." "Let's remember delicious words and treat each other." The child calls a “delicious” word and “puts” it on your palm, then you to him, and so on until you “eat” everything. You can play "sweet", "sour", "salty", "bitter" words.
"Say a word." You start the phrase and the child finishes it. For example: a crow croaks, and a sparrow ... (chirps). The owl flies, and the hare ... (runs). The cow has a calf, and the horse ... (foal).
"Only funny words." It is necessary to name only funny words in turn. The first player says: "Clown". Second: Joy. Third: Laughter. The game moves in a circle until the words run out. You can only change the subject with round, spiky words.

Games for the development of the grammatical structure of speech:

"Let's make some juice." “From apple juice .... (apple); from pears .... (pear); from cherry ... (cherry), etc. Did you manage? And now vice versa: orange juice from what? etc.
"Let's make jam." “From blueberries ... (blueberry); from blackberry ... (blackberry), etc. " And now on the contrary: raspberry jam from what? etc.
"Stubborn words". Tell your child that there are “stubborn words” in the world that never change (coffee, dress, cocoa, cinema, piano, subway). “I put on my coat. A coat hangs on a hanger. Masha has a beautiful coat. I walk around in a coat." Ask questions to the child and make sure that he does not change the words in the sentences-answers.
“If only, if only ...” The adult invites the child to finish the sentence he started. It is built according to the following scheme: “If I were (a) someone (something), then I would ..., because (to) ....
For example: "If I were a fruit, then a green and tasteless Mandarin, so that no one would eat me."
"Call it affectionately and a lot." Forest - forest, many forests; Leaf - leaflet, many leaves; Branch - branch, many branches.
"Whose nest?" Sparrow's nest - sparrow's; nest (hollow) of a titmouse - titmouse; crow's nest - crow's nest.
"Whose trace?" The footprint of a fox is a fox, the footprint of a wild boar is a boar, the footprint of an elk is an elk footprint, the footprint of a squirrel is a squirrel footprint, the footprint of a mouse is a mouse footprint, a human footprint is human.
"Say it right." If the toy is made of wood, what is it like? (wooden); from plastic? (plastic); from clay? (clay); leather?, metal?, rubber?, paper?, cardboard?, glass?.

Games for the development of coherent speech:

"Guess what bird it is." The facilitator chooses an illustration depicting a bird (pigeon, bullfinch, starling, nuthatch ...), without naming the bird, talks about it (size, color, habitat, what it eats). Guessers must name.

“On the way from kindergarten (to kindergarten):
"I noticed". "Let's see who's the most attentive of us. We will name the objects we pass by; and be sure to indicate what they are. Here's the mailbox - it's blue. I noticed a cat - she is fluffy. A child and an adult can name the objects they see in turn.
"Magic glasses". “Imagine we have magic glasses. When you put them on, everything turns red (green, blue, etc.). Look around with magic glasses, what color everything has become, say: red boots, red ball, red house, red nose, red fence, etc.

Game exercises on the syllabic structure of words:

"Confusion". “There were words. Once they had fun, played, danced. And they did not notice that they were confused. Help the words unravel. Words: barefoot (dog), lovosy (hair), posagi (boots).
"Restore the story" Zhi... - would... de... and ba.... And would... have neither... Ku... Rya.... Dream... Ku... yai... not... pro... but zo.... De... bi... bi... - not ra.... Ba... bi... bi... - not ra. ... We... be..., hwo... ma..., I... upa... and ra.... De... pla..., ba... pla. .., and Ku... ku.... Not pla..., de..., not pla..., ba.... I dream... wa... I... not zo ... but about ... ".
"Restore the poem."
Sigh... ho....
In... to... to....
Se... I'm down....

Games for the sound culture of speech:

"Ball games". “I will name objects and throw a ball to you. You will catch him only when you hear the sound "g" in the word. If there is no sound in the word, then there is no need to catch the ball. So, let's start: a toad, a chair, a hedgehog, a beetle, a book ... "
"Frog". Isolation of a sound from a series of vowels: a, o, y, i, e, e, u, i, s. “You will jump like a frog, if you hear the sound“ a ”, you lower your hands to other sounds.” By analogy, a game is played for other vowel sounds. Later, you can play the game on consonant sounds.

Traditional games

On the recommendation of teachers, parents introduce the traditional game “I give you a word” into family life. Purpose: to expand the child's vocabulary; explain the lexical meaning of words. Once a week, for example, on a day off, parents “give” a new word to the child: they not only name it, but also explain the meaning. The words are very different: “spring” (drops, thawed patches, present ..), “sweet” (marmalade, sherbet, jam ...), “heavy” (barbell, weight ...), “light” (fluff, snowflake, clouds, feather ...). The tradition of "I give you a word" continues in kindergarten. Every Monday, children “bring” the words presented at home to the group and introduce them to their friends throughout the day. Educators write down each word on small pieces of paper, and on the reverse side - the name and surname of the person who brought it. All pieces of paper are put into a box, which, at the request of the children, is called either a piggy bank or a collection of words. Periodically, teachers take out a piggy bank and play a variety of games. For example. Papers with words are poured into a hat. Children take turns taking out pieces of paper, the teacher reads out the word, the taker must explain its meaning. If the child coped with the task, he receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins. You can organize the game in a different way: the teacher takes turns taking out pieces of paper with words and explains their lexical meaning without naming them. The child who correctly names the word gets a token. Once a quarter, a letter of thanks is posted in the group, which indicates those families whose children brought many interesting words to the piggy bank. This form of encouragement is a good incentive for both children and parents.

Target: give parents the opportunity to learn how to interact with the child in the game, thereby developing the baby's speech in a playful way, improving sound culture. Give recommendations to parents how to develop speech and increase the vocabulary of the baby in a playful way at home, on the street, in a comfortable environment for the child.

Task: to organize the participation of parents in gaming activities, for parents to realize the importance of the game for the development of speech and normal emotional and mental development.

Speech is the main means of human communication. It is necessary to communicate with the baby from birth. By the age of 2, a child’s independent speech should have at least 50 words. The speech of the baby should be relatively understandable to others. But in fact, the speech of young children leaves much to be desired. This is due to reasons that are either biological or social in nature. Recommendation to parents, first of all, make sure that the baby has no violations in the anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus, deviations in the growth and development of teeth, incorrect position of the upper teeth relative to the lower ones. Get examined by a doctor.

Today we will pay special attention to the impact of social factors. The family is a source that nourishes a person from birth, introduces him to the outside world, gives the child the first knowledge and skills. The family plays the leading role in the development of the child. The child acquires speech only in the process of communicating with adults. However, unfortunately, many parents underestimate this fact. Children with whom they communicate little have a lag in speech development. The intellectual development of a child depends on the level of his speech development. And the level of speech development is directly proportional to the formation of the personality and character of the child. Speech development is a set of activities:

  • Communication
  • The development of speech breathing
  • Development of fine and general motor skills
  • Development of the articulatory apparatus

Before dwelling on each aspect in detail, let's check if we, parents, are able to communicate correctly with the baby that we know.

Before you is a magnetic board, on the left of it are phrases that you need to complete by finding the answers from those offered in the box and attach them to the board. Later you can check them for yourself.


The child's interest in the world around him is growing every day. He wants to know, touch, see, hear everything. The level of development of a child's speech depends on education. The main means of developing the speech of a child of 2-3 years old, as well as of a younger age, is his communication with adults and the speech of adults. When developing speech, you need to take care not so much that the child pronounces more words, but rather that the heard and spoken words were supported by living images, concrete content. It is necessary for the child to see what they are talking about. It is necessary to expand his personal experience, enrich his perception of the outside world through the senses (sight, hearing, touch, etc.), through various actions with objects and things. The kid keeps asking the question: “What is this?” Use this moment to communicate with the child, so he accumulates a passive vocabulary. More often consider with the child various pictures with a plot that is clear to him, discuss them, explain everything that he sees. Repeat the desired word several times, ask him to show the object that you named, and then ask him to name the word himself. Be sure to praise the baby and celebrate his successes. At the same time, give the child a sample of correct speech. It is necessary to speak with the baby measuredly, slowly, clearly pronouncing sounds, not to clutter up the speech with words that are not understandable to the child. With a child of 2-3 years old, you need to talk about what happened in the morning, on a walk, some time ago. This develops not only his speech, but also trains his memory.

And now let's play: in front of you is a container with peas, in which various objects are hidden. The task of one parent is to be a baby and get one of the items. The task of the second parent is to ask the child as many leading questions as possible about the subject (What is it? What color? Etc.) and get answers.

Well done. Let's continue. . Your goal was to interest the baby to speak a lot and correctly.

Gradually introduce adjectives into your child's speech. Try to have as many of them as possible in your speech, then they will appear in the baby's speech. For example, while walking, staying in the country, you can play with your child the game “What does it look like and why?” Ask him questions “what does a stump, a branch look like? I.d "Answer yourself and listen carefully to the child.

To stimulate speech in children 2-3 years old, you can use provocation, or an artificial misunderstanding of the child. This technique helps the child to master situational speech and consists in the fact that the adult is in no hurry to show his understanding and temporarily becomes "deaf", "stupid". For example, if the baby points to a shelf with toys, looks at you pleadingly and you understand well what he needs at the moment, try giving him the wrong toy. Of course, the first reaction of the child will be indignation at your dullness, but this will also be the first motive that stimulates the baby to name the object he needs. If there is a difficulty, tell the baby: “I don’t understand what you want: a pussy, a car doll?” In such situations, the child willingly activates his speech capabilities, feeling much smarter than an adult. This technique is effective not only for naming objects, but also for verbally denoting actions performed with them.

Great joy for kids songs, jokes. Accompanying the actions of the child with words contributes to the involuntary learning of his ability to listen to the sounds of speech, to catch its rhythm, individual sound combinations and gradually penetrate into their meaning. Having learned to distinguish the variability of amusing sound combinations, children, imitating adults, begin to play with words, sounds, phrases, capturing the specifics of the sound of their native speech, its expressiveness, imagery. Most of the works of oral folk art were created with the aim of developing the motor activity of the baby, which is closely connected with the formation of speech activity. The more small and complex finger movements a child performs, the more parts of the brain are included in the work, because it is directly connected with the hands, or rather, crosswise: with the right hand - the left hemisphere, and with the left - the right.

So we touched on another aspect of stimulating the development of speech - general and fine motor skills of the hands. The outstanding teacher Sukhomlinsky in his works stated: "The mind of a child is located at the tips of his fingers." All kinds of finger games will help develop a child's accuracy in hand coordination. See "our activities" and repeat at home with your child.

For example, we now have the topic "Toys", let's parents turn into kids and play a finger game:

"We have toys"

We have toys:

plastic rattles,

(Shake fists).

Teddy bear soft fur,

(Squeeze and unclench fingers).

colored rubber ball

(Make a ball with your fingers.)

wooden cube,

(knock fist on fist)

tin soldier,

(fold hands into a T)

Lightweight inflatable ball

(Hands fold in a circle in front of you).

I love to play with you.

(clap their hands).

Well done. Another tip, during the game we monitor the correctness of the movements, read the poetic text and tell it slowly so that the child has time to show the movement.

plays an important role in the development of a child's speech articulation gymnastics. None of the most thorough work of the kindergarten excludes the need for parents to conduct special classes with children who incorrectly pronounce this or that group of sounds. They should be carried out daily or every other day in the form of a game. For children from the age of five, they are held in front of a mirror in which the child can control the correctness of his movements. By giving certain targeted exercises, parents help prepare the child's articulation apparatus for the correct pronunciation of those sounds that he does not speak well. You can't force a child to do it. Classes will give the best result if they are carried out in the form of a game and are interesting for the child. For one lesson, you should not give more than two or three exercises. It is necessary to proceed to the subsequent exercises only after having mastered the previous ones. All exercises should be performed naturally, without tension. You can perform the "Shovel" exercise with your child.

Let us parents try to do this exercise.

Mom says: "We need to dig up the potatoes, prepare the shovels." At this time, the baby's tongue in a calm state lies on the lower lip. Then: "We dig potatoes." The child should lower and raise the tip of the tongue, closing either the lower or the upper lip.

Well done. Don't forget to praise your kids.

Tongue twisters and sayings, especially accompanied by play actions, they delight and help the baby develop speech, imagination, and get rid of stiffness. Invite your child to say the same phrase with different intonations. Their pronunciation improves the child's diction and enriches his vocabulary. Tongue twisters can be found in various children's books.

Another component that plays an important role in the development of speech is speech breathing. With proper breathing, we pronounce all the words on the exhale, there are many games for training this particular phase of breathing.

A pipe and a whistle. For a child, the world is full of various sounds: some can be obtained if you knock on that little thing, others - only if you blow into this little thing. Extracting sounds, the child trains exhalation, learns causal relationships (breathed - a sound turned out).

You can start with a whistle, because to extract the sound, you just need to blow into it. Choose whistles that the child likes in appearance, comfortable for his hands and with a low whistle. Otherwise, you are guaranteed a headache.

The pipe is intended for older children. It complicates the task for the child and at the same time makes it more interesting and entertaining. After all, the pipe, having a melodic sound, allows you to get different sounds.

Probably, there is not a single adult who would not love soap bubbles as a child. How much fun and joy these funny balloons, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, bring! Your child will surely love them too. After all, you can not only blow them out, but also catch them by running after them and clapping your hands.

Parents, let's pretend to be children and have a competition "Who will blow the bubble the most!"

By the way, if you are organizing a children's party with contests, then a bottle of soap bubbles will be a great prize. We present the prize to the winning parent.

This concludes our meeting-game. We started our meeting by writing phrases on the magnetic board, take a look at it again. I will give you sun tokens. If our meeting was interesting and informative for you, put the token in a golden box, if you are not fully satisfied with something, put the token in a gray box. Thus, based on the number of tokens in different boxes, we will know your opinion and take it into account when planning further topics for parent meetings. For each of you, we printed a memo "We play - we develop speech."

connected speech - This is a detailed, coherent, independent statement of the child on a specific topic.

Coherent speech is the main main indicator of mental development and the general outlook of preschoolers, a means of communication with peers, as well as a necessary condition for successful learning in the future. It is very important to teach a child to express his thoughts accurately, competently and consistently, to highlight the main thing in his statement.

Children 4-5 years old can already talk about the events of their own lives, about their personal experience, and do it very expressively. You don't need to organize anything special for this. You do not need complex manuals and techniques. One has only to tune in to daily work and carefully look around you or even just in front of you.

Try playing the following games with your child:

"Remember the incident"

Choose an event with your child that you recently participated in together. For example, how you walked along the embankment and watched the fireworks, met your grandmother at the station, celebrated your birthday ... Take turns telling each other what you saw, what you did. Recall as many details as possible - until you can no longer add anything to what has been said.

"Travel agency"

Every day you and your child go on the usual route - to the store or kindergarten. But what if you try to diversify your everyday life? Imagine that you are departing on an exciting journey. Discuss with your baby what type of transport you will use, what you need to take with you, what dangers you will meet along the way, what sights you will see ... While traveling, share


"Always at hand"

All parents are familiar with situations when it is difficult for a child to do something - for example, a long wait in line or a tiring trip in transport. All that is needed in such cases is to find a couple of felt-tip pens in my mother's purse, or at least just a pen. Draw faces on the baby's fingers: one is smiling, the other is sad, the third is surprised. Let there be two characters on one hand, and let's say three on the other. The kid can give the characters names, introduce them to each other, sing a song or play a scene with them.

"Best friend"

If you're waiting in the room where the magazines are laid out, you can play "best friend stories". Let the child choose a picture that he likes. It can be a person - big or small - or an animal. Ask him to talk about his "best friend". Where does he live? What games does he like to play? Is he calm or does he like to run? What else can be said about him?

"Picture Stories"

Well if you can

pick up a few

pictures related in common

plot. For example,

from a children's magazine

(like "Funny Pictures").

Mix these first

pictures and suggest

the baby to restore order,

to be able to write a story about them.

If the child is having difficulty at first, ask a few questions. Such a set of plot pictures will not be at hand - just take a postcard. Ask the child what is depicted on it, what is happening now, what could have happened before, and what will happen next.

"Family Talk Show"

Maybe the child will like the idea of ​​trying out as a TV presenter? Prepare a tape recorder or voice recorder for recording, give the "journalist" a microphone - and you can start an interview with your grandparents, aunt or sister ... Before the interview, tell the child what questions you can ask. For example: "What is your favorite dish?.. What did you like to eat as a child?.. Where would you like to go?" etc.

"How did it end?"

One of the ways to develop coherent speech can be watching cartoons. Start watching an interesting cartoon with your baby, and at the most exciting place, “remember” the urgent matter that you have to do right now, but ask your child to tell you later what will happen next in the cartoon and how it will end.

Do not forget

give thanks

your storyteller!

Business game with parents "Development of speech of preschoolers through creative activities"

Target: Improving the work on the speech development of preschoolers through work with parents.

1. To improve the knowledge, pedagogical skills of parents in the implementation of the tasks of speech development.
2. Develop the ability to discuss and agree on the proposed questions, tasks. To develop the creative activity of the participants.
Game Attributes : Team emblems, badges of captains, crossword puzzles, black box, reproductions of paintings (V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", A.K. Savrasov "Rooks have arrived"), cards for working with proverbs and sayings, protocol forms for the jury.
Rules of the game:

1. Know how to listen to others.

2. Develop a common solution to the issue.

3. Take an active part in the game.

4. Do not dispute the jury's assessment.

5. Observe the culture of speech and tact.


Team distribution. The choice of captains. Presentation of the jury, presenter.

By speech creative activity, we mean speech activity aimed at creating a new one, which is ensured by the ability of the human brain to create new images through an unusual combination, a combination of already known ones.

Since the greatest motivation for communication is caused by the interests of the children themselves and their everyday experiences, this must be taken into account when working with children. According to researchers of children's speech, the heyday of creative talents (poetic, writing, just word-creating) falls on preschool childhood. The very process of mastering speech by a child proceeds according to the laws of creativity.

Thus, at preschool age, sprouts of creativity are observed, which manifest themselves in the development of the ability to plan and implement it, in the ability to combine one's knowledge, ideas, in a sincere transfer of one's thoughts, feelings, experiences. Creative abilities are formed in connection with the general development of the child and through special training.

1 task

Team name, motto.

Task 2 "Wonderful envelope"

Leading: The role of working with works of fine art in the development of such a quality of coherent speech as figurativeness is great. Since the formation of the aesthetic perception of works of art affects the use of means of artistic expression in different types of expression - description, narration, reasoning. The ability to connect, interestingly, in an accessible form to convey to children the content of the picture is a necessary quality of the teacher's speech.
The black box contains reproductions of paintings, which are used to compose a descriptive story. The team needs to guess the name of the picture and its author.
Sample stories of a speech therapist
1. The canvas depicts a characteristic Russian landscape. A calm day in the middle of autumn. The sun is shining, but not so bright. A Russian expanse opens up before your eyes: fields, groves, a river. The artist depicted the forest, “like a painted tower, lilac, gold, crimson ...”, and found an expressive multicolor of colors to describe the charming autumn season. The gold of the foliage beautifully sets off the clear water of the river and the blue of the sky. The smooth surface of a slowly flowing river is not yet disturbed by a gusty cold wind. In the river, as if in a mirror, coastal trees, bushes and the high sky are reflected. The picture captures a warm, windless day. Everything breathes silence and autumn peace.
2. The plot of the picture is inspired by the theme of orphanhood, the suffering of children, a Russian folk tale. Before us is a girl who ran away from home into a thicket to a deep pool in order to cry out the insult inflicted by evil people, to grieve about her hard life. Evening. The dawn is fading. Twilight descends on the young pines, on the darkened water. A girl sits alone on a rock. In her drooping figure, in her swarthy sad face, grief and suffering are expressed. Dark, wide-open eyes are covered with tears, the look is motionless, silky brown hair scattered in tangled strands over the shoulders, fingers tightly clenched around the knees. She is poorly dressed. She is wearing an old, torn caftan, a faded blue jacket, her feet are bare, and it is already autumn outside. Nature is in tune with the mood of the girl. Silenced sadly, young birches and aspens froze around. Early autumn. The first time of the withering of nature. Yellowed leaves fall on the mirror surface of the water. Swallows chirp softly over the girl's head, as if trying to calm her down and dispel her sadness. Peaked young pines, sharp sedge stems, as it were, guard the girl, protect her from evil people. The general tone of the picture is not bright, it is dominated by dark green and red-brown colors. The picture is very poetic.

3. The picture makes a special, sincere impression. Emanates from her with something close and dear. Before us is a modest rural landscape. In the foreground, on the shore of a pond covered with melting porous snow, old crooked birch trees lined up in a row. Rook nests are located on their bare branches, and the owners of these bird houses are fussing around. In the background, a log fence illuminated by the spring sun is visible, and behind it rises the bell tower of the village church. And further, to the very forest, there were brownish fields with sweets of unmelted snow. This modest landscape is filled with transparent spring air ringing from the rook's hubbub. It is felt in high, gently blue clouds, and in the dim light of the sun. The air smells of spring.
4. Before us is a wooden table, cleanly scraped by someone's caring hand, a pink table. It exudes a subtle smell of wood. On the table is a small samovar, a glass on a saucer, eggs, a bouquet of wildflowers, a flashlight and a box of matches. Objects lie in front of us at a glance. The facets of a samovar polished to a shine sparkle merrily. In its mirror surface you can see the reflection of the table. Sun glare plays on a glass of tea, on eggs, on a flashlight, on a vase. In a transparent glass vase - a bouquet of wild flowers: blue, as if bowing before us, bluebells and yellow daisies, like small suns. In the upper corner, the artist placed a large, red, lop-eared dog. A smart dog is patiently waiting for his master, who is invisibly present in the picture. It seems that he is somewhere nearby. The whole picture shines like a transparent sunny morning. It is full of bright light, peace and purity. Why the feeling of joy becomes even stronger.

2.V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"

3.A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

3 task. dramatization

Leading: A fairy tale is a powerful tool for the speech, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development of a child. The fairy tale helps children to understand what is good and evil, courage and cowardice, mercy and cruelty, perseverance and cowardice. Children easily recognize fairy tales by characters, passages, illustrations. Your task will be more difficult. One team needs to show a staging of a fairy tale using non-verbal means of communication (gestures, pantomime, facial expressions); the other must guess its name. Then the teams change places.
Such tasks develop creativity and imagination in children. Children become more free, liberated.

4 task. Crosswords on the topic "Speech development of preschoolers"

Crossword number 1
1. Speech, the story of one person.
2. Horizontally. Creating a new word based on another single-root word using a prefix, suffix.
2.Vertical. Part of speech denoting an object, object, phenomenon.
3. The type of story, which begins with a general definition and name of an object or object, then comes a list of features, properties, qualities, ends with a final phrase that evaluates the subject or expresses an attitude towards it.
4. A small literary work in prose, description, narration, history.
5. The method used by the teacher in the classroom for the development of speech, which uses questions, explanation, conversation, the story of the teacher.
6. Words that are different in sound, but close in meaning.

Answers: 1. Monologue. 2 horizontally. Word formation. 2 vertically. Noun. 3.Description. 4. Story. 5. Verbal. 6. Synonyms.

Crossword number 2
1. Words that are opposite in meaning.
2. A type of story in which children must develop a plot that unfolds in time and in a logical sequence.
3. A person who writes books creates some kind of work.
4. Part of speech, which denotes the action of the subject.
5. The method used by the teacher in the speech development classes, in which children are shown toys, objects, pictures, photographs, drawings, slides, etc.
6. Conversation between two people.
7. Type of oral folk art, a question or task that needs to be addressed.

Answers: 1. Antonyms. 2. Narration. 3.Author. 4.Verb. 5. Visual. 6. Dialogue. 7. Riddle.

5 task. A game

Team captains are invited to conduct a word game, finger gymnastics.
Game options
Word game "Finish the word"
Children sit in a circle. The leader throws a ball to someone and says the first syllable of a word, for example: "Ma ...". The child to whom the ball is thrown catches it and adds to the syllable such an ending that in the aggregate would make up a whole word. For example: the leader says: “Ma ...”, the catcher answers: “... ma” (Mom) - and throws the ball to the leader. Words must be selected short and familiar to children; at the beginning of the game, the host can say that these will be the names of those who are standing in a circle. Di-ma, Mi-sha, Sve-ta, Le-na, etc. Gradually, over and over again, the game can be complicated by introducing words of three syllables. For example: the host says: "Ma ..." and throws the ball to the child, the catcher answers: "shi" and throws the ball to another player. He finishes the word: “on” (Ma-shi-na) and throws the ball to the leader, etc.
Finger gymnastics "Thunderstorm"
Raindrops have fallen(lightly tap with two fingers on the table)
The insects were scared.(the inside of the palm is lowered down; fingers are slightly bent and, fingering them, show how insects scatter)
The rain made more noise(knock on the table with all fingers of both hands)
The birds disappeared among the branches.(arms crossed, palms together with the back side; wave fingers clenched together)
The rain poured like a bucket,(knock harder on the table with all fingers of both hands)
The kid ran away.(the index and middle fingers of both hands run around the table, depicting little men; the remaining fingers are pressed to the palm)
Lightning flashes in the sky(draw lightning in the air with your finger)
Thunder breaks the sky.(drumming with fists and then clapping)
And then from the clouds the sun(raise both hands up with open fingers)
Look out the window for us again!

6 task. Working with proverbs

Leading: In the speech development of children, a large place is given to proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings have ample opportunities for developing a child's conscious attitude to the semantic side of the word. Understanding and using proverbs and sayings involves mastering the figurative meaning of words, understanding the possibility of their application to various situations. It is in proverbs and sayings that a huge moral and aesthetic potential is laid. They are not large in volume, but capacious in meaning. Using proverbs and sayings in their speech, children learn to express their thoughts and feelings clearly and eloquently.
The facilitator invites team representatives to choose cards with tasks
Card number 1

1. Happiness is not in gold. (Hen Ryaba)
2. Whose mansions, that and bread. (Three Bears)
3. Do not believe the speeches, where there is too much honey, do not be too self-confident. (Kolobok)

1. The son of a leopard is also a leopard (Africa) -The apple never falls far from the tree
2. You can’t hide a camel under a bridge (Afghanistan) -Murder will out
3. Be afraid of a quiet river, not a noisy one (Greece) -Still waters run deep

Card number 2
Choose a fairy tale for the saying that fits it in meaning.
1. Together twice, any business, friends argue. (Turnip)
2. In tight quarters, but not offended. (Mitten)
3. I wanted to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, but it didn't work out. (The wolf and the seven Young goats)
"Translate" proverbs into Russian.
1. Silent mouth - golden mouth (Germany) -The word is silver - silence is gold
2. He who asks will not get lost (Ireland) -Language will bring to Kyiv
3. A scalded rooster runs away from the rain (France) -Burnt in milk, blowing on the water

7 task. Bank of ideas

All participants are invited to replenish the Bank of Ideas by answering the question: How to build partnerships with parents of pupils on the speech development of children, what activities can you offer? (Discussion)
Summing up the business game
The jury discusses the answers and evaluates them. Not only their correctness is taken into account, but also the behavior of team members during the discussion, correctness, clarity, literacy and expressiveness of speech.
The host announces the overall result (according to the jury), gives small souvenirs, thanks for participating.

Games and exercises for the development of speech...

The main task of working with children of older preschool age in mastering the phonetic side of speech and the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language is to further improve speech hearing, to consolidate the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech.

Children can already clearly differentiate what a sound, word, sentence is. To work out diction, voice power, tempo of speech, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, nursery rhymes, poems are used.

"What is a sound, a word, a sentence?"

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about the sound and semantic side of the word.

The adult asks: “What sounds do you know? (Vowels - consonants, hard - soft, voiced - deaf.) What is the name of the part of the word? (Syllable.) What does the word ... table mean? (A piece of furniture.)".

Everything that surrounds us has its own name and means something. That's why we say: "What does (or means) the word mean?" The word sounds and names all objects around, names, animals, plants.

What is a name? How do we distinguish each other? By names. Name your parents, relatives and friends. We have a cat and a dog in our house. What are their names? People have names, and animals have ... (nicknames).

Each thing has its own name, name. Let's look around and say: what can move? what can sound? what can you sit on? sleep? ride?

Think about why they call it that: “vacuum cleaner”, “jump rope”, “airplane”, “scooter”, “meat grinder”? From these words it is clear what they are for.

Each letter also has its own name. What letters do you know? How is a letter different from a sound? (The letter is written and read, the sound is pronounced.) From letters we add syllables and words.

What are the names of children that begin with the vowel sound "a" (Anya, Andrey, Anton, Alyosha). And with what sound do the names Ira, Igor, Inna begin? Pick up the names that start with a hard consonant (Roma, Natasha, Raya, Stas, Volodya), with a soft consonant (Liza, Kirill, Lenya, Lena, Mitya, Lyuba).

We will play with words and find out what they mean, how they sound, what sound they begin with.

"Find the Sound"

Purpose: to find words with one and two syllables.

Find words with one and two syllables. How many syllables are in the word chicken? (The word "beetle" consists of one syllable, "fur coat", "hat", "toad", "fence", "heron" - from two, "chicken" - from three.)

Which words start with the same sound? Name these sounds.

(The words "hat" and "fur coat" begin with the sound "Sh", the words "beetle" and "toad" - with the sound "F", the words "fence", "castle" - with the sound "Z", the words "chicken" , "heron" - from the sound "C".)

Name vegetables, fruits and berries with the sounds "P" (carrots, grapes, pear, peach, pomegranate, currant), "Pb" (pepper, turnip, radish, tangerine, cherry, apricot), "L" (eggplant, apple, dogwood), "L" (raspberry, lemon, orange, plum).

"Picture - basket"

Purpose: to find words with three syllables, to select words that are similar in sound.

Together with the child, an adult examines the drawing, which depicts: a picture, a rocket, a frog.

How many syllables are in the words "picture", "frog", "rocket"? (Three.)

Choose words similar in sound to these words: “picture” (basket, car), “frog” (pillow, tub), “rocket” (candy, cutlet), “helicopter” (airplane), “birch” (mimosa) .

What does a frog do (jumps, swims), a rocket (flies, rushes), a picture (hangs)?

The child pronounces all the words and says that each of these words has three syllables.

"Let's go, fly, swim"

Purpose: to teach children to find a given sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

There are six pictures in the figure depicting transport: a helicopter, an airplane, a bus, a trolleybus, a motor ship, a tram.

Name all objects in one word. (Transport.)

How many syllables are in these words? (All words, except for the word "tram", have three syllables.) What sound is found in all these words (at the beginning, middle, end of the word)? (The sound "T" is found at the beginning of the words "trolleybus", "motor ship", "tram", in the middle of the words "helicopter", "bus", at the end of the words "helicopter", "airplane".)

Make up a sentence with any word ("The plane flies fast").

Tell me what's flying (Airplane, helicopter.) What is going? (Bus, trolleybus, tram.) What floats? (Motor ship.)

Guess by the first and last sound what type of transport I have in mind: T-C (trolleybus), A-C (bus), C-T (airplane), B-T (helicopter), M-O (metro), T- And (taxi).

Older preschoolers learn to select not only words that are similar in sound, but also whole phrases that rhythmically and intonationally continue the given sentence: “Bunny, bunny, where did you walk?” (He danced in the clearing.) “Where did you jump, squirrel?” (I was picking nuts.) “Hey, animals, where have you been?” (We carried mushrooms to hedgehogs.) They learn to change the volume of their voice, the pace of speech, depending on the conditions of communication, on the content of the statement. Children are offered to pronounce tongue twisters or couplets invented by themselves, not only clearly and distinctly, but also with varying degrees of volume (whisper, in an undertone, loudly) and speed (slowly, moderately, quickly). These tasks can be performed in parallel and vary (for example, say a phrase loudly and slowly, in a whisper and quickly). Special tasks encourage children to use interrogative, exclamatory and narrative intonation, and this skill is necessary for them when building a coherent statement.

Work continues with older preschoolers to enrich, clarify and activate the dictionary. Much attention is paid to the development of children's skills to generalize, compare, contrast. The dictionary introduces words denoting the material from which the object is made (“wood”, “metal”, “plastic”, “glass”), riddles and descriptions of objects, their properties, qualities and actions are widely used. Particular attention is paid to the work on the semantic side of the word, the expansion of the stock of synonyms and antonyms, polysemantic words, the ability to use words that are most appropriate to the situation is formed.

"What do you see around?"

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about the name of objects.

Name the things you see around you. How do we distinguish one item from another? (They sit at the table, study, eat, sit on a chair.)

If two girls stand in front of you, both in red dresses, with white bows. How do we distinguish them? (By name.)

What do the words ... "ball", "doll", "pen" mean?

I have in my hand... a pen. What are they doing to her? (They write.) The door also has a handle. Why are these objects called by the same word? (They are held by hands.) What does the word "pen" mean for this object? (They write with it.) And what does the word “handle” mean (we point to the doorknob)? (“They open and close the door.”)

Can you name words that mean nothing? Listen to Irina Tokmakova's poem "Plym":

A spoon is a spoon. And I came up with a word.

They eat soup with a spoon. Funny word - plim.

A cat is a cat. I repeat again -

The cat has seven kittens. Plym, plym, plym.

A rag is a rag. Here he jumps and jumps -

Wipe the table with a rag. Plym, plym, plym.

A hat is a hat. And don't mean a thing

I got dressed and went. Plym, plym, plym.

Come up with words that don't mean anything (tram-tatam, tuturu).

Working with synonyms helps children understand the possibility of choosing different words with a similar meaning and the formation of skills to use them in their speech. Choosing words that are close in meaning to the phrase (cheerful boy - joyful; the train is coming - moving; Masha and Sasha are children, friends), to a certain situation (at a birthday party they are having fun, rejoice), to an isolated word (smart - sensible; old - dilapidated), children learn the accuracy of word usage, depending on the context. When composing sentences with words of a synonymous series, denoting an increase in actions (whispers, speaks, shouts), children are aware of the shades of the meanings of verbs.

"Tell me what"

Purpose: to name the signs of the object and action; enrich speech with adjectives and verbs; choose words that are close in meaning.

When we want to talk about an object, what is it, what words do we call it?

Listen to M. Shchelovanova's poem "Morning":

What is this morning? Today there will be no sun

Today is a bad morning, today there will be no sun,

Today is a boring morning, today will be gloomy,

And it looks like it's going to rain. Grey, cloudy day.

Why bad morning? Why won't there be sun?

Today is a good morning, there will probably be sunshine,

Today is a fun morning, there will definitely be sun

And the clouds go away. And a cool blue shadow.

What is this poem talking about? (About a sunny and cloudy morning.) As it is said about the first day in the poem, what is it like? (Gloomy, gray.) How to say in other words about this day? Choose words that are close in meaning (rainy, sad, boring, unfriendly). And if the morning is sunny, how else can you say what it is? Choose words that are close in meaning (cheerful, joyful, blue,

cloudless). What else can be gloomy? (Mood, weather, sky, person.) What can be sunny?

There are also words that call what a person does, what can be done with this or that object. If a person frowns, how to say it differently? (Sad, sad, upset, offended.)

And there are words and expressions that express the meaning not quite accurately. I heard other children say: “Dad, go in a whisper”, “I woke up my sister”, “I put on my shoes inside out”. Is it possible to say so? How to say it right?

"Find the exact word"

Purpose: to teach children to accurately name an object, its qualities and actions.

Find out what subject I'm talking about: "Round, sweet, ruddy - what is it?" Items can differ from each other not only in taste, but also in size, color, shape.

Supplement in other words what I will start: the snow is white, cold ... (what else?). Sugar is sweet, and lemon ... (sour). In spring, the weather is warm, and in winter ... (cold).

Name what things in the room are round, tall, low.

Remember which animal moves how. Crow ... (flies), fish ... (swims), grasshopper ... (jumps), already ... (crawls). Which animal gives a voice? A rooster... (crowing), a tiger... (roaring), a mouse... (squeaking), a cow... (mooing).

Help me find words that are opposite in meaning in D. Ciardi's poem "The Farewell Game":

I will say the word high, I will tell you the word coward,

And you will answer ... (low). You will answer ... (brave).

I will say a word far, Now I will say the beginning -

And you will answer ... (close). Well, answer ... (end).

Now you can think of words that are opposite in meaning.

Older preschoolers can distinguish between words that reflect the nature of the movement (run - rush; came - dragged along) or the meaning of adjectives of an evaluative nature (smart - reasonable; old - decrepit; timid - cowardly).

An important place in the development of the dictionary is occupied by work on antonyms, as a result of which children learn to compare objects and phenomena according to temporal and spatial relationships (in size, color, weight, quality). They select words that are opposite in meaning to phrases (old house - new, old person - young), to isolated words (light - heavy), or finish the sentence started by the teacher: "One loses, the other ... (finds)".

High Low"

Purpose: to teach to compare objects and find words that are opposite in meaning.

For this game, you need to pick up pictures: a tall Christmas tree, a long pencil, a wide ribbon, a deep bowl of soup, a cheerful face of a girl (laughs or smiles), a boy in soiled clothes, as well as: a small Christmas tree, a short pencil, a narrow ribbon, a sad face of a girl , boy in clean clothes, small plate.

Look at the drawings. Name words that are opposite in meaning. Say the difference between similar faces and objects.

High - low (Christmas tree - Christmas tree), long - short (pencil), wide - narrow (ribbon), sad - cheerful (girl's face), deep - shallow (plate), clean - dirty (boy).

In the next picture: a big house and a small house, a river - a stream, strawberries - strawberries.

Can you tell me what you see in these pictures? Make sentences with words that are opposite in meaning. (“I drew a big house and a small house.” “The river is deep, but the stream is shallow.” “The berries of strawberries are large, and those of strawberries are small.”)

Listen to an excerpt from Silva Kaputikyan's poem "Masha is having lunch":

No one is denied

Dinner served to everyone:

Doggy - in a bowl,

In a saucer - pussy,

Laying hen -

Millet in a skull

And Masha - in a plate,

Deep, not shallow.

What is deep and shallow? How do you understand the expression: a deep river (has great depth); deep secret (hidden); deep feeling (strong); shallow river (has a shallow depth); light rain (mild); fine sand (medium-sized).

"Is this true or not?"

Purpose: to find inaccuracies in the poetic text.

Listen to L. Stanchev's poem "Is it true or not?". You need to listen carefully, then you can notice what does not happen in the world.

Warm spring now

Our grapes are ripe.

Horned horse in the meadow

Jumping in the snow in summer.

Late autumn bear

Likes to sit in the river.

And in winter among the branches

"Ha-ha-ha!" - sang the nightingale.

Quickly give me an answer: is it true or not?

Listen to what other children said, think about whether it is possible to say this, and tell me how to say it correctly:

“Aunt, look: the horse has two tails - one on the head, the other on the back”; “Daddy, it’s the horse’s soles that are knocked out”; “Dad, they sawed firewood here recently: there are sawmills lying around in the snow”; “I opened my eyes a little and looked in a whisper”; "Mommy, I love you loudly, loudly."

Can you think of tall tales or confusions for other children or adults to unravel.

"Find another word"

Purpose: to accurately indicate the situation; choose synonyms and antonyms.

Dad decided to make a swing for the children, Misha brought him a rope. "No, this rope is no good, it will break." Misha brought him another one. “But this one won’t break for anything.” What rope did Misha bring first? (Thin, dilapidated.) And then? (Strong, strong.)

Dad made the swing in the summer. But then came ... winter. Misha grew up as a strong boy (healthy, strong). He went out to skate and felt hard ice under his feet. How to say differently? (Strong, not fragile.) The frost grew stronger (became stronger).

How do you understand the expression "hard nut"? (It is difficult to break it, to break it.) They say this not only about nuts, but also about people who cannot be broken by any adversity. They say about them: “strong in spirit” (meaning a strong, persistent person).

Explain what the words mean: “strong fabric” (strong), “strong sleep” (deep), “strong tea” (very strong, not diluted with boiling water). What expressions with the word "strong" did you meet in fairy tales and in which ones? (In the fairy tale “Kids and the Wolf”, the goat tightly (very strictly) ordered the children to firmly (very tightly) lock the door.)

Make up sentences with the word "strong".

I will call you words, and you will tell me words with the opposite meaning: long, deep, soft, light, thin, thick, strong; talk, laugh, fall, laugh, run.

Think of a story that contains words that are opposite in meaning. You can take the words that we just called.

"Say one word"

Purpose: to find words that accurately assess the situation.

The student solved the problem and could not solve it in any way. He thought for a long time, but still decided it! What task did he get? (Difficult, difficult, difficult.) Which of these words is the most accurate? (Difficult.) What are we talking about heavy, heavy, heavy? Replace the expressions: heavy load (having a lot of weight), heavy sleep (restless), heavy air (unpleasant), severe wound (dangerous, serious), heavy feeling (painful, sorrowful), heavy on the rise (hard to decide on something ), severe punishment (severe).

How do you understand the expressions “hard work” (it requires a lot of work), “hard day” (not easy), “difficult child” (hard to educate). What other expressions with this word have you heard?

Listen to E. Serova's poem "Tell me a word." You will tell me the right words.

The verse flowed smoothly, smoothly, I say to my brother: “Oh!

Suddenly he stumbled and fell silent. Peas are falling from the sky!”

He waits and sighs: “Here’s an eccentric,” the brother laughs,

Words are missing. Your peas - after all, this is ... (hail) ".

To go on a good journey again From whom, my friends,

The verse flowed like a river, Can't you run away?

Help him just a little, Persistent on a clear day

Suggest a word. Wandering next to us ... (shadow).

Think up a story so that it contains such words: “big”, “huge”, “huge”; "small", "tiny", "tiny"; "runs", "rushes", "rushes"; "goes", "weaves", "drags".

Developing children's understanding of the meanings of polysemantic words of different parts of speech ("lightning", "faucet", "leaf"; "pour", "swim"; "full", "sharp", "heavy"), we teach them to combine words by meaning according to the context.

Older preschoolers continue to be taught those grammatical forms, the assimilation of which causes them difficulties: the agreement of adjectives and nouns (especially in the middle gender), the formation of difficult forms of the verb (in the imperative and subjunctive mood).

It is necessary to give the child a complete orientation in the typical ways of inflection and word formation, to cultivate a linguistic flair, an attentive attitude to the language, its grammatical structure, a critical attitude towards one's own and other people's speech, and the desire to speak correctly.

Children develop the ability to choose a word-formation pair from a number of words (those words that have a common part - “teaches”, “book”, “pen”, “teacher”; “story”, “interesting”, “tell”) or form word according to the model: cheerful - fun; fast... (quick), loud... (loud).

Children find related words in context. For example, with the word “yellow”: “There are (yellow) flowers growing in the garden. Grass begins in autumn ... (turn yellow). The leaves on the trees... (turn yellow)."

Children develop the ability to form nouns with magnifying, diminutive, affectionate suffixes and understand the difference in the semantic shades of the word: birch - birch - birch; book - booklet - booklet. Distinguishing the semantic shades of verbs (ran - ran - ran) and adjectives (smart - smartest, bad - inferior, full - plump) develops the ability to accurately and appropriately use these words in different types of statements.

"Who's Who"

Purpose: to correlate the name of animals and their cubs, select actions for the name of animals.

The child examines the drawings (Fig. 6) - animals with cubs: a chicken and a chicken peck grains (or drink water), a cat and a kitten lap milk (option - play with a ball), a dog and a puppy gnaw a bone (option - bark), a cow and a calf they nibble grass (option - lowing), the horse and foal chew hay (option - jump), duck and duckling swim (quack).

Name the animals and their babies.

Pick up definitions for the names of animal cubs: tell me which chicken (cat, dog, cow, duck, horse), which chicken (kitten, puppy, calf, foal, duckling)?

"One is Many"

Purpose: to exercise in the formation of the plural and the correct use of words in the genitive case; select definitions and actions for words; find the first sound in words, determine the number of syllables, select words that are similar in sound.

This is a ball, and this is ... (balls). There are many ... (balls). What balls? (Red, blue, green.) How can one say in one word that all the balls are of different colors? (Multicolored.)

This is a poppy, and this is ... (poppies). There are a lot of ... (poppies) in the bouquet. What are they? (Red.) What else is red? How do you understand the expression "red girl"? Where is this expression found? What fairy tales?

Guess the riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” This is ... (bow). What is he? (Yellow, juicy, bitter, healthy.) Is there a lot in the basket? (Luke.)

What is this? What is there a lot?

And if all the objects disappear, how do we say what is gone? (Eagle, saws, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats.)

Particular attention is paid to the syntactic side of speech - the ability to build not only simple common, but also complex sentences of various types. For this, exercises are carried out to distribute and supplement the sentences started by the teacher (“The children went to the forest so that ... They ended up where ...”).

The formation of the syntactic side of children's speech, a variety of syntactic constructions, is necessary for the development of coherent speech.

In retelling literary works (a fairy tale or a story), children learn to coherently, consistently and expressively convey the finished text without the help of an adult, conveying intonation the dialogue of the characters and characterization of the characters.

In storytelling based on a picture, the ability to independently compose a descriptive or narrative story based on its content involves indicating the place and time of the action, inventing events that precede and follow the depicted one.

Storytelling through a series of plot pictures forms in children the ability to develop a storyline, come up with a name for a story in accordance with the content, combine individual sentences and parts of a statement into a narrative text. In talking about toys (or a set of toys), children are taught to compose stories and fairy tales, observing the composition and expressive presentation of the text. Choosing the appropriate characters for storytelling, children give their description and characteristics.

With children of older preschool age, learning to tell from personal experience continues, and these can be statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning.

"Make a Description"

Purpose: to teach children to describe an object, naming its features, qualities, actions.

Describe the berry or fruit that you love the most, and we will guess. ("It's round, red, juicy, delicious - it's my favorite ... tomato"; "It's maroon in color, and inside it has many, many different grains, sweet and ripe, this is my favorite fruit ... pomegranate" .)

Let us give an example of classes where all speech tasks are closely intertwined: the education of the sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and the development of coherent speech.

"Make up a story"

Purpose: to teach children to understand the figurative meaning of words and expressions, which, depending on phrases, change their meaning, and to transfer them into a coherent statement.

Finish the sentence:

1. The pillow is soft, and the bench ... (hard).

Plasticine is soft, and the stone ... (hard).

2. The stream is shallow, and the river ... (deep).

Currant berries are small, and strawberries ... (large).

3. Porridge is boiled thick, and soup ... (liquid).

The forest is dense, and sometimes ... (rare).

4. After the rain, the earth is damp, and in sunny weather ... (dry).

We buy raw potatoes, and eat ... (boiled).

5. We bought fresh bread, and the next day it became ... (stale).

In the summer we ate fresh cucumbers, and in the winter ... (salted).

Now the collar is fresh, and tomorrow it will be ... (dirty).

Explain how you understand these expressions: the rain was mischievous; the forest is dormant; the house is growing; streams run; the song flows.

How to say in another way: evil winter (very cold); prickly wind (harsh); light breeze (cool); golden hands (everyone knows how to do beautifully); golden hair (beautiful, shiny)?

Where did you meet the expression "evil winter"? (In fairy tales.) To whom does the word "evil" refer? (Evil stepmother, evil witch, evil Baba Yaga.)

Come up with a folding ending to the phrases: “Teddy bear, where did you walk? (I was looking for honey on a tree.) Bear cubs, where have you been? (We went to the forest for raspberries, we wandered in the clearing.) The teddy bear was looking for honey (and lost his brother).

Come up with a story about two cubs, and I will write it down, then we will read it to dad (grandmother, sister).

"Tell me more"

Purpose: to develop the accuracy of word usage in coherent narrative stories.

Listen to what I'll tell. Where I stop, you will help me: choose words and make sentences.

Once upon a time there were three brothers: the wind, the breeze and the wind. The wind says: “I am the most important!” What could be the wind? (Strong, sharp, impetuous, cold ...) The windmill did not agree with his brother: “No, I am the most important, my name is the windfall!” What kind of wind? (Mighty, evil, harsh, icy.) The breeze listened to them and thought: “What am I?” (Light, gentle, pleasant, affectionate ...) The brothers argued for a long time, but they did not find out anything. They decided to measure their strength. Wind started to blow. What happened? (The trees swayed, the grass bent down to the ground.) What was the wind doing? (He blew, rushed, buzzed, grumbled.) The wind blew. What did he do? (He blew strongly, howled, howled, rushed swiftly.) What happened after that? (The branches near the trees broke, the grass died, the clouds came running, the birds and animals hid.) And then a breeze blew. What did he do (blew gently and gently, rustled leaves, played pranks, swayed twigs). What happened in nature? (The leaves rustled, the birds sang, it became cool and pleasant.)

Come up with a fairy tale about the wind, breeze or wind. It is possible about all at once. Who can they be in a fairy tale? (Brothers, rivals, friends, comrades.) What can they do? (Be friends, measure strength, argue, talk.)

All these exercises, games, activities can be repeated so that children learn that words matter, can change. They sound different. If the child completes all the tasks correctly, it means that he has a high level of speech development and is well prepared for school.

I wish you success!