I know it's stupid but I'm afraid. The "Unfinished Sentences" Method for Teenagers: Description

In its original form, the "Incomplete Sentences" technique is a projective personal technique. However, it is interesting to use it for diagnostics between personal relationships child in the family: a modified method makes this possible.

In the modern classification of projective types of personality survey, the “Incomplete Sentences” technique is among those based on the addition - they require the completion of the proposed story, picture, sentence, etc. The technique is quite simple in terms of implementation technique and at the same time flexible and easily adaptable to a variety of specific purposes.

Exist variety of options techniques based on the reception of verbal completion of the proposed initial part of the sentence. They are based on the premise that answering to the initial ambiguous and indefinite stimulus, the individual gives information regarding his own personality and interpersonal relationships. Great individual freedom and richness of answers are also determined by the minimum awareness on the part of the subject of the true purpose of the study and the traditional for projective methods acceptance of any answer without evaluating it as right or wrong.

An examination that uses a specific version of the methodology can be conducted orally or in writing:

  • - the oral form of conducting is mainly resorted to when working with children up to adolescence or adults who cannot read or write (blind, handicapped). In this case, the initial (stimulus) part of the sentence is also presented orally. The oral form of conducting a variant of the technique "Incomplete sentences" is possible only within the framework of an individual, and not a group experiment;
  • - the written form of conducting, on the contrary, is applicable both in an individual and in a group experiment. In this case, the initial parts of the proposals can be presented orally (1st method) and in writing - on special forms (2nd method) or on separate cards (3rd method). When working with a group, the 1st and 2nd methods are traditionally used, in the case of an individual experiment, any of the three listed.

Regardless of the form of the survey (written or oral), the essential characteristics of the latter aretemporary indicators. In the case of a group experiment, for each subject, the time during which he coped with the test as a whole is fixed. In an individual study, time indicators are significantly enriched by measuring the latent time of each response, i.e. the time interval between the presentation by the experimenter of the beginning of the sentence and the response of the subject. Thus, the measurement of the latent time of each response is possible only when the beginning of a sentence is presented orally or written on a separate card, but not when using a form.

Usage various options methodology "Incomplete proposals" in the field developmental psychology shows that the latent (latent) period of the response increases with age, and the "leap" in its value occurs between 10 - 12 years. This is due to the development and application of controlling mechanisms of behavior as the child socializes, i.e.

shaping his idea of ​​socially acceptable behavior.

In adults, the latent period of responses fluctuates around a certain average value, which has an individual value for each. A sharp increase in the latent time for individual responses indicates their personal and emotional significance. A noticeable increase in latent time by the end of the study is an expression of increased fatigue of the subject.

The examination procedure

The instruction, regardless of the variant of the “Incomplete sentences” methodology, does not reveal to the subject the true purpose of the study. The motivation is the study or training of memory, attention. The subjects are given the task of working as quickly as possible, completing the beginning of sentences without much hesitation, the first thing that comes to mind.

Procedure: in the written version, the subject receives a piece of paper and a pen or a ready-made form with unfinished sentences. When using a card or oral variant of presenting the beginning of sentences, the subject writes down on a piece of paper only the final part of the sentence - his answer; when using the form - the answer is written directly on the form near the corresponding beginning of the sentence.

In the oral version of the study, the answers of the subject are recorded either in writing by the experimenter, or using a tape recorder. The second is preferable, as it allows you to observe the entire testing situation as a whole.

test material

In domestic psychology, two variants of the method of unfinished sentences are mainly used. The first of them - an abbreviated version of Rayne-Ronde - consists of 20 phrases, very simple in content, for example: "My profession ...", "The future ...", "I would like to know ...".

It is used to identify the attitude of the subject to life circumstances, to himself, to others, as well as to obtain a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhidden experiences that cannot be revealed in a free conversation.

Rayne-Ronde Questionnaire

  1. My speciality…
  2. My family…
  3. Afraid…
  4. Money…
  5. My dream…
  6. Job…
  7. My dreams…
  8. Fight…
  9. I love the most…
  10. At home…
  11. My head...
  12. Children…
  13. I'm worried about…
  14. Death…
  15. My view...
  16. Friends…
  17. If I could...
  18. My plans…
  19. I hide...
  20. When I think...

Much more widespread is the Saks-Sidney variant, adapted in the laboratory of medical psychology of the Leningrad Research Institute of Psychoneurology. V.M. Bekhterev. It consists of 64 unfinished sentences with a more structured and reaction-determining beginning. They are divided into 16 groups of 4 sentences; each of these groups corresponds to a certain sphere of human relations - to oneself, to other people, etc.

The first, initial part of the sentence indicates the scope or object of the relationship; completing it, the subject expresses his attitude. For example, a sentence corresponding to the fieldattitude towards the future, begins: "The future seems to me ..."; corresponding to the fieldattitude towards subordinates“If anyone works under my direction…”; corresponding to the fieldattitude towards mother- "My mother…".

Saks-Sidney Questions

Relationship with father.

  1. I think my father rarely...
    • 17. If my father only wanted to…
    • 33. I would like my father ...
    • 49. I think that my father ...
    • Attitude towards yourself.
  2. If everyone is against me...
    • 18. I think that I am capable enough (capable) to ...
    • 34. My biggest weakness is…
    • 50. When I start to get unlucky, I ...
    • Life goals.
  3. I always wanted…
    • 19. I could (la) be very happy (happy) if ...
    • 35. My hidden desire in life…
    • 51. Most of all I would like (a) in life ...
    • Attitude towards subordinates.
  4. If I were in a leadership position...
    • 20. If someone works under my direction ...
    • 36. My subordinates…
    • 52. When I give others an assignment...
    • attitude towards the future.
  5. The future seems to me...
    • 21. I hope for ...
    • 37. The day will come when ...
    • 53. When I'm old (old) ...
    • Attitude towards superiors and teachers.
  6. 6. My superiors...
    • 22. At school, my teachers ...
    • 38. When my boss approaches me…
    • 54. People whose superiority I recognize over myself ...Fears and fears.
  7. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid...
    • 23. Most of my comrades do not know that I am afraid ...
    • 39. I would like to stop being afraid ...
    • 55. My fears more than once made me ...
    • Relationship with friends.
  8. I guess, that a true friend
    • 24. I don't like people who...
    • 40. Most of all I love people who ...
    • 56. When I'm away, my friends...
    • attitude towards the past.
  9. When I was a child…
    • 25. Once upon a time I ...
    • 41. If I became (a) young (young) again ...
    • 57. My most vivid childhood memory is ...
    • attitude towards men.
  10. The ideal man for me is...
    • 26. I think that most young men ...
    • 42. I think that most men ...
    • 58. I really don't like it when men...Attitude to sexual life.
  11. When I see a woman with a man...
    • 27. Married life seems to me ...
    • 43. If I had a normal sex life
    • 59. My sex life…Attitude towards family.
  12. Compared to most other families, my family...
    • 28. My family treats me like...
    • 44. Most of the families I know ...
    • 60. When I was a child, my family…
    • Attitude towards employees.
  13. I work best with...
    • 29. The people I work with…
    • 45. I love working with people who…
    • 61. People who work with me…
    • Attitude towards mother.
  14. My mother…
    • 30. My mother and I ...
    • 46. ​​I think that most mothers ...
    • 62. I love my mother, but ...
    • Awareness of guilt.
  15. I would do anything to forget...
    • 31. My biggest mistake was…
    • 47. When I was (a) younger, I felt (a) guilty (guilty) if ...
    • 63. The worst thing I had to do was ...
    • attitude towards women.
  16. The ideal woman for me is...
    • 32. I think that most girls ...
    • 48. I think that most women ...
    • 64. I really don't like it when women...

(Actually, the proposals are given in numerical order.)

Analyzing the responses of the subject, it is possible to evaluate the system of relations he has with the family, members of the same or opposite sex, sexual life, superiors, subordinates, employees, friends, father, mother. A number of answers reflect the attitude to the experienced and experienced fears and fears, the existing sense of consciousness of guilt, and also testifies to the attitude to the past and future, life goals and oneself.

Relationship problems - This term is used to refer to relationship difficulties that are severe enough to warrant the attention of a counseling psychologist.

The sequence of 24 sentences proposed by V. Michal is a modification of the Sachs SSCT test for children. The test refers to supplementary methods and partly to associative methods and is aimed at diagnosing the child's attitude to parents, brothers, sisters, to children's informal and formal groups, teachers, school, their own abilities, as well as to identify goals, values, conflicts and significant experiences. . All responses from the child should be recorded verbatim.

The version of the test presented here is slightly changed in comparison with the Russian translation of the original. In our edition, stylistic translation errors have been eliminated and the order of sentences has been changed.

- I can offer you this game. I will call you the beginning of the sentence, and you - to finish it.
- Now - attention! You need to answer quickly and each time what comes to mind first, but in such a way that you get a sentence that is complete in meaning. Before we start the game, you can practice a little. For example, I say the beginning of a sentence:
- Every morning...

Praise the child, say that he understood everything correctly, and if it seemed that he did not say the first ending of the sentence that came to his mind, remind him of the instructions again.

One more example can be offered:
I would give a lot to have...

Explain the rule again if necessary. Many authors, including Michal, recommend recording reaction times with a stopwatch. In our opinion, this can introduce excessive nervousness into communication with a psychologist and distract the child. Therefore, it is better to use a clock with a second hand, doing it imperceptibly while the child is thinking about the answer, counting 3 seconds to himself and putting a dot in the protocol after each such interval. The test must be carried out individually and only orally.

In the presented list, the proposals are grouped according to the diagnostic focus on the study of the child's attitude to different persons and various problems - to mother, father, brothers, sisters, peers; to school, teachers; views of the future, etc. The serial number before the beginning of each sentence corresponds to its place in the list we offer for diagnostic application. The order can be changed, but so that sentences on the same topic are distributed evenly, and not grouped together.

1. I think there are more people...
2. A child in a family...
3. We love mom, but ...
4. We are among children, but ...
5. My brother (sister) ...
6. I'm dexterous enough to... 7. Fathers sometimes... ^ Children I play with...
9. To our dad ...
10. My loved ones think of me that I...
11. If my brother (sister) ...
12. My friends often...
13. I wish I didn't have...
14. Sick child...
15. I thought that mom most often ...
16. If there were no school ...
17. I shake all over when...
18. When I think about school, then ...
19. If all the guys knew how afraid I am ...
20. I would be very happy if I...
21. I am the weakest ...
22. My teacher (teacher, teachers) ...
23. I always dream...

The interpretation is based on a meaningful analysis of the answers, the frequency of the additional part of the sentence, the response time, as well as the child's statements about how the proposed phrases correspond to reality (children talk about this quite often).

“Our material,” writes the author of the projective interview V. Michal, “is a multiply modified Sacks and Levy test - SSCT. The test is focused on determining the social position and self-understanding. The social position of the child is explored by proposals aimed at studying his relationship to the peer group, teachers, parents and family members. It should be noted that cases where there are signs of tension, conflict in all the endings of the phrases of this group should attract Special attention a practicing psychologist, since maladjustment in all spheres of interpersonal relations is a symptom of abnormal personality development. The author of the methodology, following Sachs, recommends scoring answers (2 points - serious violations requiring psychotherapy, 1 point - moderate violations).

The child's self-understanding is studied with the help of sentences aimed at exploring the child's significant experiences, assessing his abilities, as well as reflective self-esteem, which is formed by the beginning of adolescence. Thus, the response of a 12-year-old child: “I don’t know what I think about myself” to the sentence: “My relatives think of me that I ...” indicates a delay in the formation of a reflective assessment, but may also be a manifestation of psychological defense. In this case, sentences about family members will have a neutral emotional coloring or contain signs of conflict. The above example shows how, firstly, the same answer in a different context can mean different features the identity of the child and, secondly, how the sentence can be confirmed or refuted based on data from the same test of incomplete sentences.

For the interpretation of individual sentences, they are grouped into the following categories:
a) attitude towards mother - 3, 15,
b) attitude towards the father - 7, 9,
c) attitude towards brothers, sisters - 5, 11,
d) attitude towards the family - 2, 10,
e) attitude towards peers - 4, 8.12,
f) attitude towards teachers and school - 23, 16, 18,
g) attitude towards people in general - 1,
h) attitude towards one's own abilities - 6, 21,
i) negative experiences, fears - 13, 17, 19, j) attitude towards the disease - 14,
k) dreams and plans for the future - 20, 22, 24.

Here are collected tests that are easy to process and interpret.
A person who does not have necessary training may cause harm to themselves and others due to the illiterate use of the information received.
More complex and more informative psychodiagnostic methods should only be processed by a professional.

At your request, we will draw up: a portrait of your personality, a psychosemantic map, determine your hidden motivation and provide other psychodiagnostic assistance.

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Method "Incomplete sentences" (Sachs-Levy test)

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Method "Incomplete sentences" (Sachs-Levy test)

The method of "unfinished sentences" has been used in experimental psychological practice for a long time.
A variant of this method, developed by Sachs and Levy, includes 60 unfinished sentences, which can be divided into 15 groups, characterizing, to one degree or another, the system of relations of the subject to the family, to members of the same or opposite sex, to sexual relations, to superiors in official position. and subordinates. Some groups of sentences are related to the fears and apprehensions experienced by a person, to his feeling of awareness of his own guilt, testify to his attitude to the past and future, affect relationships with parents and friends, and their own life goals.
For each group of sentences, a characteristic is displayed that defines the given system of relations as positive, negative or indifferent.
This technique needs to be confirmed by other tests, since its reliability and validity are low, which is associated with a small number of sentences that "work" on one scale.

Form of the tested ____________________________________________
Instruction: "On the test form, you must complete the sentences with one or more words".
1. I think that my father rarely
2. If everyone is against me, then
3. I always wanted
4. If I were in a leadership position
5. The future seems to me
6. My superiors
7. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid
8. I think that a real friend
9. When I was a child
10. The ideal woman (man) for me is
11. When I see a woman next to a man
12. Compared to most others, my family
13. I work best with
14. My mother and I
15. Would do anything to forget
16. If my father only wanted to
17. I think that I am capable enough to
18. I could be very happy if
19. If anyone works under my direction
20. Hope for
21. At school my teachers
22. Most of my comrades do not know that I am afraid.
23. I don't like people who
24. Once upon a time
25. I think that most boys (girls)
26. Married life seems to me
27. My family treats me like
28. People I work with
29. My mother
30. My biggest mistake was
31. I wish my father

32. My biggest weakness is
33. My hidden desire in life is
34. My subordinates
35. The day will come when
36. When my boss approaches me
37. I would like to stop being afraid
38. Most of all I love those people who
39. If I were young again
40. I think that most women (men)
41. If I had a normal sex life
42. Most of the families I know
43. I love working with people who
44. I think that most mothers
45. When I was young, I felt guilty if
46. ​​I think that my father
47. When I start to get unlucky, I
48. Most of all I would like in life
49. When I give others a task
50. When I'm old
51. People whose superiority I recognize over myself
52. My fears more than once made me
53. When I'm away, my friends
54. My most vivid childhood memory is
55. I really don't like it when women (men)
56. My sex life
57. When I was a child, my family
58. People who work with me
59. I love my mother, but
60. The worst thing that I happened to do was


N p / p Offer groups NN jobs
1 Attitude towards father 1 16 31 46
2 Attitude towards yourself 2 17 32 47
3 Unrealized opportunities 3 18 33 48
4 Attitude towards subordinates 4 19 34 49
5 attitude towards the future 5 20 35 50
6 Attitude towards superiors 6 21 36 51
7 Fears and concerns 7 22 37 52
8 Attitude towards friends 8 23 38 53
9 Relationship with your past 9 24 39 54
10 Attitude towards people of the opposite sex 10 25 40 55
11 sexual attitude 11 26 41 56
12 Family Relations 12 27 42 57
13 Attitude towards employees 13 28 43 58
14 Attitude towards mother 14 29 44 59
15 Guilt 15 30 45 60

Such a quantitative assessment facilitates the identification of a disharmonious system of relations in the subject. But more important, of course, is the qualitative study of additional proposals.

Research by the method of "incomplete sentences" should be preceded by establishing contact with the subject in order to obtain sincere, natural answers. But even if the test subject considers the study as an undesirable procedure and, trying to hide the world of his deep experiences, gives formal, conditional answers, experienced psychologist can extract a lot of information reflecting the system of personal relationships.

Methodology "Purpose-Means-Result" (CSR)

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Methodology "Purpose-Means-Result" (CSR)

Description of the technique
This questionnaire, proposed by A.A. Karmanov, is designed to study the features of the structure of activity. It is based on the general scientific basis Purpose-Means-Result, reflecting the main features of any activity. According to this paradigm, any activity can be considered as consisting of three components (usually alternating in sequence):
- at the beginning of any activity, a person, synthesizing a large number of information, generates target activities, i.e. begins to present a more or less clear picture of the desired future, the final state in which he wants to bring the situation and himself; - then come into play means, i.e. the resource that a person is willing to spend to achieve the goal; - the result of any activity is updating result- the result that a person has reached.
How different people, and one person in different periods their lives have different parameters of their activity. This technique is intended to determine the personality traits of an individual associated with activities for a period of 1-2 months before the test. In other words, according to the results of the CSR questionnaire, it is impossible to judge whether or not the person examined possessed one or another quality in more early period(for example, six months before the test). The questionnaire is recommended to be used from adolescence. Group work is allowed.
CSR Questionnaire
Instruction . The questionnaire contains several dozen statements regarding your character and behavior. An answer sheet is attached to the questionnaire. The number on the answer sheet corresponds to the approval number. Read each statement and decide if it is true or not. If you decide that this statement is true, put a plus on the answer sheet next to the number corresponding to the number of the statement. If the statement about you is false, put a minus. If a statement about you is true or false at different periods of your life, choose the solution as it is correct at the present time. If you find it difficult to unequivocally answer any question, then you can not put any sign. However, keep in mind that if you miss 5 or more statements, then the result will be recognized as unreliable.
1. I am an active person
2. Sometimes I get very excited.
3. It happens that I am annoyed by something
4. I always eat what is served to me.
5. To achieve something in life, you need to be able to set goals for yourself.
6. I would compare myself to a well-tuned musical instrument.
7. I always do as I'm told.
8. Sometimes I think about the meaning of life.
9. I don't like being told how to do it.
10. I can explain the actions of each person
11. Often my loved ones do not listen to me, and I have to repeat one phrase several times until finally they hear me
12. Strange things often happen to me.
13. Usually I can’t say unequivocally about someone whether he is a good person or not.
14. I prefer to set goals that are not very difficult, but not very simple either.
15. Things often happen to me that I cannot explain.
16. When I am alone, I think a lot.
17. I rarely miss
18. I can be trusted with any secret
19. In any situation, you can find a way out
20. Seeing the setting sun inspires me.
21. Passing a lying ball, I have a desire to kick it.
22. When I worry, I blush more often than I turn pale
23. Good music inspires me.
24. I prefer to set goals myself
25. The sight of a person unpleasant to me makes me want to beat him or inflict some other damage on him.
26. Everything that is dear to me is equally valuable to me
27. When I do something, I willingly listen to any advice.
28. A well-finished business makes me feel good.
29. When making a decision, I weigh all the pros and cons
30. Sometimes it happens that I speak badly about someone
31. My character is more of an "attacker" than a "defender"
32. Stability is better than unpredictability

Answer form

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Key to processing results

1. C+ 2. C+ 3. L- 4. L+ 5. C+ 6. C+ 7. L+ 8. C-
9. C+ 10. R+ 11. R+ 12. R- 13. R- 14. C+ 15. R- 16. C-
17. C+ 18. L+ 19. С+ 20. R- 21. C- 22. C- 23. R- 24. C+
25. C+ 26. C- 27. C- 28. R- 29. C+ 30. L- 31. C+ 32. R+

First, the following indicators are calculated:

Csovp- the number of matches on the "Goal" scale (for example, a positive answer to the 5th statement is considered a match on the "Goal" scale),

Cnesovp- the number of mismatches on the "Goal" scale (for example, a positive answer to the 8th statement is considered a mismatch on the "Goal" scale),

Ssovp- the number of matches on the scale "Means",

Snesovp- the number of mismatches on the scale "Means",

Rsovp- the number of matches on the "Result" scale,

Rnesovp- the number of discrepancies on the "Result" scale,

Lsovp- the number of matches on the scale "False",

Lnesovp- the number of mismatches on the scale "False".

By subtracting, the final scores are obtained:

C \u003d Csovp - Cnesovp (scale "Goal")
S=Ssovp - Snesovp ("Means" scale)
R=Rsovp - Rnesovp ("Result" scale)
L=Lsovp - Lnesovp ("False" scale)

Unreliable results are recognized in the case of 5 or more missing statements, and also if L greater than 0.
Interpretation results are carried out according to the following table:

from -9 to -5 points. A highly frustrated state, expressed in the impossibility of setting constructive goals. The motives of activity are unsystematic, non-hierarchical. Instead of setting real goals of activity, achieving significant results, a person is limited to setting either "micro goals" limited by the current situation, or is fixed on setting global goals. One of the expressions of the latter is the search for the so-called "meaning of life." from -4 to +4 points. The goals set are not always justified, unstable. Not all reasonable actions are expedient, sometimes prone to an empty pastime. In case of difficulty in choosing a goal, he easily uses a hint from outside, is ready to accept a goal from outside. To prepare yourself to perform any activity - it always takes a certain amount of willpower to "get together". from +5 to +9 points. Optimal result. A person sets realistic goals for himself, is set to achieve, the motives for goal-setting and activity in general are systematic, hierarchized. Almost everything that the subject does, he can explain in terms of expediency. Not prone to idle pastime. Decisiveness is associated with the ease of forming goals, indifference.
-9 to -2 points. A person experiences a chronic lack of means to achieve their goals. Typical manifestations of limitation in the choice of means: low energy potential, the predominance of the parasympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system, conformity, strong dependence on the situation, on other people (primarily on their opinions), suggestibility, abundance psychological complexes, which, among other things, prevent the use of 100% internal potential. from -1 to +2 points. The subject periodically encounters difficulties in choosing means (we are talking about psychological barriers). The reason for such constraint is often the lack of a constructive, achievable goal. Also one of the factors of such behavior is a complex of reasons, which can be called "fear of self-expression". "Energy-saving motives" predominate in the subject's attitudes. Lack of spontaneous behavior . +3 to +6 points. Optimal result. A person is quite free in the choice of means, his behavior is as spontaneous as the situation requires. Fairly good energy potential. Balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic. Not aggressive, but not conformal either. The behavior is not defiant, but it is not blocked by complexes, suspiciousness, negativism. from +7 to +9 points. Behavior is too spontaneous. Does not seek help from others, prefers to lead them. In his actions, the subject not only does not pay attention to the existing standards of behavior, but often acts contrary to them. Increased aggressiveness, manifested both in open forms and hidden.
from -9 to -5 points. The subject is inclined to overestimate the result of his activity. Luck causes bouts of intense fun, failure provokes inadequate grief. Even insignificant events can cause a real shock. The person, as it were, is in a state of chronic transition, a trance. Personal growth test subject is unpredictable, largely random. Usually, increased anxiety. Interest in your inner world. from -4 to +4 points. Optimal result. As a rule, the subject quite soberly evaluates the results of his activities. He does not overestimate, but he does not underestimate the results either. In other people's assessments of events, he is rather unbiased. Personal growth is normally dynamic. from +5 to +9 points. A person tends to underestimate the results of his activities. Rigidity, excessive criticality. In assessing the behavior of other people, a shade of criticism and disapproval prevails. A vivid manifestation of rigidity are perseverations: repeated and obsessive repetitions. The subject repeatedly repeats the same phrase, performs the same action. Rarely experiences strong emotions, even the most spectacular results do not cause vivid pleasure or grief.

Schubert's method for diagnosing the degree of readiness for risk.

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Schubert's method for diagnosing the degree of readiness for risk.

Answer sheet

Surname_____________ Date___________
Instruction : "Read carefully each of the sentences below and cross out the appropriate number on the right, depending on how you feel in Lately. Don't think too long about the questions, because there are no right or wrong answers."

Instruction. Assess your willingness to take the actions you are asked about. When answering each of the 25 questions, put the appropriate score according to the following scheme:
2 points - I completely agree, a complete "yes";
1 point - more "yes" than "no";
0 points - neither "yes" nor "no", something in between; -1 point - more "no" than "yes"; -2 points - complete "no".
Text of the methodology
1. Would you exceed the set speed in order to provide the necessary medical care seriously ill person?
2. Would you agree for good earnings to participate in a dangerous and long expedition?
3. Would you stand in the way of an escaping dangerous burglar?
4. Could you ride on the footboard of a freight car at speeds over 100 km/h?
5. Can you the next day after sleepless night work ok?
6. Would you be the first to cross a very cold river?
7. Would you lend a large amount of money to a friend, not quite sure that he would be able to return this money to you?
8. Would you enter a lion cage with a tamer with his assurance that it is safe?
9. Could you climb a tall factory chimney with outside guidance?
10. Could you manage a sailboat without training?
11. Would you dare to grab a running horse by the bridle?
12. Could you ride a bike after 10 glasses of beer?
13. Could you make a parachute jump?
14. Could you, if necessary, travel without a ticket from Tallinn to Moscow?
15. Could you make a car tour if your friend, who was recently in a serious traffic accident, was driving?
16. Could you jump from a height of 10 meters onto the fire brigade tent?
17. Could you, to get rid of a protracted illness with bed rest, go for a life-threatening operation?
18. Could you jump off the footboard of a boxcar moving at 50 km/h?
19. Could you, as an exception, along with seven other people, go up in an elevator designed for only six people?
20. Could you blindfold a busy street intersection for a large monetary reward?
21. Would you take a life-threatening job if it paid well?
22. Could you calculate the percentage after 10 glasses of vodka?
23. Could you, on the instructions of your boss, take up the high-voltage wire if he assured you that the wire is de-energized?
24. Could you fly a helicopter after some preliminary explanations?
25. Could you, having tickets, but without money and food, get from Moscow to Khabarovsk?

Calculate the amount of points you have collected in accordance with the instructions.
The overall test score is given on a continuous scale as a deviation from the mean. Positive responses indicate risk appetite. Test values: from -50 to +50 points.
Result. Less than -30 points : too careful; from -10 to +10 points : mean values; over +20 points : risk-averse.
A high willingness to take risks is accompanied by a low motivation to avoid failure (protection). Willingness to take risks is reliably related in direct proportion to the number of mistakes made.

Research has also given following results:

  • risk appetite decreases with age;
  • More experienced workers have a lower willingness to take risks than inexperienced ones;
  • In women, readiness for risk is realized with more certain conditions than in men;
  • · military commanders and heads of enterprises are more willing to take risks than students;
  • With the growth of the rejection of the individual, in a situation of internal conflict, the readiness for risk grows;
  • · in a group environment, the willingness to take risks is stronger than when acting alone, and depends on group expectations.

Determination of the orientation of the personality (B. Bass)

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Determination of the orientation of the personality (B. Bass)

You are offered a series of statements. If you agree with the statement, then in the answer sheet put "+" under its number, if not, then "-". To determine the personal orientation, an orientation questionnaire is currently used, first published by B. Bass in 1967. The questionnaire consists of 27 points-judgments, for each of which there are three possible answers corresponding to three types of personality orientation. The respondent must choose one answer that most expresses his opinion or corresponds to reality, and one more, which, on the contrary, is the furthest from his opinion or least corresponds to reality. The answer "most" receives 2 points, "least" - O, remaining unselected - 1 point. The points scored for all 27 items are summarized for each type of orientation separately.

With the help of the methodology, the following directions are revealed:
1. Focus on yourself (I)- focus on direct reward and satisfaction regardless of work and employees, aggressiveness in achieving status, dominance, a tendency to compete, irritability, anxiety, introversion.
2. Focus on communication (O)- the desire to maintain relationships with people under any conditions, orientation to joint activities, but often to the detriment of performing specific tasks or providing sincere help to people, orientation towards social approval, dependence on the group, the need for affection and emotional relationships with people.
3. Focus on the case (D)- interest in solving business problems, doing the best job possible, focusing on business cooperation, the ability to defend in the interests of business one's own opinion, which is useful for achieving a common goal.

Instruction: The questionnaire consists of 27 items. There are three possible answers for each of them: A, B, C.
1. From the answers to each of the items, choose the one that best expresses your point of view on this issue. It is possible that some of the answers will seem equivalent to you. However, we ask you to select only one of them, namely the one that best suits your opinion and is most valuable to you. Write the letter of the answer (A, B, C) on the answer sheet next to the number of the corresponding item (1-27) under the heading "most".
2. Then, from the answers to each of the items, select the one that is the furthest away from your point of view, the least valuable to you. Write the letter for the answer again on the answer sheet next to the number of the corresponding item, in the column under the heading "least".
3. Thus, to answer each of the questions, you use two letters, which you write down in the corresponding columns. The rest of the answers are not recorded anywhere. Try to be as truthful as possible. There are no "good" or "bad" answer options, so don't try to guess which answer is "right" or "best" for you.

1. I get the most satisfaction from:
A. Approvals of my work;
B. Consciousness that the work is done well;
B. Consciousness that I am surrounded by friends.

2. If I played football (volleyball, basketball), then I would like to be:
A. A coach who develops game tactics;
B. A well-known player;
B. By the chosen team captain.

3. In my opinion, the best teacher is the one who:
A. Shows interest in students and has an individual approach to each;
B. Causes interest in the subject so that students are happy to deepen their knowledge in this subject;
B. Creates an atmosphere in the team in which no one is afraid to express their opinion.

4. I like it when people:
A. Rejoice in the work done;
B. Enjoy working in a team;
C. Strive to do their job better than others.

5. I would like my friends to:
A. Be responsive and help people when the opportunity presents itself;
B. Have been faithful and devoted to me;
B. Were smart and interesting people.

6. best friends I consider those:
A. With whom a good relationship develops;
B. Who can always be relied upon;
B. Who can achieve a lot in life.

7. Most of all I dislike:
A. When something doesn't work out for me;
B. When relations with comrades deteriorate;
Q. When I am criticized.

8. In my opinion, the worst thing is when a teacher:

A. Does not hide the fact that some students are unsympathetic to him, mocks and makes fun of them;
B. Causes the spirit of rivalry in the team;
B. Does not know his subject well enough.

9. As a child, I liked most of all:
A. Spending time with friends;
B. Feeling of accomplishment;
Q. When I was praised for something.

10. I would like to be like someone who:
A. Has achieved success in life;
B. Truly passionate about his work;
B. Differs in friendliness and goodwill.

11. First of all, the school should:
A. To teach how to solve the problems that life sets;
B. To develop, first of all, the individual abilities of the student;
B. Cultivate qualities that help to interact with people.

12. If I had more free time, I would most willingly use it:
A. To communicate with friends;
B. For recreation and entertainment;
B. For your favorite things and self-education.

13. Greatest Success I get when:
A. I work with people who like me;
B. I have an interesting job;
Q. My efforts are well rewarded.

14. I love it when:
A. Other people appreciate me;
B. Experience satisfaction from the work performed;
B. I enjoy spending time with friends.

15. If they decided to write about me in a newspaper, I would like that:
A. They told me about some interesting case related to study, work, sports, etc., in which I happened to participate.
B. Wrote about my activities;
V. Be sure to tell about the team in which I work.

16. I learn best if the teacher:
A. Has an individual approach to me;
B. Will be able to arouse my interest in the subject;
B. Arranges collective discussions of the problems being studied.

17. For me, there is nothing worse than:
A. Insult to personal dignity;
B. Failure to perform an important task;
B. Loss of friends.

18. Most of all I appreciate:
A. Success;
B. Opportunities for good teamwork;
B. A sound practical mind and ingenuity.

19. I don't like people who:
A. Consider themselves worse than others;
B. Often quarrel and conflict;
B. Object to everything new.

20. It's nice when:
A. You are working on something important for everyone;
B. You have many friends;
B. You are admired and everyone likes you.

21. In my opinion, first of all, the leader should be:
A. Affordable;
B. authoritative;
B. Demanding.

22. In free time I would love to read the books
A. How to make friends and support a good relationship with people;
B. About the life of famous and interesting people;
B. On the latest achievements of science and technology.

23. If I had the ability to music, I would prefer to be:
A. Conductor;
B. Composer;
V. Soloist.

24. I would like:
A. Come up with an interesting competition;
B. Win the competition;
B. Organize and manage the competition.

25. For me, the most important thing to know:
A. What do I want to do;
B. How to achieve the goal;
B. How to organize people to achieve a goal.

26. A person should strive to:
A. Others were pleased with him;
B. First of all, complete your task;
Q. He did not need to be reproached for a job well done.

27. I relax best in my free time:

A. In communication with friends;
B. Watching entertainment films;
B. Doing what you love.

Form of the tested __________________

NN Most Least of all NN Most Least of all
1 15
2 16
3 17
4 18
5 19
6 20
7 21
8 22
9 23
10 24
11 25
12 26
13 27


1 A IN B 15 B IN A
2 B IN A 16 A IN B
3 A IN B 17 A IN B
4 IN B A 18 A B IN
5 B A IN 19 A B IN
6 IN A B 20 IN B A
7 IN B A 21 B A IN
8 A B IN 22 B A IN
9 IN A B 23 IN A B
10 A IN B 24 B IN A
11 B A IN 25 A IN B
12 B A IN 26 IN A B
13 IN A B 27 B A IN
14 A B IN

Test "SELF-ASSESSMENT OF MENTAL STATES" (according to Eysenck)

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Test "SELF-ASSESSMENT OF MENTAL STATES" (according to Eysenck)
Instruction. We offer you a description of the various mental states. If this condition is often inherent in you, 2 points are given, if this condition happens, but occasionally, then 1 point is given, if it does not fit at all - 0 points.

Description of states (Eysenck)
1) I don't feel confident.
2) I often blush because of trifles.
3) My sleep is restless.
4) I easily get discouraged.
5) I worry about only imaginary troubles.
6) Difficulties scare me.
7) I like to delve into my shortcomings.
8) I am easily convinced.
9) I am suspicious.
10) I can hardly stand the waiting time.
11) It often seems to me that situations are hopeless, from which one can still find a way out.
12) Troubles upset me a lot, I lose heart.
13) In case of big troubles, I tend to blame myself without sufficient reason.
14) Misfortunes and failures do not teach me anything.
15) I often refuse to fight, considering it fruitless.
16) I often feel defenseless.
17) Sometimes I have a state of despair.
18) I feel confused in front of difficulties.
19) In difficult moments life sometimes I behave like a child, I want to be sorry.
20) I consider the shortcomings of my character to be incorrigible.
21) I leave behind the last word.
22) Often in a conversation I interrupt the interlocutor.
23) I am easily angered.
24) I like to make remarks to others.
25) I want to be an authority for others.
26) I'm not content with little, I want the most.
27) When I get angry, I do not restrain myself well.
28) I prefer to lead rather than obey.
29) I have a sharp, rude gesture.
30) I am vengeful.
31) I find it difficult to change habits.
32) It is not easy to switch attention.
33) I am very wary of everything new.
34) It's hard to convince me.
35) Often I can’t get out of my head a thought from which I should have freed myself.
36) I don't easily get close to people.
37) Even minor violations of the plan upset me.
38) I often show stubbornness.
39) I am reluctant to take risks.
40) I sharply experience deviations from my daily routine.

Results processing
Calculate the total points for each group of questions:

  1. 1...10 question - anxiety;
  2. 11...20 question - frustration;
  3. 21...29 question - aggressiveness;
  4. 31...40 question - rigidity.

Evaluation and interpretation of points
I. Anxiety:
0...7 points - not anxious; 8...14 points - moderate anxiety acceptable level;15...20 points - very disturbing.
II. Frustration:
0...7 points - do not have high self-esteem, are resistant to failures, are not afraid of difficulties; 8...14 points - average level, frustration takes place; 15...20 points - you have low self-esteem, you avoid difficulties, you are afraid of failures, you are frustrated.
III. Aggressiveness:
0...7 points - you are calm, self-possessed; 8...14 points - average level of aggressiveness; 15...20 points - you are aggressive, not sustained, there are difficulties in communicating and working with people.
IV. Rigidity:
0...7 points – no rigidity, easy switchability, 8...14 points - average level; 15...20 points - strongly pronounced rigidity, immutability of behavior, beliefs, views, even if they diverge, do not correspond to the real situation, life. Change of work, changes in personal life are contraindicated for you.

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Test describing the types of people's behavior in conflict situations by K. Thomas

Adapted by N.V. Grishina to study predisposition to conflict behavior.

To describe the types of people's behavior in conflict situations, CTomas considers a two-dimensional model of conflict management to be applicable, the fundamental dimensions of which are cooperation associated with a person's attention to the interests of other people involved in the conflict, and assertiveness, which is characterized by an emphasis on protecting one's own interests.

According to these two main dimensions, CTomas identifies the following ways of conflict management:

  1. Competition (competition) as the desire to achieve one's own interests to the detriment of another.
  2. Adaptation, which means, as opposed to rivalry, sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of another.
  3. Compromise.
  4. Avoidance, which is characterized by both the lack of desire for cooperation and the lack of a tendency to achieve one's own goals.
  5. Cooperation, when the participants in the situation come to an alternative that fully satisfies the interests of both parties.


Instruction: Before you are thirty pairs of judgments. In each pair, choose the statement that is most typical of your behavior.

A. Sometimes I let others take responsibility for the decision. controversial issue.

Q. Rather than discuss what we disagree on, I try to draw attention to what we both disagree on.

A. I try to find a compromise solution.

B. I try to settle the matter in the interests of the other and my own.

3. A. I usually push hard to get my way.

B. I try to calm the other down and mostly keep our relationship going.

4. A. I try to find a compromise solution.

B. Sometimes I sacrifice my own interests for the interests of another person.

5. A. When settling a controversial situation, I always try to find support from the other.

6. A. I try to avoid getting myself into trouble.

B. I try to get my way.

7. A. I try to postpone the decision of the controversial issue in order to finally resolve it in time.

B. I consider it possible to give up something in order to achieve another.

8. A. I usually try hard to get my way.

B. I first try to be clear about what all the interests and issues involved are.

9. A. I think that it is not always worth worrying about some kind of disagreement that arises.

B. I make an effort to get my way.

10. A. I am determined to achieve my goal.

B. I try to find compromise solutions.

11. A. First of all, I try to make clear what all the interests and issues involved are.

B. I try to calm the other down and mostly keep our relationship going.

12. A. Often I avoid taking a position that can cause controversy.

B. I give the opportunity to the other in something to remain in his opinion, if he also meets me halfway.

13. A. I propose a middle position.

B. I insist that it be done my way.

14. A. I communicate my point of view to the other and ask about his views.

B. I am trying to show the other person the logic and advantages of my views.

15. A. I try to calm the other down and mostly keep our relationship going.

B. I try to do whatever is necessary to avoid tension.

16. A. I try not to hurt the other person's feelings.

B. I am trying to convince the other person of the merits of my position.

17. A. I usually try hard to get my way.

B. I try to do everything to avoid useless tension.

18. A. If it makes the other person happy, I will let him get his way.

B. I give the opportunity to the other in something to remain in his opinion, if he also meets me halfway.

19. A. First of all, I try to clearly define what all the interests and issues involved are.

B. I try to postpone the decision of the controversial issue in order to finally resolve it eventually.

20. A. I try to get over our differences immediately.

B. I try to find the best combination gains and losses for both of us.

21. A. When negotiating, I try to be considerate of the other's wishes.

B. I always tend to discuss the problem directly.

22. A. I try to find a position that is in the middle between my position and the other person's point of view.

B. I stand up for my desires.

23. A. As a rule, I am concerned with satisfying the desires of each of us.

B. Sometimes I let others take responsibility for resolving a contentious issue.

24. A. If the position of another seems very important to him, I try to meet his desires.

B. I try to convince the other to come to a compromise.

25. A. I try to show the other the logic and advantages of my views.

B. When negotiating, I try to be considerate of the other's wishes.

26. A. I propose a middle position.

B. I am almost always concerned with satisfying the desires of each of us.

27. A. Often I avoid taking a position that can cause controversy.

B. If it makes the other person happy, I will let him have his own way.

28. A. I am usually persistent in getting my way.

B. When handling a situation, I usually try to find support from the other person.

29. A. I propose a middle position.

B. I think that it is not always worth worrying about some kind of disagreement that arises.

Processing: Calculate the number of points for each column. Dialer column name the largest number points is your leading strategy of behavior in a conflict situation.

Egocentric Association Test (EAT)

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Egocentric Association Test (EAT)

Research procedure
The study of egocentrism using the projective test of egocentric associations (EAT) can be carried out both with one subject and with a group of 2-7 people. When working with a group, each test participant should be provided with a form, a pen, conveniently placed at the table at a distance of 1.5-2 m from neighbors and the experimenter.
A feature of this task is that the subjects should not know the purpose of the study. As a "dummy" goal, it can be called checking the speed of written speech or determining the speed of associations on verbal stimulus material. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that content, literacy and calligraphy do not matter. In the process of filling out the test, the experimenter is prohibited from explaining anything to the subject other than the instructions or giving assessments and expressing attitude to his judgments. Here it is necessary to monitor the strict individuality of the work of the subject and fix the time for completing the task,
Test subject instructions: "The test contains 40 incomplete sentences. You need to complete each of them so that you get sentences that express a complete thought. Immediately write down the first ending of an incomplete sentence that comes to your mind. Try to work quickly. The time for completing the task is fixed."
The form of the test of egocentric associations is as follows.

test form
Time taken to complete the test __min.
FULL NAME. subject
Native language

1. In such a situation...
2. Easiest...
3. Even though...
4. The longer...
5. Compared to...
6. Every...
7. It's a pity that ...
8. As a result...
9. If...
10. Several years ago...
11. The most important thing is that...
12. Only...
13. Actually...
14. The real problem is...
15. It's not true that...
16. A day will come when...
17. The biggest ...
18. Never...
19. That...
20. It is hardly possible that ...
21. The main thing is that ...
22. Sometimes...
23. So in twelve years ...
24. In the past...
25. The thing is...
26. Currently...
27. The best...
28. Considering...
29. If not for ...
30. Always...
31. Opportunity...
32. In case...
33. Usually...
34. Even if...
35. So far...
36. Condition for...
37. More than anything...
38. About...
39. Recently...
40. Only since then...
After completing the work, the subjects hand over the completed test forms. The experimenter quickly scans them without reading the content, and if he notices unfinished sentences, then the form is returned with a request to complete this or that sentence. In this case, the time is fixed and added to the previous one.
Results processing
The purpose of processing the results is to obtain an index of egocentrism. By the value of the index, one can judge the level of the egocentric orientation of the individual.
It makes sense to process the results if the subject has completely coped with the test, so during testing it is important to ensure that all sentences are completed. If there are more than 10 unfinished sentences in the test form, then it is not subject to processing and analysis. In this case, the subject is asked to test again in a few days.
The index of egocentrism is determined by identifying and counting sentences containing information pointing to the subject himself, that is, the test subject. This information is expressed by pronouns and proper pronouns derived from it.
These can be pronouns "I", "me", "mine", "me", "mine", etc. Information about the subject itself is also carried by sentences in which the indicated pronouns are not present, but they are clearly implied in the presence of the verb of the first person singular.
The index of egocentrism is the number of the above-mentioned sentences. For the convenience of counting sentences containing this indication about the subject itself and reflecting its centering on itself, in the completed form of the pronoun first singular persons or the corresponding verb endings are underlined and the sentence number is circled.
Analysis of results
To determine the level of the egocentric orientation of the individual and to analyze the results obtained, a table is provided. It contains gradations of levels of egocentrism of students, including first-year students. The change in levels characterizing egocentric tendencies among first-year students is due to the fact that entering a university is a change social status boys and girls. During the period of adaptation to a new status, a temporary increase in the egocentricity of the individual occurs.
Levels of egocentric orientation of boys and girls

Gender course Level of egocentric orientation
short average high Very
Freshmen studying the first semester:
young men 0-1 2-7 8-22 23-30 31-40
girls 0-1 2-7 8-22 23-29 30-40
Students of other courses:
young men 0-1 2-7 8-20 21-26 27-40
girls 0-1 2-7 8-21 22-27 28-40

A very low (zero) indicator of egocentrism usually means that the subject misunderstood the instruction and set himself some other task instead of the one proposed in the instruction.
Very high rate egocentrism can be a sign of personality accentuation on one's own person.
In the process of analyzing the results, it should be taken into account that egocentrism and egocentric orientation are personality traits. They characterize her position and represent a centered and fixed social attitude that determines the focus on her qualities, thoughts, experiences, ideas, actions, goals, etc. Starting from adolescence, self-reflection is included here. The egocentric orientation is determined by the position and contributes to the autonomy of the individual from other people. It is caused by the needs for one's own success, for sympathy, for guardianship, for affiliation, for self-affirmation, for protecting one's "I", including the psychosexual need.
Egocentrism affects the cognitive capabilities of a person, prevents effective communication and interaction with people, and hinders the development of the moral sphere of the personality itself.
Persons with a high level of egocentrism are often conflicting, as they underestimate and sometimes distort the semantic content of the interlocutor's message, which leads to misunderstanding and interpersonal problems.
Morally, an egocentric orientation can lead to selfishness, which manifests itself in attempts to use other people for satisfaction. own needs and interests, as well as to pragmatism, that is, linking everything that an individual encounters in life, only with his own benefit.
Since the determination of the magnitude and level of egocentric orientation is quite significant for the subject, in this study it is especially important to observe the ethics of psychodiagnostics. If the student trusts the experimenter, it is advisable to discuss with him the reasons that led to egocentricity. Factors contributing to the development of egocentrism in children and school age, may be: praise by parents and teachers, active stimulation to achieve success, lack of contacts with peers, habits of command due to the constant position of the leader from childhood (headman responsible for cultural or sports work, etc.).
A low level of egocentrism is often the result of the constant suppression of the child's personality by authorities. At home, they become parents, and at school - teachers and some students.
In some cases, a high level of egocentric orientation can be situational, caused by a very significant event for a person.
To correct egocentrism, the experience of communication and interaction of the individual with other people is needed. It is important to develop the ability to take into account the points of view of others, to control the correct understanding of the people with whom you communicate and interact, to train the ability to imagine yourself in the place of another, to be attentive to the states of others. It is advisable for persons with a high level of egocentrism to recommend participation in trainings of sensitivity, communication, decentration.

Timely correction of egocentrism is also important because, against the background of its high level psychopathic personality traits develop, and at an inadequately low level - conformity and social passivity.

The "Unfinished Sentences" test in psychology is practiced when it becomes necessary to identify and study certain attitudes of a person, and not only those that are realized by him. This technique can help to understand what an individual experiences in relation to himself, his parents, family, society, life goals. It is effective, but has some specifics.

Principles of the methodology

The Pending Sentences test is based on the concept of free associations. It allows to identify problems of interpersonal and individual character, to determine the inner experiences of a person, his tendency to diseases related to nervous disorders. And the test itself is not difficult. Even a child can handle it preschool age. You might even call it interesting.

How is it carried out? The respondent is given a form with unfinished sentences. The standard number is 60, but there may be another number if the test is compiled individually for a group of people or one person.

All unfinished sentences are related to certain aspects of life, of which there are 15 in total. This is the attitude towards oneself, towards the past, future, subordinates, friends, father, mother, family, superiors, colleagues and members of the opposite sex. Also aspects include guilt, anxiety (fears), goals, as well as intimate relationships.

On the standard test, there are four unfinished sentences for each "category". And the person who is invited to go through it must complete the started phrases in a free form and as quickly as possible, almost without thinking and focusing only on their emotions and feelings.


You can understand what the “Incomplete Sentences” test is after reading a few examples taken from it.

Here are two phrases: "If everyone is against me, then ..." and "When I'm unlucky, I ...". They are responsible for the attitude of the respondent to himself. The phrase "I would do anything to forget ..." is a reference to guilt. But the sentence “My fears more than once made me ...” is related to fears and anxieties.

In principle, the original test can be carried out among teenagers. It is only better to omit unfinished sentences of a sexual nature, since there is something about intimacy (“My sex life ...”) and marriage in general. Phrases related to the topic of superiors can be transformed. In the sentence “When my boss approaches me ...”, the last word is quite harmoniously replaced by “teacher”. The rest of the test is nothing special, so it can be done on respondents of all ages.

Identification of suicidal intent

Most often, it is for this purpose that the “Unfinished Sentences” technique among adolescents is used. Unfortunately, in our time it is relevant.

In order to detect suicidal intentions in schoolchildren of such unstable age, it is necessary to transform the standard test and reduce the number of questions. There can be 28 of them, among which only 4 will be thematic, but veiled. Here's how they can sound: "Tomorrow I ...", "The day will come when ...", "I want to live because ...", "When I finish school ...".

Of course, it is unlikely that someone will cross out the third question from those listed and write about the absence of the meaning of existence as such. But even by a completely ordinary answer, you can determine whether everything is in order with a teenager. He may write: "The day will come when I will finally be happy." And this will be a wake up call. If he formulated the continuation of the phrase in this way, then, most likely, something is bothering him. And this cannot be ignored.

School variant

As stated earlier, standard version can be changed. Unfinished sentences for younger students should sound as simplified as possible. Here is an example of what they can be: “In my studies I see ...”, “At school I ...”, “Our class ...”, “My classmates ...”. These unfinished sentences for schoolchildren are clear and simple. But, based on their answers, one can understand the personal specifics of each.

Suppose a student continued the above phrases like this: “In my studies, I see an opportunity to gain new knowledge. At school, I listen to the teacher and try to do assignments. Our class is not very good. My classmates love to laugh at me.” Well, these answers make it clear that the child likes to go to school, as he sees this as an opportunity for self-improvement and development of his abilities. But he is not satisfied with the nature of the relations that have developed with his classmates. Feelings of inferiority are also possible.

What to do with the results?

They are processed and interpreted qualified specialist who is very familiar with the Unfinished Sentences test. It will not be difficult for a person who has encountered this technique for the first time, but it will take a lot of time.

And the principle is simple. For each category of proposals, a characteristic has been developed that defines the system of relations under consideration as neutral, positive or negative. If in the continuation of the respondent is viewed positive mood, then the answer is set to zero. See more neutrality? Then it's a unit. But continuations with a negative character are marked with a deuce.

It is important to note that the “Unfinished Sentences” technique (for teenagers and not only) implies the interpretation of answers by groups. Even if the phrases are mixed in the form, they process them four at a time, combining them into a single category.


As an example, we can take a category of sentences, the continuation of which is intended to understand the attitude of the respondent to his own abilities. Suppose a teenager answered this way: “When circumstances are against me, I begin to work tirelessly. I consider myself capable of anything if I want to. My biggest weakness is the endless craving for new knowledge. When I am unlucky, I persevere to achieve what I want, no matter what. Such answers are considered good. If a teenager gave similar continuations to the proposed phrases, then he is confident in himself, and he is able to overcome obstacles.

It is worth giving an example of a negative interpretation. You can refer to a group of sentences about goals. Suppose a teenager gave them this continuation: “I always wanted to kill someone. I would find happiness by being completely alone. My dream is to go to a desert island. What I want most in life is for no one to touch me.” And in this case even the method of incomplete sentences is not needed to understand the hostile and pessimistic nature of the respondent. It can be seen with the naked eye that he is an unrealistically thinking deep introvert who rejects society.

What can be found out?

The "Unfinished Sentences" technique for teenagers and people of other ages is a way to express your essence. The main thing is that the respondent should be initially set up for this, since trust and disposition towards the test is important.

Based on the results of the interpretation of the results, it is possible to find out the areas in which negative, neutral and positive attitudes predominate.

Also in practice, there were cases when the test helped to identify the presence of the respondent mental illness. These are situations of a specific nature, since psychiatrists are involved in them. First of all, the main areas of disorder and conflict are identified. Then the relationship between the personal attitudes of a person is determined. And after that, the so-called personality structure is determined. It turns out what is his degree of response, emotional adaptation, maturity, level of reality, conflict.

Feature of the technique

All of the above really helps to find out the test. Why? Because there are no prepared options and right or wrong answers. The person responds like a spirit. He does not think and does not analyze how to answer him in order to hide some aspect of his personality. It becomes open, and this allows the psychologist to understand its essence. That is why the Unfinished Sentence Test for teenagers should be done regularly. Indeed, at school, at such a difficult age, it is extremely important to monitor the internal development of children.

METHOD "UNFINISHED SENTENCES" - attitude towards someone, something

The method of incomplete sentences has been used in experimental psychological practice for a long time.

There are many variants of it.
You are offered a variant of this method, developed by L, Sachs and V. Levy. It includes 60 unfinished sentences, which can be divided into 15 groups, characterizing to some extent the system of relations of the subject to the family, to members of the same or opposite sex, to sexual relations, to superiors and subordinates.

Some groups of sentences are related to the fears and apprehensions experienced by a person, to his feeling of awareness of his own guilt, testify to his attitude to the past and future, affect relationships with parents and friends, and their own life goals.

Testing (without processing) takes from 20 minutes to several hours (depending on the personality of the subject). (Your Identity)

Instructions for the method of incomplete sentences
"On the test form, you must complete the sentences with one or more words."

Test form of attitude towards someone, something, unfinished sentences:

1. I think that my father rarely ______________
2. If everyone is against me, then _______________
3. I have always wanted to _______________________
4. If I were in a leadership position ______
5. The future seems to me _________________
6. My superiors ______________________
7. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid of ______________
8. I think that a true friend is _____________
9. When I was a child _________________
10. The ideal of a woman (man) for me is
11. When I see a woman next to a man
12. Compared to most other families
my family ______________________________
13. I work best with ___________
14. My mother and I _______________________
15. Would do anything to forget _____________
16. If my father only wanted to _________
17. I think I'm capable enough to ___
18. I could be very happy if __
19. If anyone works under my direction-
20. Hope for ________________________
21. At school, my teachers _________________
22. Most of my comrades do not know that
I'm afraid _______________________________
23. I don't like people who _____________
24. Once __________________________
25. I think that most boys (girls)
26. Married life seems _______ to me
27. My family treats me like _____
28. People I work with ___________
29. My mother __________________________
30. My biggest mistake was ______
31. I would like my father to _____________
32. My biggest weakness is
33. My hidden desire in life _______
34. My subordinates ___________________
35. The day will come when ______________
36. When my boss approaches me _
37. I wish I could stop being afraid of _______
38. Most of all I love those people who
39. If I were young again ___________
40. I think that most women (men)
41. If I had a normal sexual
life ________________________________
42. Most of the families I know _______
43. I love working with people who ______
44. I believe that most mothers _______
45. When I was young, I felt guilty,
46. ​​I think that my father _________________
47. When I'm unlucky, I _________________
48. Most of all in life I would like __________
49. When I give orders to others __________
50. When I'm old ___________________
51. People whose superiority over themselves
I admit _____________________________
52. My fears more than once made me ______
53. When I'm away, my friends _____________
54. My most vivid childhood memory
is _______________________________
55. I really don't like it when women
(men) _____________________________
56. My sex life __________________
57. When I was a child, my family ________
58. People who work with me _________
59. I love my mother, but ________________
60. The worst thing that I happened to do
This ___________________________________

For each group of sentences, a characteristic is displayed that defines the given system of relations as positive, negative or indifferent.

Sample sentences and scoring options:

Most of the families I know:
1) unhappy, unfriendly……………….. - 2;
2) nervous, not very friendly…………….. - 1;
3) everyone is the same………………………………….. 0.

The future seems to me:
1) gloomy, bad, strange……………. - 2;
2) foggy, unsightly………………… - 1;
3) obscure, unknown…………………….. 0.

The key to the method of incomplete sentences:

Such a quantitative assessment facilitates the identification of a disharmonious system of relations in the subject. But more important, of course, is the qualitative study of supplemented proposals.

Research by the method of "incomplete sentences" should be preceded by establishing contact with the subject in order to obtain sincere, natural answers. But even if the test
considers the study as an undesirable procedure and, trying to hide the world of his deep experiences, gives formal, conditional answers, an experienced psychologist can extract a lot of information that reflects the system of personal relationships.

No. p.p.
1 Relationship to father: 1 16 31 46
2 Attitude towards oneself: 2 17 32 47
3 Unrealized opportunities: 3 18 33 48
4 Attitude towards subordinates: 4 19 34 49
5 Attitude towards the future: 5 20 35 50
6 Relationship to superiors: 6 21 36 51
7 Fears and concerns: 7 22 37 52
8 Relationships with friends: 8 23 38 53
9 Relationship to the past: 9 24 39 54
10 Relation to opposite sex: 10 25 40 55
11 Sexual relations: 11 26 41 56
12 Attitude towards family: 12 27 42 57
13 Attitude towards employees: 13 28 43 58
14 Attitude towards mother: 14 29 44 59
15 Guilt: 15 30 45 60

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