Types of women's intimate haircuts: bikini design at home. Sex tourism. Map of a woman's erogenous zones: features, mistakes and rules of behavior Types of female intimate zone

The female body is one of the most haunted places in the world. Having visited this paradise only once, billions of travelers strive to get here again, and again, and again. Your attention is invited to a short guide to local attractions - with recommendations from the best experts.

Best time to visit

Full moon. Back in 1974, researchers at the University of Toronto, together with their American colleagues, provided a statistical sample of 5,200 women: 85% of those observed noted a sharp increase in arousal during the full moon. So the ancient Greeks, who first tied the female menstrual cycle to the cycle of the night luminary, were absolutely right, although the mechanism of the influence of the Moon on ladies has not been fully studied so far.

Recommended length of stay

m 15-20 minutes - only 5-7% of women can reach orgasm faster.

Required equipment

Take with you fingers, lips and language. If you don’t have any of the above, you can use electrified substitutes sold in sex shops *.

* - Note Phacochoerus "a Funtika:
« And be sure to write us a letter with a detailed story about where you are.»

Pet policy

Dogs and other pets are completely and completely banned!

Introductory walk

A woman is complex. This means that for full sex, she still needs to desire you for real. (Unless, of course, you want during your act of unbridled mutual passion, she mostly thought about buying a new chandelier, carpet, wallpaper, another chandelier ...)

Tour duration 10 minutes

Start with her lips, then, without taking your mouth off your body, go down the winding path to the lower regions, where the grateful nature will appear before you in all its glory, allowing you to enjoy the peculiar wild landscapes. Stay there for another nine minutes and you can start more active types of recreation.

30 minutes

The Chinese massage, designed to bring her Yin into harmony with your Yang (well, that is, so that she does not kick you with her foot and does not wrap herself in a duvet cover), highlights three most important zones - the sacrum, shoulder blades and areas of the back in the place where ribs end. It is enough to massage each of these zones with a little pressure with your palms, and the girl herself, in a voice muffled with passion, will demand that you immediately start less Chinese entertainment.

Not less than an hour

You will need a bath with fragrant foam and a washcloth. (You won't need a squirt gun, though, so put it back.) Hot, circulatory water is an aphrodisiac in itself, and your shoulder and leg massage with a not-too-hard sponge will put a clean-washed girl in the dirtiest thoughts.

If you always thought that the neck is the best part of a woman, you should consider emigrating to Japan. The inhabitants of this country completely agree with you on this issue: the neck there is an absolute sexual fetish (which is why all giraffes in Tokyo are so neurotic).

How to get there

Although the traditional tour usually starts from a different point (see "Lips"), it is nevertheless quite reasonable to start the journey from here - from the area lying between the head and shoulders. The abundance of nerve cells and hair follicles on the back of the neck makes these places very attractive for research.

Things to do

Pay special attention to the area where the neck on the sides smoothly begins to pass into the shoulders. This is a great place to stop for further petting and nibbling.

Where to eat

Not here! This is a protected area where it is unacceptable to leave traces of your stay. (Translation: no hickeys!) and biting.


High on the back you will find a region covered with dense vegetation. Lift your hair and kiss the skin underneath. Sometimes right after that you can go to the gift shop - it will be open for you. and biting.


Things to do

Open your mouth and press it against her lips. Use language. Try not to get too wet in your mouth and don't stick your tongue in too far - both of which somewhat reduce the romance of the event, sometimes to the point of stopping it completely.

Extended Program

When kissing, take her face with your palms, slightly turning your partner's head to the beat of the whimsical rhythm of your kiss. Describing this simple action, women usually say “oh-oh-oh, he was so gentle ...”


On both sides of the lips at some distance are formations with excellent natural acoustics - the ears. If from time to time, breaking away from the girl’s lips, you mutter something laudatory and positive, your ears will make her whole body react violently.


Things to do

Strictly speaking, female breast is a large (well, sometimes not very large, but quite moderate) accumulation of fat surrounding some important glands and almost insensible. But in the skin of the chest there are plenty of nerve endings (except for the nipple zone, which in 40% is generally extremely poor in tactile sensors). Based on this, kneading and actively rubbing the chest is useless; light spiraling movements of the fingers around the chest will bring more effect than trying to wring out the chest like washed laundry, or probing like a ripe melon.

Optimal time to visit

Not all women are able to turn on just from the caresses of the chest. But when excited, the breast increases in size by an average of 20%, and after that its sensitivity grows one and a half times. Therefore, it is better not to start with her. It is better to continue with it - go to the chest only after the caresses of the face and neck.


Small breasts are considered more sensitive than large ones. 10% of women are able to experience an orgasm already from one breast stimulation. Find such a woman.


Fifteen centimeters from the chest is the stomach - a plateau with a natural crater in the middle. Don't forget to visit it too - there, inside, there are a lot of interesting things. No, we're not talking about these mysterious gray boogers and sand from last year's beach, women don't have anything like that in their navels. But there are a lot of wonderful nerve endings, funny intertwined after the young lady was sewn up the umbilical cord. Try sticking your finger, tongue, or at least your nose in there - it is possible that she will be delighted. If it doesn't come, it won't be hard to take it out.

Other interesting areas in the neighborhood are the armpits. Bury your face in them and take a deep breath: no matter how confident ladies are in their 24-hour deodorants, nature is not so easy to corner. Volatile enzymes pheromones, will stubbornly crawl out from under the layer of “impulses” and “secrets” and send erotic signals to your hormones “Hey guys, we are already here! Come join us, it's fun!"

Helpful information

One average female breast weighs about 200 grams. And the officially registered world record was 20 kilograms (no, we don’t have her phone number in the editorial office. And if there was, we wouldn’t share it with you anyway).


Things to do

This is where you have opportunity to express yourself not a simple tourist, but a bison-traveler. To demonstrate toothiness, you will need two hands and some massage oil. It is better to choose a potion containing jasmine, sandalwood and ylangylang - these are aphrodisiac smells. Warm up your palms by rubbing them against each other, pour a few drops of oil on them and gently rub your partner's muscles in the direction from the spine to the sides, making slight circular movements. If she does not groan with delight already in the second minute of the massage ... no, she will groan!


Just below the back we see hills rising high. Of course, you yourself know that this area is called the pope, but do not deprive us of the opportunity to once again write this word on the site. Unfortunately, most women do not know how to live in harmony with their booty - they make a lot of ridiculous and far-fetched claims to it: “too small”, “too big”, “too protruding”, “too flat”. Therefore, for the most part, women try to hide it, which, of course, is not at all comradely on their part. And therefore it may very well be that during the prelude you will simply not be allowed here. Nothing, you'll still take yours during the main action. Since we have already found out that blood flow to the lower body is a reliable stimulant of arousal, you can try to increase this blood circulation in the buttocks. Remember: good manners require that you first ask the girl for permission to spank her lightly. If she keeps silent or mutters something indistinct, consider that the answer is yes. But if she screams “no!” in horror, it’s probably best not to force the subject. (If she jumps up and runs out of the room to return with a whip and a bucket of wet rods ... well, 10% of women are not indifferent to this kind of games You will have to discover new horizons of relationships.)

lower regions


For us personally, it is a mystery how the Europeans managed to "open the clitoris at the end of the 16th century", although this is exactly what is stated in all sexology textbooks. How did they manage not to notice it earlier ... However, America, for example, was discovered only a hundred years before, and this continent is still much larger than the clitoris.

How to discover the main attraction

At the top of the triangle formed by the folds of the labia, you will find a small seal, which swells and rises when excited. In fact, the clitoris is much larger, just the main part of it is hidden inside the body, and numerous nerve branches go from it in different directions. So the clitoris is the red button of the entire nuclear sexual briefcase, you just need to know how to press it correctly. Namely: if you caress the clitoris itself with your fingers, and not the area next to it, then do not forget to pre-moisten your fingers with saliva so that caresses are not painful.

Things to do

Walking into the cave is not forbidden, but one should not hope that this excursion will turn out to be so meaningful: there are few nerve endings inside the vagina. More precisely, there are only two really sensitive areas - point G and the zone lying strictly opposite this point. You can try to reach them like this: place your palm up and insert two fingers into the hole to the full length, move your fingers, as if calling “come here!”. The beats stimulate the G-spot. By turning your hand palm down and making the “get out of here” gesture, you will affect the second zone, called AFE (Anterior Fornix Erotik).

travel advice

During oral sex, try to act not only with your tongue, but also with your teeth - lightly biting your partner's labia. This will contribute to the flow of blood there, which will create in the girl sensations similar to those that you experience during an erection.

travel advice

Only 17% of Good Samaritans said in surveys that they enjoy giving you oral pleasure because it in turn makes them feel satisfied. But 75% of women claim that they have nothing against oral sex with you, but only on the condition that it is only an element of the mandatory program - otherwise this process is of no interest to them and, on the contrary, it is a pity for them to squander your valuable erections for all sorts of nonsense. But they have nothing against oral sex becoming the final chord of the act.


Where to stay

Before heading out to spelunk to the west of here, take a short break. We highly recommend examining and examining the inner part of the thigh - it is 3 (!) times more sensitive than the outer one.

Things to do

Slowly walk your finger or tongue up and down. Perhaps, as a response gesture, the thighs on the outside will immediately be covered with goosebumps. Run your fingers over the skin, only barely touching the finest raised hairs - this will work more effectively than the most energetic caress.


Avoid pinching and squeezing of any kind - this area is too sensitive for even minimally rough handling.



Chinese folk medicine has believed for four thousand years that all information about the body is encrypted in the feet and there are also points responsible for the performance of all organs of the body.

Things to do

Continuing the Chinese theme, pay special attention to the ball of the girl's big toe. It is this area that affects neither the heart, nor the lungs, nor, frankly, the brain - not really needed at the moment. “When you press the pillow,” the Chinese teach, “the female essence wakes up, craving the jade stem.” And now you have just these jade stems in bulk in the warehouse, what a coincidence!

Text: Ilya Kirdanov
Photo: Adam Weiss
Illustrations: Steve Cross

Original taken from

In order for love in a couple to become stronger, it is necessary that the sex life be rich and full of pleasant sensations. Therefore, it is very important for men to perfectly imagine where the erogenous zones of their girlfriends are located and be able to give them real pleasure. These are areas of the body that, when stimulated by their receptors, send impulses to the cerebral cortex that increase sexual desire.

Most women are well aware of their significance. Moreover, nature has made these places very attractive. It is no coincidence that the representatives of the fair sex paint their lips and eyelids, put chains around their neck and wrists, and tie them with belts and straps to emphasize their dignity. Even with a superficial acquaintance, a man immediately looks at his chest, waist, buttocks. During courtship, he tries to touch them, and when mutual attraction occurs, both partners enjoy.

The main erogenous zones of a woman

The main erogenous zones of every woman are:

  • lips;
  • breast;
  • nipple;
  • genitals;
  • language;
  • underbelly;
  • inner surface of the thigh;
  • clitoris;
  • vagina;
  • navel;
  • Feet;
  • hair;
  • waist;
  • inner side of the wrist;
  • legs;
  • outer zone of the head of the humerus;
  • buttocks;
  • back;
  • place under the knee;
  • toes, etc.

This is due to the fact that such areas are saturated with sensitive receptors. Most often, they are involved in intimate caresses and have the thinnest skin. Therefore, such zones respond even to a light touch.

If a woman does not feel any special emotions when they are stimulated, it means that such an area is inactive in her. Despite the fact that the main erogenous zones are distinguished, for each particular lady their sensitivity is expressed individually.

A man needs to study the body of his partner in order to give her maximum pleasure during an intimate act. Stimulation of a point that does not contain a strong increase in libido can completely avert a girlfriend from continuing to caress.

The reason for the special sensitivity of erogenous zones

When exposed to this area, a woman experiences a great surge of erotic sensations, facilitating her transition to more intimate courtship. After a certain period of her stimulation, sexual intercourse for the fair sex becomes desirable.

Strengthening or decreasing the degree of intensity of sensations when exposed to erogenous zones depends on external and internal factors.

These include:

  • experience of a woman;
  • its anatomical features;
  • physiological properties;
  • race;
  • sexual habits;
  • the thickness of the skin in this area;
  • health status;
  • the degree of sensitivity of the nervous system;
  • hormonal background;
  • self confidence;
  • fatigue;
  • lack of libido;
  • numerous genera;
  • customs, etc.

These factors may be associated with a change in the sensitivity of the erogenous zone, the willingness or refusal of a woman to accept affection, as well as her previous sexual experience.

Even exposure to a hypersensitive area is not able to deliver pleasure if the lady is tired, does not feel too well, or she has started her period.

Conversely, unexpected points become responsive under the influence of small doses of alcoholic beverages, the influence of aphrodisiacs, the creation of an intimate atmosphere or romantic courtship. This is due to the fact that a woman subconsciously does not just look for a partner for sexual intercourse, but strives to procreate. When meeting a man with whom she agrees to have children, her erogenous zones become more sensitive.

But any woman will react with indignation to a touch on her chest, legs or waist of an unwanted person or even a husband if she is not ready for caresses.

Many representatives of the stronger sex are limited during sex to the stimulation of two or three erogenous points, not assuming that there are much more of them on the partner's body. Experts say that there are twenty-five major erogenous zones.

In the absence of an impact on them, sex for a lady is likely to become undesirable. If she gives in to the desire of a man, she will do it reluctantly and will not always be able to achieve orgasm.

With intimate contacts without affecting sensitive areas, the fairer sex will quickly lose interest in meeting this person.


It is worth talking more about the main and lesser known erogenous zones.

  • A very sensitive area is the mouth and lips of a woman. It is they who participate in the kiss, which almost always precedes sexual intercourse. The more experienced the lady, the faster she can be prepared to continue caresses. Of course, only this cannot be limited, although every fifth man is sure of this state of affairs. Therefore, you should be aware of other erogenous zones.
  • These include hair. It is no coincidence that women love to play with them, wrap them around their fingers or stroke them with their hands. A huge number of nerve endings are concentrated here. Therefore, a person experiences such severe pain when he is pulled by them.
  • Some women are very sensitive to ear stimulation. Earrings have always been highly valued. Any lady strives first of all to decorate herself with this particular piece of jewelry. She freezes when a man caresses her lobes or kisses her ear. The organs of hearing are of particular importance. If the representatives of the stronger sex prefer to watch, then the woman loves to listen to his words. Silent admirers usually have less success than those who know how to talk to their girlfriend about love.
  • When courting a lady, a man tries to take her by the hand. This is not only an act of unity, but also an unconscious effect on the erogenous zone. If the partner does not take it away, then she agrees to continue the relationship. For some ladies, the palm is more sensitive, for others it is the back surface, and someone prefers when their fingers kiss. Therefore, unlike men, many women do not like shaking hands when meeting or meeting.
  • It is no coincidence that the representatives of the stronger sex hug the lady they like by the waist. They do this purely reflexively, but she immediately perceives such a gesture as an invitation to a closer acquaintance. This is due to the fact that erogenous zones are located in such places. If you move from them to the abdomen, then this behavior will become a direct invitation to sexual intercourse.
  • Of course, the most basic and powerful organ of stimulation are the mammary glands. They respond even to weak touches, and a skillful impact on this erogenous zone can very quickly make a woman ready for sexual intercourse. If a man is experienced and knows how to please his lady, then stimulation of the nipples and chest area can become a manifestation of the most devoted love.
  • The vagina and cervix are extremely sensitive. It is they who feel the impact of the penis, which is in a state of erection. During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences incomparable sensations. They affect the cortex of her brain and the central nervous system, so as a result, the lady is able to experience a very strong orgasm. But some representatives of the weaker sex need additional stimulation and other erogenous zones. During sexual intercourse, it is very important for a man to monitor the condition of his partner and maintain her excitement if it weakens or is not enough. A full-fledged intimate act is very important both for health and for the normalization of relations in a couple.
  • The peak of female eroticism is the clitoris. Even the most inexperienced girl can be brought to a state of orgasm by influencing this organ. When it is stimulated, it rapidly increases in size, a large amount of blood flows to it, and sensitivity increases thousands of times. Skillful influence on such an erogenous zone can make sexual contacts unforgettable, and turn your partner into a passionate and tender lover.

The need to know the main points

The sensitivity of the fairer sex is very high. Many psychologists are of the opinion that the entire surface of their body, with skillful handling, can be one large erogenous zone. The problem is that men rarely understand this and it takes many years of marriage for a husband to finally begin to clearly imagine what exactly his wife likes.

Many representatives of the stronger sex do not know and do not seek to find out in detail the location of the main erogenous zones of women. They believe that if you kiss the lady of the heart and touch her intimate places, then she will be completely ready to continue sexual contact.

However, most need foreplay, that is, gentle and gentle stimulation of the erogenous zones. With a long relationship or marriage, a man has to study them, otherwise he is faced with a woman's reluctance to have sexual intercourse or with excuses for fatigue and headache.

If you find not three or five, but many more points of influence, then intimate contacts can become truly magical and exciting. This is due to the fact that in this case the central and peripheral nervous system of a woman, her vascular sphere and the cerebral cortex are involved. It is required to stimulate them not only before the start of the sexual act, but also during it, so that the lady does not lose her excitement.

Excellent knowledge of the features of the location of erogenous zones will enable a man:

  • win over a woman;
  • obtain her consent to intimate contact;
  • give her and yourself great pleasure;
  • get joy from the emancipation of a partner during intercourse;
  • to strengthen a woman's love for herself;
  • make sex diverse;
  • allow the lady to easily reach orgasm;
  • strengthen relationships etc.

It should be understood that a woman takes her body very seriously and will not allow a man who is careless or rude to him to proceed to further caresses. And of course, he will not have to rely on her love.

Very young girls may simply not yet know the features of their bodies. Therefore, the more erogenous zones a partner finds with her, the happier the couple as a whole will become. This is achieved not only by experience, but also by theoretical knowledge and ideas about the characteristics of female sensitivity.

Stimulation of such special points is a direct path to love. Psychologists and sexologists believe that they are an evolutionary adaptation to procreation in the fairer sex. Therefore, each of them quickly responds to male touches and kisses. Skillful influence can prepare even an inexperienced girl to enter into sexual contact.

Nevertheless, it is desirable not only to know about the main erogenous zones of a woman, but also to influence them correctly, since with a careless attitude, an excess of nerve endings in them will not lead to pleasure at all, but to pain.

Approximately every second person on the planet is not familiar with the structure of his body. Interesting facts from female anatomy, or rather about the female vagina, will help fix this.

The vagina doubles in size when a woman is aroused
Most women have a vaginal depth of 7.5 - 10 cm. But nature has thought of everything. During arousal, it doubles, which makes intercourse comfortable.

The clitoris is the most sensitive organ
There are 8,000 nerve endings on and around the clitoris. No penis has that kind of sensitivity. That is why the clitoris is so responsive to even the most gentle stimulation.

Shark liver found in vaginal secretions
It turns out that girls and sharks have something in common. Squalene is a naturally occurring unsaturated hydrocarbon found in vaginal lubrication, vegetable oil, and shark liver. This component protects against injury and infection.

Pubic hair and scalp hair are different
During puberty, a person begins to grow hair in the armpits and on the pubis - pubic hair. True, the stage of their development is much shorter than that of the hair on the head.

The vagina is self-cleaning
Of course, ladies should not neglect hygiene. But the microflora of the vagina rejects many fungi and bacteria, preventing them from entering the body. But you should always remember about contraception.

Vagina ribbed
The walls of the vagina have a natural folding.

Women - champions in the number of orgasms
The female orgasm surpasses the male in strength, and besides, during intercourse, a woman can experience several orgasms at once.

There are a lot of bacteria in the vagina
The vagina is home to a large number of lactic acid bacteria. And this is the norm.

Gynecological instruments were used in antiquity
The gynecological instruments used by modern physicians were known in the time of the pharaohs.

Vagina means scabbard
Translated from Latin, the word "vagina" means sheath. Well, it's very symbolic.

In contact with


6 intimate women's questions that you were embarrassed to ask Readers of the women's health forum raised a number of similar questions, and experienced obstetricians and gynecologists tried to answer them in detail.

6 intimate women's questions that you were embarrassed to ask. So, here's what women most often face.

1. Menstruation 2 times a month

The average woman's menstrual cycle is 25 to 35 days. If it is shorter or longer, then this means that you have a hormonal failure.

If such a problem occurs, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Specialists will conduct all the necessary research and help to establish your cycle.

2. Rash in the forehead area

Often, small bumps in the forehead area are not infectious acne, but irritation after hair removal with a razor. Stop using a razor for a while and watch for a rash. If it doesn't go away, then see a doctor.

3. Asymmetric labia

According to gynecologists, this is an absolutely normal thing. Small p @ lovye lips in most women are asymmetrical. There is no need to worry about this at all.

But if it still gives you discomfort, then you can resort to labioplasty. For aesthetic reasons, this procedure is done by about 37% of women.

4. Itching in the vl@galischa before menstruation

Throughout the cycle, hormonal changes occur in the body, which lead to a decrease in estrogen levels before the onset of menstruation.

This provokes a thinning of the hyaloid epithelium, which becomes drier and may begin to itch. If the itching is severe and unbearable, then most likely it is not due to hormonal changes, but is caused by a skin infection.

5. Stretching the muscles of the vl @ galis

The walls of the vagina are very elastic and tend to stretch during sexual activity. After the end of intercourse, they always return to their normal position.

However, after pregnancy and childbirth, they may become weaker and not immediately return to their previous position, but many partners do not even notice this.

6. Smell

Normal changes in the menstrual cycle can lead to odor from the body. This is a completely natural smell that can come and go.

But if it is sharp and unpleasant, then, most likely, this indicates health problems. Try adjusting your diet and go on a diet. If the smell does not disappear, then you need to see a doctor. It can also be caused by a high concentration of sweat glands in the intimate area.

Whatever problem you are facing, in no case do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms, contact a specialist immediately. Doctors will help determine the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment.
Take care of your women's health!


This organ gives us amazing sensations, orgasm, sex. It can even give new life! And yet we don't know much about the vagina. Therefore, we will conduct a small lesson in erotic anatomy, writes WomanJournal.

Fact #1. Intimate zone: different FORMALITIES…
Externally, the intimate zones of all women are completely different. But the structure of the internal female organs, according to American experts, is very similar. The size of the clitoris can vary from 2 cm to 3 cm. The labia are almost never completely symmetrical. Usually they are larger on one side than on the other. By the way, the sensitivity of the clitoris and labia can also be higher either on the left or on the right. Find out which side is more sensitive for you, you can experimentally.

Fact number 2. Intimate zone: COLOR
The intimate zone of each woman is of a different color and shade. Moreover, the skin on the whole body can be very different in color from the skin THERE. It often happens that in white-skinned girls the crotch is purple or even brown, while in dark-skinned girls, on the contrary, it is completely snow-white or light pink. However, it is not surprising if “repainting” and “coloring” of intimate areas will soon come into fashion. In any case, pubic hair can already be dyed both in salons and at home (special cosmetics have even appeared on sale), and cosmetologists have begun to offer an anus whitening procedure.

Fact number 3. Intimate “UMBRELLA”
Few people suspect, but the vagina inside is ... pleated. Most of the time, the walls of your intimate area are quite close to each other. But when you need to insert a tampon or penis, it opens like an umbrella or a pleated skirt. So it can expand from half an inch to two inches (i.e., from a little more than one centimeter to almost five centimeters). However, during childbirth, your body will show its maximum capabilities.

Fact #4. Intimate Exchange Zone
Many girls are afraid that a big dick can stretch the vagina so that after all the other lovers will be “lost” there. In fact, the tissues of your intimate area are incredibly smart and elastic. They very quickly restore their former shape and size. And the female body has the ability to change, adjusting to the shape and size of the current lover.

Fact number 5. Intimate area: no entry!
You are full of bacteria inside, but most of these bacteria are vital to you. After all, they support your women's health. By the way, this body has a unique self-cleaning function. There is no need to try to rinse with a shower or something else hard-to-reach intimate areas. The body is able to cleanse itself from the inside thanks to daily secretions. They wash off all excess bacteria, water, etc. from the walls and remove them from the body. So the only thing you need to take care of is the surrounding areas. For them, it is better to use a special gel for intimate hygiene. Since soap or shower gel can cause irritation and damage the natural balance.