Accurate calculation of the sex of the child online. Gender of the child by date of conception - the most accurate methods

Expecting a child is always considered a happy event; new sensations and emotions appear in a woman's life. The news of the imminent replenishment causes a lot of different feelings, one of the main experiences for many parents is associated with the sex of the unborn child. Nature is so laid down that it is impossible to immediately find out this information. For this reason, there are many methods, technologies, tables and signs designed to calculate the sex of the child. After all, one of the first questions that acquaintances and friends ask a pregnant woman is: “Who are you waiting for - a boy or a girl?”.

Online calculator for calculating the sex of the child

Today, there is a popular way to determine - this is ultrasound. But this method shows reliable data only from the second trimester and only on high-quality equipment. The old device sometimes reflects unreliable information, in addition, the experience of the doctor must be taken into account.

You can use folk signs, for example, the use of a ring over the stomach. Sometimes a woman relies only on her feelings, knowing for sure that she will have a daughter or son. But signs, and one's own intuition are not always reliable. It is impossible to rely on them in determining the sex of the baby.

What does our site offer? We can have a baby using a universal calculator for calculating the sex of a child. Why is he so unique? With it, you can calculate the gender of the child and determine the likelihood of having a boy or girl.

The calculator has collected several popular methods, the calculation of gender is based on technologies that are most well-known and have already proven themselves among women.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

O(I) Rh− O(I) Rh+ A(II) Rh− A(II) Rh+ B(III) Rh− B(III) Rh+ AB(IV) Rh− AB(IV) Rh+

How to use the baby gender calculator

For an accurate forecast, you need to enter the month in which the conception occurred, enter the dates of birth of the father and mother. And, importantly, the blood type of the parents is entered into the columns of the online calculator.

After that, the result of the forecast is displayed on the screen. If all methods showed the same information, then the probability of having a boy or a girl is 100%. If the results of the methods differ, then the percentage probability of sex is reported. For example, 75% - a boy will be born or 50% - a little princess may appear in the family.

Important: on our website you can check information about the future field for each specific technique individually.

Calculator Efficiency

The calculation of gender using a calculator is trusted by people whose calculations matched, and a 100% hit was obtained. Some women got a vague result, but it is worth considering a small statistical error in the calculations.

To trust or not to the method, everyone decides for himself. It is impossible to exclude the influence of the genetic factor on the formation of sex. So, deviations in the health and set of genetic information of one of the parents can affect the sex of the little man. There are families in which only boys are born or, conversely, only girls are born in a couple. Surely everyone is familiar with such examples.

It is understandable that parents want to find out the sex of the baby faster, sometimes women are interested in this issue already at the first ultrasound at 12 weeks. But sometimes you should not rush to the discovery, in some cases it is better to focus on pregnancy in order to give birth to a healthy baby. Treat your unborn child with love, an important event will soon happen in his and his parental life - birth. The calculator on our site predicts the result, treat the calculations as a game and entertainment during pregnancy.

The attempts of future parents to conceive a child of a certain gender have long been known. Some undertook them to "balance" the gender ratio of children in the family, others - for material reasons.

For example, in India, boys were preferred because it was more profitable to raise and support them than girls. This issue is no less relevant today. True, for some it may not be too principled, and wanting a boy, parents will treat the girl with no less love. For others, it is a question of almost their entire future life.

Parents are trying to "choose" the sex of the child with the help of scientific theories, diets, folk signs. For example, some believe that the older the man, the greater the chance of having a boy. And vice versa: a woman who is older than her husband is more likely to give birth to a girl. But it's still too simple to be true.

Until modern scientific theories appeared, based on knowledge of the vital activity of the human body and the processes occurring in it, tables for calculating the sex of a child were very popular. These tables were based on the age of the parents, and specifically on the time of their birth.

Japanese table

Take the so-called Japanese table. It lists all the months of the year in vertical columns, from which the month of birth of a woman is selected, and the same months are indicated in horizontal columns, only for a man. The cells of the table are filled with certain numbers from 1 to 12 - these will be family numbers.

The woman's month of birth is taken from the column on the left, and the man's month of birth is taken from the column above, and perpendicular lines are drawn. In the cell at their intersection will be the family number of the couple. For example, for a woman born in September and a man born in July, this would be 1. Next, you need to move on to the next table.

Its upper horizontal column contains 12 family numbers, and all vertical columns are filled with months of the year. The corresponding crosses indicate in which months you can conceive a boy, and in which - a girl. That is, by looking at the vertical column with family number 1, you can determine that the most likely to conceive a boy in May and September, and a girl - in October. In the remaining months, the chances are almost equal, with a slight advantage of either sex. That is, you can "mistake".

ancient chinese table

Another well-known table is ancient Chinese. In her left column is the age of the mother. The top horizontal column shows the 12 months of the year. In it you need to choose the month of conception of the child.

At the intersection of perpendicular lines drawn from the age of the mother and the month of conception of the child, there will be a letter corresponding to a boy or a girl. For example, a 25-year-old woman will give birth to a girl if conception occurs in January, April, May and July. Conception in all other months of the year will "bring" a boy.

Conception by blood

Another method of planning the sex of a child, for which the age of the parents is important, is the method of conception by blood. For example, for the conception of a boy, it is important that the blood of the father is younger. Accordingly, for the conception of a girl - the blood of the mother.

It is known that the blood in the body of a woman is updated every three years, and men - 4 years.

  • Let's say the mother is 22 years old. Divide 22 by 3 and we get 7. The remainder is 1.
  • Divide the man's age of 24 by 4 and we get 6. The remainder is 0.
  • According to these indications, we see that at this time the blood of the man is younger, and the couple will have a boy.

It is believed that with this method it is necessary to take into account possible blood loss, for example, during operations, etc. Then the last day of blood renewal will be the date of blood loss.

Freiman-Dobrotin method

There is also such a method for determining the sex of a child by the date of birth of the parents, as the method of M. Freiman and Professor St. Dobrotin, which is called the Freiman-Dobrotin method. But this method is for the patient and attentive, because it needs to “go through” 12 tables. It is easier to find a ready-made form on the Internet, in which you simply substitute the necessary data: the day, month and year of birth of both parents and the day, month and year of conception.

Summing up

Obviously, there is no single exact method for planning the sex of a child, otherwise there would not be so many of them and more and more would not appear. As a rule, the result of such methods is 50 to 50. And then how lucky anyone is. In the meantime, the most accurate way to determine the sex of the unborn child is

It often happens that before the ultrasound, on which you can already see the sex of the child, it is still far away, and parents can not wait to find out the sex of the child. There are several ways to determine the sex of an unborn child. If you are impatient or the ultrasound results cause you doubts, then use the right way.

Determination of the sex of the child by the date of birth of the spouses

This method is considered by many to be very accurate, almost as accurate as Chinese sex determination.

  • You will need a piece of paper and 2 pens or pencils: blue and red.
  • Draw a line and divide it into 12 segments (months), labeling each with a number from 1 to 12. Mark the date and month of your birth in red, and the man's date of birth in blue on this segment.
  • Make red marks at 3, 6 and 9 months from your date of birth, and blue marks at 4 and 8 months from the future father's date of birth.
  • If the schedule is not enough, then continue to count from the beginning. For example, the 12th month is the 4th month from the date of birth of the father. And then we start from January, and 8 months from the date of birth of the pope, April turns out.
  • When the graph is drawn, the gender can be easily determined.
  • The chance of conception of a girl falls on the interval from left to right between the red and blue marks. The chance of conceiving a boy is between the blue and red marks.
  • If the conception interval lies between marks of the same color, these are disputed zones, and it is impossible to determine the sex.

There are also other methods for determining the sex of the unborn baby.

Determining the sex of a child according to the ancient Chinese calendar

Our mothers used this method. Ask your mother, perhaps she is familiar with this table.

The bottom line is that the sex of the child is determined by the age of the mother and the month of conception.

Mother's age

Month of conception

In the table we find the age of the mother (at the time of conception) and the month of conception of the child, the intersection of these data is the answer to the question.

M- expect a boy

D- expect a girl

The chance of a match is said to be 99%. Even ultrasound does not have such an indicator of probability.

Determination of the sex of the child by the renewal of the blood of the spouses

This method is based on the fact that a woman's blood is renewed once every 3 years, and a man's blood is renewed once every 4 years. The child turns out to be of the same sex with that of the parents whose blood at the time of conception was stronger, that is, younger.

For example, let's try to predict the sex of a child by updating the blood for a couple in which the man was born in 1985 and the woman in 1990. A man will have a blood renewal in the following years: 2009 and 2013, and a woman - in 2008, 2011 and 2014. This means that if conception occurs in 2012, a girl will be born, since the last blood renewal for a man was in 2009, and for a woman - in 2011.

If conception occurs in 2013, a boy will be born, if in 2014 - a girl, etc.

Another calculation method is to compare the residuals of dividing the age of the parents by the appropriate coefficient (3 for a woman and 4 for a man). In 2012, a man is 28 years old and a woman is 23.

The age of the father (28) is divided by the coefficient of blood renewal (4), the age of the mother (23) is divided by 3 (the coefficient of blood renewal for women).

Dad's balance is 7, and mom's is 7.7. The rest of the mother is larger, which means that a girl will be born.

If the balances are equal or one of them is zero, then there is a high probability of conceiving twins

If a woman has a negative Rh blood, you need to change the sex of the child, obtained from the calculation, to the opposite. That is, in this case when the mother is 23 years old (Rhesus negative) and the father is 28 years old, a boy will be born.

How to determine the sex of a child using the alternation method?

This method is based on the fact that a woman conceives a boy one month and a girl the next. The starting point is the month of her birth, in which she can become pregnant with a boy.

For example, if a woman was born in February, then if she becomes pregnant in March, she will have a girl, in April - a boy, in May - a girl, etc.

These are the most common and reliable ways to determine the sex of a child without the help of ultrasound! You can use any or all of them in combination.

Surely, almost every pregnant woman would like to know in advance who will be born to her: a boy or a girl? This question is asked by any expectant mother, even if she firmly decided not to resort to any methods of determining the sex of the child.

If you decide to find out the gender of your unborn baby, you can use one of the methods that are described in this article. Even if you have a very short gestational age, determining the sex of the unborn child is possible! The main thing is to choose the right way!

How to determine the gender of the unborn child?

First of all, it is, of course, evidence-based methods. There are two of them:

  • Chorionic biopsy. Using this procedure, you can determine the sex of the unborn child with 100% certainty. It is carried out for a period of 6-10 weeks only for medical reasons, since this procedure may threaten the birth of a child. With the help of a special needle, several cells of the future placenta are removed from the uterus. Only, in order to find out the sex of the child, a biopsy is not recommended.
  • ultrasound. This is the most common and well-known scientific method. But, unfortunately, not always reliable. The most accurate result can be obtained after 23 weeks. And only sometimes, it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to scientific methods, there are many methods How to determine the sex of a child. After all, ultrasound diagnostics appeared quite recently, and women have always wanted to know who you have to be born, therefore, for many millennia, various methods for determining the sex of a child have been passed down from generation to generation. Here are just a few of them:

How to determine the sex of the unborn child by the date of ovulation

Determination of the sex of the child by the date of ovulation is based on the difference in spermatozoa. As you know, sperm carriers of the Y chromosome are more mobile and agile. During fertilization, they are the first to reach the egg, and therefore the sex of the unborn child is male. But, if at the moment of proximity ovulation has not yet occurred, then the spermatozoa carriers of the Y chromosome will soon die. Unlike them, sperm carriers of the X chromosome can wait 2-3 days for the right moment. In this case, we must wait for the birth of a girl.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child by the blood type of the mother and father

Table for determining the sex of the unborn child by the blood type of the parents

Blood type

Table determining the sex of the unborn child by the Rh factor of the blood of the parents

But, this is a very dubious way to determine the sex of a child, because such an approach would mean that a couple of a man and a woman could only have same-sex children.

New blood method

This method is considered one of the most common. It is based on the "Blood Renewal" theory. In a woman, blood is renewed once every three years, and in a man once every four years. In order to determine the sex of the child, it is necessary to calculate which of the parents had more “young blood” at the time of conception. For example: Future dad is 29 years old, mom is 23 years old. We divide 29 by 4, we get 7 and the remainder is 1, 23 is divided by 3, we get 7 and the remainder is 2. And so, 2 is greater than 1, which means that a girl will be born. If, during division, equal remainders are obtained or one of them is equal to zero, then twins may appear.

Determination of the sex of the child by the father

Yes, and this is possible. There are some signs by which it is supposedly possible to determine who will be born - a boy or a girl.

  • It is believed that bald men have sons one and a half times more often than men with lush hair. So, if your chosen one is bald, expect a boy.
  • If the future dad has great male power, then wait for the girl.
  • A man wears tight underwear - a boy will be born, free - a girl.

Well-being and appearance of a pregnant woman

  • If you are experiencing severe toxicosis, then expect a boy
  • Mothers of boys during pregnancy have a tendency to sour and sweet foods, as well as meat. But the mothers of girls, on the contrary, become sweet-toothed and consume various sweet buns and fruits in large quantities. In addition to different food preferences, the appetite of expectant mothers also matters. So mothers of boys want to eat much more often and more.
  • If a pregnant woman experiences chills, then she will have a girl, bouts of suffocating heat - most likely a boy.
  • If, in a future mother, the hair on her legs suddenly began to grow sharply, this indicates that there is a boy inside her. In addition, the constantly cold feet of the pregnant woman also indicate the boy.
  • Nipple halos are light - a boy, dark - a girl.
  • A woman became ugly during pregnancy - a girl, prettier - a boy. In mothers of girls, the amount of sex hormones, which are so necessary for the child, decreases, therefore, swelling of the face often appears in mothers, age spots.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child according to folk signs

  • It is believed that if a pregnant woman has a rounded belly, like a ball, then there will be a girl, if the belly resembles a cucumber, long, then there will be a boy.
  • If the pregnant woman felt the first stirring in her stomach on the right, then it is a boy, if on the left, then a girl. This sign comes from the fact that it is believed that the left half of the body is female, the right half is male. So, for example, if you ask a pregnant woman to get up, then you need to observe with which hand she will do it, from here you can draw exactly the same conclusions.
  • If the first trimester of pregnancy was easy, it is believed that a boy will be born, otherwise, a girl will be born.
  • There is one formula with which you can find out the sex of the child.

How to find out the sex of a child using various fortune-telling

  • Grains of barley and wheat should be moistened with pregnant urine. And look, if barley sprouts first, a boy will be born, if wheat - wait for a girl.
  • If the expectant mother prefers to start eating bread from the crust, then she will have a son. And if he takes from the middle - a daughter.
  • You can ask the expectant mother to take the key from the table. If she takes the round part of the key, then there will be a boy. If a girl is born for a reason.
  • If, after a request to show her hands, the pregnant woman shows them with her palms up, then there will be a girl, if down, a boy.
  • Hang the wedding ring on a gold chain and hold it over the pregnant belly. If the ring starts to swing back and forth, it means that a girl will be born. If the ring starts to rotate in a circle it will be a boy.
  • If you already have a child, then you need to look at the back of his head. If the hair goes down in the form of a pigtail, then the next child will be a girl. If the first word your first baby said was "mom", then expect a daughter. If "dad" - a son will be born.

Determining the sex of a child by heart rate

You can determine the sex of the child with this method at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetal heart rate is over 140 beats per minute, then it is a girl. If less than 140 strokes, then a boy.

Special tests to determine the sex of the child

These special tests for determining the sex of the unborn child can help you most likely find out who you will have.

Of course, today there are many methods to determine the sex of a child. But no matter what method you use, the main thing is to let your baby be desired and definitely loved!

There is not a single married couple who would not at least once try to use any method to determine the sex of their unborn child. Unfortunately, none of the known methods can give a 100% guarantee of the birth of a baby of one sex or another. As you know, the birth of a boy or a girl is a 50/50 lottery. Nevertheless, every pregnant woman stubbornly guesses according to all kinds of tables, formulas, tests, who will be born to her. Sometimes the results match, and sometimes they don't. Consider the world's most popular ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby.

1. Determine the gender of the unborn child according to the Ancient Chinese table.

This table, which is more than 7 centuries old, is kept by the Beijing Institute of Sciences. The accuracy of the result is 70-80%, according to Chinese scientists. The method is based on determining the age of the mother at the time of conception and the month of conception (corresponds to columns and rows in the table). According to the table, the intersection cell of these main indicators contains the result of M or D (boy, girl, respectively).

Using the table is very simple and convenient. The difficulty lies only in the fact that it is not always possible to know the month of fertilization, because even gynecologists sometimes cannot accurately determine the age of the fetus and the expected date of birth.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child

2. Determine the sex of the unborn child according to the Japanese test table.

It is a two-stage technique that allows you to determine the sex of the child. The test consists of two plates, one of which determines a special number that stands at the intersection of the months of birth of the parents of the unborn baby, and the other plate, according to this number and month of fertilization, determines the highest probability (pluses) of the birth of a boy or girl. Although the method looks cumbersome at first glance, it is actually quite simple.

Japanese doctors have repeatedly proven the effectiveness of their test. However, scientists themselves recommend using this table rather for planning than for determining the sex of a toddler while pregnant.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child (part 1)

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child (part 2)

3. Determine the sex of the unborn child by blood renewal.

A number of scientists who have conducted research in this direction have found some regularity between the birth of a girl or a boy and the "freshness" of blood in the body of the parents.

According to the theory of blood renewal, periodically, every 3 years for women and every 4 years for men, a complete cycle of blood renewal occurs in the body. As a result, at the time of conception, whose blood will be fresher, a child of this gender will be born to a couple.

To understand the essence of this method, or rather to determine who exactly will be born according to this theory, you need to make a simple calculation. For example, the age of a man at the time of conception is 26 years, the age of a woman is 23 years.

We calculate the sex of the child with this method: 23/3=7.3 26/4=6.5 Compare the remainder, which is 5 for a man against 3 for a woman. Conclusion: the couple will have a male child, because. the future father's blood is fresh.

When calculating, you need to take into account the nuances that could affect the premature renewal of blood, for example, surgery, blood transfusion, donation.

4. Determine the sex of the unborn child by the Rh factor and the blood type of the spouses.

This method, which is among the inaccurate ones, is based on the dependence of the baby's gender on the blood type of his parents. The easiest way to make such a calculation is with the help of special tables, in which the corresponding groups or the Rh factor of the father and mother are located horizontally and vertically, and at the intersection of these lines you can find the answer to who will be born to this couple.

5. Determine the sex of the unborn child by the date of ovulation.

The method is based on the so-called viability of spermatozoa with different types of chromosomes. Spermatozoa with the male Y-chromosome are the fastest and most agile, but less tenacious, that is, if ovulation did not occur during intercourse, then the spermatozoon with the male chromosome dies, and with the female X-chromosome it may well wait for fertilization for another three days. The easiest way to calculate by this method is to use it on specialized websites by filling out a questionnaire, which indicates the date of the beginning of the cycle and the expected date of conception.

6. Ready-made formulas for determining the sex of a child, based on several of the above methods at once.

1. (L+MR+MZ+3)/2,

Where L- number of full years of a woman,

MR- woman's birth month

MOH- the month of conception. If the result is an odd number, then a girl will be born, if an even number, then a boy.

2. (M+W)*4/3,

Where M- age of the man

AND- The woman's age.

If the remainder of the received numbers is 2, a boy will be born, 1 - a girl.

3. VM+MZ+1,

Where VM- mother's age

MOH- the month of conception. The answer is an even number - a girl, an odd number - a boy.

4. VZh-19+ChM (PDR),

Where VZh- woman's age

World Cup (PDR)- the ordinal number of the month of the expected date of birth.

An even number is a girl, an odd number is a boy.

5. 49-(3*MZ-VM+1),

Where MOH- month of conception

VM- mother's age. An odd number is a girl, an even number is a boy.
In all formulas, the age of a man or woman implies the age at the time of conception.

In addition to the above methods, there are still a lot of different ways and theories to determine the sex of the unborn child. And although no method for determining the sex of an unborn child does not guarantee the reliability of the results obtained, it allows future parents to have fun in interesting calculations and assumptions.