At what age do children go to school. At what age should a child be sent to kindergarten? - advice from psychologists and experienced parents

Parents of children born in autumn and winter once face the question: when is it better to send them to school - at less than seven years old or at almost eight? Is it worth rushing the start of the baby's schooling, or "let him play enough"? There can be no unequivocal solution in such a situation, since each child develops differently, and is not determined only by reaching the age of seven.

What to look out for parents of six-year-olds


A kid at the age of six and a half reads fluently, quickly memorizes poetry, knows how to count up to a hundred, puzzles “clicks like nuts”, knows a lot about cities and countries, is passionate about physical experiments or the origin of life on earth. Mom and dad are not overjoyed at him, and all the next of kin vied with each other: it’s time for him to go to school! Is it worth the risk and enroll your child in first grade?

A high level of intellectual development is not the most important indicator, because at school a little erudite will have to not only learn and demonstrate his knowledge, but also communicate with peers and patiently learn to write in a notebook.

It is worth taking a closer look at a preschooler - can he be assiduous, can he do one thing long time(more than half an hour), or, like many children at this age, is his attention unstable, does he constantly switch from one activity to another, carried away by a bright picture in a book or an interesting TV show?

If the kid has enough perseverance and patience for no more than 15 minutes, at a school where the lesson lasts 40 minutes, it will be difficult for him: he will quickly lose interest in learning. "Not enough" child, who turns any activity into exciting adventure, it is better to stay another year in kindergarten.

Communication skills

Another problem that may arise in a child who is ready to study at school for mental development- inability to communicate with classmates and adults. An arrogant “wise guy”, accustomed to the admiring attention of his relatives who adore him, may not be accepted in his age environment.

Children rather harshly and quickly "besiege" bouncers and pushers, directly pointing out their shortcomings. The fragile psyche of the baby can be so traumatized that the desire to simply appear at school, not to mention learning, disappears for a long time. Unfortunately, among the adults working at the school, there are also those who do not tolerate too smart "upstarts" and in every possible way belittle their dignity.

Of course, this problem can be solved by eliminating the “wrong” children and adults from the social circle. But isn't it better to teach the baby to communicate, tolerance, attention to others, before sending him to school, especially since age still allows - in stock whole year. Kindergarten, for example, is quite capable of teaching children to be tolerant and sensitive towards each other.

Physical development

Parents should pay attention to physical development your child. If a six-year-old often gets colds or is prone to allergies, his physical development lags behind the norm, he is small and frail, wouldn't it be better for him to get stronger by attending a preparatory group preschool?

Difficulties can also arise in a baby with pathologies speech development: incorrect pronunciation of sounds, stuttering and other problems can lead to communication difficulties, lower self-esteem. Speech therapists of the preschool educational institution will successfully cope with the underdevelopment of speech of a preschooler, but this requires certain time so there is no need to rush into school.

Seven and a half years - isn't it too late for first grade?

autumn or winter baby, who did not show much zeal for new knowledge and prefers games and entertainment to learning, as a rule, remains in the preparatory group kindergarten.

He has a whole year ahead of him, during which both he and loving parents there is much to be learned. There are many ways to interest a preschooler in learning at school, instill in him perseverance, diligence, teach him to read and count, adequately perceive the comments of teachers and surrounding adults.

Until the age of seven, the main activity of the child is the game, so classes in kindergarten are held for the most part in game form. After reaching the age of seven, an interest in learning begins to form, which contributes to a more successful mastering of new knowledge - this is what psychologists say, so it is undesirable to rush into school. This is especially true for weakened, often ill children, who do not need stress in the form of the beginning of education and a change of environment.

The preparatory group for school therefore has such a name because in it all the efforts of educators and specialists are aimed at developing skills in children that help them get used to a new environment for them. school life:

  • The duration of the lessons reaches 35 minutes.
  • Much attention is paid to teaching literacy, speech development, and the formation of mathematical concepts.
  • The practical experience of communication is replenished, the amount of knowledge about the world around us increases.
  • Pupils preparatory group due to their physical capabilities, they move much more, participate in sports games and holidays, which contributes general strengthening body and improve the functioning of the immune system.

If it happens that a child born in autumn or winter goes to school at seven and a half or even almost eight years old, then parents can be sure that improved health and knowledge accumulated by this age will not let down the future first grader. He will enter a school with a minimum likelihood of stress and maximum opportunities for successful learning.

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Greetings, Dear Parents! For some mothers and fathers whose children were born in autumn and winter and still go to kindergarten, the question may soon arise: at what age should a child be sent to school. After all, by the first grade he will not yet be seven, and a year later he will already be seven "plus".

On the one hand, you do not want to rush, and you can sit out a year in childhood. But on the other hand, the prospect of being the oldest among classmates also does not appeal. How will it be better for the child, and what do psychologists and teachers advise about this?

Lesson plan:

The sooner the better, right?

How often do we hear around: "Mine went from six, and nothing!". But is it really so straightforward and “nothing” to everyone?

I agree that modern children are strikingly different from previous generations and increasingly, by the age of five or six, our little geeks are reading, counting, writing, and speaking English. And diligent parents deliberately try to “grow up” their kindergarteners earlier, believing that within the framework of a preschool institution, a child who can do everything will simply be cramped and corny boring. Why then wait?

On a note! The Law on Education assumes that children from the age of 6.5, but no later than 8 years, are allowed to receive primary general education. This is a generally accepted rule. However, with the available statement of the parents educational institution can expand these age limits both in one direction and in the other.

And everything would be fine if the decision to enter the first class earlier than it had to be made only on intellectual development our children. He learned everything and copes with everything - so it's time! Yes, it was not there.

Psychologists put the ability to count and write almost in last place when determining the age for the future first-grader. They give priority to the stably formed desire of the child (note: not the parents, but the child!) to learn, accompanied by the desire to acquire new knowledge.

A future first-grader should be able to cooperate, work in a team and, importantly, obey, because a school is not a kindergarten with “I want it or I don’t want it”.

For many, the early start of school life is a real stress for the six-year-old nervous system that has not yet grown and an unbearable burden. You will have to, like everyone else, sit for a long time and listen carefully, fulfill the requirements and follow the rules. Otherwise, a student who knows the Russian language and mathematics, but who absolutely does not know how to work constructively with peers, will find it difficult to study.

It is worth noting that for each child this time comes differently. Some are ready to run for knowledge even at the age of 6, but for someone only closer to 8 comes the realization of their readiness to leave kindergarten.

When exactly is it

How, after all, to parents to hint at least a little bit that the child is ripe for school? For educators, readiness to learn is a multifaceted concept. There is:

  • physical readiness child's body affecting general state health, the level of development of motor skills, movements, analyzer systems,
  • psychological motivation, expressed in the internal position of the future student, his attitude to school, the ability to manage own behavior and overcome difficulties
  • intellectual training, including special skills.

At the same time, teachers and psychologists do not start from the mathematical figure of age: hit 7 - definitely ready! Not at all. They insist that a “ripe” student is one who easily finds friends, is open to communication, adapts to new conditions without problems, and it doesn’t matter at all whether he is six or already five minutes to eight.

On a note! When deciding to go to first grade early, parents often select a particular teacher and a particular school. There is nothing wrong with this, because at first a lot really depends on the teacher, especially the psychological situation in the young team.

So, in favor of early first-graders, the following facts speak:

  • the future student is healthy and does not often get sick (not often in the doctors' sense - no more than 5 times a year), he has strong immunity and no chronic diseases that could interfere early start study, and even more so in the medical card there are no such words as "attention deficit disorder", "autism", "delayed mental development"and other" unhealthy byaki ",
  • social adaptation has been worked out “one hundred percent”: he gets acquainted on the fly, knows how to get out of the conflict, there is experience of visiting early groups development and teamwork,
  • knows how to adequately respond to comments, fulfill the required and does not suffer from increased emotional excitability,
  • when realizing the need, can sit out a given amount of time with due attention, concentrates on the task at hand,
  • mastered the initial skills of literacy, writing, counting, is rich in Russian vocabulary, is familiar with the concepts of orientation and knows basic information about parents, "appearances and passwords", addresses and phones.

According to psychologists, only when you have found all these qualities in a child, his trip at the age of six will be justified for parents, and with the growing desire to quickly sit down at a desk - for the child too.

By the way, statistics say that among those who came to the first grade six year old boys and girls are really ready to study only 10 percent. The remaining 90, who did not interfere with sitting out in kindergarten, are the fruit of their parents' ambitions.

And it’s absolutely not necessary to be guided by the principles “give the boy to 6 so that he can enter the institute before the army” and “the girl can still play with dolls, she will go with 8”. If we already divide by gender, then the girls mature and become more serious faster than the boys, so to someone, to whom, namely female gender From the age of 6, it is often easier to learn. Although, "there is a hole in the old woman."

If you have to postpone

It happens that everything seems to add up, but parental intuition does not want to come to terms and make a final verdict. Then forward to a consultation to determine "school maturity."

There is a system that, by points with different parties evaluates whether the kindergartener is really ready to start school life.

And if, according to the test results, it turns out that the child is ready to go to school only because there will be many new friends, and not at all in order to learn something, it is recommended to postpone the study.

And anyway, who said that a conscious school start at “almost eight” would be less successful? Those who have reached the age of 7 are no longer so tense to maintain perseverance. Older children are able to control themselves and keep working longer, coping with the load. Yes, and a delayed piece of childhood, already inaccessible to six-year-olds who have entered the school path, is also a definite plus.

What to do for a whole year when a son or daughter falls short? Work hard to make things easier later on. In anticipation school year teachers advise to pay more attention to children who are morally unprepared for school, to pay attention to expanding their horizons and common development, to find time to learn how to still read - count - write, which in the first grade will reduce the load on him.

Psychologists work in a different direction and recommend in the additional free year that has appeared to improve health and nervous system, develop perseverance, dilute activity with activities that require concentration.

So when is the time to buy: at six, at seven, at eight? Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer. Yes in this case probably not necessary. I propose to be guided by the principle of “do no harm” and make a balanced decision not without the participation of parental intuition.

The heart tells you: “It’s early,” which means it’s really early, and it doesn’t matter what others say. And if the parental gut marches to the beat of the child: “It's time! It's time! It's time!", collect.

What do you say, dear readers? I look forward to your arguments for and against. Write in the comments)

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The holidays are over. The enrollment of children in school is in full swing, and many parents, no, no, and even think about whether to send their child to school early. Most often, this question arises for those whose children on the first of September will be more than six and a half, but less than seven years old, that is, before the parents of preschoolers born in autumn, winter, or early spring. And the poor moms and dads are breaking their heads: should I give it back now, or is it still at seven and a half, or even almost eight years old?

Battle of arguments

Supporters of each option have their own arguments. Those who believe that it is necessary to give the child to the first grade earlier, cite the following:

  • To study and so eleven years, and if only at eight (well, or almost) she goes to school, she will finish at nineteen! Nightmare!
  • The child is already ready for school, and he is not interested in kindergarten.
  • If he goes later, everyone will laugh at him.
  • Let it be better to follow the elders than to study among the younger ones.

Supporters of the opinion that studying is not a wolf, will not run away into the forest, and therefore it is better to send the child to school later, counterarguing in response:

  • Let the carefree childhood last longer.
  • Being able to read and write does not mean being ready for school.
  • The little one will be teased.
  • A six-year-old at school will simply be trampled.

These are the main statements of representatives of each side, but there are a great many arguments both for and against. And what do teachers, psychologists and other specialists think about all this? Let's try to find out.

The agony of choice

Let's not be cunning, dear parents, and honestly admit to ourselves that often in children we realize our dreams and ambitions. After all, it is much more pleasant to tell all relatives, friends and colleagues that a six-year-old went to school than to explain to them why the child is already seven, and he still goes to kindergarten. However, experts in their conclusions are extremely unanimous. According to most of them, you should not rush and send your children to school too early.

Parents should remember that no two children are the same. Even if all the peers of your child are already preparing for the first grade, this does not mean at all that you should certainly strive for this. The preparatory group of the kindergarten where your preschooler goes, and already six years old, does not at all guarantee that the child is ready for school. By the way, fluent reading and the ability to add two-digit numbers in your mind also do not guarantee anything. Because psychological readiness and physiological maturity are also necessary.

Ready - not ready?

How do you know if a child is ready for school?

If we have already begun to speak frankly and engage in self-digging, then let's continue in the same spirit. Majority modern parents- people are quite educated, who have read several (a couple, a lot - underline as necessary) books on child psychology, and therefore they themselves can quite clearly understand what their child is like. Unless, of course, blind parental love won't block your eyes. Therefore, to begin with, honestly answer yourself whether this particular child, in your opinion, is ready for school. If you have even the slightest doubt, if there was a second hitch before the life-affirming “yes!”, then do not rely only on your opinion, consult with experts.

To begin with, talk to the educators, they often see our children for a long time, have the opportunity to observe them in different situations, and if we add impartiality to this (after all, blind love does not blind their eyes) and experience, then their point of view will be very important.

Doubt the objectivity or want to hear the opinion of other experts? Then you have a direct road to psychologists, neurologists and neuropsychologists. Ask them to diagnose. Perhaps its results will be unexpected or even unpleasant for you. But in this case, it is worth listening.

With one of our sons, we went to classes with a neuropsychologist. They were also visited by a girl who at that time was six years old, in September her mother was going to send her to school. Watching the girl and mother, I came to two conclusions. First: the baby is not ready for school. Second: the mother understands this, but is afraid that it will be too late to send her daughter to the first grade at almost eight years old (the girl’s birthday is in October).

In a conversation, we somehow touched on this topic, and in response to the request of the interlocutor, I gently expressed my position. And to my surprise I saw in the woman's eyes not resentment, but relief. It turned out that she also thought so, but she did not find support from her husband, or among relatives and friends. Everyone insisted that the girl needed to go to school urgently. After all, she is not sick, there is no developmental delay, she can read and count. And no one understood that, despite these indisputable facts, the girl was not ready for school. I became the first person who understood what an attentive mother intuitively guessed.

The neuropsychologist, after diagnosing, also agreed with us. On my advice, my mother talked to the teachers, their conclusions were the same: to study early, period. As a result, the child went to school at almost eight years old. What parents (including dad, who insisted on his point of view before talking with a neuropsychologist), are now only happy.

You do not have the opportunity to consult with experts? Take advantage of tests that determine school maturity, they can be found in special literature or even on the Internet. There are comprehensively ready for school. Do not be lazy, carefully study them and honestly admit to yourself whether everything is within the power of your child.

How to be?

If experts believe or tests show that the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the child is more or less comparable to what a first grader needs, be sure to pay attention to those points that still cause difficulties. During that time, you will have time to pull up a lot.

Pay more attention not even to the reading technique and the speed of mental counting, but to the household and psychological readiness. Problems with learning rarely begin due to an undeveloped intellect, much more often due to social problems, underdevelopment fine motor skills, restlessness, inability to concentrate. These challenges can and should be addressed. It is important not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to identify the problem and begin to deal with it. Fortunately, if your child is now six years old, there is still time.

Do experts or test results indicate that a preschool child is not ready? Take it for granted and give the child and yourself another year. Don't give up, stick with it. Most likely, during this time a lot will change, and the baby will finally mature to school. And then the years of study will not become an ongoing nightmare for him and for you.

And as a final chord, two more stories from my practice:

History first. An amazing pattern

Now children under six and a half years old are not taken to the first grade. In any case, this is how it should be, although, of course, anything is encountered, but these are still exceptions, not practice, while most preschoolers become first-graders not earlier than six and a half years. However, just a few years ago, teachers had to work with those children whom their parents sent to school at the age of six, or even incomplete six years. As a rule, there were not many of them in each class, two or three.

I first paid attention to these children in my second year at school, as soon as I finally got used to it and began to gain experience. A wonderful girl came to one of my classes, let's call her Alya. She studied average, but was very nice, kind and charming. However, her classmates treated her somewhat condescendingly. The teachers were perplexed, because the class was good, before that, all the newcomers were accepted by the guys without any problems. And then suddenly this.

The class teacher, sensitive and caring woman tried to figure it out. Fortunately, her son studied in the same class, who eventually helped to understand what was happening. It turned out the following: classmates, having learned that the new girl was younger than most of them by a year, and some by almost two, considered her a “small fry” and, although they did not offend, they considered it below their dignity to communicate with her.

It's funny to you? Now think back to school. If at the dacha or with my grandmother in the village we could easily communicate without noticing (well, or almost not noticing) the difference of several years, then at school, especially in the middle classes, friendship between representatives of different parallels was very rare. At this age, a year or two difference is a whole abyss, and a dismissive “small thing” thrown by one of the older classmates is a label.

After that incident, I began to pay special attention to the age of my students, among other things. And - incredible! - I repeatedly noticed that if there is a child in the class who is not only disliked, but shunned, then with a high degree of probability he is just the youngest. Those who are older than most of their classmates are more often respected and considered an authority. Of course, this pattern has its exceptions, but in my practice they did not occur so often, but confirmation of this observation is regular.

The second story. The hard life of a child prodigy

Igor went to school at the age of seven, but studied so well that in the middle of the second grade it was decided to transfer him to the third. The boy was happy at first. His parents and himself were flattered by this obvious recognition of success, ability and hard work.

Jumping from class to class, Igor quickly got used to it and still studied well. But there was no contact with classmates. As with Aley, he was considered too small. No, no one offended Igor, they were even proud of him and boasted to other classes. But until graduation, Igor was friends with the guys from his former class.

Of course, he made friends at the institute. However, once, in a conversation with me, he sadly remarked that he would prefer to study among peers and graduate from school a year later.

So, when deciding to send a child to school at six and a half years old, or still at more than seven, be sure to weigh all the pros and cons and do not forget that all children are different.

By the way, my husband and I, having three sons born in winter, were also forced to choose when to send them to school. And each time they took into account everything that I wrote about above. As a result, our eldest son went to the first grade at seven and a half years, and the middle one - at six years and eight months. So far, it seems to me that we were not mistaken in doing just that. To the youngest son recently turned five, and now I'm still looking at him. Because I don’t want to make a mistake and make life difficult for my child and myself. I'd rather step on the throat of my own ambitions and wait an extra year. Although it definitely won't be redundant.

Photo - photobank Lori

The content of the article:

When a child crosses the 6-year mark, many parents face a difficult task: to decide at what age to send the child to school - at 6 years 6 months, 6 years 7 months, 6 and 8, 6 and 9 or after 7 years and closer to 8. In this article, we will take a closer look at what criteria you should pay attention to in order to make the right choice.

Most children go to school after 7 years or, if they are short of 7 years, a few months, i.e. these are children with a birthday in September, October, November and December. Parents of children who are 6 years 6 months and 6 years 7 months old at the time of entry to school face a particularly difficult choice. it's kids happy birthday in january and february. This age is also problematic because classes are counted by years, and your child will formally study a year younger. But there are cases when children go to school younger than 6.6 or even from 8 years old. Let's try to decide which option is best for you. To do this, we will consider the main criteria that should be considered when choosing an age for entering school.

Law on Enrollment of Children in First Grade

First, let's talk about how many years you can send your child to school according to the law. Law of the Russian Federation "On education in Russian Federation”, N 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 Article 67. Organization of admission to training in basic general education programs states that children from the age of 6 and a half years old and up to the age of 8 years old can enter the 1st grade of a general education school .

Children younger or older than these age limits may be admitted to the school at the discretion of the administration with a written application from the parents. Such children must undergo testing and a commission to determine their readiness for schooling.

Such time frames (from 6.6 to 8 years) were not chosen by chance, children of this age are physiologically ready for learning in school conditions They have well developed speech, attention and memory. This is expressed in the ability to sit 45 minutes in place, concentrate and hold attention, listen to the teacher, memorize new material in the required amount.

The state of health of the future first grader

The presence of chronic diseases

Children with chronic diseases should first go through full examination, after which the attending physician must make a conclusion about the possibility of studying in a comprehensive school.

Studying at school increases the load on all body systems. An increased load on the musculoskeletal system can lead to a violation of posture (scoliosis), osteochondrosis. A large load falls on the organs of vision, which can lead to its deterioration. Illnesses often escalate or appear at school digestive system. Not all children can eat school food, and it is not the responsibility of the teacher to watch who ate what, as it was in kindergarten. Therefore, if there is chronic diseases the answer to the question "when to send the child to school - at 6 or 7 years old", the answer will be as late as possible, since the child will be more mature.

Frequent colds

Improving the immune system in a child occurs gradually, as a rule, it is formed by 4-5 years. There is a rule that less baby the more often he gets sick. If your child is often ill, i.e. sick 10-12 times a year, then it is better to send the child to school after 7 years. Frequent absenteeism from school can negatively affect learning. And for this year you need to make every effort to harden and improve the baby. Be sure to consult with an otolaryngologist for enlarged tonsils and adenoids, nasal passages. Often ill children need to visit an immunologist and perhaps take a course of improvement in a sanatorium.

State of the nervous system

The child must be examined by a neuropathologist and a psychiatrist before school, they give their opinion on the readiness of the baby to go to school.

If the baby is suffering hyperexcitability nervous system, that is, it is a hyperactive child, but with developed intellect and well prepared for school (he knows how to read, write, count, teaches poetry well), then perhaps it is better to send him to school from 6.6 to 7 years, since in a year he most likely will not become calmer and more diligent. And if school doesn't go very well, then it will be possible to stay in the first grade again. Read about in the article on our website.

If a child lags behind peers in neuropsychic development (poorly memorizes poetry, not developed fine motor skills, speech is poorly developed) or has some diseases of the nervous system, then better baby send to school after 7 years, even if he is 7.9 or 7.10, or even after 8 years. In addition, the child may need training in correctional class. To do this, the child must pass the medical and pedagogical commission. No one can force you to go through it, they recommend it to you, and you have the right to refuse, since by law a child with small deviations can go to a regular school.

Speech development

Now you often hear that in our time there are a lot of "speech therapy" children. This is not so, there have always been speech therapy children, only before this was not given such importance. If you watch Soviet films or jumble with the participation of elementary school children, you will hear that many children have speech therapy problems.

Nowadays, it has been given great attention development of children's speech, speech therapists and defectologists appeared who privately conduct classes with kids. After all, it is very important that the kid learns to speak correctly and clearly before school, learns to pronounce all sounds and understand their difference from letters.

If the child does not pronounce some sounds, then you need to first put them in and automate them, and then go to school. Without this, it will be difficult for the child to read, and in the future to write.

Therefore, if your child has not developed speech, then it is better to send him to school as late as possible, and during this time make every effort to correct speech defects. This requires regular sessions with a speech therapist and / or defectologist. Such children should go to a speech therapy kindergarten, and if you notice too late, then it is better to send such a child to a speech class. A special program for teaching children with speech therapy problems has been developed there.

Determining your child's readiness for school

How to send a child to school

First you need to choose a school. All primary education is the same in all general education schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. Some biases start from the 5th grade. IN primary school only voluntary additional classes are possible at the request of the student and his parents.

Now there is an order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2012 N 107 “On approval of the procedure for admitting citizens to educational institutions”, which states that from March 10 to August 1, parents can apply to the school to which the child belongs territorially (by residence permit or temporary registration). They cannot refuse you admission - regardless of how long you applied before August 1. And from August 1, if there are places left in the school, applications are accepted from parents who are not registered in the territory assigned to the school. This is true for the large cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the regions it is easier to enter the school you want.

List of legal documents

Written application for the enrollment of the child in the first grade.
Child's birth certificate and photocopy.
Passport of the parent, which is registered at the address of the attached school and a photocopy.
Certificate of registration of the child.

List of medical documents

Compulsory medical insurance policy.
Vaccination certificate.

What is the best age to send a child to school?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since each child is individual. But one should proceed from how ready the child is for school, whether he wants to study on his own, how ready his parents are for this.

If in doubt, do a test. This can be done by contacting a medical and psychological center in your area or a polyclinic. The psychologist will determine which components of readiness are formed and which are not, will make a conclusion whether or not the child is ready to study at this age. If necessary, he will draw up a work plan for the development or correction of the necessary abilities.

You can take a quick online test for your child's readiness for school on our website.

Remember! The age at which it is best to send a child to school is purely individual. Of course, you need to listen to the opinion of all experts, but the final decision is up to you. If you think that your child is ready for school, then this is your decision and they cannot refuse you.

Now there is a rather tough law that you cannot get around. The law streamlined the age limits for a child to enter school, and those times when five-year-olds and almost eight-year-olds were in the same class are gone, this is not the case now. The child must be six years old no later than April in order to enroll in first grade in the same calendar year.

However, a child who is six years and five months old and a child who is seven years and five months old is definitely different children. And then many things depend on the child himself, and I would put the level of developed skills, such as reading and counting, in last place. In the first place, however, should be the desire and aspiration of the child to enter the framework of the school system and begin systematic education. For such children, this process is interesting, by all characteristics they withstand the duration of the lesson system and can engage in sedentary activities for a long time, concentrated and purposefully, listen and perceive another person, readily obey the rules. And there are children who are happy to obey the rules, and there are those who find it difficult.

Usually parents intuitively see whether the child is ready for school or not. When there are any doubts, it is better to bring the child to a psychologist: it is very important to understand whether the child can cooperate, cooperate, constructively obey someone.

If you see that your child is not ready even at eight or nine years old, then the law also stipulates these things. At eight years old - this is possible, and it happens when parents give at that age and do not lose.

The best option is from six and a half to eight exactly. Parents must know the law on education, and everything else must be confirmed by commissions and documents. Rely on your instinct and vision of the child, but it would be nice to enlist some other expert opinion and not flaunt the fact that the child fluently reads, counts and writes, because at the same time he may not be able to cooperate at all, obey constructively, hate rules and has difficulty communicating with peers. Such a child will be insanely difficult to learn.

The general answer is when the child is ready. Psychological and physiological age different from passport. The maturation of the central nervous system is individual, and an early start to school, stress will put a heavy burden on the immature nervous system. You have to be very careful. In a good way, not even a neuropathologist, but a neuropsychologist should determine the readiness of a child for school.

It is important to separate two things here: education - that is, school, and the development of the child, and these are different things. The question of training and development is always the unity and struggle of opposites. The school itself, as an institution, brings noise, tension, constant monitoring, evaluation, and result orientation. This is a strong load on the nervous system. If a child has a fine mental organization, then it will be difficult for him, even if at the age of 6 he already knows how to read and write. Details are important. How does a child react to stress? Does he cry, goes from a state of strong excitement and activity to a state of breakdown and lethargy? Quickly losing interest in what is happening, as if his batteries are running out? These are signs of unpreparedness of the nervous system.

We on the Hedgehog did big with children and family psychologist, dedicated, among other things, to when to send to school, you can read more here.

First you need to figure out whose child we are talking about.

Kidding. Give to a child at 7 years old - this is the average component. This kind of math has never failed. This is what is chosen for the golden mean. Considering that education comes from "to educate oneself" [Alexander Dugin, professor of philosophy and sociology at Moscow State University], then knowledge is not the only important aspect. By the way, the school teaches integration in society (the ability to write off, the ability to communicate with teachers, the ability to bypass sharp corners, the ability to interact with teenagers smoking behind the school building, the ability to fight back).

The risks are not applicable to the child. Give back too soon - the risk of losing an extra year of necessary childhood. Give back too late - the risk that the child will have to communicate with the younger ones, I do not argue, sometimes this is necessary, but not all the same 9-11 years old.

I agree with the answer above that it is worth sending the child to school when he is ready. But in my opinion - the view of a 10th grade student, it is better to give it early, of course, taking into account all age restrictions which are also described above. Because when your child graduates from school, he will have a little more time (not 18, 17 years) in order to, so to speak, "shake from here to there", enter the right university in next year if it didn't work out.

It is better to look not at age, but at the readiness of the child himself. After 5 years, children are already quite conscious and you can discuss this issue with them.

In any case, it will not be shameful to send a child to school at the age of 8. The main thing is that the child's psyche is ready for the transition from kindergarten to school.

In short: the sooner the better. "The sooner you sit down at the desk, the sooner you leave because of it". There will still be time to take a better look and adapt to adulthood. Moreover, the current 1st grade is an analogue of the preparatory group of the kindergarten of past years.

And further? There is this expression: professional burnout ". It awaits almost any professional. Studying is also a profession. Therefore, by the 8th - 9th grade" burn out"many guys. But, if at 14 - 15 years old a ninth grader is still relatively disciplined, then at 16 years old he" non-wishlist"can become a serious problem.

Yes, you need to prepare your child for school. But what to prepare for?

First, to life and joint work with peers under the guidance of an adult. This will require from him the initial skills of listening and hearing, looking and seeing, perseverance, the desire to do everything in the best possible way. As well as self-discipline skills (especially, to know what " it is forbidden"), the ability to keep one's word and be responsible for one's actions. Have the habit of observing the daily routine, hygiene skills, dress code rules. Do not be a crybaby, a slut and a sneak, a gossip, a bully, " yakalka", beggar, greedy, impudent; be able to negotiate and empathize with others, but also be able to adequately answer the offender and refuse bad example peers. Those. be able to live among peers as independently as possible, with minimal reliance on adults. (This is called initial " socialization"child)

Secondly, prepare physically, incl. prepare it immune system to numerous and most diverse contacts. It is better if the child likes to move, hardened and flexible. (I.e. prepare his body for a systematic physical work, even when he does not feel like it or he is tired)

Thirdly, it is necessary to teach him to love music, drawing, dancing, reading poetry - that is, to teach him to worthy self-expression, the ability to convey his feelings and thoughts to others. The more means of self-expression available to him, the easier it will be for him at school and in society. The vocabulary is especially important. A meager vocabulary, in the end, leads to the fact that the most common way to express his emotions with him will be primitive obscene language. (i.e. prepare it emotional sphere, to harmonize it with the environment)

Fourth, the child, due to human genetics, is curious, " why". IN preschool age you need to develop this natural instinct of all cubs in him as much as possible: " What's happened"?". Do not prevent him from collecting and examining everything that comes across to him, answer his questions, provoke him to ask these questions. But do not answer questions asked: let him try to figure it out. At least once a month, take him not just with you, but devote a few hours to him and let him become the master of this time. (i.e. prepare it intellectual sphere, develop it to the appropriate level)

And further. If you pull the tail of a carrot, it will not grow faster from this. But if you properly care for her, create the environment she needs, feed her when needed and with what is needed, this will give a decent result.
