Is a wedding considered a legal marriage? Basic rules of the wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church

Every relationship has its own level of development. The most significant stage is marriage. But some are not interested in entering into an alliance in the relevant bodies.

During the life of our great-grandfathers, it was considered common to consolidate their relationship both at the level of law and spiritually. Most modern couples are inclined to believe that the wedding is a relic of the past and there is no need for it.

But the church has a great influence on society. Therefore, the wedding for people, observing spiritual values, is considered an integral part. From the point of view of Orthodoxy, it is categorically unacceptable for priests to conduct a wedding ceremony without the documents provided from the registry office.

Why does the church oppose weddings without painting?

It was after the revolution that such statutes began to be imposed in the church. Clergy policy:

When to go down the aisle

There are many opinions and they all differ, but the meaning is the same - if the couple is extremely confident in each other, then the wedding will be successful. Sacred ties will bind the couple not only for life, but also in heaven. It is for this reason that it is necessary to have complete confidence in the joint passage of difficult life situations.

A married couple can get married on the day of painting in the registry office. So do many. This process does not contain entertainment Therefore, it is necessary to treat the ceremony with full responsibility. In order to accurately weigh the decision made, you should go through the thorny path of marriage with its pitfalls.

As the priests say, it is desirable to undergo a wedding ceremony soon after the official marriage. But in order to take such a step, it is important to give an accurate assessment without rose-colored glasses and ask yourself the question: is the relationship strong for the sacrament of the wedding?

If a couple is determined to get married, but does not want to register their marriage at the registry office, then what measures should be taken?

Theoretically, it is possible to do the procedure, but with one condition - the representative of the church must approve such intentions, namely the diocesan bishop. Then he takes responsibility, not partners. In this case, the girl and the guy are obliged to prove to the clergy their purity of relations, and that such an alliance is a reasonable and serious step. If the clergyman is convinced of the evidence, he can give permission and bless the couple.

Only a few priests go for such an act. An exception may be those people who regularly attend church and are known there very well. Many people express the opinion that such conditions like a stamp in a passport, are problematic and overly complicated - another mark that means nothing.

Here the question arises: if it has no value, then why resist? After all, the relationship between the spouses will not change. Marriage, enshrined in law, carries a great responsibility. After all, that's the whole point. If a couple lives in a civil marriage, then there is no need for a wedding. You can live like this.

Interesting fact! From the point of view of church canons, a couple who is limited to a civil marriage cannot become godparents. After all, this reflects an immoral lifestyle, therefore, they do not have the right to be recipients from the baptismal font. Such a category of people is not allowed to the sacrament of communion until there is repentance for their own sins.

Orthodox wedding ceremony

There is a worldly marriage and a spiritual one. A couple who have decided to enter into a marriage before the state is obliged to legitimize their relationship before God. It is after receiving a marriage certificate that you should contact the church for a wedding.

Most newlyweds consider the ceremony some kind of fashionable entertainment. For this reason, there is a distortion of spiritual values. They don't realize and blur the lines between fun and responsibility. The process is irreversible. The dissolution of a church marriage will entail the wrath of God. Therefore, the true rite is performed only once in a lifetime..

Before going to the temple, you need to think 100 times. To test feelings, you should live together for a period. Pass tests and difficulties. But it is also impossible to delay the church marriage. If there is confidence, then, as an option, you can go to the sacrament on the wedding anniversary.

In past times, church marriage had a dominant influence over the state union. The groom always came to the temple first and waited for the bride at the entrance. This showed the seriousness of the intentions. Then the bride was informed about this and she immediately came to the wedding.

Modern couples don't do that. They arrive at the church together with the guests directly from the registry office. At the appointed time, a festive liturgy takes place. The ceremony should take place in two stages: the betrothal and the sacrament of the wedding.

The sacrament process

For all churches, this system of conducting the ceremony is always the same:

The day does not end there. Newlyweds and guests go to celebrate such a significant event.

Important! The first wedding takes place with crowns over their heads. During the second sacrament, they are held on the shoulders. On the third, they are completely absent. Therefore, it is so important to do the ceremony only once in a lifetime.

In many countries where there is Orthodoxy, weddings are not very popular due to the low religiosity of the population. For believers, it is considered unforgivable to live without God's blessing for marriage.

If the couple was married, therefore, the sacrament took place before the Lord himself, and if a person makes attempts to destroy the church marriage, then many failures will begin to overtake him. The Holy Scriptures say that what God has made in heaven will never be destroyed by man.

It is in such a spiritual marriage that the Creator gives a blessing for love, family happiness and the birth of children. But there are rules to be observed by newlyweds. Important requirements before the wedding:

This day will be remembered for a lifetime if you follow the recommendations and do everything right. Additional advice should be obtained from the priest.

Many newlyweds, at their own request or at the request of their parents, decide to supplement their wedding events with a church wedding. This is a fairly common event, which also has its own rules and features. Very often, newlyweds are interested in whether it is possible to get married without registering in the registry office? To answer this question, we need to consider this question in more detail.

What is a wedding and what does it mean?

The wedding of the newlyweds is a long tradition, it has become widespread in Rus' as well. The wedding means the conclusion of an alliance not only between the young, but also with God. In fact, this is the spiritual unity of a young family and God, which is carried out by a priest.

According to all the rules, three days before the wedding, the newlyweds begin fasting, then they take communion and confess. For believers who honor religious rites, a wedding is the most important stage and signifies the strongest union.

Is it allowed to get married without legal registration of marriage?

Previously, the church was the main body that registered marriages. Both the wedding itself and understandable legal issues took place there. Marriage in the church had power in every sense.

At the moment, there is a special body that records acts of civil status. A wedding in a church is a voluntary decision of the bride and groom, and it takes place separately. The priests also understand that they take responsibility for the young, and therefore they follow all the wedding rules, according to which it is impossible to get married without signing in the registry office.

Why does the church not crown without registering a marriage?

First of all, the church honors all state laws. Since they provide for the official conclusion of marriage in the prescribed manner through the registry office, the church does not hold weddings until the marriage is registered.

In addition, the church does not recognize polygamy, and in practice there were cases when people who were married came to get married with other people. This is a great sin, and in order to avoid such responsibility, the priests began to check the passports - without the painting of both newlyweds, the wedding is impossible.

Are there exceptions?

As mentioned above, a wedding without marriage registration is impossible. In addition, the church does not recognize marriages between close relatives, including between half-brothers and sisters, between relatives along the niece-uncle line. In addition, the church does not approve of marriages with a large age difference, as it does not recognize their reliability. The maximum difference is up to 15 years.

Of course, the registry office does not attach such importance to these parameters and registers marriages between people who do not have legal obstacles and violations. Why can't the church use similar principles? Because the church is based on religion and has a spiritual component.

An exception may be couples who have certain life circumstances. The most common example is the illness of one of the newlyweds. Not always, even with harsh arguments, they agree to a wedding. First of all, they have a long conversation with the couple, discuss all the points and talk about responsibility. The decision to marry without painting is made by the bishop, and only in cases where the couple sincerely loves each other and understands the whole situation.

Wedding in the church - a fashion trend

Oddly enough, but recently even not particularly believing people tend to get married in a church. What is the reason for this? Perhaps a fashion trend.

An interesting fact is that people who have been married for a long time often come to get married. This is due to the fact that people have experienced some kind of emotional period or have grown spiritually and are ready for a wedding. Young couples immediately after the painting tend to get married as soon as possible, but often the priest asks them to wait or refuses at all, because the young are not ready, they have not matured spiritually.

Does a church wedding have power?

Of course, according to the law, it doesn't. Despite the fact that the church gives a wedding certificate, it is not a document of legal value.

In rare cases, a wedding certificate may be legally binding. This is typical for issues related to the division of property. If a couple lived in a civil marriage, and now decided to terminate their relationship, such a fact as a wedding will serve as evidence.

The wedding has spiritual power, it is aimed at concluding a spiritual union with newlyweds or people who have been married for a long time. If people who have been married for many years get married, prayers for children are not read. With young couples, the issue of childbearing is discussed quite actively, they read a prayer.

In any case, before getting married, it is better to talk with the priest, choose the church that you like best, if there are any preferences. The priest always listens and gives good recommendations. Perhaps his advice will help you realize something in life and direct you to the right thing to do.

Yana Volkova May 31, 2018, 21:13

The wedding ritual for a believing Christian couple is a very responsible, but at the same time, quite natural process. Especially if the bride and groom grew up in families where Orthodox traditions were honored from birth. But people come to God at different ages. And not everyone is familiar with the rules in the big deal of getting married in heaven. How to choose the best time for a wedding? When the church can categorically refuse in the conduct of the ceremony, or vice versa, recommends the ceremony As soon as possible?

Orthodox wedding calendar in the church: a good Monday for a church wedding and a "forbidden" Saturday

Before deciding which day it is best for newlyweds to get married in a church, it is worth note other equally important things:

  1. Temple. Its history, location, recommendations and reviews.
  2. Priest. Many newlyweds, following the traditions of their family, choose their abbot long before marriage. But if it didn’t work out, then give preference to the priest, based on the recommendations and personal impressions of communication.

May is considered the most unfavorable month for a wedding. Traditionally, this time was the most difficult for work in the garden and in the field. And autumn stocks were very scarce after winter, which made the festive table completely poor. In the modern world, when such prejudice is considered a relic of the past, May remains among the leaders of the most beautiful months of the year: renewed nature, fresh greenery and blooming gardens will create a wonderful background for the celebration. And the church does not interfere with the wedding in May at all.

As for the special days of the week, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and even Monday are considered the most successful for a wedding. But on Saturday, such a ceremony can be held only in case of a special agreement with the priest. This day of the week is considered the day of commemoration of the dead, and the church asks the newlyweds to refrain from church weddings. Couples are still not allowed to get married on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the year.

The most successful time of the year for the wedding ceremony people determine the first Sunday after Easter

On the day of Krasnaya Gorka, priests hold a large number of weddings for everyone. In addition, any weddings on holidays, associated with the Virgin Mary, especially the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, are considered the key to a successful marriage and happiness in the family.

Priests do not crown newlyweds during fasts, on days of continuous weeks and on the eve of major Orthodox holidays. And each church has its own patronal temple holidays, which do not fall into the general church calendar and which are not suitable for church marriages.

Orthodox church calendar of weddings - the lifesaver of the bride and groom

And this means that the consultation of a particular priest in a particular church is extremely necessary. He'll be happy to help you choose. right day to get married.

Is it possible to get married without registering marriage in the registry office?

For truly believing couples, a wedding, as a process, is much more significant than a registered state marriage. Many come to church and ask to perform the ceremony without first signing at the registry office. Like, no value they have no marriage certificate, but only God's blessing. But do people get married in church without a “stamp in their passport”?

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From the point of view of Orthodox rules, whether there was a state registration of marriage before or after the ceremony is not important. The rules of the church do not prohibit getting married first, and then signing. But a clergyman cannot document whether any of the couple is hiding a real marriage to another person.

The priest will agree to marry without painting only the couple that he knows well from birth, trusts their feelings and is ready to take responsibility for the family life of the newlyweds

Such friendly relations between the priest and the bride and groom are very rare. That's why they ask first register relations in the registry office so that civil servants can prevent possible bigamy. And after receiving a marriage certificate, a wedding ceremony is held.

Should the wedding be before or after the wedding? How late can you get married

The most common case when the wedding ceremony takes place on the wedding day. In the morning, the couple goes to the Wedding Palace, goes through the registration procedure there, receives a certificate in their hands and hurries to the church to get married. And although this saves a lot of time and money for the newlyweds, their emotional burden on the wedding day doubles. After all, you have to be nervous about the sacrament of the Church, too.

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Sep 25, 2018 at 3:35 AM PDT

It happens that newlyweds prefer to get married in a secluded setting without prying eyes and pathos. On the wedding day, this is unlikely to be done, since all attention is riveted to the bride and groom everywhere. But often a couple is simply not sure whether it is possible to undergo a wedding ceremony after the wedding. Priests to the question “How many days, months or years after the wedding can I come to church for a wedding?” The answer is very simple: if newlyweds ready to legalize their marriage before God, they can do it at any time after official registration with the registry office.

Wedding in the church for already married couples - a ceremony after checking feelings by everyday life

Priests are increasingly encouraging the desire of young people to get married only a few years after the official wedding. In this case, the husband and wife approach church marriage in a more balanced and confident manner.

The past years only strengthen their love and loyalty to each other.

For church rules, in fact, it doesn’t matter how many years a couple has been living together in the status of husband and wife - if they come even after a year, even after 10 years. And the ceremony itself, carried out after several years of marriage, is absolutely no different in significance from the ceremony that would be held on the wedding day.

How to get married in a church for people of age? Rite for the "newlyweds" in retirement

If we talk about age restrictions, it used to be argued that women who have reached 60 year old age and men after 70 years old. The priests explained this by the fact that one of the main goals of marriage is the birth and upbringing of children. And women and men after a certain age are no longer able to perform this function to the full (although older stories are also known). But now the church has become more loyal to people of age who have decided to register their marriage in heaven. IN wedding prayer the priest simply omits the words about the children and performs the ceremony.

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Reasons preventing the wedding: when is it possible and not? Is there a church marriage after 3 civil marriages?

The Orthodox Church in the wedding process tries to observe a lot of important and necessary procedures. For example, without confession and communion, it is almost impossible for a couple to go through a wedding ceremony. And although the church is loyal to those who turn to her for help and advice, a wedding, as a confirmation of marriage in heaven, is not allowed for everyone. A couple may be denied if:

  • Both the groom and the bride turned out to be priests.
  • One of the couple is in another undissolved marriage (civil or church).
  • Young are relatives (up to the 3rd generation inclusive).
  • Belonging of one of the couple to another faith or to atheistic teaching.
  • The husband or wife has already had 3 or more marriages.

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It is also not allowed to undergo a wedding ceremony for unbaptized people.

In addition, if all ages are submissive to love, then such things will not work with church marriage. And if too young partners are interested in the question of how old they can get married in a church, then the couple is underage for sure can forget about the wedding sacrament.

A lot of young ladies are worried about the ban on weddings during menstruation. After all, it often happens to hear that you can’t even just go to church and touch the icons on those very notorious critical days. But to great joy, many priests are already accepting the explanations of their colleagues, who call for more humbleness towards the sinfulness of the female lunar cycle.

And no matter how guilty Eve was in the past, the road to the temple is more and more often open to modern women on any day of the month.

Advanced priests argue that modern hygiene products simply will not allow sinful blood to get on the church floor when menstruation occurs on the wedding day. But anyway, it's better clarify the loyalty of your priest. And in case of refusal to transfer the sacrament to another day.

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It is also unlikely that a Catholic and Orthodox will get married. For such purposes, special permission is required both from one side and the other. And it is given extremely rarely, although does not involve a change of faith for a Catholic. There were cases when a wedding in the Orthodox Church was allowed, but only on the condition that children born in such a marriage accept the Orthodox faith. But it is forbidden to get married in the Orthodox Church in the Catholic Church.

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Is it possible to get married a second time?

Couples go to church to get married with the firm intention of living their "happily ever after" with their partner, confident in their feelings and attitude towards each other. But life is unpredictable. Divorces happen even more often than we would like. What does the church say in the case when feelings faded, the marriage was dissolved and the choice of the former husband and wife fell on other people? Is it possible to repeat the wedding ceremony?

In the modern world, there is nothing strange in the fact that two loving people live together in a civil marriage or simply live without thinking about it.

Actual orders

But still there are people who have their own moral principles and follow the rules established many, many years ago. One of these rules is the wedding in the church. It is believed that you need to "legitimize" your marriage not only before the people and the Law of the state in which the couple lives, but also before the Lord. A marriage that is blessed by God is more likely to last. Those couples who intend to get married in the church must definitely find a place and a priest, with whom, in joy and in sorrow, they can find answers to their questions.

wedding rules

In order to get married, you need to know a lot of things. For example, when you can get married, since 4 fasts are observed in a year, they don’t get married in them, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday should also be excluded.

The choice of a church is also important for the couple to feel comfortable spiritually in it. For the wedding, you need to prepare icons, scarves, towels. As witnesses, it is better to take a strong married couple who would have a good relationship with the young.

Wedding without registration

Some young people want to get married in order to live the fleshly life, because without marriage in the church it is considered a sin. But many people do not know whether it is possible to get married before marriage or not. But there is no definite answer to this question. In fact, before the wedding, many ask to see a marriage certificate, since the church observes all orders and supports state laws. But it all depends on the church and the church rector, to whom the couple turned.

And if you follow the church foundations and orders, then it is better to get married before the wedding, that is, before registering with the registry office, because a wedding is also a wedding. The bride must be in a white dress, which indicates her virginity.

If young people want to get married, but they do not have a marriage registration, then you need to contact the rector of the church with this question.

Topic of the article: wedding in the Orthodox Church - rules. And I would like to tell you about weddings not just as a beautiful ceremony, but as a sacrament that can inexplicably and unknown to “people” affect your whole life. And not only for you, but also for the life of your children.

My grandmother told me that people get married not even for themselves, but for their children. Indeed, in the sacrament of the wedding, the couple is blessed for the birth and upbringing of children.

In the article I will tell you about the sacrament of the wedding in the Orthodox Church in an accessible language. And I will definitely answer all the questions that arise in preparation for the wedding. Also in the article you will find a video with the answers of the priest to all your questions about the wedding.

Notice the word "sacrament". It is this word that is intended to suggest that you should not get married if you do it not consciously, but at the insistence of your parents or because it is fashionable or so accepted. A wedding is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church, along with baptism, communion, and priesthood.

We've all heard the expression, "Marriages are made in heaven." But we have no time to think about the secret and important message of our day hidden in these words.
We all want to live happily ever after with our loved ones, but we neglect such an easy and affordable opportunity to receive the sanctification of our union. To do this, you just need to seriously, consciously and thoughtfully prepare for the wedding.

What should be done before the wedding?

So how do you properly prepare for your wedding? The couple must take communion before the wedding. This can be done the day before or on the very day of the wedding at the morning liturgy (morning service). The wedding is usually performed immediately after the liturgy.

You need to prepare for communion: fast for 3 days, read special prayers - Adherence to Holy Communion, confess. Here is the answer to the question, is it necessary to fast before the wedding? If young people take communion on the wedding day, then fasting before the wedding (more precisely, before communion) is needed.

What do you need to get married in a church?

You need to buy in advance before the wedding:

  • Icons of the Savior and the Mother of God (icons must be consecrated, so it’s better to buy them not in a store, but in a Temple),
  • Wedding candles (beautiful wedding candles can also be bought at the Temple).
  • 2 towels (towels), one for laying under the feet of the bride and groom, and the other for wrapping the hands of the bride and groom,
  • Wedding rings.

Who can be a witness at the wedding?

Previously, witnesses at the wedding were called guarantors and heirs. They were to instruct the young. Therefore, as witnesses, as a rule, they took experienced, family people. Now more often they take their friends as witnesses. A wedding without witnesses, at the request of the young, is also possible.

What days can you get married?

The basic rules to be followed are as follows. You can not get married on the days of all 4 fasts, as well as on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. There are also a few more days in the year when a wedding is not performed.

After the end of the wedding, a bell ringing is heard in honor of the birth of a new family and the guests congratulate the newlyweds.

Church wedding - rules. VIDEO Answers to the questions of Archpriest Pavel

Find out the answers to the questions you still have in order to leave your wedding preparations behind you in this short video. Archpriest Pavel answers questions.

What rings are needed for a church wedding?

It used to be customary to buy wedding rings - gold for the groom and silver for the bride. The gold ring of the groom symbolized the brilliance of the Sun, and the silver of the wife - the light of the Moon, shining with reflected light.

Now often buy both rings - gold. Rings can also be adorned with precious stones.

How to choose the right outfit for the bride?

What should be the wedding dress in the church? The dress should be light, not tight-fitting and no longer than the knee. Shoulders, arms, neckline should not be bare. If the dress is off the shoulder, use a cape.

The head must be covered. You can use a veil, scarf or cape with a hood. In the hands of the bride at the wedding is not a bouquet of flowers, but a wedding candle.

Do not make too bright makeup. It is better to choose shoes not with very high heels, because the wedding ceremony can last about an hour.

Young people and witnesses must have pectoral crosses.

Inform your guests about the rules of dress at the wedding. Women and girls should be in dresses with covered knees and shoulders. And also with a covered head.

How to celebrate a wedding? Congratulations on your wedding. What do they give for a wedding?

The sacrament of the wedding is joyful and solemn. It is customary after the end of the sacrament to continue the holiday at the table. But since a spiritual holiday is being celebrated, the feast should be modest and quiet. From this point of view, it is better to separate the wedding day and the wedding day in time.

In congratulations on a wedding, they usually wish salvation for the soul, congratulate on God's blessing, wish to live happily ever after, take care of each other, love and cherish. They want peace and peace of mind. It is also better to give spiritual gifts, for example, icons or spiritual books.

What do you need to get married in a church if you are already married?

If you are already married, no matter how old, and have come to a mutual decision to get married, congratulations. This is very beneficial for both you and your children. Our spiritual father says that marriage is even more important for children. because at the wedding, parents are blessed for the birth and upbringing of children.

For you yourself, the wedding is also very valuable, because now you will not live in fornication, but in a legal marriage made in heaven. And now God himself will bless your union.

For the wedding, you will need all the attributes described above in this article - the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, 2 candles, towels (towels), rings. Rings can be the same ones you are wearing now. You need to agree in advance with the priest about the date and time. Prepare for communion (fast for 3 days, subtract the following for Holy Communion, confess). You can take communion on the day of the wedding or earlier. You can invite witnesses to the wedding. But you can get married without them.

When is the wedding not taking place?

The sacrament of marriage cannot be performed:

  • If the bride or groom is not baptized and is not going to be baptized before the wedding,
  • If the bride or groom announces that they are atheists,
  • If it turns out that the bride or groom was forced to come to the wedding by parents or someone else,
  • If the bride or groom has already been married three times (it is allowed to get married only 3 times, and in order to terminate the wedding there must be a good reason, for example, the betrayal of one of the spouses),
  • If the bride and groom are married to another (other), civil or church. First you need to dissolve a civil marriage and obtain permission from the bishop to dissolve the church marriage.
  • If the bride and groom are related by blood.

They often ask whether it is possible to get married for those who are in a civil marriage that is not registered in the registry office. In general, the church does not really welcome civil marriages, but still recognizes them. Moreover, the laws of marriage according to church canons and civil law differ. However, some churches ask for a marriage certificate.

I really hope that in this article "Wedding in the Orthodox Church - the rules" you have found answers to your questions. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments. If I don't know the exact answer, I'll ask my spiritual father.

I wish everyone to enjoy life, even rain and bread, to love and be loved!