The ideal wife for a man. Shows of love and affection. Do not argue. Remember the "magic words"

Let's try to understand this difficult issue. Among the beautiful half of humanity there are very different and colorful specimens. A woman is unique by nature. But while the girl is in search, so to speak, on the warpath, she plays the role of an independent female. But when there is someone with whom she wants to build her life, the roles change accordingly. Being a unique woman is one thing, but how to be a better wife?

A good wife is stereotypically an understanding friend, unique, like a modern combine, a mistress in the kitchen, a passionate and tender lover in bed. Everyone has known this for a long time. A wife is simply a unique woman in the minds of a thousand inhabitants. But we should not forget that the wife is not a robot. Everyone, including women, has either blues or fatigue. This is where the problems begin. The man thought that he had the best wife, but it turns out that he does not.

I should probably start by saying that a woman shouldn't try too hard at the beginning of a relationship. There is no need to be overly helpful or falsely perfect, even if your man needs to know that you are a person with your own flaws that he should love. And for this, he just like that (for such is the nature of a woman) will return two or three times more.

The third important rule is a smile. Yes, trite, but how discouraging a man. It's not about you hammering your grievances into the depths of your soul. The truth is that you should set the tone for the relationship. When everything is good, then life is easy, but how to be the best wife when not everything is crystal clear on the horizon? And you smile! After all, your beloved is with you, and if you calmly and wisely discuss everything, then the troubles will go away. After all, how nice it will be for that husband who will smile from the threshold, and not mumble about the fact that he again did not take out the trash or forgot to buy something there.

From this emerges the next rule, wife. You must become a good organizer, but such that it is not very noticeable, or your man will very quickly become an unfortunate henpecked. But you want a strong shoulder. Yes, it will be so, but you need to have the talent of an organizer. After all, whatever one may say, but in everyday life a woman is faster and more agile, and she also likes it more. You do not need to expect that a man will buy if you are doing laundry in the house. He simply does not know that the powder is over, and does not try to disrupt the entire cleanliness event. Therefore, you must constantly remind him of what is important to you. And in no case not in the tone of the commander in chief. How to be the best wife, you now know. It's easy to learn, the main thing is to want it!

When entering into marriage for the first time, women are most often convinced that there will be no serious problems in their family life. Of course, they have heard that everyday life kills passion and provokes conflicts in family life, but they believe that this trouble will bypass them. Unfortunately, in marriage it is not always possible to avoid disappointments, however, with a certain amount of desire and effort, you can become a really good wife for your spouse.

The ideal wife in the male representation

Most men agree on a common opinion about what qualities an ideal life partner should have.

Caring mother for children

Taking the woman he loves as his wife, as a rule, a man is ready for the fact that one day she will become the mother of his children. In his view, the wife should pay enough attention to the common children, but at the same time not forget about her chosen one. In general, a man expects that his children will always look neat, develop intellectually faster than their peers, have some undoubted talents, be obedient and not mischievous for no reason. If any of the listed items does not appear with enviable regularity, then some men may consider this a shortcoming of their wife. Such behavior of the husband often leads to serious conflicts. Your task is to explain to your spouse that children cannot live up to all the hopes placed on them, and should not do this. You and him have a common goal - to raise happy people, and not to demand some ghostly ideality from them. True, most husbands still understand this, and the only thing they expect from a wife is that she will teach the kids to respect their father, will not turn them against him in quarrels, will monitor their health and appearance.

Friend and support for her husband

Another important condition for a happy marriage is the support of the head of the family. A man should know that, despite any hardships, the woman he loves will always find a way to support him. In life, there are various unpleasant situations - the loss of a job, quarrels with relatives, the wrong choice, which entails unpleasant consequences. If, after each such incident, the spouse becomes hysterical and offended by the chosen one, then a serious crack will gradually form in the relationship. Understand that under any circumstances you must be one team. If someone criticizes your husband, then you should be on the side of your spouse, even if you do not agree with him. Surely, you would like a similar attitude from the chosen one. Then you will solve the problem that has arisen, but the man should not get the feeling that you can betray him at least for a few minutes if he “stumbles”.

Try to keep order in the house. Some women who don't enjoy housework find it helpful to dedicate twenty minutes of their time each day to cleaning. For example, on Monday you can vacuum, on Tuesday you can dust and mop the floors, on Wednesday you can clean the bathroom, on Thursday you can load the laundry and hang out the clothes to dry, etc. Thus, the house will be kept relatively clean. Once every couple of weeks, arrange a general cleaning with your husband. Home comfort is no less important for men, although they themselves may not admit it. Joint photos on the walls, a funny lamp, a comfortable dressing gown, soft slippers, a colorful fluffy carpet in the bedroom, a checkered blanket, beautiful dishes - all these and many other little things create a special atmosphere, making a man want to be home as soon as possible.

"Shy in public, harlot in bed"

The intimate side of life for most men is very important. Often, betrayal occurs precisely because the husband begins to miss the attention of his wife. A woman ceases to demonstrate passion and initiate intimacy with her spouse. The husband begins to notice that the wife is reluctant to fulfill her “marital duty”, and this begins to seriously offend him. Some women note that they are so tired with the housework that they are not up to sex. However, if you understand that intimate life for your husband is more important than washed dishes, then it is better to save strength for the bed, after which the husband himself will agree to wash the dishes. Do not deny your husband intimacy, periodically offer some experiments yourself, wear beautiful and seductive underwear. Sometimes, watching “adult films” together can kindle passion. By the way, with such a film, you yourself can set yourself up “in the right way”, waiting for your husband from work. The spouse should feel what makes you want, and then you are not threatened with betrayal. At the same time, it is important to behave with dignity in public. It is unacceptable to flirt with your husband's friends, hoping that in this way you will "refresh the relationship" in your marriage. The spouse may feel uncomfortable for such behavior. In addition, do not buy yourself defiant outfits - overly revealing dresses are appropriate only in the company of a spouse. Arrange a romantic candlelight dinner and surprise your husband with an unusual attire - no doubt, under such circumstances, he will be able to appreciate it.

How not to become a mother to her husband? - the most common mistake women make

By the way, this mistake can cost you dearly. Gradually, the husband will no longer perceive you as a beloved woman, seeing in you the likeness of his own mother. In this case, the place of the beloved will become vacant. So, how can you turn for a husband into his mother? 1. Solving his work problems A man should be the head of the family, and if it so happens that one day he will be left without a job, then you should not immediately grab on to solving this problem. It is not necessary, without his direct requests, to start looking for a new job, stating: “I will talk to dad,” “Uncle Misha will help,” and the like. Let the chosen one decide this issue himself.

2. Do basic things instead Do not do for your husband what any adult can easily handle on their own. In some families, a man is not able to put food on his own plate and warm it up, because before his mother put a hot dinner on the table in front of him, and then his wife picked up this baton. Also, do not buy him clothes without his direct participation, up to socks That's what his mother used to do when he was little. Now you can go shopping together and buy things for two. An exception may be gifts for the holidays. 3. Talk like you're talking to a baby. Sometimes such communication can be very sweet and funny, but if it becomes a permanent part of life, then this is a very unkind sign. Example: “Did you eat in the morning?”, “Did you remember to put on warm socks?”, “Why didn’t you finish your soup? There will be no sweets! 4. Take on the main responsibilities and constantly remind him of everything. It’s easier for you to change the light bulb yourself, cook dinner, knock out the carpet, nail, and the like, than to ask your husband for help. You are convinced that you will still be able to do everything better, and your spouse at this time “let him watch a movie.” You no longer believe that a husband can do something important if you don’t remind him of it. Yes, and the spouse himself is so used to your endless clarifications that he really stopped making decisions on his own and solving elementary domestic issues without your intervention. Stop regularly reminding the chosen one that he “did not forget to take the keys”, “bought bread”, “took out the trash”, “paid for the Internet”, “dropped in to my mother” and so on. As soon as you stop constantly reminding him of elementary things, at first he, accustomed to your control, will really forget to do what he was supposed to, but gradually he will learn to take responsibility for such household trifles. 5. In everything you control it. If your husband is late at a meeting with friends, you immediately begin to call him, urging him to immediately return home, at the same time setting deadlines for him: “If you are not at home in half an hour, blame yourself!” and the like. Think about why you behave the way you do. Most likely, you expect that in this way you will become an indispensable woman in the life of your spouse, without whom he will not be able to take a step. As a rule, such assumptions are very far from the truth. You just made life as easy as possible for your husband by taking on unnecessary responsibilities. Gradually, he will begin to perceive you as a nanny or mother, and himself as an unintelligent child. Also, most likely, one day he will want to feel like a strong man next to a fragile and weak woman, but you will no longer be able to do this role - by that time, through your own fault, too heavy a burden will be on your shoulders.

By adhering to a few simple rules, you can establish truly happy and harmonious relationships in your family. 1. Positive mood. In many ways, it depends on the woman what kind of atmosphere will reign at home. If you are constantly dissatisfied with something, rude and grouchy, then, for sure, tensions will form in the family. Gradually, the husband and children will try to be in your company as little as possible. Even if it seems to you that it is the family that provokes such behavior, still try to change. It’s easier to look at some weaknesses and shortcomings of loved ones, joke more often, smile. 2. Trusting your husband is not only about telling him about your secrets and sharing your cherished plans. You need to learn to trust his opinion and experience. Ask your husband for advice more often, ask what he thinks on this or that occasion, listen to his opinion. 3. Do not try to show your spouse with hints what you want from him, and do not be offended if you do not achieve the desired result in the end. Learn to have an open dialogue with your husband, talking directly and simply about what worries you. Undoubtedly, such frankness will save both of you a lot of time and nerves, eliminating unnecessary conflicts. 4. You are already married, which means that the candy-bouquet period is behind you. However, you can bring romance back into your life. You may well tell your spouse that you would be very pleased if he periodically gave you flowers if such a tradition has disappeared from your daily life. In addition, do not forget to make pleasant surprises for your husband yourself. Arrange him massage sessions by candlelight, romantic dinners, give cute gifts. Try to always look well-groomed - buy beautiful home clothes, meet your husband from work neat and beautiful. Of course, it is not necessary to do styling and makeup at home, but you should not let yourself go, thinking that your husband still does not notice this. 5. Joint pastime. It's not just about the usual dinner conversations. More often get out to some events, to visit, to the cinema, to travel. Gain new positive impressions in the company of each other, and thus add to your family life a lot of new interesting topics for conversation, not limited to discussing household chores. 6. Personal space. Your husband may have hobbies that you don't have to be related to. Realize that every person needs personal freedom from time to time. Your husband has the right to go with friends to football or hunting, without asking your permission and without listening to a bunch of reproaches about this. So you can meet with friends without "taking leave" from the chosen one. You are adults who have the right to fulfill their own desires, without regard to someone else's opinion. Of course, this is not about cheating, but about completely harmless hobbies and communication with other people. 7. Variety in intimate life. In many families, sex gradually begins to take up less and less space in the life of spouses, turning into a routine duty. Most often, it is the wives who begin to lose interest in intimacy. This state of affairs does not suit husbands, and over time, many of them begin to seek solace on the side. If before you had no problems in this area, but now the desire for sex is gone, try to understand what is the root of the problem. Perhaps you have health problems, your husband has stopped arranging something for you, your thoughts are constantly busy with something else, etc. By identifying the cause, you can find the right solution and improve your family life.

"What should a wife be like?" – this question interests many women. Most likely, the answer should have been asked from men, since they know best of all what kind of wife they would like to see next to them. An interesting fact is that the opinions of men, women, authors of books - differ.

If you believe the writers of what an ideal wife should be, then she should always be well-groomed, be able to cook delicious meals for her husband, be polite, not put things in order in his personal belongings, never criticize him in public, not discuss his first marriage with him.

Books on our question, as a rule, give a very dry answer. Most likely, this is the observance of any strict norms, but it cannot in any way relate to love between a wife and husband.

If you live only by the rules, life will be boring. Between people in a relationship there should always be some kind of innovation, men believe. It turns out that books can give good answers to the eternal question: “What should a wife be like?” However, they are not always applicable in life.

Very often it happens like this: a woman knows how to cook, is neat, tactful, takes care of herself, but her husband is still not happy with something. And the other girl does not know how to cook and is not always polite, while the man admires her and considers her an ideal wife. So what's the whole secret? Certainly not in the things that many girls think about.

Women's opinion

Many women answer our question: “What should a wife be like?” - as a rule, they answer: "A beauty, a smart girl, an athlete, a housewife, a business lady and just the same ideal woman."

Striving for the ideal is the main mistake of wives. After all, you can’t be the best in everything, since this is an extremely high bar, keeping you in suspense all the time. Therefore, one must give up the idea of ​​being perfect. And also, it is not necessary for a man that his wife has incredible abilities, because it is important for him to feel love for his wife and feel understanding from her.

What do men think a wife should be?

According to men, it is almost impossible to say unequivocally what a wife should be. After all, everyone has their own opinions on this matter. However, their opinions largely coincide: the wife must love the family, be always interesting, so that their beloved woman must be devoted to the family. She is obliged to love her husband, children, please her husband, and then she may well call herself an ideal wife.

You should never get hung up on certain rules, and even on the question of what a wife should be. After all, you should always feel with your heart what you need to be with your beloved man. Women are lucky here. They have such a gift. You just need to listen to your heart, because it will never let you down.

Poll of men - a portrait of an ideal wife

Men painted a portrait of an ideal woman, according to the FactNews portal. According to almost half of Russian men, ideal women should be smart, but at the same time be able to hide their mind. Such results were obtained in the course of a survey conducted by the Research Center of the portal among 1000 representatives of the stronger sex.

According to 46% of men, the ideal woman is supposed to be intelligent. But at the same time, men notice that a woman needs to “be able to hide her mind” so as not to offend her companion. For a lawful spouse, a sharp mind is also important, but this answer was indicated by a noticeably smaller number of respondents - 29%.

In second place, both for the ideal woman and for the ideal wife were external data. The importance of having a good appearance for a woman was noted by 38% of men. 21% of respondents are convinced that beauty is an important quality of a wife.

Such a quality of an ideal woman as kindness, indicated by 20% of respondents. It is interesting that, according to men, this quality is the third most important for an ideal woman, but for a spouse it is optional - kindness was not even included in the top five, receiving only 14% of the votes of the respondents.

For legal spouse loyalty much more important than kindness, according to Russian men (20%). From women who are not legal spouses, fidelity is expected by 16% of respondents.

Femininity 12% of men appreciate in their girlfriends. For wives, this characteristic is practically unimportant - she did not get enough votes to step over even the five percent barrier.

The unanimity of opinion in our survey was demonstrated by men only once: a tenth of the respondents expects from the fair sex in general and from wives, in particular, manifestations sensuality and sexuality.

As expected, thrift for a legitimate life partner is much more relevant than for a girlfriend. As the main quality of an ideal wife and an ideal woman, she was indicated by 20% and 9% of respondents, respectively.

An important quality of an ideal wife is ability to love. As a characteristic of a good wife, he was indicated by 17% of men. Only 5% of respondents chose this quality to describe the ideal girlfriend.

patience demand from their women 9% of men. This quality is more useful for wives: 12% of respondents indicate it as an important component of the character of an ideal wife.

Thinking about the perfect woman and wife, such a character trait as honesty, indicated by 9% and 6% of respondents, respectively.

receive from wife understanding important for 9% of men. In relations with friends, it is a little less relevant - the ability of a woman to show understanding was noted by 5% of respondents.

Gentle and affectionate 7% of men would like to see their companion. 5% of respondents dream of an affectionate wife.

On the need for a spouse maternal instinct mentioned by 7% of men. According to 5% of respondents, this quality should be present in any woman, regardless of her marital status.

For an ideal wife, it is more important to be attentive(8% of male votes), and for a friend - charming(5%). In a paired survey, these answer options did not pass the five percent threshold.

Other qualities of the ideal woman were indicated by 60% of men, and the ideal spouse - by 56%. Among the qualities necessary for an ideal woman and a perfect wife, there were wisdom, “taste and tact”, health, the absence of bad habits, diligence, a sense of humor, meekness, accuracy, cleanliness and even silence. A small part of the respondents dream of wealthy girlfriends, others appreciate unpretentiousness in ladies.

11% of respondents found it difficult to answer the question about the perfect woman. The question of the ideal wife confused 18% of men.
article author

Every woman wants to be loved and admired not only in the first year of marriage, but also after 20 years. No, of course, with time a habit comes, and your husband will accept you for who you are. But you want to be not just accepted, but loved and idolized. Moreover, there is nothing difficult in becoming an ideal companion, the main thing is to start changing.

1. You must cook for your husband. Of course, no one will ask you for the delights of French cuisine every day for dinner, but you must learn how to cook borscht and cutlets for five. The ability to cook really tasty can come with time and experience. So practice every day. Now the Internet is in almost every home, read recipes, experiment, try. You can buy a slow cooker, it’s easier to cook in it, and the recipe book comes right away.

2. Your home should always be clean. Of course, there is no need to “lick” the house to a shine every day. It is enough to carry out a small cleaning every day, and on weekends to arrange a general cleaning. By the way, you can connect both children and husband to daily affairs. Let them help put toys away, wash dishes, wipe dust. Eventually, you too get tired and need help.

3. Laundry must be done in a timely manner. So that both the husband and the children always have clean things. Also, you should always have a couple of clean sets of bed linen.

4. You are a mother and you should be able to calm a raging child. If the child screams idle, sheds tears, demanding a toy or not wanting to go to bed. It is you who must calm him down, no, not indulge him, if only he would be silent, namely, to convince him to calm down by talking. You should also make sure that the child behaves decently at a party and on the street.

5. You must know which pill to give to your husband or child, who has a fever or a toothache and you should always have medicines available in the medicine cabinet at home.

What should a wife be like?

1. Even if you are a housewife, you must have your own interests and hobbies. You should not live only as a husband. While he is watching football, do not nag him or try to watch with him. Mind your own business, show that you are also a person and you have your own interests.

2. Don't stay at home all the time. You must have your circle of friends. Leave the house sometimes, let your husband get bored. At the same time, dress nicely and make up.

3. No matter how scarce your wardrobe is, you should always have a beautiful figure-shaped dress for going out in public. Let's say your husband has a bonus and he called you to celebrate this event in a restaurant, to which you answer him that you have nothing to wear, and you just stay at home. It is for such occasions that you should always have something to wear.

4. Always engage in your self-development. Read books, interesting articles on the Internet, no, do not gossip about the stars, namely informative articles. When your husband comes home, show off your knowledge and at dinner tell him some interesting fact that he does not know about.

5. Be nice and friendly with others, try to smile and behave decently. You should please his friends and always be a hospitable hostess. The same applies to the husband’s relatives, try not to conflict with them and not nag your husband at their expense.


In order not to be jealous of your husband and not to be afraid of his betrayals, you need to behave correctly in the bedroom.

1. No need to punish your husband for misconduct, lack of intimacy, or, conversely, encourage him for something intimate.

2. Do not behave too constrained in bed, because you have nothing to be ashamed of in bed with a loved one.

3. But, of course, you don’t need to do the unnatural and behave like a worker in the Dutch sex industry. When asked how many men there were before him, answer with a smile that everything that was before him does not matter.

4. Be ready to try something new and somehow diversify your intimate life.

5. Do not discuss your intimate life with your friends, it is only your personal and it is not necessary for others to know about it.

10 rules in appearance

A wife should remember that men love with their eyes. Therefore, you should always look dignified under any circumstances.

1. You should always have clean teeth and no bad breath from your mouth.

2. It is not necessary to dress at home according to the latest trends, but clothes should be clean, neat and true to size. Therefore, exclude sizeless faded bathrobes from your wardrobe. You can wear, say, leggings, leggings, shorts to them, pick up t-shirts, tunics and shirts.

3. Your face and body must be free of hair.

4. Do not forget about proper nutrition and sometimes remind your husband that a hamburger is the wrong food.

5. Hair should always be clean and smell good. It is not necessary to do hairstyles while at home and cover them with a layer of varnish for fixation. If your husband wants to run his hand through your hair, he should not get tangled in them.

6. Watch your gait, it should be smooth and graceful.

8. No need to cover yourself with a layer of foundation and cosmetics at home. It is enough just to apply a face cream, tint with lip gloss and mascara. And that's it, you are beautiful.

9. Keep your nails clean and beautiful. Forget about extended nails, it has long been out of fashion. If the varnish begins to peel off, immediately remove it with liquid. Regularly clean them from dirt, and shape them with a nail file.

10. Don't worry about your weight. Believe me, your husband will not notice 3-5 extra pounds, but if you constantly remind him of this, he will start to look closely and think that something is really wrong with you. No need to refuse to eat with him because you are on a diet. Don't talk about it. Say that you don’t want just fried chicken today, you want a light salad.

1. No need to educate your husband and talk to him in a commanding voice. You are not raising a shepherd dog, but communicating with your loved one. Often women complain that they are tired of dragging everything on themselves and being a man in the family. And don't take on too much, be a woman. Always ask your husband for help, even if you can drive in a nail yourself, he should do it.

2. Do not constantly criticize your husband for what he did not do or did, but not so. Do not spoil your nervous system. Well, it's okay that he smeared toothpaste in the bathroom again or didn't take out the trash.

3. Be interested in his work and affairs. Even if you do not understand anything in his profession, still ask and listen.

4. Do not swear or argue with your spouse in public. No one should know what's going on in your family. In addition, there is no need to humiliate your loved one in the eyes of other people.

5. Give thanks for the gifts he gives you, especially if it's on a non-holiday. He will have a desire to give them to you further. Mark any piece of mammoth that he brought into your "cave".

6. Do not give a reason for jealousy. Yes, I want my husband to somehow demonstrate that you are not indifferent to him. But this is not the best way. Especially if you try to make him jealous with the help of his friend. You and a friend can quarrel him and in a common company seem like a windy lady to everyone. Yes, and then you will also receive the first number from your husband.

These are just a few basic rules of what a wife should be for her husband. Yes, at first glance, it seems that being an ideal wife is not easy. But no one promised that everything would be easy and smooth. The main thing is to start changing yourself, at first it will not be easy, and then it will become a habit.