How to remove worms in dogs on your own: give a pill, treatment. Symptoms of worms in dogs

The main symptoms indicating helminthiasis in dogs include:

In cases where timely treatment has not been started, the listed symptoms of worms in a dog can be supplemented by chronic skin diseases, anemia, which is manifested by pallor of the mucous membranes, exhaustion and increased weakness. In addition, various types of worms in dogs have special, characteristic features only for them. We will discuss them in more detail below.


Flat helminths are long, flat individuals, also known as cestodes. The main site of localization is the digestive tract. In some tapeworms, the mouth mechanism is a hook-like formation with which they are attached to the walls of the intestine. When these hooks are detached, the surface of the intestinal mucosa is severely injured, causing severe pain to the pet. How to understand that your pet has this particular type of helminth?

Symptoms of the presence of flatworms: the appearance of an uncharacteristic unpleasant odor from the mouth, the animal is constantly thirsty, appetite sharply decreases, pronounced signs of exhaustion appear. A characteristic symptom is an intense rash of wool, which noticeably fades, while the skin becomes dry. Worm infestation in dogs may also be accompanied by involuntary convulsive muscle contractions.

Periodic deworming of dogs helps to get rid of cestodes in a timely manner and prevent the development of dangerous complications.


Roundworms also get their name from their body shape. The sizes of individuals can vary from a few millimeters to 10 or more centimeters. This is the most common type of helminth. The most common representative of roundworms in animals is roundworm. The eggs of these nematodes can be on the ground, on various objects, transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy one, and enter the body along with grass. The presence of this variety of helminths in older dogs can go unnoticed for a long time.

But for small puppies and small breeds, the lack of necessary treatment can result in serious consequences and even death. A sign of the presence of worms in puppies is a sharp depletion of the body, a bloated stomach appears, and at the same time, the ribs begin to bulge and are easily palpable. Sleep disturbances are noticeable, the visible anxiety of the animal is manifested.


Signs of the presence of worms in a dog are impaired breathing, shortness of breath may appear during physical exertion. Often the presence of this type of worm is accompanied by a cough, breathing is difficult, noticeable visible signs of exhaustion. With dirofilariasis, a very long and expensive treatment is required. For a long time, pets are given drugs that inhibit the ability of worms to reproduce.

It is necessary to eliminate worms in dogs, the symptoms and treatment of which are described above, as soon as possible. For this, it is recommended to donate blood once a year to detect microfilariae.

Pulmonary worms


Before removing worms from a dog, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug. The annotation gives detailed recommendations on how to give the medicine, how to calculate the amount of the drug for a single dose, and at what age treatment is allowed.

How many times should a dog be wormed? The number of treatments depends on the degree of infection of the animal's body. With a strong degree of helminthic invasion, in order to remove the worms from the dog completely, the treatment should be carried out twice. The pet should be dewormed again 10-12 days after the first use of the antihelminthic.


The best way to prevent the development of helminthiasis is preventive deworming of dogs. At what age should prevention begin and how often should a pet be anthelmintic?

Experts advise to carry out the first treatment of a pet at the age of 2-3 weeks, since worms can be transmitted to puppies from an infected female even during fetal development. The next time puppies should be anthelmintic 10-12 days before the first vaccination, which is done after two months. Next, the puppy should be given an antihelminthic once every 3 months.

How often is it necessary to poison the worms in adult pets? The answer to this question largely depends on the lifestyle of a pet. Animals that eat natural food, regularly visit open areas for walking and water bodies, are much more at risk of infection with helminthiasis. Prevention in this case is carried out every 3-4 months. In the absence of contact with other animals and eating exclusively dry food, it is possible to give medications to your pet less often. If he does not show symptoms of infection, the frequency of prophylaxis can be every six months.

Before deworming a dog for preventive purposes, you need to make sure that it does not have infectious diseases. To prevent the development of dirofilariasis in the warm season, a pet should be treated with drops or mosquito spray. In more detail about how to properly carry out prevention and what to do to prevent infection with certain types of helminths, the veterinarian can tell after examining the animal.

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Childish whining "Mom, buy a dog!" familiar to most parents. It is difficult to refuse a child, and psychologists say that a baby needs a pet ... If you give up, then be prepared for a series of exciting and costly procedures.

Vaccinations, proper nutrition and mandatory deworming. After all, worms in a puppy are a common problem, which can become a family-wide one if the helminths are transmitted to the owners.

Existing in this way, worms of this species reach from four to twenty centimeters. If the invasion is not strong (up to several individuals), then adult helminths can live inside the host for up to six months. But a puppy's digestive tract quickly becomes crowded with large numbers of Toxocara, which form tangles that can sometimes even rupture the intestines. This outcome inevitably leads to the death of the pet.

Symptoms of toxocariasis in puppies include:

  • Change in appetite;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Lagging behind in physical development;
  • Change of mood (from apathy to causeless excitement);
  • Bloated tummy;
  • Signs of intoxication;
  • Dull, brittle coat and dermatological reactions;
  • Perversion of food addictions;
  • Sharp weight loss;
  • Vomiting (possibly containing helminths).

Adult animals usually tolerate infection with this type of helminth without any problems, but for young dogs this neighborhood is very dangerous.

Hookworms and uncinaria

Another type of roundworms, which are extremely dangerous for young pets. Infection occurs in the same way as toxocars - either through the soil or from an infested mother.

Symptoms of hookworm in young dogs:

  • Lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • Paleness of mucous membranes;
  • Blood and mucus in the stool;
  • Diarrhea.

Sometimes larvae during the migration period can get into other organs. At first, this leads to small hemorrhages in them, and after that the helminth dies.

cucumber tapeworm

This type of worm belongs to tapeworms and causes a disease called dipylidiasis in veterinary medicine. Borage enters the puppy's body when he swallows a flea infected with a larva.

The most obvious sign of dipilidiosis in a puppy is the presence in the feces of "containers" with eggs that look like cucumber seeds. Other signs of the disease include:

  • Vomit;
  • Characteristic "riding" on the priest on the floor;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Shaky gait;
  • convulsions;
  • Feverish state.

Other types of dog helminths

Usually, having taken a puppy from its mother, modern owners try to feed it with ready-made food. It is not as troublesome as messing with meat, cereals and broths. In this case, the probability of infection with other helminths in a young dog is quite small.

If the baby is picked up on the street, it is not clear what he ate, or lives in unsanitary conditions, then infection with such helminths is possible:

Symptoms of such helminthiases come from the affected organs, but are most often diagnosed already in the later stages.

Consequences of helminthic invasions in dogs

The owners of many adult dogs do not even suspect that their pet is infected with some kind of helminth. The eggs of most worms cannot be found in the feces, especially if the invasion is not strong. But with puppies, things are different. And the younger the dog, the brighter the symptoms, the more severe the course and the faster the development of the disease.

In some cases, when the invasion is detected late, the treatment can be no less dangerous for the puppy than the disease itself.

Treatment of worms in puppies. Medications

Drug therapy of helminthiases in young dogs is a matter that requires a competent approach. It is better to entrust this process to a veterinarian. But if this is not possible, then you need to give a remedy for worms for puppies on your own, carefully reading the instructions, taking into account the weight and age of the pet.

Diseases and medicines for them:

  • Toxocariasis And hookworm: mebendazole, pyrantel, fembendazole;
  • Dipilidiosis: praziquantel, fenasal, arecoline;
  • Echinococcosis, diffilobothriasis: bunamidin, cestex, as well as rental;
  • Paragonimiasis, opisthorchiasis: praziquantel.

Most manufacturers produce drugs specifically for puppies to avoid overdose, which can be extremely dangerous, especially if the body is severely depleted. For example, in the "children's" dosage are available:

  • Melbemax for small dogs and puppies (tablets);

  • Drontal Junior (syrup);
  • Bars Spot It for puppies (drops at the withers);
  • Advocate for puppies and dogs less than 4 kg (drops at the withers);
  • Prazicide for puppies of small and large breeds (preparation suspension).

How to remove worms from a puppy with each of the drugs is described in the instructions attached to them. Usually, this is a single dose of the drug before breakfast or during feeding. Some drugs require a second dose after 10-14 days. Most drugs are not indicated for use in dogs under two months of age.

How to give a puppy a tablet for worms?

Manufacturers produce drugs for worms for puppies in different forms. It is often easier for a small pet (and a large one too) to give a suspension or rub special drops into the withers. But, firstly, such drugs are not always available in veterinary pharmacies in small towns, and secondly, the price for them is several times higher than for tablets. Therefore, the tablet form is often the only one available.

Giving a pill to a puppy is not for the faint of heart. Most importantly, if there was no “children's” medicine, do not exceed the dose when dividing the “adult” pill. Usually the tablet crumbles and it is difficult to understand exactly how much has crumbled. It's best to do it this way:

  1. We put the tablet on a sheet of cardboard or paper;
  2. Finely crush it into powder with a spoon or knife;
  3. We spread the powder in a thin strip along the ruler;
  4. We measure the required number of parts. The rest is folded into a paper envelope, signed and left until the next deworming;
  5. Pour the powder on the pet's tongue and gently rinse with clean water from a syringe without a needle.

When pouring the powder, do not throw the dog's head back too much and do not try to pour it deeper so as not to get into the respiratory tract.

Make sure the dog swallows the product, and does not spit it out around the corner. If the puppy immediately started vomiting, then repeat the procedure a little later. If vomiting occurs after an hour or more, it is not necessary to give the medicine again.

The manufacturers do not recommend mixing tablets with food.

Prevention, or how a puppy does not get infected

Before giving an anthelmintic, the owners often take feces for analysis. If the result is negative, then many believe that it is not necessary to “poison” the pet with medicine. This is not true, because it is not always possible to identify eggs in feces. In the correct dosage, anthelmintics will not harm a healthy young body, so deworm at least once every six months. And if the dog walks freely, then more often - once a quarter.

According to various sources, from 60 to 90% of all domestic dogs are infected with helminths. To completely protect your four-legged pet, it must be kept in a sterile room in absolute isolation from the outside world. Helminth larvae of various species are found in food, land, plants, water and even air! No horror movie can scare you like looking through a microscope at the surface of a dog run. But you should not panic: having studied the enemy, it is not so difficult to fight him.

Is it necessary to fight with worms, since they are everywhere and infection still cannot be avoided?

What symptoms should alert the owner?

The signs of worms in a puppy are exactly the same as in an adult dog, but usually more pronounced. Invasion depletes a fragile children's body faster, sometimes puppies die so quickly that the owner does not even have time to take action. Puppies found on the street are especially heavily infected - you should not be touched by the baby’s inflated tummy, you need to deworm it as soon as possible with gentle means (that is, with a minimum dose, because a large number of dead worms can cause severe intoxication and even death of a dog).

Types of worms in dogs

All helminths are divided into three types: nematodes (roundworms), trematodes (flukes) and cestodes (tapeworms).

Toxocariasis - the causative agentToxocara canis(roundworm). Pale yellow (sometimes grayish) worms, reaching a length of 20 cm. Infection - through the digestive tract. Most often, the dog gnaws through the eggs of this helminth on a walk (toxocara eggs remain in the grass and soil for months). The egg, once in the digestive tract, develops into a larva, traveling with the bloodstream to the liver, then to the heart and lungs. From the lungs, the larva enters the bronchi, coughs up with mucus and is ironed. Once again in the esophagus, the face develops into an adult worm in about three weeks. Toxocara are localized in the small intestine. Invasion is extremely dangerous, the animal can die from blockage and rupture of the intestine. Mebendazole, ditrazine, pyrantel, fembendazole are used for treatment.

Symptoms: general exhaustion, poor appetite, vomiting or, in severe cases, pneumonia, bronchitis, convulsions.

Toxascariasis is the causative agentToxascaris Leonina(roundworm). Relatively small worms (3-8 cm) are white or pale yellow. Infection occurs through the digestive tract (the eggs of these roundworms are found in the soil and on plants in dog walking areas) and in utero. Once in the body, the egg turns into a larva, developing into an adult in the small intestine (sometimes in the esophagus, liver, gallbladder). Puppies are most often affected, adult dogs are more resistant to this invasion. In order to avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to deworm puppies already at the age of 3-4 weeks. Lack of treatment leads to blockage and rupture of the intestine, the animal may die. Mebendazole, ditrazine, pyrantel, fembendazole are used for treatment.

Symptoms: anemia, general weakness, thinness, poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions.

Ankylostomiasis - the causative agentAncylostoma canine. Medium-sized worms 1-2 cm long. Eggs enter the body with food or through damaged skin. These helminths are localized in the duodenum, feed on blood. Severe invasions lead to anemia and hemolysis (blood breakdown, destruction). Mebendazole, pyrantel, fembendazole, praziquantel are used for treatment.

Symptoms: At the initial stage, these worms do not cause symptoms in dogs. With the development of the disease, there is a general weakness caused by blood loss, possibly the presence of blood in the feces, perverted appetite, disorders of the digestive system.

Dirofilariasis is the causative agentDirofilaria. Until recently, this type of helminth was recorded only in tropical countries, today it is distributed almost everywhere where there are mosquitoes. Dirofilaria eggs enter the dog's body through transmission from a mosquito (sometimes other blood-sucking ones) through a bite. They are localized in the heart, leading to severe disorders in the functioning of this organ (sometimes heart failure is misdiagnosed). Heartworm in dogs is an extremely dangerous disease that requires long-term treatment, in the absence of which death is inevitable. Treatment is complex, of the available substances, selamectin (Stronghold) is the most effective.

Symptoms: weakness, weight loss, sometimes slightly elevated temperature. With active reproduction, the work of the heart is inhibited, which leads to circulatory disorders, heart failure, heart murmurs, swelling of the jaw and paws (lower part) appear. Dermatitis: itching, rash, redness.

Trematodes, or flukes, have two suction cups on the body, which are securely attached to the tissues of the carrier. They have tremendous fertility. Trematodes most common in dogs:

Opisthorchiasis, causative agent -Opisthorchis(fluke). Small worms less than a centimeter long. Infection occurs through food (river fish, shellfish). A dog can swallow the eggs of this helminth after swimming in fresh water. Once in the body, the larvae develop into adults, which are localized in the liver (hence the "popular" name - liver fluke), gallbladder and pancreas. These worms in dogs provoke severe disturbances in the work of the above organs (tissues are destroyed mechanically, because the fluke literally digs into the victim with its suckers). Treatment - praziquantel, always under the supervision of a doctor.

Symptoms: inflammatory processes in the liver, pancreas and / or gallbladder lead to an increase in temperature. With a large accumulation of worms, the dog does not allow touching the stomach, since palpation of the abdominal cavity causes pain. Appetite is reduced, diarrhea alternates with constipation. The mucous membranes acquire a yellowish tint, the dog suffers from frequent vomiting. It does not make sense to deworm a dog on its own; with opisthorchiasis, complex treatment is required.

Alariasis, causative agent -Alaria Alata. Small worms 2-4 mm long. The larvae live in freshwater reservoirs, in frogs, tadpoles. A dog can ingest eggs and larvae by drinking water from a river, eating a frog, the meat of an animal or bird that eats frogs. Once in the body, the larva penetrates through the abdominal cavity into the diaphragm, and from there into the lungs. Through the lungs it enters the trachea, coughs up and again enters the digestive tract. Adults are localized in the intestine. Treatment - polytrem, hexichol, arecoline.

Symptoms: wheezing in the lungs, cough, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.

Paragonimiasis, causative agent -Paragonimus westermani(lung fluke). Flatworms are egg-shaped and small in size (5-13 mm). Intermediate hosts for these helminths are crayfish, crabs and some types of molluscs. A dog can ingest eggs by eating the meat of the above animals, by drinking water from a river, or by eating the meat of an infected animal (such as a pig). Fluke eggs travel through the abdomen to the lungs, where they form cysts. Treatment is praziquantel.

Symptoms: pulmonary worms in dogs cause allergic reactions, diarrhea, vomiting. The dog is lethargic, wheezing can be heard. Appears cough, vomiting with foam, diarrhea. In severe cases, the temperature rises, the dog has a fever, from the side of the central nervous system - muscle cramps.

Cestodes or tapeworms, have a flat body shape, consisting of several segments (hence the "folk" name - tapeworms). Some types of cestodes are real giants, reaching a length of more than 10 meters. The most common among dogs are the following types of cestodosis:

Dipilidiosis, causative agent -dipylidium canine. The size of an adult is about 40 cm. The larvae are carried by fleas, withers and other bloodsuckers. The dog becomes infected by swallowing the insect. Adult tapeworms have 4 suckers and hooks that are attached to the walls of the intestine. With its suckers and hooks, the tapeworm irritates the mucous membrane, causing inflammation, impaired motor and secret functions. Treatment - praziquantel, arecoline, fenasal, etc.

Symptoms: the worm secretes waste products, which leads to general intoxication of the body: weakness, poor appetite, apathy, and sometimes convulsions. From the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen.

Echinococcosis, causative agent -Echinococcus granulosus. Small tapeworms (less than a centimeter) that are deadly to puppies and young animals. A dog becomes infected by eating the meat or internal organs of a sick animal (pigs, sheep, etc.). Helminths are localized in the intestine, mechanically damaging its walls with their hooks (of which there can be about 30 pieces on an adult). Treatment - bunamidin, rental, spatol, cestex.

Symptoms: the same as with dipilidiosis, but more pronounced. The waste products of worms poison the body, damage to the intestinal mucosa causes inflammation, disruption of this organ. Diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, in severe cases - convulsions, complete apathy, refusal to eat.

Diphyllobothriasis, causative agent– Diphullobothrium latum. Huge worms, reaching a length of 10 meters, consist of thousands of segments. Infection occurs by eating raw fish. Localized in the small intestine, they release a large amount of waste products into the dog's body, causing acute intoxication. Treatment - bunamidin, rental, spatol, cestex.

Symptoms: general weakness, lack of appetite, apathy, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. The intestines are inflamed, the stomach is swollen.

Prevention of worms in dogs

Without exception, all dogs should be given an antihelminthic 2-4 times a year.

If the dog does not have the habit of picking up objects from the ground, chewing grass and eating only industrial feed (or thermally processed foods), 2 times a year is enough. If the dog often bathes in ponds, likes to dig the ground, chews grass, picks up sticks, eats raw meat, then the drug should be given 4 times a year.

In addition, the dog must be given an anthelmintic 10 days before vaccination and 10-14 days before mating. Anthelmintic should be given to pregnant and lactating bitches only under the supervision of a physician and in case of emergency.

Puppies can become infected with helminths in utero or through milk, so at the age of 3 weeks it is necessary to give a special preparation for puppies (usually available in the form of a syrup or suspension that has a neutral or sweetish taste). The next time, an anthelmintic is given 10 days before the first vaccination, then after about 3-4 months (before vaccination in six months). Further, the drug is given in the same way as adult dogs.

Almost all modern drugs consist of 2-5 active ingredients, that is, they work in a complex way, helping to get rid of several types of helminths in one go. And these are not necessarily tablets for worms in dogs, you can buy a suspension, powder, syrup, drops on the withers, sugar cubes.

Read the instructions carefully before use. Compliance with the dosage is mandatory! If you do not know how much your dog weighs exactly, be sure to weigh it before giving an anthelmintic (the dose is most often 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight for adult dogs, for puppies the dosage depends on the drug). Exceeding the dosage can lead to poisoning. It is advisable to alternate preparations containing different active substances (two doses of one drug, two doses of another).

Treatment of worms in dogs

If you notice symptoms of infestation in your dog, worms, eggs, larvae in feces, vomiting, at the anus, a single use of an antihelminthic drug will not be enough. To remove worms from a dog, the anthelmintic will have to be given again, approximately 2-3 weeks after the first application. With a serious infection of the dog with worms, serious consequences are possible, caused by general intoxication of the body (dead worms decompose inside). If the dog becomes ill after taking an antihelminthic, you need to give it an absorbent (for example, enterosgel) and immediately consult a doctor. It is necessary to treat helminthic invasion under the supervision of a veterinarian, after analyzing for the detection of helminth eggs in the feces and determining the species.

All of the above types of helminths are dangerous to humans. Observe personal hygiene, and once a year take a complex dewormer.

General symptoms of the presence of helminths are difficult to determine. Some species provoke gastrointestinal disorders - nausea, poor appetite, rumbling, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting. Other species cause chronic diseases of the internal organs, general exhaustion, and allergies. Therefore, owners usually notice something is wrong when the worms manage not only to fill the pet's body, but also migrate to the bodies of people, if the species is common to dogs and humans.

Worms in dogs are transmitted to humans not only through direct contact with feces. The dog washes himself after the toilet, the eggs fall into the saliva, and from there on the hands and face of the beloved owner, on the dog's fur, on the furniture (especially if it is a "drooling" breed).

To notice the symptoms of invasion as early as possible, it is worth examining the unpleasant "neighbor" closer. Different types - different consequences and manifestations.

Read also: Diarrhea in a puppy at 2 months: causes and first aid

1. Tapeworms or cestodes- flat, segmented, often gigantic (several meters in length!). In the people, these reptiles are called tapeworms for the structure of the body, as if from separate pieces.

Similarly, diphyllobothriasis (raw fish), teniosis (raw meat) and alveococcosis (raw meat) manifest themselves. The Diphyllobothriosis helminth in the intestines of a large dog can reach up to 8 meters, in the human intestine its length reaches more than 15 meters, and the life expectancy of this disgusting creature is up to 30 years! Even in the photo it looks creepy:

2. Roundworms or Nematodes similar to shoelaces - round in diameter, narrowed at the ends. They are both quite large (several tens of cm) and microscopic.

Since these worms appear in dogs that have been infected for a long time, prevention is extremely important! In addition to gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea and vomiting with clubs of worms, perverted appetite, flatulence), the pet is quickly depleted, the level of red blood cells drops and serious nervous disorders can develop. In puppies, the tummy is growing rapidly, they are lagging behind in development, sleep poorly, squeak a lot, look weak, the ribs are visible under the stretched skin.

microfilariae enter the body of a dog through a mosquito bite. Traveling, the larvae penetrate the heart and develop into adults - dirofilaria. Worms literally clog the heart, which leads to circulatory disorders, or other symptoms characteristic of heart ailments. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dry cough, shortness of breath, swelling, weakness, exhaustion - they act rudely, without fail leading to the death of the "owner", if the worms are not destroyed in time. The disease is difficult to treat, therapy lasts for years.

Even those worms that are not transmitted to humans still leave their negative mark. Worm larvae, getting into the digestive tract of the host when swallowing, for example, through poorly washed hands, even if they do not go through a full development cycle, they will have time to poison the body with metabolic products. And then you should not be surprised at frequent colds or signs.

Types of worms in dogs

In dogs, three groups of worms are distinguished: nematodes (roundworms), trematodes (flukes), cestodes (tapes). All of them differ in appearance, structure, location, degree of danger, but they have a common negative effect on the animal's body.

Intestinal helminths

The most common in dogs are toxacars(on the picture). We will not dwell on the cycle of their development, in brief, the situation is as follows: a larva emerges from a swallowed egg in the intestine, which penetrates through the mucous membrane into the bloodstream, reaches the lungs with a blood stream, from where it enters the mouth with a cough. The secondarily swallowed larva in the gastrointestinal tract turns into a sexually mature female or male.

Symptoms of toxacorosis will depend on the degree of damage and the age of the animal: puppies tolerate invasion harder than adults. They are stunted, often refuse food.

One of the characteristic signs that indirectly indicate the presence of helminths in babies is a swollen abdomen and discharge on the eyes. In addition, there may be problems with appetite, pallor of the mucous membranes, diarrhea and constipation, intestinal colic.

The lifespan of one helminth is about six months, after which they leave the body of the animal together with feces.

Early release of worms can also occur as a result of infectious processes or other systemic disorders. A dog with worms is itself a source of infection, becoming infected again and again. Therefore, so often in her body you can find helminths at different stages of development.


A severe infestation that deserves special attention is dirofilariasis. Worms that live in the heart of dogs are transmitted to humans. Fortunately, in our organisms, the worm cannot reach a sexually mature state, but, you see, no one wants to live, albeit not for long, with helminths in the blood.

Dirofilariasis is a transmissible disease, that is, infection occurs through the bite of mosquitoes that inject helminth larvae (microfilaria) into the blood of an animal. A large number of mature worms can clog the right atrium and blood vessels leading to the heart, which will inevitably lead to the death of the animal.

Of the characteristic clinical signs, shortness of breath with a dry debilitating cough, shortness of breath and signs of heart failure are noted: edema, slowing of the pulse, arrhythmia, and others. Non-specific symptoms include already familiar exhaustion, convulsions, perverted appetite and general weakness.

Hepatic helminths

The sick dog is emaciated, the coat is dull and disheveled. In especially neglected cases, ascites develops - the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. On palpation, the liver is enlarged and painful, its tuberosity is well felt.

Pulmonary helminths

In addition, there is anemia, progressive emaciation, deterioration of the coat.

Treatment with anthelmintics

Therapy requires a serious approach. Tablets from worms are prescribed for a reason, at random, but after a diagnosis is made. Usually the laboratory deals with this issue, examining feces for worm eggs. Although there are cases of detection of helminths without the help of specialists, when the worms come out as a result of excessive overpopulation or for some other reason. It remains only in appearance to determine who appeared before the eyes.

Milbemax is one of those worming pills that an ordinary person can prescribe to his dog on his own “from all kinds”. This is true before: a weakened immune system may not respond correctly to the introduction of a vaccine into the body.

The manufacturer (pharmaceutical company from Slovenia Novartis) took care of decorative rocks. When buying these tablets, pay attention to the label: it should contain an indication of small dogs.

Milbemax for dogs contains a chemical substance that can affect not only sexually mature helminths (nematodes, cestodes), but also their larvae, which makes this drug almost universal.

It is sold only in veterinary pharmacies, the price is low - within 500 rubles. You can download the full instructions for use.

Other medicines

No less effective and well-known drug (available in suspension and in tablets) is Drontal (official Russian website - Drontal (fights nematodes), containing the usual pyrantel, does not affect the larvae and only kills intestinal helminths.

There has been a tendency for worms to get used to medicinal chemistry, which may be due to many reasons. One of them is the wrong dosage, when the drug is prescribed at a lower dose. At the same time, weak worms die, and stronger ones become resistant to this group of substances, giving birth to even more resistant offspring.

To avoid addiction, it is advisable to use different medications each time, and even better to prevent infection. In any case, even with the prophylactic administration of angelmintik, medications should be alternated. The alternation should not be according to the brand name, but according to the mechanism of action of the main substance.

Photo of drontal: chewable universal pills. The main active ingredients are prazicantel, pyrantel and febantel.

A monodrug that acts on a specific worm sometimes turns out to be much more effective than a “universal”, and which anthelmintic to choose depends on the specific situation. It is wrong to say that one medicine is good and another not so good.

Side effects

Some owners of dogs of small breeds complain about the high toxicity of anthelmintic drugs: vomiting, foaming at the mouth, increased nervousness, depression, refusal to eat, and even death. Actually, this is all fiction.

Firstly, a slight malaise in a pet after deworming is a natural reaction that is not necessary, and if it does appear, it disappears within a day.

Secondly, there are indeed fatal cases, but they are not associated with the drug itself, but with diligent treatment for worms, when the dosage is unreasonably high or the entire spectrum of existing drugs is given at once, to be sure. The death of young animals also occurs with a strong invasion: death does not occur as a result of the toxic effect of the drug, but as a result of the absorption into the blood of a huge amount of toxins secreted by dead worms.

Of the other side effects, an allergic reaction is isolated - an infrequent phenomenon, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If the animal is prone to allergies, then angelmintics are combined with antihistamines.

Immunity and worms

The immune response in helminthiases differs from that in infectious diseases: complete immunity to subsequent infection is almost never created to worms. Yes, a certain state of stability can arise, but it is not stable.

By the way, a large number of worms “saturate” the host’s body with their antigens to such an extent that the dog can die from anaphylactic shock.

And again I want to repeat the indisputable truth: full feeding, proper maintenance, hardening, daily walks in the fresh air significantly increase the pet's resistance to infection with helminths and.

As a rule, most helminthiases in pets are hidden: a person may not be aware of the disease. But such a neighborhood will sooner or later lead to a breakdown in immunity and a gradual depletion of the pet's strength.

How does infection occur?

Most often, dogs become infected with helminths as a result of being kept in unsanitary conditions or by eating raw, undercooked meat and fish. It is clear that for babies living in an apartment and eating high-quality dry food, this scenario is equated to zero.

But the owner still needs to be on guard of the health of the pet, because the eggs of worms can easily be brought into the house on the soles of shoes or even on the hands: you never know if you suddenly feel like stroking a stray cat or dog on the street.


The main method of prevention is aimed at preventing the occurrence of helminthiasis and includes periodic deworming and keeping the pet in a clean room.

Veterinarians advise to carry out chemoprophylaxis of worms every three months, although for babies who spend most of their time in an apartment, you can increase the period between giving medications to once every six months.

The second important condition is regular wet cleaning of the floor with the use of disinfectants, especially in the hallway, where it is customary to leave shoes, and washing all dog accessories with soap and running water: bowls, rubber toys. Do not forget about periodic washing or cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

Owners who prefer feeding natural women should buy meat and fish that have passed veterinary and sanitary examination: in specialized stores, in meat markets, but not "from the hands in the alley". In addition, you should never give your pet raw foods - only after thorough heat treatment.

Compliance with these simple rules can protect a small pet from unwanted introduction of harmful worms into their body.