Treatment of acute bronchitis in pregnant women. What are the symptoms of the disease in pregnant women? How does acute bronchitis manifest?

The body of the expectant mother is especially susceptible to various viruses and infections, so bronchitis during pregnancy is not uncommon. Avoid respiratory viral infections and diseases respiratory tract not easy, since the main period of gestation falls on the autumn-spring and winter period. Often the causes of bronchitis are banal hypothermia and a weakened state of the immune system.

Bronchitis during pregnancy brings a lot of trouble, as the health of the future mother and child is at risk. It is important for every woman to monitor her well-being, take care of her health and well-being, since the health of the unborn baby depends on this.

Bronchitis in pregnant women develops according to the scenario of a common cold. Body temperature rises to 38 degrees, signs of intoxication appear - weakness, general malaise, headache, nasal congestion, then a cough appears.

In the first days of the disease, the nature of the cough remains dry with raw sensations in the chest area. After a few days, the cough becomes wet with mucus or mucopurulent sputum.

Sometimes the disease is complicated by the development of bronchospasm. Usually this condition develops with a combination of bronchial asthma and pregnancy. With bronchospasm, a woman may be disturbed by periodic bouts of choking cough, during which she can hardly breathe normally. On average, bronchitis lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month.

If a woman has the above signs of the disease, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

It is necessary to treat bronchitis during pregnancy, because due to hormonal changes in the body, the bronchial mucosa becomes edematous, and insufficient diaphragm mobility prevents normal sputum discharge.

As a result, phlegm begins to linger in the airways, provoking further inflammation and slowing down the healing process. This is unsafe for both the woman herself and the child.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis disappear in 2 weeks, if the disease lasts a month or more - we are talking about chronic protracted bronchitis. acute form disease does not affect the course of pregnancy and the developing fetus.

Chronic bronchitis can cause intrauterine infection fetus. That is why the disease should be treated from the first days.

Diagnosis of bronchitis begins with an examination and questioning of the patient. Then the doctor listens to the lungs and prescribes general laboratory tests - blood and urine tests, the results of which may indicate the presence of inflammatory process in organism.

Usually, an x-ray of the lungs is prescribed for bronchitis, but during pregnancy this diagnostic procedure is prescribed in exceptional cases, only if the specialist doubts the diagnosis or it is a complicated disease of a protracted course.

An X-ray examination negatively affects the fetus, therefore, if it becomes necessary to conduct an examination, the belly of the expectant mother must be closed from X-ray exposure with a special lead apron.

Treatment Methods

At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor who knows how and how to treat bronchitis during pregnancy without consequences for the unborn child.

Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is carried out with caution, since it is at this time that the laying and formation of all vital important organs fetus. On early stage diseases, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, for example, with the help of the drug Bioparox.

This is a topical remedy that is effective in the initial defeat of the respiratory tract, while it is safe for the fetus. If during pregnancy in the 1st trimester there is a need to treat bronchitis with antibiotics, then the doctor prescribes penicillin preparations.

Starting from week 12, the list of allowed medicines increases. During pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, cephalosporin antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis, which belong to the group of conditionally safe drugs for the fetus.

Simultaneously with antibiotic therapy, the doctor prescribes drugs that facilitate the excretion of sputum and relieve swelling in the bronchi:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Ambroxol.

During pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, bronchitis poses an increased risk of fetal infection, which can be diagnosed using a specific study and prescribe therapy in accordance with the data obtained.

If it was discovered intrauterine infection, to the main drugs (antibiotics, mucolytics), the doctor prescribes intravenous Immunoglobulin or Interferon. In this case, the treatment of bronchitis is carried out in a hospital.

If a woman falls ill shortly before childbirth, this is not a contraindication for natural delivery. At mild form bronchitis during labor activity not required additional measures precautions.

If, due to the disease, the volume of the lungs has decreased to 60%, natural childbirth become potentially dangerous, there are indications for conducting.

Possible complications and how to avoid them

The diagnosis of "bronchitis" is perceived with redoubled anxiety during pregnancy. In practice, this disease most often occurs without complications for the health of the mother and child.

It is necessary to treat bronchitis during pregnancy. Timely therapy and the fulfillment of the appointments of the attending physician helps to avoid the complications of bronchitis and speed up the healing process.

Inflammatory damage to the bronchi in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can lead to or.

If the infection entered the body in the first 4 weeks after conception, a woman may not even know that she was pregnant - she will have a miscarriage in the form of heavy and prolonged menstruation. Such a development is not dangerous for women's health and has no effect on reproductive functions organism.

If a woman falls ill with bronchitis from 4 to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the likelihood of infection of the fetus and the appearance of congenital pathologies development. Could happen spontaneous abortion due to the fact that the fetus has formed defects that caused its non-viability. In another case, the fetus may continue its development, but this child will never be healthy after birth.

Of course, there is another option: the disease will not affect the health of the unborn child, the pregnancy will proceed without complications.

Bronchitis that occurs after 16 weeks leads to the development of uteroplacental insufficiency. In this case, the blood circulation in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and umbilical cord undergoes adverse changes, provoking the development of hypoxia in the fetus. Insufficient oxygen supply negatively affects the formation of the child's nervous system and slows down its intrauterine development. →

Bronchitis from the 28th week of pregnancy often leads to the birth of children with insufficient body weight. It can also complicate the flow birth process and become an indication for a caesarean section.

Untimely and incorrect treatment of the disease leads to deterioration general condition women.

As a result, the infectious process penetrates into the lower respiratory tract, pneumonia or pneumonia develops. Its appearance is evidenced by a sharp rise in temperature - above 39 degrees and a protracted incessant cough.

Prevention of bronchitis

To prevent the development of bronchitis during pregnancy, every woman should follow the following recommendations:

  • visit more often fresh air- in the country, in the park, in areas that are far from highways;
  • give up tobacco addiction, including passive smoking;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • more often ventilate the room at home and at work;
  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • wear a special protective device - a respirator or a mask in places where there are many irritating substances - chemicals, dyes, etc .;
  • observe hygiene, wash hands with soap;
  • engage in hardening procedures, do morning exercises, unless it is contraindicated for a woman by a doctor.

Neither acute nor prolonged bronchitis can prevent birth healthy child and disrupt pregnancy. The main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and start therapy.

After recovery, you should be observed by a gynecologist and be attentive to your health. If there is a suspicion of the development of hypoxia in the fetus, it is necessary to inform the specialist.

Useful video about colds during pregnancy

Pregnancy for any woman becomes a crucial period in which you should save not only yourself, but also the life and health of the unborn baby. Mom is trying with all her might to avoid all sorts of diseases so as not to harm the fetus growing inside her, but, unfortunately, her efforts are not always crowned with success. It often happens that adverse weather and viruses hovering in the air still settle in the body of a pregnant woman, causing all kinds of diseases. This is also facilitated by the fact that during pregnancy a woman's immunity is weakened, and therefore she is more susceptible, one of which often becomes bronchitis.

As a rule, bronchitis overtakes a pregnant woman in spring or autumn - when the weather is damp and unstable, and the viruses that provoke the disease are easily transmitted through the air from person to person. More often future mommy occurs with acute or primary bronchitis. Its symptoms are a runny nose and cough - at first insignificant, but increasing every day, often without sputum separation. Bronchitis may be accompanied by fever, pain in the respiratory tract, weakness and malaise.

With the right and timely treatment bronchitis does not pose a danger to the baby, and also does not affect the course of pregnancy. And it is necessary to treat bronchitis for pregnant women, otherwise the consequences can be very unpleasant. In addition to the fact that bronchitis is accompanied by a painful cough and shortness of breath for the expectant mother, it is also potentially dangerous for the fetus. So, if you do not start treating bronchitis in time, there is a danger of the disease becoming more serious form: in this case, intrauterine infection of the baby is possible. Also, due to the fact that with a choking cough, the bronchi and lungs of a woman are not sufficiently ventilated, the baby is poorly supplied with oxygen, and this is fraught with development in the fetus. In addition, since the abdominal muscles are constantly contracting during coughing, this can result in uterine bleeding. And therefore, in the presence of the first and not very serious signs bronchitis, appropriate treatment should be started immediately.

The first thing a pregnant woman with bronchitis needs is a plentiful warm drink. It should be tea with either honey and lemon, warm milk with butter and (or soda), decoctions of thyme or coltsfoot. To help quickly “expel” viruses from the body, as well as supply the pregnant woman with vitamins, apples, onions and will help. If the cough is dry and sputum is not coughed up, the doctor may prescribe expectorants and mucolytics: bromhexine, mukaltin, thermopsis mixture, inhalations using essential oils camphor, thyme, thyme. good auxiliary means with bronchitis there will also be local heating with the help of cans. According to indications during pregnancy, some of the antibiotics are also allowed - if there is a threat of infection of the fetus. Such antibiotics can be penicillin, cephalosporins, amoxicillin. In each individual case, the duration of antibiotic use and the dose is determined by the doctor individually. And it is advisable to take it only after appropriate consultation with the doctor and strictly according to the instructions.

There are many recipes in folk medicine to help cure bronchitis. This is radish with honey, and marshmallow root powder, and garlic tincture with lemons. Folk remedies are the safest, but not always effective for completely getting rid of bronchitis, and, nevertheless, they should not be neglected.

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Hypothermia of the body creates all the conditions for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses into the body. Therefore, often bronchitis comes not alone, but with the same unpleasant companions - laryngitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx), tracheitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea), acute respiratory diseases. There is no doubt that bronchitis must be fought. But not all treatments are suitable. expectant mother.

acute bronchitis pregnant more often get sick in spring and autumn in damp, cold weather when the body's resistance is reduced and there are prerequisites for the disorder of lymph and blood circulation in the bronchial mucosa. The disease begins with a runny nose and cough. Gradually, the cough intensifies, becomes painful, accompanied by pain in chest. Sputum is initially absent, then it appears in moderate amounts, mucous or mucopurulent, separated with difficulty. Pregnancy does not predispose to bronchitis, but the swelling of the bronchial mucosa, which is characteristic of the waiting period for a child, makes it difficult to expectorate.

Bronchitis in a pregnant woman: symptoms of the disease

In the first days of illness, temperature fluctuations from 37 to 38 ° C can be observed, but often the temperature remains normal. There is weakness and malaise. The disease lasts from 1 to 4 weeks. For the course of pregnancy acute bronchitis does not have a significant effect, but intrauterine infection of the fetus is possible. Only timely and effective treatment bronchitis in a future mother. If the baby is still injured, then this is determined after birth by the presence of vesicles in the newborn (vesicles on the skin), immune disorders, and rarely, congenital pneumonia (pneumonia).

Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy

In treatment acute bronchitis great importance have cough suppressants. First of all, this is a frequent warm drink: hot tea with honey or lemon, raspberries, milk with soda or Borjomi, linden tea, juices. Drink softens discomfort in the throat and behind the sternum, facilitates expectoration.

But these methods bronchitis treatment usually cannot be limited. There is a need for expectorant drugs. They dilute sputum, facilitate its removal from the respiratory tract, increase the formation of surfactant in bronchial cells. Surfactant is a surfactant that forms on inner surface lung vesicles (alveoli) a film that prevents them from collapsing when exhaled. This substance promotes the removal of microbes from the alveoli and small bronchi, maintains the shape of the pulmonary vesicles, preventing disruption of the flow of air into the affected areas of the lung. All pathological processes in the lungs lead to suppression of the production of surfactant.

Expectorants during pregnancy

Expectorants fall into two groups.

Secretomotor substances are drugs that increase sputum production, such as terpinhydrate, sodium benzoate, thermopsis, ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, essential oils(camphor oil, thyme, thyme, etc.), alkaline inhalation. All these drugs are used at any stage of pregnancy, they are safe for the mother and fetus.

Not possible during pregnancy use the following remedies: a mixture of ipecac root, potassium and sodium iodides. Ipecac root potion - not only increases sputum production, but also irritates the gastric mucosa, causing nausea, which is undesirable in the presence of early toxicosis pregnant. Potassium and sodium iodides are not prescribed to pregnant women, since iodine preparations have adverse influence to the fruit.

Bronchosecretolytic agents(mucolytics) dissolve mucus and other components of sputum, contributing to its excretion. Often they more effective than drugs the first group. During pregnancy, you can use, for example, mukaltin, ambroxol, acetylcysteine And chymotrypsin. Restrictions for treatment mukaltin And acetylcysteine No, these drugs can be used at any stage of pregnancy. Ambroxol And chymotrypsin prescribed from the second trimester of pregnancy. When taking these drugs, it is important to adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor, otherwise the effect will be insufficient.

It should be borne in mind that by the 4th day of the disease, sputum production increases even without treatment. However, frequent, tiring cough with sputum that is difficult to separate forces one to resort to drugs.

Mucous is recommended to suppress a painful cough. decoction of marshmallow root. Codeine and ethylmorphine hydrochloride (dionine) pregnant women are contraindicated, as they cross the placenta and depress the respiratory center of the fetus. With the development of asthma attacks (bronchospasm) can be used eufillin.

In most cases acute bronchitis can be eliminated without the use antibacterial drugs. If necessary (in the presence of a strong and prolonged cough or severe symptoms of intoxication, including fever), antibiotics are prescribed. IN I trimester of pregnancy use drugs of the penicillin series (penicillin, ampicillin). So second trimester of pregnancy antibiotics of the cephalosporin group (kefzol, ceporin, cefuroxime), sulfa drugs can be used, but not long-acting (sulfalen, sulfadimethoxine), since the latter can adversely affect the central nervous system fetus.

Antibiotics such as streptomycin, chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) and tetracycline derivatives are contraindicated throughout pregnancy and after childbirth, since streptomycin disrupts the function of balance and hearing of the fetus, chloramphenicol inhibits hematopoiesis in the fetus, and tetracyclines disrupt the formation of milk teeth.

From physical methods mustard plasters and jars are the most simple and effective. This type of treatment helps to increase the body's natural defenses, improve blood circulation in nearby organs and tissues, increase metabolic processes, acceleration of resorption of inflammatory phenomena. Dry cough caused by irritation and sore throat due to colds can be alleviated by inhalation of baking soda, they relieve spasmodic cough in bronchitis and bronchial asthma do not cause allergies. Inhalations can be done without a doctor's prescription.

Prevention of bronchitis in a future mother

More often acute bronchitis caused by the same viruses colds, and that is why it usually occurs against their background. The development of acute bronchitis is promoted by overwork, strong cooling of the body and smoking. Prevention of bronchitis are measures that contribute to the prevention of acute respiratory viral diseases. They come down to hardening the body, playing sports, regular walks, morning exercises in the fresh air or with an open window, wiping the body with cool water, and a short cool shower. All this increases the tone of the body and resistance to infections. Very importance has smoking cessation. To protect the body, it is useful to take vitamins for pregnant women.

The illness rarely lasts longer than two weeks. In case of timely initiation of treatment acute bronchitis the prognosis is favorable. The disease completely disappears and usually it is not dangerous for the development of the fetus.

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Often, when carrying a patient, they face such a serious problem as inflammation of the bronchi. Pathology itself is considered quite common, and even in mothers in a position with their weakened immune system, it is very common. Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is a rather complicated process, because taking any medication at this stage of gestation is dangerous and is not recommended by specialists.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor, this can lead to complications.

Pathological inflammation of the bronchi can proceed according to a different scenario.

  1. Acute bronchitis is long lasting clinical manifestations up to 14 days, the pathology usually proceeds without any complications and is quite simply treated. In addition, acute bronchitis does not affect the fetal development.
  2. In the chronic course of bronchial inflammation, patients experience a prolonged cough of a periodic nature, but at the same time, the general state of health does not change much. Usually, such bronchitis worsens during gestation and can provoke the spread of infection and fetal infection.
  3. Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by swelling and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. In addition to violations of the functionality of the bronchi, there is a narrowing of the lumen of their channels, which is fraught with suffocating attacks and tissue hypoxia.

Any bronchitis in pregnant women threatens to violate respiratory functions. Oxygen deficiency can result in dangerous complications fruitful development.

Why does the disease occur in pregnant women

Pregnancy is accompanied by increased loads on the patient's body, suppression of the immune status, because the mother's body works to protect and crumbs and create the most favorable development conditions for it.

When the immune status is suppressed, the patient becomes defenseless against many ailments that are quite difficult to treat in the process of bearing crumbs. The problem is that the usual drugs necessary for the recovery of mommy cannot be taken at this stage.

Tea with honey and lemon will relieve the condition

In addition to a weakened immune defense, other factors can also provoke the development of bronchitis. Eg, hormonal changes. They provoke the transformation of the bronchial mucosa, which creates an ideal habitat and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, pathogenic microbes, when they enter the bronchi, are activated and begin to multiply intensively, which provokes bronchitis.

If a pregnant woman stays in a room with above-normal humidity for a long time, an ideal environment for fungal activity is formed, as a result, the patient breathes air masses saturated with fungal microorganisms. They settle on the pulmonary tract, provoking dangerous pathologies respiratory systems.

Bronchitis during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester usually begins due to the pressure of the uterine body on the diaphragm, which interferes with air exchange, depletes the lung structures. Also, the cause of bronchitis can be a bad environmental situation, the slightest overheating or hypothermia. When cigarettes are abused, bronchopulmonary structures actively secrete a mucous secretion that creates ideal conditions for pathogens that cause infections.

How pathology manifests itself

In general, the symptoms of bronchitis in patients different ages and sexes are almost identical. Pathological process begins with a slight malaise, accompanied by headaches and sore throat. Then the symptomatology is supplemented by a cough. The clinical picture of inflammation of the bronchi is determined by the form of the course of the pathological process.

  1. For acute (primary) bronchitis, typical manifestations are: dry cough and congestion of the nasal sinuses, and the patient sometimes cannot fully breathe, an emetic reaction occurs, an indefatigable cough, bronchospasm. In addition, the sore throat is disturbing, soreness in the chest, weakness, hyperthermia and general malaise are felt.
  2. Chronic bronchitis during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester and at other times usually occurs without pronounced manifestations. Usually this form of pathology is accompanied by a cough with sputum, although the patient feels quite tolerable. Chronic bronchial inflammation is of 2 varieties: obstructive and non-obstructive.
  3. The obstructive type is accompanied only by a cough with sputum, but painful manifestations do not bother.
  4. With a non-obstructive type of inflammation, the bronchi become overgrown with fibrous structures and begin to compress. The patient's breathing becomes difficult, she constantly coughs, but it is impossible to clear her throat. In the process of coughing, there is a pronounced painful discomfort in the chest area.

At first, the cough is paroxysmal and dry, then it becomes moist, accompanied by respiratory spasms, and wheezing may disturb. Sputum production is quite difficult, although it is produced in large quantities. To cleanse the respiratory structures, sputum must be removed.

Mucous swelling makes breathing difficult, and unpleasant discomfort occurs behind the sternum. The patient is worried about general weakness due to respiratory failure. There may even be blue skin or choking attacks. Similar clinical picture requires immediate contact with an obstetrician-gynecologist in order to secure the development of the crumbs.

Difficulties in therapy

Treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women, like other ailments, is associated with many difficulties. Firstly, it is not always permissible to use funds that help speed up recovery, since they negatively affect gestation. Secondly, pregnant women should not have an X-ray examination of the chest area.

Too intense coughing is unacceptable, because it is fraught with an increase uterine tone and even spontaneous interruption. Bronchial inflammation in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is dangerous increased risk fetal infection, the occurrence of intrauterine pneumonia. Therefore, the problem must be approached with extreme caution.

Therapy Methods

At the first signs of an inflammatory process, you should immediately contact a specialist who will select the safest therapy without any consequences for the baby. Therapy of bronchitis in the first is carried out with caution, since it is at this stage that all the most important structures of the fetus are laid. But already from the 12-week period (the second stage of gestation), the list of approved medicines is noticeably expanding.

Strict bed rest with plenty of drink. It is better to give preference to warm herbal tea, in which it is recommended to add a lemon slice and a spoonful of honey. In the room where the pregnant woman stays, the temperature should not exceed 20 ° C, and the air in it should be regularly ventilated. Nutrition should be complete, with plenty of vitamins. And to alleviate the condition, you can put compresses, mustard plasters or jars.

In the third trimester, bronchitis is most dangerous due to the spread of the infectious process to the fetal structures. At timely diagnosis an effective therapy is prescribed that allows you to quickly and safely eliminate the disease. Pathology is not an obstacle to traditional delivery, and with a mild form, no special precautions are required at all. But with a reduction in lung volume up to 60%, the patient undergoes operative delivery by caesarean section.


How to treat bronchitis during pregnancy, only an obstetrician-gynecologist can recommend. Of course, it is impossible to do without medicines.

  • On early dates patients undergo anti-inflammatory therapy with drugs like Bioparox. This is a locally acting medication that is effective in the initial lesions of the respiratory system, and is absolutely safe for fetal development.
  • If antibiotic therapy is necessary, patients are prescribed drugs of the penicillin group (Ampicillin, Flemoxin, Amoxicillin).
  • From 2-3 stages of gestation, there are much more options than to treat bronchitis in pregnant women. For example, it becomes possible application cephalosporin antibiotics, related to conditionally safe medicines.
  • In parallel with antibiotics, the attending physician also prescribes drugs that relieve bronchial edema and facilitate the withdrawal of sputum, for example, Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Sinupret or Mukaltin.
  • On last trimester gestation upon detection of intrauterine infection, therapy with mucolytic and antibiotic drugs is supplemented with Interferon or Immunoglobulin, which is administered intravenously. Such therapy is carried out in stationary conditions.
  • Additionally, at any time, mineral or soda inhalations are used, which help moisten the respiratory tract, accelerate the healing of inflamed mucous membranes and facilitate the removal of sputum.
  • As a means of antipyretic action, the use of only Paracetamol or Panadol is permissible.
  • If the cough causes asthma attacks and bronchospasm, then it is necessary to take bronchodilator drugs.

In early gestational periods, mommy should limit her intake as much as possible. medications, even if it is banal Paracetamol or tablets and syrups of plant origin. It is best to support the mother immune system vitamins and plentiful will help drinking regimen, which contributes to the washing out of toxic substances and the purification of the bronchopulmonary tree.

home methods

Quite effective in the treatment of bronchitis home and folk remedies, especially in the first weeks of gestation. One of the common ways home treatment inhalations are considered, which can be carried out with various herbs, potatoes or soda-salt solutions and oils (eucalyptus, cedar, pine).

It is also useful to drink lime or raspberry tea in large quantities with the addition of natural honey, milk with honey and butter. You can make homemade mustard plasters by mixing flour and honey in equal proportions and applying the mass to your chest.

Excellent helps with bronchitis and radish, in the center of which everything is cut out and filled with honey. The root crop is placed in the refrigerator chamber for several hours, and then the released juice is taken in a large spoon. There are many effective home remedies, however, before using them, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required.

What is the danger of the disease

When carrying a fetus, any ailment is perceived by pregnant women with anxiety, however, bronchitis in such patients usually occurs without any complications for the fetus and mother. But this does not mean at all that one can safely ignore the disease, avoiding its therapy. It is always necessary to treat bronchitis, regardless of the position of the patient.

If you start bronchitis in the first weeks of gestation, then it can provoke a fading of fetal development or miscarriage. The intense cough of a pregnant woman causes the uterine muscles to stay in strong tone, which causes an interrupt. On later dates against the background of bronchitis, respiratory failure may develop, leading to fetal hypoxia, fraught with premature resolution of the burden.

To minimize the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process in the bronchi, the patient should take care of preventive measures. To do this, you need to exclude smoking (passive too), provide immune support, avoid hypothermia and contact with patients. After recovery, it is necessary to regularly observe a gynecologist, without missing scheduled examinations. If the baby behaves too restlessly, which indicates hypoxia, then you need to consult a specialist.

Bronchitis is enough serious disease, which at improper treatment fraught with serious complications, such as pneumonia or respiratory failure. Bronchitis is especially difficult to tolerate during pregnancy. Due to the fact that most drugs are contraindicated for the expectant mother, an alternative, but at the same time effective and safe remedy.

Bronchitis symptoms

Most often, bronchitis develops in the cold season or in the off-season, when it is damp outside, and the air temperature jumps unpredictably from a small plus to a deep disadvantage. The body of a pregnant woman already suffers from increased stress, and therefore is very sensitive to such adverse weather conditions.

The first signs of bronchitis - cough and fever - are often attributed to common cold and therefore the prescribed treatment is often ineffective.

Meanwhile, there are a number of symptoms that should alert a woman and help the doctor diagnose inflammation of the bronchi:

  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • sputum mixed with pus
  • excessive sweating
  • excessive fatigue and drowsiness

For the diagnosis of bronchitis, radiography is most often used, but it is contraindicated for pregnant women, and therefore the timely detection of the disease depends on the experience of the doctor and the results of the tests. Only in the most severe cases, when the prescribed treatment does not help and the woman's condition is rapidly deteriorating, the specialist may recommend an X-ray examination, but with the obligatory protection of the abdomen with a lead apron.

Folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy

With a mild course of bronchitis or at its early stage, treatment with folk remedies is allowed. However, a pregnant woman should be regularly seen by a doctor in order to assess the dynamics and, if necessary, correct the appointments.

The safest for a child and at the same time effective for a woman are inhalations and warm compresses that promote sputum discharge. Compresses on the back area between the shoulder blades can be made from warm mashed potatoes or honey, mixed in equal proportions with flour. The duration of the procedure should be at least an hour, and the daily number of procedures should be at least three. It is important that the back is properly wrapped during treatment, and the legs are warm.

With the help of compresses, you can cure bronchitis in 5-7 days

Inhalations for bronchitis can be carried out with an alkaline solution and with the help of essential oils. In the first case, you need to pour in 3 liters hot water 2 tbsp baking soda, in the latter - add 3-4 drops of essential oils of thyme or thyme to the same volume of water. Bending over the pan, you need to inhale warm steam within 10–15 minutes. You can find out whether such treatment is effective already on the second or third day. If the sputum has started to come out, and the cough has become less frequent, then the procedure is ideal and you can continue the treatment until complete recovery.

Although folk remedies are very effective and safe, the disease can be stronger, and then you can not do without the standard drug treatment. These can be expectorant and immunostimulating drugs, and in severe cases, antibiotics. Do not be afraid of such appointments: an experienced doctor will select the drugs approved for use during pregnancy.