Health on the plates on the inside of the nails. Diseases of the nails on the legs and hands, photo, description, symptoms

According to Tibetan medicine, nails are a by-product of bones.And in ancient China, the primary diagnosis was made by the condition of the nails and points on the body.

Currently, this method has become very popular, as it can be done independently.

You yourself can diagnose yourself and your loved ones and identify the disorders that have begun in the body.

Look closely at your nails. You will see that the holes have become much thinner than before, or even completely disappeared. Only on the thumbs the holes are still large and light.

In heavy smokers or people who have lung problems, the holes will be small and thin. Oriental medicine, by the way, believes that if a person does not have a hole in his thumb, then he is not all right with his head. The majority of people still have a hole on their thumb, but what about others?

It is believed that the index finger reflects the condition of the large intestine. If the hole on it is significantly reduced or even absent, you need to pay special attention to the condition of the intestines, liver and pancreas. Inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases are also reflected in the holes of the nails of the index fingers.

The nails of the middle finger are responsible for the circulatory and vascular systems. If the hole on the nail of the middle finger is missing, the person has problems with blood pressure, veins and capillaries.

The hole on the nail of the ring finger reflects the work of the endocrine system. The absence of a hole on the nail of this finger indicates a metabolic disorder and problems with the lymphatic system.

The holes on the nails of the smallest finger are responsible for the condition of the heart and small intestine. That is why with age, it is the little finger hole that disappears first. The small intestine is slagged and as a result, the hole disappears. All this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (the hole of the ring finger becomes thinner), the heart cannot withstand negative changes (the hole on the nail of the middle finger disappears), and the large intestine is the last to surrender.

Long lines on the nails indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system. Cross grooves on the nails indicate poor nutrition or advanced diseases.

Sometimes the nails are protruding, convex, bulbous, similar to drumsticks. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

When the nail is spoon-shaped and concave so that it can hold a drop of water, it indicates an iron deficiency.

White spots on the nail indicate a lack of zinc or calcium.

Nail coloration may indicate specific disorders.

If the moon is a crescent at the base of the nail (blue means liver disorders; red is a sign of heart failure).

Pale nails indicate anemia. Excessive redness of the nails indicates an excess of red blood cells. Yellow nails indicate liver weakness or jaundice. Blue nails indicate a weak heart and lungs.

White dots on the ring finger indicate calcium deposits in the kidneys. If there are white dots on the index finger, this indicates an accumulation of calcium in the lungs.

Each finger has a connection with a specific organ. The thumb is associated with the brain and skull, and the index finger with the lungs. The middle finger is associated with the small intestine, the ring finger with the kidneys, and the little finger with the heart.

If the nails are dry, hooked, rough, break easily, then the body is dominated by the wind

(in Ayurveda, this type of body is called Vata).

When the nails are soft, pink, tender, easily bendable and slightly shiny, then bile predominates in the body (in Ayurveda, this type of body is called Pitta).

If the nails are thick, strong, soft, highly shiny, with the same contour, then mucus predominates (in Ayurveda this type of body is called Kapha).

Shape and structure of nails

Nails enlarged, convex (like a watch glass) - may be a sign of a respiratory, cardiac or hepatic chronic disease.

Nails brittle and thin, concave, reminiscent of a spoon (koilonychias) - a sign of a violation of mineral metabolism, skin problems, anemia, thyroid disease, this also indicates a lack of iron.

Transverse in-depth stripes (Beau's line) - with a temporary slowdown in the growth rate of the nail. And the transverse grooves on the nails indicate a poor unbalanced diet or advanced diseases.

Longitudinal grooves - predisposition to rheumatism, bowel problems, poor digestion leading to the formation of gases, poor digestion of food, a feeling of general fatigue, irregular menstruation, sexual weakness, depression, nervousness, insomnia, etc.

The absence of a hole on all the nails of the hand - a lack of vitamin B-12, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, neurosis is possible.

A greatly enlarged hole on all nails of the hand - cardiac weakness.

A perforated nail is a violation of the spleen or pancreas.

The nail is flat, split at the end - typical in the presence of worms. Medically speaking, this is "helminthic invasion", "enterobiosis" and so on.

White cross strokes - lack of zinc or calcium.

Red hole - indicates cardiovascular, autoimmune or endocrine problems, rheumatic diseases.

Additional Features

Long lines on the nails - poor absorption of food in the digestive system, inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, in addition, this indicates a lack of vitamin B12 and iron. It is also a signal of reduced liver and kidney function - which can cause a feeling of general fatigue;

A short flat nail is characteristic of people with an organic heart disease, which is expressed in sensitivity to "stuffiness", rejection of heat, physical fatigue;

The large size of the "crescent" - tachycardia;

The absence of the crescent is characteristic of heart neurosis;

An elongated nail is observed in diabetes mellitus.

The nail of the ring finger in the form of a semicircle is characteristic for various pathologies of the kidneys;

Stripes and blotches on the nail appear in diseases of the spleen and small intestine;

Triangular nails are typical for people with diseases of the spine and spinal cord;

Growths at the end of the nails - a chronic infection of the lungs;

Brittle nails are a sign of an insufficient amount of iron or vitamin A in the body, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, kidneys and poor blood supply;

Lack of holes - heart neurosis, insufficiency and circulatory disorders;

Blue holes are a sign of liver dysfunction;

Red holes are a symptom of heart failure;

Tears are a signal of a lack of proteins, vitamin C and folic acid. The reason for this may be either insufficient use or their poor digestibility;

Exfoliating nails - a signal of energy depletion of the digestive system, disorders in blood circulation, reproductive and nervous systems.

Diagnostic signs by nail color

Oriental medicine: What diseases can be recognized by the nails

Nail Pink colour- in a healthy person.

Yellow color is a sign of liver pathology.

Bright red - about erythremia.

Bluish-violet occurs with congenital heart defects.

White spots on the nails, then, perhaps, a violation of the central nervous system.

And yellowish spots on the nails can be signs of brain dysfunction.

Cyanotic - cardiovascular pathology.

Pale nails, flat or arched, with longitudinal grooves - a sign of anemia - anemia, lack of iron and vitamins.

White can be with damage to the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease).

Pale pink, transparent - changes in the blood, anemia.

Milky white - with cirrhosis of the liver,

Black - with thrombosis of the brachial artery and diabetic gangrene.

Gray with an attack of malaria.

Bluish-white color - it is necessary to appear to a neurologist and gastroenterologist.

Bluish (cyanotic) nails are one of the symptoms of heart or lung failure that occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Often accompanied by shortness of breath and weakness.

Discoloration of the nails can be caused by nicotine, liver and gallbladder problems, and infectious diseases.

Bluish or greenish skin at the base of the thumb - digestive problems

Nails do not grow well - you need to contact an endocrinologist. Such changes occur in thyroid disease.

Brittleness and brittleness of nails is a lack of minerals such as iron, calcium, and vitamins B and D. It is the signal of the body that requires a short-term intake of special drugs to prevent more serious diseases.

Long-term studies have shown that it is the nails that reflect the early onset of any disease. They carry information about future diseases long before the onset of symptoms.

Probably, each of us is used to the fact that cutting or stabbing pain indicates any disturbances in the body. But do not forget that the face is considered the mirror of the soul, by the color of which and bags under the eyes one can determine overwork and lurking illness. But also a very important indicator of health for physicians is the condition of the nails, with the help of which you can make an initial diagnosis of a particular disease.

Many people forget that nails, like other parts of the body, need good care. Therefore, in the summer, you need to consume more vitamins and microelements through food, but in the winter, you can buy vitamin complexes at the pharmacy, which are added to various hand creams.

Diagnosis of health by nails

Nails perform a protective function of the fingertips, as well as nerve endings. They are made up of keratin and are part of the skin. In addition, the condition of the nails can determine the level of a person's condition.

  1. Normal form.
  2. A flat, short nail indicates organic heart disease.
  3. A large oval on the bottom is a sign of tachycardia.
  4. The absence of an oval is a neurosis of the heart.
  5. With a large convex nail, there may be pulmonary tuberculosis.
  6. A large convex nail with an enlarged oval on the bottom indicates a congenital form of tuberculosis.
  7. Bronchial asthma is indicated by a flat, curved nail.
  8. With a tubular high nail, oncology is possible.
  9. This form indicates congenital mental disorders, rigidity and aggressiveness.
  10. A depressed nail can be a sign of hereditary alcoholism.
  11. A sign of helminthic invasion is a flattened-crushed nail.
  12. With brittle grooves, you need to check for lime deposits. Read also on our website.
  13. With the appearance of salt layers, you should pay attention to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  14. With an elongated nail, diabetes is possible.
  15. The ring finger in the form of a semicircle indicates the pathology of the kidneys.
  16. The appearance of veins on the nail indicates rheumatism.
  17. A bitten nail is a sign of a nervous disease, gastritis and sexual dysfunction in a woman.
  18. If blotches appear, then you should pay attention to the condition of the spleen and small intestine.
  19. When stripes appear, you need to check the intestines.
  20. A triangular nail indicates problems with the spine and spinal cord.

Nail condition and health

The color of the nails is of great importance, since one can determine the health of a person by their shade. In a healthy person, the color of the nails should have a pinkish tint, but if you notice any change, then it is worth doing a little diagnostics.

Purple or bluish color. When such a shade of nails appears, you should consult a cardiologist for diagnosis, as this is a sign of congenital heart disease or cardiovascular pathology. In addition, people with this color often suffer from shortness of breath or chronic fatigue.

White nails. This may indicate anemia and a lack of general strength, and people with this nail color are prone to colds and numbness. Very often, people with this color of nails can feel very tired, lack of energy for no reason. In such a situation, you need to increase your iron intake, as well as fill the diet with foods containing minerals. In addition, you can not do without physical exercises, which contribute to increased blood flow.

yellowish tint along the edges of the nail may indicate jaundice or problems with the liver and kidneys. It is worth being very careful, since this color indicates problems with the organ that performs a cleansing function in the body, and the presence of yellowness indicates a violation of its functioning.

If the nail is completely covered with yellowness, then you need to immediately consult a doctor for help, since with this color the condition of the organ can worsen significantly or it can fester.

Soft bluish tint indicates a weakened immune system and the body's vulnerability to various diseases. It can also be a sign of recent bronchitis or a viral illness. The best solution in this situation is rest, walks in the fresh air and vitamin C.

Video: making a diagnosis

Looking at their nails, they are really eloquent and will tell you a lot. Nails on the hands are able to signal trouble in some organ and the state of health in general.

Diagnosis of health by nails

White spots
If you see white spots on your nails, then this means that you need to look for causes of internal origin. They can be anemia, impaired liver and kidney function, restructuring of the body during maturation and old age, as well as fever. Brittle nails
First reason fragility can occur from a decrease in the ability of their keratin (a protein substance that performs integumentary and protective functions) to bind water. Keratin is formed at the root of the nail and gradually hardens on its way to the exposed part of the nail plate. The process of keratinization is disturbed under the influence of mechanical and organic factors.
The second reason the appearance of cracks and brittle nails of the hands can be external reasons: the use of alkaline chemical solutions, aggressive cleaning products, poor-quality nail polish removers. In this case, rubber gloves, nail polish removers containing oil will help ...
Third reason fragility is a lack of vitamins (avitaminosis) and iron in the body, as well as hormonal disorders.
A balanced, nutritious diet and taking medications prescribed by a doctor for hormonal disorders will help stabilize the structure. Fresh fruits, fish, dairy products, wholemeal bread, as well as traditional medicine will help the treatment.
cracking nails
Basically, cracking occurs from mechanical stress and damage, or wounds to the root of the nail, which then can no longer grow as a single element.
But if cracking occurs on several fingers at once and without external influences, it can be assumed that this is a sign of diabetes mellitus or a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
Convex nails

The convex shape indicates significant changes in the body. The shape of the nail plate in this case becomes like a watch glass. If this form is hereditary, then this is not a disease.
If it occurs suddenly, then this indicates a severe violation of cardiac activity, the circulatory system, or a lung disease. This is a signal to see a doctor.
concave nail
The concave shape of the nail plate resembles a spoon, because it has a small hollow in its center. Such an anomaly occurs most often in people whose work is associated with a warm and humid environment and contact with alkaline solutions.
But these troubles can be avoided if you use personal protective equipment.
Most often, these signs are accompanied by a disease of the stomach and intestines, anemia. In this case, it is necessary to increase the intensity of metabolism, and in traditional medicine there are many tools that help to do this.
If you dream of long and graceful nails, then here is a recipe on the advice of German experts. In this case, you need to be patient and drink a cocktail in the morning for two weeks:
1. Dissolve 10 g of powdered gelatin in 1 glass of mineral water, add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey. 2. Mix well and drink a cocktail 30 minutes before breakfast. This delicious cocktail is not such a big sacrifice in the name of beauty to the tips of the nails.

Health status by appearance of nails

White semicircles
What are the nails talking about? At the base of the fingers are white semicircles - holes. In childhood, they are on every finger, but the older the person, the smaller the holes become, and sometimes disappear altogether. These wells are also a mirror of the health and disease of each person.
Thumb- the lung meridian approaches it. If the hole has changed its shape, has become narrower, then we can assume a violation in the work of the lungs, bronchi, in combination with the pathology of the brain.
Forefinger responsible for the large intestine. Reduction or disappearance of the hole indicates a serious malfunction in the large intestine, in the work of the liver, pancreas. It may also be associated with gynecological diseases.
Middle finger associated with the vascular system: veins, capillaries, arteries. A change in the shape of the hole may be the first signal of incipient atherosclerosis.
ring finger is able to characterize a whole bunch of diseases: malfunctions of the endocrine and lymphatic systems, in the function of the thyroid gland and some other endocrine glands.
Little finger gives information about the most important organ - the heart, as well as the state of the small intestine. The disappearance of the hole on the little finger is associated with hypertension. Violation of the heart rhythm, dysfunction of the small intestine.
You should know that at the age of 25-30 years, changes in the shape of the holes are not associated with the diseases listed above.
If your nails make you take care of your health, then they will be the first to report positive changes in the body. The moons will begin to increase, which means that the diseases recede.
Transverse furrows
Transverse furrows appear due to circulatory disorders in the nail bed. In this case, the growth of the nail plate may slow down. But the cause of the appearance of grooves can be serious illnesses or poisonings, and excessive passion for diets, surgeries, pregnancy and severe mental shocks.
Longitudinal furrows

Longitudinal grooves usually signal a disease of the pancreas, diabetes and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body. Often the reason for their appearance lies in the lack of vitamin A, in the improper functioning of the stomach and intestines.
You can get rid of such grooves: Include more foods containing vitamin A in your diet, such as carrots, tomatoes, spinach, egg yolks. Liver and wholemeal products.
You can regulate metabolism with the help of traditional medicine recipes.
1. Take 1 cup of kefir, pour 1 tbsp of buckwheat groats crushed on a coffee grinder into it, mix thoroughly, cover with a napkin and leave overnight.
2. Drink in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. This remedy should be taken regularly for a long time.
3. Eat regularly feijoa fruits or juice with pulp from them, 50-100 g per day 20 minutes before meals.

Experts believe that the diagnosis of fingernails can tell everything about the health of the human body to an inquisitive eye.

Fingernail diagnostics is a method with a long history. Even in Tibet, and in ancient China, doctors were fluent in the science of determining the state of health by nails.

Modern doctors confirm that the condition of the nails can tell about the beginning problems in the body, even when serious diseases are far away.

There is a direct relationship: nails - health - nail diagnostics will help you find incipient problems, especially if you use several methods of nail diagnostics at once.

We do our own diagnostics

Ideally, the nail plate should be smooth, without grooves, tubercles, cracks and spots. The nail should not be white and exfoliate.

Take a look at your plates. If they grow poorly, break, then your diet lacks nutrients and minerals.

Eat foods rich in calcium foods.

Along the hole of the nail

Since ancient times, it was believed that each nail is associated with a specific organ.

Diagnosis of health on the nails of the hands begins with the holes: it is the nail holes that will first of all tell you which organ in your body is in danger and which doctor you should make an appointment with.

In the absence of at least one hole on the fingers, indicates a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells (anemia, anemia).

If the holes on the nails have thinned or completely disappeared:

  1. The thumb is the brain and skull. The ancients believed that if the hole on this finger disappeared, then a person has serious problems with his head.
  2. Index - large intestine, liver and lungs, as well as inflammation and gynecological diseases. If the hole decreases or disappears completely, urgently pay attention to the intestines, liver and pancreas!
  3. Medium - a disease of the circulatory system. If there is no hole, there is a problem with pressure and blood vessels.
  4. Nameless - the hole reflects the state of metabolism and the lymphatic system.
  5. Little finger - problems with the cardiovascular system or the small intestine.

This scheme is supported by an interesting observation. For most people, the most prominent and lightest hole is on the thumbs, and this is no coincidence.

In the process of life, the small intestine is slagged first - the hole on the little finger disappears, the endocrine system suffers - the hole on the ring finger decreases. Problems with vessels and heart begin, and only then the large intestine surrenders. Until the last keeps the brain.

Moreover, if the holes on all nails are unnaturally enlarged, this may indicate heart weakness.

By nail color

Look at your nails more often - the diagnosis of diseases begins with the smallest changes.

If the nails suddenly begin to change color - this is a sure sign of problems in the body. A healthy person has beautiful pink nails. You need to listen to your body if:

1. Two-tone nail: the top is darker than the bottom.

Kidney disease, kidney failure.

2. Dark stripe along the nail.

May indicate the development of melanoma (a malignant tumor of the human skin).

3. If the plates have turned brown.

It signals kidney failure, Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease.

4. The appearance of small white spots (leukonychia).

Reports a lack of iron, zinc and calcium. The body needs vitamins A, C, E.

If the spots grow, they take the form of stripes and appear in the region of the holes.

Symptoms of internal organ problems: protein deficiency, kidney failure,
junk intestines, disruption of blood circulation.

5. Blue on the plates.

Informs a person about problems in the respiratory system. Infectious diseases of the lungs (pneumonia).

If the nail turns blue near the base.

It speaks of diabetes.

6. Completely white color of the plates.

May appear in patients with cirrhosis of the liver or with problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

May indicate poor-quality nail polish or disease
liver and gastrointestinal tract. There may be chronic diseases of the lungs and lymphatic system. Indicate the development of jaundice.

8. Onychomycosis (fungal infection). The nail thickens, becomes cloudy and separates from the bed.

The shape and structure of the nail

The simplest diagnosis of fingernails is an analysis of the shape and appearance.

1. If the nails are convex and look like a watch glass.

This may indicate a respiratory, chronic heart or liver disease. Malabsorption in the intestines, blood diseases, colitis, hepatitis and poor thyroid function. In rare cases, the onset of cancer.

2. If the nail is concave like a spoon.

The body is clearly deficient in iron.

If incomprehensible grooves appear on the nails, the diagnosis of diseases on the nails of the hands will also come in handy.

3. Grooves appear along the nail.

Rheumatism or inflammation begins in the paranasal sinuses or teeth.

4. If grooves appear across the nail.

Problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. May indicate a zinc deficiency.

5. Arcuate lines on the nail plates.

It speaks of a decrease in protein in human blood.

6. When small dimples appear on the nails.

Inflammation in the joints begins or indicates psoriasis.

Individual signs

Diagnosis of diseases on the nails of the hands is impossible without the analysis of additional features of the nails.

If the nails are bitten - this is not just a bad habit left over from childhood.

The full life cycle of a whole nail is half a year, therefore, in the place where changes occur in the nail, you can guess when the problems in the body began and prevent them in time.

P.S. Now you can diagnose your health by fingernails.

If you want to know about the state of your health in general, then look at your fingernails. They are really eloquent and will tell you a lot.

Examining your nails, how to determine health by fingernails, reveal your most intimate secrets. The nails of the hands are able to signal trouble in some organ and the state of health in general. How to determine health by fingernails
White spots
If you see white spots on your nails, then this means that you need to look for causes of internal origin. They can be anemia, impaired liver and kidney function, restructuring of the body during maturation and old age, as well as fever.
Brittle nails
The first cause of brittle nails may arise from a decrease in the ability of their keratin (a protein substance that performs integumentary and protective functions) to bind water. Keratin is formed at the root of the nail and gradually hardens on its way to the exposed part of the nail plate. The process of keratinization is disturbed under the influence of mechanical and organic factors.
The second reason for the appearance of cracks and brittle nails of the hands may be external reasons: the use of alkaline chemical solutions, aggressive cleaning products, poor-quality nail polish removers. In this case, rubber gloves, nail polish removers containing oil will help ...
The third reason for brittle nails is a lack of vitamins (avitaminosis) and iron in the body, as well as hormonal disorders.
A balanced, nutritious diet and medication will help stabilize the structure of the nails. prescribed by a doctor for hormonal disorders. Fresh fruits, fish, dairy products, wholemeal bread, as well as traditional medicine will help the treatment.
cracking nails
Basically, cracking of the nails occurs from mechanical stress and damage, or wounds to the root of the nail, which then can no longer grow as a single element.
But if nail cracking occurs on several fingers at once and without external influences, it can be assumed that this is a sign of diabetes mellitus or a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
Convex nails

Convex nails indicate significant changes in the body. The shape of the nail plate in this case becomes like a watch glass. If this form of nails is hereditary, then this is not a disease.
If it occurs suddenly, then this indicates a severe violation of cardiac activity, the circulatory system, or a lung disease. This is a signal to see a doctor.
concave nail
A concave nail resembles a spoon in its shape, because it has a small hollow in its center. Such an anomaly occurs most often in people whose work is associated with a warm and humid environment and contact with alkaline solutions.
But these troubles can be avoided if you use personal protective equipment.
Most often, these signs are accompanied by a disease of the stomach and intestines, anemia. In this case, it is necessary to increase the intensity of metabolism, and in traditional medicine there are many tools that help to do this. If you dream of long and graceful nails, then here is a recipe on the advice of German experts. In this case, you need to be patient and drink a cocktail in the morning for two weeks:
1. Dissolve 10 g of powdered gelatin in 1 glass of mineral water, add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey.
2. Mix well and drink a cocktail 30 minutes before breakfast. This delicious cocktail is not such a big sacrifice in the name of beauty to the tips of the nails.
Determination of diseases by the appearance of nails
White semicircles
What are the nails talking about? At the base of the fingers are white semicircles - holes. In childhood, they are on every finger, but the older the person, the smaller the holes become, and sometimes disappear altogether. These wells are also a mirror of the health and disease of each person.
Thumb- the lung meridian approaches it. If the hole has changed its shape, has become narrower, then we can assume a violation in the work of the lungs, bronchi, in combination with the pathology of the brain.
The index finger is responsible for the large intestine. Reduction or disappearance of the hole indicates a serious malfunction in the large intestine, in the work of the liver, pancreas. It may also be associated with gynecological diseases.
Middle finger associated with the vascular system: veins, capillaries, arteries. A change in the shape of the hole may be the first signal of incipient atherosclerosis.
ring finger is able to characterize a whole bunch of diseases: malfunctions of the endocrine and lymphatic systems, in the function of the thyroid gland and some other endocrine glands.
Little finger gives information about the most important organ - the heart, as well as the state of the small intestine. The disappearance of the hole on the little finger is associated with hypertension. Violation of the heart rhythm, dysfunction of the small intestine.
You should know that at the age of 25-30 years, changes in the shape of the holes are not associated with the diseases listed above.
If your nails make you take care of your health, then they will be the first to report positive changes in the body. The moons will begin to increase, which means that the diseases recede.
Transverse furrows
Transverse furrows appear due to circulatory disorders in the nail bed. In this case, the growth of the nail plate may slow down. But the cause of the appearance of grooves can be serious illnesses or poisonings, and excessive passion for diets, surgeries, pregnancy and severe mental shocks.
Longitudinal furrows

Longitudinal grooves usually signal a disease of the pancreas, diabetes and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body. Often the reason for their appearance lies in the lack of vitamin A, in the improper functioning of the stomach and intestines.
You can get rid of such grooves:
In your diet, you should include more foods containing vitamin A, such as carrots, tomatoes, spinach, egg yolks. Liver and wholemeal products. You can regulate metabolism with the help of traditional medicine recipes.
* Take 1 cup of kefir, pour 1 tbsp of buckwheat groats crushed on a coffee grinder into it, mix thoroughly, cover with a napkin and leave overnight.
1. Drink in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. This remedy should be taken regularly for a long time.
2. Eat regularly feijoa fruits or juice with pulp from them, 50-100 g per day 20 minutes before meals.
Experts believe that the diagnosis of fingernails can tell everything about the health of the human body to an inquisitive eye.