Normal body temperature in a 10 month old baby. Bowel dysfunction. No additional symptoms

An elevated temperature in children always causes alertness of parents. From the early childhood we are well aware that they don’t give a thermometer to a child just like that - most likely, parents suspect a cold. And if it is even interesting for some children to lie in bed and watch their favorite cartoons and fairy tales, then the symptoms of any disease cause anxiety and fear in parents.
The first signs of a cold are headache, sore throat, lethargy, weakness and temperature, which, closer to the night, begins to rise stubbornly. But what if the body is kept above the norm. At the same time, there are no symptoms that could indicate colds? What are the reasons for this phenomenon, how should parents behave in this case, and what does the famous pediatrician Komarovsky think about this?

Body temperature 37.2 without concomitant symptoms in children

The normal temperature for both adults and children is considered to be 36.6 ° C. This indicator may vary slightly in one direction or another, depending on several physiological processes, in particular thermoregulation.
For example, in newborn children, there is still an imperfect nervous system, which affects the thermoregulation system. Therefore, often when measuring temperature, the thermometer indicator can stop at a mark above 37 ° C, which is considered quite normal in medicine. It should be noted that the body of newborns quickly responds to any changes in environment which immediately affects their body temperature.

Important! This explains the fact that baby you can’t wrap it up, which is so strongly advised by all pediatricians in the world. The process of thermoregulation is normalized only by the age of three months of the child, which each of the parents needs to know.

It is also worth noting that the cause of elevated temperature is nothing more than defensive reaction organism, which manifests itself at the slightest suspicion of the penetration of an irritant infectious disease- there is an active release of interferon, which is considered the most powerful antiviral substance.
For example, if a child coughs, and after measuring the temperature, the indicator stops at 37 ° C and above, then most likely the infection begins to affect the upper Airways.
When the body temperature is 37 degrees and above, accompanied by vomiting, the infection has entered the intestines.
In these cases, you should immediately call a doctor who, after an examination, will prescribe the correct treatment.

Diarrhea and a thermometer reading of 37 ° C in children under one year old can often be caused by teething. Exactly the same symptoms can manifest themselves with intestinal infection, especially when the child is over 5 years old, when teething cannot be discussed.

The main causes that can cause subfebrile body temperature in children

If your child more than a year, and his body temperature is stable within 37 ° C, then this should alert you. Most likely, this may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

The body temperature of 37 ° C, no matter how old the child is, never needs to be reduced with medication. This rule sounds not only for children, but also if you are already 50 years old. With such an indicator of the thermometer, all vital functions are preserved, and a slightly increased indicator only indicates that the immune system actively fights the infection that has entered the body.
The only indication in such a situation is to drink plenty of water, which will help to avoid dehydration.
In the event that the indicator 37 remains at the thermometer mark for more than 3 days, the child should be shown to the doctor.

Sometimes you can observe that the child is active, he eats well, plays well, and after passing all the tests, no deviations were found. At the same time, the body temperature is always kept at around 37 - 37.2 C.

There are several options that can determine the cause of low-grade fever, which we will consider in more detail.

Warm clothes

Parents should remember that a child is more mobile than an adult. Therefore, it is not worth dressing it like an onion, even if the temperature outside the window is minus.

Warm and dry room

Systematically ventilate the room in which the child is located. Not worth it winter time overheat the batteries, which, in addition to causing dryness in the room, are bad for health. Make sure that the temperature in the nursery does not exceed 21 ° C. In addition, do wet cleaning in the apartment in the morning and evening. This rule is especially true in the winter season, when all heating devices are turned on, and fresh air enters the room less often than in summer.

Irregular stool

Make sure that the child had a systematic stool. Constipation, like diarrhea, can cause an increase in body temperature. If you notice that your baby is not defecating daily, be sure to tell the doctor about it.

The reaction of the body to medications, household chemicals or the chlorine content in the water

allergic reaction to household chemicals or medical preparations It will burn to cause a fever of 37 C and above in the child.

Eliminate all these reasons, and most likely it will be normal.

Subfebrile temperature - what is it?

Body temperature up to 38 ° C in medicine is called subfebrile, especially if it is kept in a child long time- from 2 weeks to several years. There are no other symptoms that would indicate the penetration of the infection. Such a pathological situation can develop for several reasons, but basically it indicates that some serious disease is occurring in the body.

First of all, pediatricians suspect tuberculosis. To exclude the development of this disease, the child is sent for examination, anamnesis is collected and possible contacts with carriers of this infection are looked for.
In addition to tuberculosis, a constant body temperature of 37 ° C can be observed in the development of rheumatic disease and chronic toxoplasmosis.

It is also impossible to exclude the moment when children up to a year and above may experience subfebrile temperature, which is classified as postviral asthenia syndrome. In most cases, it can last up to 6 months and is observed after an infectious disease.

Important! If in the recent past there was a disease such as typhoid fever, then subfebrile temperature may also indicate that the underlying disease was incorrectly cured. In this case, doctors apply all necessary measures to treat the source of the disease.

Subfebrile condition of a non-infectious nature in children under one year old and above can be caused by a psycho-vegetative disorder or for a physiological reason.

No matter how old the child is, if a temperature above 37 ° C has been observed for some time, while you notice changes in his behavior (nervousness, irritability, tearfulness, weight loss, heart palpitations), then most likely this indicates the presence of psycho- vegetative system. This should be reported to the doctor, who will develop an adequate treatment system. As a rule, to verify the presence of a disease of the psycho-vegetative system, it is enough to check the level thyroid-stimulating hormone in blood.

A thermometer reading in the range of 37-38 ° C may also indicate the presence of anemia or other somatic disease, but it is extremely rare. However, this factor cannot be ruled out.

Regarding physiological deviations, at which the temperature is maintained at 37 ° C, this can be a banal stay in a warm room, after physical and emotional stress. It is enough to remove these factors, as the body temperature returns to normal in a short time.

Rules of Conduct for Parents

You should know that most children, no matter how old they are, have a temperature of 37 ° C. It is impossible to speak unambiguously about the presence of the disease. At the same time, it is necessary to examine the child for all of the above factors in without fail. In no case should you start treatment until the doctor establishes an accurate diagnosis.

Until then, parents should:

1. Do not give your child medication if your pediatrician advises you to do so.
2. Install correct mode day and sleep.
3. Do not wrap the baby.
4. Provide him with an active lifestyle.

Remember, hardening children up to a year will help you avoid a lot of unpleasant situations. In this case, the hardening procedure cannot be chosen independently, but only after consultation with a doctor.

Proper diet and sleep, frequent walks on fresh air, piercing procedures, classes physical sports- these recommendations should become the main rule in raising children, no matter how old they are.

Dr. Komarovsky about body temperature in children

A well-known domestic pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, explains the situation in which parents observe an elevated body temperature in their children.

A thermometer reading above 37 ° C in children, no matter how old they are, always indicates that the body is inflammatory process. But in this situation, along with the fever, other symptoms manifest themselves: cough, headache, runny nose, weakness, sometimes vomiting and a characteristic rash on the body.
But, an indicator of 37 ° C on a thermometer can also be seen when there are no side symptoms. The child feels great, he plays, eats and leads a normal life. To understand how to act in such a situation, the first step is to find out the root cause.

In children under one year old, this thermometer indicator is most common. The first reason for this phenomenon is not a well-established process of thermoregulation. This is mainly observed in infants, especially if the mother refuses to give the child additional liquid. That's why, dear mothers it's fine if you're breastfeeding breast milk. But at the same time, one should not forget that the body of a wrapped baby is able to intensively lose fluid. Your milk may not be enough for him to replenish fluids. Therefore, if you notice that the baby fever, do not refuse him additional liquid!

In children from a year old, the cause of an increased indicator of the thermometer can be banal overheating. Therefore, maintain a normal air temperature in the room and systematically carry out wet cleaning. Don't let your child out hot weather without panama or kerchief.

In overly emotional children, as a rule, the thermometer does not fall below 37 ° C. This normal phenomenon with this pathology, regardless of age. This can be both at the age of one, and at the age of 15-17 years. Even a loud sound or a sharp light can rise in temperature with a neurological disorder in children from a year old. Therefore, if you observe this for your baby, be sure to inform your doctor about it.

You shouldn't think that allergic reaction may only present with a runny nose or cough. Often it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, while a runny nose and cough are not observed.

It is also observed in the presence of more complex diseases, for example, with heart disease. In this case, jumps in the thermometer indicators adversely affect the state little heart. That is why, the adequate action of a cardiologist is mandatory in this case.

Important! If your child has been diagnosed with a heart defect, it is highly undesirable to transport him from one climate zone to another!

Sometimes a cold can begin with a rise in the thermometer. But, already on the second day, symptoms such as cough and runny nose are connected. The kid becomes lethargic and capricious.
In addition to colds, childhood illnesses such as chickenpox and measles also start with fever. But in this case, the next day, characteristic rashes can be observed on the body.

And finally, subfebrile temperature without side symptoms can be observed in children up to a year and older when a foreign substance enters the body. First of all, it concerns vaccinations. Some children painfully endure such moments, and this is manifested precisely by an increase in body temperature for several days.

The normal body temperature of a baby in the first days of life is between 37 and 37.5 degrees. After a few days, it drops to 36-37 degrees, and the baby's condition remains the same. And the usual temperature of 36.6 degrees is established only when the child is one year old. Parents should know this so as not to worry in case of deviations from the norm.

Up to six months, the child needs to measure the temperature daily

For the first six months, babies need to take their temperature daily. But many parents do not want to run up to the baby with a thermometer every morning. They should always remember that so far the child's body is not strong enough, so the baby can easily overheat. It can happen from active game or strong crying. The child can also get cold from a light breeze or draft.

In newborns, the temperature can drop to 35 degrees. There may be several reasons for this. Among them, the effect of the antipyretic drug is prolonged, if it was given to an infant the day before. Even if the child has recovered, it remains in the child's body for some time.

Body temperature in infants, depending on the method of measurement

You can measure the temperature of an infant in different ways, so it will differ:

The process of thermoregulation in a newborn child is not formed. At this time, heat transfer predominates, rather than heat production. Toddlers can freeze, because of this, the child hiccups, hands and feet may turn blue. Babies quickly overcool and overheat. This is important to remember for parents who swaddle their children. At this point, the thermoregulation mechanism will not work. It is more difficult for children to adapt to a new environment, and they are prone to colds. In young children, it is important to maintain a normal temperature while caring for them.

How to maintain a normal temperature in a newborn

The smallest children need to create a special thermal regime. To create a comfortable environment, it is recommended to use simple rules:

  • In the children's room, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20-24 degrees.
  • A baby should have one more layer of clothes than an adult.
  • At night, the child should not freeze. You need to cover it with a natural blanket. It retains heat, so the baby will have normal thermoregulation.
  • Children should be dressed appropriately for outings. temperature regime and the weather. Be sure to wear a hat, as a third of the heat is lost if the head is open.
  • Immediately after the birth of the baby, you need to hang a thermometer in the room to monitor the temperature.

How do you know if your baby needs extra warmth?

Check if the child needs warmth in a simple way. To do this, put a palm on the back of the child's head. Extra warmth he will need it if the baby has a cool back of the head.

External signs of temperature in a newborn

To determine whether the temperature is normal in a newborn, you can:

  • if the body is warm;
  • pink skin;
  • the child is active.

When the baby has no appetite, the temperature rises, activity in warm time year, this means that the child has overheated.

What to do when the baby overheats? Parents can:

  • Wear appropriate clothing for the baby: a cotton shirt and a sheet to cover.
  • Give plenty of fluids.
  • Do not take out a newborn in hot weather open sun to be with him in the shade.
  • Put on a panama.
  • Do not leave the child in the stroller for a long time in the heat, as both the stroller and the child overheat.

The birth of a baby obliges parents to monitor the child's health and body temperature. It is especially important to do this constantly for the first few months after the birth of a child.

The norm of temperature in infants up to a year

From the moment of birth until the child reaches one year of age, the temperature is considered normal, which can be 37.4 degrees, if measured in the armpits. This is due to the fact that the thermoregulation of the body of the child is disturbed. It will be established during the first year of life. Therefore, do not worry if the child's temperature is elevated.

A different temperature is considered normal for each child.

For every baby normal temperature will be different as every child is different. When the temperature rises to 37 degrees, you should not worry. If the newborn feels well, eats normally, then you should not worry. The temperature may be slightly lower. There is nothing wrong with that. This only indicates the features of the development of the baby. It will correctly measure body temperature for several days. Then you can find out the average value of the indicators for your child.

This is necessary in order to know when to sound the alarm. IN Lately it is noted that at temperatures up to 37.7, babies may not notice the temperature at all. It does not affect the child, who continues to behave naturally.

How to measure the temperature in babies?

There are several ways to find out what the temperature of the baby is. It is believed that the most accurate temperature shows mercury thermometer. However, you need to be careful with it. If the thermometer is damaged, mercury vapor can adversely affect the child's body.

Electronic options are considered the safest. They will help determine the temperature faster. Now manufacturers offer several options for electronic thermometers. They can be in the form of a fish, which is applied to the forehead. In the form of a pacifier, which is given to the baby in the mouth and thus check the temperature.

The measurement method is selected individually

For the rectal method, you can use electronic thermometer. It is made with a soft tip, and the process itself takes a few seconds. This allows you to quickly get data and minimize discomfort.

You need to choose a method to measure the temperature individually. There are active children who are better off offering bright toy or a pacifier. The main thing is that the baby sits for a while.

What temperature is considered high?

Regardless of the disease, the child almost always has a fever. It could be:

  • overheat;
  • teething;
  • reaction to vaccination
  • when dehydrated.

The temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, but the baby can safely walk and eat. In this situation, you can use a wet diaper. A child is wrapped in it so that the temperature subsides. Later, it can rise again, and the condition of the newborn will worsen. Then you need to give an antipyretic. It is important to remember that the drugs must be agreed with the pediatrician. Do not give analgin and aspirin. They lead to complex neurological diseases. Any medications may have no effect when chosen incorrectly. Therefore, in order to avoid negative manifestations, it is better to contact a pediatrician.

Can the temperature in the baby go down? Sometimes infants the temperature drops to 35 degrees. If the child plays, feels normal, eats, then there is no cause for concern. It may be a simple adaptation. It is quite difficult for newborn babies to immediately rebuild and get used to new living conditions outside the mother's tummy. Therefore, their body may react differently.

Newborn babies are still adapting to the new conditions of the world around them. And an increase or decrease in temperature can be a simple adaptation to new living conditions. So don't call ambulance with slight temperature deviations in one direction or another. It is important to first observe general condition, sleep, food. If it gets worse, you need to seek medical help.

What does the doctor say about body temperature in infants

An increase in body temperature in a child up to 6 months is enough frequent occurrence. What causes this, is it always warning sign when to worry and what needs to be done to help the baby?

Thermoregulation is a physiological process characterized by the ability to retain heat and its release. In an adult healthy person Normally, both components balance each other. The thermoregulatory center is located in the hypothalamic part of the brain. It is the hypothalamus that receives direct participation in maintaining a balance between heat transfer and consumption of thermal energy.

The formation of the center of the hypothalamic region in equal measure, as well as the maturation of other parts of the brain, continues after birth up to 7–8 years.

Increased heat production leads to nutrition, physical activity, stressful situations. Heat transfer in children is carried out mainly through the skin, work sweat glands through the respiratory organs.

A child in the first year of his life does not have perfect thermoregulation. This means that there is no relationship between heat transfer and heat production. Therefore, it is just as easy for a child to become overcooled as it is to be prone to overheating.

Temperature measurement

The temperature is considered normal in 6 month old baby from 36.8–37.2 degrees Celsius. Indications depend on the time of day, the activity of the baby, the air temperature in the room, the season.

Measurements can be made:

  • Armpit temperature - using mercury or electronic thermometer. Indicators up to 37.2 are considered normal.
  • Rectal temperature. This type of measurement is considered the most accurate, however, when performed, it causes some discomfort. It may differ from the axillary - be higher by 1–1.5 degrees.
  • In the mouth. Enough is produced today a large assortment safety thermometers for children in the form of a pacifier, allowing you to accurately measure. Normal values ​​​​are considered to be 0.5 degrees higher than the temperature in the armpit.
  • In the cavity of the child's ear, the measurement is also performed using a special thermometer. It differs from the average by 1 degree.

Measurement of body temperature in auricle, when detecting differences in indications on the right and left, is a test for establishing the diagnosis of otitis media in a child.

The lower limit of normal temperature in a child at 6 months is 36.0 -36.2.

To obtain objective thermometry data, you must follow some simple measurement rules:

  • The thermometer must be correct. The mercury thermometer must be shaken well before use, and the reading must be below 35 degrees before measurement.
  • In the axillary region, the child should not have signs of inflammatory changes in the skin, subcutaneous tissue.
  • The procedure should be performed with clean, dry hands, without touching the tip of the device.
  • It is first necessary to wipe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe axillary fold of the child with a dry, clean diaper.
  • Install the thermometer in the armpit so that its end touches skin, the shoulder should be pressed. The measurement is carried out for 10 minutes.

Measurement of temperature in other anatomical areas in young children should be performed with special electronic devices.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

So, physiological, after taking measurements in the armpit, are values ​​​​from 36.7 to 37.2.

At six months old baby a temperature of 37 degrees is considered normal. Values ​​over 37.5 are considered elevated. Temperature rise is not always a cause for concern. The causes of hyperthermia in a six-month-old baby can be:

  • Overheating.
  • Increased motor activity, prolonged crying.
  • Consequences of the vaccination performed the day before.
  • The appearance of the first teeth.
  • Infectious, viral diseases, fungal infection oral mucosa - stomatitis, gingivitis.
  • Violation of intestinal motility, constipation.
  • Manifestations of an allergic reaction.
  • neurological abnormalities.

Important: you should not try to figure out the causes of the disease on your own. When a child has a high temperature, regardless of possible cause, you should immediately call a doctor. Mom only needs to know how to alleviate the baby's condition before the doctor arrives.


It is the most common cause restless behavior of the baby and hyperthermia. Lead to overheating:

  • Overwrapping the baby.
  • Filled diapers, wet diapers.
  • Dry, wet air in room.

It is necessary to ventilate the room where the baby is located, perform the necessary hygiene procedures allow the child to enjoy freedom of action by taking air bath. As a rule, after such simple manipulations, already after 30–40 minutes, the temperature can return to normal.


If the baby was vaccinated the day before, the doctor will certainly warn about the possibility of hyperthermia up to 38 degrees, and in some children even higher. As a rule, such an increase does not last more than 1-2 days. Knowing about the possibility side effects after the vaccination has been completed, antihistamines will certainly be prescribed, which can be given to the baby, antipyretic drugs if the baby has a temperature of 38 and above.

First teeth

In a child at 6 months, the temperature is often due to the appearance of the first teeth.

This milestone in the life of a baby, accompanied by a decrease in immunity, the possibility of attaching a viral or bacterial infection. That is why the symptoms of fever cannot be attributed to the appearance of the first milk teeth.

Before the spoon hits the first tooth with a ringing sound, the baby has increased arousal, salivation, the appearance of a transparent mucous membrane. liquid secretion from the nose. There is redness and swelling of the gums. The kid greedily pushes a fist into his mouth or tries to “nibble” toys.

To alleviate this condition, young mothers are helped by special children's toys that help cool the oral mucosa. Your doctor may recommend gum ointments to reduce pain, itching, which makes the eruption of the first teeth less painful.


The cause of high fever in infants can be a fungal infection of the mucous membranes. A child of 6 months is more susceptible to such a disease than another age. This is due to greater motor activity, the desire to pull into the mouth any object that falls into his hands, the presence of swollen and slightly inflamed gums, which are ready for the appearance of the first teeth. Signs of a candidal lesion:

  • There is a whitish coating on the gums, tongue, cheek mucosa.
  • When a white film leaves, a hyperemic eroded surface remains, a pronounced pain syndrome is noted.
  • Fungal infection can cause not only hyperthermia, but also the child's refusal to eat, a general deterioration in the condition.

Seeing a doctor, observing hygiene skills, cleaning the oral cavity soda solution, potassium permanganate, peroxide - will help to cope with the disease.

Bowel dysfunction

In a child at 6 months, the temperature may be due to a violation of the digestive function:

  • Lack of stool, prolonged constipation.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Intestinal infection, manifested by diarrhea.
  • Violation of the normal intestinal microflora - dysbacteriosis.

Often, the rapid introduction of complementary foods, excessively saturated with complex proteins, carbohydrates, can cause a painful condition for the baby.

The doctor will help to establish the cause of the problems that have arisen, prescribe adequate therapy.

Acute respiratory infection

At first, babies who are on breastfeeding, are reliably protected from many viruses and microbes, receiving from mother's milk prepared antibodies. As you grow and increase motor activity, expanding the circle of communication, increases the likelihood of respiratory diseases. The kid is not able to tell mommy that he has a sore throat or stuffy nose. That is why the first sign of infection is often a fever with a temperature rise above 38 degrees. This condition requires a timely, correctly established diagnosis, the appointment of etiotropic treatment.

The dangers of hyperthermia

It is believed that the temperature below 38.2 should not be reduced. In fact, hyperthermia promotes the production of endogenous antibodies, immunoglobulins, which help to cope with painful condition. This is what happens in adults. In children, the immune system is as immature as the thermoregulatory system. Often, the degree of temperature increase does not fully reflect pathological processes occurring in the body, and, of course, the child needs timely medical assistance.

Fever is fraught with danger, can cause:

  • The occurrence of convulsive syndrome. More often, convulsions occur at temperatures above 39 degrees. However, in certain categories of children (with serious cardiovascular diseases, pathological changes CNS), the onset of convulsive syndrome is possible at lower temperature values.
  • Refusal to eat, drink, which can quickly lead to dehydration.
  • Violations of urination, the passage of contents through the intestines.
  • Lethargy, apathy of the baby. Prolonged fever can lead to retraction of the fontanel, ketoacidosis, impaired water-salt metabolism.

Timely application for medical care helps to avoid severe complications hyperthermia.

First aid

If a child of six months has a fever, you need to do the following:

  • The room where the baby is located must be ventilated to a comfortable temperature.
  • The baby must be undressed, freed from diapers, diapers, dressed in loose light cotton clothes, not covered.
  • After 30 minutes, try to measure the temperature again.
  • It is impossible to wean a child from the breast during illness, it is not recommended to introduce complementary foods.
  • Against the background of hyperthermia, it is extremely important to maintain optimal drinking regime to prevent dehydration of the baby.
  • If the child has heat persists, approaching 38 degrees, it is necessary to call the local pediatrician. The baby is recommended to give an antipyretic.

For children under 1 year old, suspensions based on paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used as an antipyretic.

A high fever above 39, the appearance of a convulsive syndrome, a change in the color of the baby's skin, noisy labored frequent breathing indicate that the baby is in dire need of urgent treatment, you should immediately call an ambulance.

It is extremely dangerous to try to independently diagnose and treat the baby. Timely appeal for qualified help will help to correctly determine the diagnosis, cope with hyperthermia, and avoid possible complications.

The ideal indicator of normal human body temperature is 36.6 degrees. We start from it, measuring our own temperature during the illness. Fluctuations of the indicator at healthy condition organisms depend on individual features of people. The rate of metabolism, heat transfer, heat production, temperature of the external space - all these processes affect final indicators. The picture with the norm in a child is even more complicated. When measuring the body temperature of the crumbs, parents should take into account many factors: whether the child was active before measuring, what he was wearing when he ate. In addition, the readings of the thermometer also depend on the individual thermal reaction of the child's body.

If everything is more or less clear with an adult, then the body temperature of a newborn is a very mobile value. It even depends on factors such as food, activity, sleep duration and emotional condition

What is the body temperature of a newborn?

Within a few minutes after leaving the womb, the newborn has the same body temperature as the mother. Adaptation to a new environment causes a decrease in the initial figures by 1-1.5 degrees in month old baby. It is important that already in the first hours of the appearance of the crumbs, hypothermia is prevented. After 5-6 hours, the numbers reach an average value and fluctuate between 36.5-36.8 degrees. It is possible to increase to 37.0 degrees in the first seven days of a child's life.

With transient hyperthermia in a newborn, on the 3-5th day after birth, the temperature rises sharply to 38-39 degrees. The cause of the disease may be too warm air in the ward, the proximity of the pump room next to the heating equipment. Affects the occurrence of the disease lack of drinking in hot weather, finding the child under direct sunbeams, and overheating due to warm clothing. Treatment of transient hyperthermia is to eliminate the factors that caused it. The child is undressed, allowed to lie down naked so that the body cools down. Increase the amount of drinking (give 50-100 ml of 5% glucose solution).

If transient hyperthermia occurs in 0.3-0.5% of children, then the opposite effect in the form hypothermia(decrease in temperature) is diagnosed more often. Doctors trace the connection of hypothermia with anatomical and physiological differences child's body and new living conditions for newborns. For the first 2 months, newborns do not have the daily temperature rhythm inherent in adults. After two months, it begins to form, but even then it is weakly expressed.

Short-term rise from medium to increased performance rarely associated with the penetration of infection into the body of the crumbs. Degrees can rise if the child long time started crying or was actively awake, even eating sometimes causes a jump. gradual development processes of heat transfer and heat production in the first 4-5 weeks of a child's life requires special approach to his clothes. It is preferable to swaddle the baby, and not to put on him undershirts and sliders (we recommend reading:).

The norm for children from 2 months of age to 5-7 years

The question of what temperature is considered healthy for a child at the age of 1 month worries many parents (we recommend reading:). Pediatricians are guided by the average indicators obtained as a result of many years of observation of infants. Not to create unnecessary reasons for excitement, write down the normative numbers for yourself:

  • for the armpit - 36.4-37.3 ° C;
  • for the rectum (rectal) - 36.9-37.6 ° C;
  • in the mouth (oral) - 36.6-37.2 ° C.

Intervals are given taking into account the individual characteristics of children. To find out what marks on the thermometer will be normal for your child, you should measure it 3 times a day for several days (more in the article:). Write down what the degrees were in the three zones and show them to the pediatrician. The doctor will bring average for your child and will determine his individual parameters of heat transfer and heat production. Knowing how the baby's body behaves, you can easily distinguish the norm from the problem that has arisen.

Body temperature can be measured different ways, however, its performance differs slightly (more details in the article:). If the mother is worried, she can choose the appropriate method for the baby and measure the temperature for several days, making a schedule

Starting from the second month and up to six months, the temperature baby, measured in the armpit, can rise to 37.4 degrees - it is considered normal (we recommend reading:). After 6 months, the upper limit should not exceed 37 degrees. Actively developing, the child spends a lot of energy, so do not be afraid if his temperature rises a little. An increase to 38 ° C both at 2 days and at 2 years old can be observed with a long, hysterical state with crying or severe overexcitation. The jump is caused by a copious rush of blood to the baby's head. In addition, an increase in digital values ​​that is not associated with a disease can be caused by:

  • colic;
  • overheating (hot in the bathroom, indoors or outdoors, warm clothes);
  • growth of the first teeth;
  • the body's response to vaccination;
  • allergies.

We measure the temperature correctly

It is preferable to measure the temperature of an infant when he is sleeping. The calm state of the child allows you to get accurate numbers. Measurements during wakefulness are recommended to be carried out 30 minutes after you walked with the child, fed or bought it. Before you put a thermometer, you need to wipe the skin.

  • For babies under 4 years old, the thermometer is placed vertically in the axillary zone, placing the tail in the armpit and clamping the scale between inner surface arms and side of the body.
  • A child at 4-5 years old is placed a thermometer in the same way as in adults.

If it is necessary to measure the temperature rectally, the crumbs should be placed on the barrel, asked to bend the legs at the knees and pull them up to the body. The tail of the thermometer must be lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream, carefully inserted into anus. Having finished the measurement, the thermometer is also carefully removed from the rectum and see what the mark is.

The mercury thermometer is not used to measure rectal temperature- you should take an electronic device with a soft tip.

Dr. Komarovsky points out that a temperature of 36-37 degrees is considered normal for a child. Taking measurements during the day, you can control it, understanding whether your baby is healthy or there are signs of malfunctions in the body. Consider also the fact that in the morning after restful sleep the temperature drops, and in the evening it can be slightly elevated. The difference is 3-4 divisions of the thermometer. For the morning, the norm will be 35.9-36.1 ° С, in the evening - 36.9-37.3 ° С.

Apparently, they do not often watch programs with Dr. Komarovsky. Otherwise, they would know that healthy baby at 2 or 2.5 years old, it is quite normal for the thermometer to show between 36 and 37℃ in certain situations. Any increase or decrease in heat transfer and heat production is an adaptive reaction of the body, a manifestation of its protective forces.

Let's find out for what reasons the normal temperature in a child at 2 years old can change and how it can be returned to the "ideal" value. Of course, the latter is required only in cases of danger of hypothermia, overheating or dehydration.

What are the norms and deviations?

By the age of 2, the baby's thermoregulation has already formed quite well. But she is still in the process of active development and therefore there are differences from adults. This is manifested in the fact that:

  • In 50% of babies, the measurement results in the armpits differ: in the left, it is 0.2-0.5℃ higher than in the right. Probably because it is closer to the heart.
  • All children from 2 years to 5 years of age have diurnal changes. At 4-5 pm the temperature is the highest, at 4-5 am the lowest. And the difference is usually 0.6 to 1℃.
  • In plump and mobile butuzes at 2.5 years old, the norm will be 0.2-0.4 ℃ higher than in thin and not very active ones at the same age.

At rest at 11-14 hours 40 minutes after eating, the norm for a two-year-old usually ranges from 36.5 to 36.9 ℃. At 5-7 am it is usually 35.8-36.6℃. There is also an addiction to many situations that are common for a 2-year-old child.

Causes of deviation from the norm

Causes of temperature deviations from the norm healthy child at 2 years old
  • prolonged crying or screaming;
  • running around;
  • outdoor games;
  • long walks.
Cause What are the deviations? Should it be normalized and how?
Increases by 0.5-2℃, up to 38℃

Check if the child is sweating. If so, change into dry clothes and come up with a quiet activity.

Massage At 0.5-1℃ Dress up or bathe.
After meal

Depending on the type of food, it is strongest after meat dishes.

Give a refreshing drink: compote, fruit drink, juice.

The room temperature is 24℃ or higher, the child is dressed too warmly

Up to 37.5℃ Ventilate the room, change into lighter clothes.

Please note that overheating, like hypothermia, gives an increased load on the body's regulatory systems. And if at this moment a microbe flies into the respiratory tract, the likelihood of a cold increases greatly.

When and how to measure the temperature in 2 years?

Did you touch your forehead with your hand and it seemed to you that it was hot? But you do not see or hear any alarming symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • redness or watery eyes;
  • cold hands and feet with a hot body;
  • increased moodiness, tearfulness;
  • unusual lethargy or drowsiness;
  • Complaints that the head or stomach hurts.

Then don't rush! Before reaching for the thermometer, make sure the room is comfortable conditions with a temperature as close as possible to 18℃ and a humidity of 50-70%, and a pair of extra tights and blouses is not stretched over the baby. Invite the baby to drink, play a calm game. And only after half an hour measure the temperature.

But at the same time, consider what kind of thermometer you have and where you apply it. All the usual norms are indicated for measurement with a mercury thermometer in a dry armpit. Electronic devices, especially Chinese ones, can shamelessly lie. Therefore, first test the new thermometer on dad before and after physical activity. If before it was 36.6, and after 37.6 and above, then the device is probably working.

Non-traditional places of measurement, doctor Komarovsky reminds us, have different temperature values ​​​​for a child at 2 years old. They differ from armpit readings:

  • in the mouth - by 0.3-0.6℃;
  • in the rectum and in the external auditory canal by 0.6-1.2℃.

Remember that a mercury thermometer can only measure the temperature in the armpit for 2-year-old children. Please note that even the progressive pediatrician Komarovsky prefers to use this most primitive type of thermometer, since his readings are considered the most accurate. And do not forget that you need to keep the mercury device under your arm for at least 5 minutes.

Summing up

The body temperature of a 2-year-old child should be monitored, but without fanaticism. The norm at 2 years old already deviates less from 36.6 ℃ than for babies at 1 year old, but is still subject to noticeable daily fluctuations. It is highly dependent on external conditions: clothing, temperature and humidity indoors and outdoors.

Deviations in the range of 35.9-37.2 ℃ should not bother you much if your little one is cheerful, active and eats well. And if you do not see any suspicious signs indicating a cold or other illness. With the help of temperature changes, a small organism learns to adapt to heat and cold, to overly caring or indifferent parents, to this complex and changing world.