Reusable pregnancy tests are another successful step in digital technology. Electronic reusable pregnancy test

Many women want to quickly and reliably find out about their intended pregnancy, so they go to the pharmacy and buy several at the same time. special tests. There are many reasons for this: stripes do not appear or are poorly translucent, the test was done at the wrong time, poor-quality research material, and so on. Modern digital technologies offer you reusable pregnancy tests that are quite easy to use and differ in a high degree reliability. In addition, there are a number of differences that make women prefer this particular method of control.

What are the pregnancy tests?

  1. The most primitive and cheapest way is a test strip, which is also quite unreliable. It should be carried out only in the morning and lowered into the urine for no longer than 5 seconds, otherwise it is possible to get inadequate correct result. For safety net, gynecologists recommend conducting several such tests, and then comparing their data.
  2. More accurate and easier to use are considered tablet tests, the design of which facilitates the principle of the procedure.
  3. Inkjet tests are more efficient than the previous ones. They can be used at any time of the day or night, and pregnancy is determined from the first days of delay.
  4. The blue test is a small stick that should be inserted into the vagina until it comes into contact with the cervix. If positive, it should turn blue.
  5. Electronic reusable tests are considered the most effective, since they determine the presence of pregnancy as accurately as possible and make it possible to calculate

General characteristics of reusable tests

Although digital test for pregnancy - a reusable device, it is still not popular enough among female population. At least such a device is more complicated than the already familiar paper strip with indicators, and its cost is much higher.

The developers claim that with the help of such modern technologies you can at least every day get a 100% result and control the process of ovulation. In addition, the test contains additional functions useful for a pregnant woman. Progress has come to the point where future mom can even find out the preliminary date of the future birth, which is displayed on the scoreboard during the testing procedure.

Electronic test

Reusable pregnancy tests will help to avoid many misunderstandings, since a double interpretation of their results is simply impossible. In the case of the birth of a new life, the “+” sign is displayed on the display of the device, and in the absence of fertilization of the egg, the test shows a minus. IN this case there are no doubts and intermediate options.

Another advantage of this method of diagnosing pregnancy is that at the moment chemical reaction and subsequent processing of indicators are displayed on the monitor, and after three minutes a result appears that does not change with time and is stored in the device’s memory for another day.

Great popularity in Lately uses the Clearblue pregnancy test, which shows a reliable result from the first day of a missed period. Studies have shown that this device can recognize the content in the urine a few days before the start of the expected menstruation. Reusable pregnancy tests can be used for early diagnosis. However, after a few days it is advisable to double-check the results.

How to use reusable pregnancy tests?

The use of such an electronic device is practically no different from the use of an inkjet test. The principle is quite simple: it is necessary to substitute the receiving end for a few seconds under the current stream of urine, and then wait for the result of this procedure.

The test is quite attractive modern design, however, you can not buy it in every pharmacy, since the demand for such a product is still too small. In addition, an important role is played financial side question. However, a reusable pregnancy test, the average price of which is about 750 rubles, still justifies its cost, because it can be used repeatedly.

The principle of operation of reusable tests

The basis of the electronic test is the latest digital developments, with which you can easily connect this device via USB to a personal computer. In addition, the device is equipped with a small display, which indicates information about the intended conception, and twenty removable cartridges on which it is necessary to place the test material, in our case, urine.

More detailed test data can be displayed on a computer monitor, where they will look like a spectrogram. It is these indicators that allow you to quickly and accurately calculate the expected date of birth of the baby, and if the result is negative, they make it possible married couple determine the most auspicious time for the conception of a new life in terms of female physiology.

Who are the reusable tests designed for?

This device is designed for a fairly wide audience of young and mature women who are responsible for family planning. It is especially needed by childless couples who long time trying to have a baby, because with the help of this invention it will be easier for them to control the process of ovulation.

However, in spite of the fact that electronic test reusable for pregnancy, the 20 strips that come with it will run out over time. But for a wife and husband who constantly live in anticipation of a miracle, this will not become an obstacle to solving the problem. Someday it's bound to come long-awaited pregnancy, which will be resolved by the safe birth of a healthy and strong baby, and any tests will become useless.

An electronic pregnancy test, despite its high cost, is becoming more and more popular every day among modern women. The reusable test differs from conventional pregnancy test strips in higher sensitivity and accuracy. With the help of a digital pregnancy test, you can identify not only the fact of the conception that has occurred, but even the date of birth. The reusable pregnancy test is the latest technology in early diagnosis conception and childbearing at home.

Why test multiple times?

Skeptics may say: why do we need a reusable test if there is only one child in the plans? The opportunity to test several times is intended for those who have been planning a child for a long time, but for some reason cannot conceive it. In this case, it would be advisable to purchase a reusable test.

Also, a test that can be used more than once will be a real discovery for women who like to double-check several times to make sure the result is correct.

In the case of determining the presence of the conception of a one-time test, you will have to take several pieces.

Advantages of an electronic device for determining pregnancy

A reusable pregnancy test has a huge number of advantages when compared with disposable predecessors.

  1. The accuracy of the results. Unlike test strips, which can leave many questions after use, when, for example, the second strip is poorly developed or smeared, the digital pregnancy test leaves no doubt. The digital display of the instrument will show the countdown of the chemical analysis, and after three minutes the same display will show “+” in case of positive result or "-" if conception did not occur. Also, if you do not press the reset button, the result will not disappear with time, unlike a one-time test, the strip from which tends to disappear.
  2. Diagnostics at the most early dates. Women who have used the reusable test claim that the device picks up the level increase hCG(pregnancy hormone) already on the first day of delayed menstruation.

Research work on reusable tests claims that electronic devices for determining conception are able to detect fertilization that has occurred as early as 2-3 days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation.

The most advanced and expensive models have in their functionality the ability to determine the due date. But doctors agree that this period is still inaccurate and usually deviates from the real age of the fetus by two weeks.

Disadvantages of digital pregnancy detection

In terms of functionality and accuracy, this device has no minuses and shortcomings. The disadvantages of an electronic device for determining conception are different.

  1. High cost. The main drawback of the device is its high cost. A reusable electronic pregnancy test costs many times more than a disposable one. But if the couple tries long time conceive a child, then the acquisition of a reusable test to determine conception will more than pay off.
  2. Difficulty in acquiring. This shortcoming comes from the fact that new technology not very popular yet. Many women are wary of this new product, especially because of its price. Therefore, they prefer to use disposable devices for diagnosing the conception that has taken place, believing that they save money. Due to the unpopularity of the electronic device for determining the fact of conception, it is difficult to find it in pharmacies.

In the instructions for the device, it is recommended to conduct a study from the first days of the delay, in which case the guarantee of the correct result will be 99%. But if there are suspicions regarding their position before the onset of menstruation, then the device can be used 3-4 days before menstruation. In this case, the result will not be reliable with such a high percentage, but it can be checked after a few days. A reusable test, like a single one, is used to study the morning portion of urine.

A digital reusable device for determining the fact of conception is similar to a regular USB flash drive. The only difference between an electronic device for determining pregnancy and removable media is the presence of a display on which, after the analysis, the result will appear. The device has a drive, which is refilled with a disposable cartridge. The kit usually comes with 20 of them.

An overview of the most popular and sensitive pregnancy tests.

Pregnancy - wonderful time in a woman's life, but full of excitement and surprises. When planning a pregnancy, the fair sex wants to know about her situation as early as possible. Modern pregnancy tests help with this.

It is a simple mechanism that is different from its predecessors. The main advantage of the tests is high sensitivity, no need to collect urine and a quick result.

It is not necessary to test in the morning, as the product reacts even to a small amount of hCG in the urine. Some women note that the test showed pregnancy even before the expected delay in menstruation.

The working principle of the inkjet test:

  • It is a rod with a small extension. It is in this expansion that the analyzed liquid should enter.
  • It is necessary to unpack the test and urinate into the receiving hole. At the top is a rod filled with fibers and an indicator
  • When urine enters, hCG particles rise high and appear as a second strip
  • The test can be done at any time of the day, but the concentration of hCG is highest in the early morning, which is important in early pregnancy

  • This is an electronic device that differs significantly from test strips. The device is based on a removable cartridge that reacts to the level of hCG in the blood
  • Using the device, you can not only determine pregnancy, but also find out the date of birth. The device can be connected to computer technology and build graphs that can be used to judge the course of pregnancy
  • But this device is not only suitable for women who have a delay. Simply indispensable is the device for couples planning a pregnancy
  • It can be used to determine the time of ovulation.

Benefits of multiple test:

  • Ability to calculate the day of ovulation
  • Accurate result (99%)
  • Ability to calculate due date
  • Can be used 20 times or more

The kit includes 20 strips that need to be changed after each use. The device responds to the level hCG hormones and LG.

At availability of hCG you can talk about pregnancy. LH levels indicate approaching ovulation. A surge of this hormone is observed 24 hours before it.

This is one of the most popular reusable tests. With this help, you can determine pregnancy, the date of conception or the presence of ovulation. Gynecologists consider this test one of the best for couples planning a pregnancy.

Instructions for using the test:

  • Insert the cartridge and place the receptacle under the urine stream. Hold under the stream for 3-7 seconds
  • Put on the cap and leave on the table for 3 minutes
  • That is how long the analysis takes. After that, the “+” or “-” icon will appear on the display, which indicates the presence or absence of pregnancy.
  • If there is no pregnancy, you will receive a number that indicates a favorable day for conception.
  • If there is a plus, then next you will see a number indicating the number of weeks from conception
  • The numbers will differ from the date set by the gynecologist by 2 weeks
  • Doctors consider pregnancy from the date of the last menstruation, and the device from the date of conception

The device can be connected to a computer. It has a USB connector, and the device itself looks like a flash drive with a display. The test can be used not under the stream of urine, but as when using test strips.

That is, you can collect some urine and immerse the test in a container. After that, you need to close it with a cap and wait about 3 minutes.

This test allows you to find out about pregnancy even before the expected date of menstruation. But in this case, it is better to carry out the analysis early in the morning, since the amount of hCG in the early stages is very small.

Which test is the most accurate and sensitive for pregnancy

Now there are a lot of pregnancy tests on the market, their price varies widely from 30 to 1500 rubles. The cheapest are test strips with a sensitivity of 25 mME / ml.

That is, it is suitable if there is a delay in menstruation for 1-3 days or more. Even before menstruation, such tests will not show anything.

Most sensitive tests:

  • Jet with sensitivity from 10 mME/ml. Most well-known manufacturers these tests: Frautest, Evitest, Clearblue. They are test plates or inkjet tests
  • Electronic. According to surveys among women, these are the most sensitive tests. Now Unipas Ltd., Great Britain produces similar products on the market. The main disadvantage is the high price. The test reacts to the presence of hCG from the first week of conception, respectively, a week before menstruation, you can find out about pregnancy

To be sure, you can buy the cheapest test, but it will show pregnancy only after a few days of missed periods.

the most accurate and sensitive for pregnancy

Pregnancy Tests Reviews

According to reviews, the most popular are budget options tests. These are ordinary strips that must be immersed in the collected urine.

Most popular tests:

  • Evitest
  • rest assured
  • Bebichek

Unfortunately, reviews of domestic tests are not the most positive, this is due to their low price and, accordingly, low sensitivity.

Accordingly, on early stages strips give false negative result. The second strip may not appear immediately, but after 10-15 minutes. Many women throw away the strip after 3 minutes and think that there is no pregnancy.

As you can see, the modern market offers a lot of pregnancy tests, their sensitivity directly depends on the price.

VIDEO: Pregnancy test

All women sooner or later want to give birth to a child and look forward to this event.

With a delay in menstruation, many want to know for sure whether the long-awaited pregnancy has come. Since the 80s of the last century, tests have been used to determine pregnancy. The procedure is carried out at home. Thus, the girl learns about interesting position without waiting for the gynecologist to confirm the pregnancy.

Are there reusable pregnancy tests?

Not all women know whether reusable pregnancy tests exist, and if so, where to order and buy them. Usually, the fair sex use the test strips familiar to many.

But reusable devices are becoming more and more widespread.

Clearblue's developers have been working for a long time to refine a technique that helps determine if the desired delicate state has arrived.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the company patented a novelty - a reusable diagnostic test, which immediately won recognition from the fair sex.

Unlike disposable Clearblue digital, reusable is used several times. The principle of operation does not change - diagnosis occurs due to hCG measurements. In addition, the woman finds out how old she is.

Advantages of multiple test:

  • the accuracy of the result obtained - even with weak contact with the reagent, the fact of conception is confirmed with a certainty of 97-99%;
  • early diagnosis - whether the child is conceived or not, the indicator with the definition of the term shows from the first day of the delay, and sometimes before it;
  • the ability to use several times - strip strips tend to dry out or change indicator colors, and a reusable pregnancy test retains readings for a day;
  • calculation of the approximate date of birth.

General characteristics and principle of operation of such tests

Reusable pregnancy tests are based on the latest digital technology. The device looks like a flash drive for a computer, from which the cartridge is removed. Below it is a black and white display.

It contains symbols that display the results of the diagnostics. If the result is negative, the woman will know which days are suitable for conception.

The device is connected to a computer, on which, according to the test results, parents decide on the issue of determining the term. A woman is pregnant if the luteinizing hormone and chorionic gonadotropin levels appear on the display of the multi-use pregnancy test.

The principle of operation of the device is simple, similar to inkjet test for pregnancy. A few drops of urine are dripped onto a disposable cartridge, after a while the result appears on the monitor. It can be negative or positive.

Who are they designed for?

Clearblue digital reusable is based on the latest diagnostic technology. It allows you to find out if a woman is in a position even on short term, a few days after ovulation.

Ladies can use it with a delay of 1-2 days. Even with a negative result, the fair sex will be prompted when it is most favorable to conceive a child.

How to use reusable pregnancy tests

The Clearblue digital pregnancy test determines as accurately as possible whether a child has been conceived.

The algorithm of actions is simple. IN morning time the test is taken out of the package, the protective cap is removed, and then a few drops of urine are dripped onto the strip. Immediately after that, the monitor appears hourglass. After 3-4 minutes, the result appears. When a minus sign appears, there is no conception.

With a plus that appears on the display, you can talk about the conception of a child, while the period will be indicated, how much time has passed since the egg was fertilized. During the day, the result is stored on the display. You can check the fact of successful fertilization a second time after a few hours. Instructions for use contains all possible indications.

What can affect test results

A reusable pregnancy test is not 100% error-proof and sometimes gives a false result.

This can happen if:

  1. Damage to protective packaging.
  2. Poorly concentrated urine.
  3. Reception medicines containing hCG.
  4. Hormonal disruptions.
  5. Pathological processes occurring in the kidney area.
  6. Freezing of the embryo.
  7. Delayed ovulation.
  8. Pregnancy outside the uterus.
  9. Test expiration date.
  10. Non-compliance with the storage conditions of the packaging.

How accurate are the results of reusable tests - reviews

At present, reviews are widely represented in the Internet community real people who tried the tests. The most typical messages are given below.

Tatyana, 32 years old, Krasnodar:

Felt bad for several days. I didn’t even think about pregnancy, because I was treated for infertility for a long time. A friend brought Clear blue a test to determine the fact of conception and ovulation. Wow, but soon he showed that soon I would become the mother of a beautiful baby.

I did not believe it and, on the advice of a friend, double-checked the result, but the answer was the same. Not feeling her legs under her, she went to the antenatal clinic. Is it true! I will have a baby in 8 months. And the device was left for the future, because someday it may be needed again.

Karina, 24 years old, Sergiev Pasad:

My husband and I love rafting. Going on my next trip, I decided to go to the doctor to understand why I began to feel bad. All signs of pregnancy appeared. But after conducting express testing, I saw a negative result. I shared my problem with my friend, a pharmacist by profession.

So she said that there are various methods definitions. And that more accurate reusable instruments. I thought it was expensive. But the cost was not as exorbitant as I thought.

I bought such an electronic test. Hooray! I am pregnant! But I decided to double-check, since it is reusable. It becomes scary at the thought that she could go rafting on mountain rivers in position. And now I'm expecting a baby.

Svetlana, 27 years old, Moscow:

Felt disgusting a few times. What caused this condition, I had no idea. I didn’t even think about getting pregnant, because I took birth control pills. Arriving at the pharmacy found out that there is a large number of a variety of express methods.

I took one at random, its name is Clearblue digital. Wow, this device not only determined that I was pregnant, but also showed what period I am currently at. I was surprised that in just the 4th week I found out that a wonderful baby was coming soon.

Watch this video for pregnancy tests:


When the express analysis showed the result, the woman should visit the doctor in antenatal clinic. He will finally confirm the fact of conception.

The participation of a doctor is mandatory: even the most cutting-edge method - electronic or digital - in some situations shows an erroneous result. Symptoms similar to pregnancy occur with the development of various pathological conditions. How before the disease detected, the sooner it can be fixed.

Suspecting possible attack pregnancy, every woman rushes to the pharmacy to check her suspicions with a pregnancy test. For the most part, the fair sex chooses one-time tests that are easy to use and cost nothing. However, such a diagnostic method rarely leaves a woman satisfied with the result, making her wonder - how brightly did the second strip appear and can the result of such a test be trusted? In this regard, doctors are increasingly advising ladies not to skimp and purchase a reusable pregnancy test. How this device differs from a conventional test and how accurate it is, we will learn from this article.

How does the multiple test work?

In fact, the principle of operation of reusable tests is no different from the operation of disposable devices. In both cases, the test responds to an increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a special hormone that rises sharply in a woman's body in the event of pregnancy. At the same time, unlike disposable tests, this device is able to determine the concentration of hCG and even the level of luteinizing hormone, which makes its result highly accurate.

The application of the test in question also does not differ from the usual inkjet. It is enough just to substitute the receiving end of the device under the stream of urine for a couple of seconds, after which it remains only to wait for the test results.

Differences between a reusable test and a one-time test

With a similar principle of operation, there are significant differences between a reusable test and a one-time test. So in our camp, the Clearblue electronic reusable device has gained the greatest popularity. Unlike conventional disposable pregnancy tests, which show the result of one or two strips, this device eliminates the need to guess how well the strips are visible. The Clearblue device is able to clearly indicate the presence or absence of pregnancy. In the case of fertilization, the display shows “+”, and if the pregnancy has not occurred, “-”. While waiting for the results, an hourglass is displayed on the dial. The result obtained within the next five minutes no longer changes over time, unlike strip strips, the color of which may fade with drying.

Benefits of a multiple test

Doctors speak of such a device as a highly sensitive technique that does not give "misfires", which means that it allows diagnosing pregnancy at home as effectively as in the laboratory. Reliable results such a device shows already on the first day of the delay. Moreover, manufacturers claim that a reusable test is able to catch hCG in the urine four days before the expected delay. Among other things, the ability to use the device to determine pregnancy an unlimited number of times will allow you to check the accuracy of the data after a few days. Of course, the price of such a test is many times higher than a one-time one, but in return you can get a reusable test, the reliability of the data of which can be no doubt.

It only remains to add that the reusable pregnancy test has a rather attractive appearance, and you can buy it in a network of pharmacies without any problems, since not everyone has yet managed to appreciate the advantages of such an invention, and therefore the demand for it is still small. Take care of yourself!