From bronchitis during pregnancy what is possible. Why is bronchitis dangerous during pregnancy? Treatment of acute bronchitis in pregnant women with natural remedies

Often, when carrying a patient, they face such a serious problem as inflammation of the bronchi. Pathology itself is considered quite common, and even in mothers in a position with their weakened immune system, it is very common. Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is a rather complicated process, because taking any medication at this stage of gestation is dangerous and is not recommended by specialists.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor, this can lead to complications.

Pathological inflammation of the bronchi can proceed according to a different scenario.

  1. Acute bronchitis is long lasting clinical manifestations up to 14 days, the pathology usually proceeds without any complications and is quite simply treated. In addition, acute bronchitis does not affect the fetal development.
  2. In the chronic course of bronchial inflammation, patients experience a prolonged cough of a periodic nature, but at the same time, the general state of health does not change much. Usually, such bronchitis worsens during gestation and can provoke the spread of infection and fetal infection.
  3. Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by swelling and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. In addition to violations of the functionality of the bronchi, there is a narrowing of the lumen of their channels, which is fraught with suffocating attacks and tissue hypoxia.

Any bronchitis in pregnant women threatens to violate respiratory functions. Oxygen deficiency can result in dangerous complications fruitful development.

Why does the disease occur in pregnant women

Pregnancy is accompanied by increased loads on the patient's body, suppression of the immune status, because the mother's body works to protect and crumbs and create the most favorable development conditions for it.

When the immune status is suppressed, the patient becomes defenseless against many ailments that are quite difficult to treat in the process of bearing crumbs. The problem is that the usual drugs necessary for the recovery of mommy cannot be taken at this stage.

Tea with honey and lemon will relieve the condition

In addition to a weakened immune defense, other factors can also provoke the development of bronchitis. Eg, hormonal changes. They provoke the transformation of the bronchial mucosa, which creates an ideal habitat and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, pathogenic microbes, when they enter the bronchi, are activated and begin to multiply intensively, which provokes bronchitis.

If a pregnant woman stays in a room with above-normal humidity for a long time, an ideal environment for fungal activity is formed, as a result, the patient breathes air masses saturated with fungal microorganisms. They settle on the pulmonary tract, provoking dangerous pathologies respiratory systems.

Bronchitis during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester usually begins due to the pressure of the uterine body on the diaphragm, which interferes with air exchange, depletes the lung structures. Also, the cause of bronchitis can be a bad environmental situation, the slightest overheating or hypothermia. When cigarettes are abused, bronchopulmonary structures actively secrete a mucous secretion that creates ideal conditions for pathogens that cause infections.

How pathology manifests itself

In general, the symptoms of bronchitis in patients of different ages and gender are almost identical. The pathological process begins with a slight malaise, accompanied by headaches and sore throat. Then the symptomatology is supplemented by a cough. The clinical picture of inflammation of the bronchi is determined by the form of the course of the pathological process.

  1. For acute (primary) bronchitis, typical manifestations are: dry cough and congestion of the nasal sinuses, and the patient sometimes cannot fully breathe, an emetic reaction occurs, an indefatigable cough, bronchospasm. In addition, the sore throat is disturbing, soreness in the chest, weakness, hyperthermia and general malaise are felt.
  2. Chronic bronchitis during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester and at other times usually occurs without pronounced manifestations. Usually this form of pathology is accompanied by a cough with sputum, although the patient feels quite tolerable. Chronic bronchial inflammation is of 2 varieties: obstructive and non-obstructive.
  3. The obstructive type is accompanied only by a cough with sputum, but painful manifestations do not bother.
  4. With a non-obstructive type of inflammation, the bronchi become overgrown with fibrous structures and begin to compress. The patient's breathing becomes difficult, she constantly coughs, but it is impossible to clear her throat. In the process of coughing, there is a pronounced painful discomfort in the chest area.

At first, the cough is paroxysmal and dry, then it becomes moist, accompanied by respiratory spasms, and wheezing may disturb. Sputum production is quite difficult, although it is produced in large quantities. To cleanse the respiratory structures, sputum must be removed.

Mucous swelling makes breathing difficult, and unpleasant discomfort occurs behind the sternum. The patient is worried about general weakness due to respiratory failure. There may even be blue skin or choking attacks. Similar clinical picture requires immediate contact with an obstetrician-gynecologist in order to secure the development of the crumbs.

Difficulties in therapy

Treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women, like other ailments, is associated with many difficulties. Firstly, it is not always permissible to use funds that help speed up recovery, since they negatively affect gestation. Secondly, pregnant women should not have an X-ray examination of the chest area.

Too intense coughing is unacceptable, because it is fraught with an increase uterine tone and even spontaneous interruption. Bronchial inflammation in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy dangerously increased risk fetal infection, the occurrence of intrauterine pneumonia. Therefore, the problem must be approached with extreme caution.

Therapy Methods

At the first signs of an inflammatory process, you should immediately contact a specialist who will select the safest therapy without any consequences for the baby. Therapy of bronchitis in the first is carried out with caution, since it is at this stage that all the most important structures of the fetus are laid. But already from the 12-week period (the second stage of gestation), the list of approved medicines is noticeably expanding.

Strict bed rest with plenty of fluids is prescribed. It is better to give preference to warm herbal tea, in which it is recommended to add a lemon slice and a spoonful of honey. In the room where the pregnant woman stays, the temperature should not exceed 20 ° C, and the air in it should be regularly ventilated. Nutrition should be complete, with plenty of vitamins. And to alleviate the condition, you can put compresses, mustard plasters or jars.

In the third trimester, bronchitis is most dangerous due to the spread of the infectious process to the fetal structures. With timely diagnosis, effective therapy is prescribed, which allows you to quickly and safely eliminate the disease. Pathology is not an obstacle to traditional delivery, and with a mild form, no special precautions are required at all. But with a reduction in lung volume up to 60%, the patient undergoes operative delivery by caesarean section.


How to treat bronchitis during pregnancy, only an obstetrician-gynecologist can recommend. Of course, it is impossible to do without medicines.

  • In the early stages, patients undergo anti-inflammatory therapy with drugs like Bioparox. This is a locally acting medication that is effective in the initial lesions of the respiratory system, and is absolutely safe for fetal development.
  • If antibiotic therapy is necessary, patients are prescribed drugs of the penicillin group (Ampicillin, Flemoxin, Amoxicillin).
  • From 2-3 stages of gestation, there are much more options than to treat bronchitis in pregnant women. For example, it becomes possible application cephalosporin antibiotics, related to conditionally safe medicines.
  • In parallel with antibiotics, the attending physician also prescribes drugs that relieve bronchial edema and facilitate the withdrawal of sputum, for example, Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Sinupret or Mukaltin.
  • On last trimester gestation upon detection of intrauterine infection, therapy with mucolytic and antibiotic drugs is supplemented with Interferon or Immunoglobulin, which is administered intravenously. Such therapy is carried out in stationary conditions.
  • Additionally, at any time, mineral or soda inhalations are used, which help moisten the respiratory tract, accelerate the healing of inflamed mucous membranes and facilitate the removal of sputum.
  • As a means of antipyretic action, the use of only Paracetamol or Panadol is permissible.
  • If the cough causes asthma attacks and bronchospasm, then it is necessary to take bronchodilator drugs.

In early gestational periods, mommy should limit her intake as much as possible. medications, even if it is banal Paracetamol or tablets and syrups of plant origin. It is best to support the maternal immune system with vitamins and abundant drinking regimen, which contributes to the washing out of toxic substances and the purification of the bronchopulmonary tree.

home methods

Quite effective in the treatment of bronchitis home and folk remedies, especially in the first weeks of gestation. One of the common ways home treatment inhalations are considered, which can be carried out with various herbs, potatoes or soda-salt solutions and oils (eucalyptus, cedar, pine).

It is also useful to drink lime or raspberry tea in large quantities with the addition of natural honey, milk with honey and butter. You can make homemade mustard plasters by mixing flour and honey in equal proportions and applying the mass to your chest.

Excellent helps with bronchitis and radish, in the center of which everything is cut out and filled with honey. The root crop is placed in the refrigerator chamber for several hours, and then the released juice is taken in a large spoon. There are many effective home remedies, however, before using them, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required.

What is the danger of the disease

When carrying a fetus, any ailment is perceived by pregnant women with anxiety, however, bronchitis in such patients usually occurs without any complications for the fetus and mother. But this does not mean at all that one can safely ignore the disease, avoiding its therapy. It is always necessary to treat bronchitis, regardless of the position of the patient.

If you start bronchitis in the first weeks of gestation, then it can provoke a fading of fetal development or miscarriage. The intense cough of a pregnant woman causes the uterine muscles to stay in strong tone, which causes an interrupt. On later dates against the background of bronchitis, respiratory failure may develop, leading to fetal hypoxia, fraught with premature resolution of the burden.

To minimize the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process in the bronchi, the patient should take care of preventive measures. To do this, you need to exclude smoking (passive too), provide immune support, avoid hypothermia and contact with patients. After recovery, it is necessary to regularly observe a gynecologist, without missing scheduled examinations. If the baby behaves too restlessly, which indicates hypoxia, then you need to consult a specialist.

They say that pregnancy is the most beautiful period in a woman's life, because she is the goddess who will give this world new life. However, in fact, the period of bearing a child is laborious process. Future mother face many difficulties and unpleasant problems, successfully resolve them so that a healthy and strong baby. In this article, we will tell you about such a common problem that almost all women who are in position are struggling with - bronchitis.

Carrying a child is a huge burden on female body. Because of this process, the immunity of a woman decreases, because all the forces of the health of the expectant mother are aimed at protecting the child, creating favorable conditions for him to develop.

Against the background of reduced immunity, a woman becomes vulnerable to numerous diseases that are quite difficult to treat during pregnancy, because many drugs that speed up the healing process cannot be taken by a future mother. The most common and severe disease during pregnancy is bronchitis.

There are several reasons, in addition to a weakened immune system, that can trigger the development of bronchitis:

  1. Change hormonal background leads to the fact that the bronchial mucosa also changes. A favorable environment is created for pathogenic microbes, which, getting into the bronchi, immediately begin to multiply there and actively behave, causing bronchitis.
  2. If high humidity remains in a room in which a pregnant woman stays for a long time, this creates optimal conditions for the development of the fungus, which the woman inhales with the air. The fungus settles on the lungs and provokes the development of complex respiratory diseases.
  3. Bronchitis during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester most often develops due to the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the diaphragm and interfere with normal air exchange, and because of this, the lungs suffer.
  4. If a woman lives in an area where the ecological situation is very poor, then she automatically falls into the risk zone of getting sick with bronchitis.
  5. Any hypothermia or, conversely, its overheating can lead to the development of diseases of the respiratory system, in particular bronchitis.

If a woman abuses tobacco during the period of bearing a child, then the bronchi begin to intensively secrete mucus, which in turn creates favorable conditions for the development of infections.

Bronchitis during pregnancy: symptoms

Symptoms of bronchitis during pregnancy may vary depending on the form of the disease. In total there are 2 forms of bronchitis:

  1. Acute bronchitis during pregnancy (or it is also called primary) manifests itself in this way:
  • a woman stuffs her nose to such an extent that she cannot breathe freely with it (when inhaling, she can suffocate, since a gag reflex is provoked, coughing bronchospasm occurs);
  • there is a cough without sputum (it is dry);
  • tickle in the throat;
  • woman feels pain in the area chest;
  • her body temperature rises, she feels general weakness and malaise.
  1. Chronic bronchitis during pregnancy, in which there are no such pronounced symptoms of the disease as in the acute form. It is characterized only by a cough with sputum, but in general the woman feels quite satisfactory. Depending on the nature of the cough, chronic bronchitis can be of 2 types:
  • obstructive bronchitis during pregnancy - when coughing with sputum, and no pain in the chest occurs;
  • non-obstructive bronchitis - with it, the bronchi become overgrown with fibrous tissue and are compressed. It becomes difficult for a woman to breathe, she cannot cough up, and when she coughs she feels severe pain in the chest.

Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy

If a woman in position notices any signs of bronchitis in herself, then she definitely needs to inform her doctor about this so that he can choose the right one for her and effective treatment, which would save the expectant mother from the problem and not harm the child.

As a rule, traditional treatment is prescribed:

  • a woman must strictly observe bed rest and drink plenty of fluids (preferably warm, you need to add honey and lemon to it);
  • it should be controlled that the air temperature in the room in which the sick pregnant woman is located does not exceed 20 degrees, in addition, this room should be ventilated several times during the day;
  • the expectant mother should eat a full, balanced diet;
  • you can do warming procedures - banks, mustard plasters, compresses.

If a woman has an acute form of bronchitis, then in this case she definitely needs to take antibiotics. Antibiotics for bronchitis during pregnancy should be light. Only a doctor will prescribe which ones are allowed to be taken during pregnancy and in what dosage. This is very important nuance, which concerns women who have experienced bronchitis in the early stages of pregnancy.

Medications for bronchitis during pregnancy

Drugs that can help a woman during pregnancy, if she is ill with bronchitis, should be taken very carefully. We will list you the main list of those drugs that are allowed for expectant mothers:

  1. First of all, you need to use expectorants. If the cough is dry, then you can buy Ambroxol or Eufillin at the pharmacy. If you have a cough with sputum, then you can use Mukaltin and Sinupret. These drugs are approved for the treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. Only they should be taken very carefully, because during toxicosis they easily provoke vomiting. If cough with pus, then in without fail antibiotics are prescribed
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Flemoxin.

During bronchitis during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, you can already use antibacterial drugs belonging to the cephalosporin group. However, it is strictly forbidden to use:

  • Streptomycin;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Biseptol;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Fluoroquinolone;
  • sulfonamides.
  1. Be sure to do inhalation with bronchitis during pregnancy. Alkaline must be used as a base. mineral water or soda solution.

How to treat bronchitis during pregnancy folk remedies?

Pregnant women most often resort to alternative medicine at the beginning of pregnancy, when all the vital systems of the fetal body are in the formation stage. We will share with you a few recipes that you can use to get rid of bronchitis quickly and effectively:

  1. Take a tablespoon of honey, 1/3 of an apple and a head onion. All these ingredients must be crushed with a blender or meat grinder, and then mixed into a single gruel. The expectant mother needs to eat 1 tsp. of this medicine 6 times a day.
  2. Take 1 large radish, make a cup out of it. Grind the scraped part of the radish, mix with honey, and then send the resulting slurry to a cup of radish. Let the medicine infuse for several hours. After that, it can already be applied. You need to use 1 tbsp. tincture every time before meals.
  3. Mix honey with flour in equal proportions and apply the resulting mixture on the back and chest. Put a gauze bandage on top. Thus, you will make very high-quality mustard plasters that will quickly save you from the disease.
  4. Be sure to drink tea from raspberries, currants, honey and linden in large quantities during the day. You can simply drink warm milk with honey and butter.

Bronchitis during pregnancy: consequences

If you do not treat bronchitis or do it incorrectly during pregnancy, then life-threatening complications for the mother and child can occur. These include:

  • in the early stages, due to a strong cough, a miscarriage can be provoked, because the uterus will come into a strong tone;
  • the fetus can become infected in utero and be born subsequently with low weight, weak;
  • fetal hypoxia may develop, as a result, childbirth will occur prematurely, most likely by caesarean section;
  • a child may be born with different kind anomalies in development.

Prevention of bronchitis during pregnancy

In order not to get sick at the very important period your life with bronchitis, you should follow preventive measures:

  1. You need to stop smoking, because the smoke will provoke a cough, which, as we mentioned above, will lead to sad consequences.
  2. Before pregnancy, hardening of the body should be carried out.
  3. In no case should you contact sick people. If you are going to public place, then put on a gauze bandage and lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment.

Take care of yourself and think first of all about the child! He needs a healthy and happy mom!

Video: Bronchitis in children and pregnant women

Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy should be under the constant supervision of a doctor. Many drugs can cause negative action on the fetus, which can lead to complications in its development. If a pregnant woman has a strong cough with a lot of sputum and at the same time she feels pain in the chest area, she is tormented by shortness of breath, then it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Methods of treatment

Prescribing the treatment of bronchitis to a pregnant woman, the doctor faces some difficulties. A chest x-ray is contraindicated for pregnant women, which complicates an accurate diagnosis, especially when a woman suffers from frequent bronchitis.

Intense coughing can increase the tone of the uterus, and this condition threatens even premature termination of pregnancy.

When choosing drugs, the doctor must take into account all these features.


Treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women most often takes place at home. A woman is advised to stay in bed, especially when the disease is accompanied by elevated temperature body. To thin the sputum and facilitate its excretion, expectorants are prescribed, it can be Mukaltin and Bromhexine. During pregnancy, the doctor also prescribes Sinupret dragees, a mixture of thermopsis, Bronchicum syrup. Antivirals not recommended for treatment of acute bronchitis.

When the temperature rises, a short-term intake of paracetamol may be prescribed as an antipyretic. If you feel worse, when an infection joins the signs of the disease, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. The doctor prescribes the dosage and course of treatment with drugs individually for each patient, depending on the condition and duration of pregnancy.


Inhalation helps to get rid of bronchial cough during pregnancy. For this procedure, you can use a solution of baking soda, take 1 tbsp for 1.5 liters of water. l. soda.

Decoctions are also used for inhalation. medicinal herbs such as thyme, chamomile, sage or thyme.

Suitable for this procedure essential oils- lavender, eucalyptus or thyme, 1 drop of oil is added to 1 liter of water.

Inhalations can be done 2 hours after a meal. After inhaling the healing steam, you need to hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then exhale sharply. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. After inhalation, it is recommended not to eat for at least an hour.


For the treatment of bronchitis, so that sputum moves more easily through the respiratory tract, compresses are also used. They can be made from boiled mashed potatoes, fresh cabbage leaves and honey. Potatoes or honey are mixed with flour to make a cake, which is spread even layer on a tissue paper.

The compress is placed on the back between the shoulder blades, it should be kept for about an hour.

In this case, the patient should be wrapped warmly. No more than 3 such procedures can be done per day.

Folk methods

Helps in the treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy folk recipes, first of all, it is a warm, plentiful drink. You can drink tea with raspberries, viburnum, lime blossom, chamomile. It is useful to drink warm milk, adding a little butter and honey to it.

You can prepare expectorant decoctions of medicinal herbs. For this, coltsfoot, chamomile, sage are suitable, to improve the taste, you can add honey to them. Rubbing the back helps to quickly get rid of a cough, for this they use camphor or warm butter. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed.

Features of the treatment of bronchitis by trimester

Viral infections for pregnant women are dangerous because there is big risk fetal infection. Because of this, many drugs have contraindications when taken during pregnancy. Each trimester has its own characteristics of treatment, which must be strictly observed.

1 trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, all organs of the fetus are laid, during this period bronchitis can be effectively cured with the help of inhalations. With this procedure, the drug will only get on the bronchial mucosa, it will not penetrate into the blood.

As an anti-inflammatory therapy, the drug Bioparox can be prescribed.

If there is a need for antibiotic treatment, then a drug of the penicillin group is prescribed.

2 trimester

2 trimester is considered safer for the treatment of bronchitis, vital important organs the fetus during this period is already formed. You can use drugs such as Lazolvan and Ambrobene for treatment.

It is useful to do inhalations using Berodual, Salbutamol and Berotek.

During this period, you can also take drugs to improve expectoration - Mukaltin, Bromhexine. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs of the cephalosporin group for treatment, which do not have a negative effect on the developing fetus.

3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, bronchitis can be especially dangerous. During this period, there is a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus. During this period, the doctor prescribes drugs with extreme caution. If intrauterine infection is detected, then to drug treatment prescribe intravenous interferons and immunoglobulin. If there is a threat of miscarriage, then treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Mukaltin | instructions for use

Treatment of bronchitis at home folk remedies

Inhalation with a nebulizer for bronchitis


To avoid bronchitis, you must follow some preventive rules:

  • all contact with sick people should be avoided;
  • daily walks are recommended fresh air, while hypothermia should be avoided;
  • it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and conduct healthy lifestyle life;
  • the diet of a pregnant woman must necessarily include fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • help reduce the risk of infection and additional reception vitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor.

During the period of gestation, the body future mother becomes quite vulnerable. All forces are aimed at providing everything necessary for a developing child, so immunity is reduced. And during this period, oh, how it is necessary to try to protect yourself from various viruses and bacteria, but, unfortunately, this does not always work out. Often there is bronchitis during pregnancy, especially in spring or autumn, when it is damp and cold outside. We will understand the causes of diseases and methods of treatment in an interesting position.

Causes of the disease

Quite easily, a woman in position picks up infectious diseases, so bronchitis flu is a fairly frequent phenomenon. The susceptibility of the body to infections can be explained by the following reasons:

  • Reduced immunity.
  • Mechanical difficulty in breathing.
  • Woman visiting clinic women's consultation, often encounters patients.

The immediate causes that can provoke bronchitis during pregnancy include:

Weakened immunity very quickly leads to the development of bronchitis, which must be treated.

Difficulty in pregnancy

Therapy of any disease during this period of life for a woman is accompanied by some difficulties, which can be explained by the following factors:

  1. It is not always possible to use those remedies that helped well in the treatment before pregnancy, since their effect on the growing fetus must be taken into account.
  2. You can't do a chest x-ray.
  3. Too intense coughing, which is usually recommended, is unacceptable, as it can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and even lead to termination of pregnancy.

Pregnancy with acute bronchitis in the later stages is fraught with an increased risk of infection of the fetus, the development of intrauterine pneumonia. It is for all these reasons that the treatment of bronchitis should be approached with extreme caution.

How to treat bronchitis during pregnancy

Some believe that in the second and third trimester bronchitis is no longer so dangerous for a pregnant woman, but it must be understood that the very fact of finding an infection in the mother's body is already fraught with serious consequences for the baby. The causative agents of the disease can easily penetrate through placental barrier and harm the developing child.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed and treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy is started, the better. This makes it possible to avoid serious therapy, and get by only with the use of folk remedies, which include:

No one, of course, does not exclude bed rest. It is very important to provide plenty of drink so that sputum discharge occurs faster and more efficiently. In the room where there is a sick pregnant woman, it is necessary to regularly ventilate and monitor the level of humidity. Too dry air, which happens in apartments in winter time, not very good for the respiratory system.

If more serious therapy is required, then it is advisable to do without any initiative. Only a doctor should prescribe medicines, considering interesting position women.

Symptoms of bronchitis

To begin treatment of the disease, it must first be recognized. Bronchitis, as a rule, manifests itself quite clearly, so there are usually no problems with diagnosis.

Bronchitis during pregnancy is most often acute. It can show up with the following symptoms:

Often bronchitis can be confused with common cold, but it also has its own distinctive symptoms:

  1. Cough, deep and obsessive.
  2. Pain in the chest.
  3. Persistent feeling of tiredness.
  4. Difficulty breathing, often wheezing.
  5. A lot of sputum comes out.

At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary not to self-medicate, but to visit a doctor and discuss the tactics of therapy.

during pregnancy

If the disease becomes chronic, then it can already be dangerous. Most common causes this form of the disease are considered:

  • Frequent colds.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Predisposition to pathologies of the respiratory system.
  • Smoking, whether active or passive.
  • The use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Work in a hazardous industry.

During pregnancy the immune system slightly weakened, so chronic bronchitis can worsen. A doctor's consultation is essential.

Treatment of bronchitis at different times

Self-medication is fraught with the fact that many medicines that helped perfectly before pregnancy are strictly prohibited for use during the bearing of a baby. Cannot be used for therapy alcohol solution potassium iodide, it has a teratogenic effect, adversely affects the formation of the fetus.

You can not use the following drugs:

  • Medicines with codeine and ethylmorphine.
  • Antibacterial drugs from the group of tetracyclines, "Kanamycin", "Levomycetin", "Streptomycin", "Gentamicin".

Do not advise doctors to use folk remedies without any control. Some herbs may have abortive properties.

For example, often for the treatment colds recommend using infusions and decoctions of sage, oregano, elecampane, St. John's wort, calendula. But it is contraindicated to treat bronchitis during pregnancy with these natural healers, as the risk of premature birth increases, they can cause miscarriage in the early stages.

It can adversely affect the fetus and aloe, if it is part of the drug, then it should not be used for treatment. For the treatment of bronchitis, even in children, "licorice syrup" is often used, but for pregnant women it is categorically contraindicated.

Features of treatment in the first trimester

You have been diagnosed with "bronchitis" when it is important in terms of laying organs in the fetus, so therapy should only take place under the supervision of a physician. You can not self-medicate, uncontrolled intake can lead to the appearance birth defects development.

Quite effective therapy at this time with the help of inhalation. Medicine enters the bronchial mucosa, but does not penetrate into the bloodstream.

If there is such a need, the doctor can prescribe a course antibacterial drugs. The following drugs are approved for use in pregnant women:

  • "Amoxicillin" and "Clavulanate".
  • "Rovamycin" (belongs to the group of macrolides).
  • "Cefruxime" (from the group of new generation cephalosporins).

The safest for a pregnant woman are cephalosporins, they do not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

Mid-term bronchitis during pregnancy

The 2nd trimester is already safer, since almost all vital organs are formed, but therapy should still be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. During this period, the following procedures are allowed:

  • Inhalations using "Berotek" and "Berodual". These drugs are able to expand the bronchi and eliminate their spasm. Before inhalation, it is important to study the instructions for these products.
  • You can also use Fenoterol and Salbutamol for inhalation.
  • Diagnosed with bronchitis during pregnancy? The 2nd trimester is the period when it is already possible to use Ambrobene or Lazolvan for treatment.

During the course of therapy about any side effects important to tell your doctor. It must be remembered that the same drugs are not always suitable for almost everyone.

Last trimester and bronchitis treatment

When the pregnancy is nearing its end, and the disease has not been defeated, it already becomes dangerous. The risk of intrauterine infection of the unborn baby increases. Did the doctor confirm the diagnosis of "bronchitis" during pregnancy? The 3rd trimester requires the prevention of the negative impact of the disease on the fetus, therefore, immunoglobulins and Interferon must be included in therapy.

The acute form of the disease already on the eve of childbirth often leads to the use of painkillers, since labor activity can increase pain in the chest and bronchi.

Serious therapy is indispensable if bronchitis occurs during pregnancy. The 3rd trimester is different in that the selection of drugs should be carried out with great care, as some may affect the process of childbirth or the baby.

If the disease provoked respiratory failure, then a caesarean section is indicated.

If Biseptol and Trimethoprim are included in the treatment, then there is a risk of developing jaundice in a newborn baby. During this period, if the course of the disease allows, it is better to use proven methods of therapy. This is tea with honey, a decoction of raspberry leaves, which, as a bonus, will also help open the uterus during childbirth, prepare it for labor.

With the development of any disease during this period, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required, bronchitis during pregnancy is no exception (3, 2 or 1 trimester - it does not matter). It is only necessary to take into account that in each period the therapy will be different.

Why bronchitis is dangerous for a future mother

Bronchitis comes in several forms, and greatest danger for a pregnant woman is obstructive. With this form, there are difficulties in breathing, shortness of breath appears, which is fraught with a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood, as a result - hypoxia in the fetus.

If this form of the disease develops in the first trimester, then oxygen deficiency can provoke various pathologies in fetal development. When respiratory failure joins the obstructive form, it can even cause abortion.

At any time, this form of bronchitis should be treated only in a hospital, under the constant supervision of a physician. In the last three months of pregnancy, bronchitis is dangerous because it can provoke premature birth or outflow of water.

A strong cough can, and this is dangerous in the first months of miscarriage, and in the last - premature birth.

Consequences of bronchitis for a developing baby

If the disease goes too far, then it threatens with serious consequences for the baby. The infection can cross the placenta and enter the amniotic fluid And Airways child, provoking inflammatory processes mucous membranes.

Can significantly affect the formation of systems internal organs. A child can be born with congenital pneumonia and a weakened immune system.

How to protect yourself from bronchitis

The future mother should understand that she is responsible not only for her health, but also for the condition and development of the baby. It is possible to prevent the development of the disease if:

  • Avoid contact with patients with colds.
  • Don't get cold.
  • Dress for the season.
  • Humidify the air in the apartment during the heating season.
  • Do not get a flu shot.
  • Before pregnancy, treat all chronic infectious diseases.
  • Quit smoking and do not allow others to do so in your presence.
  • Review the diet, it should contain more fresh vegetables and fruits.

If it was not possible to avoid bronchitis, then you should not self-medicate. During this period, this is fraught with serious consequences for the unborn baby. Only a competent specialist will help to cope with the disease without negative consequences for mom and developing baby.