Safe early pregnancy termination at home. The advantage of this type of abortion is How to get rid of pregnancy

Early termination of pregnancy is of interest to women who have conceived but do not want a child. Another reason is that pregnancy is dangerous to health and life.

In any case, measures must be taken as early as possible to avoid negative consequences.


This is the most common way to eliminate an unwanted embryo. Conducted for up to 12 weeks.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia due to pain. It is an artificial expansion of the cervix and curettage of the uterine cavity or curettage, using a special metal instrument - a curette.

Duration surgical abortion– about 20 minutes. Then the patient spends from 2 to 4 hours under the supervision of doctors.

This method is the most traumatic. Possible consequences:

  • damage to the endometrium;
  • trauma to the cervix;
  • the formation of an extensive wound on the tissues of the internal cavity of the uterus;
  • bleeding;
  • development of endometritis and other inflammatory processes;
  • infertility.

Medical methods


The following apply early:

  • Mifeprex. Indications - holding a pharmacist for up to 42 days of delay. The drug has high efficiency, healthy women they tolerate it well.
  • Pencrofton. The tablets contain mifepristone. Indicated as an emergency interruption for girls who do not have children. Cases of gynecological complications after these pills or infertility are minimal.
  • Mifegin. French reliable preparation that can be used up to 6 weeks. It has a high efficiency, almost close to 100 percent.
  • Mytholian. Also effective remedy, at the reception of which there is a rejection of the tissues of the uterine cavity together with the embryo.

- a slightly different tool. Belongs to the category emergency contraception.

Postinor is used after unprotected intercourse. The package contains two tablets, one of which must be taken no later than 72 hours after the act, and the second - 12 hours after the first. The greatest effectiveness of the drug is possible under the condition of as much as possible early admission the first tablet.


The body of a woman requires recovery after any abortion, and even more so surgical.

  • Prohibition of sexual activity for 3 weeks. Neglect of this recommendation is fraught with a mass of complications, the development of inflammation, infectious processes and even death.
  • Attentive attitude to your well-being. It is important to measure temperature and blood pressure. In case of deviation from the norm, immediately consult a doctor.
  • Ban physical activity. Within two weeks after an abortion, a woman should not play sports and lift heavy objects.
  • water procedures. Only allowed warm shower. Baths, swimming pools, open water - all this is prohibited.
  • Timely visits to the toilet. bowel movement and Bladder needed regularly. This will avoid the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Balanced diet. The exhaustion of the body after surgery requires the supply of all the necessary nutrients.
  • Hygiene and change underwear twice a day. For washing it is necessary to use only boiled water.

Artificial interruption - not so much simple procedure as many people think. You shouldn't take her lightly.

This is a huge stress for the body and causing harm to it. For this reason, questions about how to terminate an early pregnancy at home with folk remedies do not make sense.

Application various herbs and other means can lead to irreversible consequences, and in the end you still need medical assistance. Therefore, it is better to have an abortion with the help of a qualified doctor so that the losses to the body are minimal.

Video of the procedure

Modern pharmaceuticals has an alternative to abortion, which it can offer to the fairer sex.

The ability to terminate an unwanted pregnancy without surgery using pills is called medical abortion. Pregnancy is terminated in the early stages up to about seven weeks.

Early abortion drug

What pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy, and how safe it is, let's try to figure it out below.

To get rid of an unwanted pregnancy with medication, the antiprogestogen Mifepreston will help. This drug has many other names.

  • Pencrofton.
  • Mifeprex.
  • Mifegen.

This drug may also help with emergency contraception. But the dosage in this case is different and the name of this medication is Ginepriston.

Preparative abortion, may be fraught with side effects, the main one is a violation of blood clotting, which is fraught with bleeding. Various tumors and inflammations can develop, and there is also no one hundred percent guarantee that the pregnancy will disappear.

Conditions under which an abortion can be performed:

  • First of all, this desire of a woman does not become a mother.
  • If the woman is pregnant for no more than forty-nine days.

Benefits of using tablets

When you have a medical abortion, you get some benefits:

  • A hospital that you don't have to visit.
  • Fetal rejection is similar to menstruation.
  • Minimal risk of secondary infertility.
  • There is no need for anesthesia or surgery.

Contraindications for admission

Termination of an unplanned pregnancy with pills is not recommended:

  • If your pregnancy is in the eighth week.
  • If there is suspicion of .
  • Acute and chronic liver failure.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urine - the reproductive system.
  • Acute and chronic renal failure.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Personal intolerance.

List of medicines

In order not to have to do an abgort using any methods, you can use emergency contraception using pills after unprotected intercourse.

  • . A drug that helps against unwanted pregnancy. The package contains two tablets. The first tablet should be taken immediately within seventy-four hours. The next tablet is drunk after the first one in twelve hours. This process will help you urgently protect yourself from pregnancy. The guarantee is 85%.
  • Pencrofton. This medicine can be used as emergency contraceptive. It is also used to terminate an already existing pregnancy at a short time. This remedy is recommended for women who have not given birth.
  • Mytholian. To get rid of a pregnancy that does not exceed six weeks, you can use these pills. They are also used as a means to stimulate childbirth.
  • mifepristone. Helps terminate pregnancy for up to six weeks. To do this, you need to use the remedy for three tablets at once.
  • Mifeprex. A medication that is very effective in order to. It is also fairly easy to carry.
  • Mifegin. Very good remedy distinguished by its reliability. Used in the first trimester of pregnancy.

What tests should be taken for a pharmacist

Abortion without surgery should, like surgical intervention controlled by experts. And it is not advisable to carry it out at home. List of tests that you will have to pass:

  • The first step is to undergo an ultrasound.
  • Rhesus is a blood group.
  • Smear.
  • Tests for HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis.

Remember that not long terms are given, therefore, the sooner you pass the tests, the better. Some clinics conduct express tests and terminate pregnancy on the day of treatment.

What is a medical interruption

It is necessary to do such an abortion in a medical institution, since it is a complete miscarriage.

Drugs that are allowed for this procedure in Russia.

  • Mytholian.
  • mifepristone.
  • Pencrofton.
  • Mifegen.

Mirolut and Misoprostol, so that the fetus comes out, are taken a few hours after the above drugs.

Interrupt stages:

  1. Determine pregnancy.
  2. Decide on medical abortion.
  3. Sign relevant documents.
  4. Pass tests.
  5. Identify the absence of contraindications or their presence.
  6. If everything is fine, then the doctor gives you a pill that you should drink on an empty stomach and under the supervision of a specialist.
  7. After taking the medication, the doctor's observation continues for a couple of hours, in order to react urgently in case of side deviations.

The reaction of each organism to this process is individual and can manifest itself after an hour or for two days. If there were bloody issues, so the process has begun. Be sure to purchase and take pads with you before going to the hospital. Do not forget to take all the contact details of the specialist, so that in case of anything you can contact him.

You will have to visit the doctor again a couple of days after the procedure.

There is another small nuance, not always the death of the fetus occurs without the use of drugs that reduce the uterus. So, you may also have to take another medication on an empty stomach and under the supervision of specialists.

After taking the remedy for uterine contraction, bleeding should open, so the presence of medical personnel is very important.

Types of body reactions to taking the drug

Each body tolerates the drug in its own way.

  • IN best cases abortion proceeds like normal menstruation, though with the release of clots and more abundant.
  • In some cases, nausea and vomiting appear.
  • Headaches may be bothersome.
  • Cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Diarrhea.

Mifepristone is excreted from the body within four days. It happens naturally with faeces and urine.

If the pregnancy is not terminated

Ten days after the pharmacist, you should definitely undergo an ultrasound scan, this will help determine whether the pregnancy has terminated or not, and check for the presence of remnants of the fetal egg.

  • If the abortion was not complete and there are residues, then other methods will have to be used for a complete cleansing.
  • If, despite the bleeding, the pregnancy is preserved, then in no case should it be left.


The body is given one month for this process. During this period, one must take seriously any even insignificant deviations from the norm. If suddenly something starts to cause concern in you, immediately consult a doctor.

Prohibited during the recovery period:

  1. Drinking alcohol.
  2. Heavy, physical activity.
  3. Sauna, steam room and hot tub.
  4. Engage in sexual intercourse.
  5. Supercool.
  6. Use tampons.

How long can medical abortion be used?

According to the law of the Russian Federation. abortion is allowed up to twelve weeks, the terms for pharmaceutical abortion are much less.

  • The maximum period is six weeks.
  • The optimal period is three to four weeks.

For more later dates abortion is not recommended, as it is fraught with:

  • Incomplete abortion.
  • Bleeding.
  • Continuation of pregnancy.

In such cases, you will have to resort to surgical intervention.

If you still decide to terminate the pregnancy at home, then you need to remember:

  1. It is very dangerous.
  2. It is necessary to study thoroughly the instructions for use.
  3. Abortion at home can be Negative consequences for health, and sometimes for life.
  4. Try to have someone else at home so that, in last resort There was someone to call an ambulance.

At a time when pregnancy is undesirable, the lady is looking for ways to terminate it. In this case, the most best solution will have an abortion, but many are also thinking about how it is possible to terminate a pregnancy at home. This can only be done very early. The methods outlined below are of a purely informative temperament, since the use of any of them carries the risk of inflicting damage to one's health. irreparable harm. Based on this, in any situation, the surest option would be to make an appointment with a gynecologist and have an abortion in a clinic under the supervision of experts. In order not to make mistakes, go to read our article - Until what time is an abortion done.

How is it possible to terminate a pregnancy with folk remedies?

There are many ways to terminate a pregnancy at home. It is possible to try to do this with herbal decoctions. But it is fundamentally important to strictly adhere to the indicated dosage, since plants can cause a lot of important harm to health.

Watercress herb

It is possible to terminate a pregnancy at home with the help of watercress herb. It must be collected, washed, poured over with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder. After that, the gruel is folded into cheesecloth and juice is squeezed out of it, which then needs to be diluted with water (1: 2). Then the mixture is boiled for 2 minutes over medium heat and taken 10 ml three times a day.

Club moss flattened

to interrupt early pregnancy At home, using a flattened club moss, you need to grind dry grass, take 10 g of raw materials, pour 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. on medium fire. Leave the decoction for 2 hours, strain and take 20 ml three times a day.

Gentian triflora

Take the roots of the plant, flood in a ratio of 1:10, soak for 15 minutes. in a water bath. The decoction should be infused for 2 hours. Use 80 ml three times a day, before meals.

Shore: An unusual meeting from the hospital - Channel 31

carnation lush

Take 5 g of lush carnation seeds, pour 170 ml of boiling water over them. The broth must be allowed to infuse for 2 hours. Use 20 ml three times a day.

carnation field

Grind 5 g of cloves, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Take an infusion before meals, 10 ml three times a day.


Pour 20 g of barberry leaves with 125 ml of vodka. After 2 weeks, take 25 drops of the tincture three times a day.

Ledum marsh

With this plant you need to be as careful as possible, because it is poisonous. But thanks to him, he will be able to quickly get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. To make a decoction of wild rosemary, you need 10 g of dried chopped herbs, pour 250 ml of boiling water. After 2 hours, the broth is ready for consumption. It is recommended to take it warm three times a day, 20 ml before meals.

How to terminate a pregnancy at home with pills?

It is possible to get rid of unwanted pregnancy with the help of medicines. But it is better to consult with an expert who will select the drug in accordance with the highlights of the body. In addition, medical abortion should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, since the drugs lead to bleeding, which is quite difficult to cope with at home.

In order to terminate the pregnancy at home, go to drink a mifepristone pill, and after 24-72 hours, a misoprostol pill. These drugs lead to the uterus, which lead to miscarriage. In 95-97% of the pregnancy is terminated. Miscarriage in most cases occurs 7 hours after the end of the drug. It is fundamentally important not to forget that it leads to bleeding, which is sometimes quite severe. Apply given drugs with great care. It is best to make an appointment with a gynecologist. At the end of the miscarriage, you need to undergo an ultrasound in order to make sure that everything went well.

Abort a pregnancy at home: mustard bath

Mustard will help to terminate the pregnancy. Need to pour into the bath hot water, pour 50 g of mustard into it. You need to take a bath for 30 minutes. Under the influence of hot water and mustard, blood circulation will increase many times over. Due to this, pressure in the uterine cavity will increase and begin profuse bleeding with which the fetus will come out.

Do not forget that home interruption pregnancy is very dangerous. Since bleeding is much more often caused, which is not always possible to stop on its own, but ambulance may not arrive on time.

In addition, it will be useful for you to read our articles - How to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy and How long it is possible to terminate a pregnancy.

And the article on our website What to do if it gets stuck will help you take a sober look at the situation and make the right decision.

Modern pills for abortion

Why do women choose to have an abortion? abortion pills. For several reasons. This method of abortion is more reliable than others. In addition, abortion is more natural. No surgery and (or) anesthesia. Pills can be taken at home. Pills for early termination of pregnancy can be used from the very beginning of pregnancy.

The pills contain as an active principle, the drug Cytotec (Cytotec), which is an analogue of prostaglandin E1, prostaglandin in its natural form - directs uterine contractions during childbirth. The use of Cytotec pills in the first months of pregnancy causes a chemical, medical abortion (without surgical intervention), with an efficiency of almost 98%. The most commonly used methods are oral pills, vaginal administration, or both at the same time. There are different studies of methods of administration and their effectiveness. In most cases, it is recommended to drink 3 pills and administer 3 more pills by vaginal route.

Benefits of this abortion method

* No need for another additional dose of pills, nor any other additions, in addition, these pills have no contraindications or important side effects.

Abortion can usually happen within the next 4 to 8 hours after the end of the intake.

Keep in mind that this method of terminating a pregnancy is 98% effective without risk and only 2% imagine some complication of minor severity.

1. - Be 100% sure that pregnancy has occurred, preferably through laboratory blood tests.

2. - Know right time conception. How less term pregnancy, before interruption, so it will be easier. Invariably, with a longer gestational age, there is a greater risk of complications, and vice versa.

Do abortion through pills up to 3 weeks, very simply, only 1 or 2 blood clots will be released, in most cases simple form, but there is a possibility that in some cases there will be no bleeding and it will be necessary to repeat the procedure.

The period of 4 - 8 weeks is the perfect and reliable moment for a single application of Cytotec, a miscarriage will occur without any type of complications.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages by means of pills, up to 8 weeks is the easiest, the lady recovers in most cases, very quickly after the end of the drug, only 4-5 blood clots and little tissue of the amniotic sac are released, and about the next day she can lead your ordinary life.

With pills, it is possible to safely have an abortion up to 8 weeks. Around 12 - 14 weeks, it is also possible to terminate the pregnancy, but it goes without saying that the bleeding will be more intense compared to 12 weeks or less, based on this, you will need to take special preparations and vitamins, in order to return blood loss.

If the gestational age is more than 14 weeks, the risk increases due to the fact that the size of the fetus and placenta is larger, and there is a high probability that the amniotic sac will not be completely released. Based on this, it is not recommended to use pills over 14 weeks of pregnancy.

3. - It is recommended to carry out the procedure of medical termination of pregnancy in the conditions of the lady being on vacation and under the supervision of physicians, at least for two days. Better not to leave her alone. It is recommended that the patient relax first of all emotionally, give her medical supervision. It must be taken into account that the patient feels lonely and probably very nervous. She may have some anxiety: how headache, nausea, fever, pelvic pain, abdominal pain and nausea, excluding somatic, other different symptoms anxiety, depression blood pressure, horror based on this, it is fundamentally important that her husband accompany her either best friend to give her emotional support. Anxiety in most cases is short and moderate.

4. - Bleeding is quite often the first sign that an abortion has begun, bleeding during an abortion is in most cases a little more abundant than bleeding during normal menstruation, and there may be blood clots. When the abortion with the removal of the fetus is over, the bleeding will probably last several days, in some cases up to a maximum of fifteen in most cases, which will decrease slowly in intensity until it disappears, depending on the woman's body. The menstrual cycle returns to normal four to six weeks later. There are special pills that reduce the intensity of bleeding.

5. - If at the end of the termination of pregnancy, there is no fever or convulsions, this indicates that everything went well.

But if the patient has an increase in temperature and (or) convulsions, this is an indicator that the fetus was not completely removed, the lady urgently needs to be taken to the clinic or clinic to carry out curettage. This rarely happens, but is the only risk that exists.

If there is no fever and (or) seizures, everything is fine, in most cases, at the time when the doctors determine that the patient has had an abortion, they advise curettage, but quite often they do it just to get money.

6. - It is necessary for at least 7 days to take antibiotics to prevent infection and pills with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic properties, (for pain).

7.- After this, you need to take a pill to reduce the uterus, (during pregnancy, the uterus increases in size). This will help stop bleeding and end the release of blood clots.

8. - This method is one of the least aggressive and most reliable. It is invariably better to take pills instead of injections or use invasive methods, which are expensive, traumatic and scary.

9. - But you should always remember: to prevent pregnancy, there are condoms and pills, creams, patches, etc. in other words modern ways contraception, which is better, you will, of course, now evaluate more important than the consequences. And before going to be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Termination of pregnancy with folk remedies

Pregnancy- this is such a process in which the development of the fetus from the egg occurs in the body of a lady. It begins with fertilization - the union of sperm and egg. This process takes place in the fallopian tube. Then the egg begins its movement to the uterus, which lasts about a week. After that, the egg is completely immersed in the uterus and the development of the fetus begins.

What causes an unwanted pregnancy?

Pregnancy is considered a fun event in life. loving people. But there are frequent cases, at a time when it is very undesirable. Often get pregnant young girls. Low awareness of contraceptives leads to the fact that already in adolescence girls are pregnant and are forced to take various measures in order to get rid of the fetus. But not only young age becomes a circumstance of unwanted pregnancy: there are times when contraceptives fail, from time to time partners tend to think maybe it will carry over and now there will be nothing. Situations are different, and all of them often lead to pregnancy, which turns out to be undesirable. In many cases, turning to an expert for any reason is unrealistic (lack of the required amount of money, horror, and the like), then folk remedies for saving from pregnancy come to the rescue.

How to find out the beginning of pregnancy?

Symptoms of pregnancy can be different and each lady / girl has her own. But there are some non-specialized ones that can be used to understand whether pregnancy has occurred.

  • The most important indicator is the absence of menstruation. With a regular cycle, failures can be a sign of alarm.
  • In addition to this indicator, enlarged and sensitive breasts are added.
  • Pregnancy can show increased fatigue, nausea, an increase or deterioration in appetite.
  • During pregnancy, sensitivity to smells increases.
  • An unexpected change of mood is likely.

Modern methods will be able to confirm the assumptions - pregnancy tests, which are sold in pharmacies. If the test result is positive, and pregnancy is undesirable, and there is no way to contact an expert, it’s just right to think about how to abort the pregnancy with folk remedies. And this should not be delayed.

We interrupt the pregnancy with folk remedies

If what happened happened - and, as they say, the lady flew in, and for some reason it is forbidden to give birth, then appropriate measures must be taken. Termination of pregnancy at home is fully real, but it is necessary to function very carefully so as not to harm your body. So, consider some folk remedies for abortion.

Method number 1. Watercress herb as a means of abortion

Rinse the collected grass under running water, pour over with boiling water and turn through a meat grinder. Put the gruel taken on a gauze cut folded in a couple of layers and squeeze the juice out of it. Dilute freshly squeezed juice with water in a ratio of one to two: so, for 1 tbsp. l. juice taken from the herb watercress, 2 tbsp. l. water. Boil the mixture for 2 minutes. Drink daily, three times a tablespoon.

Method #2. We interrupt with a flattened club

Terminating a pregnancy at home with this plant is likely as follows. Grind the dried club moss flattened as finely as possible. 1 st. l. Pour the club moss with 2 cups of water and boil for five minutes. on a weak fire. Infuse the resulting broth for 2 hours, after which strain through cheesecloth. It is necessary to drink it in a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

Method number 3. Gentian triflora for abortion

The roots of the plant will come in handy. They must be flooded at the rate of one to ten and kept for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. The resulting broth insist two hours. Drink it to be sent every day for 1/3 tbsp. three times.

Method number 4. Carnation lush for abortion

It is necessary to take 1 incomplete teaspoon of the seeds of this plant and pour them with 170 grams of boiling water, and at the end - leave for two hours. Use 2 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Method number 5. Termination of pregnancy with carnation field

An unwanted pregnancy often puts us in front of the question of how to terminate a pregnancy with folk remedies? In this case, it is possible to suggest the use of field cloves. 1 st. l. crushed cloves pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for one hour. Take an infusion before breakfast, lunch and dinner in a tablespoon.

Method number 6. Termination of pregnancy through barberry

Useful 2 tbsp. l. leaves of this plant. They are poured. a glass of vodka or, which is better - alcohol. It is necessary to insist the tincture in a warm place for 14 days. She is obliged to buy a sour taste and be painted in dark yellow color. It is recommended to take this remedy three times a day for 20-25 drops.

Method number 7. Ledum marsh for abortion

If an unexpectedly unwanted pregnancy is caught, folk remedies will be able to help find a way out of this problematic situation. But do not forget that the funds from some herbs in huge doses can damage health. These include the wild rosemary. To make a decoction from it, you need 1 tsp. dried chopped grass plants pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Leave for two hours, so that the broth has the opportunity to infuse. Take warm three times a day for 2 tbsp. l.

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Termination of pregnancy at home, regardless of the method chosen, involves contraction of the uterus, due to which the lady has bleeding. Together with the blood, the embryo is washed out of the body.

Medical termination of pregnancy at home

It is possible to terminate a pregnancy at home through medications, their effect is aimed at suppressing the hormone progesterone, which is important for maintaining pregnancy. To do this, take a mifepristone pill. Days later, you need to take a misoprostol pill. Then, after 7-10 hours, the lady will feel uterine contractions, expressed as cramping pains in the lower abdomen. After that, she will bleed.

Similar medical interruption pregnancy at home is found to be effective in more than 95% of cases. The outcome is affected by the gestational age. The best time for medical abortion at home is up to 8 weeks. The shorter the period, the less inconvenience the lady receives. So, those who have an abortion at home for short periods are expected to release small blood clots. If the lady thought about how to terminate the pregnancy at home quite late (but still up to 12 weeks), then she needs to get ready for a stronger and more painful discharge of blood.

This combination of drugs is not the only one when looking for ways to terminate a pregnancy at home. Termination of pregnancy at home is carried out by means of hormonal drugs.

If, after the termination of pregnancy at home, the woman’s body temperature increases, fever begins, you should immediately consult a doctor - intoxication of the body has occurred, there is a possibility of developing sepsis.

Termination of pregnancy through herbs

Traditional medicine also knows many ways to terminate a pregnancy at home. For this, phytotherapy is mainly used. An abortion at home will be assisted by an asparagus. It is doused with boiling water, after which it is necessary to grind it into a gruel, from which the juice is squeezed out. The latter must be diluted with water, using 1 part watercress juice and 2 parts water. The process of making the infusion is completed by boiling it for 2 minutes. The resulting composition is taken 10 ml three times a day.

Abortion at home can be done by taking plants that contain a certain amount of toxins. Such are tansy. Those who are looking for a method on how to have an abortion at home, it is possible to prepare a decoction of tansy. To do this, 100 g of grass is poured with 800 ml of boiling water, after which the mixture should be placed on the flame and boiled for 5 minutes. Let the broth brew for 2-3 hours and take 10 ml every 4-5 hours.

This method of abortion at home is based on the fact that toxins, affecting the fetus, lead to its death. The body of a lady, as a rule, strives to get rid of a dead embryo. But there is a risk that an abortion at home will not bring desired result but will harm the fetus. In other words, abortion at home will not be carried out, but the risk of having a child with pathologies will increase significantly.

An old method of abortion

More than one generation of women thought about how to terminate a pregnancy at home. One of the old ways to have an abortion at home is to take a hot bath in which mustard is added. A pregnant lady is obliged to spend as much as possible in the bath for a long time, along with this, it is possible to periodically add warm water to prevent the bath from getting cold. This procedure leads to the expansion of blood vessels, increased blood circulation, respectively - contraction of the uterus. The fetus is expelled and comes out with the blood. But this method how to have an abortion at home is considered one of the most terrible. Brought to bleeding profusely, based on this, the lady may die from extensive blood loss.

Regardless of the method of solving the problem of unwanted pregnancy, a certain algorithm should be directed:

  • Before thinking about how to terminate a pregnancy at home, you should set the gestational age. It will depend on him whether it is possible to get rid of the child, which of the options for how to have an abortion at home to choose;
  • Choose best method how to terminate a pregnancy at home. Carry out the procedure, meticulously following all the advice;
  • Undergo an ultrasound to make sure that the fetal egg has completely left the uterus. if this did not happen, then the lady expects inflammation, which sometimes leads to the complete removal of the uterus and also death;
  • If ultrasound examination demonstrated that the uterus is not completely released, doctors will clean it, after which they will prescribe a course of antibiotics and drugs that promote uterine contraction;

Yes, home abortion important procedure, which should be carried out only at small stages of pregnancy. Abortion at home should not mean a complete refusal to visit medical facilities, because the lady will still need to visit them to make sure that the pregnancy is terminated, and there is nothing that threatens her health.

be guided, in addition, to understand that an independent termination of pregnancy does not guarantee a 100% result, it can become a circumstance for the development of fetal pathologies and be terrible for a lady.

Reading time: 10 minutes

Up to 12 weeks, a woman may decide to terminate her pregnancy early, using surgical, medical or folk methods. After this period, an artificial miscarriage is undesirable, the risks and threats to the life of the mother increase. Find out what methods doctors offer to terminate a pregnancy, which ones are the safest and do not carry serious complications.

What is an abortion

Early abortion or termination of pregnancy is an early artificial termination development of the fetus in the uterus. Spontaneous interruption called a miscarriage. Abortion is performed non-surgical or surgically, includes a set of measures:

  • Exploratory survey;
  • carrying out the procedure;
  • monitoring the state of the woman's body;
  • psychological support.

Contraindications to abortion are the presence of acute and subacute inflammatory processes in the genitals. It is impossible to terminate pregnancy in the presence of purulent foci, acute infections if less than six months have passed since the previous abortion. Before the termination procedure in the early stages, a woman undergoes an examination by a gynecologist, receives a conclusion on the presence and duration of pregnancy based on ultrasound, and takes blood tests for key indicators and sexually transmitted diseases.

Is it possible to terminate an early pregnancy

A woman can resort to artificial termination of pregnancy for up to 12 weeks by personal decision. Up to 22 weeks is allowed late abortion, if there are social indications and the consent of the patient, at any time - if there is medical indications. Depending on the method of abortion, the maximum period for which you can resort to it differs:

  • medication (taking pills) - up to 5-6 weeks;
  • mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) - up to 5 weeks;
  • curettage (curettage) - combined with a mini-abortion, carried out up to 5-8 weeks;
  • instrumental scraping - up to 12 weeks;
  • surgery - 7-12 weeks.

How to terminate an early pregnancy

When deciding to have an abortion and the inappropriateness of maintaining the pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor. Early terms allow you to terminate the pregnancy quickly, without consequences. It is undesirable to delay the abortion, because the older the fetus, the greater the risks to the life of the mother during the procedure. You can resort to folk methods, taking herbs, medicines (pills and suppositories), surgical methods.


In medical practice, the following methods of abortion in women in the early stages are common:

  • medication - taking special tablet preparations that increase the contractile function of the uterus, causing endometrial detachment and removing the fetal egg by the type of menstruation;
  • vacuum aspiration - a flexible cannula is inserted into the uterine cavity, the egg is sucked off with a special vacuum aspirator;
  • curettage - the procedure for curettage of the uterine cavity after the expansion of the cervical canal;
  • surgical - performing an operation.

Medical interruption

The early abortion pill is considered the most common method of getting rid of the fetus. The advantages of tablet preparations include safety, minimal threat of death, the possibility of using on early stages. Tablets are taken orally, act on the uterus, causing it to contract. The fertilized egg is excreted by the type of menstrual bleeding.

The disadvantages of using tablet preparations for artificial termination of pregnancy include undesirable consequences:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • cause bleeding;
  • increased likelihood of tumor formation;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • does not promise a 100% guarantee;
  • when used for periods of more than 5-6 weeks, there may be a threat of intoxication, painful heavy bleeding, sepsis, fever.


You can find out which pills can terminate a pregnancy with a gynecologist during a personal consultation. Independently, relying on advice from the Internet, you can not take them. Popular tools include:

  • Postinor - an emergency contraceptive drug, taken within three days after fertilization;
  • Pencrofton - recommended for women who become pregnant for the first time, does not lead to secondary infertility;
  • Mifolian - contributes to the exfoliation of the fetal egg from the uterus;
  • the drug Mifepristone - taken 3 tablets at a time, according to reviews, is able to stop the production of the hormone progesterone;
  • Mifeprex - the remedy is suitable for terminating up to 42 days, it works effectively, is well tolerated, possible complications- bloody issues;
  • Epostan - blocks the production of hormones, the activity of enzymes, is effective in 80% of cases;
  • Mifegin is the most reliable drug, it reaches almost 100% effect.


For a medical abortion, special suppositories containing prostaglandins are inserted into the uterus. These substances enhance uterine contraction, causing stimulation and exfoliation of the fetal egg. Popular drugs include vaginal suppositories Dinoprostone and Papaverine. Candles are practically not used independently, only in combination with other methods. Their side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bronchospasm, fever. The advantages of using suppositories include ease of use, minimal risks to life.

How is a medical abortion performed?

Holding artificial miscarriage in the early stages with the help of medications, it goes through four stages, described below:

  1. Visiting a doctor - determining the duration of pregnancy, conducting an ultrasound scan, obtaining a referral for blood tests.
  2. Identification of the presence or absence of contraindications, the issuance of a pill. Patients take medication under the supervision of a doctor in two divided doses. The second time a woman comes on an empty stomach or two hours after eating. After taking the pill, the patient is under observation in the hospital for another two hours. A sign of the action of the tablets is the appearance of bloody discharge.
  3. Reception of prostaglandins - is carried out in 40% of cases if the fetal egg did not die after the pills. These synthetic active substances increase uterine contractions, open bleeding. It is important to be in the hospital so that constant medical monitoring of blood loss is carried out. The procedure for expelling an egg may be accompanied by the release of blood clots, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, cramping pains in the abdomen.
  4. Recovery period - after 10-14 days from the moment of abortion, the woman visits the gynecologist to check the condition of the uterus, a second ultrasound is performed. To remove the remnants of the fetal egg, additional cleaning is used. Recovery lasts a month, during it you can not drink alcohol, have sex, visit baths and pools, Gym, use tampons, it is recommended to avoid nervous breakdowns.

mini abortion

Vacuum aspiration or mini-abortion is considered a relatively safe abortion technology. The advantages include high efficiency, extended period for which it can be done (7 obstetric weeks from the moment of conception or 21 days from the moment of the delay of menstruation). When conducting vacuum aspiration, it is not necessary to expand the cervical canal, to clean the uterine cavity with a curette. Of the minuses, there is a risk of inflammation, perforation of the uterus, pneumoembolism.

For vacuum aspiration, a woman is given local anesthesia. A catheter attached to a special device is inserted into the uterus through the cervical canal. It is connected to the container, after which the fetal egg is sucked off along with the membranes and endometrium. The procedure takes five minutes. If after it the patient feels painful spasms of the uterus, intramuscular injection of an antispasmodic solution will help get rid of them.

Surgical interruption

Up to 7-12 weeks, surgical or instrumental abortion. Most of the cases of termination of pregnancy account for it. The doctor injects an anesthetic drug (general anesthesia), dilates the cervix with metal tubes and dilators. Then, with a sharp curette, the entire endometrium with the egg is scraped. The procedure is performed without ultrasound, almost "by touch", which leads to complications.

Due to mechanical dilatation, the cervix is ​​injured, which increases the risk of premature dilatation in the next pregnancy. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency may occur. This can be avoided by opening the cervix with vaginal or oral medications. Severe consequences of surgical abortion are:

  • perforation of the uterine wall;
  • severe uterine bleeding;
  • hematometra - accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity;
  • placental polyp;
  • intrauterine synechia-adhesions;
  • endometritis;
  • chronic inflammation of the ovaries, leading to infertility and ectopic pregnancies;
  • rhesus conflict.

Possible consequences

In the early stages, abortion is accompanied by the risk of complications and severe consequences:

  1. Early - occur immediately after an abortion or within one month after it. The frequency of their occurrence is 35%. These include bleeding, perforation of the uterus.
  2. Remote - observed in 30-35% of cases after a month from the date of the procedure. These include damage and scarring of the internal pharynx, cervical canal, damage to the endometrium, the formation of adhesions, impaired patency of the fallopian tubes, and the development of infertility. Often there are inflammatory diseases of the genital tract, disorders menstrual cycle, problems with the subsequent bearing of a child (toxicosis, risk of bleeding during childbirth, weak generic activity, deviations in the development of children).

Severe consequences are characterized by abortions in women who become pregnant for the first time. In such patients, the threat of interruption of the next gestation of the baby is 4 times increased, the course of childbirth is twice as complicated. The risk of complications is also increased in girls who have had their first abortion before the age of 17 - the work of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems is disrupted, and the risk of developing breast cancer increases.

The consequences of termination of pregnancy depend on the method used. The following complications are distinguished:

  1. Mini-abortion: minimal damage to the uterus, bleeding, infection of organs. Often there is inflammation of the genital organs, purulent infection. The cause of complications is the partial removal of the fetus, the dead tissues of which decompose and become infected with bacteria.
  2. The drug method - with it the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus does not suffer, chemical substances kill living cells of the zygote. The consequences include heavy bleeding, weakness, dizziness. If an incomplete abortion is performed, surgery will be required. The composition of the drugs can affect all systems of the patient's body.
  3. Surgical curettage - increases the risk of infertility, fetal fading, miscarriages. After it, the reproductive genital organs suffer, they are deformed, the uterus is perforated, in fallopian tubes spikes appear.
  4. General consequences: inflammation, formation of capsular purulent boils, fistulas, penetration of pus into all organs of the small pelvis.

How to terminate an early pregnancy at home

At home, it is possible to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages, but with a high risk of complications. It is better not to self-medicate and have abortions to avoid life-threatening and severe blood loss. Only a doctor can give a prescription for the operation and control the correct execution of the process in order to minimize threats and complications.


The drug for emergency termination of pregnancy is Postinor. It is used after unprotected intercourse has occurred. Postinor is sold in pharmacies, the package includes 2 tablets containing levonorgestrel. The first is drunk immediately after intercourse, but no later than 72 hours, the second is taken 12 hours after the first. Action efficiency medicinal product is 85%.

Abortion folk remedies

If the term unplanned pregnancy small, you can try to apply folk methods of interruption. These include the following popular methods:

  1. Overheating - prolonged intense exposure to high temperatures provokes a miscarriage. The danger lies in intense bleeding, the inefficiency of the method.
  2. Dry fasting - you can not drink and eat for three days. The body, in search of water, will draw water out of the embryo, leading to menstruation.
  3. Taking a hot mustard bath - spend as much time in it as possible, periodically adding hot water, not allowing it to cool. The procedure will lead to the expansion of blood vessels, increase blood circulation, and reduce the uterus. This dangerous method leading to extensive blood loss.
  4. Injection calcium chloride- practically not used due to severe consequences.


An unsafe method of using herbs can lead to intoxication of the body and damage to the female genital organs, partial damage to the fetus, and disruption of life. It doesn't always lead to a miscarriage. Herbal medicine options in the first trimester of pregnancy are:

  1. Reception of watercress - grind the grass to the state of slurry, squeeze the juice, dilute 2: 1 with water, boil for two minutes. Drink three times a day, 10 ml.
  2. A decoction of tansy or oregano - pour 100 g of grass with 4 cups of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. Infuse for 2-3 hours, drink every 4-5 hours, 10 ml.
  3. A decoction of the flattened moss - 20 ml three times a day.
  4. A decoction of lush cloves - five seeds per 200 ml of boiling water, drink 20 ml three times a day.
  5. Barberry tincture on vodka - 25 drops per day.
  6. Marsh rosemary - 10 g of dry grass, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink 20 ml three times a day.

Which abortion is better

Gynecologists have a variety of abortion practices, including early abortions. They are assigned according to individual characteristics female patients. The most gentle towards women's health called medical abortion. In second place in terms of safety is the vacuum aspiration method. The most dangerous and difficult is the surgical method.


The cost of an early abortion depends on the method chosen and the level of the clinic where the procedure is performed. Approximate prices for termination of pregnancy are listed below:
