Treatment of snot in infants. What is the treatment for a cold in a newborn? We create comfortable temperature conditions

Runny nose belongs to the category of fairly common ailments, however, despite this, rhinitis is rarely taken seriously. In the cold season, snot in infants is the surest sign of a cold.

This unpleasant phenomenon causes a lot of trouble not only for the baby, but for parents, who often do not know how to behave in such a situation.

On the other hand, ignorance does not insure against much more serious consequences that a runny nose in a child can entail.

What is the cause of snot in an infant?

Experts identify several reasons for the development of a runny nose in infants:

  1. Infections of a viral, bacterial nature, as well as a common cold.
  2. Violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At two month old baby in this case, there may be curdled discharge from the nose. Such rhinitis does not pose a threat to the baby. The reason for this is getting into nasal cavity crumbs of food residue at the time of regurgitation.
  3. Allergen exposure. It can be some kind of food product, dust, wool, etc.
  4. Pathological vascular diseases.
  5. Dry air in the nursery. Under such conditions, the nasal mucosa of the child is moistened due to the secreted mucus.
  6. Teething. This process is often accompanied copious secretions from the child's nose. As a rule, the snot in this case is transparent and is not a cause for concern.
  7. Active work of the salivary glands, observed in infants at the age of two months. At the same time, the baby is busy blowing bubbles both through the mouth and through the nose.
  8. Entry into the nasal cavity of a foreign body.

Varieties of rhinitis in infants

Depending on the causes of the development of a runny nose in infants, there are the following types:

  • physiological. A baby in the period up to 10 weeks does not have a full-fledged mucous membrane, which during this period is prone to excessive moisture. If other symptoms of a respiratory disease do not manifest themselves, it will be sufficient to regularly rinse the crumbs' nose with a salt solution;
  • infectious. Rhinitis in this case is sure sign developing SARS or influenza. Snot can be caused by both ordinary hypothermia and a viral infection. Infectious rhinitis is accompanied by irritation of the nasal mucosa and often causes inflammation of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses. With such complications, the child is shown taking antibiotics;
  • allergic. The development of the disease is accompanied by nasal congestion, which alternates with abundant mucous secretions. The baby may have reddened eyes and swollen face. The therapeutic course for this type of runny nose begins with the identification of the irritant and its elimination;
  • vasomotor. The cause of the disease is in vascular disorders. With this type of rhinitis, only one or the other nostril is alternately laid. The symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are similar to the manifestations of allergic rhinitis, however, the treatment in each case is individual;
  • arising from teething. In this case, it is very important not to confuse this type of rhinitis with others. A distinctive symptom of such rhinitis is short-lived (observed for 4 days) watery, colorless discharge from the nose.

In what forms does a runny nose occur in infants?

In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic rhinitis. The development of the acute form of the disease continues in babies usually within 10 days. In this case, the disease goes through three stages of the course:

  1. Reflex. Accompanied by blanching of the nasal mucosa, dryness and a burning sensation. The baby sneezes often. The duration of the described stage is several hours. It is very difficult to diagnose rhinitis at this stage.
  2. catarrhal. The child's nasal conchas swell, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity reddens, tears may flow, sometimes there is congestion of the ears. This is the beginning of a runny nose. The duration of the stage is two to three days.
  3. Infectious. Discharge from the nose with advanced rhinitis in infants is thick, has a greenish-yellow tint. It is not easy to cure the disease at this stage, but with a competent approach, complications can be avoided.

The duration of the course of the disease in chronic form may be several weeks or even months.

In addition to abundant mucous discharge from the nose of a child with chronic runny nose coughing may occur bad smell from mouth.

The danger of this form of the disease in children under one year old is the possibility of complications.

The list of such, first of all, should include weight loss and dehydration. child's body because it becomes difficult for the baby to feed on breast milk or bottle formula.

Excessively frequent wiping of the baby's nose can cause ulcers on the upper lip and nose.

The most serious complications into which a runny nose can flow are otitis media, acute bronchitis, dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis.

How to help a baby with rhinitis?

In the event of the manifestation of the characteristic symptoms of the disease, the parents of the crumbs should immediately contact the pediatrician. Among the most disturbing "calls":

  • increased body temperature;
  • refusal of the child to eat;
  • bloody discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • snot with impurities of pus;
  • the development of an inflammatory process in the throat;
  • dyspnea.

The pediatrician will examine the child, determine the diagnosis and be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Therapeutic course in case of severe rhinitis in without fail includes medication.

Of the vasodilators, it is preferable to use Nazivin (0.01%) or Nazol Baby. However, drops can only be used every 6 hours and no longer than 3 days.

Infants are also allowed Derinat in the form of a solution containing plant extracts and strengthening the immune system of the crumbs. You can bury the medicine every 2 hours.

Folk remedies to help the baby

If the baby has yellow snot, this means that the disease has taken a complicated form. In this case, traditional medicine is likely to be supplanted by traditional medicine.

However, on initial stages the development of the disease "grandmother's" recipes may well help out.

In any case, before proceeding with the treatment of the common cold folk ways, you must first consult with a pediatrician.

Below are some of the most effective tools:

  1. Dilute fresh carrot (beetroot) juice with boiled water in a ratio of one to one. Bury two drops of the solution every two to three hours. You can use cotton swabs soaked in juice. They are put into the child's nostrils for 15 minutes three times a day.
  2. Dissolve sea ​​salt in boiled water (1 tsp per liter, respectively). Rinse your baby's nasal cavity with the solution every two to three hours.
  3. Chamomile flowers in the amount of 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water, leave to brew and cool until room temperature. Infusion drip 3 to 5 times a day, a few drops in each nostril.
  4. You can warm the child's nose with table salt or buckwheat. Heat the raw materials in a pan and place in a cotton bag. Apply to the bridge of the nose three to four times a day until completely cooled.

Is it possible to suck snot from a baby?

How can you suck the snot from the baby? For these purposes, there are a number of special devices:

  • syringe aspirator - the simplest of options. To avoid injury to the baby's nasal mucosa, the device has a limiter and a rubber nozzle. It is necessary to use the aspirator as follows: we release air by squeezing the pear, then place the nozzle in the nasal cavity of the child, unclench the pear, sucking out the mucus;
  • mechanical aspirator. The device is made in the form of a tube, one end of which is in the mother's mouth, the other in the baby's nasal cavity. The method is very effective, because the air intake force is controlled;
  • electronic aspirator. The device not only sucks out snot, but also moisturizes the mucous membrane. The device is brought to the nasal cavity of the child and operates with the push of a button;
  • vacuum aspirator. The device is powered by a vacuum cleaner.

When is an operation for a cold in a baby inevitable?

The neglected form of the common cold in an infant in extremely rare cases may lead to the need for surgical intervention. Specialists resort to piercing surgery with stagnation of pus in the sinuses of the baby's nose, when conservative medicine is completely powerless.

Surgery in children is resorted to only in cases where different kind parietal-hyperplastic forms in the nasal cavity of a child, for example, a fistula maxillary sinus or polyp.

Special preparation for the procedure is not required. An otolaryngologist performs an operation in a hospital under anesthesia.

Nose piercing surgery is not a pleasant event.

Therefore, when snot appears in an infant, whether it is transparent, white or having a different shade, parents should immediately seek pediatric help.

Perhaps this is just a reaction of the child's body to teething or a common cold, however, when it comes to the health of the crumbs, it is better to play it safe.

Our expert comments

In conclusion, I would like to give a few recommendations that will relate to the regimen for rhinitis in infants.

A sick child should be laid in such a way that his head is in a slightly elevated position. This will help facilitate breathing and the outflow of snot. The baby's feet should be warm, however, make sure that the baby does not overheat.

It is very important that the baby consumes a sufficient amount of fluid during the period of illness. Do not forget to also ventilate the nursery, use humidifiers, often resort to wet cleaning of the room.

In no case do not ignore the manifestations of the disease in the baby, do not allow the development of the disease and related complications. After all, the entire responsibility for the health of the crumbs during this period lies only with his parents.


How to treat snot in an infant with medicines and folk remedies

Young children often have a runny nose. This is due to the structure of the nasal passages.

The mucosa swells, it becomes difficult for the child to breathe, he is naughty, sleeps and eats poorly. It is important to start treating snot in babies on time.

The infection can quickly descend to the lower respiratory tract, causing coughing and other illnesses.

Causes of a runny nose

With a runny nose in an infant at 2-3 months, the nasal mucosa quickly swells. This is due to the narrow and short nasal passages. It is difficult for a child to suckle milk. If left untreated, the edema quickly spreads to the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. Inflammation can also affect the ear mucosa.

At the age of 6 months, the salivary glands are actively working in infants. Much saliva flows from the nose and mouth. If the child feels well, there are no other signs of a cold, then you can calm down.

A runny nose in a child can occur for several reasons:

  • the entry of viruses or bacteria into the body (treatment is based on taking antiviral drugs or antibiotics)
  • allergic irritant (it is enough to eliminate the irritant);
  • dry air (moisten the nose and walk in the fresh air);
  • moment of teething;
  • entry into the nasal passage of a foreign body.

Treatment is necessary when:

  • the child refuses to feed, is naughty;
  • runny nose interferes with breathing, sleeping, eating;
  • the color of mucous secretions changes;
  • there is an increase in body temperature;
  • cough appears.

If the baby has transparent snot, breathing is not disturbed, there is no temperature, more often you need to apply it to your chest, moisten the air, ventilate the room, suck out the mucus. Additional treatment is not required.

How many days a runny nose will last in a child is influenced by many factors: the correct diagnosis, the time the treatment was started, and the establishment of the cause of its occurrence. How many days does a runny nose go away if treated correctly? Under favorable conditions, a runny nose can be cured after 5-7 days.

There are several stages in the development of the common cold:

  1. There is itching and burning in the nose. The baby sneezes frequently. How long is this period? Similar symptoms observed for about two days. Then there are mucous secretions, lacrimation.
  2. The nasal mucosa swells, turns red, the vessels dilate, and it becomes difficult to breathe. The baby's sense of smell and hearing may be reduced. Duration - about three days.
  3. The appearance of this stage is associated with the addition of a bacterial infection. Snot thick, plentiful. Most often, green snot appears in the baby. Body temperature may rise and coughing may begin. Such a runny nose should be urgently treated, you can not walk with the child at this time and bathe him.

Characteristics of a runny nose in babies

There are several types of snot that are typical for a child in the first months of life.

  • Transparent.
  • Yellow or green.
  • With streaks of blood.

Clear slime

  • Appears with physiological rhinitis. There is an adaptation of the nasopharynx to new conditions. This type of snot is typical for the first two months of a child's life. He does not need to be treated. It is enough to moisturize the nose and walk outside more often.
  • May occur with allergies (most often food). Before starting treatment, the allergen should be identified.
  • Observed during teething.
  • Often transparent snot occurs in the early stages viral infection. They need to be treated with antiviral drugs.

white snot

Occur at the initial stage of the common cold. There is swelling of the nasal cavity and fever. Washing with saline solutions and vasoconstrictors for the nose will help alleviate the condition. At the stage of recovery, white snot becomes a rich color.

Yellow or green discharge

  • May indicate that the snot passes (killed bacteria flow along with the mucus from the nose).
  • Spread of infection. If thick yellow or green snot flows 2 weeks after the disease, the condition indicates the development of an inflammatory process. Most often, sinusitis occurs. It is not recommended to walk on the street. You must adhere to bed rest.

When pathogenic microbes enter the body, green snot in the baby begins to go. The waste products of microbes stain the mucus in a different color.

Thick yellow or white snot causes severe swelling mucosa and can lead to complete loss of breath through the nose.

Snot with blood

Sometimes adults can detect blood in the mucus.

  • This may indicate a violation of the work of blood vessels due to incorrect, uncontrolled use of drugs. Most often this applies to vasoconstrictor drugs. The nasal mucosa is very dry.
  • Blood in a child may appear during the inflammatory process. The capillaries become brittle and easily damaged.
  • Mechanical damage to the nasal passages.
  • Lack of vitamin C.
  • Very rarely, the cause is an increase in intracranial pressure.

If the snot is thick, it becomes even more difficult for the child to get rid of them. Treatment should be aimed at thinning the mucus. Especially thick snot begins to disturb the baby in a horizontal position when he sleeps. Draining down the larynx, they envelop the mucous membrane, causing a cough.

If you change the color of snot, consistency and increase their intensity, you can not self-medicate.

Therapeutic measures

As soon as the child has the first symptoms of a runny nose, measures should be taken.

  • Do more wet cleaning in the room.
  • Monitor the temperature and humidity in the room.
  • If there is no temperature, then it is recommended to be outside. You can walk if the weather is calm, dry weather.
  • Be sure to rinse the child's nose with saline solutions.
  • A special aspirator should remove accumulated mucus.

If a runny nose in a child is accompanied by fever, cough and copious discharge from the nose, then you can’t walk on the street. Especially when frost, rain, wind. You can't bathe the baby.

When the baby eats well, is cheerful, there is no cough and the discharge is not intense, walking on the street is not only possible, but also necessary.

If there is a need to see a doctor, the following medicines can be prescribed:

  • antiviral local drops (Grippferon, Interferon);
  • vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Otrivin) should not be dripped for more than three days;
  • immunity boosters (Derinat drops, Genferon suppositories);
  • antiseptic drugs (Miramistin, Albucid, Protargol);
  • local antibiotics (Isofra);
  • drops based on sea water (Aqua Maris, Aqualor);
  • antihistamine nasal drops (Vibrocil);
  • antipyretics.

Folk recipes to combat a runny nose in an infant

  • You can treat a runny nose with aloe juice. It is necessary to take a leaf of the plant, rinse it and squeeze the juice through gauze. The resulting solution is diluted with boiled water or breast milk in a ratio of 1:1. Before dripping the resulting solution into the spout, you need to make sure that there is no edema and the spout breathes. Otherwise, the tool will not work.
  • You can make saline solutions that dilute thick snot. Take one teaspoon of edible salt and pour 1 liter of boiled water. It turns out a semblance of saline solutions, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can dig every hour. Salt solutions can quickly cure a runny nose.
  • The juice of some vegetables can fight inflammation in the nasopharynx and kill bacteria. You can mix the juice of beets, carrots, potatoes. Before instillation into the nose, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Chamomile decoction. Take 2 teaspoons of chopped dry herbs and pour a glass of water. Insist and strain. Drip into the child's nose several times a day.
  • You can cut the onion in half and place it in the room where the baby is. Phytoncides help relieve congestion.
  • Helps ease breathing essential oils(lavender, eucalyptus).

Treatment of a runny nose with breast milk must be carried out with caution. Milk creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and can lead to drying of the nasal mucosa.

Consequences of a cold in young children

If you do not treat a runny nose or choose the wrong means to combat it, complications may occur. The child of the first months of life ceases to gain weight, to develop physically, and there will be a weakening of the immune system.

Prolonged runny nose can lead to such serious illnesses, How:

  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • pneumonia.

Swelling of the nose leads to the fact that the child receives less oxygen. As a result, there are violations in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. With chronic diseases of the nose, the child looks tired, drowsy, absent-minded. The cognitive sphere is disturbed: memory, attention, thinking.

Preventive measures

Sometimes wrong treatment can lead to complications. Note to parents, what not to do when the baby is sick:

  • Do not use nasal sprays, as you can cause laryngospasm and otitis media. Drops and solutions are instilled with a pipette.
  • You can not bury ordinary water. The nasal mucosa becomes dry.
  • Rinse the nose with saline solutions using a pipette or syringe. A strong flow of fluid leads to the spread of infection.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  • Vasoconstrictor agents should not be used frequently and for a long time. They can lead to the development of allergic rhinitis and other diseases of the nose.
  • Children under 12 months of age are rarely given nasal antibiotics. Therefore, they cannot be dripped on their own.
  • Folk remedies should be used with caution. Young children are prone to allergic reactions.

Hygiene rules to help avoid colds.

  • Avoid crowded places.
  • Proper balanced nutrition.
  • Take frequent walks outdoors.
  • Do gymnastic exercises with your child.
  • Air baths (leave the child without clothes for several minutes).

When a child begins to get sick, he requires even more attention. Excessive anxiety of the mother is transmitted to the baby, and the symptoms of the disease will be more pronounced. Therefore, it must be surrounded by attention and care. Spend more time with him, pick him up, talk, hug him.


How to quickly cure rhinitis of the baby

The question of how to treat a runny nose in a baby will always be relevant for young parents, especially when the weather is so unstable, and there are a lot of colds around.

Babies easily catch a runny nose, because the body baby practically defenseless against viruses.

In the first years of life the immune system is just being formed, and periodic colds are an integral part of this process.

Treatment of the common cold in children up to a year - not an easy task, because many drugs that can help with a cold are contraindicated for infants. How to get rid of snot from the baby in this case?

In this article, we will tell you what drugs can treat a runny nose in a child up to a year old and what to do if a baby has a runny nose to quickly get rid of snot.

Determine the cause of the cold

Before treating snot in infants, it is necessary to understand what exactly caused their appearance. A runny nose is not a disease, but a symptom characteristic of several diseases, such as:

  • SARS - acute respiratory viral infection;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis.

Treatment of a runny nose in infants will vary depending on which of the above reasons provoked it.

In addition, in newborns and children up to a year, a runny nose can be caused by other, characteristic only for early age, reasons. More about them:

  1. Physiological runny nose, due to the peculiarities of the physiology of the mucous membrane in a child 3 months old and younger. In infants, the mucous membrane is very dry at first, and then, on the contrary, becomes too moist. This is due to its restructuring in the course of adaptation to the conditions environment. Sometimes there is so much mucus produced that it looks like snot.

If a runny nose in a baby for 2 months of life is not accompanied by any disturbances (no temperature, normal appetite and sleep), parents have nothing to worry about. Such a runny nose in a 2-month-old baby is physiological, it is not dangerous and does not require treatment.

  1. Teething is another cause of a runny nose in children aged 5 months and older. When teething, the gums become inflamed, blood actively flows to them. Such changes provoke excessive mucus production both in the mouth (i.e. saliva) and in the nose. Teeth can begin to erupt even at 4 months, but this is rather an exception - a much higher probability of the first teeth appearing at 6 month old baby. Is it possible to quickly cure a runny nose in a 6-month-old baby who is teething? In fact, there is no need for this - a runny nose will pass when the tooth erupts.
  2. A runny nose as a reaction to dust, dry air and heat is often found among infants. Such a runny nose in children under one year old is not treated with medicines, but by changing the conditions in the house. It is recommended to frequently do wet cleaning, do not abuse heaters. The air humidity should be maintained in the range of 60-70%, and the temperature -at the level+20С.

Treatment of the common cold with SARS

SARS is the most common cause of a runny nose in children. Most often, SARS outbreaks occur in the cold season, since when hypothermia viruses penetrate the body more easily. The entry gates for infection are the upper respiratory tract - the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

In infants, viral rhinitis is almost never isolated - in addition to the nasal cavity, the virus affects the pharynx, and sometimes the larynx, trachea. As a result, nasopharyngitis, nasopharyngolaryngitis, etc. develop.

The child has characteristic symptoms- sneezing, redness of the throat, liquid or viscous discharge from the nose, often cough and fever.

You can treat a runny nose in children with ARVI at home (under the supervision of a pediatrician).

General treatment regimen

How to cure a runny nose with a cold? According to the attending physicians, the successful treatment of a runny nose in infants has three components:

  1. Moisturizing mucus in the nasopharynx. Viscous and thick mucus does not allow the child to breathe normally. How to get rid of it? It should be liquefied by using moisturizing nasal drops (for example, Aqua Maris based on sea water and analogues). They have no contraindications and can be used in the treatment of rhinitis in infants.
  2. Plentiful drink. Compensates for fluid loss by the body, reduces the viscosity of secretions and prevents dehydration (especially if the patient has a high temperature).
  3. Auxiliary therapy - antipyretic, vasoconstrictor, etc. (as needed).

What drugs are suitable for babies?

Choosing a drug for a sick child is not an easy task, especially when it comes to babies.

So, most nasal drops are contraindicated in infants.

For example, vasoconstrictors for children under 1 year old are given strictly according to the doctor's indications, moreover, in a diluted form (mixed with boiled water).

Vasoconstrictor drugs do not speed up recovery and do not destroy viruses, but they can make breathing easier if the child's nose is blocked.

Children older than a year can drip a 0.025% solution of naphazoline (naphthyzinum, sanorin). More suitable for children over 2 years old wide range vasoconstrictor drops - Nazol, Nazivin, Galazin and Tizin.

When using vasoconstrictor drops, it should be remembered that the maximum course of their use is 5-7 days (with an increase in the course or dosage, side effects may occur - burning in the nose, swelling of the mucosa, headache).

How to cure snot if the child is not yet a year old without resorting to taking vasoconstrictors? Runny nose in infants 3 months and younger is recommended to be treated exclusively with moisturizing drops - Aqua Maris, Salin and analogues.

At home, you can prepare a complete replacement for such drops by dissolving a teaspoon of ordinary kitchen salt in a liter of boiled water.

Such a solution can be instilled into the nose of the patient every half an hour, a small drop in each nostril.

Antipyretics should be used as needed. So, to reduce the temperature in a child up to 3 years should be only when the indicators exceed 38-38.5C. Antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol are recommended.

Temperatures below 38C do not threaten the health of the baby and accelerate the elimination of viruses from the body.

Do not give your baby stronger antipyretics without first consulting a pediatrician. If paracetamol did not help bring down the temperature, call an ambulance.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is the second most common type of rhinitis in children. Unfortunately, parents do not always realize that the child has allergic rhinitis - they can write off the constant runny nose and congestion on frequent colds, drug inefficiency, etc.

Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease caused by the body's hypersensitivity to an allergen (or several allergens) that enters the nasopharynx with inhaled air.

Contact of the allergen with the mucosa provokes inflammation, which leads to the appearance of typical symptoms of allergic rhinitis - sneezing, discharge of clear mucus from the nose, tearing, and redness of the eyes. At the same time, the temperature and activity of the child as a whole are not disturbed.

How to treat a runny nose in a child if it is caused by an allergy? First, it is necessary to limit contact with a potential allergen. It can be house dust, animal hair, plant pollen, components household chemicals etc.

Secondly, if necessary, antihistamine (anti-inflammatory) drugs should be used. Children from 1 month old can be prescribed antihistamines of the 1st generation (based on promethazine, dimethindene, chloropyramine).

They have antiserotonin activity. This means that in addition to anti-inflammatory, they produce a sedative effect (cause drowsiness, apathy). The sedative effect is less pronounced in 2nd generation antihistamines (loratidin, cetirizine, etc.).

), however, they are allowed for children who have reached the age of 2 years.

There are also allergy medications in the form of nasal drops, for example, Vibrocil, Levocabastin. You can apply them long time(more than 2 months, unlike vasoconstrictors).

Bacterial infections

Bacteria are rarely the cause of a runny nose in infants; however, if a child has a yellow-green purulent discharge from the nose, this option cannot be ruled out. Bacterial rhinitis is a dangerous disease.

In infants, it is accompanied high temperature threatening the health and life of the baby; in addition, a bacterial infection can spread to the middle ear, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx.

Bacterial rhinitis, not cured in time, is the main cause of chronic rhinitis.

How to cure a runny nose in an infant with a suspected bacterial infection? First of all, the patient should be examined by a doctor. Then he will prescribe treatment - it can be antibiotics in the form of tablets (less often - injections), vasoconstrictor and moisturizing drops for the nose, physiotherapy.

On the use of folk methods in the treatment of infants

You can treat snot in an infant at home, but this does not mean that you can not contact a pediatrician.

Only a qualified doctor, having examined a sick baby, will be able to answer you how to treat a runny nose in a baby in your particular case. Do not use any drugs without consulting a specialist.

Be especially careful with the methods traditional medicine, which supposedly help get rid of a runny nose in babies in an instant.

Also, do not treat infant snot with breast milk or honey - they contain too much sugar and too few antimicrobials to speed up recovery.

Thus, the answer to the question "how to quickly cure a runny nose in a baby" can be only one - you need to treat not quickly, but in full, and with minimal side effects on the child's body.

Rhinitis or runny nose is a common and, at first glance, almost harmless disease. In winter and autumn, snot in newborns and babies becomes perhaps the most common symptom colds. Discharge from the nose causes a lot of trouble for both the kids themselves and their parents, who often do not know how to deal with this problem. At the same time, an illiterate and superficial approach to the treatment of rhinitis can become a factor that can lead to the development of a number of chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Causes of a runny nose in newborns and infants

In most cases, a runny nose is the first sign of the development of colds, a viral or bacterial infection in the baby's body, and disturbances in the digestive tract. In older children, the appearance of discharge from the nasal passages can be triggered by an allergic reaction upon contact with allergens, mainly food. Vasomotor rhinitis due to vascular pathology is rare in children. This type of rhinitis should be diagnosed and treated by a pediatric otolaryngologist or pediatrician.

There are several varieties of the common cold, characteristic only of newborns and infants. So, for example, at the age of 2-3 months, mucus containing a small amount of curd mass begins to stand out from the baby's nose. Such a runny nose is not dangerous for the health of the crumbs and is caused by the ingress of part of the gastric contents during regurgitation into the posterior nasal passages.

The so-called "dental snot" can be attributed to the number of special types of rhinitis. Teething in babies is often accompanied by a significant increase in the volume of discharge from the nasal passages. If at the same time the condition of the baby does not worsen and the temperature does not rise, then there are no reasons to consult a doctor.

Around the age of 2 months, babies may develop a "false cold". At this time, the work of the salivary glands is activated in infants, babies can “blow bubbles”, including from the nose, periodically choke on saliva, and cough. If, on the whole, the child is happy and cheerful, then about similar secretions from the nostrils should not be worried.

What is the danger of a runny nose in newborns and infants?

Most often, the appearance and prolonged, persistent course of rhinitis in infants is determined by the physiological and anatomical features of the structure of their nasal cavity. In particular, the nasal passages in infants are shorter and narrower than in adults, so the swelling of their mucous epithelium prevents not only free breathing, but also the possibility of breastfeeding.

Due to the fact that the nasal passages in newborns and infants are located at a different angle than in adults, inflammatory process and edema quickly spread to the mucous epithelium of the respiratory tract: trachea, larynx and bronchi. At the same time, the nasal passages have close relationship with the Eustachian tube, which often leads to a rapid translation of inflammation to the ear mucosa and the development of otitis media.

Treatment of the common cold in newborns and infants

Urgent consultation with a doctor is required in the following cases:

  • the child becomes restless, refuses to suck;
  • runny nose becomes protracted, discharge from the nasal passages prevent the baby from breathing without difficulty;
  • there are wheezing "below the throat", a cough that is not caused by excessive saliva.

In other situations, you can cope with rhinitis with improvised means. So, for example, if the snot in a baby is light and transparent, which does not make breathing difficult, then a runny nose is considered physiological and requires only observation. If desired, parents can help the baby's body fight rhinitis: for this, you should often put the baby to the chest, clean his nose and suck it out excess mucus using special devices, as well as humidify the air in the children's room.

At the first manifestations of rhinitis, it is recommended to lighten the baby's diet. If the baby receives complementary foods, then the young mother should feed the newborn only with breast milk for some time. In the diet of artificial children, it is allowed to include only “light” food.

Usually on the second or third day nasal mucus acquires a greenish or yellowish tint and a thicker consistency. If its volume is gradually reduced, and the baby does not experience breathing problems, then we can say that there is no reason for concern. If the crumbs have nasal congestion, the runny nose noticeably intensifies and becomes protracted, there is a rapid multiplication of pathogens, then rhinitis requires immediate treatment.

Salt water sprays can be used to clean and disinfect the nasal passages. Most pediatricians do not recommend rinsing the nasal cavity of newborns with salted water and special saline solutions, since the wrong approach to this procedure can cause the infection to spread to the baby's ears.

In the absence of visible changes in the condition of the crumbs, as well as in the deterioration of his health, it is necessary to immediately seek professional medical help. Only an experienced pediatrician can correctly determine the cause of a prolonged, complicated runny nose and correctly select drugs that can eliminate all its manifestations.

Children in the first days and months of life adapt to a new environment for themselves - air. Myriads of microbes and dust particles invisible to the eye are in the air, which negatively affects the baby's respiratory organs. Pediatricians usually consider snot in infants to be a physiological manifestation of the imperfection of the respiratory system. In the first months of life, a runny nose does not require special treatment, but the child's mother will need help.

When a month-old baby has symptoms of acute rhinitis, you need to contact your pediatrician. The doctor will determine whether the cause of the malaise is SARS, or if the runny nose that has arisen is of a natural nature. Parents are at a loss as to how to treat snot in a baby for 2 months, although at this age a physiological runny nose is a common and not dangerous phenomenon.

Adaptation of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract is especially active in 1 month of life. Snot in a child who is not yet 3 months old does not require special treatment, if it does not interfere with breathing. Physiological runny nose in infants sometimes lasts up to 6 months. There are many reasons, the main ones are dry hot air, irritants ( tobacco smoke, dust, wool and fluff, the smell of perfume, detergents).

How to clear the snot from the nose

Although the physiological runny nose is considered a natural reaction to irritants in the surrounding air, nasal congestion and copious snot make it difficult to breathe. Therefore, it is necessary to pump out excess mucus in the nasopharynx and drip solutions that normalize its formation in the upper respiratory tract. If you do not remove the snot from the nasopharynx, then the mucus blocks the narrow and short nasal passages, causing nasal congestion. The baby breathes through the mouth, swallowing dry, dusty air.

Excess or lack of mucus in the upper respiratory tract in a newborn baby is equally harmful to normal breathing.

But how to get snot out of the nasopharynx and remove it from the nasal passages? The simplest device rubber bulb with soft plastic tip . Children's aspirator allows you to clear your nose to an infant from snot so that they do not impede the work of the nasopharynx.

If the baby is outside during the cold season, then due to a runny nose, insufficiently warm air enters his lower respiratory tract. The duration of rhinitis and cough depends on how often cold air is swallowed. Sometimes colds do not go away for weeks or months; the baby falls into the category of "frequently ill".

When the mucus in the nasopharynx becomes thick, it forms viscous lumps. The baby in this case sniffs and breathes through the mouth, sneezes, coughs. It is necessary to pull out the snot, otherwise the patency of the narrow nasal passages is disturbed, conditions for inflammation of the adenoids appear. Many mothers are interested in how to suck out snot from a baby with a mouth using a tube. To do this, you can use the Otrivin Baby complex, which includes a nasal aspirator with nozzles.

The mother carefully introduces one end of the tube with a nozzle one by one into the tiny nasal passages of the baby, and slowly draws air from the other with her mouth. Excessive sucking of mucus leads to backfire . Snot appears in the aspirator with blood coming out of the damaged capillaries of the mucous membrane. Instead of sucking mucus out of the nasal passages with an aspirator, you can remove the snot with a damp flagellum made of cotton.

Treatment of a runny nose in an infant

Parents are worried about how to treat snot in a baby with methods that are safe for him. In addition to cleansing and instillation of the nose, you should take care of comfortable conditions for the work of the respiratory system. Simple hygiene procedures will not require special costs, but will bring tangible benefits to the health of the baby.

What to do with a physiological runny nose in an infant:

  1. Humidify the air in the room where the baby spends most of the time (the optimum water vapor content is from 55 to 75%).
  2. Bury in the nasal passages saline to prevent drying out of the mucosa.
  3. More often give the baby a drink - water, baby teas with a calming effect.
  4. Cleanse your nose twice a day.

Breastfeeding or breastfeeding adapted mixtures does not cover all the needs of the baby's body for fluid.

How to get rid of snot small child with help saline solution:

  • Remove excess mucus in the nasal passages with an aspirator (suck).
  • Prepare a solution of 1 tsp. food salt and 1 liter of warm boiled water.
  • Filter the liquid, then pipette.
  • Introduce 2-4 drops of the solution into each nasal passage.
  • Repeat the procedure several times during the day.

Instead of instillation, you can clean and moisturize the nasal cavity of the baby with cotton wool soaked in saline. Salt solution 9% is similar in properties pharmaceutical drops with sea water. The same composition and method of application for the finished physiological solution.

Medicinal plants for the treatment of rhinitis in infants

Alternative medicine suggests how to cure baby snot with home remedies. The baby is instilled into each nasal passage 5 drops weak chamomile infusion warmed up to body temperature. The procedure is repeated at least 3 times a day. Folk remedy has antiseptic, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile should be harvested in environmentally friendly places or bought dried flower baskets in a pharmacy.

Has medicinal properties carrot and beet juice. Carrots are boiled for a short time, crushed, squeezed out the juice and mixed with a small amount of warm boiled water. Carotene in carrots works better if added to 1 tbsp. l. juice the same amount boiled vegetable oil. Bury the baby daily, 5 drops in each nasal passage, or administer the remedy with a cotton swab. Folk remedy relieves swelling, moisturizes and disinfects the mucous membrane.

Runny nose in a child with acute respiratory infections (ARVI)

If the baby is only 1 - 2 months old, then cases of SARS are rare. The fact is that the newborn is protected by immunity received from the mother. After all, the blood flow of a woman with a fetus was common until birth. After 5 months of life, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, provoked by infection, may appear.

Symptoms of rhinitis caused by SARS:

  • the child's body temperature rises;
  • poor appetite or its complete absence;
  • abundant, transparent snot;
  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • lethargy.

A viral infection makes itself felt with a fever in the baby and liquid snot only in the first days of the disease. Often the body temperature remains normal. First, a transparent mucus of a watery consistency is released from the nasal passages, then it darkens and becomes viscous. One can understand the anxiety of a mother who notices these unpleasant symptoms in a 4-month-old baby. In this case, an experienced pediatrician will be able to make the correct diagnosis when examining the pharynx and listening to the child.

ARVI in a baby of the first year of life passes in the same way as in older children. On the 5th day, the production of antibodies to the virus begins, and it takes at least a week to fight them. Therefore, it will be problematic to cope with a runny nose in infants in 2-3 days. Applicable pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies should support the child's immunity, create favorable conditions for the whole organism. That is, you need to do the same procedures that are recommended for physiological rhinitis.

Immunomodulatory drug Russian production"Derinat" in the form of nose drops 0.25% is suitable for the treatment and prevention of SARS in children infancy. At the first signs of infection, the baby is injected every 1.5–2 hours, 2 drops into each nasal passage during the first day. Then they switch to instillation 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment should not be shorter than 5 days. If you continue to use nose drops after recovery, then the baby will be less susceptible to seasonal infections.

5 ways to prevent snot in an infant

Discharge from the nose appears in children from the first days of life. This is one of the main signs of the functioning of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Treatment is required only if the mucus accumulates, prevents the child from breathing, causes a cough. Pumping out snot, washing with subsequent instillation of the nose is considered both a hygienic, preventive and therapeutic procedure, especially for infants.

For a child of the first year of life predominantly use nasal drops, saline, infusions medicinal herbs . After getting rid of the symptoms that bothered you the most, parents can help improve the baby's respiratory system.

  1. Maintain cleanliness in the children's room and favorable temperature conditions (18–20 ° C).
  2. Ventilate the room while walking with the baby and before going to bed (in the absence of the baby).

A nursing baby is a very cute and cheerful creature, however, such a baby is also plagued by various ailments. In babies of the first year of life, a runny nose is common. Moreover, it is much more difficult for him to cope with snot due to the fact that the poor fellow cannot get rid of them in any other way than sneezing. Why can snot appear?

The kid can't handle it on his own!

Snot - mucous discharge from the nasal passages of various colors and textures.

Where does runny nose come from

There may be several reasons for them, and all of us, young mothers, need to know and understand them:

Children who are on artificial feeding need sooner than the kids on breastfeeding. Before introducing new foods into your diet, read our article.

Infants often cannot sleep. Thus, the daily regimen is violated not only for the baby, but also for his parents. Help put the baby to sleep.

What are snot

Yellow or green snot in infants are observed if an infection has settled in a small body.

Usually, mucus acquires such colors when the child is re-infected with a bacterial infection. The discharge is thick, viscous, even sticky. Colored snot can talk about two processes occurring in the body of the crumbs:

  • The disease recedes (killed bacteria are excreted through the nose along with the mucus, giving it a certain color);
  • A purulent inflammatory process occurs, possibly sinusitis (prolonged runny nose - when the discharge lasts more than two weeks).

Urgently call a doctor if green snot does not go away.

If severe runny nose does not decrease for one and a half to two weeks, then you need to visit (it is better to call at home) the doctor as soon as possible.

Transparent snot may appear:

  • in the first days after birth (adaptation to a new environment, problems during childbirth, incorrect position in the mother’s stomach);
  • during teething;
  • at the first stage of infection with a viral infection;
  • with allergies.

The appearance of the first teeth can also be accompanied by snot.

The consistency of transparent snot is often liquid, watery.

Based on snot alone, it is impossible to say with a certain degree of accuracy that the child has this or that. Only in conjunction with other important factors (temperature, wheezing, cough, nervous state baby ...) you can determine the cause of a runny nose.

With an allergic reaction, snot flows profusely from the nasal passages. There is a runny nose rapidly and is accompanied by quite frequent sneezing. How long does this runny nose last? Depends on the speed of detection of the allergen. It is possible and necessary to treat allergic rhinitis, but for this you must first consult with a specialist. The doctor will try to identify the allergen and prescribe appropriate antihistamines.

Many parents notice that their. Some children do this when they are hungry or out of lack of attention. Others, in this way, make it clear about the lack of attention from parents. Whatever the reason, it is worth solving the problem immediately. Babies often confuse day and night. The task of parents is to help them enter into correct mode. Read how to do it here.

A fairly common problem among newborns. Experts will tell you how to help the baby cope with the problem.

What to do if the child has snot?

A sick child requires maximum attention.

Komarovsky about the common cold

The question of how to treat a runny nose in a baby worries every mother. The only thing I really want to say is: do not self-medicate. Small children (up to a year old) are a completely separate caste of people whose processes in the body are fundamentally different from all other age groups.

Dr. Komarovsky says that main task parents, when their child has an infectious rhinitis, is to "prevent the mucus from drying out."

This contributes regular moisturizing air and frequent drinking. If this is not done, then the mucus will thicken and settle in the lumen of the bronchi. This process can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia. Other complications that an infectious rhinitis can lead to: tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis ...

A humidifier can help prevent complications.

What can be dripped to a baby

Is it possible to treat snot in an infant with any medication? is the most common question, especially for mothers who have recently had their first child.

  1. Vasoconstrictor agents, but in a certain minimum dosage and only on 1-2 days of the development of the disease:
    • "For the Nose" 0.05% (children's) - indicated for infants;
    • "Otrivin" (children's) - can be used in the treatment of a runny nose in infants;

Peaceful sleep with Otrivin!

  1. Antihistamines:
    • Drops "Vibrocil" - used to treat allergies in infants.

Vibrocil will help to cope with allergic rhinitis!

  1. They also recommend washing sprays and drops "Akvalor Baby" - from birth, "Aquamaris" - from the first days of life.

You can use these or other drugs only after consulting with your doctor!!! Depending on what stage of the severity of the runny nose, the treatment itself will depend.

You need to bury your baby's nose only after you have successfully been able to suck the snot from his nasal walkers.

After a year, a wider range of medicines is available for use for children, but this does not mean that you need to heal the disease in your crumbs with redoubled zeal.

How our mothers fought snot

For a while, some available folk remedies will help to alleviate the condition of the baby:

There are a lot of folk ways to deal with a runny nose in infants. These are the main and most effective ways to get rid of snot.

You can cure any runny nose, but it is better not to bring it to it.

How to avoid a runny nose

In order not to suffer in the future with snot, the crumbs must be hardened from an early age and at any time of the year:

Get fit if you want to be healthy!

  • Maintain a daily routine;
  • Provide the baby with proper and healthy nutrition;
  • Engage in physical education with the baby;
  • Provide baby acceptance air baths(cold, cool and warm);
  • Wipe the child with a damp towel (no more than 20 seconds);
  • Contrast bathing (with a decrease in the final temperature by 2 degrees).

What to do if a small child has a runny nose? Parents can notice this unpleasant symptom not only in the cold season - nasal congestion often appears, even if there is no draft in the room, and while walking on the street, the child is warmly dressed. A runny nose of an infectious nature for newborns is much more dangerous than for adults, its manifestations are equated in severity with a systemic inflammatory process. In the absence of therapy, spontaneous recovery is unlikely, the risk of complications is very high - otitis media, sinusitis. Therefore, the treatment of rhinitis in newborns should include the toilet of the nasal cavity, the use of symptomatic decongestants.

What you need to know

For a small child, a runny nose is much more dangerous than for an adult. Newborn babies lie most of the time in the supine position, with mucus from the nasal cavity draining into the throat. A runny nose in infants disrupts nasal breathing, interferes with sucking, contributes to the swallowing of air and the development of symptoms of flatulence, the occurrence of otitis media and other complications.

You can not start the treatment of a runny nose in a child without realizing what kind of pathology in question. A runny nose is a syndrome, that is, a complex of symptoms that are most often caused by the presence of an inflammatory process in the anatomical boundaries of the nasal mucosa - rhinitis. In infants, rhinitis is always combined with pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, so the doctor on examination can talk about such a diagnosis as nasopharyngitis or nasopharyngitis.

Thinking about how to quickly cure a runny nose, you need to understand that the inflammatory process proceeds sequentially, and it cannot be interrupted. Infectious rhinitis in a child lasts for several days, and general state depends on the severity of edema and the degree of intoxication. Rhinitis may not be the only manifestation, therefore it is impossible to treat a runny nose in isolation, it is only a symptom - it is important to eliminate the root cause.

How to cure rhinitis in infants? There is no drug or method that can immediately get rid of unpleasant symptoms. This applies, among other things, folk medicines- most of them cannot be called safe for newborns. To alleviate the condition of the child, it is necessary:

  • understand what causes a runny nose;
  • make the air that the child breathes clean, humidified, cool;
  • eliminate dryness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx.

These are the main activities. Additionally, antimicrobial drugs (with a bacterial infection), antiallergic agents can be prescribed. The need for medicines for an infant is determined by a pediatrician. Before visiting medical institution you should not use pharmacological preparations on your own, because for right choice confidence in the diagnosis is required.

We are looking for a reason

Runny nose in newborns is very common - this is due to the immaturity of all functional systems organism, including respiratory and immune. With inflammation of the nasal mucosa, infants need help - a runny nose is tolerated by such children as a systemic disease that affects the entire body. In addition, due to anatomical features, small children have very narrow nasal passages - even a small edema significantly disrupts nasal breathing.

The vast majority of cases of rhinitis in newborns are associated with respiratory infections which can be repeated throughout the year. In addition to infection, rhinitis can also be triggered by allergies, trauma (thermal, chemical, mechanical). The last option should not be forgotten, since the likelihood of injury to the nasal mucosa in childhood quite high - for example, with inaccurate use of a bottle of nasal drops, injection into the nose onion juice. However, infectious rhinitis is still most common - among the likely pathogens in newborns are:

When choosing treatment, it is worth remembering that snot in a newborn child is not always a manifestation confirming the presence of an inflammatory process.

The mucous membrane reacts to dry and dusty air in the room, often swells when teeth are cut in children - this is due to the activation of blood circulation and an increase in the functional activity of the glands in the nasal cavity. A runny nose can be physiological and thus becomes a manifestation of adaptation to new environmental conditions for the child. Therefore, before suspecting a cold, you need to exclude other causes of congestion - this will help to avoid a useless drug load on the body.

We eliminate discomfort

Numerous recommendations are devoted to the proper care of a newborn, probably read by parents both before childbirth and after the birth of a child more than once. They tell you how to feed, swaddle and properly bathe children. But with a runny nose of any nature, it is also important to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the children's room ventilated?
  2. What indicators of humidity and temperature are maintained in it?
  3. How dusty, saturated chemicals and likely air allergens?
  4. Is there wet cleaning?

Newborn children spend a lot of time indoors, and the microclimate conditions in it directly affect their health. What to do if snot appeared in a newborn - what to do in this case? Assess how the microclimate of the nursery meets the requirements:

  • humidity within 50–70%;
  • temperature within 18–20 °C;
  • the absence of "dust accumulators" - bookcases, heavy fabric curtains, fleecy carpets.

Dust increases the dryness of the air, dryness contributes to increased swelling. If the child's nose was blocked due to poor humidity and temperature of the inhaled air, after adjusting the microclimate conditions, the runny nose will disappear. In case of inflammation, the fight against dust and dryness will alleviate the condition - the mucus will no longer dry out, it will be easier to remove it from the nasal cavity. The child needs to be warmly dressed, but it is not necessary to cover the neck, nose and mouth with a blanket.

Ventilate and clean the room regularly, but in the absence of a child in it. If there are no obstacles in the form of bad weather conditions or feeling unwell, go for a short walk. To clean surfaces, it is better to use the safest household chemicals or do without them. In the room where the child is, do not spray perfume, cosmetics with strong smell(e.g. deodorant sprays), air fresheners.

If a newborn child has a discharge from the nose, pay attention to the humidity, temperature and dustiness of the air, avoid irritants - household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes.

Moisturize the mucosa

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn? The fact that dryness of the nasal mucosa is an unfavorable factor has already been mentioned in the previous section. However, the improvement of microclimate conditions is not the only way help a newborn baby with a cold. accessible and safe means are a variety of saline solutions with which you can:

  • moisturize the mucous membrane;
  • to achieve liquefaction of thick mucus;
  • clear the nasal cavity of secretions.

Salt solution has no pharmacological activity and has no side effects. Of course, precautions must be taken when using it, but adverse effects are mainly associated with incorrect or inaccurate administration. An example is the use of a solution in the form of a spray with a completely blocked nose - excessive pressure leads to the entry of infected mucus into the auditory tube and can cause otitis media.

Doctors call the procedure for introducing a saline solution into a child's nose in different ways - toilet or nasal lavage, irrigation therapy. One way or another, the treatment of a runny nose in a newborn should begin with cleansing the nasal cavity with a saline preparation. How to do it right? For a small child, a syringe is not needed, and even more so a pear-syringe, which could be useful to an adult. Instead, take a bottle of drops and follow these steps:

  1. Wait until the solution warms up to body temperature (for this, you can hold the bottle in the palm of your hand for several minutes).
  2. Lay the child on his back so that the head is slightly tilted back - this position is necessary in order to most effectively clear the nasopharynx.
  3. Inject up to 3 drops of saline solution into each nostril - while the drops should be poured in voluntarily, the tip of the bottle should not be inserted deep into the nose.

Washing can be carried out regularly, even every one and a half hours. Salt solution is used both to eliminate congestion and moisturizing, and in order to prepare for the introduction medicines- for example, vasoconstrictor drops. If the nose is not cleared, there is a risk that the medicine will not have an effect - a layer of dried mucus will interfere with it. After washing, you can suck out the increased in volume and liquid slime using a nasal aspirator.

To treat a runny nose in a newborn child, drugs such as Salin, Aqua Maris Baby, Otrivin Baby and their analogues are suitable - and only in the form of drops.

Drops are safer than spray, in which the introduction of liquid is carried out under pressure. To avoid mucosal irritation, isotonic saline solutions (eg, 0.9% sodium chloride solution) should be used. An infant can also drip a drug with a salt concentration in the range of 0.65–0.75%.

Reduce swelling

How to treat snot? The main symptoms of a runny nose - swelling and mucus secretion - can be eliminated with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs. It is important to understand that to eliminate, that is, to deal with a symptom, does not mean to cure. The causes of rhinitis from vasoconstrictor drops will not go anywhere, but many adverse effects, such as otitis media, can be avoided.

Many parents are afraid to use vasoconstrictor drops because of the risk of side effects - in particular, the development of arrhythmia. It sounds frightening, especially since the symptoms of an overdose are indeed often observed - but only in the case when, through inattention or ignorance, "adult" drugs are used. The concentrations of active ingredients in preparations intended for children are significantly reduced. This does not eliminate the need to control the amount and frequency of administration of the drug, but allows the use of vasoconstrictor drops even in infants.

When does a baby need decongestant drops? The indication may be:

  • inability to breathe through the nose;
  • febrile fever (temperature above 38.5 ° C);
  • otitis and other complications of rhinitis;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath.

No need to drip a vasoconstrictor in advance, while the nose is still breathing - use it only according to indications. Choose only drugs approved for children in the right concentration (Vibrocil), do not forget about preparing the mucous membrane with saline. Do not use the drug more than 3 times a day, while observing the frequency of administration (for example, every 6 hours, it depends on the duration of action active component and indicated in the instructions).

With a cold in a newborn, vasoconstrictor drops are not used for longer than 3 days due to the likelihood of developing unwanted effects(in particular, addiction to the drug).

The use of vasoconstrictors is closely associated with the risk of tachyphylaxis, a condition in which to eliminate edema, it will be necessary to constantly increase the dose of the drug. In addition, at the same time, there is an increase in the common cold, dependence on drops, constant swelling (drug rhinitis) occurs. Therefore, the duration of the use of decongestants should be limited, especially since when proper treatment after 3 days from the onset of the disease, they are usually not needed.

When a newborn child has symptoms of a runny nose, it is necessary to contact a medical institution - a specialist will establish the correct diagnosis and give recommendations that are suitable in a particular case. Show the child to the doctor immediately if congestion is accompanied by fever, refusal to feed, stool disorder, vomiting, weight loss, convulsions, rash on the skin, mucous membranes.