There is a frozen pregnancy. Treatment of a missed miscarriage. The main causes of missed pregnancy

Many couples dream of having a baby, but not everyone has this dream come true. different reasons. One of similar reasons is an undeveloped pregnancy.

The culprit for the occurrence of such a pathology can be not only the mother, but also the potential father, so it is very important when planning a pregnancy to undergo a thorough examination and adhere to healthy lifestyle life for both partners.

According to statistics, missed pregnancy is recorded in 15-20% of all planned pregnancies, which is quite common.

Definition of the concept of "frozen pregnancy"

A non-developing, or frozen, pregnancy is a pregnancy in which there is a sudden cessation of its progress, the fetus stops developing, growing, and subsequently dies. At the same time, until a certain time, there are no signs of spontaneous abortion, and the embryo continues to remain in the uterine cavity. Based on the foregoing, this pathology is also called a failed miscarriage. "Fading" of pregnancy can happen at any gestational age (up to 28 weeks), but most often this situation occurs in the first trimester. Threatened terms of pregnancy for the occurrence of a failed miscarriage are considered 3-4 weeks, 8-10 weeks, 16-18 weeks.

Missed miscarriage, like other options spontaneous interruption pregnancy, belongs to the category of miscarriage. However, they begin to talk about habitual miscarriage only if there are two or more cases of spontaneous abortion.

The essence of a frozen pregnancy is that the egg is fertilized, transported to the uterine cavity, where it implants and develops for some time, but after the development of the fetus stops. One of the options for a missed pregnancy is the "empty ovum" syndrome, or anembryony. In such cases, fetal membranes develop, synthesis occurs chorionic gonadotropin, which is confirmed by a positive response when performing a pregnancy test, but the embryo itself is completely absent. Quite often, such a pathology is the result of the presence of genetic defects.

Causes of a missed pregnancy

There are many reasons for missed pregnancy. Therefore, they are divided into several groups:

    Genetic and chromosomal abnormalities.

It is one of the largest and most important groups etiological factors the occurrence of a missed pregnancy. When an embryo has a pathological gene or an extra chromosome, in the process of development it develops multiple malformations that are incompatible with life, respectively, in this case, the pregnancy is also terminated. We can say that, in this way, natural selection can be seen in action, nature decides that it does not make sense to produce an incapacitated baby, therefore, in order to save the strength of the mother's body, pregnancy stops progressing.

But the emergence genetic anomaly can occur both during a specific case of pregnancy when the mother's body is exposed to pathogenic factors (smoking, drug and alcohol use, radiation), and due to the inheritance of pathology from parents, for example, the occurrence of a malfunction in the structure of "susceptibility genes". Thus, if the fetal egg received a “thrombophilia gene” from the parents, then in the process of its attachment to the wall of the uterus and invasion of the chorion vessels into the mucosa, microthrombi appear, respectively, this leads to disruption of the process of blood supply and nutrition of the embryo, and he dies.


A significant role in the origin of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage is played by the presence of infectious diseases. First of all, these are the so-called TORCH infections (a group of viral diseases). This group of pathologies includes cytomegalo viral infection, herpetic infection, toxoplasmosis, rubella. Especially dangerous is the primary infection with the above pathologies during pregnancy.

On early dates when infected, a "fading" of pregnancy occurs, on later dates anomalies in the development of the fetus. Sexual infections (gonococcal, ureaplasma, chlamydia) are also of significant importance. Even the presence of a common cold (ARVI, influenza) in early pregnancy can cause a miscarriage. The death of the embryo is realized by three mechanisms.

    On the one hand, penetrating through the placenta, infectious agents directly affect the fetus.

    On the other hand, in response to an infection, the maternal organism begins to produce prostaglandins, which either disrupt the microcirculation between the endometrium and the fetal membranes, or have a toxic effect on the embryo, which leads to a cessation of oxygen supply and nutrients to the fetus.

    The presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the uterine cavity causes a violation of the normal implantation of the fetal egg, which leads to a nutritional deficiency of the embryo.

    Hormonal disorders.

The lack of an essential normal course pregnancy hormone - progesterone - quite often acts as one of the factors in the occurrence of miscarriage. In addition, a high content of androgens or a violation of the hormonal functions of the thyroid gland plays a certain role.

    Autoimmune pathology.

Autoimmune diseases are distinguished by the fact that the mother's body begins to synthesize antibodies that fight its own cells, mistaking them for foreign agents. Since the embryo receives 50% of the mother's genes, the mother's antibodies begin to attack his body, which, in turn, ends with the fading of pregnancy.

For example, if the mother has antiphospholipid syndrome, antibodies to phospholipids are present in the body, and without them, in principle, the formation of new cells is impossible. During pregnancy, these antibodies attack the developing fetus, causing it to die.


The reason for the termination of the development of the embryo and its subsequent death may be a failed father. The presence of a pathology such as teratozoospermia is most often the cause of partner infertility, however, in some cases, pregnancy may occur, but in most cases it ends in miscarriage. Teratozoospermia is pathological condition spermatozoa, in which they have an irregular structure. Anomalies of spermatozoa can manifest themselves as a thickening or bending of the tail, the absence of a chromosome, the presence of vacuole cells in the head, an irregular head shape, and a short tail.

Teratozoospermia is said to be in the presence of more than 50% (in most cases about 80%) abnormal spermatozoa in the patient's ejaculate. Conception in such cases is either impossible at all, for example, due to the fact that sperm with a short tail lose their mobility, or the egg is fertilized, but due to an anomaly of the sperm head, the embryo develops incorrectly and the progression of pregnancy stops. After examination and therapy, many couples are still forced to turn to additional assisted reproductive technologies, such as artificial insemination.

    Wrong way of life.

Obviously, for the occurrence non-developing pregnancy harmful habits, occupational hazards, daily routine, and nutrition have a certain influence. You also need to be aware of the dangers side effects some medicines that a pregnant woman can take during the gestation period, especially in early pregnancy. The age of the woman is also important. The older the woman, the higher the risk of an undeveloped pregnancy (over 35 years).

    Other factors.

A sharp change in climate, constant stress and other factors can cause a missed pregnancy. In addition, a history of numerous abortions causes endometrial failure, which, in turn, leads to a disruption in the supply of oxygen and nutrition to the fetus and the development of pathology. After performing in vitro fertilization, cases of missed pregnancy also quite often occur, however, the causes of the pathology in this case are due to diseases, due to which the woman resorted to this method of fertilization.

Abortion clinic

Frozen pregnancy has a characteristic symptomatology. First of all, a woman loses likely signs pregnancy (typical for the first trimester). Vomiting and nausea, intolerance to odors disappear, the tension of the mammary glands is lost, they become soft. However, the loss of the described symptoms does not always mean that the embryo has died.

    Early toxicosis, as well as tension in the mammary glands, may be absent.

    Quite often, the moment of embryonic death goes unnoticed.

    A positive pregnancy test result may be present for another 2-4 weeks, since hCG is excreted from the mother's body gradually.

    In the same time basal body temperature the body will be in the region of 37 and even below degrees.

    If the dead embryo remains in the uterus for more than 3-4 weeks, a syndrome of intoxication of the body occurs (malaise, general weakness, fever), due to the fact that the embryo begins to decompose and infects the mother's body with tissue decay products and toxins.

    If a frozen pregnancy occurs in the 2nd trimester, then one of the first signs is the absence of fetal movement.

    If the embryo is in the uterus for more than 2-6 weeks, then signs of spontaneous abortion join the symptoms described above ( aching pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, dark spotting discharge).

    In addition, during the gynecological examination, a lag in the growth of the uterus is recorded, compared with the approximate period. Therefore, gynecologists perform bimanual palpation of the uterus in the first trimester, every time during the examination.

Example from practice: V antenatal clinic a woman was observed at 6 weeks of pregnancy, with a second pregnancy. After studying the anamnesis, it was found that there were 3 births, and medical and diagnostic curettage and abortion were not performed. The woman and her husband had no bad habits, as well as chronic diseases. The only negative point was the age of the pregnant woman (40 years old) and the nature of the activity (night shifts, a nurse). During the planned turnout, the pregnant woman complained of the presence of pulling pains in the lower abdomen and periodic spotting. During the vaginal examination, it was found that the uterus is soft, painless with an increase of up to 12 weeks, while estimated time 16 weeks. After undergoing an ultrasound scan and confirming the diagnosis of missed pregnancy, the woman underwent curettage followed by antibiotic therapy. There were no coagulopathic and infectious complications, and after 10 days the patient was discharged. The cause of the miscarriage was never determined, as parts of the fetus that were sent for histology were lost in the laboratory.

Treatment of a missed miscarriage

If a missed pregnancy is suspected, a woman must be urgently hospitalized.

    After performing the examination (hCG, ultrasound in the early stages and ACE in the 2nd trimester, coagulogram), the embryo is carefully evacuated.

    Possible option with expectant tactics when the fetus is dead for less than 2 weeks (if it happened early in pregnancy) and there are no signs of an abortion and infection of the uterus. In such cases, the level of hCG in the woman's body drops rapidly, uterine contractions appear, and the fetal egg is pushed out. However, most often they resort to the use of a surgical method, namely, the membranes with the fetal egg are scraped out or subjected to vacuum aspiration.

    It is also possible to use medical abortion (for periods up to 7 weeks) by prescribing the progesterone blocker Mifegin.

After surgical or other release of the uterine cavity from the embryo in without fail perform hysteroscopy. IN postoperative period antibiotics are required to prevent the development of chorianamnionitis and endometritis.

In case of fetal death after 14-16 weeks, its evacuation is performed by transcervical administration (amniocentesis) of a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride or prostaglandins, or by intravenous administration of a prostaglandin solution.

Frozen pregnancy, what to do next?

The most common question of all patients is: "What to do after a frozen pregnancy?". The material obtained after scraping must be sent to histological examination. In some cases (if there are suspicions of a chromosomal pathology), additional genetic studies of the tissues of the embryo (quality and number of chromosomes) should be prescribed.

Women are advised to refrain from pregnancy for 6 months, while the doctor prescribes oral contraceptives (Zhanin, Yarina). It is also necessary to be examined for the presence of TORCH infections. It is imperative that the hormonal status be examined, and, if necessary, its correction is performed. They also perform an ultrasound examination of the blood coagulation system and pelvic organs, conduct a blood test for the presence of antibodies to phospholipids.

When planning a new pregnancy, a couple is advised to give up bad habits, if possible, eliminate the reasons why previous pregnancy freeze, cure infectious diseases, lead a healthy lifestyle. Women 3 months before the planned pregnancy and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are prescribed vitamin E and folic acid.

The diagnosis of “missed pregnancy” is perceived by a woman as a sentence without the right to appeal. In the soul of the unfortunate, a sticky lump of doubt moves: did I do everything in order to save my baby? Meanwhile, the situation is not the fault of the expectant mother (as she herself tends to believe), but becomes the cause of a confluence of numerous factors that a woman may not even be aware of.

For information on pathology, impartial statistics, then the numbers do not look frightening at all: on average, for 180 cases of normal gestation, there is only 1 case ending in fading. However, the rate of termination of pregnancy for this reason remains stable: about 15 - 20% out of 100.

Misfortune is not selective: a terrible diagnosis can be heard by both a couple expecting a baby for the first time, and a family that already has one or even two children. But in no case should you have a child with a subconscious fear of losing him! You can save yourself and your “bubbler” if you take care of your own health even before conception and steadily follow the recommendations of your doctor after the miracle has already happened. In addition, the expectant mother should be aware of a missed pregnancy in general and know what her symptoms look like in particular, in order to respond to the problem with lightning speed in case of a possible danger. We will discuss all these issues in this article.

Signs of a missed pregnancy: what is a missed pregnancy

Fading of pregnancy is an anomaly leading to the death of the embryo or fetus. It can also be referred to as a missed miscarriage, since tissue death is not accompanied by symptoms characteristic of a miscarriage. The diagnosis can be made both at the beginning and at the final stage of gestation. Today, there is a tendency for more cases of fetal fading in pregnant women who have crossed the 40-year mark: quite often this happens in the first weeks of an “interesting” situation (up to and including 13 weeks).

At first, nothing portends trouble. Fertilization is successful, the formed embryo, getting into the uterus, is introduced into its loose surface. But for a number of reasons, the ideal program for the birth of a new life fails and the embryo (or fetus) suddenly stops growing. Despite the fading, there is no immediate miscarriage, so the picture of a normal pregnancy remains for some time: the size of the uterus is still increasing, a stable level of chorionic gonadotropin is observed in the blood (this substance appears in the body only with the onset of pregnancy), and the woman continues to feel that she is in position. These false signs and sensations persist until placental abruption. When this happens, all visible signs of normal gestation gradually fade away.

Sometimes the embryo does not form at all as a result of conception, only the so-called fetal membranes appear. This phenomenon, which is called an empty gestational sac, is also considered to be a special case of fading.

Causes of missed pregnancy

Due to the fact that the reasons for stopping the development of the embryo (fetus) are numerous and almost always complex, it is very difficult to determine any one factor that caused this pathology. Even genetic and morphological analysis does not always clarify the situation, as specialists invariably face maceration of the material, which makes research difficult - wet, putrefactive death of tissues after the death of the fetus.

Frozen pregnancy: why the embryo dies

The embryo retains the status of an embryo from the moment the zygote is formed up to the 8th week of pregnancy. What determines its viability by physicians is not fully understood, therefore, there are a number of factors that in one way or another affect the state of the embryo:

  1. Hormonal pathologies. An unstable concentration of "pregnant" hormones, for example, a sudden acute shortage of progesterone and its inconsistency with the level of estrogen, does not allow the embryo to receive substances valuable for life in full. And since this happens, as a rule, in the early stages of pregnancy, the embryo is still very fragile to put up with this state of affairs - it simply stops developing. There are also problems that ideally need to be detected before the intended conception: dysfunction and polycystic ovaries, anomalies of the "thyroid gland", diseases of the endocrine system.
  2. Natural hostility of the immune system. The mother's body perceives the fetal egg as a foreign object, because half of it consists of the father's genetic material. The reaction to such an invasion is the formation of special antibodies in the body, which can behave very aggressively towards the embryo. In other words, the immune system destroys the fetus.
  3. The cause of a missed pregnancy at an early stage can be the so-called antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), which occurs on the basis of genetic predisposition. On average, this diagnosis is confirmed in 4-6% of cases of embryo freezing. APS - disorders of autoimmune origin, which result in the formation of big number antibodies hostile to plasma phospholipids. Against the background of this phenomenon, blood clots form in the veins of the lower extremities, kidneys and liver in the female body, which makes the prognosis for the development of the embryo unfavorable. When APS was detected after the onset of pregnancy, a woman needs to be under constant supervision in a hospital. Pathology can complicate not only the course of childbirth, but also postpartum rehabilitation.
  4. Infectious diseases. A huge danger to the life of the embryo is infection in the face of cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis. Before conception, the body copes with these diseases quite successfully, but when immunity is tested by pregnancy, the destructive impact of infections on the health of the mother and her unborn child increases several times. For example, cytomegalovirus in the first trimester of pregnancy can kill the embryo; in the later stages, the infection leaves an imprint on the fetus in the form of various congenital malformations (problems with the liver, spleen, jaundice). Influenza, gonorrhea, pyelonephritis, syphilis - the list of diseases that are kind of antonyms for a healthy pregnancy, unfortunately, is very long.
  5. Chromosomal wars. This factor is perhaps the only one that is considered the absolute cause of missed pregnancy. Anomalies in the development of the zygote, embryo, fetus, pathology in the structural development of the placenta are a direct result of a genetic breakdown inherited from mom or dad. Also, an abnormal combination of genes from both parents can be potentially fatal for the fetus. If it is diagnosed that the misfortune happened precisely for this reason, the couple must undergo a genetic examination, planning to become parents for the second time. Unfortunately, a dangerous combination of genes cannot be prevented, but it is quite possible to assume a vulnerable spot in the chromosome chain. In this case, this site can be replaced with donor material instead of the data of mom or dad.
  6. Rubella. The most dangerous disease, which can cause not only severe pathologies in the development of the unborn child, but also his death. When a mother is infected with rubella in early pregnancy, a wide area of ​​harmful action opens up for the disease. Due to the fact that the first trimester is fundamental in the formation of the embryo, in 10 - 45% of cases of infection of a woman occurs miscarriage, and if the baby still managed to survive, in 10 - 25% of cases he dies in the first year of life due to defects that have developed in the womb.
  7. The impact of environmental factors on the state of the embryo also has great importance. So, a long stay on an airplane, climate change, lifting a heavy object, excessive insolation (sunbathing) or going to a solarium can affect the course of pregnancy in the most deplorable way.
  8. Constant stress and uncontrolled intake of sedatives and antidepressants by a doctor.
  9. Alcohol, smoking, drugs.
  10. Unexplained reasons. As already noted, the phenomenon of the sudden disappearance of all signs of the life of the embryo has not been fully studied, so sometimes doctors can only shrug. It is time to recall the superstition that claims that the baby was simply not destined to be born.

Frozen pregnancy: why the fetus dies

Only 10% of deaths of a baby in the womb are directly related to diseases of a woman, for example, diseases of an infectious origin. However, chronic infectious conditions of a pregnant woman become the causes of the development of phenopathies - intrauterine death of the fetus under the influence of other factors. All kinds of heart defects are a prime example of this process. The susceptibility of the fetus to various potentially lethal situations is, of course, lower than that of the embryo. However, during the period of bearing a baby, there are critical time points when the life inside the mother is extremely vulnerable:

  • 7 - 12 days after conception - implantation of the embryo;
  • 3 - 8 weeks of pregnancy - embryogenesis;
  • 8 - 12 weeks - the formation of the placenta;
  • 20 - 24 weeks - the laying of the most important systems in the baby's body.

And here is a list of specific causes of fetal fading:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Severe anemia.
  3. Endocrine diseases.
  4. Late toxicosis with complications.
  5. Improper development of the placenta (premature abruption, fetal presentation).
  6. Pathology of the umbilical cord (knot, entanglement).
  7. Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
  8. The conflict of mother and child on the Rh factor.
  9. Severe poisoning of a woman (for example, carbon monoxide or mercury).
  10. Incorrect medication intake.
  11. Acute or chronic oxygen starvation fetus.
  12. Avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis.
  13. mechanical injury.
  14. Poor socio-economic living conditions for a pregnant woman.
  15. Deformities and pathologies in the development of the fetus, incompatible with life.

Frozen pregnancy: how to detect fetal fading in time

The development of a child without deviations in each trimester of pregnancy is determined by many obvious and hidden factors, among which an important role is assigned to a healthy genetic base, regular intake of nutrients in the body, infectious diseases in the mother, proper daily routine and diet.

A woman is unlikely to be able to understand for sure that something is wrong with the baby, and it is impossible to draw premature conclusions about his condition. Meanwhile, it is not particularly difficult for a gynecologist to identify the absence of fetal growth, since the symptomatic picture of this case is quite accurate. In addition, the specialist receives reliable data due to the results of tests and ultrasound, evaluates the overall course of pregnancy from the moment of conception.

It follows from this that expectant mothers need to come for scheduled examinations and listen to all the doctor's recommendations, then the risk of seeing the signs of a missed pregnancy becomes minimal.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy

The signs of fetal freezing should be known to every woman - so she will immediately pay attention to the suspicious signals of her body and promptly inform a competent specialist about them.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the first trimester

A pregnant woman should carefully and sensitively monitor her feelings at the very beginning of an “interesting” situation - it is during this period that symptoms of an early missed pregnancy may appear.

After the expectant mother has been tormented by toxicosis, she may feel that the discomfort associated with it has suddenly disappeared: a healthy appetite replaces nausea and heightened sensitivity to smells, breast engorgement stops, basal body temperature decreases, whims disappear (strawberries in the middle of a February night don't want it anymore, etc.)

Attention! Under no circumstances should you set yourself terrible diagnoses and panic! A reliable and final verdict can only be voiced by a doctor. The complex of "suspicious" symptoms described above can also be observed during normal gestation. This is due to the very vague symptoms of an early missed pregnancy. One way or another, with a radical change in well-being for the better or the worst side a pregnant woman should immediately visit her doctor.

External manifestations of missed pregnancy in the second and third trimesters

The signs of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester are more eloquent: the general condition of the expectant mother is deteriorating sharply, the body temperature is set at around 37.5 - 38 0 C, the woman is shivering. In addition, she begins to be tormented by a pulling pain that covers the lower back and lower abdomen, on underwear blood stains appear. The breast loses its full shape and becomes less elastic. The abdomen visually decreases in volume and becomes "stone", and the child stops moving. Unfortunately, the first signs of a missed pregnancy may appear only 5 to 7 days after the actual death of the fetus.

Sometimes the symptomatic picture of a missed pregnancy does not appear at all, and nothing bothers a woman until the tissues begin to break down. In some cases, the belly continues to grow while blood tests will confirm pregnancy. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that it is not a child that grows, but an empty intrafetal membrane. True, the expectant mother should still pay attention to the fact that the baby, usually knocking with its legs, suddenly calmed down and calmed down.

Methods for diagnosing a missed pregnancy

Fading of the fetus is accompanied by stabilization of the volume of the uterus and its inconsistency with the gestational age (the size of the uterus shows a period of 10-14 days less than the present). In the blood, the level of chorionic gonadotropin sharply decreases. A frozen pregnancy at any time is determined using the following procedures:

  1. Determining the size of the uterus during the examination - normally, the volumes should be suitable for the actual period.
  2. Ultrasound allows you to determine whether there is an embryo in the fetal membranes, whether the heart of the fetus beats.
  3. A blood test for hormones shows whether the female body produces specific "pregnant" hormones in the quantities needed for normal development crumbs.

Frozen pregnancy: what happens to the fetus after death

Failing pregnancy differs from miscarriage in that the dead fetus remains in the uterus for an indefinite number of days, months, or even years (isolated cases). This means that without medical intervention, the mother's body may not be able to cope with the rejection of dead tissues. Under conditions of intrauterine storage, a frozen baby can undergo the following processes:

  1. Maceration. Occurs in 90% of cases. This moist, non-putrefactive transformation of dead tissue in the first days after the fetus freezes is aseptic in nature, but after a while an infection inevitably develops. The fetus becomes soft, shrinks, in some parts of its body tissues exfoliate in the form of bubbles, and the epidermis exfoliates. When an infection begins to develop, the fruit turns greenish.
  2. Mummification, as a result of which the fetus dries up. Often this process occurs when one of the children dies during multiple pregnancy when the umbilical cord wraps around his neck and shuts off oxygen. The fetus is so dehydrated that it looks "papery".
  3. Petrification. In the tissues of a dead macerated fetus, calcium salts begin to be deposited. A dead clot of matter turns to stone. In medical terminology, there is a name for it - lithopedion. This formation can remain asymptomatically in the body for several years. Most often, petrification develops as a result of a frozen intrauterine pregnancy, which the woman does not know about.

The diagnosis of "frozen pregnancy" was confirmed. What to do?

If there are signs of a frozen fetus, the victim is immediately hospitalized. A frozen pregnancy is ascertained thanks to the procedures of FCG, ECG of the child and ultrasound. The victim is examined with the help of an amnioscope, which, on the first day after the extinction of a new life, shows stained with meconium amniotic fluid green tint. X-rays are rarely used. Obvious radiological signs of the child's fading are the difference in its size from the norm. current month pregnancy, indistinct contour of the head, drooping lower jaw, twisted bones of the back.

Treatment is started immediately medical indications pregnancy is terminated. If you do not have an abortion on time or go to the hospital for help too late, the fetus will begin to decompose, which will lead to inflammation and severe intoxication of the woman's body. In the early stages, a frozen pregnancy can end in an arbitrary miscarriage. Based on the gestational age, doctors can choose several options for action:

  1. Wait until the body rejects the fetus on its own. This is true with the natural development of pathology and a decrease in the amount of placental hormones in the blood.
  2. Provoke a miscarriage with special medications for a period not exceeding 8 weeks (for example, prescribe a patient taking progesterone antagonist drugs).
  3. Perform an operation for surgical curettage of the uterine cavity, followed by a course of antibiotic therapy. 10-14 days after the abortion, an ultrasound scan is performed to assess the postoperative rehabilitation of the victim.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy

Oddly enough, the fading of the fetus does not so much harm the woman's body as it negatively affects her mind and desire to have children in the future. However, you should not be afraid and give up on yourself: the prognosis after getting rid of an uncomplicated missed pregnancy is favorable.

Initially, parents should undergo a multifaceted examination to prevent a repeat of the scenario already passed in the next attempt to have a child. For this, the couple donates blood for the analysis of genital hormones and the study of thyroid hormones. During the examination, various chronic latent infections can be detected. Here is a list of the main procedures that spouses must undergo after an intrauterine pathology has occurred:

  1. cytogenetic analysis.
  2. Histological examination of the tissues of the uterine cavity.
  3. Study of the bacterial flora.
  4. Blood collection to detect possible hidden infections, including mycoplasmosis, herpes, chlamydia and others.
  5. Blood collection for hormonal testing.
  6. The study of the features of the karyotype.
  7. Spermogram (for men).
  8. Immunogram.

For each specific couple, the complex of studies can be reduced or supplemented with other procedures, which depends on the specifics of the pathology that caused the pregnancy to fade in the past.

The prescribed treatment is focused primarily on strengthening the general immunity of a woman and her partner. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of metabolic processes and menstrual cycle at a woman. They also take into account that a collision with the phenomenon of a missed pregnancy is a serious test for the psyche of a failed mother. Perhaps the surest thing a woman will do is to seek professional support from a psychologist who will correct her positive attitude and confidence in subsequent attempts to get pregnant.

To prevent the development of complications after a missed pregnancy, responsible contraception, vitamin intake and rich useful substances regular meals. In fact, it will be quite enough for the body to recover after the incident. long time, the logical conclusion of this process will occur after the birth of a full-fledged strong toddler.

Planning offspring in the field of missed pregnancy. Video

Frozen pregnancy- this is an abnormal stop in the development of the fetus, ending in its death. An undeveloped pregnancy proceeds with symptoms characteristic of healthy gestation: the mammary glands become sensitive, menstruation stops, the uterus enlarges, hormones are released. However, sometimes for unknown reasons, the fetus dies.

You should know that according to statistics, after a premature termination of pregnancy due to a missed pregnancy, up to 90% of women safely give birth to a healthy child.

Termination of fetal development can occur at any age and at any time of prenatal development, however, it is most often diagnosed in the early stages - in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Currently, statistical data make it possible to determine the periods most at risk for the development of pathology. Most cases a missed pregnancy was recorded at the 8th obstetric week, 3-4, 9-11, 16-18 weeks are less dangerous. In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the risk of developing pathology is significantly lower.

What is the risk of missed pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, due to the implicit signs of an anomaly, future mommy may not immediately pay attention to the cessation of fetal development. Rejection of the fetal egg occurs, as a rule, within 14-17 days, so a woman can walk with a dead embryo in the uterus for up to 2.5 weeks. And if spontaneous does not happen, and longer. In this case, the appeal to the gynecologist occurs already at the stage severe inflammation and poisoning of the body pregnant with fetal membranes.

At any stage of prenatal development, fetal pathology can lead to changes in blood clotting and further bleeding which poses a threat to the woman's life.

Possible changes in a woman's body can lead to violation reproductive function , so you should pay attention to even the smallest deviations in well-being.

Why does pregnancy freeze? Unfortunately, it is sometimes not possible to accurately determine the etiology of the appearance of a missed pregnancy. However, experts identify the most common causes of pathology:

Genetic disorders of the fetus

The most common cause that affects the appearance of a missed pregnancy in the early stages (in the first trimester), experts call chromosomal abnormalities the embryo itself. Pathology can be inherited from the father or mother. As a rule, the consequence of a genetic failure manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy.

Obstetrician-gynecologists say that probable cause second or third stop embryonic development is an unfortunate combination of the genetic material of the parents.

Hormonal disorders

The entire period of bearing a child proceeds under the influence of hormones produced by the woman's body. Therefore, any violation of the well-established production of biologically active substances can lead to the death of the fetus. The most common root cause pathological process it is considered a lack of maternal blood and estrogen or an excess of the male hormone testosterone.

Rh conflict

The difference between a positive Rh factor of a child and a negative mother, doctors call the Rh conflict. Rhesus conflict is manifested in the production of antibodies by the mother's body, as a result of which fetal death may also develop. As a rule, specialists diagnose in time similar condition and take preventive measures to prevent it.


During the prenatal period, due to a general weakening of the immune system, all chronic infectious processes are exacerbated in a woman. Those "harmless" infections (ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis), which previously did not manifest themselves in any way and did not cause any problems, during this period can provoke the death of the embryo.

Serious sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, pose a threat not only to the fetus, but also to the mother's body. Infection and rubella during pregnancy, in addition to the appearance of various defects, also leads to fetal fading. The influenza virus is dangerous not so much by the pathogen itself, but by the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, especially an increase in body temperature.

Blood clotting disorders

Sometimes, due to a genetic predisposition, antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) occurs in the mother's body. The syndrome is manifested by the formation of blood clots in the vessels and capillaries of the placenta. Violation of blood flow interferes with the normal nutrition of the fetus, which subsequently leads to its death.


Taking certain medications can lead to irreversible consequences for the embryo. Therefore, you should take medicines only after consultation with your doctor.


Adverse emotional overload has a devastating effect on the health of the mother and fetus. A pregnant woman should try to exclude any stressful loads and overwork from her life.

physical impact

Weight lifting, heavy exercise stress at work or abdominal trauma can provoke uterine hypertonicity and lead to a halt in fetal development. Therefore, one must adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, do not overload yourself, do not wear high heels to avoid falls.

Wrong way of life

The abuse of alcohol, drugs or smoking is harmful to anyone. However, the child in the womb is especially sensitive to these influences. For its further successful development, bad habits should be abandoned.

In most cases, miscarriage is the result of an unfavorable confluence various conditions and factors that are quite surmountable for any woman.

How a frozen pregnancy manifests itself: signs and symptoms

What are the first signs and symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the early stages, how to determine it? In the first trimester of pregnancy, a stop in the development of the embryo may not be noticeable to a woman.

Initially hallmark and a symptom of a missed pregnancy in the first trimester can be disappearance and sensitivity of the mammary glands.

After detachment of the fetal egg from the uterus in the abdomen and lower back appear cramping pulling pains, at the same time, blood or are secreted from the genitals. Signs of intoxication with decay products may appear membranes: sharp pain, fever, chills, weakness.

Does the test show a frozen pregnancy? The concentration in the blood of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone is rapidly decreasing. This allows you to use a conventional pregnancy test for diagnosis, with a frozen embryo the test result is negative.

At all periods of bearing a child, a sign of fetal pathology is a decrease. It should be noted that a low basal temperature does not occur in all women with a missed pregnancy.

The main symptom of a missed pregnancy in the late stages of prenatal development is absence motor activity child. If any of the above signs or symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

You can diagnose a fetal developmental stop with the help of a gynecological examination and ultrasound.

Blood or urine test for hCG used in early pregnancy or as an auxiliary marker in later stages to exclude miscarriage. The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin is produced by the chorion, which will later turn into the placenta of the fetus. With a frozen pregnancy hCG hormone ceases to be produced and within 5-7 days shows a significantly reduced performance. With a frozen pregnancy, the test shows the absence of pregnancy. If the anomaly occurs during the second and third pregnancy, high performance gonadotropin levels can last for a month.

At gynecological examination fetal pathology is diagnosed by a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age. The doctor also pays attention to the opening of the cervical canal, the nature of the discharge and the absence of cyanosis (cyanosis) of the cervix.

The most reliable results in the diagnosis of fetal fading are shown by ultrasonography. With the help of the doctor determines the presence or absence of a heartbeat in the embryo. However, this can only be done with 5 obstetric week development, it is at this time that the device will be able to record the heartbeat of the child. Although, there are cases of errors in diagnosing a miscarriage using ultrasound. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the incompetence of the doctor, we recommend duplicating with another specialist.

If the specialist doubts the diagnosis, as a rule, repeated studies are prescribed after a short period of time.

The tactics of treating fetal pathology will depend on the period of prenatal development and the state of health of the mother.

After making a diagnosis and taking tests after a frozen pregnancy, the doctor takes a wait-and-see attitude, because in most cases natural miscarriage- the most gentle way to remove the fetus for a woman's health. If the natural process did not occur, special medical preparations causing artificial contraction of the uterus. It should be noted that drug treatment is possible until the 8th week of pregnancy.

Another way to extract the ovum is called vacuum aspiration. Currently this method treatment is the most popular among specialists. The advantages of vacuum can be called: minimal damage to the mucous membrane of the uterus and cervix, rapid recovery of the uterine cavity after the procedure, the minimum time for the operation.

At a later date, the cleaning of the uterus after a frozen pregnancy occurs when surgical intervention (scraping). After a gynecological procedure, manifestations of various inflammatory processes, adhesions (synechia) and even perforations of the uterus.

If timely treatment of a missed pregnancy is not carried out, health implications women can be very serious: from inflammation of the pelvic organs and intoxication of the body to infertility.

Prevention of missed pregnancy

Before planning your next pregnancy, you should preventive treatment to prevent recurrence of the pathology. To this end, it is necessary to take tests to identify possible reasons for stopping the development of the fetus.

What examinations and analyzes hand over after a frozen pregnancy?

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • analysis of the level of hormones in the blood;
  • a blood test for the level of antibodies to viral diseases;
  • smear test for STDs;
  • genetic study of the compatibility of partners;
  • results are also important.

If all tests show no abnormalities, treatment is likely not required. In case of detection of deviations in the health of a woman, it is imperative to undergo a course of preventive treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Is it possible, how and when? Experts look at the question of planning a pregnancy in different ways. Yes, in European countries pregnancy is allowed 2-3 months after pathology, while in the countries former USSR doctors recommend refraining from conception for 6 months.

For example, if a viral infection was the reason for the cessation of fetal development, experts advise waiting until the body has developed an immune response against the infection.

A lot of people ask about planning!? After scraping, the gynecologist prescribes a mandatory three-month intake of contraceptives to restore the uterine mucosa. When chromosomal abnormality the embryo must wait only until the restoration of the pelvic organs after the removal of a missed abortion. Then you can safely try again. As we wrote above, you have a 90% chance that the next pregnancy will pass successfully.

prosperous prenatal development The child will be helped by following simple recommendations:

  • take folic acid before conception;
  • go through a general strengthening;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • monitor the microflora of the genital organs;
  • do not self-medicate;
  • follow the doctor's recommendations.

Statistics show that in most cases, re-pregnancy ends in childbirth. healthy baby, so do not despair and blame yourself or your partner.

Video about missed pregnancy

We invite you to watch a video about a missed pregnancy, in which the doctor will talk about the possible causes of such a process. It will help to look at this circumstance from a different angle.

Frozen pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of every woman. It is especially difficult to go through this in the late stages of pregnancy, when the expectant mother has already heard the baby's heartbeat or felt his movements. How did you cope with this period? How long did your doctor say that you can get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? Share your experience, perhaps it will be useful for another woman.

Miscarriage is a pathology in which the fetus stops its development and dies.
Another name for this pathology is frozen pregnancy.
Its variety is an empty fetal egg. In this case, the fertilization of the egg occurs normally, but the embryo does not develop further.

Experts still cannot name the exact causes of a missed pregnancy; in the early stages, as a rule, these are serious genetic disorders in the embryo (in 70% of cases).

At a later date, a frozen pregnancy (second trimester and later) can be triggered by a woman's infectious diseases, traumatic effects, etc.

However, there are times when the pregnancy stops for no apparent reason; a woman can have two missed pregnancies and 3 missed pregnancies.

But do not despair! Just as spontaneous conception can occur after unsuccessful fertility treatment, it is also possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage.

Causes of missed pregnancy

In the early stages (and during pregnancy planning), the causes of the development of pathology may be the following:

  • nicotine and alcohol use;
  • the use of a number of drugs;
  • infectious diseases (flu, cytomegalovirus; rubella is especially dangerous);
  • STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, etc.);
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal imbalance (lack of progesterone or estrogen);
  • a violent immune response of the mother's body (in this case, the proteins of the embryo are perceived as foreign, and an immune attack takes place on them);
  • antiphospholipid syndrome (the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the placenta, as a result of which the nutrition of the embryo is disturbed, and it dies);
  • work in hazardous production;
  • weight lifting;
  • regular stress.

The following groups of women are most at risk of pregnancy fading:

  • over the age of 35;
  • having had many abortions;
  • women who have previously been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy;
  • women with abnormal development of the uterus;

by the most dangerous period considered the eighth week of pregnancy. At this stage of development, the fetus is particularly susceptible to teratogenic effects, which can result in a frozen fetus. Pregnancy (it doesn’t matter if the first or second missed pregnancy) in this case stops developing.

The first trimester (weeks 1 to 13) is generally more dangerous for fetal development; you need to be especially careful at 3-4 and 8-11 weeks.

However, the second trimester of pregnancy also carries a risk (signs of a missed pregnancy will be indicated below), especially weeks 16-18.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy?

The fetus froze, and the pregnancy does not develop further. However, in the early stages (in the first and even in the second trimester of pregnancy), signs of a missed pregnancy cannot always be recognized. At home, no test will show a frozen pregnancy.

At different women symptoms may vary, or a missed pregnancy does not manifest itself at all for several weeks. Therefore, you should not search the Internet for signs of a missed pregnancy; Forum in this case will not be the best adviser.

Symptoms also do not depend on whether the first pregnancy is missed, or the woman has already had 2 missed pregnancies or 3 missed pregnancies.

The list below is not an unambiguous indicator of a miscarriage. However, if symptoms occur that may indicate a missed pregnancy (in the early stages), the most right decision will contact the gynecologist:

  • sudden cessation of toxicosis;
  • cramping pains;
  • smeared bloody issues;
  • cessation of swelling of the mammary glands;
  • basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy decreases;
  • the general temperature during a frozen pregnancy may be elevated.

A frozen pregnancy in the second trimester and a frozen pregnancy in the later stages are determined by the cessation of fetal movements.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy - diagnosis

As mentioned above, if a woman finds signs of a missed pregnancy - an Internet forum, advice from friends and attempts to self-diagnose will not be the best way out of the situation. Even if the basal temperature is lowered (with a frozen pregnancy, this is one of the symptoms), if a woman has a first pregnancy - this pregnancy is dead or not, only a specialist doctor can determine.

What methods are used to diagnose “frozen pregnancy” (in the second trimester or in the early stages and “frozen pregnancy in the late stages”)?

1. Analysis for hCG.
The level of this hormone during a missed pregnancy is lower than it should be during normal pregnancy at such a period (first or second trimester) - thus, the test will show a missed pregnancy. However, it must be borne in mind that high level HCG can persist for several weeks after the first or second missed pregnancy has occurred. The fruit froze - but hormonal background did not change.

2. Ultrasound.
If a missed pregnancy is diagnosed during an ultrasound examination, the video “shows” the absence of a heartbeat in the fetus.

3. Gynecological examination.
A low basal temperature during a missed pregnancy, the size of the uterus corresponding to the gestational age - all this is determined by the doctor.

Also, it is the specialist gynecologist who prescribes the necessary treatment after a missed pregnancy, prescribes tests after a missed pregnancy, determines the planning of pregnancy after a missed pregnancy.

If a woman is diagnosed with a missed pregnancy, an Internet forum is unlikely to help in treatment; All appointments must be made by a doctor.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy.

Unfortunately, when pregnancy stops, it is no longer about preserving the fetus, but about restoring the health of the woman. A fetus that has stopped developing can cause intoxication of the body, so it must be removed from the uterus.

Often in the very early stages, a woman experiences spontaneous abortion; it even happens that a woman does not suspect that she had a frozen pregnancy, menstruation comes with a slight delay.

If a missed pregnancy is diagnosed, treatment is carried out by the following methods:

  • Medical. Used for less than 8 weeks. Drugs that cause miscarriage are prescribed.
  • Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion). The operation is usually performed under anesthesia with the use of vacuum suction, which cleans the uterine cavity.

It also happens that doctors take a wait-and-see attitude; if for some reason a missed pregnancy occurs, the woman's body produces treatment on its own, by spontaneous abortion.

But in any case, medical supervision is necessary. If a spontaneous miscarriage has not occurred, it is necessary to clean (curettage after a frozen pregnancy) the uterine cavity. Also, curettage after a frozen pregnancy is necessary if, after one to two weeks, an ultrasound scan shows the presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterus.

Planning for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

How can you get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? When to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? This issue is resolved individually in each specific case - depending on the duration of pregnancy fading, the general health of the woman, the results of examinations, etc.
When asked when to plan a pregnancy after a missed pregnancy, an Internet forum is unlikely to be able to give an unambiguous answer - only the impressions of women who have had one or even two missed pregnancies.

On the recommendation of doctors, the minimum period is to wait six months. During this time, after the diagnosis of “missed pregnancy”, the consequences of such a pathological condition will decrease. One and especially two missed pregnancies have Negative influence on the woman's body. It is necessary to carry out a series preventive measures in order to prevent fetal fading in the future.

What tests to take after a frozen pregnancy?

Before you become pregnant after a missed pregnancy, it is recommended to pass the following tests:

  • blood test for hormone levels (progesterone and estrogen);
  • vaginal smear for STDs;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • examination of uterine tissues (histology).

After a missed pregnancy, it may also be necessary to conduct a genetic test for the compatibility of partners.

Prevention of fading pregnancy

How to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? Is it possible? Yes, it is possible! doctors say.

Why pregnancy freezes is not exactly known until now. However, not one woman gave birth after a missed pregnancy; to give birth to a healthy child is quite real. Of course, if necessary (according to the results of the tests), you need to undergo treatment.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to get vaccinated against rubella and chicken pox. This is especially true for women who are at risk - in this case, this is work in children's institutions, where you can easily become infected with these diseases. You should also treat sexually transmitted diseases, take a general strengthening course of vitamins, stimulate immune system. The treatment regimen must be agreed with the attending physician.

And if all test results are normal, then treatment may not be required.

The most best protection from fetal fading - a healthy lifestyle when planning pregnancy.

Fetal miscarriage occurs in women of various age groups, while the causes of a missed pregnancy in each of them can be radically different. This problem appears due to various factors: diseases, heredity, hormonal disruptions and others.

Fortunately, only a few know firsthand what a missed pregnancy is and what are the causes leading to the death of the fetus. Although the pathology is rare, the expectant mother should know what signs given state so that in case of danger, consult a doctor in a timely manner to save the life of the baby and, possibly, your own.

The causes of missed pregnancy in the early stages are diverse and often have a complex effect. It is impossible to unambiguously establish the factor that led to the death of the fetus. After removing the embryo from the uterine cavity, the doctor sends the material to, which in most cases is difficult due to maceration of the tissues of the dead fetus.

In the first trimester, there are two critical periods when various complications of pregnancy can occur: from 6 to 8 weeks and from 11 to 13. It is during these intervals that a woman should special attention treat your health and at the slightest violation and suspicion of problems, immediately consult a doctor.

There are many reasons leading to a missed pregnancy in the early stages of fetal development:

  • genetic disorders;
  • chromosomal aberrations;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • acute infectious processes occurring in the mother's body;
  • chronic infection;
  • bad habits.

Let us consider in more detail each of the prerequisites that can lead to intrauterine death of a child.

Genetic developmental anomalies

A special place in the etiology of missed pregnancy is occupied by structural disorders affecting the chromosome set of the fetus. Normally, a person has a haploid set of chromosomes, but when various genetic aberrations occur, the number of cells can change in the direction of decrease or increase, which leads to the appearance of congenital disorders in the child.

Possible deviations:

  1. Trisomy (2n+1). In the human karyotype, a change in the haploid set occurs, and it acquires an additional chromosome. This is the most common type of chromosomal aberration, which leads to the fading of pregnancy. If intrauterine death does not occur, then the born child has multiple defects in the physical and mental development. These include (trisomy 21), trisomy X, Enwards syndrome (trisomy 18), and Patau syndrome (violation of 13 pairs).
  2. Monosomy (2n-1). When such a change in the karyotype occurs, intrauterine death occurs in 98% of cases, and only 2% of children are born, however, they have serious disorders (Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome or CW monosomy).
  3. Triploid (3n) and tetraploid (4n) sets of chromosomes are rare. Even if the fetus does not die during fetal development, the born baby has a wide range of disorders that are incompatible with life.
  4. Translocations. In addition to violations of the number of chromosomes, there are also karyotypes in which chromosomes change with each other in their parts. This pathology can be inherited by one of the parents. When interviewed, it often turns out that cases of miscarriage have already been observed in the family before.

Hormonal discorrelations

This type of violation ranks second among the causes of miscarriage in the first trimester. In this case, the death of the embryo occurs due to the fact that the level does not reach the level necessary for maturation. corpus luteum limit, and estrogens are produced in excess. Hormonal imbalance does not allow the embryo to receive the necessary nutritional components, which causes the cessation of life.

Another cause of hormonal disorders are endocrine diseases that a woman suffered before pregnancy.

Bad habits

Drug addiction during pregnancy leads to the fact that entering the female body harmful substances have a toxic effect on the child. This can lead to developmental disorders, and in some cases, to the fading of pregnancy.

Alcohol and drugs are of particular danger in the first trimester, when the placental barrier, and everything that enters the mother's body, with the blood flow enters the uterine cavity, where the embryo is located.


A pregnant woman is allowed a small list of drugs that can be taken while carrying a child, since many medications have a teratogenic effect. Some drugs are capable of causing minor disturbances in the fetus, while other drugs lead to serious anomalies that are incompatible with life.

Spontaneous abortions are caused by the following medications:

  • Mercaptoturin;
  • Colchicine;
  • Methotrexate.

Check with your doctor before taking this medicine to see if it will harm your child.


Another reason that can lead to miscarriage is teratozoospermia. This is a pathological condition of spermatozoa, when a large number of abnormal male germ cells are present in the ejaculate.

Most often, this causes a partner, however, in some cases, conception occurs, but due to the fact that the spermatozoa are pathological, the death of the embryo will soon occur.

External factors

A frozen fetus in early pregnancy can become for many reasons. Very often it is impossible to predict at all what caused his death.

Sometimes intrauterine development stops due to banal factors:

  • weight lifting;
  • climate change;
  • long flight by plane;
  • radioactive radiation;
  • prolonged exposure to scorching sunlight.

Why can there be two missed pregnancies in a row?

After a woman has already had a pregnancy fading once, the biggest fear in her life is the subsequent conception, during which intrauterine fetal death occurred. Those who have experienced such a shock often do not know how to live on, and whether they will be able to get pregnant again and give birth to a healthy child.

Doctors say that if a woman promptly sought medical help in case of fetal death, and she was prescribed appropriate treatment, then she is highly likely to become a mother.

The recurrence of the sad experience is possible in those situations where a woman does not quite adequately relate to sexual life and motherhood, if the subsequent pregnancy occurred spontaneously, and the appropriate treatment after the first case of intrauterine fetal death was not carried out. Doctors advise to refrain from conception for 6-12 months so that the body recovers from the loss of a child and prepares for the acceptance of a new life.

2 missed pregnancies in a row sometimes happen, however, this is not a pattern, because the reasons for repeating the sad experience may be as follows:

  • uncontrolled sex life within a year after the fading of pregnancy;
  • identified genetic disorders that require consultation with a geneticist at the stage of family planning;
  • an infectious disease that has not been completely cured (this is especially true for sexually transmitted infections, when treatment of both partners is required);
  • hormonal disorders that have not been treated.

If a woman is serious about her health and is determined to become a mother, then she will listen to all the advice of the attending physician and follow his recommendations, which will reduce the likelihood of re-fading of pregnancy.

How to avoid repeated frozen pregnancy?

Unfortunately, there are no methods of specific prevention against missed pregnancy, because its causes in the early stages cannot be predicted. Very often, fetal development is stopped due to defects neural tube.

For this reason, all women during the planning period and from the first days after conception are recommended to take prophylactic doses of 0.4 mg. If a woman has previously experienced pregnancy fading, as well as violations of the formation of the neural tube in the fetus, then the dosage of vitamin B 9 is advised to be increased to 4 mg.

In order to avoid the effects of the causes that cause a missed pregnancy at 6-12 weeks, it is necessary to follow a certain tactic for monitoring the condition of the expectant mother when re-conceiving:

  • Carrying out with the help, determination of markers of whey proteins and.
  • If there is a family history of information about congenital anomalies development, it is recommended to perform an invasive antenatal determination of chromosomal aberrations and other genetic disorders.
  • Amniocentesis according to indications.
  1. Prevention of infection and timely elimination of signs of an infectious lesion. To this end, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy and immunomodulators.
  2. Inhibition of the autoimmune reaction. For this, it is recommended to drip parenteral administration of γ-immunoglobulins every other day, 0.025 liters each.
  3. Elimination of hemodynamic disorders. Taking direct-acting anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.

Such measures play a big role in preventing the fading of a subsequent pregnancy and increase the likelihood of acquiring a new status: a happy mother.

The causes of a missed pregnancy in the early stages can be different. Unfortunately, in most situations it is impossible to predict when this will happen. No woman is immune from the fact that the loss of a child can happen. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a responsible approach to planning conception, timely detection and subsequent therapy various diseases reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Useful video about the causes of a missed pregnancy in the early stages

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