How much water can a pregnant woman a day. It helps in the absorption of nutrients. Well, what is in moderation

The total amount of water in our body depends on age and physique. How older man, topics less water contained in his organs. If at birth we are 75% water, then after 50 years - only 55%.
Water is not a nutrient, but it is necessary for the normal functioning of all human systems and organs. Taking into account the total share in body weight, muscle tissue occupies the first place in terms of fluid content, which accounts for more than 50% of the total body fluid. In second place, surprisingly, is the skeleton containing 12% fluid. The third place is occupied by relatively “wet” skin. And only the fourth place, less than 5% of the total volume of body fluid, is occupied by the "liquid organ" - blood.
Water is the universal solvent; this is important for the normalization of salt metabolism. Absorption of salts in the intestines is possible due to the fact that they are dissolved in water. Also, due to this property, water “absorbs” toxins (with bacterial and viral infections), toxic substances (when food poisoning, ingestion harmful substances, such as salts of heavy metals, etc.).
Some substances, such as acids and alkalis, not only dissolve in water, but also decompose into ions containing hydrogen. Thus, the acid-base balance is regulated, the so-called pH - an indicator of the concentration of hydrogen ions in tissues and organs. Acid-base balance, in turn, ensures the normal rate of metabolism, biochemical reactions, and tissue repair.
Water takes Active participation in heat exchange, delivers salts (chlorides, sulfides, carbonates, phosphates) and microelements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, silicon, iodine, iron and others) to the body.
Also, a normal amount of water provides the necessary viscosity and fluidity of the blood, which prevents it from thickening and reducing the amount of plasma. This maintains a constant arterial pressure, and blood can pass through the smallest vessels.


Every day, the body of an adult with sedentary work, at a temperature of 18-22 degrees, it loses water in the amount of 2.5-3.0 liters. In the process of breathing, about 0.5 liters are lost, with sweating - about the same amount, 1.5-2.0 liters are excreted in urine and feces. During intracellular metabolism, approximately 1.5 liters of so-called metabolic water are also formed, and the remaining one and a half liters must be replenished by properly organizing drinking regimen A. In a pregnant woman, the daily fluid loss is greater, since during this period the load on the respiratory and cardiovascular system(increased respiratory rate and heart rate). In addition, body weight changes, which leads to more intense sweating and, of course, to a more intensive metabolism in the cells.
But along with this, the amount of fluid contained in the body also increases: the volume of circulating blood and lymph increases, by the end of pregnancy the volume of amniotic fluid ( amniotic fluid) reaches 1.5 liters.
Given all the changes that occur during pregnancy, it is especially important for a woman to observe the correct drinking regimen.


First and second trimester of pregnancy. Given the development of the fetus, during the first half of pregnancy, a woman needs 2-2.5 liters of fluid. Remember that “liquid” means not only water, but also liquid first courses, liquid sauces; this also includes the water contained in vegetables and fruits. It should be borne in mind that in the first trimester of pregnancy (the first 12 weeks), toxicosis often develops; most often it is manifested by nausea and vomiting. During vomiting, a woman loses fluid that needs to be replenished. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a glass of water in the morning with the addition of the juice of half a lemon. If vomiting becomes uncontrollable, then you need to see a doctor. In this case, the woman is given intravenous drip therapy, transfused saline, glucose solutions. These measures allow you to replenish the volume of fluid and avoid dehydration.

Second and third trimesters of pregnancy. After 20 weeks, the circulation rate increases by about 40%. The heart, kidneys and other organs of a pregnant woman at this time work hard and require a more intense blood supply. The number of heartbeats increases, the metabolic rate increases. There is a fairly large amount of fluid in the body, however, the volume of excreted fluid also increases. During this period, a significant load falls on the kidneys - they secrete a much larger amount of fluid than outside of pregnancy. Even healthy woman slight swelling may appear. And in more severe cases, dropsy of pregnant women (pronounced edema), preeclampsia (edema accompanied by an increase in blood pressure) may develop. If the work of the kidneys is disturbed, then protein begins to be excreted in the urine, less often - glucose, the amount of excreted salts and trace elements increases. All organs and tissues of the body suffer from this. In this situation, it is no longer enough to simply limit the amount of fluid consumed and special treatment is required.
In this regard, from the 20th-22nd week of pregnancy, the amount of fluid consumed should be limited to 1.5 liters per day (including first courses, vegetables, fruits). It is also necessary to reduce the amount of salt to 5 g per day: it has the property of retaining fluid in the body and contributes to the development of edema.

In the normal course of pregnancy after 30 weeks, the amount of fluid consumed should be limited to 1.2 liters. If the pregnancy proceeds with any complications, the attending physician himself sets the woman's drinking regimen, based on blood and urine tests, determining the severity of edema or a tendency to them.
In any case, the drinking regimen is individual for each pregnant woman.


Try to drink slowly, in small sips. The center of the brain that responds to fluid replenishment “works” in the same way as the saturation center: the response to the signal about fluid replenishment will follow only after some time. Therefore, if you drink quickly and in large sips, the body simply does not have time to respond to this and for some time you will still want to drink. If you drink slowly, you will quench your thirst faster and with less liquid.
Drinking a small amount of liquid with meals is beneficial: proportionate mixing of food with liquid helps to improve digestion. You will also be less thirsty after eating.
The temperature of drinks in the cold season should be at room temperature, and in the hot season - cool, as this will speed up the cooling process of the body. But very cold drinks, even in summer, should be avoided.
During an uncomplicated pregnancy, in summer the volume of fluid consumed can be increased by 150-200 ml.
For the daily diet of a pregnant woman, dairy and dairy products, such as yogurt, kefir - 1-2 glasses per day; a glass of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice; instead of the usual coffee and tea - an infusion of rose hips, hawthorn. The use of non-carbonated or purified bottled mineral water is recommended (but only with low mineralization - 1-2 g / l).

The human body consists of water more than half. And vital processes inside it occur with the constant participation of water. For this reason, no one can exist without life-giving moisture. Its slightest deficiency affects not in the best way on human health and well-being. A clear lack of fluid completely disables the human body. It should be noted that during the period of bearing a baby, the need for water for a pregnant woman not only increases, but becomes of particular importance, since a new one, a child, is included in the fluid circulation system in the body. At the same time, excess water in the female body. That's why this question is considered one of the most important when carrying a baby and requires regular monitoring.

Hard without water

From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother faces many dangers in the form of a deterioration in health and well-being. Often during this period, blood pressure drops significantly, some pregnant women suffer from constipation, the risk of thrombophlebitis increases and varicose veins veins. However, not everyone knows that by providing a sufficient supply of water to the body, these troubles can be avoided or suppressed. In addition, against the background of fluid deficiency, metabolic processes, the level of toxicity increases (as a result of insufficient purification from metabolic products), irritability increases, immunity decreases, elasticity and firmness of the skin is lost. What is absolutely scary is that the risks of developing mutations and other complications increase.

Medications commonly taken by pregnant women given period(even vitamins) are absorbed better with a sufficient amount of liquid. That is why every pregnant woman should consume enough water, which is very important at the beginning of pregnancy.

Everything in moderation

With all this, it must be remembered that the human body can adapt only to a lack of water, but cannot fight with excess. If usually people are not particularly worried about this, then for a pregnant woman, this order of things hides a certain threat. Excess water leads to edema, the kidneys already function for two, so they cannot cope with a sharply increasing load. This is also one of the reasons for the accumulation overweight pregnant woman. Especially dangerous similar condition in the third trimester, and most of all immediately before childbirth (including, this may affect the development of defects and complications during the birth of a child). The body is preparing to store up the liquid in a double volume, because the amount of water and blood is always increasing, and the time of birth (when the loss of liquid is especially great) is approaching. Because in recent months gestation future mommy should limit the intake of life-giving moisture into the body.

Norms of water consumption during pregnancy

Since the importance of fluid is especially high at the beginning of pregnancy with active growth cells, the laying and development of organs and systems of the future baby, the use of water by a woman at this time should be sufficient. With a weight of 50 kg, on average, she should drink 2 liters of water per day, 60 kg - 2.3 liters, 70 kg - 2.5 liters, 80 kg - about 3 liters of liquid. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the summer, when high temperature body or indigestion, during toxicosis, the needs of a pregnant woman for water increase. However, from the second trimester, you should not overdo it with life-giving moisture. You need to drink enough so as not to feel thirsty, while not overdoing it. If, according to indications, the amount of water entering the body needs to be limited, the doctor will individually determine the acceptable drinking regime.

From the third trimester, the amount of water you drink must be strictly controlled.
Reading recommendations on nutrition during pregnancy, you can find indications of limiting water intake at the end of pregnancy, but such a formulation of the question is a little incorrect - limiting fluid drinking without limiting salt intake does not stop the appearance of edema, in general it is not easy for a pregnant woman. The reason is that it is necessary to limit and then completely abandon the use of salt, because it retains fluid in the pregnant body with the ensuing consequences. Therefore, already from the 20th week, you need to start gradually reducing the addition of salt to dishes. If you completely stop adding salt to food, a significant restriction of water consumption will not be required, if there is no need for this according to the testimony of doctors (with kidney pathology, edema).

By the way, if everything is in order with the state of health and everything is normal, limiting fluid intake in the third trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous. Because the amniotic fluid in recent months it is updated 8 times a day. This, of course, requires a decent water reserve. Nevertheless, gynecologists recommend replacing an extra glass of water with a whole vegetable or fruit before childbirth. It should also be said that under certain conditions it is completely impossible to limit fluid intake: for example, with pyelonephritis and urolithiasis. Because the most right decision will be the coordination of the drinking regimen with the attending physician. But before that, you can do a dehydration test at home. Collect a portion of urine and evaluate its color: almost transparent or rather light indicates a sufficient amount of fluid in the body, while saturated and dark indicates a lack of it. What is better to drink while waiting for a child is a separate issue. Naturally, the most healthy drink was, is and will be pure clean water.

Rational nutrition has always been an important component for the normal course of pregnancy. And if with useful products and the volume of their consumption, there were few disputes, the drinking regime for many years remains a debatable issue.

water and pregnancy

It was previously thought that restricting fluid intake during pregnancy contributed to effective prevention the occurrence of edema. Data contemporary research refute this theory.

In the physiological course of pregnancy, the absence chronic diseases cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, the amount of fluid consumed is practically unlimited and corresponds to the volume necessary for the normal metabolism of the mother and intrauterine fetus. Drinking isn't just about water. The liquid part of any products is taken into account: first courses, vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat and fish.

Why do you need to drink water?

It is believed that a person can live without food for up to 50 days, if you do not drink water - no more than 5. This implies that the liquid is a vital medium in which all metabolic processes take place. The main functions of water in the body can be represented in the following list:

  • dissolves nutrients, improving their absorption;
  • moisturizes oxygen;
  • participates in thermoregulation;
  • promotes the excretion of waste products.

During pregnancy, the importance of a proper drinking regimen increases, since in addition to the mother's own metabolic needs, it is necessary to cover the growing needs of the fetus.

During this period, the volume of circulating blood increases due to the addition vascular system future baby. In addition, the fluid consumed forms amniotic fluid.

How much water do you need during pregnancy?

Every expectant mother thinks: how much liquid can you drink per day? This is enough serious question, as both deficiency and excess of water will negatively affect the well-being of a woman. The answer can be the calculation of physiological fluid loss, which normally can be up to 2 liters.

Moreover, 1.5 liters are excreted with the help of the kidneys and 0.5 liters are lost with breathing and through skin. Given these losses, for the normal functioning of the body during pregnancy, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of fluid per day.

Need in the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important period in the formation of organs and systems of the fetus. Therefore, it is important to provide the unborn child with the necessary amount of liquid, nutrients and oxygen.

Considering how much is spent on physiological losses, the daily volume of water for this trimester can be 2.5–2.7 liters. Factors that may increase fluid requirements:

  • hot period of the year, accompanied by increased sweating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • some disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • symptoms of toxicity.

It is worth noting that during toxicosis in a pregnant woman, signs of dehydration and vomiting can be observed. In this case, the correction of the water-electrolyte balance should be performed by a doctor. In severe cases, when the patient is not able to drink the required volume of fluid on her own, they resort to its intravenous administration.

Drinking regimen in the second trimester

During this period, there is some restriction in water consumption. Many pregnant women note that it is in the second trimester that puffiness appears, the signs of which may be:

  • pits remaining when pressing on the lower leg;
  • inability to take off or put on the usual Jewelry on the fingers;
  • pastosity of the face;
  • significant increase in body weight.

It becomes clear that a lot of the liquid consumed during this period leaves the vascular bed and remains in the tissues of the body. However, it is also not recommended to significantly limit the volume of water, since the second trimester is characterized by increased fetal metabolism.

This is accompanied by an increase in the amount of waste products that must be removed from the body. Therefore, the load on internal organs mothers: kidneys, heart, lungs, liver. Without sufficient water intake, it will be problematic to cleanse the blood of harmful chemicals.

Third trimester: a lot or a little?

This period can be called the time of strict control over the volume of water. Doctors advise keeping a diary in which to note how much fluid was consumed and excreted per day. Previously, there were many recommendations to limit the drinking regime to 1.5 liters to prevent edema.

However, current data suggests that it is necessary to reduce the amount of not liquid, but salt.

Therefore, it is important to review your menu even before the start of pregnancy. Salt, supplied with food, is a factor that retains fluid outside the vascular bed, in the tissues. Therefore, the restriction of this chemical can be considered effective way edema prevention.

What to drink during pregnancy?

In this section of the article, we will talk about the benefits or harms of various drinks. It is clear that during pregnancy it is necessary either to limit or completely abandon some types.

So what can a pregnant woman drink without harm to health? Consumption of what drink should be limited during this period?

Healthy drinks

The basis of the drinking diet during pregnancy is water. For drinking, it is best to use a liquid purified from impurities, heavy metals and toxic substances. In megacities, bottled or filtered water meets these criteria.

Far from civilization the best option there will be a search for a spring that is checked and approved by experts. The daily volume of such a liquid is up to 70% of all drinks. In addition to water, you can use:

  1. Freshly squeezed juices that are rich in useful trace elements and vitamins. They should be made from seasonal and local fruits to reduce the risk of allergic reactions.
  2. Fruit compotes that can be prepared throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In summer they are made from fresh fruits, in winter they use dried blanks, jams or frozen semi-finished products.
  3. Tea from raspberry leaves, currants, light sedative plants (mint, lemon balm), rose hips, linden flowers. It is worth choosing raw materials without a strong odor and taste due to hypersensitivity pregnant to these types of irritants. Herbal teas can be alternated to get the most out of nature.

By drinking the above drinks, the pregnant woman will receive vitamins and microelements, replenish her fluid reserves and will not cause any harm to the unborn baby.

What should be limited?

Habitual drinks often do not benefit a pregnant woman and their use should be limited. This applies to:

  1. Caffeinated drinks - coffee and tea. It has been proven that their regular consumption in large quantities leads to fetal malnutrition and prolongation of pregnancy. Limiting caffeine to 200 mg per day is recommended. This corresponds to one cup of coffee or tea. With this medicine, you can slightly increase blood pressure with hypotension. There is an opinion that tea contains less caffeine than coffee. However, it is not. Popular varieties of tea (black, green) in terms of their characteristics can easily give odds to coffee.
  2. Cocoa, which often provokes allergic reactions.
  3. Carbonated drinks containing a large amount of harmful chemicals. In addition, they increase gas formation in the intestines, which causes extremely unpleasant sensations.
  4. Mineral water is a liquid in which the content of certain salts is increased naturally or artificially, which contributes to the formation of edema.
  5. Packaged juices, which, in addition to vitamins, contain preservatives, dyes, sweeteners - substances that are not very useful for the body of a pregnant woman.

Naturally, small amounts of the above drinks will not bring much harm to the unborn child, but you should not get carried away with them.

How to drink correctly?

Starting from the second trimester, a pregnant woman has to slightly reduce the amount of fluid she consumes. Water is replaced juicy fruits or dairy products, which effectively reduce the feeling of thirst.

Determining the correct drinking regimen for each period of pregnancy is one of the tasks of a gynecologist. However, future mother not only the question may arise: “how much to drink?”, but also “do I drink correctly?”. The following recommendations can serve as an answer to it:

  1. It is necessary to drink in small sips, without excessive greed, wetting the lips with water. This method will help to quickly feel the feeling of relief from thirst, while not consuming a large amount of liquid.
  2. You can drink during meals, as dry food, acting on our taste buds, causes a feeling of thirst.
  3. In order for the brain centers responsible for thirst to react quickly, you need to drink water. correct temperature. It depends on the time of year. Drinking recommended in winter room temperature, in summer - drinks 10–12 degrees Celsius.

Don't be thirsty! This can negatively affect the health of the unborn child and your own. By adhering to the correct drinking regimen, you can minimize the risks that may occur during pregnancy.

What to do when edema appears?

Not always limiting salt and correcting the amount of fluid consumed can minimize the appearance of edema. What to do if they are still formed? In addition to consulting a gynecologist, you can recommend the following:

  1. take advantage special creams to reduce swelling;
  2. do cool foot baths and then lie down with your legs elevated above your head.
  3. Massage your feet yourself or ask your spouse to do this pleasant manipulation.
  4. Do not wear rings before the baby is born.

It is worth remembering that any medical preparations can be taken only after consultation with a gynecologist. This also applies to diuretics, which, in addition to the potential risk to the unborn baby, can lubricate clinical picture and disturb the electrolyte balance in the body.

More than half of the human body is made up of water. And all vital processes in it occur with the obligatory participation of water. Therefore, we cannot exist without life-giving moisture - the slightest deficiency does not affect our health and well-being in the best way, and a clear lack of fluid completely disables the body.

It should be said that during pregnancy, the importance of water for a woman not only increases, but also acquires a new meaning, because another one is included in the water circulation system in the body - the child.

At the same time, an excess of fluid in the body becomes much more harmful and dangerous. So this issue is one of the most important during the period of bearing a child and requires constant monitoring.

The benefits of water for the body of pregnant women

Already from the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother faces many dangers in the form of a deterioration in health and well-being. Often at this time, blood pressure drops significantly, many women begin to suffer from, the risks of developing thrombophlebitis and increase. But not everyone knows that by ensuring a sufficient supply of fluid to the body, these troubles can be avoided or their manifestation can be significantly reduced. In addition, against the background of a lack of water, metabolic processes in the mother’s body are disrupted, the level of toxicity increases (due to insufficient purification from metabolic products), irritability and fatigue increase, immunity decreases, the skin loses elasticity and firmness. Which is completely scary - the risk of mutations and other complications increases.

Even medications, which a woman usually takes during this period (the same vitamins), are better absorbed with an abundance of water.

That's why every pregnant woman should drink enough fluids, which is most important during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Why shouldn't pregnant women drink a lot of water?

At the same time, one should not forget that human body can adapt only to a lack of fluid, but cannot fight with an excess. And if usually this does not bother us much, then for a woman in a position, this order of things poses a certain threat. An excess of fluid leads to the appearance, the kidneys of the expectant mother already work for two and cannot cope with the sharply increasing load on them. This is also one of the reasons for the appearance of overweight pregnant women.

This condition is especially dangerous in the third trimester, and most of all - before the birth itself (this can affect, among other things, the development of malformations in the fetus and). The body is preparing to store water in double the amount, because the volumes of amniotic fluid and blood are constantly increasing, and the time of birth (when fluid loss is potentially especially large) is approaching. Therefore, in the last months of the term, the mother should limit the flow of fluid into the body.

Fluid intake during pregnancy

Since the value of life-giving moisture is especially great on early dates pregnancy during the period of active cell division and growth, laying and development of all organs and systems of the baby, the mother's water intake during this period should be sufficient. With a weight of 50 kg, you should drink an average of 2 liters of water per day, at 60 kg - 2.3 liters, 70 kg - 2.55 liters, 80 kg - an average of about 3 liters of water per day.

It should be borne in mind that during the hot season, when elevated temperature body or, during the period, the needs of the pregnant woman for water increase.

But already from the second trimester, you should not be zealous with some water. Drink enough to not feel thirsty, but do not overdose. If, according to indications, the volume of fluid entering the body needs to be limited, the doctor will individually establish an acceptable drinking regimen for you.

But from the third trimester, the amount of water you drink will need to be strictly controlled. In the recommendations for nutrition during pregnancy, you can find an indication of the restriction of drinking for last dates, however, such a formulation of the question is somewhat incorrect - limiting fluid intake without limiting salt intake does not prevent edema and, in principle, is not easy for a woman.

The thing is that you should mainly limit and then completely abandon the consumption of salt, since it is she who leads to fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, from the 20th week, begin to gradually reduce the addition of salt to dishes. If you completely stop adding salt to food, then a significant restriction of drinking will not be required if this is not necessary for medical indications(for example, with kidney disease, late toxicosis and edema).

By the way, if everything is fine with your health and your condition is normal, limiting your drinking in the third trimester can even be dangerous. After all, the amniotic fluid in recent months is updated 8 times a day! And for this you need a decent water reserve. But still, gynecologists recommend that in the prenatal period, if possible, replace an extra glass of liquid with a whole vegetable or fruit.

It should also be noted that in some conditions it is impossible to limit fluid intake at all: for example, with pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. Therefore, the most correct decision will be to coordinate your drinking regimen with your doctor. But before you get to the doctor, spend home test for dehydration. Collect a portion of your urine and evaluate its color: almost transparent or very light urine indicates a sufficient intake of fluid into the body, and saturated or dark indicates a clear deficiency.

What is best to drink during pregnancy is a separate issue. But, of course, the best and most useful drink has always been and will be living pure water.

Especially for- Elena Kichak