Who had complications after medication. Incomplete removal of the ovum

Despite the huge choice of means of protection, the problem unplanned pregnancy is extremely relevant today. Few from modern families actually planning the birth of a child. It is for this reason that the abortion service is constantly in demand.

What is a medical abortion?

The newest way to terminate a pregnancy is medication, or, as it is also called, pharmabort. It is performed in a non-surgical way, which has earned its recognition and popularity. However this species abortion has its own peculiarity - it can be carried out only in the early stages, up to six weeks of pregnancy.

Medical abortion: how it works. Basic moments

Due to the presence of contraindications to the procedure and the possibility of life-threatening, medical abortion is possible only under the strict supervision of a doctor. It will help assess the condition of the woman and the absence of contraindications, moreover, when buying medicinal product You will be asked for a prescription from your doctor.

Passes under the influence medical medicine, which stimulates the process of rejection of the embryo and the cleansing of the uterine cavity.

General contraindications

The procedure has its own characteristics and contraindications, in the presence of which any type of abortion is excluded, including medical abortion. How the pregnancy goes, the woman's well-being and other features - everything should be taken into account. The procedure is excluded in such cases:

  1. At acute form infectious disease.
  2. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, including in the intimate area.
  3. When diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy.

If one of the above contraindications is present, it is impossible, and pathological process subject to treatment. Otherwise, the risk of complications greatly increases.

Contraindications for medical abortion

There are some contraindications for this type of abortion:

  1. Intolerance to the substances that make up the drug. In such a situation, the doctor will be able to advise another remedy that is right for you.
  2. Having problems with the kidneys and liver.
  3. Serious heart and vascular diseases.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Breastfeeding, as substances are absorbed into the bloodstream and pass into breast milk.
  6. In a situation where long time protection was provided by oral contraceptives, and their intake was stopped immediately before the onset of pregnancy.
  7. Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcer).
  8. The presence of a scar on the uterus.

Preparing for an abortion procedure

To successfully complete the procedure, a woman needs to contact her doctor and strictly follow his requirements and advice. At the first appointment, the doctor will tell the woman how a medical abortion works. The patient will need to try to establish the exact date conception, pass ultrasonography in order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy, as well as to pass a series of tests.

The patient must report all chronic diseases to prevent the risk of complications.

A day or two before the abortion, you should exclude alcohol and refrain from smoking. Women who smoke more than ten cigarettes a day should be aware that the effect of the drug will be reduced in them.

What is this procedure?

It is carried out in a hospital in several stages.

  1. The patient is given to take two tablets of the drug, after which the woman remains under the supervision of the medical staff in the hospital for a certain period of time (from two to four hours). How a medical abortion goes, should be assessed by a doctor. In the absence of side effects, drug rejection (vomiting) and complications, the patient goes home the same day. Medicine("Mifepristone") promotes termination of pregnancy. It prepares the uterus for the expulsion of the embryo. It softens, the tone increases, a process occurs, as before the onset of menstruation.
  2. After two days, the client returns to the clinic for the next stage. She is on another type of drug (misoprostol) that helps her body get rid of the fetus. The patient is under the supervision of medical staff for at least two hours from the start of the procedure (medical abortion). How the process goes should be assessed by a specialist. After the examination, the patient can go home. At this stage, the fetus is expelled, which may be accompanied by bleeding and pain.

Abortion is not completely safe procedure, even his latest techniques can have dangerous consequences. The later the deadline, the more dangerous complications can be. To avoid them, you need to reasonably approach the issues of contraception. But if there is a need to terminate the pregnancy, then you should take care of this when complications are minimal.

Consequences of medical abortion

The use of pharmacological agents for abortion is effective in 98% of cases. But after the procedure, complications also occur. Some of them can be divided into the group of adverse reactions. This headache, allergy to the drug, dyspeptic symptoms. These effects develop in a small number of women.

Headaches can vary in intensity. For severe pain, measure arterial pressure, often it is the cause of this condition. Treatment is carried out by prescribing a tablet of an antihypertensive agent.

Dyspepsia in the form of nausea or vomiting does not require special treatment, but you can take a tablet of metoclopramide, which is prokinetic and will quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

An allergic reaction is individual feature. It can manifest itself in the form of acute urticaria, which is eliminated by antihistamines: Cetirizine, Fenkarol, Suprastin.

  • incomplete abortion

In 1-2% of cases, medical termination of pregnancy can be complicated incomplete abortion. A re-examination is scheduled 14 days after the procedure to ensure its success. If, according to the results of ultrasound in the uterine cavity, residues are found gestational sac, and are stored copious discharge, which indicates the presence of this complication. In this case, carry out, because. remnants of tissue will not stop bleeding and can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

  • Progressive pregnancy

Another complication is a progressive pregnancy. At the same time, an embryo is determined by echography, which corresponds to its developmental period. The tactics of the doctor depends on the desire of the woman. If she changed her mind and wants to keep the pregnancy, she is registered and examined according to the protocols. For those who still wish to terminate the pregnancy, vacuum aspiration or surgical abortion depending on gestational age.

  • Rise in temperature and pain

Sometimes the drugs taken have an adverse reaction in the form of an increase in temperature. If this happened after a few hours, then you should not worry. An increase to subfebrile numbers is allowed, which does not last longer than a new day.

Pain after taking misoprostol is a natural consequence, it is the contraction of muscle cells - the myometrium, which ensures the expulsion of the fetal egg. Feelings at the same time resemble contractions of varying intensity. If the pain is very severe, anesthesia may be needed. In this case, antispasmodics are used - Drotaverine (No-shpa). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen, Indamethacin, Aspirin are not recommended. Their action is based on the blockade of prostaglandins, so the effect of abortion drugs may decrease.

  • Bleeding

Bleeding is normal reaction body to receive mifepristone and misoprostol. But sometimes the strong are noted bloody issues that cause concern. To respond correctly, you need to be able to distinguish pathological discharge from the norm. When using two or more pads every hour, and this continues for at least 2 hours, this is bleeding. The condition needs medical attention.

To stop bleeding, in most cases, the state of the pelvic organs is checked by ultrasound. Rarely, the remains of the fetal egg interfere with the normal contraction of the uterus, so bleeding decreases for a long time. To treat the condition, they resort to curettage of the uterine cavity.

Also, an unfavorable fact will be the absence of bleeding or its abrupt cessation. The absence of blood may indicate miscarriage, which requires holding another . Abrupt cessation of discharge - an indicator of spasm internal os necks. To eliminate it, Drotaverin is prescribed.

  • Hormonal imbalance

most severe a distant consequence abortion is hormonal disbalance. It is considered that when medical abortion in the early stages, its course resembles a natural miscarriage and does not affect the hormonal cycle. But to fulfill pharmacological abortion given 63 days. Performing manipulations on more than later dates can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Vacuum aspiration hazard

Spontaneous abortion

In some cases, abortion occurs on its own without the participation of a doctor or the desire of a woman. After spontaneous abortion complications also develop. Often a miscarriage occurs against the background of a genital tract infection. Therefore, the ascending path of penetration of pathogens into the uterus can lead to damage to the endometrium, appendages, parametrium, as well as the development of peritonitis and sepsis.

Spontaneous abortion up to 22 weeks may be accompanied by massive bleeding. Its consequence is the syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation. At the same time, it is released from the placental tissues a large number of substances that lead to hypercoagulability and the formation of blood clots. Then this condition is also rapidly replaced by hypocoagulation and the development of massive bleeding.

Treatment should begin with an emergency transfusion of blood plasma, which contains the major clotting factors. Further therapy is carried out with Heparin, Aminocaproic acid, antienzyme Kontrykal. The state of shock is stopped by transfusion of blood substitutes, narcotic analgesics, glucocorticoids. The dosage is selected individually based on the characteristics of the patient's condition.

If the cause of spontaneous abortion is not established, then it may recur in subsequent pregnancies. If more than 2 miscarriages occur, then they talk about habitual miscarriage. This condition may result from:

  • frequent abortions;
  • genital tract infections;
  • genetic pathologies of the fetus;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome.

When starting spontaneous miscarriage maintenance therapy is carried out. To relieve the tone of the uterus, a solution of magnesium sulfate is dripped, Indomethacin is given. Appointed bed rest sometimes it is recommended to slightly raise the foot end of the bed. To stop bleeding, aminocaproic acid, Dicinon is administered. Hormone therapy is also effective for progesterone deficiency. But if the bleeding is heavy, hormonal drugs will not help. If infected, antibiotics are prescribed.

In addition to health complications, termination of pregnancy carries a heavy psychological burden. Women who decide on such an act are prescribed a consultation with a psychologist. Those who develop complications after an abortion different nature or infertility, often regret their choice.

Despite the huge selection modern means contraception, abortion is still a means of so-called birth control. Given the specifics of performing medical manipulations during abortion, complications after an abortion develop quite often. Even when the abortion procedure is technically correct, there are always negative post-abortion consequences: both psycho-emotional and physiological.

Abortion and its types

Spontaneous (spontaneous) or artificial termination of pregnancy in a period that does not exceed 22 full weeks called an abortion.

If this manipulation is carried out by a specially trained gynecologist in a healthcare facility, such an abortion is called artificial (or medical). Otherwise, the abortion procedure is criminal in nature and implies criminal liability.

In many countries, it is possible to perform an abortion exclusively at the request of a pregnant woman only in the first three months of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). If the period is longer, then such a procedure is performed only if there are certain indications regulated by the Ministry of Health.

When the pregnancy is terminated against the desire and intention of the woman, that is, spontaneously, such an abortion is called spontaneous. This condition is pathological and requires medical attention.

Types of abortion

Depending on the technique, abortion is:

  • Medical.
  • Surgical.

With the surgical method of abortion, the following methods are used:

  • Vacuum excochleation.
  • Dilatation and curettage.
  • Late impacts (12–22 weeks): dilatation and evacuation, minor C-section(hysterotomy) and some others.

The doctor chooses a specific intervention method for terminating a pregnancy after assessing the concomitant factors: gestational age, somatic diseases of the woman, etc.

Before carrying out such manipulation, it is necessary careful preparation which reduces the risk of undesirable consequences.

Risk factors

It is known that not a single abortion proceeds completely without a trace. However, there are factors that can markedly increase the risk of developing negative consequences both during the intervention for the purpose of artificial termination of pregnancy, and after it. These include:

  • Gestational age at the time of abortion. The larger it is, the more often the frequency and the more serious the severity of complications.
  • Preparing a woman for manipulation. Scroll required examination provided by the doctor who will carry out the procedure.
  • Professional training of a specialist, availability of special equipment and necessary tools. Also, an abortion must be performed in a specialized medical institution, subject to all the rules and the obligatory filling in of the necessary documentation.

Failure to comply with the latter condition makes it possible to interpret the abortion procedure as criminal. At the same time, there is criminal liability both for the woman herself and for the person performing the abortion.

In addition, criminal abortion significantly increases the risk of serious complications that threaten the health and even life of a woman.

According to the time of occurrence, the consequences of an abortion are early and late.

Early Complications

They develop directly during the period of manipulation, in the next first hours or days. The most common are:

  • Incomplete removal of the fetal egg.
  • Bleeding.
  • Injury to the cervix during its expansion (dilation).
  • Perforation (violation of integrity) of the uterine wall.
  • Hematometer.

In addition, there may be various individual reactions (intolerance) to the administration of drugs for anesthesia or other medications, up to death.

Let us consider in more detail such consequences of abortion.

Incomplete removal of the ovum

This is enough frequent complication abortion, since the manipulation to extract the fetal egg from the uterine cavity is carried out almost blindly. In addition, insufficient examination of a pregnant woman on the eve of an abortion also increases the risk of this complication.

The main symptoms of the presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity are:

  • Increasing bleeding. In addition to blood, clots and, in fact, parts of the fetus or its membranes can be observed.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, more often - cramping in nature.
  • Rapid accession of infection and the formation of inflammation in the uterus. The tissues remaining in the uterine cavity serve as a favorable environment for the intensive reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the body temperature rises, sometimes to high numbers, chills, weakness and other manifestations of general intoxication of the body appear. Allocations become bad smell, you can see an admixture of pus in them.

With the development of such manifestations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In order to make sure that the uterine cavity is completely empty after an abortion, the doctor will recommend an ultrasound examination.

Traumatic injury to the genitals

When performing an abortion surgically, injuries often occur. So, with the expansion (dilation) of the cervical canal with special dilators, it may break. Subsequently, this is fraught with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which leads to habitual miscarriage already desired pregnancy.

The most serious and threatening complication is a violation of the integrity of the uterine wall. When performing a surgical abortion, various medical instruments are introduced into the uterine cavity, with the help of which the fetal egg is removed. The wall of the uterus during pregnancy becomes thinner and softens, therefore, the risk of damage to it increases significantly. In terms of size, such damage can be from minor to extensive, up to a complete rupture.

These complications of abortion are diagnosed by the doctor already during the manipulation. Depending on the degree of traumatic injury, conservative or surgical interventions are carried out, up to the complete removal of the uterus with the development of a life-threatening condition for a woman.


Violation of the contractile function of the uterus with the subsequent development of heavy bleeding is a common consequence after artificial termination of pregnancy. Besides, profuse bleeding can also occur in the presence of remnants of the fetal egg or placental tissue in the uterine cavity.

If blood accumulates in the uterus due to a violation of its outflow, then this condition is called a hematometra. It develops in the following cases:

  • Insufficient contractility of the uterus.
  • Blockage of the cervical canal (blood clot, part of the placenta or fetal egg, etc.).
  • Spasm of the cervical muscles.
  • The presence of adhesions and adhesions in the uterine cavity and cervical canal.

The hematometer is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Increasing pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Absence or significant decrease in spotting in the first hours and days after an abortion.
  • An increase in the size of the uterus, a change in its consistency (determined by a doctor).
  • Rapid accession of infection with the development of inflammation (fever, chills, increased pain, etc.).

In such cases, emergency medical attention is also needed.

Late Complications

Such complications after an abortion develop after enough long time from artificial termination of pregnancy. Sometimes this takes months or years.

Intervention in the normal course of pregnancy with the aim of terminating it triggers a whole cascade of negative reactions that affect almost all organs and systems of a woman. Literally from the very first weeks of pregnancy, the work of the endocrine, nervous, immune, cardiovascular and other systems is being restructured. female body. After an abortion, there is a serious failure of all these functions.

So to late consequences abortion include:

  • Inflammatory lesion of the structures of the genital tract of a woman.
  • Violation menstrual cycle.
  • The formation of adhesions (sinechia) in the uterus.
  • Infertility.
  • Pathology of subsequent desired pregnancy.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Complicated menopause.
  • Cicatricial changes in the cervix.
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Violations in the psycho-emotional sphere and some others.

Abortions are also risk factors for the formation of future malignant neoplasms uterus, ovaries and breast.


According to statistics, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs are the most common complication of an abortion. Most often, the appendages (fallopian tubes) and the lining of the uterus (endometrium) are affected. Inflammation often becomes chronic.

Risk factors for inflammatory lesions are:

  • Insufficient preparation of a woman for the procedure.
  • The presence of foci of infection - both in the genital area (for example, in the vagina), and beyond.
  • Reducing the body's resistance as a result of a malfunction of the immune system.
  • An extensive wound surface in the uterus, which serves as a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens.
  • Cervical barrier disruption due to manipulation of the cervix (dilation) and penetration foreign body(surgical instruments) into the uterine cavity.

Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs quite often lead to subsequent infertility.

Hormonal disorders

In all women, without exception, after an abortion, the normal balance of female sex hormones is disturbed. The consequences of such an imbalance can manifest itself in various kinds of menstrual irregularities, the appearance of dyshormonal diseases of the mammary gland (mastopathy). It also increases the risk of developing a benign tumor of the uterus (leiomyoma) and endometriosis.


Female infertility is one of the most important and actual problems modern medicine. And the consequences of an abortion constitute one of the leading positions in its structure. The causes of infertility directly related to the abortion procedure are:

  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as a result of adhesions in the pelvis (as a result of an inflammatory process or endometriosis).
  • Structural changes in the endometrium that prevent the normal attachment (implantation) of a fertilized egg. This leads to an inflammatory lesion of the endometrium (endometritis), adhesions in the uterine cavity, cicatricial changes in the uterine mucosa.
  • Hormonal imbalance with the subsequent formation of an anovulatory menstrual cycle (normal egg maturation does not occur). It may also produce an insufficient amount of hormones necessary to maintain the further course of pregnancy.

Often these changes are structural and sometimes untreatable.

Pathology of subsequent pregnancy

The postponed abortion can be an obstacle to further normal course desired pregnancy. Even if conception has occurred, there is big risk for abnormal attachment of a fertilized egg with the subsequent development of an ectopic pregnancy.

In the case of a normally occurring implantation, the following complications may occur:

  • Miscarriage, which in most cases is directly related to the abortion in the past. There can be several factors for this pathology: hormonal disorders, disruption of the normal structure of the cervix and endometrium, etc.
  • premature birth.
  • Abnormal attachment of the placenta as a result of structural disorders of the endometrium or the presence of adhesions in the uterine cavity.
  • Bleeding during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • Weakness or discoordination of labor.
  • Fetal hypoxia, etc.

According to statistics, after one abortion, the risk of termination of a subsequent pregnancy increases by a quarter, and after three or more, almost half of pregnant women experience spontaneous abortion.

Consequences of medical abortion

Termination of pregnancy with a specific action medicines is relatively new methodology. This method of abortion is an alternative to surgery and, if successful, eliminates the risks of invasive intervention.

The effectiveness of this method of abortion is more than 90%. However, complications of medical abortion can sometimes occur. The most frequently encountered of these include:

  • Further progression of pregnancy. This occurs in approximately 2-3% of cases after this manipulation. Considering negative impact drugs for medical abortion on the fetus, such a pregnancy must be further terminated by other means.
  • Incomplete expulsion of the ovum. The most common complication after medical interruption pregnancy, developing in 3-7% of cases. There is a high risk of bleeding or inflammation of the uterus and other organs. Required surgical intervention for complete emptying of the uterine cavity.
  • Bleeding due to impaired uterine contractility.
  • There are other complications after medical abortion:
  • Intense pain during the expulsion of the fetal egg. Painkillers are often required.
  • Side effects of medications used in the abortion procedure: nausea, vomiting, liquid stool, allergic reactions.
  • Hormonal disorders (for example, irregular menstruation). It occurs more often than after surgical methods, due to the specific effect of drugs for abortion.
  • Inflammation. It is formed in case of penetration of infection from the underlying parts of the genital tract into the uterus and appendages. This is facilitated by the presence of a wound surface in the uterine cavity and a decrease in local immunity.
  • Psychogenic disorders. In varying degrees of severity, they are found in almost every woman who decides to terminate a pregnancy. Action medications used in this method of abortion, can exacerbate negative manifestations. Manifest depressive states, insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, etc.

For the purpose of early detection of complications of medical termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to strictly adhere to medical instructions for correct reception medicines. In addition, it is necessary to visit the attending physician within a week after the expulsion of the fetal egg with an ultrasound control.

Prevention of complications

In order to minimize the risks of the consequences of an abortion, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations both before and after this manipulation. When anxiety symptoms(bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, atypical discharge, fever, etc.) you need to urgently seek medical help.

most the best prevention complications of abortion is a warning unwanted pregnancy through the use of modern and reliable methods of contraception.

Medical abortion is the termination of a pregnancy that occurs as a result of the use of pills, excluding surgical evacuation. This procedure is non-contact, and therefore less dangerous for the female body. But, unfortunately, even the fact that the risks are minimized, there is a possibility of unpleasant consequences medical abortion.

Read more about the process itself, indications and complications in our article.

How is a medical abortion performed?

In order to understand how medical abortion works, you need to know a few important things about hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. So, in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation, a small “scar” remains in place of the “adult” egg. It is called corpus luteum. In the event of pregnancy, the corpus luteum continues to “work” by producing a hormone called progesterone, which “stores” the embryo and prevents it from being “rejected”. Drugs that are used for medical termination of pregnancy have an antiprogesterone effect. That is, the dose of the drug "replaces" the entire amount of the pregnancy hormone, which can no longer ensure the safety of the embryo. Thus, the uterus receives a signal - to contract, and the cervix - to open. Next comes the expulsion of the embryo.

Indications and contraindications for medical abortion

Medical abortion indications:

1. Pregnancy up to 49, 56, or 63 days from last menstrual period (deadline depends on country-specific legislation).

2. Pregnancy in which surgical abortion can cause serious complications:

  • uterine malformations;
  • pregnancy with an intact hymen.

Contraindications for medical abortion

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • ectopic pregnancy(confirmed or suspected);
  • anemia (Hb
  • acute kidney or liver disease;
  • psycho-social contraindications:

The woman does not understand the information presented;

A woman needs time to decide;

The woman cannot return for testing.

Side effects of medical abortion


Complications after medical termination of pregnancy

1. Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy is normal, in the event that it is short and not plentiful. On average, within 13 days from the date of taking the medicine, spotting is the norm. If a woman has to use 2 large pads per hour for 24 hours and there are signs of anemia - dizziness, severe weakness, medical intervention is urgently required.

2. Incomplete termination of pregnancy - such a conclusion can be made by the doctor after a second examination of the patient. Further actions doctor in this case are based on the condition of the woman, as well as her wishes: it is possible to use another dose of the drug, or surgical evacuation.

Life circumstances often do not turn out the way we want, and dictate their own conditions. Sometimes pregnancy is unwanted or contraindicated for health reasons. In such a situation, there is only one way out - abortion.

In early pregnancy, doctors often use medical abortion, which is considered the safest for a woman's health. In the article we will talk about how true this information is, and what consequences the use of abortion pills can have.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Drugs used for early abortion

The first drugs for medical abortion were invented in France at the beginning of the last century, today the country remains one of the main leaders in the production of drugs for abortion. Medical abortion is always performed under careful observation the attending physician, self-administration of drugs can be dangerous for a woman's health and lead to infertility. Please note that medical abortion is allowed to be done at the earliest possible date - up to 41 days from the beginning of the last menstruation. After that, other methods of abortion are used.

The main advantages of medical abortion are:

  • Minimal risk of infertility. Drugs, unlike curettage, do not injure the uterine mucosa, so the risk of infertility is significantly reduced.
  • No complications. Surgical methods abortions are often fraught with the development of inflammatory processes, cervical injuries, and with medical abortion, the likelihood of complications is minimal.
  • Ambulatory mode. At medical method hospitalization of the patient in the hospital is not required. Reception hormonal drugs leads to the fact that the embryo dies, the uterus contracts and the fetus is brought out. The body recovers quickly after such a procedure, the very next day a woman can return to her normal lifestyle.

Medicines that are used for medical termination of pregnancy are not commercially available; you can buy them only on the prescription of a doctor. The drugs are based on antigestagens, they are also called antiprogestins - this is a group of biologically active substances that suppress the action of natural progestogens at the receptor level. necessary for and ensuring its vital activity, suppressing it with special pills, a woman stimulates the rejection and death of the embryo.

The most popular antiprogestin on this moment mifegin or mifepristone is considered, which is used at a dosage of 600 mg once (3 tablets), the drug acts for three days. 36-48 hours after taking antiprogestins, prostaglandins are prescribed, for example, at a dosage of 400 mg. (2 tablets). While taking medication, a woman should be under the supervision of a doctor.

The list of drugs for medical abortion looks like this:

  • Mifepristone
  • Mifeprex
  • Mytholian
  • Pencrofton
  • Mifegin
  • Misoprostol

The active substance in all tablets is mifepristone, they differ from each other by the manufacturer, and, accordingly, by quality and efficiency.

Spontaneous miscarriage occurs within a week after taking the pills. The doctor controls the completeness of the miscarriage with the help of ultrasound. The cost of abortion drugs depends on the manufacturer, for example, the Russian drug Mifepristone is cheaper than French Mifegin or Chinese Mifepristone 72. On average, the price of these drugs ranges from 1000 to 5000 rubles. Every woman who decides to have a medical abortion should understand that the unauthorized use of drugs can cause serious side effects, so self-medication in this case inefficient.

Carrying out scheme

Medical termination of pregnancy is not as simple a process as many might think. In fact, it is carried out in several stages and requires careful preparation.

  1. Survey. First of all, the doctor should conduct an examination, including gynecological examination and ultrasound to determine exact date pregnancy. Before the procedure, the doctor must make sure that the woman has no contraindications to the use of tablets. The patient is introduced to the principle of operation of drugs and the technique of abortion, she must clearly understand the features and side effects of the procedure. After that, a written agreement is signed for the manipulation.
  2. main stage. First, a woman under the supervision of a doctor takes pills that cause rejection of the embryo and prepare the uterus for its expulsion. Within a few hours after the procedure, the woman is at the day hospital and, in the absence of side effects, is allowed to go home.
  3. Completion. Accepted after 1.5-2 days next drug, which starts the process of expulsion of the fetal egg. Within two hours after taking the pills, the woman is under the supervision of a doctor.

Performance definition

36-48 hours after the procedure, the doctor does a control ultrasound, makes sure that there is no stagnation of blood in the uterus. After two weeks, it is necessary to undergo a second examination by a gynecologist and again do an ultrasound scan to make sure the procedure was successful and to exclude incomplete expulsion of the fetal egg from the uterus. In this case, the woman is assigned manual scraping.

Possibility of procedure failure

Each country sets its own deadlines for legal medical abortion, but you should understand that the higher the term at which the abortion is performed, the more likely it is that you will have to do a second purge. In the US, medical abortion is allowed up to 7 weeks, in Britain there are no such clear restrictions, there are different rules, in some cases, you can do up to 8 weeks, sometimes up to 9-13 and even up to 24 weeks.

In Russia, it is believed that medical abortion is best done before 6 weeks, sometimes up to 9 weeks, but most doctors do not want to take on such a responsibility. In their opinion, late medical abortion can cause serious side effects, such as bleeding or inflammatory process in the uterus caused by the remnants of the placenta. Therefore, in the later stages, additional cleaning is carried out in without fail. It turns out that what used to be a woman turns to a gynecologist, the higher the effectiveness of medical abortion, and the longer the term, the lower the effectiveness of the procedure and the greater the likelihood of complications.

At the first abortion, the risk of incomplete termination of pregnancy is higher. You can see this on the control ultrasound. With an increase in the gestational age, the possibility of maintaining a pregnancy increases, this can be tracked at a follow-up examination 1.5 - 2 weeks after the abortion. In general, studies show that partial removal of the ovum occurs in 3% -5% of cases, and pregnancy is maintained in no more than 1% of cases of the total number of medical abortions.

Contraindications and side effects

As with any medical procedure, complications can occur with medical abortion. They are quite rare, but every woman should know consequences of the procedure:

  • continuation of pregnancy. In 1%-2% of cases, abortion may not occur.
  • Strong.
  • Abundant uterine bleeding . May develop due to incomplete removal of the fetal egg.
  • Fever, chills, weakness.
  • Nausea,. In such cases, the doctor may decide to re-use the medication.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Inflammation of the uterus and appendages. Sometimes it occurs due to the spread of infection from the urinary tract. At the same time, the temperature rises, the stomach hurts a lot, discharge appears.
  • Problems with uterine repair, for example, hematometra (blood in the uterus) or subinvolution in the uterus (delayed organ recovery). There are problems with the cycle, abdominal pain.
  • Prolonged bleeding, which can last up to 2 weeks, is associated with hormonal imbalance. Approximately 3% -5% of women after a pill abortion have a cycle disorder, with a conventional abortion, the percentage rises to 12% -15%. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be neuroendocrine disorders due to a violation of the ability of the endometrium to recover. In women who have given birth, the cycle is restored within 4 months, in those who have not given birth - six months.

Exist certain contraindications for medical abortion, so the woman must first be examined by a gynecologist. Doctors note situations when a woman takes pills on her own, after which life-threatening complications arise. For example, it passes, just like normal, but in this case, medical abortion is contraindicated. Taking pills is fraught with rupture fallopian tube and death, or best case, infertility. Below highlight the main contraindications to medical abortion that you should know about:

  • or suspicion of it.
  • Renal and adrenal insufficiency.
  • Diseases associated with impaired blood clotting.
  • Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Long-term use of corticosteroids.

Failure to comply with contraindications often leads to unpredictable consequences and can be fatal, therefore, before starting the procedure, go through full examination see a qualified gynecologist and read information about medical abortion.

Negative consequences

On such early term The decision to terminate a pregnancy is made by the woman herself. As experience shows, the most common grounds for abortion are:

Before making a decision, think carefully about the consequences and about the life of the unborn baby. Pregnancy triggers certain mechanisms in a woman's body and completely changes hormonal background. Artificial termination of pregnancy does not go unnoticed, it is a serious stress for the body, so the reverse restructuring of all processes can slow down or go away with complications that will have to be treated.

In most women, after an abortion, the cycle goes astray, menstruation is irregular and painful. Usually this is the first herald of what begins more serious problems. Another common complication is uterine bleeding. If it is not stopped in time, it can be fatal. Often in women there is a malfunction, the load on the adrenal glands increases, and this disrupts the metabolism. The production decreases, the amount of the male hormone increases, which stimulates the development of infertility and affects appearance women.

The breast almost immediately reacts to the occurrence of pregnancy, therefore, after an abortion, it suffers in the first place - the appearance of tumors and neoplasms is possible. Nulliparous women after an abortion are doubly at risk of developing infertility. Studies have shown that three out of ten women who have an abortion cannot subsequently have children.

The medical consequences of the procedure can be irreversible, so later, when the desire to have children appears, not everyone will be able to get pregnant - there is always a risk of developing secondary infertility. Any medical intervention, even the most seemingly harmless, can have side effects, even death. Therefore, do not joke with your health - it is preferable to carry out competent prevention of unwanted pregnancy, so that later you do not have to resolve the issue by drastic methods.