Dangerous periods during pregnancy. Cigarettes and alcohol. Infection of the membranes

The only disease on our list that is not an infection. This is a parasitic disease. It is caused by a single-celled animal - toxoplasma. For most people, toxoplasmosis is asymptomatic and does not pose a particular danger, but not during pregnancy. The parasite enters the human body from contaminated food, water, through cat feces.

According to some studies, one in 200 pregnant women becomes infected with toxoplasmosis, and a congenital disease occurs in one in 10,000-30,000 newborns. If a woman becomes infected shortly before pregnancy, the risks to the unborn child are minimal.

If in the house, you can get infected from it. To avoid this, the expectant mother should not clean cat tray. IN last resort– do this with gloves and a mask, and then wash your hands thoroughly.

Prevent infection through food and water will help“Five Principles for Improving Security food products”, which experts advise to adhere to World Organization health care

  1. Keep the kitchen clean.
  2. Raw foods should not be near heat-treated and even more so in contact with them.
  3. Expose products.
  4. Store food at the correct temperature.
  5. Use safe water and raw foods, and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a disease that belongs to the group of sexually transmitted infections. It is caused by herpes simplex viruses of the first and second types, you can become infected during sexual intercourse (including oral and anal), kisses. The disease manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling and vesicles on the skin, in many people it is asymptomatic. After that, the pathogen remains in the body, and the person becomes a carrier.

If a pregnant woman is sick with genital herpes, she can pass the pathogen to her baby through the placenta or during childbirth. This does not always happen: according to American statistics, 25-30% of expectant mothers and only 0.1% of newborns suffer from genital herpes.

If a woman first becomes ill during pregnancy, the risk of infection of the fetus or transmission of infection during childbirth is 50-75%. If chronic herpes has recurred, there are already antibodies in the mother's body and they can protect the baby: the risk of transmission of the infection during childbirth will be 5%. The herpes virus can lead to miscarriage, damage to the child's brain, liver, congenital defects development, death.

If an exacerbation of herpes is detected after pregnancy, then the doctor will most likely recommend a caesarean section.

On later dates apply antiviral drug, but it will not protect the child by 100%, in addition, its safety during pregnancy has not been fully studied.

If a woman is not infected, and her partner has genital herpes (tests will help to dot the i), then sex during exacerbations is contraindicated, and during the subsidence of symptoms - strictly with a condom. If a partner has oral herpes, kissing and oral sex are prohibited.

Cytomegalovirus infection

Cytomegalovirus belongs to the group of herpes viruses: its close counterparts cause herpes and chicken pox. Many people are carriers of the pathogen: once they had an infection, and since then the virus has been “sleeping” in their body. The transmission of cytomegaloviruses occurs through biological fluids: urine, saliva, semen, breast milk.

For healthy person with a normally functioning immune system, cytomegaloviruses are not dangerous. The infection is most often asymptomatic or accompanied by fever and temporary enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Dangerous infection or reactivation of the infection during pregnancy. For a child, this is fraught with loss of hearing, vision, epileptic seizures, reduced intelligence and learning ability, muscle weakness and disorders of coordination of movements, microcephaly (decrease in the size of the skull).

If you are caring for children and you are not a carrier of the virus (based on test results), This is what will help protect you from infection.:

  • Wash your hands often. Change diapers with gloves on.
  • Do not kiss children on the face.
  • Do not share utensils and hygiene items with children.


Listeria - bacteria that are found in soil, water, can get on the surface of vegetables, fruits. Some animals are their carriers. These microorganisms are found in raw meat, unpasteurized milk and dairy products. Listeriosis is relatively rare, but dangerous infection, the risk of infection during pregnancy, according to some reports, is increased by 20 times.

The first manifestations occur 2-30 days after infection. Worried about flu-like symptoms, headaches and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea.

During pregnancy, the risk of a dangerous invasive form of listeriosis is increased, when sepsis, meningitis develops. Mortality in this case is 20-30%. Listeria leads to miscarriages, premature births, stillbirths (approximately one in five affected women). The newborn may become infected.

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For the prevention of listeriosis and other foodborne infections, keep"Five principles for improving food safety" WHO, which we have already written about above.


The chickenpox virus is a relative of the herpes virus and cytomegalovirus. Most adults are immune to chickenpox because they had the disease in childhood. But in rare cases, if the immune system is severely reduced, you can get infected a second time.

In the external environment, the virus quickly dies, but once it enters the human body, it will not miss its own: susceptibility to infection among those who have not been ill is 100%.

According to British statistics, 3 out of 1000 women fall ill during pregnancy. This is fraught with serious complications for both the mother and the fetus.

The risks for the child depend on the period of pregnancy at which the infection occurred: if before, then fetal syndrome may develop chickenpox, it manifests itself in the form of underdevelopment of the arms and legs, scars on the skin, microcephaly, brain damage, Bladder, intestines, and when infected for a period of 28-36 weeks, the virus enters the child's body and in some cases is activated in the first years of life.Thanks to vaccination, rubella has become a rare disease, however, any unvaccinated person is at risk of getting sick. future mom, and this is fraught with serious consequences for the fetus. The rubella virus is spread by airborne droplets, the source of infection is a sick person.

A woman who gets rubella during pregnancy has an increased risk of stillbirth and preterm delivery. Infection is especially dangerous in the first trimester - before. The child develops congenital rubella syndrome, which can manifest itself in the form of deafness, cataracts, heart defects, reduced intelligence, damage to the spleen and liver, low weight and skin rash after birth, glaucoma, pneumonia, problems with the thyroid gland.

A reliable way to protect yourself from rubella during pregnancy- Get vaccinated beforehand. You can become pregnant no earlier than 4 weeks after the introduction of the vaccine. You cannot be vaccinated during pregnancy.

Zika virus

The Zika virus has become a popular horror story after it was declared a global threat by WHO experts. This infection can not be contracted in all countries. Full list can be found, for example, at gov.uk. The carriers are mosquitoes.

The Zika virus is considered dangerous for pregnant women. There is evidence that it causes microcephaly, developmental delay, dwarfism or short stature, mental retardation, and hyperactivity in a child. There is no unequivocal evidence, the degree of risk is unknown, and yet it is not worth the risk.

During pregnancy, it is better not to visit countries where you can get infected.. And if, nevertheless, a woman decides on such a trip, you need to take measures to protect against mosquitoes: wear clothes that cover the whole body, use mosquito nets on windows and doors.

Today, the site will tell expectant mothers about some of the symptoms that may pose a threat to your health and the health of the fetus. In no case should they be ignored, even if, at first glance, they do not pose a particular danger.

1. Nausea

Mostly, this symptom manifested in pregnant women morning time days. Constant nausea, accompanied by intense vomiting, is a deviation from the norm.
Danger: As a result of metabolic disorders, dehydration of the body can occur.
Advice: See a doctor

2. Constipation

In the body of a pregnant woman, due to hormonal changes slows down bowel movements.
Danger: Long-term constipation can cause hemorrhoids .
Advice: You should drink more fluids, eat foods with enough fiber, eat vegetables and fruits. It's also good to take probiotics.

3. Vaginal inflammation

Hygiene during pregnancy - important point, its non-compliance can cause many inflammatory processes. It is especially important to maintain hygiene after stool, using correct technique. This will prevent microorganisms from entering the vagina.
Danger: Inflammation of the genitals due to poor hygiene of the genitals and the risk of contracting STIs can cause premature birth or endanger the health of the child.
Advice: After each chair do hygiene procedures using funds for intimate hygiene using the technique from front to back.

4. Swelling of the legs

In the summer it's quite normal phenomenon. True, it is necessary to distinguish whether swelling can be due to heat or whether it still suggests a certain disease, for example, heart failure, kidney disease. In any case, it is necessary to visit the doctor as soon as possible.

5. General fatigue

The expectant mother is obliged to take at least 8-10 hours a day to sleep, it should begin before midnight.
Danger: Fatigue puts a huge burden on the body of a pregnant woman, "sucking" out of it the resources intended for the development of the fetus.
Advice: Sometimes fatigue can be caused by anemia. Pregnant women are often anemic due to their diet does not contain enough iron. Add buckwheat to your daily diet sea ​​kale, beans, peas, eggs, beef liver.

6. Back pain

As the body of a pregnant woman prepares for upcoming birth, expectant mothers often suffer from pain in the pelvis and back.
Advice: Wear clothing to relieve pain High Quality, not tight and comfortable shoes produced from natural materials. Sleep on your side, massage, and avoid carrying heavy objects.

7. Dizziness and shortness of breath

9 dangerous symptoms during pregnancy / shutterstock.com

As a pregnant woman's weight increases, she becomes short of breath, which can lead to dizziness.
Danger: Dizziness can lead to falls and even fainting.
Advice: If you feel dizzy, sit down and rest, drink enough fluids and try to avoid possible stressful situations. Will help you a lot Fresh air. If you can't go outside, open a window.

8. Frequent urge to urinate

On recent months pregnancy, it often happens that you are "driven" to the toilet. It is better to cope with the need immediately, because prolonged abstinence increases the risk of developing a bladder infection.
Danger: Bladder infection can lead to dangerous consequences- infection of the uterus, which entails its reduced activity and can cause premature birth.
Advice: Do muscle strengthening exercises pelvic floor and relieve yourself, bypassing long-term abstinence.

For nine months of pregnancy, a woman manages to catch a cold, catch an infection, runny nose or cough. The danger of coughing depends on its cause and the extent of inflammation in the airways of a pregnant woman.

How harmful is it to catch a cold and cough, and how does coughing affect the fetus during pregnancy? Can severe coughing cause preterm labor? The answers to these and other questions are in our article.

In contact with

How does coughing affect pregnancy?

Cough is a contraction of the abdominal, pectoral and dorsal muscles, which leads to a sharp release of air. Together with air, it is excreted from the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi. Coughing is necessary for cleaning respiratory tract, removal of mucus, sputum or toxic substances, foreign objects from them.

A cough is the result of inflammation or irritation. When it occurs:

  • Irritation may occur when allergic reaction or when the indoor air is too dry.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract occurs when an infection enters it.

The so-called throat cough is formed on the inflamed, irritated or dry surface of the throat mucosa. It does not cause contraction of the abdominal muscles and does not have any effect on the fetus. Therefore, if it is shallow, it does not pose a danger to the unborn child, but delivers discomfort future mother, causes her discomfort, irritation, pain.

Bronchitis or pleurisy is formed when the infection penetrates deeply into the respiratory organs. With these diseases, a deep cough is formed, which causes a contraction of the muscles involved in breathing. A strong bronchitis cough is accompanied by reflex contractions of the uterus.

Prolonged strong deep coughing can cause tone and premature onset childbirth.

Previously, large-scale studies have not been conducted on the effect of cough on the course of pregnancy. It is also not exactly clear what affects pregnancy more - strong contractions muscles of the respiratory tract or accompanying painful factors (temperature, intoxication, infection). But it still remains very topical issue timely treatment cough, especially

Is coughing dangerous during pregnancy?

Often, it is not a cough that is dangerous for a pregnant woman, but the factors that accompany its appearance (temperature, inflammation, respiratory failure, insufficient oxygen supply to the blood). These factors are the reasons possible pathologies in the fetal development of the child. Therefore, they are often pose a risk to the fetus in the womb.

So, coughing during pregnancy - what is dangerous:

  • prolonged stress;
  • infection
  • inflammation and intoxication;
  • prolonged high temperature;
  • fetal hypoxia.

And now let's take a closer look at how these factors worsen the condition of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Cough during pregnancy - is it dangerous for the health of the unborn child?

Cough during pregnancy is dangerous stress

Every woman worries about whether her cold is dangerous for the development of her unborn baby. Therefore, she is under stress. Nervous experiences initiate the formation of cortisol (stress hormone). It stimulates the heart and causes tension (spasm) of blood vessels.

This reaction of the body is aimed at preserving life. The brain automatically responds to stress. This is a danger that may require fast running, lightning-fast decision making. Therefore, after the experiences, hormonal restructuring and the release of cortisol occur.

Long-term presence of cortisol can harm the fetus. Why stress hormone is not good for a baby in the womb:

  • Prolonged spasm of blood vessels disrupts the nutrition and supply of oxygen to the fetus.
  • Long or strong impact cortisol causes the placenta to release another hormone that provokes the onset of labor. This is one of the causes of premature birth of women from a strong fright.

Cortisol easily crosses the placenta and enters the baby's brain. Therefore, even if you have pneumonia, you must remain calm. Many women have had the infection during pregnancy. Most of them gave birth to healthy children.

Cough dangerous high fever

Is a cough dangerous if it appears against the background of a temperature? Yes, if this temperature exceeds + 38.5 ° and is kept for several days. For a pregnant woman, a prolonged high temperature is undesirable. It disrupts blood supply and forms fetal hypoxia. Also, high temperature is accompanied by severe intoxication. Toxic substances can cause fetal fading during pregnancy.

High temperature and the age of the embryo

The consequences of coughing during pregnancy, the likelihood and severity of complications due to high fever depends on the age of the fetus. Most severe complications formed during long high temperature up to 12 weeks. During this period, the placenta is not yet formed, it does not protect the fetus from negative impact high temperature.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the placenta is already formed and is a full-fledged protective barrier. Therefore, as a rule, the fetus does not form any complications.

IN last trimester, especially at the 8th and 9th month, the likelihood of complications increases. In these terms, the high temperature of the mother does not form pathologies in the development of the uterine child. But it causes aging of the placenta. This leads to premature birth or detachment. children's place, the need for urgent surgical operation(caesarean section).

Cough is dangerous for a possible infection

Infection - common cause cough. Coughing may be accompanied various diseases. What infectious diseases are dangerous for a pregnant woman?

  • Rubella - in 80% causes fetal deformities, as well as developmental pathologies that are not compatible with life (with rubella, a dry throat cough is formed).
  • (various strains of influenza) - can form disorders if the age of the embryo is up to 12 weeks.
Interesting to know: placental barrier able to delay some infections. But not all. So the placenta does not retain influenza, rubella, herpes viruses.

Wet or dry cough: which is worse for a pregnant woman?

At various stages of the development of inflammation, the cough can be wet or dry. Wet - accompanied by discharge (rise from the bronchi) of sputum. They call it productive. It is not dangerous for a woman and the uterine development of her unborn child.

Unlike wet, they are called unproductive (barking, hoarse). With a dry cough, there is no secretion, there is no sputum in the respiratory passages. Prolonged bouts of dry cough can cause vomiting, increase the tone of the uterus. Therefore, the treatment of such a cough with the use of approved for a pregnant woman (for example,) or folk remedies is especially important.

For a pregnant woman, prolonged dry coughing is dangerous. It causes frequent concussion abdominal cavity, forms constant pressure in the abdominal muscles. Hence the conclusion: strong during pregnancy is dangerous. Possible miscarriage or premature birth.

What is dangerous cough during pregnancy: consequences

Let's list pathological processes that may accompany a mother's prolonged cough during pregnancy.

Hypoxia or suffocation

The term hypoxia literally means "suffocation". The child may experience varying degrees of lack of oxygen. Hypoxia is formed when the walls of the abdominal cavity are strained. Tight muscles constrict blood vessels and restrict blood flow. At the same time, the child receives less blood and less oxygen.

Short-term hypoxia (within 5-10 seconds) does not harm the development of the baby. Prolonged hypoxia is dangerous, during which the child receives less oxygen for several days.

Chronic hypoxia is the cause congenital anomalies brain and nervous system.

Increasing the tone of the uterus

The uterus is a hollow muscular organ. Like any other human muscle, the uterus is able to contract and shrink. Prolonged coughing can cause abdominal muscle contraction and uterine tone. In the later stages, such a cough can provoke premature birth.

Perhaps another complication (although it happens infrequently) is placental abruption. This pathology is formed in pregnant women with low presentation. Fastening a child's place at the bottom is dangerous because of its early premature detachment. Coughing is a precipitating factor that increases pressure on the placenta and sometimes leads to its detachment.

Eating Disorders

While in the womb, the baby receives nourishment through the mother's blood. Prolonged frequent coughing causes tension in the abdominal muscles and narrowing blood vessels. This reduces the number nutrients that go to the placenta.

If coughing continues during pregnancy long time, then they find it difficult metabolic processes between woman and fetus. What can cause low weight in a child after birth.

How does coughing affect the fetus during pregnancy?

Let's summarize the above and answer, does coughing during pregnancy affect the baby? Does it form serious pathologies development?

The effect of coughing is determined by the strength, duration, nature of coughing, as well as the presence of additional adverse factors (temperature, inflammation, infection). A short wet cough does not cause pathology in the unborn baby. The healthy course of pregnancy can be disrupted by prolonged dry coughing, as well as high fever, infection.

If coughing during pregnancy - the effect on the fetus will relate to impaired blood supply to the placenta, nutrition, breathing of the unborn child in the womb. With prolonged coughing, the following processes occur in the body of a uterine baby:

  • Violation of the blood supply - which means insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrition to the fetus.
  • An increase in the tone of the uterus - which means the likelihood of a miscarriage or premature birth.

If your cough is intermittent, short-term, and you cough easily and do not strain, this does not pose a danger to your unborn child.

Consequences of coughing during pregnancy

When the expectant mother is sick and coughs heavily, the fetus is sick with her. How dangerous is this for the development of the unborn baby? To date, there is no definitive answer to possible complications. Since there are no large-scale medical studies on this issue. At a high temperature in a future mother, a temporary disruption of the blood supply to the fetus in the womb is possible, in some rare cases, the development of deformities and defects.

We list the complications that may appear in a child after a mother's cold during pregnancy:

  • Pain and weak immunity.
  • Nervousness of the child.
  • Prolonged cough in the last months of pregnancy - possible low weight fetus, its unpreparedness for childbirth, and as a result - weak generic activity, birth injury.

The above complications do not have to be formed in the body of the baby. Therefore, do not make heavy predictions. It is better to consult a doctor, start treatment and get rid of colds, infections.

What effect can SARS have on the fetus, including accompanied by a cough, can be found in the following video.


It's a symptom of many colds. A woman can become infected with them during pregnancy. When a cough occurs, it is important not to panic or create stress. It is necessary to be examined, determine the cause and take measures for treatment.

According to WHO statistics, 90% of pregnant women face candidal colpitis or thrush. This is due to the weakening of the functions immune system. Symptoms of the disease, which manifest as curdled secretions co specific smell And severe itching cause a lot of discomfort. Sleep is disturbed, excluded intimacy, the quality of life decreases. This affects psychological condition women. In pregnant women, the question arises, can thrush be dangerous during pregnancy?

There is a statement that there is no need to treat candidiasis, it passes by itself through certain time. But this is a delusion. There are circumstances under which a child is infected with a fungus both in utero and during its passage through the birth canal.

Why candidiasis manifests itself during gestation

Yeast-like fungi are among the conditionally pathogenic microflora. Normally, they are present in the vagina of every woman. Under favorable conditions, candida begin to actively multiply and form colonies.

The main reason for the manifestation of infection during pregnancy is a decrease in local and general immunity. In violation of the protective functions of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, fungi grow rapidly, increasing their numbers. The development of thrush is facilitated by changes in the hormonal background and endocrine status, which are typical for every pregnant woman.

The impetus for the development of the disease may be non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. A woman should always be in dry cotton underwear. Excess moisture is an ideal breeding ground for fungal microflora.

Another cause of thrush is the treatment of a pregnant woman. antibacterial drugs. They violate the conditions of the natural environment of the vagina, reduce local immunity contribute to infection.

Factors that can cause thrush include:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • use of flavored condoms;
  • use of daily deodorized pads;
  • deficiency of lactobacilli;
  • diseases of the digestive system - stomach, intestines;
  • abuse of sweets;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol.

The consequences of pregnancy and thrush are not always predictable. The presence of a fungus in a woman's body creates risks for infection of the fetus. The infection itself is not dangerous for gestation, but after birth it may be necessary serious treatment baby.

Intrauterine danger of a fungal infection for the fetus

With the exclusion of sexual activity, compliance with the rules of hygiene on early dates Pregnancy thrush occurs rarely. Symptoms of a fungal infection of the vagina appear in the second trimester, when the hormonal background.

With a favorable course of pregnancy, the disease is not dangerous for the unborn child. The microbe does not spread to the internal genital organs of a woman, does not penetrate the placental barrier and does not infect the fetus. Candida does not release toxins that could enter the bloodstream and infect the baby. Therefore, the disease does not affect intrauterine growth, mental and mental development of children.

Exist unfavourable conditions, in which the presence of thrush in a pregnant woman threatens the risk of infection of the fetus. If there is no adequate treatment, the fungus spreads through the departments reproductive system women. Reaching the umbilical cord, it can penetrate the placenta and infect the mucous membranes and internal organs fetus (systemic candidiasis). Such cases were recorded extremely rarely, but a woman should be aware of such a danger in order to prevent it in a timely manner.

Probability intrauterine infection negligible and according to statistics is 0.5% of all cases of diagnosing the disease during pregnancy. The fetus is reliably protected by shells, waters, and the fetoplacental complex. But there is always a risk of miscarriage if the uterus is affected by a fungus. Therefore, this microbe that causes thrush during pregnancy is dangerous.

Threats in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

Can thrush be harmful in late pregnancy? Untreated candidiasis in the third trimester is a direct threat of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

The outcome of candidiasis in a newborn:

  • fungal infection of the oral mucosa;
  • stomatitis;
  • poor appetite, breast rejection;
  • constant regurgitation after eating or during feeding;
  • violation of the quality of sleep in a child;
  • infection skin- there is a rash, pustules, wounds;
  • bowel dysfunction - increased gas formation, bloating, colic.

In newborns, due to the low protective function of the skin, thrush can penetrate the body through the epidermis and affect the internal organs!

What else threatens the baby with thrush in a pregnant woman? The conjunctiva is often affected. After the birth of the child, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed. There is hyperemia, edema, pronounced vascular network white of the eye. There is intense lacrimation due to blockage of the nasolacrimal canal. There may be a bacterial infection.

Girls are diagnosed with urogenital candidiasis. Its symptoms are redness of the labia majora and labia minora, swelling of the vulva, discharge with a sour-milk smell, sometimes with pus.

Why is thrush during pregnancy dangerous for children? In severe cases, it contributes to the development of pneumonia - neonatal pneumonia. Pathology develops within the first hours after birth or a week later. First, respiratory failure and fluctuations in body temperature appear. In case of refusal emergency assistance the disease progresses rapidly to the onset of shock and can be fatal.

Pregnancy in the third trimester is not difficult to avoid. The woman is assigned complex therapy. If necessary, before childbirth, the vaginal mucosa, the cervix is ​​treated with antiseptic and disinfectant solutions. With extensive damage to the birth canal and high risk infection of the baby is done by caesarean section.

The negative impact of thrush on the body of a pregnant woman

The most common thing that thrush can be dangerous during pregnancy for a woman's body is the appearance of a chronic inflammatory process reproductive organs. In the near and distant future, the following pathologies develop:

  • frequent colpitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • adhesions in accessory tubes;
  • cervical erosion.

A pregnant woman has an increased risk of developing a postpartum infection. Endometriosis occurs - inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus.

The presence of thrush affects physiological state mucous membranes. Under the influence of pathogenic microflora, their elasticity decreases. This creates a risk of rupture and injury of the epithelium during childbirth. In the future in place mechanical damage fibrous formations are formed - scars from connective tissue. They violate the anatomical structure of the internal genital organs, lead to functional changes. Postpartum sutures heal for a long time and with complications, bacterial infection of wound surfaces, suppuration is possible.

The effect of thrush on a woman and a child during pregnancy in the first trimester is a dangerously irreversible consequence - spontaneous abortion. Such developments are rare. The following factors contribute to this:

  • treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • genetic disorders in women;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • anomalies in the structure of the genital organs;
  • a history of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • chronic nicotine poisoning of the body;
  • addiction.

Can Candidiasis Affect Conception?

Young women often worry about whether it is dangerous to get pregnant with vaginal candidiasis, whether thrush affects the process of conception.

By itself, the fungal microflora does not affect the fertilization of the egg. Spermatozoa in contact with the infected vaginal mucosa do not lose their quality and ability to conceive. Thrush does not disrupt the menstrual cycle.

There are indirect reasons that may prevent the conception of a child.

Candidal flora changes the pH environment of the vagina with a shift to the acid side. This can have a detrimental effect on part of the male seed. But in general, after ejaculation, a certain portion of sperm immediately enters the cervical canal, and then into the uterus, where there is a favorable alkaline environment for the vital activity of male germ cells. Therefore, the risks of infertility with thrush are minimal.

Candidiasis delays the process of conception for the reason that a woman refuses to have sex. fungal infection the vaginal mucosa makes sexual intercourse painful, so the girl avoids it.

If thrush in partners is of a chronic recurrent nature, then in this case, pregnancy should be planned, taking into account the recommendations of the gynecologist, and undergo regular examinations and examinations.

Prevention of the appearance of the fungus

Realizing how dangerous thrush is to the fetus during pregnancy, there is a need for instructions on how to prevent the onset of infection. To reduce the risk of developing candidiasis and infection of the fetus, it is enough for a woman to adhere to simple rules about her lifestyle.

Conditions for the prevention of thrush:

  • wear cotton underwear, refuse synthetic products;
  • clean the toilet in a timely manner intimate zone, it must be dry;
  • refuse to use synthetic vitamins;
  • reduce the number simple carbohydrates in the daily diet;
  • include cereals, vegetables, protein in the diet;
  • limit sweets, foods that contain preservatives and chemical food colors.

Emphasis is placed on stimulating the immune system. It is important to create a favorable hormonal background in a woman's body.

In preventing the development of candidiasis, the psychological environment in which the pregnant woman is located plays a role. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing stressful situations, psycho-emotional overstrain.

If a woman has chronic internal illnesses, then attention should be paid to this issue before the planned pregnancy, measures should be taken to ensure that the diseases do not worsen during the bearing of the child.

You can often find the statements of expectant mothers that, they say, my friend during pregnancy ate what she wanted, and drank champagne for the holidays, and in women's consultation went irregularly, but everything went well for her - endured and gave birth healthy baby. Surely, many expectant mothers have doubts about the appropriateness of certain “no” during pregnancy. However, it is important to understand that the consequences of many prohibitions during pregnancy can manifest themselves much later, when, for example, your child is already several years old or even older. And they can affect even during pregnancy, on its course, the formation of your crumbs, and even in childbirth. Let's deal with the main "no" during pregnancy.

Alcohol during pregnancy: acts at the cellular level

Alcohol during pregnancy can lead to pregnancy failure or miscarriage or provoke premature birth. Through the mother's blood, alcohol enters the blood of the unborn baby and disrupts cell division. First of all, the cells of the brain and spinal cord suffer, and this leads to a delay in the physical and mental development future child. also considered one of the culprits birth defects vision, hearing, heart and genitourinary system.

Often the children of mothers who drank alcohol during pregnancy are born with a smaller height and weight. They may differ in specific facial features, such as having a small head and a flat face. These disorders may not become noticeable immediately, sometimes only a few years after birth, but they will accompany your child all his life. Alcohol during pregnancy can also affect your baby's behavior and learning ability.

Unjustified risk
Scientists still do not know what dose of alcoholic beverages is considered dangerous - for each expectant mother, this amount will be different depending on her state of health and individual alcohol tolerance. Therefore, in any case, risking the health of your unborn baby, allowing even slight weaknesses in relation to alcohol, is still not worth it.

Smoking during pregnancy: instead of vitamins - oxygen starvation of the fetus

Another addiction of a woman, dangerous both for her and for her unborn baby, is smoking during pregnancy. A smoking mother is more likely to have problems with the placenta, it is thinner, more at risk of abruption or heart attack. (A placental infarction means the death of part of its tissue due to a cessation or insufficiency of blood supply, as a result of which it is more difficult for a woman to bear a child.)

As in the case of alcohol consumption, children of smoking mothers often lag behind in development, physical, intellectual and emotional. Nicotine addiction can affect the laying and formation of most of their body systems. With each cigarette, the fetus receives on average 10 times more carbon monoxide in the blood than the mother herself. This leads to oxygen starvation of the unborn baby, which negatively affects its growth and development and can cause diseases of its respiratory system.

In recent months due to big belly it will be difficult for you to do elementary things anyway: get up from the couch, put on shoes, etc. And imagine how you will do it with extra pounds! It will be much more difficult for you to keep yourself in good physical form. Excess weight also responsible for increasing blood pressure and maternal metabolic disorder. Overeating will also make it harder for you to get back in shape after giving birth.

Excessive physical activity during pregnancy leads to fetal hypoxia

The better physical training women, the easier it will be for her to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. But during the bearing of the baby, it is important to choose right kind sports and the amount allowed in your specific case loads. If you did not go to the gym before pregnancy, it is better to give preference to swimming, yoga for pregnant women, Pilates, etc. If you are not used to it, your trainer will help you adjust the program for your condition, but you should also discuss the issue of acceptable loads with your doctor, watching your pregnancy.

excessive physical exercise during pregnancy can lead to energy wastage, lack of oxygen and increased pressure, which will negatively affect the child and may threaten with hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) fetus. Excessive loads are dangerous for bleeding or placental abruption, they increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Do not overwork and do household chores. Also, the expectant mother should not carry heavy bags and lift other weights of more than 5 kg.

A sedentary lifestyle impairs blood circulation

The other side of the coin is a sedentary lifestyle. Refusing to be active and exercise, the expectant mother risks harming the circulatory process. This is fraught with venous stasis and development chronic diseases veins - varicose veins and hemorrhoids, which can accompany a woman after childbirth. In addition, physical inactivity can cause back pain and problems with joints, which experience increased stress during pregnancy.

Lack of movement also contributes to excessive weight gain with all its negative consequences, which were mentioned above. So it’s clearly not worth it for a future mother to lead a sedentary lifestyle. If you do not like sports and have never done anything, then try to go for a walk at least every day.

X-ray during pregnancy: effects at the genetic level

Any of these procedures involves irradiation of the body. Rays penetrate less dense fabrics, damaging cells that are in the process of dividing. The fetus is highly sensitive to radiation because most of its cells are actively dividing. The radiation destroys DNA chains and makes some cells non-viable or mutant.

X-rays during pregnancy are of particular danger in the first trimester, when the main body systems of the unborn baby are laid. The anomalies that develop as a result of exposure to such procedures depend on the week in which the fetus received a dose of radiation and which organs were laid down at that time. For example, an x-ray at the 4–8th week leads to valvular defects of the heart or heart muscle, at the 5–6th week - to the underdevelopment of the adrenal glands, at the 11–12th week – to the development of leukemia or anemia.

After 16 weeks, the danger of fluorography and x-rays during pregnancy decreases, but they can lead to pathologies of the circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract child. Therefore, these procedures are carried out only in special occasions by doctor's prescription.

It happens that the expectant mother believes that better than a doctor knows how to behave during pregnancy. For example, the doctor forbade you intimate life in the first trimester of pregnancy. This prohibition may be justified different reasons: increased tone uterus or other factors that, in the opinion of the obstetrician-gynecologist, may be dangerous in combination with sex. Neglect of this recommendation often leads to serious problems. So, with the result of its contractions during orgasm, pregnancy can be terminated. Therefore, it is very important to listen to the advice of the doctor leading your pregnancy, and try to fulfill all his appointments.