Fines for transporting children without a car seat or what parents are fined for on the road

My family and I had to think about this topic not in theory, and now the question of transporting the still future Lyalka in a car is the sharpest edge. Even if we are not going to drive around the city every day and beyond with a newborn baby, we will definitely have to take him in the car at least once - after all, you can’t go by bus from the maternity hospital, right? And these monthly (or even more often) trips to the doctors ... So the question is relevant even for couch potatoes.

Of course, a lot has been said about child safety. And yet there are a million questions. Why can’t you carry a baby in your arms, what are these special chairs for newborns and children up to a year old, what are they, how do they differ and which, in the end, is better to choose? We understand the topic together with experts and the traffic police.

NOT a car seat

Everyone knows that children need to be transported only in a special restraint, but only babies are carried not in a chair, but in a special infant carrier. From a car seat for older children, it differs in weight category.

The name of the cradle speaks for itself - in it the baby lies or reclines. This is important, because babies do not sit up to six months, and planting it on purpose is very harmful for the child - the skeleton is still being formed, he is learning to hold his head for several months ... In general, it is impossible.

It should be taken into account that not all children sit down as ordered at six months, some even later. So the option “I’ll ride for half a year on the handles, and then put me in a chair” will not work. Again, because all car seats "work" depending on the weight of the small passenger.

There are two types of cradles: "0" and "0+". The first allows you to transport children weighing up to 10 kg, the second - up to 13. It would seem, why such a division? The experts explained to us.

Category "0" is suitable for children from birth. All cradles of type "0" without exception are equipped with an insert for newborns and they are used up to about a year. Cradles of category "0+" do not always have an insert, and you can carry babies in them from about 4 months to 1.5 years. The liner is often removed for the winter, because the child is already in warm overalls. It is also removed as the child grows, so the bed becomes a little deeper.

According to the rules

It would not be superfluous to recall what they say about the transportation of children Rules of the road:

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using special child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and on the front passenger car seat - only with the use of special child restraints.

clause 22.9 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation

Yes, many parents naively believe that the baby is safe in the arms of mom or dad. However, it is enough to have a common sense and a little imagination to imagine what would happen if a car with a child “fastened” so unreliably gets into even a minor accident.

The fundamental need to fix a child in a car in a special child restraint, and not in the hands of a parent, is due to the fact that during sudden braking (impact) at a speed of 50 km / h, the weight of a passenger increases by more than 30 times. That is why carrying a child in your arms is considered the most dangerous: if the weight of the child is 10 kg, then at the moment of impact it will already weigh more than 300 kg, and it is almost impossible to hold it in order to protect it from a sharp blow to the front seat.

Another note is information for those parents who believe that careful driving will save them from getting into an accident and, therefore, free them from the need to transport the child in a cradle. According to the traffic police, the majority of accidents (76%) in which children were injured are car collisions. But at the same time, in 95% of cases, accidents occurred on asphalt roads, in 79% of accidents occurred in dry weather, 82% - during daylight hours, 77% - in clear weather. And most importantly, the average speed during the accident was 51 km / h. That is, the vast majority of accidents with children occurred under ideal traffic conditions. That is, in simple words, even if you drive carefully, nothing will insure you from an accident.

Unfortunately, the neglect of elementary security measures by parents, not only for themselves, but also for the child, can end very tragically. Especially if the child is on the arms while driving. In this case, it is a mistake to believe that, holding it in our arms, we protect it. In a collision or sudden braking, the weight of the passenger increases several times, and it is almost impossible to keep the child from a sharp blow. If at the same time the adult himself is not fastened with a seat belt, then this is certain death for the baby. It has been proven that nothing better than special restraints for transporting children protects them in the moment of a collision.

Press release traffic police

According to law enforcement, the restraint reduces the likelihood of cervical sprains in children under the age of two years by 90%. In addition, according to studies, children under four years old and weighing up to 18 kg in 70% of cases are more protected than older children, which means that transportation in a chair or in a cradle is more relevant for them. According to the World Health Organization, the use of child restraints can reduce infant mortality by 71% and older children by 54%.

Finally, we recall that for parents who are too risky, a fine of 3,000 rubles is provided. In this case, a fine is imposed not only if the device is missing, but also if it is used incorrectly.

How and where is it better to put the cradle

According to statistics, the majority of car parents (46.1%) install child car seats right behind the driver. This choice is explained by the fact that in an extreme situation, which is any accident, the driver instinctively tries to take the blow away from himself, respectively, and the place behind him is the safest. A smaller half (38.1%) decide to put a seat behind the front passenger, another 7.9% choose the golden mean of the rear sofa in the cabin, and finally, the remaining 7.9% even put a car seat in the front seat. So how is it right?

The safest place to install a child seat in a car is in the middle seat in the back seat. The most unsafe is the front passenger seat. The car seat is placed there as a last resort, with the airbag necessarily turned off. Also be sure to check the tension of the belts - they should not sag.

traffic police brochure "Car seat for children!"

As for the direction in which the cradle should “look”, law enforcement officers give recommendations on this matter.

For at least one year, children must ride in the car with their backs in the direction of travel. This is due to the fact that a small child has a relatively heavy and large head with weak cervical vertebrae. If the car brakes hard, a child in a forward facing position can injure the cervical spine.

Press release of the traffic police of Bryansk

How to choose the safest carrycot

Speaking about the safety of use, you need to pay attention to the mount. On this issue, the opinions of our experts differed. In one store, we were told that all infant carriers are fastened only with car seat belts. According to another consultant, there are still models that are attached using the Isofix system. If you find one, don't forget to check if it's possible in your car.

Isofix is ​​a rigid attachment to the car body. According to the traffic police, this method is more reliable and "this is confirmed by numerous independent crash tests." In addition, the Isofix system significantly reduces the chances of incorrect installation of the child seat.

The presence of such an option as side impact protection is also important. It is not available in all models, but it can also be found in budget ones. So it is better to look for a cradle with it.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the presence of protection against side impacts. It is a soft bumper inside the cradle that fixes the baby's head. In the event of a blow to the side of the car, the baby will be protected from neck and head injuries.

Evgenia, consultant of the Auto baby store

And, finally, like all products for children, the infant carrier must have a quality certificate.

Any car seat must be marked according to the European Safety Standard - ECE R44/03 or ECE R44/04. In addition, car seats are subject to mandatory certification in Russia.

traffic police brochure "Car seat for children!"

What else to look for when choosing

In addition to safety, the issue of convenience and comfort is equally important. And if the design of the cradle is indifferent to the baby, then you should seriously think about convenience. After all, if the child is uncomfortable, he will not endure, but simply arrange a concert for you.

Look at the shape of the bed - it should be gentle, not very deep. It will also be better if the cradle has a special soft pillow-liner for newborns, it should not be flat.

Appreciate the convenience of the handle. Many people use the infant carrier just as a carrier - why disturb the child and pull him out of the bassinet when you can just take it with you? Another point follows from this - the cradle should not be very heavy. According to the consultant "Auto baby", buyers usually try to choose models weighing up to 3 kilograms. Just imagine how much weight you will carry when the baby weighs 8-10 kilograms. Then the difference in the weight of the device and 1-2 kg will become significant.

Cradles from different price categories differ in the quality of the fabric. Although they are all synthetic, some manufacturers offer so-called "breathable" upholstery, which will appeal to the child in hot weather. According to our experts, models with such a fabric are offered, for example, by Recaro or Chicco.

Car moms will also appreciate such an opportunity as removing the upholstery from the cradle. It will come in handy if the device gets dirty and needs to be washed. According to experts, this option is also not available in all models, but it is not the prerogative of the most expensive ones either.

Manufacturer and price

Experts named Leader Kids (China), Inglesina (Italy), Brevi (Italy), Recaro (Germany) and Chicco (Italy) as the most widespread and popular brands.

Chikko and Recaro, in our opinion, are the highest quality, and their price, although not the lowest, is quite acceptable - about 10-15 thousand rubles. It turns out good value for money.

Evgenia, consultant of the Auto baby store

Basically, buyers do not look at the manufacturer, but choose according to the price - up to 3 thousand rubles. Companies such as Leader Kids (China), Inglesina (Italy) and Brevi (Italy) are popular. If we take into account the value for money, then Inglesina is probably better. And the choice of models (both in terms of price and quality) is larger in Leader Kids.

shop assistant "Daughters and sons"

If we talk about the cost and how you can save money, then you can consider buying "hands on". After all, this is not a stroller, which is sometimes used for up to four years, the cradle is used for a year at most. During this time, she does not have time to wear out, get dirty at most. But this is not a problem if the upholstery is removable and washable.

In the secondary market, a car seat can be bought even for 500 rubles and, as they say, indefinitely. In any case, the private ad market makes it possible to purchase a more expensive and cooler model, but at an order of magnitude lower price. True, the choice of used goods will have to be taken more carefully. First, find the model you like in a regular store, study all the pros and cons. Then inspect the goods already in place, meticulously checking the completeness and integrity of all parts.

Another important point: you need to be sure that the chair has not been in an accident, so inspect it carefully for any damage. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that it will again be able to protect the child from damage, because it has already been deformed.

Until June 2017, according to Russian law, children under 12 could only be transported in a car in a car seat or other specialized devices. However, today children after the age of seven can already ride without a special device using only special seat belts. Let's find out the rules for transporting children in a car and take a closer look at how to transport an infant in accordance with traffic rules.

How to transport children in the car

  • Toddlers under seven years of age must be carried with the use of DUU (child restraints). It is allowed to transport a child both in the back and in the front seat (if a used car seat or booster is provided for this) in a car, gazelle and other trucks;
  • Children aged 7-12 are allowed to travel without a seat or other similar device in the back seat of a car or in the cab of a truck. At the same time, the child must be fastened with car seat belts or using the ISOFIX child restraint system;
  • Schoolchildren 7-12 years old are allowed to be transported in the front seat only in a car seat or using other permitted child restraints that correspond to the age, height and weight of the baby;
  • When transporting in the front seat, it is imperative to turn off the front airbag;
  • Adolescents after 12 years of age must comply with the general traffic rules that apply to an adult;
  • Children under 7 years old are not allowed to be left in the parking lot or while parking without adult supervision. Traffic rules allow you to leave the baby when making a stop for no more than five minutes;
  • You cannot carry a child in the back seat of a motorcycle until he reaches the age of 12;
  • A car seat is also required for transporting children in taxis under the age of seven. When calling a car, warn the taxi dispatcher that a small child will go, and ask if the car is equipped with a restraint device;
  • Fine for transporting a child without a car seat or other permitted restraint up to seven years, as well as other violations of transporting children in a car - 3,000 rubles;
  • The fine for non-compliance with the rules of parking and parking a car with a child under seven years old in the cabin is 500 rubles.

What DUU can be used

According to the definition in the SDA, child restraint systems or devices are a set of plastic straps with buckles, adjusting mechanisms and fasteners, fixing parts. The device is attached to the inside of the car body. These include a baby carrier for newborns and small babies, a removable child car seat or impact shield, and an extra seat.

According to the traffic police rules, since June 2017, soft seat covers in the form of pillows, blankets and other products that are not fixed cannot be used to transport children. Transportation in a frameless child seat is prohibited.

You can transport a baby with an adapter or a fest-type corrector in the front or rear seat, which is equipped with regular diagonal seat belts. Child restraint FEST - separate straps of the seat belt. Products are used for preschoolers from 3 to 7 years old with a body weight of 15-25 kg.

The booster can transport schoolchildren 7-12 years old and weight category from 22 to 36 kg. It introduces a backless car seat that lifts your little one up a level to secure them with the standard car seat belt. It is permissible to use a booster for children over three years old and weighing more than 15 kg, if the device model is designed for this.

Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to transport a child in the front seat. For such transportation, child restraint systems are required! By the way, traffic rules do not indicate how many months or years it is allowed to transport a baby in the front seat. Therefore, such transportation is permissible from birth with the obligatory fixation of the crumbs with a special holding device. Always deactivate the front airbag when transporting in the front seat!

Types of car seats

Choose products according to the age, weight and height of the baby. The division by age is rather conditional, because each child develops individually. First of all, consider the height and weight of the baby. Devices are divided into five main categories:

  • 0 - infant carriers for the smallest children, installed in a supine position. Suitable for babies from the first weeks of life up to a year, weighing up to ten kg. What body weight is typical for infants, read in the article “The norm of weight gain for a baby up to a year”;
  • 0+ - an infant carrier with more advanced functionality, which is installed in a reclining position. Transportation is carried out both face and back to the course of transport. Suitable for children from the first days of life up to 1.3-1.5 years with a body weight of up to 13 kg;
  • 1 - the device is used for crumbs from one to four years old with a height above 78 cm and a body weight of 9 to 18 kg. Transportation is carried out only facing the direction of movement of the machine. Such a product is suitable for that child who knows how to confidently crawl and stand, walk a little;
  • 2 - products with an adjustable backrest and a seat belt for preschoolers 3-7 years old, while the weight of the child should vary between 15-25 kg;
  • 3 - boosters for schoolchildren 7-12 years old weighing from 22 to 36 kg.

They also produce intermediate models that have several modes and, if necessary, are transformed. These are 0+/1 car seats for babies from birth to three or four years old weighing up to 18 kg. And universal products 1/2/3 for babies from one year to 11-12 years old, where the body weight is 9-36 kg. And other similar models.

Use of a car seat for children

Despite the innovations in the traffic rules, traffic police inspectors still recommend installing specialized restraints for schoolchildren over seven years old. The classic security system using regular car belts becomes reliable only for passengers who are taller than 150 centimeters.

Traditional car seat belts do not guarantee the safety of a child in a car during road traffic. In addition, due to insufficient growth of a person, the strap will press on the neck.

As practice shows, car seats reduce the risk of injury to infants under three years of age by 80%, babies under ten years of age by 52%. Special children's devices provide maximum safety, effectively protect against damage and shock. Do not use car seats after an accident, as they may not survive a second such test!

Today, manufacturers offer various devices and models. You will find budget products with an affordable price, light weight and easy application. You can also purchase comfortable universal multifunctional chairs that will serve the child from the first weeks of life to 11-12 years.

In addition, some models can be transformed into a cradle, a rocking chair and even a high chair. Read about the pros and cons of using a high chair for babies. We will pay special attention to how to transport a newborn in a car.

Features of transporting a newborn in a car

Parents are interested in whether it is possible to carry a baby in a car. You can do this, but subject to certain rules. The transportation of a newborn baby and a baby is distinguished by some features. In this case, you need to install a special infant carrier or car seat for the smallest.

Instead of a special car seat, you can not transport the baby in the cradle from the stroller! This attachment is not designed to be used in a vehicle and does not provide the necessary safety. This cradle can only be used as a carrier in shops or hospitals.

Do not hold the child in your arms in the car while driving! In the event of an accident, it is impossible to hold the baby due to the instantaneous, unexpected and strong load, and he flies into the windshield. In addition, in the event of a collision or impact, an adult with the whole body weight can fall on the baby. This reduces the chances of survival to zero.

Install the infant carrier exclusively against the direction of travel of the vehicle. When located along the course during sudden braking, the baby may accidentally tilt his head or make a nod, which is very dangerous for the fragile neck of the baby. By the way, the seat behind the driver is considered the safest. For babies up to three months old, special rollers are recommended to be placed in the cradle on both sides of the head. They additionally fix the head of the crumbs.

Let's dwell on how you can transport a newborn from the hospital. This should also be done in an infant carrier or car seat 0+. Never carry a baby in your arms! Pick up a jumpsuit or an envelope with straps that are fixed in restraints. You can find the full list of items to be checked out here.

How to choose a car seat and infant carrier

  • Choose new devices and don't buy used ones unless you're sure about past use. Remember that after an accident, many car seats no longer provide proper safety;
  • Reliable and proven products with an approved safety standard have the designation ECE R44/04 or R44/03;
  • When choosing, be guided by the height, age and weight of the child;
  • More comfortable and practical to use will be a model with a backrest that is adjustable in several positions. Additional convenience will be created by soft armrests, compact dimensions and low weight, a removable cover and a visor from the sun, wind and precipitation;
  • The seat in the car seat must be ergonomic with an orthopedic shape;
  • The product must necessarily include an anatomical tab for the baby's head and fasteners that will not allow the baby to relax or unfasten the belt on their own;
  • Pay attention to the materials of the product. A suitable option would be hypoallergenic and breathable, durable and good-quality fabrics with good ventilation. This is especially important for newborns, who often have allergies;
  • For vehicles with ISOFIX mounting, choose the appropriate car seat;
  • Before purchasing, study reviews and information about the model, manufacturer and manufacturer, compare specifications and look at crash tests;
  • If possible, “try on” the chair before buying. Plant the baby and see if the baby is comfortable.

Top best car seats for kids

Product Description Body weight/recommended age/category Price
1 Recaro Young Profi Plus Comfortable and convenient product with light weight, fastened to both belts and Isofix, fixing the child inside with additional belts, installation against the machine up to 13 kg / 0 -1.5 years / 0+ 1800 rubles
2 Nania BeOne SP Plus Lightweight and comfortable car seat with orthopedic seat shape, removable upholstery and anatomical insert up to 13 kg / 0 -1.5 years / 0+ 3000 rubles
3 Inglesina Huggy Light weight and comfortable car seat, additional internal straps and anatomic insert, orthopedic seat shape up to 13 kg / 0 -1.5 years / 0+ 8000 rubles
4 MIMA IZI GO CAR SEAT Safe and eco-friendly handmade genuine leather device, installed in the car and attached to the stroller, light weight 3.6 kg and compact size, convenient to use up to 13 kg / 0 -1.5 years / 0+ 18500 rubles
8 Maxi-Cosi Priori SPS Comfortable and comfortable chair with additional fastening straps inside and adjustable backrest 9-18 kg/ 1-4 years /1 11300 rubles
5 JOIE EVERY STAGE Versatile and functional chair with adjustable backrest and additional fixation inside, front and back facing, heavy construction up to 25 kg / 0-7 years /0/1/2 15000 rubles
7 Liko Baby Barty LB 718 Comfortable chair with additional fastening inside and installation forward or backward facing, anatomical inlay and 4 backrest tilt modes up to 25 kg / 0-7 years /0/1/2 5400 rubles
6 Mr Sandman Venice Comfortable and light for its category chair with adjustable backrest, installation in the direction of the car and against it, anatomical cushion and additional fixation inside up to 25 kg / 0-7 years /0/1/2 4800 rubles
9 Chicco Quasar Comfortable and lightweight booster weighing less than 1 kg, installation in the direction of travel, removable cover 15-36 kg/ 3-12 years old/ 2/3 2500 rubles
11 Concord Transformer T Isofix Comfortable and secure device with Isofix mounting, adjustable seat width, 20 positions of tilt and back height adjustment, comfortable armrests 15-36 kg/ 3-12 years old/ 2/3 15300 rubles
10 Cybex Solution M-Fix Stylish chair with an interesting design, fastened to both belts and Isofix, adjustable backrest, removable cover and anatomical insert 15-36 kg/ 3-12 years old/ 2/3 14600 rubles
12 Happy Baby Taurus Deluxe Lightweight and practical economy class booster with removable eco-leather lining, easy assembly and operation 22-36 kg/ 7-12 years/ 3 2000 rubles

We examined how to properly transport a child and how to choose high-quality road transportation. However, it is important to properly organize the trip, especially for newborns and infants. Do not forget to take drinking water, wet and dry wipes, and changeable diapers. If you are going on a long trip, tips from

The driver who left the child alone in the car will be fined 500 rubles, and children over 7 years old were allowed to be transported in the back seat without a car seat

On July 3, the Government of Russia published a Decree on Amendments to the Rules of the Road on the website of the Russian government. The most important innovations are those related to the rules for transporting children in a car. On the one hand, they have become tougher, and on the other hand, on the contrary, they have become more liberal. The new rules were planned to be introduced from January 1, 2017, and many media outlets announced this, but then it turned out to be a false start - the draft decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not signed by Dmitry Medvedev. Experts interviewed by Realnoe Vremya support the amendments, but specify that they could be improved. More details - in the material.

"Other means" excluded from the rules: restraints only

The first change in the rules of the road concerns the requirements for the carriage of children.

In particular, clause 22.9 is worded as follows: “The transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a car and a truck cab, the design of which provides for seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

Previously, this paragraph sounded like this: “The transportation of children is allowed provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle. Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using special child restraints appropriate for the height and weight of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and on the front passenger car seat - only with the use of special child restraints.

Currently, you can only transport a child in a child restraint. The type of device depends on the weight and age of the child and ranges from infant carriers to so-called boosters. Photo

No more litigation

The concept of “other means” that allows you to fasten a child with a regular seat belt was excluded from the rules. This concept of “other means” was interpreted too broadly by the parents: it meant both an adapter strap or frameless car seats, and just a pillow under the ass.

Currently, you can only transport a child in a child restraint. The type of device depends on the weight and age of the child and ranges from infant carriers to so-called boosters.

Recall that the most popular “other means” in Russia were FEST adapters from the Kostroma enterprise of the same name. Rosstandart in December 2016 stated that restraints of this type do not comply with technical regulations and are dangerous for the child. Disputes as to whether it is possible to fasten a child with various straps and adapters for a regular belt were constantly fought between drivers and representatives of the traffic police. In an attempt to defend the rightness, a resident of Yekaterinburg reached the Supreme Court of Russia; in February 2017, the highest court ruled in favor of the driver. The new rules have dotted the i's.

The fine for violating the rules regarding the transportation of children has not changed and amounts to 3,000 rubles.

Accelerator kids will be able to ride like adults

On the one hand, the exception to the rules of “other means” makes them more stringent, on the other hand, more liberal, because now only children up to 6 years old must be put into a chair. Children from 7 to 11 years old can ride in cars and trucks without a child restraint, but only in the back seat.

Children from 7 to 11 years old can ride in cars and trucks without a child restraint, but only in the back seat. Photo

Here is how this paragraph sounds in the new rules: “The carriage of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a car and a truck cab, the design of which provides for seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraints systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

Here, parents of large children, who could not be squeezed not only into a car seat, but also a booster, will breathe freely.

For car seats, a gap in the legislation in the form of “other means” that drivers used, and a restriction of up to 12 years, has been eliminated. Large children were not very comfortable in chairs - 11-12 years old, taller than dad, and he was forced to sit in a chair. Another thing is that they left the reference to age - this is not entirely logical. It must be tied to height - to allocate the maximum age and minimum height, after which the chair can no longer be used, - says Ramil Khairullin, representative of the Federation of Russian Car Owners in Tatarstan.

Irina Volynets, mother of four children and chairman of the National Parents' Committee, agrees with him.

This is a sound decision, because the use of car seats led to restrictions. For example, in my car, only two children can fit in the seats in the back seat, three without seats. And then the age - 7 years old - is no longer such a small child, the car's seat belt is enough. But, of course, you need to look at the complexion - someone at 7 years old is large, and someone at 10 years old is small. I would also introduce a dependence on the height and weight of the child, - says Volynets.

“I would also introduce a dependence on the height and weight of the child,” Volynets says. Photo

Alone in the car: under 7 years old is not allowed

The next major change concerns drivers who like to leave their child alone in the car for a couple of minutes to run to the store or pharmacy. Similar cases occur in Russia more and more often: sometimes a car with a child is taken away by a tow truck, sometimes children left in the cabin get a heat stroke. In 2013 in Ulyanovsk, a child left in a car leaned out the window and pressed the power window button. The girl died of suffocation - her neck was squeezed by glass.

Now clause 12.8 of the SDA has been supplemented with the following paragraph: “It is forbidden to leave a child under the age of 7 in the vehicle while it is parked in the absence of an adult.”

Previously, the paragraph stipulated only the behavior of the driver and sounded like this: “The driver may leave his seat or leave the vehicle if he has taken the necessary measures to prevent the spontaneous movement of the vehicle or its use in the absence of the driver.”

I fully support the changes regarding leaving children alone in the car - I do not approve of parents doing this, and the point is not only that it is hot in the car, but also that a small child may be afraid of an enclosed space and the fact that he can call anyone for help, - says Ramil Khairullin.

Ramil Khairullin fully supports the changes regarding leaving children alone in the car. Photo

The rules have changed, they forgot about the fine

“We have consistently pushed for these important changes. It took more than two years for the relevant amendments to the traffic rules to be adopted. This is a very correct, timely measure that will prevent many childhood tragedies. Dozens of children have died after being locked in cars in the heat or because they got entangled in seat belts. Every parent should know that under no circumstances should a child be left alone in a car!” - the former children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov reacted on Instagram.

Now, a child left alone in a car can be held liable not only under Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Leaving in danger”) and under Art. 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (“Failure by parents or other legal representatives of the obligations for the maintenance and upbringing of minors”), but also under Art. 12.19. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which regulates the stopping and parking of vehicles.

True, this article, as well as the penalty for failure to fulfill the duties of education, provides for a meager one - up to five hundred rubles. Legislators, who have repeatedly supported the idea of ​​tougher punishment for parents, have asked for harsher measures. For example, the same Pavel Astakhov at one time proposed to fine up to 5 thousand rubles, Olga Krasilnikova from Right Russia declared an amount equivalent to violating the rules for transporting children, and offered a fine of 3 thousand rubles, Vitaly Zolochevsky from Eldepeer spoke about the deprivation of rights for a period 1-2 years and a fine of 100 thousand rubles. It is possible that the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, following the traffic rules, will also be amended, and the punishment for drivers who left a child alone in a car will be more serious.

“We have consistently sought these important changes,” Pavel Astakhov responded. Photo by Maria Zvereva

They did not impose large fines so as not to cause social tension in society. Fines are not the goal, the goal is for drivers to know that such behavior - leaving a child alone - is not welcome, this prohibition has more psychological significance. But I think that legislators will observe, and if there are no fewer such cases, they will increase the fine, - Irina Volynets believes.

Daria Turtseva

A child is the most intimate thing a parent has. Therefore, modern society pays much attention to the safety of children.

This also applies to their movement in the car.

The rules of the road provide for a special restraint (seat) that can reliably protect against serious injury at the time of an accident.

What the Law Says

Everything about the rules for the transportation of minor passengers is described in clause 22.9 of the SDA of the Russian Federation. Almost every year, amendments are made to the Rules, dictated by the necessity and realities of modern life. The changes introduced in 2017 relate to the following points:

  1. It is allowed to transport a child without a child seat from 7 to 11 years old, but only in the rear seats;
  2. Passengers up to the age of twelve can ride in the front seats only in special restraint structures, which are also mandatory for use in the rear seats up to 7 years;
  3. Children under 7 years old should not be left alone in the car. For violation of the rule, a fine of 500 rubles is provided. throughout Russia and 2500 for the cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow;
  4. A child under 12 is not allowed to ride motorcycles, even in the back seats.

What tinting is allowed for front windows according to GOST

Violation of the rules for the transportation of small passengers describes part 3 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The responsibility for violation of the law rests with the driver.

Why is it dangerous to transport without a seat

According to the general statistics of road accidents in Russia, in 2017 there were 19581 accidents involving children under 16 years of age. Of these, 713 died and 21,136 were injured. Before the use of seats in cars became mandatory, the situation was several times worse.

Modern cars are not at all adapted to the transportation of small passengers and do not ensure their safety in the event of an accident. Children simply slip out of regular belts, airbags have a bad effect on them.

According to studies of road accidents, in 80% of cases of death could have been avoided using the simplest devices.

Types of chairs

The rules establish that restraints in the front seat are necessary for everyone who has a weight of less than 36 kg and a height of less than 150 cm. It is allowed to transport children without seats in the back only after 7 years.

Currently produced chairs are divided into 5 groups depending on the weight of the child:

  • 0 - for babies up to 10 kg or under the age of 1 year;
  • 0+ - for those who weigh up to 13 kg;
  • 1 - for children from 9 to 18 kg;
  • 2 - from 15 to 20 kg;
  • 3 - from 22 to 36 kg.

What penalties are provided for running a red light - can they deprive them of their rights?

Previously, adapters for conventional belts were popular in the country. Currently, they are actually banned. The manufacturer has been deprived of a license, and the devices themselves are recognized as unsafe. Thus, there is no need to use them, otherwise you can earn a fine.

Instead, boosters are allowed, but only for children over 7 years old. They are only needed so that the standard belt passes over the chest, and not around the neck of a small passenger.

You can fasten the child seat to the seat in the car with ordinary seat belts, but the child is already fastened to the seat with the straps of the car seat itself.

The best devices for children are those that are made from high quality materials, have passed all certifications and crash tests. They significantly reduce the risk of death in road accidents. In addition, their beneficial effect on the spine and posture of the crumbs has been scientifically proven.

Retaining devices for children began to be developed in the late 30s of the twentieth century. But only in 1958, according to the adopted Geneva Agreement under the auspices of the UN, universal basic rules for ensuring the safety of small passengers were adopted. In 1982, the new ISOFIX fastening system was introduced, which reduces the risk of improper seat installation and increases the rigidity of the entire structure.

Rules for transporting children in a car

According to the traffic rules, schoolchildren and infants can travel in the passenger compartment of a car or truck cab. It is strictly forbidden to move them in a body or trailer.

Transportation of more than 8 people is considered organized.

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For the transport of the smallest passengers, it is necessary to install an infant carrier in the rear seat. It is fastened with conventional seat belts perpendicular to the movement of the vehicle. The child is located in it horizontally and is fastened with the help of a wide strap of the seat itself, passing through the passenger's stomach.

This position of the baby contributes to the fact that he feels safe, his fragile bones do not lend themselves to excessive stress. The device is designed only for babies up to 6 months and takes up a lot of space in the car.

Older children are transported in a reclining position. The chair, if necessary, can be installed with your back to the movement of the car. The tilt level of the carrycot is adjustable to minimize strain on the neck.

You need to understand that when a parent carries a child in his arms, then in a collision, his weight increases several times, it is simply impossible to keep the baby under such conditions. To avoid danger, this is strictly prohibited.

Children under 12

Passengers from 7 to 12 years old can travel in the back seat of a car without a special seat. You just need to fasten your seat belt.

If there is a need to transport a child in the front seat, the use of a car seat is mandatory.

Children whose weight exceeds 36 kg and their height is 150 cm are considered an exception to the rule. Such passengers can ride without a seat, but fastened with regular straps.

Child over 12 years old

After reaching the age of twelve, all restrictions that are set for infants and schoolchildren are removed. A teenager is equated to an adult passenger and the main thing for him remains - the use of a belt.

The number of the decision on violation of traffic rules - how to decipher and pay the fine online?

Taxi and public transport

Transportation of children over 8 people is considered organized. In this case, other rules apply:

  • The journey must take place in a bus, not in a minibus;
  • The driver needs special permission from the authorities to transport children;
  • Riding children without adults is prohibited;
  • The movement of the group on 3 buses or more is accompanied by traffic police cars. At the same time, the route, time and data of drivers and parents are agreed in advance.

As for taxis, the legislator did not prescribe any features in this part, so the rules are the same as for ordinary cars.

When calling the service, you need to warn the dispatcher that there will be a child in the car and that a car seat will be needed for him. So, the parent will not once again worry about his child, and bickering about paying a fine with the driver in the event of a car stop by a traffic police officer can be avoided.

Innovations since July 1, 2019

From the second half of this year, another innovation is being introduced in the SDA, which concerns organized trips. Namely, on buses transporting small passengers, yellow or orange beacons must be installed.

Such signaling installations do not give an advantage when driving. They only attract the attention of other drivers and urge them to be careful. No special permission is required to place additional signs.

Part 4 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses even provides for a fine for the organized transportation of children without beacons in the amount of 3,000 rubles. So, buying it at your own expense is not so expensive.

  • Only drivers who have a continuous experience of category "D" from 1 year are allowed to drive a vehicle for transporting children;
  • Buses that have been in operation for more than 10 years are prohibited for organized trips of younger passengers;
  • Unauthorized persons not included in the list, except for a health worker, are not allowed to travel with children;
  • If transportation on the same route occurs regularly, you can issue a multiple permit.

Allowed or prohibited to complete overtaking through a continuous line in 2019

Carriage in a seat in the front seat, airbag requirements

You can install child restraints not only on the rear seats of the car, but also on the front. It is not prohibited by the rules. The only condition under which you can put the baby in front is to turn off the airbag. After all, if it works, the harm done to the baby will be significant.


Initially, the fine for not having a child seat was only 500 rubles.

Due to such a small amount, the traffic police did not always pay attention to the compliance of drivers with the rules regarding the transportation of children, and the car seat market was very poorly developed. The situation changed only on September 01, 2013, when the amount of sanctions increased by 6 times at once.

Do you know that for more than a year in Russia there have been new rules for transporting small passengers in cars? How to drive today without fines and without risking the life of a son or daughter, we are dealing with competent traffic police officers and experts from the Priority Association of Manufacturers of Child Car Seats and Strollers.

Transportation of children in a car - 2019 - what law regulates?

Is it possible to transport a child without a seat? Is it legal to put it in the front seat? Is it really that important to buy a chair when there are cheap triangle adapters and is there a child restraint law? Will a soft frameless chair fit? How to make sure that schoolchildren are safe on bus excursions, what are the rules for organized transportation? We will find the answer to these and other questions.

Rules for transporting children in a car - 2019

First, let's look at the Rules of the Road. They have section 22 “Transportation of people”, and in it - paragraph 9. The transportation of children in a car in 2018 is regulated by these very rules.

Here, in just four sentences, all the requirements and rules for transporting minors in a car, truck cab and motorcycle are set out.

Rules of the road of the Russian Federation, clause 22.9

Age Rules
Transportation of children under 7 years old In a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for weight and height.
Transportation of children under 12 years old (from 7 to 11 years old (inclusive)) 1. In a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for weight and height, or using seat belts, and in the front seat passenger car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to weight and height.
2. It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 in the back seat of a motorcycle.

What does the law say about child car seats?

According to the rules, the installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cab of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating manual for these systems (devices).

New changes in the rules of transportation

The Child Transportation Act was amended in 2017. What has changed since the last edition of the rules?

  • All kinds of adapters, frameless chairs, as well as books and homemade pillows "under the ass" are now illegal. Previously, it was possible to use “other” devices for transportation. Now only child restraints, that is, car seats, are allowed by the rules.

    Why is that? Because "other" devices are dangerous. They are not able to protect and even increase injuries in an accident. For example, a triangle adapter raises the lower strap of the belt to the level of the stomach. In the event of an accident, the belt does not hold the pelvic bones, but instead sharply squeezes the internal organs - serious consequences are guaranteed. In Europe, adapters were banned back in 2008, our rules were changed 9 years later.

  • In the rules, an indication appeared that car seats must be installed strictly in accordance with the instructions. It is very important. According to statistics, half of the car seats in cars are installed with errors. And an improperly fixed chair will not save the baby.
  • The rules establish that children from the age of 7 are now allowed to be transported in the back seat without a seat. Many schoolchildren grow up to 150 cm before the age of 12 - and an adult seat belt is already designed for such growth. To avoid conflicts and controversial fines, the decision to transport a son or daughter from 7 to 12 years old was left to the discretion of the parents, the rules allow this. Nevertheless, studies and accident statistics show that at any age, the seat protects better than a regular belt. Children under the age of 12 can only ride in a car seat in the front seat.

“Russia has banned the use of life-threatening seat belt adapters and “frameless seats,” but they are still on sale,” says Ivan Nikitichev, chairman of the PRIORITET Association of Manufacturers of Child Car Seats and Strollers. - Car seats can be sold in Russia if they are certified by TR CU No. 018/2011. It is this document that guarantees that the chair meets the safety requirements of the world community (the requirements are set out in UNECE document 44/04).”

Rospotrebnadzor fines outlets for the sale of dangerous products, but there are cases when a certificate is provided for it as a full-fledged child restraint. “Such a certificate cannot be legally issued, because no adapter and “frameless chair” are able to pass the tests required for certification. This has been proven by numerous crash tests in our country and abroad,” explains Ivan Nikitichev.

Rules for transporting children (since 2018) by bus

So, we described the rules for transporting children in a car. But as soon as the kid goes to kindergarten, and even more so to school, he begins to travel with a group or class to various events: to the theater, to the museum, on excursions. In this case, how to control that your child is safe, what are the rules for group transportation?

How can children be transported in a group?

There are separate Rules for the organized transportation of children by buses. The Russian government approved them by its Decree No. 1177 dated December 15, 2013, and literally just - in July 2018 - made changes to the rules.

The fundamental difference between the new edition of the rules is that a bus for transporting schoolchildren and kindergarten students must be “not older than” 10 years old. When driving, you must turn on the flashing beacon - yellow or orange.

Of the other requirements in the rules, we note those that ordinary parents can control:

  • the number of accompanying adults must not be less than the number of doors in the bus;
  • any outsiders, except for those accompanying from the list, are prohibited on the bus according to the rules;
  • according to the rules, preschoolers can be on the road for no longer than 4 hours;
  • if the travel time exceeds 3 hours, then according to the rules, the bus must have dry rations and bottled water for everyone;
  • the rules establish that at night (from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.) children can only be transported to railway stations and airports;
  • according to the rules, the speed of the bus should not exceed 60 km/h.

There is a separate GOST R 51160-98 “Buses for transporting children. Technical requirements". According to this GOST:

  • the bus must be yellow;
  • in front, behind and on the sides there should be inscriptions "CHILDREN" with a height of at least 25 cm;
  • signs “Transportation of children” are installed in front and behind;
  • there should be two first-aid kits in the cabin;
  • each row of seats should have a "Request to Stop" button.

But most importantly, all seats must have seat belts with one (lap) strap. Transportation of children without a car seat in this case is possible, but seat belts are required by the rules.

As for public transport - buses, trolleybuses and minibuses - there are no separate requirements or rules for transporting children in Russia. (Below in the article are tips on how to travel in public transport in the safest way).

Fines are serious

Fines for violating the rules for transporting children are very significant. The car is designed for adults whose height is above 150 cm. Therefore, a boy or girl present in the car without special devices is already potentially endangered. In Europe, the penalty for breaking the rules - driving without a car seat - reaches up to 700 euros. Here are the penalties for breaking the rules:

  • the driver of any car (including a bus) where children are not transported according to the rules, where, for example, children are transported without a seat up to the age of seven, will be fined 3,000 rubles;
  • according to the rules, an official who has committed violations - for example, the director of a bus depot - faces a fine of 25,000 rubles;
  • a legal entity - the bus fleet itself - will be punished by 100,000 rubles;
  • if the rules for organized transportation of children at night are violated, then the bus driver will lose his rights for six months or pay 5 thousand, the director of the car park - 50 thousand, and the car park as a legal entity - 200 thousand rubles.

How to carry a baby up to a year according to the rules

Babies, due to the characteristics of their body, are the most vulnerable passengers. Therefore, it is necessary to carry them in the car with the utmost care. But it is naive to think that the safest thing for a baby is in the arms of his mother. Remember physics? Our weight depends on acceleration, and in an accident it increases tenfold.

A five-kilogram baby in a collision at a speed of only 40 km / h will weigh all 175 kilos! No mother can keep him.

That is why even from the maternity hospital the baby needs to be transported in a special car seat. By the way, in most European countries, according to the rules, a mother with a baby will not be allowed to go home if the parents did not bring a car seat for discharge.

For babies up to a year old (weighing up to 13 kg), special infant carriers have been created - chairs of group 0+ according to the international classification.

Simple Rules

  1. They are placed strictly against the course of movement. The head of the baby is very heavy - a quarter of the mass of the whole body - and the muscles are still very weak. Not only an accident, but even sudden braking can cause a deadly nod of the head if the baby is sitting facing forward. Well, what can we say about newborns who still cannot sit at all.
  2. The infant carrier has Y-shaped belts. They firmly, but without harm to the body, hold the baby in place.
  3. You can put the cradle on any seat in the car, which is allowed by the instructions for the car seat. But remember that when you put the seat in front, next to the driver, you must definitely turn off the passenger airbag. When triggered, it is able to literally print the baby to the back of the seat. If the pillow in your car does not turn off, put the infant carrier only at the back.
  4. In public transport, it is safest to carry the baby in the same infant carrier, fastened with internal belts. And of course, if there are belts on the bus or minibus, fasten yourself.

How to carry toddlers from 1 to 4 years old according to the rules

Group 1 car seats are intended for children from one to four years old (from 9 to 18 kg). In their “pure” form, they almost never exist: the first group is combined either with the younger one - in chairs 0+/1, or with the older ones - in chairs 1/2 or 1/2/3.

Simple rules:

  1. It is fundamentally important that in any chair of the first group there must be internal five-point belts, or the so-called safety table. At this age, only such devices can reliably protect.
  2. Babies after a year are already allowed to be transplanted face forward, but the staff of the Priority Association argue that it is safer to carry a baby against the direction of movement for up to two years - until the neck muscles get stronger. There are enough chairs in stores with this method of installation. According to the World Health Organization, rearward landing cuts the risk of injury by half. By the way, in Sweden, where safety is taken very seriously, babies are carried against the direction of traffic until the age of 4.
  3. In public transport, a baby from a year or older can already be put on a seat and fastened with a two-point belt - that is, a belt with one lap strap. Only the belt must be tightened if it is manually adjusted.
  4. If possible, choose a rear facing seat. And if there are none, then the seat where you will have the most free space in front of you.

How to carry preschoolers from 4 to 7 years old according to the rules

Children from four to seven years old (their weight range is approximately from 15 to 25 kg) are carried in group 2 car seats.

Simple rules:

  1. There are no longer internal belts and tables. In combined chairs (for several age groups), the inner belts are removed, and the preschooler, along with the chair, is fastened with a regular car belt.
  2. It is important that the belt passes through certain points on the chair. Which one - should be indicated in the instructions.
  3. In public transport, fasten a preschooler with a two-point lap belt if the bus or minibus is equipped with such belts.
  4. Try to take a seat on public transport where there will be the most space in front of you to reduce the risk of hitting the front seat or handrails.

How to carry schoolchildren from 7 to 12 years old according to the rules

It would seem that the older your child becomes, the less you need to take care of any special security measures. But it was not there. At the age of seven, parents should again think very seriously about the rules.

Simple rules:

  1. From about this age (or rather, from a weight of 22 kg), it is allowed to carry a student not in a full-fledged chair, but on a booster - a seat without a back (this is a group of car seats 3). It seems to be better to replace a voluminous chair with a small booster. But only a full-fledged seat protects the head and body in a side impact. But side collisions make up a third of all accidents, the PRIORITET Association notes.
  2. How to carry a son or daughter from the age of 7 in the back seat - in a chair or without a chair - is now decided by the parents themselves. The rules of the road allow both modes of transportation.
    How to understand that you are ready to ride without a seat? Measure your height. Adult seat belts are designed for a person with a height of 150 cm. If the child is below one and a half meters, there is a high risk that in an accident the upper strap of the belt will injure the neck and spine. In this case, use a chair or at least a booster for now.
  3. According to the rules in the front seat, you can ride in a special car seat up to 12 years.

How to transport children in a car: rules and options for the safest transportation

Approximate age Weight Rules: wak to carry in the car Rules: how to put a car seat Rules: how to carry in public transport
0–1 year 0–13 kg In a group 0+ car seat (carrycot). Only against the direction of movement. Preferably in a baby carrier with internal Y-straps.
1–4 years 9–18 kg In a group 1 car seat. Preferably against the direction of travel up to 2 years, then - in the direction of travel. Fasten with a two-point lap belt (if equipped). Up to 2 years, it is desirable to plant against the direction of travel.
4–7 years 15–25 kg In a group 2 car seat. Along the way.
7–12 years old 22–36 kg In a group 2 or 3 car seat (booster). With a height of at least 150 cm, it is allowed to carry in the back seat without a seat, fastened with a standard seat belt. Along the way. Fasten with a two-point lap belt (if equipped).

Tatyana Suslova, Head of the Department for Promotion of Road Safety and Interaction with the Media of the UGIBDD of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, recommends

  1. Check that the seat is suitable for your passenger in terms of age and weight.
  2. Check the car seat for certification according to the rules of the Customs Union. When certified according to the rules of the Customs Union, each seat model undergoes a full cycle of tests, including crash tests. The certificate confirms that the car seat provides the child with the necessary level of protection in an accident. Before buying, ask the seller to show you a copy of the certificate and make sure that your model of chair is indicated in it.

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