Female homosexuality: a social danger or not? Named the six most likely causes of homosexuality

A woman is a romantic nature, and she wants love, care, romance and tenderness. And men are generally more pragmatic and women's snot and tears are considered unnecessary in a relationship.

Men do not consider it necessary to say once again sweet Nothing or confess their love, but stay late at work, trying to provide for their families. But they often stumble upon claims, as they think unfounded, from the girls. Therefore, there are quarrels and misunderstandings. And such unkind and unloved girls who crave passion and new emotions find their own kind. Such a friend understands her perfectly, and guesses every desire, because she is also a woman and knows well what words and actions are needed.

Lesbianism is not only a tribute to fashion. Lesbians are those women who could not find mutual language with men, and the body and soul want love and tenderness.

Causes of lesbianism

Family problems

Psychologists say that the desire for lesbian love is inherent in every girl on a subconscious level. She needs understanding, advice and attention from loved ones. And as soon as the girl begins to form into a woman, she has a lot of questions that she needs answers to. And it's good when mom and dad are nearby and have contact with their daughter, a friendly atmosphere reigns at home. Mom does not swear at dad, does not insult him, but rather praises him. The daughter sees the happy face of her mother.

In this case, the appearance of homosexual inclinations in a girl is equal to zero. But sometimes things are completely different. In the eyes of the girl, dad looks like a worthless freak, because mom scolds him every time, saying that all men are bastards and how hard it is for her to live with this. After this, the foundation of a novice lesbian, one might say, is already flooded.

Physical handicaps

Girls are of two types - beautiful and not very. Everything is clear with the beautiful, they are not deprived of attention and they have enough boyfriends, so they develop in a heterosexual way. But with ugly girls, things are a little different. They are persecuted both by boys and by more beautiful girls. Ugly girls are constantly in a state of protection and defense, thereby developing the reflexes of a fighter. And such qualities, as a rule, are available in boys, that is, a girl becomes a tomboy in her qualities and a potentially active lesbian. Perhaps her fate will turn out differently, but she will have a desire to recoup on guys and girls for the rest of her life. Such girls strive for lesbian and strapon sex.


Large complexes give rise to shame, self-doubt, education, fear and modesty. A modest person in a youth society will always be on the sidelines, giving way to stronger and more arrogant ones. Thus, shy girl is pushed into the background by girls who are more energetic and courageous, and she enters adulthood as an outspoken outsider, unable to make her way.

Proper upbringing can also play an evil joke. Moving away from parties, girls are doomed to loneliness or to communicate with their own kind. Such girls cry to each other and find solace in the arms of another girl.

Lesbianism is a female homosexual relationship. A lesbian is a female person who expresses her sexual, romantic and love desires in relation to another woman. Lesbianism differs from feminism in that a heterosexual partnership model and a variety of sexual relationships are possible for feminists.

Homosexuality is not a rare phenomenon, since according to the laws of nature, all living beings are born with an innate instinct to mate with the opposite sex. Almost every fifth person admits to a single homosexual sexual relationship. Lesbian unions among single women or widows are very common, despite the fact that female homosexuality is less organized and less visible than the male.

In many cultures, lesbian relationships are not considered deviant or taboo-breaking. In some countries where women are severely limited in their independence, lesbianism is very common.

Women who engage in homosexual relationships appear to be more sexually satisfied than married women. According to statistics, 60% of lesbians experience orgasms regularly, while women who are married to men, only 40%. This is because in lesbian relationships, women do not have to pretend or conform to a certain male ideal- women remain themselves.

Causes of lesbianism

Lesbianism can be caused by mental and physical reasons. Psychological reasons homosexual relationships as early as the 19th century were described by Sigmund Freud. Further, other sexologists continued to put forward various hypotheses about the causes of the disease.

To this day, Freud's theories about homosexuality remain difficult to understand. In his attempts to understand the causes and development of female and male homosexuality, he first explained bisexuality as a normal part of the libido. It was assumed that all people are born bisexual. Freud believed that the libido has homosexual and heterosexual parts, and in the course of the development of a person's personality, one of these parts prevails over the other. He also suggested that if there were no prohibitions on homosexual relationships, then many people could change their sexuality during their lives. The scientist was right - modern society has come to terms with frankness and free-thinking. Public, cultural and political figures began to openly declare their homosexuality. Many countries legalize homosexual unions legally.

Experience plays an important role in the development of lesbianism early childhood. Lesbian feelings can be seen as a backup. They are a regression to earlier stages of development. The trend towards lesbianism often arises in transitional age, during puberty of a teenage girl. This phenomenon is usually temporary, like her other erotic feelings for women. A very close relationship between a girl and her mother early age, can also serve as a reason for the development of lesbianism.

Babies raised by a lesbian couple also have every opportunity to become homosexual. Since in the process of education the child will not have enough information about healthy family relationships. In the process of its development, the child must understand that marriage between a man and a woman is needed not only to satisfy sexual needs, but also for procreation and love.

Another source of the formation of homosexual relations between women can be the previous negative experience of building relationships with men.

Physical Causes of Lesbianism:

  • Many researchers put hormonal factors in the first place, it is believed that an excess of androgens induces sexual intercourse with persons of the same sex.
  • There is evidence that stress hormones can affect the unborn baby in the womb. This may affect the further development of the personality of the child.
  • The genetic hypothesis of female homosexuality is the theory that there is a strong relationship between body structure (body type) and sexual orientation.
  • Various types of sexual disabilities can also cause homosexual relationships.

Diseases in which a symptom of lesbianism can be detected

There are diseases in which homosexual relationships are just a symptom of a more serious somatic disorder (bodily disorder).

Polycystic ovaries is the most common hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age. The disease affects menstrual cycle, hormonal background, insulin production, heart function, blood vessels, And appearance women. Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome have high level male hormones (androgens). Such women may have a masculine appearance and are more prone to homosexual relationships.

Violation of the pituitary gland (brain structure) - disturbances in the activity of the pituitary gland can cause a lack of female sex hormones, as control over their synthesis in the body is disturbed.

Narcissism is pathological self-love. People suffering from this disease tend to develop homosexuality. Such homosexual relationships are a projection of self-love onto a person of the same sex.

Symptoms of lesbianism

The diagnosis of lesbianism is made on the basis of the patient's complaints, her life history, physical examination and symptoms of the disease. Here are some of the visible signs of the disease:

Low self-esteem and guilt
- strong sexual desire for the opposite sex,
- Prefer to look like men men's style in clothes)
fantasies about being members of the opposite sex,
- often find friends and buddies among men,
- can guess about their orientation from childhood (from 5-6 years old),
- sometimes girls are lesbians without sexual experience. There is always a partner nearby who is unaware of her friend's orientation, but is congenial and shares her views on life,
- some lesbians understand that they are prone to homosexual relationships, being in heterosexual relationships, they are afraid of the condemnation of society, so they do not admit it and continue to maintain contact with a man. Such women are dissatisfied with life and are often depressed,
- open lesbians hold hands, make eye contact and show other signs of love.

Treatment for lesbianism

Lesbianism is not a disorder that can be treated and cured, but there are certain methods that help to cope with the severe mental consequences. Psychotherapy is one such method. The goal of treatment is to free the lesbian woman from guilt, to single out her strengths, to teach to firmly defend one's position in life, to strengthen feelings of dignity.

Before misorientation can be treated, it must be acknowledged. A lesbian will never admit that her condition requires the intervention of a psychotherapist. Someone who easily claims that she should be cured of being a lesbian is not a lesbian at all.

All lesbian patients need understanding, a sense of security. The doctor should refrain from judgments and harsh criticism.

Participation in support groups is very important. Groups can be formed by a doctor in different areas, according to the types of psychotherapy (transformative, affirmative).

In the treatment of lesbianism, several psychotherapeutic techniques can be used, depending on the desire of the patient and the goals set by the psychotherapist.

Types of therapy used in the treatment of homosexual orientation:

  • Transformative psychotherapy is a procedure. transformative sexuality. Suitable for patients with a misunderstanding of their sexuality or whose religious or other beliefs are not compatible with homosexual behavior.
  • Affirmative psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy for lesbians that encourages them to accept their sexual orientation. The therapy does not call for change, eliminate or reduce their same-sex desires and behaviors.
  • Pharmacotherapy - mainly carried out hormonal drugs. It is prescribed by a doctor after examinations for the content of the hormone estrogen in the body of a woman.

Medical complications of female homosexuality

Due to societal stigma, lesbians often try to avoid routine examinations and delay seeking medical care. There are several specific diseases that can be caused by homosexuality. sexual relations between women.

Cervical cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis - homosexual women have high risk the development of these diseases, since traditionally they give birth to children less often. Hormones released during pregnancy and breastfeeding protect women from cancer.

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become weak, increasing the likelihood of a fracture. Osteoporosis is common among lesbians - perhaps due to hormonal levels.

Lesbian women are at a higher risk of developing genital diseases than heterosexual women. Since, most often, infections are transmitted through mucous membranes, vaginal discharge and menstrual blood (exchange of sex toys).

Depression and anxiety - associated with social stigma, misunderstanding on the part of family members, abuse, not the acceptance of lesbian society.

Alcoholism and drug addiction - Substance abuse is a serious health problem for both lesbians and gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Prevention of lesbianism

Lesbianism has nothing to do with genes and is formed on early stages formation of a person's personality. Therefore, prevention should be carried out in childhood.

  • Parents should not fantasize about erotic topics near a crib, since according to one version, children are telepathically able to absorb information. It is reflected in your facial expressions, gestures, behavior. It is difficult to predict what role this will play in the further development of the child's personality, but if possible, avoid such situations.
  • Also, in the presence of children, do not demonstrate a passionate relationship with a partner.
  • Do not appear naked in front of children.
  • Try to instill in the girl interests that correspond to her gender. Do not deprive her of attention.
  • There should be patriarchy in the family (the father makes important and significant decisions). A child must see from childhood correct model building relationships.
  • Try to attend parent-teacher meetings, communicate with class teachers at school.
  • Ask a teenage girl to introduce her friends to you. Limit, if possible, communication with children from asocial families, prohibit the child from staying in their home.

If, nevertheless, the girl shows signs of homosexual behavior or her behavior is suspicious, then it is better to immediately seek advice from a psychotherapist or sexologist. Otherwise, the changes may be irreversible.

Psychiatrist Kondratenko N.A.

Causes of homosexuality (lesbianism)

Homosexuality (from the Greek "homos" - the same and Latin
"sexus" - gender; other names - pederasty, sodomy, uranism -
men; lesbianism, lesbian love, safism, tribadia - in women) -
sexual attraction to people of their own gender. Synonym in both sexes - inversion
sexy. The prevalence of homosexuality among men is from 1 to 4%,
in women - from 1 to 3%.
It is believed that in the occurrence of this sexual disorder, in addition to
personality traits and mental illness, the following play a role
factors: violations psychosexual development, sex role transformation
behavior, puberty disorders, improper sex education,
excessive guardianship of the daughter's parents, not allowing her to communicate with children
of the opposite sex, seduction in childhood, social isolation with
same-sex composition (orphanages, boarding schools, colonies for minors
Predisposing causes may be: pathology of pregnancy
mothers, attempts to terminate pregnancy, radiation exposure to the body
pregnant woman or her taking hormonal or certain medications
drugs (especially at 4-6 months of pregnancy).
Homosexuals themselves believe that their sexual orientation, directed
to one's own sex, is due to biological laws that are beyond the control of
mind control.
In 1952, the works of Callaman were published, where the connection is proved
homosexuality with genetics, but studies by other scientists have not confirmed
Callaman's results, and from the genetic theory of origin
homosexuality is now abandoned.
In some homosexuals, a different ratio of male and female was found.
female sex hormones than heterosexual people
(that is, those whose sexual attraction is directed to persons of the opposite
Based on this, a theory has been put forward that
predisposition to homosexuality is explained by hormonal factors.
However, it was not confirmed by practice, since some homosexuals
normal levels of sex hormones were found, and adult treatment
homosexual sex hormones does not affect their sexual
Currently put forward a theory about the influence of their own hormones
fetus during prenatal period development on its mental development V
aspect of creating a predisposition to certain types of sexual
behavior in adulthood.
Freud believed that all people are predisposed to bisexuality. At
normal psychosexual development of the child, his sexual orientation
goes on a heterosexual path. However, in certain conditions, For example,
if the Oedipus complex is not properly resolved, it can be distorted and
there is an attraction to members of the same sex. .
Oedipus complex is a complex of childhood experiences, consisting of
attraction of the boy to his mother with simultaneous jealousy and
hostility towards the father, the Electra complex is a special
attachment of the daughter to the father and the orientation of sexual attraction to him.
At an older age, this complex is forced into the sphere of the unconscious.
and determines many aspects of sexuality and susceptibility to neuroses.
At the same time, normal psychosexual development is suspended for
immature stage, and in the future is transformed into homosexuality.
A new direction in the study of homosexuality and its causes is connected
with behavioral psychology. Proponents of this theory believe that
sexual orientation of a person is formed depending on the general
psychological mood, as well as under the influence of punishing children for
manifestations of sexuality. In their opinion, the fact that relations with
persons of the same sex are pleasant, conducive to communication and spiritual intimacy, and
contacts with the opposite sex are frightening and unpleasant. Between these
relationships create a contrast, and a person chooses what is more
The transformation of gender-role behavior is also considered as
predisposing factor for the development of homosexuality. These girls grow up
like a "daredevil" - lively, decisive, masculinized (that is,
have "masculine" character traits), and boys are brought up pampered,
timid, afraid of difficulties and decision-making, feminized (then
are, have "feminine" character traits). According to scientists, of these children
Most often and grow homosexuals.
There is an opinion in society that all homosexuals are the same. Many
believe that a homosexual can be distinguished from other people by appearance -
cutesy, effeminate men and coarse, masculine women with a short
hairstyle, as well as by profession, by character, by style of behavior.
For example, an unmarried person under 30 or an unmarried woman is suspected of
homosexuality, and if they prefer to communicate with representatives of their
sex or live together - then even more so.
But this is not always true. Only a very small number
homosexual men behave effeminately, this is approximately 15% of their total
numbers. But there are such feminized men among heterosexuals.
For example, gender-transforming men who love
perform "women's" duties, can acquire "women's" professions, with
enjoy doing housework, sewing, embroidering, educating
children are typical heterosexuals, they experience sexual attraction
only to women.
The same is true for women. In the chapter on women with "male"
character, clinical examples of masculine women who do not have
no homosexuality.
Change in the stereotype of gender-role behavior and the acquisition of traits
inherent in the other sex, may be with a delay in psychosexual development and
during the transformation of gender-role behavior. In the nature of such women there is
"masculine" traits, behavior also resembles men's, they choose professions
those who are considered purely "masculine", they like to be in the company of men
and keep with them on an equal footing, but at the same time they do not like and avoid women and
find no common interests with them.
Both the delay in psychosexual development and the transformation of the gender role
behaviors predispose to the development of homosexuality, but may
be so that a person, whether male or female, has
heterosexual orientation, but in general, his sexual desire
so reduced that he or she shows no interest in
the opposite sex. But for his (or her) attraction to his gender, too
That is, despite the prevailing opinion that a homosexual can immediately
distinguish by any external signs, erroneously.
Only a very small proportion of homosexuals behave in such a way that they
homosexuality is visible to the naked eye. The rest can behave
as people of heterosexual orientation, and long time none of
others may not be aware of their homosexuality.
Moreover, contrary to another erroneous, but very
popular belief is that homosexuals "do not throw themselves" at anyone
representative of your gender. Most of them communicate very selectively.
They "like" some of the representatives of their sex, while others "do not like".
Criteria for choosing an object of sympathy and attraction in different homosexuals
different. For some, looks matter, for others, personality.
qualities, for the third - spiritual intimacy, for the fourth - reciprocity
People of heterosexual orientation do not attract many homosexuals.
They prefer to choose their partners among "their own". Perhaps they
afraid of being rejected or ridiculed. Perhaps they must
it is required that the object of their sympathies necessarily reciprocate them.
But there are times when homosexuals fall in love with a person
heterosexual orientation if, in his opinion, this person is responsible
his ideals. In such cases, they behave differently. Some are assertive and
immediately demonstrate their sympathy, try to court and harass the object
love. Heterosexuals most often strongly reject them. Others hide their
true feelings and pretend that they experience only friendly feelings and
sympathy for a member of the same sex who has a heterosexual
orientation. Still others try to win his sympathy in an implicit form and
patiently waiting in the wings when the object of love will experience
affection or gratitude when favorable
circumstances and only then reveal the true background of their
relations. This option is reflected further in the clinical examples. And some
"like" a heterosexual unrequited love and never open
completely, while having homosexual relationships with other partners, although
don't love them.
That is, all homosexuals are different, and their feelings and behavior are manifested
differently. Therefore, the opinion that all homosexuals only dream of
to have sexual contact with any member of the same sex, and
the choice of a partner for homosexual relations is indifferent to them - absolutely
Among them there are mentally ill people who behave in accordance with
patterns of their underlying disease, and homosexuality is
a consequence of mental illness, or rather, its expression in the form of sexual
perversion, and in addition, they have other signs of this disease.
Others for uninitiated people are no different from mentally healthy,
and only a psychiatrist can detect psychopathy in them, accentuation of character
or any mental disorder.
Some homosexuals say they were conscious of their attraction to
persons of the same sex from early childhood, as early as 5-7 years. This statement
doubtful, since it is unlikely that at this age a child can have a clear
idea of ​​their sexual orientation. Some are aware of their
homosexuality already as adults, having experience of heterosexual relationships
True homosexuality manifests itself from the moment the awakening of the sexual
attraction in adolescence. To peers of the opposite sex and to
older people do not experience sexual attraction. All sexy
fantasies in adolescence, erotic dreams are associated only with
with their gender.
Already with adolescence homosexuals are looking for places and situations where
you can see naked, and especially the genitals, representatives of your
floors (showers, baths, locker room toilets, etc.), and then look for sexual
contacts with them.
In lesbian women, depending on the age of the object of sexual
preferences may be attraction to girls, girls, women and old women.
Bisexuality - the presence of sexual attraction to persons of both sexes.
Bisexuals are 5% of the population. Bisexual most of the time
still prefers representatives of any one sex.
The reasons for bisexuality may be the search for new, spicy or "spicy"
sensations, curiosity, experimentation, the desire to diversify one’s
sexual life, but they give preference to heterosexual contacts.
For other bisexuals, sexual contact with both sexes -
it is a conscious choice that allows you to take part in any form
sexual activity without any restrictions. Some bisexuals
do not choose partners, entering into sexual contact depending on
circumstances and the presence of a partner of either sex, others choose partners
purposefully, using their own selection criteria - appearance,
age, personality traits, etc.
Some homosexuals, who are clearly aware of their perverted attraction and
giving a clear preference for people of the same sex, there may be short-term
or relatively long sexual relations with representatives
opposite sex. It can be a forced relationship, for example,
the desire to hide their homosexual inclinations or to have children, while
In this case, homosexuals do not experience sexual attraction to a partner, but
some may have a sexual attraction to the object of the opposite
sex, and then homosexuality approaches bisexuality.
IN different periods one type of sexual preference can
prevail, while the other weakens.
During the life of homosexuals, they may initially have
heterosexual contacts, when the homosexual is not yet aware of his
attraction or is aware, but tries to overcome it and "treats" himself with
through heterosexual contact. Then, tired of fighting with his
homosexual attraction or realizing it, he has only homosexual
connections. During his life, he can be carried away by a person of the opposite sex and
engages only in heterosexual intercourse for some time, or
retains both, that is, homo - and heterosexual. Then he
can return only to homosexual relationships or keep
Ambisexualism is an absolute indifference to the gender of one's partners.
It is a type of bisexuality. Such people support sexual
relationships and have frequent sexual contact with members of both sexes, not
giving preference to none of them, close, committed relationships are not
support neither men nor women. Any sexual
they accept or reject relationships depending on their personal
needs. At the same time, the reciprocal feelings of the partner, the reciprocity of feelings, his
physical attractiveness and personal qualities have very little
There may be a combination of homosexuality with other sexual perversions -
transvestism, masochism, sadism and others.
There are special places where homosexuals gather. In the west there
special cafes for homosexuals, there are also world-famous resorts,
which are visited mainly by homosexuals from all over the world.
Sexual contacts of homosexuals can be varied. More often
all these are mutual courtship, caresses, kisses, hugs and mutual
masturbation, oral-genital contact, and imitation of sexual intercourse, and
also petting (rubbing the genitals on various parts of the body
sexual partner).
Horace described these caresses - women alternately caressed the clitoris and
each other's vulvas, and then, before the onset of orgasm, caresses were replaced
tribadia - one woman lay down on another, and simulating sexual intercourse, rubbed
organ on organ. At the same time, they often had voluptuousness at the same time.
and ecstasy. After that, they continued to caress each other.
When lesbian sexual contact x sexual intercourse in the conventional
sense, of course, does not happen. Orgasm is achieved by rubbing organ against organ
(tribadia) and caresses on the clitoris. Lesbians can carry out these caresses
sequentially or simultaneously. Sometimes only one of them caresses her partner
lesbians performing active, male role. It happens that she is able
it is enough to imitate sexual intercourse, and this is regarded as very valuable
M. Kinessa cites such a case. One lesbian woman got married
but along with sexual relations with her husband, she continued to live with her
girlfriend. After a while, her friend became pregnant, as she is married
a woman on her genitals transferred her husband's sperm, as if "rubbed"
seminal fluid in the vagina of a friend.
The origin of lesbianism is deeply rooted in ancient times.
Oral erotica (licking each other's genitals) originated in
ancient Greece. Even in the days of ancient Greece, it was believed that doing
lesbian caresses are more pleasant and noble than having sex
woman with a man.
According to one of the legends, the ancient Greek god Zeus punished the island
Lesbos, leaving only women on him, since one of them refused to become
his mistress. He removed his spell only after 4 decades. When
the ships landed on the island, the sailors saw only women. They lived
with each other and gave each other caresses, which became known as
The poet Sappho, a resident of the island of Lesvos, sang in her poems
lesbian caresses, so this version of same-sex love is also called
safism (or sapphism).
In this era, these ways of satisfying the sexual instincts are not
condemned. The god of love, Eros, was served a certain cult for the opportunity
mutual satisfaction with persons of the same sex. Literature and visual
art depicted homosexual acts between two women or two
men. Homosexual relationships were not considered sinful or vicious.
In the Roman Empire, homosexuality was also not condemned, and homosexual
behavior was considered quite natural. In high society were accepted and
were considered legal marriages between two men or women.
But ancient Jewish traditions condemned homosexuality. in the bible
says: "If a man lies with a man as with a woman, they both
abomination; let them be put to death, their blood upon them." Christianity from the very
began prohibiting and persecuting homosexuality. In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition
severely punished for homosexual relationships, tortured to obtain a confession from
their victims, homosexuals were considered heretics and traitors.
Pathological homosexual attraction began to be considered only with
half of the nineteenth century. There was an opinion that homosexuality is
disease with which a person is born. Scientific discussions on the topic of causes
The development of homosexuality is still ongoing, but in general, attitudes towards
this form of sexual perversion became more tolerable.
In the 20th century, sexual minorities achieved certain rights. in the USA and
in many other countries homosexuality is seen as perfectly acceptable
phenomenon. There are even social movements and organizations of sexual
Despite the fact that currently same sex love no longer
prosecuted by law, from the point of view of psychiatry, it is considered a pathology.
And even if society eventually completely changes its views on this
problem, and the so-called sexual minorities will achieve official
recognition of their same-sex "marriages" - the very fact of the perversion of sexual
attraction from the position of a doctor - a psychiatrist is unlikely to change its value.
False homosexuality is a combination of homosexual and
heterosexual ways to satisfy sexual desire. Most often he
sometimes forced - with prolonged isolation from representatives
of the opposite sex (in places of detention, inmates of orphanages and
boarding schools). Homosexual and heterosexual fantasies and dreams
alternate. When returning to normal conditions life is possible preference
heterosexual contacts, but there may be a combination of homo - and
heterosexual relationships.
Only a few true homosexuals suffer from their sexual
preferences and would like to become normal heterosexuals, but most
and does not present itself in a different role, wishing only that society would leave them
at ease, giving them the right to freedom of choice of sexual partner.
Homosexuals are divided into active (that is, playing a male role)
and passive (playing a female role).
The same person has sexual role(activity or
passivity) can easily change, but in most cases there is
persistent preference for a certain role.
Mental factors play a role in the development of active homosexuality.
deviations and adverse external influences (lack of education,
adverse circumstances during puberty), and in
the emergence of passive homosexuality may be of importance mental and
hormonal disorders.
Passive lesbians are feminine and helpless in everyday matters. IN
homosexual lesbian "marriage", the active lesbian usually plays the role
"husband", it is she who earns a living, decides all the important everyday
problems and takes care of his partner, and she may not work.
And many active lesbians have masculine mannerisms and behavior, they love
command, wear short hairstyles, trousers, shirts, jackets, prefer
men's professions and occupations.
But this does not always happen. Sometimes an active lesbian looks like
an ordinary woman acts like a woman and dresses accordingly,
uses ordinary women's cosmetics and perfumes. Some do it
for the sake of disguise. so that they are not suspected of homosexual inclinations,
others were previously in a heterosexual marriage, always had a regular female
appearance and retained it in a homosexual "marriage".
Some women become lesbians as if forced, by virtue of
circumstances where, for whatever reason, they are unable to
sexual relations with men.
I'll tell you about the fate of two lesbians. She is one of them, Marina, became a lesbian
precisely because of the tragedy in her life, and was previously heterosexual,
the other, Tamara, is a true active lesbian.

Clinical example.
Marina Z. 33 years old. Translator by profession.
Born in the Moscow region, in a family of employees, the eldest of two children.
Sick of childhood infections, colds. Early development
Since childhood, subordinate by nature, she always needed to be around
someone stronger in character, either gender. If there was a girlfriend, then
imitated her to everyone - she dressed the same, spoke with the same intonations and those
the same expressions. When she was married, she obeyed her husband in everything.
After school, she entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow. After
after graduation, she worked as a translator. Outwardly very pretty, tall, with
slender figure, always fashionably dressed, with moderate makeup.
Sexual life from the age of 18, defloration suffered almost
painless, there was almost no blood, so her lover even doubted
in her virginity. But I didn’t experience an orgasm with him, he was in a hurry,
inexperienced, did not care about her sexual satisfaction, the meetings were then on
student party, when they could enter the room, then in her room in
hostel when she made arrangements with neighbors, and a room for a certain
time was at her disposal. Met with my for a while
classmate, but then parted, because he was tired of her, he called her
"cold", and he got himself another girlfriend.
At the age of 20, she met the brother of her classmate and immediately fell in love.
She married him six months later. We lived together in my husband's apartment.
He was 12 years older than her, at first he loved her and was much more experienced than her.
first sexual partner, and from the very first time she experienced with him
orgasm. And in the future, she always experienced an orgasm with him. In her words, because
this "attached to him like a cat." Had multiple pregnancies
her husband did not want children, and at his request she had an abortion.
The husband was from an artistic environment, led a bohemian lifestyle, drank, cheated
her, although every time after the next "spree" he came with a bouquet of flowers and
gift, and she forgave him.
But in the fifth year of marriage, one day the husband disappeared for a month, and then said,
that "love has passed like smoke" and he is filing for divorce, as he has a new
"passion". A month later, they filed for divorce, although she cried and begged her husband,
even agreed that he would have a mistress, but he was adamant. At
divorce, the husband did not waste time on trifles, was generous, gave her "compensation for the used
youth ", exchanged his apartment, and she got her own room in
communal 2-room apartment.
For three years she lived alone, had many lovers, including
among foreigners. Every time I hoped to marry another lover
married, but she was not offered. Dreamed of family and children.
At the age of 28 she became pregnant and when she was given an abortion before
Wasserman's reaction, it turned out to be positive, and she was hospitalized in
venereal hospital. Korolenko. She had secondary syphilis
that is, she had caught it a long time ago, but she did not know from whom exactly.
She had to name all her lovers, her ex-husband, and all
examined. All her friends and acquaintances were alarmed because of this, since
many had sexual relations with her, and then her lovers had others
sexual partners, and everyone was busy calculating who was with whom and when
sexual contacts, and it turned out that all her friends had them among themselves,
friends and girlfriends, and a very tight tangle of mutual reproaches ensued and
clarification of relations due to mutual betrayals. All the friends and girlfriends in
secretly from each other and from their husbands and wives did the Wasserman reaction and
consulted with venereologists.
Because of this, all friends and even relatives turned away from Marina, and in
no one visited her at the venereal hospital, except for Tamara, a work colleague,
who was an active lesbian and was always partial to Marina.
Tamara and Marina are the same age. Tamara was also married, but already divorced
a year later, no children. As she herself says, "she ran away to marry for conspiracy
and to earn an apartment", but she never loved her husband.
From adolescence, Tamara always liked only girls, she had
close friends with whom they went "embracing", but their homosexuality
then she was not yet aware, and it did not come to sexual contacts.
Tamara liked combing her friends, touching them, rubbing against
cheek. Changing clothes in the pool, she always found a flawless look in her eyes.
female figure and watched with pleasure how the woman changed clothes.
Before marriage, Tamara had two unsuccessful sexual encounters with men.
But neither desire nor sexual arousal There was no orgasm. But also her
partners did not care about her satisfaction, and sexual intercourse limited
classic pose and a few minutes.
He says that for the first time he just "wanted to try what
sex", but did not experience any pleasant sensations, "it was painful and disgusting."
Another time, she simply yielded to her boss, who "didn't let her
passage" and "dissolved his hands." Silently undressed, lay down on the sofa in his office
and, in her words, "just a few minutes looked at the ceiling and that's all
The next time her boss hinted at intimacy again, she
coldly said that for this he had his own secretary, and she
is not going to be his concubine, because she is "fed up with sex with him"
throat." After that, she had to leave work, and she chose this
team, where there were only women.
Since then, Tamara has stopped any attempts at courting men, although
many tried to look after her, she is a brunette with a rather bright appearance,
beautiful figure and posture, in her appearance there is nothing from an active
With men she was arrogant, ironic, caustic, could so witty and
to accurately assess the male abilities of another fan, which he quickly
I lost all desire to take care of her.
Had several lesbian contacts with women. For the first time she
was on vacation, resting in a boarding house, and a lesbian sat down at her table.
Tamara immediately understood everything, silently got up and went to the room to her first
girlfriend. She was so gentle and affectionate, so experienced, that Tamara had
multiple orgasms per night. She was grateful to her new friend for
the experience of caresses and the pleasure experienced.
Men had not interested her at all for a long time, but how do they find their
lesbian friends and how to behave, she did not know, but she was sure that it was too early
or later "you can't get away from fate."
With a new girlfriend, they spent the whole vacation together, for the night Tamara
came to her room, sometimes they locked themselves in her room during the day, but
their relationship was purely sexual. Marina liked all the sensations very much,
she asked in detail about everything a new friend, who turned out to be
lesbian "with seniority and extensive experience."
A friend constantly found new partners for herself, did not like constancy,
was looking for novelty sensations, and especially she liked such "virgins" in
homosexual attitude, like Tamara.
She taught her how to recognize "her own", and henceforth Tamara knew how to
one look thrown at her by a woman unmistakably recognizes a lesbian.
Sometimes she herself "seduced the virgin" if she herself wanted it. But everything
sexual contacts were short-lived. Tamara believes that the spiritual
intimacy, feelings and relationships for lesbians are much more important than "naked
That she got married and "thrown this nonsense out of her head", started
a normal family, children and lived like all women, Tamara's mother insisted,
who knew about her addiction, since Tamara brought several friends
home if there was nowhere else to be alone. Mother so "sawed and itched" that
Tamara decided to give in to her and get married.
She already knew in advance that this was not for long and decided for herself that "if
already sold, then expensive. "She really wanted to have a separate apartment,
to get rid of her mother's guardianship, and she chose a "rich husband" for a long time. AND
found one who had a large apartment and was quite
wealthy person.
In front of her husband, before the wedding, Tamara played herself a "virgin", so
how she did not like him at all, she knew for sure that this was a marriage
calculated, and she had no desire to go to bed with him. Except
In addition, she had a "romance" with another friend who is quite her
For sexual relations with her husband, Tamara experienced an irresistible
disgust. First wedding night, seeing his thin hairy legs,
a small belly, a far from flawless figure and a flaccid penis, she
ran to the bathroom, locked herself there, and although her husband knocked on the door for a long time and tried
find out what happened, but she did not open the door for him and sat there all
Although she was no longer a young girl, and she herself admits that she led
yourself stupid, and if you already decided to marry an elderly person, then you had to
"to go to the end", but she could not overcome herself and it turned out that
she behaved like a real virgin, frightened by the upcoming
intimacy with a man.
Tamara avoided sexual relations with her husband for quite some time, then
excused herself by saying that she was scared, then she allegedly began menstruation, then
headache, then she stayed overnight with her mother, telling her husband that she allegedly
sick and in need of care. He waited for some time, believing that she
really a virgin, but sooner or later insisted on his own.
Tamara said that before sexual intercourse she insisted that her husband
completely turned off the lights and drew the curtains, just so as not to see him, and
"gritting her teeth," obeyed her husband, but "lyed like a log."
The husband turned out to be far from a "sexual giant", the erection was sluggish, and
nothing worked for him. In addition, Tamara did not help him in any way, she lay
completely indifferent, and during another unsuccessful attempt, even
lit a cigarette, and his flaccid erection immediately disappeared. He whined and complained, and she
quietly smoked. Obviously, he believed that the young wife would return him to his former
sexual agility. When she was tired of all this, Tamara turned to the wall and
pretended to be asleep.
For a while he left her alone, but later
tried several times, but could not master it. He
asked Tamara to "caress" him or do oral sex, but from one
Thought at the same time, Tamara jumped up and ran away to sleep in another room. And then
insisted that they sleep in different rooms, citing the fact that he was in a dream
snores, throws his leg on her, and she cannot fall asleep with him.
But one day he began to masturbate in front of her eyes and achieved quite
sufficient erection to insert the penis into the vagina. From the view
puffing masturbating husband Tamara simply hated him and with difficulty
waited for it to be over. And without that, not a very high opinion of
sexual abilities of men in comparison with their affectionate lesbian
partners, she finally became disillusioned with men.
Upon learning that she was deceiving him, Tamara's husband was furious, he cursed
dirty words, stamped his feet, brandished his fists in front of her face, but he
He was an intelligent man, and the matter did not come to assault.
Most of all, he was outraged not by the very fact that Tamara did not
a virgin, but the fact that she "led him by the nose" for almost a year, as he himself
put it. To which Tamara coolly stated that he "knew what he was buying"
and there is nothing to pretend, but she has already "worked out" everything, at least by the fact that
accompanied him to all social events and helped maintain the image
sexually strong man who has a wife fit for his daughter.
They argued and bickered for a long time, Tamara suggested a divorce, but he did not
wanted, although she immediately declared that she would no longer allow him to her
touch. For a while they still lived together, but then filed for a divorce,
and Tamara insisted that he buy her a one-room apartment or exchange
her own, threatening that otherwise she would tell everyone she knew that he was impotent.
Almost immediately after

Homosexuality is a mental disorder in a person that manifests itself in sexual attraction to a same-sex partner. Today there is both male homosexuality and female homosexuality. Only female homosexuality and its psychology is not as actively researched and described as male.

Psychology and history of homosexuality

Homosexuality and psychology are historically closely intertwined. At a time when psychology was becoming like a science, the difficulty of existence arose. different forms sexual desire in humans.

Homosexuality and psychology have a very close historical relationship. At the time when psychology was developing as a science, it faced the problem of the existence of various forms of sexual desire in people.

The emergence of homosexuality in people's lives began in ancient Greece. Among the ancient Greeks, such relationships were allowed and even respected. Entire poems were composed about the love of prominent men of the older generation for young men. The Greeks believed that men who were sexually attracted to each other would fight shoulder to shoulder with more courage. With the advent of Christianity and Islam, which played a significant role in religion, the psychology of people in relation to same-sex couples is changing. In the Christian and Islamic religions, same-sex sexual relations began to be prohibited and considered a sin. Laws were passed to punish homosexuality. But homosexuality did not cease to exist, it was simply very hidden by people until the beginning of the 20th century. It is the twentieth century. is considered to be the revival of homosexuality when the world is redistributed (First World War, the October Revolution and the period after the war in Europe and America) and the psychology of worldview is changing for most people in the world, especially in developed countries. In the world, especially in most Western countries, laws are being passed allowing same-sex couples to marry. Some countries have adopted laws allowing gay marriage adopt children.

The disease got its name in 1869. It is the post-war period that becomes the beginning of a change in worldview for this deviation, and new research begins to be carried out. The designation of the disease was coined by the Hungarian doctor Benkert, and introduced into English by Havelock Alice, who conducted research on human sexuality. Initial studies on homosexuals who were not hospital patients showed that the psychology of homosexuals does not have a deviation and is the same as that of heterosexuals. Previous studies were conducted on homosexuals who were in prisons and hospitals. Studies conducted by the American biologist A. Kinsey and his colleagues showed that the psychology and mental abilities of such people are much broader than they are considered in society. Research has also shown that people who identify as gay used to consider themselves heterosexual. Many of them changed their orientation several times, as a result of which the percentage of homosexuality increased. In 1973, there were clear scientific studies indicating that there was no relationship between the concepts of homosexuality and mental deviation. Evelyn Hooker's studies are an example, but critics believe that the deletion of homosexuality from the list of diseases is a consequence of the political pressure of homosexual groups, and not the result of scientific research.

Theories about the origin of homosexuality

In nature, there are various scientific points of view, where this disease came from, which boil down to the following theories:

  1. genetic theory. According to this theory, the disease in humans is caused by a genetic factor (congenital homosexuality). This means that the gene for homosexuality is inherited.
  2. neurogenic theory. Scientists believe that there are centers in the human brain that are responsible for sexuality. Those. according to this theory, the violation of the processes of work of women's and men's centers cause a tendency to homosexuality.
  3. Endocrine theory. According to this theory, the reason for the appearance this disease is a disruption thyroid gland which produces sex hormones.
  4. Conditioned reflex theory. Proponents of this theory view all types of homosexuality as acquired. When substantiating this theory, it is also indicated that the disease manifests itself in women who took male hormones in a large dose for treatment.

There are different opinions in the world about where the disease comes from. Consider the most common opinions:

  • Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. Hormonal failure during pregnancy can contribute to disruption of the development of centers in the brain that are responsible for sex selection.
  • Seduction of a child by an adult homosexual. Same-sex abusers generally identify themselves as homosexuals as well. In this case, we are talking about acquired homosexuality. Acquired homosexuality is curable, unlike congenital.
  • Problems in family relationships. One of the reasons for the spread of homosexuality is the psychology of the attitude towards the child in family circle. An example is when a boy is brought up as a girl and vice versa.
  • Sexual harassment. Sometimes the disease manifests itself as a result of psychological trauma (harassment, rape).
  • Prolonged stay of young men in a closed male society. An example is the army, prisons, correctional institutions. As a result of prolonged sexual abstinence, acts of violence often occur in men, which can have an impact on changing sexual orientation.
  • Bad relationships between men and women. A man who is often abandoned by women suffers from low self-esteem and complexes. He is changing the psychology of relations between a woman and a man. As a result, problems arise with close relationships and push him to seek mutual understanding in men.

Latent homosexuality

In nature, in addition to the obvious, there is also hidden homosexuality (latent). With latent homosexuality, a person is not aware of his attraction to same-sex persons, or the problem of homosexuality is expressed to a very small extent. The problem of latent homosexuality often causes a mental disorder in a person, as throughout his life he tries to hide his feelings for same-sex people.

Passive homosexuality

In society, it is customary to divide male homosexuality into two groups - active and passive homosexuality. Separation occurs depending on their role Everyday life and sex. A man who has passive homosexuality plays the role of a woman in a couple. Statistics among surveyed gays show that passive homosexuality is preferred by 18%, and active by 12% of men.

The disease and its symptoms:

  • sexual attraction to a person of the same sex
  • in children's games constantly play the role of the opposite sex
  • desire to look like women
  • jealousy of a same-sex partner
  • fear of intimate sexual relationships with the opposite sex
  • clothing style (bright, tight, open clothing)

Treatment of homosexuality

Most people have been cured of the disease. Since the disease has many causes, the methods of treatment are also different. At the beginning of treatment, a test is carried out to identify the propensity to the disease. Depending on the results that the test showed, treatment is carried out.

It is possible to cure the disease using the following methods and tests:

  • a test to determine the cause of a disease
  • hypnosis
  • group therapy
  • individual psychotherapy sessions
  • psychoanalytic therapy
  • corrective therapy
  • hormone therapy.

Love for a member of the same sex causes different emotions in people. Someone treats such a feature with understanding, others perceive it negatively. And some people don't care how others live.


The topic of homosexuality is especially discussed in society. This is due to the fact that men of non-traditional sexual orientation openly declare themselves, and do not hide their connection. Women behave differently. They don't flaunt their emotions. Therefore same-sex female love does not cause any particular outbursts in society. In fact, such relationships exist and are part of society. This article will focus on lesbians and their lifestyle.

What is meant by the term "lesbian"?

It should be said that lesbianism has existed for a long time. Same-sex female love has been described by historians since ancient times. It is also known that women were previously considered a deviation from the norm and specialists such as psychologists and psychotherapists encountered it in their work. The history of the emergence of such a term as lesbianism began about three thousand years ago.

Lesbianism is described as a relationship of a homosexual nature between women. Girls who engage in intimate and emotional relationship with other representatives of the fair sex, it is customary to call them lesbians. This terminology has not changed for many years. It is also known that lesbianism with scientific point vision has more complex underlying causes than male homosexuality. That is, doctors note that the reasons why a woman becomes a lesbian are hidden, so in some cases they cannot be recognized at a glance.

Why do women prefer same-sex love?

How to recognize a lesbian? There are certain signs. We will consider them further. Now we will tell you why women prefer same-sex love.

The female sexual nature is complex and multifaceted. There is an opinion medical professionals in the field of psychiatry, who believe that not all girls who position themselves as lesbians are actually so. There are some women who are involved in this direction by other representatives of the fair sex. That is, real lesbians seduce completely normal women and persuade them to lesbianism, although they are actually normal women or girls without any psychological or mental abnormalities. Also, some girls switch to homosexual relationships for whatever reason. For example, an unsuccessful union with a man or some other circumstances.

There are also statistics that lesbians include 4 percent of the total female population of the planet. According to sociologists, there are the same number of homosexual men. There are bursts of discussion of lesbians in society, and sometimes there is a lull. In any case, the number of women who choose same-sex love does not increase or decrease. Their number is always at the same level.

It should be said that some women may be in relationships with representatives of their own sex for some time, and after a few years, quietly get married and have children.

The well-known doctor of psychiatry Freud said that girls are bisexual. That is, they can have relationships with their own and the opposite sex. They may experience sexual attraction to both women and men. This is explained by the fact that in childhood the child is attached to the mother, and this applies to both boys and girls. At a subconscious level, this instinct remains with every person. With age, he may never wake up, or attraction to another woman may become more active.

When a girl grows up, she has a definition of who she prefers sexually, a man or a woman. Namely, she chooses who is more attractive to her. As a rule, this choice is not individual, as it is imposed by society, family and traditions, so the girl chooses a man. In the future, as she grows older, she can reorient herself and gain sexual experience with a representative of the weaker sex. It is possible that her partner will be older and will involve her in lesbianism.

  1. True lesbians. This category includes women who have relationships only with members of the same sex. They are not interested in relationships with men, they have never had sexual contact with them. Or their experience was unsuccessful.
  2. Bisexual women. This category includes the fair sex, who may have love relationship with both sexes. They can be married and have mistresses.
  3. Random lesbians. There are cases when a woman was involved in a homosexual love relationship. She does not continue them, gets married and does not return to this topic throughout her life.

Bisexual nature

How to recognize a lesbian woman? All of the above women consider themselves to be representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

However, since medical point of interest are true lesbians and bisexuals. In addition, there are surveys that show that about half of women have had sexual experience with members of the same sex. This fact suggests that women are bisexual in nature.

History of lesbianism. The legend of Zeus and the beautiful lady

There is historical evidence that lesbians appeared in Greece. There is a beautiful legend about how Zeus fell in love with a beautiful woman who lived on an island called Lesvos. Zeus fell in love with her and seduced her in all sorts of ways, but did not receive reciprocity in return. She refused him all the time. Then Zeus got angry and destroyed everything male population islands. Including boys. For a long time only women lived on the island. Even the ships did not sail to the island, Zeus did not let them in, as he was angry because of the beauty's refusal.

Forty years later, when the sailors managed to land on the island, they discovered that women had learned to do just fine without a male. Namely, some of the girls took on male functions, including those of a sexual nature. The sailors who sailed were surprised and amazed at the skills of women.

Another origin story

There is another legend about the island of Lesvos. She says that the poetess Safina lived here. She wrote wonderful poetry. They talked about the love of women for each other. These verses were beautiful and beautiful. Safina's poems were very popular among the local population, and also became known throughout the world. It is worth saying that the poetess herself had many connections with men and was not a lesbian.

It is also known that there were many lesbians in countries such as Syria, Iran, China. Exists a large number of Chinese poems about unconventional love. It is worth noting that little is written about lesbians in the poems and without any details. But as for the homosexual relations of the samurai, here they are present colorful description with intimate details. There is even a description of a homosexual nature between mentors and students. The fact that lesbians are not given much importance suggests that such behavior of girls is quite normal. Also, women's love was described as thin, tender. She was more beautiful and refined than the usual relationship between a man and a woman.

Reasons why a woman becomes a lesbian

How to recognize a lesbian? There is a medical opinion that women are not born with such a mental deviation from the norm as lesbianism. They become lesbians because certain circumstances occur in a woman's life that push her towards lesbianism. But also do not deny the fact that there is a part of women who have a craving for homosexual relationships. Their number is 1% of all gay girls. The rest of the lovers of same-sex love became her adherents due to the influence of external factors.

It has also been shown that a deficiency of serotonin in female body may prompt a change of orientation. Since the girl does not get enough emotional coloring from her usual way of life, she needs new sources. Lesbianism is one of these sources, it can give a woman new sensations and emotions that will fill her life with the right colors and make her happy and satisfied. This behavior of girls has the right to exist, but is a theory. Scientific evidence highlights other causes that influence the reorientation of women.

Medical features of the female body

Pathological processes that affect an organ such as the ovaries affect female behavior. Girls have masculine behavior. What are the signs of a lesbian? They start looking masculine and dating women.

Psychological features

The main psychological problem for a woman is her unattractive appearance. Some girls think that they are absolutely not of interest to the male. Therefore, they cannot start relationships with men, but switch to women. In addition, some of the fair sex begin to compare themselves with others. They think they are beautiful, but they are not. They then begin to become sexually attracted to their gender and extol their mate.

Social aspect

This reason is more multifaceted than the previous ones. Some life situations can push a woman to the fact that she becomes an adherent of same-sex love. Sometimes it is difficult to get to the original source, as many factors come into play. For example, such a complex is possible when relations between the daughter and the father were not established in childhood. Parents could really want the birth of a son, and they had a daughter.

In this case, the father can begin to develop masculine qualities in his daughter, such as leadership, perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal. So how do you recognize a lesbian? It turns out that the girl acquires a masculine demeanor and becomes a lesbian. She begins to compete with men, she lacks femininity, tenderness, complaisance. In another case, due to the early departure from the mother's family, a woman can take over household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, taking care of all family members, deciding domestic problems. She suffers from a lack of motherly affection and in the future may seek affection in another woman. It was revealed that social causes becoming a lesbian girl is the strongest. They are able to switch a woman to an interest in same-sex love. Also, an unsuccessful experience with the opposite sex can cause the loss of interest in communication and establishing normal relationship with men.


A few years ago, there was an opinion that the hallmarks of lesbians are that they look masculine. Actually this is not true. The following will list the signs by which you can determine that a woman is a lesbian. How to recognize a lesbian by looking? They spend a lot of time with women, they prefer women's companies. Girls show an active interest in their gender.

And how to recognize a lesbian by their eyes? A woman has masculine traits of behavior, she is friends with men. Moreover, there are many such friends in her social circle.

If lesbians are married, they are not satisfied with family relationships. They are sexy. Also, women have aggressive behavior towards their husband or other members of the stronger sex.

Women present themselves in society as adherents of traditional relationships. They may even actively oppose lesbians and homosexuals.

How to recognize a lesbian? Supporters of unconventional love spend a lot of time with women. Such girls prefer women's companies. In addition, there may be individual external signs lesbians, as each organism has its own characteristics.

What other signs are there that a girl is a lesbian? Pay attention to her makeup. Usually gay girls do not use cosmetics. This fact is an additional indicator of lesbian inclinations.

Active lesbian behavior

How to recognize a lesbian of this type? Active lesbians look like boys. Their position is shown early years and laid down on genetic level. Further, parents and society praise such a girl for her active life position and so on. Thus, the girl has a tendency to male behavior. She begins to like this behavior.

Passive lesbians

What are the signs of a lesbian wife? Now let's figure it out. This category includes women who are not satisfied family life and offended by the male sex. Most likely, they did not experience sexual satisfaction in bed with their husband. Basically, such women have a large number of unsatisfied sexual fantasies that they could not realize and suffer from this. They may have been abused by men. Such lesbians can return to the traditional orientation after a certain time.


How to recognize a latent lesbian? This type of women is manifested in aggressive behavior towards male gender due to unsatisfied sexual desires. These ladies go to see a psychoanalyst. At the same time, they have a family and reach heights at work. How to recognize a latent lesbian? This can be done by aggressive behavior towards men.

family lesbians

Now you know the signs of a latent lesbian. Except of this type there are also families. Who are they? IN last years there are women who begin to live together and have children. They create a family and live in marriage with each other.