Methodological development on the topic: Modern child - what is he like? Publication of a teacher on the topic Modern child - what is he like

Each new generation is unique, and each individual child is unique. Modern child- independent personality early age capable of making decisions independently. Today it is impossible to apply the approaches and methods that were relevant many years ago in raising children.



Modern children. What are they?

Parent meeting

Comparing the world of social relationships, the world of knowledge, the world of culture and history of children of the 20th century and modern children, we see and understand that children have changed. They didn't get better or worse. They have become different. What are modern children like?

Modern children are easier than any adult to master computer technology, while reading fewer books and more difficult to converge with people.

If earlier child came from school and fled to the street, where he communicated with peers, thus learning to interact with society, then for modern children this experience is less important. Now, sitting at the computer, the child decides with whom to communicate and with whom not. On the one hand, this is not bad, but on the other hand, the child, getting into the real, and not the virtual world, turns out to be helpless and unable to interact normally with other people. Communication in in social networks, the forums are psychologically much easier than personal communication.

Children have lost many strong-willed qualities, their general cultural outlook has decreased. The older generation perfectly memorized excerpts from works, quotes from films, today's children do not have such a need. They know from childhood that it is pointless to store extra information in their heads, because you can always turn to the Internet. It is possible that because of this, today's children have a decrease in memory.

Children look aloof, constantly sitting in headphones, playing telephone and computer games. Many adults perceive this as a manifestation of selfishness and indifference towards elders. In fact child XXI centuries, he simply looked inward to find the answer to the question “Who am I in the current world?”. This is the answer the children have been looking for and are always looking for. But modern children find this answer on their own.

Modern children do not ask about the past, they cannot imagine that once people lived in another world. It is more important for them to learn new things about modern life, keep up with technological progress. But the task of adults is to develop children's interest in history. After all, whoever does not know the past will not be able to understand and navigate the present and the future.

More dangerous is another issue of modern life. Society and parents are overly determined to succeed. Since preschool age the child is focused on achieving results. Children are forced to grow up in an environment where they are constantly compared. Under the influence of society, parents put pressure on children, demand high results from them, forgetting about other values ​​- self-respect,

free time, play, family leisure. If a person constantly raises the bar and does not form a positive self-esteem, he will never be satisfied with the results. Not achieving a result, a person feels guilty. Hence the neurosis, which is difficult to cope even with an adult, formed personality, not to mention children. In pursuit of success, people do not ask themselves the question “Are those who are set as an example to me happy?”.

It is very difficult to be in the conditions of an incessant race. The child is deprived of ordinary joys and constantly thinks about how to make his parents happy, i.e. justify their hopes.

IN modern society incomplete family has become almost the norm. Children perceive marriage and family relationships differently. Families are less valuable to them. For a child, the family has ceased to be a support, a place where he can be helped to solve his problems. Increasing alienation from parents, lack of attention or, conversely, overprotection, introduce an imbalance in the relationship between parents and children.

Observance of the rights of the child in the modern world is also becoming a problem, which is also recognized by the children themselves: they are fighting for their rights, legal aid centers for children are being created, etc.

A modern child is an independent person, able to make decisions independently at an early age. Over time, the difference between the children of the past generation and the modern child becomes more and more obvious. Today it is impossible to apply the approaches and methods that were relevant many years ago in raising children.

But parents need to remember:

children need to be understood.

The best way get to know children - communicate with them!

If adults want children's dreams to come true, they should pay more attention to them, take the time to understand their true intentions. Respect their rights, openly show their love to children, allow them to learn from the natural consequences of actions, and not from a system of punishments and rewards, use even children's mistakes as an opportunity to instill self-confidence in them.

Only being attentive to feelings, experiences, to inner world children, adults can expect that they too will become attentive and responsive to their problems and the problems of other people.

them. And they do it in such a way that others sometimes do not realize it!

If children notice that there is an ulterior motive in the attempts of adults to make them do something, they stubbornly resist and at the same time feel

that they are doing the right thing. From their point of view, if adults are not doing their part in maintaining relationships, they have every right to challenge them.

Therefore, if parents constantly encounter resistance from children, the first thing adults need to check themselves, their behavior.

Parents help the little person in the development of his body and the cultivation of cultural skills. But if they try to remake the character ... That's when difficulties and problems begin. It is a good idea that we should not educate children, but cooperate with them. The results of such cooperation will exceed all expectations. If parents really have something to say to their children, it should be done easily, without tension and with joy. Then they will learn it faster.

Each new generation is unique, and each individual child is unique. Today's children will be able to create a society of professionals who value personal freedom.

Modern children- is the subject of complaints, disputes, pride and research of sociologists. Someone praises them, someone scolds them, but both sides are unanimous in one thing: today's children are very different from their peers 50 or 20 years ago.

Every child is born to live among people. Harmony with others is a guarantee of the psychological well-being of the child. A tiny member of the family immediately becomes the most important thing for his parents and grandparents. What are they, modern children? The difference between a modern child and children of past generations is noticeable to the naked eye. Life dictates its own conditions: its rhythm is accelerating, it is oversaturated with information, everyday workloads are growing.

If we compare a modern preschooler with children of the sixties of the last century, differences in worldview, development rates, behavior and self-awareness become obvious. Parents and experienced teachers state that today leave at home even for a short time modern child almost impossible. But once it was a common thing. Modern children try to occupy themselves outside the circle of existing toys - they replace them household appliances, crockery, etc. IN best case the child will nail the carpet or paint the walls.

When you are with a child, talking to friends on the street is now almost impossible. He will talk, pull your clothes, spin, act up and try in every possible way to draw attention to himself. Children of past generations calmly waited for the end of the conversation. In a circle of peers or adults, a modern child persistently and confidently defends his own opinion. Under certain circumstances, he may behave antisocially or withdraw into himself, protesting against the misunderstanding of others.

Modern children are open to any information, they are bold and impetuous. And this is also a problem, because the child is never alone and does not stop to listen to the rustling autumn leaves. Instead, he races through life knowing that in Hard time loving mother, a courageous dad and a caring grandmother will be there. Children do not feel danger - they absorb a sea of ​​​​information and live in the world of spidermen in the belief that they are just as strong and invulnerable.

Parents and children should have joint leisure, in which children should be equal participants and helpers. Children, along with adults, should expand their horizons and experience moments of inspiration. Therefore, when you require the baby to turn off the computer or TV, think about what you offer in return. Where is the guarantee that you are exactly those exemplary parents that the baby will strive to become like?

In the conditions of a modern crisis society, the alienation of children from their parents is growing, and the lack of affection, warmth and mutual attention appears more and more clearly. Parents communicate less and less with their children. Obviously this is the result of influence from modern society. Under the yoke of economic and social instability, when parents experience the fear of “not coping” with life (poorer, losing their job, getting sick), adults become vulnerable, insecure and emotionally unstable. The failure of children has become a new social fear. Moms and dads besiege preschool educational establishments to teach your child to count and read faster.

Delegating classes with the child to specialists, parents turn into passive accomplices in the social formation and development of the baby. It is even worse when such aspirations are the result of one's own self-affirmation in front of friends and relatives.

Adults fill the child with new knowledge and skills, expand his ideas and oversaturate with information. However, they do not think about the most important thing: with what eyes the baby looks at the world? Indifferent, wary, resentful, angry or calm, kind, confident and happy? Formation of a positive worldview is the basis of future success little man. In solving this problem, it is important to observe three fundamental principles: to recognize the child, to understand the child and to accept the child as he is. Parents should not teach life, but help the child learn to live independently.

You can either write your own.

When I was a schoolgirl, all the older members of my big family said: "You will be a teacher!" I was angry, answered: “Why me, and not my sister or brothers?”. Grandfather replied: “I just know that you will a good teacher". Those early years I chose the profession of a financier for myself, received the appropriate education. But fate has developed in such a way that I am now a teacher. And I'm happy that it is!

Modern children are easier than any adult to master computer technology, while reading fewer books and more difficult to converge with people. But this does not mean that today's children are worse. I understand the responsibility I have taken upon myself by becoming a teacher. After all, I directly influence the formation of the personality of the student. Therefore, I am not just a teacher of history, but first of all an educator.

I have been a class teacher for 5 years now. My kids are in 11th grade. Once upon a time I could not even think - how is it? What is it like to be responsible for the life and health of other people's children? What is it like to be the keeper of children's secrets? How does it feel to care for them like family? I can't just say "children" to them, they are "MY children"! Great joy for me as for class teacher, to see that my guys are friendly with each other, love each other. I am sure that they will carefully carry this friendship through all their lives.

I often communicate with the parents of my students. And I often hear from them that modern children are different. Children are said to look aloof, constantly wearing headphones, playing telephone and computer games. Many adults perceive this as a manifestation of selfishness and indifference towards elders. But you cannot compare a modern child with children of the last century. Today's child is new person. His main feature is just what adults often mistake for selfishness. In fact, the child of the 21st century simply looked inward to find the answer to the question “Who am I in the world today?”. This is the answer the children have been looking for and are always looking for. But modern children find this answer on their own.
or better peers from the past. They are just different.

After the collapse of the Union, the process of global restructuring of social mechanisms began. By the beginning of the 21st century, a new world with new social values ​​and social order. The Soviet man, brought up on the ideals of the past, had difficulty adapting to the new society. One of the important changes concerned the ways of building a career. In the USSR, there was a clear scheme: first a person goes to school, then chooses a specialty, graduates from an institute, and then he is assigned to work. If earlier the state decided for the person, then today you have to make a choice on your own. In conditions of high competition, in order to remain in demand, a person has to either master specialties related to the main one almost every 5 years, or radically change his profession.

Children born in the 21st century do not know examples from the past. For them, the new world is the only possible one. Therefore, from an early age, modern children are ready for competition, for the struggle for survival.

The second change that influenced the change in the child is not so global, but no less important. The yard has disappeared from the life of modern children as one of the most important social institutions Soviet era. If earlier a child came from school and ran to the street, where he communicated with peers, thus learning to interact with society, then for modern children this experience is less important. Now, sitting at the computer, the child decides with whom to communicate and with whom not. On the one hand, it's not bad. But on the other hand, a child, getting into the real, and not the virtual world, may turn out to be helpless and unable to interact normally with other people.

Changes in the modern world are so significant that the formation of a child's personality is now more intensive from the first months of life. If earlier, by the beginning of schooling, the child was tabula rasa, then the child of the 21st century by this time has a certain set of knowledge and values. Children have lost many strong-willed qualities, their general cultural outlook has decreased. The older generation perfectly memorized excerpts from works, quotes from films, today's children do not have such a need. They know from childhood that it is pointless to store extra information in their heads, because you can always turn to the Internet. It is possible that because of this, today's children have a decrease in memory.

A child of the 21st century, unlike peers from previous generations does not ask questions about the world. He sees that planes are flying, phones are ringing, and emails are arriving a few seconds after being sent - and this is the norm. Children cannot imagine that people once lived in another world. It is more important for them to learn new things about modern life. My task is to develop children's interest in history. After all, whoever does not know the past will not be able to understand and navigate the present and the future.

However, another issue of modern life is more dangerous. Society and parents are overly determined to succeed. Even from preschool age, the child is set up to achieve results. Children are forced to grow up in an environment where they are constantly compared. Under the influence of society, parents put pressure on their children, demand high results from them, forgetting about other values ​​- self-respect, free time, play, family leisure. If a person constantly raises the bar and does not form a positive self-esteem, he will never be satisfied with the results. Not achieving a result, a person feels guilty. Hence the neurosis, which is difficult to cope even with an adult, formed personality, not to mention children. It is very difficult to be in the conditions of an incessant race. The child is deprived of ordinary joys and constantly thinks about how to make his parents happy, to justify their hopes.

In modern society, single-parent families have become almost the norm. Children born in such families perceive marriage and family relationships differently. Families are less valuable to them. For a child, the family has ceased to be a support, a place where he can be helped to solve his problems. Such a child relies only on himself. Therefore, he is forced to look for ways to adapt in society on his own.

They are helped in this digital technologies and the Internet. Here, new ways of personal development are opened for the child. Thanks to the departure of older children to the Internet space, juvenile delinquency has decreased. Most teenage subcultures are quite peaceful. Anime lovers, hipsters and other communities are completely harmless. This means that the “teenager-world” confrontation is gradually disappearing.

On the Internet, modern children can communicate anonymously or openly with the same children, help each other solve similar problems. On teenage forums, they share their experiences and give each other quite adequate advice. There is no aggression in the general mass, children sympathize and empathize. At the same time, the Internet and social networks are fraught with many dangers. Law enforcement agencies are sounding the alarm that communities are gaining popularity on social networks in which a child can be pushed to commit suicide. Parents and teachers need to be very careful at all times.

A modern child is an independent person, able to make decisions independently at an early age.

Modern children are not affected by the tactics of instilling guilt, they almost do not respond to coercion, lectures, punishments, prohibitions and other generally accepted methods of education used by teachers and parents.

What they respond to is respect - respect for them as individuals, respect for their problems, which are no less difficult for them than adult difficulties for their parents. Children respond to respect for their choice and ability. They are able to accept good decision. They just need help. They really want their abilities to be noticed and recognized as something meaningful.

They don't always behave correctly. Eat difficult children. But each of them should be given the chance to receive advice from an adult that will encourage the best that is in them. So they can realize that they "can do it all" - and will not lose their dreams about the future.

They expect mutual respect and love from everyone around them. Under no circumstances will they approve of lies, manipulation. Children demand clarification and are almost never satisfied with “because I said so” excuses. In addition, they respond best when they are treated like an adult.

Kids today need to be understood. The best way to get to know children is to interact with them. The main thing to remember is that honesty, trust, frankness and sincerity are brought up by one's own example!

Modern children can "read" adults like an open book, quickly notice and quietly neutralize any covert attempts to manipulate them. If a child notices that there is an ulterior motive in an adult's attempts to get them to do something, they stubbornly resist and at the same time feel that they are doing absolutely right. Therefore, if a teacher encounters resistance from a student, then he needs to analyze his behavior. The results of revising your attitude towards children, cooperation with them, and not attempts to impose your worldview, will exceed all expectations!

Teachers have a huge responsibility to our society... to Humanity. His highest duty is to forge the happiness of every student, of the whole society, to promote the prosperity and development of life on Earth.

I am proud of my profession. I try to be a friend, a support for my children. I consider it my duty to fight for good relations to the child of all the adults around him.

The great French writer Victor Hugo said one wonderful phrase: "It is a great happiness to see today what the world will see only tomorrow." Before our teachers' eyes, the future is growing! The future of our Motherland! Great scientists, talented artists, writers, inventors, politicians and businessmen, kind doctors and wise teachers… Take care of children, love children, understand children! This is our Future!

Advice for parents

"Modern child - what is he?"
If you think about tomorrow- this grain, if for 10 years ahead - plant a forest, if for 100 years - raise children. ( folk wisdom) There is no doubt that today's children are very different from children 20 and 50 years ago. The main reason for this is, of course, that today's children grow up in a completely different, tens and hundreds of times more saturated information field. They, like a sponge, absorb the information that the modern world provides in abundance. Today, the process of changing educational standards is actively underway, the ways and means of teaching children are changing. Principle one - modern children - modern education. And modern children - what are they? More and more often you can hear that they are somehow different. Let's see what's wrong with them, shall we? According to teachers
, children "have changed a lot in recent years": "they

low concentration of attention", "cannot concentrate for a long time", "not

hear the instructions of the teacher or pretend not to hear”, “very

mobile”, “it is difficult to organize them”, “think differently”, etc.

The problem of hyperactivity and its causes is especially sharply discussed.

. Parents and teachers note that modern children

increased motor activity and hyperactivity, due to

which “they have reduced attention”, “children do not want to follow instructions

adults” and “express protest, up to aggression, if they are forced

do something."
Today's children have much greater opportunities than we had. The general level of well-being has grown, families have become more prosperous, and children are more spoiled in material terms. Now no one is surprised by the fact that a child with his parents several times a year goes on vacation abroad or goes to study at a prestigious foreign university. Children can see the Egyptian pyramids or the Eiffel Tower live.
Progress does not stand still, the electronics industry is developing at a rapid pace. Now they no longer ask for chess or checkers as a birthday present, everyone wants a new cell phone or laptop. Our children learn new things faster than us. household appliances, "from the cradle" can use a computer and a TV remote control. This proves that they are more developed intellectually, as they have more memory than previous generations. teachers preschool institutions"created" a portrait of a modern preschooler based on their own observations: developed, inquisitive, intelligent, erudite, liberated, aggressive, whiny, pedagogically neglected, impulsive, brought up by the TV. Nowadays, modern children are very well informed. They talk about “adult” topics, watch series, understand the intricacies of storylines, remember everything that happens to the characters well and can tell the series in detail to grandmothers and mothers. Preschoolers often make such unexpected conclusions and conclusions in non-childish situations that adults seriously begin to think about the premature maturation of modern children. But at the same time, modern children can be dependent on the simplest things: tie shoelaces, find clothes, make the bed. A serious problem in preschool children lies in their hyperactivity and speech quality. They speak a lot, loudly, but they pronounce the sounds poorly, they do not try to translate the quantity of these sounds into quality. Almost every 5-year-old child now needs the help of a speech therapist in developing correct and competent speech. Not only articulation suffers, but also the vocabulary, which in modern children is much poorer than their peers from the 20th century. Such an influence on them is exerted by the constant neighborhood of TV and computer games instead of books. In society today, close friendly ties between children have been violated, they have almost nowhere to communicate and play without the supervision of their parents or
educators. Previously, this function was performed by children's courtyard groups and clubs. Today it is too dangerous to let a child go for a walk alone, so the role of children's play has come to naught. The child still has educational games in kindergarten, but free creativity is becoming more and more irrelevant, therefore the child's fantasy is not so bright. Children also do not have heroes who could teach them the moral foundations by their example. Modern heroes are bright, cheerful, but for the most part empty, the child simply has no one to adopt the best patterns of behavior from. early
for all children, good heroes were Ilya Muromets, Ivan Tsarevich, villains - Koschey the Immortal and Baba Yaga. For many modern children, the good ones are Spider-Man, Batman, Captain America, and the villains are Galactus, Outlander and other monsters, and for many adults, everything modern heroes, both good and evil, just some monstrous freak monsters. Modern children are less romantic and more pragmatic. Their world is filled with material values. They rarely make independent decisions; their parents decide everything for them.

These kids are more talented. They have more opportunities to develop their abilities, starting from schools early development. They can find any information at any time. Modern world- this is a world of individuality, and these children have everything for its development that children of past generations could only dream of. Many modern children are able to do things that their peers could not do even 10-20 years ago. But not because mental development has become different or the children themselves have changed: but due to the fact that the requirements of adults to what an ideal child should be transformed. If earlier a sympathetic, kind and honest little man was considered such, now an intelligent and independent Person is considered such. Therefore, in modern children, the development of social emotions begins to lag behind, but intellectual emotions are very developed - surprise, joy from knowing the world and self-knowledge, etc. Self-conceit is growing. It's in emotionally, but in volitional - what
Weakness, and brought up by their own parents. Basically, they show their will where something needs to be achieved from adults, but not where it is required to submit their behavioral motives to the public “should” or “should not”. Attention is drawn to the inability of children to play
Modern children would like to learn how to play themselves, but they cannot: today the nursery is actually destroyed.
a subculture that would pass on gaming experience to younger and older preschoolers from one generation to the next. In a family, most often there is one child with whom adults have no time to play, or they prefer to engage in more important activities for his development - reading, writing and counting (you can still draw and make crafts together, but this is already the "ceiling" of the creative activity of parents). The main problem of the modern child is that the cultural environment in which he develops, the exploitation of the huge potential of his memory occurs to the detriment of personal development, vital at this age, based on love, warmth and attention to his personality. That is why the main task of educating preschoolers today is to preserve (or revive) the conditions in which the child plays with peers, cooperates with other children in solving various cognitive tasks, shows cognitive initiative, satisfies his own curiosity, develops his own imagination and creative abilities. A child does not come into the world as a blank book. The child is already a given character. How many children - so many characters. We do not send children into the world. We can only spoil or save them. The main thing, according to psychologists, is not to strive to return what cannot be returned, but simply to convince children that they can do a lot, and as a result, self-confidence should return to them, which will undoubtedly help to live.

Modern child - what is he?

Today, there is no doubt that the modern child is not the same as his peers were several decades ago. and not because the nature of the child himself or the laws of his development have changed. Life has fundamentally changed, the objective and social world, the expectations of adults and children, educational models in the family, pedagogical requirements in kindergarten.

Social changes have led to psychological changes. According to psychologists, at present there have been shifts in the onset of crises of 7 years and adolescence. Thus, the crisis that children of the last century went through before entering school (in preparatory group kindergarten) are now experienced by younger schoolchildren (at 7-8 years old). and this entails a revision of teaching methods in elementary school. Girls now pass the puberty crisis three years later, and boys - four. Currently, children grow and develop in a post-industrial information society. From birth, they are faced with modern high-tech achievements. Computer games, interactive toys and museum expositions, commercials and cinema novelties. How does technological progress affect the psyche of a child? What is the modern child? Teachers of preschool institutions "painted" a portrait of a modern child based on their own observations: developed, inquisitive, intelligent, erudite, liberated, free, impulsive, capricious, whining, pugnacious, aggressive, pedagogically neglected, brought up by TV.

The children are well informed. They talk about "adult" topics, watch series, understand the intricacies of storylines, remember well everything that happens to the heroes of passions and retell the series in detail to grandmothers and mothers. Preschoolers sometimes make such unexpected conclusions and conclusions in non-childish situations that adults seriously begin to think about the premature maturation of modern children. In our opinion, this is "hearing", under which, unfortunately or fortunately, there is no experience.

Great awareness has flip side. Modern children in the development of thinking and mental capacity by no means ahead of age. Moreover, due to health problems, many have a mental and speech development. Most children 5 years old need the help of a speech therapist. The modern preschooler speaks a lot (if he speaks), but badly. Teachers are sounding the alarm. Most low rates implementation of training and education programs most often refer to the section "Development of speech". Not only the "Coherent Speech" section suffers, but also the "Dictionary". Children's awareness does not lead to an increase vocabulary. According to UNESCO, 93% of modern children from 3 to 5 years old watch TV 28 hours a week. The famous psychologist E.O. Smirnova draws disappointing conclusions about the impact of television viewing on the mental development of children.

Observations of children show that in kindergartens such a phenomenon as the absence of the so-called "middle peasants" has begun to occur. Children in the group are divided into successful and unsuccessful, assimilating and not assimilating the training program.

Modern children often cannot concentrate on any activity, they are distracted, they do not show interest. They are in constant, continuous motion, it is difficult to keep them in one place. A child can listen to a fairy tale and build from a constructor at the same time. The younger generation has a "clip consciousness", nourished by advertising and music videos.

The personal development of children at all times is directly related to the heroes they look up to. But the heroes of books and cartoons in the modern cultural space are very different from those beautiful, kind, caring, loving, appreciating friendship, non-aggressive characters on whom the parents of today's preschoolers, their grandparents grew up. Most often, characters for preschoolers become heroes of Western cartoons with superpowers, which are not always carriers of spiritual values.

Modern children have a sharply reduced fantasy, creative activity. Children are aimed at getting a quick and finished result by pressing one button. Although modern preschoolers technically "savvy", easily controlled with a TV, electronic and computer games, but they build from the constructor in the same way as their peers of past years, without being ahead of them in anything.

For a modern child, especially a resident big city, nature acts as an alien, unknown environment. The natural children's "yard" community has disappeared: children are now less likely to play freely and communicate with their peers. The play culture of childhood as the main condition for the development of the child's personality is distorted.

A serious problem is "leaving" role-playing game from the life of a modern child. Experimental studies of the role-playing game among preschoolers aged 6-7 showed that the highest level development (according to D.B. Elkonin, the game does not reach. Consequently, school motivation, generalization, the ability to plan, build one’s relationships with peers are not formed at the proper level. The result is a decrease in indicators of readiness for learning in elementary school.

Among the factors influencing the mental and personality changes of a modern child, D.I. Feldstein calls the orientation of society, and, accordingly, children to consumption, marginalization, the growth of deviations, the restriction of children's independence by parents. The result is a "rejuvenation" of diseases treated with antidepressants, an increase in anxiety and aggressiveness, a decrease in behavior control and the development of addictions. There were children who did not want to grow up. Studies have shown that this is due to the "inheritance of experience of family failure" that occurs as a result of children's experience of parental problems in the family and professional spheres, introduced into the daily life of the child.

Summarizing fundamental research recent years, Academician D.I. Feldstein outlined a range of significant changes in children:

  • - a sharp decline in the cognitive development of preschool children;
  • - an increase in emotional discomfort and a decrease in the desire for active action;
  • - departure from the life of a child of a plot-role-playing game and, as a result, a decrease in arbitrariness and a motivational-need sphere;
  • - decrease in curiosity and imagination in preschoolers, underdevelopment of the internal plan of action;
  • - underformation fine motor skills and, consequently, graphic skills in preschool children indicate the underdevelopment of brain structures;
  • - a significant decrease social competence and autonomy in decision-making;
  • - the growth of "screen" dependence;
  • - restriction of communication with peers, the appearance of a feeling of loneliness, confusion, disbelief in oneself;
  • - increase in the number of children with emotional problems;
  • - reduced selectivity of attention and evaluation of information, reduced volume working memory in adolescents;
  • - sewage of the physique and decrease in muscle strength;
  • - growth every 10 years by 10-15% of the main forms of mental illness;
  • - an increase in the number of children with handicapped health;
  • - increase in the number of gifted children.