Children of military families as a socially needy group. Social problems of military personnel. Need help with a topic

The relevance of this topic for Russia is not new: issues related to the creation of a family for military personnel, the preparation of officers for family life and many other family and everyday problems were in the focus of attention of the state and the command of the Russian army more than 200 years ago. Of interest is the fact that in many armies of the world there were restrictions on the marriages of military personnel. This was dictated, first of all, by the specifics of military service: a serviceman, not burdened by family ties, was easy-going during military campaigns, could fully devote himself to military affairs, without claiming comfortable living conditions. At the same time, many states did not burden their budget with the appointment of young officers of the content that provides for their families.

Russia, in which tribal and family relations were highly respected, joined the mores of enlightened Europe under Peter I. In 1722, by the highest command, midshipmen were forbidden to marry “without a decree”. And in order to disobey this command, an appropriate punishment was established - three years of hard labor. Subsequently, this restriction was extended to officers of the infantry and cavalry, and the commanders of the regiments were charged with the duty "to enter into consideration of the material security and decency of marriages of chief officers." In 1796, all officers wishing to marry were required to notify their regimental commanders. Generals, staff and senior officers were obliged to ask for marriage the highest permission of the emperor. It is quite natural that for several decades the basis of the officer corps of the Russian army was bachelors. The age of officers entering into marriage for the first time was 30-35 years.

In 1866, a law on officer marriages was issued. This law upset, first of all, young officers: they were forbidden to marry before the age of 28. Those who intended to marry before the age of 28 were required to provide proof of their property independence. It was required to have an annual income of at least 250 rubles. At that time, the figure was considerable, and the salary due to junior officers did not allow them to have the amount necessary for marriage. In a better position were those who owned income-generating estates or held high positions. People from the common people had to stay bachelors for a long time. Far from always, the officer was able to satisfy another requirement of the law - to achieve a decent marriage. The decency of marriage meant the fulfillment of the following conditions: “good morals, good manners of the bride and her social position corresponding to the officer rank.” In the future, the law on officer marriages was repeatedly updated. The conditions of property security have changed. There was a requirement to serve at least two years in the unit before applying for marriage. It was a kind of probationary period for young officers, and at the same time an attempt to keep the most ardent from a rash step.

The last law on officer marriages was passed in 1909. To get married, for example, a lieutenant of the Russian army of that time had to first reach the age of 23, achieve recognition of the marriage as decent and get permission from at least the regiment commander. But if, in a fit of feelings, the officer did not comply with these conditions when entering into a marriage, then at best a strict disciplinary sanction would be imposed on him (arrest, demotion, removal from office), in the worst case, dismissal to the reserve.

In the armies of other countries, the laws on the marriage of military personnel were no less strict. For example, in the army of Austria-Hungary, in addition to the conditions mentioned, there was also this: there should be no more than a third of married officers in the unit. The rest of those who wished could marry, as they say, "in the order of opening vacancies."

Family and marriage relations, characteristic of a modern army family, are relations of a problematic marital union, which also faced certain social obstacles. The family of a serviceman, performing the functions of an ordinary family, is more influenced by the specifics of military service.

T. A. Semikina (1990) identifies the following socio-psychological characteristics of military families: 1.

The willingness of the family of a serviceman to submit his life, his fate to the requirements that are imposed by service in the Armed Forces. 2.

The need for repeated adaptation when moving to a new duty station, associated with a change in natural, climatic, domestic,

social conditions, which causes great mental and physical stress on a soldier and his family members. 3.

Psychological discomfort, stress and conflicts, often caused by the lack of housing, the possibility of finding a job for the wife of a serviceman, getting a place in a children's institution, insufficient medical care, etc. 4.

The lack of communication between a serviceman and his family, caused by the special conditions of army and navy service, strict time regulations, which adversely affects the psychological climate of the family, the upbringing of children, gives rise to dissatisfaction with the needs of family members for attention, care, joint leisure activities, etc. 5.

The dependence of the cohesion of the military family on the moral and psychological qualities of the wife, her endurance and stamina, understanding of the special mission that the husband performs, her ability to withstand such trials as forced separation, constant anxiety for her spouse, and the ability to create conditions for the husband to successfully fulfill his duty . 6.

The special value and significance of the hearth for a soldier due to the fact that his official activity is extremely intense and responsible, requiring full dedication to solve the problems of combat readiness and combat readiness of troops, sometimes associated with a risk to life.

An example of a military family

The husband is an officer who served in Afghanistan. His wife is a teacher of physics by education, she teaches in elementary grades. Two children. The husband loves very much that after work, when he rings the doorbell, his wife opens it. “Apparently, he is so tired that he wants his wife to be at home.”

The wife's parents provided a lot of help to the family - when the husband, a military man, was sent to Afghanistan, the wife followed him, and the son (then the only one) remained with his grandparents, who surrounded him with care and love.

Housekeeping in this family has always been exemplary: cleanliness, order, while the house was always full of guests from different cities, who were always helped. Restaurant-level cooking - with a variety of dishes for numerous friends and relatives. The way of life is "actively secular" - almost daily receiving and visiting guests, trips ("On New Year's Eve we had 25 people overnight"). At the same time, a lot of attention was paid and is being paid to children (especially from the mother-teacher and grandmother) - in learning, developing abilities; satisfaction of their needs for rest, interests, clothing. Orderly life and care probably contributed to the fact that the children grew up confident, successful and sociable.

The conditions in which the family of a career serviceman of the Russian Army currently lives and functions are often nothing short of extreme: insufficient material support, lack of housing, work in the specialty for the wife, lack of children's, medical institutions and much more.

At present, the most common among the military is the nuclear family, in which, as a rule, there are no more than one or two children. Orientation to three children, as in families of representatives of other professions, is extremely rare. Apparently, the birth and upbringing of one or two children to the greatest extent corresponds to the capabilities of the modern military family, its way of life.

On the one hand, children are an indispensable part of this way of life, the most important value. Communication with them, taking care of their health, material well-being, education, social status play one of the primary roles in the fate of most people who have connected their lives with the army. On the other hand, the existing system of life of a military spouse, the structure of needs (time budget, material and housing problems) complicate in the current conditions the upbringing of three, and sometimes two children.

The value of family life is objectively important for a serviceman, however, research data show that officers are not always and immediately aware of this. In one of the scientific works, data were obtained on the relationship between the structure of values ​​and the rank of officers (data on officers of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) (Korchmaryuk V.A., 1998).

Table 17

Hierarchy of the goals of officers' performance (Korchmaryuk V.D., 1998) No. Values ​​Colonel,

Lieutenant Colonel Major,

captain St. lieutenant, lieutenant 1 Professional

activity 1 1 4 2 Family life 2 5 8 3 Health 3 3 9 4 Self-development 4 2 6 5 Public recognition 5 4 10 6 Freedom 6 7 1 7 Prosperous life 7 6 3 8 Creativity 8 10 5 9 Cognition 9 8 7 10 Comrades, friends 10 9 2 As can be seen from the table, the importance of family life increases with the rank of an officer (and, accordingly, with age). For young people in the rank of lieutenant and senior lieutenant, the values ​​of young men dominate, which, in descending order of importance, can be described as “freedom - comradeship - a secure life - profession - creativity - self-development - knowledge”, and only then follows the rank of family. This can be explained by the priority of certain needs in early adulthood associated with communication, the desire for a normal prosperous life and the desire to develop one's abilities and learn new things.

With the achievement of a certain status (in the rank of captain and major), the significance of professional activity dominates, the need for self-development remains, there is a great concern about health, as well as public recognition as a motive for activity. Family life already occupies an honorable fifth place, although it is inferior in importance to the above values.

Officers with the rank of lieutenant colonel and colonel continue to value professional activity the most, followed immediately by the values ​​of family, health, self-development and social recognition. Freedom and a secure life, so significant for young officers, are no longer so relevant (Korchmaryuk V.A., 1998, p. 17).

Perhaps these data somewhat explain the results obtained by T. V. Vlasova (they are given below), according to which serious conflicts are observed in the families of cadets in literally all spheres of life in marriage - young people simply do not yet mature properly by the age of 23-25. readiness for family life, at this age there are many other priorities.

The modern army family is far from well-being. The difficulties facing it have both a conflict, and a crisis, and a problem, threatening its integrity. They are sometimes particularly sharp in nature, cover the most important areas of family life. The situation in the families of servicemen in the conditions of reforming the army and navy is characterized by a rather high tension in relations. As clinical practice and the results of studies by A.N. Kharitonov and V.A. Kochnev show, there is an increase in the growth of psychological family problems among professional military personnel - conflicts with the wife (62% of respondents' answers), the presence of extramarital affairs (80%), negative relationships between spouses (21% of servicemen admitted to feeling hatred, and 26% to feeling aggressive towards their spouse). The sample consisted of 459 families of officers and 63 experts - military psychologists (Kharitonov A.N., Kochnev V.A., 2003).

According to a study of psychological difficulties in the families of military personnel of the Air Force (200 married couples), three groups of families were identified (Vlasova T.V., 2003): 1.

Unstable - couples that do not overcome difficulties in the presence of negative motivation; these include 24% of the families of officers (and 30% of cadets). 2.

Problematic - couples who do not master enough difficulties in the presence of positive family motivation; such 48% (and for cadets - 60%). 3.

Stable - couples overcoming difficulties; 28% of the families of officers and only 10% of the families of cadets can be attributed to their number.

In the first place - conflicts due to differences in ideas about family leadership (in 73% of married couples). At the same time, women call the husband the head of the family in 11% of cases, the wife - in 25% of cases, both spouses - in 7% of cases, and 57% of the interviewed couples believe that there is no leader (head of the family) in the family.

In cadet families, 90% of married couples do not have a head of the family, 5% of families name the husband as the head of the family and 5% - the wife. One can notice a clear pattern - in 90% of families of future officers there is no head, and in 90% of families spouses cannot cope with conflicts.

The data of the same author concerning the problematic areas of family life of Air Force servicemen (Moscow and Moscow cadets of the Air Force Academy) show the predominance of rather psychological causes of tension: for example, the second place in terms of significance of sources of family difficulties was the culture of communication, that is, observance or non-observance by spouses of the norms of everyday life; in third place is the sphere of moral motivation, which, according to the author, expresses the low development of their moral consciousness and self-awareness (in 33% of families).

The fourth place in terms of the importance of family difficulties belongs to the block "family roles" - the dissatisfaction of the spouses in the performance of certain roles in the family. This, in turn, indicates the ambiguity of ideas about the family roles of persons entering into marriage. These problems are particularly acute in the families of cadets.

Fifth place among the sources of psychological family difficulties is the need to protect the "I-concept" - in 22% of families. Moreover, if in officer families - in 15% of cases, then among cadets - in 88%.

Against this background, family difficulties arising from the dissatisfaction of material needs occupy a modest sixth place (in 21% of married couples, in the families of officers - 16%), although these problems are very acute for the families of future officers (in 65% of couples) .

The author also notes difficulties due to the unsatisfied cognitive needs of the family, the need for spiritual growth and improvement (in 18% of couples), the unsatisfied need for communication of the family dyad (in 16%), which results in mutual alienation, a feeling of loneliness, mutual dissatisfaction.

“The military family is a mirror of army life,” wrote A.F. Evchenko, having every reason to do so. Conflict in the family of a serviceman demonstrates this connection. The objective aspects of military labor create the prerequisites for mutual dissatisfaction of husbands and wives with the family budget, living and living conditions, and the distribution of household work. Absence on official business and irregular working hours are the basis of conflicts over leisure activities. The feeling of depression, poor family well-being cannot but affect the performance of daily activities and service (Evchenko A.F., Razov P.V., 1999).

Conflicts with a frequency above the permissible level cover three spheres of the life of the officer's family: the sphere of socialization of children, the sphere of organizing everyday life and the sphere of communication (Loktaeva S.A., 2003).

Let's take a closer look at them. In addition to the lack of parental communication, in the conflicts of "education" there are features of the army subculture. The subconscious, automatic transfer of the principles of unconditional subordination, subordination, inherent in a purely military collective, to family soil becomes a disorganizing moment of family relations, the cause of psychological deviations in children. Spouses often lack understanding of these processes. Meanwhile, conflicts between generations are more difficult to resolve than conflicts between spouses in a marriage. Their elimination is possible only under conditions of parental tolerance, the exclusion of gross repression, and the early establishment of comradely relations with children.

Researchers emphasize a number of difficulties in the socialization of children from families of military personnel: numerous moves, the need for repeated adaptation associated with changes in natural, climatic, and living conditions affect the health of children. Adaptation in a significant environment associated with a change of schools exacerbates the problems of personality development. This is especially true for adolescence (Loktaeva S.A., 2003).

As shown by studies of younger schoolchildren in one of the garrisons near Moscow (the sample was 177 children), in many families there is a lack of communication with a father who is a military man, caused by the special conditions of army service, strict time regulations, which gives rise to dissatisfaction with the needs of children for attention, care, emotional contact . At the same time, dominant hyperprotection prevails on the part of the mother, since the wives of officers more often do not work and completely devote themselves to raising children. Dominant hyperprotection, according to the classification of A. E. Lichko and E. G. Eidemiller, manifests itself in increased, heightened attention and care, excessive guardianship and petty control of behavior, surveillance, prohibitions and restrictions.

A combination of lack of attention to children on the part of officer fathers with the dominance of mothers in matters of upbringing was found in 53.7% of families. In some families, there is a rigidity of upbringing methods, a lot of punishments (10.2%), the severity of parental attitudes (10%), there is no encouragement, education of initiative, independence (10%). At the same time, the absence of common affairs, mutual assistance, regular duties in the family was found only in 2% of families (Loktaeva S.A., 2003).

Disagreements arising on the basis of the division of labor constitute the most common group of conflicts that disrupt a prosperous married life. Conflicts over the implementation of household duties in military families are initiated mainly by women.

An important place among the indicators of the lifestyle of an army family is occupied by leisure activities. Joint leisure is the most important factor in the successful upbringing of children, the establishment of trusting marital relations. Evaluating the rational use of free time includes several elements.

Separately, it is necessary to single out the subject side of leisure, its “material frame”. In this regard, a military family is an average family with a wealth that does not allow going beyond the most accessible and widespread set of industrial goods that have become essentials (refrigerator, washing machine, TV).

The level of diversity of goods and services is limited by the possibilities of garrison trade.

In the conditions of a military garrison, a separately located military camp, ways of family pastime are also limited. Not all military personnel have the opportunity to acquire ownership of a land plot, cottage or garden. Subsistence farming is a type of family property, the presence of which can be called not only one of the criteria for material prosperity, but also a sign of joint family work and recreation. The most accessible way for most families in Russia to combine leisure interests is not the same for an army family.

Nomadic life creates an additional basis for family conflict due to tangible breaks in the process of accumulating family property. The latter cannot be compensated by cash benefits alone. This requires a carefully thought-out policy of social benefits. The stronger the family is connected with property and the greater the role of property relations in it, the wider the material base of family cooperation.

A distinctive feature of the family life of a serviceman may be that most of the free annual time of the family falls on vacation (that is, apart from summer vacation, a serviceman does not manage to visit with his wife and children). This gives rise to disproportions in the rest of family members, whose needs (and they can be related to gender, age, medical contraindications, etc.) often cannot be combined. According to T. V. Vlasova, 20% of families feel difficulties in spending leisure time together (13% of officer families and 80% of cadet families). Both spouses organize leisure in 55% of all families, the wife is the organizer - in 22% of the families of officers (and 30% of cadets), in 16% of families the husband is the leader in organizing family leisure.

Traditional for any family are conflicts due to relationships with parents. The military family is a notable exception in this respect. Moving, unsettled housing make it impossible to live together with parents and reduce the number of direct family and kinship contacts, which leads to a lower level of conflict compared to an ordinary family.

Conflicts caused by spouses' dissatisfaction with intimate relationships are in most cases characteristic of young couples at the stage of adaptation, mutual adaptation and mutual recognition. Although they are also found in marriages "with experience", when the reason is a heavy workload at work (and, accordingly, fatigue), lack of free time.

The most common reasons for divorce can be considered the following: the desire to create another family, ill-treatment, violent actions on the part of the husband, adultery, alcoholism on the part of one of the partners, the absence of children - these are those intra-family problems that can be eliminated on the basis of the goodwill of the spouses with desire to save the family.

The pressure of the negative factors of army life, which even a family that has gone through the thorny path of military service cannot always withstand in the present conditions, to a large extent determines the general direction of family conflict.

The destruction of the army family, the existing stereotypes of the family organization is closely related to the contradictions in the system of army life as a whole. Trends in the institution of the family and the army are interdependent. It is possible to neutralize the negative consequences of these processes, to localize the situation of family breakdown, while maintaining the social prestige of the army and its family support. The institution of the family in the army can be strengthened thanks to the provision of timely psychotherapeutic, social, financial and other assistance. Comprehensive divorce prevention should be considered one of the priority areas of social work in the Armed Forces.

In 2000, A. V. Rudenko, under our leadership, conducted a small socio-psychological study of military families. The objectives of the study were: to clarify the emotional state of families, to identify the specifics of military marriages, to determine the causes that affect the well-being of family relations in army families; determination of the level of conflict and tactics of behavior in conflict situations in the families of military personnel.

25 families of servicemen from the Serpukhov garrison were interviewed, that is, a total of 50 people. The average age of servicemen's wives is 24.3 years (from 20 to 30 years), military men - 26.7 years (from 21 to 30 years). More than half of the surveyed couples (64%) have children.

The research methods were: E. Krozner's questionnaire "Behavior of "ideal" husbands and wives", M. Filonov's test for satisfaction with marriage, K. Thomas' method for determining behavior styles in conflict situations, T. Leary's method for diagnosing interpersonal relationships, A. V. Rudenko.

The author's questionnaire included questions concerning the motives for marriage, length of marriage, etc., as well as a question about the factors that family members of military personnel consider the main ones for the stability of family relations. It was required to rank the following factors: material well-being, physical data, sexual relations, common cultural needs, mutual understanding.

Factors of stability of marriage and family relations were distributed according to the degree of significance as follows: 1.

The psychological factor - 32% of the surveyed couples preferred it. 2.

Material - 22% couples. 3.

Cultural - 18% of couples. 4.

Sexy - 16% of couples. 5.

Physical - 12% couples.

Interestingly, the physical factor was preferred by young married couples whose family life did not exceed 1.5 years. Thus, it can be assumed that the physical factor plays a major role when couples are quite young and have no experience of family relationships.

Couples with an experience of 2-5 years of married life especially noted cultural, material and psychological factors.

Married couples with an experience of family life of 5-10 years gave their preference to psychological, material and sexual factors.

The psychological factor determines both harmony and, conversely, disharmony in family relations, which is confirmed by interviews of married couples.

Alexander, 22 years old, 1 year of family life: “I believe my wife, I think we will always be happy, just like now. Of course, there will be difficulties, but I am sure that everything can be overcome if there is understanding and love.”

Julia, 20 years old, 2 years of family life: “I got married for love. As the wife of a serviceman, it is very difficult financially, I often stay alone. But when we are together, we understand each other, we feel good.”

Svetlana, 25 years old, 6 years of family life: “My husband is not very handsome, does not earn much, he has not reached unprecedented cultural heights, and there are better lovers. But I'm good with him. I am happily married, I am comfortable in my family.”

Eugene, 30 years old, 8 years of family life: “What should a man do if there are already children in the family? Of course, you can’t return a lot, but if you scrolled everything back, you would never have married a cadet. When you become independent, everything appears in a different light.

An analysis of the data on the E. Krozner questionnaire "Behavior of "ideal" husbands and wives" showed that strategies to behave like "ideal" husbands and wives, following the principles of conflict-free communication (the ability to please each other and in every possible way to avoid actions that cause resentment and grief), adhere to all couples, whose experience does not exceed 1.5 years, and 71% of couples with experience of 5-10 years of marriage, which characterizes the stability of family relations.

The lowest indicator of the desire to be “perfect” is observed in families with 2-5 years of marriage (43%), which indicates a low level of emotional well-being among such families.

So, in the majority of families (76% of the total number of surveyed couples) they understand that in order to avoid conflicts it is not always necessary to defend one's views, refusing the opportunity to experience the joy of mutual understanding and the richness of relationships; that in order to avoid a quarrel, one must constantly find out what causes negative emotions in a marriage partner; that one should be patient, be able to forget insults.

An analysis of the final scores on the Filonov test for satisfaction with marriage (his “success”) showed that in the category of married couples with an experience of 1.5 years (44% of the surveyed families), all respondents rated the possibilities of their marriage and satisfaction with it quite highly. This means that, although there are minor disagreements in these families, in general they feel happy, and consider their marriage successful.

In the category of married couples with an experience of 2-5 years (28% of married couples), there were much fewer estimates of the success of marriage: only 29% of men and 43% of women rated their marriage as successful. The rest of the couples, according to the results of the test, received recommendations to show more attention to their spouse and think about improving intra-family relationships.

Among families that have existed for 5-10 years, 71% of spouses considered their marriage successful.

Successful families with little experience were characterized by the absence of children and, accordingly, difficulties, a strong desire of the spouses to be together. For families with long experience - stability of family relations, good mutual adaptation of spouses, high psychological comfort in the family.

In families with low marital satisfaction among spouses, among the factors contributing to this, the following were noted: financial difficulties, different views on raising children, insufficient assistance to the family from the husband, his frequent absence from home, the impossibility of obtaining an apartment.

These reasons gave rise to certain problems and disagreements in family relations, and also helped to identify a group of spouses who were least satisfied with their marriage - it included married couples with 2-5 years of living together.

Comparison of the results on the questionnaire of K. Thomas (predisposition to conflict behavior) for people with experience in family life revealed some patterns in the families of military personnel. Most of the wives of military personnel with a family life of up to 1.5 years have a low predisposition to conflict behavior, those with a length of service of 2-5 years have an average predisposition, and those with a length of service of 5-10 years have a high predisposition.

Military men with family experience of 2 to 5 years have the highest predisposition to conflict behavior. The predisposition to conflicts among husbands in very young marriages and marriages with an experience of 5 to 10 years is average.

In other words, with increasing length of family life in women (up to 10 years of marriage in our sample), the level of predisposition to conflict behavior increases, which, of course, makes it difficult to establish a favorable psychological climate in the family.

In military men, in accordance with the years of marriage, the predisposition to conflicts slightly increases (2-5 years), which then (after 5 years of marriage) drops to an average level.

It should be noted that, in general, the degree of conflict among spouses gravitates towards the average level. However, of the surveyed married couples with different lengths of family life, not a single spouse has an optimal strategy in conflict. The optimal strategy according to the results of the Thomas questionnaire is considered to be one that includes all five tactics of behavior (competition, cooperation, compromise, avoidance, adaptation), which have equal significance, reaching five to seven points (Grishina N.V., 1978).

An analysis of the correlation galaxy for a subsample of military wives showed the relationship between the factors identified in the author's questionnaire by A. V. Rudenko. Thus, a survey of women showed that the stronger the orientation towards material well-being, the lower the cultural demands and the less important the physical data of the spouse (male).

The greater the orientation towards cultural needs as a factor in the stability of family relations, the less important for the well-being of a marriage sexual relations seem to women.

At the same time, the more pronounced the orientation of women towards material well-being, the lower the indicator of mutual understanding in a married couple.

With an increase in the length of family life, the tendency to respond in conflict situations of the “competition” type (achieving one’s own interests, regardless of the interests of another) decreases, and the tendency to compromise response increases. It is possible, however, that these data are the result of the “screening out” of some families at the initial stages of joint family life. There is no doubt that with age, married women are more likely to compromise in a conflict situation.

The indicator of satisfaction with marriage in the subsample of wives of servicemen reached a significant correlation dependence only with the indicator of such a response style in conflicts as “avoidance”. It should also be noted that in conflict situations, women most often choose cooperation, compromise, and very rarely competition as a way out of the conflict.

An analysis of correlation dependencies on a subsample of male military personnel showed that for them it is extremely important to focus on mutual understanding in the family (the largest number of significant correlations). It is interesting that the more husbands are oriented towards mutual understanding, the less significant the physical data of the spouse are for them, while common cultural needs become more important.

Orientation towards mutual understanding in the family among men is associated with compromise and cooperating styles of behavior in conflict situations and negatively with the desire to compete.

Orientation to cultural needs in family life in men, as in women, makes the tendency to consider material well-being as the main thing in the family, as well as sexual relations, less pronounced.

A significant linear dependence of satisfaction with marriage among husbands with an increase in the length of family life (from several months to 10 years) was obtained. At the same time, men who tend to resolve conflicts with the help of cooperation and compromise strategies have significantly higher marital satisfaction.

At the same time, the very experience of family life among men is associated with compromise and cooperative styles of conflict resolution. (Older military personnel with more family history are more likely to engage in these forms of conflict response.)

So, we can conclude that in the course of the study of military families, a high degree of spouse satisfaction with their marriage was revealed, which is an indicator of the reliability of the military family, despite the difficulties of its existence. The predisposition to conflict behavior in such families is at an average level. The greatest conflict was noted in men with a marriage record of 2-5 years, and its decrease was revealed in families with a marriage record of 5-10 years.

In men, with an increase in the length of family relationships (up to 10 years in our study), satisfaction with marriage increases. This echoes the data of V. A. Korchmaryuk about the increasing importance of family life for higher-ranking (and older) servicemen. The wives of servicemen did not reveal such a relationship, however, with the growth of experience in spouses of both sexes, the indicator of compromise and cooperation as styles of resolving conflict situations increases.

Diagnostics of interpersonal relationships has revealed the importance of an adequate self-assessment of the individual as a necessary element in the development of strong marital relations.

Of the personal characteristics of male military personnel, a tendency to dominate was noted, and in most women, to subordination, which contributes to the stability of such families.

Spouses do not have an optimal strategy for getting out of conflicts. At the same time, the majority of wives demonstrated an understanding of the importance of constructive conflict resolution and actively participated in the development of optimal tactics for resolving conflict situations within the framework of a family workshop.

Thus, the study of the families of servicemen in the city of Serpukhov revealed the difficulties facing such families, as well as the factors of satisfaction with the marriage of servicemen, and showed the need for further study of the army family in order to psychologically correct family relations. Participants of the study noted the great importance of psychological work with the families of servicemen. Currently, Moscow researchers are conducting correctional and psychotherapeutic work on the rehabilitation of military personnel (Kharitonov A.N., Timchenko G.N., Sukhomlin O.A., Kochnev V.A., Vlasova T.V., etc.).

At present, the study of military families emphasizes mainly the negative characteristics of their lives and relationships. We can say that objectively there are practical requirements for the families of military personnel, primarily related to women:

resistance to life changes: moving, unsettled life, husband's duty and his absence on holidays; ?

psychological support for the husband, which is expressed, in particular, in external optimism (joy on the face) and internal (do not be discouraged by hardships); ?

providing a reliable rear - maintaining an exemplary household with traditionally female responsibilities: cooking, food preservation, baking, the ability to set the table and serve a large number of guests; ?

ensuring the “circle of communication” of the husband - contacts, maintaining a conversation, fun (“comradely” roles, according to K. Kirkpatrick) in companies and

feasts, without which the husband's career is difficult. A sullen, introverted, or career-preoccupied wife will interfere with her husband's career in the office. Too intelligent, refined, politely ironic feminist can also

The successful fulfillment of the important and responsible tasks assigned to the Armed Forces urgently requires an increase in the level of organizational work in all areas, including among members of the families of servicemen. This is an important area of ​​educational work, which has its own specifics.

Family - a cell (small social group) of society, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties, i.e., on multilateral relations between husband and wife who are married, between parents and children, brothers and sisters and others relatives living together and leading a common household.

For a more detailed analysis of the problems of the modern family of a serviceman, it is necessary to understand: what are the functions of his family; What marriage is he in? How is family education carried out? what parameters characterize the family; its features, etc.

The family is a complex phenomenon, the subject and object of socio-pedagogical activity

As a cell of society, the family is a personal environment for the life and development of its members. The quality of this environment is determined by a number of parameters:

f demog aphic (family structure): large - includes other relatives; nuclear - includes only parents and children; complete - both parents and children; incomplete - without one of the parents; childless - no children; one-child - one child; small children - 2-3 children: large families - more than 3 children;

f socio-cultural (educational level of parents, their participation in society; property characteristics and employment of parents at work);

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f technical and hygienic (living conditions, lifestyle features).

The main functions of the family are reproductive, economic (economic), educational, communicative, leisure and recreation, etc.

The modern family differs very significantly from the one that developed in the past, not only in a different economic function, but also in a radical change in its emotional and psychological functions. Relationships between children and parents have been changing over the past decades, becoming more and more emotional and psychological. For an increasing number of people, children are becoming one of the main values ​​of life. But this, paradoxically, does not simplify family life, but only complicates it. There are many reasons for this, the main ones are as follows.

1. A large number of families have one child each and consist of two generations - parents and children. Grandparents, other relatives, as a rule, live separately. As a result, parents do not have the opportunity to use the experience and support of the previous generation on a daily basis, and the applicability of this experience is often problematic.

2. The status of male and female labor is changing. The sphere of application of male efforts decreases, the status of a woman rises - often her earnings exceed the material and monetary allowance of her husband.

3. The relationship of spouses is increasingly determined by the depth of their mutual affection, so the level of their expectations towards each other rises sharply. However, expectations are often not justified due to a lack of culture and due to individual characteristics.

4. The relationship between children and parents has become more complicated and problematic. Children early acquire a high status in the family. They often have a higher level of education, the ability to spend most of their free time outside the home. They fill this time with activities accepted among their peers, and do not always care about the approval of their pastime by their parents. The authority of parental authority today often does not work. Children need the personal authority of their parents.

The educational function is the most important for the family. Three aspects can be distinguished here:

6. Features of education of various categories of military personnel 503

f systematic educational impact of the family team on each of its members throughout his life;

- the constant responsibility of parents to their children, encouraging them to actively engage in self-education, self-improvement;

f pedagogical influence of parents on their children;

Family upbringing - more or less conscious efforts to resolve children, undertaken by older members of the family. They are aimed at ensuring that the younger members of the family correspond to the older ideas about what a child, teenager, young man, and girl should become and be.

f personal resources of the family: the presence of parents, brothers, sisters, close relatives included in family life (grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, etc.);

f qualitative characteristics of family members: state of health, character, level and type of education, individual hobbies, tastes, value orientations, social attitudes, level of claims;

f the attitude of the elders to the younger ones, to their upbringing as to their unconditional duties; f the nature of the interaction between seniors and juniors.

The style of relationships in the family between parents and children can be authoritarian, democratic, authoritarian-democratic, democratic-authoritarian.

The authoritarian (dominant) style is characterized by the desire of the elders to subordinate the younger ones to their maximum influence, to stop their initiative, to strictly enforce their requirements, to completely control their behavior, interests and even desires.

This is achieved through constant control over the lives of the younger ones and the use of punishments. The obsessive desire of parents to control not only behavior, but also the inner world, thoughts and desires of children can lead to conflicts. Some parents view their children as wax and clay from which to mold a personality. If the child resists, he is punished, beaten mercilessly, forcing out his self-will. The initiative comes only from the elders. This style, on the one hand, disciplines the younger ones and forms in them attitudes and behaviors that are desirable for older ones,

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on the other hand, it causes alienation from the elders, hostility, protest, aggression, apathy and passivity in children.

The democratic style is distinguished by the desire of the elders to establish warm relations with the younger ones, to involve them in solving problems, to encourage initiative and independence. The elders explain the motives for their demands, encourage their discussion, the younger appreciate both obedience and independence. In relationships with children, they often rely on trust instead of control. The main means of education are approval, encouragement. Communication is two-way. This style brings up independence, responsibility, activity, friendliness, tolerance.

In reality, authoritarian and democratic styles of upbringing in their pure form are not so common, usually a compromise option is practiced more, which is closer to one or the other style (authoritarian-democratic, democratic-authoritarian). The difference between these styles is that one of them is dominated by either authoritarianism or democracy.

In the process of family education, the following tasks are solved:

f a personality is formed, its abilities develop and interests expand;

f there is a transfer of social experience accumulated by society;

f family members develop a worldview, a responsible attitude to work;

f a sense of collectivism is instilled, the need to be the owner, to observe the norms of behavior;

f the intellect is enriched, aesthetic development and physical improvement are carried out, the skills of a sanitary and hygienic culture are developed.

The family has the following educational opportunities in shaping the personality of the child:

1) it ensures the physical and emotional development of the child. In infancy, early childhood plays a role that other institutions cannot take on;

2) affects the formation of the psychological sex of the child. During the first three years, the child masters the attributes of the sex assigned to him: a set of personal characteristics, features of emotional reactions, various attitudes, tastes, and behavioral patterns;

3) plays a leading role in the mental development of the child. Studies have shown that the differences in the mental development of children who grew up in prosperous and dysfunctional families are significant;

6. Features of education of various categories of military personnel 505

4) is important in the child's mastery of social norms. According to research, the choice of a spouse and the nature of communication in the family are determined by the atmosphere and relationships in the parental family;

5) predetermines the social development of a person. Approval, support, indifference or condemnation affect the claims of the individual, help or hinder finding ways out in difficult situations, adapting to changing circumstances;

6) forms the fundamental value orientations of a person.

An analysis of the socio-pedagogical characteristics of military families currently reflects some trends:

f military families (officers, ensigns) are not characterized, as before, by the strength of marriage foundations, although they have sufficiently high adaptive abilities to endure hardships, deprivations, and the disorder of life;

f in the 1990s. the percentage of breakup of military families has increased.

Attention to the problems of families of military personnel has weakened on the part of officers, commanders and educators, the system of activities in this area has been disrupted, socio-psychological support is weak, housing and material security is low, experience in working with families of military personnel is not used.

To a certain extent, the corporatism, the collectivism of the families of military personnel in military camps, and the interest in creating good social conditions for interaction are preserved. Therefore, it is important to direct the main efforts in this work to strengthening families, their well-being and prosperity, which will undoubtedly affect the improvement of the quality of performance of service and combat missions.

The tasks of working with the families of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are determined by the directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 23, 1998 No. D-16, orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2005 No. 220, 225, of June 23, 2005 No. 256.

The system of work with family members of military personnel includes the following areas:

1) focusing the efforts of all categories of leaders on helping the family in its formation and development;

2) studying the opinions, moods, requests and needs of military families, providing them with concrete assistance in solving various problems;

506 Military pedagogy

3) development of creative abilities of family members of military personnel, increasing their service and social activity, cultural level and education;

4) organization of moral, aesthetic, legal, physical, economic, family, sexual education of family members of military personnel.

The solution of these problems is based on the following factors: f social orientation of education;

f connection of education with life, design and programming of the educational process;

f unity of public and family education;

f dynamism of education, its dominance (one side has a strong influence on the other);

f positive emotional background;

f unity of requirements and educational position;

f involvement of the educated in the activity.

There are three aspects in the system of work with the families of servicemen: organizational, content, methodological.

The organizational aspect involves work planning; definition and implementation of its goals and objectives; appointment of performers of ongoing events with family members; determination of directions, forms and means of education; conducting educational activities; improving the skills and abilities of commanders in the course of educational activities.

f moral, patriotic, aesthetic, physical, military (labor), environmental, legal, sexual and other areas of education;

f improving the culture of communication;

f cultivation of individual abilities (in any kind of sports, art, branch of knowledge);

f preparation for a certain profession or field of activity;

f various social aspects (provision of material, financial, psychological support, etc.).

The methodological aspect is the methods, techniques and methods of educational interaction and influence on family members of military personnel.

Life requires the restoration of work with the families of military personnel, increasing its efficiency and quality, strengthening the impact on

Features of education of various categories of military personnel 507

maintaining warm, close family relations, strengthening families, intensifying the participation of servicemen's wives in solving issues of education, the beneficial effect of family relations on the combat readiness of units and units.

There are two main groups of military families:

1) families of servicemen serving on conscription;

2) families of servicemen serving under a contract (officers, ensigns, soldiers and sergeants).

The pedagogical influence in each of these groups has its own characteristics.

Thus, when working with the family of conscripts, it is important to take into account its influence on the soldier. Forms of interaction with such families include:

f correspondence, the content of which is different (letters of inquiry, letters of

gratitude, etc.); f invitation to units, units where soldiers serve, parents,

- ensuring short-term residence in military camps of close relatives of soldiers for direct acquaintance with their way of life and leisure;

- assistance in the implementation of the benefits provided for by legislative acts for the period of stay of a serviceman in the Armed Forces;

f explanatory work in the form of lectures, conversations, disputes, evenings, meetings for the formation and development of moral, aesthetic, legal and other qualities.

When working with the families of military personnel serving under the contract, it is necessary to distinguish two main categories: the wives of military personnel and children. Moreover, the requirement of a differentiated approach also obliges to isolate varieties: working women and housewives, young mothers and mothers of adult children, military wives and non-military personnel, children of preschool, primary and secondary school age; take into account the difference in requests, interests, level of training; provide a comprehensive solution to all educational problems.

The educational and intellectual level of servicemen's family members and their cultural horizons have increased considerably in recent times. Therefore, work with them should also meet the increased

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requests, the applied forms, methods and means of education should also interest people, evoke a lively response, give answers to burning questions, and actively influence their minds and hearts. And for this, constant and painstaking work is needed to educate all members of the families of military personnel.

In accordance with the requirements of the governing documents, all categories of commanders and chiefs should be engaged in educational work with the families of military personnel with the most active participation of women's councils, a wide female activist, but in fact this work falls on the shoulders of educator officers and, first of all, companies, batteries.

Coordinated work with officers' houses and clubs plays an important role in working with military families. They constantly contribute to the comprehensive development of the creative abilities of members of the families of servicemen, to increase their official and social activity, cultural level and education. They carry out all work with family members of servicemen together with women's councils.

Women's councils should assist educator officers in educating members of the families of military personnel, involving them in active participation in public life and work, as well as in holding events with the personnel of units (joint celebrations of public holidays, solemn swearing in of military oath, annual holidays military unit, ceremonial delivery of weapons and military equipment to personnel, seeing off military personnel transferred to the reserve).

The work of women's councils is built on the basis of the initiative of the families of military personnel, taking into account the living conditions of military units, in close connection with schools, cultural, leisure and preschool institutions, educational institutions, sports organizations, police children's rooms, as well as socio-psychological family assistance services. Among its main forms: lectures, conversations, joint tea drinking of families with many years of experience and young families, the exchange of experience in family life.

Working with military families is a complex and multifaceted process, it is carried out creatively, continuously, taking into account the requirements of a specific situation. The effectiveness of such educational activities depends on their content and level of organization, the perfection of forms and methods, and on how much they meet the real conditions and needs of families.

Carrying out such work, officers are called upon, first of all, to solve the problems of forming the qualities of a soldier, necessary for him to

6. Features of education of various categories of military personnel 509

knowledgeable perception of civic duty and their duties. At the same time, they strive to cover all women with their influence, to involve them in the life of the unit, subdivision.

It is always relevant t udovye upbringing of children. And it's not just about instilling certain labor skills in them from an early age. Information about the military successes of the father, the responsibility and complexity of his official duties, the labor achievements of the mother, the content and meaning of her work is also important. Families, children should, if possible, visit the tankodrome, and the airfield, and the ship, and the enterprise, etc. It is here that a deep understanding and pride in the work of the father, for the respect that the bosses give him, can be born, comrades, subordinates.

One of the most important tasks of working with family members of military personnel is moral education, the essence of which boils down to the formation of their moral convictions, readiness and ability to consciously subordinate their personal interests to the public, an active life position, a conscious attitude to public duty, behavior characterized by unity words and deeds.

Such educational activity has an enduring significance and influence on the moral and psychological state of military personnel, on their military work.

The wives of servicemen must understand the responsibility, complexity, intensity of their husbands' military labor, do everything necessary to create such a moral and psychological climate in the family, in which overload is removed, fatigue and nervous tension go away. Therefore, in the activities of officers, commanders and educators, an important place is occupied by explaining to family members of military personnel their tasks arising from the characteristics of the life of the team where their husband, father serves, the need to create an environment conducive to strengthening families and increasing the efficiency of service activities of military personnel.

At the same time, a special place is given to purposeful mass defense work, popularization of physical culture and sports among family members of military personnel, and their involvement in active participation in mass sports and tourism events.

It is very important that the wives of the military have endurance and courage.

Of great importance in the activities of officers is the involvement of family members of military personnel in the improvement of units, military camps, streets and courtyards, assistance in equipping household rooms, leisure rooms, recreation rooms, sleeping quarters and hotel-type rooms.

510 Military Pedagogy

It is also necessary to comprehensively study and meet the needs of families and their requests. This is the provision or petition to the higher command of assistance to the wives of military personnel in finding employment, an attentive and caring attitude on the part of officials.

You should take part in the upbringing of children of military personnel, professional orientation of students, taking into account the use of nearby educational institutions, enterprises. It is necessary to promote pedagogical knowledge among parents and conduct health campaigns with children, for which they use forms and means that are most appropriate for specific conditions.

When organizing the upbringing of servicemen's families, it is important to take into account the nature and conditions of service activities of contract servicemen, since they significantly affect the forms and methods of working with their families.

Life and relations in the families of servicemen largely depend on the organization and conduct of their leisure. Commanders, educator officers, women's councils (groups, cells) should have a constant influence on events organized for families: collective visits to theaters and cinemas, excursions, trips out of town, family evenings of rest, trips to the forest, etc. They take care of that the content of such activities directly serve the cause of strengthening the family.

The work of amateur art groups should be constant with the active involvement of the wives of servicemen. It is the duty of the educator officers to lead this work and create conditions so that those who wish can take a live part in amateur art concerts.

In working with the families of military personnel, the issues of raising children occupy an important place. As the well-known teacher A. S. Makarenko repeatedly said, this is the most important area of ​​​​life. Our children are citizens of the country, its defenders. They will make history. When organizing this work, it is important to ensure that officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and their wives deeply know and understand the basics of upbringing, education and training of children, their responsibility for developing the necessary qualities in them.

The education and upbringing of children of military personnel should be periodically discussed at meetings of parents, general meetings of contracted military personnel and members of their families.

It is necessary to effectively and skillfully use the help of the women's council of the unit, the garrison.

6. Features of education of various categories of military personnel 511

Experience shows that where officer-educators have business-like contacts with women's councils, work is better organized with the families of servicemen, the morale is stronger in the collectives of servicemen under contract, and successes in combat and public-state training are higher.

Along with women's councils, a service for psychological diagnostics and pedagogical assistance to the families of servicemen can be created in units. It is completed by officers, civilians with special psychological, socio-pedagogical, medical and legal knowledge. These specialists study the moral and psychological state of family members and create conditions for a favorable moral and psychological climate in families. The forms of such work are varied: psychotherapy, psychological training, psycho-unloading, relieving fatigue and nervous tension, receiving visitors, consultations, etc. Therefore, a close connection with these services is the direct duty of an officer.

  • 4.7.3. The main methods and techniques of individual education and re-education of military personnel
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    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


    Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky

    Faculty of Social Management

    Department of Social Pedagogy and Organization of Work with Youth

    Direction "Social work"

    Course work

    The main social problems of military personnel and their families

    Made by Artyom Oparin

    3rd year student, 939 groups

    Scientific adviser:

    candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Afanasov A.V.

    Yaroslavl - 2012


    Chapter 1. Military personnel and their families as a special social group

    Chapter 2. The main social problems of military personnel and their families.

    2.4 Basic methods of social work with military personnel and members of their families





    Russia is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person. In our country, citizens, including those with the status of military personnel, are guaranteed social protection. According to existing legislation, the state assumes social obligations, which it undertakes to make available to the entire population. In the development of constitutional norms, one of the main principles for the development of the military organization of the state is the realization of the rights and freedoms of military personnel, ensuring their social security, worthy social status, this is the goal of the reform of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

    At the same time, despite the actions of the military reform, many social problems of the life and life of contract servicemen, including those arising from the new tasks of military development and modernization of armies, require an immediate solution. These problems have a very serious impact on military personnel; let's look at some of them. Insufficient amounts of monetary allowance for contract servicemen and salaries of civilian personnel that exist today cause increased social tension, reduced motivation for military service, and an outflow of personnel, especially young specialists.

    The housing problem is acute. Over 122,000 servicemen and members of their families are in need of housing. Almost thirty percent of the families of servicemen are not provided with official housing. About 40 percent of servicemen are not satisfied with their living conditions. The main reason for this is the lack of own housing. Military families have been on the waiting list for housing for five to six years. Monetary compensation for the sublease (hiring) of housing to military personnel does not fully cover their actual costs for these purposes throughout the territory of deployment of military units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense. The unresolved housing problem of military personnel leads to their early dismissal from military service and reduces the attractiveness of the military profession.

    More than half of the servicemen are not satisfied with the availability, completeness and quality of medical services and medical support in general. Over a quarter of servicemen note the depreciation of the material and technical base of military medical institutions, the lack of modern medical equipment. A third of military personnel and more than 40 percent of civilian personnel face a lack of necessary medicines and medicines, as well as inflated prices for them. Less than half of the servicemen assess their health as satisfactory, which indicates the insufficiency of measures to prevent diseases and protect the health of servicemen.

    The conditions for military service do not meet state standards, norms and safety requirements, as a result of which a high level of death and injury of servicemen in the performance of military service duties is observed annually in the Armed Forces.

    The system of additional professional education does not meet modern requirements either. The lack of interest of military personnel in improving their qualifications has led to the fact that more than 30 percent of officers do not meet the requirements for their military positions. The proportion of servicemen with advanced class qualifications remains stably low.

    This paper reveals the essence of some social problems of military personnel and their families, special attention is paid to the problems of material and housing support for military personnel.

    Object: military personnel and their families.

    Subject: the essence of the main social problems of servicemen and their families.

    The purpose of this work is to identify the main social problems of military personnel and their families.

    1. Study the literature on the research problem.

    2. Identify the main problems of military personnel and their families.

    3. Consider research and statistics on some social problems of servicemen and their families.

    4. Designate technologies and methods of social work with military personnel.

    In the practical part of the study, we used the life experience of conscripts and contractors.

    1. Military personnel and their families as a special social group

    1.1 Military service and its specifics

    A serviceman is a person who performs duties related to military service and, in connection with this, has a special legal status. The Federal Law of Russia "On the status of military personnel" establishes the following categories of military personnel:

    Officers, sergeants, foremen, soldiers, sailors undergoing military service under the contract

    Sergeants, foremen, soldiers, sailors, conscripted military service and cadets equal in status to them before concluding a contract with them.

    The specified federal law establishes certain additional obligations (the obligation to perform assigned tasks in any conditions, including at risk to life) and restrictions associated with the status of military personnel (a ban on engaging in entrepreneurial and other paid activities, with the exception of scientific and other creative activities), as well as guarantees and compensations are provided related to the special nature of the duties of military personnel (provision of housing, benefits for admission to educational institutions, etc.).

    military status

    The status of military personnel is a set of rights, freedoms guaranteed by the state, as well as duties and responsibilities of military personnel established by this Federal Law, federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Military personnel have the rights and freedoms of man and citizen with certain restrictions established by this Federal Law, federal constitutional laws and federal laws.

    The servicemen are entrusted with the duties of preparing for armed defense and armed defense of the Russian Federation, which are associated with the need to unquestioningly fulfill the assigned tasks in any conditions, including at risk to life. Due to the special nature of the duties assigned to military personnel, they are provided with social guarantees and compensation.

    The peculiarities of the status of servicemen performing military service in wartime, during the period of mobilization, during the performance of military service duties in a state of emergency and in armed conflicts are regulated by federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Servicemen are issued documents proving their identity and citizenship, as well as documents proving the identity and legal status of servicemen.

    The procedure for issuing these documents to servicemen and financing the measures related to their issuance is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Military personnel have the right to keep, carry, use and use weapons in the manner determined by federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government and organizations have the right to establish, within the limits of their powers, additional social guarantees and compensations for military personnel, citizens of the Russian Federation who have been discharged from military service, and members of their families.

    Military service is a type of public service, which is a professional service activity of citizens of the state in military positions in the armed forces, other troops, military (special) formations and bodies that perform the functions of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

    In this part, we will focus on the study of the characteristics of the life of contract servicemen (regardless of belonging to any composition) and their families, since the specifics of military service have the most significant impact on this group.

    In modern literature on the problem under study, the following features of military service are distinguished, which are that:

    firstly, the activities of servicemen who fulfill their constitutional duty to defend the Fatherland are often associated with a risk to their lives;

    secondly, the entire military structure, life and activities of military personnel are regulated in detail, they are assigned increased legal responsibility;

    thirdly, military personnel, due to the peculiarities of their service, are limited in civil, personal, political and socio-economic rights.

    This interpretation of the specifics of military service may seem controversial. In accordance with the general military charter, each serviceman has equal rights and freedoms with all citizens of the Russian Federation. However, if we analyze the rights and freedoms of military personnel, some inconsistencies are found.

    Let us dwell, first of all, on political law. Military personnel have the right to participate in the management of state and public affairs, both directly and through their representatives, they can freely elect and be elected to public authorities, unite in public organizations of a non-political and non-profit nature and participate in their activities during their free time from service. . At the same time, military personnel are prohibited from joining political parties, and existing membership in them is suspended for the period of service. There is a clear restriction of political rights. Among other rights, one can single out the right to freedom of speech, expression of one's opinions, access to information, which are limited by such a concept as non-disclosure of state and official secrets, which cannot be unambiguously interpreted.

    A complex of socio-economic rights, such as the right to personal property, to work and rest, to health care and social protection, to housing and education, is of significant importance. At the same time, the realization of these rights in the context of the socio-economic crisis in the country encounters certain difficulties.

    Summing up all of the above, we can conclude: at the present stage of development of Russian society, military personnel are limited in some civil, personal, political and socio-economic rights.

    1.2 The fall in the prestige of the army and the deterioration of the social stability of the military

    The negative impact of socio-legal and socio-economic factors of the modern military environment is manifested in the lowering of the social status of military personnel, the decline in the prestige of military service in society, and the transformation of the Armed Forces into an institution of increased social risk.

    The growth of social tension in the military environment, the increase in the socio-psychological discomfort of the personnel, ultimately leads to an outflow of qualified young professional military personnel. In turn, the understaffing of officers in the lower levels increases the psychological discomfort among senior officers, who are forced to bear additional physical and psychological burdens associated with the need to fulfill the duties of absent officers.

    Among the main reasons for the socio-psychological discomfort of military personnel, the following are usually distinguished:

    Difficult socio-economic and political situation in the country;

    Uncertainty in the ability of the state to solve the social problems of the Armed Forces;

    The unpredictability of the reform of the Armed Forces;

    Falling prestige of military labor, especially among young people;

    Growing tension in the Armed Forces;

    The problem of relationships in the team of the unit, military unit;

    Complication of relations in the family, immediate microsocial environment;

    Problems specific to the region of service.

    Thus, the unreliability of social guarantees, the optionality of their implementation by the state, the growth of socio-economic and socio-legal infringement of military personnel, lead not only to a further significant drop in the prestige of military service, but also to an increase in social tension in the army, a deterioration in the moral and psychological state and the state of military discipline, which, in fact, turns the army into an institution of increased social risk for the whole society.

    The growth of social tension in the military environment is leading to an undermining of the socio-political stability of servicemen and their families - as a special category of the population. The sources of this negative trend are, firstly, economic problems in the life of the troops, and secondly, the unsatisfactory attitude of the country's leadership towards the Armed Forces, which is often projected onto the military personnel's rejection of the activities of all institutions of power.

    Social tension in the modern military environment is characterized by the following indicators:

    The desire of military personnel to improve their socio-economic situation by leaving for the civilian sectors of social production;

    Creation of public organizations uniting various categories of servicemen (dismissed to the reserve, participants in the war in Afghanistan, participants in hostilities in hot spots, etc.), the appeal of representatives of these organizations and individual groups of servicemen to the media to publicize their problems, and to the authorities full self-government to solve problems at the regional level;

    The spread of such a phenomenon as non-compliance with orders and orders of commanders and superiors; organization of such unarmed forms of social protest as rallies, processions and pickets.

    Summing up the above, it should be noted that not only the specifics due to such a special type of activity as service in the Armed Forces, but also a number of negative trends in the modern military and social environment cause a whole range of factors for military personnel and their families, which specialists are called upon to solve. areas of social work.

    1.3 The peculiarity of relationships in the family of a soldier

    An analysis of the problem complex of the life of servicemen and their families would be incomplete without considering such a problem as the peculiarity of relationships in the family of a serviceman. At the same time, under the family, we understood such a social group (cell of society), the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties - relations of marriage, parenthood, kinship of people living together and leading a common household.

    From this understanding it follows that the family reflects the system of interaction between the individual and the family, family and society, spheres of life associated with the satisfaction of certain needs of family members, and its most important function is “protective”.

    The following main functions of the modern family are distinguished:

    Reproductive-educational, which includes meeting the needs of men and women in marriage, fatherhood, motherhood, upbringing and self-realization in children, as well as socialization of the younger generation;

    Emotional and psychological, which consists in meeting people's needs for psychological comfort and emotional support, a sense of security, a sense of value and significance of one's "I", in sympathy, respect and recognition, emotional warmth and love;

    Cultural and leisure, which consists in meeting the needs for joint leisure and recreation, mutual spiritual enrichment, taking into account intellectual and cultural needs, the ratio of educational indices, work profiles of spouses;

    Material and household, consisting in meeting the material needs of the family, taking into account the ratio of income and property status of the spouses;

    Value-orientation, which consists in creating favorable conditions in the family for the comprehensive development of personalities, expressing the unity of life goals and aspirations;

    Social control, which consists in ensuring the implementation of social norms in the seven members of the family.

    The specifics of military labor significantly complicates the implementation of these functions. This is due to the influence of a number of factors that determine the characteristics of the life of the families of military personnel. Among them are:

    Socio-psychological discomfort in the family, specific stresses caused by the direct or indirect involvement of the family in the extreme circumstances of military life, as well as progressive socio-economic difficulties (lack of permanent housing, difficult living conditions, etc.) and other negative trends in the modern army environment.

    Exposure to factors of repeated socio-psychological adaptation with frequent changes in the place of service of professional military personnel, often associated with a significant change in natural-geographical, climatic, social and living conditions, which causes great physical and psychological stress.

    The regulation of the life of the family of military personnel, and as a result of this, the constant readiness to subordinate their lives to the requirements and prohibitions of the external environment.

    Early family formation, entry into the stage of parenthood when unprepared for marriage and family life of one, and often both young spouses, due to the limited choice, place and time of marriage for military personnel.

    Limited communication, emotional and psychological component, a kind of "distant" style of family life, due to the special conditions of military labor (excessive employment, lack of systemic rest, systematic combat duty, participation in the service of a daily outfit, business trips, exercises).

    The strong dependence of marital compatibility and family cohesion on the similarity of the family values ​​of the spouses and the personal qualities of the wife, who is able or unable to create a healthy, harmonious atmosphere in the family.

    The exposure of a serviceman to the constant impact of a specific factor of a homogeneous male team, which seriously affects himself and his family.

    A systematic deficit in the socio-psychological and socio-cultural communication of the family of a serviceman, in particular, a lack of communication between the family and close relatives, caused by the isolation and remoteness of the social space in which the family lives (residence in remote garrisons, military camps, rural settlements).

    For a better understanding of the military family as an object of social support, information about the known typologies of family life activities is of objective interest, on the basis of which essential features can be distinguished and military families can be classified according to belonging to a particular type.

    The following features are distinguished, the most significant for ensuring social work with the considered category of the population:

    In terms of the number of children among military personnel, the most common is a family with two children, accounting for approximately 46% of the total. About 35% are single-child families, 15% are families without children, and only a little more than 2% are families with many children. A comparative analysis of the data obtained in the course of studies conducted over the past decades has shown that there is a steady trend towards a decrease in the birth rate in the families of military personnel.

    In terms of composition, military families are traditionally nuclear families.

    In terms of family length, the most common is a family of middle marital age with children of school age. Also, a significant percentage are young families and families expecting a baby.

    Due to the special conditions of family life, more than 75% of military families show signs of a "distant" family.

    According to the homogeneity of the social composition, about half of the families of military personnel are socially homogeneous in terms of the level of education of the spouses, as the analysis of the literature and experimental data on this problem shows, the number of socially halogen families in terms of the level of professional activity has recently increased, which caused the frequent entry of military wives into military service.

    According to the presence of life difficulties, 3 types of military families are distinguished: temporarily problematic families (the presence of problems is due to the specifics of modern military service); chronic problem families (the presence of serious protracted problems, such as disability of children, long-term illness of family members, etc.); crisis families (families that are on the verge of collapse due to the impossibility of resolving life's difficulties).

    On a professional basis, families of officers are distinguished; families of cadets; families of privates and sergeants; military families - women; families of civilian personnel (workers and employees of law enforcement agencies).

    In relation to the military society, newly arrived families are singled out; families departing to the place of service of a serviceman; families - "natives"; families of military pensioners; families of retired servicemen; families of military personnel - veterans of the war in Afghanistan, participants in hostilities in hot spots.

    2. Main social problems of servicemen and their families

    2.1 The specifics of the social problems of military personnel

    Social work is aimed at helping individuals or social groups who are in a difficult life situation, face social difficulties, and due to belonging to a certain social group of a closed type, cannot cope with this on their own without resorting to the help of specialists.

    The specificity of professional activity related to military service contains certain objective factors that negatively affect military personnel and their performance of military duty. Before considering the complex of problems of people performing military service and ensuring the security of the state, it is necessary to give some definitions (see Appendix), which, in accordance with the current legislation, establish the status of the phenomena being determined.

    The main social problems of contract servicemen belonging to different compositions may be similar:

    Low income due to the economic problems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the result of which are low wage rates, delays in the payment of salaries.

    Also, problems with the financial support of the family arise due to the impossibility of military personnel to find additional earnings (legally prohibited by law, actually blocked by irregular working hours, covering almost the whole day), the lack of permanent housing and the need for high payment for renting private housing, difficulties with normal, well-paid employment wives, because even though they have a higher education, they often cannot get a job due to the limited number of jobs. All this often leads to the fact that the families of military personnel find themselves in a situation of social disaster.

    Problems with housing caused by the shortage of housing stock in the country as a whole, and in the Armed Forces in particular.

    This is due to a number of reasons:

    increased migration of personnel;

    reduction of the life fund of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; maintaining state housing debt to the Armed Forces;

    non-compliance by the federal authorities and authorities of the subjects of the federation with legislative acts on financing the construction and provision of housing for servicemen;

    the low level of material well-being of regular military personnel, which does not allow them to independently build or purchase housing;

    constant rise in house prices.

    Health problems, both for the serviceman himself and for his family members, are explained by the difficulties associated with the specifics of modern military labor (growth of social tension, increased physical and psychological stress, exposure to various destructive environmental factors, the need for constant socio-psychological adaptation to new conditions and etc.) and the inability to constantly receive highly qualified specialized medical care.

    Problems with the education and upbringing of children arise due to the repeated change of educational institutions, the inability to choose places of study, remoteness from cultural and academic centers.

    Overloading with official duties and their increased complexity interferes with normal participation in the upbringing of children and causes intra-family hyperprojection of relations to children due to the neuropsychic nature of military activity. Semantic conflicts are also not uncommon, when children do not share the value orientations of their parents.

    Problems with employment and the social status of military personnel are explained by the limited number of jobs in the field of service in the specialty. In remote garrisons and closed military camps, there are not enough jobs at all, which forces the wives of military personnel to remain unemployed. The status of the unemployed and unemployment benefits that women can receive in this situation cannot significantly affect the material well-being of the family. The entry of women under contract into military service is limited by a number of obstacles, therefore, many wives of military personnel are characterized by dequalification and the "failed career" syndrome, which can lead to increased tension in the family.

    Tension and socio-psychological discomfort in the family, caused, in addition to general family problems, by a number of specific factors: the growth of social tension, disappointment and uncertainty in the army environment, fatigue from material deprivation, frequent moves to uncomfortable places of residence, husband’s fatigue from difficult and hard work, the influence of a homogeneous male team on him, the lack of communication and the socio-psychological component in the family, the feeling of unrealized opportunities among the wives of servicemen, problems with children and uncertainty about their prosperous future, and many others.

    The problems of military personnel and their families are due to the duties assigned to them for the armed defense of the state, which provides for the urgent fulfillment of the assigned tasks in any conditions, including with a possible risk to life. This determines the characteristics of the social role system in which they operate, and the subordination structure is strictly hierarchical. Orders of superiors are not discussed and are subject to strict implementation, regardless of the attitude towards the order of the person who receives it. In addition, a serviceman (and in some cases his family) does not have the opportunity to choose an occupation and place of residence. A person doing military service is often exposed to adverse factors: emotional and physical overload, exposure to noise, vibration, chemicals, confined spaces, monotony, sensory deprivation (see appendix), constant forced contact with other military personnel, lack of privacy, interpersonal tension, interpersonal conflicts,

    The collapse of the former ideological system, in which the Armed Forces occupied one of the leading places as a symbol of statehood, patriotism, the sacred duty of protecting the Fatherland from external enemies, the absence of other values ​​that were supposed to replace the former ones, caused a moral and psychological crisis for many servicemen: feelings by them the aimlessness of their activities, the decline in the prestige of military service, the massive evasion of conscription into the army, the uncertainty of military personnel in the stability of their existence, their future.

    The universality of military service does not seem justified to society: the majority of the population supports the transition of the Armed Forces to the contract principle of formation and exclusively voluntary military service by citizens.

    Tension in the family of a serviceman can be caused not only by general family problems, but also by a number of specific factors; uncertainty about the future, fatigue from material deprivation and frequent moves to undeveloped places, difficult and stressful service; dissatisfaction of the wife with the insufficient participation of her husband in family life and the upbringing of children, the unfulfillment of their opportunities; concern for the fate of children, etc.

    This condition can be exacerbated by the feeling of being forced into military service, the inability to change one's life, the uncertainty of one's future, since dismissal from military service entails the loss of the right to some benefits, it is no secret that for a significant part of the military, military service is the only or the most suitable opportunity to obtain housing for a family.

    Military personnel subject to early dismissal from military service, as well as recently discharged, experience a social and psychological crisis, the depth of which depends on the length of their stay in military service, age, character traits, forced or voluntary dismissal from military service, the degree of solution of their social problems.

    Military families experience all the problems that are typical for any family, but they also have their own difficulties. The resources of the serviceman's family are involved in maintaining the defense capability along with the personal resources of the serviceman himself, ensuring to a large extent his health and performance. However, the family does not receive adequate compensation for these resources. The family follows the military personnel to their destination, where there are often difficulties with housing, there is no possibility of employment of the wife, and the climate is often unfavorable for children, there is no social and pedagogical assistance to the children of military personnel, pedagogical correction in order to eliminate learning difficulties, eliminate educational defects, social adaptation of children and adolescents with problems. Repeated relocations of the family of a serviceman to a new place of his service force children to adapt each time to a new school and a new team. Existence in the conditions of a military camp, fenced off from the outside world, can give rise to a syndrome of socio-psychological deprivation of military personnel and members of their families.

    legal social serviceman family

    2.2 Research data on some social problems of military personnel and their families

    In the study of the monetary allowance of military personnel as the main social guarantee, the dynamics of the income of military personnel is considered on the example of changes in the monetary allowance of military personnel of typical military positions since 2002. Comparison of the remuneration of military personnel was carried out:

    1) with wages for some categories of subjects of civil labor;

    2) with a living wage in the country.

    When calculating the average amount that a serviceman receives monthly, for a more objective data acquisition, a one-time cash payment at the end of the year, a bonus for exemplary performance of military duty per month, and income tax payments were also taken into account. The calculation used the method of determining the degree of approach of the family of a serviceman to the poverty line using the coefficient of family well-being, proposed by S.S. Solovyov:

    Accordingly, when the security coefficient is less than one, the family of a serviceman is below the poverty line. Values ​​equal to one correspond to the minimum standard of consumption at the level of physiological survival. The rational standard of consumption is achieved with the values ​​of the coefficient of at least two units. Table No. 1 (see Appendix) shows that the average family of a serviceman with two children in the period from 2002 to 2008 was below the poverty line, since the coefficient was less than one. For a family of three, this indicator, with a general upward trend in the period from 2002 to 2008, remains at the level of the subsistence minimum and in 2008 is 1.21. Even senior officers (in the rank above major) have an income that does not meet the rational standard of consumption, since the value of the security ratio in the period from 2003 to 2007 is less than two. And even after the increase in the amount of monetary allowance from October 1, 2008, the value of the coefficient remains at the level of 1.48. The ensign's family welfare ratio, although it has a general upward trend, even taking into account the increase in monetary allowance since October 1, 2008, remains below unity, at the level of 0.97. In addition, the planned increase in monetary allowance in August 2009 by 8.5% already at the beginning of 2009 does not provide an increase in well-being, even a decrease in the security ratio is observed.

    As statistics show, the wives of servicemen, in the case of employment, mainly work in the socio-cultural sectors. The adjusted security ratio, taking into account the salary of the wife, is given in Table No. 2 (see Appendix). Employment of the wife of a serviceman pushes his family away from the poverty line; only families with one child can achieve a rational level of consumption. Even the families of senior officers (with a rank above major) have an income that does not meet the rational standard of consumption, since the value of the security coefficient in the period from 2003 to 2006 remains less than two (Table 2). In 2008, as a result of a significant increase in wages in the socio-cultural sectors associated with the introduction of a new form of remuneration, military families reach a rational level of consumption if the spouse works. But there are significant difficulties in its employment. And even under this condition, families with two children do not cross the threshold of rational consumption.

    As a result of the planned increases in pay, unfortunately, most likely, it will only be possible to equalize the level of the total monetary income of the family of a serviceman with the average income in the country. The value of the average subsistence minimum for a household of military personnel serving under a contract in various regions of the Russian Federation, military districts and fleets has a pronounced regional specificity. Therefore, the higher the subsistence minimum in the region, the more difficult the living conditions for families of military personnel. Improvement of the system of social protection of servicemen should go in the following directions: increase in monetary allowance; solution of housing problems; improving the pension system; improvement of the medical support system; social adaptation of those transferred to the reserve; cultural, commercial and consumer services.

    In comparison with the Russian practice, the social protection of the military personnel of the United States, France, Great Britain, where it is systemic, is considered, aimed at ensuring decent conditions for remuneration of military labor, including both direct regular payments and additional, special and compensatory payments, various allowances and benefits.

    As a result of the study of the system of social protection of military personnel in foreign countries, it was found that in the process of reforming in the Russian Federation, it is possible to use foreign experience. As specific measures to strengthen social protection as a result of the operation of the social protection system for military personnel, the following is proposed:

    1. Further increase in the amount of monetary allowance as the main element of the system of social protection of military personnel. The size of monetary allowance, according to the experience of the United States, should outstrip the size of wages in the civilian sphere. In the short term, it is necessary to bring the amount of monetary allowance in line with the average wage in the country. To do this, it is necessary in 2009 to increase the salaries for military positions and ranks by 30% and annually index them to the level of inflation.

    2. Since the financial situation of the family of a serviceman largely depends on the amount of monetary allowance, as an additional measure to equalize the social position within the socio-professional group itself, it is necessary, according to the experience of France, to develop a system of family benefits. It is advisable to set the amount of family allowances in proportion to the number of children in the family. At the same time, the amount of the allowance should be equal to one subsistence minimum per child.

    3. Provide for an increase in lump-sum compensation with an increase in the number of movements and with a decrease in the time between movements. Accordingly, it is necessary to increase the amount of payment in percentage terms for the next move and introduce additional compensation if the interval between two successive moves is less than three years.

    4. Introduce additional payments in connection with the renegotiation of the contract. According to the experience of the leading countries of the world, payments for the extension of service life should be the higher, the more scarce the specialty, and increase with each new extension. In the event of early termination of service, the amounts paid shall be withheld in proportion to the unserved time.

    The second paragraph of the third chapter deals with one of the most acute social problems - the provision of housing for Russian servicemen. There are currently two programs in this area:

    1) for military personnel who retire to the reserve upon reaching the age limit (by length of service) - "State Housing Certificates" (GZhS);

    2) for graduates of military universities and concluding the first contract - "Savings and Mortgage System" (NIS).

    Under the GZhS program, the subsidy is calculated on the date the certificate is issued, the amount of which is determined by multiplying the estimated number of square meters by the average cost established by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction, Architectural and Housing Policy. For the first half of 2009, by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 303 dated December 26, 2008, the standard cost of 1 m2 of total housing area in the Russian Federation was approved in the amount of 26,500 rubles. According to the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service, the average price of housing per 1 m2 of total area in the Saratov region in the fourth quarter of 2008 in the primary housing market was 28,577.29 rubles, in the secondary market - 29,635.5 rubles. Thus, a serviceman, having expressed a desire to live in Saratov after his dismissal and noting this in the report, will not be able to acquire the number of square meters assigned to him and his family according to the certificate in the Saratov region (unless additional funds are raised). Therefore, it can be argued that a further increase in the average cost of 1 m2 of total housing area used in calculating the amount of the subsidy is required. It is necessary to establish the cost of 1 m2 when calculating the subsidy in accordance with the data of the Federal State Statistics Service. At the same time, the amount of the subsidy should not be less than the cost of 1 m2 of housing in the previous quarter.

    The procedure for the functioning of the NIS is determined by the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 No. 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel”, which translates the state’s obligations to military personnel in providing housing in kind (providing an apartment) into cash (gratuitous subsidy for the purchase housing). The participation of a serviceman in the accumulative mortgage system is not legally associated with recognizing him as in need of better housing conditions or any other conditions. The new form of housing provision has several goals at once:

    firstly, the realization of the right of servicemen to housing as one of the forms of social guarantees for servicemen;

    secondly, the factor of citizens' interest in performing military service, that is, one of the ways to increase the attractiveness of military service.

    The size of the annual contribution to the personal savings account of the NIS participant is expected to increase annually, taking into account the planned inflation. In 2005, this amount amounted to 37 thousand rubles, in 2006 - 40.6 thousand rubles. In 2007, the amount of the funded contribution per NIS participant was increased to 82.8 thousand rubles, at the rate of 26 thousand rubles. per one square meter. In 2008 this figure was 89.9 thousand rubles, in 2009 - 168 thousand rubles.

    Since banks provide mortgage loans with a down payment of 10% of the cost of housing, in 2008 a loan could be provided for 1,604,000 rubles. If a serviceman's family consists of three people, according to the social norm, he is entitled to 54 m2, and an apartment of such an area in Saratov cost in the first quarter of 2008 about 1,543,173 rubles in the primary housing market, and 1,600,317 in the secondary housing market, respectively. rub. As can be seen from the calculations, the accumulated funds should be enough. If a serviceman has two children and the social norm of living space rises to 72 m2, then the amount is already insufficient (2057.5 thousand rubles, 2133.7 thousand rubles).

    By continuing to accumulate funds, it is possible to switch from the savings to the mortgage program within the framework of the NIS not after three years, but after accumulating a sufficient amount of funds. Thus, at the beginning of 2009, the personal account of the first NIS participant will accumulate 250.3 thousand rubles, and by 2010, respectively - 418.3 thousand rubles.

    According to V. Klokotov, President of the Guild of Realtors at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Saratov Region, the official statistics are underestimated. They show the lower limit of the cost per square meter on the outskirts of the city. Real housing prices are 10-15% higher. Among the regions of the Volga Federal District, the Saratov Region occupies the 7th place in the new housing market, and 11th in the secondary housing market. The cost of housing at the end of 2008 in the Moscow region in the primary market was 66,301.06 rubles. per m2, in the secondary housing market - 73,705.46 rubles. The range of housing prices across the country is very large. The housing market in Kaliningrad, Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Perm and other industrial cities repeats the Moscow one with a lag of about two years.

    Thus, realistically evaluating the situation, it should be recognized that the NIS participant is unlikely to be an attractive client in the housing market in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other large Russian cities.

    In 2007, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation began an experiment on mortgage lending to military personnel. The average size of a loan issued in 2007 amounted to 1.2 million rubles. The implementation of the NIS that has begun has revealed its shortcomings:

    1. The envisaged mechanism of housing savings makes it possible to acquire housing with low consumer properties, and only in remote regions of the country. More than 60% of apartments purchased on the secondary market were purchased in residential buildings with a service life of more than twenty years.

    2. The dependence of housing provision on market conditions and the lack of guarantees for the provision of housing for servicemen who have joined the NIS.

    3. Excluded from participation are military personnel who signed a contract before 2001.

    The NIS program does not provide for the indexation of funds accumulated on a personal account of funds. Only subsequent installments increase. Accordingly, those who enter this program later are in more favorable conditions. It is necessary to index the funds already on the account annually to the level of inflation. The amount of savings does not correspond to market prices for housing, therefore, the legal right of a serviceman to purchase housing in any city in Russia cannot be exercised. The law does not differentiate payments in accordance with the price of housing in different regions and localities.

    The indicator of the excess of 25% by 2020 of the total amount of the monetary allowance of servicemen over the average wage, which is included in the strategy, is insufficient. According to the speaker of the Federation Council, such an excess should be at least 75-100%. The approach to optimizing the structure of monetary allowance should be the same. Its basis, at least 80%, should be salaries for military positions and military rank. Worthy salaries for servicemen and, accordingly, worthy military pensions must be guaranteed by law. In addition, the issue of increasing monetary compensation for sanatorium treatment, as well as improving the quality of medical care, will have to be resolved.

    Thus, the main task in improving the system of social protection for servicemen is to raise the level and quality of their lives, taking into account the increased efficiency of using budgetary funds invested in the military social sphere.

    2.3 Technology of social work with military personnel and members of their families

    The technology of social work is a set of scientific knowledge, tools, techniques, methods and organizational procedures aimed at optimizing the object of social impact.

    The most important types of social work technologies include: social diagnostics, social therapy, social correction, social rehabilitation, social prevention. They focus on a holistic approach to a person, taking into account his interests, needs, value orientations, on creating conditions conducive to mobilizing the potential of the internal forces of the individual to solve problems and difficulties.

    One of the conditions that ensure the effectiveness of social work with various categories of the population is the development and implementation of social work technologies, with the help of which it is possible to carry out a wide range of social, socio-economic, socio-psychological, medical, social and other activities.

    Under the technology of social work with military personnel and members of their families, one should understand the guarantee of the exercise of their rights and freedoms, the satisfaction of their material and other needs, the provision of benefits and compensation for the special conditions of military service, the protection of their personality from arbitrariness, rudeness, encroachments on life and health, as well as ensuring the safety of military personnel in the process of daily activities and combat training.

    The technology of social work with military personnel is carried out both directly in the conditions of the Armed Forces and in society as a whole.

    The direct executors are deputy commanders for work with personnel, military psychologists, lawyers, and specialists from military medical institutions.

    Combat commanders and leaders of any rank must ensure, within their competence, the social security of their subordinate military personnel and their families.

    One of the most important tasks is to comply with all the rules and benefits that are required for military personnel in accordance with current legislation, to ensure such social and living conditions that do not destroy the health and performance of people performing military service.

    The goals of the technology of social work with military personnel are to restore physical and mental strength. Servicemen need to protect their rights and conduct educational, adaptive, cultural and recreational activities.

    One of the most important functions of social work technology is the elimination of tension in relationships, conflicts in the team, as well as the rallying of military teams, especially in closed military cities, garrisons, cut off from families and society for a long time.

    For this purpose, group therapy methods are used in the form of conversations and games. Identification of psychological compatibility or incompatibility of people for the acquisition of the most viable or stable teams.

    The technologies of mental training and psycho-correction are most common when working with large groups of people, which, of course, include military personnel.

    Stimulation of positive psychological reactions and suppression or smoothing of negative reactions is necessary in conditions of constant and forced communication with other people.

    It is necessary to teach people to soften the negative traits of their character, to practice engaging communication that neutralizes possible aggression from others, to resolve problems at the pre-conflict stage.

    With the help of auto-training, military personnel can learn how to manage their emotions, self-recover after heavy loads. Carrying out such work is also possible in the form of group therapy, that is, in the form of creating self-help and mutual support groups.

    Cultural and leisure activities in the Armed Forces may be of much greater importance than in other spheres of life. It provides an opportunity not only to restore lost strength, but also to unite the team, to manifest freedom.

    Social work should contribute to a wider involvement in it of all comers, to provide appropriate equipment and inventory.

    The success of social adaptation of citizens of the Russian Federation, dismissed from the Armed Forces, and members of their families largely depends on the ability to choose the most accessible and effective forms and methods of work, taking into account the characteristics of various categories of military personnel.

    An important direction in the technology of social work with military personnel is work with their families.

    A certain contribution to improving the situation of military personnel and their families can be made by socio-economic work, the organization of self-help and mutual assistance of families of military personnel, the development of elements of small-scale production, cooperative forms of labor.

    Organizers of social work can perform the functions of consultants and managers, intermediaries in contact associations and associations of wives of military personnel with social protection authorities, medical institutions, other bodies and institutions.

    The development of a special system of family counseling and family therapy is of great importance to alleviate tension in the families of military personnel, to prevent conflicts or crisis situations. In cases of living far from large cities, the presence of such a service will be the only opportunity for families of military personnel to receive professional assistance in stabilizing the family.

    The family of a serviceman is naturally in the center of attention of a military specialist in social work, and its problems constitute one of the most important areas of his activity.

    The main directions of social work with the families of military personnel are set out in the directive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 1998 No. D-No. 6 "On the organization of work with the families of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

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    1. Socio-psychological characteristics of the officer's family.

    2. Ways to overcome conflicts in the family.

    Recently, the attention of researchers in the field of the family has begun to shift from general theoretical problems, covering the most generalized provisions, to a more local setting. As a rule, these are sociological studies that affect common features on one of the selected grounds. This is how the works describing the families of students, workers, i.e. families selected by professional topics.

    The Sun is faced with the problem of research

    military families. The allocation of this group of families, their presentation in the form of an object, in my opinion, is legitimate. Define-

    the division of such an object of study is explained by the fact that the proposed group is united by a clearly expressed professional sign - namely, the belonging of one of the family members to the personnel service in the Armed Forces, and that their representation is sufficiently large. An important argument for staging the family of a serviceman as an object of social. research, there is an ever-increasing need for a comprehensive study of the Armed Forces themselves and, above all, their personnel.

    Already in the first approximation to the object under consideration, it is necessary to take into account the more rigid, and as a result, the deeper determinism of the family of a serviceman on the part of his professional activity. This is determined by the specific features of the military profession, which are comprehensively regulated by legislative acts.

    The last 10-15 years have been notable for relatively interesting studies of the family of a serviceman in such areas as pedagogy and psychology, where the issues of family formation and the preparation of cadets for marriage were analyzed. (See Candidate dissertation Minko N.I. “Education of a communist attitude to creating a family among a cadet”, M., VPA, 1976, p. 223.)

    A direct, well-founded and scientifically described position for the social. research was not created, and the problem itself continued to remain in the shadows, and today the study of this problem is becoming a real need. This is due to the great significance on the one hand and little study on the other.

    Apparently, it will be legitimate to study the family of a / employee in considering the relationship with professional activities. This, in fact, will determine both the research method and the content. This will also determine the subject of study of our object. This will make it possible to reveal more deeply the specifics of the object under study, to highlight the special that is inherent in it. At the same time, it is very important and interesting to consider the problem of the impact of the family on professional activity.

    Considering the problem of the impact of professional

    on the family, it is necessary to bring the results of the following social.

    research. This is what 90 percent. military families live in military

    rodkas and garrisons in remote areas, often not connected

    the developed infrastructure of the given area, but the certain expediency of performing a combat mission. As a result, 33 per cent. military wives do not work due to lack of jobs, 15 percent. work outside their specialty. For 10-15 years of service, the family moves 4 or more times to a new place of service, as a result of which it finds itself in a new social environment and is forced to adapt. The working day of military personnel is not regulated and averages 340-360 hours per month, which leads to clearly insufficient attention to the family, affects the formation of other role characteristics of family members, and even leads to deformation of some functions.

    Since 1983, sociological and socio-psychological studies of officer families have been carried out in units and subdivisions of the Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Central Asian Military Districts, in the Pacific Fleet, and in the Balt. Navy, as well as in the schools of the city. Blagoveshchensk, Kaliningrad, Kolomna, Leningrad, Ryazan.


    The mutual influence of the family and military service is due to a number of reasons arising from the tasks and goals of the military professional activity of an officer in the defense of the Motherland. The belonging of a military person to one or another Type of the Armed Forces, the nature of his official activity, the deployment of units and subunits, their mobility, a direct connection with combat readiness - all this is reflected in the nature of intra-family relations and the functioning of the family.

    Features of the functioning of the officer's family.

    FAMILY is a small social group, the need for which is due to the need of the society in the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population. From marital, at first glance, deeply personal relationships, the consequences are far from personal, but social.

    The officer's family, performing basically the same social functions as

    and any other family, is greatly influenced by the specifics

    in / service, which is reflected in her socio-psych. features:

    Firstly: patriotic orientation, the constant readiness of the officer's family to subordinate their lives, their fate to the high requirements of service in the Armed Forces;

    Secondly: the need for repeated adaptation when moving to a new duty station, associated with a change in natural, climatic, domestic, social conditions, which causes great psychological and physical stress on the officer and his family;

    Thirdly: psychological discomfort, stress and conflicts, often caused by the lack of housing, the possibility of finding a job for an officer's wife, getting a place in a children's institution, insufficient medical care, etc.

    Fourthly: the lack of communication between the officer and the family, strict time regulations, which adversely affects the psychological climate of the family, the upbringing of children, gives rise to dissatisfaction with the needs of family members for attention, care, etc.

    Fifthly: the dependence of the cohesion of the officer's family on the high moral and psychological qualities of the officer's wives;

    Sixth: a special value and significance for the officer of the hearth due to the fact that his official activity is extremely intense, requiring full dedication to maintain combat readiness, sometimes at the risk of life.

    The most important natural biological function of the family and its direct purpose is the continuation of the human race. For the sake of this goal, the institution of the family actually arose. However, the birth rate in the country continues to fall. Apparently because of this, as well as the specifics of the service, the families of officers give a narrowed, often simple reproduction of the population. Studies of past years have shown that families of senior officers have an average of less than 2.5 children per married couple, which ensures simple reproduction. The wives of young officers prefer to have, as a rule, no more than two children. Orientation to 3 or more children is extremely rare. According to the data of previous years, there are 1044 children per 1000. Currently, the situation remains the same: 1-2 children per family. Only five percent of the respondents expressed a desire to have 3 or more children. The importance of the reproductive function of the family is also determined by the growth of human resources as one of the components of military potential

    countries. Narrowed reproduction - a consequence - the insufficiency of the draft contingent. All this leads to a change in the national composition of the army, affects the problems of training, education, selection of personnel, etc. That. the problem becomes a national one and has a direct impact on the country's defense power.

    It has been proven that only a morally healthy family has such a system for the transmission of social information that allows the child to master it with maximum speed and completeness.

    The successful fulfillment by an officer family of the function of socializing new generations also depends on the general nature of intra-family relations, on the pedagogical and psychological preparation of spouses to fulfill parental roles. Studies have shown that the bulk of officer families successfully cope with this function.

    The evidence for this is:

    higher school performance of children of military personnel compared to others;

    more active participation in social work. However, there are exceptions. That. military families play a very significant role in the moral education of the younger generations.

    The economic and production function of the officer's family includes:


    Compliance with the budget

    the employment of family members; and other social and domestic aspects of family activities.

    Now social issues are increasingly coming to the fore.

    The most acute problem is housing. There are no such garrisons, wherever she stands. A rare military family does not go through renting an apartment, which causes serious damage to the budget. And it's hard to find an apartment. And the shortage of housing in the Armed Forces is on average 10-12 percent, while in other garrisons a third of families do not have an apartment. And these are mostly young families. The lack of a roof over your head does not help to strengthen the family.

    In the compounds of MVO, LVO, BF, where studies were carried out -

    1/3 also do not have apartments, more than 60 percent. need improvement

    housing conditions. Only 18 percent of the respondents are completely satisfied with their housing. Therefore, 80 per cent. officers indicate the cause of quarrels in the family - housing disorder. There is only one way out of this problem - it is necessary to develop and implement a housing construction program for military families on the scale of the Armed Forces.

    No apartment - no registration, which means there is practically no work. Studies of past years show that about 1/3 of officers' wives remain outside the sphere of social labor. A questionnaire survey in 1989 showed that in the Ground Forces only 29 percent were employed in the specialty. of the surveyed wives of officers, the Air Force - 26 percent, the Navy - 37 percent.

    Lack of household services (in a big city there are

    · 800, and in the garrison you won’t get 8), the remoteness of retail outlets and other enterprises greatly increases the amount of economic activity of the officer’s family, this requires high cooperation of its members in the process of joint functioning.

    The ability of the officer's family to organize their activities well is the most important condition for its stability. And vice versa - inability leads to tension in family relations and is even one of the reasons for divorces among military officers.

    There is another important type of family life - the organization of leisure. But I will not dwell on it in detail, since it is not difficult to reveal it.

    It should only be noted that about 90 per cent. of the interviewed officers indicated the need to increase the time for spending leisure time as part of the family, because in the service he spends 12 - 14 hours a day. Weekends are 2-3 per month - this was stated by 39 percent. of respondents in the army, in the air force - 53 percent, in the navy - 45 percent. Summing up, we can say that they have from one to three days off a month in the Army - 81 percent, Air Force - 80 percent, Navy - 93 percent.

    The solutions to the problem are obvious:

    more independence;

    solve the problem of housing;

    solve the problem of household and children's

    institutions, etc. Recreational (rest) function is carried out

    by restoring the physical forces expended in the process

    official activity. As a survey of officers in one of the units carrying the database showed: after the change, 16 percent. officers feel

    Fine; 45 percent - satisfactory; 9.9 (i.e. every tenth) before taking up duty experiences severe physical and moral fatigue. Good health is noted by 50.6 percent; excellent - 24.7 percent. almost a quarter of officers fail to recuperate after service, which makes it necessary to seek additional opportunities for recreation.

    To date, more than 60 percent are not satisfied with the organization of leisure. interviewed officers. There is a lack of free time. Therefore, during the year, the officer reads: an average of 3-4 works of art, 4-5 times he goes to the cinema. More than 50 per cent. officers do not visit the House of Officers, 4 percent. visit it several times a year or no more than once a month.

    The lack of time for one's own development can lead to a significant decrease in the level of the general culture of officer cadres and a weakening of their positive influence on subordinates.

    That. the family is a complex system of the most diverse connections, the quantity, and most importantly, the quality of which determines its strength. The greater the number of ties interconnected by family members, the stronger the bonds connecting them, the more stable and viable the family.

    However, it is known that the family as a cell of society develops dialectically, through its inherent contradictions, which can be latent or turn into an open form of quarrels and disagreements. Contradictions in the family are usually local in nature and reflect the inability of spouses or family members to adequately perceive the ongoing changes in the composition and structure of the family, in individual family functions. In order to help spouses stabilize their relationship, it is necessary to know the mechanism of family functioning, the causes of family conflicts, and ways to overcome them.


    Marriage stability and conflict in the family are two sides of the same problem. The best way to stabilize family relations is the ability to overcome conflict situations, the occurrence of which is due to both the individual characteristics of the spouses and their inadequate ideas about each other.

    The relationship of spouses, as well as their family interaction, is generally difficult to study. The concept of the stages of the family life cycle made it possible to conduct a socio-psychological analysis of relationships, trace the dynamics of the development of the officer family, and also identify the main problems that it must solve in certain, the most important periods of its functioning, in order to remain viable. The periodization of marriages was carried out according to the duration of family life:

    0-1 year = very young;

    1-3 = young;

    3-5 = medium;

    5-10 = mature;

    · 10-15 and more = elderly.

    1. Socio-psychological characteristics of the officer's family.

    2. Ways to overcome conflicts in the family.


    1. A. Kharchev, "Marriage and family", M., 1979.

    2. N.N. Obozov, "Interpersonal Relations", M., 1979.

    3. Yu. Sytnikova, "Psychological states of a person, their classification, activity", N. Nov., 1975.

    4. D. L. Baskina, "When there are two in the answer", M., 1976.

    5. Collection of scientific papers "Socio-psychological and legal aspects of the study of personality" M., 1988.

    6. Semikina T.A. "Officer's family. Socio-psychological aspects of its strengthening", Ph.D. dis., M., GA VS, 1990.

    7. Matskovsky M.S. "Sociology of the family: problems of theory", M.,

    Science, 1989.

    8. Evchenko "The family of a young officer ...", Ph.D. dis., M. GA VS, 1991.

    9. Mgimov "Social security of the US Armed Forces", Foreign Military Review, 1991, N12.

    10. N.Minko "Education of a communist attitude to the creation of a family in a cadet.", Ph.D. dis., M., VPA, 1985.

    11. Alymov N.S. "The family of a Soviet officer", M., Military publishing house,

    Recently, the attention of researchers in the field of the family has begun to shift from general theoretical problems, covering the most generalized provisions, to a more local setting. As a rule, these are sociological studies that affect common features on one of the selected grounds. This is how the works describing the families of students, workers, i.e. families selected by professional topics.

    Before the Armed Forces, the problem of researching the families of servicemen arises with all necessity. The allocation of this group of families, their presentation in the form of an object, in my opinion, is legitimate.

    the division of such an object of research is explained by the fact that the proposed group is united by a clearly expressed professional sign - namely, the belonging of one of the family members to the personnel service in the Armed Forces, and that their representation is sufficiently large. as an object of social research, there is an ever-increasing need for a comprehensive study of the Armed Forces themselves and, above all, their personnel.

    Already in the first approximation to the object under consideration, it is necessary to take into account the more rigid, and as a result, the deeper determinism of the family of a serviceman on the part of his professional activity. This is determined by the specific features of the military profession, which are comprehensively regulated by legislative acts.

    The last 10-15 years have been notable for relatively interesting studies of the family of a serviceman in such areas as pedagogy and psychology, where the issues of family formation and the preparation of cadets for marriage were analyzed. (See Candidate dissertation Minko N.I. "Education of a communist attitude to creating a family among a cadet.", M., VPA, 1976, p. 223.)

    A direct, well-founded and scientifically described position for the social. research was not created, and the problem itself continued to remain in the shadows, and today the study of this problem is becoming a real need. This is due to the great importance on the one hand and little study on the other.

    Apparently, it will be legitimate to study the family of a / employee in considering the relationship with professional activities. This, in fact, will determine both the research method and the content. This will also determine the subject of our research object. This will make it possible to reveal more deeply the specifics of the object under study, to highlight the special that is inherent in it. At the same time, it is very important and interesting to consider the problem of the impact of the family on professional activity.

    Considering the problem of the impact of professional activity on the family, it is necessary to present the results of the following social. research. This is what 90 percent. military families live in military camps and garrisons in remote areas, often not connected

    developed infrastructure of the area, but a certain expediency of performing a combat mission. As a result, 33 per cent. military wives do not work due to lack of jobs, 15 percent. work outside their specialty. For 10-15 years of service, the family moves 4 or more times to a new place of service, as a result of which it finds itself in a new social environment and is forced to adapt. The working day of military personnel is not regulated and averages 340-360 hours per month, which leads to clearly insufficient attention to the family, affects the formation of other role characteristics of family members, and even leads to deformation of some functions.

    Since 1983, sociological and socio-psychological studies of officer families have been carried out in units and subdivisions of the Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Central Asian Military Districts, in the Pacific Fleet, and in the Balt. Navy, as well as in the schools of the city. Blagoveshchensk, Kaliningrad, Kolomna, Leningrad, Ryazan.


    The mutual influence of the family and military service is due to a number of reasons arising from the tasks and goals of the military professional activity of an officer in the defense of the Motherland. The belonging of a military person to one or another Type of the Armed Forces, the nature of his service activities, the deployment of units and subunits, their mobility, a direct connection with combat readiness - all this is reflected in the nature of intra-family relations and the functioning of the family.

    Features of the functioning of the officer's family.

    FAMILY is a small social group, the need for which is due to the need of the community in the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population. From marital, at first glance, deeply personal relationships, the consequences are far from personal, but social. The officer's family, performing basically the same social functions as any other family, is greatly influenced by the specifics

    in / service, which is reflected in her socio-psych. features:

    Firstly: patriotic orientation, the constant readiness of the officer's family to subordinate their lives, their fate to the high requirements imposed by service in the Armed Forces;

    Secondly: the need for repeated adaptation when moving to a new duty station, associated with a change in natural, climatic, domestic, social conditions, which causes great psychological and physical stress on the officer and his family;

    Thirdly: psychological discomfort, stress and conflicts, often caused by the lack of housing, the possibility of finding a job for an officer's wife, getting a place in a children's institution, insufficient medical care, etc.

    Fourthly, the lack of communication between the officer and the family, strict time regulations, which adversely affects the psychological climate of the family, the upbringing of children, gives rise to dissatisfaction with the needs of family members for attention, care, etc.

    Fifthly: the dependence of the cohesion of the officer's family on the high moral and psychological qualities of the officer's wives;

    Sixth: a special value and significance for the officer of the hearth due to the fact that his official activity is extremely intense, requiring full dedication to maintain combat readiness, sometimes at the risk of life.

    The most important natural biological function of the family and its direct purpose is the continuation of the human race. For the sake of this goal, the institution of the family actually arose. However, the birth rate in the country continues to fall. Apparently because of this, as well as the specifics of the service, the families of officers provide a narrowed, often simple reproduction of the population.

    Past research has shown that senior officer families average less than 2.5 children per couple, allowing easy reproduction. The wives of young officers prefer to have, as a rule, no more than two children. Orientation to 3 or more children is extremely rare. According to the data of previous years, there are 1044 children per 1000. Currently, the situation remains the same: 1-2 children per family. Only five percent of the respondents expressed a desire to have 3 or more children.

    The importance of the reproductive function of the family is also determined by the growth of human resources as one of the components of the military potential

    countries. Narrowed reproduction - consequence - insufficiency

    recruiting contingent. All this leads to a change in the national composition of the army, affects the problems of training, education, selection of personnel, etc. That. the problem becomes a national one and has a direct impact on the country's defense power.

    It has been proven that only a morally healthy family has such a system for the transmission of social information that allows the child to master it with maximum speed and completeness.

    The successful fulfillment by an officer family of the function of socializing new generations also depends on the general nature of intra-family relations, on the pedagogical and psychological preparation of spouses to fulfill parental roles. Studies have shown that the bulk of officer families successfully cope with this function.

    The evidence for this is:

    Higher school performance of children of military personnel compared to others;

    More active participation in community work. However, there are exceptions. That. military families play a very significant role in the moral education of the younger generations.

    The economic and production function of the officer's family includes:


    Budget compliance;

    Employment of family members; and other social and domestic aspects of family activities.

    Now social issues are increasingly coming to the fore. The most acute problem is housing. There are no such garrisons, wherever she stands. A rare family of a military man does not go through renting an apartment, which causes serious damage to the budget. And it’s not easy to find an apartment. And the shortage of housing in the Armed Forces is on average 10-12 percent, and in other garrisons a third of families do not have an apartment. And these are mostly young families The absence of a roof over one's head does not contribute to the strengthening of the family.

    In the compounds of the Moscow Military District, LVO, BF, where the research was carried out, 1/3 also does not have apartments, more than 60 percent. need improvement

    housing conditions. Only 18 percent respondents are completely satisfied with housing. Therefore, 80 per cent. officers indicate the cause of quarrels in the family - housing disorder. There is only one way out of this problem - it is necessary to develop and implement a housing construction program for military families on the scale of the Armed Forces.

    No apartment - no registration, which means there is practically no work. Studies of past years show that about 1/3 of officers' wives remain outside the sphere of social labor. A questionnaire survey in 1989 showed that in the Ground Forces only 29 percent were employed in the specialty. of the surveyed wives of officers, the Air Force - 26 percent, the Navy - 37 percent.

    Lack of household services (in a big city there are

    800, and you won’t get 8 in the garrison), the remoteness of retail outlets and other enterprises greatly increases the volume of economic activity of the officer’s family, this requires high cooperation of its members in the process of joint functioning.

    The ability of the officer's family to organize their activities well is the most important condition for its stability. And vice versa - inability leads to tension in family relations and is even one of the reasons for divorces among military officers.

    There is another important type of family life - the organization of leisure. But I will not dwell on it in detail, since it is not difficult to reveal it.

    It should only be noted that about 90 per cent. of the interviewed officers indicated the need to increase the time for spending leisure time as part of the family, because in the service he spends 12 - 14 hours a day. Weekends are 2-3 per month - this was stated by 39 percent. of respondents in the army, in the air force - 53 percent, in the navy - 45 percent. Summing up, we can say that they have from one to three days off a month in the Army - 81 percent, Air Force - 80 percent, Navy - 93 percent.

    The solutions to the problem are obvious:

    * more independence;

    * solve the problem of housing;

    * solve the problem of household and children's

    institutions, etc. Recreational (rest) function is carried out

    by restoring the physical forces expended in the process

    official activity. As shown by a survey of officers in one of the

    parts carrying the database: after the change of 16 percent. officers feel

    Fine; 45 percent - satisfactory; 9.9 (i.e. every tenth)

    before taking up duty, he experiences severe physical and moral fatigue. Good health is noted by 50.6 percent; excellent - 24.7 percent. almost a quarter of officers fail to recuperate after service, which makes it necessary to seek additional opportunities for recreation.

    To date, more than 60 percent are not satisfied with the organization of leisure. interviewed officers. There is a lack of free time. Therefore, during the year, the officer reads: an average of 3-4 works of art, 4-5 times he goes to the cinema. More than 50 per cent. officers do not visit the House of Officers, 4 percent. visit it several times a year or no more than once a month.

    The lack of time for one's own development can lead to a significant decrease in the level of the general culture of officer cadres and a weakening of their positive influence on subordinates.

    That. the family is a complex system of the most diverse connections, the quantity, and most importantly, the quality of which determines its strength. The greater the number of ties interconnected by family members, the stronger the bonds connecting them, the more stable and viable the family.

    However, it is known that the family as a cell of society develops dialectically, through its inherent contradictions, which can be latent or turn into an open form of quarrels and disagreements. Contradictions in the family are usually local in nature and reflect the inability of spouses or family members to adequately perceive the ongoing changes in the composition and structure of the family, in individual family functions. In order to help spouses stabilize their relationship, it is necessary to know the mechanism of family functioning, the causes of family conflicts, and ways to overcome them.


    Marriage stability and conflict in the family are two sides of the same problem. The best way to stabilize family relations is the ability to overcome conflict situations, the occurrence of which is due to both the individual characteristics of the spouses and their inadequate ideas about each other.

    The relationship of spouses, as well as their family interaction, is generally difficult to study. The concept of the stages of the family life cycle made it possible to conduct a socio-psychological analysis of relationships, trace the dynamics of the development of the officer family, and also identify the main problems that it must solve in certain, the most important periods of its functioning, in order to remain viable. The periodization of marriages was carried out according to the duration of family life:

    * 0-1 year = very young;

    * 1-3 = young;

    * 3-5 = medium;

    * 5-10 = mature;

    * 10-15 or more = elderly.

    The first, adaptation stage -

    This is the period of initial entry into the spiritual world of each other, mutual addiction, distribution of roles, as well as the arrangement of everyday life for the organization of leisure. There is still no ability to live as one. The habits and demands of people who are free from family responsibilities make themselves felt, the mechanisms of mutual adaptation and the ability to reckon with the opinion of another have not been adjusted.

    The second stage of family development is associated with the birth of a child, which leads to a major restructuring in the relationship of spouses in the role structure, the emergence of new parental responsibilities and, in connection with this, to a change in leader, redistribution of the time budget, material budget, etc.

    By this time, there are still no single value orientations and attitudes, but there are many serious problems. A young woman is responsible for the life and health of a child, she has the right to expect help from her husband, and he is in the service for 12-14 hours. only for the family, but also for recreation, etc. During this period, the largest number of conflicts falls.

    The third stage is characterized by more sustainable and stable relations. The roles were defined and ceased to be a source of controversy. However, it is also not simple, because associated with the upbringing of children. The main difficulty here is the lack of communication between fathers and children. During this period, as a rule, service growth occurs.

    officer, the volume of work, employment in the service increases. Therefore

    all questions of upbringing lie with the wife. Nevertheless, studies show that if the officer is the leader in the family, then the upbringing process is successful.

    The fourth stage is characterized by stability, established relationships. The children grew up and became the cementing beginning that makes the family stronger. At this time, the least number of conflicts is observed.

    The fifth stage is connected with the further stabilization of relations. Women, imbued with the importance of tasks, military duty, become more tolerant. The financial situation is getting better. Children have already grown up and the former interdependence in their upbringing is moving to another level.

    The process of psychological adaptation of spouses lasts a lifetime. And not a single, even the most prosperous family can do without conflicts and disagreements. Based on the study of the specifics of conflicts in the officer's family, the following classification of their causes, sources, forms and dynamics of manifestation is proposed. (See Table 1.)

    2K L A S I F I C A C I A of marital conflicts in an officer's family

    Inadequacy of premarital ideas about real life;

    Lack of culture of communication and knowledge of ethics and psychology of living together;

    Discrepancies in the intimate sphere;

    The contradiction of the world-carrier. attitudes and values. orient.;

    Inconsistency of role-playing family functions;

    Uneven distribution. household loads;

    The difference in views on education. children;

    Financial disputes;



    * psychological incompatibility;

    * misunderstanding of each other;

    * clash of interests;

    * dissatisfaction mater. and spiritual needs;


    * lack of time devoted by the officer to the family;

    * extreme autonomy of the spirit "I";

    * the inability of the wife to find a job;

    * lack of housing;

    * lack of places in gardens, nurseries;

    * hoz.- everyday life. disorder;



    * does not appear outwardly;

    * demonstrative silence;

    * a rare gesture or look that speaks of disagreement, discontent;


    * frank conversation in the correct form;

    * verbal abuse;

    * physical abuse by actions;


    short-term; (one-time) long-term.

    An analysis of the factors led to the conclusion that the relationship of the spouses, and hence the stability of the officer family, is influenced, first of all, by the conditions of their life in the garrison, as well as the level of their psychological maturity, the culture of communication.

    Studies show that the stability of an officer's family depends not so much on material as on spiritual needs.

    spouses. Almost every family of a serviceman experiences a lack of time, which causes negative emotions.

    The most common and frequent reason for quarrels is an unsatisfied sense of self-worth, the values ​​of our "I". Barbs, criticism of character traits, habits, etc. are especially painfully perceived. When a person cannot establish himself in his own family, discomfort begins, negative emotions and feelings are formed and consolidated.

    Family conflicts and disagreements are closely related to the problem of psychological compatibility. Typically, conflict

    This is a consequence of the incompatibility of any forces within one person or between spouses and family members.

    Psychological incompatibility is the inability to understand each other in critical situations, the asynchrony of psychomotor reactions, differences in attention, thinking, and other innate and acquired personality traits that impede joint activity. (N.N. Obozov, "Interpersonal Relations", L.,

    Overcoming conflicts depends on the ability of spouses to argue without causing personal insults, on the ability to be tactful, diplomatic, and on the ability to compromise.

    The most characteristic dynamics of the development of conflicts can be represented as follows:

    1. The emergence of a contradiction;

    2. The emergence of a conflict situation. Conflict does not arise instantly. It is preceded by hidden or open processes.

    3. Increased conflict tension. An increase in irritability, an increase in negative reactions to something. For a person in this state, the slightest cause is enough for a conflict to arise. Therefore, it must be prevented at this stage, when contradictions are just emerging. The main thing is to identify the cause and eliminate it.

    4. The emergence of circumstances that aggravate the conflict. For the transition of a conflict situation into a conflict, the last push is needed. This push can be anything: a gesture, a word, etc.

    5. The onset of the conflict is accompanied by an open clash of the parties in a sharp, emotional form, up to offensive statements, and sometimes even physical actions.

    6. The resolution of the conflict is one of the crucial moments, because a non-objective solution does not eliminate its cause, but only exacerbates the contradiction between the spouses.

    7. The post-conflict period is characterized by deep feelings of spouses, understanding of their positions.

    However, the development of conflict in the family can go in other ways:

    In a harmonious family, it is resolved constructively and relations are stabilized;

    In a disharmonious one, it leads to repeated conflicts, and if they are repeatedly not resolved, to a break in relations.

    Conventionally, all marital conflicts can be divided into internal (intra-family) and external (determined by official activities, etc.) (see diagram 1.)

    Internal conflicts are the result, first of all, of the fact that in one family there are people who have opposite views on the most important issues of family life. Often there is an unspoken, sometimes even unconscious dispute for leadership in the family, which leads to an aggravation of contradictions, to serious violations of intra-family communication.

    Lack of education, lack of flexibility in communication, inability to control oneself, etc. lead to significant and prolonged tension.

    Personality conflicts, confrontation between a sense of duty and desire, conflicts of conscience can be resolved on a partner, who in this case plays the role of a lightning rod.

    The situation is even more complicated if the soldier is physically and psychologically tired. He loses control over emotions, is not able to evaluate the arguments of another. And the outcome of a conflict situation often depends on the state in which the spouses are. In our relationships with loved ones, we are often subjective and often do not make an attempt to assess "whether THEY are right, and whether we find fault with them for nothing."

    One of the reasons for quarrels may be the circumstance that the officer may be deeply dissatisfied with himself. When his desires do not coincide with his capabilities, disappointment sets in, and he is ready to blame anyone for his failures. The family in such cases

    teas takes all the blows on itself. Similarly, it happens if the wife does not have the opportunity for self-expression. Her internal dissatisfaction is reflected in family members.

    External - the contradictions of the spouses are manifested in the fact that one of them, or both, strive for autonomy. A person defends the right to a separate personal sphere. Such encroachment to independence causes discontent of the second spouse. A showdown, a conflict is brewing.

    Example: drinking with friends, gambling, a long absence from home leads to quarrels.

    Another example is life in dormitories, communal apartments, relations with neighbors, if they do not "get along" - all this leads to conflicts, and they sometimes last for years, poisoning people's lives.

    The purpose of the socio-psychological study in one of the garrisons of Middle-Az. VO was to highlight the social-psych. aspects of family difficulties that lead to conflicts, as well as the degree of influence of these conflicts on the performance of officers.

    As a result, it turned out that the specific feature of the military family is the complexity, the interdependence of all its aspects:

    Motives for marriage;

    Perception of family relationships;

    Interpersonal communication of spouses and their behavior in conflict situations;

    Satisfaction with marriage, etc.

    The study of marital relations is impossible without an analysis of their emotional characteristics, incl. such important characteristics as LOVE and sympathy. The measurement of this parameter confirmed that the main motive for marriage was "love and sympathy" - 53%; spiritual closeness - 27%. In the process of family life, such factors as "mutual understanding" acquire the most importance and become desirable - 86%; harmony of intimate relationships - 88%.

    However, destabilizing factors also emerged. One of them is the reluctance of a young woman to live in a remote garrison (typical for marriages lasting 0-5 years). Therefore, when choosing a spouse, officers give preference to such a factor as "willingness to follow the husband at the place of service" - 46%.

    Other destabilizing factors:

    The problem of misunderstanding and unwillingness to understand each other - 40% of women and 48% of men experience mutual understanding. Moreover, 20% of women and 23% of men have family conflicts because of this.

    The reason lies in the fact that although many of them have higher education, the culture of communication in some families remains quite low, and therefore conflicts arise.

    Disagreements in spending the family budget turned out to be one of the least conflicting problems.

    But the analysis of psychological compatibility shows that conflicts arise in 30% of families due to its absence.

    The most conflictogenic was the problem associated with the inattention and rudeness of one of the spouses. Women are especially sensitive to it. 28% of respondents indicated it as the main cause of major conflicts.

    In 30% of women, inattention on the part of the spouse causes a conflict that is less acute. But in any course of the conflict, each of the 50% of women noted this circumstance as a source of deterioration in family relations.

    The analysis shows that inattention and rudeness never act as the only cause of family conflicts. They are accompanied in almost 100% of cases:

    The use of alcoholic beverages;

    Suspicion of infidelity;

    Psychological incompatibility.

    The use of alcohol in 10% of families causes acute conflicts, and in another 8% - especially strong ones. In general, 37% of women indicate the use of alcoholic beverages as the cause of family conflicts. Men recognize this problem only in 28% of cases.

    Quite serious disagreements in the families of military officers arouse suspicion of infidelity. Because of this, 19% of women and 22% of men suffer, that is, in every fifth family one or even both spouses make claims against each other, suspecting in infidelity.

    Studies show that in the first period of marriage (up to 5 years), senior husbands show a greater tendency to adapt than women.

    31% of women are not ready to go to conflicts in conflict situations

    relations, while husbands tend to avoid open conflict.

    Husbands in such cases yield 2.6 times more often than wives.

    That. the stability of the officer family, satisfaction with marriage is ensured by the desire to understand each other and the ability to constantly adapt to new conditions.

    That. it can be concluded that in order to avoid many conflicts, it is necessary to pay great attention to the issue of family relations even at the school, preparing cadets for officer service.

    The growing level of divorces, which in officer families mainly occurs in the first years of marriage, speaks of the unpreparedness of officer youth. At the same time, studies show that 75-80% of cadets start a family while still in school, and military practice has shown that this is a good trend, because. this officer is more responsible for his official duties, and ultimately achieves moral, psychological and social maturity faster. But this problem is not solved effectively in schools, it is given little attention. "Are you ready for family life?" - from 40 to 80% answered "No", "Not really", "Difficult to answer". (Minko N.I., "Educating cadets' communication attitude to creating a family." Diss., M., VPA, 1985.) When married cadets were asked: "Are their wives ready, in their opinion, for the upcoming life in a remote garrison ?”, then from 40 to 60% answered “No”, “Not really”, “Difficult to answer”.

    Summing up, we can say that the research data once again lead to the conclusion about the need to organize systematic preparation for family life in higher educational institutions (91% of the surveyed cadets spoke in favor of this). It should have two directions:

    The first is the training of all cadets, the purpose of which is to help them realize the main problems that arise when entering into marriage, and the need for their frank and truthful agreement with the bride before starting a family. (Baskina A.L., When there are two in the answer.

    The second - should be focused on directly entering into marriage. (Sat. scientific works. "Social-psychological aspects of the study of personality", M. 1988)


    Family and domestic relations in / with are a rather complex, multifaceted and important object of scientific research for practice. In modern conditions, when each component of the combat power of the Armed Forces is of particular importance, the influence of family relations on the morale of the military forces cannot be ignored. The increase in BG, the increased complexity and tension in / activities require maximum composure, mental stamina, mobilization of all the physical and spiritual forces that an officer draws from his own family. Therefore, it is so necessary that this source gives life-giving force, physical and emotional health .