Synopsis of a femp lesson in the senior group “how people measure time. Famp lesson in the senior group

Abstract open lesson by FEMP in preparatory group"Journey Through the Mathematical Galaxy"

Target : Development of interest in the subject of mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity.


Educational: To promote the formation of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical problems. To consolidate the skills of ordinal counting within 10, to name adjacent numbers of a given number. Strengthen the ability to solve simple arithmetic problems using logical thinking.

Developing. Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning. Develop spatial imagination, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, cognitive interest, develop attention, perception, the ability to analyze and compare objects according to their properties, generalize, form skills for independent work.

Educational. To help maintain interest in mathematics, to form the ability to work in a team, to cultivate the desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situation, foster friendly relationships between children.

Educational areas :

Cognition (FEMP)

Communication ( speech activity)

Socialization ( play activity)

Methodological techniques :





Material and equipment :

    multimedia installation, pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, a voice message from the inhabitants of the Mathematical Galaxy, number series, cards with numerical inequalities, cards with dots and numbers, surprise (asterisks), magnetic board, slides with tasks from the inhabitants of mathematical planets, geometric figures for making robots.

    Venue: classroom with interactive whiteboard.

Planned results:

Children are inquisitive, active, interested, show more independence in various types children's activities, actively and benevolently interact with the teacher and peers in solving game and cognitive tasks, increase interest in mathematics, consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in FEMP.

Lesson progress:

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

We greet the guests, and we all sit down in our seats.

Part 1 Introduction to the game situation:

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual day, We have gathered here not by chance, but do you know why? This morning I received a voice message from the inhabitants of a distant mathematical galaxy. They really want to make friends with us and invite us to visit. Would you like to listen to this message?


Hello dear guys! The inhabitants of a distant mathematical star galaxy are writing to you! We want to make friends with you! We invite you to visit us on a journey through our planets. We, just like you, love the science of mathematics! Come visit us and share your knowledge and skills with us! And to show your knowledge, you need to complete tasks. For each correct answer you will receive a star as a gift, and see what happens if you put all the stars together.

Educator: Guys, let's go on a journey through the planets of the mathematical galaxy?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then look - here is a map - the trajectory of our flight through outer space. Here are the planets we have to visit: Digital, Geometric shapes, Fun physical minutes, Task Planet and Numerical Sign Planet. During our journey, difficulties will await us that will require our ingenuity, flexibility of mind, and attentiveness. So let's prepare for the journey and brainstorm.

Let's try fast andright, answer all the questions:

- How many days in a week?

What day of the week is today?

What day of the week is between Wednesday and Friday?

How many months in a year?

January will end, will it come?

Can summer come after winter?

How many parts per day? name them

We have breakfast in the morning, and do we have dinner?

Find an extra word: morning, afternoon, Tuesday, evening, night?

Birch, poplar, rose, oak?

How many ends does one stick have?

A chair has 4 legs, how many legs do two chairs have?

Let's count from 1 to 10 (in Russian and in Kazakh languages)

Name a number that is greater than 4 but less than 6;(5)

Name a number that is greater than 5 but less than 7;(6)

What are the numbers in the row to the right of 5; (0,1,2,3,4)

Name the neighbors of number 4, number 8;

Name the number that comes before the number 7;

Name the number that follows the number 8;

What number gets larger when it is turned upside down? (6)

What is the largest single number (9)

Name the smallest two-digit number (10)

Educator:Well done guys, you are very well prepared for the trip and you are getting the first star as a reward"D"

Where are we going on our journey?

The transport on which we will go on a trip is encrypted on your leaflet. Do you see dots on the sheet? They need to be connected with a straight line in order, starting from 1 to 9.

Educator:Well done you did the job! What did we get? Got a rocket! We are starting our journey!Attention! Getting ready to launch the rocket.Let's start the countdown 10-1. Start! Our rocket is going up high. Be careful! We are observing space objects through the porthole ( music)

And here we have the first planet

- Numeric.

Look, who lives on this planet? (Numbers.) What do you think this icon means? (Circular examples.) And how do we solve circular examples?

The inhabitants of this planet are very fond of doing mathematical calculations. And they prepared for us such numerical equalities. And we will try to solve them with you using a number beam (on a magnetic board)





(After solving on the blackboard) Is it convenient to always solve examples using a number ray? No? What do you need to know? Right! You need to know the composition of the number. The inhabitants of this planet have prepared for you these number houses, fill in the missing numbers in the empty boxes. (give out houses) Take felt-tip pens and write in the numbers you need.

Well done! Now check with each other. We've earned an asterisk again"R"

Educator: - Our journey continues. Before us is the next planet - it is calledPlanet Geometric.

And tell me, on what three grounds do we always compare geometric shapes? (Color, size, shape.)

Together with the inhabitants of the planet, let's remember what geometric shapes are.

What is the name of the figure formed by a straight closed line?

How to call in one word geometric shapes that have 4 sides and 4 corners (4x squares)

What is the name of a quadrilateral in which all sides are equal?

What do we know about the rectangle?

Look around, there was a meteor shower on the planet. And in the form of what fragments of meteorites that fell on the planet?(Slide with figures different colors)

The inhabitants of a distant planet want to play with you a game called "True or not", Answer only "yes" or "no"

Be careful, the questions are very tricky.

Is it true or not that all squares are green? (no, there is blue)

Is it true or not that all the figures are green, red and yellow? (No, there are blue ones)

Is it true or not that some triangles are red? (Yes)

Is it true or not that some green shapes are squares? (Yes)

Is it true or not that there are circles in the upper right and upper left corners? (Yes)

Is it true or not that all blue shapes are squares? (no, one blue is a triangle)

Is it true or not that all triangles are red? (no, one blue)

Is it true or not that all yellow pieces have no corners? (Yes)

Well done boys! we did it and for this we got another star as a gift"at»

We continue our journey further.

We're on the next planet"Merry Fizminutki”, the inhabitants of this planet want you to relax a little and have fun with them.

We decided, we considered

And a little tired.

Now let's all get up and rest a little.

We perform any arbitrary movements to the music (turn off for 0.48 seconds)

You are funny guys and the inhabitants of the planet of the “fun physical minute” really liked you, and for the fact that you cheered them up, they give you one more star as a gift"and"

Educator. We continue our flight! Guys, here we have the next planet planet"tasks".

But we can get to it only if we remember what parts the task consists of.

1. What is the name of that part of the task in which something or someone is described? - condition.

2. What is the name of that part of the problem in which something is asked, is there an unknown? - question.

3. What is the name of that part of the problem in which we are looking for the unknown using numbers and signs? - solution

4. What is the name of that part of the problem in which we get an unknown number, answer the question? - answer.

So the task consists of: conditions, question, solution and answer.

The inhabitants of the Planet of Tasks love to invent and solve problems. They offer us to draw up conditions and solve problems according to these schemes.

Task #1

Try to come up with a problem statement for such a scheme. So, let's repeat the condition of the problem.( Two stars fell from the night sky. Then three more stars.)

Repeat the question. (How many stars fell from the sky in total?)

What mathematical action will solve the problem? What sign will we use? When the word “how much has become” sounds in the question, will we find the whole or the part? Lay out the solution to the problem on the spot.

Name the answer to the problem. Do a cross check.

Task #2

Let's try to formulate a problem condition for the following scheme.

(children make up, I summarize)

Let's repeat the condition of the problem.(IN spaceship 4 astronauts flew. One of them went on a mission in outer space.)

Repeat the question. (How many astronauts are left on the ship?)

If the word “remains” is in the question, then what action is used to solve the problem? (subtraction action) what sign will we use?

And when the question says “how much is left,” what do we find? Whole or part? (part of the whole) Let's solve this problem orally. 4-1=3 (verbal or on the board)

Well done, guys, you have completed the tasks again and you will receive the next asterisk-Letter as a gift "b"

And now we will spend a physical minute for our eyes so that they can rest. We look at the board, follow the objects and repeat the movements with the eyes. Space slide

Educator:We continue our journey! And here we have the last planet on our wayplanet of numbers . The inhabitants of this planet have prepared their tasks for us. You need to make up numerical inequalities using the greater than and less than signs

Card inequalities

The letter a

3 part. Outcome. So guys, you've done all the work. I think the inhabitants of all the planets we visited liked you and they saw how attentive, diligent and active you are! Now it's time for us to go home! Let's start the countdown! 10-1! (rocket)

And here we are at home! (slide kindergarten)

Educator:Now let's see what happens if we put all the stars side by side! Read the word!


The inhabitants of the mathematical galaxy wish us to always be friends with the science of mathematics! I think that thanks to our trip, we learned even more about the science of Mathematics, repeated and consolidated our knowledge!


Educator:Guys, did you enjoy our trip? If you were interested and liked everything, then rate yourself with a gold star, and if you were at a loss somewhere and you couldn’t cope with something, then rate yourself with a silver star.

Synopsis of GCD on FEMP in senior group on the topic: "Journey to the realm of Mathematics"

Purpose: development of elementary mathematical representations. Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge of the sequence of days of the week;

  • fix forward and backward counting within 10;
  • consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes;
  • exercise in solving problems by adding and subtracting single-digit numbers orally;
  • formulate orientation skills in the surrounding space;

Develop mental operations visual perception and memory promote the development of logical thinking, attention,
- Cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen.

Equipment: a suit for a teacher, a steam locomotive, wagons, a flannelograph, counting material (hedgehogs, apples); a piece of paper, geometric shapes, glue (for each child); coloring pages for every child.

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Children, today we have unusual occupation. We are going on a journey with you, and I will not be Svetlana Alexandrovna, but the queen of all sciences - Mathematics. I want to invite you to my kingdom, where they are waiting for us entertaining games, interesting tasks, tasks. But where we will go is a secret. You have to build our vehicle by answering the questions. Ready?

  • How many fingers are on the left hand?And on the right hand? (children receive a steam locomotive)
  • How many eyes does a traffic light have? (children receive the first wagon)
  • How many tails do two cats have? (children receive a second wagon)
  • How many times a year is a birthday?(children receive the third wagon)
  • How many ears do two mice have?(children receive the fourth wagon)

Educator: Well done! So where are we going on our trip? (on the train) We sit down, let's go! Our first stop is in my kingdom "Nedelnoe County", here the inhabitants have selected questions for you, very interesting. If you answer, the people of the county have a surprise for you. Listen carefully:

1. What day of the week is it today?
2. How many days are there in a week?
3. What day comes after Thursday?
4. What day comes before Wednesday?
5. What is the name of the fifth day of the week?
6. What days of the week are we talking about "working days"?
7. What are the "weekend" days of the week called?
Educator: Well done! A surprise for you - flowers. Our journey continues, sit down and go! Our next stop is "Schitalkino County". Everyone in this county loves to count. Children, do you like to count?

Look at the flannelgraph and tell me what you see there? (children's answers)

That's right, there are hedgehogs on the flannelgraph. Please count and tell me how many hedgehogs? (10). Correct10.

Now let's treat the hedgehogs with apples.

- How many apples? - (9).

Which number is greater than 10 or 9? - (10)

- How much? – (for 1)

- What needs to be done to make hedgehogs and apples equal? That's right, add one apple.

Well done! And you successfully completed this task, for you tickets for a trip to the next station. And we're going to Rest County, we'll rest a little and move on.


On Monday I swam (depicting swimming)

And on Tuesday I painted. (depicting drawing)

On Wednesday, I washed my face for a long time, (“we wash ourselves”)

And played football on Thursday. (run in place)

On Friday I jumped, ran, (jump)

I danced for a very long time. (circling in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (clapping hands)

I rested all day.

(children squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep)

Educator: Our journey continues (we sit down and let's go). Our stop is Figure County. Here you are offered to complete an interesting task (there are leaflets, geometric shapes and glue in front of the children). If you do it right, you will receive a souvenir as a keepsake.

Educator: put and glue a circle in the upper right corner, an oval in the upper left corner, glue a rectangle at the bottom in the middle, glue a triangle on top of the rectangle, and a square in the middle of the rectangle.

Teacher: What did you get? (house). Well done! You correctly completed the task and the inhabitants give you houses as a gift. And our journey continues and we have reached the last station of my kingdom - "Zadachkino County". Ready?

1. On the way to the clearing, the bunny ate 4 carrots,

Then he sat down on a stump and ate another carrot.

Come on, quickly count how many carrots the bunny ate? (5)

2. Five fluffy cats lay down in a basket.

Then one came running to them, how many cats became together? (6)

3. Six funny bear cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries
But one of them is tired
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead? (5)

4. A rooster flew up on the fence,
I met two more there.
How many roosters were there? (3)

5. Four ripe pears
Swinging on a branch
Pavlusha took off two pears,
How many pears are left? (2)

Educator: What good fellows you are, you coped with all the tasks, you became real mathematicians, but our journey ends and we need to return to kindergarten.

Summary of the lesson:

“Children, did you like it in my kingdom?”

What task did you enjoy doing?

What tasks were difficult for you?

The Princess of Mathematics is very pleased with you and has prepared interesting tasks for you - coloring pages that you will complete at home with your parents.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the senior group.

Educator: Pushkareva O.A.

Theme: "Save Our Friendship"

Target: consolidate elementary mathematical representations; nurture cohesion, mutual assistance.


To consolidate the skills of forward and backward counting within 10, knowledge of the neighbors of the number;

To form orientation skills on a sheet of paper;

Consolidate knowledge of the days of the week;

To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes and their hallmarks;

develop attention, fine motor skills fingers;

Develop the ability to answer with a full answer, select descriptive adjectives;

Develop the ability to self-assess.

Region Integration: cognition, communication, socialization, physical development.

Material: A ball with a note, a bag with a task, cards with numbers, sheets of white paper F - A 4, a sample task for orientation on a sheet of paper, pink and green stars.


Children enter, greet guests. (ball rolls).

caregiver : Children, look, another guest is rolling towards us - I wonder what he wants to tell us? Oh, and in the ball - a note. Let's read.

“I am the sorceress of Gingem - evil and insidious. I took in your kindergarten Friendship. I want you to become evil naughty children and everyone quarreled! If you want to save your friendship, you must complete difficult tasks, and I will watch you in a magic mirror. A magic ball will show you the way to the tasks.

caregiver : Children, what to do?

Children: We need to save our friendship!

Educator: It's good that I have a map that will show us the way. But there are two roads on the map - blue and green. There are 5 adventure tasks on the blue path, and 6 adventure tasks on the green path. Where are more adventures?

Children: on the green lane.

Educator: And how many more adventures on the green path than on the blue one?

Children: one more adventure. The number 6 is greater than the number 5 by one.

caregiver : Which path will we choose?

Children: Green path, there are more adventures.

Educator: So, the first task is "Stand in order." Numbers are randomly laid out on the carpet. On a signal, the children raise one number at a time and stand in a row in order (1-10). Then, at a signal, they scatter and, at a signal, stand in a row in the reverse order (10-1).

caregiver : Task two: "Name the neighbors." There is a poster in front of the children, on which the numbers are: 5 ... 7; 8…10; 4…6; 3…5; 2…4; Neighbors, what numbers are written here?

Children: 6;9;5;4;3.

Educator: Third task. Riddles about geometric shapes.

    I have no corners, but I look like a saucer.

On a plate and on a cover, on a ring and a wheel.

Who am I, friends? Call me. (circle)

    My three sides can be of different lengths.

Where the sides meet - the angle is obtained.

What happened, look, because there are also three corners. (triangle)

    It looks like an egg or like your face.

There is such a circle - a very strange appearance.

The circle became flattened, it turned out suddenly ... (oval).

    I have always had a very even figure.

All angles in me are equal and there are four sides.

The cube is my favorite brother, because I ... (square).

Educator: Well done. And now let's rest.


In a wide circle, I see

All my friends got up

We're going to the right now

And now let's go left,

Gather in the center of the circle

And we'll all be back.

Smile, wink,

And let's start playing again!

Educator: And now the next, the fourth task "Orientation on a sheet of paper." (Drawing geometric shapes). Children, please remember where the sheet has the center, corners, sides - top, bottom, right, left. I will repeat the task 2 times, and you do it on sheets of paper.

The children are doing the task.

Educator: Now check the correct execution, compare your work with the sample. Well done!

Educator: Next task. Let's remember the days of the week.

On Monday I washed

Sweeping the floor on Tuesday

On Wednesday I baked kalach,

All Thursday I was looking for the ball.

I washed the cups on Friday

And on Saturday I bought a cake,

All my friends I'm on Sunday

Invited for a birthday!

Then the teacher asks questions: what did she do on Wednesday, (baked kalach), what did she do on the first day of the week (I did laundry on Monday), etc.

Educator: Children, you are all great, you did all the tasks well. And now the task is probably the most difficult. The evil sorceress, cunning and treacherous, wants to check how honest and truthful you are. Now you will need to think about how you think you coped with all the tasks. Who believes that he did not make a single mistake will take a pink star for himself, who believes that he made a mistake - will take a green one.

Children come to the table and take stars.

Educator: Well done guys, you all acted honestly, were smart, quick-witted and friendly. And now the sorceress Gingema will disenchant and release our Friendship back to our kindergarten.

Evdokimova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Gymnasium 1558 named after Rosalia de Castro


Abstract of the lesson on FEMP in the senior group on the topic: "Journey to Treasure Island"

DOWNLOAD (with pictures)

SUMMARY of a lesson on FEMP in the senior group on the topic: "Journey to Treasure Island"

Objectives: 1. Consolidate knowledge of the number series, use correctly

quantitative and ordinal numbers, count within 10 and vice versa.

2. Strengthen the ability to compare adjacent numbers within 10 (based on clarity, determine which number is greater (less) than the other; equalize an unequal number of objects.

3. To consolidate the ability to compare objects of various sizes, placing them in a row in ascending (descending) order of length, height.

4. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

5. To consolidate the ability to express in words the location of an object in relation to oneself, to other objects.

6. To consolidate the ability to name the days of the week, the sequence of parts of the day.

7. Develop mental operations, attention, memory, speech, fantasy, imagination, logical thinking, creativity.

8. Raise interest in mathematics.

Course progress.

1. - Guys, today we will have a slightly unusual lesson in mathematics. We will visit a desert island, Treasure Island, where Pirate Jack and his crew live. Our task is to find a chest with gold coins and jewelry. But the path to these treasures is long and difficult, and we will have to complete many different tasks. (Count together with the children how many tasks in total, noting each time what form the sheet is). Here is the first one.

Card with task number 1. (A leaflet with a task hangs over the board - questions about the days of the week and parts of the day)

Guys, what geometric shape do we have the first card? (triangular, correct)

Captain Veselchak, whom Pirate Jack captured, will help us in our search. And how, we will know only after we read his message.

What season is it now? (spring)

List all spring months? (March April May)

How many spring months are there? (3)

What day of the week is today? (Tuesday)

What was it like yesterday? (Monday) What will tomorrow be like? (Wednesday)

And how many days are there in a week? (7)

What is the name of the part of the day when we wake up, wash and brush our teeth, do exercises and go to the kindergarten? (morning)

What is the name of the part of the day when children play in the kindergarten, have lunch? (day)

What is the name of the part of the day when children go home from kindergarten? (evening)

What time of day is it when we go to bed? (night)

(Once again we will repeat with you that the day consists of four parts: morning, afternoon, evening and night)

Well done guys, you did a great job! Now we can read Captain Veselchak's message. Listen carefully guys. (The teacher reads the message).

2. Card with task number 2.

Guys, what form do we have the second card? (square)

There are many obstacles on our way to the treasures. We will now need the guys to get over the swamp on the rocks. But these stones are unusual, and numbered from 1 to 10. Jumping over the stones in order, without getting confused, we will be one step closer to the treasures. (The teacher calls one child)

Guys, we still have to go back home, let's immediately check if you know the score in reverse. (The teacher calls another child to count in reverse).

Well done kids, you did it!

Now let's play. Physical education "Harvesting"

The basket contains fruits and vegetables. Children (4 people each) are divided into two teams. The teacher offers, on a signal, one team to select all the vegetables, and the other - all the fruits.

Well done, correctly identified where the fruits are and where the vegetables are.

3. Card with task number 3.

Guys, what shape is our third card? (rectangular)

The teacher takes a fruit basket and puts it on the table.

Guys, what is in this basket? (fruits)

What fruits are in the basket?

Let's count how many there are? (7)

Where is the banana?

What lies to the right of the apple? And on the left?

Where is the grape? (in the middle because there are 3 fruits to the right of it and 3 to the left)

The teacher removes or swaps the fruits and invites the children to restore the picture.

What good fellows you are, you answer everything correctly!

4. Let's read the following note from Captain Veselchak. Card with task number 4.

Guys, what form do we have the fourth card? (round)

On your tables you see long cards with two stripes. Now we will complete one more task, and we will be one step closer to the treasures of the pirate Jack. Listen to me carefully.

You need to put 8 triangles on the top strip, and 1 circle more on the bottom strip. (How many circles do you need to lay out on the bottom strip)

Where are we more figures, on the bottom or top bar? What is more than 8 or 9? Is 8 greater or less than 9?

Is 9 greater or less than 8?

And how to make it so that there are equal numbers of figures on both strips? (remove 1 circle)

How else can you make it equal? (add 1 triangle)

Well done guys, you're doing the right thing! Done with the task!

Dynamic pause.

Together with you, we counted and talked about numbers,

And now we stood up together, stretched our bones.

Let's clench our fist at the expense of times,

At the expense of two in the elbows we will squeeze.

On the count of three, press to the shoulders,

On four - to heaven.

They bowed well and smiled at each other.

Let's not forget about the five - we will always be kind.

On the count of six, I ask everyone to sit down.

Numbers, me and you, friends, together friendly 7th.

(Guys, what number is heard in the word family? Correctly 7, you are very attentive, well done)

5. Card with task number 5.

Guys, what form do we have the fifth card? (triangular)

Let's arrange the palm trees in a row, starting with the lowest and ending with the highest. (Previously, children remember the rules for laying out objects - from left to right)

What is the height of the first palm tree? (lowest)

What is the tallest palm tree? (the tallest)

What is the tallest palm tree? (slightly above 1-2-3rd and slightly below the last)

Let's now tell about each palm tree, how tall is it? (lowest, lowest, slightly higher, highest, highest)

Then the children line up the palm trees in reverse order, starting with the highest and ending with the lowest. (highest, highest, slightly lower, lowest, lowest)

Well done guys, you got the job done.

6. Card with task number 6.

Guys, what form do we have the sixth card? (square)

Here is the worksheet. Attention task. But first, let's prepare the fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics:

On a visit to the big finger, they ran straight to the house:

Index and middle, nameless and last.

Here is the little finger - baby, knocked on the threshold.

Fingers together are friends. They can't live without each other!

I will now hand out the worksheets to you. And you will need to follow the pattern. Put a dot in all triangles, plus in squares, and minus in circles. Make each one in its place, and then we will check everything together.

Very well done.

7. Card with task number 7.

Guys, what form do we have the seventh card? (round)

The teacher calls four people to complete this task.

Well done, and once again you did great!

Guys, now we will digress from the tasks and dream a little.

Game "Funny numbers". (see attachment)

What do these numbers look like? (guys, answer in full sentences)

Try doing something similar at home with your parents.

8. Card with task number 8.

Guys, what form do we have the eighth card? (oval)

Well guys, we have completed almost all the tasks, we are already very close to the treasure chest. But we have to find him. There is a plan here. Elnar, help me. Let's move from the board to the right 5 steps and maybe we will find something. (we find a treasure chest)

Look, the chest is closed, guys. Let's take the next last ninth card to find out what to do next, what needs to be done to open this chest.

9. Card with task number 9.

Guys, what form do we have the ninth card? (rectangular)

Look at the blackboard. If we connect the dots correctly (in order, then we will get a key with which we can open this treasure chest of the pirate Jack. (The teacher calls several children to complete this task)

Correctly connected, well done. We open the chest. We find treasures.

Guys, I will give you these treasures when you say what we did in class today, what did we do to find the treasures?

(children's answers - they jumped over stones to cross the swamp, repeating forward and backward counting; they picked fruits and vegetables; they lined up palm trees in a row; they found a key to open the chest by connecting the dots in order ... etc.)

Now put your heads on the tables, close your eyes and imagine that we have returned from a desert island back to our group. In the meantime, I will distribute treasures to you - this is a reward for your work, for the fact that you answered well and always coped with the tasks. Well done!

Lesson 1

To develop fine motor skills of the hands in children;

Develop intellectual ability children;

Develop speech, attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson Objectives:

1. To form orientation skills according to an elementary plan, the ability to correctly determine the relative position of objects in space.

2. To form the ability to make the simplest geometric shapes from sticks and threads on the plane of the table, to examine and analyze them in a visual-tactile way.

3. Strengthen counting skills within five, teach counting backwards from 5 to 1.

4. Educate good relations to the forest dwellers, the culture of behavior.

Material for classes: Tickets to the theater, a table with a plan, a set of numbers from 1 to 10, matches, shoelaces, cereals, a pencil for each child. Long cord, audio recordings, toys, screen, tape recorder.

Game "Theatre"

I. Move: Formation of counting skills from 1 to 10 and vice versa.

1. I propose to go to the theater of animals for this you need to buy tickets.

Lots of applicants! Line up at the checkout.

Who is in line first, third, fifth, fourth, second, etc.?

I give the children the numbers corresponding to their numbers. Let's count from 1 to 10.

Now name the numbers, in order, starting from the “tail” of the queue (one at a time, all together). Well done! Guys, and the cards that you have in your hands have turned into tickets and now you can go to the theater.

2. We go to the theater. Everyone will sit in a seat according to the ticket (at this stage, visual, tactile and auditory analyzers are activated).

Are there enough chairs for everyone?

How to check?

It turned out that one chair was missing. What can be said about the number of chairs in this case? How to equalize? I'm adding a chair. Children sit on chairs.

II. Working with a plan.

Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke, telling it is not a joke,

so that the fairy tale sounds like a murmuring river.

So that by the end, not old, not small, do not doze off under it.

Once upon a time there was a Hare and a Fox. Tired of them quarreling, they decided to live together. The fox invited the hare to visit, but she lived far away, and you won’t reach it right away. The Fox Hare drew the way to her house. The hare cannot understand.

Guys, let's take the Bunny to the Fox.

Children sit at tables. Every child has a plan.

Who will explain how we will get to the Fox's house? The child describes the path according to the plan.

I go straight, I pass a birch tree which is on my left, I turn right, I reach a flower field, I turn left, I go straight, I turn right and I see a lake.

Game with cereals (rice, buckwheat)

Sounds of falling water.

"Let's select white stones from dark ones."

Finger game.

The bunny had a garden, two flat beds.

And of course in the garden, the bunny is happy to go.

He will first dig everything up, and then he will level everything.

He sows seeds deftly and goes to plant carrots.

A hole is a seed, a hole is a seed, and you look at the garden again

Peas and carrots will grow, and when autumn comes,

Harvest your own.

III. Compilation of geometric shapes from sticks and laces on the plane of the table.

Each child has two shoelaces and matches on the table.

Name the geometric figures you know. We will make figures on the table and talk about them.

Make a triangle and a square small size. How many sticks did it take to make a square, a triangle?

Show the sides of a square, a triangle? How many? How many corners?

Next to the small square, make a large square. How many matches did it take to make one side big square? And the other side? Why are all sides of the square made up of the same number of matches?

Make a circle and an oval out of the laces. Is it possible to make a circle, an oval out of matches? Why? What are the similarities and differences between a circle and an oval?

IV. Physical education minute

I give the children a thick rope tied into a ring. Children are taken with both hands and form a circle, oval, triangle.

We perform movements in accordance with the words:

Get in the circle again

Let's play in the sun.

We are cheerful rays, we are frisky and hot,

1,2,3,4 expand the circle wider.

We continue to move according to plan.

The child explains his actions. We see that in the middle of summer a snowman appeared. What is this? Can this happen?

V. Game "Fable"

Development of attention, memory, speech, logical thinking.

Warm spring now, the grapes are ripe with us.

A horned horse in the meadow jumps in the snow in summer.

In late autumn, the bear loves to sit in the river.

And in winter, among the branches, a nightingale sang ha-ha-ha.

Quickly give me an answer - is it true or not.

This was the last test, here is the fox's house.

VI. We arrived at Lisa's house.

The fox appears.

Bunny, how did you get to my house so quickly?

How did the kids help you? What was the most difficult?

What is the most interesting?

Children return along the short road back, with the words:

Walking along a narrow path

Because ballerinas walk.

We held on to each other.

We were portrayed as a snake.

Oh, we're tired, let's rest

Let's go again later.

Working with the plan, children mark their path with a pencil (visual and tactile analyzers are activated).

Lesson Analysis

On this lesson preschoolers formed the ability to count to ten, navigate in space, memory, logical thinking. At the same time, on various stages classes activated tactile, visual and auditory analyzers. Throughout the lesson, the children behaved well, actively participated in the proposed game moments. The lesson was entirely built on the activation of involuntary interest, which made it possible to better assimilate the theoretical material.

Lesson 2

Program content:

Exercise children in quantitative and ordinal counting; in orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage;

Learn to decide logical tasks, develop the ability to think, reason, prove, independently form answers and questions; Practice identifying numbers and colors.


1. Colored squares - 10 pieces each

2. Image of a snow slide with passages - for each child

3. Card for mathematical dictation

4. Blank cards - for each child

5. Pencil case with geometric shapes

6. Picture of machines

7. Image of a Christmas tree

8. Image of garlands

Lesson progress

Enchanted winter

The forest is bewitched

And under the snowy fringe

Fairy tales are quietly spoken.

We love you, winter,

Your frost and ice.

And fluffy snow on the branches,

And the sled and the skating rink.

You turn everything into a fairy tale

When your snow is falling.

Here comes the winter. Her first month has arrived. And what is it called?

Children: December.

Yes, the first month of winter is December. This is an unusual month. He dresses up our land in a fluffy, snow-white, fabulous outfit.

Ends in December old year and a new one comes. Showers the new year

Land of miracles.

Here are the tales at the gate

All are looking forward to meeting with us.

Guys, miracles have begun. Look out the window, a fabulous guest, the postman Pechkin, is coming to us.

The doorbell rings, Pechkin enters. (auditory and visual analyzers are activated)

Pechkin: Hello. I have a telegram for you. Please receive and sign. And I went, I need to deliver mail to other recipients. Goodbye.

Goodbye. Who is this telegram from? What is written in it?

"The sleigh is racing,

Rushing fast

Through fields and forests.

Sweeping sparkling snow

With wind, blizzard and snow

Gray-haired Santa Claus rushes.

Waves with long arms.

Throws stars over the earth.

Get ready for the meeting."

Guys, since guests are coming to us, we must decorate the group, prepare a treat - a pie. And we will decorate our holiday cake with berries and nuts, which you will receive as a reward for correct solution tasks. We hang a garland of beads on the Christmas tree.

"From different numbers I made beads

And in those circles where there are no numbers,

List the pros and cons

To get the right answer."

I suggest that children write plus or minus signs in the right circles. After the children write the signs, I invite them to read the examples (Seven plus two equals nine; ten minus five equals five; six plus three equals nine).

Whoever collected the garland first gets a berry to decorate the cake. We made a garland of beads, now we will hang multi-colored flags on our Christmas tree. (A sheet with a drawn thread and colored squares of different colors)

Oh what beautiful garlands you made it, well done! Now let's play a question and answer game.

1) How many flags do you have, Masha? And you have Arseniy, and you, Liza?

2) What is the order of the blue flag?

3) What color is the sixth flag?

4) What order is the flag between red and yellow?

5) What color is the flag to the left (to the right) of brown?

Well done! They did a good job and everyone got the berries. All of you went downhill on sleds, on skis or just like that. And how many had to dig tunnels in the hill to make a labyrinth? No? Would you like to? Let's try. Look at the picture. This is your snow slide with a labyrinth. It has gates that are open to the passage.

Take a red felt-tip pen and carefully, passing through the gate, connect the star of the labyrinth and the base of the flag with a continuous line.

Started! Happened? Fine. Put away the markers. (I distribute berries for the pie).

Physical education "Steady soldier"

Stay on one leg

If you are a tough soldier

Left leg - to the chest,

Look, don't fall.

Now stay on the left

If you are a brave soldier.

(Children complete the task according to the text of the poem)

Now I will quickly show (2 times) a card on which something is drawn, and you carefully look at it and fill it all out.

Then I take the card, and you accurately redraw what you saw into a rectangle from memory. Get ready! Look! (10 Seconds). Take a blue felt-tip pen and draw whatever you can remember. Finished? Put away the markers.

Those who do it correctly are given berries.

And now let's get back to the pleasant New Year's preparations.

The pre-holiday bustle includes postal cars carrying Greeting Cards and letters, parcels with toys and sweets. One car is in urgent need of repair. Here it is on your table. How to get out of the situation? Hint in the picture. Take a red felt-tip pen and draw the missing parts of the car.

Distribution of berries.

“It happens in the world

That only once a year

They light up the tree

A wonderful star.

You can always find her in the forest

Let's go for a walk and meet:

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress.

And come to us under New Year -

The kids will be happy."

Guys, what is the New Year without a Christmas tree? In the figure, a Christmas tree is drawn to the left of the flower. Please take a green felt-tip pen and to the right of the flower, starting from the asterisk, draw exactly the same Christmas tree in the cells. Started! Happened? Great! Put down a marker. What is a Christmas tree without lights? Let's light it up. Please close your eyes and put your finger on the sheet with the circles, then open your eyes and look at what number you hit - on such a circle you should hang a flashlight.

Look how beautiful our tree is:

"On the Christmas tree, a garland sparkles with lights,

The Christmas tree is playing with us.

Up the circles

From toy to toy

Can climb

To the very top"

Guys, the lantern from the Christmas tree wants to play with you. We will pass it to each other in a circle to the music. With the end of the music, whoever has a flashlight will answer his question. Questions:

1. What was interesting about the lesson?

2. What did you like the most?

3. What was the most difficult activity?

4. And the lightest?

5. Do you think you did a good job?

6. Why did you decide so (a)?

7. What would you praise yourself for?

Thank you very much guys.

You answered correctly, diligently and accurately worked. Thank you, and now stick the remaining berries on the pie. May all your wishes come true without delay. And a ray of sunshine in the morning comes to visit you more often! Let it be fun around, let it be near true friend. And every day, like the New Year, he calls you to a good fairy tale.

Lesson Analysis

In senior preschool age The main form of conducting classes is a game. Frequent change game situations used during the lesson allowed not to lose involuntary interest in the material being studied. The children took an active part in didactic games ah, which contributed to the coverage of the entire team of the group and the assimilation of the necessary educational information by them. The activation of various analyzers contributed effective learning and did not give the opportunity to tire the children during didactic games.

Lesson 3

Program content: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes, to form the ability to group them according to various signs; compare items by quantity; improve the skill of orientation in space (left to right, top, bottom); exercise in distinguishing primary colors; develop logical thinking, the ability to guess riddles; Practice counting up to 5.

Organization of the environment and children: the studio "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" is designed as the "Kingdom of Mathematics": numbers, geometric shapes are visible everywhere. Near one of the walls there is a mathematical tower with a lock on the door, in front of it there is a table with geometric figures. different color and size. Against the other wall is an open “Wonderful Book”, the pages of which are lined with flannel. A square is attached at the top of one page, a triangle on another, and a circle on the third. On the carpet in front of the book are randomly scattered illustrations depicting objects of round, square, triangular shapes, on reverse side which is pasted flannel. On the shelves there are colored paper caps (according to the size of a child's head) and colored paper lanterns. There are tables near the window, on which two-strip cards are laid out (according to the number of children): five gnomes are depicted on the top strip, the bottom one is blank. There are also plates with paper hatchets. Away (invisibly to children: hats of bees and a bear, two cords - green and red, five squares and circles of the same color, but different sizes. A lock with a triangular hole hangs on the door of the studio, next to it in a box are several keys of various geometric shapes and sizes. In the free locker of the waiting room, the teacher hides the crown and the mantle of the "Queen of Mathematics" before class.

The teacher informs the children that today a wonderful guest promised to come to their lesson, but for some reason she is late. Maybe by chance I looked into another group? He comes out to meet, quickly changes clothes and enters the group in the costume of the Queen of Mathematics:

Hello guys! I, the Queen of Mathematics, invite you to my kingdom, the kingdom of the great science - Mathematics!

The children follow her and stop in front of a locked door.

Getting into my Kingdom is not easy. See what a huge lock weighs on the door? How to open it?

The game "Pick the key to the lock"

How many keys were there? (a lot). And only ... (one) came up to the lock.

Enter the group.

Oh, how ugly it turned out, she invited guests, and there is such a mess in the Kingdom! Probably, it was the naughty Deuce who was mischievous! Children, can you help me clean up?

Children from the pictures lying on the floor first choose the image of objects round shape and attach them to that page of the "Wonderful Book" where the circle is attached, then they choose objects of square and triangular shape and attach them to the appropriate pages of the book.

The Queen of Mathematics leads the children to the tables on which cards with gnomes lie (visual and auditory analyzers are activated):

This is where my dwarf friends live. Gnomes are hard workers. Every morning they go to the cave of the big mountain and mine there colorful stones. They need axes to work. Look how many there are! Will all the gnomes have enough axes? How to find out?

Children right hand hatchets are laid out from left to right under each gnome using the application technique.

What can be said about the number of gnomes and hatchets? (they are equally divided, there are as many hatchets as gnomes).

On behalf of the gnomes, she gives children colorful caps and lanterns. The game "Colorful lanterns" is being played.

After work, the gnomes return home. Morning has come. It became light. The blue lanterns went out (children with blue lanterns squat), the yellow (red, green ...) lanterns went out. But then the evening came, it got dark, the lanterns were lit (the children get up) and the gnomes with lanterns start dancing.

Children dance to any cheerful tune. The game is repeated.

Guys, do you want to see what else is in my kingdom? (leads the children to the tower).

In an open field, a teremok, a teremok,

He's not low, he's not high, he's not high

There was a triangle from the swamp,

He sees the gates are locked.

Hey lock, back off, back off!

Teremochek, open up, open up!

The "triangle" enters - the disguised child of the group.

What could a triangle tell about itself if it could speak? (a triangle has three angles, three sides). The Triangle wanted to enter the tower, but he could not.

The triangle makes riddles, children find and name riddles.

I don't have corners

And I look like a saucer

On the ring, on the wheel.

Who am I, friends? (circle)

He has known me for a long time

Every corner is right

All four sides

Equal length.

I'm glad to present it to you

And his name is ... (square).

Three corners, three sides

May be of different lengths.

If you hit the corners

Then you jump up on your own. (triangle).

The triangle thanks the children for their help, for their ingenuity and hides in the tower. The queen of mathematics divides the children into two teams: red and green.

Listen carefully to a very difficult task: the red team needs to draw a path from the largest square to the smallest from a red string. And the green team needs to draw a path from the smallest circle to the largest with a green thread.

The children are doing the task.

Ay, well done! Now turn over the smallest square. Who is on it? (bear). Turn over the largest circle. Who is drawn on it? (bees). How many bees? (a lot, (can be counted)). And the bear? (one).

An outdoor game "The Bear and the Bees" is being held.

Oh, and merry guests! But it's time to say goodbye, I hope you liked my kingdom and you'll visit me often.

The Queen of Mathematics escorts the children to the group, falls behind a little on the way, takes off her crown and mantle and enters the group after the children:

I went around the whole garden, but did not find our guest. And I didn't see you in the group either. Where were you?

Children share their experiences.

Lesson Analysis

During the lesson, various didactic games were used, based on the visual, auditory and tactile analyzers of preschoolers. The participation of preschoolers themselves in the organization of games contributed to a better assimilation of the material. The fact of assimilation of the material is checked and fixed in the final part of the lesson, which contributes to the development of the memory of preschoolers.

Lesson 4

Purpose: to improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), regardless of their size and color. Develop observation and imagination.

Vanya came to visit the children ( big doll). He does not yet know geometric shapes. Wants to watch children play and learn from them.

"What does it look like?"

Children stand in a circle. They pass the ball to each other and name what a circle, square, triangle looks like.

"Be careful"

On the board - a circle, a square, a triangle. I propose to consider the figures and remember their location. Then I ask the children to close their eyes, and at this time I remove one figure. Opening their eyes, the children say what has changed.

"Find the Shape"

I show the children one card at a time, on which objects are drawn (wheel, scarf, tent, ball, TV, etc.). Name the figure of the same shape (circle, square, triangle).

"Messed up"

I say that I brought the figures to the children to show, but they were all mixed up in the box. We need to separate them and put them on plates. (Triangles, squares and circles).

"Find a house"

Children have one shape. I give the task to disperse in a group, and find such a figure on the wall, on the closet, etc.

"Let's play with figures"

Lay out the drawing with geometric shapes. I distribute cards to the children, and I suggest putting the figures on Right place. I ask questions:

How many triangles? How many circles? How many squares?


I know that all children and adults love gifts. Let's give Vanechka a gift. Give him cards with geometric shapes. To make them beautiful, they need to be painted. Squares are red, circles are green, and triangles are blue.

Lesson Analysis

In the course of the lesson, visual, auditory and tactile analyzers were activated, contributing to the assimilation of such mathematical knowledge as geometric shapes, counting, orientation in space. The use of didactic games contributed to the activation of the involuntary interest of children, and, consequently, to a better assimilation of the material.