Essential oils for stretch marks. Which oil for stretch marks and their prevention is better and more effective

Pregnancy is a wonderful period of waiting for a baby. However, it can be overshadowed by the appearance of white scars on the skin - hated stretch marks. Thanks to well-chosen medicines, this process can be prevented. Natural and essential oils are excellent choices for moisturizing the skin during pregnancy. Their main advantage is the natural composition, which is very important in this period of a woman's life. With regular use of oils, you can not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also get rid of those that have already appeared. The main thing is to choose an effective oil for stretch marks during pregnancy and learn how to use it correctly.

Oil from stretch marks for pregnant women has a natural composition, not supplemented with chemistry, has a pleasant smell and is quite affordable. Vitamins and minerals contained in oils have a beneficial effect on the skin, which contributes to its regeneration. Widely used natural options. Olive oil is useful as a food supplement, dressing salads, as well as for skin care. It contains acids that penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and enrich the cells with the required vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin E, present in the composition, makes the skin smooth, improves elasticity and firmness. Sea buckthorn, almond and coconut oils have a very effective effect on the condition of the skin against stretch marks during pregnancy. They act as the main assistants for the prevention of stretch marks. Essential oils in the fight against stretch marks are much more effective than natural ones, but they should not be used in large quantities. These oils can be mixed with natural oils by adding a few drops of ether to the main oil, and rub the resulting composition on the most prone to stretch marks - thighs, abdomen and chest.

The most useful are the essential oils of orange, rosewood, juniper, sandalwood, sesame and peach. The use of parsley, ginger, cedar, oregano, rosemary oils should be avoided, as they cause uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. It follows from this that the use of oil for stretch marks during pregnancy has a number of features and nuances, you must first consult with your doctor so that he is convinced of the safety of this method. Oil from stretch marks for pregnant women has a natural composition, not supplemented with chemistry, has a pleasant smell and is quite affordable

Cosmetic oils for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, due to the high concentration of nutrients from natural raw materials, are also very effective in the fight against scars. They can be used daily. Active vitamins and minerals, penetrating into the skin, immediately begin their action. They improve the recovery processes in skin cells. Such oils perfectly help to get rid of skin imperfections, and are recommended as a prevention of stretch marks at any stage of pregnancy.

Stretch marks should be treated regularly. Only in this case, you can achieve the desired results and enjoy beautiful skin after pregnancy. The main thing is to immediately find out which oil helps with stretch marks best, and from the use that should be discarded.

Choosing the most effective oil

In 85% of cases, stretch marks in pregnant women develop due to delayed skin regeneration. Breast volume increases rapidly from the first trimester, and the abdomen increases in size around the 2nd or 3rd trimester. Cells cannot mature and divide so quickly, which provokes damage to the skin, then micro-tears are filled with connective tissue. This leads to the appearance of atrophic scars, that is, the formation of striae. Essential oils for stretch marks during pregnancy are actively used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. The most popular and effective include the following names:

  1. In terms of its effectiveness, sesame oil for stretch marks during pregnancy occupies one of the leading places. During pregnancy, the lion's share of the fairer sex has beriberi, and this oil is able to replenish the body with all the necessary elements, including vitamins A, C, B and E. The oil saturates the body with iron, calcium, phosphorus and other useful trace elements. This oil is wonderfully combined with a fat cream, this combination can be used for long-term conditions.
  2. Peach oil in its effectiveness is not inferior to the previously considered option. The composition does not contain toxic resins and esters. During pregnancy, the oil can be safely used and applied to the localization site. The composition contains polyunsaturated acids, they significantly accelerate the healing of damaged areas of the body. Vitamins A, D, E, B12, P have a serious effect. Peach oil can positively affect the quality of cell membranes, which makes the skin elastic and dense, during pregnancy it will stretch remarkably. This product is more expensive than sea buckthorn or sesame, often various aromatic additives and odor enhancers are added to it.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil has amazing healing abilities, the substance fills the damage on the skin and increases its elasticity. The composition contains organic acids and carotene. Wraps and masks are made by combining sea buckthorn oil with some kind of fatty base, for example, body milk is great for this.
  4. Cocoa butter from stretch marks during pregnancy smells great, but in addition it also cleanses the skin, helps to eliminate various defects in the skin layer and saturates it with nutrients. A wrapping procedure is carried out using cling film or the oil is simply rubbed into the heated skin, for example, after a hot bath.


Essential oils are able to cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as stretch marks after pregnancy, but this component shows itself best of all as a prophylactic.

Essential oils have been used in beauty centers for many years. Each type of oil has its own healing properties. In many massage and beauty salons, orange oil is widely used. The healing properties of this ether allow many ladies to massage against cellulite at home.

The benefits of oil have been proven by numerous studies conducted by leading experts in the world. Due to their popularity, essential oils are freely available. After a few applications, a good result becomes noticeable. In addition to orange oil, cosmetologists like to use other citrus esters. But orange contains the highest level of organic acids along with other oils. The components contained in this oil can improve blood circulation, get rid of cellulite, stretch marks and make the skin smooth.

The use of orange oil in massage allows you to get rid of stretch marks and other unpleasant problems with the skin. An anti-stretch mark oil massage becomes more effective when combined with standard massage oils and orange oil, which soothes and relaxes the skin, making it firmer without excess fat. Massage Techniques:

  1. Manual massage with hands.
  2. Mechanical massage is done with the help of special devices.
  3. Massage with special brushes against stretch marks.

But how to use orange oil for a faster effect? The easiest method is to rub the ether between the palms for subsequent self-massage of problem areas. It is also recommended to add a few drops of orange oil to anti-cellulite or massage cream.

In the fight against stretch marks, orange wrap has proven itself well, as evidenced by numerous reviews of satisfied users. The result becomes visible quite quickly if the procedure is carried out daily for 10 days. In cosmetology, there are many effective wrapping techniques against stretch marks using essential oils. The most popular recipes include:

  1. Wrapping with orange ether and olive oil. To do this, mix the ingredients in 15 ml and 30 ml, respectively, and apply with massaging movements, after which the problem area is wrapped with polyethylene for half an hour.
  2. Orange oil and honey. This recipe is one of the most popular due to its effectiveness. For wrapping, you need to mix two tablespoons of honey with six drops of oil. After that, it is well rubbed into the skin at the site of localization of skin defects for five minutes and wrapped with a film for half an hour.
  3. Blue clay with the addition of orange. You need to mix a couple of tablespoons of clay powder with a teaspoon of oil. Dilute the mixture with warm water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the skin. Wrap problem areas with the mixture for an hour and cover with a blanket.


Such procedures cope not only with stretch marks, but also with cellulite. Cellulite is hard fat deposits. If you carry out procedures against cellulite in a timely and regular manner, then you can protect yourself from an advanced form of the disease, which is unrealistic to fight.

Choosing the best oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is quite difficult, since this issue is purely individual and depends on numerous factors. In this case, it is best to trust specialists who will first diagnose and examine the body for the presence of contraindications. This is a very important process, it allows you to eliminate the likelihood of side effects. Before determining which oil is best for stretch marks during pregnancy, the feasibility of this method should be determined, since in some cases skin pathologies disappear only after more radical procedures.

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Many women are familiar with such a problem as stretch marks. These are winding lines and scars on the skin: on the legs or in the abdomen and chest. They can appear after childbirth, with a sharp weight loss or vice versa, weight gain, with endocrine problems or hormonal changes in the body in adolescence. Of course, such a problem is very unpleasant, because it spoils the appearance and attractiveness. She rises especially sharply in the summer, when many tend to wear light outfits that do not hide the body.

The following methods help to get rid of stretch marks:

  • surgical method - it can completely remove striae, but it will entail considerable costs, and not every woman wants to go under the surgeon's scalpel;
  • cosmetic procedures: compresses, wraps, masks, etc. can be effective, but also cost a lot of money.

There are also various mixtures of natural ingredients that are rubbed into the skin; after several procedures, the desired effect can be achieved. Among them are essential oils for stretch marks.


Essential oils are found in many flowers, seeds, fruits and herbs. They are easily absorbed into the skin upon application and are able to produce an effect in a few minutes. These substances rejuvenate and strengthen tissues, promote efficient blood circulation and metabolism. They are also used in other cases, for example, against cellulite or sagging skin.

In the case of stretch marks, the effect of using such ointments is not achieved immediately, you need to be patient. Procedures must be carried out regularly. The positive effect of essential oils and the duration of treatment depends on the type of these skin defects. If the stretch marks are "young" - reddish, blue or purple, then the effect can be achieved in 4-6 months. If they have already managed to brighten and have acquired a skin tone, then the course before getting rid of them can take up to a year or more.


Each type of oil is effective in its own way and has its own healing properties.

Olive oil is the most common, as it is the most available in any store. The effect of it is not as strong as that of other varieties, but when striae have just appeared or as a prophylactic, it is quite suitable.

almond look promotes the formation of collagen fibers on the skin, which can serve as a prophylactic against scarring. It can be used daily after a shower, applying to problem areas and removing after 5-7 minutes with a damp cloth.

Composition based lavender capable of softening and smoothing the skin. This is also one of the most popular recipes. In addition, lavender is used for cuts, burns, abrasions. It has excellent tonic and rejuvenating properties, it is recommended to use against cellulite.

orange oil softens the skin and has a rejuvenating effect. He is considered one of the most effective in the fight against similar scars on the body. This species helps well with this problem after childbirth.

Composition based coconut used for different types of scars. It is recommended to apply after steaming procedures, diluting 100 ml of the substance with 5 drops of rose and jasmine oils.

Castor oil can be used in pure form. Before the procedures, it must be heated in a water bath, then massage the affected skin areas with it and wrap it with a film. With it, you need to lie under a warm blanket for half an hour, then wipe the remnants with a napkin.

Cacao butter used in melted form in the composition of 50 ml with the addition of orange and olive.

Composition of carrot seeds has good regenerating and tonic properties. It is also used for dermatitis, eczema, scabs.

rose and rosemary have anti-inflammatory properties, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate collagen tissues. They are especially recommended for oily skin and cellulite.

Immortelle traditionally used for skin problems, wounds, scars, abrasions. This is a very affordable and effective tool.

Wheat germ oil can be used for chronic stretch marks, complete with olive oil.

Application methods

The easiest way to apply any composition or mixture of several components is to rub in. This should be done only after a shower on a clean body, it is very successful if the skin is steamed and the pores are as open as possible. The ointment itself should be slightly warm. The procedure is best done for 5-10 minutes, then remove the residue with a clean cloth or napkin. This method is repeated daily until visible results are observed. During pregnancy or immediately after childbirth, this method may be the only available.

The wrapping is used in combination with components from lavender, cocoa, olive, honey, clay. After rubbing, the affected areas are wrapped with cling film, some warm cloth is placed on top, you can cover yourself with a blanket. The procedure lasts about half an hour, then the ointment is carefully removed.

Baths with the addition of essential oils are best used if there are large lesions on the skin. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to add just a couple of drops to 10 liters of water. The most commonly used are almond, eucalyptus, lavender, olive drops, which in addition have a calming effect.

Compresses can be used if stretch marks have appeared on the chest, but they are also placed on other problem areas. A few drops of the available product are enough for a glass of warm water. Next, gauze is placed there, soaked and applied to the scar area. The compress is kept for half an hour, the procedure is repeated 4 times a week.

It is possible to use daily prophylactic baths in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. A few drops based on lavender or frankincense will suffice. In the morning they give strength, and in the evening they have a calming effect.

In this article I will tell you how to remove stretch marks at home. They appear on the skin during pregnancy, although obese people also experience them.

Stretch marks are cicatricial changes in the skin that occur due to a violation of the level of density and elasticity of the skin. This is a cracked skin, sewn up with connective tissue.

Stretch marks appear in places with strong skin tension. We are talking about the chest, lower back, abdomen, hips and buttocks. These skin formations do not cause physical inconvenience, but their appearance cannot be called aesthetic. They do not sunbathe, because there are no pigment substances in the connective tissue.

Causes of stretch marks

Before we tell you how to get rid of stretch marks quickly and permanently, let's look at the reasons for their appearance.

  • body growth . In adolescents, the body develops rapidly, and muscles grow more slowly than bones. As a result, the skin "breaks" and stitches itself together.
  • Pregnancy . During pregnancy, progesterone actively enters the body of a girl, which changes the protein composition of connective tissues. As a result, the skin becomes brittle and fragile, and the stomach and chest are stretched.
  • Heredity . Stretch marks are not inherited. We are talking about skin with poor elasticity.
  • Improper nutrition . Protein deficiency in the body is one of the causes of stretch marks. Protein is the building block for elastin and collagen. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly consume protein foods.
  • Rapid weight gain or loss . The technique of rapid weight loss helps to lose extra pounds in the shortest possible time. At the same time, the stretched skin, losing volume, becomes covered with cracks. As for speed weight gain, in this case, fat is deposited under the skin, which does not have time to pull itself up.
  • Dehydration . The skin of a person who consumes little liquid dries from the inside. The lack of moisture in the body is not able to make up even a moisturizer. As a result, the skin loses elasticity, and stretch marks appear even from squats.

It is impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks, but it is possible to reduce their number and size. As a result, the skin will not become perfect again, but it will look better.

6 proven remedies

To remove stretch marks at home, it is recommended to use elementary techniques, improvised means and methods of traditional medicine. This helps to achieve results at minimal cost, without risk to health, because the products are natural.

  1. Daily massage . During this simple procedure, massage problem areas using homemade or purchased cream, special oils.
  2. Therapeutic baths . They help to remove stretch marks, get rid of extra pounds and reduce volume. Dissolve one pack each of baking soda and sea salt in warm water and soak in the bath for 15 minutes. If these funds are not at hand, replace with 500 grams of starch and a few drops of aromatic oil.
  3. Shower. During the water procedure, direct the jet of water to problem points and make circular movements. A jet of water under pressure breaks the aesthetic imperfections of the skin, improves blood circulation.
  4. coffee scrub . To prepare one hundred grams of ground coffee, pour boiling water over it to make a thick slurry. After a quarter of an hour, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and five drops of essential oil to the coffee mixture, apply to the skin.
  5. Sugar salt scrub . To prepare half a glass of any vegetable oil, mix with a glass of salt and the same amount of sugar. After stirring while taking a shower, massage problem areas with this product.
  6. Mummy cream . Dissolve five grams of mummy in a spoonful of water, mix with 80 grams of baby cream and mix. Rub the product into problem points once a day. Store the cream in the refrigerator.

As you can see, the folk technique for dealing with stretch marks is simple and straightforward. It does not involve the use of abstruse or expensive means. If there is no desire or time to prepare medicines, buy a special cream at the pharmacy. I recommend choosing creams that include vitamin E, onion extract or algae.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

If stretch marks appear on the body after childbirth, this does not mean that it is time to wear a veil. Engage in the study of effective techniques or pay attention to effective ways of skin care. As practice shows, it is realistic to solve this aesthetic problem.

During the bearing of the baby, the stomach, along with other parts of the body, increases in volume. Since the skin under such conditions does not use elastic qualities, small tears are formed. Stretch marks also appear after childbirth due to the fact that the volume of the body, like excess weight, goes away.

Medicine has achieved results in terms of solving this aesthetic problem. There are techniques that allow you to get rid of scars quickly and safely for health. Timely treatment is considered the key to success, since old stretch marks are more difficult to remove due to the formed connective tissue.

Traditional medicine is based on many years of experience of grandmothers. The advantage of folk recipes is the use of natural ingredients. The fight against stretch marks after childbirth with folk remedies is as effective as in the case of professional methods. This requires free time and an integrated approach. Here is a list of effective folk methods:

  • Aloe Lotion . To prepare ten drops of vitamin E, mix with six drops of vitamin A, 0.5 cup of aloe juice and the same amount of olive oil. Apply the lotion to the problem area in the morning and evening. Store in a cool place and warm up before use.
  • Scrub. There are a large number of homemade scrub recipes on the Internet, but not all of them boast effectiveness. I consider the best remedy prepared from a glass of salt, the same amount of sugar and a spoonful of palm oil. Treat damaged skin with the composition, with the exception of the chest, since the skin here is delicate.
  • Ice rubs . Get rid of stretch marks on the chest. Ice making involves the use of salt water. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a glass of boiling water and cool. Fill the mold with the solution and send it to the refrigerator. Rub your chest with ice twice a day. The use of ice salt will help activate the regeneration processes in the skin and improve blood flow.
  • Therapeutic baths . According to women's reviews, a salt bath is the most effective in this matter. Fill the bath with water, add a kilogram of sea salt and soak in the water for 20 minutes. Then take a shower.

Video tips

All successful mothers are interested in ways to get rid of postpartum stretch marks. They are mistaken, using one technique, because an integrated approach is required to effectively and quickly solve the problem. To get a positive and quick result, it is recommended to exercise the body and eat right. It does not hurt to introduce vitamins and active substances into the diet that help restore damaged skin.

Does oil help?

Searching for effective ways to deal with women, the question arises whether the oil is effective against stretch marks. As practice shows, with the help of various oils, you can prevent the appearance of defects or quickly eliminate them at home.

The oil technique is ineffective in the case of deep and old stretch marks. But even in such a situation, do not be discouraged, because the possibilities of cosmetology are striving forward with sweeping steps. The beautician will help where traditional medicine is powerless.

We will talk about the use of oils. Continuity along with regularity is the key to success. Agree, one procedure is not able to provide a result. That is why oils are recommended to be used daily.

  1. orange oil . A highly effective product that is recommended for use during massage after water procedures. Massage with a special brush or canvas mitt three times a week for three months.
  2. Wheat germ oil . It is characterized by a thick consistency and a large amount of vitamin E. Absorbs a little longer than other oils, but provides a wonderful effect, especially when combined with a massage.
  3. Almond oil . Source of vitamin E. It is considered the most effective remedy for stretch marks. Absorbs instantly into the skin and leaves no greasy residue.
  4. rosemary oil . Mix seven drops of oil with a spoonful of almond oil. Apply the resulting mixture daily to problem areas.
  5. hazelnut oil . Enriched with Vitamin E for damaged skin. Some beauties use it separately, while others make a scrub based on hazelnut oil. In any case, an excellent effect is provided.

Video review on getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth

The use of these oils helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks, improve their appearance if they appear. The use of funds is best combined with massage, body wraps and compresses.

How to avoid stretch marks

The topic of the final part of the article will be the prevention of stretch marks. The plan of action that I will share is painfully simple. If you steadily adhere to the above rules, you can easily minimize the appearance of skin formations.

Lead an active life. Run regularly, jump, swim, go to the gym, ski, exercise in the morning, and walk a lot.

Keep massaging your belly. To increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the abdomen, massage daily with oil or cream. Handle the task on your own without outside help.

The benefits of natural and essential oils for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks. Recipes for oil mixtures, rules for their preparation and use.

With such a problem as stretch marks (stretch marks), many women are familiar with firsthand. Not only young mothers can buy them, but also very young girls - after a sharp weight loss, due to hormonal changes. One way or another, their owners want to get rid of these “decorations” as soon as possible.

Women who have tried to fight stretch marks know how difficult it is, that neither special creams nor expensive salon procedures sometimes solve the problem. Old stretch marks are really very difficult to remove, but every woman can make them less noticeable. And for this it is not necessary to resort to laser correction or other expensive procedures.

For centuries, women have known that natural and essential oils can help prevent stretch marks and eliminate or make existing ones less noticeable.

natural oils for stretch marks

Stretch marks are internal breaks in the skin that are formed due to the loss of proteins by the connective tissues that ensure their elasticity. Therefore, the first thing that skin prone to stretch marks needs (which, by the way, may also be due to a genetic predisposition) is an increase in its elasticity and firmness. Natural (fatty) oils do an excellent job with this task - olive, wheat germ, almond, jojoba, avocado, macadamia, peach and sesame.

Jojoba oil improves blood circulation, has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. Almond oil soothes and softens sensitive skin. Wheat germ oil slows down skin aging, accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, stimulates cell regeneration, nourishes the skin with vitamin E and beneficial acids, and softens hardened scars. Olive oil rejuvenates, nourishes and softens the skin. These four oils are the most effective in the fight against stretch marks.

Essential oils for stretch marks

Natural oils work best in combination with essential oils (aroma oils). Aroma oils of rose, lavender, orange, neroli (bitter orange flowers) are considered the most effective. You can also use geranium, rosemary, patchouli, mandarin, mint, and cloves. Essential oils have a wide range of benefits. They improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, make the skin supple. Rose essential oil fights stretch marks purposefully, optimizes metabolism, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin. Orange provides a tonic and softening effect. Neroli and lavender have a firming, soothing and refreshing effect. Essential oils, when added to base blends, multiply their effectiveness.

Oil blends for stretch marks

The value of aromatic blends prepared from base oils enriched with essential oils is their diversity, 100% naturalness and high efficiency. They simultaneously moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity, and saturate it with vitamins. Among the many recipes for aromatic mixtures that are used to combat stretch marks, each woman can choose the most suitable options for her.

Recipes for oil mixtures for the prevention of stretch marks

Recipe 1

You will need: 30 ml of almond, sesame or peach oil, 2 drops of neroli and lavender aroma oils, 1 drop of orange oil.

This mixture tones and firms the skin. It is better to apply it in the morning, after a shower.

Recipe 2

You will need: 30 ml of almond oil, 15 ml of wheat germ and avocado oils, 4 drops of neroli aroma oil, 2 drops of frankincense, rosemary and lavender.

The resulting balm has a soothing effect on the skin, and gives the best effect after taking a bath.

Recipe 3

You will need: 30 ml of almond oil (wheat germs, jojoba), 4 drops of rosemary, lemon, orange or tangerine aroma oil.

This mixture is used daily to treat areas on the body that are prone to stretch marks - the abdomen, chest, thighs, buttocks, or lubricate existing stretch marks.

Recipe 4

You will need: 30 ml of jojoba oil (or olive oil), 4 drops of geranium aroma oil, 2 drops of mint, lavender and cloves.

The mixture is applied to the chest, abdomen, thighs and other areas of the body where stretch marks may appear, every morning after taking a shower.

Recipe 5

You will need: 30 ml of almond oil, 1 drop of lavender (geranium or orange) aroma oil.

The resulting balm is applied to problem areas to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. With regular use, it smooths out the existing stretch marks a little, makes them less noticeable on the skin.

Recipes for oil mixtures to eliminate stretch marks

Recipe 1

You will need: 30 ml of olive or jojoba oil, 3 drops of any essential oil - mandarin, patchouli, rosemary, mint, geranium, lavender or cloves.

This mixture helps to improve the relief and color of the skin, has a firming effect, reduces stretch marks. In the morning and evening, it is rubbed into the skin with light tingling movements.

Recipe 2

You will need: 100 ml of olive oil and freshly squeezed aloe juice, 5 drops of liquid vitamin A, 10 drops of vitamin E.

The resulting balm will help make stretch marks less noticeable. Store it in the refrigerator in a dark glass container. Apply to the skin in the morning and evening.

Recipe 3

You will need: 100 ml of olive oil, 20 ml of wheat germ oil (or jojoba), 7 drops of rose oil.

With regular use, rose essential oil is very effective in fighting chronic stretch marks. Its only drawback is the high price. The mixture is applied with light patting movements to the affected areas of the skin. It is advisable to use it daily.

Recipe 4

You will need: 100 ml of wheat germ oil (or jojoba), 4 drops of essential oils of lavender, neroli and any citrus.

This mixture, like the previous one, quite effectively fights chronic stretch marks.

Recipe 5

You will need: 30 ml of olive, coconut and cocoa butter, a couple of drops of liquid vitamin E.

This mixture reduces the appearance of cellulite and effectively fights stretch marks. It is applied after a bath, accompanied by a light massage of problem areas.

Rules for the preparation and use of oil mixtures

Fragrances should not be rubbed into the skin vigorously, as this can further stretch the skin, especially if you already have stretch marks. It is better to apply them on the body in combination with a light massage - this way they will be absorbed faster and penetrate deeper into the skin. Ideally, this should be done after a bath, when the skin is well warmed up and the pores breathe. Massage problem areas with light pinching movements: grab the skin with fingertips, performing light twisting movements.

There are some rules for the preparation of oil mixtures. Firstly, essential oils are first mixed with a wooden stick and only then the base or base oils are added to them. If you are using the oil for the first time, be sure to check if you are allergic to it: apply a drop to the inner crease of the elbow or to the skin behind the ear. If there is no irritation or redness, then this product is right for you.

In combination with oil mixtures for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks, wraps, compresses, baths using natural and essential oils, and physical exercises are used. You can’t do without proper nutrition, because one way or another, stretch marks appear due to fluctuations in weight, regardless of the reasons that cause them. In your diet you need to include white poultry meat, fatty fish, fresh vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits, cereals, homemade sour-milk products, olive oil. It is highly advisable to limit your sugar intake (you can replace it with honey or brown sugar).

Fight against striae It is a long process that requires daily efforts and patience. Therefore, stretch marks are easier to prevent than to get rid of them. Prevention of stretch marks should be done every day, because with age, due to loss of elasticity, the skin becomes very vulnerable to such problems. And it only takes 10 minutes in the morning or evening to keep your skin healthy and beautiful. Take care of it today, and let the power of nature, embodied in healing oils, help you with this.

They say that scars color men, but stretch marks do not color anyone, even the strong half of humanity. Both women and men are trying their best to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. Stretch marks, which are also called striae, are scars of irregular shape and different lengths.

"Young" stretch marks have a reddish-purple tint, then they gradually lighten up and become almost white. Stretch marks most often occur on the abdomen, chest and legs, and are located in these areas most often vertically. The risk group includes, of course, pregnant women, athletes (growing mass), people with a predisposition to stretch marks and those who use certain medications. If a person belongs to a risk group, then preventive measures should be taken to simply prevent the occurrence of striae.

In order to get rid of stretch marks, there are a huge number of specialized tools and procedures, but it will be much more pleasant for yourself and for your wallet to use natural remedies. Essential oils contribute to the disappearance of stretch marks, as well as a healthy skin condition. To combat stretch marks, a sufficient amount of oils is suitable, from which you can choose the one you like the most and, in addition, have the necessary effect on the emotional state.

Oils suitable for fighting stretch marks

Essential oils

There are many essential oils that can be used to correct skin blemishes, and each has its own benefits. You can choose what suits you, based only on the smell of a particular product.

Essential oil cosmetic action Impact on the emotional state
Lavender Prevents scars, age spots.

Promotes skin regeneration.

Calming, relaxing effect.

Is an aphrodisiac.

Neroli oil Smoothes wrinkles, eliminates irritation.

Restores skin elasticity.

It is an antidepressant and aphrodisiac.

Relieves anxiety and insomnia.

Orange It has a regenerating, vitaminizing and protective effect. Tones and relieves fatigue, relieves insomnia.
Geranium Rejuvenates, regenerates and restores the skin. Anti-stress and calming effect.

Increases mental activity.

Jasmine Promotes active regeneration of the skin, improves its firmness and elasticity.

Visibly refreshes and invigorates.

It has a deep relaxation effect.

Relieves fatigue and stress.

Mandarin Prevents the formation of stretch marks, excessive fat deposits. Fights swelling. Eliminates irritability and overexertion. Helps to get rid of feelings of fear.
Neroli It has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates dry skin, promotes faster regeneration. Active antidepressant and aphrodisiac. Relieves tension, removes feelings of anxiety and fear.
rose oil Moisturizer. Promotes cell regeneration, improves skin firmness and elasticity. It has a tonic effect, improves mental activity, increases performance.
Rosemary Corrects the work of the sebaceous glands, and also promotes the regeneration process. Improves memory, relieves fatigue.

Is an aphrodisiac.

sandalwood Active antiseptic.

Rejuvenates, smoothes and tones the skin.

Used for relaxation.

Powerful aphrodisiac.

The listed oils are very effective means for removing scars, you can combine several oils at once, but you should remember the rules and subtleties of using essential oils.

How to use essential oils for stretch marks

Applying essential oil with massage movements

To get only a positive effect and similar emotions from the use of essential oils, you need to know the following points:

  • A huge amount of essential oils cannot be used unless diluted first. Oils can irritate the skin. To avoid such a nuisance, you can use a base oil or add an essential oil to a cream or lotion.
  • Mixtures of 7 or more types of essential oils should not be used. 2 or 3 essential oils will suffice.
  • As a precautionary measure, an allergy test should be performed. It is necessary to apply a small amount of oil to the elbow bend. If after 12 hours there is no irritation and itching, then you can safely use the selected oil.
  • The period of use of the selected oil should not exceed 21 days. After the course, you should take a break of one to two weeks. When repeating the course of use, the dosage should be reduced.
  • Some types of essential oils are known to be phototoxic. When applying them, direct sunlight should be avoided, otherwise burns may appear at the application site.
  • Be careful when using oils during pregnancy. Contraindications should be studied. In particular, pregnant women are contraindicated in the use of rosemary oil.

The use of products based on essential oils should be regular and systematic, you should not skip procedures and do not follow the schedule. In this case, the effect will not keep you waiting: if the stretch marks are still relatively “young” and have a purple or red tint, then a significant visible effect can be achieved in 5 months, but if the stretch marks are already white, then the effect will begin to appear after a year of using the product. There is no need to be afraid of such terms, stretch marks are complex and quite strong damage to the skin. To make stretch marks invisible in six months - a year, while not resorting to surgical intervention, is a very good and worthy result.

Essential oil blend recipes for stretch marks

Essential oils for stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks, you can use your favorite essential oil mixed with natural base oil. Suitable base oils are, for example:

  • Wheat germ oil - perfectly moisturizes the skin, supplies vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to wheat germ oil, the process of skin renewal takes place much faster.
  • Olive oil - has an antibacterial effect, nourishes and softens the skin. Significantly slows down the aging process, and also minimizes the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Almond - smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and restores elasticity. Improves complexion and tones the skin. Almond oil also restores the water balance in the skin layers.
  • Coconut oil - is a fairly strong antiseptic, and also does not allow excess moisture to leave the cells. The skin after using coconut oil is tender and velvety, has an attractive appearance.
  • Apricot - has an anti-inflammatory effect, tones the skin and supplies its layers with vitamins. Relieves irritation, rejuvenates the skin and gives it a healthy look.

You can also add oils to your favorite creams, lotions or masks. These are the two easiest ways that will allow you to get a remedy for stretch marks quickly.

Recipe with geranium oil


  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 drops of geranium oil
  • 2 drops of orange
  • 2 drops lavender oil

Apply the mixture to problem areas with massage movements.

Fragrant Oil Blend for Stretch Marks


  • 4 tablespoons base oil
  • 1 drop neroli oil
  • 1 drop of orange oil
  • 1 drop lavender

Apply to the skin in circular motions daily.

Bath and bath oil


  • 1-2 tablespoons wheat germ oil
  • 1 drop lavender oil
  • 1 drop neroli oil

This oil should be applied to the skin immediately after taking a bath, when the skin is steamed, but already dry. The product must be applied to problem areas with massage movements.

Remedy for "old" stretch marks with rose scent

  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
  • 10 tablespoons olive oil
  • 15 drops of rose oil

This oil should be applied after taking a bath or massage. Application should be daily.

Massage with oils


  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • 2 drops geranium oil
  • 1 drop of orange oil

This composition is mainly used for massage against stretch marks on the chest, but can also be used for other areas.

Wraps with essential oils and baths

Wrap with oil

Wraps and baths can be used as an addition to the use of oil compositions for rubbing. A fragrant bath will ensure the contact of oils with the entire surface of the body, and wraps contribute to the deep penetration of substances into the layers of the skin.

It is important that in order to take baths with oils, they must first be combined with salt, honey or foam, otherwise they will simply collect on the surface of the water in drops. For 10 liters of water, you need to add one drop of essential oil, this will be enough. Such baths should be taken about three times a week, to be regular.

Wraps are usually done using clay, therapeutic mud or algae, or you can wrap yourself in a film after applying the oil composition. For example, 40-50 ml of base oil is taken, 2 drops of lavender oil and one drop of neroli are added, the mixture must be applied to the body and wrapped with a film for 30-40 minutes.


If stretch marks are located on separate small areas of the skin, then it is very effective to use compresses against stretch marks.

Stretch Mark Oil Ingredients:

  • 2-3 drops of lavender oil
  • 1 drop petite grain
  • 1 drop geranium oil

The resulting oil must be mixed in a glass of warm water and dampened with this gauze cloth. Keep this compress on the problem area for about 15 minutes 3 times a week.


Essential oils are a pleasant and effective option for getting rid of stretch marks. The tool is affordable, natural and really pleasant to use. In addition to the absence of stretch marks, a person receives a huge relaxation effect, oils have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state, mood and health in general.

The instant effect of the oils will not come, but with regular and proper use, stretch marks will begin to disappear. The main thing is not to retreat when the first visible results appear, and when the goal is finally achieved, it remains only to maintain the result.