All about how to feed your baby with breast milk correctly. How much milk does a baby eat at a time. What are the benefits of breastfeeding

After a long nine months of waiting, a baby is born - a joy for the whole family. But in addition to endless happiness, young parents also feel responsible for their child, his development and health. In the first, most important months of life, the well-being of the crumbs mainly depends on nutrition, so the mother needs to properly organize the feeding regimen. And what could be better than mother's milk? Therefore, today we will talk about how to breastfeed a child.

How to properly feed a newborn baby: regimen

Pediatricians of the "old school" believe that a clear organization of the daily routine plays an important role in shaping the health of the crumbs. Compliance with the sequence of hours of sleep, feeding, wakefulness contributes to the development of a certain dynamic reflex, which helps the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the crumbs. The introduction of a child into a diet should be carried out already in the first month of his life.

The predominant reason for awakening the baby is hungry excitement. It is most expedient in the mode of children up to a year - wakefulness after feeding and sleep before the next breastfeeding. As a rule, after waking up, the baby eats well, after which he is awake, then quickly falls asleep and sleeps soundly until the next feeding.

Feeding a baby by the hour

Thanks to feeding the baby at certain hours, the mother has enough time for rest and homework, and the baby is already accustomed to the diet at an early age. However, the frequency and hours of feeding are chosen individually, in the process of mutual adaptation of the child and mother.

According to experts, more frequent breastfeeding, especially in nulliparous mothers, increases lactation, as well as its longer duration. Therefore, it is advisable to feed the baby every 2 hours 6-7 times a day with a night break of 6 hours.

Feeding intervals should correspond to the time required for the digestion of food. Breast milk is digested in 2-2.5 hours. Feeding at shorter intervals is harmful and even dangerous for the baby, as they lead to lack of appetite, frequent regurgitation, vomiting and diarrhea. When the periods of feeding are distributed correctly, the child does not have time to get hungry. In this case, he suckles the breast vigorously and empties it completely, which helps to increase the amount of milk arriving. Therefore, you should not feed the baby as soon as he cries. With this approach to nutrition, the mother gets tired much more. In addition, the baby does not cry only when he is hungry. His anxiety can be caused by overheating, hypothermia, wet diapers, uncomfortable position, colic and much more.

What is the correct feeding regimen for a newborn by the hour? There are two theories - old and new. Let's consider each of them separately.

Previously, pediatricians advised young mothers to practice feeding the baby seven times a day only in the first month of his life. The first breastfeeding occurs at 6 o'clock in the morning, the second at 9 o'clock, the third at 12 o'clock, the fourth at 15 o'clock, the fifth at 18 o'clock, the sixth at 21 o'clock and the seventh at 24 o'clock.

By the second month, the child is already growing up and taking more milk during feeding, therefore, already at the 2-3rd month of life, the crumbs are fed 6 times every 3.5 hours with a night interval lasting 6.5 hours.

Feeding hours in this mode are as follows:

  • the first - 6.00;
  • the second - 9.30;
  • the third - 13.00;
  • fourth - 16.30;
  • fifth - 20.00;
  • sixth - 22.30.

Hours of feeding with 6 meals a day with a night interval of 9 hours:

  • the first - 6.00;
  • the second - 9.00;
  • the third - 12.00;
  • the fourth -15.00;
  • fifth - 18.00;
  • sixth - 21.00.

In the third, fourth, fifth month, the child can be fed, as well as during the second (6 times with an interval of 3-3.5 hours), or lengthen the intervals between feedings in children up to 4 hours (night interval - 6-8 hours).

Starting from 6 months and up to 1 year, the child receives food already 5 times a day after 3.5-4 hours. This is due to the fact that from the age of 4-5 months the baby is fed with other food.

Feeding hours with 5 meals a day with complementary foods look like this:

  • the first - 6.00-7.00;
  • the second - 10.00;
  • the third -14.00;
  • the fourth -17.00-18.00;
  • fifth - 21.00-22.00.

At this age, shifting the feeding time by 30 minutes earlier or later does not really matter, but the established meal times should be constant.

Is it necessary to follow such a feeding scheme? Not at all! Let's explain why. Breast milk is digested very quickly in the baby's stomach, so a newborn may require food literally every 1.5-2 hours. Therefore, it is considered that breastfeeding eight to twelve times a day is quite normal. And the question of how often a mother should put her baby to her breast, only she herself can answer when she adapts to the needs of her crumbs. The duration of feeding may also depend on the nature of the child. For example, some children eat quickly and greedily, while others, on the contrary, stretch out the pleasure. In any case, the baby should be given as much time as he needs.

Feeding a baby by month

So, we found out that during the first year of life, the child's regimen changes several times. It is advisable to transfer to each subsequent regimen on the recommendation of a pediatrician. If you follow the old method of feeding a child, then the monthly diet will look like this:

  1. From birth to 2.5-3 months, the child is fed 6-8 times a day with an interval between feedings of 3-3.5 hours. Wakefulness between feedings in this mode is 1-1.5 hours. The child sleeps 4 times a day for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. From 3 to 5-6 months, the child is fed 6 times a day with an interval between feedings of 3.5 hours and a mandatory 10-11-hour night break. At this age, the child sleeps 4 times a day, is awake for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. From 5-6 to 9-10 months, the child is fed 5 times a day with an interval of 4 hours between feedings. Waking time increases to 2-2.5 hours, daytime sleep occurs 3 times a day for 2 hours, nighttime - 10-11 hours.
  4. From 9-10 to 12 months, the number of feedings is 5-4 times, the interval between meals is 4-4.5 hours. Waking time - 3-3.5 hours, daytime sleep - 2 times a day for 2-2.5 hours, nighttime - 10-11 hours.

I would like to note that, despite the convenience and many positive aspects of such regime feeding, there is a completely opposite technique - “feeding on demand”. This mode takes into account the child's natural desire for food, his individual characteristics and behavior. In addition, there are no long night breaks in the flexible feeding schedule for the baby. And rightly so, because not all children can survive all night without food. So you have the right to choose the nutrition scheme for your baby, which you yourself consider necessary.

Rules for breastfeeding a premature baby

When choosing a diet for a premature baby, the mother should proceed from the weight of the crumbs. If a baby is discharged from the maternity hospital with a weight of 2.5 kg or more, then he is more likely to need a 2.5-3 hour interval between feedings during the day and a 3-4 hour interval at night. In the future, as the baby grows, he himself will tell you what changes in the regimen he needs. When he reduces the number of nightly meals, this will be further evidence that he is developing normally.

It is very important from the very beginning not to try to force the child to eat more than he wants. Even if it seems to you that he will gain weight faster this way. You must understand that the body's resistance to infections has nothing to do with the fullness of the child. It has long been proven by pediatricians that each baby has an individual appetite, and his body develops according to its own schedule, so he himself knows how and when to provide the necessary growth rate. If you regularly strive to feed a premature baby with plenty of milk, then the child will simply lose his appetite, which will negatively affect his development and growth.

When breastfeeding, control over the amount of milk consumed by the newborn is carried out systematically by weighing the baby before and after feeding. Do not forget about the small capacity of the stomach in such children. Therefore, in the first days of life, the volume of food can range from 5 ml (on the first day) to 15-20 ml (on the third day of life).

The so-called "caloric" method of calculating nutrition is considered preferable for premature babies. In accordance with it, a premature baby on the first day of life receives at least 30 kcal / kg of body weight, on the second - 40 kcal / kg, on the third - 50 kcal / kg, and by the 7-8th day of life - 70-80 kcal /kg weight. By the 14th day of life, the energy value of the diet increases to 120 kcal / kg, and at the age of 1 month it is 130-140 kcal / kg of body weight.

From the 2nd month of life, children born weighing > 1500 g are reduced by 5 kcal / kg / day (compared to the maximum energy value at the 1st month of life), and in children with a birth weight of 1000-1500 g the calorie content of the diet remains until the age of 3 months at the maximum level (reached by the end of the first month of life). Next, a systematic reduction in the caloric content of the diet is carried out (by 5-10 kcal / kg of body weight), taking into account the condition of the child, his appetite, the nature of the weight curve, etc.

Breastfeeding at night

Night feedings are an important factor in successful breastfeeding. Both mothers and babies need them: sucking at night, especially closer to the morning, well stimulates the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. In addition, newborn babies, due to their physiological and psychological characteristics, cannot withstand long breaks between meals. If the child is not fed at night, then this can lead to dehydration of his body and slow weight gain, and the mother’s milk supply will decrease, its stagnation will form, which, in turn, will provoke the development of mastitis.

Feeding a baby with formula, cow's and goat's milk

All pediatricians agree that the best food for a baby is mother's milk, which in its composition completely satisfies the needs of the baby. But if such feeding is not possible, can goat or cow milk replace it, or is it better to give preference to infant formula? Let's understand everything in order.

In newborn babies, the digestive system does not work quite perfectly, it still does not produce enough enzymes to fully digest food. That is why it is recommended to feed children up to six months only with breast milk or an adapted milk formula. If there is no mother's milk, and you are suspicious of artificial nutrition, then you can try to give the baby milk from animals. And here the question arises: which of them should be preferred - goat or cow?

If we compare the products in question, we can distinguish the following advantages of the first:

  • infants are less likely to have an allergic reaction to goat's milk;
  • this product contains more potassium, calcium, vitamins A and B6;
  • when feeding the crumbs with goat's milk, calcium is better absorbed, so the child's teeth grow faster;
  • goat milk contains less lactose, which means it is well suited for children with lactose intolerance;
  • the fatty acids of this product are absorbed by the child's body better than those found in cow's milk;
  • both breast and goat's milk contain the amino acid taurine, which is so necessary for the normal development of the child's vital systems.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that goat's milk is much better and easier absorbed by the stomach of a newborn, but this is not a very suitable product for the baby's body, since it contains casein protein. It is poorly digested by the still imperfect digestive system of the newborn, forming a dense clot in the stomach. In addition, goat's milk puts an additional burden on the child's kidneys due to the high content of mineral salts.

If breastfeeding is not possible, for the nutrition of children of the first year of life, it is recommended not pure goat's milk, but adapted mixtures based on it. This diet contains whey proteins and is as close as possible in composition to breast milk.

And in conclusion: pediatricians believe that it is not necessary to give cow's milk to children under the age of three. It is by the age of 3 that a young organism becomes ready to eat “adult” food, which also includes cow's milk. If you nevertheless decide to introduce this product into the child’s diet, then you can do this not earlier than at 9 months, but preferably a year!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

The need for feeding may occur immediately after birth or some time after birth. In the first days, colostrum is formed in the woman's breast. After three days, the colostrum in the breast of the woman who has given birth is replaced by milk. It rushes to the mammary glands, the woman’s breast begins to “burst” from the milk that has arrived.

If you do not express, then after a few feedings, its amount will return to normal, and will meet the needs of the child.

During the period of a rush of milk, a woman experiences pain, so I want to give the baby a breast more often in order to release the engorged breast. Since the newborn sleeps a lot, the question arises how to wake the newborn for feeding.

Here are some tips on how you can do this:

  • Breastfeed a sleeping baby. If an hour and a half has passed after feeding, then the baby can begin to suck without waking up.
  • You can massage the palms and feet of the baby. Massaging touches stimulate brain activity, increase blood flow and lead to awakening.
  • Turn on the music- at first quietly and then begin to amplify its sounds. You can not turn on the background music abruptly. This will frighten the baby and cause a sharp cry. The volume of sounds should increase gradually.
  • Unwrap the baby contact with cool air will cause it to wake up.

How much milk does a baby eat at a time

How much a newborn should eat per feeding is determined by his age (1 or 4 weeks). You can measure its amount by weighing the baby before and after feeding. From the difference in the results obtained, the increase that the baby ate is obtained.

In medicine, the following norms are used, which determine how much a newborn eats in one feeding:

  • 1st day- 10 g per feeding, for only 10-12 feedings 100-120 ml per day.
  • 2nd day- single dose - 20 g, daily - 200-240 ml.
  • 3rd day- for one feeding - 30 g, per day - 300-320 ml.

So by the 10th day of life, the feeding dose increases to 100 g at a time and up to 600 ml of milk per day. Such norms remain up to 1.5 months. The total amount of milk eaten is 1/5 of the baby's weight. At 2 months, the baby eats 120-150 g at a time and up to 800 ml per day (1/6 of his weight).

Frequent feedings are normal

Free feeding of the baby suggests that he himself can choose the time intervals between feedings, their duration and the amount of milk eaten. These factors depend on the nature and characteristics of the child.

There are children who eat quickly and a lot, while in a hurry, often choke on milk, after feeding they burp. There are other babies who suckle slowly, often breaking away from the breast and looking thoughtfully at their surroundings. All people are different, as well as different children and their manner of eating.

How often to breastfeed a newborn

The recommendations of pediatricians twenty years ago on how to feed a newborn spoke of the obligatory observance of the regime - to feed the baby no more than every 3-4 hours. Do not keep near the breast for more than 10-15 minutes and be sure to express the remaining milk. It is good that these recommendations have gone down in history. They caused too many nutritional disorders in children and mastitis in mothers.

Modern pediatricians do not set strict limits on how much time should elapse between feedings. The frequency of feeding is determined by the needs of the child and cannot be standard for all occasions.

If the baby was active, moved his arms and legs a lot, swam in the bathroom, he spent a lot of energy. When feeding, he will suck out more milk. If the time between feedings passed quietly, the baby slept or lay in bed, did not actively communicate with the outside world - most likely, his appetite will be modest, since the need for food has not reached its maximum.

How to feed a newborn: poses of mother and child

When feeding a baby, you can sit, stand, lie down, settle down in any positions convenient for mother and child. The feeding position should be comfortable, as the time for this is quite long - from 20 to 50 minutes a day.

  1. Lying on your side- Mom and baby are facing each other. In this position, it is convenient to feed with the breast that is located below. If necessary, the mother can lean forward a little and give the baby that breast that is higher.
  2. lying on the jack- mother and baby can be located on the sofa (bed) with their heads to each other (feet - in opposite directions). How to feed a newborn lying down - next to or on the jack - depends on the time of day. At night, it is more convenient to lie next to the baby. During the day, both poses can be used.
  3. In a reclining chair- baby on top In this position, it is recommended to feed those mothers who produce too much milk. Positioning the baby slightly on top reduces the flow of milk and allows the baby to suck out as much as needed.
  4. sitting- Mom sits, the baby lies on her knees and takes the breast as if "from below". Mom holds the baby with her hand, bending it at the elbow. In order for the baby to be taller and reach the chest, a pillow is placed on the mother's knees.
  5. Sitting out of hand- for such feeding you need a sofa and a large pillow. The baby is placed on the pillow so that it is at the level of the mother's chest. The mother sits down on the sofa and takes the baby as if "under the arm."
  6. standing- this feeding option is also possible, especially if you are walking outside in a sling.

It is important to know: when feeding, that lobule of the mammary gland is emptied most of all, towards which the baby's chin is directed. Therefore, for the full suction of milk from the gland, it is necessary to position the baby in various ways at each feeding.

How to apply the newborn for feeding

The health of the mammary gland of the mother depends on the correct attachment of the baby. To prevent injury to the nipple, it is necessary to put the entire areola into the mouth. How to breastfeed a newborn?

  • The baby's mouth should be wide open (as when yawning). The mouth opens wider if you raise your face up (do this experiment with yourself - lower your face and open your mouth, and then - raise it and also open your mouth). Therefore, for proper feeding, position the baby so that he slightly raises his face to your chest.
  • When properly grasped, the nipple should touch the baby's palate. This attachment is called asymmetric. The nipple is directed not to the center of the mouth, but to the upper palate.
  • The asymmetry of the attachment is visible from the outside - that part of the alveoli that is under the lower lip is completely inside the mouth. That part of the alveolus, which is located behind the upper lip, may not be taken completely.
  • With proper sucking, the baby's tongue "hugs" the nipple and alveolus from below. In this position, he does not compress the chest and does not create pain. The tongue protrudes from the mouth further than it is located at the usual time (without feeding). The tongue does not protrude well with a shortened frenulum (skin membrane under the tongue). Therefore, if feeding a baby is painful for you, take the baby to the doctor. If the bridle is too short, a surgical incision is made.
  • It is necessary to take away the breast from the baby when he releases it himself. If he is no longer suckling, but simply lies and holds the nipple in his mouth, give him the opportunity to rest. Pulling out the nipple by force is not worth it. If you really want to get up, you can easily press the baby's chin with your finger or insert your little finger into the corner of the mouth. The baby will open his mouth, and you can take the breast without pain.

When feeding, the baby's head should not be fixed rigidly. He should be able to come off the nipple and let his mother know that he is full.

Spitting up after feeding: causes and concerns

Regurgitation accompanies almost every feeding of an infant under the age of 3 months. Sometimes regurgitation is so strong that milk comes out of the stomach not only through the mouth, but also through the nose. Normally, regurgitation in an infant should not exceed 10-15 ml (this is 2-3 tablespoons).

Why does a newborn spit up after feeding? The reason is the swallowing of air and its subsequent exit from the child's esophagus. In order for the baby to burp immediately after feeding, you need to hold him upright. Otherwise, the burp will take place in the supine position, along with the air from the stomach of the child, milk will be thrown out.

Some children swallow too much air, then belching occurs right during feeding. Such crumbs must be torn off from food in the middle of sucking and kept upright for several minutes.

We list the causes of regurgitation in newborns after feeding:

  • During sucking, the baby rested his nose on the chest, breathed through his mouth and therefore swallowed air.
  • For formula-fed babies, the hole in the nipple is too big.
  • Too much milk or too little stomach volume. The baby overeats and returns part of the milk back (the part that he cannot digest).
  • Digestive problems: lack of bacteria in the stomach and intestines, colic, as a result of which gas formation increases.
  • lactose intolerance.
  • CNS disorders, birth trauma.

In order not to stimulate regurgitation, after feeding the baby, you do not need to slow down. It is necessary to put it on a side or back and let it lie quietly for 15-20 minutes. The best option is to feed the baby before going to sleep.

Spitting up in newborns after feeding should not cause concern if:

  • The child is steadily gaining weight.
  • The baby does not have capriciousness, irritability or lethargy.
  • After spitting up, the baby does not cry.
  • Milk from regurgitation has a white color without a sharp unpleasant odor.

If the baby spits up yellow milk with an unpleasant odor, this requires medical advice and treatment.

Hiccups after feeding: why it occurs and what to do

Hiccups after feeding in newborns is not a pathology. It occurs as a result of contractions of the diaphragm - the muscle located between the digestive organs and the lungs. Why does a newborn hiccup after feeding?

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Muscle contractions occur due to the pressure on them of the walls of the stomach. When gas is formed or air is swallowed, the stomach bursts.

Therefore, hiccups often occur before regurgitation. If the baby burps, the hiccups go away.

We list the factors that contribute to hiccups:

  • A newborn hiccups after feeding if he ate too hastily and at the same time swallowed a lot of air.
  • Newborns hiccup when overfeeding. If too much food is eaten, the stomach presses on the diaphragm and causes it to contract.
  • The baby hiccups if he has frequent intestinal colic. They are accompanied by the formation of gases that accumulate in the intestines and stomach. When feeding, gaziki stretch the walls of the stomach and put pressure on the diaphragm.

What to do if a newborn has hiccups after feeding:

  • Do not worry. Almost never hiccups are a sign of illness or other pathology. As a rule, it passes with age, when the baby's stomach becomes more capacious.
  • Next time- do not feed so much, feed calmly and let lie on the stomach before feeding (to prevent flatulence).

Artificial feeding: what mixtures to feed

Artificial feeding of infants should be avoided. Breast milk is incomparably healthier, more nutritious, it is better absorbed and rarely causes allergies. The most correct choice is to feed a newborn baby with breast milk.

Switching to artificial mixtures is justified only when the mother is ill, which does not allow her to breastfeed the baby. The question of which mixture is better to feed a newborn is decided after analyzing its composition (it is written on the package).

The basis of the mixture is whey, which has undergone hydrolysis (decomposition), demineralization and is easily absorbed in the baby's esophagus. Such a mixture is called adapted, it is hypoallergenic.

Worse for a newborn - a mixture based on casein. This component is slowly absorbed in the children's body. Casein-based mixtures are more suitable for artificial feeding of children after six months. They are classified as partially adapted.

It is also good if the mixture contains bifidobacteria. Such mixtures include Similak, Nestozhen, Impress, Enfamil.

For children with lactose intolerance, mixtures based on soy milk (Nutria-soy, Bona-soy) are used.

What should be a feeding bottle

Are there requirements for feeding bottles for newborns? What are the best baby feeding bottles?

We list what to look for when choosing a bottle:

  • The hole in the nipple should be small, the baby should "work hard" to pull the milk out of the bottle.
  • When feeding, the nipple should always be filled with milk.
  • A glass bottle is better for feeding than a plastic one. Glass is an inert material, while plastic is made from food-grade polycarbonate. It may contain a number of components that are not entirely useful for the baby.
  • It is necessary to change the nipples every 2-3 weeks. The hole in them stretches and becomes too large. Preferably the shape of the nipple with an anti-vacuum skirt. The latex teat is softer and should not be boiled. Silicone - more rigid, better imitates the chest and easily tolerates boiling.
  • The simple shape of the bottle makes it easy to clean.
  • The special anti-colic shape of the bottle is curved and prevents air ingestion (by special valves). They do not let air bubbles from the bottle into the stomach.

How to bottle feed your newborn:

  1. Take the baby in your arms so that body contact occurs.
  2. Hold the bottle with your hands, and do not prop it up with pillows (so that the baby does not choke).
  3. The nipple should be directed towards the baby's palate.

Sucking from a bottle is easier than drawing milk from the mother's breast (the mouth does not open as wide, no need to pull hard, suck out). With artificial feeding, it is necessary to imitate the mother's breast: pick up a hard nipple, make a small hole in it.

When my eldest daughter read the subject of an article I was working on, “How to Feed a Newborn Baby,” she chuckled and said knowingly, “How to Feed a Newborn?! Usually. Breast."

Expectant mothers can also reason until they put a newborn in their arms. In this exciting moment of first latching, often all the theoretical aspects of feeding and latching that they have heard or read about are lost somewhere.

It would seem that the topic of feeding a newborn is well covered in various sources. Everyone knows about the benefits of breastfeeding, etc. Questions about how to feed a newborn are always sorted out in the classroom at the “school for young mothers”.

But with the advent of a child, new mothers inevitably have questions: how to feed properly, in what position, how long, whether a regimen is needed, how to understand whether the child has enough milk, whether the child grabs the breast correctly, etc.

Especially many questions arise in the first (adaptation) month of a baby's life. At this stage, the baby and mother learn to interact with each other, to adapt.

First milk, first days after childbirth

Immediately after the birth of the child, it is very important to attach to the mother's breast. Even if during this application the child receives just a few drops of colostrum.

There are many benefits to breastfeeding your baby early.

This contributes to:

  • the rapid development of lactation and stimulation of the production of breast milk in a larger volume;
  • faster adaptation of the child to conditions outside the mother's tummy, since the baby's intestines are quickly populated with useful bifidum flora. And this means that the unfavorable period of transient intestinal dysbacteriosis of the crumbs is reduced;
  • strengthening the feeling of motherhood, reducing the level of stress hormones in the blood of a woman, accelerating the involution of the uterus (restoring prenatal dimensions).

This skin-to-skin contact allows the baby to feel the mother's warmth again, to feel the smell of the mother, the beating of her heart. It has been proven that the early establishment of such psychological contact gives a powerful impetus to the normal development of the baby's psyche.

In the first 2-3 days after childbirth, a woman does not produce milk, but colostrum - the most valuable product of the mammary glands for a newborn.

Mom should not be afraid that colostrum is initially allocated in a meager volume. Due to the high caloric content and nutritional value, a small amount of colostrum is enough for a child.

It is rich in proteins and fats. And, unlike mature milk, colostrum doesn't have as much water in it.

The child also needs time to adjust to another - enteral (through the mouth) - type of nutrition, to start the gastrointestinal tract and its enzymatic activity. And colostrum, like nothing else, helps this small organism.

Colostrum contains many enzymes that help the baby's fragile digestive system to cope with its function.

Colostrum has a mild laxative effect. Thus, it helps to cleanse the baby's intestines from the original feces (meconium).

Colostrum is also a kind of immune vaccine. It contains maternal immunoglobulins. These are immune proteins that give the child immunity from the mother. They will protect the baby from infections even before the age of six months. After all, his immunity is still to be formed for some time.

The formation of immunity is also helped by the early colonization of the still sterile intestines of the newborn with lacto- and bifidobacteria, which are found in large quantities in colostrum.

Based on the above, colostrum is the most valuable and unique product for the nutrition of a newly born baby. Therefore, it is important not to miss the opportunity to start breastfeeding your baby from this important stage.

And there is no need to rush to supplement it with milk substitutes (mixtures), hoping that they are better than this small amount of colostrum.

How to establish breastfeeding?

In order for breastfeeding to be successful, long and enjoyable for both participants in this process (mother and baby), you need to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast.

After all, when a child correctly captures the breast, he eats well, does not capture much air during feeding. And at the same time, the mother does not have pain during feeding, cracks and chafing on the nipple do not form.

Let's consider the application on the example of the classic position for feeding. This is the so-called cradle position. This is a comfortable position, mom can relax and even rest while feeding.

I'll tell you in more detail what kind of "Cradle" it is.

Mom sits down, leaning her back on a comfortable support. Support is required, otherwise it will be difficult for mommy. After all, the first feeding can last up to 40 minutes.

Additionally, for convenience, it is better to put your feet on a small chair or delivery, otherwise your legs will be unnecessarily strained.

Mom holds the baby in the elbow bend, holding the neck and back. The baby should be turned to the mother and pressed with his stomach to her stomach.

Thus, the ear, shoulder and thigh of the baby is on the same line. It is important that the baby does not throw his head back, does not arch.

It is important to hold the child not by the back of the head. Otherwise, when the baby is held by the head, he leans back, worries, is naughty at the chest. It is more correct to hold the neck and upper shoulder girdle.

It is most convenient for the mother to serve the right breast with the left hand, and the left breast with the right.

Take the breast, placing the thumb on top just beyond the areola (dark area of ​​the nipple), without covering it, and the remaining four fingers - from below.

The fairly common scissor grip, where the nipple remains between the index and middle fingers, does not allow the breast to be inserted deep enough into the baby's mouth.

At the time of application, the baby's nose should be opposite the nipple.

After squeezing out a drop of milk, move it along the baby's lower lip. After waiting for the baby to open its mouth wide, bring the nipple into the baby's mouth. With the other hand, move slightly, direct the baby to the chest.

Thanks to this oncoming movement, the grip on the chest will be deeper and more correct.

Here are a few criteria for the correct capture of the breast by the baby:

  • The baby's mouth is wide open.
  • The lips are well everted and cover most of the areola.
  • The baby's chin rests on the chest.
  • The baby's cheeks are not sunken.
  • You can hear how the baby swallows milk, but there are no clattering, smacking and other loud sounds when sucking.
  • The baby is turned to the chest with the whole body, and not just the head.

If the mother does everything right when preparing for feeding and when applying to the breast, then she will not experience pain and discomfort during feeding.

With this application technique, the tip of the nipple rests on the transition zone of the hard (bone) to the soft (muscular) palate of the child. And the wave-like movements of the baby's tongue do not injure the delicate peripapillary skin.

After feeding the baby, be sure to hold it upright for several minutes. You have probably heard the expression - "hold a column."

This is necessary so that the child can get rid of air bubbles that could enter the stomach during sucking.

If this is not done, then excess air will enter the intestines. Thus, they will provoke an attack of intestinal colic in an infant.

Also, if you do not wait for the release of excess air from the stomach (belching) after feeding, then such a gas bubble will provoke regurgitation in the baby.

Do I need to wash my breasts before and after feeding?

Breasts do not need additional washing before feeding. After feeding, washing the breast is also unnecessary. The fact is that after feeding, a natural protective film appears on the skin of the nipples, which prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Excessive hygiene procedures, especially with the use of soap, especially laundry soap (some grandmothers advise), dry out the thin skin of the nipples. And this is fraught with the appearance of cracks on them and discomfort during feeding.

It is enough for a nursing mother to take a shower twice a day and there is no need to “steam” about additional breast washing.

An exception is cases when a nursing mother uses any medicines for nipples in the form of ointments or gels.

Moreover, the drugs used by the mother are not always an exception, requiring washing the breast before feeding. Some specialized gels for the treatment of cracked nipples do not need to be rinsed off.

Whether or not to flush the drug from the breast before feeding, always check with the prescribing doctor, pharmacist at the pharmacy or in the annotation for the drug.

As for the feeding regimen for a newborn, the opinions of experts differ.

The size of the stomach of a newborn is still small and his physical strength for a full-fledged long-term meal is not always enough. Therefore, a newborn simply needs to be applied to the breast more often than once every two to two and a half hours.

Let me remind you that the neonatal period is the first 28 days from birth, that is, approximately the first month of life.

Also, during this adaptation period, immediately after birth, the mother's breast allows the newborn to satisfy not only his nutritional needs, but satisfies hunger. When sucking, he also quenches thirst, gets rid of fears, enjoys the mother's smell and warmth.

Also, sucking stimulates peristalsis (wave-like contractions) of the baby's intestines, which contributes to the discharge of gas. Therefore, babies often poop when they suckle their breasts.

The feeding regimen by the hour in the first month inhibits lactation, and frequent applications stimulate it.

Rare and incomplete emptying of the breast is the main cause of lactostasis. This is the stagnation of milk in the milk ducts, which develops into mastitis within three days, manifested by all signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, pain, fever).

From the second month of life, the child begins to develop a certain sleep and feeding regimen. Therefore, in the future, mothers can establish a feeding schedule by the hour in 2-2.5 hours.

This applies more, of course, to socially active or working mothers.

But it will not hurt an ordinary non-working mother, who is always next to the baby, to establish a feeding regimen in the future. Otherwise, there is a not very pleasant prospect of turning into a “mother-pacifier”, on which the baby will hang 24 hours a day.

The duration of feeding is determined by the baby. But this is not an absolute statement.

For example, during the neonatal period, feedings of less than 15 minutes do not allow the baby to get enough. At the same time, babies often quickly get tired and fall asleep. Therefore, if your newborn baby is too lazy to do a good job at the breast and falls asleep, you will have to wake him up.

On average, the first feedings last up to 30-40 minutes. An older child eats much faster.

What about night feedings?

It is at night that the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for stimulating milk production, reaches its peak of activity. Therefore, nightly applications provide sufficient milk production and contribute to the stimulation of lactation at the stage of its formation in the first month.

Long breaks in feeding and incomplete emptying of the breast during feeding, on the contrary, suppress lactation. The body will not use energy to produce milk if it is not in demand.

So feeding a newborn at night is necessary for both the baby and the mother.

Newborn babies, on average, can wake up at night for feeding 2-4 times. After six months, the child can sleep all night and not wake up to eat. But in my practice there were few such babies.

If the child is gaining weight well and sleeping at night for 4 hours or more, then it is not necessary to wake him up. But if your baby is lagging behind in weight gain and at the same time likes to sleep, then it is necessary to wake him up and feed him.

There are many different positions for feeding a baby. We will consider the most common and suitable for a newborn baby.

Poses "Cradle" and "Cross cradle"

These are seated feeding positions.

We have already considered all the features of the location of the baby when feeding in the “Cradle” position above.

This is a widespread position when the child lies in the arms of his mother, as in a cozy cradle. With this position, the baby's head lies on the elbow bend towards the breast, from which it sucks.

I am writing about it again, because I want to talk about another variety of this pose. This is the so-called "Cross Cradle".

In this position, the mother holds the baby with the hand opposite the breast from which she is going to feed. The child is located on the forearm of the bent arm of the mother. At the same time, with the palm of this hand, the mother supports the baby's head and can easily guide him.

In this way, the mother's other hand is freed to apply the breast correctly and adjust the baby's breast latch.

This position is more suitable if the baby is weakened, premature. These babies usually have difficulty latching on to the nipple and sucking.

Mom, when feeding in the “Cross Cradle” position, can sit on a chair, in an armchair, on a fitball, or even walk and rock the baby.

It is worth saying that for the first feedings, which last for 30-40 minutes or more, the “Cradle” and “Cross Cradle” poses are not very comfortable if there is no back support and footrest. Mom often gets numb legs, arms, back.

Therefore, be sure to take care of your comfort in advance. Place a pillow on your knees to hover and hunch over your baby. Place a small chair under your feet. Sit in a chair with a comfortable back. Place a pillow under your back and under the arm holding the baby.

Some mothers find it more convenient to feed lying down, especially after childbirth, when sitting is still difficult or impossible.

Pose "Lying on the side"

Mom and baby lie on the bed belly to stomach. Mom rests her shoulder on the bed or puts a pillow under her head. It is important that you put a pillow under your head, and not under your shoulders!

Under the back of the baby, you can put a roller twisted from a diaper or blanket so that the baby does not roll onto his back.

At the time of application, the nipple should be at the level of the crumbs' nose.

This position is suitable for women who cannot sit down after childbirth or if after a caesarean section the woman experiences pain when feeding while sitting.

This position is also ideal for feeding at night. From this position, without shifting the child to the other side, you can immediately attach it to the other breast, slightly hanging over the child.

Pose "Lying on the side with a jack"

With this position, mother and baby lie in opposite directions, that is, the legs of the crumbs are directed towards the mother's head.

I haven't seen this type of feeding very often. This position also has the right to exist, and sometimes it should be recommended specifically. In particular, feeding with a "jack" helps to cope with the stagnation of milk in the upper outer lobes of the mammary gland.

It is noticed that in those areas where the crumbs chin is directed, breast milk does not stagnate. Therefore, it is logical to use "jack" feeding from time to time in order to evenly empty the breast of milk, thus stimulating lactation.

Pose "From under the arm"

Mom in this position can be located sitting or half-sitting. The child lies on a pillow under the arm of the mother, his legs are directed towards her back.

It is necessary to ensure that the baby's legs are below the level of his head. The mother of the baby can hold with one hand, more precisely, she can hold and guide with one hand.

With this position, it is easy for the mother to control, adjust, correct the grip of the chest, to shake up the “lazy sucker”, since she has a free other hand.

This pose is great for stagnation of milk in the lateral and lower segments of the mammary gland.

Also, if a woman has already developed nipple cracks on one side, then changing the position, where the baby’s chin is directed in the opposite direction, will make feeding less painful and facilitate the healing of cracks.

Natural attachment (Australian position)

This is rather not a pose, but a method of self-attachment of a newborn child, which helps the baby to properly capture the breast, and the mother to relax during feeding or even take a nap.

The technique assumes that the mother should take off her clothes from the upper half of the body and allow the baby to find the breast on his own and kiss in the way that is convenient for him.

The position of the mother is reclining on her back with support on the head of the bed or pillow. The baby lies on the mother's stomach to the stomach. With a little help from his mother, he finds a nipple and applies it to the breast. This is self-applying.

In the future, the baby's head can be held with a hand bent at the elbow joint. And put a pillow under your arm.

Very often, mothers of newborns ask the question: “What should I do if milk flows from the breast quickly and the child does not have time to cope with this flow, is naughty at the breast?”

Self-adhesion solves this issue, with such a horizontal position, the flow of milk will be less.

Another way to slightly reduce the flow of milk is to express it a little and apply the baby when the milk does not flow so quickly. This option is suitable if the mother has a lot of milk.

Should the baby be given water?

If the child is breastfed, then it is not necessary to give him additional water. It is believed that up to six months a breast-fed child does not need additional drinking and complementary foods.

Breast milk can satisfy both the thirst and hunger of the child. The foremilk acts as a drink, as it contains more water and less fat than the hindmilk.

Sometimes water is needed according to indications, for example, if the baby has problems with stool. Your pediatrician will give specific recommendations on this matter.

Soother, bottle and other nipple substitutes…

If you want to feed your baby with breast milk for a long time and successfully, then you should not offer him “mother substitutes” in the form of a pacifier, a bottle.

The fact is that sucking these devices is not like sucking on the breast. When a baby suckles, the nipple is on the soft palate. When sucking on a pacifier, its tip does not reach this zone. The child gets used to the wrong sucking.

If a child sucks on a pacifier, then his grip often deteriorates. Further, in the process of sucking, the baby "slides onto the nipple." Feeding when the baby sucks only the nipple is ineffective and very painful for the mother.

It is easier for children to suck from a bottle, therefore, if a mother supplements from a bottle, then sooner or later the child prefers her and refuses to suckle her breast.

Is there enough milk?

During the formation of lactation, milk is produced by the mother not always evenly. There are peaks and valleys in this process.

Around the 3rd - 4th week of a baby's life, a mother may experience a decrease in milk production. This is the so-called lactation crisis.

Such a crisis occurs during periods of maximum growth of the child, when the need for milk increases sharply, and the amount of milk produced remains at the same level.

The child at such moments often requires breasts, is naughty. This situation is fixable and does not require specific treatment.

Mom needs to put the baby to the breast more often, eat hard and drink warm drinks.

Stimulation of the nipple sends a signal to the woman's brain that milk should come. The hormone prolactin is produced, which triggers and stimulates milk production.

The lactation crisis lasts 1-3 weeks on average.

Mothers often have a question whether the child has enough milk, whether he is full.

I will briefly say that the true signs of a lack of milk are:

  • Little weight gain or weight loss by the child;
  • The number of soiled diapers has decreased (the child rarely pees and poops);
  • The child's stool is scanty, rare and dense.

If you leave your child without disposable diapers for a day and count 10 or more soiled diapers, then you have no reason to worry about a lack of milk.

Elena Borisova-Tsarenok, a practicing pediatrician and twice mother, told you about how to feed a newborn.

Realizing the need for natural feeding, every successful or future mother accumulates a lot of questions regarding the nutrition of the child. In order for breastfeeding to bring positive emotions to the mother and the full development of the child, it is important to familiarize yourself with the accepted principles of this process. It is worth stocking up on information on how often to put a newborn to the breast and how long a meal can last for a crumb.

These questions are important from the point of view of the correct development of the baby and the success of subsequent lactation. Therefore, even before the lactation period, the expectant mother will have to find out how long a one-month-old baby and an older baby should suckle, how many times to feed a newborn with breast milk and other basics of successful lactation.

After separation from the mother, with a satisfactory condition of the newborn, he is placed on the stomach and chest of the mother. Skin-to-skin contact should occur as soon as possible after delivery. Its significance lies in the need to populate the body of the newborn with saprophytic microorganisms from the mother's skin. The first minutes of life for a baby are associated with stress: the formation of respiratory functions takes place, the baby cries, feels discomfort from contact with an unfamiliar environment, he is cold and scared. Therefore, the child, due to a stressful situation, refuses to breastfeed.

An instinctive search for food occurs within 10-20 minutes after delivery. This period is considered optimal for the first application. The duration of contact with the mother for 30-40 minutes helps to strengthen the emotional connection, stimulates the immune function in the child's body, and establishes the process of milk production.

Early application is also useful for a woman in labor to establish close emotional contact in the future, it affects the reduction of postpartum bleeding and helps to contract the uterus.

It is important for an accomplished mother to study the feeding technique, find a comfortable position, and control the position of the baby at the breast. With the correct grip, the nipple is located in the baby's mouth along with the areola, the mouth is wide open, the chin touches the chest. Pay attention to the position when feeding, mutually comfortable for mother and child.

The medical staff of the maternity ward do not practice earlier application in the following situations:

  • in case of a serious condition of the woman in labor (loss of consciousness, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.);
  • violation of cerebral circulation in an infant;
  • with depression of the central nervous system of the newborn;
  • in violation of the child's breathing;
  • with prematurity with sluggish or unexpressed sucking and swallowing automatism;
  • in case of detection of galactosemia.

The success of subsequent breastfeeding depends on the condition of the baby and mother in the future. The earlier and more intensively the sucking began, the more milk the iron can produce in the future. Therefore, it is important that the baby be "introduced" to the mother's gland within a few hours after birth.

How long does it take to breastfeed a baby by age?

The duration of application varies significantly: from 15-30 minutes. With age, the child's nutritional needs will increase, and the duration of feedings will also increase (on average, up to 40 minutes). Usually, feeding a newborn ends with sleep.

However, if a baby suckles excessively at the breast, the possible reason for this is not so much the desire to eat, but the satisfaction of the need for sucking or a lack of close contact with the mother. Prolonged sucking will not harm the breast, provided that the rules of attachment are followed.

Feeding is divided into stages. Active lasts the first 5-15 minutes, at which time the baby receives a large amount of food and consumes foremilk. In order for the baby to receive nutritious hindmilk, it is worth allowing the gland to be completely emptied.

The duration of feeding is directly related to the age of the peanut. A newborn has a small stomach, the volume of which does not exceed 5 ml. Therefore, the baby eats often and little by little. As the child grows older, the duration of feeding increases, and the interval between them increases (by six months the child will ask for the breast in a few hours). At the same time, the baby receives more food due to the increase in milk in the mammary glands of the mother.

How often to breastfeed

When feeding a baby, both the duration and the frequency of applications per day are taken into account. The more often a woman feeds, the more actively lactation is maintained. It is customary to distinguish two options for feeding - on demand (free feeding) and by the hour (by schedule). In the first case, the child receives food, signaling to the mother about the feeling of hunger by crying, anxiety, searching movements of the mouth. In the second, between feedings, the mother deliberately waits for some time, the waiting interval increases with age. Today, the need for on-demand feeding for the development of the child and subsequent lactation is increasingly emphasized.

As the volume of the stomach increases, the interval between meals increases. In the first days, the child "asks for the breast" from 6 to 12 times during the day.

How often to alternate breasts when feeding

The principle of natural feeding is consistent application to the mammary glands. The baby is fed alternately with one and the other breast, using one gland in one feeding. In case of hypogalactia, it is applied to two glands during feeding. In this case, the first breast is given for a long time until it is completely empty.

Neglecting this rule can lead to the fact that the baby will not receive the full amount of nutritious late milk, it will be difficult to gain weight. In addition, inefficient removal of milk from the ducts causes blockage of the duct in the mammary gland (lactostasis), and, as a result, causes pain and difficulty in feeding, the risk of mastitis.

It is not recommended to give both breasts in turn during one feeding. Only if the baby drank milk from one breast and is still hungry, put it on the other. You can determine that a baby needs a supplement by a number of signs:

  • after eating, the little one behaves restlessly, is naughty, looks for breasts with his mouth;
  • the baby is crying;
  • in infants, urination and defecation are rare;
  • the child is slowly gaining weight.

Children who are full and receive full portions of breast milk are calm, sleep soundly, develop faster and gain weight. It is possible to increase the volume of breast milk in case of its deficiency with the help of medications, traditional medicine, lactagon mixtures.

How long to breastfeed a newborn

A lot of discussion arises around the question "until what age to breastfeed a child." You can answer it by studying the recommendations of WHO. The World Health Organization has stated that it is recommended to support exclusive breastfeeding until six months of age. Children over 6 months of age should be supplemented with breast milk, as well as formula-fed babies, should be given complementary foods.

Dr. Komarovsky agrees with WHO standards. The pediatrician recommends choosing one of three directions for the first complementary foods, taking into account the developmental characteristics of the child. It can be vegetables, cereals or dairy products. The introduction of complementary foods does not mean that natural feeding should be abandoned. You can continue to breastfeed the little one for up to a year, one and a half or two years at the request of the mother. It is actively promoted to practice breastfeeding until the period of involution: 2.3–3 years of age of the child.

Do I need to feed my baby at night

The baby also needs food at night. However, night feedings are optional and are practiced if the baby expresses his need with anxiety. The first months of life in a peanut biorhythms are formed. After giving birth, he experiences the same need for food for 24 hours. The baby does not distinguish between day and night.

Changes should occur by the age of 5-6 months. During this period, the baby begins to receive more nutritious "adult" food in the form of cereals, vegetables and is able to go without food for about 6 hours. Having fed the baby late in the evening, the mother can fully sleep and gain strength.

Feeding at night supports lactation, as prolactin is produced at this time - the hormone responsible for the "production" of milk.

Not only hunger can cause frequent awakenings at night. The comfort of the environment can also influence the frequency of waking. Monitor the temperature and humidity in the room, ventilate the room, take a soothing and relaxing herbal bath before bed. If the baby wakes up at night to eat, but eats poorly, gets tired quickly and falls asleep under the breast, he may not want to eat. Put the little one next to you, feeling the warmth and smell of mom, the baby will sleep better.

To solder or not?

It is often difficult for mothers to accept the axiom that a healthy newborn baby (up to 6 months old) does not need water. He receives the necessary liquid from the fore breast milk. It is 87% water. At the same time, the mother liquid cannot be compared even with spring water. The foremilk contains salt solutions, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. These components are most fully absorbed by the baby's body, stimulates the work of the organs of a small organism.

The argument that mother's milk is very sweet and should be taken with water is also wrong. Breast milk tastes sweet due to its high carbohydrate content. This pleasant sweetness of lactose is important for the absorption of calcium and iron, nutrition of beneficial intestinal microflora and the development of the child's brain. Lactose not only does not require additional drinking, but also gives a feeling of freshness to the baby.

Every rule has exceptions. It is necessary to supplement the baby on GV in the following cases:

  • when he is sick, with fever, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • in the hot season, when there is a risk of overheating;
  • with the development of physiological jaundice;
  • with intoxication of the body;
  • if the baby is developing slowly, stopped growing, does not gain weight.

Each case is individual and requires a personal approach. Feeding is an integral part of the life of a child and his mother. At the same time, having properly organized this process, both mother and baby will learn to enjoy such a daily stay together, to appreciate the minutes spent together.

Breastfeeding experts insist that a mother should not refuse milk to a baby if he wants to. It turns out that a child can be fed as much as he needs, but many pediatricians do not agree with this statement, pointing to a different feeding regimen for natural and artificial feeding. The obvious question raises a double opinion among mothers: how often to feed a newborn - according to the regimen or at his request?

Feeding a newborn can be carried out according to the schedule or be guided solely by the desire of the baby

Colostrum feeding frequency

In the first days after childbirth, the mother's breast is filled with colostrum. Pure breast milk will begin to be produced after 2-3 days. Naturally, the newborn receives only colostrum these days. It is advisable to attach the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth and, throughout the entire period of feeding with colostrum, often apply the baby to the breast. Its quantity is small, but the newborn is full, thanks to the high nutritional value of the product.

Breastfeeding frequency is very important for an infant. First, the baby receives good nutrition. Secondly, there is a reflex addiction of the newborn to the method of obtaining food, he adapts to the shape of the nipple, trains to suckle correctly. Thirdly, frequent applications stimulate lactation and prevent milk stasis.

Additionally, there is a relationship between demand (feeding the baby) and supply (milk accumulates in sufficient quantities). Actively breastfeeding the baby, the mother contributes to successful lactation.

For a long time, breastfeeding was carried out by the hour, with clear intervals. Pediatricians recommended mothers to apply the baby every 3-4 hours and let him suck for 10-15 minutes. In addition, the remaining milk should be expressed. Practical observations have shown the erroneous application of such a regime. The statistics of past years note frequent cases of mastitis in mothers and indigestion in children.

Today, experts have gone beyond the rigid framework and believe that the mother should determine the frequency of feeding at the request of the baby. What does it mean to feed at will? The breast is given to the newborn at any time at his first request and wherever the mother is at that time. The new method of feeding is based on setting the frequency of feedings according to the behavior of the child, and not on the exact observance of hours. Actually, the child sets the regime, and you are subject to such a choice.

How to determine that the baby wants a breast?

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Following this method, mothers give the breast to the newborn at the slightest sign of anxiety, if he does not refuse it. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to attach the baby to the nipple when he cries or is very naughty. It is desirable that the mother learns to understand her child and distinguishes the desire to suck on the breast from other reasons for his whims. Remember the following signs:

  • the baby smacks his lips;
  • your "chick" actively opens its mouth and turns its head;
  • begins to suck on the corner of the diaper or her own fist.

The free feeding regimen allows the baby to suck on the breast not only when he is hungry. The child reaches for the chest for peace of mind, receives protection from the process, psychological comfort, absorbs the love and warmth of the mother. It is important that mommy approaches the process with pleasure, receiving a lot of positive emotions from close contact with her treasure. The time of breastfeeding is a priceless period when a close bond is established between mother and child, lasting a lifetime.

The most remarkable thing is that the participants in the process receive mutual benefits. The free method, as studies have shown, has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical condition of mother and baby:

  • The development of newborns is fast and harmonious. Children who receive breasts on demand grow strong, are less susceptible to diseases, and have a balanced nervous system.
  • A woman quickly returns to her prenatal forms. Contraceptive protection is naturally preserved. The mother avoids nipple problems if the baby is properly latched onto the nipple.
  • The breast milk produced is rich in nutrients, has a high fat content and is supplied in large quantities.

With proper breastfeeding, breastfeeding becomes a natural prevention of lactostasis and mastitis

What is the benefit of frequent breastfeeding?

Some mothers express doubts about this method of feeding, worrying about the amount of milk that the baby needs. Anxiety is associated with thoughts of overeating or malnutrition of the child. There is no need to worry, since this frequency of feeding is balanced by the production of milk in sufficient quantities, and newborns eat so actively that they unwittingly provoke proper lactation (see also:). There is a kind of regulation by the child of the amount of milk that he needs. The little trickster, intuitively controlling the amount of food, eats well and feels happy.

By the way, it is with hourly feeding that milk is not completely drunk by the baby, which leads to its stagnation. Lactation worsens, threatening to stop completely, which can push the mother to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In addition, the moment of stagnation provokes the formation of mastitis in the mother. Will you still have doubts after such conclusions about which method is better to feed the baby? Choose the one that suits not only you in all respects, but will also be optimal for the child.

When to change the number of attachments?

Given that the frequency of feeding and fullness of the breast with a free method of feeding is absolutely individual, it is impossible to give exact recommendations on the number of attachments. There are babies who suck quickly and forcefully, and there are those who "roll" the nipple in the mouth, slowly pulling out drop by drop. Obviously, it is difficult to calculate the exact number of applications, but one cannot but say about the periods of active growth of the child, when he needs more milk.

Observing the cyclical development of the child, experts have identified four bright periods up to the age of 1 year, in which the child dramatically increases in growth. Approximate indicators are as follows:

  • 7-10th days of life;
  • from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • by 3 months;
  • at 6 months.

Approaching these terms, it seems to mothers that the baby is malnourished, that he is constantly hungry. Thinking that she does not have enough milk, the woman tries to supplement the crumbs with mixtures. This is not the way to do it. It will take 2-3 days and your body will adjust itself to the needs of the crumbs, it will begin to produce more milk. The instability of the indicators for the frequency of application is associated with the overall development of the child, and with his appetite. Moms should not worry about such fluctuations - just give the baby the breast when he needs it.

Statistics collected by pediatricians indicate that a child may ask to breastfeed 8-12 times a day. The figures are, of course, conjectural, they do not reflect the full picture. The desire of the baby to suck milk and 20 times a day is considered normal. Breast milk is absorbed very quickly, so it's okay if your baby asks for a breast half an hour after feeding. Natural nutrition does not affect the functioning of the baby's digestive system.

How long does it take for one feeding?

Each baby decides for himself how much he needs to breastfeed. The hurried man manages in a short time, and the thoughtful little man stretches out the pleasure and eats for more than half an hour. Growing up and mastering sucking, children increase the speed of food intake, choosing the required amount of milk in a few minutes. The times recommended by pediatricians are averages, so accept your treasure's abilities and feed as much as required - there is no exact norm. Special recommendations have been established only for formula feeding.

The older the child becomes, the less time it takes for a full meal

How to alternate breasts when feeding?

Breast rotation during feeding is good for the mother, it helps to relieve the painful swelling of the mammary glands by the time the baby is eating. The duration of holding on one breast depends on the process of milk production in the mother and the appetite worked up by the child. Some baby is controlled with one breast in 5 minutes, while the other stretches the process for 10-15 minutes. If you act on the recommendations of specialists, then it is necessary to carry out a breast change, dividing the total feeding time in half.

Moms with conservative views prefer to give one breast per feeding. Those who adopt the free method keep records to keep track of their meal schedule. Children are also different: some like to suck on one breast, others calmly change nipples, thinking only about getting enough milk. Pediatricians agree that alternating breasts in one feeding is more convenient and correct.

Dr. Komarovsky comments positively on the free approach to feeding, but emphasizes that the child's demands should be based on hunger and not on other reasons. If the baby's diaper is full or the baby suffers from overheating, he is bothered by prickly heat, he can reach for his chest, trying to find relief from uncomfortable sensations in it. Don't breastfeed him. It is important for mom to know exactly when the baby really wants to eat. It turns out that it is possible for a child to eat according to the free method, but observing an interval of 2 hours.

In addition, the famous pediatrician strongly draws attention to one significant point: no matter how you feed the baby, both mother and child should enjoy.

If you are stressed by constantly holding the baby at the breast, give up free feeding and use the usual feeding by the hour. In addition, you can optimize your on-demand food intake by sticking to the sweet spot. Reduce the intervals between feedings, but keep the schedule.