Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech and fiction in the middle group. Learning the nursery rhyme “Hare-coward. New nursery rhymes Bunny coward ran across the field


"A cowardly bunny jumped across the field"

for children of primary preschool age

Kovalenko Natalya Vladimirovna,

educator MKDOU No. 483,

Novosibirsk city

Educational tasks:

- consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square);

- to form the ability to recognize and name colors;

- to consolidate the ability to determine the size of objects using overlay techniques and applications;

- exercise in comparing two objects in width;

- to consolidate the ability to determine the position of geometric shapes on a plane;

- activate the vocabulary of children: introduce into speech words that determine the size of objects.

Development tasks:

- activate memory, attention, thinking;

- develop fine motor skills;

- develop communication skills.

Educational tasks:

- develop the ability to listen to the teacher;

- Encourage children to interact with each other;

- evoke positive emotions during physical activity.

Visual learning aids:

- demonstration: a hare, a fox, a bucket with capsules from kinder surprises "dry pool", geometric shapes, an application sample.

- distributing: two houses with openings of different widths, two doors of different widths from tsv. cardboard; bunnies for gymnastics for the eyes, square sheets of paper for laying out geom. figures for each child, geometric shapes made of colored paper.

Vocabulary work: geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square), narrow, wide.

Preliminary work: guessing riddles, didactic game "Wonderful bag", didactic games for determining and naming the color of objects, making applications.

The course of the game-lesson:

1 part. Organizing time.

Educator: Today a guest came to us to find out who it is, guess the riddle:

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

Children: This is a hare.

The teacher shows a toy - a hare.

Educator: That's right, it's a hare, say hello to him. Only for some reason our bunny is sad, maybe something happened to him?

2 part. "Name the geometric shapes"

Educator: The hares got naughty and dropped geometric figures into the "dry pool". (shows). No way to get them to the bunny. Let's help the bunny collect geometric shapes.

Children take turns taking geometric shapes out of the “dry pool” bucket, calling them.

Educator: Well done guys, they helped the bunny, he immediately cheered up, jumped up, let's play with him.

3 part. "Games with a bunny"

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme "Cowardly Bunny"

(imitates actions)

A cowardly hare jumped across the field,

Ran into the garden

I found a carrot, sits, gnaws.

Hey, someone's coming!

Educator: And you, children, show your bunnies from fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Bunny"

Bunny gray

jumps deftly,

He has a carrot in his paws!


Bunny blinked his eyes

Looking for other bunnies.

Here's how many, look

Get the bunnies!

Gymnastics for the eyes "Bunny"

(Each child takes a bunny on a stick).

Bunny jumped to the right,

Everyone saw a rabbit.

The bunny jumped to the left

Everyone saw with a glance.

Bunny - right, bunny - left.

Oh, what a brave bunny!

Bunny jumps up and down.

Look at the bunny.

The bunny hid from us.

You don't have to open your eyes.

4 part. "Pick the doors to the houses"

Educator: Our bunny has little bunnies - fidgets, they love to play and jump very much, forgetting that there are many dangers for them in the forest. And now the cheat - the fox - went hunting. The bunnies fled to the houses, but the doors were not closed. Let's hide the rabbits from the fox. Only the door needs to be chosen correctly: if the door is narrow, the fox will notice them, and if it is very wide, then the door will not close tightly.

(Children go to the tables where houses for rabbits are laid out, complete the task, the teacher comes up with a fox toy, checks the task).

Educator: What color are Denis' houses? Masha? Are the doors the same in the houses? What are they? (One door is wide, the other is narrow) The guys hid the rabbits well and the fox went home. Now you can have fun and play.

Physical education "Bunnies"

Educator:"Little bunnies" jumped out. The paws were pressed to the chest. They have fun, they jump.

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears. (Children show.)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

It is necessary to warm the paws, (Children show.)

One or two, you need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump. (Children jump.)

Someone scared the bunny -

Bunny jumped and ran away. (Children sit down.)

5 part. Laying out geometric shapes "Handkerchiefs for bunnies"

Educator: Our bunnies jumped, even their paws got dirty. Bunnies need handkerchiefs. Let's make them a lot of beautiful handkerchiefs.

I only have one handkerchief. (Shows a sample.)

- Tell me, what shape is it, what geometric shapes does it have? What is located in the center? What's in the corners?

Educator: What shapes are on your headscarf, Dasha, what color are they? What about Dima?

With such beautiful handkerchiefs, the paws of the bunnies will always be clean. The bunny smiles, he is very pleased, thanks you, let's say goodbye to him, because he has to go to his kids.


Educator: Who are we helping today? What did you enjoy doing the most?

For your help, the bunny left you photos of little bunnies.

The teacher gives the children "photos" of bunnies.

Once upon a time there was one hare among the trees and birches
And he was known as a big coward who was afraid of everything.
A branch will fly off a birch, will a crow croak -
Trembling like a leaf, a hare, from fear - does not run.
And in the winter somehow fell from a birch tree,
The hare hid his nose in the snow, deciding - thunder struck!
Squirrels laugh at him: "What a coward you are, hare!"
He got out of the snowdrift: "I'm not afraid at all!
I'm not a coward, squirrels, you know, but I'm hiding - just like that,
I, squirrels, play hide and seek, believe me, master!
From his words, the bunny is braver already
And now boast with might and main: "I'm not afraid of the wolf!"
Squirrels laugh more: “Well, this is nonsense!
You wouldn't brag better." “But - not at all! Yes!
He will only appear, I will take him by the tail,
I’ll throw it on the Christmas tree, so that it doesn’t happen to him
It is customary to eat hares, to drive them through the forest.
And then his relatives came to listen to the hare.
It also became funny to them that their hare is a braggart:
To compete with the wolf himself - can he do it!
And everyone was merry, well, praise the hare,
The whole forest made a noise and began to dance.
At that time, a lone wolf roams the forest,
Hungry - hungry, does not see the point in walking:
All the hares suddenly disappeared, hunting - nowhere.
Suddenly he heard a noise in the forest, he goes to the noise, there,
Where the hares have fun, and sees: a whole platoon
Bunnies that frolic and dance.

“Here will be my booty! - the wolf rejoiced, -
Whom to choose when there is a whole regiment of them!
And he sees: one hare, which is surrounded by everyone,
He pokes his finger in the chest and he is noisier than all.
Boasts in front of everyone, arrogantly poking in the chest,
That the wolf will be overcome by one, someday.
“We will catch you,” - then the wolf immediately decided,
Standing behind the branches, and hastened to the hares.
He stepped from behind the spruce and the hubbub of the hares subsided.
All the hares went crazy and froze for a moment!
Frightened, so frightened: because of the thick branches
Eyes, like a beam, flashed, all the hares - apart quickly!
The she-wolf is ready to jump: there is food in front of him,
Does not jump, does not jump, but only trembles.
The wolf has already jumped to the hare, but it is not known how -
He threw it up and to the wolf,
fell on his back
The wolf went crazy and everyone tried to throw off the hare!
He, as if waking up, shot up away from the wolf,
Buried under a snowdrift and froze, trembling all over.
And the wolf in the thicket of the forest, from such stress,
I couldn't come to my senses.
And the hares, running away from fear, who goes where,
Quietly everyone began to gather there,
Where in the forest clearing their hare is a boaster
He desperately saved all the hares, but they decided he was a liar.
“And where is our bunny, our hare, our brave man?
We thought - a coward, but he is a daredevil!
Where did you go?” - well, look for him,
And he, as if huddled in the snow, continued to tremble.
They searched for the day, until the night, the bushes all went around,
And he, in a snowdrift, did not dare to open his eyes.
Trembling, trembling, and soon ... a snowdrift crumbled.
Seeing him, the hares cried out in unison: “Here!
Here is our first brave man who saved everyone from the wolf!
He is the bravest one to have protected us all!”
Hearing those exclamations, our hare hid here
And he came out of the snowdrift, he stopped trembling.
And again, akimbo, he stands on a stump
And the whole flock of his word is impatiently waiting.
Now he is legitimately proud of himself.
Who will say that he boasts, since he is the first in the family.
Now he is not a coward, since then he has not trembled,
If a branch suddenly falls, or a leaf rustles.

Hare had many children. Each hare had its own name, and these names reflected the characters of the hare. Some animals already gave them names before the birth of the children, but the Hare did not do this.

He believed that everyone already has a name, but no one knows it for the time being, until it manifests itself in the character of the child.
Perhaps that is why in the Hare's family there was a son of a Bunny-Eater and a daughter of a Hare-goody, there was a Poet hare, and one was called a Hare-coward. They called him that not because he was more afraid than the others, but because he closed his eyes with his paws so as not to see anything, and pressed his ears so as not to hear anything when it became scary. All the rabbits laughed at him, only dad took it very seriously. He spoke sternly:
- Is it possible to close your eyes and ears? You can't see or hear anything either! Everyone is scared, but you need to carefully observe the danger, and not bury your head in the sand or run wherever your eyes look.
The cowardly bunny agreed with the father hare, but still he could not help himself.
One day, the Hare found a large apple tree with ripe apples. There were so many fruits that it would have been enough for half the winter. Unfortunately, the apple tree was located very far from the hare's house, on the other side of the forest, one could not cope with apples. Then the Hare decided to take the older children with him; and entertainment for them, and help to the parent. Among them was a Cowardly Bunny. Since the path was long, dad strictly ordered everyone to obey, not to make noise and not to scatter to the sides.
They went the safest way; not wide paths along which foxes and wolves walk, and not more often dense, where snakes and snakes live, but they went along narrow paths along which only small peaceful animals run. Dad walked in front, often stopped and listened, looked around and sniffed the air. Rabbits followed him. The hares laughed, seeing how cautious their father was. It seemed to them that he was so afraid of everything in vain, because there was such a quiet and calm forest around.
“Caution is not cowardice,” the Hare remarked in a whisper, “and recklessness is not courage,” he added instructively.
The rabbits continued to giggle softly. Only the eldest hare, who walked last, did not laugh and, like dad, listened and sniffed.
Finally, we reached the edge of the forest, where an apple tree grew. She stood a little apart from the other trees. That is why it was large and branched, and the apples on it were large and ripe. The hares, it was, rushed to pick apples, but dad stopped them:
- Where are you climbing? - He said angrily. - Sit in the bushes and do not make noise until I scout everything!
Having walked around the apple tree several times, having carefully examined everything, the Hare jumped to the bush where the hares were sitting, and said loudly:
- You can go out, it's all right. But don't make too much noise!
The hares poured out into the clearing and began to pick apples. They took the apples that fell on the ground and put each one in their own bag. Dad took the kids with him for the first time, usually he was the one who got food, so everyone tried very hard, stuffing full bags. The Coward Bunny also tried. It was fun to work, and the hares made such a noise that they did not notice the distant barking of dogs. Even Papa Hare didn’t hear him, the hare was making such a noise. But a shot rang out in the distance. Everyone froze for a second and rushed in all directions, wherever their eyes looked.
- Wait! - Papa Hare shouted, - Well, everything is alive to me! - Hearing a strict father's voice, the hares returned. “Listen to me carefully,” the father hare spoke, as soon as all the hares gathered around him. “These are hunters. If you want the hunters not to catch you, you need to be cunning and courageous, and not rush in different directions. Where did they run?
“It’s so scary!” one hare remarked, looking around.
“Of course, it’s scary,” dad agreed, “but you need to know where the danger is in order to run away from it, and not towards it.” Do you know? - None of the rabbits knew. - And I don't know! So listen to me. Now look around carefully. Whoever notices the danger, let him tell me. And as I say, let's run in the other direction. And now there is nothing to be afraid of, the shot was far away. Does everyone understand?
- Yes, - the hares answered and fell silent.
I could hear dogs barking in the distance. The hares listened and looked around, as their father taught. Finally, at the other end of the field, several dogs jumped out of the forest, and shots were heard from there.
- The danger is there, - said the father hare, - so we run deep into the forest to the stream, and then we will go along the stream so as not to leave a smell to the dogs. We have plenty of time, so don't fuss.
Again a shot rang out, and the hares rushed to flee. When they ran away quite far, the hare noticed that one hare was missing.
- And where is the Bunny Coward? - He asked the older hare.
“I don’t know,” he replied, “I didn’t see him.”
- Lead everyone to the stream, - dad commanded, - then I will join you. If I am gone for a long time, do not wait, go along the stream to the house.
Having said this, the Hare turned around and rushed with all his might to the apple tree. He clearly heard the approaching barking of dogs and was in a hurry. Finally, he ran to the apple tree, the dogs were very close, they carefully examined everything and sniffed.
The hare began to look for the Cowardly Hare and soon found him under a bush. The hare lay on the ground with his eyes shut and his hands over his ears. Of course, he did not hear what the Hare said to the hares and did not see the approaching dogs. Papa Hare came up to him and grabbed him by the ear. The hare was frightened and rushed to run away, but dad whispered in his ear:
- Do not be afraid, it's me, although the dogs are also close. You almost killed yourself! Now listen to me carefully, we will leave quietly...
But he did not have time to finish, because a huge dog jumped out from behind the nearest bushes and rushed to them.
- Let's run! - Papa Hare shouted, and they rushed deep into the forest.
The cowardly hare rushed with all his might, not understanding the road and not knowing where he was running at all. His heart was pounding with fear, and his paws were constantly tangled.
- And where are we running? - The hare heard the surprisingly calm voice of his father.
- From dogs, - the coward answered, choking.
- Well, there is only one dog so far, and it will catch up with us anyway. - Dad answered.
The hare looked at dad and it seemed to him that he was in no hurry at all.
- Why catch up?
- Because, although we run faster, the dog is more enduring and has a sensitive scent. She will find us.
From fear, the hare stopped and closed his ears.
“Why are you talking about it so calmly,” he asked dad, “are you really not scared?”
- It's scary, but I don't want to hide from fear, otherwise they will definitely catch us, and we can still save ourselves.
- How?
- It's difficult, at least for you, but if you do everything as I say, we'll save ourselves together.
- I'll try. - The hare answered as confidently as possible, opened his eyes and raised his ears upright.
“Let’s run,” the hare commanded, and the coward rushed after him.
Hares ran out into the clearing and jumped onto a large stump.
- So, as I say, run to the left into the forest. Run through the forest for a reason, but choose a winding path to confuse the trail. I will run to the right. We will run around the spruce thicket and go out to the stream, and we will meet there. In the meantime, stand and look into both eyes.
At the same second, as the Hare finished speaking, the same dog jumped out of the forest. She followed the scent left by the hares. Seeing the hares sitting on a stump, the dog rushed to them. She ran closer and closer. The cowardly bunny became more and more terrible. He wanted to take off running, or close his eyes and flatten his ears, but he remembered that his father had given him stern orders to watch the dog closely and sit still. When there was one jump left before the hares, dad gave the command, and the cowardly hare rushed, as he was told, to the left, and dad the hare to the right. The hares so unexpectedly scattered in different directions that the dog did not have time to decide which of them to run after, while she thought, the hares had already disappeared into the forest. Realizing that she was outwitted, the dog began to sniff the tracks, but the tracks went both to the right and to the left. Twisting in place, the dog was completely confused.
Meanwhile, the cowardly hare was running towards the stream. He diligently confused the tracks, choosing a more difficult road for the dogs. At the stream he met with the Hare.
- Let's go now on the water, so we finally knock them off the trail.
They went along the stream and caught up with the rest of the rabbits already at the very house. The sounds of the hunt were far behind, and soon everyone reached home safely. As soon as the hares felt safe, they began to scold the cowardly bunny for almost ruining himself. The cowardly bunny was very ashamed, and he wanted, it was, to hide from everyone again, but dad Hare, passing by, asked him:
- Haven't you told us yet how you and I circled a huge hunting dog around our noses?
Hearing this, the rabbits opened their mouths in surprise.
- No, - the cowardly hare answered timidly.
- So tell me, it was only thanks to your courage that we escaped, otherwise they would have already grabbed us, - at these words, the girls hares sat on the floor in surprise, and the little hares hid behind their mother.
All the hares looked with admiration at the cowardly bunny and asked him to tell about this story.
- How does it happen, - the Cowardly Hare asked the hare's father in surprise, - I was frightened the most, but they consider me a hero?
- The hero is not the one who is not afraid, but the one who can overcome his fear. You managed to overcome fear and not only saved yourself, but also saved me. I hope, after this incident, you will unlearn the habit of closing your ears and eyes? Dad laughed.
“I’ll take a broom,” the mother hare entered into the conversation, “and I’ll give one place each to both the hero and his dad, so that next time they don’t go far from home.
“We won’t do it again,” said dad, hugging his excited wife.
Then he looked at the Cowardly Bunny and noticed that he again closed his eyes, out of habit, hiding from his mother's broom. Other rabbits noticed this, and everyone laughed, and the Cowardly Bunny laughed the loudest.

The program focuses on the need to familiarize children with their native culture, memorize nursery rhymes, songs, chants with children, and develop children's interest in children's folklore. The majority of children 3-4 years old with OHP level 2 have a low level of understanding and reproduction of small folklore forms. Children, due to their speech abilities and related disorders of the HMF, cannot quickly memorize and reproduce nursery rhymes, songs, etc. with high quality. The lack of a situation of success when they reproduce nursery rhymes leads to a decrease in interest and unwillingness to engage in this type of activity. How to help children quickly memorize and reproduce a nursery rhyme with high quality, without reducing interest in this type of activity? Solving this problem, an algorithm for memorizing nursery rhymes was compiled. Conducting classes according to this algorithm made it possible to better memorize nursery rhymes and increase interest in folklore.



Open display of direct educational activities.

Educator MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 38" Grishkina N.M.

Theme: "Cowardly Bunny"

Target: Assimilation of the nursery rhyme "Cowardly Bunny".


1. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the nursery rhyme and answer questions about the content of the nursery rhyme based on pictures. 2. Enrich the children's vocabulary on the lexical topic: "Vegetables".

3. Learn to coordinate words in a phrase in gender, number, case.

4. Exercise in the use of singular verbs. hours of present and past tense.

5. Learn to coordinate speech with movements.

6. To form intonational expressiveness of speech when saying a replica: -Go away, the owner is coming.

7. Develop coordination of movements, plastic expressiveness, imagination;

8. Encourage children to stage nursery rhymes;

9. Cause a positive emotional mood in children.

Cultivate a desire to help in trouble.

Dictionary: carrots, cabbage, garden, hare, coward, jump, gnaw, go, away.

Equipment: PC, nursery rhyme presentation, hats of hares, silhouettes of vegetables (carrots, cabbage), brushes, glue.

Lesson progress:

1.Org.mament "Riddle of the Riddle".

The teacher invites the children to play. The phonogram "crying voice" sounds. Children stand in a semicircle in the center of the group

caregiver : -Guys hear someone's voice, someone is crying. Maybe you need our help?Let's go see who it is.

Children go to the PC and sit on the chairs.The teacher looks at the monitor

Educator: - Well, I'll take a look. Oh yes, that's who. Guess.

The teacher makes a riddle.

A ball of fluff, a long ear, Jumps deftly, loves carrots.

Children: Bunny.

Educator: - Yes, it's a bunny. Let's say hello to the bunny, Hello, bunny! Bunny : Hello kids! I am a bunny with long ears and fast legs. caregiver : - What happened, Bunny, why are you crying? Bunny: - The owner drove me out of the garden, he didn’t give me carrots and cabbage. See everything for yourself. Educator: - Come on guys, let's see what happened.

2. Showing and reading a nursery rhyme presentation on a PC.

A cowardly hare ran across the field, ran into the garden. I found a carrot, I found a cabbage. Sits - gnaws. Oh, the master is coming!

3. Conversation on the content of the nursery rhyme based on pictures.

caregiver : - Why did the bunny run away from the garden? (he was frightened of the owner) - Yes, but when someone is afraid, what do they call him? What is the name of the bunny? (coward) - Let's repeat everything: tru-si-shka. - Show how afraid the bunny is (children show). -And now he is not afraid (children relax). -Where did the cowardly hare run? ( By field). - Stand up, show how the hare ran across the field.

(children stand near the chairs and on the spot depict a quick run of a hare)

- "Z A little coward ran across the field.Sit down. -Where did he run? ( in the garden) -Yes, " ran into the garden"-Look at the picture and tell me what did the hare find in the garden? (carrot, cabbage). - Yes, “I found a carrot, I found a cabbage” and what does it do? (nibbles) - Sitting - chewing . Show how the bunny gnaws carrots and cabbage.


Who is afraid of the bunny coward? (owner). -Show how scared the bunny was when he saw the owner.

(children pretend to be scared)

What do we say to the bunny so that he can run away from the owner? (“Oh, the owner is coming”) - Say it loudly (quietly).

4. Re-showing and reading the presentation of the nursery rhyme on a PC with the children agreeing on the text of the nursery rhyme.

caregiver : -And now let's remember the story of the bunny again. Help me.

5.Staging nursery rhymes

caregiver : -Don't cry, bunny, don't be sad. We will help you, Whatever you come up with! Really guys? (Yes) -And now let's get up and go to the garden, let's see what kind of owner lives there!

Here is the garden. What is growing here? (Carrots, cabbage). A hare ran across the field - we run between hoops (show). I ran into the garden (show). And who drove out of the garden? (master). From the beginning, I will be the owner. And you are bunnies. Run to the chairs.

"One, two, three - turn around

Quickly turn into a hare "

Children in hare hats stand in a circle, perform movements in accordance with the text.

A cowardly hare ran across the field,The children run around the hoops.

He ran into the garden. They run into a hoop.

I found a carrot, they take dummies of a carrot,

Found a cabbage.

Sits - gnaws. They sit, depict how a bunny gnaws

Oh, the master is coming! Run to the chairs

Educator: Now let's choose a host. (with the help of a nursery rhyme)

6. Productive activities of children.

Educator: - Still, the bunny is afraid of the owner. Where can a bunny get cabbage and carrots. How to help? (draw, mold, bring from home). - We will draw carrots and cabbage, give it to a bunny, he will have his own garden. - Everyone sit down at the tables.Get your legs together. Keep your back straight. The handles are resting. - What vegetables do you have on the stele? (carrot and cabbage) - What color is the carrot? (orange and I ). We'll take what pencil? (orange th ) Cabbage, what color is it? (green and I ). Let's take what pencil? (green th ). We paint over carefully, without leaving white places, we do not go beyond the contours. Then we glue the vegetables in the garden. We have 2 beds: a bed with carrots and a bed with cabbage. In order for cabbage and carrots to stick, we apply glue to the entire leaflet, do not forget about the corners.

Children hatch pictures of cabbage and carrots. Glue on the poster "Garden for the Bunny."

Educator: - Oh guys, the bunny's mood has changed. He laughs (record starts). What was he like first? (sad). -Have you become? (cheerful, joyful). - Why is he happy? (he now has his own garden, his own vegetables)

7. Conclusion . Reading the nursery rhyme to all children and changing the reaction to the ending of the nursery rhyme.

Educator: - What a good garden we have turned out, and I want to repeat the nursery rhyme again. help me(the text of the nursery rhyme is repeated). Educator: - No, the bunny won't leave now. He has his own garden and his own vegetables. -What good fellows you are, that you helped the bunny and did not leave him in trouble. - Shall we leave the bunny in our group? (Yes) Educator: - Where are we going to put him? Let's find a place for the bunny in one of our corners of the group. Will the bunny be comfortable in the gym? (No). And in a corner of nature? (yes) Let's put the bunny and the garden in a natural corner.

Children in a place with a teacher hang a poster in a corner of nature.

Educator: - Goodbye, bunny - long ears, fast legs. Wait for us to visit.



Technologylyk cartana toltyrgan tarbieshі:

The technological map was filled in by the educator: Aleksandrova A.A.

Kuni / date of:

Bilim beru salas / Educational area: Communication

Oku ic -әreketi / Organized learning activities: artistic


Takyryby / Subject: "Hare is a coward" Russian folk nursery rhyme (telling from memory)

Maқsati /Target: Assimilation of the nursery rhyme "Cowardly Bunny".



Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the nursery rhyme and answer questions about the content of the nursery rhyme based on pictures.

Enrich the children's vocabulary on the lexical topic: "Vegetables".

Learn to agree words in a phrase in gender, number, case.

Practice using singular verbs. hours of present and past tense.

Learn to coordinate speech with movements.


Develop coordination of movements, plastic expressiveness, imagination;

Encourage children to act out nursery rhymes;


Cultivate a desire to help in trouble.

Cultivate accuracy, correctly using the provided material.

Bilingual component / Bilingual component: goyang-hare-hare, sabiz-

carrot-carrot, kyrykkabat- cabbage-cabbage.

Sөzdik zhұmysy / Dictionary work: hare, coward, jump, gnaw.

Technologylyk kamtamasyzetu / Technological support: bunny toy,

plot pictures, glue, colored napkins.


Stages of activity

Tarbiushinіn іs-аreketі

Actions of the educator

Balalardyn іs-аreketi

Children activities


hello palm

hello legs

Hello cheeks, chubby cheeks

hello sponges

Hello guests.

Look how many guests, let's smile at them and everyone's attention is on me

Children are standing

clap clap

top top

stroke their cheeks

smack their lips



Educator: - Guys, hear someone's voice, someone is crying. Maybe you need our help? Let's go see who it is.

Educator: - Well, I'll take a look.The teacher makes a riddle.

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

Educator: - Yes, it's a bunny. Let's go with

hello bunny, hello bunny!

Bunny: - Hello kids! I am a bunny long

ears, fast legs.

Educator: - What happened, Bunny, why are you crying?

Bunny: - The owner drove me out of the garden, he didn’t give me carrots and cabbage. See everything for yourself.

Educator: Let's guys see what happened.


Children meet

bunny and sit on



Organizational search

Showing and reading nursery rhymes

cowardly bunny

Running across the field

He ran into the garden.

Found a carrot

Found cabbage.

Sits - gnaws.

Oh, the master is coming!

A conversation on the content of the nursery rhyme based on pictures.

Educator: - Why did the bunny run away from the garden?

Yes, and when someone is afraid, what is it called? What is the name of the bunny? (coward) - Let's repeat everything:tru-si-shka.

Show how afraid the bunny is.

And now he's not afraid.

Where did the bunny coward run?(By field).

Get up, show how the bunny ran along


- "A cowardly hare ran across the field."

Sit down.

Where did he run? (to the garden)

Yes,"I ran into the garden"

Look at the picture and tell me what did the bunny find in the garden? (carrot, cabbage).

Children are listening

nursery rhyme

he got scared


children show

children relax

children stand around

chairs and in place


rabbit run fast

Yes, “I found a carrot, I found a cabbage” and what

does? (nibbles)

- Is sitting - gnaws. Show how the bunny gnaws carrots and cabbage.

Who is afraid of the bunny coward? (owner). -Show how scared the bunny was when he saw the owner.

What do we say to the bunny so that he can run away from the owner? ("Oh, the master is coming")

Say it loud (quietly).

Nursery rhyme

Educator: - Do not cry, bunny, do not be sad. We will help you, Whatever you come up with! Really guys? (Yes)

And now let's get up and go to the garden, let's see what kind of owner lives there!

Here is the garden. What is growing here? (Carrots, cabbage). A hare ran across the field - we run between hoops (show). I ran into the garden (show). And who drove out of the garden? (master). I will be the owner. And you are bunnies. Run to the chairs.

"One, two, three - turn around

Quickly turn into a hare "

cowardly bunny

Running across the field

He ran into the garden.

Found a carrot

Found a cabbage.

Sits - gnaws.

Oh, the master is coming!

Productive activities of children. Educator: Still, the bunny is sad. How can we cheer up the bunny?

    I propose to give the bunny "Balloons". But where can we get them?

    Let's make them ourselves. Come to the tables, I will teach you.

The teacher invites the children to see how to do the work:

I'll take a red napkin, dip it in glue, find a red ball and glue the napkin, like this.


children pretend to be afraid

Children - bunnies stand in a circle, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Children run around


They run into a hoop.

They take dummies


Sitting, pretending

how does a bunny bite

Run away on


Children's answers

Children listen and observe how the teacher does the work.

(Then he shows again, specifying what color they take the napkin and where they will glue it). When all the balls are ready, he invites the children to relax a bit and play.

The teacher conducts a finger test with the children


(First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin

breed them slowly)

Inflate quicklyball.

(fingertips of both hands touch each other)

with a friend -ballinflated)

He gets big.

(We connect the palms with each other completely)

Suddenly the balloon burst aircame out-

(Close fingers together)

He became thin and thin!

Independent activity of children.

In the process of children's activities, the teacher bypasses each child, thereby controlling the course of activities.

Children perform

display movements.

Children perform




Educator: - Oh guys, and the mood of the bunny

has changed. He laughs (record starts).

What was he like first? (sad).

And became? (cheerful, joyful).

Why became?

Educator: - What a funny bunny we have, and

I want to repeat the joke again. Help

to me(the text of the nursery rhyme is repeated).

Educator: - No, now the bunny will not leave. At

he has his own garden and his own vegetables.

What good fellows you are for helping the bunny and not

left him in trouble.

Let's leave the bunny in our group? (Yes)


Bіlu kerek / Know: Russian folk amusement "Bunny - a coward"

Bolu kerek / Have: work with glue, do the work neatly, independently, help others, clean up the workplace.

Yyrenu kerek / Be able to: fill in the drawing with colored pieces of a crumpled napkin the silhouette of an object, correlating them by color.