Medical interruption is strong. Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy. Advantages of the procedure compared to instrumental abortion

The need to terminate a pregnancy is not uncommon. Since abortion is always psychological stress and a physical blow to a woman's health, making it as safe as possible is the main task of both doctors and the patients themselves.

One of these relatively atraumatic methods of interrupting gestation is a medical or pharmaceutical abortion, which is carried out not invasively, but with the help of special medications. In civilized European countries ah, most of all abortions are performed in this way.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to other methods

Compared to other methods, pharmabort has high efficiency coupled with a good security profile.

Its advantages include:

  • maximum saving reproductive health, which means the lowest risk of infertility after;
  • interruption of gestation compared to other types of abortion;
  • no mechanical trauma to the vagina and uterus;
  • relative painlessness;
  • no risk of postoperative and anesthetic complications;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure on an outpatient basis, in as soon as possible and with minimal recovery period;
  • minimal psychological trauma.

The disadvantages of a pharmabort are relative and are related to the fact that:

What is the actual timeframe for doing it?

The timing of a medical abortion greatly affects its effectiveness. The earlier the procedure was carried out, the more effective it is. Compared with a pharmacist carried out in the first week after a delay in menstruation, the effectiveness of abortion 2-3 weeks after the delay is reduced by 10%.

At what time is medical abortion done and until what week is this method safe? The deadline for the procedure is 9 obstetric weeks or 63 days from the beginning of the last menstrual cycle. After this period, the pharmaceutical abortion is inefficient and unsafe.

At the same time, abortion is carried out only after the fetal egg is fixed in the uterine cavity with the help of ultrasound - and therefore not earlier than after a delay of several days.

How does it pass and what sensations are accompanied

After it is established that uterine gestation has occurred and its period does not exceed 9 obstetric weeks, medical abortion becomes possible. Hospitalization is not required.

Stages medical interruption pregnancy:

The first few days a woman may be disturbed by:

  • pain and spasms as a result strong cuts uterus;
  • bleeding of varying degrees of intensity, which can last for several weeks;
  • dizziness, nausea and vomiting - as a reaction of the body to a sharp violation of hormonal balance.

Learn about the very first symptoms of pregnancy, which will help determine the likelihood of its onset at the earliest. early dates.

Absolute and relative contraindications

Absolute contraindications for medical abortion are:

A woman may be denied this procedure if she has several relative contraindications to it:

  • unsatisfactory blood tests (low clotting, anemia);
  • epilepsy or convulsive readiness;
  • age under 18 or over 35;
  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • smoking in the last 5 years;
  • long-term use of antithrombotic drugs.

Complications after a pharmacist for a woman and how to avoid them

Complication statistics medical method termination of pregnancy looks optimistic: 85% of patients tolerate the procedure relatively easily and without health consequences, and mortality as a result of pharmaceutical abortion is much lower than during childbirth.

The effectiveness of the medical method of abortion, the frequency and degree of complications depend on the professionalism of the attending gynecologist and the responsibility of the patient herself, her behavior during the recovery period.

To keep the health risk to a minimum must be strictly observed following rules:

  • Pharmabort can only be done under supervision qualified specialist and with his consent. In no case should you take abortion pills on your own.
  • It is necessary to conduct a thorough examination before the procedure and, if there are any contraindications, consider other options for interrupting gestation.
  • During the procedure and after it, you should carefully follow the recommendations of the doctor, regularly undergo examinations.
  • After the procedure of medical termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor your health every day, measure your temperature and carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. In this case, it is highly undesirable to use tampons. In addition, it is necessary to limit sexual activity for 2 weeks, motor activity, drinking alcohol, using thermal procedures.
  • If there are signs of deterioration in health after medical termination of pregnancy, fever, unusual discharge and smell from the vagina, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • To prevent another unwanted conception and recovery hormonal background for at least six months it is necessary to take oral contraceptives by doctor's prescription.

If the above rules are not followed, the likelihood of developing such complications is high:

  • Bleeding- most common complication pharmaceutical board. Appearance spotting after an abortion is the norm, but if the bleeding is too heavy or prolonged, this can lead to a large loss of blood, anemia, and even death of the patient. warning sign: 2 or more are used in 1 hour sanitary pads for 5 drops.
  • Hematometer or accumulation of blood in the uterus, which can lead to suppuration and sepsis. An alarming sign: the absence of post-abortion bleeding, coupled with increasing pain in the lower abdomen.
  • incomplete abortion, in which the fetal egg came out of the uterine cavity only partially. The result can be purulent and septic complications. To exclude this pathology, it is necessary to undergo a control ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity soon after the pharmacist.
  • Infectious complications, endometriosis and endometritis occur much less frequently than with other types of abortion. A thorough examination before and after the procedure, compliance with hygiene rules and the implementation of all the recommendations of the attending physician will completely help to exclude them completely.

If you want to learn more about how the procedure for medical abortion occurs, a detailed description of it, we recommend that you watch the following video:

No type of abortion can be absolutely safe. Although medical termination of pregnancy does not cause much harm to the female body, treat it like a method emergency contraception- this is completely wrong and illiterate. This is a forced measure, which in a woman's life should be a single one.

When a woman faces the problem of abortion, she is certainly concerned about the issue of negative consequences that it inflicts on the body. There are no safe and harmless abortions. There are less or more gentle methods, but all of them can cause serious complications.

The most benign is medical abortion, which is carried out at an early stage - up to 9 weeks. Since this method does not external influence, uterus, as well as the cervix practically do not suffer. However, one should not think that it does not have any consequences. Quite often, after taking certain drugs, the fetal egg is not completely removed. Its particles remain in the uterine cavity. Then the woman is assigned an additional mechanical cleaning. There may be other negatives as well.

Today we will talk with you about the harm of medical abortion. We will find out what complications it can cause, and also find out what a woman should do to restore her health after an abortion.

What are the dangers of medical abortion?

As we have already mentioned, it is carried out in the early stages with the help of a special drug designed to cause uterine bleeding with expulsion. gestational sac. Unlike other methods of abortion, this one is the most gentle, since the rejection of the embryo occurs spontaneously, without outside interference. With a successful procedure, such an abortion is effective in about 98% of cases.

However, sometimes after an abortion there are serious problems. For example, it happens incomplete removal fetus, occurs heavy bleeding or develop infectious diseases. All this requires urgent medical care. In medical practice, isolated cases of death of patients from unstoppable internal bleeding, as well as from heart failure, which was caused by the drug mifepristone, are known.

Therefore, when the question arises whether there is harm to medical abortion, every doctor will answer you that, undoubtedly, there is. In this case, much depends on the individual intolerance of a particular drug by the woman's body. A lot of envy depends on the duration of pregnancy, the characteristics of the body, and the experience of the doctor.

What are the complications?

The presence of complications after medical abortion also depends on many factors, such as: the age of the woman, the duration of pregnancy, general condition health, as well as the availability and success previous pregnancies. The most dangerous is the termination of the first pregnancy.

It must be said that health problems after the interruption occur in almost 20% of women. Here are the most common:

The pregnancy may continue. At the same time, the health of the mother, the condition of the fetus will be already undermined to one degree or another.
- Prolonged bleeding after an abortion.
- Failure of the normal menstrual cycle, disruption of the ovaries.
- Inflammatory process that develops in the genitals.
- Temperature increase.

A common complication is pain resembling contractions. Let's dwell on this in more detail:

Usually, a woman experiences prolonged cramping pain after using a prostaglandin drug. This drug is taken to speed up medical abortion. After taking it, an active contraction of the muscles begins, which pushes the fetal egg out of the vagina.

Usually the pain is intense, but quite tolerable. If the pain is unbearable, the doctor will prescribe pain medication. Most often, it subsides a day after taking the prostaglandin drug. If the negative sensations continue, you should consult a doctor.


To avoid or significantly reduce the development of complications, abortion should be carried out by an experienced, highly qualified doctor in medical institution. Unfortunately, some women still take abortion drugs at home, hoping that everything will pass without complications. It is they who are most often then subjected to additional cleaning, they most often develop infectious and bacterial diseases.

Recovery after an abortion

After medical termination of pregnancy, in the absence of complications, the woman's body soon returns to normal. However, for some time you need to follow some rules:

Avoid physical activity
- carefully observe personal hygiene to avoid the risk of developing bacterial diseases,
- for the fastest recovery of health, you may need a course of physiotherapy.

Consequences, complications of medical termination of pregnancy cannot be ignored by “closing your eyes”. Remember that even an absolutely healthy, young woman after an abortion can forever remain infertile. Therefore, do not lose your sanity, do not risk your health and your future. Do not deprive yourself of the joy of motherhood. Be healthy!

The medical method of abortion is a modern and safe view mini-abortion, which is performed without surgical intervention. In this case, the period from the moment of conception should not be more than 63 days. Interruption of a conception that has already occurred is carried out with the help of a drug, the main substance of which is Mifepristone. Registered trademarks of this drug are:

  • Mifegin
  • Pencrofton
  • Mytholian
  • Mifeprex
Many women are often interested in how medical abortion occurs, fearing to harm the body. This type of abortion is much simpler and easier than surgical. After mifepristone enters the body, its components begin to block the action of progesterone, a hormone that performs the main function in maintaining pregnancy. Since the drug prevents the fetal egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus, the development of the embryo stops completely. Then there is a gradual stimulation of its withdrawal from the uterine cavity. At the same time, mifepristone helps to soften and slightly open the cervix, which greatly facilitates the process of abortion.

The method of medical termination of pregnancy has many advantages over surgical:

  • Painless and effective procedure
  • No risks that arise after surgery
  • Minimal psychological impact
  • Does not require anesthesia
  • Reproductive function is not damaged
But despite a large number of benefits, it must be borne in mind that medical abortion has contraindications. These include:
  1. Ectopic pregnancy
  2. Pregnancy that occurred immediately after the withdrawal of hormonal drugs
  3. Inflammatory process in the genital area
  4. Allergy to drug components
  5. Long-term use of anticoagulants or glucocorticosteroids
  6. Pregnant age over 35 or under 18
  7. Pregnancy not proven by ultrasound
  8. Anemia
  9. uterine fibroids
  10. Hemorrhagic syndrome
  11. Liver failure
  12. Presence of lung disease
  13. Cardiovascular pathologies
  14. Diabetes
  15. Obesity
  16. Adrenal insufficiency

It is also forbidden to resort to medical termination of pregnancy after a caesarean section or other operations, after which the woman has scars on the uterus. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that before making a decision in a medical way, in the presence of the above contraindications, a woman needs to weigh all the pros and cons of this type of abortion. Indeed, otherwise, its result may be irreparable.

For most women, the effects of medical abortion seem to be minor compared to those of surgery. But this is not at all the case, because even such a seemingly harmless method leads to a large number of consequences. For example:

  1. Weakness of the body
  2. Headache
  3. Increase in body temperature
  4. Feeling nauseous
  5. Vomiting attacks
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Allergic skin rashes
  8. pressure drop
  9. Severe bleeding that requires urgent surgery

The most serious consequence after this type of abortion is an incomplete abortion. It can be expressed either by its continuation, or by the incomplete exit of the embryo, after which inflammation of the uterus begins in almost all cases. This happens due to incorrect calculation of the amount of active substance. Therefore, when many women, having come to the gynecologist, ask him the question: “Is medical abortion dangerous or not?”, The doctor must honestly answer: “Yes, it is dangerous.” After all, after it, consequences can arise that can cause significant harm to the health of a woman.

For this reason, after an abortion with the help of medications, the patient must, in strict order, go to the doctor and undergo a complete examination of the uterine cavity by ultrasound, to identify that there are no particles of the fetal egg left in it.

As with a normal abortion, a woman will have spotting for two to three weeks. At this time, there is an open wound on the uterus, which takes some time to heal. That's why sex life after medical abortion, and any physical exercise under a strict ban at least until the end of the discharge. In case of non-compliance with these recommendations, a woman risks earning herself inflammation of the genitals and uterus. Also, this prohibition has another significant indication - after any type of termination of pregnancy, a mandatory failure of the menstrual cycle follows, which leads to premature or late maturation of the egg. And this, in turn, increases the chance of repeated unwanted conception.

In these cases, you need to know that you should not rely on the results of a pregnancy test. After all, for a short time period after an abortion, hCG is still present in the blood, on the basis of which the onset of pregnancy is diagnosed. That is, in this case it may show the wrong positive result.

A large number of gynecologists claim that after the termination of pregnancy, the most best method protection are hormonal contraceptives. It has been proven that their use helps to restore the menstrual cycle, and also reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases. But from the application intrauterine device, it is better to refuse, because they are the cause of complications.

Most women are interested in the question: “After medical abortion, will I have children?”. A large number of studies have been conducted on this issue, and all doctors have come to the same conclusion that the likelihood of getting pregnant after a medical abortion remains unchanged. Fertilization of the egg can occur already during the first menstrual cycle. But it is desirable to avoid this, because after the abortion there have been changes in the hormonal background and in the mammary glands, and the uterus itself has a high irritability, and the pregnancy that occurs at this time can end in a miscarriage.

If the medical abortion procedure went without complications, then the most best time for planning next pregnancy considered 4-7 months after the interruption of the previous one.

Sometimes it happens that a woman cannot bear a child for certain reasons, and conception has already occurred. For such situations, medical abortion is often used (pharmacological abortion, artificial interruption) - a procedure that is usually done in the early stages with the help of special pills. This variant of abortion is characterized by a minimum number of complications, compared with surgical methods. The effectiveness of pharmacological interruption is 98 percent, but only if it is carried out in a timely manner.

What is medical abortion

Abortion without surgical intervention called medical interruption of gestation, pharmaceutical abortion, non-surgical abortion. This procedure causes artificial miscarriage. It differs significantly from the surgical option, because special tablets are used for its implementation. The process does not require the use of anesthesia and invasion of the uterine cavity, which prevents a number of unwanted complications. medical abortion considered one of the most safe ways termination of pregnancy.


As a rule, a medical method of abortion is prescribed in such cases:

  1. The woman herself refuses to save uterine pregnancy(gestation).
  2. A condition that can threaten the patient's health and even life.
  3. The location of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity, the exclusion of ectopic gestation.
  4. The procedure can be carried out with wrong development fetus, the risk of genetic pathologies.
  5. The woman is suffering from overweight, fibroids, erosion, endometriosis, has a pathology of the development of the uterus.
  6. The gestation period is more than 22 weeks. During this period, pharmacological interruption is considered one of the safest methods of artificial abortion.

Advantages and disadvantages

A non-surgical way to interrupt gestation in a woman using pills has a number of positive qualities. Unlike surgery, medical termination of gestation has the following advantages:

  • minimal pain of the procedure (abortion is performed with pills without anesthesia);
  • abortion proceeds naturally, like menstruation;
  • after a pill abortion, the risk of complications is reduced;
  • unlike other methods of interruption, the chance of getting into the body of infections that are transmitted through the blood (for example, hepatitis, HIV) is excluded;
  • if medical abortion is used, then unlike surgical or vacuum abortion, it is excluded bad influence on the function of reproduction (i.e., infertility does not threaten the patient).

With all the advantages of abortion, which is carried out by means of pills, the procedure has several disadvantages:

  • in rare cases, not all of the fetal egg comes out of the uterus, some part of it may remain (the remainder is removed surgically);
  • pills for pregnancy in the early stages sometimes cause uterine bleeding, periodically you need to use blood transfusion, curettage;
  • some patients are allergic to certain pills for non-surgical abortion;
  • because medications to interrupt gestation are hormonal drugs, then their effect on the body of patients is difficult to predict;
  • sometimes pain, discomfort in the abdomen, intestinal upset, nausea, fever, general malaise, severe weakness are fixed;
  • another disadvantage is the high cost of medical abortion compared to surgical abortion, but the price is justified by the result.


There are a number of prohibitions for the medical method of interrupting gestation. Absolute contraindications:

  • infectious diseases chronic form at the time of exacerbation;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • termination of pregnancy is prohibited in the presence of gynecological acute diseases;
  • allergic reaction on the composition of medicines for non-surgical abortion;
  • the formation of a malignant oncological tumor;
  • unconfirmed gestation (without examination by a gynecologist and ultrasound);
  • blood diseases in a patient;
  • severe somatic pathologies of a chronic type (renal, liver failure);
  • bronchial asthma.

Relative contraindications for medical non-surgical abortion:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • uterine fibroids, endometriosis;
  • lactation period (you need to stop breastfeeding weeks before taking the drug);
  • scars on the uterus C-section);
  • smoking in patients older than 35;
  • pregnancy while taking hormonal drugs protection or use of intrauterine methods of contraception.


Farmabort, as a rule, is prescribed when a woman's menstruation is delayed for no more than six weeks (or 42 days from the first day of the last menstruation). This procedure is performed using special preparations in the form of tablets. The drug regimen is most effective at a gestational age of six weeks. It is quite possible to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages with pills, but in the later stages of gestation, the positive effectiveness of the pills is reduced to a minimum.

abortion pills

Popular medications For non-surgical termination of pregnancy, the following pills are considered:

  1. The main drug for pharmacological abortion is mifepristone. This name is international, the drug belongs to the group of antiprogestogens. Mifepristone blocks the activity of the hormone progesterone, which is needed to maintain gestation. Tablets are produced by a large number of pharmaceutical companies, so there are many derivatives of it (they are described below).
  2. Pencrofton - pills that are considered an excellent replacement for the classic surgical abortion. The medicine removes the embryo from the uterus by opening the cervix. Pharmacological termination of pregnancy with this drug is carried out up to a period of 7 weeks. Pencrofton tablets practically do not cause side effects, in some cases weakness and nausea are observed.
  3. Misoprostol tablets are also used for medical abortion. They provoke the expulsion of the fetal egg by stimulating the uterine muscles. This drug is often prescribed to young patients who have not yet given birth. The success rate of abortion with Misoprostol tablets is 70-85%.
  4. Pharmacological abortion with Mifegin is carried out in many countries of the world. Tablets have a blocking effect on uterine receptors, which causes fetal rejection. The uterus softens, its muscles contract, and the cervix opens, pushing out the fetal egg. Means for medical interruption of gestation Mifegin is most effective for up to 6 weeks. After taking the tablets, you may experience side effects(probability 5-10%).
  5. An analogue of Mifepristone - Mifolian, is an antiprogestogen steroid drug. It blocks the synthesis of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, increases the contractile functions of the myometrium. Tablets are used to terminate pregnancy in the first stages (up to 42 days of amenorrhea). Sometimes the action of the tablets is accompanied side effects: pain in the lower abdomen, headache, weakness, nausea.
  6. Another drug for artificial abortion is Mifeprex. Tablets are used for up to 42 days. The main advantages of the drug are considered to be very good tolerability and high level efficiency. Some patients may have spotting for 2-3 days after taking the tablets.


Before the procedure is carried out, the patient must be prepared. The doctor first talks with her, informs in advance about the contraindications to the procedure, talks about the likelihood of complications after it, about the essence of the non-surgical technique. Then the woman is sent for such examinations:

  • general analysis blood, urine;
  • complete examination by a gynecologist;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • smears to detect vaginal infections;
  • blood donation for group, Rh factor, hepatitis, syphilis, HIV.

How does a medical interruption work?

Before a pharmacological abortion, it is forbidden to eat smoked, fatty, salty foods, and after the procedure, you can not take a bath or visit the pool. It is also not recommended to eat 3 hours before the termination of pregnancy. Non-surgical abortion is performed on an outpatient basis. Stages of implementation:

  1. The patient is re-examined. Then the doctor gives the woman three tablets of the selected drug (containing mifepristone). After that, the patient is under the supervision of specialists for 2-4 hours. In some pregnant women, the release of the fetal egg occurs during the stay in the hospital, if this does not happen, then the patient is sent home.
  2. At home, she takes pills - prostaglandins for 36-48 hours to consolidate a positive result. The interruption should occur no more than three days before. Then the patient comes back to the doctor for an examination and passes the control ultrasonography.
  3. The patient undergoes a second ultrasound in a couple of weeks. If it is found that there are remains of a fetal egg in the uterus or unwanted pregnancy continues to develop, it is assigned surgical abortion(curettage of the uterine cavity).

What happens after a medical abortion

If everything went smoothly for a woman, then after passing last ultrasound and consultations, she is prescribed contraceptives. They prevent pregnancy, and also contributes to active recovery hormonal background. If the interruption of gestation with pills went without consequences, then after six months you can conceive a child. If a situation arose due to which the uterine cavity had to be scraped, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy. After successful treatment, a woman, as a rule, becomes pregnant again.

Performance definition

The last visit of the patient to the doctor is carried out 2 weeks after taking the medication. The condition of the uterus is assessed by ultrasound, because the effectiveness of the event can only be detected by this method. The study helps to find out how effective the abortion was, whether there are any remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity, how it looks. The effectiveness of the procedure will be maximum if all the instructions of the gynecologist are clearly followed.


Two or three weeks after a pharmacological abortion, a woman should be very careful about her well-being. If the body temperature rises, there are copious discharge with blood and severe pain lower abdomen, you need to urgently visit a doctor. When rehabilitation proceeds without the above consequences, it is worth avoiding hypothermia, colds, stressful situations, limit to a minimum physical activity. You can’t take a bath, douche, swim in the pool, river, sea. Exclude sexual intimacy until the next menstruation.

Medical abortion is a modern and safe method. Though this procedure and does not require surgical intervention, it is very important to know how it goes and what complications can occur, what the rehabilitation period looks like after taking medication.

It is a non-invasive procedure for terminating a pregnancy at an early stage - it passes by the type spontaneous miscarriage. Has the following benefits:

  • efficiency - 95%;
  • no risk of injury to the uterus during surgical procedures;
  • low risk of infection;
  • there is no danger of "earning" hepatitis or HIV, which can occur during surgery;
  • there are no health risks associated with anesthesia;
  • Influence at female body minimal, therefore, such manipulations can be carried out even during the first pregnancy;
  • a low level of stress, due to which psychotraumatic situations are not created that can harm the female body.

This procedure does not require a stay in a hospital for a long time, after taking the medicine, you can go home. However, it is worth remembering that only a specialist can prescribe medications.

Because the this method abortion is quite new, many still resort to vacuum abortion, but it is worth remembering that in this case the degree of intervention in the body and the risk of complications will be higher.

Timing of medical abortion

The terms are determined by the protocol of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 14.10.2015, which says what to carry out medical intervention can be up to the ninth week of pregnancy. However, in most European countries, the maximum period is 7 weeks.

Why are these deadlines set? It is worth noting that in the fifth week of pregnancy, human features appear in the embryo, the laying of organs and the umbilical cord begins. By the sixth week, the placenta is already formed, the organs continue to develop. At the eighth week, the fetus has a human appearance, during this period the vessels of the placenta are formed, and for this reason, taking medications in given period can cause severe bleeding.

In Russia, for medical termination of pregnancy, pills are used such as:

The average cost of the procedure is from 15,000 rubles, depending on the clinic.

Are there any contraindications

This procedure has a number of contraindications. For example, you can not take drugs of this group in such cases:

  • if the gestational age is more than 6 weeks;
  • with an ectopic pregnancy;
  • in acute form of renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the presence of fibroids;
  • after prolonged use of corticosteroid drugs;
  • in case of intolerance to mifepreston.
  • with lactation - in this case, it must be interrupted for at least two weeks;
  • women over 35;
  • if there are scars on the uterus after surgery.

Permission to conduct a medical abortion can only be given by the attending physician, after a thorough examination of the patient.

How is the abortion procedure

If a woman decides to terminate the pregnancy, then first she goes to her gynecologist, who conducts diagnostics to confirm pregnancy, sets the term, contraindications. Also at this stage, the doctor may advise a medical interruption in case of abnormalities in the development of the fetus: if pathologies are detected or if the mother feels so well that she cannot bear the child.

If there are no contraindications to childbirth, but the woman still does not want to give birth, she is given a small amount of time to think. If the woman nevertheless decided to terminate the pregnancy, the doctor determines whether there are contraindications to this procedure.

Medical termination of pregnancy consists of several stages.

Stage one

A woman takes pills - 3 pieces (dosage - 600 mg). Moreover, throughout the entire stage, the patient must be under close observation specialist.

The duration of the stage depends on the body's response to the drug.

Ideally, it lasts no more than six hours: during this period, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen, spotting may appear - this normal reaction on the drug, since the process of rejection of the fetal egg occurs.

After the successful completion of the drug, the woman is prepared for the second stage of the procedure.

Second phase

It starts 1.5-2 days after taking the pills. And it is not necessary to go to the doctor: if you feel normal, it is enough to take pills at home. It is important to remember that in the second stage, there may be more spotting and pain, so it is worth taking a day off from work. If pain syndrome will be too strong, you can take painkillers.

An important point: you need to buy only certified medicines because a woman's life and health depend on it.

Actions after taking the pills

A few days after taking the medication, you need to contact a gynecologist: the doctor will examine, check whether the medicine has worked, whether there are any remnants of the fetal egg left in the body, whether rejection has occurred. To avoid unpleasant consequences it is necessary to undergo a control ultrasound.

If the remains of an egg were found in the uterus, the doctor prescribes further treatment.

After 1.5-2 weeks, an examination is carried out again, an ultrasound scan is prescribed. If the ultrasound does not show results, the doctor may order a blood test to determine the level of hCG.

It is important to remember that when performing a medical abortion in the early stages, the success of the procedure is more than 95%, but if you apply later, there is a high probability incomplete abortion, resulting in a vacuum.

After the events, several important rules should be followed:

  1. Use contraceptives during sexual intercourse new pregnancy may even occur before the onset of menstruation. Moreover, it is undesirable to have sex earlier than in 2-3 weeks.
  2. You should refrain from drinking alcohol.
  3. Avoid visiting saunas, baths.

What could be the consequences

With such an abortion, complications usually occur in no more than 3-5% of cases, but they still happen. You need to be able to distinguish between them, because there are moderate complications, such as mild abdominal pain and rare bleeding, and serious problems that require a doctor's appointment.

For example, a little pain fever, which lasts for several hours after diagnosis, chest pain is a normal reaction of the body to medical abortion. You need to take painkillers, such as Analgin or Ibuprofen.

But if heat does not decrease for six hours or more, this may indicate an infectious process. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Although infectious complications are not typical for this form of abortion, there is a group of people who are more at risk than others:

Recovery after an abortion

After taking the pills, the menstrual cycle is not disturbed, but when they go again, it is quite difficult to predict - the duration of the procedure also matters here (in the early stages, the cycle recovers faster).

The first menstruation can go in 1-2 months, but also a lot depends on the condition of the patient. If after 60 days the menstruation has not gone, you should definitely consult a gynecologist for advice.

Despite the effectiveness and minimal amount complications, medical abortion is not ideal solution, since any intervention in the internal environment of a person can have consequences. To avoid them, you should think about contraception and family planning in advance.

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