The cat pees a lot. Why does a cat often go to the toilet in a small way, how many times a day does a kitten or an adult cat pee. Healthy condition of the cat

There is an opinion that a cat living in an apartment, very rarely going outside and not having contact with other animals, cannot be exposed to any diseases. In a sense, we can agree with this, the risk of infection, of course, is lower, but not a single animal, even a tightly isolated one, is immune from infections and diseases.

Urinary tract infections

The genitourinary system in a cat.

The same is true with infections of the genitourinary system. It is customary that a cat, but if such a picture is observed very often, you should pay special attention to this.

So something is wrong.

How often do cats go to the toilet?

If a cat has free access to water, then in a small way it walks up to three times a day.

Normal physiological urination is up to three times a day, the animal usually does not stay on the tray for long and the sound of pouring water is heard.

The cat goes to the toilet often in a small way

During the day, the cat peed many times, this can be seen from the tray. In the morning it was clean and the filler was fresh. Frequent urination in a cat is a reason to sound the alarm.

If the pet runs to the tray more often than these indicators, stays on the tray longer than usual, pees with an effort, perhaps meowing plaintively, the sound of the jet is not heard - this is a reason to suspect the disease and consult a doctor.

There are several reasons for this symptom:

  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • diabetes;
  • territory marking;

The color and smell of urine in each case will be slightly different. There may be blood or sediment.

Diagnosis by symptoms

Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system are almost always accompanied by painful emptying of the bladder. The cat will tilt its head down, strain the muscles of the whole body, arch its back, meow.

Exhaust liquid darker than usual, possible blood impurities . It comes out in an intermittent stream, small “throws”.

Such signs may indicate. An accurate diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory tests.

cat behavior

The cat is lethargic and sleeping.

Against the background of frequent urination, the animal lethargic, depressed, refuses to eat . , jumps in body temperature. Urine is dark, with impurities of blood or pus, it smells of ammonia. Most likely, these are symptoms of cystitis.

Self-diagnosis is unrealistic, so you should immediately contact the clinic. The study takes place with the help, blood, smear. The method of ultrasound examination, endoscopy is also used.

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is not caused by pain.

Urine is normal light yellow in color, has no impurities and specific odors. It cannot develop as an independent disease, so it is imperative to identify the cause. Most often it occurs as a result of injuries, disorders of the central nervous system, chronic, latent diseases. Diagnosis is carried out comprehensively, examining the entire body as a whole.

cat drinks a lot

The cat is constantly thirsty, drinks a lot, behaves inactively. The smell of acetone is felt from the mouth.

The cat often drinks water - a cause for concern.

Wool dull, disheveled. He leans heavily on his hind legs. All these are signs of diabetes. The examination is carried out in detail: a urine and blood test for glucose levels, ultrasound, tests for hormone levels.

kidney failure

On ultrasound, the kidneys are surrounded by fluid in the abdomen. In the kidneys, disorders such as can be expected. An accurate diagnosis will be made after additional research.

They examine the blood, do an ultrasound of the kidneys, x-rays, urinalysis, calculate the function of the kidneys.

Marking the territory with small portions of an odorous secret is not a pathology, and therefore does not require any treatment. How to understand that this is precisely the marking of the territory? The cat leans against the corner wall or door, raises a trembling tail.

Sometimes frequent urination can be caused by the stress of spaying a cat. This is due precisely to nervous overstrain, so all that is required of the owner is to ensure the cat's peace, to smooth out the experienced shock as soon as possible. Over time, the situation will stabilize.

Elimination of causes

The prognosis of genitourinary infections, in particular urolithiasis, varies. A timely appeal to the doctor and the provision of qualified assistance ends with a favorable outcome.

Neglected cases and untimely assistance leads to sad consequences. , lethal outcome. The first aid will be to ensure the free exit of urine - catheterization . Further, symptomatic, preventive and restorative therapy is used. Painkillers, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, restorative, diet are prescribed. Severe and neglected cases require surgical intervention.


Ultrasound image for cystitis.

Cystitis, along with anti-inflammatory drugs, require the mandatory use of antibiotics in order to prevent the emergence of a pathogenic environment in the inflamed area.

Antispasmodics can help relieve pain. In order not to harm the intestines and maintain a healthy microflora, probiotics are prescribed. Mandatory is the strict control of the nutrition of the animal, sparing regimen and diet.


On the left is normal urination, on the right is typical urination for a diabetic cat.

Animals with diabetes mellitus need a diet low in carbohydrates. Moreover, such a diet is required for the entire period of the pet's life. In some cases, insulin injections are required. The doctor teaches you to do it yourself, at home, or you will have to bring pets to the clinic.

The principle of treatment of renal failure can be described in several points:

  1. Influence on the cause - antibiotics, hormonal drugs.
  2. Neutralization of toxins - hemodialysis.
  3. Maintenance of the body - fortifying drugs, cardiac, diet.

In combination with other drugs, weak diuretics are prescribed.

Preventive measures for frequent urination

Preventive measures for frequent urination are individual for each case. The general criterion is strict control of nutrition and drinking. The menu of a pet should consist of high-quality fresh products.

Vitamins are everything

The diet is balanced and nutritious, with the presence of all substances useful for the body.

Avoid dangerous and stressful situations for the cat. Prevent the risk of infection: limit contact with other animals, ensure favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions. Provide diabetic animals with a strict feeding regime, by the hour.

Cats prone to cystitis must be provided with a warm place to rest: no drafts, soft bedding. Mandatory vaccination of animals according to a clearly specified schedule, indispensable timely medical examination.

Want to know why your pet has pollakiuria or frequent urination? This can be the cause of serious inflammatory processes and other disorders of the body. If you find urine with blood or just frequent urination, do not try to make a diagnosis yourself, be sure to contact your veterinarian to avoid death. Fluffy can develop bladder inflammation, kidney stones, diabetes, enuresis, or severe stress, which leads to improper functioning of the urinary system. The doctor will conduct a series of studies (various tests, ultrasound, x-rays), after which he will identify the cause and prescribe treatment.

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Why does the animal urinate frequently?

If you notice that the animal often urinates, this is a signal of some disturbances in the body. Urges can be caused by diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, urolithiasis), stressful situations. In this case, the cat runs to the toilet often, but a little bit and, possibly, with bloody discharge. Other reasons for frequent urination may be the fact that the animal drinks a lot of water due to heat or diabetes, as well as marking the territory and urinary incontinence. In this situation, the animal also goes to the toilet often, but without bloody discharge and with a normal amount of urine.


One of the reasons for frequent urination in a cat a little bit with bloody discharge may be cystitis, that is, inflammation of the bladder. This disease occurs in cats aged one year and older, can be acute (several days) or become chronic (months). Cystitis is rare, however, the disease is fraught with the fact that it can cause toxicosis, inflammation of other systems, and even death.

The main symptom of cystitis is that the cat often goes to the toilet in small portions, possibly with blood or pus. During urination, the pet may meow painfully, twitch. Also, a four-legged friend can pee past the trays, walk hunched over, often lick the crotch.

What are the causes of cystitis and frequent visits to the toilet by a cat? This:

  • improper metabolism;
  • sand and kidney stones;
  • mineral imbalances;
  • malnutrition (lack of protein, lack of fluid, overfeeding with dry food);
  • genital infections;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • cold, draft, etc.

Urolithiasis disease

If a cat often goes to the toilet in a small way, this may be a signal of urolithiasis. It consists in the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys of the cat.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • urine is excreted in drops a little bit;
  • a cat or kitten often runs to the tray;
  • in the toilet, in addition to urine, you can find traces of blood;
  • constant vomiting;
  • heat;
  • lethargy.

Your cat or kitten may get sick in the following cases:

  • have a viral or bacterial infection;
  • the animal receives an excess of food;
  • sterilization was carried out, which provokes appetite, which leads to overeating of a kitten or cat;
  • poor heredity or vulnerable breed of cats and cats, for example, Persian, Siamese, etc.;
  • improper drinking regimen (a lot of water).


Does your cat or kitten often want to go to the toilet? Perhaps this is the result of stress! Stress reduces immunity, which leads to inflammation of the organs, in particular, the urinary system. Stressful situations take place in the following cases:

  • smells, furnishings have changed in the apartment;
  • a new tray for an adult pet or kitten;
  • change of bed;
  • switching to another cat food;
  • violations of relations with the owner (if there is not enough attention and care, or vice versa - an overabundance);
  • the appearance of a new pet, the struggle for territory;
  • moving;
  • if a cat or a cat wants to "walk", but cannot;
  • irregular cleaning of the tray, because cats are clean animals.

The main symptom of stressful situations is that the pet often goes to the toilet in small portions with blood or no urine at all. There is also a kitten's anxiety, aggressiveness or apathy, a shrill meow. If a pet is stressed and often goes to the toilet, this can cause blockage of the urinary canal, which threatens the life of the pet.

Drinks a lot of water

An adult and a kitten may often go to the tray due to increased thirst. This may be due to heat (he drinks a lot and often) or diabetes. In both cases, the pet drinks a lot of water and, accordingly, goes to the toilet more often.

If the reason for everything was the heat - this is a temporary seasonal phenomenon. However, if the ambient temperature is normal, and the cat is thirsty and he drinks a lot further, this may be a signal of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a sharp rise in blood glucose levels.

Most often, adults suffer from diabetes (sometimes it affects a kitten) and overweight pets. Also, the cause may be hormonal disruptions, pancreatitis, estrus, pregnancy. If you notice that your pet has become more likely to walk on a small one, you should know that this is one of the primary signs of the development of diabetes. Also, the symptoms of the disease are:

  • the smell of acetone;
  • apathy;
  • weight loss;
  • vomit;
  • increased appetite or lack thereof;
  • the animal drinks a lot and often.

Territory marking

Your pet may walk to or past the litter box more often, not only because of some kind of illness, it may be due to behavioral patterns. Cats and even kittens love to mark their territory, especially if they are not alone in the house or the owner brought replenishment. In this case, they often go to the toilet in small portions and in different parts of the house. In the next video you will learn how to wean a pet to mark.

Urinary incontinence

Smaller urges may become more frequent due to urinary incontinence (enuresis), due to which the bladder weakens and urine often leaks, which is similar to constant urges. The reason for everything can be both age-related disorders and spinal injuries, stressful situations. Urination occurs as soon as the pressure in the bladder rises. This problem is especially relevant for older pets and sterilized ones.

How can you help a cat?

To help a fluffy pet, you must first determine the cause of frequent urges. Do not try to diagnose yourself! In any case, especially if there is bleeding, immediately consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment. In the early stages of the disease of the urinary system is completely curable. Turning to the clinic in time is the most important thing that you can do for an adult pet or a kitten!

If there are suspicions of diseases of the urinary system, the veterinarian will prescribe a number of tests and other studies:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • hormone analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • for the presence of acetone and the level of acid-base balance;
  • the ratio of the amount of urine and fluid you drink;
  • x-ray;

If the diagnosis reveals cystitis, the doctor may prescribe

Stones and pleurisy on x-ray

If the cat has urolithiasis, you should contact the clinic immediately as soon as you notice the symptoms, otherwise the death of the animal may occur in 3-5 days. If you turn late, when the pet no longer walks and refuses to eat, even a qualified specialist is unlikely to help. Remember that urolithiasis is characterized by relapses, so the animal needs constant medical supervision. With timely access to a specialist, the development of the disease and repeated outbreaks can be avoided.

If frequent calls to the bathroom are caused by stress, you need to eliminate their source. To do this, try to remember when the symptoms began and what changes took place in the pet's life at that time. If possible, reduce the influence of the source of stress. It can be an ingrown toenail that needs to be trimmed, flea dermatitis that is treated with special sprays, and other situations that are unpleasant for the cat. However, to be sure that the cause of urinary incontinence is stress and not a physical illness, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian.

When diagnosing diabetes, the form of the disease is important: insulin-dependent diabetes and insulin-independent. In the first case, the cat will most likely be prescribed insulin injections 1-2 times a day. In the second case, it is recommended to reduce the weight of the cat and follow a special diet that excludes foods containing a lot of sugar. Also prescribe drugs that stimulate the pancreas.

Video "Cystitis"

In the video you will see how the doctor diagnoses and.

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Any owner understands that blood in the urine of a cat is a bad sign indicating a serious illness. When a cat pees with blood, it means the progression of inflammation or other dangerous disease. Normally, a healthy cat will never have blood in the urine. How to cure your pet from this pathology?

What is considered normal

The normal color of urine is pale yellow or slightly orange. If the urine is cloudy, has an unpleasant odor, or contains blood, then your pet is sick.

Causes of blood in the urine

Why does my pet's urine have a bit of blood in it? This question worries many owners whose cats suffer from the appearance of blood in the urine, and therefore the topic will always be relevant. This disease can develop for various reasons. Sometimes the appearance of hematuria is due to infections (especially during exacerbation). Also, blood in the urine may appear due to a strong blow. The most common causes of reddish urine:

If your pet pees blood, contact your veterinarian immediately, as the life and health of the cat may depend on it. It often happens that a cat urinates with blood after a fall, so keep it safe.

Symptoms of hematuria

The most obvious sign of the disease is a change in urine from yellow to burgundy or scarlet. Be aware that a cat may urinate with reddish urine after eating carrots or beets. After a couple of days, urine will become normal.

When a cat becomes ill, it becomes more lethargic and its appetite decreases. It may hurt her to write, and she may also urinate on soft surfaces or carpets. If a cat pees and vomits blood, then there is a high probability of severe food poisoning.

Most often, the reddish tint of urine is visible to the naked eye. You can try to test your urine for the presence of blood in it. You will have to wait for the cat to pee in the tray, pick up the urine and put a jar of it near the lamp or window. A reddish or burgundy hue, blood clots - all this is a sign of hematuria.

If you do not notice a reddish tint to the urine, but the cat is behaving unusually, then you can bring the analysis to the veterinary laboratory.

Urine for hematuria

With hematuria, the cat pees bright red urine, and the intensity of the color varies depending on the number of red blood cells. The more - the more pronounced the reddish tint will be. Less commonly, a cat pees with blood clots, because this is a sign of a severe stage of the disease. Blood can not always be seen without analysis - sometimes it is detected only when examined under a microscope.

What should be done

Even such a clear sign as reddish urine, the owner does not always notice. Much more often, the disease manifests itself in the atypical behavior of the pet. A sick pet may experience pain when trying to go to the bathroom.

At the beginning of the development of the disease, the reddish tint of urine may not be noticeable, but the cat's behavior begins to change immediately. She can meow loudly and rush around the house. To check the health of a cat, take her urine for analysis.

How to collect urine

Collecting cat urine for analysis is a rather complicated matter. You need a clean cat litter box (you can buy a new one), new gloves, a sterile container. Prepare for this event:

  • Throw out all the filler or sawdust from the tray and rinse it;
  • Wash the tray and rinse it with boiling water (if the material allows);
  • If your pet does not want to write in a tray without filler, then you will have to buy sterile aquarium pebbles;
  • When the cat pees, carefully transfer the urine to a sterile container;

It is necessary to pass the analysis as soon as possible (four hours after collection).

Diagnosis when urine with blood appears

Before making a diagnosis, the cat needs to undergo several examinations. They are prescribed by a veterinarian, the number of mandatory ones includes:

  • Analysis of urine with blood;
  • Sowing and checking the susceptibility of urine to prescribe the necessary antibiotics and establish the type of infection;
  • Vaginal smear;
  • Complete blood count - helps to determine the presence of inflammation;
  • Biochemical analysis to assess kidney function;
  • Analysis of blood clotting (coagulogram);
  • X-ray of the abdominal region, helps to detect stones in the kidneys or ureter;
  • X-ray - reveals stones, tumors and various pathologies in the structure of the urinary tract;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal region to detect infections, kidney stones or neoplasms;
  • Cystoscopy - to examine the bladder and urethra inserted into the vagina with an endoscope;
  • Histology of the excised tumor to determine its type and prescribe the correct treatment;
  • Analysis of stones in order to prescribe the appropriate treatment and limit certain products.

When a kitten urinates with blood, it can suffer from several diseases at once. Together with hematuria, the doctor can detect another disease of the genitourinary system (cystitis, ICD). When a kitten urinates frequently and with blood, there is a chance that he is suffering from blood in the urine and cystitis at the same time.

Treatment of urine with blood

The treatment plan for the disease is determined depending on the diagnosis made to the pet. The most complete treatment plan is prescribed by the veterinarian and may include:

  • Introduction of antibiotics: into a vein, into a muscle or orally;
  • Special menu (only for ICD);
  • Introduction of saline or glucose (if dehydration is observed);
  • The introduction of vitamin K1 (sometimes, with poisoning);
  • Medicines to stop bleeding;
  • Medicines that relieve spasms and pain;
  • Surgical operations to remove stones and malignant neoplasms;
  • Placement of a catheter for problems with urination.

Do not treat the cat yourself, as this can seriously undermine its health or lead to death.

How can you help a cat

You can not prescribe a cat treatment on your own, as this only makes it worse. If you cannot visit the veterinary clinic, then contact him by phone to alleviate the patient's condition. To help your pet, you can:

  • Provide comfort to the animal, switch to liquid nutrition;
  • To alleviate suffering, inject into the muscle with an analgesic (no-shpa or baralgin);
  • Change the water to fresh, placing it in the most convenient places;
  • Watering the cat with decoctions of bearberry root and parsley - this disinfects the cat's body;
  • Give the cat a decoction of horsetail or juniper - they remove substances that have inflamed the urinary tract.

Do not treat a cat with antibiotics without first consulting a doctor (this can greatly undermine the health of the cat). Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis and prescribe the right drugs for treatment after examining your pet and receiving the results of all the necessary tests.

Bloody urine from a pregnant or postpartum cat

Sometimes pregnant or newly born cats may pee with blood. This phenomenon is not considered normal and indicates the presence of problems with the genitourinary system and exacerbation of chronic diseases. When a cat pees in small portions with blood, there is a possibility that she has cystitis and hematuria.

Treatment is further complicated by the fact that many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating cats, as this affects the fetus. You can not treat a cat without a preliminary examination with a veterinarian.

How to prevent the development of the disease

Such a dangerous disease as the appearance of blood in the urine can and should be prevented. To do this, you will have to follow the usual preventive measures, for example:

  • Feed your cat healthy food, balance his diet;
  • Regularly give the cat drugs against worms;
  • Do not let the cat out;
  • Make sure that the animal does not fall from a great height.

It is much easier to carry out preventive measures than to treat the animal for such an unpleasant disease later. In addition, these measures will help the cat stay healthy and alert even into old age.

Blood in the urine of a cat is an alarming sign that you need to pay attention to. It is a symptom of serious and unpleasant diseases. Be sure to contact your veterinarian and follow all his instructions so as not to put your pet at unnecessary risk.

Suspicious changes in the behavior of the pet and the appearance of abnormal symptoms may indicate that the mustachioed pet is sick. If the cat pees with blood, then the owner should immediately seek help. Blood in the urine or hematuria is detected for a number of reasons and only a veterinarian can determine what pathological changes occur in the cat's body.

During pregnancy and after lambing, the urine of the pet may change color - perhaps the mother has problems with the urinary system or urolithiasis begins. In such a situation, the patient should be taken to a specialist who will prescribe gentle drugs, since most of the drugs can harm the offspring.

Changing the color of urine in a pet - to worry or not?

If red urine is found in the cat's tray, then you should not immediately worry. To begin with, you should remember what the mustache ate for the last day - beets and carrots may well change the shade of urine. Also, perhaps the cat overheated the day before and this provoked the appearance of an unpleasant symptom. Some drugs have a side effect - blood may appear in the tray.

If all of the above is excluded, then you should not delay a visit to a specialist, because various ailments can be hidden behind the specified symptom, including those that are dangerous to the health of a mustachioed creature. In addition, hematuria usually causes discomfort to the patient, so the pet needs to be helped as soon as possible.

Hematuria as a symptom of diseases

If the pet pees with blood, then perhaps she is tormented by the disease in an acute or chronic form. Some of the ailments have been described previously, but the list below shows diseases that are more common and are the root of the problem of hematuria in barbels:

  • pathologies that disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system - inflammation and the formation of tumors in these organs. For a male, these are problems with the prostate; for a female, with the uterus and ovaries;
  • cystitis - with this health problem, a small amount of blood enters the urine at the end of a bowel movement;
  • polycystic kidney disease - adversely affects the functioning of the organ, since cysts begin to appear on the kidneys. The disease may not make itself felt for a long time and the urine will most likely become colored even when the form is running, when the pet needs professional help, otherwise there is a threat to existence.

It is very important to observe the pet, because blood in the urine with health problems is unlikely to appear immediately, but the cat will already feel discomfort when urinating. The behavior in this case changes - the mustachioed creature begins to meow louder, wanders aimlessly around the house and wants to pee on a soft surface. With any suspicion, it is better to pass urine for analysis.

Risk group - neutered cats

Often hematuria is manifested in castrated barbels, as a symptom of the onset of urolithiasis. When the pet becomes sterile, then gradually, the channel through which urine exits narrows. Subsequently, problems may arise, because even sand cannot pass through such a channel. This leads to the appearance of hematuria - the color of the urine changes. Sterile pets more often than their "normal" counterparts are found with such an ailment.

In this situation, only a specialist will provide the right help, who will prescribe a special menu and drugs in order to protect the pet from the occurrence of stones in the organs.

Analysis - we collect urine correctly

For the analysis to be reliable, the actions for collecting urine must be correct.

  1. The pet tray must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water.
  2. A mustachioed creature may refuse to "piss" in a tray without filler, then purchase a special filler for collecting urine in a pet store or pour some disinfected pebbles into the tray.
  3. When the pet has urinated, be sure to pour the liquid into the container with gloves.
  4. Within 3-5 hours, the container should be transferred to the laboratory.

If blood has been detected, then the specialist will prescribe a number of different examinations for the pet: a complete blood count and biochemical, coagulogram, abdominal ultrasound or X-ray, cystoscopy, etc.

Initial care for the patient

The mustache definitely needs help, but leaving with your beloved pet to the veterinary clinic or calling a doctor should not be postponed.

What can be done:

  • provide the mustache with a comfortable state - a warm room and silence;
  • give him only liquid food;
  • don't forget to refill the bowl with water;
  • solder the patient with chamomile decoction for disinfection and soothing;
  • in case of severe pain, make an intramuscular injection with a noshpa or beralgin.

There is no need to give antibiotics to a sick mustache without specialist prescriptions - this can harm him even more.

Professional help

The whole diagnostic process is very important - it is he who is able to more accurately determine which organs or systems are not working properly. When a problem is identified, the specialist will treat either the reproductive or urinary system. Will prescribe antibiotics and adjust the diet. In addition, for some ailments, painkillers and antispasmodics are prescribed.

The doctor will know what to do if the cause of urine staining in the pet was an injury - he will deal with the consequences and in some cases prescribe an operation if the organs or their integrity are violated.

When stones are found, in most cases, surgical intervention is indispensable.

Quite often, purebred pets suffer from polycystic disease - then the mustachioed creature will alleviate the condition with all sorts of methods, because. the disease cannot be cured. From the owner in this case, an affectionate attitude and attentive care is required.

Preventive measures

To minimize the likelihood of an illness that is accompanied by the appearance of bloody patches in the urine of a mustache, it is worth studying the following list.

  1. Pet food should consist of high-quality products, not only protein, but also carbohydrates. A varied diet plus vitamins will give the mustache health.
  2. It is necessary to exclude the constant lying of the pet - stimulate him to be active, play and run together - this will provide him with a good metabolism.
  3. To avoid obesity - control the amount eaten.
  4. Don't forget about deworming and annual veterinary checkups.
  5. Protect your pet's space to the maximum to protect it from any kind of injury.
  6. The mustache should always have water in the bowl, but it is better if it is boiled or bottled, because tap water is often too hard.

It is important to understand that the health of a beloved mustache, especially if the cat pees with blood, is more dependent on the owner's observation - changes in behavior and such a suspicious symptom as blood in the urine indicate a painful condition of a four-legged friend. Therapy, started on time, can relieve the disease or significantly alleviate the condition of the mustachioed creature.


If your cat walks too often in a ditch (tray) "in a small way", he is not calm and does not find a place for himself, often tenses up wanting to urinate, most likely - he has become a victim of urological syndrome.

What we do for our personal convenience does not always end well for our pets. Wanting to have a fluffy, cute creature in the house, but at the same time, not intending to spend extra time on choosing a diet for him, as well as surgically depriving him of the opportunity to reproduce, we sometimes doom him to severe hardships, which ultimately bring death.

I think that in our cybernetic age, one should still not forget that pets are not robots with computer stuffing, but the most living beings, just like you and me; they need certain food and care. Any intervention in their body entails appropriate consequences, which can lead to various diseases. One of them will be discussed.

Urological syndrome of cats is a complex, serious disease that brings a lot of trouble not only to the animal itself, its owners, but also to veterinarians. Ailment is a consequence of clogging of the urethra. Among the factors contributing to the appearance of this disease, first of all, it should be noted bacterial and viral infections of the urogenital region; improper diet, lack of vitamins "A" and "B-6". However, the most important factor in the disease is the so-called sterilization of cats, in other words, castration.

Urological syndrome occurs mainly in males, primarily castrated, and much less frequently in females. There is one theory: the violation of the functions of the genitourinary system is associated with a hormonal disorder, which entails sterilization. But that's not all. An important factor is diet.

Animals fed dry, granulated feed are more likely than others to become victims of urological syndrome. The disease is initially manifested by more frequent urination while maintaining the daily amount of urine excreted. Then the pet becomes restless, does not find a place for himself, often tenses, wanting to get rid of excess fluid. Along with the pain of the process itself, blood appears in the urine. The intense pressure associated with inflammation of the bladder and urethra causes the cat to urinate in small doses where it has never done before - just everywhere.

If allowed to completely block the urinary canal, the animal will slowly die. In this case, at first the cat vomits from time to time, soon vomiting becomes frequent, becomes protracted. The skin loses elasticity, the coat becomes ugly. The abdominal cavity is painfully tense.

The patient needs urgent medical attention. The doctor will clean the urethra and remove the accumulated fluid. To this end, the patient receives relaxing, sedative and painkillers, after which he is given a special massage to help remove sand and mucus that have accumulated in the genitourinary region. If this procedure fails, the specialist may try to clear the urethra by injecting pain medication directly into the urethra. In case of failure, you will have to use a catheter or even puncture the bladder through the peritoneum. In the event of a serious, difficult situation, as well as with frequent relapses, surgical intervention is inevitable.

It should be remembered that the urological syndrome has a clear tendency to return.

Owners of sick cats should take care of the appropriate diet. First of all, it is necessary to exclude all types of dry food from the diet. The cat should receive fresh, clean water rich in micro and macro elements. It is recommended to give vitamin "C", which increases the acidity of the urine, which in turn leads to the destruction of bacteria. A general urinalysis should be carried out regularly, paying attention to pH, density, protein content, red and white blood cells, transparency, color, sediment, as well as the presence and type of crystals contained in it. Specialists in veterinary clinics will help you choose the necessary diet. One of the most popular daily rations in such cases is given below.

Finely chopped meat scalded with boiling water - 450 g.
Finely chopped liver scalded with boiling water - 110g.
Boiled rice - 230 g.
Water - 90 ml.
Vegetable oil - 5 ml.
Calcium gluconate - 5 g.