What is speed reading and how to master this skill. The most effective method of teaching speed reading. Read faster and remember more

The nature of the brain and mind is able to learn speed reading with the help of a metronome, which can be used in many ways. To begin with, make sure that each beat of the metronome means that your visual guide advances one specific step. With the help of a given tempo, you can establish and maintain a stable reading rhythm, avoiding a drop in reading speed over time. After this reading rate is established, nothing prevents you from further increasing your reading speed in the same way.

You then tune the metronome to an unnaturally fast pace. Again, this form of training helps you "jump over your head" by pushing yourself to new standards, no matter how high they are.

How the eyes work when reading

In fact, the eyes do not look fixedly at one point. To see more information, they make quick hopping movements from where they were directed. These movements are called saccades.

Can you follow the text with your finger?

The simplest pointer is the tip of your finger. Just place your finger under a line of text and move it around as you read. Once you get used to it, you will be able to read much faster than before.

The pointer will help with control, you can physically adjust the speed of reading by moving your hand. If your hand moves faster, you are forced to read faster. Just like if you slow down your pointer, you will read slower. This type control allows you to carefully read difficult or important parts of the text and quickly deal with understandable and unimportant parts.

Practice moving the pointer faster than you can say the words in your head. This will get you out of the habit of automatically voicing words.

Unfortunately, as you read, this position is constantly moving. Saccades (and just plain distractions) cause you to slow down because you have to look for the place where you finished reading. The solution to this problem is pointer usage.

Visual angle training for speed reading

Focus your eyes on the center. With peripheral vision, mark the same blocks. The goal is not to find the same blocks as quickly as possible, but to focus on the center of the screen with peripheral vision to find the information you need.

Computer exercises (trainings) to expand (measure) the angle of view

  • Angle of view and reading - an exercise for entering the state of speed reading
  • Exercise to expand the angle of view - rotating numbers
  • Exercise to expand the angle of view - the correct memorization of numbers
  • Schulte tables - expanding the angle of view for entering a state of meditation and fast reading mode.

Computer exercises (trainings) on text perception

  • Speed ​​Reading Training - Find the word in the text

Reading and rhythm

Other computer trainings for mastering the skill of speed reading:

  • Reading backwards (reverse)

For reading speed, the main thing is not speed, but control over reading

Speed ​​reading is not just about developing the speed of reading to the maximum speed with which you managed to run through the lines. As a result, many feel that they are unable to absorb information and note that comprehension deteriorates if they increase their reading speed.

The ability to control your speed will make your reading more efficient than just racing through the text.

Most people can read using only 2 speeds: skimming and reading. Speed ​​reading opens intermediate niches. Now you can skim the text, read without voicing in your head, read fast, read slowly and even crawl through the text if the meaning is incomprehensible or difficult.

The material must be made more interesting before taking on the book. Make it interesting so that you can easily concentrate on it while reading.

Immersion in reading material

If you see that the material is interesting, you can completely immerse yourself in it. Full immersion in the material can reduce the time of reading, while the perception of the material does not deteriorate. This may be enough to change your attitude towards what should be read.

Learning to read without voicing the words in your head will help pave the way for extreme reading speed, which is very useful if the text is easy to read or contains a lot of unnecessary information. This is not the same as quickly skimming the text with your eyes.

Fast reading requires active reading. Before you start reading, set up your thinking by asking what you hope to get out of your next reading. Even if you are 100% sure what you need to learn, this exercise will help your brain notice relevant details in the text faster. If you find something interesting, stop to think, or even note this information in the book.

Active reading for mastering the skill of speed reading

Active reading means that you will stop to think about what you have read. Stopping to think is not good for fast reading. But this is a mindful reading tactic that everyone should master. Know when to read slower

Sometimes it is useful to quickly read what is written, where there is little necessary information, just as often you need to slow down to understand something important or incomprehensible. If you compare reading to driving a car, imagine that you are driving on a straight line that meets the standards of a motorway, you are free to pick up speed. But if you need to make sharp turns on a mountain road, it is better to reduce this speed.

Today, the technique of speed reading has become very popular. It is necessary for people of all professions. Anyone can develop this ability. How to learn speed reading, you will learn all the teaching methods in this article.
First of all, a person must understand for himself why he needs it, what is the goal and what it will give him. For an adult, motivation is important so as not to abandon training halfway. It also needs self-confidence. You must understand that every person can learn to read quickly if he really has such a desire.

How to learn speed reading on your own?

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Now there are many courses that teach speed reading. But the courses take time and money, which is often not enough. To learn how to read quickly, you can do speed reading exercises at home. To do this, you need to find 20-25 free time per day.
The most effective speed reading techniques that you can perform on your own

  1. "shooting method" It is necessary to learn in a few seconds to highlight those passages in the text that you need to pay attention to, sifting out already known material. First you need to try this exercise on objects. Look at the thing for a few seconds, and closing your eyes, remember it in every detail. Next, mark what you forgot and repeat the exercise a few more times.
  2. The method of finding keywords in the text will allow not only to read quickly, but also to remember what was read, to capture the essence of the text.
  3. Very important articulation suppression exercises because they take a lot of time. Articulating, we read at the same speed as if we were reading aloud. Count in your mind from 10 to 1. Now try to read the text and at the same time continue to count in your mind. All attention should be on the numbers. Of course, you will not be able to understand anything from what you have read. After all, you did not have the opportunity to pronounce the text out of habit. Instead of counting, you can mentally sing a song. This will wean you from the habit of articulation. After doing these exercises regularly, you will have the feeling that you can understand the words without even reading them.
  4. Learn to use visual memory . You need to read not by letter, but learn to grasp words consisting of 9-10 letters. This is easy to do if you make tablets with the most common words. Looking at the table, but not reading the words, close your eyes and say what is written.
  5. The reason for the slow reading speed - Poorly developed peripheral vision. A person reads a line in parts, because he cannot catch it entirely with his eyes. You need to learn how to read “vertically”, which means that looking at one point, you can see the entire line or even the entire page. Schulte tables will help with this. You can write the text by hand or type it on a computer so that the text looks like a triangle. Look at the center of each line and without moving your eyes left and right, read the text. You can develop peripheral vision on the street or at work. Look at one point, but at the same time try to see what is happening around.
  6. Another enemy of speed reading is regression. A person often returns to the already read text. This happens due to misunderstanding of the text, lack of attention, and sometimes out of habit. To learn how to read quickly, you do not need to “jump” through the text while reading. To cope with the habit of rereading the text, a regular bookmark will help, which needs to close the already read line.
  7. In speed reading, it is very important to learn how to take maximum useful information from the text. . Experts recommend breaking the text into blocks and paying special attention to them: title, author, topic, facts, criticism and novelty of the material. Read the text 3 times and write down the basic information for each block. The first time read briefly and catch the point, the second time read carefully and underline as much information as possible. For the third time, make sure that nothing important escapes your attention. Read 1-2 texts a day like this and soon you will learn how to work with information. You will never have to take notes again.

The main method of speed reading is to learn to see the whole page without focusing on the details.

You can learn speed reading at home with the help of an interesting exercise "Messed up letters". In words, all letters are written in random order, except for the first and last. You need to read the text from such words. There are many such texts on the Internet. Or ask a friend to write you such a text. Many easily cope with such a task, since the human brain perceives better not alphabetic, but dictionary reading.

  • Exercise "Crossed out letters." A friend texts you with missing vowels or consonants. And you write to him. Who can read faster?
  • Cross out or draw every second word in the text and try to understand the meaning of the text. This exercise activates the brain and develops intellectual abilities.
  • The exercise "Semantic Guess" lies in the fact that many words can be skipped and not read, since it is already clear that they are written there according to the previous meaning. You can learn to skip entire blocks of text. For example: “Every person needs to maintain a good physical ...
  • You need to go to the gym…” The words "form" and "hall" are clear in meaning and you immediately understand which words are missing.

How to teach speed reading to a child

It makes sense to start teaching a child speed reading at 9-10 years old. Until this age, the child is not ready for speed reading exercises.

The older children get, the more they need to read. The amount of literature that needs to be read doubles by the 5th grade. By the 8th grade - three times. The child must not only learn to read quickly, but also understand what he reads. The skill of speed reading will be useful to him for the rest of his life. Now there are many speed reading courses, but if parents can spend 20 minutes a day with their child, then this can be learned quite quickly at home.

Problems that children have when reading

  1. When reading “to themselves”, children articulate, move their lips. In this case, the eyes linger for a long time in one place;
  2. Many read aloud, although vision perceives information 10 times faster;
  3. Most children have a small field of vision, so exercises to enlarge it are necessary;
  4. Pupils of elementary grades often stumble, involuntarily change places of letters, do not finish reading the endings. This reduces the speed of reading at times.

Speed ​​reading helps eliminate these errors, increase reading speed. It is also important that the child understands and can retell what he has read. To solve the problem of qualitative understanding, speed reading techniques help the child to see what is important in the text, develops attention, imagination, memory and thinking.

Many children are distracted when reading, they fly away with their thoughts, they do not remember where they stopped reading. So the basic methods of speed reading will teach the child attention, concentration, composure.

Speed ​​Reading Teaching Methods for a Child at Home

You need to deal with a child for 15-20 minutes three times a week. Lesson structure:

The first stage of classes eliminates the causes of slow reading and expands the field of view.

  1. Reading a short text (up to 100 words). After that, ask the child questions on reading comprehension;
  2. Schulte table. The task of the child is to quickly find the scattered numbers in the square. Start with 9 and work up to 36 digits in the table;
    The next stage involves focusing on what you read and assimilation of information.
  3. Damaged text technique. Cut the text into parts and paste it on the card, shifting it by 1-2 lines. Then cut out the middle of the text, individual letters, etc. Then have a conversation on the text.
  4. Mathematical exercises for the development of attention alternate with drawing on the topic of the read text.


An exercise to change the speed of reading is that you run your fingers through the text, and the child tries to keep up with reading after you. Gradually increase your speed.

Text comprehension exercise. You need to cover the top of the line. The bottom remains completely open. The child will understand that you need to quickly have time to read the bottom line until the top line is completely opened. After that, match the text and retell. It also develops silent reading.

Your task is to instill in your child a love of reading. Do these classes in a good mood. Such activities will make it easier for the child to perform many tasks in the future, they will succeed in their studies, quickly perceive a large amount of information.

Speed ​​reading is a speed reading technique, an acquired ability that increases the speed by 3-20 times the average (which is 180-200 words per minute). With its help, you can speed up the perception of textual information and master the process of memorizing what you read.

There are many programs with which it is permissible to increase the level of reading, speed up the memorization process and achieve an expansion of memory cells. All the training lessons of such programs are aimed at developing a person spiritually and, of course, intellectually.
Oleg Andreev is a well-known author, offers training in his own programs, which he himself composes.

  • Learning to increase reading speed. Some were able to increase it 20 times, but the average achievement is an increase of 5 times.
  • Training provides better and faster perception of textual information.
  • The development of memory and, of course, attention.
  • The opportunity to develop your own intuition, which will not be superfluous in everyday life.
  • The opportunity to develop or improve creative abilities.
  • A complete physical recovery of the body.
  • Education affects the spiritual growth of a person.

In order to know, feel, realize all these points, you need to go through and study the 7 basic laws on which the speed reading technique is based. It is these laws that form the basis of all methods. The program "How to increase the speed of reading?" requires time, attention and, of course, the desire of a person, without which the implementation and achievement of a positive result is impossible.

Oleg Andreev, in turn, identifies 7 programs, each of which is aimed at working on oneself and developing one's intellectual abilities and spirituality.

Speed ​​Reading Rules

  • No regression.

Regressions are eye movements that the reader involuntarily makes. Accessible wording is a repeated reading of the text. This happens for several reasons:

  • the first is a complex text that requires sharpening of attention and, accordingly, re-reading;
  • The second reason is a rethinking of what has been read.

Regressions are a kind of habit that slows down speed reading. To get rid of regressions, you just need to train. The essence of the training is that the text must be read with the highest possible level of attention and concentration.

For the best result, you need to get rid of all extraneous thoughts and distractions. In addition, one reading is effective for memory. The memorization process works instantly, and repeated reading or aggravation on one word can confuse the main meaning.

  • No articulation.

Articulation is the facial expressions of the reader, which is accompanied by familiarization with textual information at a subconscious level. Articulation accompanies reading both aloud and silently. Many people think that reading to yourself speeds up the process, but this is an erroneous opinion.

This phenomenon has its own classification:

  • accompaniment of the text by mechanical movements;
  • speaking directly in the speech center is a much deeper and less controlled level.

The principle of operation is based on reading to the accompaniment of a certain sound (music is excluded). You need to use sound recordings with faster and slightly slower rhythms, which should be turned on when reading and tapping to the rhythm in parallel. Andreev devotes a whole program to mastering this process; in this teaching, his opinion is fundamentally different from the lessons of foreign teachers.

  • Integral reading algorithm.

The essence of this rule is based on optimization and highlighting the main meaning that the text carries in itself. The semantic perception of the text can only be taught by a special program; it is impossible to learn and master this rule on self-study.

  • vertical eye movement.

Easy to say, but much more difficult to apply. This rule allows the reader to save unnecessary eye movements, which are spent on moving from one line to another. This is how an ordinary person reads, due to the small field of view. Vertical eye movement is based on eye movement from top to bottom, but strictly through the center of the page. This method allows you to read the phrase as a whole, and not by individual words.

  • Isolation of the dominant.

This technique allows you to highlight the most basic semantic meaning of the text and cut off secondary information. This method has 2 principles:

  • definition and allocation of central semantic points;
  • intuitive understanding of the text.

In his book, Andreev explains this process in an accessible way.

  • The development of memory and attention.

Attention, concentration and memory are the guides with the help of which it is possible to achieve high results in speed reading in practice.

The technique of fast speed reading allows you to master attention, it is such a vicious circle: without attention you cannot read quickly, but by reading quickly, you reach the highest level of attention and memory development.

An indispensable assistant in improving memory and attention is exercises with words, mental reading them in reverse. Regular exercise brings results. It is worth starting with simple and short words and every day complicating your task.

  • Mandatory daily minimum.

The development of fast reading requires special psychological costs and efforts from a person. Having embarked on the path of learning this program, you need to read several magazines, articles, newspapers and at least 50-100 pages of a book a day.

Oleg Andreev in his teachings prefers points: 1,2,3,4,6 and calls them not rules, but interference, which in one way or another slow down the reading technique, reduce the level of memorization. But with all this, Mr. Andreev proposes to study the volume of the readable text, which over time will provide a solid time budget.

The program, which the author Andreev sets out, offers a kind of speed reading simulator, which will be entered in the table. The table called "Analysis of reading volume", which clearly demonstrates speed reading in practice, allows you to increase the trend of its development, improve the processes of memorization and expansion of memory cells.

Table "Analysis of reading volume"

The table should clearly display the amount of text that is read during the day. At the same time, it is broken down separately by days and styles of the material read (textbooks, manuals, dictionaries, newspapers, magazines, etc.). The criteria are the volume of the text and the time spent on this text.

Measured units: the text must be counted in pieces, as for the style of the material, and directly the characters in each of the styles, the daily time spent reading should be recorded in minutes, and the weekly result should be set in hours. The table is a kind of personal incentive, where a person, seeing the result of the previous day, tries to overcome it. Andreev claims that a week is enough to see the result and set the pace of his development.

Teaching this technique allows you to develop five of the five types of reading. It is worth knowing that a person who has not studied speed reading has only two.

Reading types:

  • Concentrated reading, it is used in the study of a narrow profile text (legal, medical, technical, etc.). This is a great memory training.
  • Reading slowly, it is typical for fiction.
  • Anticipatory reading or preliminary - with its help determine the essence of what is being read.
  • Skimming is used to get an idea of ​​the content.
  • Fast reading itself is speed reading.

Speed ​​Reading Exercises

  • Read the text in the standard way, from top to bottom and in reverse order. This is the first training for memory and attention.
  • The second lesson trains attention. Learning is about finding one word that the other person points to. Absolutely any text for this exercise is suitable, be it a textbook or a novel.
  • The speed reading technique and the fluent reading program allows you to develop logical thinking. Artistic texts are suitable for this exercise. Learning consists of reading through a line or sentence. Such lessons are unacceptable for reading business documentation; it requires a careful and concentrated reading of every word. This method displays the results in an indicative table, which Andreev offers in training. Training is aimed at speeding up reading, and at developing memory and improving the memorization of the information read.
  • Faster browsing (20 seconds per page). During this time, you need to determine the main words that carry the main meaning and scroll through the pages to compose a text that would not lose its general meaning. Such lessons are within the power of those who have already completed the training by about half, and have basic memorization skills.
  • Read books at the same rhythm without slowing down and without stopping, do not re-read the same sentence several times.
  • Having mastered the previous point, complicate the task, the following lessons need to close the read text with a sheet, observing speed.
  • Acceleration occurs if you move the finger of your left hand across the page at a distance of 2–3 cm from the text being read.

These exercises will allow you to achieve results in speed reading and raise the level of memorization of information.

Today, the technique of speed reading has become extremely popular. And no wonder, because the ability to read quickly and understand what is read is required for people of any profession. Anyone can develop this ability in themselves if they use the method of speed reading.

The speed reading technique includes several stages. But the main thing in mastering this technique is the motivation and self-esteem of a person. That is, in order for the speed reading technique to be successfully applied in practice, the student must understand why he sets this goal for himself. It is also extremely important that in the mind of someone who wants to learn to read very quickly, the thought is put aside that everything is achievable and almost everyone should succeed.

The speed reading technique includes the principle of “shooting”. It lies in the fact that a person develops the ability in a few seconds to instantly select in the text only those passages that should be paid special attention, sifting out already known material. That is, in order to learn how to read very quickly, you need to be able to highlight unfamiliar information with a second glance.

The exercise will be performed correctly if the student understands its essence by testing his ability to highlight the main thing first on objects. This is done as follows: for several seconds you need to carefully consider an object. Then, closing your eyes, imagine it in all the details.

Opening your eyes, you should note to yourself the difference between the visual representation of this object and the real image. Having singled out 3 previously unnoticed features in the object, you should again close your eyes and again imagine the object. Now the picture will be more complete. This exercise is done up to 7 times - it develops attention and the ability to highlight the main thing.

The speed reading technique includes exercises similar to the one described: After quickly reviewing the text (but you don’t need to read it!) For 30 seconds, you should highlight the 3 main ideas of the passage. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine these thoughts. Then the method is repeated 4 more times, but each time you should find new thoughts and facts, visualizing them.

Method for finding keywords

But how to learn not only to read quickly, but also? To do this, there are exercises to find keywords in the text. This method can be jokingly called "read through the word".

That is, before reading, you should decide on the topic of the text and, looking through the material with your eyes, “cling” only those words, together with the passages adjacent to them, that are relevant to the topic.

Articulation suppression

Since everyone can learn to read quickly and on their own, you just need to regularly carry out the necessary exercises. One of the main "braking" reading moments is the ability of people to pronounce the text to themselves. We even mentally articulate! And all this takes time. Therefore, in order to learn to read very quickly, one should develop the skill of suppressing articulation. And the exercises for developing the skill of speed reading will be the following:

  • While reading, mentally count.
  • Finger tapping while reciting a familiar rhythmic pattern, such as tam-tararam-tam-tararam.

Visual memory skills

It is impossible to learn to read very quickly if you use the method of alphabetic reading. By the way, today, even in elementary school, many methodologists are trying to abandon this technique at an early stage of education. They are trying to teach kids to memorize syllables, whole four and five-letter words. And adults have a more developed memory, so they should learn to grasp (and not spell!) words consisting of 9, 10 or more letters.

Learning to speed-read long words using visual memory is not at all difficult if you perform the necessary exercises daily. Tablets should be prepared with printed long words, most often found in texts (or purely professional ones). You can create pictures in computer programs with printed words. The tablet may include 2-3 words or even more. These exercises consist in the fact that the student should only look at the tablet, but not read the word, close his eyes (or remove the picture from the monitor) and pronounce what is written.

You can start these exercises with words containing 6-7 letters, gradually complicating the task. Since it is impossible to learn to read very quickly in an instant, you should devote at least 15 minutes to each exercise every day.

Vertical Reading Practice

It is impossible to master speed reading if you do not learn to read vertically. That is, you should “teach your eyes” not to move along the line, but to cover the entire line with one glance. To develop and improve this skill, there are special developments - Schulte exercises.

This method is based on the use of square lined tables with numbers in them in random order. You need to start the exercises with a table of 16 numbers, then gradually move on to 25, 36, 49 numbers. The tables differ from each other in the arrangement of numbers, so it would be better if someone else prepares them. It is convenient to engage in the development of speed reading skills together, then the plates can easily be exchanged.

The main method of speed reading is to see the whole page at once, without focusing on the little things. Therefore, when working with tables, you should look clearly at one point located in the center of the table.

Features of brain activity

"Mismatched Letters"

Since it is most convenient to learn speed reading at home on your own together, some interesting, to some extent even creative, exercises will be very appropriate.

The speed reading technique is based on the specific features of the human brain, discovered relatively recently. It turns out that the brain perceives best not alphabetic reading, but vocabulary. Moreover, the letters in the words may not be in the usual order, but arbitrarily, the main thing is that the first and last letters do not change their place.

You can use this feature in order to read quickly with the help of the following exercise. Both students prepare texts for each other in which they rearrange the letters inside the words. Then they change passages and check each other's readings.

"Crossed Out Letters"

Crossing out letters inside words is also great for developing speed reading skills. Both students also prepare tasks for each other, removing almost half of the letters from the text, for example, all vowels. You can even arrange competitions for a while, determining with the help of a stopwatch how quickly a partner can read such a text.

Reading through the word

Such exercises contribute not only to the acquisition of speed reading skills, but also stimulate the brain, giving it training and developing the intellectual abilities of a person. The skill of fast reading is acquired if you know how to quickly read the text, "not getting hung up" on each specific word, that is, through the word.

The exercises for developing this skill are also simple. You must first prepare the material: a text with crossed out (erased) words, for example, first remove every third word, then move on to exercises in which every second word is removed.

Assault technique - competition

You need to take two texts or different passages from the same one and read it in turn for a while, followed by a retelling.

Speed ​​reading is possible without performing a series special exercises if you already have the skills of high concentration of attention, high-quality reading comprehension and assimilation and have an excellent memory.

Exercises for mastering the technique of speed reading will be most useful to those who are dissatisfied with their speed of understanding and remembering information when reading texts of various types and levels of complexity.

At what age can you practice speed reading?

For an adult, it is extremely important not only to be able to demonstrate the ability to read a piece of text “on a stopwatch” as quickly as possible, but the ability to save time thanks to speed reading is really necessary. Therefore, when reading a text on a particular topic, an adult simply must be able to “skip past” unnecessary, non-informative parts of the text, while catching with a glance the key words that reflect the main idea of ​​the author.

The most common recommendation for children is that you should not teach your child to speed read before the age of 14. We agree that superficial reading “diagonally” is not the best option for schoolchildren who, first of all, need to master the curriculum well and learn how to enjoy works of fiction.

Of course, each child and his abilities are unique, so it would be wise to focus on the key points of children's readiness to master the speed reading technique. So, if your child already knows how to read aloud, easily reads a page in a couple of minutes and understands the meaning of what he read (he can retell the essence in his own words), you can set the task of increasing the reading speed using a set of exercises for speed reading.

5 Key Skills for High Speed ​​Reading

When learning speed reading, it is important to constantly train the following skills:

  • concentration of attention;
  • suppression of articulation (habits to pronounce the text);
  • improved visual skill - a wide field of peripheral vision;
  • the ability to quickly highlight valuable, useful information in the text and not waste attention on “water”;
  • good memory - the assimilation of valuable information from the material read;
  • increasing the speed of thinking.

The secret to mastering the speed reading technique is regular exercises in developing memory, attention and mastering other speed reading skills.

What exercises to improve reading speed will be useful at any age?

The greatest benefits are those exercises that eliminate the cause of the low speed of perception and processing of visual information.

The main mistakes that create a barrier in reading speed in both children and adults are considered to be involuntary recurrent eye movements (regression) and unnecessary articulation, which we learned just in childhood.

The main disadvantages that impede the effective and rapid perception of information:

  • problems with concentration;
  • a small angle (field) of visual coverage of textual information.

So, exercises for speed reading in grade 1 should be aimed primarily at developing the ability to concentrate attention and expanding the scope of information. The "small field of view" is perhaps the most important reason why children are taught to read first by letter, by syllables, then by whole words, phrases and sentences with an expression confirming the reader's understanding of the meaning of what is written.

Not every adult can boast of the ability to perceive long phrases and entire sentences “at a glance”. This is where the development of visual reading skills in most people stops.

Expanding the field of view

"Development of peripheral vision according to Schulte tables"

Regular training with the help of Schulte tables will allow your child not only to have an interesting time, but also help to increase concentration, expand peripheral vision and develop memory.

"Defocused look". The main task of training is to use a dispersed gaze to perceive a larger area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe page or screen. The exercise can be performed in various ways, for example, to search for identical elements using diffuse vision or to memorize more elements that could be covered without moving your eyes from the central object of attention.

Improving concentration

“Activation of both hemispheres”. Take the text of a topic familiar to you and read the paragraph alternately with your right and left eyes. Thanks to this simple technique, you activate both hemispheres of the brain in turn.

"Isolation of the main". Many outstanding personalities used this technique. Just take a marker or pencil and highlight the 2-3 most important thoughts from the page. It is even better to improve this exercise and not just highlight the main thing, but mark your critical remarks with signs: very important information - “!” or “NB”, agree - put “+”, disagree - “-”, etc.

"Name a Color". Call out loud as you read the following colored word color text. It is the colors, not what is written.

Red . Green. Blue. Yellow. Violet. Orange. Brown. Blue .

Red . Blue. Green. Violet. Yellow. Brown. Blue. Green. Blue.

Don't rush to do it at incredible speed. Well, if after training you, in principle, managed to complete the exercise without errors.

"Find the word". Exercise options:

  1. Search the page for all words starting with a certain letter.
  2. Search the page for all occurrences of a particular word or phrase.

Riddles- a simple and very effective way to train concentration skills at any age. Best of all, if it is or.

Getting rid of regression

“Cutting half a line”. When reading the text, cover half of the line (upper part) with a piece of paper. Thus, you will force the brain to guess what is written and at the same time, in such a situation, it is natural to want to see the next line even before you “cut off” part of it. This exercise will teach you to jump ahead while reading and at the same time not to return to what you have read.

"Pointer". To break the habit of looking back at what you have already read, let your eyes constantly follow the pen, pencil or finger that will lead you forward all the time.

"Speed ​​Reading". Recall the reading speed test in elementary school. We take a timer and measure our current result by reading one page, chapter or article.

Suppressing articulation

“alternative text”. In parallel with reading, we say something that is not related to the subject of attention. For example, we hum the motive of the song (“la-la-la, true-lal-la”) or say another text in our mind, for example, proverbs, tongue twisters, or keep count in order, regardless of the number of words or lines read. The main thing is not to lose concentration.

“With your mouth closed!” If your lips move or your tongue moves while reading, you need to keep them busy. This error is often present in children after constant reading aloud in the lower grades. Try simultaneously chewing on a pencil or crackers or chewing gum.

"Drumroll". We tap some kind of rhythm on the table with our fingers, the more difficult it is, the better. If the fingers are busy, the speech center of the brain will be automatically at least partially blocked.

“Reading with distracting music”. A great way to suppress the desire to pronounce readable text is to listen to music that does not have a constant rhythm. Jazz is best suited for this purpose.

We develop memory

“Non-Standard Reading”. Reading text rotated 90 degrees away from you, 180, 45, etc. An example of the exercise: turn the page upside down and set the task of reading the text backwards (i.e. from right to left). Such training is especially useful for children in order to form in memory standards of integral letters, regardless of how they are located.

"Fix the missing letters." An excellent exercise for the development of verbal-logical memory. While reading a text with missing letters, stops for “guessing” the next word are forced to keep in mind the words and the meaning of what was read earlier. A good workout not only for memory, but also for eliminating such fast reading obstacles as recurrent eye movements and articulation.

Development of the speed of thinking

One of the main reasons why it is possible to significantly improve the reading speed of any person is the redundancy of information at all levels of texts (especially those posted on the Internet), from headlines and introductory structures designed to attract attention, to individual words with a weak or completely absent semantic load.

The regular solution of logical problems develops the ability to separate the main from the secondary, develops the skill of "turning on blindness" in relation to redundant information and "instantaneous" perception of important thoughts. This is achieved, first of all, thanks to regular exercises in the speed of perception of the conditions of the problem and understanding the essence of the question being asked. A conscious analysis of the structure of tasks develops the skill of splitting tasks into conditions and groups of conditions, highlighting one or more questions, understanding the optimal order for solving subtasks, and searching for solutions.

Completing tasks from LogicLike will help at any age:

  • improve concentration;
  • develop the speed of thinking;
  • and as a result, significantly increase the speed of reading.