Ectopic pregnancy after surgery. It is possible to become pregnant after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes. Surgery for ectopic pregnancy: laparoscopy

29-year-old actress, star of the TV series "Univer. New hostel" Anna Khilkevich, mother of almost 5-month-old Arianna, published today funny photo in the microblog. "Find two surprises from your husband;))) #agderchild?;)" May holidays Anna Khilkevich and her friend flew to Barcelona. And shortly before the holidays, a young mother published a photo in a tight tracksuit, which clearly shows an impressively flat stomach. And anticipating the constant reproaches of commentators that little Rea...

Diary of pregnancy. CEMA user blog on

Today I went to donate blood for biochemistry. For the first time, I was the first in line, which grew very quickly - I went into the office - there was no one, I left - a full corridor of girls. Although the blood was taken very quickly, our nurse in the consultation gets into any vein very well ! By the way, when I was pregnant with my daughter (it was 4 years ago), my veins “disappeared” by the end of pregnancy and after giving birth they never appeared. And during this pregnancy, my veins came out again! Even today I received...

Maria Kozhevnikova: weight gain during pregnancy - 40 kg ....

31-year-old actress, United Russia deputy Maria Kozhevnikova gave birth to two sons with a difference of 1 year and 1 week. The youngest, Maxim, celebrated his first birthday a week ago. And the elder Ivan celebrated 2 years the day before, on January 19. Now a young mother and former gymnast is participating in the extreme show "Without insurance" - and tells how difficult it was to recover from two pregnancies and childbirth. “I will not hide, it was difficult after two pregnancies in a row to put myself in order, and even more so ...

Watching the film "Republic of SHKID"

Friends! The family cinema club of the Russian State Children's Library invites you to watch a wonderful film on October 19: 16:30-18.00 "Republic of SHKID" Freedom-loving pupils, former homeless children, called their Dostoevsky School the Republic of SHKID. The disarming trust of the teachers taught the children dignity, helped them not to dissolve in the run of troubled times. Dir. Gennady Poloka. 1966, 103 min. Venue: Concert Hall of the Russian State Children's Library. Age: 10 + Admission free

Pregnancy after cervical treatment

Previously, procedures such as loop electroconization of the cervix, cryotherapy, and other treatments for cervical precancerous conditions were thought to lead to problems with the ability to become pregnant in the future. American researchers led by Allison Naleway proved that the treatment of precancerous diseases of the cervix does not harm childbearing and future pregnancy. For 12 years, researchers have monitored the condition of about 100,000 women, some of whom have undergone...

Hello girls. I urgently need advice from knowledgeable and experienced people. There may even be specialists among you. I recently visited a friend and noticed that she had terrible veins on her legs. She began to wonder why it was so, she said that after pregnancy it remained. Someone advised her to take Phlebodia 600, some new French drug that seems to treat even the most advanced cases. Or as an alternative - laser vein removal. I also got blue lines during my pregnancy and...


laser removal vein is not an option at all. Read real articles, this is not a method of treatment! And he has a lot of complications, a friend did it, and her vein became so inflamed that she had to do a regular operation. if you remove the veins, then traditional way. Better yet, take pills, the same phlebodia really helps without surgery.

After giving birth, everything can only get worse, I have many friends who become clients of phlebologists just after giving birth. It doesn't matter if you're having a baby or a caesarean. Both are bad for veins. After a caesarean, you generally need to wear stockings all the time, otherwise it's a kopets. It is better not to take risks and drink phlebodia, there will be no harm from it.

Why does the lower abdomen colitis. Blog user natty100 on

WHY DOES THE LOWER STOMACH COLE??? Everyone knows that as soon as there is some kind of tingling in the lower abdomen, this means that the organ that is in the abdominal cavity has malfunctioned. It is almost impossible to determine the cause of the pain on your own; a thorough medical examination is required here. Often the reason why the lower abdomen is colitis is difficult to determine even for a professional doctor, since the pain can occur on the right side, and the source of pain is on the left side of the abdomen. Today...

Is medical abortion safe?

My sister wants to do it, but I dissuade. In my opinion, a regular abortion is better, less risk of complications ... I read that after the drug, there may be clots in the uterus that will have to be cleaned. It's better to clean up right now. On the other hand, they are attracted by simplicity and ease ... If anyone had such an abortion, please tell us how everything went for you, how much they paid, were there any excesses? My sister is very worried, she already needs to decide, while the term medical abortion I failed. *** Topic moved from...

"DIVNOZARY" - a wonderful book about dinosaurs from the creators of...

"DIVNOZARY" [link-1] - this big, beautiful book from the authors of the famous "ZHINEVOTOV" will give your child a sea of ​​emotions and impressions, especially if he loves dinosaurs! A riddle awaits the child on each spread! Whose spikes and plates stick out? Whose long neck is this? And who has such sharp teeth? And anyway, who is it - a big rooster or a pelican? Rhinoceros or lizard? Scroll through, look under the valves and windows, unfold the pages - play and find out what the most ...

Doctors remind about the importance of calcium and vitamin D...

Medical research shows that a sufficient amount of calcium in the body allows women to maintain beauty and good health. physical form any age. Conversely, calcium deficiency leads to frequent fractures and osteoporosis, especially after 50 years of age. The recommended intake of calcium for an adult is 1000-1500 mg/day. First of all, it is necessary for children and adolescents, which ensures the accumulation of the so-called peak bone mass of an adult. From how much...

Dear friends! If you want to know everything about your personal life, fate and career, if you have a difficult life situation and you do not know how to resolve it, I, as a clairvoyant, offer you my help. I predict with numbers and dates of birth. To do this, you can send me your question and indicate one number from 0 to 21. During a personal session, I also predict along the lines of hands, guess on 5 types of different cards and look at the coffee grounds. I provide both online and in-person consultations...

Frequently asked questions about gynecology. Pregnancy.

1. A friend was prescribed at the 24th week of pregnancy - "genipral" and "chimes". Is it necessary to take them and why are they prescribed? Ginipral is a drug for maintaining pregnancy (she may have symptoms of a threatened abortion), chimes are used to improve blood microcirculation in the placenta (as a prophylaxis placental insufficiency). The obligatory admission is determined only by the doctor observing the pregnancy. 2. There was scraping. 3 months spent on drink hormonal. Is it possible...

Almost every woman at least once in her life suffered from some kind of disease. Most of these diseases are usually female diseases, directly related to the organs located in the pelvic area. In our century, such diseases are of concern not only to the female half of humanity, but also to physicians. This type of disease includes: ectopic pregnancy, cervical disease, neuroexchange-endocrine syndrome, cystitis, etc. Certain diseases do not cause danger and are treated ...

Is it okay to use birth control...

Intrauterine contraceptive is a small device that is inserted into a woman's uterus as a contraceptive. We are particularly interested in the question of whether the mechanism of action of the IUD is abortive. A growing body of evidence shows... that it is. To make it easier to understand this issue, consider how it begins to develop normal pregnancy. A mature egg leaves the woman's ovary and enters the fallopian tube. Spermatozoa that have entered the fallopian tubes through the uterus...

It is possible to become pregnant after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes.

QUESTION I am 25 years old. I had an operation - laparoscopy fallopian tubes(separation of adhesions). How fast can I get pregnant after the operation? Thank you, Ekaterina. ANSWER Olesya Tveritinova, obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the gynecological department of the MEDSI Clinical and Diagnostic Center: - To date, laparoscopy is the most effective and least traumatic way to restore patency of the fallopian tubes. The very fact of the operation in no way affects the likelihood of a happy motherhood ...

DR son.

Today Gleb is 11 years old, with which I was congratulated by Club It seems like a trifle, but it's nice! I'm in some shock: my AR is less impressive to me. He is already taller than me, he, together with his group, won first place in the conference "We and the Biosphere", and the report was about the symbiosis of bacteria and plants. He constantly surprises me with an incredible mixture of childishness and naivety with some kind of transcendent knowledge for me. On our tip, my parents gave him an electron microscope and now my son...

At what time can an ectopic pregnancy be recognized - says the obstetrician-gynecologist.


Hello everyone, the other day I found out that I had an ectopic pregnancy. And it was like this, I went to the doctor with abdominal pain and menstruation, which didn’t go away, so the doctor said that I had to go to the hospital. I became ill and was put back in the hospital, I already said a neuterine pregnancy and they did an operation and removed the tube, this is how it happens that doctors can not always recognize the disease

03/09/2019 15:20:09, Swallow

I had an ectopic pregnancy, after I have been taking all the treatment for 22 days after the operation, it should have gotten better, but I had a problem with breathing difficulty just like after the operation, and now I can’t turn over, it hurts Right side where they removed the tube for me and on the right side it hurts up to the necks, it tightens and makes it difficult to breathe and everything seems to be blocked, the doctor at the clinic also said that it hurts but nothing was added to the treatment, and I can’t breathe normally I find it difficult and I can’t laugh normally and I can’t sleep the right side hurts, this is an abnormal phenomenon, how to be and now the weekend I don’t know what to do, the ambulance called, they can only anesthetize and that’s all, but it’s treated only in the clinic, this is such a difficult situation

12.01.2019 11:49:43, Dilnaz

A frank story and an invaluable experience.


Diana, I feel for you. I just recently had an ectopic pregnancy myself. But, thank God, everything went well for me.
From my own and your experience, I conclude, or rather, I just once again established myself in my conviction that it is very important to have your own good doctor. And I do not feel sorry for what concerns women's health and reproductive function money. You can't save here.
My doctor immediately determined the likelihood of an ectopic, hCG confirmed the diagnosis on the same day, and then there was only one conclusion - surgery and as soon as possible. I also had to worry, it was not without problems and adventures, because. it was for the holidays ... But only for this reason, otherwise I wouldn’t have time to get scared at all, as they say. I won't bore you with the story.
But, what is most incomprehensible to me in your story, sorry if I offend you in any way. What kind of operation did you have, what is the long recovery period? Didn't you have a laparotomy done? What stitch, what catheter?! I'm shocked! I was operated on at night, in the morning I got up, in the evening I was at home. Three tiny seams barely noticeable. I may have misunderstood something from your story. Either abdominal operations are still being done, and I thought that this is already the last century in gynecology, or laparoscopy is done in different ways (it depends so much on the institution and doctors). I operated for a fee, but you, too ...
If you don't like it, don't answer. It just seems to me that our experience will be useful to others. God forbid, of course, but still.

You, Diana. still lucky! But the ectopic almost killed me - against the background of complete well-being (with the exception of the left ovary removed 6 years ago - a cyst). Yane became pregnant, although she did not use contraception. One unbeautiful day, three weeks after another female trouble, I went to a language exam, where I suddenly felt so bad that I had no doubts about the need to call an ambulance after 15 minutes.
I don't remember how they took me to the hospital
, examined, did an ultrasound and a puncture to confirm what was already practically obvious to them - an ectopic with a rupture of the tube and internal bleeding. Urgently sent to the table - in the evening, to a young girl-surgeon. I don’t know if it’s her fault or my peculiarities, but the operation was performed two hours longer than it was supposed to - they couldn’t stop the bleeding. Blood loss was more than 2 liters. After the operation, I was taken first to the postoperative ward, but there my blood pressure began to drop and my breathing stopped - my mother and husband were allowed to say goodbye to me right in street shoes and clothes (it seems that they really doubted that I would survive). I don't remember anything, I was unconscious. Then a day in intensive care - I woke up with two droppers in each hand. A naturally strong body helped me cope with hemorrhagic shock, which began from blood loss. Nurses and nannies went to the postoperative room to look at me like a miracle (apparently, because I survived). Then a blood transfusion. droppers, urine for daily dialysis, injections, bumps from which resolved only after two years. For five days I could not eat - every spoonful seemed to come back now. Then the husband brought black caviar - from it and began to restore the diet. I was home in 12 days. For a month she still wore a bandage and varicose stockings. Well, in the end - on the one hand there is an ovary, but there is no tube, on the other - on the contrary. Pregnancy naturally impossible. But I and my boys (husband and two sons) do not lose heart - we are looking for a daughter in the DR. So that's what happens...

What you need to know about causes and symptoms ectopic pregnancy
...Methods of treatment depend on the duration of pregnancy and the stage of the disease. When diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy, early stages and in the absence of signs of its interruption, laparoscopic removal of the fetal egg is possible with the preservation of the fallopian tube and its function. Termination of pregnancy is accompanied by massive bleeding and requires emergency surgery. When tubal pregnancy removal of the fallopian tube, if ovarian pregnancy remove that part of the ovary (removal of the entire ovary is rarely required) in which it was implanted fertilized egg, an interrupted cervical pregnancy, as already mentioned, may require removal of the uterus (without appendages), with abdominal pregnancy also prod...

Then, for a period of 6-8 weeks, either a rupture of the fallopian tube occurs, or the tube expels the fetal egg towards the abdominal cavity (the so-called tubal abortion). The frequency of repeated ectopic pregnancy after microsurgical operations on the fallopian tubes reaches 25%. If the pregnancy test is positive, it is necessary to confirm the presence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity using ultrasound. If a woman had no other causes of infertility and the fetal egg ended up in the uterine cavity, then there are no more complications during pregnancy in such women than in other pregnant women. Consequences of various gynecological diseases If a woman had sexually transmitted infections before pregnancy, then even if before pregnancy ...


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05/08/2008 01:09:55, Mark

really scary. I just have to stimulate ovulation, I kept putting off this moment, somehow it was scary before that. If it wasn't for your posts, I probably wouldn't have made up my mind for a long time...

02/12/2008 11:43:04 PM, Elena

Gregory asks:

How is rehabilitation after surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy?

After surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to take antibiotics for 7-10 days a wide range actions (for example, Tienam, Cefuroxime, Ceftazidime, Metronidazole, etc.), since this allows the prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications. Also, immediately after the operation, infusion therapy should be carried out, which is aimed at replenishing blood loss and normalizing the water and electrolyte balance. During infusion therapy, electrolyte solutions, Reopoliglyukin, frozen plasma, erythrocyte mass, etc. are administered intravenously to a woman. Infusions are carried out within a week after surgery.

A week after the operation for an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to begin the rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation after ectopic pregnancy is aimed at reducing the severity inflammatory process in the pelvis, prevention of the formation and resorption of existing adhesions, normalization of hormonal levels, as well as on full recovery reproductive function. For the purpose of rehabilitation, it is necessary to undergo regular therapy courses.

So, to prevent adhesions in the first days after surgery, intramuscular injections of enzyme preparations, such as Lidaza, Wobenzym, etc. are performed. In addition, after 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, courses of anti-adhesion therapy should be repeated. Usually, hydrotubation is carried out for this purpose - special procedures, consisting in the introduction of solutions of enzyme preparations into the fallopian tubes. Enzyme preparations dissolve existing adhesions. Hydrotubation is carried out under the control of ultrasound.

A week after the operation, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapeutic treatment, which prevents the formation of adhesions and reduces the severity of the inflammatory process. In addition, physiotherapy courses are repeated after 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, as well as hydrotubation. It is recommended to conduct a course of hydrotubation, and after it physiotherapy. For rehabilitation after an ectopic pregnancy, the following physiotherapy methods are used:

  • Electrophoresis with Lidaza, Novocain, Dexamethasone, zinc salts, etc.;

  • Ultrasound with low frequency or in pulsed mode;

  • Ultratonotherapy;

  • Electrical stimulation of the fallopian tubes;

  • UHF therapy.
In addition, within six months after an ectopic pregnancy should be protected from possible conception. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the risk of developing a second ectopic pregnancy is high. As contraceptives, you can use condoms, hormonal combination pills, spermicides. The intrauterine device is not recommended because it increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy. Six months after the operation hormonal background normalizes, and the woman can plan a pregnancy.

After the end of rehabilitation, it is recommended to carry out diagnostic laparoscopy, during which it will be possible to assess the condition of the pelvic organs and identify existing pathologies. If during laparoscopy no pathological processes in the pelvic organs are detected, then the woman can plan pregnancy from the next menstrual cycle. In the presence of pathological processes in the pelvic organs, it is necessary to undergo necessary treatment, and only after that plan a pregnancy.

Learn more on this topic:
  • Dopplerometry during pregnancy - a study of blood flow and vessels of the fetus, placenta, uterus and uterine arteries. Indicators of the norm by weeks, decoding of the results.
  • Rehabilitator. Who is this doctor and what does he treat? Rehabilitologists in Russia. Children's rehabilitation specialist, neurologist-rehabilitologist, rehabilitation psychologist. Who is referred to a rehabilitation specialist?
  • Hippotherapy and therapeutic riding - rehabilitation centers, equestrian and equestrian clubs and complexes in Russia, CIS countries and far abroad (names, specialization and opportunities, addresses, phones, prices)
  • Hippotherapy (therapeutic riding) - history of the method, therapeutic effects, indications and contraindications, exercises on a horse, treatment of cerebral palsy and autism in children, hippotherapy for the disabled

Half of the women who once experienced an ectopic pregnancy may have problems with conception in the future, a recurrence of an ectopic pregnancy is possible, and miscarriages occur. But almost all doctors are convinced that a lot depends on the woman herself. You just need to follow some recommendations-tips so that difficulties are left behind.


40-50% of women who have experienced surgical intervention in connection with an ectopic pregnancy, in the future they suffer either from infertility, or from repeated pathological conceptions. That is why systematic and competent rehabilitation measures are important.

After the operation, standard therapeutic measures are necessary, in addition, special procedures must be carried out that prevent the formation of adhesions and scars at the site of the sutures or the scraping site.

Everything should be done so that the fallopian tubes function normally after the operation, remain passable.

Given that one of the factors of ectopic pregnancy is inflammation, then all possible measures are needed to stop it in an intact fallopian tube.

Eight weeks after surgery, it is possible to carry out ultrasound treatment, inductothermy. Proteolytic enzymes and biostimulants are prescribed. This therapy should be repeated three to four months later. After that, procedures with ozocerite or therapeutic mud are recommended.

And although this treatment usually lasts about six months, it makes it possible in the vast majority of cases to get the job done. reproductive organs. Since the likelihood of a new ectopic pregnancy is high, the patient needs a reliable method of contraception during this period.

Comprehensive examination

After the operation, as well as the recovery course, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination to identify possible urogenital infections. At the same time, conventional tests are often not enough, DNA examination at the cellular level, bakposev and testing for antibodies are indicative.


Within a year after an ectopic pregnancy, it is better to avoid a new conception. The likelihood of another ectopic pregnancy is very high. In addition, the woman needs to fully recover.

A woman should constantly monitor her condition, visit a gynecologist regularly, and be checked for pregnancy at the slightest delay.

Folk remedies

In the recovery period, it is permissible to use folk remedies, for example, decoctions, teas and enemas from medicinal herbs - viburnum and calendula, yarrow and sweet clover, currants and chamomile. But in the treatment you need to observe the measure.

Proper nutrition

Diet or at least a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables, as well as required amount vitamins, microelements, for full rehabilitation are very important. It is necessary to eat food with vitamins A, B, E, you also need folic and succinic acid, ascorutin. Pay attention to asparagus cauliflower, celery, pomegranates, fish and seafood, nuts, dairy products and cottage cheese, fresh and dry fruits.