How many ultrasound examinations are done during pregnancy? Diagnosis of the threat of interruption of embryo development

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Why is an ultrasound examination necessary during pregnancy?

Any obstetrician will tell you how much necessary and sometimes vital information can be obtained using ultrasound (ultrasound). Before this diagnostic method was used in medicine, the size of the fetus remained a mystery, it was also impossible to identify genetic abnormalities and control the state of the placenta. In rare cases, X-rays have been used to determine genetic abnormalities. But x-rays have an extremely adverse effect on the development of the fetus. Therefore, this method belonged to the emergency. Thus, ultrasound has revolutionized obstetrics.

Some expectant mothers doubt the need to attend an ultrasound. To this, any gynecologist will say that even with an outwardly favorable course of pregnancy, it is impossible to determine, for example, genetic deformities, aging of the placenta and many other anomalies that can cause fetal death or the birth of a sick baby.

  • You should know that children with defects are born in ninety percent of cases in perfectly healthy mothers and fathers. Thus, only ultrasound can detect them,
  • Many defects can only be detected using this method, which is done during a screening examination,
  • With the help of probing and listening, it is far from always possible to detect a multiple pregnancy, but it is only possible to follow how the twins develop further with the help of ultrasound,
  • Only with the help of this method it is possible to detect placenta previa or its low location ( risk of bleeding and miscarriage),
  • About half of expectant mothers are not able to correctly calculate the timing of childbirth. Most often, the error is 14 days. This period can be vital. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to calculate the term of childbirth with an accuracy of several days.

How many times can an ultrasound be done during pregnancy?

All indications for ultrasound examination are divided into screening and selective.
Screening ultrasounds are performed for all pregnant women on time. They are aimed at detecting developmental defects. Such studies provide information about the size of the fetus, compliance with their developmental standards, as well as the state of the placenta and uterus. Screening examinations are usually 3-4.
Selective examinations are prescribed if the pregnancy passes with complications or the doctor has doubts about the normal development of the fetus. Due to the fact that such examinations are prescribed in connection with a disease or pathology, their number may vary depending on the condition. In special cases, ultrasound is done even twice a week.

Examination dates by week of pregnancy

Screening obstetric ultrasound is prescribed in terms of:
  • 10 - 14 weeks,
  • 20 - 24 weeks,
  • 30 - 32 weeks,
  • 36 - 37 weeks.

Early examination (4 weeks)

A transvaginal examination can detect the presence of a gestational sac as early as three weeks after conception. After four weeks, you can already "see" some of the details of its structure.
A four-week-old embryo reaches 5 millimeters in length. It is still impossible to detect where his head is, but after a couple of weeks, limbs, a head and a body stand out. At this time, he begins to move.

The main purpose of this examination is to make sure that the pregnancy exists and the fetal egg is in the uterus. And also examine the state of the chorion ( placenta in the future) and amniotic fluid. Such an examination is preferably carried out by a very qualified specialist. Sometimes the doctor has doubts, in which case another study is performed a week later.

Examination at 10 - 14 weeks

The first examination at 10-14 weeks reveals the location of the fetal egg, diagnosing uterine or ectopic pregnancy. On the same examination, the thickness of the collar zone, the place located on the back of the neck, is necessarily studied. If this zone is more than normal, this indicates a genetic anomaly. And the future mother will be sent for a genetics consultation. It is at a period of 12 - 13 weeks with the help of ultrasound that Down syndrome can be detected, then the fetus develops, and these violations will no longer be noticeable.

The diameter of the fetal egg is determined, as well as its length from the coccyx to the crown. An important parameter of well-being is the size of the uterus. It is this size that indicates the gestational age, because the increase in the size of the fetus is standard, in contrast to later periods. In the transcript for ultrasound, sometimes it is not the obstetric period, that is, from the first day of the last menstruation, but the embryonic period - the period from conception itself. Usually the difference between these terms is no more than 14 days. On the screen you can see how the little man moves, how he moves his arms and legs and even opens his mouth.

The placenta is formed only by 16 weeks. At the first examination, they study exactly where it is attached to the uterus, how close the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200b( norm - at least 6 centimeters). If the placenta is located on the pharynx, a diagnosis of placenta previa is made, which entails complications during childbirth. Sometimes during the first examination, a low placenta is found, but later it rises to a normal level.

The structure of the placenta, its thickness is also important.
During the examination, the number of vessels in the umbilical cord is checked. There should be three.

The condition of the amniotic fluid is another important indicator of the well-being of pregnancy. The volume of amniotic fluid is calculated through the amniotic index. If the index is increased, this indicates polyhydramnios, if it is reduced compared to the norm, they speak of oligohydramnios. A strong deviation of this indicator indicates a violation of blood circulation in the placenta - fetoplacental insufficiency.
Turbidity of the amniotic fluid may indicate the presence of an infection.
The uterus is also examined: the presence of myomatous nodes, the tone of the uterus, the thickness of its walls is determined.

Second examination at 20-24 weeks

The main purpose of this examination is to identify abnormalities in the development of the internal organs of the fetus: liver, kidneys, heart, brain, digestive organs, as well as to detect symptoms of fetal infection. Now the facial features of the fetus are already clearly visible and defects such as a cleft lip or cleft palate can also be detected. Even a violation of the laying of the teeth is detected at this time. Now it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby, although these data may still be subject to adjustment. You can very accurately study the structure of the heart, down to the chambers and valves, as well as calculate the heart rate.

At this time, it is already quite accurate to determine the localization of the placenta and diagnose its presentation.
In eight out of ten pregnancies, the loops of the umbilical cord are in close proximity to the neck or legs of the fetus. However, this does not indicate the presence of entanglement with the umbilical cord. Such a diagnosis is made on the basis of dopplerometry and it indicates that the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. But even in the presence of entanglement, doctors do not always resort to surgical intervention during childbirth.

Examination at 30 - 32 weeks

At this time, it is possible to identify the syndrome of developmental delay, to detect a number of developmental disorders ( e.g. heart defects) that could not be detected earlier. This examination also traces the position of the placenta and fetus, and early aging of the placenta can be detected. According to the norms, up to 32 weeks the placenta should be of the second degree of maturity.
The amniotic index at this time should be 10-20 cm.
At this time, you can determine how much the weight and height of the fetus corresponds to age norms.

Examination at 36 - 37 weeks

The size and weight of the fetus is determined. The position of the fetus is also of great importance at this time. Although, before childbirth, he can still roll over.
From this period, the degree of aging of the placenta is 3. Its thickness is 26 - 45 mm. Any deviation from the norm is a reason for additional Doppler examination, and possibly tests. It is very important that in these last weeks the baby does not suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

Fetal heart examination

Ultrasound examination of the fetal heart during fetal development is a very difficult task that requires high professionalism from doctors. Such research is a novelty in medicine. According to statistics, the first place among all defects in newborns is occupied by heart defects. Often the baby leaves the maternity hospital home, and his parents believe that everything is in order with the crumbs and a heart problem is discovered only by two or three years.
With the help of an expert ultrasound of the heart, the fetus can detect almost all life-threatening malformations that either lead to death or require urgent surgical intervention immediately after the baby is born.

You can start such studies no earlier than 18 or 20 weeks of gestation. During the study, the valves, ventricles, vessels are examined in great detail, and the blood flow velocity is also calculated. Partition defects are also found.

Indications for expert ultrasound of the heart in the fetus:

  • Insulin-dependent form of diabetes mellitus in the mother,
  • fetal heart rhythm disturbances
  • Genetic predisposition to congenital heart defects,
  • The use of certain medications by a pregnant woman in the first weeks of gestation,
  • Probability of a malformation detected during a routine ultrasound examination.

Preparing for an ultrasound

If the pregnancy is less than 12 weeks and a transabdominal examination is performed, the doctor will ask you to drink about a liter of water an hour before the procedure. A full bladder will "squeeze out" the uterus from the pelvic cavity and make it possible to better view it. At a later date, as well as during a transvaginal examination, no preparation is required.

Interpretation of survey results

The first items in the ultrasound protocol will be the last name, first name, patronymic of the subject, then the first day of the last menstrual cycle, as well as the probable gestational age.
Most of the information will be about the fetus.

1. The presence of the fetus and their number, condition.
2. The presence of presentation ( oblique, transverse, pelvic, head or variable). In the first and second trimesters, the fetus can take any position. But after thirty weeks, the position should normally be cephalic. But there is a possibility of breech presentation. Sometimes in such cases, a caesarean section is prescribed. Although a few hours are enough for the baby to take the “correct” position.
3. Fetometry of the fetus: the size of the head, abdomen, thigh, heart and cerebellum, height and weight, term, as well as growth parameters: normal, slow, accelerated or not at all. The presence of malnutrition.
4. The width of the collar zone. In a properly developing fetus at 12 weeks, the width should be within 3 mm.
5. The presence of congenital defects.
6. The presence of entanglement of the neck with the umbilical cord. Its presence should not immediately scare.
7. Heart rate ( heart rate) should be between 110 and 180 beats per minute. The "older" the fetus, the lower this indicator - by the end of pregnancy from 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Transvaginal examination

Transvaginal ultrasound examination is prescribed from a three-week period and is done only in the early stages. Such an examination allows you to clearly see the fetal egg and the fetus and set the gestational age with an error of one day. The examination reveals an ectopic pregnancy, as well as some malformations that are already noticeable at such early stages of development.

Ultrasound 3d and 4d

If most of the devices operating in 2d clinics show a black and white flat image, then the 3d device makes it possible to see the baby in volume. Such a device shows a clearer picture, enabling parents to independently determine whether they are expecting a son or daughter. It turns out something like a holographic photograph.
The device for volumetric ultrasound examination is no different in appearance from their predecessors. The frequency of ultrasound is similar to 2d counterparts. Thus, the procedure is not more dangerous than a conventional study.

Three-dimensional examination can be carried out at the same time as the usual one. But it is best to do it before 24 weeks, since at this “age” the child is still completely placed on the screen. Interestingly, after 30 weeks, some babies even show similarities with one of the parents.

The duration of the three-dimensional examination is somewhat longer than usual. Since two-dimensional is done first, and then a special function is turned on and a three-dimensional image appears on the monitor.
During the 3D examination, the circulatory system can be seen very clearly, as well as some defects that are not visible during the 2D examination.

4d is already a whole color film about a baby that you can watch and shoot.
The image can be immediately downloaded to disk and left in the family archive.
Due to the fact that equipment for this type of examination is expensive, and medical information obtained from 3d or 4d differs little from the already known two-dimensional image, public clinics rarely purchase such equipment.


With the help of dopplerometry, it is possible to determine the state of the blood supply system of the fetus and placenta.
This is very important information that is required if a pregnant woman has problems with blood clotting.

Indications for dopplerometry:

  • Diabetes,
  • kidney dysfunction,
  • hematopoiesis disorder,
  • multiple pregnancy,
  • Developmental delay or too active development of the fetus,
  • Violation of the course of previous gestations,
  • Poor cardiotocography data.
The first time a doppler is prescribed for a period of 20 - 24 weeks. Indications for appointment at this time are the likelihood of preeclampsia, fetal growth retardation, as well as the likelihood of oxygen starvation.
A scheduled Doppler examination is scheduled from 30 to 34 weeks.
The examination procedure using a Doppler is no different from a conventional ultrasound examination.
The picture is obtained due to the fact that, depending on the intensity of blood flow, the frequency of the return wave of ultrasound changes.

Kidney examination

It is no secret that diseases of the kidneys and the urinary system take second place after diseases of the heart and blood vessels in pregnant women.
There are no special signs of the disease, but bacteria are detected in the urine - these are symptoms of asymptomatic bacteriuria - the development of a latent infection in the urinary organs.

With such a phenomenon, along with urine and blood tests, the expectant mother will also be assigned an ultrasound examination. This diagnostic method makes it possible to quickly and accurately determine the onset of pyelonephritis.
Even if a woman has never “been sick with the kidneys” before pregnancy, there is a possibility of a primary disease. This phenomenon is observed in ten percent of pregnant women and is called pyelonephritis of pregnant women. Women are more susceptible to it from the twentieth week of pregnancy.

In the same case, if a pregnant woman has previously suffered from kidney ailments, they can reappear both in an acute form and in a latent one.
Such women are more carefully supervised by doctors, because kidney problems can jeopardize the development of the fetus and even the life of the mother herself.
Often, protein is found in the urine of pregnant women, they suffer from edema and high blood pressure. These are signs of gestosis. With such a complication of pregnancy, it is very important to visit a doctor in a timely manner and carefully follow all his recommendations.

Disputes whether ultrasound is useful during pregnancy or causes severe harm to the baby do not subside, but do not lead to concrete results either. As they say, things are still there. Therefore, you should try to figure out when an ultrasound scan when carrying a child is justified and justified, and when it is clearly harmful.

In this search, one should immediately proceed from the position that each examination, each medical procedure should have fairly clear indications. After all, for sure, no one drinks a pill for pain in the head just like that.

How many times can an ultrasound be done during pregnancy?

Such terms of the "interesting situation" were chosen for a reason. Just during these periods of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination allows you to determine pathologies in the development of the fetus and in the work of the main organs that ensure the life of the child (placenta, umbilical cord). Identification of any violations at the initial stages allows you to prescribe treatment in a timely manner and adjust their work in order to avoid the most serious consequences (for example, late preeclampsia, fetal hypoxia).

Another reason for ultrasound is when there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, which is a situation where a fertilized egg remains in the uterine tube, continuing its development in it, and does not attach to the uterine wall. Due to the fact that the diameter of the tube is small enough, and the fetus develops quite quickly, the fallopian tube ruptures, which provokes internal bleeding. The situation is very dangerous and life-threatening for a pregnant woman. If she had an ectopic pregnancy situation in her pregnancy history, it is recommended that a woman conduct an additional sound examination in the early stages in order to exclude a recurrence of a similar situation.

In addition, the situation when a woman gave birth to a previous child by caesarean section is considered the reason for increasing the number of examinations using ultrasound. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the scar. This becomes especially important in the third trimester. It is then that the active growth of the baby occurs, and the uterus experiences the greatest load. More and more women today are trying to give birth naturally. To make the final decision - whether to let the pregnant woman into independent childbirth - the doctor needs to get the most complete, specific data on the condition of the sutures.

The reason for an ultrasound scan during pregnancy is bleeding at any time. Since, in order to correctly determine the treatment, doctors need to know the cause of bleeding during pregnancy, it should be understood how this situation affected the unborn baby - an additional examination is carried out.

When is it harmful to do an ultrasound?

First of all, these are situations related to the curiosity of the expectant mother. The ultrasound examination procedure is currently available to anyone. Most of the medical centers are ready to accept a pregnant woman within an hour after the appointment. There are mothers who are ready to visit an ultrasound every week, because it is so interesting to look at their little one, tenderly sucking their fingers and making funny faces.

In addition, the reason for turning to ultrasound is the situation if you want to determine the sex of the baby by ultrasound examination. For example, during the next scheduled examination, the child turned away, crossed his legs, and therefore did not reveal the secret of what color parents should buy clothes, and I really want to know the sex of the baby.

However, it should be understood that no one has yet published confirmed scientific arguments about the benefits of ultrasound. Each examination leaves an imprint on the development of the child. Many toddlers clearly do not like ultrasound so much that expectant mothers have to get up from the couch and leave the office. The fetus begins to spin so strongly and stubbornly inside the abdomen.

Ultrasound during pregnancy should be treated as a necessary examination and done only according to indications. The baby, which is still in the tummy, is already a person with his own feelings, emotions, behavior. Surely, it is not in vain that the developing baby is hidden from prying eyes in the mother's tummy for 9 months. It is necessary to trust the wisdom of nature, and let the pregnancy pass easily and happily!

Any expectant mother is worried about the development of the baby, who will soon be born. Therefore, she tries not to undergo risky examination methods that could adversely affect the health of the baby.

To date, ultrasound is a very common procedure, which is included in the list of routine examinations of a pregnant woman. Numerous studies have shown that this method is absolutely safe.

Plus, this allows you to identify problems with the development of the fetus in the early stages, and sometimes even prevent them. Yet many mothers are concerned about the question of whether this is acceptable for pregnant women. Let's consider in more detail.

How many times during pregnancy do ultrasounds usually take place?

Many of the fair sex are concerned about the number and need for ultrasound in early pregnancy and beyond. No one can give an exact answer to the question of how many times this procedure can be done during pregnancy.

Nevertheless, professionals say that for the normal development of a baby in the womb, at least 3 ultrasound examinations must be performed. This information is taken from the order of the Ministry of Health.

The first time a planned ultrasound is performed in the first trimester at 12 weeks. These studies should show the exact duration of a woman's pregnancy, down to days. During this diagnosis, the professional determines the exact number of fetuses, the compliance of the baby's size with standard indicators, the thickness of the collar space, which is also important. In this regard, we can conclude that ultrasound in the early stages is not dangerous, but even useful.

In the second trimester, approximately at 22-24 weeks, a similar study is also carried out. At this stage, using ultrasound irradiation, doctors determine the presence or absence of the development of serious fetal pathologies. Sometimes it is already possible to determine the exact gender of the child, how it is located in the womb, and most importantly, what condition the maternal placenta is in, thanks to which it survives.

At 7-8 months of pregnancy, the last planned ultrasound is performed, during which the doctor determines the baby's presentation, as well as the presence or absence of anomalies. Visually, the obstetrician determines the amount of amniotic fluid: will it be enough for independent childbirth.

What is this method of examining the CDC in ultrasound and how is it performed?

Some patients undergo additional research, sometimes even in the early stages. As a rule, such methods are carried out in the presence of possible problems. An additional ultrasound examination may be prescribed if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, or if specialists suspect intrauterine fetal death.

Ultrasound is also prescribed for patients who have already identified exact anomalies in the development of the fetus in the early stages. This allows you to determine the dynamics of the development of a particular problem.

It is impossible to refuse ultrasound if a woman has serious chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, liver and other important organs, because the health of the unborn child often depends on the state of her health.

There are a number of other reasons for additional research, but the most significant ones are presented above.

Is it worth doing ultrasound in the first months of fetal development?

As already mentioned, in the planned diagnosis of the fetus, the first ultrasound should be performed at 12-14 weeks. The Ministry of Health does not recommend doing this before 10 weeks, unless there are good reasons for this. If in the early stages you find serious problems or symptoms of the course of pregnancy, which should not normally be, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Indications for an unscheduled early ultrasound are:

  • unbearable pain in all parts of the abdomen (especially in the lower part);
  • bloody, not even abundant vaginal discharge;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy.

Some girls do not trust pregnancy tests and check for pregnancy by ultrasound. It is absolutely impossible to do this. Ultrasonic radiation can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

The embryo in the first 10 weeks of life is characterized by the formation of the most important organ systems, and such an impact is fraught with the fact that they may develop incompletely or with serious deviations. No specialist can guarantee that such an impact on the baby will not affect his health in any way in the future.

That is why, before making a decision on the need for diagnostics, you should consult with the appropriate specialist.

Is frequent ultrasound during pregnancy harmful?

Is ultrasound harmful to the fetus during pregnancy, which is performed more often than expected? Even the best professionals in the field of gynecology cannot answer this question. The fact is that neither the obvious danger of this type of diagnosis, nor its harmlessness has been reliably proven. Most often, doctors talk about the so-called relative safety or theoretical risk.

It should be borne in mind that no ultrasound can guarantee 100% accurate data. Sometimes, when a pathology is detected, a woman only begins to worry more, thereby harming the health of the unborn child, but in fact, the specialist makes a mistake during the ultrasound. There have been cases where abortions were performed without good reason.

Future mothers should understand that it is they who are responsible for the health of the baby, so she decides whether to do an ultrasound scan or not. However, this process cannot be abandoned. All planned studies must be carried out as prescribed by the attending gynecologist.

After analyzing all of the above, the conclusion is: it is possible to do ultrasound during pregnancy, but there should be a minimum number of procedures, according to the recommendation of the gynecologist.

My answer is less is more. I didn't do any ultrasound during my pregnancy. I had the courage to take responsibility for my child and trust the wise nature. Why did I refuse all three planned ultrasounds in the antenatal clinic? Because I have very big doubts that this procedure is safe for the child.

Very often, doctors and their patients like to trump with phrases like "There is not a single scientific evidence that ultrasound is harmful." Excuse me, but in the same way, there is not a single scientific proof that ultrasound is safe. And if there is so much hype around the ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman, it may really be worth considering that there is no smoke without fire.

Although many argue that there is no scientific evidence for the harm of ultrasound, nevertheless, some research has been carried out in this area. Most of all, the scientist Pyotr Garyaev, who has long studied the effects of ultrasonic waves on human DNA, is now talking about the dangers of ultrasound. If this topic interests you, there are many videos and interviews with a biologist on the Internet. I will only give a summary here.

It is assumed that ultrasound damages the DNA molecule, causes a malfunction in hereditary programs that are responsible for the formation of a healthy body, that it negatively affects the brain of an intrauterine child, that the use of ultrasound scanning during pregnancy is associated with an increase in cases of autism among born children. Ultrasound has long-term consequences, the scale and essence of which we cannot even imagine now.

If you have heard, even 50-60 years ago, X-rays were considered absolutely harmless for a pregnant woman. He was not only prescribed to expectant mothers for some reason, but they were also done in order to see the position of the baby in the stomach. Now even cleaners in hospitals know that x-rays are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy. Don't you think that in another 50-60 years they will say the same about ultrasound?

I'm not 100 percent against ultrasound. I myself have never done an ultrasound, because I had a normal, physiological, healthy pregnancy. Maybe if some unforeseen situation happened, I would agree to this procedure. I am a reasonable woman and a responsible mother. I admit the fact that this type of examination of a pregnant woman is actually needed in certain cases. This is a very serious procedure, but to do it just like that, to determine the very fact of pregnancy, to determine the sex of the unborn child, or so that the doctor just once again looks that “everything is fine”? For what?

My mother gave birth to me 28 years ago. Then a woman was prescribed an ultrasound scan in very extreme cases, most of our mothers, while carrying us, never underwent an ultrasound scan. Are you born? You are healthy? So what's the deal? Why today all expectant mothers suddenly needed this procedure? After all, for thousands of years (just look into these words!) women have done without it! And I'll tell you. Doctors want to make life easier for themselves and play it safe. A competent specialist in the field of obstetrics and gynecology can also find out the most important information about the fetus through other methods (listening to the heartbeat with a stethoscope, the same tests, feeling the abdomen with your hands; even the exact gestational age can be determined simply by measuring the abdomen!). But, I repeat: this can be done by a competent specialist. Now, unfortunately, there are very few of them. Modern doctors are nowhere without an ultrasound machine. Many obstetrician-gynecologists from Chisinau maternity hospitals do not want to conduct a pregnant woman if she refused at least one planned ultrasound. Some doctors do not even want to touch a pregnant woman with their hands - only with a sensor.

Personally, I had such a case. I came to a private clinic to a well-known gynecologist in the capital. That's his name out of my head! She brought tests, wanted to consult on one issue, including wanting him to feel his stomach, determine the position of the fetus - the period was already long. In general, the assistant did not understand me that I was just for a consultation, and began to “warm up” the ultrasound machine (this doctor seems to be special in ultrasound now, although in Soviet times he worked in the maternity hospital like a pretty one without ultrasound). When the obstetrician-gynecologist came and heard that I didn’t want to undergo a scan, but I wanted a manual examination, he said no, that he wouldn’t even touch me, that why live in the Stone Age if there is such a wonderful device. For five minutes he was talking some nonsense in the same spirit, saying that he was a star of Moldovan obstetrics and knew better. In general, I left him with nothing. On my topic, he literally said 1-2 phrases, and even then they were completely uninformative.

And in the antenatal clinic, I also had an “incident”. I asked the gynecologist to listen to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope, not a doppler. She said that they had not had stethoscopes for a long time, and that these obstetric tubes were also from the Stone Age, and in general it was hard to hear through them. It's over, it's hard to hear if you don't know how to listen! By the way, this doctor lied to me. A few days later I came to the office for analysis. There was only a midwife. I asked, is it true that there are no stethoscopes now? She replied, “Why not? Eat. It's in the closet."

And one more amazing case I want to describe here. I heard this story in Moscow at the international conference on traditional midwifery "Midwifery Today". It seems that it was told by Ina May Gaskin, a famous midwife from America, the author of the book Spiritual Midwifery. One day she was giving a lecture to medical students. In her report, she mentioned a case that happened not so long ago in the States. A pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital, she did not give birth for a very long time. She was stimulated for several days by all known methods, then, due to the absence of labor, she was given a caesarean section. The uterus was cut, but the child was not there! The woman was not pregnant! Who confirmed the pregnancy in this patient? An uzist who mistook feces for a fetus. The lady was very plump, and her belly was already big. She also had other signs of pregnancy, because they actually are with a false pregnancy. Those. This woman told herself that she was expecting a child. It's just absurd. During the entire pregnancy, not a single doctor felt her with his hands, did not listen with a tube. They relied only on the data of the devices. When Ina Mae Gaskin finished her presentation, the head of the department approached her and said that a similar story almost happened to him personally a few weeks ago. Fortunately, he guessed at the last moment before the caesarean to feel the belly of the “woman in labor”, and realized that the uterus was empty! The doctor admitted that today doctors too often trust technology, while moving away from time-tested obstetric techniques.

While waiting for the baby, the representatives of the weaker sex will have to undergo numerous studies and pass a lot of tests. So, before each appointment with a gynecologist, the expectant mother must donate blood and urine for research. The results obtained allow us to judge the course of pregnancy and women. In this article, we will talk about the timing of ultrasound during pregnancy. You will find out the features of this diagnosis. You can also find out the generally accepted terms for ultrasound during pregnancy.

Ultrasound diagnostics

This type of research has been used for a long time. Every year there is an improvement in inspection methods. So, in modern medical clinics you can not only undergo a conventional ultrasound, but also do a study in several planes (3D and 4D).

Ultrasound diagnostics is carried out as follows. During the examination, the doctor applies a special sensor to the patient's body that sends impulses. This ultrasound is reflected from the organs and produces an image on the screen. The patient and the doctor cannot hear the ultrasound as it has very high frequencies.

It should be noted that the study can be carried out in several ways. At the earliest stages of embryo development, a transvaginal sensor is selected. The doctor applies a special conductive gel to it and inserts it into the vagina. Later ones allow transabdominal ultrasound. In this case, a slightly different sensor is selected, which is applied to the belly of the expectant mother.

How many times do ultrasound during pregnancy and before its onset?

If a woman is only planning a conception, then the doctor prescribes a course of examinations called folliculometry for her. This method allows you to track the growth of the follicle and determine the time of release of the egg from it as accurately as possible. Thanks to this method, the probability of conception increases several times. During folliculometry, a woman is given one to three

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother should visit the ultrasound room as prescribed by the doctor. How many times do ultrasound in this case? In the normal course of pregnancy, the study is carried out no more than three or four times for the entire period. However, in half of the cases, women are forced to undergo this procedure more often.

Establishing the fact of pregnancy: for how long?

When can you safely go for the purpose of determining the fetal egg in the uterine cavity? At what time is an ultrasound done during pregnancy in this case?

It is possible to establish the conception that has taken place, starting from the fifth week of pregnancy. In this case, you will not be able to see the embryo. However, an experienced specialist will detect a formation in the uterine cavity, which will later become your child. At earlier dates, there is a possibility of an error, since some devices cannot recognize such a small point (during this period, the size of the fetal egg is not more than two millimeters).

At what time is an ultrasound done during pregnancy?

In fact, there is no well-established generally accepted time frame for diagnosing. It all depends on the number of fetuses, the course of pregnancy, the health and age of the expectant mother. If everything goes smoothly, then the timing of the diagnosis will be set separately for the first, second and third trimester.

First ultrasound

How long is this study? Doctors recommend diagnosing at 11-14 weeks. Such a survey allows you to determine the time as accurately as possible. It is much easier to do this by ultrasound than during a gynecological examination. Diagnosis is most often carried out by a transvaginal device, since the uterine cavity is still in the pelvic area. However, with modern equipment, a specialist can choose a transabdominal method for research.

Also, the study can report on the number of fetuses in the cavity of the reproductive organ. During this period, the children's place, its location, and the presence of detachments are noted. At this time, possible deviations in the development of the embryo can be identified. The size of the unborn child is no longer so small and the main formed organs are quite clearly visible.

Second ultrasound

2 ultrasound period has the following: from 20 to 22 weeks of embryo development. At this stage, the doctor can already use the transabdominal device. The specialist generously lubricates the belly of the expectant mother with gel and applies a device to it.

This diagnosis allows you to examine the uterine cavity in detail and note the condition of the fetus. By this time, the baby has already reached a sufficient size, and the doctor can count his fingers. The internal organs of the baby and his face are also necessarily examined. The doctor determines the location and age of the placenta, the blood flow, which is installed in the umbilical cord, is necessarily examined.

Third ultrasound examination

3 ultrasound term most often has the following: from 32 to 35 weeks of embryo development. In this diagnosis, a transabdominal probe is always used. This study is usually the last one. That is why the specialist pays attention to the details that are very important during labor.

So, the doctor notes how long the ultrasound determines for the onset of labor. In most cases, the height and weight of the baby is taken into account. The doctor also looks at the presentation of the embryo and the location of the placenta. It is worth noting that in some cases the organ may migrate. Be sure to examine the umbilical cord and its position. If there is entanglement, then this should be taken into account.

Examination for suspected ectopic pregnancy: for how long?

Sometimes the circumstances are such that the embryo begins to develop outside the cavity of the reproductive organ. In this case, most often occurs. Symptoms of such a pathology can be pain and spotting. To make an accurate diagnosis, a woman is sent for an ultrasound examination. In this case, the diagnosis period will be in the range of four to eight weeks of pregnancy.

Research is being carried out During the procedure, the doctor determines the location of the embryo and its age. If a pathology is detected, an immediate correction is prescribed.

Diagnosis of the threat of interruption of embryo development

If we are talking about the beginning or then the diagnosis is carried out immediately. In this case, the age of the embryo is completely unimportant. Such a pathology can occur at both 6 and 20 weeks. It is worth noting that most often a woman is sent for inpatient treatment. It is within the walls of a medical institution that diagnostic manipulation is performed. If there are certain problems, then an appropriate correction is assigned. After it, a second diagnosis is carried out with an ultrasound device.

In what cases is additional research required?

At what time is an ultrasound done during pregnancy if additional diagnostics are needed? It all depends on the individual history of each woman.

  • If earlier the representative of the weaker sex had miscarriages or premature births due to ismico-cervical insufficiency, then the study is carried out at 10, 14 and 16 weeks to monitor the cervix.
  • With previous births by caesarean section, diagnosis is carried out at 30, 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. This is necessary to control the condition of the scar.
  • With ultrasound, it can be prescribed at 34 and 36 weeks of embryo development. Such a study shows the location of the babies and their parameters. It is worth noting that twins and triplets are usually born a few weeks ahead of schedule.
  • If a woman has had a viral or bacterial disease, which was accompanied by fever or complications, it is worth performing an unscheduled ultrasound. Such a diagnosis will be able to show whether the pathology has affected the condition of the fetus and its development.
  • An unscheduled ultrasound is necessarily carried out if the expectant mother has ceased to feel. This may indicate acute hypoxia or the death of the embryo.

When is an ultrasound performed if a woman does not know the date of the last menstruation?

Surely everyone knows that the gestational age is set by gynecologists on the first day of the last menstruation. However, it is not always possible to calculate this date. If a woman had severe disruptions in the cycle or she is breastfeeding, then at what time should ultrasound examinations be performed?

As soon as the fair sex receives a positive pregnancy test result, the doctor sends her for examination. In this case, how long - shows the ultrasound. Based on this, the subsequent dates for diagnostic manipulations are calculated.

How many times is it permissible to do an ultrasound

There are still disputes about this, and there is no consensus. Some doctors believe that such studies are completely safe and can be carried out at least every week. Other doctors are of the opinion that such additional manipulations should be avoided. How to be women?


So, you now know how many times an ultrasound is performed during pregnancy and at what time. Remember that every woman's body is different. You should not be equal to your experienced girlfriends and listen to their advice. Get tested only as directed by your doctor. Easy pregnancy and health to you!